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Moldova is located in Europe's center
region, in the northeastern Balkans.
Moldova has a total size of 33,843.5 square
Moldova's capital is Chisinau. Moldova is
surrounded by Ukraine on the north, east,
and south, and divided from Romania on the
west by the Prut River. The country's
topography is characterized by a hilly plain
that slopes from northwest to southeast and
has an average height of about 147 meters
above sea level.

Based on Worldometer
elaboration of the latest
United Nations data, the
current population of the
Republic of Moldova is
4,021,555 where Ethnic
Moldovans make up
around three-quarters of its
population. Ukrainians,
Russians, Gagauz, Roma
(Gypsies), and Bulgarians
have smaller populations,
whereas Ukrainians are
Moldova's largest minority
Moldova developed a diverse economy, modernized agriculture, and rebuilt
transportation and the construction industry throughout the communist era. Following
independence, the government began the transition from a command to a market
economy by launching a program to privatization numerous state-owned companies,
largely through the issuance of public ownership vouchers.

Even among ethnic Moldovans, the appropriate
designation of the official language used in the
country is a point of contention, as some insist on
calling it Moldovan while others recognize that it is

Moldova's cultural tradition is largely affected by the Romanian ancestry of its majority
people, and it cannot be understood without reference to the development of classical
Romanian culture, in which it played a key part.
Greetings/ gesture in communicating with others
It is normal in Moldova to greet relatives with an embrace and a kiss on
each cheek or a "two-cheek kiss". If a man welcomes another man, they first gives the
other a handshake, which is occasionally followed by a "manly" slap on the back with
the free hand.
Courtship, marriage, and other important events
The wedding is a staged event with well-
defined rituals. In a wedding ceremony,
poetry, singing, dance, and ceremonial
clothing all play an important part. A
song is performed during this occasion.
The key moments of the ceremony are
marked with a dance called a "hora." The
marriage contract is sealed with it. In
Moldova, the above-mentioned wedding
rituals take three days to complete and A
"dance of masks" concludes the final
Signs and symbols
The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova is a
rectangular cloth, equally vertically tripartite, starting
from the flag pole in blue, yellow and red, similar to the
flag of Romania.

The State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova An eagle

holds a cross in its beak, a sceptre in its talons, and an olive
branch in its talons, according to the Moldovan coat of arms,
and also a shield against the eagle's chest that has Moldavian

A white embroidered blouse, an embroidered vest trimmed with
sheep fleece are worn by men and women, a white skirt with
lace on the hem, generally covered by a black embroidered
overskirt, are the traditional female garments and a white
slacks, a hat adorned with peacock feathers or flowers, or a
sheep fleece cap, and a broad belt are all part of the male
Victory Memorial and Eternal Flame (Chisinau)

The Victory Memorial and Eternal Flame is a historical site located in Chisinau,
Moldova. It commemorates Moldova's five years of engagement in World War II. The
monument is also a memorial to those who have died in war. Aside from being a great
spot for sightseeing, the monument may also be able to teach you about Moldova's
Soroca Fortress (Soroca)

Soroca Fortress, built on the site of a wooden fort built by the Genoese in the 15th
century, is a must-see for history fans. The stronghold was a fortified trade station
erected by Stephen the Great in 1499 in the heart of Soroca city, on the right bank of
the Dniester river, to safeguard his goods from Polish and Hungarian armies.

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