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On February 2, 2022 our school Saint Ferdinand College, Cabagan

Campus conducted a Career Guidance Webinar with the theme “Career-

Mapping in College: Discerning your moves”.
On the webinar, the host shared her knowledge in choosing career and
deciding the right course that fits your personality and interest.
I remembered her telling us to choose our friends in college carefully
because it will help us to pass and she told us that teamwork,
communication skills and hard work are very important in succeeding.
I also remembered her mentioning natural gift which tell us to stick to
our natural gift and develop them in order to be of service to the world.
And have conviction in our choices and translate to a deep sense
ownership, commitment and purpose in the endeavor we are taking

On the last part of the webinar, I remembered it was about how to a write narrative report and we are told
to make narrative report about the webinar.

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