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Search Engine
Through this Module You will learn how we can
improve your website rank in SERP
Introduction of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization term also

known as SEO is simply the process of
obtaining website visitors (or traffic) from
“free” or “organic” search results in search
engines like Google or Bing.
Business impact of SEO
SEO is absolutely vital for getting your organization
found on the internet. Unless your business has a world
class word-of-mouth reputation, it won’t survive unless
it’s easily found through search engines.
• Even if your business doesn’t necessarily operate online,
local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visit stores and
18% of local searches lead to a sale within one day.

• If you aren’t investing in SEO, you’re leaving your largest

opportunity for driving website traffic untapped. This means
you’re letting traffic, leads, and sales slip through your fingers.
SEO Terms & Definitions
Google Algorithm, Click-Through Rate (CTR),
Conversion Rate, Conversion Rate Optimization
(CRO), Crawler, Directory, Do-follow, Domain,
Domain Authority, Title Tag, Search Engine
Results Page (SERP), Meta Tags, Meta Keywords,
Meta Description, Long-Tail Keyword, Link
Profile, Link Building, Latent Semantic Indexing
(LSI), Landing Page, Keyword Stuffing, Keyword
Research, Keyword Density, Indexed Page,
Heading, Headline, Hidden Text, Inbound Link.
1. Spiders and Bots Comes on our
2. Reads all the content presented on
the website
3. Copies all the content and takes it to
their search database.
4. The engine runs the searches and
gives back results

Each one of these systems is dependent on the previous system in order to function. A search
engine can't run searches if there is no fulltext index. And there won't be any fulltext index if
the documents were never fetched and indexed.
Analyzing Search Results

• Domain & Page Strength

• Keyword Usage/Relevancy
• Domain name & URL
• Social Media Reputation
• SERP Context data
• Link Data
The search Engine Index
Crawling   |   Indexing   |   Ranking
Keyword Research
Organic Keyword List building
• Think Like a Customer
• Go Generic To Target More People
• Group Similar Words Into Themes
• Picking Your Keyword Quantity
• Use Google’s Keyword Planner to Get

Summary of Steps
• Target keywords you know your customers use to describe your goods and services.
• Add broader search terms to your keyword list to target more people and spread your reach.
• Choose between 5 to 20 keywords for each keyword category or ad group.
• Discover more potential keywords to target through Google’s Keyword Planner.
Analyzing Short Tail vs. Long Tail
Short Tail Keywords

.Do you want to drive a lot of visitors to your website?

Using short tail keywords will often be the most
effective way to do this.
. Short tail keywords are generally more competitive
and harder to rank.

Long Tail Keywords

. More than 70% of internet searches are made up of long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are
more descriptive and allow you to target specific demographics.
. The challenge with long tail keywords is that they are more specific. You’ll receive less visitors to
your website, but the visitors you do acquire are searching with a higher intent to purchase. 
Keyword Planner Tool Overview

Google Keyword Planner is the

best place to begin keyword
research. The other tools that you
can use is

• KWFinder
• Moz's Keyword
• Keyword Tool
• SEMrush.
Understanding LSI Keywords Concepts
Responsive web design is an approach taken to create websites that are more
device friendly and provide optimum viewing experience in any device.

• Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a mathematical

method used to determine the relationship between
terms and concepts in content.

• The contents of a webpage are crawled by a

search engine and the most common words and
phrases are collated and identified as the keywords
for the page.
Keyword Portfolio Management
(Sorting & Grouping)
On-Page Optimization
a) Content Optimization
Keyword Density
Keyword density tells you how often a search term
appears in a text in relation to the total number of words it
contains. For example: If a keyword appears three times
in a 100 word text the keyword density would be 3%. 

Keyword Prominence Keyword Proximity

In SEO, this refers to the prominent placement of A search term can be made up of a
keywords or phrases within a Web page. Prominent combination of keywords. The keyword
placement may be in the page header, meta tags, proximity refers to the distance between
opening paragraph, or start of a sentence. the search term’s individual keywords.
b) HTML Optimization
Title Tag
A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the
title of a web page. Title tags are displayed on
search engine results pages (SERPs) as the
clickable headline for a given result, and are
important for usability, SEO, and social sharing. 

Meta Description
Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that
provide concise summaries of webpages. They
are between one sentences to a short paragraph
and appear underneath the blue clickable links
in a search engine results page (SERP). 
Heading Tags

Headings. HTML defines six levels of

headings.The heading elements are H1, H2,
H3, H4, H5, and H6 with H1 being the highest
(or most important) level and H6 the least.

Image Optimization

Optimizing web images is a process of

delivering the high-quality images in
the right format, dimension, size, and
resolution while keeping the smallest
possible size. 
 Architecture Optimization
SEO friendly URL Suggestion

SEO friendly URL structure plays a very vital role. A

good url structure helps in indexation process of
your website. The domain name is your address on
the world wide web.

Sitemap Creation
A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages
of your site to tell Google and other search engines
about the organization of your site content. Search
engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to
more intelligently crawl your site.
Robots.txt Creation
Robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to
instruct web robots (typically search engine
robots) how to crawl pages on their website.
(such as “follow” or “nofollow”).

Google Search Console

It is a free service that helps you monitor and
maintain your site's presence in Google Search
results. You don't have to sign up for Search
Console for your site to be included in search
results, but doing so can help you understand
how Google views your site and optimize its
performance in search results.

Off-Page SEO
Importance of Backlinks
• Backlinks or Inbound Links (IBL's) are links that are directed
towards your website and are the building blocks to good
Search Engine Optimization.
• The number of backlinks a website has is in a good
indicator of its popularity or importance with search engines.

Anchor Text Formation

• It is a clickable phrase which consists of keywords or       
sentence which dwell directly on the subject matter of the
• Anchor links are the keywords which lead to the content of the
determined site. 
Inbound vs. Outbound vs. Internal Links
Inbound links are links pointing to your website from other
places on the internet. Inbound links send people to your
website from other.

Outbound links are links on your website that point to another

destination on the internet. Outbound links send your website
visitors away from your website to another website

Internal links are links from one page/post on your website to

another page/post on your website. Internal links direct users
from Blog posts to website pages, pages to posts, new posts to
old posts, etc. on the same website URL.
Types of Backlinks: Do-follow vs. No-follow

Do-follow links allow google (all search

engines) to follow them and reach our
website. Giving us link juice and a backlink.
The best way to give someone dofollow
link is allowing keyword in the anchor text. 

No-follow links attributes do not allow search engine bots to follow link.That means if the
website owner is linking back to you with nofollow attributes, it does not pass on link juice.
Only Humans will be able to follow the links. 
Link Building Techniques
1. Creating Cornerstone Assets Such as Data & Research
2. Paying for (relatively) Legitimate Links
3. Sharing Content on Social Media
4. Link Building with Videos
5. Publishing Industry-Specific Interviews

Evaluating Backlinks
Analyzing backlinks is a messy and time-consuming
business. When we perform SEO penalty assessments &
link pruning services for our clients, the most tedious part
is manually evaluating the individual backlinks. It's like
sorting laundry, or weeding a lawn, or separating trash into
recyclables and, well, garbage.Aug 27, 2015
Link Popularity & Social Media Influence

• Social media influence is a marketing term that

describes an individual's ability to affect other people's
thinking in a social online community.

• The more influence a person has, the more appeal

that individual has to companies or other individuals
who want to promote an idea or sell a product.
Local SEO
GMB Listing
Local SEO focuses on getting your GMB listing ranking as
high as possible, and that is not free. Also, a Google listing
is not a website; it is a listing on Google that appears when
potential customers are searching for your business name
or service.

User Reviews Importance

• 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a
• 88% of consumers trust online Reviews as much as
personal Recommendations
• Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a Business
with excellent Reviews 
Local Citations
In simple SEO terms a Local Citation is simply where
your company is mentioned on other websites and
places found on the Internet.  Local citations are used
heavily in helping you to rank in local search results.

Local Classifieds
Classifieds websites are those websites where you
can post information and ads. The best examples
for classified portals are OLX and Quicker
Analytics & Measurement
Google Analytics Setup
Google Analytics is a free, powerful website
analytics tool that I highly recommend you to
install on your website. Setting up an account
is free & easy, and you gain valuable
information about your website visitors.

Goals Setup
Goal setting is an important method for:
Deciding what you want to achieve in your life.
Separating what's important from what's
irrelevant, or a distraction. Motivating yourself.
Building your self-confidence, based on
successful achievement of goals.
Traffic Analysis

Web Analytics is a part of Search Engine

Marketing strategy and it is used to track key
performance indicators of any marketing
campaign that you develop. It's vital that you
analyze your data so to optimize your
marketing efforts according to user behavior
on your website.

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