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TAGOLOAN Community College
Baluarte, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
Tel.No. (08822)740-835/(088)5671-215

College of Criminology Department
GEE 10: Philippine Popular culture
Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021


In this module you are going to explore the commonly used & known theory of
Popular Culture in the modern world. It is but relevant to deal with this right away
so you can recognize the significance of this concept and why there is a need
to study & understand this in the first place.


Describe the commonly known & used Theories of Popular Culture in the modern

Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Recognize the different theories written about Popular Culture & its impact
on the history & society.

B. Retrieve auto-historical ideas &/or understanding about Popular Culture.

Along with some theories associated therein


Searching Ideas concerning Popular Culture:

The task to search and remember varying ideas of Pop Culture.

developed by M.A. Arcamo


Philippine Popular Culture ( GEE10 )


Before we can go directly to the task on how to define and analyze popular culture in the context
which is clear and distinctive it is but important that right at this moment we accept the reality that it is
actually a daunting task to define it or even make an attempt to do so. However due to its impact and
influence to the modern world, it is necessary regardless of its ambiguity, subjectivity and vagueness
to at least take a visit on its context & appreciate its value to the contemporary society.Confronted
with the challenges on studying “Popular Culture” it is always the best option to deconstruct first the
words and terms enter twined on its construction. Let’s begin by answering these important questions:
What is popular ? What is culture ? & How is ideology related to it ?

What is Popular ?

Raymond Willams ( 1976 )

Amazon .com
“….popular was being seen from the point of view of the people rather than from those seeking
favor or power from them.”

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In this definition we can clearly see the coherence of the meaning of the term “popular” from where it
came into being. From the latin word “popularis” it simply means belonging to the population or from
the large population which consequently refers to the masses. In other words there is always a
connotation of a well-liked, widely favored or carried on by the whole people when referring to the
term in its purest sense. In one way or another we can speak of “popular” as the people’s culture
something like a “box office hit” “trending” or a “common norm”. However in a complex society, there
is always an interaction between the dominant and submissive class where the identification of these
groups as well as their role seems very controversial. Given this complexity of social behaviors there
is still a need to figure out who among these division belongs to the “mass” and how such group
influenced their community. With such challenges, we are again confronted with the dilemma of who
among the social class has the greatest influence on the society? Is it the higher or the lower class?
and finally to what extent or degree does this influence impacts the society?
All of these difficulty might compromise our study but for the sake of understanding, let’s consider the
actions of the inferior or lower class to be of value when we speak of “popular”. This is because by
virtue of number they consist the majority of the population and any common actions taken by this
group creates great impact to their community as well.

High Culture vs Low Culture

Acceptable Popular

Wealthy Marginalized
Prestigious Common
Elite Masses
Few / Selected Majority
Socialites Epal / korney

What is Culture?

John Storey (2004) Stargate
“…it is a practice of making & communicating meanings. Culture is not in the object but in the
experience of the object: how we make it meaningful, what we do with it, how we value it….”
The basic term comes from the latin word “colere“ a term used to mean “ cultivation”. It is a
word that describes growing things, producing something or simply culturing & producing.
However when this term is associated with human endeavors as in the social context, It is
actually a set of practices, a manifestation of tradition which has become symbolic &
significant to human existence. In addition to this, culture is an active process of human
efforts, dynamic, unstable, broad, unfix & moving. Moreover, it does not lie dormant on things
but is constantly evolving to suit the needs of times.
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The following are 3 broad definitions of culture

1) Evolutional process - general process of intellectual, spiritual & aesthetic development.

2) Lived /cultural practices - a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period or a
3) Signifying practices/activity - the works of the intellectuals or their artistic activities.

It is in this broad terms that John Storey(2004) made his endearing conclusion of considering
culture as an “Empty” conceptual category which according to him can just be filled in by a
wide variety of conflicting ideas & ways oftentimes dependent on the context it is actually
being used. In other words, there are no guarantee that everyone will come up with an agreed
or common functional definitions of the term “culture”. Its meaning remains subjective,
contextual or even changing which is always open and dependent to the needs of the
changing world. Culture so to speak is a practice of shared meanings and can just be filled
in by the one who wants to use it to compliment the need.

Main arguments of Popular Culture:

1. Non permanent ( unstable, evolving)
2. Shifting ( changes through time)
3. Confusing & contradictory ( many meanings, dependent)
4. Empty category ( can be used in various ways )
5. Implied “ otherness “ (many form, claimants )

What is Ideology?

The concept of ideology can never be separated from the discourse of this study hence its
features are crucially embedded on understanding popular culture on a larger scale. It is
therefore decisive enough to examine it first before we even arrive to the core of this subject.
Ideology in whatever nature serves as the backbone of popular culture

Different definitions of ideology: It is a set of ideas that ……

developed by M.A. Arcamo

1) Articulate accepted knowledge.


➢ These are set of ideas that are publicly articulated by a group of people in the
society. This declarations are the commonly accepted and agreed upon by the
society. These includes public documents, constitutions, advocacies & trust of
professionals & other legal proclamations. ( ex. Doctor’s ideology is to save
lives, lawyer’s are to bring justice, teacher’s bring knowledge. Etc. )

2) Create false consciousness.

Debate .org

➢ These are set of values which in effect conceals power as in “Hegemony”. The
dominant class overpowers the others by conditioning their counterparts to
believe into something that is unreal or artificially created in order to continue
their power or to remain enjoying their special place in the society. The powerful
elite disguised themselves to hang on to such ideas so as not to encounter any
resistance or conflict from the controlled group or class. ( ex. Women are born
weak, Blacks are meant to be slaved, Men are strong / head of the family etc. )

3) Present a particular image.

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➢ These are set of consciousness which can be found in forms or text. Any
responsibilities, performances, activities that we do everyday are said to be part
of an ideology. In addition any publications, text, drama or even “oracion” in its
tiniest form are all part of an ideology. It is therefore enough to say that there is
nothing or no one is free from any ideology for that matter. (ex. Christians going
to mass, student reading a book, mothers cooking a food, etc. )

4) Present a subconscious connotation or myth

➢ These are subconscious level of ideas attached to our associated with things.
As in advertisements , promotions or any kind of marketing strategies
implemented by a group of people or company to create an “out of this world
experience” devoid or overstating the real or actual happenings we can
encounter in this world. ( ex. Langhap pinoy, We find ways, Its more fun in….,

5) Represent material practices.

A moment of yoga-sherryrobert

➢ These are peaceful performances in our daily life. Unlike in creating an image,
these activities are “not imposed”, meaning it does not come from aparticular
groupings or religious associations or a responsibility but more of a personal /
individual advocacy. These are just simple celebrations like embracing nature
and forms of relaxations. ( ex. Exercising in gym. Running in the park, shopping
in a mall, etc.)

developed by M.A. Arcamo

What is

Findwriting service .com

In the previous topics, we explored the different terms associated with popular culture hoping
that from this exposure we can derive a common acceptable definition of the concept. Now
let us take a deeper examination on its key elements in order to draw a better more profound
perspective upon its nature .
1. Popular culture is considered to be the culture “well liked by the people”. Although
it may presents a controversy on how the data is gathered whether it is in a form of a

survey, popularity rate or any other social measurement, the question of its authenticity
& reliability is always at its forefront. Sometimes the dissemination of information is
also influenced by the aristocrats and many which are made popular are only because
of money, influence or even by inflicting force. Nonetheless what is already there shall
be there, which simply means that no matter how we conceal things if it has already
come out into the open and been accepted by the people then it will be part of what
we known as popular culture.

2. Popular culture is a “Residual culture”. Some people would think of it as a left out
culture wherein we have to decide first what is an elite behavior, a standard that
belongs to the few educated aristocratic rich classification in the society. What is left
from this selection would be the residual practices highly patronized by the bigger
population of the lower class or masses.

3. Popular culture is a “ Mass culture”. It is understood that because the low class
comprises the largest number of people so then popular culture is always attributed to
the lower class in the society. Although it is consumed by the large number of
individuals or the public, it always bears the connotations of culture with less
substance like “korney” or “ no class” or “ …ewwww”.

4. Popular culture will always be confronted with the “struggle against the hegemons”
These are the super powers in the institutions who would tend to bully the weak, defy
the subordinates & trample the majority. This clashes will forever be present and so
shall threaten the very extent popular culture be manifested upon the people.

5. Lastly, popular culture was developed in a “post modern society” associated by

capitalist world. From people’s normal lifestyle going to the world of economic progress
encompassing the commercialism, fashion circulars & materialism. All these made
popular culture an interesting body of knowledge that needs to be explored and
understand in order to realize its unique role in the contemporary society.
developed by M.A. Arcamo


In this module you are exposed to the definitions &/or terms of

popular culture. With its many varying misleading definitions, it created ambiguities
& biases which posed a big challenge on your part as a learner who wish to establish
a concrete meaning of this term. As a resolution, popular culture is discussed using its
various ways in order to grasp the main content of this subject matter.

Using the following lessons, state your own generalization or understanding of the
term & relate it to the actual application of your daily life. Remember and search an
image/picture of your pop idol (politician, military personnel, international/local artist,
singer etc.) Copy the expression, fashion, attire or gestures found on that picture. Take
a picture of yourself and paste it beside your idol’s image. Label it dreamed reality

vs. Actual reality. Do not make an explanation just post the two pictures for your
classmates to view it. Good luck!


Right after the discussions you will be having an activity posting your collage picture.
Please click the button/icon below ( Post my collage pic ) to start posting your
project. Deadline will be on September 6, 2020 at 11:55 pm ( GMT ). Good luck!

Post my collage Pic


1. What is the importance of popular culture?

2. Do you agree or consent to be just being dominated ?
3. Is this power to consent always liberating ?

developed by M.A. Arcamo

Resources and Additional Resources

Farganis,J.(2008).Readings in social theory.1221 Avenue, New York, USA, The Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Storey,J.(2004).Cultural theory & popular culture : An introduction. Retrieved 28 August 2020 @

Williams,R.(1976).A vocabulary of culture & society. London,Fontana. Retrieved 28 August 2020


developed by M.A. Arcamo

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