1-Wind Tunnel Example

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comgpguaee Eh alle Lotus Towers Dubs, UAE: Draft Report Wind Induced Structural Response WD # 1201048 seplomer 21,2012 SUBMITTED TO ‘SUBMITTED BY shad Ab Aibar soon Symes ena Properes CoLLC Pree enone Po borr snus con ORE Samantha Fower jet ng et sont Ogio asmeal Det snes con ney Sys Prgec Managac Anton Davies ‘oe Pree non dened cor Table 49) Recommended Wind Losd Combinations Factors Tower © ~ Confguraton 2 Table 4) Recommended Wind Load Combinations Facts Tower - Conguraten 2 Figures Figure {2 WindTunnel Sty Model Fauez Staten Fgute 3. Brectonel Dtrbuton of Loca Wind Speode Fagure 40: Go-ranate Stem fr Stucrel Leadeg- Tower A Figure 4); Coordnate Sytem fr Stuctral Lead ~ Tome Figure (a): Coaranate Stem fr Stal Lande ~ Tower Figures): Coarnata Sytem fr Suucurl Lesdeg —TowerD Figure St) Raw OverallBese Moments Shear and Toren “Tower A Figur Si); Raw Overallface Moments Shoare ad Teron ~ Tower Fibwe Sth; Raw OverallSase Moments Shears and Torson = Tower © Fipire Su) Raw Overall Sane Moments: Shears a Toon = Tower Fire) Pty Peat sor an ona Vast Tower A-ie Cae Figwe i); Predeted Pook Acobratons (Contguraton love 6); Pradnd Peak Acceratons and Torsion Vloctes Tower C- Worst Case (Contguraton lowe. Preded Peak Accebaons and Tosonal Velo Tower D- Wors Case ‘Contgurton 5 Torsone Vloces~ Tower 8 Worst Cate Appendices ‘Append WindTunnel Proved DRppendieB: Dynami Propeies “Faia Pasares Ramis CC OT | ae | CSC meee Saas ae (Ceranes oer one ar 0 ‘sy oad Oval Sand | Tar deo ee STR ER Pei Pst aio Tis CoS Ste Sa FS i Fa Desi eee ini Gans 9at= notes ee eo ESSE is ‘Tho wine tunel toot proctduos mater exceeded the requirements set ou in Secon 6 ofthe [ASCE 7-05 Standard The foltwing secsone lie the tat matbodsogy fer he cient sy, snd ‘iacuss the esuts ane recommendations. Append A provides adstnal background wfomaton on tho fesing and anaes procacues forth pe of study. Fr eetaled explanations ofthe poses tnd underiyng theory, rete fo RWVDrs Terni! Refteence Dacre - Wind Tune Studies Buldings (R02 20081. wich is avaate upon request 2.__ WIND TUNNEL TESTS 24 Study Model and Surroundings 1.1400 soso model of th proposed deeloment was const ing the aehtectival ravings ‘tea in Table 1 Tha made! wa esedin the etones of al suronsngs win a flaca rads 121460 m,n RWDIs 24 m x 201m boundary ayer win ure! acy h Dunstable, Secor, for {he fotoweng est conigratons: CContguration 1 - Proposed Lt Tower development wth exiting euroundings Contiguration 2 Proposed Lots Towers development wih exiting sureundags and he proposed fre developments inthe oa re, Phateraphe of he win tunel easy made ae shown I lg rst coniguatons + and 2 ‘an esntaton plan song te cain of he tay steis gen Fir 22. Upwind Profiles Beyond te model aoa the nsuence of he ype tavain an he planetary Bounds ner was ‘imulted th ering by spptopat roughness onthe wind tunnel fo aed Now ending ses 2 the upwind er ofthe working secon foreach wina ction The stplaion, and ewesguert “nae ofthe data om the mode wos geod fo vareset the flevingupind eran condo ‘id drecon i dfs oe ta deaton fam when the wing bows, neasured coca om tue oth, Svoan Oho ey rue outa tan. nay ew mnt a 8 barnes ma whew mer ooreang ey see “The wind loads provided Inthe report includ the east of divtionaly In the loeal wind imate. Those loads do not contain safety ot load factor and are to be appled to the Dulsing's strucural system in the same manner a2 would wird loads ealulsed by code Detection have not been spectcaly evatat in His study. Nemally the sinc! engineer ‘stalites loo f-hor and overall deczons by apping the wid let rowan dorod om fe ‘ind tue tse to ert computer mods ofthe buldng, Tea deflections may then De ‘evowed by he strc engineer oases the pte fr exces searing in wal tems and patton 42 Accolerations “The preseted wineinduced acceeraton at the lap occupied Her than at Level 86 230.45 m ‘ove Ground foo) ae sammaized in Pigres 6) to Bw) forte west case contguratins. In Buon fo the peak valves shown inthe pot, tho prok X.Y and brional components ara oo {abulated.” The peak secleratone were deemined a a fancon fre perad forth Provo ‘reqieneion. and an overt damping rae oS of eta which was canederedrapresenave or {he Bulan Structural system fo serves consderatone. The tesa component Wh ae ‘ncuded in the total acceleration podcions, wos callie at a rpmsertztveaanca of 4m {ol towers basod on th recs of gaton, am tho rference axon Figg 4()10 4), ues 6() to GY) alto present acetraton cileia fom the Inenabonal Organization for Slanderdzaton ($0 1013720070), and ROIs suggested itera based on dornt ‘xzupenles. Noo tat hte al between tho reslonal ane commerce ctor unless th upper ‘oors ar cocuped yng lr ices, in when care te vesdental eran would roy From Figure Bt 6, canbe seen thatthe posited peak acclratons ao within he 150 basod rence! citera for the 1- and Sear retum periods. The ‘Oyearscclealons ate ato Wwibin te RID! ere fora resident. Theatr, tla our iin tal the predted accelerations sre eceeplable for nanan camo In a reedential Buling. It shows be noted that lng {ccelratone ro a servecaoiyIssv0 and play not salty ste, provid the esseced etecuon ae acccunea fin the suctral design ad the Casngldsang Sim dein 44 Torsional Velocities ‘Aes of tors fr ozzipan comfort ae the peak trina veces. The Cour on Tal Buings nd Urban Habiat(CTBUH) have suggested forsona vlsty Unt for the 1 an YD,ysar run ards. Note thet these guidelines are tentative and based 0a lined Yesearch which i st ‘ongoing, "The predeiedtorsonl vlaies athe lop acuged for, forthe worst-case fst onion, ae also shown alona wth he fertatve cite in ius 6() © 6h). ean be sean thatthe procitd torsonelvlecties se within the ena fr fhe Ie and TO'ear van geod. ‘Tharfere, nour apni te ersonalvlotes ae accepabe for hanan coo ied et eur Rees TABLE : DRAWING LIST FOR MODEL CONSTRUCTION “Te drvinge and inlomaton ted below were recivd rom Oomae Propetie and were used 10 anes he sale Mode of he popoted tus Towe, Shou ter bo any deson shanges het vate form thi ist of dranings, he resus may change. Therefor, f changes in tne design aces ‘rade. tis econmended hat RDI be conti and requested to rave ther pote fects on fon conons [A102 GROUND FLOOR avg ‘AoA rao ‘A103 UPPER GROUND PODIUM wa _ ‘AutoCAc aev0rre0%2 ‘A104 2N0 TO 7TH PODIUM dg AAC ar20r2 ‘A106 BTH PODIUM iy Aut ar20r2 ‘A106 AMENITIES ova AuoCAt 2aora012 ‘AIOT LOW ZONE TOWER PLANS ag ‘aocAt zur? ‘A108 MECHANICAL FLOOR ag ‘Adooat zara "A108 HIGH ZONE TOWER PLANS ave ‘dott aurora "ANIOLOWER ROOF avg ‘Asoc auorect2 ‘ATTTROOF avg ‘AoC zuara12 ‘orimeet max Soa 2uTa0r2 ‘ein Roos Ree Coa | AT OT ha | OS womredicom “Hsien Saal Resorse E 7 Page tof? ale afi Este Stat Flory For Wind Lands Tower Revo Proportion CContgurauon 1 10POD Lo 07800 ‘abe00 ‘sooo TeANEN LO e540 50 756000 “2. YP tot 5300 Treo 02000. Te TYPLae e800 eea0t 2000. 35: 1YP Loe 00 73000 621000 6. TYP Los 7as00 75708 a77000 Te TYP Loe 28800 B00 733000 TE TYPO ‘900 a2a08 744000 Te TYP Loa | — 900 5108 756000 20: TYP 08 28.5 00800 10140 202000 Zen Lo 70 110300 “12000. ano | ze TPL Tats ‘oto 0209 312000 ze TYP LZ 7380 20800 Ti858) 318000 Be TYPLa 20.05 30100 "18200 974000 BETVP LA 23.50 131000 17740) 50000 35- MECHOT 25.95 221800 200103. 7882000, BT MECH 2 22.6 20800 206600 “0000 2 PLUS. 3735 216700. 19610) 1000 25 WEUG, 100.60 61600 15020) 112000. SORT 7425 aria 750607 "e000. aU 0770 72300 72801 773000. ae PL a] 88000 78807 “a7e000 PL “aad a0 e480) ‘sooo ae NP Us 185 219700. 20280) ‘sooo VPS 190 28000 21000) 02000 a0-WPUT 075 237600. 21800) ‘ae000 ai VP 102.20 2400 22000) “65000 aS, 55 249100. 228200 ‘a7i000 PLO, 810 257100. 236800 622000, Fin. Reo Fone wen co ‘Table ann: Enective Stati FloorbyFloor Wind Loads Tower. Revie Propones contguraton 2 [osupcr ——} 5400 20200 4.POD Loz 3000 8000 OSPOD109, 73300 40000 (6 FOD Los 29500 2000 07-POD 105 70300 6000 05 POD 108 2900 022000 osPODLOT 33800 zea POD 108 35500 25000. TE TYPLOt ana 9800 31000 e000 $e TYP LOR a5 20400 72700 72000 4E-TYP Loe 4900 30500 0000 73000 ¥e-TYP 08 a6 8800 1600 28000 s7-TYP 06 3590 8700 85700 83000 1 TYP 07 Bi. 02007 97200 67000 Te TYP 08 32.90 176500 36100 47000 20. 68.26 = 0800 “05000 ‘0000 anu 68,70 "25100 78800 7o0s000 22, PL 736 132000. 420 ‘057000, 2ePUE, 76.80 “600 aaa 6s000 2a TPL 008 bo 000 170000, 28. NECH OF 5 78600 201600 ‘75000 Ze MECH 2 32.16 242100. 209900. 1617000 25: YPLIS 736 223700. ‘sera 1695000 2 PLS “ca a0 55800 252000 a0-NYPLIT 70425 77000 57a 7307000 Sz TPL its “e5i00 ‘72200 ‘50000 SSP a0 85100 716m 761000 Seria 805 oie “e900 “61000 SEVP aa 200400 25000 “tab00 ae TYP La 95 207600 793001 600 STP Le aa 217300 mea aa090 SE TPs fac 217800 20240t 485000 Se YP 26 13530 Zeer 210000 E000 40. TYPUzT 3875 233000 217301 542000 ane 1220 200900 21a600 587000 ae) cd 2azz00 225800 60st Fein Reso Poke Ge | UAT UT a | Ge Vi et Sees J Pave ot eda): Recommended Wind Load Combinations Factes — Towar 8 = Ravieed Properties Configuration 1 Notes: |. Load combination fate have been prosuced thaugh cotsideraton ofthe euch’ response to various wins drecsons, mods coupling. coraliton of wind sts an te ‘irecionaty of rong ws inthe local wind cate, Ts womredicom FIGURES Lot foo fo ooo yp te en Sen a Fat haa Tete oie Point | Tol -( ¥ oe cngones) nee) Ge) ‘ibe! Tete | COO T aR TET 7 1s = [TR is ro ef 3g 7 z (0) Acorn o f1 fto ws wd arg wh Nagano fe 018, nd 2016 (2) deronra me pein et tact Lol Ga matin ctl ee.) ‘eval darn of 382 merc ae toe (enn Pte (Eden imarsons Ogenennn Gasca dine re sans 0 107-207 ode “ewer cea bate turers. Tce peo aE eae eee Sensors meemmngie rapt ef nn erga 3 eI ct (6) ote otra erat se binge weaned nee wera anne owing ls, {eclcn aera wh gps nN Ann (©) The oan Tat ulrgy tan Holt (TOUM reise lebron a (peta toys mampers Predicted Peak Acceleralions and Torsional eloniies Tower Lowel 67 ~ Worst Cave Configuration owen eta henw Twente AE Pom tne omni 2 APPENDIX A: WIND TUNNEL PROCEDURES ‘OVERVIEW OF WIND TUNNEL PROCEDURES FOR THE PREDICTION OF WIND- INDUCED STRUCTURAL RESPONSES AA Wind Tunnel Test and Analysis Methods WOrs boundary layer wind une cysts the mean speed pele and tubes of the mata wind approaching the modsed aea by havng a lang working sackn wih 2 roughened foot and Specialy designs turbulence generators, oss, te upwind end. Fr roughness and ses have bon soled to smut fer bass tovan contin, ranging or oon tora, of wat, to bitup Uwpan train. Dating te tess, fe upnna pole Inte wind tune Is 6 to represent the most Fpropnia of theo four bad: poi, or arecons win Sra pain rain. Sealing aos oe Intodiced at he anys sage account for remaning mine diferences Deween the expected wi ‘peed and tuauence posers, sna the bale ping few condone sult nth wing tn The {itecale proprios a dered ung the ESDU metosogy" fr peng th fect of changes the ears surface roughness on the planetary boundary lye For example. this procedure ‘Sxingices betwen tbe fowe generate by a uniform open wa: fh upwind of to sto, vrs 3 Hort etc f suburban erated upwind of te te wh open vein the stance Wed drction ded a he dcton torn wich he win awa in des mesure loki fm ‘ne noth The lst model (ty mode ard saroungs 8 meted oka tua, swing ary wd ‘recton fo be simulta by rotting te rode ote eprops engl nthe wind tian The wed ‘wnnetestis ype conducted 36 wind deco at 1° leas ‘A12. Moosuroment Technlawos “Toe soy aesten te fico wind lds onthe srl esien of bing, the mants produced by nous ond a he herria acento heuer pt fhe bul. redcson of ‘ose ooponees re equadin cao that he sur tem canbe sags fo safer ne wns leds toe en free were eh seen i iy cre et ferceed ral sidtne fr cama In ape cases, veel wind Gs can azo be aeresaea, bt ‘ey are ypleaty net sian ia Bulangs. There ae to ecu, Dated en wed tut eng of tid medals that vo commeny used io maka these prodtion. Tho test tachaque uses ressureents on bare balance and te second hvaies the hlagiton of snutaneouepresure messin. tho aso of sructres tar unusual ale fox, an srelste mods may be re gamete ca eat chp at SU TT | Siw eared eas RWDy, ‘The mathematica bse of his tectique & ato me modal anaes ten. The praca bai of his porch fa wed pressure mesautemens, taken strana over fe sue of bung, can be summa (or nese) to Getemine he wina-nduead mean and dynamic see, which can be ‘spect a cee under ea wind cocitons Ths loads can then comtined erica wih he manic roars ofthe fa scale scr etme te win-nducedespenses. Fo the tet a model's consbuced an insured wit pressure lps enough locations (Figure 1b) ‘ful dearmo to overall win eaing at any tant tne. Dung He tasting, tne snes of he simuttanoau pressures ao recorded for pottoe procoseng. The mesewed dat a carved io ossiocoeficierts based onthe measured uper level meen dynamic pessure in he Wn une During the post-it anal, the nearatn i cara out to detrmine tne ses ofthe base moments star, fron momerts and modal faces. From eee tne saree, he moan and RMS values and ower spect! denstytncbons may be determined and hen te anal coeds ne same manner (eforen HPF stud, ‘a aaniage of he HEP! thei that tends a the tetig of mize comple sce snc he oda lods ae detemined drecty wih 90 assumptions necseray soit the for ofthe peste Gatinaon, Wao slows te ovral sci 1 be broken down la lip subetucies and fe load on ach end spay ‘An awowatSc mls designed to snot the mas. sts and éamoing epee of th acl use. The respenae ofthe msl nthe fom of monens, res,Sialicamarts sna seen, Aherlre ale! he ota regonae cing the irra loading. Boca the oon of the scree ‘sulted, aerolate forces ating tom Be rive maton Between the stucure andthe wind are aloo ‘herent nt measured responses, Te esl a ore precise predton fhe eur reepones. “is sper foeos pinay an le med tects, on deals on stot eden seennques may be fund asewner! |AA3 Determination of Structural Responses “The r9i motl Le. HFFB or HFP) dla ae ured determin th od ode for sac of th 6 tat ied decors. The modal laste ee tan conned win the penis prseten a he aun, proses Dy the suc! engineer, delemine te dane campenerts of varous sucha eepones. “Theee propetee tekied the ase dation, nar Reqcnces fr the tomer soy ond leaooe! ede ef veraon, and sdaced evuculaargng values Fs each grincal wind dein, Caloetod fora range of soa wn sped, Se OA TT oa | Oo mln ‘Win ecards ten fom one er re eons ret he sy te ae geney Use to deve ne sen cate model In ateae ated by hear oyphoon,Honte Cao umuston etal ‘lly provce an naceaine sample for tate purges. The dis nator cate ae anaes Aetna th pobaiier of excandrg vous hey mean wh epee For whine of 36 wed ‘sects a a6 upper eu! ference hig, yal tanto be 60 2000) above apa ean, Th ‘aincies ih theHogh ure fo measure he letence dyna sont new ae In rer fo preci he windinducd reponees fr ivan ret ped, the wind tmnt ruts 6 agente wih te wind climate adel There are wo mated yp) used by RWI 1 perfor this ineian, In one method, the iste (snus ashe case wh urcaneso poor) wh recurs vedo determine He uscae winced reaponee fo eae ho, in We feted Wn ‘peed and deecson an We wind wine pleitone fr that secon. By sopping twough the wid ‘pee ant decon data on an Nourbptee bss, ate Nsloy ofthe eed response is generates Then, Bvough te we of extreme valo ing tchnque, satay veld peak responses for ary “The second mathe i he Upeosting Manos dosed by ns nin and Sion” In sie toms th can bo tough of af an anal ropreentton ofthe fet mated, in whch a fied Iahemates! mode! of be wn staat used pace he eta wind ects mses. The Uperosting Metod is carey ured by RWDI or HEF and HFPI sluts of te scr! bas and AAS. Design Wind Speeds in Huricane/Typhoon Regions It may be of ites © compare design wind speeds wih the SafrSimpsen hurcane cxtogores thigh this shouts be dene wah cavton, In pacir, whio assccng te bul eength oF Defomance witha gen eatgory of rican may sound apesing notes the Wethoad of tht [xagey of tom actualy cocring a 9 ge eo Kao gers th dsncton battens a ect nt ‘roms wonkhurcare compared wth 2 gcing tow tom 2 rrang ane Forth earn, hon adopting ‘tara fr both srongth and serceabiy. bung codes and santas reste design wi speeds to ‘otum pod rather than simpy oslo cater or ter sini etm. ‘The cormntary tothe ASCE 7.05 has a dcutsion in Seton C5. egg the reltorsh between tne Gas Wind Speoas ne standard snd he Saftr-Sinpon scale The Basic Wid spas given cteily ithe ASCE T ae S-secind gut speeds al 33 fet ove and The ASCE commertay ao rode guidance on cnweson 6 oer wid pond durations ne Sao fern conatons, wich ay be condor If he doin wind spsode are taken om ater sou. ee Ege Tit an a, Sl Wid ited lyin 28 Sac AT a SSR oa a a Thete crore corespené othe pres peak ovra ons in ac ofthe two sway dectens, and akon torsion, Then tre load dtrton wil nat naosrany ecu the same nant in tne o© ‘hung the ste atom and thereto, should not be eaed as simutonecun kad Reducton factors ae sequen Iroducod Yo account fr to peak doegn vals cog et fren Hes. These ‘tucion factors ca ba trmino bys proces at compares he peak orl loads ex of he wo ‘Sway drecons,ané in the trsoal octon to he bull's force da measured on a recon by \rocion bass and faced by is mstorogaldrcterl probably. Thi recede preducs a et of load combinations that ae simpy dened and expeced to provide adequate leadng of at memsrs of tho pmarysrucra Syston A2 Discussion of Acceleration Criteria ‘osaeraton loves tat are sozerable te people are dependent on mary physical fc ond censeqart ae subjective to some depres. Some background ote sigesoderera er acceplabty fling occaleratons i cussed inthis secon. _ wih anyone responas owed loading. acclerabon i andor, suing quay, which must be esr oii tema, Ther ar wo sacs tare commen sd nthe eee eserbe scelatons the antneanaquare (MS) values ae the peak. The cclraton pecans that 36 ee aug wins Resear insets hat pple et Begin to ptcive accelerations woth they feach shou 5 mig {hers mig is 1/000 ofthe eecelrston of gravy). However, etc fo require at no fsccleralons ever oour above he leven adden here la © datnon fo be made between the ‘perception of maton. andthe olrance oft That, simpy Because seipents can perce mon oos not nocescrly moan they wl ott lng as euch maton do nat osu io on. Crete eve terete boo developed that rte accolraton lev ane thoi acceptably to vaeus ‘roquncns of occurence. ‘Theta ulding cose document abe guidance on bling moons ws ha NaonlBsdng Cad ot Cena (NECC}. it sggedod that 10-year retur pred accltons ha range f 10% to 30% of rant (101620 mils) wer acceptable, wih he upper endo th rarge bong apernnite for fee bulge andthe ower end roid bulge Reseach conducted dung the devebpnnt ofthe accelwation citrate NBCC inated tat rope’ ened lo oon becomes tes wt the ntl quency oe bung becomes lower leat nthe forge of oat foal budge. 0.1 Hae 1.0 He). Ths dependence rtrd ne NAC. wich proves a sige etera bana on rent for egueree primal he ange O15 to 03 Hz. The crtora sugested by the intmatond Oganzaton fr Sandadeatzn (160) se lores os a uncon of feauency. The uppe”imtof he 150 ees based on magnitudes of seceloraton which approxiisy 2% of these oonping the upp thd of a baling may ted cbjectonene. The 150 Crea general have uses shorter retum pgs than 10 yeas. ATOR wae | Ge ‘wcredicom ‘Te above mentenad fleense, wien coins the CTBUM extes to suagets thatthe North mercan practoe outing the 10 year rela pte or astern acrokatone and occupant conto rot spprprie for srens sutjced fo hurcanes, and rcommanse Be tear retin Period Be Ceneifrd in such pon. Uso ofthe joa ret pared scone wih sunt pace In Japan, ‘shore yphoone ae 3 sgncantcnaeraion forthe deegh of ight twers. Hf bang oespan thoose fo rms ding burn, fis renonaie sugges fet hey shoud not expect nomal endions fopreral. Furthermore esearch ita cist conf ins that mesons fro bo mare Ioerale ws ong 35 ey arent completely Uneecie. Wie suc! mosfestons andlor mary sampag coals be erloyed fo reduce the motone aug Murcanet, euch measuces 3 PRY ‘unceakon adress motors ding more common wind evens. 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