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Letter A

@—at ACDF - anterior cervical discectomy and

A & P—anatomy and physiology fusion
ab—abortion ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme
abd—abdominal ACLS - advanced cardiac life support
ABG—arterial blood gas Ack - acknowledge
a.c.—before meals AKA - above the knee amputation
ac & cl—acetest and clinitest AKI - acute kidney injury
ACLS—advanced cardiac life support ALARA - as low as reasonably achievable
AD—right ear ALB – albumin
ADL—activities of daily living Amb - ambulate, ambulatory
ad lib—as desired AMI - acute myocardial infarction
adm—admission AML - acute myeloid leukemia
afeb—afebrile, no fever AMLS - advanced medical life support
AFB—acid-fast bacillus Amp - amputated, ampule
AKA—above the knee AMS – altered mental status
alb—albumin AMT - amount
alt dieb—alternate days (every other day) ANA - American nurses association,
am—morning A line - arterial line
AMA—against medical advice ALL - acute lymphocytic leukemia
amal—amalgam ALP - alkaline phosphatase
amb—ambulate, walk ALT - alanine aminotransferase
AMI—acute myocardial infarction AMA - against medical advice
amt—amount ACP - advanced clinical practitioner
ANS—automatic nervous system ACS - acute coronary syndrome
ant—anterior AD - advance directive
AOx3—alert and oriented to person, time, ADA - Americans with disabilities act ADAT
and place - advance diet as tolerated
Ap—apical ADD - attention deficit disorder
AP—apical pulse ADE- adverse drug event
approx—approximately ADH - antidiuretic hormone
aq—aqueous ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity
ARDS—acute respiratory distress syndrome disorder
AS—left ear Ad lib - as desired
ASA—aspirin ADLS - activities of daily living
asap (ASAP)—as soon as possible ADM - admission
as tol—as tolerated ADR - adverse drug reaction
ATD—admission, transfer, discharge AECOPD - acute exacerbation of chronic
AU—both ears obstructive pulmonary disease
Ax—axillary AED - automated external defibrillator,
Ag - silver antiepileptic drug
AHA- American heart association AF - atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, amniotic
AHTR - acute hemolytic transfusion reaction fluid
AICD - automatic implantable cardioverter- A fib - atrial fibrillation
defibrillator Annual Visit - A
AIDET - acknowledge, introduce, duration, Before food or meals - a.c.
explanation, thank you Before noon - a.m.
AIDS - acquired immune deficiency Anterior-posterior - A-P
syndrome Aortic first sound - A1
ABD - abdominal Aortic second sound - A2
ABG - arterial blood gas Alcoholics Anonymous - AA
ABI - ankle brachial index Antibiotics – Ab
ABLA - acute blood loss anemia Abortion - AB
Abn - abnormal Abdomen - abd.
ABX - antibiotics Abnormal - abn.
AC - before meals Abdominal pain, chest pain, headaches,eye
AC/HS - before meals / at bedtime problems, severe leg cramps - ACHES
American College of Obstetrics & ABCDE airway, breathing, circulation,
Gynecology - ACOG disability, exposure
as desired - ad lib antinuclear antibody
Activities of daily living - ADL's ANC- absolute neutrophil count
Administration - admin AND - allow natural death
Anteflexed - AF Anes- anesthesia
Average for gestational age - AGA ANX - anxiety
Artificial insemination by donor - AID AOCD - anemia of chronic disease
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - AOI - area of impact
AIDS AP - apical
Artificial insemination by husband - AIH APP - advanced practice provider
Albumin - alb Approx - approximately
Ampule - amp. Appy - appendectomy
Amount - amt. APT - AntiPlatelete Trialists
American Nurses Association - ANA APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time
Anterior - ant. AR - aortic regurgitation, artificial respiration
Adolescent onset - AO ARB - angiotensin receptor blocker
Approximately - approx. ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
Appointment - appt ARI - acute respiratory infection
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner - ARNP - advanced registered nurse
ARNP Artificial rupture of membranes - practitioner
AROM Acetylsalicylic Acid - ASA AS - aortic stenosis
As soon as possible - ASAP ASA - acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
Asymptomatic - asymp. Asp - aspiration
Abnormal transformation zone - ATZ AST - aspartate aminotransferase
Alive/well - aw ATTN - attending
Acetowhite epithelium - AWE AUB - abnormal uterine bleeding
AMS - altered mental status ant - anterior AVF - aortic valve flow
AO × 4 - alert and oriented to person, place, AVM - arteriovenous malformation
time, and self AVPU - alert voice pain unresponsive
AP - anteroposterior, front-to-back, action AVR - aortic valve replacement
potential, angina pectoris, anterior pituitary, AX - axillary
arterial pressure AXR - abdominal x ray
APC - atrial premature complex, activated A&P - anatomy and physiology
protein C, aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine ACLS - advanced cardiac life support
Aq - water AK - above the knee ā - before
ARDS - adult respiratory distress syndrome ad lib - as much as desired
ASA - aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) AKA - above the knee amputation
ASAP - as soon as possible āā - of each (used in writing prescriptions)
ASHD - arteriosclerotic or atherosclerotic ADL - activity of daily living
heart disease A-line - arterial line
AV, A-V atrioventricular, arteriovenous abd - abdomen
A&O x 3 - alert and oriented to person, AED - automated external defibrillator
place and time AMA - against medical advice
A&O x 4 - alert and oriented to person, ABG - arterial blood gas
place, time and event AF - atrial fibrillation
A-FIB - atrial fibrillation amb - ambulatory
AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm ac - before meals
ABC - airway, breathing, circulation AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency
ABD - abdomen (abdominal) syndrome
ACLS - advanced cardiac life support AMI - acute myocardial infarction
AKA - above the knee amputation
ALS - advanced life support
AMA - against medical advice
AMS - altered mental status
AMT - amount
APPROX - approximately
ASA - aspirin
ASSOC - associated
A/O - alert and oriented
A&P - assessment and plan
AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm
Letter B

BE—barium enema bid—twice a day Blood urea nitrogen - BUN

bil, bilateral—both sides Bartholin's, Urethral, Skene's glands - BUS
BK—below knee Biopsy - Bx
BKA—below the knee amputation BG - blood glucose
bl—blood BILAT - bilateral
bl wk—blood work BKA - below the knee amputation
BLS—basic life support BLS - basic life support
BM—bowel movement BM - bowel movement
BOW—bag of waters BP - blood pressure
B/P—blood pressure BS - breath sounds
bpm—beats per minute BVM - bag-valve-mask
BR—bed rest BA - baker act, barium
BRP—bathroom privileges BAL- bronchoalveolar lavage
BS—breath sounds Baso - basophils
BSI—body substance isolation BB - bed bath
BSO—bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy BBB - bundle branch block
BUN—blood, urea, nitrogen levels BBL - bed bath and linen changed
BVM - bag-valve-mask BC - blood culture
bx—biopsy BCPI - bundled payment for care
BBB - bundle branch block improvement
bid - twice daily Benzo - benzodiazepine
BKA - below the knee amputation BERT- behavioral emergency response
BM - bowel movement team
BP - blood pressure Bilat - bilateral
BS - blood sugar, breath sounds, bowel BiPAP - bilevel positive airway pressure
sounds, bachelor of science (degree) BKA - below the knee amputation
BSA - body surface area BLE - bilateral lower extremities
Before - B/4 BLS-basic life support BM - bowel
Bacterial Vaginosis - B.V. movement BMI - body mass index
Beta sub-unit - B-HCG BMP - basic metabolic panel BMR - basal
Basal body temperature - BBT metabolic rate BON - board of nursing
Benign Cellular Changes - BCC BP - blood pressure
Bureau of Community Health Services - BPCI - bundled payments for care
BCHS improvement
Birth control method - BCM BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia BPS -
Birth control pills - BCP bloodborne pathogens standard BR -
Breakfast - bfst bedrest, bathroom
Breakfast - BFST brady - bradycardia
Bowel movement - BM BRBPR - bright red blood per rectum
Basal metabolic index - BMI Bronch-bronchoscopy
Basal metabolic rate - BMR BRP - bathroom privileges
Bag of waters - BOW BS - blood sugar, bedside
Blood pressure - BP BSC - bedside commode
Breath sounds - BrS BTP - breakthrough pain
Bowel sounds – BS BUE - bilateral upper extremities
Breast self-exam – BSE BUN - blood urea nitrogen
Bilaterai salpingooophorectomy - BSO BX - biopsy
Breast – bst BT - Bedtime
Breakthrough bleeding - BTB BBF - Before Breakfast
Bilateral tubal ligation - BTL BD - Before Dinner
Back up method - BUM

Letter C

C & S—culture and sensitivity
c-spine—cervical spine
CAD—coronary artery disease
CAT—computerized axial tomography
CBC—complete blood count
cc—cubic centimeters
CC—chief complaint
CCU—coronary care unit, critical care unit
CHD—coronary heart disease
CHF—congestive heart failure
cl liq—clear liquid
CNS—central nervous system
c/o—complains of
COPD—chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPK—creatine phosphokinase
CPR—cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPT—chest physical therapy
CS—central supply
CSF—cerebrospinal fluid
CT—computer tomography
CVA—cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
CVU—cardiovascular unit
cx—cervix or complaint of
CXR—chest X ray

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