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3 Pines City Colleges commits to provide holistic quality education,
4 transformative interprofessional community engagement,
5 and evidence-based clinical practice to compassionate
6 lifelong learners who are responsive to current
7 and emerging local and global health needs.
14 Perceptions regarding Study Life Balance (SLB) among Part-time
15 Working Senior High School Students: A Case Study to Explore the
16 Multidimensionality of SLB
21 In partial fulfillment for the course
22 Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research
28 Submitted to Mr. Allan B. Castro
29 Senior High School Department
30 Pines City Colleges, Magsaysay Rd.,
31 Baguio City, 2600
38 Submitted by:
39 Fanged, Sharmaine P.
40 Pusi, Lhian Claire D.
41 Garcia, James Venz A.
44 December 20, 2018

46 December 20, 2018


48 This is to certify that the study entitled:

49 Perceptions regarding Study Life Balance (SLB) among Part-time Working Senior

50 High School Students: A Case Study to Explore the Multidimensionality of SLB

51 have satisfactorily met the required standards as partial fulfillment of the Senior High School

52 Program Study of Pines City Colleges as approved by the Department of Education.


54 This study is submitted and prepared by Fanged, Sharmaine P.; Pusi, Lhian Claire D.; and

55 Garcia, James Venz A.


57 Certified by:


60 Adviser


63 Approved by:



66 Senior High School Coordinator




71 The researchers are grateful to the almighty God for the good health and well-being that

72 are necessary for completing this study.

73 The researchers are extremely thankful and indebted to the research advisers, Mr. Allan

74 B. Castro and Mr. Joel P. Soriano for sharing their expertise and sincere and valuable guidance

75 extended to the researchers.

76 The researchers wish to express their sincere gratitude to the Senior High School

77 Coordinator, Prof. Ma. Jenny F. Oppod for the continuous encouragement.

78 The researchers also want to express gratitude to their parents and colleagues for their

79 support and attention.

80 The researchers also take this opportunity to give thanks to all who directly or indirectly

81 lent their hands in this study.

82 The Researchers











93 Title page ………………………………………………………………… i

94 Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………. ii

95 Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………. iii

96 Table of contents ………………………………………………………… iv

97 Abstract …………………………………………………………………… vi

98 Introduction .......................................................................................... 1

99 Reflexivity .......................................................................................... 2

100 Methods .......................................................................................... 3

101 Findings and Discussion .............................................................................. 4

102 Study Cases .............................................................................. 4

103 Perceptions on Study-Life Balance .......................................... 6

104 Typology of Respondents ...................................................... 8

105 Sense of Belongingness of Respondents .......................................... 9

106 Effect of Part-Time Working to Students’ Productivity .................. 11

107 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................. 14

108 Bibliography .......................................................................................... 15

109 Attachments

110 Attachment 1. Study Matrix ...................................................... 17

111 Attachment 2. Informed Consent Form and Letter to Respondents ....... 19

112 Attachment 3. Interview Schedule ....................................................... 23

113 Attachment 4. Interview Transcript ....................................................... 24

114 Attachment 5. COREQ Evaluation of Study ........................................... 39

115 Attachment 6. Photo Documentation of Study ............................... 42

116 Attachment 7. Project Gannt Chart ....................................................... 43

117 Attachment 8. Project Budget Line Item ............................................ 44

118 Attachment 9. Curriculum Vitae of Investigators ................................ 45





















139 Introduction: Given the implementation of K-12 curriculum which includes the mandatory
140 completion of senior high school education and the emerging trend of senior high
141 school students entering work to augment their financial resources, this study aimed to
142 explore the perceptions of part-time working senior high school students regarding the
143 different dimensions of Study-Life Balance (SLB) that includes typology of
144 respondents, social belongingness, and productivity of respondents.
145 Methods: A qualitative case-study design was used including three senior high school part-time
146 working students determined by means of purposive sampling. Data collection utilized a
147 semi-structured face-to-face interview guided by an interview schedule. Interviews were
148 conducted with respondents for 2-3 times lasting to 20-30 minutes per interview until
149 data saturation is met. Interview transcripts were provided to respondents for validation
150 purposes. Information gathered was subjected to axial coding to derive themes for
151 discussion.
152 Findings and Discussion: Cases included one Grade 11 STEM student who works in a
153 supermarket as a sales clerk, one Grade 12 STEM student who works in a fast food
154 chain as a service crew, and one Grade 12 HUMSS student who work in a fast food
155 chain as a service crew. Data gathered suggests the nature of employment affects the
156 typology of respondent with fast food service crew workers as segmentors while
157 supermarket salesclerk as integrators. In terms of belongingness, it was shown that the
158 respondents’ sense of belongingness inside the campus is not affected amidst their
159 engagement in work. For the dimension of productivity, respondents reported that their
160 performance in school was generally fair as manifested by a passing score in their
161 requirements although students who work in fast-food chains as service crew expressed
162 certain difficultiesincluding lack of sleep, high stress levels and fatigue.
163 Conclusion and Recommendation: Exploration of the dimensions of SLB of reviewed cases
164 revelaed that the nature of work affects certain dimensions such as typology and
165 productivity. A larger scale of study as a quantitative design is suggested to examine
166 reported findings in this study and to propose possible curricular changes to
167 accommodate certain concerns among part-time working students.
168 Keywords: study-life balance, part-time working student, senior high school student

169 Introduction

170 Working part-time is already common among students. Lee, Monahan and Steinberg

171 (2011) stated in their study that some youths who are facing economic difficulties in their family

172 engage in employment during their high school days along side other functions like studying,

173 and bonding with family and peers. This scenario begs the need to explore the social dynamics

174 among these youths on how they are able to balance the different demands in their life.

175 For this purpose, the researchers would wanrt to propose the coining of the term Study

176 Life Balance to account these experiences among working students. In a literature review, search

177 for SLB yielded to scant results, however the closest concept to this among working

178 professionals is Work Life Balance (WLB). This study examined three specific dimensions of

179 WLB that includes typology, sense of belongingness and productivity.

180 In search for the dimension of typology, one study tried to have a typology of different

181 perceptions from twelve interviewees and it showed that there can be integrators who let work

182 life flow into their personal life and segmentors who separate work and personal life (Gulley and

183 Rankin, 2018).

184 In terms of productivity, Saima and Zohair (2016) stated in their study that work-life

185 balance is important among medical practitioners to be productive. This study suggests that

186 work-life balance is important to achieve productivity.

187 Gere and MacDonald (2010) stated that belongingness is very important. A similar study

188 also showed that there is a relationship between general belongingness, self-esteem and basic

189 psychological needs in adolescents (Demirtas, Yildiz and Baytemir, 2017). One study showed

190 that undergraduate working-class students experience lower sense of belongingness, perceive a

191 less welcoming campus climate, and pursue fewer social engagements (Soria and Bultmann,

192 2014). Based on the study, a crucial focus should be given to part-time working students as it is

193 implicated that they may have lower sense of belongingness as compared to their regular peers.

194 From the different literatures, perceptions regarding study life balance can be divided in

195 three dimensions including typology, productivity and sense of belongingness. However, these

196 studies were limited to working adults who may have different experiences when compared to

197 part-time working students.

198 Furthermore, the recent implementation of the K-12 program may be a vital factor for a

199 difference in experience between working adults and part-time working students given that the

200 curriculum is at its first years of implementation, hence, expected changes may be encountered in

201 the future.

202 Therefore, this study explored the perceptions among part time working senior high

203 school students regarding the different dimensions of study life balance. The findings of this

204 study will be significant to school counselors, teachers and students to better understand the

205 struggles and difficulties experienced by part-time working among students and to allow policy

206 makers to modify school policies and curriculum implementation to accommodate the growing

207 needs of the identified sector of students.


209 Reflexivity

210 The research team is composed of two female and one male senior high school students

211 who are supervised by a mentor who graduated as Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

212 Major in Mathematics and Doctor of Medicine. The researchers were enrolled in a practical

213 research course for one semester and underwent 80 hours of intensive training in qualitative

214 methods of research concurrent with the completion of this study. The researchers did not

215 establish any contact with the respondents; however some of the respondents are classmates of

216 the researchers as they belong to one educational institution in Baguio City.

217 The interviewer is a female grade 11 student in the senior high school department for the

218 track of Humanities and Social Sciences. The interviewer underwent six hours of training for

219 conducting interviews as data gathering method.


221 Methods

222 The research study utilized a qualitative case study design, with the aim of understanding

223 the personal experiences of selected Senior High School (SHS) working students. The study

224 borrowed related concepts on Work-life balance specifically the dimensions of typology,

225 productivity and sense of belongingness as conceptual guide to identify the appropriate questions

226 to be asked. This research utilized a semi-structured interview with specific questions and probes

227 listed on the interview schedule. Key-informant interview with the respondents was conducted

228 with one member of the research team acting as the interviewer. All interviews were audio-

229 recorded.

230 Three (3) part-time working SHS students were purposively sampled to participate in the

231 study. Inclusion criteria for the qualified participants must meet the following: respondent must

232 be a SHS student, 16 years old to 19 years old, a regular part-time working student with full

233 academic load as per required by their program curriculum, and willing to participate without the

234 prospect of compensation.

235 Participants will be excluded from the study if they have mental disorder and informal

236 employment whcih lacks the existence of a signed employment contract. No drop-outs were

237 noted among the initially sample student cases.

238 The data collection was scheduled according to the participants’ free time from work and

239 school. The interview took place in a private room inside the school campus. To avoid saturation

240 of data, interview lasted from twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes with repeat interviews conducted

241 twice for each respondent. Prompt or follow-up questions for each direct question were asked

242 from respondents until no new responses from respondents can be gathered.

243 An assent form was given to all respondents before the interview to inform the

244 respondents about the goal and procedures of the study. Non-participants were not allowed in the

245 interview room to ensure confidentiality of the data gathering process. A single word file was

246 used to transcribe recorded interviews. Filters were identified for significant behavioral accounts

247 among respondents and recorded interviews were translated into transcripts containing numbered

248 paragraphs for easy referencing duringh coding and data treatment. Data transcripts were

249 produced and were provided to respondents for their validation of the interview conducted.

250 The information gathered was coded by three members of the research team using axial

251 coding. First, the researchers utilized open coding to gather relevant data from the transcript.

252 Second, structured coding was utilized to develop themes. Themes for the dimension of typology

253 borrowed existing constructs from previous studies conducted. In vivo coding was used for the

254 dimensions of belongingness and effects of part-time working to productivity to ensure

255 appropriateness of themes developed.


257 Findings and Discussion

258 Study cases

259 There were three respondents interviewed. Each of these respondents meets the inclusion

260 criteria of the study. The following are some basic information about the respondents:

261 Case 1: This is the case of X, an 18 year old male who is a grade 12 senior high school

262 student, currently working at a fast food chain as a service crew. The workplace of the

263 student is approximately 2 kilometers away from his school. The participant attends

264 school for a total of five to eight hours and attends work for five to twelve hours per day.

265 He started working because of financial needs.

266 Case 2: This is the case of Y, an 18 years old male who is a grade 12 senior high school

267 student, currently working at a fast food chain as a service crew. The workplace of the

268 student is approximately 2 kilometers away from school. The participant attends school

269 for eight hours and has a total of eight hours for work per day. He decided to start

270 working to help his family financially and to grab the opportunity to gain work-related

271 experience.

272 Case 3: This is the case of Z, a 16 years old female who is a grade 11 senior high school

273 student, currently working at a supermarket as a sales clerk. The participant studies for a

274 total of eight hours per day. She works for a total of three hours during weekdays and

275 eight hours during weekends. The participant works because of financial needs and

276 family issue.

277 All of the respondents belong to the service industry, either as a sales representative or a

278 service crew in a fast food chain. The central reason of the respondents for working is to

279 augment their limited financial resource.



282 Perceptions on study-life balance

283 No existing literatures have adequately defined study-life balance. The closest concept to

284 it that is well defined is work-life balance. With the absence of a definition of study-life balance,

285 researchers attempted to characterize study-life balance using the perspective of part-time

286 working students.

287 Respondent X viewed study-life balance as:

288 “Time management.... For me time management is just.. ano lang siya eh..kung

289 baga..kung paano mo rin siya talaga ii..tawag nito…..ididivide yung oras na ibibigay

290 para sa akin lang…ung ibibigay mo sa bawat part na dapat mong gawin.. ah un ang time

291 management sa akin kaya siguro laging ganun. (Time management for me is how you

292 divide the time in all the things that you need to do.)”[121]

293 Similarly, Respondent Z characterized study-life balance as:

294 “Uhmm. Para sa akin kwan kasi to eh eto ung uhh way ko para uhhh ito ung key ko

295 para.. mabalance yung.. time ko and para… hindi ngay uh.ako nahihirapan ..parang siya

296 yung technique ko so kumbaga yun ang technique ko para sa akin parang…mabalance ko

297 ung study ko. (For me this is my way or key to balance my time which is like [my]

298 technique to still be able to attend to my studies.)”[474]

299 The same respondent furthered explains this as:

300 “Uhmm.. kapag uhh… pag may mga free time ka is dun mo na gawin ung mga

301 assignment mo tapos… simula kasi nung nagtrabaho na ako parang every minute ngay

302 importante sa akin so parang pag naglalakad bilisan kapag nasa trabaho kasi hmm..para

303 nakuha mo ngay diyay time nga kung baga ag ala ag agaramid ka ti ne… ti notes mo nga

304 uhh six uhh six o’clock dapat nakariing kan tapos 30 minutes ka nga ag digos kasjay.

305 (You can do your assignment when you have free time. Ever since I started working,

306 every minute became important to me. For example, you should walk fast when you’re

307 going to work. You also need to make your notes for your schedule in which you need be

308 awake at six o’clock and take a bath for 30 minutes.)”[437]

309 Based from the responses, study life balance is very much related to the idea of time

310 management as a method to a) divide one’s time on the different tasks required from both studies

311 and work, and b) create a systematic technique to organize one’s daily activities.

312 This is supported by the study of Akcoltekin (2015) in which it was stated that time

313 management is in fact self-management wherein it was explained as grouping of tasks and

314 grouping them in accordance with priorities. This can be related to dividing one’s time on

315 different tasks which shows control over events experienced such as study and work.

316 In addition, Khan et. al. (2016) found that time management technique has a relationship

317 to class performance. To address this certain activity, time management technique was

318 considered as a method to help in the performance in class which can be related to creating

319 technique to address certain daily activity.





324 Typology of respondents

325 In an existing study involving typology of work-life balance among working adults,

326 respondents were divided into two categories including integrators and segmentors where

327 integrators are those who let work flow into their personal time while segmentors separate work

328 from personal time (Gulley and Rankin, 2018).

329 Using the aforementioned classification, the researchers have found that respondents can

330 also be classified as either integrators or segmentors in terms of study life balance. Respondents

331 who can be classified as segmentors separate work from study because doing any school

332 activities such as assignment at work is not applicable. This is true in the case of X and Y since

333 the nature of their work as service crew in fast-food chains does not allow them to do any school

334 related activities.

335 Respondent Z was classified as an integrator because the nature of her work as a sales

336 clerk in a toy shop lets her study flow into her work time in which she stated:

337 “Hindi ko.. para kasing kapag may mga assignment..un..ganun..nagagawa ko ngay siya

338 dun sa work so parang kapag kasi dun sa nag dun kasi ako sa toy shop so bale ngayong

339 this month ko lang siya nagawa ngay yung uhh..uhh.. yung technique ko pa..kapag pag

340 dating ko na lang sa bahay hindi ko na aalalahanin yung assignment ko sa gagawin ko

341 dun sa toy shop pag pag walang mga costumer na i-aassist ginagawa mo tapos kung

342 meron tsaka mo kasi not all the time naman is nag may ginagawa kami palagi. (When

343 there’s an assignment, I can do it at work. I only did it this month because I’m at the toy

344 shop. It’s not all the time that we do something, that’s why my technique is I do it at the

345 toy shop when there’s no costumer so that when I get home, I will no longer think about

346 my assignment.)” [359]

347 Based on the respondents’ profile, we can see that part-time working student’s

348 typological classification as integrator or segmentor is highly affected by the nature of their work

349 where in students who work in a fast-food chain are more likely to be segmentors unlike students

350 who work in as sales clerk who tend to be integrators.


352 Sense of belongingness of respondents

353 According to Demirtas, Yildiz and Baytemir (2017), the dimension of belongingness is

354 very important especially among adolescents because there is a relationship between general

355 belongingness, self-esteem and basic psychological needs in adolescents. The relationship

356 between belongingness and self-esteem was determined to be indirect, hence, the need to

357 examine belongingness in terms of part-time working students.

358 In this study, the researchers have examined two significant actors for sense of

359 belongingness of students in school is highly related to which includes the classmates and

360 teachers of the said students.

361 In terms of the belongingness of respondents towards their classmates, Respondent Z

362 said:

363 “Uhm.. Parang……Kunwari considerate ngay kasi yung mga classmates

364 ko if yung mga nagkakaroon ng group works na nagprapraktis sa hapon ngay ket

365 magpra hindi ako puwedeng makapractice uhmm…naiintindihan ngay nila so… ganun

366 ngay sila. (My classmates are very considerate. They understand me if I cannot practice

367 with them during group works in the afternoon.)” [369]

368 This finding was supported by Respondent X when he retorted:

369 “Stude-.. Uhmm.. Maganda yung pakikitungo naman sa akin.. tsaka I feel tanggap din

370 kahit hindi ako masyadong nandito sa school. They treat me normal, just like uhmm

371 parang wala rin lang akong work mmm.. normal student. (Even though I’m not always

372 here in school, my classmates treat me nicely and I feel like I belong. They treat me as a

373 normal student, just like someone who doesn’t work.)”[52]

374 In terms of relationship with their teachers all of the respondents agree that their teachers

375 are considerate about their situations and let them comply with academic deficiencies if ever they

376 missed an activity brought by their employment. Respondent Z stated that:

377 “Oo naman, mas lalo na si teacher x kasi kadalasang last subject namin siya kapag kasi

378 every hapon nagpapalit na ngay ako parang kasi usually traffic kasi jan so para hindi na

379 ako magpalit kapag kinoconsider niya taz kung maaga akong magpapaalam cgeh.

380 (Teacher X is always our last subject. She gives consideration when I change my school

381 uniform into working clothes in the afternoon because there is always traffic on the road.

382 It’s alright for her whenever I ask for permission to leave early.)”[397]

383 Basing from all of these responses, the researchers have classified two actors including

384 their classmates and teachers that affects their sense of belongingness. In general, respondents

385 reported good sense of belongingness with their teachers and classmates. This defies the study of

386 Soria and Bultmann (2014) which states that working students experience lower sense of

387 belongingness because of unequal outlook in terms of social class.

388 Effect of part-time working to students’ productivity

389 In terms of productivity, the respondents have shown positive and negative effects of

390 part-time working to their productivity. Respondent Y noted that being a part-time working

391 student have a positive effect on his productivity as noted to his response that:

392 “….mas binubuhay niya ako eh kase walang tulog ganun. Okay lang. Maganda kase..

393 Uhmm mas nakakaconcentrate ako sa mga ginagawa ko. (It makes me feel alive because

394 there’s no sleep. It’s alright and it’s good because I can concentrate more in my

395 activities.)”[254]

396 Similarly, Respondent Z consider part-time working a helpful way to be mature as noted

397 on her response:

398 “Uhh.. parang dun sa trabaho ko parang natutunan kong maging totally independent

399 tapos.. uhh.. namulat na mas lalo pa akong namature na…. ganito pala…..ung..hirap

400 mas lalo ngay kapag if you are… nakikisalamuha sa costumer. Mga costumer na

401 demanding ganon so parang from that umm… na…. nag gagain din ako ng mga lessons

402 na uhh puede ko rin namang magamit ganun time comes (In my work, I learn to be totally

403 independent and saw the need to be more mature. I realized the hardship especially when

404 I was interacting with the costumers who are demanding and from that, I gained lessons

405 that I can use when time comes.)”[424]




409 She further explained this:

410 “Project? Hmm… inaadjust ko na lng ung time ko sa work kasi dun sa… kunwari kung

411 may mga practice project namin un noh ung performance namin. Is uhh parang may par

412 gagawin naming ng sabado i-aadjust ko ung schedule ko maglolong break ako so bale

413 imamanage ko ulit ung time ko dun na kung maglolong break ako ng four hours dun ko

414 na gagawin parang dun ko na gagawin ung project na binigay sakin. (I adjust my time at

415 work when there is a project. For example, when there’s practice on Saturday, that’s the

416 time I adjust my schedule at work by having four hours long break.)”[447]

417 On the other hand, Respondent X sees the effect of part-time working negatively in

418 relation to productivity.

419 “It affects a lot. Uhh because.. sometimes you sleep two hours or ay three hours then…

420 you will go to school then after school work then the other day you feel so tired then your

421 bod…parang ‘di mo na kayang tumayo the next day…so.. minsan naabsent ako dahil

422 sa…. Reason na yon kasi..’di mo rin kaya eh kung baga. (It affects me a lot because

423 sometimes I sleep two hours or maybe three hours then I would have to go to school.

424 After school, I have to go to work. The next day, I feel so tired that my body cannot stand

425 up. Sometimes, this is the reason why I absent in school.)”[89]

426 Based form all of these responses, the respondent classified that there can be positive and

427 negative effect of being a part-time working student to productivity. For the positive aspect, part-

428 time working can lead for students to becoming more mature and more active in class.

429 On the other hand, it’s undeniable that students who are working also experience negative

430 effects relating to lack of sleep, physical fatigue and absenteeism from school which have

431 implications to the general productivity of the student.

432 Since students’ productivity can be positively and negatively affected by the work of

433 respondents, it is important that productivity be defined. Respondents defined productivity as

434 being able to produce good output or requirements in which you pass it on time. Respondent X

435 noted it in his response:

436 “Productivity for me is….me..maga nagagawa mo lahat ng kailangan mong gawin in

437 time.. wala kang namimiss…. Walang…..nacocompromise. (Productivity for me is being

438 able to do all requirements in time and when you don’t miss anything. There’s no

439 activities compromised.)”[126]

440 Respondent Z considered productivity as a way to enhance oneself.

441 “Productivity for me is that uhhh…parang throughout the challenges in life un ngay ung

442 uhh..un ung way para maging…ma… parang..maenhance mo yung sarili mo.. umm and

443 uh it will ung mga challenges ngay ket uhh un ung magiging way para.. maging…

444 mabrave ka para maging brave enough ka para to face uhh harder challenges in life.

445 (Productivity for me is a way to enhance yourself throughout the challenges in life and

446 the challenges will become the way to become brave enough to face harder trials in

447 life.)”[480]

448 Based from the responses, productivity is considered a way to enhance oneself to face

449 challenges such as passing all requirements on time and nothing is compromised.

450 Conclusion and Recommendation

451 The researchers were able to examine common reasons as to why students engage in part-

452 time working. These reasons are family issue and financial needs. Based from the findings, we

453 can see that respondents view study-life balance as a concept highly associated to time

454 management. Based from the nature of their work, certain dimension of SLB such as typology,

455 sense of belongingness and productivity can be examined.

456 In terms of the dimension of typology, there can be integrators who let study flow into

457 their work and segmentors who separate study from work. In terms of the dimension of

458 belongingness, respondents reported that they feel generally accepted and welcomed in terms of

459 their peers and their teachers. For the dimension of productivity, the positive of effect of part-

460 time working is that it makes a person active and mature while the negative effect is it causes

461 lack of sleep, physical fatigue and absenteeism that causes someone not to be productive.

462 On the other hand, study life balance is defined as a technique to equally balance time in

463 work and in study. While productivity is defined as a way to enhance oneself and being able to

464 do and pass a good output or requirement on time without missing any activities.

465 This study was limited to a small number of population, therefore, the researchers

466 recommend to have larger population. The researchers also recommend exploring non contract

467 bound part-time working students which may have different perception on SLB. Researchers

468 also suggest considering the nature of the work of the respondents and how will this affect SLB

469 among part-time working senior high school students. The researchers also recommend

470 exploring sense of belongingness in the work place of the respondents as well as other actors

471 inside the school campus.

472 Bibliography

473 Akcoltekin, A. (2015). High school students' time management skills in relation to research

474 anxiety. Educational Research and Reviews; 10(16): 2241-2249. DOI:

475 10.5897/ERR2015.2345

476 Demirtas, A.S., Yildiz, M.A., & Baytemir, K. (2017). General belongingness and basic

477 psychological needs as predictors of self-esteem in adolescents. Journal of Educational

478 Sciences and Psychology; 7(69): 48-58. Retrieved from

479 Gere, J. and MacDonald, G. (2010). An update of the empirical case for the need to belong. The

480 Journal of Individual Psychology; 66(1): 93-115. Retrieved from


482 Gulley, N.Y. and Rankin, P.R., IV. (2018). Boundary integration and work/life balance when

483 you live where you work: a study of residence life Professionals. The Journal of College

484 and University Student Housing; 44(2): 64-81. Retrieved from


486 Khan, et al. (2016). Exploring relationship of time management with teachers’ performance.

487 Bulletin of Education and Research; 38(2): 249-263. Retrieved from

488 id=EJ1210299

489 Lee, J.M., Monahan, K.C., & Steinberg, L. (2011). Revisiting the impact of part-time work on

490 adolescent adjustment: distinguishing between selection and socialization using

491 propensity score matching. Child Development; 82(1): 96-112. Retrieved from


493 Saima, S. & Zohair, M. (2016). Understanding work-life balance with respect to medical

494 practitioners: a conceptual framework. The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior;

495 15(4): 66-75. Retrieved from

496 Soria, K. and Bultmann, M. (2014). Supporting working-class students in higher education.

497 NACADA Journal; 34(2): 51-62. doi:10.12930/NACADA-13-017























Reference Methods Findings Related to the Study

Demirtas, A.S., Yildiz, M.A., & Baytemir, K.  Quantitative Research The study showed that there is a relationship
(2017). General belongingness and basic  Surveys between general belongingness, self-esteem
psychological needs as predictors of self-  Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Basic and basic psychological needs in adolescents.
esteem in adolescents. Journal of Psychological Needs Scale and General
Educational Sciences and Psychology; 7(69): Belongingness Scale
 261 Students—159 Females and 102
48-58. Retrieved from

Gere, J. and MacDonald, G. (2010). An  Qualitative Research The study showed that belonging is a
update of the empirical case for the need to  Case Study Approach fundamental need in a way that it affects
belong. The Journal of Individual  Describing current state of literatures, emotions, behaviors, and thoughts and an
Psychology; 66(1): 93-115. Retrieved from highlighting inconsistencies in findings unmet need to belong has many negative and suggesting future avenues of research effects to a person.
 Humans
Gulley, N.Y. and Rankin, P.R., IV. (2018).  Qualitative Research The study stated that integrators who are
Boundary integration and work/life balance  Constructivist Grounded Theory workers who set weak boundaries between
when you live where you work: A study of  Semi-structured Interview work and home let work life flow into
residence life Professionals. The Journal of  12 Individuals-Nine White or Caucasians, personal time while segmentors in contrast,
College and University Student Housing; Two Southeast Asians, and One try to separate work from personal time.
44(2): 64-81. Retrieved from

Lee, J.M., Monahan, K.C., & Steinberg, L.  Quantitative Research The study recognized that employment might
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work on adolescent adjustment:  Survey Sampling difficulties in economic circumstances in
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socialization using propensity score consider working during high school

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Understanding work-life balance with respect  Case Study Approach very important to medical practitioners and it
to medical practitioners: A conceptual  Reviewing and Analyzing of Literatures shows how productive they are at work and
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education. NACADA Journal; 34(2): 51-62.  Sampling Surveys perceive a less welcoming campus climate,
doi:10.12930/NACADA-13-017  213,160 undergraduates and pursue fewer social engagements.


521 Letter to Respondents

525 Dear Participants:
528 Greetings!
530 You are invited to take part in a research entitled “Perceptions regarding Study Life Balance
531 (SLB) among Part-time Working Senior High School Students: A Case Study to Explore the
532 Multidimensionality of SLB”.
533 The research aims to explore the perceptions regarding the different dimensions of study life
534 balance among part time working senior high school students.
536 There are no foreseen risks or adverse effects your participation in the study. Also, participation
537 in the study is primarily voluntary and is devoid of any compensation. Moreover, you will not be
538 asked to identify data pertaining to your name, address and contact details.
540 Results of the data will only include summarized results and results of the study may be provided
541 via soft copy upon request of the signatory of the informed consent.
543 In case you have complaint about your participation in the study, you may contact Mr. Joel P.
544 Soriano, our research adviser, at 09094191726, or Mr. Allan B. Castro, our Practical Research
545 1Adviser, at 09187906461.
547 Thank you!
549 Sincerely,
553 Lead Student Researcher Research Member Research Member
557 Noted by:
561 Adviser

565 Informed Consent Form
567 Introduction
568 The researchers, grade 11 and grade12 senior high school students of HUMSS strand is
569 currently conducting a study entitled “Perceptions regarding Study Life Balance (SLB) among
570 Part-time Working Senior High School Students: A Case Study to Explore the
571 Multidimensionality of SLB” which aims to explore the perceptions regarding the different
572 dimensions of study life balance among part time working senior high school students.
573 This form is aimed to get your consent for your participation as a guardian to the target
574 participant of this research; as such, you may freely consult the researcher or her duly designated
575 representatives in case of queries regarding the procedure.
576 Purpose of this Research
577 This research is aimed explore the perceptions regarding the different dimensions of
578 study life balance among part time working senior high school students.
580 Type of Research
581 This research will involve your child to be enrolled in a phenomenological study. Your
582 child who is a part-time working students will be interviewed by the researchers.
584 Participant Selection and Voluntary Participation
585 Your child/ward is specifically selected in the said study for qualifying as a part-time
586 working student. We would want to inform you further that your participation is mainly
587 voluntary and non-coercive, as such if for any reason prior to enrolment of your child/ward in the
588 study or during the study proper, you may opt not to decline or drop-out in the study.
590 Procedures
591 Your child who is a part-time working student will have a face-to-face interview with the
592 researchers. You child’s responses will be coded and will be returned for comment and
593 correction. There are no additional procedures included.
595 Community Consultation
596 This research was dully approve by a research panel community involving senior high
597 school teachers in Pines City Colleges.
599 Use of Facilities
600 The interview will take place in a private room at Pines City Colleges.
602 Duration
603 The research will last for approximately five (5) months starting from August 2018 until
604 December 2018. All respondents, whose guardians agreed to participate in the study, who are
605 qualified will be included in the study.
607 Risks
608 The research does not cause any risk since the data can be acquired from the respondents
609 through face-to-face interview.

610 Benefits
611 There is little benefit for your ward in the said study. However, the cumulative data that
612 will be procured from individual may provide a result on the perception of part-time working
613 students to the different dimensions of study life balance which may be useful for school
614 counselors, teachers and students to better understand part time working among students.
616 Reimbursements
617 There will be no any form of incentive or payment provided for your participation in this
618 research; therefore, your participation is mainly voluntary.
620 Confidentiality
621 Full confidentiality will be observed by the researchers in all phases of the study. Data
622 collection, data entry and publication will ensure that the child’s information are kept
623 confidential.
625 Provision of Medical/Psychosocial Support
626 No medical support will be provided in this study.
628 Sharing of results
629 Individual results will not be shared to anyone and summary of group results will be
630 presented to audience (i.e. academic for a with interest of the result of our study and or
631 publications groups which are target publications of this study).
633 Right to Refuse or Withdraw
634 If you want to withdraw because of personal reasons, you may freely opt not to
635 participate in the initial recruitment process or anytime within the study process.
637 Who to Contact
638 If for any reason, you need to confirm or raise queries about this research, you may
639 contact the researcher, Sharmaine P. Fanged, at 0912-862-5959.
640 This proposal has been reviewed by a technical committee in Pines City Colleges
641 comprising faculty for the senior high school admin. For any concern, you may contact Mr.
642 Allan B. Castro, our Practical Research 1Adviser, at 09187906461, or Mr. Joel P. Soriano, our
643 research adviser, at 09094191726.







651 Certificate of Assent
653 I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the
654 opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have been answered to
655 my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this study
658 Print Name of Participant: ________________________
660 Signature (if applicable): _____________
664 Date ___________________________
665 Day/month/year
668 Statement by the researcher/person taking consent
670 I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the
671 best of my ability made sure that the participant fully understands what he/she will undergo in
672 the study.
674 I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study,
675 and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my
676 ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent
677 has been given freely and voluntarily. A copy of this AF has been provided to the participant.
679 Print Name and Signature of Researcher/person taking the consent________________________
681 Date ___________________________
682 Day/month/year









691 Part I- Profile of Interviewer:

693  Name: Lhian Claire D. Pusi
694  Age: 17 years old
695  Grade Level: Grade 11
696  Sex of Interviewer: Female
697  Gender of Interviewer: Feminine
698  Related Training of Interviewer: Practical Research 1 Workshops
700 Part II- Set-up of Interview:
702  Type of Interview: Face-to-face Interview
703  Setting of Interview: A Private Room inside School Campus
704  Presence of other Non-Participants: None
705  Duration of Interview: Twenty (20) minutes
706  Presence of Recorder: Yes
707  Will follow-up Interviews be conducted: No
708 o If yes, how many:
709 o Purpose of Follow-up Interviews:
711 Part III- Interview Guide:
713  Questions Related to Pertinent Demographic Data:
714 o What is your age?
715 o What is your sex?
717  Questions Related to Problem of Study:
718 o Do you let work flow into your study?
719 o Do you separate work from your study?
720 o How do you define study life balance?
721 o How do you define productivity?
722 o How does balancing work and study affect your productivity?
723 o Do you feel welcomed when you are inside the campus?
724 o As a part-time working student, do you feel accepted in your school environment?
725 o How does other student treat you a part-time working student?
727  Possible Follow-up/Prompt Questions:
728 o Is study life balance important for you to be productive? Why?
729 o Have you ever been bullied because you are a part-time working student? If no,
730 why?



Case 1

The participant with the age of 18 years old is a male part-time working senior high school
student who works at McDonalds SM as a service crew. The participant studies from five to
eight hours and works from five to twelve hours. The researcher asked questions regarding the
objective of the study while the participant shared and talked about experiences.

734 Good day sir, my name is Claire, a student of Pines City Colleges. Me and my team are
735 conducting a research entitled perception regarding study life balance among part time
736 working senior high school student. So our questions are divided into three dimensions
737 which are typology, belongingness and productivity. What we will be doing right now is a
738 formal interview. Regarding the language, you can use any dialect you are comfortable
739 with.. as..but please as much as possible use English language. Before we proceed to the
740 interview, I would like to remind you that this whole interview will be confidential so please
741 don’t be afraid to answer the questions and also (pause) other question may be sensitive
742 depending on your situation. We already gave an informed consent form a while ago so I
743 assume that you have understood the purpose of our study. Before anything else, do you
744 have any questions sir?
745 None.
746 Let’s Start.
747 So first, how are you doing today sir?
748 Hmm..feeling well? Because it’s my birthday.
749 Oh, happy birthday sir. What do you want me to call you then?
750 Just my name
751 How old are you sir?
752 18
753 Alright. What is your sex?
754 Male
755 Where do you work sir?
756 Uhh.. McDonalds SM.
757 What is your position there?
758 Crew. Service crew.
759 How many hours do you usually work?
760 Hmm.. usually…six to 12 or four… five to 12 ata yun
761 Service crew diba sir, so ilang oras ka po nakatayo?
762 Uhmm.. the whole duty. Pwede ka lang umupo pag break.
763 Ilang oras po yung break time niyo?
764 20 minutes.

765 Twice?
766 Yes sir. Twice per nine hours.
767 Uhmm. Sir, how many hours do you usually study or go to school?
768 Eight hours?
769 Kompletong eight hours?
770 Uhm.. nah.. I think five to eight hours..
771 Oh. How many hours is your sleep or rest then?
772 …mahirap isipin niyan.. four or three to six.. haha..
773 Three to six hours?
774 Yes. Three to six hours.
775 Do you tend to make your assignment on your work place or your work in your school?
776’s not applicable in both sections.
777 Oh. So you mean that you separate your work from your study?
778 Yes and I separate my studies from work.
779 Uhm... Now let’s proceed to the dimension of belongingness. Do you feel accepted or
780 welcomed when you are inside the campus?
781 Yes.
782 Can you tell me more about it?
783 Hmm...
784 Situation perhaps...
785 Stude-.. Uhmm.. Maganda yung pakikitungo naman sa akin.. tsaka I feel tanggap din kahit hindi
786 ako masyadong nandito sa school.
787 Have you’ve been bullied because you are a part-time working student?
788 No. Mas prinepraise pa nga ako kung baga eh…
789 Ilang taon ka po nung nag start ka mag work?
790 Seventeen.
791 How do your schoolmates or classmates treat you.
792 They treat me normal, just like uhm.. parang wala rin lang akong work mmm.normal student.
793 Are your classmates or friends inviting or informing you if ever they are hanging out?
794 Yes!
795 Example sir?
796 Lalabas sila, may.. ganap dun.. may……. ganun.. may…… kailangang i-celebrate ganyan.
797 Are your classmates helping you in some activities or assignments you missed?
798 Usually.
799 In a group work, do your classmates normally give you the easiest task?
800 Hmmm.. sometimes?
801 Sometimes.. gaano?
802 Pero sa akin kasi eh.. hangga’t kaya ko, okay lang.
803 Kayang ipagsabay?
804 Uhh, yung binigay nilang work.
805 Okay. Uhhm.. do your teachers know that you are a part-time working student?

806 Yes.
807 Does you teacher consider your situation?
808 Yes.
809 Are they not getting mad for.. at you for being late or absent for example?
810 I think so. Haha.
811 Why do you think so sir?
812 I think uhmm.. some teachers siyempre.. iba naman….may unting sub…. Pag work work may
813 bago..
814 Study study..
815 Do you have any teacher that allows you to comply with any activities that you missed?
816 Yes.
817 How many of them?
818 Almost all of them.
819 Almost all.When you have paper works, do they deduct some scores for submitting late?
820 I don’t know. Uhhmm.. but some because I’m late.
821 Let’s go to productivity. How does part-time work, affect your productivity?
822 It affects a lot. Uhh because.. sometimes you sleep two hours or ay three hours then… you will
823 go to school then after school work then the other day you feel so tired then your bod…parang
824 ‘di mo na kayang tumayo the next day…so.. minsan naabsent ako dahil sa…. Reason na yon
825 kasi..’di mo rin kaya eh kung baga.
826 Is study balance important for you to be productive?
827 Yes.
828 What do you do when your teacher gives a project? or activities?
829 I do the activity or the project….mismo.
830 So sa school.. sa paperworks lahat sa school? Walang pinapalabas na ano?
831 Kung kailangang ilabas, ilalabas pero ung kaya..kaya kong gawin dito, tinatapos ko na dito.
832 Uhh... for example may pinaresearch yung teacher, paano mo yun ginagawa?
833 So kung may free time. May net uhh internet library naman.. so kung hindi mo rin naman
834 magagawa dito, usually me… sa bahay na lang pag uwi, dun na ako gagawa.
835 Sir, sabi mo kanina, after school, work. So after your work, balik sa bahay, dun ka na
836 gagawa ng assignment?
837 Yes… or in my free time… in school.
838 Then yung mga activities mo ba maayos ung pagkakagawa?
839 Maayos naman…
840 Maayos na hindi na rush?
841 Maayos siya pero rush…haha
842 Nakakakuha ka ba ng mataas na score?
843 A-ano ba yan? Parang regularly na nakakakuha?
844 Dun sa project mo na maayos na na-rush?
845 Pasado naman yung score.

846 Pasado. Pero sa mga quizzes and assignments….assignments or quizzes na pinapagawa ng
847 teachers, maayos ba ung score mo sir?
848 Maayos naman. Uhh di pa naman ako nakakakuha ng zero…. Sa awa ng Diyos.. haha
849 So, how about your performance sir for example P.E.?
850 Maganda naman.
851 Nakakapractise po ng maayos?
852 Nakakapractice.
853 So sir, how do you define study life balance?
854 Time management.... For me time management is just..ano lang siya eh..kung baga..kung paano
855 mo rin siya talaga ii..tawag nito…..ididivide yung oras na ibibigay para sa akin lang…ung
856 ibibigay mo sa bawat part na dapat mong gawin.. ah un ang time management sa akin kaya
857 siguro laging ganun.
858 How do you define productivity then?
859 Productivity for me is….me..maga nagagawa mo lahat ng kailangan mong gawin in time.. wala
860 kang namimiss…. Walang…..nacocompromise.
861 So that’s all sir, thank you for sacrificing your time.
862 Oh, sacrificing...
863 May I ask something sir, Sir why are you working?
864 Uhmm. Kailangan talaga sir kasi.. kahit naman nakatapos na ate ko sir. Uhmm.. kailangan pa rin
865 kasi ung mama ko nasa manila sir. So hindi naman ganon kalakihan yung sahod..kasi may
866 nangyari dito sa baguio na hindi maganda kaya nag gaganito kami sir. Nagkahiwahiwalay kami
867 dalawa lang kami ng ate ko na nasa bahay so siya graduate na, nakapasa na sa board exam..pero
868 kasi talagang kulan kasi nasa senior high na ako dati. Hindi katulad noon bente bente ka lang
869 elementary.. Eh ngayon hindi na eh marami nang paggagastusan.. So yun sakin kailangan din the
870 in the same time, ano siya..uhmm..tawag ditto.. experience kung baga..

871 Hmmm..
872 tsaka big opportunity rin..
873 Sufficient ba ung nasa sa..,..I mean sabi mo medyo kulang kulang diba? Sufficient ba ung
874 nakukuha mo sa pagwowork?
875 Sufficient naman sir kasi dun palang sa pagkain, bawing-bawing ka na sir eh.
876 Ah…
877 Taz ung sahod mo sir, for other purposes, allowance na siguro.
878 Ay, provided na ung food niyo dun?
879 Libre ang food sir.
880 Ah… Pag duty time?
881 Pag naka-duty ka.
882 Pero personally sir, if you’re given the choice, will you work or will you focus on your study
883 if there’s no constraint?
884 Parang ang hirap talaga niyan sir kasi naranasan ko na ung work eh..parang meron na rin
885 talagang impact sa akin na gusto kong magtrabaho..

886 Hm..Sir may I ask, asan po ung tatay niyo?
887 Uhh..patay na po.
888 Oh, sorry….So that’s all sir thank you, again I assure the confidentiality of the whole
889 interview, transcript will be returned to you soon. In behalf of my team, again, thank you
890 very much.
891 Thank you. Thank you sir.

Case 2

The participant with the age of 18 years old is a male part-time working senior high school
student who works at McDonalds Sunshine as a service crew. The participant studies for eight
hours and works for eight hours. The researcher asked question regarding the objective of the
study while the participant shared and talked about experiences.

892 Okay Good morning sir. My name is Claire, from Pines City Colleges. Me and my team
893 are conducting a research entitled “Perceptions regarding Study Life Balance (SLB)
894 among Part-time Working Senior High School Students.” So our questions are divided into
895 three dimensions which are typology, belongingness and productivity. What we will be
896 doing now is a formal interview. Regarding the language, you can use any dialect you are
897 comfortable with but as much as possible, please use English language. Before we proceed
898 to the interview, I would like to remind you that this whole Interview will be confidential so
899 please don’t be afraid to answer the questions and also, other questions may be sensitive
900 depending on your situation. We already give you the consent form a while ago so I assume
901 that you have understood the purpose of our study. Before anything else, do you have a
902 questions sir?
903 Uhm nothing.
904 Okay so, how are you today sir?
905 I’m fine I’m fine.
906 Fine? What do you want me to call you sir?
907 Lance pogi please.
908 How old are you sir?
909 I’m eighteen.
910 What is your sex?
911 Male.
912 Where do you work? Or where did you work?
913 McDo.
914 Where sa McDo?
915 McDo Sunshine.
916 What is your position there sir?
917 Service Crew.
918 How many ours do you usually work?
919 Eight hours.
920 Tuloy-tuloy po?
921 With break.
922 Ilang oras po yung break niyo?
923 Twenty minutes.
924 Ilang oras po kayo nakatayo?
925 Yun. Eight hours.
926 Buong eight hours?

927 *nod*
928 Ilang oras po kayo nag-aaral?
929 Uh kwan,(short pause) eight hours din.
930 Eight hours. Tuloy-tuloy po? Na eight hours or?
931 Ay oo naman walang skip.
932 How many hours is your sleep or rest?
933 Uhh. Mga four to six hours.
934 Do you make your assignments in your work place and your work to your school?
935 Uhh no (short pause) sa bahay lang.
936 ohh. So, bawal ba sa inyo?
937 Hindi naman. Pag brake pwedeng gawin.
938 So you mean to say that you separate work from you study?
939 Yes of course.
940 (Pause) Can you give me an example on how you separate your work from your study?
941 Balancing time.
942 What do you mean balancing? Paano po?
943 Magfocus ka sa trabaho mo tas magfocus ka lang sa school.
944 Okay. Now let’s proceed to the dimension of belongingness. Do you feel accepted or
945 welcomed when you are inside the campus?
946 Yes.
947 Can you please tell me more about it
948 Kase.. uhh.. ang ganda ng .. ng simuy ng hangin sa loob ng campus and friendly yung mga.. mga
949 gaurds tapos ung mga studyante.
950 Have you ever been bullied because you are a part-time working student?
951 Uhm.. never..
952 Nevveeer..
953 In my life.
954 Never. How do your schoolmates or classmates treat you?
955 Okay lang naman.
956 Paanong okay?
957 They treat me as a real person.
958 What do you mean real person sir?
959 Sakto lang. Tropa ganun. Tropa tropa.
960 Are your classmates or friends inviting or informing you that - if ever they are hanging
961 out?
962 Hmmmm.. (pause) oo.
963 Are your classmates helping you on some activities or assignments you missed?
964 Sort of.
965 Paano pong sort of?
966 Minsan lang. Mga anu, masusungit din kase sila eh.
967 Awww. In a group work, do your classmates normally give you the easiest task?

968 Minsan, pero I ask ay choose the kuwan.. the harder.. anu bay un.. Harder task. Basta ung mas
969 mahirap. Oo
970 So you volunteer yourself?
971 Oh yes.
972 Do your Teachers know that you are a part-time working student?
973 Uhh. Yung iba. Sila Ma’am Joy ganun.
974 Do your teacher consider your situation then?
975 Yes.
976 Hindi ba sila nagagalit kapag late or absent ka minsan?
977 Uhh hindi naman. Hindi naman ako nalelate or nag-aabsent nung kwan. Hindi ko pa natry.
978 Pero, Do you have any teacher that allows you to comply with any activities you missed
979 when you’re late?
980 Yes.
981 When you have paper works, do they deduct scores for submitting it late?
982 Sometimes if I don’t have any excuse letter.
983 Let’s go to productivity. How does part-time working affect your productivity? Uhmm, ano
984 po yung epekto ng ano, ng trabaho niyo sa pagiging productive mo? Yung yun
985 Uhh wala naman. Mas nakakatulong pa nga eh.
986 Paano po nakakatulong?
987 (pause) mas binubuhay niya ako eh kase walang tulog ganun. Okay lang. Maganda kase.. Uhmm
988 mas nakakaconcentrate ako sa mga ginagawa ko.
989 You mean, nagiging confident k aba dahil sa work mo? Is study balance important for you
990 to be productive?
991 Yes.
992 When do you say that your teachers.. ay.. What do you do when your teachers gives a
993 project?
994 Uhm I passed it on time. *clearing throat*
995 Maayos po ba yung project niyo?
996 I guess.
997 Hindi siya rush?
998 Ung iba rush.
999 Kadalasan po ba or minsan minsan lang rin?
1000 Minsan lang.
1001 How are your grades or scores in your assignment or quizzes?
1002 Uhmm (looked up) Below average.
1003 What do you mean below average sir?
1004 Nakakapasa.. ay nakakapasa.
1005 Sakto lang?
1006 Sakto lang…
1007 How are your performances? For example yung PE.
1008 Huh?

1009 Ung sa PE po nakakapractice po ba kayo ng on time?
1010 Ayy. Oo ah .
1011 How do you define study life balance or time management?
1012 Pardon me?
1013 Uhh. Para sayo po, uhh, ano ung meaning ng study life balance or time management?
1014 (Pause) or Anu yung pagakakaintindi mo sa study life balance?
1015 Uhmm kwan.. ehhh being productive.
1016 What do you mean being productive sir?
1017 Uhh, ginagawa ko yung mga school works ko sa bahay and hindi ko siya sinisingit kapag kwan,
1018 pa oras ng trabaho.
1019 So how do you define productivity?
1020 (pause) Uhh.. yung maayos naman. Kapag gumagawa ako ng mga projects or assignment.
1021 Maayus naman.
1022 May I ask why do you work sir?
1023 I work to have job experience at para matulungan ko ang pamilya ko sa financial needs.
1024 Okay so thank you for sacrificing your time.
1025 Oh sure.
1026 Again, I assure you the confidentiality of the whole interview. Transcript will be return to
1027 you after the transcribing. In behalf of my team, again, thank you very much sir.
1028 You’re welcome.

Case 3

The participant with the age of 16 years old is a female part-time working senior high school
student who works at Sunshine as a salesclerk. The participant studies for eight hours and works

three hours during weekdays and eight hours during weekends. The researcher asked questions
regarding the objective of the study while the participant shared and talked about experiences.

1029 Okay so my name is Claire uhmm from HUMSS. We are conducting a research entitled
1030 "Perception regarding Study Life Balance among part time working senior high school
1031 students and you're chosen to be one of our respondent. Kasali kase sa inclusion na you’re
1032 a regular part time working, right?
1033 Hmmm*Nod*
1034 Uhmm formal interview tayo ngayon pero okay lang na gumamit ka ng ibang dialect pero
1035 kung kaya pa naman, okay lang mag english. So, yung interview natin ngayon confidential
1036 siya. Tayo lang yung makakaalam tsaka kung sakasakali ung team kung may gagawin
1037 kami. Uhm nabasa mo na yung consent form?
1038 Hmmm *nod*
1039 Nandun lahat yung mga kailangan mong malaman. So may tanong ka ba bago tayu
1040 magsimula.
1041 *Shrug*
1042 Wala? First, what do you want me to call you?
1043 Jane na lang
1044 How are you today?
1045 Fine? *laugh*
1046 Fine... How old are you?
1047 16
1048 What is your sex?
1049 Female
1050 May I ask, Where do you work?
1051 Sunshine
1052 Uhmm... Anong klase ng trabaho ung ginagawa mo?
1053 hmmm.. Sales Clerk
1054 Hmmm. Ilang oras ka nagtratrabaho?
1055 Uhmm.. Sa weekdays,3 hours tas sa weekends is 8 hours
1056 Tuloy-tuloy ba na 3 hours and 8 hours yun?
1057 Hmmm*nod*
1058 Wala kang break?
1059 Ang day off ko is Monday. May break.. kapag break dun sa kwan sabado, sunday? May hour
1060 break.
1061 Pero sa 3 hours, wala?
1062 Uhmm.,May 15 mins break pero nasayo kung gagamitin mo.
1063 Ahh.. Pero kung ginamit mo ba yung or may difference ba yung pagnagtime- out ka sa ano.
1064 Oo. Pag ginamit mo yung 15 mins break uhmm parang wala ka nang BTA na matatanggap tas
1065 kung..kung hindi, additional yun sa sahod mo.
1066 Ahh.. So ilang oras yung..ilang oras ka nag-aaral?

1067 Uhmm, dito sa school?
1068 Oo or kung…yun sa school and sa bahay kung ilang hours…ilang oras yung sa study time
1069 mo?
1070 Depe-depende rin. Kung may mga uhmm exam or quiz, nagkakwan.. nag allot ako ng time na
1071 mga 1 hour ng study.
1072 Ilang oras ka pum... ilang oras yung pasok mo sa school?
1073 Yung dito?... Hmmm *nod* *hand gesture*
1074 3? 8?
1075 Yung pagpasok ko dito sa school na?
1076 Mmm..
1077 Eight na siguro kase..
1078 Eight hours na? Tuloy tuloy ba or nalalate ka ba?
1079 Uhh..Hindi naman
1080 Ilang oras yung tulog mo or yung pahinga?
1081 Minsan kapag may mga requirements..mga five hours ganun tapos..hanggang six pero
1082 hindi..hindi ko nakokompleto kapag eight hours siguro pag sa day off ko lang Monday. Kapag
1083 maaga akong umuwi dun na ako nakakabawi ng eight hours na tulog tsaka sabado Sunday.
1084 Un. Do you tend to make your assignment in your work place and your work to your
1085 school?
1086 Hindi
1087 Kadalasan ba?
1088 Oo din.
1089 So you mean na hindi mo naseparate yung work sa study? Parang..
1090 Hindi ko.. para kasing kapag may mga assignment..un..ganun..nagagawa ko ngay siya dun sa
1091 work so parang kapag kasi dun sa nag dun kasi ako sa toy shop so bale ngayong this month ko
1092 lang siya nagawa ngay yung uhh..uhh.. yung technique ko pa..kapag pag dating ko na lang sa
1093 bahay hindi ko na aalalahanin yung assignment ko sa gagawin ko dun sa toy shop pag pag
1094 walang mga costumer na i-aassist ginagawa mo tapos kung meron tsaka mo kasi not all the time
1095 naman is nag may ginagawa kami palagi.
1096 Mmm.. So let’s proceed to the dimension of belongingness. Do you feel accepted or
1097 welcomed that you if you are inside the campus?
1098 Oo naman.
1099 Paano..Uhmm. Paanong ka na-aaccept or paano ka tinatanggap?
1100 Uhm.. Parang……Kunwari considerate ngay kasi yung mga classmates ko if
1101 yung mga nagkakaroon ng group works na nagprapraktis sa hapon ngay ket magpra hindi ako
1102 puwedeng makapractice uhmm…naiintindihan ngay nila so… ganun ngay sila.
1103 Have you ever been bullied because you are a part-time working student?
1104 Hindi..Wala pa akong experience.
1105 How do your classmates or schoolmates treat you?
1106 Ayos lang.
1107 Ayos lang? Paano yung ayos na..

1108 Parang…. They don’t mind parang wala lang.
1109 They don’t treat you na parang maywork ka?
1110 Oo.
1111 Are your friend inviting or informing you if ever they are hanging out?
1112 Oo.
1113 Karaniwan ba? Or minsan-minsan lang?
1114 Minsan minsan.
1115 Pag ba may activities or assignment kang namiss kung sakaling absent ka tinutulungan ka
1116 ba nila?
1117 Hindi
1118 As in never?
1119 Hindi ko pa natry
1120 Ay In a group work. Uhmm..karaniwan bang nabibigay sayo yung pinakamadaling
1121 trabaho?
1122 Hindi kasi ako na siguro ung nagvovolunteer kung ano ang maitutulong ko.
1123 Ay. May teacher k aba na alam na working student ka?
1124 Si Sir A, Si Ma’am B, si Ma’am C tapos sino yung Filipino teacher?
1125 Si Ma’am X?
1126 Si ma’am X
1127 Kinoconsider ba nila situation mo as a student?
1128 Oo naman, mas lalo na si Ma’am Weng kasi kadalasang last subject naming siya kapag kasi
1129 every hapon nagpapalit na ngay ako parang kasi usually traffic kasi jan so para hindi na ako
1130 magpalit kapag kinoconsider niya taz kung maaga akong magpapaalam cgeh.
1131 Okay lang?
1132 Okay lng.
1133 Hindi ba sila naga ung iba ba hindi nagagalit or kung absent ka or late?
1134 Hindi naman hindi pa kasi ako nag aabsent.
1135 Do you have any teachers that allows you to comply with any activities you miss when
1136 you’re late?
1137 Hindi ko alam hindi ko pa kasi..
1138 Hindi mo pa nararansan?
1139 Hindi pa. hindi pa ako nakamiss ng activities
1140 Oh. And do you have paper works, do they deduct some scores for submitting late?
1141 Ano?
1142 Yung yung mga activities for example may assignment ka project taz nalate ka ng pasa
1143 dahil sa trabaho mo, hindi k aba nama-minusan?
1144 Hindi.
1145 Hindi?
1146 Hindi ko pa kasi naranasan.
1147 Wala ulit?
1148 Hindi pa ngay ako nag nag kasi kung may assignment talaga ginagawa ko naman.

1149 Ahh. Pero ung project?
1150 Ginagawa ko pa rin. Nasa….nababalance ko ngay rin kasi. Hindi naman ung nalalate kasi ayaw
1151 kong naghahassle hassle.
1152 Oh ano yung ano yung epekto ng trabaho mo sa productivity mo?
1153 As a teenager? Parang ganon?
1154 Oo
1155 Uhh.. parang dun sa trabaho ko parang natutunan kong maging totally independent tapos.. uhh..
1156 naulat na mas lalo pa akong namature na…. ganito pala…..ung..hirap mas lalo ngay kapag if you
1157 are…
1158 Oh…
1159 Nakikisalamuha sa costumer
1160 Mmm..
1161 Mga costumer na demanding ganon so parang from that umm… na…. nag gagain din ako ng
1162 mga lessons na uhh puede ko rin namang magamit ganun time comes.
1163 Is study balance important for you to be productive?
1164 Mmm. *nod ...yeah
1165 Uhmm.. Puwede ka mag kwento ng experience mo?
1166 Kapag sa study life..
1167 Oh kung paano mo ibalance ung time mo.
1168 Uhmm.. kapag uhh… pag may mga free time ka is dun mo na gawin ung mga assignment mo
1169 tapos… simula kasi nung nagtrabaho na ako parang every minute ngay importante sa akin so
1170 parang pag naglalakad bilisan kapag nasa trabaho kasi hmm.. para.. nakuha mon ngay diyay time
1171 nga kung baga ag ala ag agaramid ka ti ne… ti notes mo nga uhh six uhh six o’clock dapat
1172 nakariing kan tapos 30 minutes ka nga ag digos kasjay
1173 Wn.
1174 Ada ti kwak ngay time time management kung baga.
1175 Wn.
1176 Nga sursurotek tapno mabalance ko day studyk ken jay uhh work ko…taz..
1177 Yan..when do you or what do you do when your teachers give a project?
1178 Project? Hmm… inaadjust ko na lng ung time ko sa work kasi dun sa… kunwari kung may mga
1179 practice project namin un noh ung performance namin.
1180 Hm..
1181 Is uhh parang may pra.. gagawin namin ng sabado i-aadjust ko ung schedule ko maglolow break
1182 ako so bale imamanage ko ulit ung time ko dun na kung maglolong break ako ng four hours dun
1183 ko na gagawin parang dun ko na gagawin ung project na binigay sakin.
1184 Ung project mo ba maayos ung pagkakagawa mo?
1185 Sakto lang naman na okay lang naman.
1186 Sakto na hindi ba siya narurush? I mean kung ginawa mo ba siya ng ano ket parang hin
1187 pag tiningnan mo siya para sayo hindi ba siya narush tingnan?
1188 Hindi naman siguro.
1189 So kamusta naman ung grades mo sa mga assignments, quizzes or project?

1190 Ayos lang atleast uhh hindi ko nga akalain na blessed ako na kahit ngay pala may work ka uhmm
1191 aff..kayo mo rin palang makipagsabayan.
1192 Mmm..
1193 Hindi naman sa pagmamayabang pero atleast nakakapasok sa recommendable with honors.
1194 Oo.
1195 kahit ganun lang parang….worth it naman.
1196 That’s great naman. How are your performance like for example sa p.e. natin?
1197 Uhmm..
1198 Kung sakasakaling may oras kayong magpractice ilang oras ka nakikipractice or minutes?
1199 Wala. Haha..para kasing kung kung hapon uhhh hindi na ako ung may time tapos nung before na
1200 ung uhh… ung performance namin dun na ako makikipractice dun na ako magaabsent ganun sa
1201 work tapos.. un.. dun ko na.. dun na ako makikipractice tapos tapos uhh i-mememorize ko ung
1202 steps na lang sa bahay tas dun na nakukuha ko naman.
1203 Oh nice. So for you what is study life balance or time management?
1204 Uhmm. Para sa akin kwan kasi to eh eto ung uhh way ko para uhhh ito ung key ko para..
1205 mabalance yung..
1206 Time?
1207 Time ko and para… hindi ngay uh.ako nahihirapan ..parang siya yung technique ko kumbaga..
1208 yun ang technique ko para sa akin parang…mabalance ko ung study ko.
1209 So how about productivity? Ano ung definition mo sa productivity?
1210 Productivity for me is that uhhh…parang throughout the challenges in life un ngay ung uhh..un
1211 ung way para maging…ma… parang..maenhance mo yung sarili mo
1212 Mmm..
1213 umm and uh it will ung mga challenges ngay ket uhh un ung magiging way para.. maging…
1214 mabrave ka para maging brave enough ka para to face uhh harder challenges in life.
1215 May I ask, bakit ka pala nagtratrabaho?
1216 Ah..haha..kasi walang nagpapaaral sa akin and uh.. un..kasi gus..para may pera.haha..pang
1217 allowance ganun.
1218 Kasama ka ba sa Baltao Scholar?
1219 Yah.
1220 Oh. Yung parents mo?
1221 Wag na lang natin ung pag usapan.
1222 Ay I’m sorry I’m sorry.
1223 Ok lang?
1224 Ok lang ok lang so sorry about that uum thank you for sacrificing your time again.
1225 Yah.
1226 I assure the confidentiality of the whole interview. Transcript will be returned to you and
1227 in behalf of my team again thank you very much.
1228 Thank you.
1229 Thank you thank you salamat.




















1250 COREQ (Consolidated criteria for Reporting Qualitative research) Evaluation for
1251 Paper Reviewers/Panel
1253 Instruction: This is a checklist of items that should be included in reports of qualitative
1254 research. Evaluators/ Panel members are to note for the presence of the said indicators
1255 and comment on possible improvements for each area if applicable.
Parameters Item Guide Questions/Description Reported Reviewer
No. on Comment
Page No.
Domain 1: Research team and reflexivity
Personal characteristics

Interviewer/facilitator 1 Which author/s conducted the
interview or focus group? Page 2

Credentials 2 What were the researcher’s

credentials? Page 2

Occupation 3 What was their occupation at the

time of the study? Page 2

Gender 4 Was the researcher/s male or

female? Page 2

Experience and 5 What experience or training did

training the researcher have? Page 2

Relationship with participants

Relationship 6 Will a relationship established
established prior to study commencement? Page 2

Participant 7 What did the participants know

knowledge of the about the researcher? e.g.
Page 2
interviewer personal goals, reasons for doing
the research
Interviewer 8 What characteristics were
characteristics reported about the
interviewer/facilitator? E.g. Bias, Page 3
assumptions, reasons and
interests in the research topic
Domain 2: Study design
Theoretical framework
Methodological 9 What methodological orientation
orientation and was stated to underpin the study?
Theory Is the approach appropriate Page 3
based on the intended goal and
Participant selection
Sampling 10 How were the participants
selected? E.g. purposive,
convenience, consecutive, Page 3
snowball For purposive, Is there
a clear Inclusion Criteria?
Method of approach 11 How will the participants be
approached? E.g. face-to-face,
Page 3
telephone, mail, email. IS the
approach appropriate?
Sample size 12 How many participants will be Page 3
in the study? Will it

commensurate based on the
intended approach?
Non-participation 13 Are the criteria for non-
participation stated? Page 3

Setting of data 14 Where will the data be collected?
collection E.g. home, clinic, workplace Page 3

Presence of non- 15 Will anyone be present besides

participants the participants and researchers? Page 3

Description of sample 16 What are the important

characteristics of the sample? Page 3
E.g. demographic data, date
Data collection
Interview guide 17 Were questions, prompts, guides Attachment
provided by the authors? 3
Page 21
Repeat interviews 18 Will there be repeat interviews?
If yes, how many? N/A

Audio/visual 19 Will the research use audio or

recording visual recording to collect data? Page 3

Field notes 20 Will field notes be made during

and/or after the interview or N/A
focus group?
Duration 21 What will be the duration of the
interviews or focus group? Page 3

Data saturation 22 Was data saturation discussed?

Page 3

Transcripts returned 23 Will transcripts returned to

participants for comment and/or Page 4
Domain 3: Analysis and findings
Data analysis
Number of data 24 How many data coders will code
coders the data? Page 4

Description of the 25 Will authors provide a

coding tree description of the coding tree? Page 4

Derivation of themes 26 Were themes identified in

advance or derived from the Page 4

Software 27 What software, if applicable,
was used to manage the data? Page 4

Participant checking 28 Will participants provide

feedback on the findings? Page 4

1256 Developed from: Tong A, Sainsburry P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative
1257 research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. International Journal
1258 for Quality in Health Care. 2007. Volume 19, Number 6:pp. 349-357











1270 Case X being interviewed for the first time.


1272 Case Y being interviewed for the first time.







1. Pre-defense

-Reference Table
- Introduction
- Method

2. Proposal

3. Collection of Data

4. Treatment of Data

5. Preparation of
Final Paper

6. Final Defense

7. Publication


1279 In the month of August and September, the Pre-defense including the Reference Table, Introduction, and Method were
1280 expected to be finished. The Proposal Defense is expected to be prepared in the month of October. The collection of data will be done
1281 by the month of October and November. The treatment of data and the preparation of the final paper will going to happen by the
1282 month of November. By the month of December, the final defense and publication will take place.




1) Printing of 2 page study matrix Php. 2.00 1 copy Php. 2.00

Study Matrix
2) Printing of 22 pages research Php. 22.00 3 copies Php. 66.00
Research proposal
Proposal Paper
3) Printing of Final 26 pages final research Php. 26.00 3 copies Php. 78.00
Research Paper paper

4) Printing for 50 pages research Php. 90.00 6 copies Php. 540.00

Book Bounding paper

TOTAL Php. 686.00


1287 Source of Budget:

1288 1) Personal Finance of Researchers
















1305 Address: #57 East Quirino Hill, Baguio City 2600, CAR Philippines
1306 Phone Number: 661-0671
1307 Cellphone Number: 09128625959
1308 E-mail:

1312 This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct research.
1315 Gender: Female
1316 Birthdate: August 11, 2000
1317 Nationality: Filipino
1318 Marital Status: Single
1322 Buyagan, La Trinidad, Benguet
1323 Graduated First Honorable Mention, Athlete of the Year and Journalist of the Year
1326 Stockfarm, Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
1327 Graduated with Honors and Conduct Award
1329 2018-Present PINES CITY COLLEGES
1330 Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City
1331 Currently taking HUMSS strand
1336 Practical Research Adviser
1337 | 09187906461

1346 Address: FC 174 Central Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet 2601, CAR Philippines
1347 Cellphone Number: 09101938987
1348 E-mail:

1353 This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct research.
1356 Gender: Female
1357 Birthdate: August 27, 2001
1358 Nationality: Filipino
1359 Marital Status: Single
1363 Minac, Buyacaoan, Buguias, Benguet
1364 Graduated Elementary Education Salutatorian and Girl Scout of the Year
1367 Km6 La Trinidad, Benguet
1368 Graduated Secondary Education with Special Awards
1370 2018-Present PINES CITY COLLEGES
1371 Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City
1372 Currently taking HUMSS strand
1377 Practical Research Adviser
1378 | 09187906461



1395 Address: #25 Dizon Subdivision Maya Street, Baguio City 2601, CAR Philippines
1396 Cellphone Number: 09676849023
1397 E-mail:

1402 This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct research.
1405 Gender: Male
1406 Birthdate: October 12, 1999
1407 Nationality: Filipino
1408 Marital Status: Single
1412 Pias, Porac, Pampanga
1415 #410 Magsaysay, Baguio City
1417 2018-Present PINES CITY COLLEGES
1418 Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City
1419 Currently taking HUMSS strand
1424 Teacher, BSBT Colleges of Teacher Education
1425 | 09205213487



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