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fuft/3<ft ~.•tt•Hfiii•I< / TC/3V VIBHUTI KHANO ,GOMTINAGAR

~:~ro't.t-1/32(3)/2022-23 ~/Date:13.04.2022


Online Percentage rate Tenders under Two Bid System are invited on behalf of the Food
Corporation of India for the following works from the appropriate class*of approved Contractors of
CPWD, State P.W.Ds, M.E.S., Railways and Public Sector Undertakings/ Enterprises of the Central
Government and State Government who have satisfactorily completed during the last five years,
ending last day of the month previous to the one in which the Tenders are invited at least three
similar works*each of costing not less than the amount equal to 40%of the estimated cost put to
Tender or two similar works*each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated
cost put to tender or one similar work"'of aggregate cost not less than the amount equal to BO% of
the estimated cost put to Tender, in _any of ~he Organ/zatio,:, listed above for registration in NIT.
I." , ',. '

Earnest Time of Last Date Time and

SI. NIT Name of Work & Location Estimated Cost
Money Comple and Time Date of
No. No. put to Tender
for opening
1'1 Rs In Rs tion
Submission of
ofTechnical Technical
&Price Bid Bid

5. 6. 7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4.
35,50,800.00 360 04.05.22 05.05.22
1. CE/02 Up gradation of existing 17, 75,39,842.00
days Up After
I road to C C road at FSD
2022- to14.00hrs 14.30hrs
Raebareli in U~ Region.

* Appropriate class means registration limit must be equal or more than estimated cost put to
*"'Similar works means building and road work. (However, in these works, the value of CC
Road work component in each work shoul~ ,not be less than the amount equal to 40%of
the estimated cost in case of three ·works, ~!Way,f the estin:iated cost in case of two works,
80%of the estimated cost in case of one works.)
1. The intending bidder must read the 'i~rms and condition of CE-6 carefully. He should
only submit his bid !f he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the document
required .
2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form of bid document.
3. The bid document co.risistlng of plans, spe_cifications, the schedule of the quantities of
types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be
complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website free of cost.
4. But the bid can only be submitted online after uploading the mandatory scanned
documents of original payment instrument of NEFT/RTGS and other documents as specified
In Annexure-1. '

Page 11

s. Those contractors not r~gistered on the web,site· mentioned above, are required to get
registered beforeh9~9.
6. The intending bidder must have valid class-II or class-Ill digital signature with signing
certificate to submit the bid.
7. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After
opening of bids he will receive the' competitor bid sheet.
8. Contractor can upload d~cument in the form of JPG format and PDF format
9. Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of bid, contractor may upload
Affidavit/Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turnover of last three years or for the
period specified in the bid document and further details if required may be asked from the
contractor after opening of the technica,i' bid. There is no need to upload entire voluminous
balance sheet. - ·
10.CaRtr=aetar R-n.1st ensure ta eiuate rate af eaeh itern. The ealurnn rneaRt for eiuating rate in
fig1:1resappears in pink ealaur aRel the rnarneRt rate is entereel, it turRs sk•; blue.
In aelelitiaR to this, while selecting aR'}' of the. eells a 11.•aFRiRg appears that if aR'/ eell is left
blanlE the sarne shall be treateel as "0".TheFefore, if an•t eell is left blaRk anel RO rate is
eiuoteel b'; the bieleler, rate of sueh itern shall be treateel as "0" (ZERO).
11. The technical bid shall be op!?ned online fif~t" c;in due date and time as mentioned above.
The time and date of opening offih'ancial bid of contractors"qualifying the technical bed shall be
communicated to them ad later date.
12. Tenelereloeurnents elownloaeleel frorn Central Publie Proeurernent Portal
Website( lrnust be subrnitteel aR pa'}'rnent of a surn of
Rs,0 ..00 onl'}' in the for'rn of NEFT/RTGS in fa¥our ofi;ooifCorporatioR of IRElia pa'}'able at State
BanlE of lnelia Main Braneh bi;.d;~ow".'\)C Na.1086410687~ Ii;sc Gaete Ne S8IN0000H5.The Tender
must be accompanied by the EMD 'dfRs.35,50,800.00 (Rupees Thirty Five Lakhs Fifty Thousand
and Eight Hundred only)in th'e for~·of NEFT/RTGS in favour of Food Corporation of India payable
at State Bank of India Main Branch Lucknow A/C No.10864106873 IFSC Code No
SBIN0000125.alreael•; speeifieel BanlE A,'C Na.Ten.Eler E>oeurnent Cost is ~Ian refunelable &Non
transferable. Tenders not accompanied by C~st of Tc;l-naer eloeurnent anel Earnest Money in the
prescribed form shall be summarily rejected , -· . · .-
13. FCI will not enter into any negotiat"iOns eveh \Nitll'the LoweSt Tenderer.
14. Completed Tenders containing two online 'c·overs of technical bid and price bid
Online Bids are received only on CPP Portal website
in the Office of the Asstt.General Manager ' (Engg), Food Corporation of India,
R.O,Lucknow at the fixed time and the date indicated in.the NIT. The Tenderer will be at
liberty to be present either.fa 'person ~r th rough~n·'~uthorized representative at the time
of opening of the .Technical Bid wit_ h the Bid Ack~o~ledgement Receipt or they can view
the bid opening event onliri'e at their remote end. Price Bids of only those tenders shall be
opened whose technical bids qualify, at a time and place of which notice will be given. The
Tenderer technically qualified will be at liberty to be gresent either in person or through an
authorized representative at . the time of opening of the Price Bids with the Bid
Acknowledgement Receipt or t9ey can view the bid opening event online at their remote
end. ··
15.FCI reserves the rights to accept any tender or reject any or all tenders or split up the work
between more than one tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
16. The detailed Tender Notice can be seen do~n loaded on our website"" and httpsj/ .

Asstt. Genl. Manager (CE)

Paire I 2
1) Tender documents may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal . Aspiring Bidders/ Suppliers who have not
enrolled/registered in e-procurement should enrol/register before participating through the
website . The portal enrolment is free of cost.
Bidders are advised to go through instructions' 'provided at Ann~xure-A regarding
'Instructions for online Bid Submission '.
2) Tenderers can a,ceess .tender documents on · the website, fill them with all relevant
information and s~b~it the ·completed tender document into electronic tender on the
website .
3) Tenders and supporting documents should be uploaded through e-procurement. Hard
copy of the tender documents will not be accepted.

Submission of Tender
The tender shall be submitted online part, viz., technical bid and price bid.
The following documents are to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid
submission furnished by the Con'i:ractor" along with Technical Bid as per the tender
i) Copies of original payment instrumer,t of~EFT /RJGS as specified in this tender
document towards the c,ost 9f,Earnest Money D~POliit,,,.
ii) Copy of valid registratio~·tertificate of appr6,priate ~alue issued by any Organization as
Specified in Tender Notice( ,, -~:'., ·
iii) Copies of Registration certificate under Indian Partnership Act in case of Partnership Firm •
/ Company Incorporation ce_rtificate in case of Ltd. Company/Affidavit in case of
proprietary firm along with · power of attorney and other documents as per the
conditions stipulated in para 2/pg.14 under the General Rules & directions for the
guidance of contractors in the tender document.

v) Copies ofexperience/work completion certificates of required amount as perthe

conditions of Tender Notice.
vi) Tender
Acceptance Letter (Annexure-B)

in the firm/Company letterhead duly filled &
I •

signed by the Authority with a seal of Firm/Company.

vii) Copy of PAN Card. '' . .
viii) Copy of Goods and Services Tax registration certificate.
. ,. ) ! . ,.
x) Copy of Financial turnover certificate for previous thre!=! _years issued by Chartered ·
• •l , • f '. ,
Accountant for Financial y'ear. 2018-19; 2019-20 &' 2020-21 is must bearing the unique
. !.Ji '• ; ,_ ' .~ -~ :·. \.,''

Document Identification ,, number . (UDIN) mimber of respective Auditor/Chartered

, ., , ·:~ --~ : : :' . . , i,., . d
Accountant in compliance to Gazette Notification, Part Ill, Section 4 dated 2° August 2019
failing which tender will be summa r,ily rejected.
a) Schedule of price bid in the form of BoQ_XXXXX.xls (Will be formulated according
to the type of work .) .,

• I
; ,, '

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