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Labor Law Review

Dean Salvador Poquiz

- This test is the most crucial and most important in

determining ER-EE relationship
- It assumes “primacy” over all other considerations
- When you talk of two-tiered test, this refers to the
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 control test and the economic test in determining
ER-EE relationship
o Between labor and capital, labor is
GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS economically dependent upon capital
o So primarily, the EE depends upon the ER
Labor economically
- It is a physical or mental exertion of effort - Even without the other test, you can determine ER-
- This may refer to the work force, labor force EE relationship under control test
- Under the Labor Code of the Philippines, labor may - If you analyze this aspect , indeed, there is only one
test – control test
also refer to “manpower” - Control test encompasses all test
- If the ER hires an EE, the former is required to pay
Manpower the wages of the latter. EE, on the other hand,
- It is the portion of population of the state that is should comply with the rules and regulations of the
capable of producing goods or services. company. If the EE commits and infraction or
violates the company rules and regulations, he
could be disciplined or dismissed.
Labor Law
- This is a law, rule or regulation that defines the Economic Relations Test
relationship between the employer (ER) and the - It was actually in America where they introduced
employee (EE) this economic relations test
o The ER have control and supervision over - In this test, you have to consider, even if there is no
the EE, and the EE is entitled to his contract of employment
compensation - GR: if there is no contract of employment, there is
- It encompasses every type of labor and social no ER-EE relationship
XPN: Economic Relations Test (i.e. Even if there is
no contract of employment, but you receive your
- The juridical foundation of labor law is the salary, your name was submitted with SSS, Pag-
existence of ER-EE relationship Ibig, PhilHealth, BIR, etc. – these are instances that
will prove the ER-EE relationship)
Two (2) Tests to Determine the ER-EE Relationship:
1. Control Test There must be an ER-EE relationship for an EE to be
2. Payment of Wages Test/Salaries Test covered under the Labor Code of the Philippines. Without
such relationship, labor tribunals have no jurisdiction, but
instead it is the regular courts.
Four-Fold Test in Determining ER-EE Relationship
(a.k.a. Four-Way Test) Types of Labor Law:
1. Labor Standards Law
- In one case decided by the Supreme Court, this test 2. Social Legislation
was also referred to as “indicia of determination” 3. Labor Relations Law
Additional Types:
1. Selection and engagement of putative employee 4. Protective Legislation
- It is the ER the hires/selects/chooses the EE 5. Welfare or Social Legislations
2. Payment of wages or salaries test 6. Diplomatic Legislations
- There is an exception to this rule. In one article
under the Labor Code, with or without Protective Legislation
compensation, still there is an employment - This is a type of labor law which is designed to
relationship (Sir: this will be discussed later on) protect certain types of EEs who are usually
- But as a rule, if the ER hires an EE, the latter should unfairly treated in employment contract (ex.
be paid his compensation Women EEs, child EEs, disables/incapacitated EEs)
3. Presence or absence of power of dismissal
4. Control test Examples:
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Dean Salvador Poquiz

1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (protection for i. Woman EE is dismissed because
male/female EEs against sexual harassment) she got pregnant;
- Sexual harassment is a form of serious misconduct ii. She was already employed but she
which considered as a just cause for dismissal was dismissed because she might
- This is designed to protect EEs from oversex get pregnant again;
superiors iii. The woman EE was required to
- Two (2) Types of Sexual Harassment: (a) quid pro sign a contract of adhesion that
quo sexual harassment (“I give so you may give”); should she get pregnant she will
and (b) hostile work environment be dismissed
- Quid Pro Quo: A superior officer told his secretary, In PAL case, the SC stated that getting
“I want to have sexual contact with you”. Hindi siya married does not necessarily mean getting
pinabigyan ng secretary. Thus, the officer pregnant. One can get married without
dismissed the secretary. In this case, there’s an getting pregnant, in the same manner as
ADVERSE TANGIBLE ACTION. one can get pregnant without getting
o If she was transferred unreasonably to
another branch which makes it hard for Q: Where to file a case of illegal dismissal?
her to perform her duties and functions to A: Regional Arbitration Branch of the NLRC having
the point that she quits her job, then there territorial jurisdiction over the workplace of the
is a CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL in this complainant
case. Although she resigned, there is
constructive dismissal because continued - Ex. If the EE is working in Manila but she is a
employment has become impossible, resident of Cebu, file the illegal dismissal case with
unbearable, unreasonable, or unlikely the Regional Arbitration Branch-NCR of the NLRC.
under the circumstances. It includes o In this case, the Labor Arbiter should not
diminution in pay, conduct hearing on the merits right away.
unreasonable/inconvenient/prejudicial o There is a requirement a “conference”
transfer. should be conducted between two parties
o Constructive dismissal is illegal dismissal without the presence of their lawyer. The
because the ER has an intention to dismiss purpose is to reach amicable settlement.
the EE but the ER does not want to take the o If after such conference has been
initiative of dismissing an EE. So ER does conducted, no settlement was reached,
acts that would compel the EE to resign that’s the only time that the case will be on
(forced/involuntary resignation). the level of the Labor Arbiter.
o Constructive dismissal is also called as o In the office of the Labor Arbiter, the LA
dismissal in disguise. will notify the parties for the two
preliminary conferences.
- Hostile Work Environment: Here, the victim is
placed in an intimidating hostile offensive (IHO) Q: Can you settle under the preliminary conferences?
work environment through sexual remarks. A: Yes.
o Ex 1. “Alam mo ang ganda ganda mo. Na-
inlove ako sayo kasi ang puti puti ng hita o After two preliminary conferences were
mo.” (not sexual harassment) conducted and no settlement has been
o Ex 2. “Ang ganda ganda mo. Kapag nakikita reached, you can move for additional
ko yang hita mo, nililib*gan ako” (there is preliminary conference even if not stated
sexual remarks/utterances) in the rules. The purpose is for the speedy
disposition of cases. Also, Art. 227 of the
2. Other laws that protect EEs to certain types of Labor Code states that technical rules are
discrimination: not binding but prior resort to amicable
a. Discrimination in pay settlement is encouraged.
b. Discrimination in work opportunity (equal
work opportunity) Q: What are other laws that protect EEs:
c. Discrimination in hiring a. Proper seating facilities
d. Discrimination in dismissal b. Law that provides for a nursery
e. Discrimination in sex c. Law that provides for breast-feeding facilities
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- Any act that provides comfort or convenience to

Labor Standards Law the human body which results in injury or death is
- It is a law that provides standards as to wages, compensable
hours of work, cost of living allowances including - Personal comfort doctrine
health, safety, dental, medical and compensation - Ex. In the working area under the heat of the sun,
benefits there is no portable water. An EE wanted to quench
- Primarily, when we talk of labor standards law, it his thirst so he crossed the street. While crossing
provides for economic benefits to a worker while the street, he was run over by a speeding jeepney
the worker is actually working resulting to death/injury – compensable because
- Provided under Book 3 of the Labor Code, including the act of quenching his thirst is an act of
Book 6 law on dismissal) ministration
- Cobra doctrine (concocted doctrine by Dean
Social Legislation (a.k.a. Welfare Legislation) Poquiz)
- A law that provides economic benefits to a worker o EE was attacked by a cobra while urinating
while the worker is NOT at work because of the
hazards of employment Q: What are the kinds of injury/death which are NOT
- Provided under Book 4 state insurance fund and compensable?
employee’s compensation law A:
a. Intoxication
Q: What are the hazards of employment? - Not mere drunkenness; it should be severe
drunkenness, it should be over and above his
a. Compensable disease
b. Compensable injury (injury is a sudden change in drunkenness to the point that the worker is
the body brought about by an accident) entirely out of himself
c. Compensable disability b. Self-Inflicted Injury
i. Temporary total disability - GR: Not compensable
ii. Permanent total disability XPN: compensable in case of:
iii. Permanent partial disability i. Insanity
d. Compensable death
ii. Uncontrollable impulse (beyond the
Q: What are the three (3) main part of the Labor Code? nervous system to regulate or control;
A: beyond the human control to prevent
a. Pre-Employment something)
b. State of Employment Ex. Epileptic attack; EE in the state
c. Post-Employment delirium/tabula rasa
c. Notorious Negligence
Q: What are some of the principles applied in hazards
- Worker deliberately disregarded his own personal
of employment?
A: safety
a. Principle of peculiar risk – in the performance of
his duties and functions, risk is inherent in the
nature of the work of EE
- If there is injury or death in the performance of the
duties and functions, it is compensable
- Ex. Street workers
b. Act of God
- Ex. Seamen died because the vessel capsized –
c. Acts for the benefit of the company/ER
- Although it’s not EE’s duty to perform the activity,
if it is for the benefit of the ER and there is resulting
injury or death, it is compensable
- Ex. A security guard who is not yet on duty but
protected the company from burglar
d. Act of ministration

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 between the parties. The union cannot stage a strike, or
file a notice of strike, without passing through the
procedure. If they do not comply, the union can be
TAXONOMY OF LABOR LAWS liable for unfair labor practice. The employer should
also comply with this clause. The ER, through his
LABOR RELATIONS lawyer, can have the notice of strike dismissed if there
is no compliance with this clause.
Concerns employee organization, concerted activities, or
collective bargaining/negotiation activities including Q: Assuming that there is a conclusive arbitration
unfair labor practices committed by the employer union. clause in the CBA, may the parties agree that instead of
- Springs from the very constitutional right of a worker: availing the grievance machinery, they should instead
right to self-organization embodied under the resolve their dispute through voluntary arbitration?
Constitution. A: YES. There is no legal prohibition for them to avail for
- This includes the jurisdictional aspects of all labor voluntary arbitration right way if so agreed by the practice.
bodies: The aim of the labor law is for speedy labor justice.
• Office of the President Technical rules of procedure and evidence are relaxed in
• DOLE labor proceedings.
• Regional Offices of DOLE
Q: Assuming that there is a conclusive arbitration
clause in the CBA, may a grievance be resolved even
• Regional Arbitration Branches of NLRC
without the machinery?
• National Conciliation and Mediation Board
A: YES. A shop steward is a union officer who tries to assist
• Regional Arbitration Board for the resolution of a grievance. If not resolved on this
• Bureau of Labor Relations level, that’s the time when the matter will be elevated to the
- Covers also jurisdiction of Regional Directors of the appellate level, which is management—to be decided by
DOLE such as Visitorial and Inspection Powers (Art. either the general manager or manager or superintendent
128) and the Adjudicatory Power (Art. 129) of the or vice-president or any responsible officer of the company
Regional Director/Regional Office of the DOLE. as the case may be. If still not resolved, the Labor Code sets
ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION in. The grievance machinery is the first step in the Labor
Code. There are steps in the grievance machinery. These are
This has something to do with laws that create steps that are provided in the CBA or by way of company
administrative bodies for administrative purposes. There policy. The law however does not provided the process of
are labor bodies, although for administrative purposes, going through the grievance machinery. Labor Code says
they perform quasi-judicial functions, like the NLRC, the that within 7 days, and the grievance is not resolved
Labor Arbiters. through the machinery, the matter has to be automatically
transmitted for voluntary arbitration.
Q: What is the nature of the transition from machinery
to voluntary arbitration?
This is not from the point of international law and
A: This is some sort of an appeal—from grievance
diplomacy, but this refers actually to laws that provide for
machinery to voluntary arbitration procedure.
machineries of amicable settlement, like conciliation,
mediation, grievance machinery, voluntary arbitration,
Q: Who will resolve this grievance? Who has
AIDA powers.
jurisdiction to decide this?
A: The voluntary arbitrator, who is different from the labor
- Administrative Intervention for Dispute Avoidance
arbiter (the latter is for purposes of compulsory
(AIDA) Powers: Power of the Secretary of the DOLE;
arbitration). It has to be decided by the voluntary
this is a mode of amicable settlement.
- EVA Powers (ex-officio Volunary Arbitration powers):
exercised by the Regional Directors, Undersecretaries
Q: Upon receipt of the decision of the voluntary
of the DOLE. They are deputized as ex-officio voluntary
arbitrator (VA), can its decision be contested by an
arbitrators, part of the grievance machineries.
aggrieved party?
- Conclusive Arbitration Clause: needed for the CBA to be
A: YES. Under the old provisions of the Labor Code, the
effective. This is simply one referring to grievance
decision of the voluntary arbitrator can be brought to the
machinery and voluntary arbitration procedures. If this
CA within 10 days. Under the latest doctrine, the 10 day
is incorporated in the CBA, that is already the law
period to bring the same to the CA was transformed
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into 10 day period to file a motion for reconsideration • Use your own so as not to injure another. In
(MR). If the MR is denied, from receipt of this denial, the asserting your right, you should not impair the
aggrieved party is given 15 days to elevate it to the CA right of other people.
under Rule 43 (you call this rule, 10 & 15 Day Rule on
Decision of VA). Appeal of the decision of the NLRC should Q: Preamble is not a necessity but it is important. Why?
be filed with the CA (St. Martin Funeral Homes Doctrine). A: You can do away with preamble because it does not
create any right, it does not create any office, does not
impose any obligation to perform a duty or function. But it
is important because the preamble can be resorted to in
CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY BACKGROUNDS interpreting ambiguous and vague provisions of the

Police Power: state has inherent power to make

legislations for the welfare of the people, through Congress. DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION
It is the power to enact wholesome and reasonable laws not
Doctrine of Incorporation Clause: adoption of generally
repugnant of the Constitution, catering to the common good
accepted principles of international law as part of the law
(common good clause). of the land. We adhere to the International Labor
Organizations (ILO). We adhere to the ECOSOC, CRPCR
Q: Why common good and not general welfare? rights under the United Nations
A: Because in the preamble, the State shall promote the - Relation to Labor: conventions of ILO are now sources
common good. The difference is that general welfare of labor law (J. Nachura).
admits an exception. Caters only to the interest of a certain - ILO conventions on the protection of children
sector of society. Common good promotes the welfare of - Protection of women
ALL the people. - Convention on the right to form associations/right to
- Art. 12, Sec. 6: The use of property bears a social - These are now in the Constitution, and in the
function, and all economic agents shall contribute to legislations enacted by Congress.
the common good. Individuals and private groups,
including corporations, cooperatives, and similar PROTECTION TO LABOR
collective organizations, shall have the right to own,
establish, and operate economic enterprises, subject to Protection to Labor Clause (Sec. 3, Art. 13, CONSTI): The
the duty of the State to promote distributive justice and rights contemplated here are as follows:
to intervene when the common good so demands 1. Full protection to labor, full employment, and
(Principle of Distributive Justice). equality of employment of opportunities for all to
- PDJ is similar to eminent domain. An example is R.A. be afforded by the State
6657 (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law)—to 2. Guarantee rights of workers to collective
promote the common good; to promote the welfare of organization/bargaining/negotiation
all the people. 3. Security of tenure
- Two underlying principles of police power: 4. Just and humane conditions of work
• Social Justice: in effecting this principle, it is 5. Right to a living wage
important that you should not impair, trample 6. Participation in policy and decision-making
upon the rights of other people (sic utere tuo ut processes
alienum non laedas). 7. Voluntary modes of settling disputes to foster
o EX: You are a squatter. You have lived industrial peace
there for so long already. You are now 8. Regulation of relations between ER-EE, entitling
claiming that you cannot be removed from the latter to share in fruits of production.
that place, in the name of social justice. - This is the basis of the liberal construction in favor of
This is wrong. The application is labor (Art. 3 of Labor Code of the PH).
misplaced. You cannot violate impair,
trample upon the rights of other people. Q: What is the declaration of policy in the Labor Code?
o EX: You have the right to clean your house. A: Answer using Art. 3 of the Labor Code.
But do you have the right to dump your
trash unto other people’s property? NO.

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FULL EMPLOYMENT, ENSURE EQUAL WORK OPPORTUNITIES Freedom from Poverty Clause: four letter definition:
REGARDLESS OF SEX, RACE OR CREED AND REGULATE THE missing much in life. The state is mandated to free people
RELATIONS BETWEEN WORKERS AND EMPLOYERS . THE STATE from poverty by providing adequate social services,
SHALL ASSURE THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS TO SELF- promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an
TENURE, AND JUST AND HUMANE CONDITIONS OF WORK . - Poverty: low status, with little to lose, little to respect,
little to be proud of, little to sustain efforts to improve.
Q: Why? It is a feeling of missing much in life, because of the lack
A: It is aimed at equality of opportunity, rights, and equality of satisfaction of the fundamental wishes.
before the law. Labor as a factor of production is weak,
helpless, and disadvantaged so the law aims to uplift their SOCIAL JUSTICE CLAUSE
status. Labor is at the mercy of capital. Labor is
economically dependent upon capital. Labor is perishable; Social Justice Clause (Sec. 10, Art. 2, CONSTI) – Calalang v.
labor cannot wait to survive—he must immediately sell his Williams: Social justice is "neither communism, nor
labor otherwise he starves, perishes, dies. Since it is weak despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization
and helpless, it needs protection from the state. Without of laws and the equalization of social and economic forces by
such protection, he can be easily unceremoniously the State so that justice in its rational and objectively secular
dismissed anytime. Without such protection, they have conception may at least be approximated. Social justice
nothing to feed their mouths, they are easily persuaded or means the promotion of the welfare of all the people, the
convinced by ideological radicals. This will lead to Filipinos adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insure
fighting Filipinos. There will be a civil law. This will eat out economic stability of all the competent elements of society,
the bones and meat of the government. through the maintenance of a proper economic and social
equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of the
As you protect labor, you should also protect the rights of community, constitutionally, through the adoption of
capital. The relationship is supplementary and measures legally justifiable, or extra-constitutionally,
complementary. They are considered as equal partners to through the exercise of powers underlying the existence of all
economic development. governments on the time-honored principle of salus populi
- When an employee commits an infraction, and still the est suprema lex. Social justice, therefore, must be founded
Labor Arbiter decides in his favor and orders his on the recognition of the necessity of interdependence
reinstatement, the Supreme Court has held that this is among divers and diverse units of a society and of the
oppression, and this will lead to the self-destruction of protection that should be equally and evenly extended to all
capital. Labor and capital are partners for national and groups as a combined force in our social and economic life,
economic development. consistent with the fundamental and paramount objective
of the state of promoting the health, comfort, and quiet of
Q: What is full employment? all persons, and of bringing about "the greatest good to the
A: It does not mean that everybody is employed. Those who greatest number.".
want (able and willing) to find work at the prevailing rates - It is not for the scoundrels, but for those who do good.
of pay can find work without undue difficulty. There are - In the application of this principle, you have to invoke
more job openings than job applicants. this with clean hands.

Q: What is the requirement if there is full employment? Q: Should the employee be entitled to receive all his
A: Constitution requires that those who are employed salaries (payroll reinstatement) pending appeal?
should be provided with a decent wage. These workers A: NO. There should be no refund. The principle of social
should be provided with a living wage. justice renders inapplicable or ineffective the civil law
doctrine of unjust enrichment (Garcia v. PAL).
Q: Distinguish living wage from minimum wage. - The object is the common man, since the rich can
A: Not a mere subsistence wage; right to a wage sufficient already stand through their own efforts. The target is
to enable the worker to live in reasonable comfort; a wage those among the lower brackets of society, so that
that can provide him and his family a decent standard of those who have less in life should have more in law
living. As opposed to minimum wage, which is a wage that (Prof. Thomas Reid Powell).
provides the minimum—the marking line, the imaginary
line that wages may not fall. You cannot bargain for wages
below the minimum.


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September 30, 2020 in the company rules, policy or regulation or employment

contract then the employer is liable for violation of
LAW ON DISMISSAL contractual due process.

If there is a violation of the statutory or contractual due

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property process, then the employer is still liable for the normal
without due process of law, nor shall any person be consequences of illegal dismissal.
denied the equal protection of the laws. (Art. III, Sec 1 of
1987 Constitution) *Possible Bar Q: What are the normal consequences of
illegal dismissal?
The one that is more related to labor is the right to A: Reinstatement, Back wages, Damages, Attorney's fees
property. In a sense that, in one case the Supreme Court and 6% legal interest pursuant to BSP Circular
said that a worker may not have any other property
except his labor. That is why the right to labor is treated TYPES OF DISMISSAL IN RELATION TO DUE PROCESS
as property within the mantle of constitutional protection.
1. Dismissal for a just cause with due process
*Possible Bar Q: Why do you consider right to labor as 2. Dismissal for authorized cause with due process
property? 3. Dismissal for health reasons with due process
A: It is because of the pronouncement of the Supreme Court 4. Dismissal without just/authorized cause with due
that a worker may not have any other property except his process
labor. Therefore, the right to labor is treated as property 5. Dismissal for a just/authorized cause without due
within the mantle of constitutional protection. process (*BAR)

DUE PROCESS Dismissal for a just/authorized cause without due process

it hears first before it condemns, it proceeds from inquiry is actually the Wenphil Doctrine which was abandoned in
before rendition of a final judgement Serrano v. NLRC. Later on, the Serrano v. NLRC doctrine
was abandoned in Agabon v. NLRC.
based on the latin maxim 'audi alteram partem', which
means no one shall be condemned unheard The dismissal for a just/authorized cause without due
process is actually the Agabon v. NLRC which is also known
Different Types of Due Process as Belated Due Process Rule.

Due process as observed in criminal proceeding, Possible Bar Q: What is Belated Due Process Rule?
administrative, labor proceeding or civil proceeding A: It is dismissal for a just/authorized cause without due
Non-compliance with due process requirement in just
1. Constitutional Due Process cause dismissal
Due process as applied against the government. This
encompasses all civil, criminal, administrative proceeding Employer liable to pay indemnity or nominal damages
which is tempered in the amount of P30,000 (Agabon Case)
2. Statutory Due Process
As provided by the SC in Agabon v. NLRC, this refers to due Non-compliance with due process requirement in
process as observed in labor proceedings under the Labor authorized cause dismissal
Employer is liable to pay indemnity or nominal damages
3. Contractual which is stiffer in the amount of P 50,000
Brought about by latest jurisprudence where the steps in
the observance or application of due process are provided Although this is the settled formula in nominal damages in
for either in a company policy or in an employment belated due process. There were cases decided by the SC
contract. where the amount was tone down or reduced reasonably
considering the plight of the employer or company. (Ex:
Say for instance in a company policy it provides for the employer on the verge of economic meltdown). SC said that
steps before an employee is dismissed or in an employment it would be better that rather than imposing the nominal
contract or in the rules and regulation of the company. If the damages it would be better to impose only P 5,000 in lieu of
company fails to comply with these requirements provided
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P30,000 nominal damages. But still the settled formula is *BAR Q: Why is there no Doctrine of Perpetual
P30,000 and P50,000. Employment?
A: If that would be the case, then any employee who
Dismissal for Non-existent Cause (*BAR) committed an infraction or violated a company rule or
regulation cannot be dismiss. That is a violation of
Example: An employee happens to be a suspected insurgent management prerogative to control, supervise, manage all
or rebel. He was arrested, incarcerated without any charges aspects of employment. That would be violative of the
filed against him at all. In the meantime, he languishes in jail Principle of Non-oppression.
and it was found out that he is a mere suspect so there is no
basis for his incarceration. So, he was released without any Principle of Non-oppression
criminal charges filed against him. It was found out that Neither capital nor labor shall act oppressively against each
indeed he is not a rebel or insurgent. He was dismissed other.
because of a non-existent cause. The cause for his arrest
was non-existent because in the first place he was not an But if an employee was validly dismissed and he filed a case
insurgent or a rebel. He was arrested for a cause which was of illegal dismissal. LA ruled that he was illegally dismissed.
later found out that it was non-existent. In one case the SC said that that is an oppression against the
employer and that will lead to the self-destruction of
Hierarchy of evidentiary value capital.

1. Proof beyond reasonable doubt TWO ASPECTS OF DUE PROCESS

2. Clear and Convincing Evidence
3. Preponderance of evidence 1. Substantive
4. Substantial Evidence - that relevant evidence It refers to the legality or illegality of the act of dismissal
which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate Simply means that no employee shall be dismiss except for
to prove or justify a conclusion. causes provided by law.

There were cases decided by the SC where the decisions of 2. Procedural

different divisions of the SC are at odds with each other. I It refers to the legality or illegality of the manner of
am inclined with the doctrine laid down by the SC in the dismissal.
case of Duty-Free Philippines (2012) decided by the SC
through Justice Peralta. . In labor proceeding it is DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUST AND AUTHORIZED
substantial evidence. But in dismissal proceeding it is clear CAUSES ( *Take note ! Binibigay daw sa exam)
and convincing evidence in order to give flesh and blood to
the security of tenure clause. JUST CAUSES AUTHORIZED CAUSES
Labor proceedings- Substantial Evidence The dismissal process is The dismissal process is
Dismissal Proceedings- Clear and Convincing Evidence initiated by the employee initiated by the employer
(*Take note: in order to give flesh and blood to the security There is no payment of The law mandates the
of tenure clause) separation pay. payment of separation pay
XPN: total closure of
SECURITY OF TENURE business grounded on
Simply means that no employee shall be dismiss except for serious business losses
a valid cause. For non-compliance with For non-compliance with
the due process the due process
No employee shall be dismissed except for causes provided requirement the employer requirement the employer
by law. is liable for indemnity or is liable for indemnity or
nominal damages which is nominal damages which is
VALID CAUSES: tempered P30,000 tempered P50,000
• AUTHORIZED CAUSES Toyota Ruling- SC declared that in a just cause
dismissal there is no payment of separation pay.
Q: Is there such thing as Doctrine of Permanent XPN: If reinstatement is not possible the
Employment? employee will be paid separation pay in lieu of
A: There is no such thing.
reinstatement as a form of compromise.

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*Note: Take note of the exceptions. Iyan yung binibigay If there is fighting in company premises that disturbs the
sa bar. Just Causes and Authorized Causes are areas of peace of the workplace. If there is fighting in company
the bar and given every year. premises in the meantime the workers stop working. Bakit?
Magpupustahan yan kung sa pula o sa puti.
SERIOUS MISCONDUCT Q: If they do not perform their work it will violate what
The law speaks about misconduct that is serious
principle in labor law? (*BAR)
A: Principle of no work no pay. That is the usual doctrine
It is a form of misconduct that is committed in an
pero ano yung may impact na doctrine na ibig sabihin din no
aggravated or serious manner. This is a form of misconduct work no pay? Equal pay for equal work. Pwede rin. But it is
that will justify dismissal.
Fair day's wage for a fair day's labor.
Q: If it were a mere minor misconduct, is dismissal
• Drinking liquor inside company premises.
A: Dismissal is not proper. If it were a mere minor
Drinking liquor may spawn disorder. It will also spawn
misconduct, dismissal is too harsh a penalty.
fighting in company premises.
• Sexual intercourse in company premises.
• Sexual harassment of a superior officer over
There is a place for sexual intercourse. Not in company
the victim employee .
premises. It should be done in a privacy. Company is a place
where conduct business transactions. Sexual intercourse is
The law on sexual harassment according to the supreme
sacrosanct. It is sacred. It is only through this medium for
court is enacted to protect employees from over sex
procreation otherwise there will be no civilization. But it
should be done in a manner within the bounds of legality
and morality.
• Gambling in company premises.
Q: If it was done in decent and moral manner for
Because of its pernicious effect. If you were caught gambling
instance, a teacher married who married a male
in company premises you can be validly dismissed. Why?
teacher having an affair with an unmarried female
You have to consider that this is a social problem. Why?
teacher. Is there immorality?
Because of its pernicious effects upon the society, upon the
A: Yes, there is immorality.
employee and his family.
Q: An unmarried male teacher, 50 years of age, having
Case: Yung general manager diyan sa paranaque kinuha
an affair with his student who is 18 years of age. Both of
niya yung pera sa volt sinugal sa casino and talo. What
them have the capacity to marry each other Is there
happened? Hindi niya na maibalik. He jumped over Pasig
River. Patay.
A: The supreme court said no. Both of them have the
capacity to marry each other. Age does not matter when it
• Drug use in company premises. comes to love affair. The heart has its own reason which
reason does not know.
If the employers would really want to dismiss an employee
for example because he was caught in flagrante walang St. Vincent Case
problema yon. But the employer can conduct drug test to its - it is a charitable organization. Both of them have
employee. It is required as per jurisprudence ng supreme the capacity to marry each other but they do sexual
court there are two tests to be complied with: the intercourse within the bounds of morality. They do
preliminary test and the confirmatory test. It should be it privately. Nagkaanak sila. But Supreme Court
confirmed kung talagang drug user siya. If there was no there is no immorality. Both of them have the
confirmatory test conducted and he was dismissed there is capacity to marry each other. Because if you are
violation of due process. Test can be conducted by the going to base this on what do you call ecclesiastical
employer but if you were caught in flagrante of course you grounds you can be validly dismiss. But our law in
can be dismissed but still the employer has to comply with morality is secular in nature. That is why there is
the due process required. no immorality.
• Fighting in company premises. • Theft (Basis of Dean's question in the 2019 Bar).

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In the case of theft, it is a just cause for dismissal. Why? That Q: So, the SC coined a rule that will a guide them in
is an act of dishonesty. That justify dismissal. But we are opposing the penalty of dismissal. And this is known as
going to discuss in a manner which reflects all aspects of the what rule?
step-in relation to dismissal. A: This is known as the proportionality rule or the doctrine
of commensurate penalty.
Ex: In the case of a panadero, he has been employed in the
bakery for 15 years already. Fiance want to eat hot Q: What is proportionality rule?
pandesal. Baker get 15 pcs of pandesal. He gets out of A: That the penalty to be impose must be proportional,
company premises. He was stopped by the security guard. proportionate or commensurate to the degree of the offense
There is no receipt shown. He was reported by the committed. If the offense committed is so serious or
management and finally he was dismissed. He was in the aggravated, then the supreme economic death penalty
service for 15 years and during his stint of employment no dismissal shall be imposed. On the other hand, if the offense
infraction committed. But for allegedly stealing 15 pcs of committed is light or not so serious, then the proper penalty
pandesal, he was dismissed. to be impose should be lighter also. Lighter penalty should
be imposed for a light offense.
Q: 15 years of service. Allegedly stole 15 pcs of
pandesal. He was dismissed. Is the dismissal valid? DIFFERENT FACTORS:
A: No, dismissal is not proper. Dismissal is too harsh a
penalty considering that value of the property taken is 1. Length of service
negligible. You have to consider the value of the property 2. First offense rule - 1 and 2 cannot be applied
taken. If the value of the property taken is negligible, against another factor, gravity if the offense.
dismissal is too harsh a penalty. 3. Gravity of the offense
4. Nature of employment.
A: Dismissal is too harsh for penalty considering his length
The position of an employee in the company also
of service.
determines the type of penalty that can be impose.
A: Dismissal is too harsh considering it was his first offense Ex: Managerial employees, fiduciary employees.
in his 15 years of service in the company under the First The different classes of employees under the Labor
offense Rule. Code shall also determine the penalty to be impose.
Like in the case of managerial employee.
In this case although stealing is an act of dishonesty
dismissal is too harsh for penalty considering those factors: Q: Who is a managerial employee?
length of service, value of property taken negligible and A: A managerial employee is alter ego of the management.
under the First offense rule. He is the extension of the person of management. Indeed, a
managerial employee is an employer. These positions
Q: If he is reinstated, is he entitled to payment for back determine imposition of the penalty.
A: No. He is not entitled to back wages. In order not to give
premium to an act of dishonesty. (*Ito daw ilagay sa bar

Dismissal is too harsh a penalty considering his length of

service. That is tenable if the value of the property taken is
negligible or if it was his first offense etc. But for instance,
he stole company property the value of which is 2 million
pesos. He has been in the service for 25 years. Do you think
he should not be dismissed? He should be validly dismissed
considering the value of property taken. In the words of the
Supreme Court, length of service is overshadowed by the
gravity of offense. You cannot apply length of service
and First offense rule as against gravity of the offense.
Meaning to say that in the imposition of the penalty of
dismissal there are certain factors and principles applied by
the Supreme Court.

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October 7, 2020 dismissal is too harsh a penalty. So yung first offense rule
applicable yan sa mga lighter offense where you do not
impose the supreme economic death penalty of dismissal.
Dean P: So actually yung diniscuss natin sa proportionality
rule, gaya nung mga length of service, gravity of defense, Alright, it is a lighter offense but this has been going on for
first offense rule, nature of the employment, nature of the several times, there is a repeated commission of the same
business, totality of infractions rule, principle of charity offense. Repeated commission of the same offense will
compassion understanding in relation to social justice on actually metamorphose into a form of serious
the broader ground of substantive justice, compassionate misconduct kaya kahit na lighter offense yan, ilang beses
justice, principle of equity—so pag alam niyo na yun, so at mo naman ginagawa, it will amount to serious misconduct
least you have already certain guidelines, you know already which will justify dismissal.
these factors, principles—usually applied by the Supreme
Court in imposing the penalty in dismissal. Repeated commission of the same offense + Repeated
commission of the same irregularity = serious
Alam niyo yung mga diniscuss natin mga yan, basta alam misconduct
niyo yang mga principles na yan, you can answer any bar
question on dismissal in so far as imposition of penalty is Example: Let’s say for instance in a motor pool of the
concerned. At saka wag niyong kakalimutan yung mga company, there is a rule or regulation there, that a driver
dismissal is too harsh a penalty, yung mga ganyan—Length cannot take out a motor vehicle without the approval of the
supervisor. So what happened? The driver took out a
of service is overshowed by the gravity of the offense etc.
Mercedes. Why? He wanted to meet his girlfriend at Mcdo.
Tandaan niyo yan.
So without any approval from his supervisor because he is
not there, he was constraint to get out of the company
JUST CAUSES premises driving a Mercedes Benz, so they ate together at
Mcdo afterwards he returned to the company premises.
Upon arrival, he was berated by the supervisor alleging that
1. Serious misconduct there was a violation of company rule and regulation which
will justify dismissal. When he was dismissed, he argued
2. Willful disobedience or insubordination
that he cannot be dismissed. Sabi nung driver, “sir, bakit
3. Fraud or willful breach of trust niyo ko id-dismiss? It was my first offense. Dismissal is too
4. Gross and habitual neglect of duties harsh a penalty.” Sabi nung supervisor, “hindi, dismissed ka
5. Commission of a crime or offense pa rin.”
6. Analogous causes
Well the rule on regulation was valid, it is reasonable. He
* Continuation: was deliberately disobeyed by the employee. Remember
that this is a first offense, it is an isolated offense. He was
dismissed. Is the dismissal proper?
2. Willful Disobedience A: Dismissal was not proper. Why? Dismissal is too harsh a
Willful because there is a deliberate intention to disobey a
reasonable rule or regulation of the company. Let’s change the facts of the case/problem:
* So, he went at Mcdo to meet his girlfriend, after eating, he
Reasonable in the sense that this is issued by the returned to the company premises, while on his way to the
company and it is reasonable as to its company premises, he met an accident. Why? He was
implementation which should be complied with by driving fast and furious. Actually sinumbit ko yan as bar
the employee. When there is a deliberate willful question last year, hindi lang binigay ni Justice. So he figured
disobedience on the part of the employee that will in an accident and the Mercedes Benz was a total wreck and
justify the dismissal. because of this accident, it cause a tremendous damage to
the company. He was dismissed. Is the dismissal proper?
Actually, when you talk of willful disobedience, this is also
known as insubordination, but take note that in our study * Can you argue in your defense the first offense rule? OF
of serious misconduct, we have taken this first offense COURSE NOT. Why? You have to consider the amount of
rule, in the case of first offense rule, if the offense is not so damage done to the company.
serious, then the dismissal is too harsh a penalty. You have
to consider that, dismissal is too harsh a penalty—if it Q: So is the dismissal proper?
was a mere minor offense. So if he is dismissed, the

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A: Yes. As a matter of fact, you are a driver and you are it is not habitual, but the negligence is gross, then it will
entrusted with trust and confidence to take care of the justify the dismissal. What does it mean?
property of the company. That’s your duty and obligation as A: It simply means, people, the conjunction “AND”
a driver. You should be extra careful in driving but you did interpreted also by the Supreme Court to mean also “OR”.
not causing tremendous damage to the company. Actually, Kaya gross negligence OR habitual negligence. Although not
that may be considered as a gross neglect of duty. habitual, if it were gross, it will justify dismissal. So take note
of that.
Alam niyo pag answer sa bar, in the process malalaman niyo
yung applicable principle brought about by the facts of the 5. Any Criminal Act or Offense by the Employee
problem. Eh alam niyo yung mga principles na ganyan, against the Employer including Members of his
pwede niyo nang sagutin kaagad, oh ganyan may trust and Family
confidence, you have to take care of the vehicles assigned to
you, you are a driver, so dapat maging extra careful in your It includes managerial employee. Kaya if you commit a
driving but you did not, causing damage to the property. Is criminal offense or act against managerial employees that
the dismissal proper? will also justify dismissal. It is not confined only to the
A: Of course, yes. There is here what we call total lack of employer or his members of the family also managerial
care, total absence of care on the part of the employee. He employees as per decisions of the Supreme Court.
was grossly negligent in the performance of his duties and
functions as a driver. Therefore, the dismissal is proper. 6. Analogous Causes
Take note of that.
Those causes of infractions inherently connected or related
3. Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust with what we have taken up as just causes for dismissal
gaya ng serious misconduct, gross habitual neglect of duty.
Failure to perform your legal duty in the performance of
your duties and functions, and there is a violation thereof. Example:

Q: May this be a justifiable circumstance for your a. Abandonment – it is neglect of duty also. Alam
dismissal? niyo several times nagbigay na sa bar nitong
A: Yes. abandonment. When do they say that there is
abandonment? In abandonment, there is a
If there is a willful breach of trust and confidence, you know deliberate intention on the part of the
when you talk about trust and confidence positions, I have employee not to return. In other words, here,
already discussed this to you, that a position of trust and there is an intention on the part of the employee to
confidence has something to do with the protection of cut off employee-employer relationship, his
company money and property and there was breach, there relationship with the company. For this reason, he
was violation of such trust and confidence reposed upon did not return anymore. So he has no intention of
you by the employer. Will this justify dismissal? returning but you know to justify dismissal of an
A: Yes. For breaching such assigned trust and confidence to employee who abandoned his boss as per
you. REMEMBER basta trust and confidence positions abandonment provided under the Labor Code, still
gaya ng auditor, accountant, property officer, teller, etc. the employer is required under the Labor Code to
Tungkol sa property or money of the company. Basta comply with the due process clause. Yan yung
property and money of the company, tandan niyo, tinatawag na two-notice rule without a hearing.
Fiduciary positions yan. Take note of that.
Q: Bakit sa abandonment walang hearing?
4. Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duty A: Ano ba kayo, simple lang, abandonee na nga siya eh.
Hindi niyo na makita eh. He already abandoned his post,
The Labor Code says “gross AND habitual”. This is enjoined kumabaga sa ano, espiritu na lang siya. Oh magconduct ka
by the conjunction “AND” it is not “or” so it should be gross ng hearing? Hoy halika espiritu, halika, kasi nag abandon ka
and at the same time habitual. That was the wording of the eh. Ganon ba yun??? Kaya nga sabi ng Supreme Court, in
Labor Code. abandonment, employers should comply with the two-
notice rule but without a hearing. But the law says, you
Remember this: Although the Labor Code says gross and have to comply with due process kahit walang hearing.
habitual, several cases were already penned by the So here, there is a willful intention on the part of the
Supreme Court where the Supreme Court said, although not employee not to return.
habitual, if it were gross, it will justify the dismissal. Even if

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Illustration: The employee filed a leave of absence for 1 A: Of course, you have to send this notice to registered mail
week. So what happened? After 1 week he did not return, with return card. That’s an evidence that indeed you have
upon the expiration of leave of absence. It took him about 3 complied with the first notice requirement.
weeks before he returned to the company premises, when
he returned he was met by the security guard, ano sabi ng Now, eh ‘di wala na siya ron, still the employer is required
security guard? Alam mo to tell you frankly, dismissed ka to notify him of the second notice or the last notice or the
na. Naawa man ako sayo, dismissed ka na kasi Nakita ko post notice or notice of dismissal.
yung HRD manager kinuha yung card mo dun sa time rack
tapos Nakita ko pinunit punit. Ikaw pala yun, naawa man Last notice – the decision of the employer to
ako sayo pero wala akong magagawa, meron order sakin di dismiss the employee for his failure to report to
kita pwedeng papasukin dito. Sige na, pwede ko bang work. In other words, he has already abandoned
kausapin yung HRD manager? Hindi nga pwede, kasi his post. For that reason, he should be dismissed.
imagine 3 weeks na bago ka bumalik dito, nakita ko nga
yung time card mo, pinunit eh. b. Gross inefficiency - kasi yung gross inefficiency,
actually this is also neglect of duty
You know, in 1 case ang sabi ng Supreme Court, tearing of
a time card of an employee is a manifestation that c. Numerous unauthorized absences – this is also
indeed he was dismissed. What kind of dismissal? inefficiency. Your lackadaisical move not to report
Constructive dismissal. Actual case yan. Kaya kung for work, you can be validly dismissed under this
halimbawa pinunit yung time card ng employee, that analogous cause
means constructively dismissed. Take note of that.
d. Serious insult
So what happened? Sinabihan nung security guard yung
employee, uwi ka na…it so happened yung company is
e. Unbearable treatment
located in the vicinity of Quezon Ave. Naglalakad lakad siya
kasi wala naman siyang pera pauwi, nakita niya ngayon
“NLRC”, what he did is to drop by the NLRC and he was met
by the pseudo-lawyers, with the assistance of these lawyers, * Unreasonable prejudicial inconvenient transfer
he filed. So what happened? After filing, he went home. pursuant to the Blue Dairy Doctrine, alam niyo yung
Now, with the filing of the illegal dismissal or unreasonable prejudicial inconvenient transfer, under this
constructive dismissal, is there abandonment? Pag doctrine, amounts to constructive dismissal. If you were
binigay sa bar ‘to, remember the cases decided by the transferred in a place where you cannot perform your
Supreme Court: The fact that the employee or worker filed a duties and functions, there is prejudice. Your transfer is
case of illegal dismissal or constructive dismissal, THE FACT unreasonable. So what happens? What did you do? Finally,
OF FILING OF SUCH ILLEGAL DISMISSAL, negates you decided to resign but that is a form of a forced
abandonment. Usually, ang ginagamit ng Supreme Court sa resignation or involuntary resignation. (Blue Dairy
abandonment ay yung NEGATE. Yan ang ilalagay niyo ah. Corporation vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 129843)
NEGATE. Negates abandonment. So in the case of
abandonment, ano yung sinabi ko? Two-notice rule shall be Anong sabi ng Supreme Court? If there is serious insult, if
complied with. there is an unbearable treatment, if there is an
unreasonable transfer – all of these will metamorphose into
First notice – shall be addressed to the employee a case of constructive dismissal. So if you resign, that is
or shall be sent to the employee’s address. This is forced resignation. Oy, ang gamitin niyo
the first notice or what we call pre-notice or “METAMORPHOSE” kasi ang Supreme Court yan ang
notice of the specific charge. So remember that, ginagamit, usually hindi na ginagamit yung “it will amount
first notice of the specific charge, providing therein to constructive dismissal”. METAMORPHOSE. Anong malay
the facts why he was notified on specific charges. niyo, ako ang bar examiner niyo…
Nakalagay yung factual basis dun. There must be a
presentation of these facts or factual basis for the All of these metamorphose into a case of constructive
first charge or specific charge sent to the dismissal. Why? You resign against your will. You resign
employee’s address. Eh kung halimbawa, wala na because of the acts of the employer, serious insult. There
siya dun, if he has already transferred his address, was a demotion, there was a diminution in pay.
just the same, he has to be notified.
NOTE: When you talk about constructive dismissal, the
Q: What is your evidence to the effect that you indeed most important element is QUITTING FROM THE JOB.
notified him under the due process clause?
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The employee quits from the job because continued Resignation – that is a voluntary undertaking, meaning to
employment has become impossible, unreasonable, say, it is voluntary in nature. In resignation, the employee
unlikely or unbearable under these circumstances. submits his resignation letter for personal reasons which
cannot be sacrificed over the exigency of the service
Resignation is a voluntary act of an employee whose
a. Sexual Harassment – because of a request for personal reasons cannot be sacrificed over the exigency of
sexual favor by the superior officer, hindi siya the service.
pinagbigyan accompanied by some sexual remarks
of the superior officer, the employee resigned Q: In resignation, what is more important, employment
AGAINST HER WILL. This will metamorphose into services or personal reasons?
a case of constructive dismissal. A: Personal reasons.

Nagfile ng case yung employee. Sabihin niyo, yes, the Q: When do you say that a resignation is complete?
woman can file a case of constructive dismissal because A: Resignation is complete when it has already been
continued employment has become oh mamili ka na: accepted by the employer, which should be in writing and
impossible, unreasonable, unlikely or unbearable under the acceptance MUST also be in writing.
these circumstances.
Q: Can the employee resigning withdraw his
Pwede mo piliin: continued employment has become resignation BEFORE ACCEPTANCE?
unbearable, impossible under the circumstances brought A: Yes.
about by the repeated sexual remarks uttered by the
superior officer which constrained the employee to resign. Q: AFTER ACCEPTANCE by the employer, can he
Therefore, she can file a case of constructive dismissal. You withdraw it?
cannot go wrong, why? Your answer is the very meaning A: No. Hindi na pwede i-withdraw pag na-accept na ng
of constructive dismissal. employer. With the acceptance of the resignation, there is
already what we call termination of employer-employee
b. Dati chief engineer siya, he has under him 100 relationship. Tapos na.
people, he was assigned of an office full of
amenities, nandun na lahat, may refrigerator, may NOTE: So if you WANTED TO WITHDRAW IT, it should be
TV, coffee maker, meron comfort room, BEFORE THE ACCEPTANCE.
airconditioned pa, may jacuzzi pa, meron pang sofa
bed which can be used for any emergency. The law says that it should be in writing. It has to be
accepted by the employer.
Naka aircon, he caught the eye of the employer, nagalit yung
employer ngayon, dati chief engineer siya, ngayon ginawa Illustration: What the employee did is that he tendered his
na lang siyang chief janitor… So he resigned, can he file a resignation NOT IN WRITING but verbally.
case of constructive dismissal? Of course, yes.
Q: Is there such thing as verbal resignation?
Pag mga ganitong example, maiisip niyo na oh there is A: The Supreme Court said, there is no legal prohibition for
serious insult. It wounds the feeling of a person not an employee to resign verbally. When the same is accepted,
necessarily physical. Unbearable treatment, not necessarily resignation is complete.
* Bar Question given by Dean in the bar exam regarding
Q: Itong bang constructive dismissal, illegal dismissal? constructive dismissal:
A: Yes. Constructive dismissal is illegal dismissal. Bakit? The
employer wanted to dismiss an employee, but he does not The stolen company property of the employee, of course,
want to take the initiative to dismiss him. So anong gagawin since he stole company property, what happened? He can
ng employer? He will do some acts in order to compel the be charged criminally. When he was about to be charged
employee to resign. criminally with the prosecutor’s office, the employee was
summoned by the employer. What do you want? We will
I gave a question in the bar last year, regarding constructive charge you in court or you will resign?
dismissal also, actually it’s in your book, kaya yung mga may
sumagot sa bar na merong win-win solution, pinasa ko lahat Issue: Whether or not the invitation by the employer to the
yun. employee so that the criminal charge will not push through
anymore, that he has to resign. Would you consider this as
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a form or constructive dismissal if he resigned against his a. Two separate notice rule (in just cause, two-
will upon the invitation of the employer? notice rule)
A: Win-win solution. It is in your book. Here, there is no ▪ 30-day notice to the DOLE
constructive dismissal. It is indeed a win-win solution to ▪ 30-day notice to the employees to
both parties, the employer and the employee. On the part of be dismissed or discharged.
the employee, he’s employment record will not be tainted b. Fair and reasonable criteria
by the criminal charge of theft and that it will be his c. It must be done in good faith
passport to future employment opportunities. On the part d. Payment of separation pay
of the employer, it will save the employer from protracted • Dito sa automation, the company is
costly litigation, kasi pag may kaso na, pwedeng tumagal NOT LOSING. So magkano ang
yan nang mahabang panahon which will sap the energy of separation pay? 1 month pay for
the company, in what manner? Pera and efforts. those who have less than 1 year of
service or at least 1 month pay for
AUTHORIZED CAUSES every year of service for those who
have rendered services beyond 1
1. Introduction of labor-saving year.
2. Retrenchment a. Two Separate Notice Rule
3. Redundancy
4. Disease Yung sa notice of discharge, actual cases ‘to, ang ginawa ng
5. Closure of business employer, just notified the employees to be discharged
6. Analogous causes brought about automation, the names of the employees to
be discharged are posted in the bulletin board of the
NOTE: In authorized causes, you have to MEMORIZE ALL company premises.
CAUSE. Q: Is there a valid notice of termination?
A: The notice shall not be posted in bulletin boards and
1. Introduction of labor-saving device other places of the company because the Supreme Court
said, notice the employees to be discharged under
This is also known as automation. Here in automation, there authorized cause dismissal must be given an INDIVIDUAL
is a replacement of workers by machines which results in NOTICE OF TERMINATION OR DISMISSAL.
technological unemployment for management and
efficiency purposes. Why? With the introduction of labor- If the employer failed to comply with this requirement, the
saving device, although this may cause so much but in the Supreme Court said, if some of the requirements on
final analysis, it would redound to the welfare of the authorized causes dismissal are not complied with or any
employer. one requirement is lacking, THERE IS NO VALID
Example: San Miguel Corporation Case into a case of constructive dismissal.

Dun sa dating plant nila, yung machine only produces very b. Fair and Reasonable Criteria
few bottles of the machine but they have replaced this with
a machine that can produce several, hundreds of bottles in The criteria to be complied with should be reasonable.
a minute kaya marami ang nap-produce na bottles of beer, These criteria are not provided under the law, they are
definitely, if you are going to introduce this machine you perhaps provided in the company rule or policy or these are
have to discharge, dismiss some of employees. Halimbawa, the criteria as already agreed by the parties between the
100 employees with the introduction of labor-saving employer and the union in the respective collective
device, 10 na lang kailangan. 90 shall be discharged bargaining.
resulting in what? For purposes of economy and for
purposes of management efficiency. Bakit? Dati 100 Example:
people you are going to supervise them. Now, 10 na lang.
1. Age requirement
Q: The law provides requirements to validate 2. Last in – first out
automation. What are they?
A: c. It must be done in good faith

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Q: Ano ang sabi ng Supreme Court sa partial closure of

Ground for dismissal Amount of business?
Separation Pay A: That is to be treated as a form of retrenchment. Kaya
liable pa rin ang ABS-CBN to pay separation pay despite the
Introduction of labor- 1 month pay for
1 fact that the closure of the entire radio network is grounded
saving device those who have less on economic losses. Pero, pag total closure yan, talagang
than 1 year of nawala na, hindi liable ang ABS-CBN to pay separation pay
service or at least 1 as per mandate of the Labor Code kasi pag serious business
month pay for every losses, walang separation pay.
2 Redundancy year of service for
those who have In payment of separation pay, 1 month pay for those who
have less than 1 year of service or ½ month pay for every
rendered services
year of service for those who have rendered services
beyond 1 year. beyond 1 year.
3 Retrenchment 1 month pay for NOTE: The computation of separation pay is based on the
those who have less ground on which it is based.
4 Disease than 1 year of
service or ½ month Q: What does the phrase “to prevent losses”
pay for every year of contemplate?
service for those A: The Supreme Court said, if the employer can perceive
5 Closure of Business that sooner or later its economy will go down to the drain,
who have rendered
then the employer should do something. He should not wait
services beyond 1 for that period or time that he incurs actual losses. So “to
year. prevent losses” does not only contemplate actual losses. It
also contemplates impending or anticipated losses. The law
Basta in good faith, valid. Again, if in bad faith, it will does not require na meron na actual losses.
metamorphose into a constructive dismissal.
NOTE: kaya nga yung separation pay sa retrenchment ay
2. Retrenchment ½ month pay lang kasi pa-bagsak na nga yung company.

This is a form of an authorized cause dismissal. The word Ang importante sa retrenchment yung partial closure of
“retrench” mean reduce, reduction. You reduce company business. Wag niyo yan kakalimutan.
personnel to prevent losses.
Q: Does the law provide for partial closure of business?
The Supreme Court held that in retrenchment, the purpose A: Yes. The Labor Code provides that closure of a particular
is to prevent the eventual economic catastrophe that will division, department, closure of a particular economic
lead to the downfall of the employer or the company. activity of the employer not necessarily closing the whole
* Submitted bar question last year: ABS-CBN, because of
serious economic losses or financial reverses closed down There are 2 types of closure: partial and total
its entire radio network in the entire Philippines. Those
affected by the closure, filed charges against ABS-CBN and 3. Redundancy
demanded among others, payment of separation pay.
During the hearing, sabi ng ABS-CBN, we are not liable
Q: In redundancy, is there duplication of work
because we closed down the radio network due to economic
losses. Is the argument of ABS-CBN tenable?
A: No. ABS-CBN Is still liable to pay separation pay. Despite A: The Supreme Court said that in redundancy, not
the fact that the closure of the entire radio network is necessarily that there is a duplication of work functions. A
position is redundant when it is superfluous, and
grounded on economic losses. Why? Remember, what has
superfluity is the outcome of some factor such as:
been embarked by ABS-CBN is not a total closure of
business but a mere partial closure of business. Nandyan pa
a. over-hiring of workers
yung TV Network. Ang nawala lang yung radio network so
b. closure of a particular line of
that is partial closure of business.
economic activity
c. decrease in the volume of business

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So, if there are additional surplus worker that are not

needed any more economically by the employer, they
should be dismissed or that there are workers who are in
excess of the requirements of the company kaya may over-
hired workers.

Q: How do you go about this decline of volume of

A: If there is a decline in the volume of business, this may be
brought about by lack of raw materials, there is a decrease
of production.

Example: In a company, there are several departments.

Halimbawa, department A, department B. The employees of
department A’s responsibilities were transferred to the
employees of department B. In effect, the employees of
department A cannot anymore pursue rendition of their
services because their functions have already been
absorbed by the employees of department B. This is one
case where the Supreme Court said, this results in
redundancy on the part of the employees of department A
therefore, they should be dismissed.

NOTE: ginagamit ng Supreme Court minsan,

“redundadated”. Pero ang popular na ginagamit,
“redundant”. Kaya ilagay niyo sa bar exam, “redundant”
baka di alam ng bar examiner yung “redundadated”.

4. Closure of Business

It must be done in good faith.

If the total closure of business is not grounded on serious

business losses, the employer is still required to pay
separation pay: ½ month pay for every year of service but if
it were grounded on a serious business losses, no payment
of separation pay but if it were a mere partial closure of
business, then this will be treated as a form of
retrenchment. Therefore, the employer is liable to pay
separation pay. Tandaan niyo yan.

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OCTOBER 14, 2020 There is no more need on the part of the prevailing
employee to file a motion for the issuance of a writ of
execution for purposes of reinstatement.
Instances when reinstatement is not proper, barred, or
Q: What are the normal consequences of illegal
not feasible:
dismissal for violation of both Procedural and
Substantive Due Process? ***
1. Dismissal for a Cause
SC: Reliefs in Illegal Dismissal
2. Laches
3. Waiver
1. Reinstatement
➢ restoration of the dismissed employee to his
The prescriptive period for reinstatement is 4 years. If there
former position.
is an Order of Reinstatement and the employee did not
➢ It is immediately executory and at the same
assert his right or claim for reinstatement, it is deemed a
time self-executory. There is no more need of
waiver on his part. If there is an undue delay on the part of
for the issuance of a writ of execution to
the employee to assert his claim, the claim will become
implement the reinstatement order by virtue
stale. Stale claim amounts to laches.
of the decision of the LA.
Q: When there is an Order of Reinstatement by the LA
The employer is given two options, whether to reinstate
but in the meantime the employee is lucratively
the employee:
employed in other companies, is this a manifestation of
▪ Physically
waiver of reinstatement?
▪ Pay Roll
A: No, the employee can continue on his employment but for
the employee to claim such right of reinstatement, he must
The employer can choose. It is given to the employer. If the
do it within period of prescriptive period. But in the
employer does not want to reinstate him physically, he can
meantime, the employee can still get employed in other
reinstate him in the payroll. The employee reinstated in the
companies when waiting for the outcome of the case
payroll receives his salaries pending appeal.
because the employee have to earn out living in order to
feed himself and mouth of his family. That is not considered
Payroll Reinstatement is only applicable in LA level. There
as laches.
is no such thing as payroll reinstatement in the NLRC, CA
and SC level.
4. Principle of Strained Relationship
Q: Why does the employer reinstate the employee in the
The employer cannot say “Oh, we cannot reinstate you
because you filed a case of Illegal Dismissal against us and
because of that we already have strained relationship.”
1. The employer believes that the dismissal is valid;
But if in the meantime, with the employer and the employee
2. The purpose is to prevent a situation where the
there is already what we call severe antagonism. Then
actual reinstatement of the employees will cause
reinstatement is not feasible anymore.
demoralization to other co-employees.
If reinstatement is not any more feasible/possible, then the
The LA shall issue an order for the reinstatement of the
EE shall be paid separation pay as form of compromise to
employee. It is already provided in the decision of the LA.
Q: If there is a stubborn refusal on the part of the
In lieu of reinstatement, he should be paid separation
Employer to reinstate the employee and you were the
pay as a form of compromise to reinstatement.
lawyer of the prevailing employee, what should you do?
5. The position has already been abolished/ filled up.
1. File a Motion to cite in contempt the employer;
2. File a Motion for the payment of wages or
Q: What is the remedy?
monthly salaries;
A: The employee should be reinstated in a substantially
3. Under the Labor Code, Motu proprio, the LA
equivalent position.
even without any motion can issue writ of
execution only for purposes of reinstatement.

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If there is NO substantially equivalent position, then the

employee should be paid separation pay as a form of Why? Because they are employed in a fixed term or
compromise to reinstatement. contractual basis even if he was illegally dismissed or
prematurely repatriated that will amount to Constructive
6. If there is closure of business, then reinstatement is Dismissal (that will metamorphose to a case of Constructive
a legal and physical impossibility. Dismissal).

It is legally and physically impossible to reinstatement But the voluntary repatriation, voluntary in nature that is
an employee due to closure of business. treated as voluntary resignation.

7. The employee has become over-age. A. Kasambahay law. Nature of relationship is

Example, nung irereinstate na siya, the employee is already
65 years old. 65 is the compulsory retirement age. Babawi ako, pinagsaing mo ng kanin ang nilagay na tubig ay
tubig sa inidoro or pinagprito mo ng hamburger tapos ano
8. Physical Disability ginawa, kumuha ng hamburger ng patty tapos suminga ng
suminga, tapos nilagay sa hamburger. “HAMBOOGER ”;
Perhaps, before reinstatement he figured in an accident ginawang motel ang bahay mo.
causing the amputation of both legs and hands.
9. Prescription There can be Illegal Dismissal but there is no reinstatement.

Q: What is the prescriptive period for Reinstatement? Q: Where should the case be filed?
A: 4 years. A: Walang jurisdiction ang LA kahit na Illegal Dimissal ng
kapitbahay, ang may jurisdictiron Regional Director ng DOLE
Q: Why 4 years? *** exception yan sa Illegal Dismissal cases na dapat sa
A: Following the prescription in dismissal because in Regional Arbitration Branch ng NLRC sa LA.
dismissal, it is 4 years. We do not follow the Labor Code but
follow the Civil Code provision. 3. Full Backwages

10. Reinstatement is not conducive to working ➢ Restoration of the lost income due to Illegal
harmony. Dismissal.
➢ It is not subject to qualification or deduction from
This is related to strained relationship. income derived from other sources.

11. The Employee does not want to be reinstated. So income earned from other sources or derived from other
sources cannot be deducted from the backwages, kaya
Q: Is that an absolute right of an employee? tinawag na full backwages without qualification or
A: Yes, the employee can reject reinstatement. This is a deduction.
personal matter on his part. Perhaps, because of fear of
reprisal. Baka siya patayin, the Employer will harass him, The cut-off date of the full backwages doctrine which is
will make it hard for him to perform his duties and March 21, 1989 must also be considered. If the cause of
functions, for a little mistake he will be disciplined. action transpired prior to March 21, 1989, the
prevailing doctrine is Mercury Drug Doctrine,
He does not want to be reinstated for fear of his life, baka otherwise known as the ‘Teehankee Formula’ which is
sobra talaga alitan nung ER at EE, ayaw na niyang bumalik. 3 years backwages without qualification or deduction.
Pwede siya itransfer sa malalayong lugar.
Instances when there is no award of backwages or little
It is the discretion of the employee not to be reinstated. backwages:

12. As per mandate of the law. a. ER is in good faith in dismissing an

Examples: b. Dismissal is too harsh a penalty.

A. RA 8042 as amended by RA 10022, in the case of 4. Damages

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In Illegal Dismissal, there is a violation of the constitutional Pursuant to the BSP Circular, award 6% legal interest to the
right of the worker which is the right to labor - a property. monetary awards.

Q: What kind of damages can be awarded? TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT

A: Not only damages under the Labor Code, but also
damages in Civil Code may be awarded by the LA. 1. REGULAR EMPLOYMENT

i. Actual Damages [Full Backwages] As a rule, there are two types of Regular Employment:
ii. Moral Damages
iii. Exemplary Damages I. As to the nature of work

Because the dismissal was done in a wanton, oppressive or ➢ The employee performs job that is usually
despotic manner it entitles the employee to the award of necessary and desirable in the usual business of the
moral damages. While in exemplary, to set an example. employer.

In moral and exemplary damages, the factual and legal basis The law uses the word ‘USUAL’ twice.
must be discussed by the LA in the text of the decision itself.
Otherwise, if it is just awarded in the dispositive portion II. As to years of service
without any explanation or dissection as to the basis factual
or legal, it is not proper and should be deleted. ➢ The employee has rendered services for at least 1
year whether continuous, broken or intermittent.
If there is no basis for the award of moral damages, then
there is no basis for the award of exemplary damages. And o 555 Doctrine
if there is no basis for the award of moral and exemplary - More than 1 year [5 x 3 = 15];
damages, then there is no basis for the award of attorney ➢ Initial 5 months, later on dismissed. Hired again for
fees. (OJON Electric Company Case) 5 months, dismissed. Another 5 months, rehired.
Then hindi na siya hinire ulit. This amounts to
Note: Sorry, di ko po makita tong case na to. regular employment. NOTE: ‘at least one year’

Damages should be proven by way of substantial damages. ➢ Constant rehiring;

Q: Can the moral and exemplary damages be equal in Constant renewal of contract is a badge of regular
amount (pantay)? employment. ** (basta one year and above, kahit pahinto
A: Yes. hinto basta pag tinotal mo one year and above = regular)
Ex. Moral – 100k; Exemplary – 100k;
XPN: Millares Case
5. Attorney’s Fees
Art. 111, LC is Attorney’s fees in the form of damages. It is
awarded to the employee. It is clear that seafarers are considered contractual
employees. They cannot be considered as regular
Q: Why is it awarded to the employee? employees under Article 280 of the Labor Code. Their
A: Because these are damages awarded to the employee for
employment is governed by the contracts they sign every
having been compelled to litigate his case and in the
time they are rehired, and their employment is terminated
process, he incurs litigation expenses. Litigation expenses
are covered by attorney’s fees. Attorney’s fees in its when the contract expires. Their employment is
extraordinary concept. contractually fixed for a certain period of time. They fall
under the exception of Article 280 whose employment has
Ordinary concept is that agreed upon by the lawyer and his been fixed for a specific project or undertaking the
client-employee. completion or termination of which has been determined at
Ex: 10%, 20%. If no contract, apply the principle of the time of engagement of the employee or where the work
Quantum Meruit. or services to be performed is seasonal in nature and the
employment is for the duration of the season.
6. Legal Interest of 6%
• Despite constant rehiring, an OFW including a
seaman will never attain regular employment
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because they are employed for a fixed term or fixed a. The Manual of Department of Education
period, contractual basis. requires 3 years probationary period for
teachers. A teacher with a full-time
satisfactory service.
Example: *** An Auto-repair shop, covering 1-hectare b. If the nature of the job requires extensive
lot. It hired the services of a mechanic. Is a mechanic a training.
regular employee?
A: Yes, because he performs job that is usually necessary Ex: Company is engaged in the
and desirable to the usual business of the employer which manufacture of atomic bomb.
is an auto-repair shop. The principal business is that of
auto-repair. Mechanic is usually necessary in relation to the ➢ Can also be related with the study of the special
principal business of the employer which is an auto-repair types of workers:
✓ In this special types of workers, upon the
Q: The auto-repair shop was devastated by typhoon; it expiration of their training period, they can become
hired the services of a carpenter. Is the carpenter a regular employees.
regular employee?
A: Consider the meaning of regular employment as to years A. Apprentice
of service.
▪ In case of the expiration of the apprenticeship
1st Answer: A carpenter is not a regular employee because contract, the employer is not compelled to employ
he performs job that is not usually necessary and desirable him but there is no legal prohibition to employ him.
to the usual business of the employer which is an auto- If he is employed, then he becomes a regular
repair shop. employee.
▪ Another instance, where Apprentice becomes a
2nd answer: A carpenter is not a regular employee because regular employee is when there is an
he only performs INCIDENTAL work in relation to the Apprenticeship contract signed between the
principal activity of the employer which is an auto-repair parties but is it not approved by the TESDA. Is this
shop. valid? Considering that there is no apprenticeship
program as approved by TESDA covering such
Q: Since it is a 1-hectare lot, the carpenter is the only apprenticeship training program.
one hired. He was able to repair the auto-repair shop
for 10 years. Is the carpenter a regular employee? What is the legal consequence?
A: Can now use regular employment as to years of service. A: The apprenticeship contract is unenforceable.
Null and void. Apprentice becomes a regular
Yes, because he has already rendered service for at least one employee.
year. In the case at bar, 10 years.
B. Learner
3. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT ▪ Employer is compelled to employ him/her upon
expiration of training period. He is automatically
➢ Probationary period is training period. It is the considered as a regular employee.
period when the worker has to learn the skills of ▪ In case of premature termination of learnership
the job. It is the preparatory period for regular contract, a learner becomes automatically a regular
employment. employee. Provided, he has already been trained
➢ General probationary period is 6 months. That is for 2 months.
the rule.
XPN: If not yet trained for 2 months and there is pre-
• Employer and Employee agreed for a probationary termination, he does not become regular employee.
period below 6 months for the benefit of the
employee. C. Handicapped/ Disabled Worker/Person with
• It can also be beyond 6 months. Disability


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➢ Employed for a project or undertaking; as a regular employee, therefore, such worker is covered
➢ Constant rehiring amounts to regular employment. under the SSS.

XPN: Despite constant rehiring, if the company When a worker is employed for season to season, such
providing services is a construction company, worker is a regular employee.
such employee will never become a regular
employee. Because the workers already 7. NON-PROJECT EMPLOYMENT
acquired the necessary skills of the trade. The
employer will not anymore hire workers to be ➢ Employed without regard to a specific
trained again. Dating workers, yun na din undertaking/ project;
Q: Can they be considered as regular employees? (Also
➢ For every project terminated, it requires a report to applicable to project employees)
be submitted to the nearest DOLE office. Several A: Yes. They may be members of a work pool; When you are
projects terminated, several reports to be made. a member of a work pool, the employer at any time can pull
you out and assign you to different projects; from one
What is the consequence if not reported? project to another project; from one phase of a project to
A: The so called project employees cease to become another phase of the same project; and not allowed to
as such and they become regular employees. render services to another company/ employer, then you
are treated as a regular employee.
➢ Upon end of the project, ER- EE relationship is
terminated. Related/Akin to fixed-term, no need PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
for a notice of termination.
When the worker is employed for project to project, it is a Purely Money Claims under the Labor Code
BADGE of regular employment.
Jurisprudence: Incremental Proceeds out of Tuition Fee
Hikes [UE Case; Manuel Quezon University Case]
Employees Compensation Claims (State Insurance Fund,
➢ The law allows this, the Labor Code even the Civil Compensable Diseases, Compensable Injuries,
Code. Compensable Death, Compensable Disabilities)
➢ Provided that the fixed period/fixed term is Service Incentive Leave
consensual in nature that the employee so hired ➢ The reckoning period should start from the
knew beforehand that he is being employed for a receipt of the denial of the claim of the service
fixed term/period that upon expiration or arrival incentive leave.
of the day certain there is already automatic Criminal Cases
termination of ER-EE relationship without any ➢ As a rule, criminal cases under the LC is 3 years.
need of notice of termination. XPN:
▪ Unfair Labor Practice = 1 year
In fixed term, upon arrival of the day certain the ▪ Simple Illegal Recruitment = 5 years
contract terminates by itself. ▪ Illegal Recruitment constituting Economic
Sabotage (Syndicated/Large Scale) = 20 years
As an example, those contract between the government and ▪ Criminal aspect of the SSS Law = 4 years; but the
a franchisee. Can it be modified by Congress? Yes, in the prescriptive period in SSS claims = 10 years
form of a law. But it is also in the form of a contract, so the
contract terminates by itself.
Illegal Dismissal = 4 years
➢ An employee was only hired for a particular ➢ (Callanta vs Carnation Phil)
season. - Why do we follow 4 years, in illegal
dismissal? We do not follow the Labor Code
Q: An employee who was employed for several seasons. provision because there is injury to the
Is he covered under the SSS? constitutional right of the worker which is
A: An employee who has already been hired or employed the right to security of tenure or the right to
for season to season performing the same task is considered property. The right to labor is considered by

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the Supreme Court as a property. That is the period resumed running and expired on November 4, 1977.
reason why the prescriptive period is 4 It was not interrupted by the complaint which they wrote to
years and why there is an of damages. President Marcos on August 8, 1977, for, as provided in
Reinstatement, Full Backwages, Damages, Attorney’s Article 1155, the claim should be filed "before the court," or
Fees (Normal Consequences of Illegal Dismissal) = 4 addressed to the debtor, the University. To recover their
years salary differentials for the school years 1974-75 and 1975-
GSIS Claims = 4 years 76, the petitioners should have filed their claims on or
before November 4, 1977. Regional Director Pucan did not
o XPN: A government retired employee but err in holding that their claims had already prescribed when
instead of filing his retirement claim went to the their complaint was filed on April 24,1979.
US. After 10 years, he came back to the
Philippines, he filed a retirement claim with the The ten-year prescriptive period fixed in Article 1144 of the
GSIS, but it was denied on the ground that it has Civil Code may not be invoked by the petitioners for the
prescribed. Will the claim prosper? Yes. Under Civil Code is a law of general application, while the
the GSIS Law, there are two claims that does not prescriptive period fixed in Article 292 of the Labor Code
prescribe which are retirement and insurance (now Art. 291) is a special law applicable to claims arising
claims. Therefore, the claim is tenable. from employer-employee relations.

It is a principle in American jurisprudence which,
RULING: The Court agrees with UE and holds that UEEA’s undoubtedly, is well-recognized in this jurisdiction that
right to question the distribution of the incremental one's employment, profession, trade or calling is a
proceeds for SY 1994-1995 has already prescribed. Article "property right," and the wrongful interference therewith is
291 of the Labor Code provides that money claims arising an actionable wrong. The right is considered to be property
from an employer-employee relationship must be filed within the protection of a constitutional guaranty of due
within three (3) years from the time the cause of action process of law. Clearly then, when one is arbitrarily and
accrued. In the present case, the cause of action accrued unjustly deprived of his job or means of livelihood, the
when the distribution of the incremental proceeds based on action instituted to contest the legality of one's dismissal
percentage of salary of the covered employees was from employment constitutes, in essence, an action
discussed in the tripartite meeting held on June 19, 1995. predicated "upon an injury to the rights of the plaintiff," as
UEEA did not question the manner of its distribution and contemplated under Art. 1146 of the New Civil Code, which
only on April 27, 1999 did it file an action based therein. must be brought within four [4] years.
Hence, prescription had set in.
In the instant case, the action for illegal dismissal was filed
by petitioners on July 5, 1982, or three [3] years, one [1]
MANUEL L. QUEZON UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION vs. month and five [5] days after the alleged effectivity date of
MLQ UNIVERSITY his dismissal on June 1, 1979 which is well within the four
[4]-year prescriptive period under Article 1146 of the New
The petitioners contend that the prescriptive period on Civil Code.
their claims for salary differentials for the school years
1974-1975 and 1975-1976 was interrupted by their Even on the assumption that an action for illegal dismissal
written demand on the University and the latter's falls under the category of "offenses" or "money claims"
admission of the obligation. Indeed, Article 1155 of the Civil under Articles 291 and 292, Labor Code, which provide for
Code provides that "the prescription of actions is a three-year prescriptive period, still, a strict application of
interrupted when they are filed before the court, when said provisions will not destroy the enforcement of
there is a written extrajudicial demand by the creditors, and fundamental rights of the employees. As a statutory
when there is any written acknowledgment of the debt by provision on limitations of actions, Articles 291 and 292 go
the debtor." to matters of remedy and not to the destruction of
fundamental rights. As a general rule, a statute of limitation
However, the argument will avail them nothing for the extinguishes the remedy only. Although the remedy to
records shows that their written demand, as well as the enforce a right may be barred, that right may be enforced
University president's reply thereto were both written on by some other available remedy which is not barred.
November 4, 1974. Thereafter, the three-year prescriptive

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✓ General Principles and Concepts
✓ Art. II, 1987 Constitution
✓ Art. XIII [Constitutional Rights of a Worker]
✓ Social Justice Clause
✓ Art. IX-B, Sec. 2(1),(5)
✓ Test of Employer-Employee Relationship
✓ St. Martin Funeral Homes vs. NLRC Case


Therefore, all references in the amended Section 9 of B.P.

No. 129 to supposed appeals from the NLRC to the Supreme
Court are interpreted and hereby declared to mean
and refer to petitions for certiorari under Rule 65.
Consequently, all such petitions should henceforth be
initially filed in the Court of Appeals in strict observance of
the doctrine on the hierarchy of courts as the appropriate
forum for the relief desired.

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Third, he has experienced labor relations management

FINALS matters for a period of 5 years.

November 4, 2020 Q: What is 10-5 qualifications of Labor Arbiter

A: First, Member of the Philippine Bar
Second, must be in the practice of law for 10 years
BOOK V – Labor Relations Law Third, he has experienced labor relations management
matters for a period of 5 years.
Q: Who are the main actors in Book V?
• Office of the President
• Department Of Labor and Employment If he is from Visayas and he was appointment for such
commissioner, he shall be assigned in Cebu. If in Mindanao,
• Regional Directors of the DOLE
in Cagayan de Oro. If you were appointed in Luzon, you may
be assigned in any divisions. But, di nasusunod yan. There
• Regional Arbitration Branches
are some cases where you are from Mindanao and you are
• Bureau of Labor Relations being assigned here in Manila.
• National Conciliation and Mediation Board


Q: * Possible Bar Q: What is the nature and composition 1. Administrative Functions

of the NLRC? 2. Investigatory
A: This is a tripartite tri-sectoral body. The composition of 3. Inquisitorial
such body comes from different sectors. The tri sectors are: 4. Rule-Making Power
government, management, and labor sectors. This is to
democratize the composition of NLRC. This is a collegial BUT, the following are the most important powers of
body which requires the consultation of other sectors as the NRLC which are BAR areas *
found in the Constitution to prevent one man decision. 1. Contempt Power
2. Injunctive Function
Q: Why the tri-sectoral? 3. The power to resolve vital industry disputes
A: Because this is in accord with the principle of tripartism.
Whatever policies of labor it shll be crafted by a tripartite CONTEMPT POWER
As you all know contempt may be direct or indirect.
Q: How does NLRC sits? Purpose: to maintain the dignity and reputation from any
A: It sits en banc or in 8 divisions. utterances which will undignified the commission.

It sits 8 divisions. 8 divisions times 3 commissioners = 24 INJUNCTIVE FUNCTION

commissioners, with one chairman. But the chairman of the
commission shall always come from the government sector. MOST Important: The power to issue Temporary
Restraining Order (TRO) or Writ of Preliminary Injunction
It sits en banc for purposes of policy determination and (WPI.) This is indeed an extraordinary remedy which in
promulgation of rules and regulations that will govern each essence is a preservative remedy. Preservative in the sense
procedure. that it is designed to preserve the status quo. That is why
TRO is sometimes called as Status quo order ante.
But siting in different division is for the purpose of
exercising quasi-judicial functions. But the decision of the Submitted Bar Question of Dean: Q: Can TRO be issues
division is the decision of the NLRC. ex-parte?
A: A hearing must be conducted. So due process must be
Q: What are the qualifications of a commissioner? observed. But don’t you know that a hearing may not be
A: Always remember the qualifications of the NLRC “15-5” conducted in the issuance of a TRO, the same Labor Code
For Labor Arbiter : 10-5 requires that the TRO can be issued ex-parte.

Q: What is 15-5 qualifications of NLRC Q: What is the philosophy why a TRO may be issued ex
A: First, Member of the Philippine Bar parte or in the absence of the other party?
Second, must be in the practice of law for 15 years
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A: Kasi pag WPI de parte, in the presence of both parties. A: Yes.

TRO can be ex-parte. The Supreme Court held in a case that
a TRO is a mere interlocutory order prior to the issuance of Possible Bar Q: The SOLE issued an assumption order,
a writ of injunction. Kaya it can be issued ex-parte then, pending resolution of the assumed case tinamad
ang SOLE, then he issued a Certification order to the
Submitted Bar Q: In the case of issuance of Injunction, NLRC. Who will now resolve the assumed case?
can it be delegated to a labor arbiter? A: The NLCR because it is now certified to the NLRC for
A: NO. purposes of compulsory arbitration.

Q: But, as to the reception of evidence, can it be Possible Bar Q: Enumerate who can resolve an assumed
delegated by the NLRC to a particular LA? order of labor dispute in a vital industry.
A: Yes. 1. President
The Power to Resolve Vital Industry Disputes 3. NLRC as per certification order of the SOLE.
involving National Interest Cases Certified Either by 4. Voluntary Arbitrators (VA)
President of the Philippine or Secretary of Labor
and Employment (SOLE) Submitted Bar Q: May a Voluntary Labor Arbitrators or
Panel of Arbitrators resolve/s a vital industry dispute
Q: What is this power? pursuant to Article 273 G of the labor code?
A: The power of Assumption Power also known as pre- A: Yes. Example: The SOLE issued an assumption order.
emptive power. A power to assume labor disputes in an Pending resolution, the Employer and the Union agreed
industry indispensable to national interest that may trigger between themselves to transmit this industry dispute for
a strike or lockout. The pre-emptive power of Pres or SOLE purpose of voluntary arbitration. Note: Sa NLRC
in order for preventive these labor dispute from becoming compulosory arbitration.
a full blown labor dispute that may affect national interest.
Q: What is the legal anchored why it is allowed?
Old labor code, vital industries are enumerated. But in the A: By agreement of the parties, they deemed it to transmit
new, they are not enumerated, but there are pertinent labor their vital industry dispute to be resolved by an impartial
orders which enumerates it. VA.

Q: May a SOLE issue an Assumption order over a labor Potent Area of the Bar: What are the legal consequences
dispute although it is not perceived as vital industry? of an issuance of Assumption Order?
Example: bagoong factory. The sole issued an assumption A: It has the effect of a writ of injunction. This is the case
order over a labor dispute in a Bagoong factory. Counsel for where there is an issuance of writ of injunction without
the company argues that the issuance is not proper compliance with the requirement for the issuance of writ of
considering that the factory is not a vital industry. injunction. An A.O. in effect a writ of injunction itself.
A: Yes, it may be from the perception of others that the
Bagoong factory is not a vital industry. Q: Are striking workers obliged to return to work?
A: Yes. It is a matter of obligation on the part of the striking
Q: Possible Bar Q: But can you fault the president or workers to return to work.
SOLE to issue an assumption order? It is now a part of
knowledge that some bagoong company exports its product Q: if they were defiant in returning to work, may the ER
to other foreign country that in turn boosts up the economy validly dismiss them?
of the Philippines. But, it you will consider, it is not really a A: Yes.
vital industry.
A: You cannot fault the SOLE. You have to consider the very Q: On the part of the ER, what kind of reinstatement
nature of an assumption power. By nature, assumption should he do?
power is plenary, whole, complete and at the same time A: ER should immediately reinstate them actually and not in
discretionary. the payroll. In order words, an assumption power
contemplates only actual reinstatement.
Take note that under the Labor Code, the vital industries are
not enumerated thereby giving the President or SOLE a Q: If the SOLE issued an A.O. accompanied by payroll
wider latitude or discretion to them. reinstatement, this is an actual case, is this proper?
A: NO. The Supreme Court held that it is grave abuse of
Q: Given an instance that SOLE released an assumption discretion because the law contemplates only actual
order, can the SOLE resolve such case? reinstatement.
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Q: What is the exception to actual reinstatement? 3. Decision of the RD under Article 129.
A: Special circumstances UST Faculty Union case. Adjudicatory power of RD.

Stakeholders are the students. When faculty went to strike, What is this? The complaint filed by house
UST faculties, at the meantime, were replaced by new helper, there no more ER-EE relationship,
teachers. Note: that during strike, there is no legal no more reinstatement, aggregate amount
prohibition on the part of the employers to continue with its claim does not exceed 5k. Small claim
business undertaking in order to cushion the impact of decision is appealable directly to NLRC.
economic. Kaya, the ER can still continue its operation. UST
hired new teachers. At the middle of the semester, the SOLE BUT if the amount of claim is 5k before and
issued an A.O., so the striking teachers must return to work. there is a claim for reinstatement, then it is
But UST cannot reinstate them actually because they were converted into a case of Illegal dismissal.
already replaced by new teachers. So what is the remedy Hence, LA has jurisdiction.
under the circumstances, in the words of the SC: “under
special circumstances, they shall be reinstated in the Possible Bar Q: Note: Aa a rule, in illegal dismissal,
Payroll. Because it will be physically impossible to Labor Arbiter has Jurisdiction. EXP: Kasambahay. Under
reinstatement. the fiduciary relationship, pag illegal dismissal ng
househelper or domestic servant, walang reinstatement.
Q: What is another legal effect of Assumption Order? Ang may jurisdiction RD of the DOLE. POSSIBEL BAR Q. Bar
Should there be a need of another order which is an to, kasi pag illegal dismissal automatic LA appealable to
order to return to work? NRLC.
A: NO. The Supreme Court held that there is no more need
for another return to work (RTW) order issued by SOLE Article. 217. Jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters and the
because RTW order is already deemed absorbed by the Commission. - (a) Except as otherwise provided under
issuance of AO. In order words, RTW is deemed written into this Code, the Labor Arbiters shall have original and
the AO. Kaya hindi na kailangan ang separate RTW order. exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide, within thirty
Yung ibang kaso, sinasabi ng mga union, oo may A.O. nga (30) calendar days after the submission of the case by the
pero wala naming return to work order. parties for decision without extension, even in the
absence of stenographic notes, the following cases
There are some case where although not perceived as a vital involving all workers, whether agricultural or non-
industry, the assumption order issued by sole where upheld agricultural:
valid by the SC. Legal anchor: nature an assumption power
is treated as plenary, whole, complete and at the same time 1. Unfair labor practice cases;
2. Termination disputes;

APPELLATE POWER OF NLRC 3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those

cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of pay,
Area of the BAR. hours of work and other terms and conditions of
Q: What are those cases appealable to the NLRC? employment;
1. Under Article 224, the Decisions of the LA
pursuant of article 128 of the LC. 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of
damages arising from the employer-employee relations;
DECISION OF THE LA, under Art. 128. The
visitorial and enforcement power of LA 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this
where the amount is beyond 5k. When Code, including questions involving the legality of strikes
amount of claim is more than 5k and it was and lockouts; and
contested and it cannot be verified in the
ordinary course of inspection. Therefore, 6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social
the Jurisdiction is in LA. Kaya decisions Security, Medicare and maternity benefits, all other
under 128 appealable to NLRC. claims arising from employer-employee relations,
including those of persons in domestic or household
2. Regarding wage distortion problem in non- service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand
unionized establishment LA (Kaya appealable sa pesos (P5,000.00) regardless of whether accompanied
NLRC). Kung unionized and may Jurisdiction ay VA. with a claim for reinstatement.
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Q: What are the exceptions to the requirement of the

Q: Under Article 224 (217) What is the jurisdiction of the existing ER-EE relationship?
LA? A:
A: 1. Unfair labor practice cases
2. Temination Disputes 1. Acts of their agents which can be not their EE. (In
3. Big money claims, expect, Philhealth insurance and the definition)
employees compensation claim. 2. The doctrine of innocent bystander.
3. In the case of yellow dog contract.
Bar area: Employees compensation claims sa
Philippines, Insurance claims, Philhealth, take note Q: What is a yellow dog contract?
walang jurisdiction and LA. Pero ang ECC under Book A: It is committed by an ER against a non-EE. Ganito yun.
IV, may Jurisidtion ang LA. What law? Yung migrant You applied for a job. ER asks you, do you have a union? Yes.
workers Act. But ER says that it will employ you provided that you
disaffiliate with your union. Another instance. Are you a
Bar area: Under Article 224 or (217) What are those member of union? No. Then you can start now. Yellow Dog
considered as “EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN contract is not committed by an employee because he is still
THIS CODE” Ano mga to? an applicant. Why? An EE renounce his right to self-
A: organization because he is scared that if not renounced, he
1. Assumption Order of the Pres or SOLE. might not be employed. He is afraid. He is frightened. He
2. Certification Order of Pres or SOLE to the NLRC acts a cowardly dog with its tail behind his leg. Why yellow?
3. Money claims beyond the Jurisdiction of LA. Kahit Yellow is a colloquial term for being scared.
5 million pa yan basta in the exercise of visitorial or
enforcement powers of the RD. Kasi yung RD may Q: What are the types of ULP committed?
Jurisdiction sa money claims in relation to visitorial A:
and enforcement powers. 1. by Employer
4. Unfair Labor Practice because Labor arbiter has 2. by Union
Jurisdiction. 3. by their agents


Possible Bar Q: Explain the concept of ULP?
A: Complete definition: acts of the ER or the union or their Q: What are those committed by ER?
agents which violates the rights of the works to self- A: Interference, restrain coercion, yellow dog contract,
organization, which includes ____ (sorry disconnected)___ to refusal to bargain collective. Giving out of testimony in
collective bargaining and negotiations, and to engaged to judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies. Gross
peaceful concerted activities and mutual help and flagrant violation of CBA. Contracting out of services.
If you try to analyze the provisions in the Labor code in ULP,
Possible Bar Q: What is the nature of ULP? all acts of the ER which violates the rights of the workers to
A: Is not a mere administrative or civil offense but is also a self-organization, all of these acts are actually forms of
criminal offense. However, the criminal aspect of ULP can interference. Interference to what? To the right to self-
only be filed after there is a final decision of the arbiter the organization. If asked in the Bar to explain in one sentence
administrative or civil aspects of such ULP. the acts constitution ULP Committed by ER, just say
Q: It is settled that labor arbiter has J over ULP cases. Is
it correct to say or contend with that LA has also There are several forms of interference. The three
Jurisdiction over the criminal aspect of ULP? approaches where interference is exemplified. Economic
A: NO. LA has no jurisdiction over the criminal aspect of ULP physical, and psychological interference.
But only as part of the administrative and civil aspects are

Q: In ULP, must there exists ER-EE relationship? Economic always remember it refers to money. Ano ginawa
A: Yes. It is settled that ER-EE is a prerequisite. ng ER? ER biginyan pera yung union. Yung, officers ng
union, ung active members of the union. For what purpose?
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Remember the purpose of these approaches is to silence the employment and in good faith provide the machineries of
union. To discourage union. Worse, to annihilate or kill the settlement such as grievances and VA. In other words, the
union. Economic. essential elements of an effective collective bargaining are:
1. Mutual Bargaining in GF;
EG: In order to captivate the hearts and emotions of the 2. Reasonable bargaining;
union. Emotions include “kalibugan nila.” Dinala ngayon sa 3. Prompt and expeditious bargaining .
Pegasus to engage in sexual commerce. After that each of
leaders of the union thewere given with 25k. Union officers
say “Wag na nating banatan kasi may utang na loob tayo.” Area of the Bar:
The next day is the collective bargaining process/table. Nag Q: Who shall initiate collective barraging process: Can
submit ng proposal. Oh article 3 sobra na hinihingi niyo sa the ER?
increase of wages. Sobra na 50, dapat 10 lang. Ngayon, di na A: YES. Anyone of them can initiate. But usually, or often
5 representatives ng union sa bargaining table, 1 nalang. than not it is initiated by the union. There is no legal
prohibition to imitate the bargaining process by the
Their hearts and emotions where already captivated. They employer
now became a captive union. A company dominated union.
So the CBA is an incomplete and inadequate CBA. WHY? Q: How is it done?
Because ER and union became sweethearts. A: The union will submit a CBA proposal.

Kaya ang incomplete and inadequate CBA is called Why CBA proposal? A complete CBA na. ER is required
sweetheart contract. While the ER and the union became under the law to submit a counter CBA proposal within 10
sweethearts because of economic approach. Pera. Dati ten days from receipt of the CBA proposal of the union.
militant and active ngayon, passive union. Worse dormant If the ER delays the submission of the counter CBA proposal,
union. that would constitute refusal to bargain collectively which
is ULP. ULP kasi the law states that parties must conform
In one case, 4 years na existing yung company, wala man promptly and expeditiously bargaining.
CBA. Supreme Court held that it is a badge of passivity of the
union. Passivity of union is company unionism. Q: Assuming ER did not submit of the counter CBA
proposal. What is the consequence?
PHYSICAL INTERFERENCE A: There is a penalty imposed by the SC to defiant ER. What
is the penalty? The CBA proposal of the union stop lack and
The ER wanted to intimidate, coerce not only active union barrel becomes the CBA in the bargaining unit. The CBA in
member and officers, in the process, the company included the company premises. Kawawa ang ER.
family members of these union.
Q: Assuming ER submitted a counter CBA proposal on a
Sometimes under surveillance by some demonic agents of basis of a take it or leave it barraging approach. Is this
the ER. Or Just because the president of the union is so hard, allowed?
bigyan niyo ng lection. Bayagin niyo. The next day, can no A: NO. This is a ULP. Supreme Court held that a take it or
longer join the bargaining table. Lay-low muna si president. leave it bargaining approach is not bargaining in Good faith.
Dati active militant. Now, passive and non-militant. Worse This is violation of GF Bargaining. Because this is the
pinatay union officer. essence of damn if you do, damn if you don’t. – introduced
by Lemuel Boulware. Boulwarism. Dapat boulwareism
because family name is the root word.
Possible Bar Q:
Called the wife of the president of the union. “Huling gabi na
Why is it ULP?
ng asawa mo ngayon” – lay-low muna ako. Ano pa. refusal
A: It is ULP because a take it and leave it approach is a
to bargain collective. You cannot understand the refusal to
violation of good faith bargaining.
bargain collectively unless you know the duty to bargain
During the bargaining process, there are counter issues. The
ER did, to delay, introduced unrelated matters. In simple
term, the ER introduced off tangent matters for the purpose
Q: what is the duty to bargain collectively?
of delay. Because the Labor code requires ER to act
A: It is the mutual obligation of the ER to EE to promptly and
expeditiously and promptly, they appear to negotiate but
expeditiously come into reasonable terms and conditions of
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they don’t have the intention of signing the agreement. This

is called Surface Bargaining. To be valid, it should also be done within the period of 6
months. If beyond or indefinite, then, that will
metamorphose into a constructive dismissal and at the
RUNAWAY SHOP same time a ULP.

During the bargain process, the ER does not want to comply GROSS FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF THE CBA
with bargaining process. ER wanted to evade the bargaining
process. In what manner? The ER sold the stocks (kunware) Another. Gross flagrant violation of the CBA. This refers to
to another company that is wholly owned by the one the violation of the Economic provision in the CBA. Leave
employer – a dummy corporation. The ER transferred the credits. Increase of wages. Benefits. Bonuses. An economic
operation of the company in another area or the company provision in the CBA violated by the ER constitutes a gross
established a shop in another are. Doon linpat yung mga violation of the CBA which is an ULP.
tools and equipment ng company. In other words, the ER
wanted to evade its obligation or run away from its STOP-LOCK-GATE CLAUSE
bargaining process. This was called RUNAWAY SHOP.
ANO PA. This was asked in the bar: Is the violation of the
Possible Bar Q: Now, union knew na lumipat na, di na er of the stop-lock-gate clause an ULP?
makita kasi ang ER nasa malayong lugar na. Now, the union A: Yes. Because gross violation of the CBA.
staged a strike doon sa malayong lugar. Is the strike legal?
What is your legal anchor, why can a bargaining union Q: Explain Stop-lock-gate clause?
can stage a strike in an area where the ER transferred A: Any increase of wages, any benefits provided in the CBA
in order to avoid the bargaining process? are exclusive of other benefits that may be given out later
A: The union can validly stage a strike because under the on or decree upon the government. In other words, increase
labor code, strike area includes runaway shop. of wages provided by the CBA cannot be charged or credited
against future benefits that may be given out by the

Ano pa, the ER dissuaded an employee member of the union Kaya nga exclusive. Kung may benefits na binigay ng
to testify on matters involving labor relations like issue on government, then, ibigay. Kung meron din agreed by the
certification of election. parties, them ibigay. Both benefits should be given because
they are exclusive of others. Also known as NON-

Another, the discriminatory practice. Discrimination is an UNLESS YUNG stop-lock-gate clause ay mayroong
equal treatment per se in order to discourage or annihilate credibility clause”, then, pwedeng I charge. Pero in the
the union. While a union member is discriminated against absence of such, it is exclusive.
the purpose is to annihilate a union.
Q: In discriminatory practices how is it done?
A: In the form of hiring, dismissal, promotion, BLUE SKY BARGAINING
retrenchment, transfer.
The Labor code provides that the parties should bargain on
LABOR-ONLY CONTRACTING reasonable terms and conditions of employment. A ULP
committed by the union is when it submitted a CBA
Ano pa, in the case of contracting out of services. To farm proposal with economic demands which are unreasonable;
out services. Remember, contracting out of services is legal too excessive; or exaggerated demands. These are economic
and valid under the law. It is a form of management demands beyond the economic reach or capability of the ER
prerogative. But in order to be valid, the contracting out to give. Cannot be reached. It is high as the sky kaya it was
should be made to an independent contractor and not to a called “Blue sky bargaining”
labor-only contract.
LOC is treated as a mere agent or intermediary of the owner
of the project. The employee of the LOC are considered as Discriniateion, eg: union collaborated with the ER.
Direct Employee of the principal-ER or the owner of the
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Mr. Employer itong member na ito ayaw sumals sa amin sa

union baka pwede mon a i-dismss. This is a form of ULP by
union. Requesting the ER to dismiss or transfer in far-flung


Violation of the CBA also. GRAY AREA IN BAR AREAS AND

IN LAW STUDENTS: Feather-bedding activity.

The union compels the ER to pay for services rendered or

not rendered at all. This is a ULP committed by the union.
This is a form of extortion. In simple words, this is a make-
work or prolong-the-work provision in the CBA for them to
earn money at the expense of the ER.

EG: UST had a decision to renovate a building with shocking

colors to attract millennials. They hired the services of
Union A. The union decided not to use a high-tech
equipment or a roller-brush , so long to prolong the work;
Extreme example use watercolor brush.

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November 25, 2020 c. Posting of appeal bond

GR: Cash / surety bond only

XPN: The SC said that the part of the bond can
Q: Who has jurisdiction? be posted provided that the amount and value
A: Labor Arbiter of the property is substantial enough to cover
the monetary award. (UERMMMC Case; G.R.
Q: Where to file the case? No. 110419; March 3, 1997)
A: Regional arbitration branch
Q: Can the employer post an irrevocable bank
• As to form: There is no form provided by the law – it guaranty as a substitute?
can be a complaint, pro forma complaint but it should A: NO because the law provides for 2 types only
be verified by either the notary public or the except the property bond pursuant to UER Case.
administrating officer in the arbitration branch.
Q: How much should the employer-appellant
PROCESS: post?
A: Full amount is better. But partial bond is allowed
1. Legal entry approach proceeding: There should under the existing jurisprudence. (ie. 20% and
be an amicable settlement. above)
2. If no settlement is reached, pass it to the labor
arbiter. Q: Can the employer-appellant post 10%?
3. Position paper proceeding: Parties will submit A: Qualify. 10% can be posted only for purposes of
simultaneous position paper filing a motion to reduce bond. Not to perfect an
appeal. (McBurnie doctrine; G.R. Nos. 178034 &
Q: Is position paper a violation of due process? 178117 G R. Nos. 186984-85 )

A: NO. Labor cases can be decided on the basis of NOTE: If the Motion to Reduce Bond was denied by
position papers and other documents submitted by the the NLRC, the employer is given 10 days fresh period
contending parties without resorting to the technical to post the full amount of the bond otherwise the
rules of evidence observed in the court of justice. appeal will not be perfected.
However, it is required for the parties to attach all
documentary evidence to their position papers for Personal service to the other party is necessary. If
there is no need of a formal trial. A trial is discretionary cannot be effected or if the employer failed to
on the LA. By submitting their position paper and reply personally serve the memorandum, he/it should
thereto the parties have been given an opportunity to make an explanation as to the reason thereto (must
be heard. be a valid explanation, ie. The distance where the
employee lives / there will be no person to serve the
4. Last pleadings will be submitted for a memo)
Note: Must be resolved within 30 days. (Art. 224, 7. All the requirements of an appeal should be
LC) submitted to the Labor Arbiter, who, in turn, shall
XPN: Cases involving Migrant Workers (OFWs) - submit all the records including the fallo /
Must be resolved within 90 days (Sec. 10, R.A. No. decision of the case, to the division of the NLRC
8042) that has acquired appellate jurisdiction.
5. Decision rendered by the LA finding illegal
dismissal 8. NLRC – before it is assigned to the ponente
commissioner, there should first be a consultation
6. Appeal to prevent a one man decision.

Requirements: Q: May the ponente commissioner, before

resolving the issues or the merit of the case,
a. Payment of docket fee/ appeal fee/ filing fee notify the parties for the purposes of amicable
(otherwise, fatal to appeal) settlement?
b. Submission of the memorandum of appeal A: Yes, although not provided in the Rules, there is
copy furnished the prevailing employee. no prohibition for the commissioner to do that.
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12. If CA denied the petition, the losing party may file a

Basis pag tinanong sa bar: Doctrine of speedy labor MR and if denied, an appeal by certiorari before the
justice. Technical rules on evidence are relaxed in SC. (Rule 45, ROC)
labor proceedings. (Article 227, LC)
Q: When filed?
9. Decision of NLRC affirming the illegal dismissal in A: Within 15 days. Motion to file an extension with
toto. leave of court is allowed.

10. The employer may file a Motion for Q: On what ground?

Reconsideration which is a condition sine qua non A: Only on pure questions of law because factual
before a certiorari may be filed with the CA under findings belong to the lower courts.
the Doctrine of Hierarchy of courts.
Q: When filed? (1) When the conclusion is a finding grounded
A: Within 10 days after the decision of the NLRC entirely on speculation, surmises or conjectures;
denying the appeal (St. Martin case) (2) When the inference made is manifestly
mistaken, absurd or impossible;
Q: Purposes of MR: (3) Where there is a grave abuse of discretion;
A: (4) When the judgment is based on a
a. To rectify the error committed by the NLRC; misapprehension of facts;
b. To comply with the Doctrine of Exhaustion of (5) When the findings of fact are conflicting;
Administrative Remedies; and (6) When the Court of Appeals, in making its
c. It is a condition sine qua non before one can findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the
file a petition for certiorari. same is contrary to the admissions of both
appellant and appellee;
11. If the MR is denied, the decision will be submitted (7) The findings of the Court of Appeals are
to the raffling decision of the CA. contrary to those of the trial court;
-decisions of LA, NLRC and CA are in
During the raffling day, 1 justice of the CA should collision / contrary / diametrically
be present to observe the raffling of the case. opposed to each other.
(8) When the findings of fact are conclusions
Before the case will be assigned to a ponente, the without citation of specific evidence on which they
shall be another consultation pursuant to the are based;
Constitution in order to prevent a one man (9) When the facts set forth in the petition as well
decision. as in the petitioner’s main and reply briefs are not
disputed by the respondents; and
Note: If there are other pertinent documents that (10) The finding of fact of the Court of Appeals is
are not certified, without necessarily giving due premised on the supposed absence of evidence and
course to the petition, the parties will be notified to is contradicted by the evidence on record.
submit such documents. The party concerned must
comply with the order of the court asking for the 13. Decision by the Supreme Court.
Q: Before the entry of judgement are you
11A. If it is a labor case with a monetary award, allowed to file a MR?
there will be an internal procedure where there A: Yes. If your MR is still denied, you can still file
will be an arbitration (1k arbitration fee) to talk another MRs until you are required to stop filing
about the monetary award. further motions.

If in case the monetary award agreed upon by the Note: If after the notice to stop filing further
parties was settled by the employer, then that will motions, you still continued to file one, such will
arbitrate the proceeding pursuant to the Doctrine not be entertained and you may be cited for
of Speedy labor justice. contempt.

However, if the monetary award will not be settled, 14. The decision of the SC will go down to the lowest
it will be resolved on the merits. level (LA). The issuance of the writ is not automatic.

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The prevailing party should file a Motion for the Grievance machinery clause in the CBA – for the
issuance of the writ of execution. purpose of settling labor –management disputes
arising from its interpretation or implementation
15. The prevailing party will be notified for the pre or interpretation or enforcement of company
execution conference. personnel policies.

Pre-execution conference – hearing for the purpose

of determining w/n the LA should execute a writ of STRIKES
execution. - temporary stoppage of work by the concerted
action of employees as a result of an industrial or
Here, the parties may still haggle. labor dispute.

Requirements for a strike to be valid:

• 5 year bar rule – the writ of execution should be 1. It must be based ONLY the following grounds:
implemented within 5 years.
a. Bargaining deadlocks; and
Q: Can you still implement the writ of execution b. Unfair labor practices
after 5 years? Strike voting – it must be approved by a majority of the
total membership of the union obtained by secret ballot
A: Yes, by way of filing an independent action with the in meeting called for the purpose;
LA of origin. 2. Strike or lockout NOTICE shall be filed with the NCMB
at least (mandatory cooling-off periods):
This independent action may be filed within 10 years a. 15 days from the intended date thereof – for
from the finality of the decision of the LA. ULP;
b. 30 days from intended thereof – for bargaining
Q: Who has jurisdiction? deadlock
Money claims Copy furnished the adverse party; failure to serve
➢ more than P5,000 – LA notice is a violation of due process.

XPN: The LA have NO jurisdiction over: PURPOSE (Mandatory cooling-off period):

a. PhilHealth
b. Social Security a. To afford the parties the opportunity to
c. Employees Compensation Claims (ECC) amicably resolve the dispute with the
XPN to XPN: The LA have jurisdiction over assistance of the NCMB.
ECC if it involves OFW’s including seamen
(RA 8042 as am. by RA 10022) NOTE: In the event the result of the
strike/lockout vote ballot is filed within
➢ less than P5,000 w/ a claim for reinstatement – LA the cooling-off period, the 7-day
➢ less than P5,000 w/o a claim for reinstatement – requirement shall be counted from the day
Regional director of the DOLE (Art 129, LC) following the expiration of the cooling-off
All matter involving ER-EE relationship – LA NOTE: In case of union busting, the time
If no ER-EE relationship – regular courts requirement for the filing of the Notice of
Strike shall be dispensed with but the
Violation of concerted activities (Art. 279, LC) – LA strike vote requirement, being mandatory
in character, shall in every case be
Take note of the definition: complied with. The 7 days should be
Grievance – any dissatisfaction, complaint or added to the 15- day or 30-day cooling-
misunderstanding of an employee, arising from the off periods.
interpretation or implementation of the CBA and
those arising from interpretation or enforcement During the cooling-off periods, the strike may be
of personnel policies. prevented by:

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➢ A Preventive Mediation Order (PMO) to be A: YES because the strike vote report may be submitted
issued by the NCMB to convert the notice of strike during the cooling-off period.
into a preventive mediation case. When converted,
the notice of strike is deemed dismissed or 3. Compliance with the 24-hour prior notice rule on
dropped from the dockets of notices of strike. strike voting – the union is mandated to notify the
NCMB of the meeting for the conduct of strike vote, at
Once the dispute has been converted into a least 24 hours prior to such meeting;
preventive mediation case, the notice of strike is
deemed dropped from the dockets as if no notice of PURPOSES (24-hour prior notice rule):
strike has been filed. Since there is no more notice
of strike, any strike subsequently stage by the a. To inform the NCMB of the intent of the union
union or locking out by the employer is deemed not to conduct a strike vote;
to have complied with the requirements of a valid b. Give the NCMB ample time to decide whether
strike. or not there is a need to supervise the conduct
of the strike vote to prevent any acts of
No strike could be legally declared during the violence and/or irregularities attendant
pendency of preventive mediation proceeding thereto; and
c. Should the NCMB decide motu proprio or upon
➢ Improved offer balloting the request of an interested party including the
employer, to supervise the strike vote, to give
In case of a strike, the regional branch of the NCMB ample time to prepare for the deployment of
shall, at its own initiative or upon the request of any the requisite personnel.
affected party, conduct a referendum by secret
balloting on the improved offer of the employer on or PURPOSES (Strike Vote):
before the 30th day of strike.
a. To ensure that the decision to strike rests with
When at least a majority of the union members vote to majority of the union members in general and
accept the improved offer, the striking workers shall not with a mere minority; and
immediately return to work and the employer shall b. To discourage wildcat strikes, union bossism
thereupon re-admit them upon signing of the and even corruption.
agreement. c.
4. A strike or lockout VOTE shall be reported to the NCMB-
➢ Reduce offer balloting DOLE Regional Branch at least 7 days before the
intended strike or lockout subject to the cooling-off
In case of a lockout, the regional branch of the NCMB period (mandatory 7-day strike ban).
shall also conduct a referendum by secret balloting on
the reduced offer of the union on or before the 30th day 5. If strike is staged by a hospital, there must be an
of lockout. effective skeletal workforce of medical and health
When at least a majority of the board of directors or
trustees or the partners holding the controlling interest NOTE: If there are terroristic acts or violent acts
in the case of partnership vote to accept the reduced committed during the strike, the strike may be declared
offer, the workers shall immediately return to work and as illegal even if it is initially legal.
the employer shall thereupon re-admit them upon
signing of the agreement. Q: What is only gateway principle?
A: There was blockading of the ingress-egress of the
Q: If there is a union busting during a cooling-off premises by the union.
period, can the union immediately stage a strike?
A: NO. The SC declared that the despite the union o Libelous, scandalous or scurrilous statements
busting, the strike is still subject to the 7 days strike ban made by the ee-strikers will make the strike
or the 7 days cooling-off period, which in every case illegal.
should be complied with.
NOTE: In order to have a valid and effective strike there
Q: Can the notice of strike and strike vote report be must be a picketing.
submitted simultaneously?

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*Picketing can be staged without a strike but there can be e. Sitdown – the workers remain in the plant but refuse to
no strike without picketing. work and their machines and tools remain idle; the
stoppage period is much longer than quickie strike.
*Picketing may be staged even if there is no er-ee
relationship because it is a right guaranteed by the f. Ordinary – common type of strike that involves a
Constitution. (Thornhill v. Alabama) withdrawal on the part of the workers from their place of
employment; it is carried out to attain the objectives
Q: May a ULPs be committed during a strike? intimately related to the strikers themselves.
g. Sympathetic – carried on by workers in sympathy to
Q: May a ULPs be committed during a strike against a another group of workers who are on strike; the workers
non-employer? have no direct grievances against their employer; it is an
A: YES. Doctrine of innocent bystander. ILLEGAL STRIKE.
-it is staged against a non-employer (no er-ee relationship)

Kinds of strikes h. Political – resembles that of general strike; to exert

pressure upon government.
1. According to basis of initiation
a. Authorized – strikes called upon a union’s consent. i. Legal – if the purpose/s are legal and the means used in
b. Unauthorized (wildcat) – strikes called without the the course of the strike are legal.
majority approval of the union members in the bargaining - strikes was staged complying with all the legal
unit; they take the form of rebellion by the rank-and-file requirements.
members against the union leadership or part of the
membership against the total membership. NOTE: Strike may be legal at the start, however, in the
course of the strike, strikers may do acts of violence which
2. According to basis of scope may make the strike illegal.

a. General (extended sympathetic strike) – most j. Illegal – takes place when there is a law prohibiting it or
extensive type covering a wide range of industries or a large when certain requirements were not complied with.
part of the country, in order to wrest power and change the
economic system; (ie. Welga ng Bayan, transportation k. ULP – strike is staged as a result of the employer’s or
strike, reducing tuition fees). union’s ULP; arises out of violation of the right of workers
- it is a political type of strike because it involves redress to self- organization like union busting.
and grievances against the government. Thus this affects a
wider region or territory of the state. l. Economic – strike staged to force wage or other
concessions from the employer which he is not required by
b. Particular – only limited in scope as it covers only a law to grant; one arising from deadlock or standstill in
particular plant or a single occupation or trade; usually collective bargaining process.
carried by a single-union group.
- also known as an ordinary type of strike NOTE: A no-strike clause prohibition in a CBA is applicable
only to economic strikes, not ULP strikes.
c. Quickie – characterized by an impromptu, brief work
stoppage in the plant but stoppage is for a period of few m. Temporary (concise) stoppage of work – temporary
minutes of hours. stoppage of work by the union during the working period;
-most the workers are outside the company’s premises / it is an ILLEGAL STRIKE.
plant. They do nothing but the duration is for a brief period
of time. n. Union recognition strike – designed to compel the
employer to recognize one’s union as the employees’
d. Slowdown (strike on installment plan) – activity by bargaining agent to work out a CBA despite the union’s
which workers, without a complete stoppage of work, doubtful majority status to merit voluntary recognition and
retard production or their performance of duties and lack of formal certification as the exclusive representative
functions to compel management to grant their demands; it in the bargaining unit.
is an ILLEGAL STRIKE. -illegal because here the union compels the ER to recognize
- purpose is to reduce production violating fair day's wage them as the bargaining agent. Such is not allowed because
for a fair day's labor principle. strike is not one of the modes of representation (modes in
determining the bargaining agent)
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Q: Is there an illegal dismissal if the employee

o. Lightning strike – sudden stoppage of work by the appointed for such office is dismissed?
concerted action of the workers without compliance with A: Yes. From the point of view of law, he is not a corporate
the requirements for declaring a lawful strike; it is an officer. Consequently, he can validly file a case of illegal
ILLEGAL STRIKE. dismissal with the Regional Arbitration branch – NLRC.
-impromptu strike
Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over the secular
p. Good faith strike officers (chaplain, etc)?
- here, the union stage a strike without compliance with the A: Yes. But as purely ecclesiastical people, it is beyond the
requirements of the law believing that the employer is LA’s jurisdiction.
committing ULP. However, later on it was found out that the
employer was not committing ULP. Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over third party
- it is an ILLEGAL STRIKE based on the Capitol Medical complaints filed by a non-party in a writ of execution?
Center case and Grand Boulevard Hotel v. Dacanay where the A: Yes.
SC ruled that good faith is not an excuse to stage a strike. To
be valid, a strike should comply with all the requirements of Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over money claims of
law. members of a cooperative?
A: Yes.

As a GR, government employees cannot stage a strike Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over local water
because of sovereignty. SC stated that a strike staged by districts?
government officials is a form of insurrection against the A: None. They are government instrumentalities.
government. And if a strike is staged by government
agencies providing services (AFP, PNP, firefighters) it will Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over members of the
affect the delivery of the services to the people. diplomatic corps (minister, etc)?
A: None, because of their enjoyment of diplomatic
Although they can unionized, what are granted to them is immunities.
not the right to collective bargaining but the right to a
collective negotiations. Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over international
XPN: GOCC’s without original charters can stage a strike A: None, because they enjoy functional immunities. (DFA v.
because they are governed by the Labor Code. NLRC)

Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over violation of

Q: Does LA jurisdiction over his decision that is already training agreements?
final and executory? A: None, regional office of DOLE have jurisdiction.
A: No. Once the decision has become F&E, it is already
beyond his jurisdiction. Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over collateral
XPN: If the backwages is not yet paid by the A: If the LA have jurisdiction over the main case, all other
employes, the prevailing employee can file a matters incidental or related thereto can be validly resolved
Motion for Re-computation of Backwages and the by the LA.
LA can still take cognizance of this case for a
computation. But as to the issue of finality, not Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over criminal cases?
allowed on the basis of Doctrine of Immutability of A: None.
Final Judgement.
Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over violations of
Q: Does LA over intra-corporate cases? company personnel policy?
A: NONE. A: None. Initially, grievance machinery then voluntary
Q: Can the board of a corporation issue a resolution
creating a corporate office? Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over wage distortion
A: NO. Corporate officers are only those enumerated in the problem?
Labor Code and in the by-laws (Matling case) A:
Unionized – None, jurisdiction is vested to the
voluntary arbitrator
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Non-unionized – LA b. If the constitution and by-laws authorized the

BOD to appoint a person to exercise the right, then
Q: Does the LA have jurisdiction over government a mere Board resolution will suffice.
agencies on money claims cases? 4. Right to sue and be sued in its own registered name
A: None. Claims against government agencies should be
directly filed before the Commission on Audit. (DAR v. 5. Right to engage in activities which would redound to
NLRC) the welfare and benefit of the members of the union
The labor union may engage in activities such as
cooperativism, housing projects, business and others
RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION provided they are not contrary to law. This is strengthen the
union in the bargaining table.
Contemplates a legitimate labor organization which is
registered either with the BLR (federations) or with the 6. Right to be exempted from taxes
regional office of the DOLE (independent unions). The labor union’s incomes and property shall be exempted
to taxes, duties and other assessments, including gifts or
Comply with all the requirements of the registration. Once, donations they receive, except earnings or benefits derived
submitted with BLR/DOLE, it is ministerial on the part of for purely business activities.
the BLR/DOLE to issue a certificate of registration
compellable by mandamus. 7. Right to be furnished a copy of employer’s audited
financial statements
Q: What are the legal effects of the registration?
A: Effects of registration (rights of a labor union) Upon written request, the union has the right to be
furnished by the employer of annual audited financial
1. Right of representation statements, on the basis of the workers’ constitutional right
This refers to the right of the labor union to act as to have a just share in the fruits of production.
representative of its individual members for the purpose of
collective bargaining, which includes the authority to NOTE: Refusal to furnish requested information is in itself
represent them for purposes of enforcing the provisions of an unfair labor practice and may lend support to the
the CBA, and to file an action for their benefit and behalf inference of surface bargaining.
without joining them as separate parties.
-applies only to union members Q: Should the parties (er and union) conclude an agency
2. Right to be certified as the exclusive bargaining A: No because it is expressly stated under the Labor code
agency within the premises (Doctrine of Union Monopoly that a non-union member should be assessed fees
or Exclusive Right Rule) equivalent to the amount of union dues in order to support
It refers to the right to represent the entire employees in the the union that makes the benefits possible.
bargaining unit. It gives the union the right to collectively
bargain with the management to the exclusion of other But an agreement between the non-union ee and the er
minority or competing unions. involving agency shop is not prohibited.
-applies to all employees
Q: What are the modes of representation?
3. Right to acquire and dispose of property, real or A:
personal, pursuant to the purpose embodied in its 1. SEBA (sole and exclusive bargaining agent)
constitution Certification
- Any union can file a SEBA party certification.
GR: The authority belongs to the President with the * wala na yung voluntary recognition. It was already
approval of the Board of Directors (BOD). replaced by SEBA certification.

XPN: 2. Consent election

- It is the election voluntarily agreed upon by the parties,
a. If the constitution and by-laws are silent, the with our without the intervention of the DOLE or the BLR,
approval of the majority of the members in a to determine the issue of majority representation of all the
general membership meeting is necessary for the workers in the appropriate collective bargaining unit.
acquisition or disposition of property. - Two or more unions agree between/by/among
themselves to select the bargaining agent.

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3. Certification election NOTE: In case of disagreement over the voters’ list or over
- is the process of determining through secret ballot, the the eligibility of voters, all contested voters shall be allowed
sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the employees in an to vote. But their votes shall be segregated and sealed in
appropriate bargaining unit, for purposes of collective individual envelopes.
Q: May dismissed employees be allowed to vote?
Requirements for a valid certification election; Double A: Qualify. If dismissed employees filed a case of illegal
majority rule dismissal pending with the labor tribunal, they can vote
because they have an unabandoned right to reinstatement.
1. First majority rule – at least a majority of all Whereas, if there is already a final decision where it was
eligible voters in the bargaining unit must have cast declared that he was legally dismissed, they can no longer
their votes; vote.
2. Second majority rule – the union receiving the
majority of the valid votes shall be certified as the Q: How many % is required to validate a certification
exclusive bargaining agent; election?
3. When an election provides of 3 or more choices A: 25%
results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid
votes cats, a run-off election shall be conducted NOTE:
between the labor unions receiving the 2 highest 1. Compliance with 25% consent requirement – mandatory
number of votes, provided, that the total number of upon the BLR to order the holding of the
votes for all contending unions is at least 50% of certification election.
the number of votes cast; 2. Petition supported by less than 25% consent
4. In determining the eligible voters who cast their requirement – discretionary upon the BLR to order the
ballots under the first majority rule, the spoiled holding of the certification election.
ballots are included. However, under the second 3. 25% consent requirement not met at the time of filing the
majority rule, in determining the valid votes case petition but the same was thereafter met – valid.
the spoiled ballots are excluded but the challenged 4. Petition totally unsupported by the 25% consent
votes are included. requirement – the petition should be dismissed.
– CE is the sole concern of the workers, thus, the If 25% is not met, certification election is still the most
role of the employer is merely that of a expeditious manner in determining the will of the
bystander (Bystander Rule). employees.

Q: Before the certification can be conducted, how do Q: What are the instances where although the 25% is
you determine the eligibility of voters? met, CE is still barred?
A: Determined prior certification election done during the A: Certification election barred despite compliance with
inclusion-exclusion proceeding or the pre-election the jurisdictional 25% requirement (Grounds for denial of
conference. petition for certification election)

Q: Who are eligible to vote in a certification election? 5. Contract-bar rule – certification election may not
A: be conducted during the existence of a CBA except
a. All employees who are members of the appropriate within the 60-day freedom period immediately
bargaining unit sought to be represented by the petitioner preceding the 5th year of such CBA.
at the time of the issuance of the order granting the conduct
of certification election; Exceptions:
b. Employees who did not work during the eligibility period
due to illness, vacation, or temporary lay-off a. The collective bargaining agreement is not
c. Employees who have been improperly laid- off registered
d. Employees who have a present, unabandoned right to b. The collective bargaining agreement is incomplete
expectation of reemployment (including strikers, whether or inadequate (sweetheart contract)
the strike is economic or the result of the employer’s ULP);
c. CBA has been prematurely extended or entered
e. Employees who have been dismissed from work but have
contested the legality of the dismissal in a forum of
appropriate jurisdiction at the time of the issuance of the
* In case of mass disaffiliation you can file a petition for CE
order for the conduct of certification election, unless the
at any time outside the 60 day freedom period.
dismissal was declared valid in a final judgment.

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6. 1-year bar rule/Certification-year bar rule –

certification election may not be held within 1 year 12. Not listed in the registry rule – when the petitioner
from the date of issuance of a final certification is not listed in DOLE’s registry of legitimate labor
result (there was an actual conduct of elections). unions or that its legal personality has been
revoked or cancelled with finality.
7. Deadlock-bar rule – certification election may not
be conducted during the existence of a bargaining Q: Is it possible that a non-registered union file a
deadlock to which an incumbent or certified petition for certification election?
bargaining agent is a party and which had been A: YES. In case of a local charter (have incomplete/partial
submitted to conciliation or arbitration or had personality) directly created by a federation, national
become the subject of a valid notice of strike or union, or mother union.
lockout that has been filed with the NCMB.
Q: May a local charter become a full legal person like a
8. Charge-of-company-unionism rule – the pendency legitimate labor organization?
of a formal charge of company unionism is a A: Yes. Registration is not necessary. It becomes a full legal
prejudicial question that, until decided, bars person by submitted the required documents under the
proceedings for a certification election because the labor code.
votes of the members of the company-dominated > Assuming that the certification election is valid but no one
union would not be free. (There is a ULP) garnered the majority votes, there will be an automatic
second election (automatic second election rule / run-
SC: There is a prejudicial question. The ULP shall be off election)
resolved first before initiating or conducting
certification election. 4. Run-off election (the second automatic election rule)
When an election which provides for 3 or more choices
Q : DO-40-03 states that any labor relations results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid votes
matter shall not affect the certification election, cast, and no objections or challenges have been presented
how would you reconcile? which, if sustained, can materially change the results, the
A: Give 2 answers. Provide the decision of the SC election officer shall motu proprio conduct a run- off
and the other answer should be introduced by election within 10 calendar days from the close of the
however. election proceedings between the labor unions receiving
the 2 highest number of votes; provided, that the total
The SC ruled in its decision that ULP shall be number of votes for all contending unions is at least 50% of
resolved first before initiating or conducting the number of votes cast.
certification election. However, under DO-40-03, it
was provided that any labor relations matter shall “No-union” – shall not be a choice in a run-off election
not affect the certification election. As between the because it is only conducted between the labor unions
two schools of thought, I incline to adopt the receiving the 2 highest numbers of votes.
decision of the SC as against DO-40-03.
Bystander Rule – the employer is a bystander who has no
9. Outside-of-the-freedom period rule – a petition for legal standing in a certification election; while iy may
certification election or motion for intervention rightfully be notified or informed of petitions of such
filed before or after the freedom period shall be nature, it cannot oppose the petition or appeal the Med-
dismissed outright. Arbiter’s orders related thereto.

10. Negotiation-bar rule – no representation issue may Double majority rule – for there to be a valid certification
be entertained, if before the filing of a petition for election, the majority of the bargaining unit must have
certification election, the certified bargaining voted and the winning union must have garnered majority
union has commenced negotiations with the of the valid votes cast (50% +1 of the total number of
employer within 1 year from the date of eligible voters).
certification election, consent election, run-off
election or form the date of voluntary recognition. Assuming that 50% was not met, therefore there is a failure
of certification election as declared by the election officer
11. Appeal-bar rule – the filing of the appeal form the and the declaration of the election officer should be
order/decision of the Med-Arbiter granting the affirmed by the regional director of the med-arbiter.
petition for certification elections stays the holding Consequently, a re-run election should be conducted.
of the certification election.
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Q: Who should be the collective bargaining Note: If there are supervisors in a rank and file union they
agent in the meantime within the period of 1 are deemed excluded from the bargaining unit and from the
year under the one year bar rule? union.
A: None. However, it shall be certified that indeed,
there is no union for that period. Q: What the modes in determining appropriate
bargaining unit?
5. Re-run election A:
- refers to an election conducted to break a tie between 1. The express will or desire of the employees test
contending unions, including between “no union” and one (Globe Election Doctrine/Test)
of the unions. It shall likewise refer to an election conducted 2. Community or mutuality of interests test (Substantial
after a failure of election has been declared by the election interest test)
officer and/or affirmed by the mediator-arbiter. 3. Prior collective bargaining history test
4. Similarity of employment status test
Three types of re-run election:
a. There is a declaration of failure of certification
election by the election officer as affirmed by med-
b. There is a tie between two unions; and
c. There is a tie between a non-union and union

Q: Who can form or join a labor union?

A: Everyone except those prohibited by law but there must
be an ER-EE Relationship.

XPN: The following can join a union even if there is

no ER-EE Relationship:

1. Self employed
2. Ambulant workers
3. Confidential employees invested with
confidential info NOT related to labor
4. Supervisory employees (own union /
supervisory union)
5. Rank and file employees

Q: Who cannot form or join labor unions?

1. Managerial employees – basis: conflict of interest
2. EE’s Members of cooperatives – basis: they are part
owners of the coops so they cannot bargain with or
against themselves.
3. Confidential employees performing managerial
4. Confidential employees invested with the
confidential labor relations matter – basis:
Doctrine of necessary implication like managerial

Q: Can the supervisory union and the rank and file

union belonging to the same company join the same
A: YES. RA 9481 says that both union can join the same

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December 2, 2020 - Audited FS should be prepared by an

independent, credible, external auditor. Not
company auditor otherwise it would be self–
(Contemplated under the Labor Code)
Legitimate – one that is registered either with the BLR or

Requirements for registration: Q: Can the corporation spin-off into smaller units? Yung
1. Payment for registration fee corporation has multiparous functions gaya ng San
2. Submission of the constitutional bylaws Miguel Corporation.
3. Names of officers and members A: Imagine because of these varied functions at San Miguel
4. In case of first time registration: Corporation, there is one CBA so it’s very complicated.
- Minutes of the org meeting by Sec/ Treasurer That’s why in one case decided by the Supreme Court and
of the union requested by President the law allows this corporation to be spun-off into smaller
units. Gaya nung feeds division nagging BMEG pero yung
• If the union is already existing for some time: mga employees ng feeds division shall be transferred to
- Financial statement of the union BMEG Corporation. Who’s the employer unit now? Yung
CBA, (yung composing the employees—that is one CBA)
• Upon submission, it is now ministerial on the part of the and there will be one CB process that shall be conducted in
RO of the DOLE to issue a certificate of registration the process so yung BMEG as a corporation and its
compellable by Mandamus. employees as an appropriate bargaining unit, there is a
process so there will be a CBA but applicable only as far as
DOLE – there is an office there, in the Regional Office (2 feed division. Di gaya ng dati yung feed division, yung Coca-
offices): Labor Organization and Registration Unit and the cola, under 1 CBA.
Med Arbitration Unit
So the law ALLOWED and the Supreme Court affirmed it
Dean: Kaya nga yung mga functions ng BLR and the that a big company creates small units in order to simplify
functions of the RO both of them interplay. Concurrent yung CB process.
iba dyan: registration ng union, submission of all registered - The transformation of the companies was a
unions, submission of the CBA, keeping of the files of all management prerogative and business judgement
CBA, keeping of the files of all registered unions, jurisdiction must be governed by the policy of good faith.
over intra-union.
Of course the one that will bargain with the management is
Actually, they are also concurrent with the office of the the collective bargaining union and the collective
DOLE but with some exceptions. Gaya nung dati, yung bargaining union shall bargain with the management so you
conciliation mediation, dati sa BLR, but now, it is with the have to consider the Steps in the CB process:
Nation Conciliation and Mediation Board. 1. Initiatory steps
2. Bargaining period
Legal Effects of Registration (rights of a legitimate labor 3. After they have bargained, there will be an
organization): approval of the union and the employer.
1. Right to representation - this applies ONLY to union 4. This will be ratified by the employees (yung
members ratification kasi sa employees)
2. Right to be certified as the bargaining agent in the 5. Registration with the RO of the DOLE
company - applies to ALL employees
3. Right to sue and be sued in its registered name Parts of the CBA:
4. Right to own property 1. Preamble
5. Right to tax exemption 2. Union recognition clause
6. Right to engage in activities that redounds to the 3. Union prerogatives
welfare of the members of the union 4. Management prerogatives
7. Right to be copy furnished w/ the audited financial 5. Economic clauses
statement of ER – upon request of union
- Employer will ONLY be liable for ULP (Surface
Bargaining) if there is request coming from the STOP LOCK GATE CLAUSE

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Non chargeability clause

The Secretary of Labor has also the power of arbitration
- This is also an economic provision kaya violation yan of known as AIDA Power (administrative intervention for
the CBA which is an unfair labor practice. dispute avoidance).
- This is the clause in the CBA where any increase in wages
or benefits in the CBA are exclusive of other benefits that - The secretary of labor has the administrative power of
may later on be decreed by the government, shall also be intervention on dispute avoidance.
granted to the workers
- CBA benefits are exclusive to other benefits decreed later Dole Regional Directors and Assistant Regional
on by the government. It cannot be charged in the future. Directors as Ex- Officio Voluntary Arbitrators (EVA
XPN: Unless the CBA provides for a credibility clause (that - It is allowed on matters of interpretation of
it can be credited against future benefits decreed by the company policies and collective bargaining.
government) - Whatever matters involving labor dispute under
the administrative intervention of the DOLE, if the
Q: What is Agency Shop/ Treasury Shop/ Anti- Sec. of Labor will not resolve it, the Sec. may refer
Hitchhiker Clause / Anti- Free Rider Clause? it to the Reg. Director or Assistant Reg. Director of
A: Requires non-members to pay fees equivalent to the the DOLE – because they are designated EVA (Ex-
amount of union dues. officio VA)

Q: Is there still a need to conclude an agency shop to be Q: May the employer and the union select the
concluded by the parties in the CBA? undersecretary to be the VA? Is there any legal
A: No more need because law itself provided agency shop. prohibition?
It’s in the law stating that non-union members who received A: No legal prohibition. So yes, the undersecretary may be
CBA benefits are required to pay fees (agency fees) chosen as the VA by the agreement of the parties.
equivalent to the amount of union dues to support the union
that made the benefits possible.
- Or else there will be unjust enrichment. RE-RUN ELECTION
Dean: Take note of this. This is very important—yang - Subsequent certification election
agency shop na yan. - 3 instances:
a. There is failure of Certification Election as declared
by the election officer (below 50% votes cast)
CLOSED-SHOP AGREEMENT b. There is a tie between 2 unions
c. There is a tie between a union and a non-union
Now, remember dito sa union security clauses—
particularly closed shop agreement: if it is valid, the union
can request the employer to dismiss him. RUN-OFF ELECTION
Q: So if you are the employer, will you dismiss him - Automatic second election rule: 50% votes cast but no one
outright? garnered majority vote
A: Of course not. Despite the request of the union to dismiss
him pursuant to union security clause, dapat mag observe - When an election which provides for 3 or more choices,
pa rin ng due process because if the employer will not results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid votes
comply with the due process requirement, it could be liable cast, the election officer shall motu proprio conduct a run-
for all the normal consequences of illegal dismissal. Pero if off election bet. the labor unions receiving the 2 highest
he complies with the due process, he will not be liable to number of votes.
illegal dismissal. But as to damages, the liable is the union.
- Provided that the total number of votes for all contending
unions is at least 50% of the number of votes cast.

* Secretary of Labor – AIDA Power CERTIFICATION ELECTION

* Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors –
EVA Power

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- The process of determining thru secret ballot, the sole and 3. Types and requirements of Illegal Recruitment
exclusive bargaining agent of the employees in an 4. Doctrine of Imputed Knowledge
appropriate bargaining unit, for the purposes of collective 5. Doctrine of Processual Presumption – where the
bargaining. foreign law or decision should be pleaded, if not
pleaded then we adopt our Philippine law in deciding
Consent/ subscription requirement to conduct CE: labor cases.
25% of all the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit 6. Distinction and Similarity of Apprentice and Learner
- If met mandatory to conduct CE 7. Exceptions under Art. 82 (MOM-GF-WPD)
- If not met, discretion of RO of DOLE 8. Overtime - 25%
9. Working period can be reduced under the Compressed
Vote requirement - 50% majority vote
Work Week Rule/Scheme (for economic and health
Q: What if the 25% consent requirement is not purposes) in order to trim down the expenses of the
complied with, may a CE be conducted? employer in view of certain phenomenon and in order
A: Discretionary upon the RO of the DOLE to conduct CE. to protect the health of its workers (example: the
Reason: Because in conducting CE, even if 25% is not met, company is engaged in production of chemicals that
this is the most expeditious manner in determining will of may affect the health of workers)
10. Compensable hours worked - worker may not be in the
Q: If below 50% there is no valid CE – there is failure of place of work but working for the benefit of the
CE. If there is failure, what is the legal effect? employer. Expanded meaning of compensable hours
A: Re-run election. If there is failure, w/in 6mos, by motion, worked: it includes the period when the worker may
a CE can be filed. not be working but it is still compensable.
11. Night shift differential - 10% for each hour worked
Q: Who declares failure of CE? during the night period (night work is called graveyard
A: Election officer
shift because night workers are prone to illness).
Q: If 50% has been complied with but no one garnered 12. Principle of non-diminution of benefits - concerned
majority vote, what is the legal effect? only with benefits already enjoyed on the date of the
A: Run-off election. Automatic 2 nd election. NO UNION promulgation of the law or of the effectivity of the wage
order, and does not purport to apply to situations
• Situation wherein there are 3 or more choices but a arising thereafter. However, there are cases where the
“no union” won:
SC applied non-diminution rule with benefits provided
1. A no union may win on account of freedom of
religion. There are religious groups allowed by law for after the inception of the Labor Code.
not to form unions (Iglesia ni Cristo) 13. Service incentive leave - 5 days leave credits.The Labor
2. A non-union cannot exist in a run-off election. Code only speaks of service incentive leave and not
vacation leave. This can be availed of not during the
Q: Why does the constitution allow certain religious year but after the year of service.
groups NOT to join labor unions? 14. Service charges - amended to 100%
A: Because Freedom of religion is freedom of conscience
15. Art. 128. - Visitorial and enforcement power
Q: If a no union won, does the law allow that in a 16. Art. 129. Recovery of wages, simple money claims and
bargaining unit, there will be no union for some time? other benefits.
A: No union situation rule will be allowed only for 1 YEAR. 17. Art. 111 - Attorney’s fees
There will be a certification to that effect that in the 18. Wages
meantime for 1 year, there will be no union. Those religious
groups may still vote in CE by voting “no union”.


- 5 items about Agrarian Reform Law in the Finals

Bar Areas:
1. Overseas Employment and Development cases
2. Recruitment and Placement cases
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DECEMBER 9, 2020
Book One, we have recruitment and placement of workers.
We need rules on this because we need to secure the best
terms and conditions of employment. The only way to do
that is to license those employment and placement
We have already taken up the four-fold test, the economic
agencies, which would in turn recruit and deploy workers,
dependence test, the control test before.
especially for our Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
Q: If you were asked in the Bar, does every form of
Q: What do you mean by recruitment and placement?
control establish EER?
A: ART. 13[b]. "Recruitment and placement" refers to any
A: NO. Not every form of control establishes such
act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting,
relationship. Only the rules that fix the methods, those
utilizing, hiring or procuring workers, and includes
which bind or restrict the party hired with regard to the
referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for
utilization of these methods. It is this control that
employment, locally or abroad, whether for profit or not:
establishes the EER.
Provided, That any person or entity which, in any manner,
offers or promises for a fee, employment to two or more
Q: Are working scholars employees?
persons shall be deemed engaged in recruitment and
A: NO. However, for the arrangement to be valid, the
placement. (Dean: ang dami no?)
students must be given a real opportunity, including
facilities, to finish their chosen course. For example, if you
Q: In recruitment and placement, is the number of
will be a working law student, you should be given the
persons relevant? What if they only recruited only one
leeway to be able to accomplish your course (without
person, not two or more?
paying anything). You should not be impended in your
A: NO. It is only a rule of evidence—a presumption. So, when
course work, that is the real opportunity.
such entity deals with two or more persons, in
consideration of a fee, with regard to an offer or promise of
Q: What if a working scholar was negligent and struck
employment then there is a presumption that such entity is
someone while driving? Will he be considered as an
engaged in recruitment or placement. It’s in the labor code,
that they shall only be deemed as engaging in recruitment
A: YES, for purposes of imposing liability for tortious act, he
of placement. So the number doesn’t matter, even if they
will be considered as an employee of the school. This same
only deal with one prospective worker.
rule applies for medical consultants, in case of negligence.
Otherwise, there is no EER between them and the hospital.

Q: What about lawyers? Keep in mind that Art. 15 of the Labor Code has already
A: YES, if they are in-house lawyers. been amended. The regional offices of the Ministry of Labor
now have the original and exclusive jurisdiction over all
Q: What about crew members of boat owners? matters or cases involving employer-employee relations
A: NO, they just share in the profits or in the catch. It is more including money claims, arising out of or by virtue of any
of a joint venture. law or contracts involving Filipino workers for overseas
employment except seamen.
Q: Resident Physicians? (hinabol ni Dean sa dulo pero - If it is with regard to local employment or domestic
nilagay ko nalang here) employment functions, it is the DOLE that assumed
A: NO, as a general rule. However, there is EER if there is a it.
training agreement between them, and the training - If overseas functions, it is the Philippine Overseas
program duly approved by the appropriate government Employment Association.
Q: Who under the rules can engage in recruitment and
Q: What about in labor-only contracting? Is there EER? placement?
A: In case of labor-only contracting, there exists an EER A: As a rule, only public employment offices. But the private
between the owner of the project (ER) and EEs of the labor- sector may also participate, but it is limited to:
only contractor. The labor-only contractor is a mere agent - Employment agencies
of the ER. It will be as if such EEs were directly employed by - Recruitment entities
the ER. - Shipping/manning agencies
- Those authorized by the SOLE

Q: What is the reason for the rule on private

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A: To prevent fly-by-night or private recruiters against are made to assume joint and solidary liability, then the
workers who want to work but do not know that they are legitimate demands of employees can be enforced.
being scammed by such fly-by-night recruiters.
Q: What is the consequence if the employers and
*TAKE NOTE OF THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR contracting parties do not perform their obligations
A: They will be blacklisted, meaning, prohibited from
*TAKE NOTE OF THE DIFFERENCE IN JURISDICTION OF participating form overseas employment program.
Q: Is direct hiring allowed? DEPOSIT
A: NO. As a rule direct hiring is not allowed pursuant to Art.
1. Personal Accident and Life Insurance
Q: Who are exempted? - Mandatory requirement for all land-based
A: (1) Members of the diplomatic corps (2) international workers.
organizations (3) such other employers as allowed by the - Without cost to the worker
DOLE. - If the death is due to the accident, murder, or
assault, he is entitled to an additional equivalent
Q: Example of those employers allowed by the DOLE? amount of life insurance.
A: Those who hire “name hires”. These are workers who are - The personal accident insurance shall cover
able to secure contracts for employment overseas without accidental death, dismemberment, and disability.
the assistance or participation of any agency.
2. War-risk Insurance
Q: Just like that? Automatic? Or does he need to undergo - Mandatory requirement or all land-based workers
any process? bound for areas declared by the POEA as war-risk
A: He should still undergo processing by the POEA. areas shall be provided by the employer at no cost
to the worker
Q: What is the purpose of this prohibition? - Addition to the mandatory personal accident and
A: In order to protect the good name of the country by life insurance
eliminating poorly trained and incompetent workers.
3. War-risk Premium Pay
Q: What is the difference between an authority and a - Mandatory requirement for all seafarers who sail
license? Or are they the same? on a vessel into areas declared by the POEA as war-
A: NO. They are not the same. "License" means a document risk trading areas
issued by the Department of Labor authorizing a person or
entity to operate a private employment agency. "Authority" Q: What about monetary claims of migrant workers?
means a document issued by the Department of Labor A: According to R.A. 8042:
authorizing a person or association to engage in If the duration of employment contract is less than 1 year,
recruitment and placement activities as a private the illegally dismissed OFW shall be entitled to all his
recruitment entity. salaries for the unexpired portion thereof.

Q: What is absolutely necessary for an entity to be If the duration of employment contract is at least 1 year or
issued a license to engage in recruitment or placement? more, the illegally dismissed OFW shall be entitled to
A: There needs to be a verified undertaking that the private “whichever is less” between his “salaries for the unexpired
recruitment agency would assume joint and solidary portion of his employment contract” or his salaries “for 3
liability with the employer for all claims and liabilities months for every year of the unexpired term.”
which might arise in connection with the implementation of
the contract of employment. However, in the case of Serrano v. Gallant Maritime
Services, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the
Q: What is the purpose? clause “or for 3 months for every year of the unexpired
A: Since, otherwise, a violation of the employment contract term, whichever is less” for being discriminatory. Hence,
cannot be addressed. The demands of the employees might such OFW is now entitled to the salaries pertaining to the
not be enforced since the employers are abroad and outside unexpired portion of his employment contract, regardless
of Philippine jurisdiction. Hence, if these licensed entities of the stipulated duration or term.

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This clause was replicated in R.A. 10022 despite being schedule of allowable fees prescribed by the
declared as unconstitutional. But the Supreme Court Secretary of Labor, or to make a worker pay any
declared again the nullity of such clause in the case of amount greater than that actually received by
Sameer Overseas Placement Agency v. Cabiles. The salaries him as a loan or advance;
pertaining to the unexpired portion is a form of indemnity b. To furnish or publish any false notice or
for an OFW who was illegally dismissed. information or document in relation to
recruitment or employment;
Q: Who has jurisdiction over an OFW’s monetary and c. To give any false notice, testimony, information
disability benefits? Death benefits? or document or commit any act of
A: It is the labor arbiter. misrepresentation for the purpose of securing
a license or authority under this Code.
Q: What if it is the OFW and not the placement agency d. To induce or attempt to induce a worker
who commits an offense? already employed to quit his employment in
A: The following penalties may be meted: order to offer him to another unless the
- Stern warning transfer is designed to liberate the worker from
- Repatriation at the worker’s expense oppressive terms and conditions of
- Suspension employment;
- Disqualification from the overseas employment e. To influence or to attempt to influence any
program person or entity not to employ any worker who
- Delisting from the registry (seamen) has not applied for employment through his
In such cases the complaints shall be filed with the f. To engage in the recruitment or placement of
Adjudication or Regional Office. workers in jobs harmful to public health or
morality or to the dignity of the Republic of the
SUSPENSION/CANCELLATION OF LICENSE (p. 19 g. To obstruct or attempt to obstruct inspection
REVIEWER) by the Secretary of Labor or by his duly
authorized representatives;
h. To fail to file reports on the status of
ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT employment, placement vacancies, remittance
of foreign exchange earnings, separation from
Q: What are the types of illegal recruitment? jobs, departures and such other matters or
A: information as may be required by the
1. Simple or licensee –committed by a licensee or Secretary of Labor.
holder of authority against one or two persons i. To substitute or alter employment contracts
only; approved and verified by the Department of
2. Non-licensee –committed by any person who is Labor from the time of actual signing thereof by
neither a licensee nor a holder of authority; the parties up to and including the periods of
3. Syndicated – committed by a syndicate if carried expiration of the same without the approval of
out by a group of 3 or more persons in conspiracy the Secretary of Labor;
or confederation with one another; and j. To become an officer or member of the Board of
4. Large-scale or Qualified – committed against 3 any corporation engaged in travel agency or to
or more persons, individually or as a group. be engaged directly or indirectly in the
management of a travel agency; and
Q: What is illegal recruitment? k. To withhold or deny travel documents from
A: Recruitment activities, including prohibited practices applicant workers before departure for
enumerated under Article 34 undertaken by non-licensees monetary or financial considerations other
or non-holders of authority. than those authorized under this Code and its
implementing rules and regulations.
ART. 34 (dami daw sabi ni sir lol, memorize at least 5, Q: Is there a difference between simple illegal
but read all to apply the definition of illegal recruitment recruitment and economic sabotage?
in a problem) A: YES. In simple illegal recruitment, it can be committed
even against one person. However, for there to be illegal
a. To charge or accept, directly or indirectly, any recruitment as a crime of economic sabotage, it must be
amount greater than that specified in the committed by a syndicate or perpetrated on a large scale.
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b. If PI conducted by the Judge: 48 hours from date of

Q: Is the conviction for illegal recruitment and estafa receipt of records of the case
one and the same? (asked earlier but dito ko nalang 3. Prescriptive Periods:
nilagay hehe) a. Simple Illegal Recruitment: 5 years
A: NO. The elements are similar but they are punished by b. Economic Sabotage: 20 years
different laws, hence, there can be two convictions.
Q: Is there implied renewal of a seafarer’s contract?
Q: Will that not amount to double jeopardy? A: NO. It is fixed for a certain period. He may disembark
A: NO. The filing of a charge for these two may even be filed later since it may be impossible for him to safely disembark
separately. It can also be simultaneous. Acquittal in illegal on the date of termination of his contract since the vessel
requirement does not mean acquittal in estafa. Further, could still be in the middle of the sea.
illegal recruitment is malum prohibitum, while estafa is XPN: Unless they mutually agree to extend.
malum in se.
Q: What was the doctrine in the case of Agabon? If there
*TAKE NOTE OF THE PENALTIES AND PRESCRIPTIVE is failure to afford due process, can there be an award
PERIODS of damages?
A: YES. Where the employer failed to observe the necessary
Simple IR procedural safeguards prior to the dismissal of an OFW, the
- Imprisonment: not less than 6 years and 1 day but not correct award is P30,000 as indemnity in the form of
more that 12 years nominal damages.
- Fine: not less than P200,000.00 nor more than
Economic Sabotage
- Imprisonment: Life imprisonment
Q: What is an apprentice?
- Fine: not less than P500,000.00 not more than
A: An apprentice is a worker who is covered by a written
apprenticeship agreement with an individual employer or
any of the entities recognized under the law. He is a person
The maximum penalty shall be imposed if the person
undergoing training for an approved apprenticeable
illegally recruited is less than 18 years of age by a non-
occupation. Once he has completed an apprenticeship
licensee/holder of authority.
training, he can qualify for work in a highly-skilled trade.
Conviction carries with it the automatic revocation of the
Q: What is an apprenticeable occupation?
license or authority, forfeiture of the cash and surety bond,
A: It means any trade, form of employment or occupation
and conviction for the crime of Estafa if found guilty thereof.
approved for apprenticeship by TESDA, which requires for
proficiency more than three (3) months of practical training
A recruitment agency is solidarily liable with a foreign
on the job supplemented by related theoretical instruction.
principal for the unpaid salaries of a worker it recruited for
Q: What is an apprenticeship program?
A: Any practical training on the job supplemented by
Venue of Criminal Action
theoretical instructions.
a. RTC of the province or city where the offense was
committed; or
Q: What are the qualifications of an apprentice?
b. Where the offended party actually resides at the
A: a. Be at least fifteen (15) years of age (as amended by Sec.
time of the commission of the offense.
2 of R.A 9231)
b. Possess vocational aptitude and capacity for
Mandatory periods for resolution of Illegal
appropriate tests; and
Recruitment Cases
c. Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral and
written instructions.
1. Preliminary Investigation (PI):
- terminated within 30 days from date of filing
Q: What is a highly-technical industry?
A: It refers to a trade, business, enterprise, industry or other
2. Filing of Information in Court:
activity which utilized the application of advanced
a. If PI conducted by the Prosecutor: 24 hours from
termination of investigation

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Q: What are the differences between a learner and e. Members of the family of the employer who are
apprentice? dependent on him for support;
A: f. Domestic helpers;
Learners Apprentices g. Persons in the personal service of another; and h.
trained in non- trained in apprenticeable Workers paid by results.
apprenticeable occupations.
occupations. Q: Who are government employees?
always paid at not less than may be paid the full A: Government employees refer to those employed by the
75% of minimum wage. minimum wage. National Government or any of its political subdivisions
Learners employed in Apprentices may not be including those employed in government-owned or
piece or incentive-rate jobs paid in cases specified controlled corporations.
are paid in full for the work under Art. 72.
done. Q: Why are government employees excluded?
may be employed only may be employed even if A: By express provision of the Constitution and the Labor
when there are no there are experienced Coded, terms and conditions of employment of all
experienced employees. employees. government employees, including employees of
government-owned and controlled corporations shall be
governed by the Civil Service law, rules and regualtions.
Q: When can there be a double probation?
A: If upon completion of the learnership or apprenticeship Q: Who are managerial employees?
period, a leaner or apprentice will undergo a probationary A: They refer to those who meet the following conditions:
period. 1. their primary duty consists of the management of
the establishment in which they are employed or of
(Upon completion of the apprenticeship of learnership a department or sub-division thereof;
period, they may become regular employees. After the 2. they customarily and regularly direct the work of
training period, they shall no more undergo a probationary two or more employees therein; and
period for this would amount to double probation 3. they have the authority to hire or fire employees of
proscribed under the law) lower rank; or their suggestions and
recommendations as to hiring and firing and as to
the promotion or any other change of status of
Q: Is there an obligation to hire the apprentice or other employees, are given particular weight.
learner as a regular worker after the period?
A: In apprenticeship, the enterprise is not obliged to employ Q: Why are managerial employees excluded?
the apprentice unless it is so provided in the apprenticeship A: They are employed as such by virtue of their special
contract that upon completion of the program, he will be training or expertise, experience, or knowledge and for
absorbed. positions which require the exercise of independent
judgment and discretion. They are not subject to the rigid
In learnership, the enterprise is obliged to hire the learner observance of regular office hours, as the true worth of their
after the training period. services do not depend so much on the time they spend in
office but more on the results of their accomplishments. For
these type of workers, it is not feasible to provide a fixed
hourly rate of pay or maximum hours of labor.
Q: Who are officers or members of managerial staff?
Q: Who are covered by Title I, Book III? A: Officers and managers of a managerial staff are exempted
A: from the coverage if they perform the following duties and
GR: Covers all employees in establishment. responsibilities.
XPN: not entitled to overtime pay (OTP), premium pay for 1. Their primary duty consists of the performance of
rest days and holiday pay (PP), night shift differential pay work directly related to management policies of
(NSD), holiday pay (HP), service incentive leave (SIL), and their employer;
service charges. 2. They customarily and regularly exercise discretion
a. Government Employees; and independent judgment;
b. Managerial Employees; 3. They regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a
c. Officers and members of the managerial staff; managerial employee whose primary duty consists
d. Field personnel; of the management of the establishment in which
he is employed or subdivision thereof; or (ii)
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execute under general supervision work along Q: Who are members of the family?
specialized or technical lines requiring special A: Should be dependent upon the employer for support.
training, experience, or knowledge; or (iii) execute, Include husband and wife, parents and children, other
under general supervision, special assignments ascendants and descendants, brothers and sisters whether
and tasks; and full or half-blood.
4. They do not devote more than 20 percent of their
hours worked in a work week to activities which Q: Why are members of the family excluded?
are not directly and closely related to the A: They are exempted from the coverage, for the support
performance of the work described in paragraphs given by the employer may exceed the benefit for which an
(1), (2) and (3) above. employee is entitled under appropriate labor provisions.
Moreover, to cover them under Art. 82 may create labor
Q: Why are officers or members of managerial staff problems that would eventually break-up the family, which
excluded? is the evil sought to be prevented.
A: Officers or members of managerial staff are considered
managerial employees for they customarily and regularly Q: Who are workers paid by result?
exercise discretion and independent judgement, that is, A: Includes those who are paid on piece-work, "takay,"
their powers are not subject to evaluation, review, and final "pakiao" or task basis.
action by the department heads and other higher executives
of the company. Thus, it is also not feasible to provide a fixed Q: Why are workers paid by result excluded?
hourly rate of pay or maximum hours of work. A: Their payment is determined by the results of the work
performed or the number of units produced, not the
Q: Who are domestic servants? number of hours used in the completion of the job or the
A: They perform such services in the employer's home time spent in production.
which are usually necessary or desirable for the
maintenance and enjoyment thereof, or minister to the Q: How long is the working hours of an employee?
personal comfort, convenience, or safety of the employer as A: The normal hours of work of any employee shall not
well as the members of his employer's household exceed eight (8) hours a day.

Q: May a househelper be transferred to the business Q: If he works beyond that time what do you call that?
undertaking of the employer? A: Overtime work
A: No, once a househelper is employed, she cannot later on
be transferred to the business undertaking of the employer. Q: Is he entitled to anything if he works beyond the
working hours?
Q: Who are Field personnel? A: Yes, the employee is paid for the overtime work, an
A: They refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage
perform their duties away from the principal place of plus at least twenty five percent (25%) thereof.
business or branch office of the employer and whose actual
work hours cannot be determined with reasonable Q: When is an employee considered as working?
certainty. A: Compensable hours worked shall include:
1. All time during which an employee is required to
Q: Why are field personnel excluded? be on duty or to be at the employer’s premises or
A: They are exempted from the coverage due to the nature to be at a prescribed workplace; and
of their function which requires performance of service 2. All time during which an employee is suffered or
away from the principal place of business. Hence, they are permitted to work
free from the personal supervision of their employer
making the latter unable to determine the actual number of The law provides that rest periods of short duration during
work hours expended for the employer’s interest. working hours shall be counted as hours worked, such as
coffee break or snack time.
Q: Are bus drivers considered field personnel?
A: No, if required to be at specific place at specific times, Q: What about a 30-minute meal period? Is this
employees including drivers cannot be said to be field compensable?
personnel despite the fact that they are performing work A: Yes, employees are entitled to at least 1-hour time-off for
away from the principal office of the employer. Thus, a bus regular meal which can be taken inside or outside the
driver under constant supervision while in the performance company premises.
of work cannot be considered as field personnel.
Q: Is Compressed work week (CWW) schedule allowed?
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A: Yes, the 8-hour requirement does not however, preclude

the employer in the exercise of its management
prerogatives to reduce the number of working hours,
provided that there is no diminution of existing benefits. It
is a management prerogative whenever exigencies require,
to change the working hours of its employees as loans as
such prerogative is exercised in good faith.

Q: What is the purpose of limiting the working hours?

A: It is designed not only to safeguard the health and welfare
of the laborer or employee, but in a way to minimized
unemployment by forcing employers, in cases where more
than eight-hour operation is necessary, to utilize different
shifts of laborers or employees working only for eight-
hours each.

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December 16, 2020 Assuming you did not report for work the day prior to the
two (2) succeeding holidays but you reported for work
during the first holiday, then you will receive compensation
CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT for the second holiday.
Q: What is holiday? Q: In 8/11 convenience store, there are eight (8) sale
A: Is a day set apart by the law to commemorate an assistants. Two (2) of them are required for work
important event. during December 25 and December 30. Are they
entitled to the holiday pay?
Q: What is a holiday pay? A: No. 8/11 convenience store is a service establishment
A: It is a monthly income undisturbed by work interruption. which has below ten employees. Thus, it is exempted from
It is a rest declared by law but you are paid in order to paying holiday pay. The two (2) employees are there not
insure your monthly income is undisturbed by work entitled to holiday pay.
Q: For work week, how many rest days are you entitled
Q: How many regular holidays? to?
A: In your book it’s 10, but there are two additional holidays A: 24 hours after six (6) consecutive work days.
(eid al fitr and eid al adha). Thus, there are 12 regular
holidays. Q: Can you choose you rest day?
A: As a rule, you cannot choose. However, you can choose if
Q: How many special holidays? it is based on religious grounds.
A: 9
Q: What are the exceptions where you can be compelled
Q: What is the distinction between regular and special to work on rest days?
holidays? A: Same exception as adverted to regarding compulsory
A: In case of regular holiday: overtime work.
a. If you do not report for work - 100% of the regular
pay; Q: What is night shift differential pay? How many
In case of special holiday: percent for each night hour during the night differential
a. If you do not report for work – no work no pay period?
principle; fair days wage for fair days labor A: Every employee shall be paid a night shift differential of
b. If you report for work – 130% not less than ten percent (10%) of his regular wage for each
hour of work performed between ten o’clock in the evening
Q: If there are two (2) holidays in one day, distinguish: and six o’clock in the morning.
a. Worked – for the first 8 hours = 100%; for the first
holiday = 100%; second holiday = 100%; TOTAL = Q: Why is there a need to grant some sort of incentive to
300% a person who works at night?
b. Unworked - for the first 8 hours = none; for the first A: Working at night is violative of law of nature for it is the
holiday = 100%; second holiday = 100%; TOTAL = period for rest and sleep. There may have adverse medical
200% consequences. The worker might get afflicted with disease
or he might get sick. As such, the worker needs additional
Q: What is the rule on two (2) successive holidays? pay to compensate for the hazard of working night shift.
A: If you didn’t report the day prior to two (2) successive
holidays, you are not entitled to compensation for the Q: How would you characterize night work?
succeeding holidays. However, if you report for work the A: Night shift is treated as graveyard shift.
day prior to the two (2) succeeding holidays, then you are
entitled to compensation for the succeeding holidays. Q: What is this principle of non-diminution of benefits?
A: Concerned only with benefits granted under the law,
If you are on a leave of absence WITH pay the day prior to CBA, rules and regulation of the DOLE, employment
the holiday, you are entitled to compensation during the contract, and those benefits voluntarily given by the
two (2) succeeding holidays. employer (not contingent on profit/without any condition).
If you are on a leave of absence WITHOUT pay the day prior If these benefits are granted for some time, or these are
to the holiday, you are not entitled to compensation during granted as a company practice, these benefits cannot be
the two (2) succeeding holidays. withdrawn.

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Q: When do you say that a benefit becomes a company

practice? Q: Is 13th month pay what kind of benefit?
A: Two (2) years and above. A: It is a mandatory benefit by virtue of PD No. 851.

Q: Is bonus a benefit? Q: When does bonus become part of a wage?

A: Yes. A: (a) If it is given without any condition or it is voluntarily
given not contingent on profit; (b) if it has become a
Q: What is the meaning of bonus? company practice.
A: Benefit granted by employer on account of the fact that
the employer is successful in his business undertaking. It is
a voluntary undertaking and entirely dependent on the WAGES
financial capability of the employer to give it. It is on
account of enlightened generosity. It is an act of liberality,
Q: What is a facility?
benevolence and gratuity.
A: Articles or services for the benefit of the employee or his
family but shall not include tools of trade or articles or
Bonus although voluntarily given can become a company
service primarily for the benefit of the employer necessary
practice. Kaya kung two (2) and above binibigay na yan, it
to conduct of the employer’s business.
cannot be withdrawn by the employer.
Q: What are the three (3) essential requirements of
Q: What is the exception that a bonus/benefit given
cannot be subject to withdrawal by the employer?
A: If there is a payment by mistake. There are two types: (a)
a. Customarily furnished by the employer;
mistake in law; and (b) mistake in fact.
b. Voluntary acceptance in writing by the employee;
c. It must be fair and reasonable value
In case of payment by mistake on the part of the employer,
the employer can compel the employee to refund these
Q: What is an example of facility?
benefits. This is because the employee is not entitled to the
A: Monthly rice ratio so long as it complies with the
benefits but he was granted benefits. This is based on the
legal principle that no one should unjustly enrich himself at
the expense of another (solutio indebiti).
Q: Why is it important to determine whether it is a
facility or a supplement?
Q: What is the period that the employer can compel the
A: Because facilities can be deductible from wages, while
employee to refund?
supplement cannot. Since facility is deductible from wages,
A: Within a reasonable period of time upon period of
therefore facility is part of a wage.
Q: What is a supplement?
Q: When can a bonus become a matter of right?
A: Supplement is extra remuneration on the part of the
employee but it is not considered as part of a wage. In other
a. When it is mandated by law;
words, supplements are granted to a worker over and
b. When it has ripened into a company practice;
above his guaranteed wages. Supplements are not part of
c. When the grant is unilaterally imposed by the
wages because the same cannot be deducted from them.
d. When it is agreed upon by the employer and
Q: Given an example of supplement
employee in the CBA.
A: All over-guaranteed wages, such as:
a. 13th month pay;
Q: Is bonus a part of a wage?
b. Bonuses;
A: No, it is separate and distinct. Because by the very
c. Overtime pay;
definition of bonus, it is payment in excess of regular wage
d. Night shift differential pay;
given to an employee. It is granted to an employee for his
e. Service charges;
tangible contribution to the success of the employer’s
f. Holiday pay
Q: What is the law on 13th month pay?
Q: It is settled that 13th month pay is a bonus. What if the
A: It is called 13th month pay because it is a month pay upon
employer, by his own volition, granted 14th and 15th
the expiration of a 12th month period. 13th month pay is
month pay, can it be done?
equivalent to your monthly pay. (PD No. 851)
A: Yes, because it is beneficial to the employee.
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4. There must be no extra charges bear by the

Q: Is it compulsory to give 13th month pay to the employees
employees? 5. There must be a record of payroll
A: As a rule, yes. The exception to this rule are as follows:
a. Government employees; Q: To whom shall the wages be paid?
b. If already given bonuses equivalent to a 13th month A: Tt shall be paid directly to the workers to whom they are
pay; due but subject to exceptions:
c. Household helpers (Kasambahay Law); 1. In cases of force majeure, rendering payment
d. Employees who are paid purely on commission, impossible or special situations to be determined
boundary or task basis by the secretary of labor and employment;
e. Managerial employees 2. When the employee died, wages shall be given to
Q: What is the meaning of 13th month pay or its the heirs of worker without the need of any
equivalent? proceeding;
A: There are benefits that may have already been given by 3. Payment can be made to a 3rd person when
authorized by law
the employer equivalent to the amount of 13th month pay.
Q: May deductions be made in violation of company
Thus, the employees are no longer entitled to 13th month rules and regulations?
pay. To compel the employer to give 13th month pay A: Yes, provided it is fair and reasonable
although such employer has already given this in its
equivalent would be overburdening the ER. Q: What is a Check-Off?
A: System by which union dues and other assessments are
deducted from the employee’s wage by the employer upon
authorization from the worker or by mandate of law
Q: When shall be the wages be paid?
Q: Who are exempted from 13th Month Pay A: Wages shall be paid twice a month with intervals not
A: exceeding 16 days. It can be paid weekly and monthly by
1. Government Employees and any of its political agreement of the parties.
2. Employers of those who are paid on purely Q:Why the law provides when the employer should give
commission, boundary, or task basis; the salaries?
3. Seafarers because paid for commission basis and A: The employee may use it for basic necessities.
earn more;
4. Employers already paying their employees a
13thmonth pay or its equivalent at the time of
Q: What is a regular wage?
A: A regular wage is one prescribed by law that is mandated Q: What is labor only contracting?
to be paid by the employer in legal tender A: Labor only contracting refers to an arrangement
betwwen a principal and a contractor wherein the
Q: What are the forms of payment? contractor would provide services which is fund by the
A: principal.
1. Legal tender or cash
2. Checks if it is the practice of company Q: Is there EER between labor only contractor and its
3. Vouchers employees?
A: None because labor only contracting is prohibited by
Q: May wages be paid partly in cash and partly in kind? law. These workers become direct employees of the
A: No principal employer. That is why they can join the rank and
file union. Contractor considered as an agent of the
Q: May wages be paid in automated machines? employer
A: Yes provided the requirements are complied with:
1. Consent of employees
2. Given within reasonable time to withdraw ART. 128- VISITORIAL AND ENFORCEMENT POWER
3. There must be a near atm facilities

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Q: How may the employer assume jurisdiction over Q: Regarding the decision of RD under 129, appealable
money claims regardless of the amount of money to whom?
claims provided it is in pursuance of the exercise of A: NLRC
visitorial and enforcement power?
A: It must be established that there is EER and exercised by
the Secretary of Labor or his duly authorized representative WORKER PREFERENCE IN CASE OF BANKRUPTCY

Q: Can this power be taken cognizance by the RD only? Q: What kind of bankruptcy?
A: Yes, if filed motu proprio and complaint filed on the A: There should be a formal declaration of bankcruptcy by
ground of labor standards complaint. After receiving of the the courts. The workers will enjoy first preference as to
complaint and there is no EER, it must be filed with RAB. If unpaid wages and benefits against 3rd persons including the
there is EER then it has jurisdiction. government.
If it has jurisdiction, an inquiry and verification should be If there is no judicial declaration of bankcruptcy, the
made by the labor regulation officer to inspect the premises applicable is the law in preference or concurrence of credit
of the employer whether or not there is violation of the under the civil code.
labor standards law and regulation. In the course of
inspection and there is violation, the officer will make an Q: How would you reconcile this with the supreme
assessment and inform the RD about the assessment. power of taxation by the Government?
A: It is mere obiter dictum. The SC upheld the superiority of
Tax principle based on the Constitutional anchor that the
Q: Who has jurisdiction over small money claims with taxes are lifeblood of the nation that without which no
reinstatement? government can exist.
A: LA. If without reinstatement, it is the Regional office of
the regional director in the exercise of adjudicatory power
under ART.129.

Q: What are the requirements for the exercise of

adjudicatory power?
a. Claim is filed by an employee or person employed
in domestic or household service, or househelper;
b. Claim arises from EER;
c. Claimant, no longer employed, does not seek for
reinstatement; and
d. Aggregate money claim, including legal interest, of
each employee or househelper does not exceed

Q: Regarding contested cases, any decision shall be

appealable to whom?

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