Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Date: ________Score: _______

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.

1. Position paper is sometimes called a point of review paper.

2. Unlike a debate, a position paper presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.
3. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is invalid and
4. Your job is to take two side of the argument and persuade your audience that you have
well-founded knowledge of the topic being presented.
5. It is important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your
claims, as well as to refute the claims to show that you are well informed about both
6. In the conclusion, the issue should be identified and the writer’s position should be properly
7. In the introduction, the argument should be restated.
8. A plan of action or possible solution is presented in the body.
9. There is a need to prove the counterclaims to the given argument.
10. Supporting information (facts/evidences) for the argument or counterclaims is necessary.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space

11. Concept essays provide a chance to (a. manage b. explore c. defend d. validate) ideas
you might previously have taken for granted.
12. Writing a concept essay requires careful exploration of (a. a concept, b. a concise
c. an interesting thesis d. all of the above) and a strong overall structure.
13. Before you begin to write, it may be helpful to engage in some (a. prewriting b. post-writing
c. pre-reading d. both a and b)
14. (a. Word webs b. outlines c. free writing d. all of the above) can help you uncover insights
about a topic you might not realize at first.
15. After prewriting, develop a working (a. counterclaim b. argument c. thesis
d. concept), an interesting introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.
16. Though a bit persuasive by nature, a concept essay thesis should not be a/an (a. review
b. argument c. position d. concept).
17. (a. Narrative b. Objective c. Persuasive d. Conclusive) introductions often work for positive
concepts such as “happiness.”
18. (a. Introduction b. Conclusions c. Body d. Thesis) in a concept essay typically re-establish
a definition of the concept based on the aspects that you presented.
19. It also can be helpful to conclude by showing how your definition of the concept
can help readers (a. view b. imagine c. understand d. all of the above) the
concept in their lives.
20. Strong (a. introductions b. thesis c. conclusion d. body) should show why a concept
matters in real life and how your essay will explore the connection between the concept
and human experiences.

III. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided.

A. Transitions
21. It is the formal statement of the findings of an investigation. B. Progress Report
22. This format is the conventional “full dress” report which contains all or nearly all C. Informal Report
the parts. D. Oral Reports
23. It gives the reader enough information for him/her to decide whether or not to E. Abstract
read the whole report. F. Complex
G. Precise
24. Most of its parts will be concerned with talking formally to an audience and some H. Recommendation
attention also gives to conferences. Report
25. Its main objective is to present information about a work done on a particular I. Objective
project during a particular period of time. J. Report
26. The primary function of this type of report is to persuade the reader to take a K. The Research Report
certain course of action. L. Formal Report
27. It presents the findings of an investigation of a problem which developed
from an unresolved conflict or situation.
28. It is lexically denser and it has a more varied vocabulary.
29. Facts are given accurately and precisely
30. It has fewer words that refer to the writer or the reader
31. The format of report denotes short reports.
32. These help you establish logical connections between sentences, paragraphs,
and sections of your papers.

IV. FILL IN THE BLANK: Fill in the blank with the correct word from the word bank. Use the
context of the sentence to determine which word should be used.
Word bank :
arctic government awful pamphlet corner
quantity doctor surprise further which

33. As he came around the , Josh saw

the bank robbers leave the scene of the crime.
34. The student council gave a on
school traditions to every new student.
35. My car, was given to me by my grandfather, is very
36. Democracy is one form of .
37. The scientists wanted to the
knowledge on the causes of the illness.
38. The student council gave a on
school traditions to every new student.
39. Sylvia studied for
years to become a medical .
40. The weather changed, and an
cold front arrived bringing large amounts of snow.
41. It was an day for him; he had received a news that made her angry.
42.It was Elaine’s birthday, and her friends had planned a party.

Word bank :
in contrast yet thus similarly
however likewise finally therefore
also Instead in in fact
actually either … For and
or instance
neither… In particular

43. My friend speaks Korean and English.

She speaks Chinese. (Adding Information)
44. He often eats strange foods. , he once ate cow
brains. (Giving Examples)
45.I am not going out tonight. , I will stay home and watch a video. (Showing a
46. There are many benefits to exercising. ,
you must take some precautions to avoid injury. (Showing a Concession)
47. Math was hard for me in high school. , it
is hard in college. (Showing Similarity)
48. James is not feeling well. , he will not be here today.
(Showing a Result)
49. , I know that she has great potential. (Establishing Sequence)
50. The bookstore sells cards. , they have the best cards
around. (Emphasizing)
‘’Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.”

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