Santillana, Cristine N. - COMM 1a - PANTOMINA DE ALBAY

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Despite the rapid development of modern romance, courtship persists, particularly in Albayanos.
Courtship is the period during which a couple gets to know each other before committing to marriage. A
male's traditional role is to vigorously "court" or "woo" a female, thereby encouraging her to understand
him and her receptivity to a marriage proposal.

Catholic tradition has a strong influence on weddings in the Philippines. Because of this history, there is a
strong belief that marriage is a sacrament to be revered and cherished. The "Handaan," or reception,
concludes the wedding ceremony in which newlyweds are expected to perform their first dance, and
where guests usually tape or pin paper bills on their clothes as cash gifts. A pair of doves will also be
released to represent the couple's everlasting love.

The Pantomina de Albay is one of the wedding dances performed by Albayanos for the newlyweds and
their guests. Pantomina is a Bicolano traditional dance with courting/wooing moves that got its name
from the Spanish term "pantomime." It is also known as the "dance of the doves" because it mimics the
movement of courting doves. Its traditional name is "Salampati," which is Bicol for "dove." A man woos
his female partner in order to win her hand in marriage in this traditional dance.

Pantomina de Albay is a vibrant, colorful, and elegant folk dance. Their movements, clothing, and music
reflect their distinct culture and play an important role in shaping citizens' identities. These romantic
dances are full of courtship, passion, and flirting. Pantomina de Albay, on the other hand, distinguishes it
because the version described here is from the province of Albay. The Filipino courtship ritual is, without
a doubt, one of the most romantic in the world. The concept of honoring the woman and her family is
extremely important in Filipino courting culture, as it closely adheres to society's rules for pursuing a
lady. Despite our society's diverse beliefs and cultures, it's encouraging to see how everyone respects and
works to improve one another.

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