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Original article 1

Effectiveness of a single session of dual-transcranial direct

current stimulation in combination with upper limb
robotic-assisted rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients:
a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study
Stéphanie Dehema,e, Maxime Gilliauxa,e, Thierry Lejeunea,b,e,
Emmanuelle Delaunoisb, Paul Mbondab, Yves Vandermeerenc,d,e,
Christine Detrembleura,e and Gaëtan Stoquarta,b,e

The impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) robot was similar during both interventions (P > 0.05). The
is controversial in the neurorehabilitation literature. It has results showed a slight improvement in hand dexterity and
been suggested that tDCS should be combined with other arm movement after the REAL + RAT tDCS intervention. The
therapy to improve their efficacy. To assess the observed effect after a single session was small and not
effectiveness of a single session of upper limb robotic- clinically relevant. Repetitive sessions could increase the
assisted therapy (RAT) combined with real or sham-tDCS in benefits of this combined approach. International Journal of
chronic stroke patients. Twenty-one hemiparetic chronic Rehabilitation Research 00:000–000 Copyright © 2018
stroke patients were included in a randomized, controlled, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
cross-over double-blind study. Each patient underwent two International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2018, 00:000–000
sessions 7 days apart in a randomized order: (a) 20 min of
real dual-tDCS associated with RAT (REAL + RAT) and (b) Keywords: rehabilitation, robotic, stroke, transcranial direct current
stimulation, upper limb
20 min of sham dual-tDCS associated with RAT
(SHAM + RAT). Patient dexterity (Box and Block and Purdue Secteur des Sciences de la Santé, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et
Clinique (IREC), Neuro Musculo Skeletal Lab (NMSK), bCliniques Universitaires
Pegboard tests) and upper limb kinematics were evaluated Saint-Luc, Service de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation, cInstitute of
before and just after each intervention. The assistance Neuroscience (IoNS), Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, dCHU UCL
Namur, Neurology Department, Stroke Unit/NeuroModulation Unit (NeMU), Yvoir
provided by the robot during the intervention was also and eUniversité Catholique de Louvain, Louvain Bionics, Louvain-la-Neuve,
recorded. Gross manual dexterity (1.8 ± 0.7 blocks, Belgium
P = 0.008) and straightness of movement (0.01 ± 0.03, Correspondence to Stéphanie Dehem, PT, Secteur des Sciences de la Santé,
P < 0.05) improved slightly after REAL + RAT compared with Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC), Neuro Musculo Skeletal
Lab (NMSK), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Avenue Mounier 53,
before the intervention. There was no improvement after B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
SHAM + RAT. The post-hoc analyses did not indicate any Tel: + 32 327 645 375; e-mail:
difference between interventions: REAL + RAT and Received 20 October 2017 Accepted 22 January 2018
SHAM + RAT (P > 0.05). The assistance provided by the

en esta primera parte habla de la discapacidad residual en MMSS tras ictus, de como mejorar esta discapacidad con
nuevs intervenciones, entre ellas tDCS y com esta se combina con terapia convencional
Introduction activities of daily living (Elsner et al., 2013; Pollock et al.,
Upper limb (UL) poststroke rehabilitation remains a 2014). Overall, the small effect size reported does not
challenge (Langhorne et al., 2011; Pollock et al., 2014). support generalized use of tDCS alone in routine clinical
Despite intensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation, many practice (Butler et al., 2013; Podubecká et al., 2014;
patients retain permanent poststroke disability. To Pollock et al., 2014; Tedesco Triccas et al., 2015a, 2015b).
reduce this disability, researchers are looking for new The effect of a single dual-tDCS intervention has been
effective treatments to improve motor recovery after studied by Lefebvre et al. (2014) who explored the effect
stroke. In this context, transcranial direct current stimu- of a 20 min single session on motor skill learning in a
lation (tDCS) has been shown to reinforce rehabilitative double-blind, randomized, cross-over study. The preci-
treatments (Pollock et al., 2014). tDCS involves applica- sion grip and dexterity of stroke patients’ paretic hand
tion of a small electrical current to the skull through two improved after the stimulation (Lefebvre et al., 2014). In
surface electrodes, which can modulate neuronal excit- a previous study, they also analysed online motor skill
ability in stroke patients (Grefkes and Fink, 2012; Kandel during a single session of dual-tDCS in combination with
et al., 2012; Page et al., 2015). Recent Cochrane reviews an UL motor skill task. The study showed a qualitative
have reported that compared with sham or conventional and quantitative improvement in patients’ motor skill
therapy, tDCS reduced UL impairment in stroke with long-term retention (1 week) and generalization
patients, but did not improve their ability to perform (Lefebvre et al., 2013).
0342-5282 Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000274

Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2018, Vol 00 No 00

habla de pq combinar tDCS con TAR

To enhance motor recovery after stroke, several authors recruited at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
have recommended using combinations of UL inter- (Brussels). Inclusion criteria were as follows: an ischae-
ventions, such as robotic-assisted therapy (RAT) (Hesse mic or haemorrhagic stroke, a 6-month delay since the
et al., 2011; Mehrholz et al., 2012; Ochi et al., 2013) with stroke, a minimum age of 18 years and the ability to
tDCS stimulation (Harvey and Stinear 2010; Butler et al., understand instructions. Exclusion criteria were as fol-
2013). RAT follows the current guidelines for neuroreh- lows: presence of intracranial metal epilepsy, alcoholism,
abilitation of the UL as it intensifies the therapy, pro- pregnancy, UL injection of Botulinum toxin in the pre-
vides assistance as needed, and provides feedback and vious 3 months, another significant orthopaedic or neu-
quantified measurement of patient movements (Krebs rological disease that could alter active or passive mobility
et al., 2003; Pignolo 2009; Langhorne et al., 2011). Recent of the ULs and a mini-mental state examination score
systematic reviews recommended RAT in stroke patients less than 18 indicating significant cognitive disorder
to reduce UL impairment and improve activities of daily (Tombaugh and McIntyre, 1992; Lefebvre et al., 2014).
living performance (Norouzi-Gheidari et al., 2012; Pollock Neurological impairment was characterized using the
et al., 2014; Mehrholz et al., 2015). Moreover, the assis- Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS) (Chino et al.,
tance provided by the robot is a good reflection of motor 1996). The SIAS score ranges from 0 to 76 (higher scores
control during rehabilitation. correspond to less neurological impairment). The mod-
ified Rankin Scale was used to categorize the patient’s
RAT alone has been shown to improve UL kinematics
functional independence, ranging from 0 to 5 (higher
(Daly et al., 2005; Finley et al., 2005; Kahn et al., 2006),
scores corresponding to greater disability) (van Swieten
whereas tDCS alone improved fine and gross manual
et al., 1988).
dexterity (Lefebvre et al., 2013; Lefebvre et al., 2014;
Huyun-Kyu et al., 2014). RAT and tDCS could then be Each patient performed two treatment sessions in a
complementary, and their combination could lead to random order, 7 days apart: (a) real dual-tDCS associated
additional improvement in motor control. A recent review with RAT (REAL + RAT) and (b) sham dual-tDCS
analysed the effects of tDCS coupled with RAT in associated with RAT (SHAM + RAT). Patients who
poststroke UL rehabilitation (Simonetti et al., 2017). This started with REAL + RAT and then underwent
review showed that the combination led to the same SHAM + RAT were included in group A; patients allo-
clinical improvement as RAT alone. The authors high- cated to the reverse order were included in group B. A
lighted the difficulty in comparison of the studies consort flow diagram (Moher et al., 2010) of the protocol
because of their heterogeneity and small number of col- is shown in Fig. 1.
lected studies. The study of Giacobbe et al. (2013) was
the only study that analysed the combination of RAT and
tDCS in a single session. This study showed an Interventions
improvement in motor kinematics after a single session of During each session of 20 min, the patient performed a
anodal tDCS provided before RAT in chronic stroke RAT with the tDCS electrodes positioned on the head.
patients (Giacobbe et al., 2013). To our knowledge, no The RAT interventions were identical in both sessions.
study has quantified the assistance provided to the The dual-tDCS interventions used either real or sham
patient during combined RAT tDCS. stimulation.

The aim of the present study was to assess the effec-

tiveness of a single session of RAT combined with dual- Dual transcranial direct-current stimulation
tDCS in chronic stroke patients using a double-blind, Dual-tDCS was delivered by an Eldith DC-Stimulator
cross-over randomized control trial. We hypothesized that (NeuroConn, Ilmenau, Germany) following the method
the association of real dual-tDCS and RAT would used by Lefebvre et al. (2014). The electrodes (35 cm2)
improve manual ability and kinematics in stroke patients were soaked in 0.9% NaCl. The anode was positioned
compared with sham-tDCS and RAT. using the EEG-10-20 system over the ipsilesional pri-
mary motor cortex (M1) and the cathode was placed over
Methods the contralesional M1. During the real dual-tDCS
The ethics board of our Faculty of Medicine of the (REAL + RAT), the stimulator delivered DC at 1 mA
Université Catholique de Louvain approved the study. for 20 min (fade-in/fade-out 8 s). During the sham dual-
All patients provided written informed consent. The tDCS (SHAM + RAT), a short up-ramp (8 s fade-in) was
study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration followed by 40 s of DC and 8 s of fade-out, after which
of Helsinki. The trial was registered at ineffective current pulses (110 μA over 15 ms, peak cur-
(NCT02512289). rent 3 ms) were delivered every 550 ms. This sham
intervention gave the patients the sensation that they
Patients were receiving a stimulation without actually being the
Fifty patients were screened and 21 fulfilled the inclu- case. One investigator established a list with the Eldith
sion criteria and agreed to participate. All patients were codes (real/sham) for each patient session. Another

Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robotic and tDCS in stroke rehabilitation Dehem et al. 3

Fig. 1 longitudinal interaction force (Flong) (Fig. 3) (Galinski,

2014). Flat limits deviation of the end-effector along the
reference trajectory. The control unit changes the stiff-
ness coefficient, Klat, during each movement on the basis
of the movement straightness (higher Klat corresponding
to more lateral assistance) (Sapin et al., 2017). Flong helps
the patient move along the reference trajectory at a
reference speed. The control unit changes the damping
coefficient, Clong, during each movement on the basis of
the smoothness of movement (high Clong corresponding
to a stronger longitudinal interaction force) (Sapin et al.,

All patients were assessed by a functional and a robotic
evaluation before and after each intervention. The
assistance provided by the robot during the session was
also quantified. All patients were familiarized with the
protocol 7 days before the first intervention session. One
investigator performed all the assessments in a double-
blinded manner.
The primary outcome was paretic UL kinematics mea-
sured with the REAplan. It was chosen as the primary
outcome as it provides a quantitative and objective
assessment of active movements of the UL (Gilliaux
et al., 2014a, 2014b). Two tasks (free amplitude and tar-
Consort flow diagram of the stroke patients through each stage of the
study. tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation. get) were assessed in this study. For the free amplitude
task, the participants had to reach straight out in front of
them as far as they could and bring the arm back to the
starting position. For the target task, the participants had
investigator used these codes in a double-blinded to move the handle in the most precise and direct manner
manner. towards a specific target placed at a distance of 14 cm in
front of them. These tasks were performed without any
Robot-assisted therapy assistance at spontaneous speeds. Each task was per-
RAT was performed using the REAplan robot (Axinesis, formed 10 times consecutively, during which the end-
Wavre, Belgique) (Fig. 2a) (Gilliaux et al., 2014a, 2014b). effector position was recorded. The rest period between
REAplan is an end-effector robot than can move the tasks was 1 min. For the free Amplitude task, the com-
patient’s UL in a horizontal plane by a handle that the puted kinematic included the speed, the straightness
patient grasps. The workspace was kept as large as pos- (ratio between the amplitude and path length covered by
sible depending on his/her arm length. A large, immer- the participant; ratios closer to 1 indicate more rectilinear
sive screen was installed in front of the patient to provide paths) and the smoothness (ratio between the mean and
visual feedback (Fig. 2b). The tasks consisted of moving peak speed; ratios closer to 0 indicate less smooth
the paretic UL along reference trajectories while passing movements) (Rohrer et al., 2002). For the target task, the
through checkpoints. Indeed, a robotic ball collector had accuracy index was also recorded (distance between
to catch golf balls by following a specific path (Fig. 2b). the target position and the end position achieved by the
During the 20 min of RAT, the patients had to perform as participant, higher scores indicating more inaccurate
many movements as possible. During the game, the robot movements). Each index in this protocol was computed
guided the patients with an assistance-as-needed control from the 10 cycles of movement and averaged.
strategy. Indeed, the robot is has force and position
The secondary outcome was the gross and fine manual
sensors to record the force on the handle and the position
dexterity assessed using the Box and Block Test (BBT)
of the handle (acquisition frequency = 125 Hz). The
and the Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT), respectively
sensor measurements are sent to a control unit that
(Mathiowetz et al., 1985; Brown and Jahanshahi, 1998).
determines the assistive forces on the basis of the dif-
ference between the patient’s hand position and the During the RAT, motor control was quantified by the
reference trajectory. Two types of force can assist the movement velocity, the movement initiation time (Tinit) and
patient as needed: a lateral interaction force (Flat) and a the mean assistance provided by the robot. The assistance

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4 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2018, Vol 00 No 00

Fig. 2

(a) (b)

Illustrations of (a) the set-up of RAT combined with tDCS stimulations and (b) example of the patient’s visual interface during the RAT. 1 = planar-end
effector; 2 = patient’s visual interface; 3 = therapist’s visual interface; 4 = tDCS set up; 5 = electrode, 6 = Cursor to move; 7 = reference trajectory;
8 = target to reach; 9 and 13= shows to the patient how many checkpoints he/she need to cross. RAT, robotic-assisted therapy; tDCS, transcranial
direct current stimulation.

Fig. 3 test were used. Finally, the order effect (group A or B)

was analysed using a two-factor RMANOVA [(group A or
group B) and (REAL + RAT or SHAM + RAT)].

Twenty patients completed both sessions with full col-
laboration and no adverse event. One patient dropped
out; his data were not taken into account for the analyses,
which were therefore performed on 20 participants.
Illustration of the assistance-as-needed used in the game. The force Patient characteristics and results are shown in Tables 1
computation is based on the definition of a reference trajectory and
combines two components: a lateral interaction force (Flat) proportional
and 2, respectively.
to the stiffness coefficient (Klat) and a longitudinal interaction force
(Flong) proportional to the damping coefficient (Clat) (Galinski, 2014). Group comparison
At baseline, both groups (A and B) were similar for age,
time after stroke, Mini-Mental State Examination and
provided was represented by the stiffness coefficient (Klat) UL impairments assessed by SIAS, modified Rankin
and the damping coefficient (Clong). Scale, BBT, PPT and kinematics (P > 0.05) (Table 1).

Baseline comparisons
Statistical analyses
There was no significant difference between both base-
Statistical analyses were carried out using the SigmaStat
lines obtained before each assessment (P > 0.05) (data
3.5 software (WPCubed GmbH, Munich, Germany). For
not shown); thus, both baselines’ data were averaged.
each analysis, the normality and equality of variances
were checked with a significance level fixed at 0.05.
Combination of robotic-assisted therapy and real-
The homogeneity between group A and B was analysed transcranial direct current stimulation or sham-
using a t-test. The equivalence of both baselines scores transcranial direct current stimulation
was analysed using a paired t-test. To evaluate the Table 2 shows the results of the combination of RAT
treatment effect (REAL + RAT or SHAM + RAT), a with REAL-tDCS or SHAM-tDCS. RMANOVA identi-
one-way repeated measure analysis of variance fied a significant difference in only two assessments.
(RMANOVA) was used. If this test showed an interaction, Indeed, analyses showed that the BBT (P = 0.008) and
it was further analysed with a post-hoc test the straightness during the free amplitude task
(Holm–Sidak). However, if the data were not normally (P = 0.019) were significantly better after REAL + RAT
distributed or variances were not equal, the nonpara- than before the intervention. Patients moved on average
metric Friedman RMANOVA and the post-hoc Turkey 1.8 (± 0.7) more blocks. The movement straightness was

Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1 Global characteristics of the stroke patients

Age Time since Type Localization of Dominant Impaired MMSE SIAS mRS BB Order of
Patients nos (years) Sex stroke (months) stroke main lesions upper limb upper limb (/30) (/76) (/5) (blocks/min) interventions

1 63 Male 10 I SC R L 26 56 3 14 R-S
2 59 Male 18 I C R R 28 72 1 28 R-S
3 58 Female 15 I C R R 27 70 2 33 R-S
4 63 Male 6 H SC R R 28 54 4 0 R-S
5 53 Male 11 I C L L 30 41 3 0 S-R
6 60 Male 48 H SC R L 29 57 3 6 R-S
7 65 Male 6 I C R R 29 69 3 32 S-R
8 61 Male 240 H SC R R 28 71 1 26 S-R
9 75 Male 36 H SC R R 26 53 4 0 S-R
10 55 Male 6 I C R L 28 52 2 23 S-R
11 56 Male 24 I SC L R 29 49 4 1 S-R
12 68 Male 43 I C R L 29 64 1 27 S-R
13 50 Female 22 I SC R R 29 36 3 0 S-R
14 50 Female 14 I C R L 27 46 3 20 R-S
15 65 Male 8 I C R L 28 52 4 4 R-S
16a 58 Female 49 I C R L 30 62 3 20 R-S
17 62 Male 144 I C R L 23 69 2 27 S-R
18 36 Female 53 I C R L 29 44 3 0 S-R
19 62 Male 6 I C R R 28 64 1 32 R-S

Robotic and tDCS in stroke rehabilitation Dehem et al. 5

20 81 Male 6 H C R R 29 65 2 40 R-S
21 71 Female 12 H C R R 29 63 2 9 R-S

Mean (SD) Male/female (n) Mean (SD) I/H (n) SC/C (n) R/L (n) R/L (n) Median (Q1–Q3) Median (Q1–Q3) Median (Q1–Q3) Mean (SD) R-S/S-R (n)

Total 60.5 (9.5) 15/6 38.6 (57.0) 15/6 7/14 19/2 11/10 28 (28–29) 57 (52–65) 3 (2–3) 16.3 (13.7) 11/10
Total R-S group 62.73 (8.0) 7/4 17.47 (15.8) 7/4 8/3 11/0 6/5 28 (27–29) 62 (54–65) 3 (2–3) 18.73 (13.3) –
Total S-R group 58.1 (10.8) 8/2 58.5 (75.5) 8/2 6/4 8/2 5/5 29 (28–29) 52.5 (44–69) 3 (2–3) 13.6 (14.3) –

C, cortical; H, haemorrhage; I, ischaemia; L, left; MMSE, mini mental state examination; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; Q1, first quartile; Q3, third quartile; R, right; R-S, real dual-tDCS then sham dual-tDCS; SC, subcortical;
SIAS, Stroke Impairment Assessment Set; S-R, sham dual-tDCS, then real dual-tDCS; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation.
Drop out patient.
6 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2018, Vol 00 No 00

Table 2 Outcomes of robotic-assisted therapy combined with REAL-transcranial direct current stimulation or SHAM-transcranial direct
current stimulation


Baseline (N = 20) Post-RAT + REAL intervention Post-RAT + SHAM intervention and SHAM + RAT intervention
[mean (SD)] (N = 20) [mean (SD)] (N = 20) [mean (SD)] (P value)

Kinematic indices
Free amplitude
Amplitude (cm) 39.90 (29.22–45.16)a 42.48 (31.42–45.20)a 44.01 (29.22–45.15)a 0.705
Straightness 0.97 (0.91–0.99)a 0.97 (0.94–0.99)a 0.97 (0.95–0.99)a 0.019
Velocity (cm/s) 12.27 (6.12) 13.53 (6.90) 14.05 (6.14) 0.069
Smoothness 0.38 (0.14) 0.40 (0.15) 0.41 (0.15) 0.080
Accuracy (cm) 1.40 (1.50) 1.32 (1.29) 1.96 (2.52) 0.085
Straightness 0.91 (0.09) 0.95 (0.05) 0.92 (0.09) 0.193
Velocity (cm/s) 9.47 (3.10) 10.20 (3.29) 10.36 (3.51) 0.116
Smoothness 0.48 (0.07) 0.49 (0.06) 0.50 (0.07) 0.360
Gross manual dexterity
BB (blocks/min) 16.60 (14.32) 18.35 (15.14) 17.90 (16.02) 0.021
Fine manual dexterity
a a a
PPT (Pegs/30 s) 0.97 (0.00–4.07) 1.5 (0.00–4.83) 0.15 (0.00–5.30) 0.115
Robotic assistance
Klat (N/m) – 226.77 (121.14–804.90) a
443.46 (113.39–1707.08) a
Clong (N s/m) – 14.96 (0.00–141.54)a 18.06 (10.06–107.24)a 0.796
Klat/velocity (N s/m2) – 23.59 (11.76–142.08)a 63.45 (15.80–120.78)a 0.074
Tinit (s) – 0.62 (0.36) 0.62 (0.34) 0.923
Velocity (cm/s) – 11.21 (5.91) 11.29 (5.94) 0.928

Post-hoc analyses Baseline vs. post-RAT + REAL (P value) Baseline vs. post-RAT + SHAM (P value) RAT + REAL vs. RAT + SHAM (P value)

Straightness (free amplitude) 0.020 0.099 0.802

Gross manual dexterity (BB) 0.023 0.084 0.473

BB, Box and Block; Clong, damping coefficient for the longitudinal interaction force; Klat, stiffness coefficient for the lateral interaction force; PPT, Purdue Pegboard Test;
RAT, robotic-assisted therapy; RMANOVA, repeated measure analysis of variance; Tinit, time to initiate the movement.
Median (Q1–Q3) of nonparametric test.
P values in bold are significant.

improved by 0.01 (± 0.03) on average (+ 1.0 ± 3.1%). a SHAM-tDCS intervention. Kinematic parameters and
Other kinematics and fine manual dexterity were not manual dexterity were similar under both conditions. None
significantly improved after REAL + RAT (P > 0.05). of these parameters improved after the SHAM + RAT
The combination of SHAM + RAT did not significantly intervention. However, after the REAL + RAT interven-
alter any parameter (P > 0.05). The analyses did not tion, the straightness of movement and the gross manual
objectify any difference between the assessments per- dexterity (BBT) were significantly improved. The assistance
formed after REAL + RAT and SHAM + RAT (P > 0.05). provided during RAT was similar during REAL + RAT and
The assistance provided by the robot during the rehabi- SHAM + RAT interventions.
litation was equivalent during both interventions A study of Giacobbe et al. (2013) analysed the kinematic
(P > 0.05). There was no difference between the results effect of administering tDCS before, during and after a
of patients from group A and group B (P > 0.05) (data not single session of UL RAT. In their study, movement
shown). smoothness improved by 15% when tDCS was adminis-
tered before RAT (Giacobbe et al., 2013). In the present
Discussion study, we only observed a small improvement in
Combination of robotic-assisted therapy and real- straightness after REAL + RAT. The effect was not
transcranial direct current stimulation or sham- observed during the target task and there was no inter-
transcranial direct current stimulation action between processing time and the intervention.
There is currently a lack of evidence to support the use of This lack of (or small) improvement could be because of
tDCS alone in routine clinical practice. Some reviews the fact that tDCS was administered during RAT,
have reported a small reduction in UL impairment after a whereas Giacobbe et al. (2013) recommended adminis-
REAL-tDCS intervention compared with SHAM-tDCS tration of tDCS before RAT.
(Elsner et al., 2013; Pollock et al., 2014). However, the
observed effect is small and transient if not combined In terms of manual dexterity, the study of Lefebvre et al.
with a rehabilitation intervention (Butler et al., 2013; (2014) observed an improvement in fine manual dexter-
Podubecká et al., 2014; Tedesco Triccas et al., 2015a, ity assessed by PPT after a single session of tDCS. The
2015b). The present study evaluated the effectiveness of maximal improvement was observed 20 min after the end
a single session of RAT combined with a REAL-tDCS or of the stimulation (+ 2.1 Pegs, + 38% after REAL-tDCS

Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robotic and tDCS in stroke rehabilitation Dehem et al. 7

vs. 0.4 Pegs, + 5% after SHAM-tDCS) (Lefebvre et al., Acknowledgements

2014). This improvement was not observed in the pre- This work was supported by the Région Wallonne, the
sent study. Because of the low number of studies on a Fondation Saint-Luc and the Fondation Motrice. The
single session of tDCS, the gross manual dexterity results work of Y.V. was supported by the following grants:
from the present study were compared with studies Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS) Post-
including multiple sessions of tDCS. In the study of Doctorate Clinical Master Specialist (SPD) 1.R.506.16
Huyun-Kyu et al. (2014) the experimental group received 2015–2017, Fonds Spécial de Recherche (FSR) grant
20 min of tDCS combined with basic training for func- from the Université Catholique de Louvain 2016,
tional improvement 5 days per week for 4 weeks. They Fondation Mont-Godinne 2014–2016.
observed a greater improvement in BBT in the experi-
The authors thank Axinesis (Wavre, Belgique) for the
mental group (REAL-tDCS) (mean improvement = 26.3
development of the rehabilitation robot REAplan and
blocks) than in the control group (SHAM-tDCS) (mean
Fishing Cactus (Mons, Belgique) for the development of
improvement = 9.1 blocks) (P < 0.05) (Huyun-Kyu et al.,
the serious game. They would also thank all the patients
2014). An improvement in gross manual dexterity was
for their participation in this study.
also observed in our study: patients moved significantly
more blocks after the REAL + RAT. However, the mean
improvement was 1.8 blocks, which is less than the Conflicts of interest
minimal detectable change (six blocks/min) (Chen et al., There are no conflicts of interest.
2009). Furthermore, the improvement in the BBT after
the REAL + RAT intervention was not significantly References
different from that observed after SHAM + RAT. Brown RG, Jahanshahi M (1998). An unusual enhancement of motor performance
Therefore, the improvement in BBT after REAL + RAT during bimanual movement in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 64:813–816.
in the present study should be interpreted with caution. Butler AJ, Shuster M, O’Hara E, Hurley K, Middlebrooks D, Guilkey K, et al. (2013).
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation
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of the patients’ motor skill control. It was expected that Chen HM, Chen CC, Hsueh IP, Huang SL, Hsieh CL (2009). Test-retest repro-
ducibility and smallest real difference of 5 hand function tests in patients
the patient would improve his/her online motor skill with stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 23:435–440.
learning and would need less assistance during Chino N, Sonoda S, Domen K, Saitoh E, Kimura A (1996). Stroke impairment
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