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Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND


56 Media, culture and public relations, 6, 2015, 1,

INFO-84 UDK: 004.521.39:004.7:001

Primljeno/Received: 2014-12-04 Authors Review/ Pregledni rad



Krunoslav Antoliš 1, Petar Mišević 2, Ana Miličević

Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Police Academy, Police College, Zagreb, Croatia 1; Zagreb School of Eco-
nomics and Management2, Zagreb, Croatia

New information technologies are unavoidable factor in modern world as
they are changing it both in technological and in communication aspect.
Unfortunately, despite the opening of new possibilities, both aspects of
changes have brought about vulnerabilities which cannot be ignored. These
vulnerabilities directly affect security state in the systems where ICT is be-
coming dominant information and communication platform. Therefore,
critical infrastructure security as the key element of national security today
is to a great extent determined by ICT security as its component. Thus, ICT
vulnerabilities are directly spread to critical infrastructure in which they are
built and whose abuse is only a matter of time. It is not only terrorists who
should be regarded as a threat when thinking about critical infrastructure
security, but also organized and commercial crime, competitive companies,
various hackers, even all those who due to different social and economic
reason live on the margins of modern society. Of course, nobody among the
mentioned is immune to committing a terrorist act so as preventive meas-
ure all of them should be spotted and prevented in accordance with securi-
ty estimates.

Information and communication technology, vulnerability, safety, securi-
ty, critical infrastructure

1 Introduction1 opment of wireless communication networks

was a further step forward in creating an in-
Intensive development of information and dependent and flexible communication sys-
communication technology (ICT) in the past tem. However, from the CNI aspect, besides
few decades has greatly changed the way we numerous advantages and new possibilities,
used to communicate, do business or manage innovation in communication and information
companies but it has also substantially technology has faced us with new security
changed our lifestyle. Innovations, flexibility, challenges. Since all ICT vulnerabilities direct-
dynamics and high productivity rate are only ly affect CNI, security of the critical national
some of the benefits that modern IT applica- infrastructure is greatly dependent on skillful
tion has brought to modern companies. What IT risk assessment as well as a quick and sys-
small or big proprietary or public companies tematic reaction to newly detected ICT vulner-
have in common is that they base their busi- abilities.
ness processes on information systems. Devel- This paper gives a short review of
some of ICT vulnerabilities, their impact on
CNI and possible responses to the existing
All statements made in this article are solely those of the au-
thors and in no way reflects the official positions or policies of security challenges at the national and interna-
the Republic of Croatia, Croat’s Parliament, Croat’s Govern- tional level.
ment or Ministry of interior.

ISSN 1333-6371
Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
Media, culture and public relations, 6, 2015, 1, 57

2 CNI and the Internet Although ICT is pointed out as a sepa-

rate item in the above mentioned threat as-
In order to better understand a Croatian CNI sessments to CNI of the Republic of Croatia, it
and all of its segments we will use its legal is inevitable component of all other services,
based definition. National Strategy for the systems and assets since they all use the same
Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism is IC technology as a basic information and
the first strategic document in the Republic of communication platform. Therefore, this tech-
Croatia (RH) which defines and emphasizes nology should be considered within a broader
the importance of critical infrastructure at na- context since the abuse of ICT vulnerability
tional and regional level. CNI of the Republic can have far-reaching consequences for na-
of Croatia, according to the Strategy, makes as tional security and economy of the country.
follows: “assets, services and systems (traffic, Along with a number of advantages and pos-
energetics, communication, industrial, finan- sibilities that the ICT development and appli-
cial and administrative) which sustain eco- cation is opening, the questions is how reliable
nomic, political and social life in the Republic and safe the system is with so many devices
of Croatia and whose importance is so vital interconnected to one or several networks with
that their whole or partial loss or threats to high flow of information, often classified and
them can cause great loss of human lives and hidden from the public. The question is hard to
have serious impact on national security and answer. None information system is so perfect-
economy or other serious consequences for the ly designed to be entirely safe. If we add to this
community as a whole or to any part of the the possibility of accidental and intentional
community". /1/ failures and probability of human error and
 energetics (production, transmission, likely abuse, then such systems require a com-
storage, transport of energy- plex process of security risk assessment and
generating products and energy, dis- protection. That is why it is exceptionally im-
tribution systems), portant to identify all defects of information
 communication and information tech- and communication technology on which par-
nology (electronic communications, ticular CNI is based, starting from wireless
data transmission, information sys- communication systems.
tems, providing audio and audio- The Internet as publicly available,
visual media services), global information-communication system is
 traffic (road, rail, air, sea, inland wa- today rightfully included in the category of
terways), goods with double purpose. /3/ Invention and
 health (health care, drug production, application of this technology has made our
distribution and supervision), life more comfortable but it has also exposed
 water management (regulatory and its users to new and terrifying threats. Terror-
protective water structures and munic- ist groups such as Al-Qa'ida recognized nu-
ipal water structures), merous advantages of the technology: its de-
 food (food manufacturing and supply centralized infrastructure, simple access and
and food safety system and commodi- anonymity, global impact on making public
ty stocks), opinion, cheap maintenances, possibility of
 finances (banking, stock exchange, in- development of various web applications,
vestments, insurance and payment possibility of multimedia and its superiority
systems) over other traditional media, so they skillfully
 manufacturing, storage and transport used them in spreading their ideology, intimi-
of dangerous goods (chemical, biologi- dating the public and recruiting new mem-
cal, radiological and nuclear materi- bers./4/, /5/ Due to the above mentioned prop-
als), erties the Internet has become frequent tool for
 public services (ensuring public order carrying out terrorist attacks, organized and
and peace, civil protection and rescue, economic crime, hacking and other criminal
emergency medicine), acts which, if considered in relation to CNI, are
 national monuments and values. /2/ getting quite new dimension with much more

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Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
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severe consequences. One of more frequent CNI segment. /9/ The former case is about
abuse of modern technology along with skill- newly discovered intentional errors in soft-
ful exploitation of numerous vulnerabilities of ware enabling perpetrators to penetrate into
the Internet is identity theft which caused information system while the time of error
damage to both individual and legal persons detection and correction/debugging takes less
and can be calculated in millions of the US than 24 hours. In the case of “backdoor” en-
dollars. Social networks and a number of per- cryption tools, whose creators enable data
sonal information on their users' profiles have decryption on the “back door“, without the
made the job of the perpetrators of these crim- user's knowledge. None of the information-
inal acts enormously easier along with their communication systems is immune to such
competencies in using software and hardware vulnerabilities. That is why prevention and
tools for abusing the ICT vulnerability. /6/ fighting against ICT abuse at national and
Skype is one of the examples of fre- international level is very important factor in
quent attacks on user's privacy through which security level analysis of information and
the email address and user’s profile are easily communication systems and wireless commu-
accessible. Besides, Microsoft, Hotmail and nications as a great part of these systems.
Outlook user accounts have drawbacks in au-
thentification procedure of the email service 3 Evolution of wireless communication vul-
enabling the thieves to collect users' data via nerabilities
cookies of the web browser. Furthermore, it is
interesting that the whole procedure of the Security threats to internal communication
privacy attack via memory stick takes only 30 systems of a particular CNI based on wireless
seconds at most. /7/ Examples of stealing transmission are still a great unknown. All
money from credit and debit cards, breaking vulnerabilities of wireless communication sys-
into bank accounts or interception of users' tems such as GSM, GPRS, UMTS or LTE in that
data are numerous. Recently, identity theft has case will directly affect the security of a part or
been closely connected with intellectual capital even of the whole system of a particular CNI.
of successful companies. Since the intellectual /10/ If we view the GSM network in this way,
capital is the biggest value of a company which we should take into account the GSM network
in synergy with ITC provides its clients with security drawbacks such as one-sided authen-
products and services and makes profit, this tication, errors in A3 and A8 algorithm imple-
very capital is becoming more often the target mentation, and weaknesses in user's anonymi-
of identity thieves. The reason for this is that ty, deficiencies of cryptographic algorithms,
the value of intellectual capital which stands limited encryption area and in protection of
beyond any material value. /8/ message integrity. /11/ GPRS system, unlike
All the above mentioned and many GSM enables the Internet access with the WAP
other ICT vulnerabilities built in the structure protocol which imposed new requirements to
of information-communication systems of the GPRS system. The required security level
critical infrastructure represent the key ele- within GPRS network is achieved by WTLS
ment of national security. Apart from financial, protocol within WAP. UMTS, better known as
health, traffic and other CNI sectors mentioned 3G mobile technology system, represents the
at the beginning of the paper, safe and reliable third stage in mobile technology development
information-communication platform is the eliminating security deficiencies of the two
main goal of the intelligence service communi- previous generations but opening the way to
ty of all countries. The countries which are not new forms of threats. The fourth wireless net-
capable of developing the intelligence service work generation or LTE is essentially different
systems of their own are in unenviable posi- from previous generations since its entire func-
tion. In that case, it is necessary to take many tionality is based on TCP/IP protocol. In this
preventive measures and meet very high secu- manner a greater interoperability and compat-
rity standard levels. Many intentional software ibility between wired and wireless networks is
tool vulnerabilities such as “Zero days” and achieved but on the account of security. /12/
data encryptions like the “backdoor” encryp- Vulnerabilities of this system are related to the
tion tools, can inflict irreparable damage to any characteristics of radio interface. Some of the

ISSN 1333-6371
Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
Media, culture and public relations, 6, 2015, 1, 59
threats which can endanger security system of the EU acquis communataire into the laws and
LTE technology are the following: unauthor- regulations of the Republic of Croatia by defin-
ized approach to network, attacks on the eNB ing the law on critical infrastructures (NN/
network component, attacks on the core net- 56/2013). So, the Republic of Croatia was re-
work including attacks on the locations of the quired to create national security policy in this
eNB network components, threats related to field. The law, accordingly, has defined na-
DoS and DdoS attacks. /13/ tional critical infrastructures and their sectors
When talking about wireless network giving initial directions for managing security
security within the CNI context, we cannot and security risks of these systems. Based on
omit Wireless local area networks (WLAN). the definition of CNI and all related sectors
Despite numerous security disadvantages of mentioned in the previous chapters, we can
such networks, their popularity is permanently see all complexity in the application of this law
increasing. In 2010, 50% of the Internet ADSL in all domains of critical national infrastruc-
users in Croatia opted for WLAN. Researches ture. Added the necessity of transparency and
have proved that a very small percentage of applicability of the law in all domains of criti-
users (about 10%) have security protection of cal national infrastructure which can be state-
the highest degree (WPA2), while most users owned or owned by local and regional self-
have WEP and WPA protection (about 80%). government and private companies or socie-
/14/ Disapproving fact is that less than 10% ties, then the need for multidisciplinary ap-
WLAN users have no protection at all. The proach to risk assessment prior to defining
Internet security experts does not recommend particular protective measures for critical in-
using of WEP security standard due to fre- frastructure is quite clear. Creating security
quent abuse of this standard. WPA and WPA2 policy for prevention and fighting against the
use randomly selected encryption key and ICT abuse within the critical national infra-
provide better network protection. By using all structure represents a particular challenge, not
above mentioned security standards it is nec- only for the Republic of Croatia but also for the
essary to apply concrete measures at the tech- countries with a long tradition in fighting
nical level, by selecting the appropriate securi- against cybercrime. The EU legislation frame-
ty software, setting the highest security level in work which enable us to do it this is The Con-
the operating system properties and applica- vention on Cyber Crime of the Council of Eu-
tions, and setting their automatic update. rope and Additional Protocol which were
The awareness of the importance of signed and ratified by the Republic of Croatia.
such network protection is not at very high The first reason is that this technology has
level, which makes abuser's job much easier to manifold application since the ICT today
do. Besides, in this manner it is extremely hard makes a basic information-communication
to discover and follow digital traces of perpe- platform of all companies including pharma-
trators. Although it is impossible to achieve ceutical industry, banking transactions or air
absolute security, it is necessary to install ade- traffic managing.
quate protection to disable frequent abuse of The second reason is intensive devel-
such networks. It is possible to provide by opment of this technology which requires a
applying security standards which enable de- “real time“ following and recognizing security
vice authentication, user authentication and risks at all levels of information systems. That
mutual strong encryption keys (TKIP or AES). is why it is very important to have multidi-
mensional approach to the ICT security issue
which demands meeting specific security re-
4 CNI and ICT abuse quirements at all segments of information-
communication infrastructure: technical
Although the term of national critical infra- equipment, software support, electronic com-
structure was first defined in the Republic of munication networks, data transmission with-
Croatia in the National Strategy for the Pre- in the same or different communication net-
vention and Suppression of Terrorism (NN works and data storage. In that case, law can
139/2008), legislation referring to critical infra- define the areas under special protection as
structure came into force only after accepting well as bodies to perform, monitor and give

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Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
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instructions in executing security measures is dependent is very important as well as set-

and achieving standards. But, concrete ting up monitoring and control over the use of
measures that should be executed on living the Internet. Motivated by current issues and
systems is possible to define after a detailed more frequent abuse of the ICT vulnerability,
and systematic analysis and risk assessment of in 2011, the USA passed an important interna-
all ICT segments of the concrete CNI. Since tional strategic document called International
CNI is both in public and private ownership, Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, security
there are divergent approaches to security and Openness in a Networked World“. The
policy regulated by the state and internal secu- main goal of this document is international
rity procedures of private companies. Mutual cooperation and support to the open and in-
cooperation of public and private owners of teroperable, safe and reliable information and
the CNI in the ICT security protection domain communication infrastructure which endorse
might open new possibilities in the develop- international trade, business and reinforce
ment of economy where innovations and security of information space, encourage free-
knowledge of young scientists and experts dom of speech and innovation. The way to
would find their place in solving concrete se- achieve this goal is defined as a combination of
curity issues being of high importance for the diplomacy, defense and development which
state security. In this manner industry and tend to strengthen prosperity, security and
private companies in the Republic of Croatia openness of network technology. /15/ On the
would ask for professional assistance of young list of priority activities to be taken, apart from
scientists from the Program of Croatian Inno- protection of the economy, computer networks
vation and Technology Development (HITRA), in the USA, strengthening the rule of law,
National CERT with very important support of technology development and free Internet,
intelligence system, namely, the Office of the multi-shareholder managing the Internet was
National Security Council (UVNS) and the pointed out as a significant strategic step. This
Department of the Information System Securi- manner of managing the Internet would ena-
ty (ZSIS) as the central bodies of the Republic ble further sustainable development of in-
of Croatia for security issues. By giving exper- teroperable, safe and easily available global
tise, efficient assessment of security threats and network to everyone. One of the approaches to
international cooperation in the cyber security this type of property includes a possibility of
domain, the mentioned bodies are authorized participation of industrial sector, academic
to take concrete measures for ICT protection in institutions, technical experts and civil society
a particular CNI domain. These measures and representatives in managing the Internet. This
legally prescribed solutions are applicable not would secure the openness if the Internet in-
only to the Republic of Croatia but of all the teroperability provided by equal and safe
former socialist countries (in South-East Eu- technical standards and possibility of undis-
rope and beyond). The measures would be turbed further development of safer use. In the
directly and continuously taken maintaining 2013 annual report named Liberty and Security
security risks at a satisfactory level in all seg- in a Changing World, the USA one again clear-
ments of the IT systems in accordance with ly pointed out its view which supports multi-
technology development. The emphasize stakeholder property, but is strongly opposed
would be on the security of all segments of the to the Internet localization: “As part of the
information system because it is not only im- overall discussion of US policy concerning
portant to be on the alert and respond quickly communications technology, we believe that
to the threat, it is also important for all tech- the US Government should reaffirm that Inter-
nical equipment and software support to be net governance must not be limited to gov-
tested, reliable and safe before they are applied ernments, but should include all appropriate
within the CNI information and technology stakeholders. Inclusion of such stakeholders—
platform. However, despite all protective including civil society, industry, and technical
measures taken, threats are always present and experts—is important to ensure that the pro-
most of them come through the use of the In- cess benefits from a wide range of information
ternet. Therefore, the strength of encryption and to reduce the risk of bias or partiality.“
algorithms on which the safe transmission data /16/

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Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
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The idea of localization was initiated a particular CNI to the cooperation and
by several countries which demanded local fighting against all ICT abuse at the interna-
storage of email and other ways of the Internet tional level, regardless of servers, whether
communication as well as disabling data local or cloud server in the world.
transmission across the state borders. Russia, 5 Conclusion
together with a group of countries hold that
the Internet as a multi-shareholder organiza- Critical national infrastructure represents the
tion should be under protection of the UN and key segment of national security and it is rec-
the International Telecommunication Union ognized as strategic target of terrorist organi-
(ITU). zations and intelligence agencies whose coun-
In the second half of 2013, the EU Parliament tries support terrorism. Intensive development
voted for demands for limiting international of ICT introduced numerous benefits within
data transmission which tend to localize the the CNI system, but also opened the door to a
Internet. /17/ This manner of establishing the number new ways of threats to national securi-
Internet ownership would enable the state ty. Therefore, CNI protection is a complex and
authorities to control the Internet traffic within continuous process implying preventive
a state which would certainly decrease cyber- measures and fighting against the ICT abuse at
crime rate and numerous ICT abuse and in- national and international level. Precisely de-
crease the ICT safety level. Yet, despite the fined legislation frameworks, concrete and
concepts of localization and limiting the Inter- targeted strategy of national security as well as
net, more frequent use of cloud-computing professional and competent human resources
option, the development of network technolo- are the main weapons in fighting against in-
gy leads to the opposite directions. Independ- formation and communication threats at na-
ence on physical machines, possibility of the tional level. Since cybercrime and everything
access to the required networks, applications that comes out of it do not know national bor-
and services offered at any time and place, ders, international cooperation has become the
would move the model of modern business key factor for prevention and fighting against
from office-based computer to the clouds. This the ICT vulnerability and abuse and definition
model of the Internet development of fast of high security standards for CNI protection.
communication and weak clients is contrary to
the concept of the Internet localization and Notes
limiting the data transfer. The question is if it
is possible to oppose the fierce waves of virtu- /1/ Report and Recommendations of The President’s
Review Group on Intelligence and Communica-
alization at all? Obviously, entire develop-
tions Technologies Liberty and security in a
ment of the Internet and network technologies
changing world, SAD 2013.
tend to develop a higher degree of independ- /2/ Joshua Sinai, Hsinchun Chen, Edna Reid, An-
ence and flexibility. Limiting the existing or drew Silke, Boaz Ganor: Terrorism Informatics:
further development along with creating new Knowledge Management and Data Mining for
security standards is the next decision in Homeland:
fighting security challenges which ICT devel-
opment is bringing. The fact that development hcd8bnkC&oi=fnd&pg=PR15&dq=maclean,+b.+(
of virtual technology has the tendency of per- 2007).+terrorism+and+internet+use&ots=PtaEEQ
manent and intensive growth, the application
of this technology to CNI is a matter of time. In
r_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false , 2008.
that case security risk assessment and entire /3/ Antoliš, K. Ideological prerequisites in Combat-
information security will focus their attention ing Terrorism. CT WG conference, PfP Consor-
to commination protection towards and inside tium, Oberamergau, Germany, 2004.
the cloud. Apart from the above mentioned, it /4/ Ibid.
is clear that protection of the entire critical /5/ International strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity,
national infrastructure is possible to provide Security and Openness in a Networked World,
only by a creating high quality and profession- SAD, 2011.
/6/ The Convention on Cybercrime (NN, Interna-
ally implemented security measures starting
tional Agreements No.: 4/2002), 2002.
from the lowest level of information system of
/7/ Ibid.

ISSN 1333-6371
Krunoslav Antoliš , Petar Mišević, Ana Miličević: VULNERABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND
62 Media, culture and public relations, 6, 2015, 1,

/8/ Antoliš, K. ICT and Identity theft, Informatologi- /13/ Bikos, Anastasios N.; Sklavos, N. LTE SAE
ja, 46, 2013., 4, 353-360, UDK:681.3:340:001, Au- security issues on 4G wireless networks, 2013.
thors Review/Pregledni rad, ISSN [5] Antoliš, K. /14/ National Strategy for Prevention and suppres-
Intellectual capital and critical national infra- sion of terrorism (NN 139/2008), Croatia, 2008.
structure, pg. 7-15. CIP: 853091, ISBN 978-953- /15/ Antoliš, K. Cyber threats to critical national
161-276-0, Zagreb, Croatia, 2013. infrastructure, Corporate security in dynamic
/9/ Report and Recommendations of The President’s global environment – challenges and risks, str
Review Group on Intelligence and Communica- 61.-73., ISBN 978-961-92860-3-6, march, Ljublja-
tions Technologies Liberty and security in a na, 2012.
changing world, SAD 2013. /16/ Antoliš, K. Risk assessment of terrorist abuse of
/10/ National Strategy for Prevention and suppres- ICT in the CNI, Proceedings of the International
sion of terrorism (NN 139/2008), Croatia, 2008. conference on “The War on Terror after 10
/11/ Bilogrevic, I.; Jadliwala, M.; Hubaux, J.P. (2010.) Years, Zagreb, 2012.
Security Issues in Next Generation Mobile Net- /17/ Ibid.
works: LTE and Femtocells:
/12/ Filković Dujmović, K. Graduate-thesis: Safety of
mobile communication, Polytechnic of Zagreb,
Zagreb, 2012.



Krunoslav Antoliš 1, Petar Mišević 2, Ana Miličević

Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Policijska akademija, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1; Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i
menadžmenta, Zagreb, Hrvatska2

Nove informacijske tehnologije nezaobilazan čimbenik u modernom svijetu
koji se mijenja u svom tehnološkom ali i komunikologijskom aspektu. Naža-
lost, unatoč otvaranju novih mogućnosti, oba aspekta promjena dovela su i
do novih ranjivosti, koje se ne može zanemariti u smislu sigurnosnih rizika.
Ove ranjivosti izravno utječu na stanje sigurnosti u sustavima u kojima ICT
postaje dominantna informacijsko komunikacijska platforma. Tako je sa staja-
lišta nacionalne sigurnosti ključni element sigurnost kritične infrastrukture, a
koja je u velikoj mjeri određena sigurnošću ICT kao njezine važne sastavnice.
Dakle, ICT ranjivost izravno utječe na ranjivost kritične infrastrukture u koju
je ugrađena i čija je zlouporaba samo pitanje vremena. Danas prijetnje nisu
samo terorističke naravi već su to i organizirani i gospodarski kriminal, kon-
kurentne tvrtke, razni hakeri, čak i one fizičke osobe koje zbog neprimjerenih
socijalnih i ekonomskih razloga žive na marginama suvremenog društva.
Naravno, nitko među spomenutima nije imun na počinjenje terorističkog
akta, tako da ih sve preventivno treba uočiti i spriječiti u njegovu počinjenju
sukladno sigurnosnim procjenama u danom trenutku.

Ključne riječi
Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija, ranjivost, zaštita, sigurnost, kriti-
čna infrastruktura

ISSN 1333-6371

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