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Student ID : bc220206030

Student Name : Umair Javed

_____________________ PAKISTAN STUDIES ASSIGNMENT ________________________


 Why did British government revert back to the decision of the partition of Bengal and
how this decision helped All India Muslim League to change its goals? Justify your
answer with five valid points. (10 Marks)
 Describe the role of M.K. Gandhi in the Khilafat Movement. Justify your answer with
five valid points. (05 Marks)


The first partition of Bengal was announced in 1905 by Lord Curzon (later to be Vice Roy of British India).
The motive for this division was solely on religious basis , as British Government thought it would bring
stability to the province’s riot ridden population as it was too big for them to deal with anymore.

These are some reasons for reverting back the first partition of Bengal by British government.

1). The first partition of Bengal created an East West schism for populous of Bengal , Most Muslims at
that time were living in East Bengal while Hindus were living in western counterpart. This partition made
Hindus a minority in the region , Thus endangering them.

2). The partition was faced with stiff resistance of Hindus all over British India. The Swadeshi movement
was made by Hindus at this point which boycotted the British products and ultimately became a
Terrorist Group later.

3). The Muslim never had a capital in Bengal and was less educated and had no secure businesses so
they saw an opportunity in partition for themselves. This made many prominent Hindus and british

4). The reversion of Bengal partition was a big blow to Muslim morale. Combined with the wars between
Muslims and Western nations made Muslim league less and less comfortable with British government.

5). Aftermath of the First Partition of Bengal was that Muslim league changed their views towards the
Hindus and British. They changed their future plans.

i). To keep good relations with other nations in the British ruled India.
ii). To persuade British government for the partition of Muslim Majority area for Muslim rule under
British crown.

Answer 02:

1) M.K Gandhi was a congress leader who provoked Muslims to react on Khilafat Moment .

Gandhi gave Muslims advices that led them to catastrophic disasters.

2) He advised Muslims to Left schools and gather for processions.

3) He advised prominent Muslims in government to resign and give back the Titles to British

4) He advised Muslims to resign from Military and Police.

5) He advised Muslims to refuse to pay taxes.

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