Science 7 Long Quiz q3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education SCORE:



Calauag West District
Parent’s Signature: ________________
Date: __________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________
Year & Section _________________________________________________________ Teacher Mrs. Jaynarose R. Ibayan

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
________ 1. Which refers to the length of the entire path travelled by an object?
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Motion D. Time
________ 2. Which refers to the shortest distance between to object’s two positions?
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Motion D. Time
________ 3. The change in position over an interval of time is called ______________.
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Motion D. Time
________ 4. The distance travelled by an object, how fast the object is travelling, and the direction in which the object travels to, is measured with
respect to _____.
A. Motion B. Distance C. Displacement D. Reference Point
________ 5. Which of the following is a unit of speed?
A. Meter B. Second C. Meter/Second D. Meter/Second/Second
________ 7. What is shown when you look at the speedometer in a moving car?
A. Average speed B. Average acceleration C. Instantaneous speed D. Instantaneous acceleration
________ 8. Which of the following is defined as the change of velocity per unit time?
A. Acceleration B. Displacement C. Distance D. Velocity
________ 9. Which of the following statements refers to velocity?
I. Boy walks 30m east III. Ball rolls 10 m/s north
II. Car runs 40 m/s west IV. Air moves 100 km/hr
A. I only B. II only C. II and III only D. II, III and IV only
________ 10. 1. What does the vertical axis represent on a position-time graph?
A. Speed of the object B. Position of the object C. Velocity of the object D. Total time travelled by the object
________ 11. What do you call a graph that is plotted in terms of the distance travelled by the object and the time it took to cover that distance?
A. Speed-time graph B. Position-time graph C. Distance-time graph D. Displacement-time graph
________ 12. Examine the given graph. What conclusion can you make from this graph?

A. The object is stationary. C. The object’s acceleration is increasing.

B. The object is decelerating. D. The object is moving at a constant

For items 13-14, refer to the ticker tape diagrams below.

________ 13. Which among the ticker tapes show that an object is moving with a steady speed?

A. I and III only

B. II and III only
C. II and IV only
D. III and IV only

________ 14. If a motorcycle travelling on the road suddenly speeds up, which among the ticker tape diagrams CORRECTLY represents the
acceleration of the motorcycle?
A. I only B. II only C. I and IV only D. II and IV only
________ 15. In which general type of wave do the particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion?
A. Longitudinal waves B. Transverse wave C. Mechanical wave D. Electromagnetic wave
________ 16. What refers to the number of waves that passes through a given point at a particular time?
A. Amplitude B. Frequency C. Period D. Wavelength
________ 17. Which of the following terms generally refer to a disturbance propagated in space or through a medium?
A. Heat energy B. Force C. Frequency D. Wave
________ 18. What do we call the vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as gas, liquid or solid?
A. Song B. Sound C. Wave D. Zone
________ 19. Which of the following gives the correct order of speed of sound from slowest to fastest in the given material?
A. air, steel, water B. steel, water, air C. water, air, steel D. air, water, steel

________ 20. Which of the following is NOT capable of transporting sound?

A. Air B. Ice C. Water D. Vacuum
________ 21. Which of the following describes sound wave?
A. Oceanic wave B. Standing wave C. Transverse wave D. Longitudinal wave
________ 22. Which of the following figures is the correct diagram of a noise?

________ 23. How do you call objects that emit light?

A. luminous B. non-luminous C. opaque D. transparent
________ 24. Which of the following items best describes the nature of light?
A. current and wave B. mass and particle C. point and wave D. wave and particle
________ 25. The following are natural sources of light in the surroundings, EXCEPT__________
A. fire B. flashlight C. jellyfish D. lightning
________ 26. What are the three additive primary colors of light?
A. green, red, and blue B. red, green, and violet C. Red, blue, and yellow D. Orange, green, and indigo
________ 27. What do we call the range of light frequencies that we can see?
A. visible spectrum B. audible spectrum C. chromatic spectrum D. electromagnetic spectrum
________ 28. Which of the following characteristics will describes a red light spectrum which has a low frequency?
A. longer wavelength B. shorter wavelength C. lower in amplitude D. higher in amplitude
________ 29. It refers to the transfer of heat that occurs within a body or between two bodies in contact.
A. conduction B. convection C. fusion D. radiation
________ 30. This describes the one direction, natural flow of heat.
A. hot to cold B. cold to hot C. both a and c D. none of the above
________ 31. The substance where heat transfer by convection occurs due to different temperatures.
A. fluids only B. gases only C. liquids only D. solids only
________ 32. Which of the following are examples of a materials that conduct heat POORLY?
I. ceramic, fabric, glass III. plastic, paper, rubber gloves
II. brass, silver, steel bars IV. aluminum, electrical wires, iron nails
A. I and III only B. I, II, and III only C. II, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV
________ 33. The type of heat transfer as shown when the person feels warm from the heat of the sun.
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. All of these
________ 34. The type of heat transfer observed during daytime when it is too hot and the ice on the glass easily melts.
A. convection B. conduction C. radiation D. All of these
________ 35. What will happen when two like sign of charges are brought together? They will __________.
A. repel each other B. attract each other C. neutralize each other D. have no effect on each other
________ 36. How can a material become positively charged?
A. By losing protons B. By losing electrons C. By gaining protons D. By gaining electrons
________ 37. Which of the following states that charges are neither created nor destroyed but only transferred from one material to another?
A. Friction law B. Static discharge principle C. Static Electricity definition D. Conservation of charge principle
________ 38. If you comb your hair and the comb acquires a positive charge, what will happen to your hair?
A. It will remain uncharged. C. It will become positively charged.
B. It will be repelled by the comb. D. It will become negatively charged.
________ 39. Atoms may have neutrons which have _______________.
A. no charge B. positive charge C. negative charge D. opposite charge
________ 40. What device is used for detecting charges?
A. Barometer B. Electroscope C. Microscope D. Telescope
________ 41. Which of the following materials are considered as good conductors?
A. Copper B. Plastic C. Porcelain D. Rubber
________ 42. A metal sphere is electrically neutral. It is touched by a positively charged metal rod. As a result, the metal sphere becomes charged
positively. Which of the following occurred during the process?
I. The metal sphere loses electrons.
II. The metal sphere gains some protons.
III. The overall charge of the system is conserved.
IV. Electrons are transferred from the sphere to the rod.
A. I, II, & III B. II, III, & IV C. I, III, & IV D. I, II, III, & IV
________ 43. How is charging by conduction carried out?
A. By gaining protons. C. By bringing two objects in contact with each other.
B. By rubbing two objects. D. By bringing two objects close together without touching.
________ 44. An attracting force occurs between two charged objects when the charges are of ____________.
A. like signs B. unlike signs C. equal magnitude D. unequal magnitude
________ 45. Which of the following BEST characterizes electrical conductors?
A. Low mass density. C. Total electric charge is zero.
B. Poor heat conductors. D. Electric charges move freely.


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