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小明着急的坐如针毡,火急火燎的 Xiao Ming sits in a hurry like a needle felt,

burning with urgency

心胡乱的在胸腔里蹦跶, 一点节奏都没有 My heart is jumping around in my chest,

there is no rhythm at all

时间似乎故意和我作对——走得慢极了, Time seemed to go against me on

烦躁、焦急一起涌上心来,我不停地看表, purpose—it was going so slowly,
irritability and anxiety came to my mind,
and I kept looking at my watch, staring at
the slowly moving second hand.

他急的满脸通红,汗珠直往下掉,脸通红的 His face flushed in a hurry, the beads of

连说话都接巴了。 sweat fell straight down, and his flushed
face even spoke.

我感觉自己的心像要跳出来一般,徘徊、流 I felt like my heart was about to jump out.

浪却找不到出口,只知道自己将面临着一 I was wandering and wandering but
项艰巨却又不得不为的重担,心突然间好 couldn't find an exit. I only knew that I
累…… would be faced with a daunting but
unavoidable burden, and my heart was
suddenly so tired.

他心如鹿撞,心砰砰的跳,心里七上八下,心 His heart was pounding like a deer, his

情如激荡的湖水一样不平静 heart was pounding, his heart was up and
down, and his mood was as restless as a
turbulent lake.
心里仿佛被个无形的大石压住,嘴巴不听 My heart seemed to be suppressed by an
的颤抖。脑子一片空白。 invisible boulder, and my mouth trembled
uncontrollably. The mind went blank.


她哭得那样伤心,那样悲恸,那样绝望 She cried so sadly, so sadly, so

夜里,我久久不能入睡,又苦闷又忧伤。望 At night, I couldn't sleep for a long time,
着窗外闪烁的星星,我的眼泪又掉下来了 and I was depressed and sad. Looking at
the twinkling stars outside the window, my
tears fell again

一连串泪水,从 …. 痛楚的脸颊上无声地 -

我目瞪口呆,完全没有了反应,只觉得四周 I was stunned, and there was no

空荡荡,寒风像无情的箭,扎进我的心窝里 response at all. I only felt that the
surroundings were empty, and the cold
wind was like a relentless arrow, piercing
into my heart.

我呢,连哭都忘了怎么哭了,只是咧着嘴抽 As for me, I forgot how to cry, I just

泣,泪蒙住了我的脸。 grinned and sobbed, tears covering my

尖刻的议论,使他觉得有说不出的苦涩味。 The sharp remarks made him feel

他想哭,又哭不出来。自此以后,他变得沉 indescribably bitter. He wanted to cry, but
默、孤独了 couldn't cry. Since then he has been
silent and lonely

我气极了,真想揍她一顿,但我忍住了,可 I was so angry that I really wanted to beat

泪水止不住地流了下来。 her up, but I held it back, but the tears
couldn't stop flowing

我心疼得像刀绞一样,眼泪不住地往下流 My heart hurts like a knife, and the tears

keep streaming down

Sorrow and hatred filled him.

His face was flushed red, all the way to

the roots of his hair, his nose widened
,一条深深的皱纹从紧咬着的嘴唇向气势 due to the excitement in his heart, beads
汹汹地往前突出的下巴伸展过去。 of sweat appeared on his forehead, and a
deep wrinkle stretched from his biting lips
to his aggressively protruding chin. past.

一股压不住的怒火冲了上来,一拱拱地顶 An uncontrollable anger rushed up and

上脑门子。 arched his forehead

那张黑瘦的脸变得更黑,眼睛里发出怒火 The black and thin face grew darker, with

,嘴张开露出尖锐的黄牙,好像要把他吃 fury in his eyes, and his mouth opened to
掉似的 reveal sharp yellow teeth, as if he was
going to eat him

睛变暗了,突然闪烁了一下,又变得漆黑 The eyes darkened, suddenly flickered,

,接着姗起了不可遏制的怒火 then became dark again, and then Shan
burst into uncontrollable anger

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