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I B.

Tech II Semester – Descriptive Examination-I

(Common to CSE, IT, CSIT, IOT, AIDS, AIML)

Subject Code: P21EST10 Academic Year: 2021-22 R21 Regulation


Q.No Questions Marks BL CO PI

1 a) Define min-term and solve the given min-tems using K-Map
F (A, B, C) =Σm (1,2,6) + Σd(0,3) 3M L3 3
Implement the same using NAND Logic
b) F (A, B, C) = A’B+ABC’+AB+A’BC 3
2M L3
Solve the above using k-map.
2 a) Define Max-term and solve the given max-terms using K-Map 3
2M L3
F (A, B, C) = Пm (1,5,6) + Пd(0,2)
b) F (A, B, C) = A(A’+B) (A’+B+C) 3M L2 3
Solve the above using k-map.


Q.No Questions Marks BL CO PI

1 a) Define Multiplexer and Decoder 2M L1 4
b) Implement the full-Adder using two Half-Adders and draw the 3M L4 4
necessary Truth tables and logic gate implementation.
2 a) Design 8:1 MUX using 4:1 MUXs and 2:1 MUX modules 3M L3 4
b) Define Decoder and Implement Decimal to BCD Encoder 3M L2 4
3 a) Draw and explain the Binary Adder-Subtractor 3M L1 4
b) Define De-Multiplexer and Encoder 2M L 4
4 a) Design the Decimal to BCD Encoder and implement the logic 3M L3 4
b) Define Half-Adder and write its Truth table, logic Diagram 2M L2 4
5 a) Define Full-Adder and implement its truth table and logic diagram 3M L3 4

b) Define 1 to 4 De-Multiplexer and implement truth table and logic 2M L2 4


Q.No Questions Marks BL CO PI

1 a) Implement the following Boolean Functions using PAL
F1(A, B, C, D) =Σ (0,1,2,3,6,9,11) 3M L3 5
F2(A, B, C, D) = Σ (0,1,6,8,9)
b) Write a short note on the basic Structure of PROM, PAL and PLA 2M L2 5
2 a) Implement Boolean Function using PLA
A (W, X, Y, Z) = Σm(0,1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14) 4M L3 5
B (W, X, Y, Z) = Σm(0,1,2,3,5,7,13,14,15)
b) Define PLD and write its types 1M L1 5
3 a) Design the BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter using PROM 3M L3 5
b) Define Memory and explain its types 2M L1 5
4 a) Implement the Following Boolean Expression using PROM
3M L3 5
F (A, B, C) =A’B+C+BC
b) Compare the PROM, PAL and PLA 2M L2 5
5 a) Implement the BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter using PAL 4M L3 5
b) Define PROM and write its structure 1M L1 5

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