Science L1

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Guided Questions:

1. Explain what the Goldilocks problem is.

The planets' early history and the evolution of their atmospheres. It tackles about the difference
in the atmosphere of different planets like mars, venus and earth.
2. Define the greenhouse effect and explain its impact on the Goldilocks problem.
The water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide are the different kind of green house gases that
can affect our atmosphere. However, carbon dioxide has the most severe impact in our
atmosphere as well as to the earth as it can cause global warming by raising the temperature
3. Describe the carbon cycle and explain its impact on the Goldilocks problem.
In the carbon cycle, rainwater removes CO2 from the atmosphere and puts it in the crust, and
volcanic action releases CO2 from the crust and puts it back in the atmosphere.
4. Explain why Venus is too hot, Mars too cold, and the Earth just right to support life.
The atmosphere of Venus contains far too much greenhouse gas, making it excessively hot
while, Mars’ atmosphere contains insufficient greenhouse gas, causing it to be too cold. On the
other hand, the amount of greenhouse gases that Earth has is just right to keep temperatures at a
moderate level.

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