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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Education-Laboratory School

Tarlac Agricultural University

Malacampa, Camiling, Tarlac

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in the subject

In Research 1-Science and Technology Research



March 2022
Chapter I



Nowadays, everyone uses social media for work, recreation, business, and other

purposes. The majority of these users are students, who use social media to relieve stress from

school or other problems. The researchers purpose in conducting this study is to know how social

media’s positive and negative impact affects their academic life as a student. The researchers

also wanted to know how the students can help them in their way of studying

The research is being carried out in order for students to understand the benefits and

drawbacks of social networking sites, as well as how to enhance and avoid them. Technology is

already sweeping the globe. They each use technology in their own unique manner. It is quite

beneficial, particularly in terms of communication.

Anyone adores and is addicted to social networking sites. They utilize social media as if

it were a natural part of their everyday existence. They enjoy sharing images, expressing our

feelings and opinions, and blogging about new topics. Almost everyone utilizes social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Everyone enjoys using them, especially

students. They share practically everything they do and communicate their unspoken thoughts,

ideas, and feelings.

However, every student's attachment to social media sites has a negative side effect, since

while social media may provide entertainment and certain benefits, it also has a significant

drawback. Because of online classrooms, it is extremely difficult to avoid social media; instead

of performing homework and quizzes, students spend their time scrolling up and down on social

networking sites.

Our grade 12 colleagues are in the same circumstances because they are struggling with

time management, but they must overcome their difficulties and devote themselves in order to

graduate from Senior High School. To be successful, they must be responsible in allocating their

time among numerous duties.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to sought answers for the following:

1. In terms of demographics, what is the demographic profile of respondents?

1.1 Gender;

1.2 Age;

2. How do the students manage their time in using social media and studying?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing social media?

4. What benefits do they gain from using social media?

Objectives of the study

This study was conducted to:

1. To know the demographic profile of respondents?

2. To know how the students manage their time in using social media and studying.

3. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing social media?

4. To know the benefits they gain from using social media.

Importance of the Study

The results that are at the end of this study are beneficial for the people who wish to

understand the students' behavior when it comes to cheating academically. And this study will

also provide awareness not only to those students but also to the Teachers and Parents.

This study will spread awareness to the students whether they may be cheating or not.

This study will also provide information about the Students' perspective on cheating

academically and information about what they think about cheating academically.

To the Teachers, the results of this study will provide the teachers information on how to

cope up with students who are cheating academically.

To the Parents, this study will help understand parents on the Students' or even their

kid's behavior when cheating academically. This can also guide parents on how to console their

kids if ever they cheat in school.

Limitations of the Study

This study was limited to 20 students in Grade 12 at Tarlac Agricultural University-

Laboratory School. This study limited only to the respondents experience in using social media

and the positive and negative effect in their life. This study was delimited to the respondents' past

experiences as well.

Definition of Terms

Social media. It relates to interaction technologies and online platforms that enable the

creation and distribution of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through

virtual spaces.

Recreation. It refers to a leisure activity, with leisure meaning unstructured time. Act of

producing anything for the second time, or the process of refreshing the mind, body, or soul via

play and leisure.

Academic. It refers in relating to education and scholarship.

Drawbacks. It refers to a characteristic of something or someone that makes them less

acceptable than they otherwise would be.

Technology. It refers to the sum of all methods, capabilities, procedures, and processes

used in the creation of goods or services or the attainment of goals such as science investigation.

Time management. It is the practice of planning and exerting deliberate control of time

spent on certain tasks, with the goal of increasing efficacy, efficiency, and production.

Entertainment. It refers to the type of action that retains an audience's interest and

attention and overjoyed and satisfaction.

Circumstances. It refers to a condition, fact, or occurrence that is associated with,

conditions, or determines another, as a necessary or unavoidable corollary.

Benefits. It relates to a beneficial or beneficial consequence, or something that is meant

to be beneficial. a benefit or profit derived from anything

Chapter II


This chapter will discuss the role of the school climate in academic dishonesty and why

teenagers prefer academic dishonesty to academic integrity. It will also look at some of the

methods that students use to cheat in school.

It will also briefly examine what school counselors, teachers, and other officials should

do to avoid academic dishonesty.

Related Literature

Addiction is the most serious negative consequence of social media... Constantly

checking Facebook, Instagram, VK, Tumblr, Flikr, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vine, or other social

media updates. This addiction may have a detrimental impact on other valued activities such as

studying, participating in sports, communicating in real life, and neglecting ground realities.

There are more serious cases, such as Danny Bowman, a 19-year-old selfie addict from the

United Kingdom, who spent 10 hours a day snapping over 200 selfies of himself. He spent six

months constantly attempting to capture the ideal shot. But when he couldn't, Danny attempted

suicide (Press,2014).

Social media helps pupils develop their creative talents by allowing them to study and

then implement the same by doing it themselves. A student's latent potential is typically exposed

when he or she begins to snap images and utilize internet editing abilities to make them

aesthetically appealing. Many kids have intriguing interests that they share online through films

and photography, which helps them discover their potential for a job (Singh,2021).

Society's polarization is not a new occurrence. What social media is doing now was done

by dividing factors such as racism, colonialism, religion, and political ideologies in prior eras

and centuries. The main difference is that social media has a far wider reach, and its real-time

information transmission produces immediate feedback loops. The Internet's strength is its

openness and democratic architecture, in which a prince and a beggar have equal rights to

generate material but no duty to practice self-control.(The Hindu, 2018) 

In today's world, social media is increasingly being utilized as an interactive

communication tool. It has changed the way corporations communicate with their stakeholders,

moving away from the traditional practice of simply crafting messages and delivering them

through a particular media, known as a static, one-way communication channel. Organizations

use communications to influence their stakeholders in order to accomplish their strategic goals.

Social media allows stakeholders to connect with one another in relational, interactional

networks. (Raman, 2015).

The prevalence of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) is nowhere more visible than at

the university. Social media are becoming more apparent in higher education settings as

instructors seek to technology to mediate and enrich their lectures while also encouraging

students to participate in active learning. Many academics advocate for the intentional use of

social media as a teaching tool (Tess, 2013).

Related Studies

Pinili and Larena (2018) found that social networking sites are good channels for students'

critical thinking and creative skills development, as well as the promotion of important values.

with a focus on cyber ethics. Unpleasant interactions in social networking can therefore be

reduced, if not altogether. Given the respondents' financial situation, the university may

investigate the prospect of increasing the Internet Research Station's service delivery. Moreover,

faculty members will be required to instruct students on how to fully utilize social media


Year after year, technology advances at a breakneck pace, and the younger generations are the

ones caught in the crossfire. Questionnaires were circulated via Facebook and e-mail to see

whether students' academic achievement was satisfactory. Whether or whether it is influenced by

social media is unaffected by social media. The data show that there is no link between social

media and academic performance, as seen by their total grade average (Yashem, 2015).

According to Mali and Hassan (2013) facebook may be a useful tool for improve communication

both within and outside of the classroom The consequences of The findings give information

about students' perceptions of the value of using social networks. locations for future education

As a result, they are able to benefit from new pedagogical potentials in learning. If they are given

the chance to combine English with assignments, they will receive feedback in two ways.

collaboration and communication

Kommers (2018) stated that the extent to which Sudan, as a developing country, It is possible for

educators to include social media into the curriculum. limited. There is no practical ICT practice

in the learning process. However, it may be used as an extra tool in the educational process.

Methods that are novel must be upgraded in order to include that into the curriculum In this case,

Some survey papers, previous and contemporary relevant efforts are evaluated. Teachers were

scrutinized for their usage of social media in promoting the the educational procedure

Nowadays, people have demonstrated the same amount of internet usage, and

surprisingly,students have demonstrated more and have consumed a lot of time of using social

media site.Not only the college students but also the educators, and they belief about social

media sites because in general social media and internet were very helpful; they have found what

they needed in education. Facebook for example, it is the resources for education, which are

linked to other sources. We observed the implication of social media to the education process

and found out about the numerous ways, positive and negative (Mardiana, 2016).

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

To have a guide towards explaining the positive and negative effect of social media on

education of students the researchers used critical theories, which will also introduce the

variables of the study.

The theory that the researchers used is the social cognitive theory. The social cognitive

theory provides a system for analyzing and determining the psycho-social components by which

iconic communication impacts the idea, the effect, and human behavior. Communication

frameworks function in two ways: instantaneously and socially. They promote instant change by

teaching, enabling, persuading, and controlling people (Bandura) (2006). The media has an

influence on connecting employees with social systems and network settings that supply

different driving factors and continue the needed transformation in a person in the socially

affected path. Because broad communications have a compelling position in the public interest, it

is critical to comprehend the psychosocial factors through which representative communication

impacts concept, effect, and human behavior.

The social cognitive theory is a theoretical structural agent for analyzing determinants

and structures of such effects. Human behavior, in which action is formed and governed by

external causes or interior inclinations, was usually classified according to unidirectional

causality. Social cognitive theory clarifies psychosocial action in terms of additional triadic

causation (Bandura 1986). According to Fonagy (2018), individual variables such as mental,

social, and natural events, norms of private conduct, and environmental events are deciding

variables that mutually influence one another depending on the worth of oneself and society.


●Ask the respondents ●Gather the data ●Spread awareness
about our study’s to students
●Analyze the data

Chapter III


In this chapter, the procedures that will be used to perform this study will be presented by

the researchers. This chapter discusses the research design, study location, unit of analysis,

respondents and sampling techniques, data collection instrument, data collection procedures, and

data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers employed phenomenology-based quantitative research to learn about the

good and negative effects of social media, with a focus on Tarlac Agricultural University-

Laboratory School students. Open-ended interview questions will be used specifically so that

the researchers may pose questions to the participants, who will then respond to those questions.

Even though the questions can be prepared, the researchers have no idea what the participants

would say. The concept focuses on exploring an undefined problem rather than the method of

the investigation.

Locale of the Study

This research was carried out at Tarlac Agricultural University using online platforms.

This university was chosen by the researcher to accomplish their task for Tarlac Agricultural

University-Laboratory School students. This study is being conducted on five grade 12 students

from Tarlac Agricultural University's Laboratory School, who are constantly utilizing social

media in their everyday lives. Due to the coronavirus, the research study was conducted online

utilizing Google Meet or Zoom. The conference was personal and private only between the

interviewee and the researchers for the respondents' safety and privacy.

Unit of Analysis

The research was carried out in the Philippines, at one of the institutions in Tarlac City,

Tarlac Province, the Tarlac Agricultural University, a public school accredited by the

Commission on Higher Education. The responders are five grade 12 students, all of them are

either ladies or males of a certain age. The responses are also from Tarlac Province.

Sampling Design

The primary goal of this study was to investigate the Positive and Negative Effects of

Social Media on Student Education by utilizing a Quantitative Research Design. The researcher

will collect information using online surveys (Google Forms). This study will employ Frequency

inquiries on how frequently they encounter Homosexual-Related Positivist Related Post.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers are committed to collect more information and comprehend the

respondents' opinions on social media, as well as collaborate to create a meaningful account

relevant to the study. In this study, a group interview was employed to gain further insight and

information regarding the respondents' impressions of social media. Following that, a semi-

structured interview is done using a reference question of prepared open-ended questions. It's a

useful way for academics to figure out what constructions people use to convey their sentiments

about a certain issue.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with five grade 12 students of different

sections of Tarlac Agricultural University-Laboratory School students regarding their

perceptions of the good and negative effects of social media. The researchers ensured that the

students agreed to a one-on-one interview by first obtaining their agreement. The consent form,

which included the researcher's contact information, was discussed with the participant and then

delivered over email to obtain signatures. It is advised that all participants preserve a copy of

their permission form for their records. The open-ended interview with the students was

conducted through Google Meet or Zoom to safeguard the safety of the students and researchers

owing to Covid-19. The researchers answered questions on the positive and negative effects of

social media, and all interviews were digitally recorded and lasted no more than 10 minutes.

Respondents may choose any language they wanted to answer the questions in as long as the

researchers understood it.

Analysis of Data

The researcher outlines how the variables in each study aim will be assessed in terms of

the proper statistics to be used in this section. If a researcher is unsure about the statistics to use,

he or she should consult a statistician. However, the researcher must brief him so that the

statistician can provide the appropriate technical guidance.


This part establishes a set of dates for completing each of the primary actions in the

research process. As an example, consider the following:


I Preparation of Research Proposal 20/02/2022

Revision and Approval 21/02/2022

II Validation, pretesting, revisions and final reproduction of instrument 22/02/2022

III Gathering of Data 23/02/2022

IV Tabulating and classifying data 25/02/2022

V Analysis and interpretation of data 28/02/2022

VI Writing and submission of report 30/02/2022


Hindu, T. (2018, December 7). Impact of social media. The Hindu.

Hashem, Y. (2015, January). The Impact of Social Media on the Academic Development of
School Students. Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/.
Kommers, P. (2018, January). A Review on Effect of Social Media on Education in Sudan.
Mohammed, M. ., Ibrahim, F., & Yunus, N. (2021, July). CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK


Pinili, R. M., & Larena, C. (2018, December). Social Networking and Academic Performance
among Filipino Students. Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/.

Press, K. (2014, November 19). The Positive & Negative Impacts Of Social Media On Our New
Generation - The Khaama Press News Agency. The Khaama Press News Agency.

Singh, A. (2021, February 16). Positive & Negative Effect Of Social Media On Education. |.

Raman, A. (2015). The Role Of Social Media In Creating And Maintaining Social Networks
Including Its Impact On Enhancing Competitive Positioning Within the Education Sector. IGI
S.M., M. A., Sariah, S., & Hassan, S. (2013). Students' Acceptance Using Facebook As A
Learning Tool: A Case Study. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2024.
Tess, P. (2013, September 1). The role of social media in higher education classes (real and
virtual) A literature review. ScienceDirect.


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