(PDF) Medicinal Plants Used in The Management of Asthma - A Review

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May 2020

Omolola Temitope Fatokun

Ejiro Wojuola Oluyemisi Folashade Kunle
National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja Nigeria

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ejpmr, 2016,3(7), 82-92 SJIF Im


European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R


Omolola Temitope Fatokun*, Tosin Ejiro Wojuola, Kevwe Benefit Esievo and Oluyemisi Folashade K
Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Resea
Development, Idu Industrial Area, P. M. B. 21 Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

*Corresponding Author: Omolola Temitope Fatokun

Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Developme
Industrial Area, P. M. B. 21 Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

Article Received on 12/05/2016 Article Revised on 01/06/2016 Article Accepted on 22/06/20

Nigeria has a rich tradition of plant-based knowledge on healthcare. A large number of plants/plant extracts,
or pastes are equally used by different tribes and folklore traditions in Nigeria for management of asthma
present review thus attempts to analyze the ethno-botanical/ethno-pharmacological knowledge-base for man
asthma in the country from literature, which includes the use of plants, methods employed and prevailing fo
practices. Information was sourced from Hinari, JSTOR, PubMed, Medline, African Journals Online, G
Scholar, SCOPUS, and by reviewing the references of relevant literature. The data search was up-to-date as o
31, 2016. Pharmacological reports available on medicinal plants employing various anti-asthmatic methods/m
and their underlying molecular mechanisms, wherever available, have also been reviewed. The pharmacolo
validation on medicinal plants is very limited and as such a large number of plants used, with enormous pot
have not been validated for their anti-asthmatic activity. Information on the compounds isolated from the med
plants, responsible for the observed anti-asthmatic activity is very limited however flavonoids and xanthones
been implicated. This review therefore attempts to show the loop holes and bridge the gap in the existing lite
and thus offers immense scope for researchers engaged in validation of traditional claims and development of
effective and globally accepted herbal drugs for asthma.

KEYWORDS: Asthma, inflammation, medicinal plants, ethno-pharmacology.

INTRODUCTION age.[5] In childhood, asthma affects more boys th

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition, for unknown reasons, but by the third deca
characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness to a prevalence becomes equal and subsequently
variety of stimuli largely of allergic origin with women than men are affected.[5], [6] Since 19
reversible airflow limitation. The major clinical features global prevalence, morbidity, mortality and ec
of asthma are wheezing, shortness of breath and cough.[1] burden of asthma have increased, particul
It is a major cause of impaired quality of life with impact children.[7]
on work and recreational as well as physical activities
and emotions. The goal of treatment is to achieve overall Asthma affects about 235 million people world
clinical control, which entails the achievement of The incidence of asthma has been on the incre
symptom-free status and to minimize future risks. It the past 30 years due to changing environmental
primarily involves the achievement of symptom relief, particularly in the low- and middle-income count
reduction in the use of inhalers, improvement in activity are least able to absorb its impact.[8] Asthma ca
and lung function. Future risk minimization is achieved estimated 250,000 deaths annually (1 in 250
by ensuring the absence of asthma exacerbations, the worldwide). Fifty years ago, asthma was uncom
prevention of accelerated decline in lung function over Nigeria; however recent reports from different
time and no side-effects from medications.[2] the country have shown a prevalence of adolesc
adult asthma in excess of 10% and a rising tren
The prevalence of asthma is variable. It is a disease that prevalence of the ailment.[8] The increase in the
has been observed to be more prevalent in developed of asthma has been attributed to environmenta
countries with higher rates seen in Australia, United such as urbanization, industrialization and ado
Kingdom and New Zealand. In Nigeria, the prevalence western life-style.[5]
of asthma ranges from 7% to 18% in the general
population, 14.1% of students in the south west, 14.2% Pathology
of adolescents in the south east and adult in the north Asthma is caused by a complex relationship
central parts.[3], [4 ], [5], [6] Sex ratio varies according to environmental and genetic factors that is n


Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

understood. It is considered to be a syndrome or complex Many things often trigger asthmatic attack. Of p
symptom characterized by three primary abnormalities. note is inhalation of dust, especially when swee
1. Partially reversible airway obstruction. 2. Airway enclosure, of smoke from frying or the burning
inflammation. 3. Hyper-sensitivity to different stimuli by or wet grass. It has been noted that asthmatic
the airway.[9], [10]The major problem in asthma seems suffer more during the wet season in Nigeria a
however to be immunological. Asthma has been reported cough and cold that are the natural twin compa
to be mediated by reaginic (IgE) antibodies bound to the ailment.
mast cells in the airway mucosa and on re-sensitization
to an antigen/trigger factor, interaction between the The orthodox treatment for the management
antigen and antibody on the mast cell surface leads to the attack and day to day therapy of asthma may inv
release of mediators already present in the cell granules use of bronchodilators, expectorants and cortico
and the production and release of other mediators.[11]

Table 1: Some adverse effects of current orthodox treatments used in asthma[12]

Orthodox Drug Common Adverse Effects Encountered
Isoprenaline Tachycardia
Muscle tremors (dose related), palpitation, restlessness, nervousness, throat
irritation and ankle edema
Convulsions, shock, arrhythmias, increased muscle tone, tachapnoea, (dose
Theophylline dependent) flushing, hypotension, restlessness, tremors, vomiting, palpitation,
diuresis, dyspepsia, insomnia etc.
Dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing and talking, scarlet rash, photophobia,
blurring of near (Atropine and its congeners) vision, palpitation, ataxia, delirium,
hallucinations, hypotension, weak and rapid pulse, cardiovascular collapse with
respiratory depression, convulsions and coma (in severe poisoning).
Ketotifen Sedation, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea and weight gain.
Cushing's habitus, fragile skin, purple striae, hyperglycemia, muscular weakness,
susceptibility to infection, delayed healing of wounds and surgical incisions,
peptic ulceration, osteoporosis, glaucoma, growth retardation, psychiatric
disturbances, suppression of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis etc.

Due to some of the adverse effects brought about by Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Ast
orthodox medicines (Table 1), the search for non-drug Amarylidaceaeamongst others (Table 2). For
strategies that are effective, have low-risk, and provide a such as ease in collection and availability, the fo
useful alternative treatment in asthma management is plant parts are used in decreasing
clinically attractive and relevant. There is growing bark˃leaf˃root˃fruit˃bulb˃whole
interest in herbal remedies using medicinal plants and rhizome˃flower˃seed. Both absolute ethan
complementary and alternative medicine and its use in different concentrations of ethanol: water are co
the management and treatment of asthma.[13] Medicinal used as solvent for preparations. Alcohol is k
plants are those plants, which have constituents extract organic compounds and water extrac
implicated in the treatment or prevention of diseases or constituents. The use of herbs in cocktail fo
infections in the human body. From the earliest times, common practice in the management of Asthma
humanity has used plants in an attempt to cure diseases 3). Some herbs may not have direct anti-a
and relieve symptoms of various ailments. The most activities but may be present in the recipe to g
important of these substances are the alkaloids, preparation an appealing taste. Recipes used for
flavonoids, terpenes, essential oils, etc. Medicinal plants were more in the western part of Nigeria and may
used for the treatment of asthma should have anti- to the higher prevalence of asthma compared
inflammatory, immune-modulatory, antihistaminic, parts of the country. There is also a higher recor
smooth-muscle relaxant and anti-allergic activities.[14] of herbal medicines by people of the West as co
This study describes some plants in Nigeria that have to other parts of Nigeria.[15] Though it was not in
been pharmacologically evaluated for those parameters it is believed that a synergistic effect fr
involved in asthma. combination of plants used in the management of
would be more effective than the individual plant
Many of the medicinal plants used traditionally in the
management of asthma are from the families;


Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

Table 2: Ethnobotanical Distribution of some common medicinal plants used in the management of ast
Botanical Name (family) Common Name Local name Parts used
Western Part of Nigeria[13], [18], [19], [20]
Abrus precatorius Empo (E), iwerejeje (Y), anya
Jequirity, crabs eye Leaf Leaf extr
(Papilionaceae) nnunu (I), Da marzaya (H)
Acacia nilotica (Mimosaceae) Babul, prickly acacia Booni (Y), Bagaruwa (H) Fruit ***
Adansonia digitata
Baobab Ose (Y), Igi-ose (I), kukaa (H) Fruit pulp, Fruit ***
Aframomum melegueta Grains of paradise,
Atare (Y), Gyandamaryaji (H) Rhizome ***
(Zingiberaceae) alligator pepper
Agave sisalana
Sisal, sisal hemp Godengoal, Leaves ***
Allium ascalonicum Shallot Alubosa elewe (Y), Alubasa Leaf ***
(Liliaceae) maigo (H)
Allium cepa Bulb onion, common Alubasa (H), Alubosa (Y),
Bulb Decoctio
(Liliaceae) onion Yabosi (I)
Allium sativum Nikhere (E), aayu (Y), Ayo-
Garlic Bulb Decoctio
(Liliaceae) ishi (I), Tafarunua (H)
Amaranthus spinosus Obiwhne(E), Tete (Y), Roots ar
Green Roots
(Amaranthaceae) Opotoko (I) in ethano
Anacardium occidentalis Kaju (Y), Sas-hu (I), Kanju
Cashew nut tree Bark Decoctio
(Anacardiaceae) (H)
Ananas comosus Edin-ebo(E), ope oyinbo (Y),
Pineapple Fruit Ripe frui
(Bromeliaceae) Akwu-olu (I), Abara (H)
Anogeissus leiocarpus
Axlewood Ayin (Y), Atara (H) Stem-bark Decoctio
Anthocleista djalonensis
Cabbage tree Sapo (Y), Kwari (H) Bark Decoctio
Antigonon leptopus
Coral vine *** Root Decoctio
Aristolochia ringens Dutchman’s pipe,
Ako-igun (Y) Root Decoctio
(Aristolochiaceae) snake work
Bridelia ferruginea
Ira Ira (Y), kirni Stem-bark Decoctio
Calliandra portoricensis
Corpse awakener Tude (Y), oga, ule Root Decoctio
Carica papaya The smo
Pawpaw Ibepe (Y), ojo (Y), Abara (H) Dry leaf
(Caricaceae) inhaled
Chasmanthera dependen
Chasmanthera Ato (Y) Stem Decoctio
Chrysophyllum albidum Agbalumo (Y), Agwaliba (H),
African star apple Stem-bark Decoctio
(Sapotaceae) Udala (I)
Cocos nucifera
Coconut palm Agbon (Y), kwakwar (H) Fruit ***
Conyza sumatrensis
Conyza Olowonjeja (Y) whole plant ***
Crassocephalum rubens
Ebire Ebolo (Y), Ebire (E) Leaf ***
Crinum jagus Poison bulb, frest Ogede-odo (Y), Albasar
Bulb ***
(Amaryllidaceae) crinum Kwadi (H)
Dioclea reflexa
Dioclea, bull's eye Agbarin(Y) Seed ***
Dissotis rotundifolia Chickweed, starwort,
Ajagunmorasin (Y) Whole plant ***
(Melastomataceae) star weed,
Drypetes chevalieri
Drypetes Osunsun-iro (Y) Leaves ***
Elaeophorbia drupifera Asthma plant Oroigi (Y), Oroonigi (Y) Leaves, stem ***

Fatokun et al European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

(Euphorbiaceae) bark, roots, latex

Eugenia aromatic (Myrtaceae) *** Kanafuru (H) Flower ***
Euphorbia hirta Asthma plant, asthma Ba ala (I), Akun esan (Y), Fresh leaf,
It is prep
(Euphorbiaceae) weed Asin uloko (E) Flower
which is
Euphorbia lateriflora Little cactus,
Enu-opiri (Y) Stem ***
(Euphorbiaceae) Scutellann
Flacourtia flavescens
Flacourtia Osere (Y) Leaves, root ***
Gambeya africana
African breadfruit Baaka (Y), Ekpiro (E) Fruit ***
Garcinia kola Orogbo (Y), Adu (I), Namiji Decoctio
Bitter kola Root, seed, bark
(Clusiaceae) goro (H) after foo
Gongronema latifolia
Amaranth globe Madunmaro (Y), Utazi (I) Root ***
Gossypium barbadense
West indian cotton Owu (Y), gwandi Seed ***
Harungana madagascariens Amuje (Y), Alililibar (H)
Dragon’s blood tree Bark Decoctio
(Hyperiaceae) Uturu (I)
Khaya ivorensis (Meliaceae) African mahogany Oganwo (Y), Madachi (H) Bark Decoctio
Kigelia Africana
Sausage tree Pandoro (Y), Rawuya (H) Stem-bark ***
Lactuca taraxifolia
Lettuce Yanrin (Y), Namijin dayi (H) Leaf ***
Lannea nigritana Leaves, root
Wodier wood Orita (Y) ***
(Anacardaceae) bark, exudate.
Leersia hexrandra
Leersia Abeko (Y) Leaves ***
Mimosa pigra (Mimosaceae) Catclaw Mimosa Ewon agogo (Y), Gumbi (H) Stem ***
Musa sapientum (Musaceae) Banana Ogede were (Y), Fruit ***
Musanga cecropioides Corkwood, Umbrella
Agbawo (Y) Bark ***
(Moraceae) tree
Leaves, bark,
Napoleona vogelii
Napoleona Gbogbori (Y) seeds, twigs, ***
fruit, root
Nauclea africana (Rubiaceae) African Peach, Egbesi (Y), Tafashiya rkura Root ***
Nauclea (H)
Nicotiana tabacum
Tobacco Taba (H), Otaba (Y) Leaf ***
Olax subscorpioidea
Olax, Stink ant forest Ifon (Y) Root ***
Opuntia dillenii Stem, fruits,
Prickly pear Oro-agogo (Y) ***
(Cactaceae) exudate.
Oxytenanthera abyssinica
Savanah bamboo Aparun (Y), Kawu (H) Root ***
Picralima nitida
Picralima Erin (Y), Osu igwe (I) Fruit ***
Piliostigma reticulatum Abafe (Y), Abafin (Y),
Kargo, Piliostigma Bark Decoctio
(Leguminosae) Kargoo (H)
Pterygota macrocarpa Trade pterygota,
Opoporo (Y) Root, stem bark Decoctio
(Sterculiceae) African pterygota
Saccharum officinarum The stem
Sugar cane Ireke (Y), Rakee (H) Stem
(Gramineae) the juice
Sansevieria liberica
Bowstring hemp Mooda, Ebube age, Oja-ikoko Leaves, Root ***
Securidaca longepedunculata Violet tree, mother of
Ipeta (Y), Sanya Umar (H) Root ***
(Polygalaceae) all medicines
Strophanthus hispidus Strophantus, arrow
Sagere (Y), Kaguru (H) Bark ***
(Apocynaceae) poison plant

Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

Terminalia glauccesens
*** Idi-odan (Y), Baushe (H) Stem-bark ***
Terminalia ivorensis
Black afara, Awun-shin (Y) Stem-bark ***
Tetrapleura tetraptera
Aridan Aidan (Y), Alangon daji (H) Fruit ***
Uvaria chammae Gbogbonse (Y), Mmimiohia
Cluster pear Root-bark ***
(Annonaceae) (I)
Oori (Y), Uchakoro (I),
Vitex doniana (Verbenaceae) Black plum Bark ***
Dinyar (H)
Xylopia aethiopica Ethiopian pepper Eeru (Y), Kimba (H) Fruit ***
Zingiber officinale
Ginger Tsita maiyatsu(H), Atare (Y) Rhizome ***
[14], [20], [21] ,[22]
Eastern Part of Nigeria
Acalypha godseffiana
Acalypha Jinwinini (Y), Kandiri (H) Leaf ***
Asystasia gangetica
Chinese violet *** Leaves Chew 7
Borassus aethiopum Agbon-olodu (Y), Agbon- Roots, juice of
African fan Palm ***
(Palmae) onidu (Y), Ubiri (I). nut
Caesalpinia cristata Leaves, roots,
Bonduc nut, fever nut *** ***
(Caesalpiniaceae) seeds
Ceiba pentandra White silk cotton Flowers, leaves,
Araba (H), Egungun (Y) ***
(Bombacaceae) tree, kapok, fuma bark, exudate.
Deinbollia pinnata Ekusi-oloko (H), Ogiri-egba
Water willow Leaf ***
(Sapindaceae) (Y),
Desmodium adscendens Leaves, whole
Desmodium Epa-ile (Y), Nbasioku (I) ***
(Leguminosae) plant
Europhorbia convolvuloides Egele (Y), Udani (I), Nonan
Asthma herb Leaves ***
(Euphorbiaceae) kurdiiya (H)
Hibiscus rosasinensis Leaves, stem,
Garden hibiscus Ireagu (I) ***
(Malvaceae) flower buds
Ipomoea mauritiana
Bush morning glory Atewogba (Y), Whole plant ***
Morinda morindoides
Morinda Oju-ologbo (I) Root, bark, leaf ***
Neuboldia laevis Akoko (Y), Ogilisi/ogirisi (I),
African tylip tree Leaves ***
(Bignoniaceae) Aduruku (H)
Picralima nitida
Picralima Erin (Y), Osu igwe (I) Fruit ***
Pterocarpus osun
Bloodwood Osun (Y), Ubie (I) Root, stem bark ***
Spathodea cumpanulata Adumku (H), Akoko (Y),
African tulip Leaf Leaf extr
(Bignoniaceae) Ogili-si (I)
[20], [23], [24], [25]
Northern Part of Nigeria
Acalypha fimbriata
Acalypha Jinwinini,kandiri (H) Leaves ***
Young le
Adansonia digitata
African baobab Ose (Y), Igiose (I), Kukaa (H) Leaves very wel
and adde
Amorphophallus dracantioides
*** Gwazar (H), gaadali (H) Tubers ***
Calotropis procera Giant milk weed, Leaves, root,
Tumfatiya (H) ***
(Asclepiadaceae) sodom apple bark, latex.
Canna indica
Indian shot Idodo (Y), Gwangwama (H) Leaves ***
Carica papaya The leav
Pawpaw Ibepe (Y), Ojo (Y), Abara (H) Leaves
(Caricaceae) cold wat

Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

drunk, fi
and last
Cocos nucifera
Coconut palm Agbon (Y), Kwakwar (H) Fruit ***
Crinum jagus Poison bulb, frest Ogede-odo (Y), Albasar
Bulb ***
(Amaryllidaceae) crinum Kwadi (H)
Datura metel Devil's trumpet,hairy Apikan (Y), Ajeguneegun (Y),
Leaves ***
(Solanaceae) thorn apple alkangado (H), Furenjuuji (I)
Gossypium barbadense Leaves, roots,
West indian Cotton Gwandi (H) ***
(Malvaceae) seeds
Odunkun, anamo (Y)
Ipomoea batatas
Sweet potato kunkundukun, Dankali (H), Leaves, tuber. ***
Ipomoea involucrata Morning glory,
Duman kwadii (H) Leaf Decoctio
(Convulvulaceae) moonflower
Lactuca taraxifolia
Lettuce Yanrin (Y), Namijin dayi (H) Leaf ***
Moringa oleifera Zogale (H), Ewe-ile (Y),
Moringa, drumstick Leaf ***
(Moringaceae) Okweoyeibe (I)
Phoenix dactylifera Fruits, sap,
Date palm Okun (Y), Kijinjiri (H) ***
(Palmae) leaves
Physalis angulata Ground angular
Matsarmana (H) Whole plant ***
(Solanaceae) cherry
Senna Arabica
(Leguminosae(Caesalpiniaceae Gum arabic Kashia (H) Leaves, bark ***
Urginea altissima Tall squill,spider's Esinsin-uroro (Y), Albasar
Bulb ***
(Liliaceae) onion,hyena's onion gizo (H)
Zingiber officinale Rhizome,
Ginger Tsita maiyatsu (H), Atare (Y) ***
(Zingiberaceae) additives
E=Edo, Y=Yoruba, H=Hausa, I=Igbo. ***=no information available

Table 3: Some common recipes (multi plant combination) commonly used in Nigeria for the managem
Recipe Preparation
Western part of Nigeria[17], [51]
Wash and cut all the plants into pieces, soak in w
Olax subscorpioidea, Euphorbia hirta, Euphorbia lateriflora,
covered glass jar and leave for three days.
Securidaca longipedunculata, Crinum jagus, Allium sativum,
Adult: a small tumbler-ful, three times daily.
Tetrapleura tetraptera
Children: a small tumbler-ful daily.
Wash and cut all the plants into pieces, soak in w
Olax subscorpioidea, Chasmanthera dependens, Calliandra
covered glass jar and leave for three days.
portoricensis, Mimosa pigra, Securidaca longipedunculata,
Adult: a small tumbler-ful, three times daily.
Crinum jagus, Allium ascalonicum, Tetrapleura tetraptera
Children: a small tumbler-ful daily.
Wash Crinum jagus and cut into pieces, mix wit
scraped portion of Tetrapleura
tetraptera in a mortar. The mixed herbs are soak
Chasmanthera dependens, Picralima nitida, Crinum jagus,
water with alum. The liquid extract is administe
Allium ascalonicum, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Alum
Adult: one tablespoon-ful daily.
Children: (diluted form of the extract), a small s
Olax subscorpioidea, Crinum jagus Tetrapleursa tetraptera, Wash and cut into pieces all the herbs. A cold m
Chasmanthera dependens, Gongronema latifolium, Xylopia of the ingredients is administered.
aethiopica, Euphorbia lateriflora, Nauclea latifolia, Gossypium Adult: a small tumbler-ful once in three days. C
barbadense, Allium ascalonicum. one tablespoon-ful once in three days.
A concoction of the ingredients is made. The co
Tetrapleura tetraptera, Chasmanthera dependens, Crinum is left for about ten hours for effective extraction
jagus, Allium ascalonicum. Adult: three tablespoons-ful twice daily. Childre
tablespoon-ful twice per day.

Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

Wash, cut into pieces and soak in water for three

Tetrapleura tetrptera, Crinum jagus, Xylopia aethiopica,
then administer.
Gossypium barbadens, Olax subscorpioidea, Securidaca
Adult: one small tumbler-full daily.
Wash, cut into pieces and soak in water for a da
Crinum jagus, Chasmanthera dependens, Olax subscorpioidea, administer.
Tetrapleura tetraptera, Allium ascalonicum. Adult: two tablespoon-full daily.
Children: one teaspoon-full daily.
Wash, cut into pieces and soak in water for a da
Crinum jagus, Allium ascalonicum, Gossypium barbadense,
Chasmanthera dependens,Olax subscorpioidea, Xylopia
Adult: a small tumbler-full once a day. Children
aethiopica, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Calliandra portoricensis.
tablespoon-full daily.
Wash and chop ingredients then soak in local gi
preparation is left for a day before administering
Crinum jagus, Eugenia aromatic
Adult: 1 tablespoon-full twice daily.
Children: 1 teaspoon-full once in three days.
Wash and cut the ingredients into pieces, soak in
Olax subscorpioidea, Calliandra portoricensis, Aristolochia three days.
ringens, Allium ascalonicum. Adult: 1 tablespoon daily.
Children: a small teaspoon-ful daily.
Extract the cashew juice and mix with sugar, cu
Garcinia kola into pieces and soak in the juice.
Anacardium occidentale, Garcinia kola Administer after a day.
Adult: 1 tablespoon-ful daily
Children: 1 teaspoon once in three days.
The ingredients are chopped into pieces and soa
water for three days.
Olax subscorpioidea, Mimosa pigra, Calliandra portoricensis
Adult: a small tumbler-ful daily
Children: a small teaspoonful once in three days
The ingredients are chopped into pieces and soa
Khaya ivorensis, Terminalia ivorensis, Piliostigma reticulatum, water for three days.
Xylopia aethiopica, Uvaria chammae, Allium sativum Adult: a glass cupful daily
Children: half a glass cupful daily.
The ingredients are chopped into pieces and soa
warm water for three days.
Strophanthus hispidus, Kigelia Africana
Adult: 1 tablespoon thrice a day
Children: 1 teaspoonful once a day.
Chop the ingredients in pieces and soak in wate
Olax subscorpioidea, Calliandra portoricensis, Securidaca
Adult: 1 tablespoon thrice a day.
longepedunculata, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Allium ascalonicum.
Children: a small teaspoon once daily.
Wash and cut into pieces the ingredients, soak in
Chrysophyllum abidum, Allium ascalonicum, Harungana
two days.
madagascariensis, Oxytenanthera abyssinia, Aframmomum
Adult: 1 tablespoon twice daily
melegueta, Garcinia kola, Acacia nilotica, Picralima nitida
Children: a teaspoonful daily.
An infusion of Abrus precatorious is administer
the Vitex doniana is used as a rubifacient applie
Abrus precatorious, Vitex doniana
patient’s chest. Adult: 1 tablespoon-ful thrice da
Children: a teaspoonful twice daily
Cut the ingredients into pieces and boil. Adult: a
Bridelia ferruginea, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Anacardium
tumbler-ful thrice daily.
Children: a small teaspoon-full thrice daily.
Zingiber officinale, Anacardium occidentale, Bridelia Boil the ingredients for 30 minutes.
ferruginea, Allium ascalonicum, Terminalia glaucescens, Adult: a tumbler twice daily.
Anogeissus leiocarpus Children: a teaspoon twice daily.
Cut into pieces the ingredients and soak in suga
three days.
Olax subscorpioidea, Calliandra pororicensis
Adult: 1 tablespoonful once daily
Children: a small teaspoonful once daily.
Ananas comosus, unripe Carica papaya fruit and Palm nut. Concoction mixed with pap water and honey

Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

Zingiber officinale, Garcinia kola, Allium sativum and Allium

Mixture of ingredients in honey
cepa and Honey
Carica papaya seeds ***
Garcinia kola root bark Decoction with a pinch of salt after food
Corchorus olitorus Taken with honey
Crudia klainei leaves or bark Decoction taken orally
Eastern part of Nigeria[25]
Calotropis procera, Dennettia tripetala, Carica papaya, Allium
sativum, Cymbopogon citratus, Chrysophyllum albidum and ***
Zingiber officinale.
Boil fresh leaves in water, cool and filtrate.
Sansevieria liberica and Piper guineense
Give twice daily.
*** information not available.

ETHNO-PHARMACOLOGICAL VALIDATION d. Milk induced leucocytosis and eosinophilia

Models for screening anti-asthmatic activity e. Histamine induced bronchoconstriction in
a. Isolated goat tracheal chain preparation with pigs[29]
clonidine-induced catalepsy[26] f. Suppression of ovalbumin-induced
b. Mast cell stabilizing and anti-allergic activity inflammatory responses in a mouse model
using egg albumin induced mast cell g. Histamine-induced contraction of the gui
degranulation in mice and passive cutaneous trachea and pre-contracted trachea (path
anaphylaxis in rats[27] tissue)[31]
c. Antihistaminic activity using clonidine and h. Isolated organ bath method using guin
haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice[28] isolated ileum and tracheal chain[32]

Table 4: Some scientifically tested Medicinal Plants used in the management of Asthma
Botanical Name (Family) Common Name Extract/ compound Model
Aerva lanta (Amaranthaceae) Mountain knotgrass Ethanol a
Abrus precatorius (Papilionaceae) Love pea Ethanol b,c
Ageratum conyzoides (Compositae) Billy- goatweed Hydroalcoholic c
n-Hexane, ethylacetate, and methanol extracts
Asystasia gangetica (Acanthaceae) Chinese violet a,f,g
of the leaves
Aegle marmelos (Rutaceae) Golden apple Alcoholic extract of the leaves h
Black board tree,
Alstonia scholaris (Apocynaceae) Ethanol extracts of leaves g
Indian devil tree
Petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and
Bacopa monnieri (Scrophulariaceae) Water hyssop b
water extracts
Chloroform, ethylacetate and ethanol fractions
Cassia sophera (Caesalpiniaceae) Kasundi c,e
isolated from ethanol extract of leaves
Casuarina equisetifolia
Australian pine Methanol extract of extracts of wood and bark a,b,g
Clerodendrum serratum Glory bower, bag
Ethanol extract of roots a,d
(Verbenaceae) flower
Crinum glaucum (Amaryllidaceae) Poison bulb Aqueous extract b,e
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn
Golden eye grass Alcoholic extract of rhizome a,b,d,e,f
Camellia sinensis (Theaceae) Tea plant, tea shrub Tea-leaf saponins b,f
Eclipta alba (Asteraceae) False daisy Ethanol extract b,f
Euphorbia hirta (Euphorbiaceae) Asthma plant Ethanol extract of aerial part of the plant b
Ethyl acetate, ethanol and aqueous extracts as
Ficus bengalensis (Moraceae) Banyan tree well as fractions isolated from aqueous extract a
of bark
Garcinia kola (Guttiferae) Bitter kola Phenols, alkaloids, xanthones and flavonoids
Hemidesmus indicus
Nannari Ethanol extract a
Mimosa pudica(leguminosae) Sensitive plant Ethanol extract f
Momordica dioica (Curcubitaceae) Balsam pear Aqueous and methanol of fruit a
Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) Cattle’s bean L-Dopa a
S l l E l t th l t t ff hl


Fatokun et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical R

Striga orobanchioide Cowpea witchweed Ethanol and aqueous extracts of whole plant h

PHYTOCHEMICAL VALIDATION observed anti-asthmatic activity as this will lead

The pharmacological activities exhibited by medicinal development. Also, the potency of plants
plants have been attributed to secondary metabolites combination as against being used individually sh
which in turn, represent an enormously rich reserve for further researched on. It is recommended that
the discovery of new and innovative medicines. Two research is carried out on these anti-asthmatic pl
classes of secondary metabolites implicated in the standardization of herbal formulations/prep
management of asthma are flavonoids and xanthones. should be carried out to address the problem of i
dosing, unwanted excipients and inclusion of pur
Flavonoids have been reported to have anti-asthmatic compounds.
activity by inhibiting platelet-activating factor (PAF),
phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and phosphodiesterase REFERENCES
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Citations (8) References (49)

... Ethnobotanically, the common names of Calliandra portoricensis include, "Sleeping plant" and "Corpse awakener,"
Tude (Yoruba of South Western Nigeria); [10] ; "Ekweanahi" and "Avuvuagu" or "Eriagbo" among the Igbos of South
Eastern Nigeria. In these regions, the plant has been used extensively in traditional medicine for the treatment of various
ailments such as; throat and tooth inflammations, swollen tonsil, mouth ulcers. ...
... Compound C 1 is therefore a Cassanetype tricyclic diterpenoid derivative with (IUPAC) name as; (5,(9) (10) (11)
(12)13)-seco -4,4,10trimethyl, 14hydroxymethyl, 16keto, 13(15)enecassane furanoditerpene (Figure 2). The absorption
maximum in UV-VIS experiment was at 270 nm. ...
... The two compounds C 1 and C 2 being Cassane type diterpenoid derivatives, could be linked to earlier reported
activities exhibited by similar moieties against test bacteria, virus and candida albicanfungus [23,29,30] CONCLUSION
This study had successfully isolated, identified and characterized two novel Cassane -type tricyclic diterpenoid
derivatives. Compound C 1 as; (5,(9) (10) (11)(12)13)-seco -4,4,10trimethyl, 14 ...

Structural Elucidation of Two Unique Antimicrobial Cassane – Type Tricyclic Diterpenes from the Root of Calliandra
portoricensis (JACQ)-BENTH (Fabaceae)
Article Full-text available
Dec 2020
Edwin Nwachukwu Oguegbulu · A. K. Abo · Ozadheoghene Afieroho


... 11 The plant has also been reported to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties on experimental animals.
12, 13 It is also use as a medication for venereal releases or as a common tonic for physical or nervous frailty in
inflammatory and exhaustive illnesses but there are no scientifical evidence on its hepatoprotective activity. Thus, this
study investigated the mechanism of action of tanninrich extract of Chasmanthera dependens stem (TRECDS) at
subcellular levels in liver piroxicam-induced damage. ...

Extract of Chasmanthera dependens as Hepatoprotective Agent Abiola TS

Jan 2021
Tijani Abiola Stephanie · Olori Ogaraya David · Olatunde Farombi

View Show abstract

... Leaves of Carica papaya are used in treatment of scorpion stinging and their analgesic [66] , antiinflammatory [67] ,
antipyretic [68] , and antioxidant [69] , properties of leaves are proven scientifically. ...

Article Full-text available
Jan 2018
E. R. H. S. S. Ediriweera · Wanigasekara Daya Ratnasooriya · K W M D Kamathewatta

View Show abstract

... Chasmanthera dependens is commonly used in traditional medicine. It is used topically on sprained joints and
bruises [22], has also been reported to possess analgesic and antiinflammatory effects in laboratory animals [23, 24]
and as a remedy for venereal discharges or as a general tonic for physical or nervous weakness in inflammatory and
exhausting diseases but there are no scientifical evidence on its hepatoprotective activity. Thus, this study investigated
the possible hepatoprotective potential of tannin-rich extract of Chasmanthera dependens stem (TRECDS) and its
mechanism of action on piroxicam-induced liver damage in rats. ...

Methanol Extract of Chasmanthera dependens Stem Mitigates against Mechanisms Involved in Piroxicam-induced Liver
Damage in Rat
Article Full-text available
Sep 2020
Tijani Abiola Stephanie · Olori Ogaraya David · Olatunde Farombi

View Show abstract

... In Iran, the prevalence of asthma is between 2% (diagnosed by a physician) and 9% (caused by physical activity) (2).
At present, more than 300 million people are suffering from this disease (1) . ...

Ethnobotanical Approaches of Traditional Medicinal Plants Used in the Management of Asthma in Iran
Article Full-text available
Dec 2019
Amir Jalali · Atefeh Raesi Vanani · Maryam Shirani


... Chasmanthera dependens is widely used in traditional medicine but very few pharmacological tests have been done.
It is used topically on sprained joints and bruises [16], has also been reported to possess analgesic and anti-
inflammatory effects on laboratory animals [17] [18] and as a remedy for venereal discharges or as a general tonic for
physical or nervous weakness in inflammatory and exhausting diseases. ...

Tannin-Rich Extract of Chasmanthera dependens Stem Potential in Piroxicam-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Adult Male Wistar
Article Full-text available
Jan 2020 · AJMB
Tijani Abiola Stephanie · Ashimolowo O. Susan · Olusegun Olubunmi Babalola

View Show abstract

... Fumigations of N. latifolia seeds are prescribed in D.R. Congo against respiratory diseases (Disengomoka et al., 1983)
(Table 9), and the bark of this plant is directly consumed for the same indication in Angola (Göhre et al., 2016). A recipe
using N. latifolia in combination with several other plants is used against asthma in Nigeria (Fatokun et al., 2016) .
Cough management using bark, root or fruit of N. diderrichii (Ndenecho, 2009) or various part of N. latifolia
(Olowokudejo et al., 2008;Lebbie and Guries, 1995) is also reported. ...

Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of African Nauclea species: A review
Romain Haudecoeur · Marine Peuchmaur · Basile Peres · Benjamin Boucherle

View Show abstract

... It is an erect shrub or small tree that reaches 0.3-5 m tall, with branches 5 mm in diameter [4]. The plant has been
used in the management of asthma [5] , measles [6] and malaria [7]. Extracts of the plant were reported to possess
antioxidant [8], antimicrobial [8], molluscicidal [9] and anthelmintic [10] properties. ...

Constituents and Insecticidal Activity of Deinbollia pinnata Essential Oil

Dec 2016
Sunkanmi E Sotubo · Oladipupo A Lawal · Adesola A Osunsami · Isiaka Ajani Ogunwande

View Show abstract

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