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Jonathan Gullis MP Member of Parliament for Stoke-on-Trent North, Kidsgrove and Talke Mayor Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester Combined Authority Tootal Buildings 56 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6EU 30” August 2022 Dear Mr Burnham, ‘This morning you referred to me in interviews on Sky News with Kay Burley and Good Morning Britain, claiming | had been on the media this weekend just gone and that I had said railway workers were being "greedy". This is completely untrue, Firstly, | did not do any media at the weekend. In fact, | attended the wedding of one of my best friends and then enjoyed the rest of the bank holiday weekend spending quality time with my family. Secondly, | have never used the word “greedy” in any interview regarding strikes on the railways. Had you said | have been very vocally critical of the militant Union barons of the RMT, such as RMT President Alex Gordon, who has pushed Putin's lies about Ukraine, claiming it is'a failed state held to ransom by neo-Nazis, | ‘would have accepted that. am therefore asking you to correct the public record immediately and apologise for the entirely false comments you have made about me. Rather than making inaccurate cheap digs at me, | suggest you spend time focusing on your day job, like fixing Great Manchester Police which has shockingly been put into special measures under your leadership as the Police & Crime Commissioner. You might also want to listen to the people of Greater Manchester who do not want to have their lives and livelihoods destroyed by your disastrous Clean Air Zone proposal. Locally in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire we are still healing from the scars of yours and the last Labour government's disastrous legacy. From the appalling handling of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Hospital Trust scandal, and decision to build the Royal Stoke University Hospital with a PFI deal which steals around £20 million a year from our local hardworking doctors and nurses on the front line. As well as having built the Royal Stoke with 200 fewer beds than the one it replaced, placing even more pressure on health and social care staff in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. Your comments regarding me are completely and utterly untrue and as far as | am concerned were nothing more than a cheap attempt to smear me. | expect you to issue a correction of the public record and a formal apology immediately |lam sending copies of this letter to the Heads of Politics at Sky and Good Morning Brit Regards, House of Commons, London SW1A OAA Telephone 020 7219 4418

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