Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems: Reduction and Robust Control of Generalized

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Rule Reduction and Robust Contro1


Rule Reduction and Robust Control of Generalized

Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems

Tadanari TaniguchiS and Kazuo TanakaSS
'Department of Mechanical Engineering and lntelligent Systems Department of Etecnicat and Computer Engineering "Department of Mechanical Engineering and lntelligent Systems
The University of Electro-Oommunications

1-S1 Chofugaoka, Cbofu, Tokyo 182-8S85 Japan

Tel. & Fax. +81-424-43-54as

E-mail: ktanaka@ce.uec.ac.jp

[Reeeived: Junc 15, 2000; accepeted: August 31, 2000]

This paper presents model reduction and robust control

using a generalized form of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. We first define a generalized form of TakagiSugeno fuzzy systems. The generalized form has a
decomposed structure for each elernent ofAi and Bi matrices in consequent parts. The key feature of this structure is that it is suitable for reducing the number of rules

type ftzzy model construction udlizing the generalized form. Now the question to be addressed is "Is it possible to

Tlie answer is "Yes" ifwe take CO or Ci into account. It was

approximate any smcoth nonlinear systems with a TakagiSugeno fiizzy model having no consequent constant terms".

proven9'iO) that any smooth nonlinear systems plus their first

order derived can be approximated using the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model (having no consequent constant terms) with any
desired aocuracy.

Conditions to reduce the number of rules are represented in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMIs). The main
idea is to find a structure ofif-then ruIes of the reduced

model that agrees wenl with dynamics of the original

model. Furthermore, we estimate the lower bound of the

norm of model uncertainty of the Takagl-Sugeno fuzzy system that ean cover the reduction error. Finanly, we
present an example of model reduction and robust con.

The generalized form has a convenient structure of easily reducing the number of rules. Since the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model has 1inear state equations in the consequent
parts, the model reduction has two kinds of meaning: the order reduction of the consequent 1inear equations and re
duction of the number of rules. We envision that the latter

tro1 for a nonlinear system. In this example, we achieve a robust controtler design to compensate for the uneer. tainny of the Takagi-Sugeno ftizzy system.

Keywords: Generalized Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems,

Model reduction, Robust control

is a typical and interesting problem for fuzzy control. Because computational effort for convex optimization design based on LMI conditions is strongly related to the number of rules rather than the order of consequent Iinear states equations. A drastic reduction of the computational effort can be expected by reducing the number of rules as much
as possible. The only remaining concern is reduction error

caused by the model reduetion. We propose a systematic

way to transform the rnodel reduction error into modei un-

1. Introduction

eertainties. The fUzzy controller with maximum robustness

is desigried to compensate for model uncertainties. Finally,

we present a model reduction and desigri example.

Recently, control approaches based on the TakagiSugeno fUzzy model have been rapidly and suocessfu11y

we use the following notation: 2 2 whose

isl j-1

developing in nonlinear control frameworksi3). The approach mainly consists of two stages. The first stage is fuzzy model construction for nonlinear control objects. There are two ways of constructing fUzzy models. The second stage is fuzzy controller design from the fuzzy model. We proposed
a fuzzy controller desigri method that mirrors the rule structure of a fuzzy model. It is terrned "parallel distributed com-

(i, i) - (ib, jo)

meaning wil1 be given in Appendix A. We wM alse define

es anddi as shown in Appendix B.

2. A Generalized Fornn of Takagi-Sugeno
Fuzzy Systems

pensation (pDc),,S8).

As mentioned above, there are two ways to construct fuzzy models. One is fuzzy model identification using in-

put-output datai'4). The other is construction of if-then rules

using the idea of "sector nonlinearity". In the latter, a given nonlinear function is replaoed with an equivalent fUzzy

We consider a class of nonlinear systems represented as





)) (t



This paper employs a generalized form of the TakagiSugeno fuzzy model and presents the "sector-nonlinearity"
Vol.4 No.5, 2000

gth (z (t)) "k (t), i n 1, , n

---------------- (1)

Joumal of Advanoed ()omputational intelligence

Taniguchi, T., Tanaka, K. and Tanaka, K

where n and m denote the numbers of the states and inputs. xi (t) xn (t) are the states and ui (t) u. (t) are the inputs.

3. Model Reduction via LMIs

fi,(z(t)) and gth(z(t)) are functions of z(t), where

z (t) s [zi (t) " z. (t)] are known variables may be fUnctions
of the states, external variables, and/or time.

This section presents model reduction utilizing LMI conditions. The purpose of the model reduction is to decrease
the number of if-then rules.



The basic idea for reducing if-then rules is to minimize the reduction error between outputs of the reduoed model and those of original model. We randomly generate the data set of (X(t), u(t), z(t)), where the number of data is T. In this

i(t) - 2 2 2 hijan (z (t))Aija,x(t)


model reduction, we use the notation (x[6], u[6], z[6]) for

6.-1, 2, , T. To calculate the reduction error

j'1 (L h} e 1

" 2 2 2 "th (,e (z t)) th an u(t) . . (2)

bl hpl(kbel

e [6] -yd [6] -ya [6], we substitute the data set into the reduced model and the original model, where yd [6] is the output of the original model and ya [6] is the output of the reduced model that eliminates the (ior jo) or (io, ko) element

in Atij 4i.,) and Bth Ba k) That is,


. :

Yd[6]"2 2 2 hij4n(z[bl)Aijanx[61
-1 j'1 (`n.1


aij an

- aija, Iag ,


. .

'2 2 2 vth 4,. (z [6]) Bth 4,, u [6] . 6s 1, , T

-1 bl t"t).1 .......................... (3)

For the re(hiction with respect to fiJ-,

y. [6] s El` [6] + afoj, ets j, x[6], 6- 1, ", T . . . (4)



for the reduction with respect to gth

r. [6]-igB [6]+bfokifts4x[6], 6s1, "',T . . (5)



. bth a,, rk ,



ai" - max (ii (z (t))l ,


bthi - max I gth (z (t))l ,


ln (2), the membership functions are assigned as follows:

(z (t -ai






if [a] - 2 2 2 hij a, (z {6]) aij a, ptv x [6]

th1 j'1 4,nel

" 2 2 2 V" 4e (z [6]) bth (ce ifth " [6] ,

am - max Ifij (z (t))l ,

"1 bl 4").1

bua n max I gth (z (t))l


gB[6]-2 2 2 hija,(z[6])aije,eijx[ti]
bl -1 (,"el

+ 2 2 2 vth 4. (z [6]) bth a,, Vrk u [6] ,

hpt (z (t)) Vth1 (Z (t)) s

aiJ1 - aiJ2

hm (z (t)). a ' i (z (t , aiJ1 -- ai2

th1 bl 4n-1

.(z(t -b,,,
bth1 - bua

, vik2(z(t))s 2b!x i61fll il!!Lthi..iZua(t)),


Equations (4) and (5) show the reduoed model that elimi-

nates the (ib,jo) and (io, ko) element in AiJ t." and Brk R.,)
Either aly, or bi,kb bexomes an LMI variable in the model


Either the elements aiid(i,J) or bthRak) becomes an LMI

variable in the model reduction. It will be seen in the next

section that the generalized form (2) is a convenient structue of reducing the number of rules.

hij a, (z (t)) e 1,

2 vtht`,}{z(t))si.

The reduction with respect to fiJ' means that lt (z (t)) is replaced with a certain value aig'o.It means that the nonlinear term is replaced with a 1inear term. The value aly'o
beoomes an LMI variable in this case.

We consider 11 e [6] l12 6 as a condition to minimize the

reduction error. The condition is equivalent to
Vol.4 No.5, 2000

Journal of Advanced Computational lntelligence

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