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A Research Paper

Presented to



In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

Submitted by:







Distance learning is defined as the use of technology to bridge a gap in

physical distance between a teacher and a student (Matthews, 1999).

Distance learning is not a new concept in higher education. Since the

development of the postal service in the 19th century, colleges have provided

distance education to students across the country (IHEP,1999).

The beginning of distance education can be traced bacak to 1840, When Sir

Isaac Pitman thought of a way to deliver instruction to an infinite audience.

His idea was to offer decades extensive correspondence courses by mail. The

concept was successful and within a few decades extensive correspondence

programs where available in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United

States, and Japan (Curran, 1997). By the 1990s, Is the first department of

correspondence teaching was established at the University of Chicago and

by 1911 the University of Queensland in Australia had developed a

department of External Studies (Matthews,1999).

Through the adoption of the basic Education learning continuity plan for the

School Year 2020-2021 in light of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency,

The department of education (DepEd) is implementing a distance learning

approach. Distance learning as defined by DepEd, refers to a learning

delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher and the

learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction.

This modality has three types: Modular distance learning, Online distance

learning, and TV⁄Radio- Based instruction.

What mostly applied in Batan, Aklan is the modular distance learning

(MDL). MDL as explained by DepEd, is in the form of individualized

instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules in print or

digital format⁄ electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the context of the

learner and other learning resources like Learner’s, Materials, Textbooks,

Activity sheets, Study Guides and other study materials. In this learning

delivery mode. CDs, DVDs, USB storage and computer based applications

can be used to deliver learning materials including offline E-books. The

teacher takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners.

The learners may ask assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text

message or instant messaging, etc. Where possible, the teacher shall do

home visits to learners needing remediation or assistance. Any member of

the family or other stakeholder in the community needs to serve as para-

This the Benefits of Modular Class to the Grade 12 Students of Pablo

Omerez Cedeño Memorial Learning Center. This study includes how the

modular class of every students that they experienced. These generalize

what will be the perspective of every student about their modular class to

their school and how this connection makes an impact to their academic

performance. In some research that Modularization is based on the principle

of dividing the curriculum into small discrete modules or units that are

independent, nonsequential, and typically short in duration. Students

accumulate credits for modules which can lead to the qualification for which

a specified number of credit point is required. Moreover, the very essence of

modularization is that students are at center of the teaching–learning

process. It calls for a classroom environment in which students are actively

engaged in knowledge construction process and a shift in the role of

instructor from knowledge transmitter to a facilitator of students’ learning.

Not only that, modularization requires continuous follow-up and assessment

of students’ progress throughout the module/course. The practice of

effective continuous assessment allows instructors making adjustments to

teaching and learning in response to assessment evidence. This also helps

students receive feedback about their learning with advice on what they can

do to improve. The purpose of this research is not only to know the

perception of students of Grade 12 Students of Pablo Omerez Cedeño

Memorial Learning Center on having a benefits to modular class regarding

on their Academic performance.

The Philippines is in the process of adopting to the new normal form of

education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active

involvement of other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. One

of the most important issues in E-learning is measurement and evaluation.

According to the nature of distance learning, the measurement and

evaluation process are undertaken through computers or internet via online

exam modules. However, Problems derived from the user or the system can

occur and online assessments in e-learning have many potential limitations.

The key purpose of this research is to find out the challenges encountered,

and opinions of the students in the implementation of modular distance

learning and what are the benefits of modular distance learning. The main

challenges that emerged were lack of school funding in the production and

delivery of the modules; students struggled with self studying, and parents’

lack of knowledge to academically guide their child⁄ children. In conclusion,

the study was able to determine the prevailing challenges of the participants

in terms of resources, preparedness, and communication. The result of this

study may serve as a springboard for the future improvements to the

students of Pablo Omerez Cedeno Memorial Learning Center Inc.


This study is aim to Determine the issues and concerns on the use of
Modular Learning Modality among students in the Grade 12 Students of
Pablo Omerez Cedeño Memorial Learning Center Inc.


1.What is the demographic profile of student-respondents in terms of:

a. Age b. Gender

c. Ethnicity d. Socio-Economic Status

2. What is the academic performance os Student-Respondents before and

after modular distance modality?

3. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of the

respondents using modular distance learning?



ND: It is hypothesized that there will be no significant relationship between

the modular class and the Academic Performance of the students.

D: there will be no increase on Academic Performance of students as the

modular class decrease.


This research is created for the students to know on how it can affect the

academic performance, to know the Learning Modality among teachers. This

study can help educators and planners since it will consider the issues and

concerns of the teachers on the use of Modular Distance Learning Modality.

The administrators are the foremost personnel who benefited from this

study as they will be aware on the issues and concerns of the teachers with

regards to the Modular learning delivery modality.

This can make them think of what actions can be taken to solve the issues

and concerns to reach future target. This study is also beneficial to the

teachers who are affected in these issues on the use of this delivery

modality. Through this study, the issues and concerns that they are facing

will be settle.To Pablo Omerez Cedeño Memorial Learning Center it will also

inform the students the benefits of modular class. For the future

researchers, it will inspire them to make another research regarding on this.

The researchers can use it as a basis for doing their research and to be

knowledgeable about this topic which may be a big help for them and to

learn a lot of things.


May aim to figure out the different perspectives of students by having a

target population of every Grade This study focuses on how Modular class

affect to their academic perfomance. This 12 Students of Pablo Omerez

Cedeño Memorial Learning Center. The researchers choose Grade 12

Students of Pablo Omerez Cedeño Memorial Learning Center as the subject

population for the study because of they one who experienced the modular

class that is aiming to learn how interaction with different people works.


Academic performance (Aca-de-mic-per-for-mance)- is the extent to with a

student, teacher, or institution has achieved their short or long-term

educational goals.

Classrooms (Class-room)- A classroom is a learning space a room in which

both children and adult learn. Classrooms attempts to provide a space

where learning can take place uninterrupted by outside distractions.

Relationship (Re-la-tion-ship) - the way in which two or more people talk to

behave, toward, and deal with each other.

Student (stu-dent)- a person who studying in at school or a person who is

studying in order to enter a particular profession.

Modular Class- was the most accessible of all the modalities, which parents

themselves preferred for their children. 

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