Introduction To: Database Programming

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Introduction to

Database Programming
What is Database?

A storage of organized collection of logically

related data.

What is File Processing?

Manual Based
What is File Processing?

Computer Based
Disadvantages of File Processing

Program-Data Dependence
All programs maintain metadata for each file they use.

Program-Data Dependence
Disadvantages of File Processing

Duplication of Data
Different programs have separate copies of the same
Duplicate Data
Disadvantages of File Processing

Limited Data Sharing

No centralized control of data
Disadvantages of File Processing

Lengthy Development Times

Programmers must design their own file formats
Disadvantages of File Processing

Excessive Program Maintenance

80% of information systems budget
Problems with Data Dependency

• Each application programmer must

maintain his/her own data
Problems with Data Dependency

• Each application program needs to

include code for the metadata of each
Problems with Data Dependency

• Each application program must have its

own processing routines for reading,
inserting, updating, and deleting data
Problems with Data Dependency
• Lack of coordination and central control
Problems with Data Dependency
• Non-standard file formats
Problems with Data Redundancy
• Waste of space to have duplicate data

Problems with Data Redundancy
• Causes more maintenance headaches
Problems with Data Redundancy
The biggest problem:
- Data changes in one file could cause


• Data Dependency and Redundancy

• Computerized Database Approach
The DATABASE Approach

• Central repository of shared data

• Data are managed by a controlling Agent

• Data are Standardized

Requires a Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System
 A software system that is used to create, maintain, and
provide controlled access to user databases

Order Filing

Invoicing Central database

Contains employee,
order, inventory,
pricing, and
customer data

DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages

hardware resources
Advantages of THE Database APPROACH

• Program-data independence

• Planned data redundancy

• Improved data consistency

Advantages of THE Database APPROACH

• Improved data sharing

• Increased application development productivity

• Enforcement of standards
Advantages of THE Database APPROACH

• Improved data quality

• Improved data accessibility and responsiveness

Advantages of THE Database APPROACH

• Reduced program maintenance

• Improved decision support

Costs and Risks of the Database Approach

• New, specialized personnel

• Installation and management cost and


Costs and Risks of the Database Approach

• Conversion Costs

• Need for explicit backup and recovery

• Organizational conflict
- on rights…
Components of the Database Environment

Components of the Database Environment

CASE Tools – computer-aided software engineering

Repository – centralized storehouse of metadata

Database Management System (DBMS)

– software for managing the database

Components of the Database Environment

Database – storehouse of the data

Application Programs – software using the data

User Interface – text and graphical displays to users

Components of the Database Environment

Data/Database Administrators – personnel responsible for

maintaining the database

System Developers – personnel responsible for creating a


End Users – people who use the applications and databases

Where are Databases used?
It use about boring stuff:

• Corporate Data
payrolls, inventory, sales, customers,
accounting, documents.

• Banking Systems
• Airline Systems

and many more…

• Boring indeed but it deals with “Big Money”
Where are Databases used?
Today, databases are used in all fields:

• Web Databases:
– Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, …)
– Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube ...)

• Scientific and Medical Databases

Why are Databases used?

• Easy to use

• Flexible searching

• Efficiency

• Centralized storage
Why are Databases used?

• Multi-user access

• Scalability (large amounts of data)

• Security and consistency

Why learn about Databases?

• Very widely used

• Part of most current software solutions

• DB expertise is a career asset

Why learn about Databases?

– Mix of different requirements
– Mix of different methodologies
– Integral part of data driven development
– Interesting real world applications
When to use a Database?
• Need for large storage of data

• Centralized control of data

• Control of redundancy
When to use a Database?
• Control of consistency and integrity

• Multiple user support

• Sharing of data
When to use a Database?

• Control of access and security

• Enforcing integrity constraints

When to use a Database?
• Backup and recovery is needed
When not to use a Database?

• Initial investment in hardware, software and

training is too high

• Overhead for security, concurrency control,

and recovery is too high
When not to use a Database?

• Data and applications are simple and stable

• Real time requirements cannot met by it

• Multiple user access is not needed

Why database design is important?
• Well designed database becomes valuable
information generator.

• Poorly designed database becomes a breeding

ground for redundant data resulting to
difficult to track information errors.
Database System
• Refers to an organization of components that
define and regulate the collection, storage,
management and use of data within a
database environment.
Major parts of Database System
• Hardware

• Software
– OS
– DBMS software such as MS Access, SQL, Oracle
– Application Programs
Major parts of database System
– System Administrator
• Oversee the database system general purpose

– Database Administrator
• Manage the DBMS use & ensure that the database is
functioning properly

– Database Designer
• Design the database structure(database architects)
Major parts of database System
– System Analyst and programmers
• Design and implement the application programs

– End Users
• People who use the application programs to run the
organization daily operation.
Major parts of Database System
• Procedures
• Instructions and rules that govern the design and use of
the database system

• Data
Types of Database System
• Classified according to the number of users:

– Single User

– Multi User
• Workgroup – fewer than 50 users
• Enterprise – 50 users and more
Types of Database System
• Classified according to the site locations

– Centralized – Located at single site

– Distributed – Locate across several different site

DBMS Functions
• Data management

• Data transformation and presentation

• Security management
DBMS Functions
• Multiuser access control

• Backup and recovery management

• Data Integrity management

DBMS - Database Management System

Many Vendors (Oracle, IBM DB2, MS

SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, . . . )

• All rather similar

• Very big systems, but easy to use

Common features:
• Relational model

• SQL as the query language

• Server-Client architecture
END of the SLIDE

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