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I think that you mentioned that publication is mandatory.


Because it is a matter of due process

SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 What is your basis for saying that it is mandatory?
Because of the matter of due process for purposes
of applying Article 3 of the civil code.
But if you would read Article 2 it seems to provide for the
Art. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the exception; a instance when we dispense publication of the
completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, phrase “unless it is otherwise provided.”
unless it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect
Yes maam, but that exception applies to the
one year after such publication.
specification of the date of effectivity
So lets go to Article 2. Can u tell me what Article 2 is? Not the requirement of publication?
Uh under Article 2 is law shall take effect after 15 Yes maam
days following the completion of the publication
either in the official reset or in the newspaper of What is your basis for saying so?
general circulation in the Philippines unless it is
otherwise provided There is this case maam of Tanada vs Tuvera,
wherein the Supreme Court held in that case that.
Ok, so what is covered by Article 2?
Do you have any idea how this case came about?
It covers all domestic laws and even laws of local
application and private laws Uhm it came about for the petition of mandamus
filed by the petitioners to compel the respondent
What rules does Article 2 provide for? public officials to publish or cost to publish certain
issuances by president Marcos at that time po.
It provides that laws must be published
Why is there a need for a mandamus petition?
For the requirement of publication and what else?
Since Article 2 provides that the law must be
Um and that there shall be elapse of 15 days published then it is ministerial of the part of the
following the completion of the publication. public officers to cost the publication of this
I agree that Article 2 provides for the requirement of issuances.
publication but apart for the publication what else does Miss are you aware of the background of this case? Why
Article 2 provide for? is there a need for a petition of mandamus?
Maam it provides for the 15 day period which Maam because during the time of President
should be followed and also it provided for the Ferdinand Marcos wherein he is enacting laws in
inspection wherein the 15 days used then maam. favor of those who are related or close to him.
That would be correct no, but that’s not the ideal way to These people are not apprised about the effectivity
answer. You would want to sound lawyerly. You should of such laws. Thus maam, a case was filed against
sound ethical to a lawyer. So what you say is that it them about the effectivity of the laws because the
provides for the requirement for publication and it also people are not aware that they are being taxed or
provides for the rule of effectivity of laws. That’s how they are already committing acts to be punishable
you answer it because what you answered Ms. that pertains maam. In this case president Ferdinand Marcos
to the details. The details of the rules of effectivity right? Do granted a citizenship to a person close to him
u follow Ms? wherein the people were not aware of it

Yes maam. Why was President Marcos was able to enact laws back
Alright, now although at first glance, you must admit the
focus of Article 2 appears to be the effective date of that law. I think because during his time he was executing all
Parang by the way nalang yung requirement of publication, the powers that he could have. He was exercising
which is actually a misconception because the most legislative powers of his own po. He was abusing
important part here is the requirement of publication. And his powers as a president.

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Okay at that time we have an existing Constitution. But punish them for it if in the first place they were not
there was an amendment to that constitution okay? apprised of the law.
Because under the Constitution before it was amended –
please do observe the different separation of powers we have Miss what’s your take on the matter?
the judiciary, legislative and the executive- but the I agree with miss … that it would be a violation of
Constitution like I said was amended and the amended the right of due process if such laws are published
allowed the executive through the president to enact laws and then people would be held responsible and
the so called Presidential Decrees. Now the problem is liable in cases wherein they commit acts which
that this Presidential Decrees were kept a secret. No one would be punishable that they were not aware of
knew about them. Until it was too late, what do I mean too such existing laws.
late? When you’re already been apprehended for having
violated one of these Presidential Decrees. That would be Ok, the problem of the answers given by the two of you is
the time you would be surprised that “Hey there is such a that you’re failing to connect it with Article 3 and that is the
law and under the provisions of this law you have violated very root cause of the need of due process. So the way to
the law and you should be punished.” Okay now even answer this question is that to say Publication cannot be
without being lawyers, you could see plainly that this is dispensed with because of the conclusive presumption
unfair right? Because how could you be consider said of knowledge of the law under Article 3. Article 3 says
having violated a law if you were not even aware that there that ignorance of the law excuses no one and that
was such a law to begin with. So enters Article 2. basically translates to the rule that no one can pay
ignorance of the law. So if everyone is conclusive
So Article 2 requires what? Publication. Now nakakaloka presumed to know what the law is then there is ought
lang class because there was publication as well of these to be a basis of that conclusive presumption. And what
laws but how did they publish these laws? Just the Titles. would be your basis by that presumption? There must
And, the titles are not given actually descriptive of what the be at least what? Notice. And how is notice given?
provisions of the laws are. Misleading pa. So parang Through publication.
tinutuya ka pa. Yes you published it but what you published
was just the title. So the petitioners went to the Supreme Matindi yung Article 3 di ba? How often had we encountered
Court. They wanted a writ of mandamus to be issued by the a provision providing for a conclusive presumption. Alam
Supreme Court to compel the executive secretary who niyo ba kung gaano kabigat yan? It means that you cannot
published all of these laws. present evidence to the contrary to review the
presumption. So heavy as it is that there must be a
And these laws that we are studying now this came after the corresponding basis. That is why publication is mandatory.
EDSA revolution when we had a different set of magistrates Claro? Is that clear?
of the Supreme Court. And under this new set of magistrates
we now have this ruling Tanada v. Tuvera which we rely Now the petitioners also took the opportunity to make
upon to say that publication is mandatory. And the clarifications they asked several questions what laws must
phrase “unless it is otherwise provided” does not refer be published? Where shall publication be made? How does
to the requirement of publication but rather to the date publication be made? And is publication in the official
of effectivity. Gazette? So these were the questions that they post to the
Supreme Court. And they had to post that because the office
To ruling that publication cannot be dispensed with of the Sol. Gen. back then was making the argument fine
what was the justification given by the Supreme Court? publication must be made BUT of only certain types of laws
The Supreme Court said that the publication because there are other laws which are private in nature
cannot be dispensed with because this would be and local application that need not be published. Un ang
the justification for applying of the conclusive sinasbai nung Sol. Gen. So how did the Supreme Court meet
resumption under Article 3 which says that these questions Miss?
everyone is presumed to doubt the law. Maam the Supreme Court said that there should be
Miss, if you read the case, the justification mainly focused no distinction to as laws of general application and
on the process of due process. Okay so I need you to those which are private laws. The Supreme Court
correlate due process to Article 3 to justify the ruling that said that laws should necessary be of public
publication is mandatory. interest even though the people are not affected by
it directly. Since otherwise if the legislature should
The Supreme Court said that publication is enact laws which are of particular application only
mandatory because it is a matter of due process that would be ultra vires and contrary to the
because there would be a need to inform the people constitution. Hence all laws should be published.
of their conduct which they can be held liable.
Otherwise it would be the height of injustice to That is very clear. The general rule that all laws must be
published but Tanada vs Tuvera also pointed out there are

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certain rules that need not be published right? Are you humirit pa sila ng isa they said perhaps the Supreme Court
aware of what these exemptions are? should order that the publication should not be limited to
the official Gazette. Perhaps the Supreme Court should also
Yes maam, those rules which are internal in nature rule that publication should be made in a newspaper of
or those pertaining only to several agencies that general circulation. But miss, how did the Supreme Court
need not be published . respond to this suggestion
Yes and if that rules and regulations are only meant to be Maam the Supreme Court said that their duty is
for the internal guidelines of that personnel of a certain only to apply the law. And the law as stood during
agency then we do not need to have them published okay that time that the only publication should be made
now another question that was posed. How should only through the official gazette. And even if they
publication be made? admitted that the official Gazette is not a effective
In this case that publication should be named medium for publication of laws, it is not within
through the official Gazette or through the their power to order the publication to be made in
publication in a general or in a newspaper of a other medium.
general circulation. Supreme Court then was very mindful of the separation of
You have to listen to the question class. The question is powers sabi nila “Di na namin papalitan kasi yan e”
HOW should publication should be named not where be Eh kung mapapansin niyo, Article 2 was amended by an
publication made. Executive Order issued by president Aquino. Clear? Ok.
Ok, so just before u could give the right answer u have to Now Tanada v. Tuvera, this was decided decades ago and
understand what the question is so again how should then the issue of sufficiency of publication was also once
publication be made? again in this case involving the infamous commissioner
Garcilliano. I’m not aware or sure who he is Garcilliano vs.
Maam publication must be made in whole House of Representatives, that is the kick mix and this was
otherwise it is no publication at all. decided in December 2, 2008.

If not be made in whole, remember I did mention of a fact So I post this question to you which was the subject of the
that by way of compliance they would publish just the title. ruling in this case of Garcilliano. Would publication online
That is not publication really diba? Para lang tayong inuuto be sufficient compliance with the requirement of the
noon because the paper said if you’re going to publish you Article?
have to publish the law in its entirely because that is the
only way for you to need the requirements of due process. No maam, because the law is clear that the
publication should be made either in the official
Okay next question, where should publication be Gazette or in a newspaper of general civilization
made? hence publication online is not the publication that
is intended by.
Maam publication should be made in the
newspaper and circulation or the official gazette TAÑADA v. TUVERA
maam. G.R. No. L-63915 April 24, 1985
Remember at that time sino kasi president non? Si The very first clause of Section I of Commonwealth
President Marcos diba and came the EDSA revolution this Act 638 reads: "There shall be published in the
was decided soon after the EDSA revolution. And at that Official Gazette ... ." The word "shall" used therein
time, Article 2 has not been amended yet so what is our imposes upon respondent officials an imperative
basic common statutory construction: you apply the law as duty. That duty must be enforced if the
it is worded in the absence of any ambiguity and as worded Constitutional right of the people to be informed on
Article 2 specified only one place of publication and that matters of public concern is to be given substance
was the official descent. and reality. The law itself makes a list of what should
Have you seen an official gazette class? Have you seen a be published in the Official Gazette. Such listing, to
copy of the official gazette of the Philippines? Some are our mind, leaves respondents with no discretion
nodding their heads and some are not. And you are law whatsoever as to what must be included or excluded
students, now just imagine the ordinary Filipinos what from such publication.
would be their chances of having seen the official Gazette. The publication of all presidential issuances "of a
So if we’re going to require publication and yet we are going public nature" or "of general applicability" is
to require it to be published in a publication that is not mandated by law. Obviously, presidential decrees
accessible to the public then you aren’t deceiving the that provide for fines, forfeitures or penalties for
purpose of the publication. That is why the petitioners their violation or otherwise impose a burden or. the

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people, such as tax and revenue measures, fall within online would be as good as a publication in news paper or
this category. Other presidential issuances which publication in the official gazette. Kasi functional equivalent
apply only to particular persons or class of persons sila. So di kailangan hatihin ngayon yung E-commerce law.
such as administrative and executive orders need not You have to stop focusing in Article 2. Wala doon yung sagot.
be published on the assumption that they have been Hindi yun yung battlefield e. Imagine some of us are arguing
circularized to all concerned. 6 with your opponent. Kayo, siya yung kalaban niyo dinadala
niya kayo sa E-commerce Act kayo naman ang ginagawa
It is needless to add that the publication of niyo ay nagtatago parin kayo sa Article 2. That is not the way
presidential issuances "of a public nature" or "of to litigate. You have to make this argument. You have to tell
general applicability" is a requirement of due him why that provision in E-commerce law is not sufficient
process. It is a rule of law that before a person may to justify in recognizing online publication as coming with
be bound by law, he must first be officially and the scope of Article 2. Do you get it? Okay?
specifically informed of its contents.
So in that case of Garcilliano vs the House of Representatives.
Ok. So if you would rely on Article 2 alone it should be a The Supreme Court simply said: Yes enough electronic
settled issue. It does not speak of online publication. But the documents are functional equivalents of written
problem is Article 2 does not exist in a vacuum we have the documents but only for what evidentiary purposes. It
E-commerce Law. Diba? The E-commerce Law or does not cover compliance with Article. Claro? Alright.
Republic Act 8792 and one of this provisions 8792 is that
electronic documents are treated to be the functional Art. 10. In case of doubt in the interpretation or
equivalent of written documents. I’m sure you’ve come application of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking
across that provision. Right? We cannot assail the validity body intended right and justice to prevail.
or the enforceability of the electronic documents simply
because it is not printed out it is not in a hard copy right? Now what if I asked you this question. You are aware of
So given this functional equivalents recognized in Article 10 says right Article 10 says that in case of doubt you
electronic documents can we say that publication are to presume that the legislature intended right and
online would be satisfactory of the requirements of justice to prevail. Okay. Now can you site that provision and
Article 2? argue that yes, Article 2 does not make question of online
publications, but under Article 10, we have to allow the
No maam. Since Article 2 of the civil code inclusion of online publication within the scope of Article 2
specifically dealt with the publication of laws hence on the basis of the spirit of that law. We were not really
it will be pale as to the medium where laws should relying on that letter of the law. We are now involving the
be published and until congress seem it proper to spirit of the law. Eh kasi ung gusto lang naman ng batas eh
amend Article 2, online publication is not yet yung magkaroon ng publication, magkaroon ng notice and
sufficient. in todays world, mas marami na ang nagbabasa online kesa
Again. What was the last thing you said? humahawak ng diyaryo. Kailan ka huling humawak ng
diyaryo? Maliban nalang kung magbalot kayo ng sapatos ng
I feel the congress in its proper to or wise to amend luma o kung ano man. Diba? San na kayo kumukuha ng
Article 2 as to include internet as a medium for information ninyo? Online right? So cannot be argued that
publication of laws. Online publication is still not by the spirit of the law, online publication was intended
sufficient compliance to the publication. to be included in Article 2?
Miss. What’s your take on the matter No maam because Article 10 specifically states that
in case doubt in the interpretation or application,
Online publication will not be sufficient because Article 2 is very clear that should be meeting two
Article 2 specifically provided that it will be mediums.
published in the official and not in any other
medium. Miss…?
You have to stop focusing on what Article 2 says kasi sinabi I agree with Miss... Because the application of the
ko naman kanina eh. If we were to rely on Article 2 by itself presumption that in lawing making intended in
then tapos na ang usapan tapos na ang boxing. Maliwanag e. justice to prevail. Article 10 applies only in case of
Article 2 as amended only specify two modes of publication doubt in the interpretation application of the laws.
official gazette and a newspaper of general circulation but
the thing is sabi ko nga sainyo na Article 2 does not already Miss…?
exist on the vacuum. We have the E-commerce law and that Maam, I think po correlating Article 10 to Article 2
E-commerce law basically tell us that even electronic would be, since it is said a while ago that in using
documents na meron tayo ngayon these are functional the E-commerce that it should be only for intent
equivalents of written documents. Okay? So to put it even
more vividly, basically ang sinasabi dito is if publication

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and evidentiary purposes and not for appraising Why on the 16th day?
the people of the effectivity of laws maam.
Because it says after 15 days following the
Miss…? completion of the publication.
Maam, Article 10 as already stated only applies And when do we apply this rule?
when there is doubt as to the interpretation and
application of law. However, it is very clear in When the law does not provide for it within the
Article 2 that the publication should be made in 2 date. When the law is silent with regards on its date
mediums and following Tanada vs. Tuvera, it is of effectivity.
not for the court to decide on whether on Now how does the phrase “unless otherwise provided”
publication would be sufficient compliance to come into play?
Article 10.
It comes into play when the law did not use the 15
The answer she gave class this would be the given by 90% day period provided in Article 2.
of the examinees. We don’t want that. What we want is for
you to give the answer that will stand-out from the rest. If the law itself specifies a different date. So can the law
What does Article 10 speak of? Kasi you’re focusing on say today is September 18 can the law say that the law
when there is doubt. But the mere fact that what we are will take effect In December 25 ?
arguing about with means that there is already doubt. Kasi
meron na tayong online publication eh. You simply do not Yes mam provided that publication is made maam.
measure it by the provisions of Article 2. Kailangan tignan Yes provided when publication is made. So in this case
niyo ano ang situasyon na yon. Oo nga online publication when the law itself provides for a specific date which is
nga talaga ang ginagamit ng mga tao not so much than December 25, is it required that publication be
newspaper. Not so much pa than the official gazette. Right? completed atleast 15 days before December 25?
So how do you use Article 10? Article 10 speaks of what?
Intention. Right? Had Congress intended the provisions No maam
of Article 2 to cover online publications class back in
1950?. No. It’s no longer relevant how long the law was
published before it came into effect. The only thing that
No maam must have that there should be publication before it
becomes effective.
No. why not?
But can the law provide that it will take effect
Because at that time maam, there is no technology immediately?
yet that.
Yes maam.
Because at that time, the technology that we have,
allowing internet to be so probative in our lives was not If it is, in that provision found in the law, when will that
around when congress enacted the civil code. So this law take effect?
would not have been intended by the law makers back
then. So we cannot justify including online publication It would still take effect after the completion of its
within the spirit of the law. publication.

Imagine we come up with that answer and only a half of you After the completion of its publication. When exactly
came up with that answer you would leave such a good
For exactly after publication
impression with the examiner. He may not agree with you
but he sees that you know how to argue. Like a lawyer. Use the example. So the law published today (September
Claro? Alright now, let’s go to the meat of the matter of 18) instead of saying it will take effect on December 25 it
Article 2 the effectivity of laws. What is the rule for the actually says that the law will take effect immediately.
effectivity of laws?
Yes maam then if publication is completed on that
As a rule, laws shall take effect After 15 days day (sept 18) then it would be effective.
following the publication in the official gazette
unless the contrary provided. When?

So when does the law take affect here immediately ? Immediately after publication on the day

Maam if the law uses the phrase “following the On the day of publication?
completion of the publication” then it would take
Yes maam
effect on the 16th date of its publication.

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September 18? 2004 this is the better ruling. It is more in keeping with the
tenor of Article 2. Okay? So what is the ruling of that case?
Yes maam It becomes effectively immediately upon publication.
Because it already complied. LAWS

If the question is what is your basis, you do not have to start Art. 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
your answer with “because.” Diba? When do you start your compliance therewith.
answer with a because? If the question is a valid. But if its
what is your basis then you have to provide me with a noun. Claro? Lets go to Article 3. Mr…
Okay so where were we? Was asking for the basis right? Yes maam
Maam in the case of La Bugal-B’laan Tribal Tell me about Article 3.
Association Inc., vs. Ramos, the court rule that if
the law provides that it shall be effective Article 3 states that ignorance of the law excuses no one
immediately upon approval. It means that it will compliance therewith.
become effective after publication, which cannot be
Okay. What does it mean?
dispensed with.
It means that everyone is presumed to know the law
VS RAMOS That is presumed. Di ba. Kanina, conclusively presumed
(DECEMBER 1, 2004) to know the law. Right? And why did the congress
provide for this kind of a rule concussive presumption
There is nothing in E.O. No. 200 that prevents a law of the law?
from taking effect on a date other than—even
before—the 15-day period after its publication; That is based on necessity. For public for order.
Where a law provides for its own date of effectivity, Ma’am because if this is otherwise provided it will
such date prevails over that prescribed by E.O. No. amount to injustice where violators of the law will
200. just be thinking that to escape their liabilities.

From a reading then of Section 8 of E.O. No. 279, And what is so bad about allowing people to face
Section 1 of E.O. No. 200, and Tañada v. Tuvera, this ignorance of the law? What is so bad about that? Di ba?
Court holds that E.O. No. 279 became effective Kapag meron patayan na naganap, may nilapitan kang tao
immediately upon its publication in the Official ano nangyayare? And that person will say that ayaw niya
Gazette on August 3, 1987. makisali edi di ko alam! Di ko alam kung ano nangyare?
Right? And that’s fine with us. But how come when it comes
It becomes effective upon publication now the reason why to a person saying that I don’t know that there is such a law.
we are discussing this at length is that there is another case But in our defense ayaw nating pumayag. So what is so
Farinas vs Executive Secretary. Also an En Banc ruling wrong in allowing a person to face ignorance of the law?
which requires that we observe the 15 day period after
publication has been made before the law becomes effective Because persons done either not follow them or
even the law itself provides that it shall become effective follow them based on their knowledge maam.
immediately which is wrong.
You are not addressing my question Mr… listen to my
FARIÑAS VS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY question. Why isn’t it unacceptable by way of defense a
(DECEMBER 10, 2003) person saying, I did not know that there is such a law?
Maam because it cannot be proven because
An effectivity clause which provides that the law ignorance is a condition of the mind maam.
“shall take immediately upon its approval” is
You cannot prove otherwise. Right? Because ignorance is
defective, but it does not render the entire law
a state of mind. How do you prove that? How do you prove
invalid—the law takes effect fifteen days after its
that there is nothing in his brain which would indicate that
publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper of
he knows what the law is and that is all through the pointed
general circulation.
out there will be chaos and there will be public disorder
Eh ang pinagkakaiba niyan sa ating default rule, diba? When because everyone will get away from not complying with
the law is silent as to its date of effectivity we have observed the law by simply saying “I do not know what the law is.”
the 15th day period that’s why this ruling in La Bugal- Right? Now what laws are covered by these conclusive
B’laan Tribal Association Inc., vs. Ramos decided back in presumptions?

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Uhm domestic laws maam No maam only mandatory or prohibitory laws
That’s domestic laws what about foreign laws?
What laws are not included?
No maam. Foreign laws are not covered because
they are needed to be a prove as a fact. Directory laws maam are not included .
Why? Directory laws. You need permissive laws, right?
Because maam the courts do not take the judicial Yes maam.
notice of the existence of foreign laws. It is also in
accordance with the principal of Processual Can you give me an example of a permissive law that
presumption, where foreign laws are proven as a would not be covered by Article 3?
fact and proven in evidence otherwise it would be Maam in the family code the need for parental
presumed to be the same as our laws. advice maam.
Okay do not lump the principal of Processual presumption The need for parental advice? What do you mean?
when the statement that we not take judicial notice of
foreign laws. Processual presumption would come in later Maam if the parties failed to get a parental advice
di ba? The first notice would be that we do not take their marriage license will nonetheless be issued
judiciary notice of foreign laws, they must be alleged by only after 8 longer period of time than the usual.
and they must be proven as facts. That is the rule.
Walang kinalaman ang processual presumption sa rule na There’s this case Floresca vs Philex Mining. Said that if
yan. Maliwanag ba? Do not just lump principles together. choice is given to the plaintiff between 2 remedies. Hence
the availment of one not knowing that doing so would meet
Now you fail to alleged and you fail to prove, that processual forsake in the other. Then she cannot present it with the
presumption will come in. Ok. And under processual other on the basis of Article 3 because that law providing
presumption we presumed that the foreign law which was her with 2 different remedies that is not mandatory. That is
neither alleged nor proved or may have it alleged or not permissive so not covered by Article 3.
proved it is simply the same as our local laws. That is what
It meant right? Now incidentally mister.... What is more Floresca vs Philex Mining
important, alleged in the foreign law or proving the foreign G.R. No. L-30642 April 30, 1985
Even assuming, without conceding, that an employee
Proving the foreign law maam. is entitled to an election of remedies, as the majority
rules, both options cannot be exercised
Miss…which is more important alleging or proving ?
simultaneously, and the exercise of one will preclude
Both are important po. the exercise of the other. The petitioners had already
exercised their option to come under the Workmen's
Im not asking if they are both important. I’m asking you to Compensation Act, and they have already received
make a choice which is more important? compensation payable to them under that Act.
Stated differently, the remedy under the Workmen's
Alleging maam. Compensation Act had already become a "finished
Alleging, why is alleging more important? transaction".

Because it is where in you in vocal of such existence Now let us say Mister…that you and your girlfriend got
of law maam so it goes to show that you are married before the governor of Bulacan. And you both
knowledgeable of the said law believed that the governor had the authority to solemnized
your marriage. What would be the status of your marriage?
An important way to answer would be to answer directly
and concisely okay? So how should you answer that The marriage would be valid because we can
question. Allege is more important because you can only invoke ignorance of the fact. Under the civil code
prove what you allege. So if you fail to make your even though the solemnizing officer has in fact no
allegations in the first place, then there is no point. authority in solemnized the marriage if at least one
There’s no point anymore for the introduction of proof. of the parties believed that such solemnizing officer
It would be just rejected. So we’re clear? has the authority then the absence of the authority
of the solemnizing officer will not affect the ability
Okay now when it comes to domestic laws, domestic laws to give the marriage.
sabi naten covered by the previsions of Article 3. Would all
domestic laws mister be covered by the conclusive Do you agree mister…?

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No maam, I do not agree the parties know that their PROSPECTIVE APPLICATION OF LAWS
solemnizing officer is a governor would have one of
the authorities provided by the law under the Art. 4. Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the
family code authorizing solemnizing manages. It is contrary is provided
an ignorance of the law maam.
Lets go to Article 4. Article 4 would be self explanatory
Okay I need you to be able to express yourselves
completely. You have to address the issue. Always when you right?
are answering address the issue, ano ang topic naten? It is WAIVER OF RIGHTS
the ignorance of the law right? And we are correlating it to
Article 35 whereby way of exception a void marriage can be Art. 6. Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is
sustained valid if there is good faith of the contracting contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or
parties to regards to the authority of the solemnizing good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a
officer. Other facts that I gave you are established on the right recognized by law.
part is where on good faith and what good faith consist of?
They thought that the governor had authority to marry
Lets go to Article 6. What does Article 6 provide miss?
them. So the issue here whether or not which is really
good faith that can be recognized as exception under Alright now the attacker would be more controversial to the
Article 35 but in good faith that they are involving here provision. What do we mean by a person with the right
is premised on what kind of mistake. recognized as by law?
Is it a mistake of law? Or is it a mistake of fact. If It means that the person has a vested right in the
definitely not a mistake of fact. Bakit? Because they know law.
very well that the person who solemnized their marriage
was the governor. Only they thought that the governor was A vested right with the law. Let us say that your parents
authorized by law to solemnized marriages. So clearly it is have executed waivers of their inheritance from their
what? A mistake of law. And even Article 3 class old parents. Can you, the potential heir of your parents,
ignorance of the law excuses no one then they cannot question the waiver saying that this waver will
invoke good faith. Because good faith cannot be prejudice you
premised as a general rule on what? A mistake of law.
No maam. Because I do not have a right yet. I only
Maliwanag ba?
have an inchoate right.
Now Mr. how would you tweak. How would you modify my
So otherwise the right should already be existing for
example to make the marriage of the parties come within
you to be considered as someone who would be
exception under Article 35?
prejudiced by the waver. Correct?
If the parties would be giving good faith that the
Yes po.
governor had the legal authority to.
Can you give me an example then of a person who can object
Think about it mister…ha. I’m asking you to deviate to
to the waiver to be made by your parents.
deviate a part of my example that I gave. Modify it in such a
way that the marriage would become valid. How would you The predecessors of the parents can object
do it.
The predecessors of the parents can object. In the other
Miss…? rules of succession, how will the creditors object to the
waivers to be made by its debtors.
Um in that case maam the parties thought that the
governor was the mayor. So in that case there Maam if they received notice of the waiver
would be a mistake of fact hence good faith is a
valid defence. Remember ung succession class if an heir repudiates
and it happens to have creditors. What can the creditors
Yes that would be correct. If the parties thought that the do? Anyone?
governor was actually the mayor siguro nangyare twins
ang governor at mayor. Kasi uso naman talaga sa atin ung Yes? They would be the one to accept the inheritance on
mga magkakamag anak lang ang mga naka pwesto. Diba? So behalf of the debtor. Diba? That is similar to what kind of
di malayo mangyare yon. relief of obligations and contracts? Ano ung counterpart
niyan sa obligations and contracts? One of extreme
So they may have mistaken the governor for the mayor. remedies diba? We have this hierarchy. Yes? Accion
In which case, their mistake, their good faith now would subrogatoria. Now that is a recognition that a waiver can be
be premised on a distinct of man. And they can now questioned by the creditor because the creditor is such a
invoke this to sustain the validity of their marriage. person with a right recognized by law.

PAGE 8 OF 175
JUDICIAL LEGISLATION us would mean that we are even in retroactive
application. Can they make that argument?
Art. 8. Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the
If the parties filed their petitions before the
laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal
decision was made and the parties relied on
system of the Philippines.
decisions from the previous rulings, then the
decisions of the Supreme Court are prospective in
What is Article 8 about? application.
Article 8 of the civil code is all about the power of
Decisions of the Supreme Court are prospective in
the court to interpret laws. It states that judicial application, wouldn’t that be inconsistent? Wouldn’t
decision applying or interpreting the laws in what we are saying is the teaching of Article 8 that
conclusion shall part from the legal system of the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court for point of the
Philippines. law they are interpreting as of the time of its enactment.
To fall part of the legal system of the Philippines. So is So if it’s supposed to be part of the law as of the time of
this tantamount to granting Supreme Court judicial or its enactment, then we do not have to think about
legislative power? prospective application because it has always been a
part of the law. So it should not matter that the petition
No maam this is not tantamount to indulging upon was found before the ruling on Molina. Molina should still
or congress. be applicable to them because Molina is if to be a part of
Article 36 from the outset from the time that the family code
But what does the law mean which says that judicial was enacted. Diba? Un ang sinasabi naten? Right? And that
decisions would form part of the legal system. Isn’t that is how it should be. Kasi it’s deemed to be part of the legal
the same as saying that judicial decisions on laws system. But we have to qualify this? And how do we
themselves? qualify this rule? Dun papasok ngayon ung binabanggit ni
No maam. Article 8 says that the decisions of the Mr… na prospective application. When exactly are we
court are not part of the law in case of PLDT vs supposed to give Supreme Court rulings prospective
Aalvarez. The Supreme Court held that whenever applications? The decisions of the Supreme Court
the Supreme Court interprets the law it nearly should be given prospective application if the parties
establish its contemporaneous intent of the law relied on the form the previous rulings since it would
and their interpretations need part of the law as of be inequitable to apply the new ruling to them when
the date it was passed. they have already made reliance to all the ruling that
they could think.
So what would be the consequence of that ruling of the
judicial decision is deemed to depart of the law as of the A variety of cases starting from Pesca vs Pesca and Ting vs.
time of its enactment? Velez-Ting. It is only when a prior ruling of the Supreme
Court is overruled and a different ruling is adapted that the
This means that whenever the Supreme Court new doctrine may have to be applied prospectively. And
makes an interpretation of the law, they are not only then in favor of parties who have relied on the old
changing the author amending the law but making doctrine.
a clarification as to the intent of the legislators.
Okay so just to recap we adhere to Article 8 judicial
Actually we have tackled that. I agree that the Supreme decisions specifically decisions of the Supreme Court they
Court is not allowed to legislate under Article. That instead are taken to be part of the legal system which means that
the Supreme Court have tasked to simply establish the they are a part of the law as of that time of its enactment. So
contemporaneous intent of congress at the time of the that means we do not speak of prospective or
enactment of the law. Okay we’re pass that. What I’m asking retroactive application because they have been part of
now is this question: What would be the consequence of the law at the outset. However if you have a ruling of the
that finding that judicial decisions formed part of the Supreme Court which overturns the prior ruling then
law as of the time of its enactment? So far the application we will have to give that new ruling prospective
of this judicial decisions is concerned. Halimbawa, the application.
Republic v. Molina, right ? The case came up with a list of
requirements for Article 36. Now can someone or parties SILENCE, OBSCURITY, INSUFFICIENCY OF LAWS
who got married before the ruling of the Republic vs. Molina
and who now said that after marriage nullified under Article Art. 9. No judge or court shall decline to render
36 can they say “Wait, the ruling in Republic vs. Molina judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity or
should not be made applicable to us. Because that ruling was insufficiency of the laws.
laid down after we got married.” To make it applicable to
What is Article 9 Mr…?

PAGE 9 OF 175
Yes maam Article 9 states that no judge or court Reyes argues that a court cannot apply equity and
shall decline to render judgement to decision of require deposit if the law already prescribes the
silence obscurity or insufficiency of the laws. specific provisional remedies which do not include
deposit. Reyes invokes the principle that equity is
Okay so in that case when the law is silent when the law "applied only in the absence of, and never against,
is obscure or sometimes when there is no applicable at statutory law or x x x judicial rules of procedure."
all what is the judge supposed to do? Reyes adds the fact that the provisional remedies do
The judge is still mandated to rule the case brought not include deposit is a matter of dura lex sed lex.
upon him or on the basis of other of customs or The instant case, however, is precisely one where
general principles of law there is a hiatus in the law and in the Rules of Court.
Why say general principles of law? What do you mean? If left alone, the hiatus will result in unjust
enrichment to Reyes at the expense of Lim. The
These are the norms accepted by the international hiatus may also imperil restitution, which is a
treaty as the basis of judge within the society. precondition to the rescission of the Contract to Sell
that Reyes himself seeks. This is not a case of equity
It’s much easier to simply say that judges can resort to overruling a positive provision of law or judicial rule
customs or principles of equity. Diba equity comes in for there is none that governs this particular case.
when there is no applicable law. But to draw me this This is a case of silence or insufficiency of the law and
general principals of law concept when you are clearly the Rules of Court. In this case, Article 9 of the Civil
grasping for its meaning yourself. Then that is deceit. You Code expressly mandates the courts to make a ruling
only speak of things you understand. Do not speak of things despite the "silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the
you have no ideas about. Okay? laws." This calls for the application of equity, which
Now there is this interesting case under Article 9 Reyes vs "fills the open spaces in the law."
Lim, August 11 2003. It is interesting because in this case Thus, the trial court in the exercise of its equity
the Supreme Court sustained that the defendant to deposit jurisdiction may validly order the deposit of the P10
the amount of 10 million pesos. Noh with the coin which million down payment in court. The purpose of the
ensured that the said amount would be returned to the exercise of equity jurisdiction in this case is to
blamed thieves. Should the blamed thieves complain for this prevent unjust enrichment and to ensure restitution.
decision was granted. Nagkabayaran kasi dito and then the Equity jurisdiction aims to do complete justice in
defendant was not able to deliver. So that victim was cases where a court of law is unable to adapt its
seeking the decision of the contract and you know what is judgments to the special circumstances of a case
the primordial effect towards mutual restitution, right? So because of the inflexibility of its statutory or legal
that the defendant would not be in the position to give back jurisdiction.Equity is the principle by which
what he receive. Then your complaint your victory will be substantial justice may be attained in cases where
hold for not. Balewala. Ang problema there is nothing in our the prescribed or customary forms of ordinary law
rules of procedure which would allow the making of the are inadequate.
deposit meron tayong attachment pero ito iba e. The court
required that the money to be returned just in case YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, NIGHTS
complain was sustained to be deposited to the court and it
was not premised on any specific provisions pertaining to Art. 13. When the laws speak of years, months, days or
provisional remedies. But as to same as the case which the nights, it shall be understood that years are of three
Supreme Court said this is allowable and the court invoked hundred sixty-five days each; months, of thirty days;
Article 9 kasi nga the efforts of the parties would be negated days, of twenty-four hours; and nights from sunset to
if the defendant would not be able to give back the money sunrise.
should the provision be granted. If months are designated by their name, they shall be
computed by the number of days which they respectively
HARRISON LUMBER, INC. In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and
G.R. No. 134241 August 11, 2003 the last day included.
Reyes’ contentions are without merit. Let’s go to Article 13 miss…? Okay so if you have a treaty
Reyes points out that deposit is not among the that is due within 60 days from January 31 2020. Miss when
provisional remedies enumerated in the 1997 Rules will be your deadline?
of Civil Procedure. Reyes stresses the enumeration in
It would be on march 31 of the same year
the Rules is exclusive. Not one of the provisional
remedies in Rules 57 to 6118 applies to this case.

PAGE 10 OF 175
Sec. 31. Legal Periods. - "Year" shall be understood to It is said that the definition of a year under the admin code
be twelve calendar months; "month" of thirty days, is 12 calendar months. 12 calendar months would make up
unless it refers to a specific calendar month in which case 1 year under the admin code. But what is a calendar month
it shall be computed according to the number of days the miss…?
specific month contains; "day," to a day of twenty-four
hours; and "night," from sunset to sunrise. It refers nearly to the months as the name of the
months regardless of the number of days they have.
So what calendar month from today would be
Now I’m calling your attention to the provisions of the
(September 19, 2020 to October 18, 2020)
Administrative Code of 1987 specifically Section 31,
Chapter 8, Book 1 of the said code. Section 31 defines legal A calendar month is defined or the definition adapted by the
periods as well. Problem is under section 31 of the Admin Supreme Court in that case of Commissioner of internal
Code, a year is supposed to be understood as consisting 12 revenue this is as follows. It ends the month designated
calendar months. So this is what? Definitely different from in the calendar without regard to the number of days it
how the civil code defines a year. Under the Civil Code a year may contain. It is the pinnacle of time running from the
should be of 365 days beginning certain number day up to but not including
the corresponding number of days of the next month.
Under the Admin code a year is to be taken as consisting of
12 calendar months right. The Admin Code took effect after COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs.
the Civil Code. So what would be the effect of this PRIMETOWN PROPERTY GROUP, INC.
contradictory provision of the Admin Code on Article G.R. No. 162155 August 28, 2007
13 of the Civil Code?
It would supersede the provision of the civil code A calendar month is "a month designated in the
being the later law which expresses the latest calendar without regard to the number of days it
legislative intent may contain. It is the "period of time running from
the beginning of a certain numbered day up to, but
Supersede, what does that mean? not including, the corresponding numbered day of
the next month, and if there is not a sufficient
It would take the place of the old law. number of days in the next month, then up to and
including the last day of that month." To illustrate,
So in other words, the Admin Code has repealed Article 13
one calendar month from December 31, 2007 will be
of the civil code its far as the definition of a year is
from January 1, 2008 to January 31, 2008; one
concerned kasi andon lang naman ang ating incompability
calendar month from January 31, 2008 will be from
right. So long story short and based on the ruling of the
February 1, 2008 until February 29, 2008
Supreme Court in CIR vs. Primetown Property Group Inc.
decided in 2007, we will now follow the provisions of the Okay so to illustrate what calendar month from today
admin code in defining what a year. would mean that we are beginning from today, September
18. We begin from a certain numbered day September 18
then up to the but not including the corresponding
numbered day of the next month. What is the corresponding
G.R. No. 162155 August 28, 2007
day of the next month of September 18? It would be October
18. But the definition of what the Supreme Court says, we
Both Article 13 of the Civil Code and Section 31,
will not include the corresponding numbered day so what
Chapter VIII, Book I of the Administrative Code of
calendar month from today Sept 18 would be Oct 17 2020.
1987 deal with the same subject matter — the
computation of legal periods. Under the Civil Code, a And if we’re going to compute for 1 year or 2 years then you
year is equivalent to 365 days whether it be a regular would do the same thing. You’ll do it from month to month.
year or a leap year. Under the Administrative Code So if I’m going to ask you miss, what would be 2 years from
of 1987, however, a year is composed of 12 calendar April 15 2018?
months. Needless to state, under the Administrative
Code of 1987, the number of days is irrelevant. It would be April 14 2020.

There obviously exists a manifest incompatibility in It would not include the corresponding numbered day diba?
the manner of computing legal periods under the However please note the ruling of the Supreme Court in
Civil Code and the Administrative Code of 1987. For Spouses Sy vs. China Banking Incorporation, this was
this reason, we hold that Section 31, Chapter VIII, decided in August 2016. In that case the Supreme Court still
Book I of the Administrative Code of 1987, being the applied Article 13 of the civil code which uses 365 days
more recent law, governs the computation of legal as the basis of a year to determine the accrual of
periods. Lex posteriori derogat priori. interest.

PAGE 11 OF 175
SPOUSES JOVEN SY AND CORAZON QUE SY v. CHINA atmosphere, its interior waters and maritime zone, but
BANKING CORPORATION also outside of its jurisdiction, against those who:
G.R. No. 215954, August 01, 2016 1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship or
Article 13 of the Civil Code provides that when the 2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
law speaks of years it shall be understood that years of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
are of 365 days each and not 360 days. There being issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
no agreement between the parties, this Court adopts 3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
the 365 day rule as the proper reckoning point to introduction into these islands of the obligations and
determine the daily basis of the interest rates securities mentioned in the presiding number;
charged per annum 4. While being public officers or employees, should
commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
TERRITORIALITY PRINCIPLE 5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of
Art. 14. Penal laws and those of public security and Book Two of this Code.
safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in
the Philippine territory, subject to the principles of If a married woman were to have an adulterous affair
public international law and to treaty stipulations. with another man not her husband outside the
Philippines would she be held liable?
Lets go to Article 14. So are we saying that penal laws would
be applicable to everyone in the Philippines regardless of No maam. she cannot be liable because the crime
nationality? was committed outside the Philippines.

Generally yes maam. There is one exception of this, Should it be “absolutely without criminal liability?”
commissioners of public international law
Yes maam
And why must foreigners abide from our penal laws?
What do you say Miss…?
Because the purpose of penal law is to maintain
Yes maam I agree with mister… that there is no
public order and public safety. And when
criminal liability because…
foreigners come here maam, it is still the duty to
maintain such peace. Absolutely no criminal liability. No possible criminal
liability at all?
So in otherwise what you’re saying is that in exchange for
the protection that this foreigners enjoy under our law No maam. When we speak of criminal liability but
then they must be obligated to abide from the same it can be a grant for legal separation because of
laws which assured their public safety and protection sexual infidelity.
Yes maam
I agree with mr… that there is no criminal liabiliy
Now Article 14 also specifies Philippine territory. So because under the principal of territoriality,
conversely that would mean that our penal laws do not have criminal laws can only be those committed within
any effect outside the Philippine? its territory .
Generally. However Article 2 of the revised penal Mister…?
code provided some exception, mainly that PHL
penal laws will still apply to PHL airship or ship and I agree with mister… that the crimes that are
PHL. Penal laws will still apply to public officers in committed are liable only in the Philippines and
abroad in relation to their performance to public not abroad.
duties. It would still apply to those times as called
If you would note that I emphasized rather emphatically the
public national security and safety. It will also
word absolutely no criminal liability so you would have
apply to those crimes which involve counterfeiting
to be wary and the question would be absolute in its tenor
of Philippine currency and introduction such
because that note would more likely call for qualification.
laging tandaan niyo. If you’ve noticed there are very few
RPC. Article 2. Application of its provisions. - Except as instances in the law where the rule is absolute. Lagi tayong
provided in the treaties and laws of preferential may exceptions. Okay so if your question, if the question
application, the provisions of this Code shall be enforced is to be imposed to you is absolute in its tennor then be
not only within the Philippine Archipelago, including its on guard. And on this case you should have made the
qualification. Obviously there would be no criminal

PAGE 12 OF 175
liability under Philippine law. Because the crime was would appear to be the more concise, more cohesive one.
committed outside our territory. And our penal laws are Right? And of course you would say that eh maam abogado
only effective within our territory. However, this incident kami ang tagal na. But that is and I’m saying this to you
have prejudice to criminal liability under the law of the because this is what you should aspire. Ganitong level dapat
place where the crime may have been committed. ang gusto niyong marating. And imagine if you were able to
do that for the bar examinations. If you would be able to
Okay? So ulit ulit kong sinasabi sayo na absolutely no think on your feet under pressured and if you would notice
criminal liability. And if you say yes, d na tama ung I took the time to point out the mistakes and the way you
sagot. Alright? Okay. are answering. Hopefully this would be limited to the
That’s also correct, you may not be able to prosecute her official meetings that as we progress on hindi na ako mag
under Philippine law for adultery but that may serve as cocorrect ng pagsagot ninyo because you already know how
ground for what serve as ground for legal separation. Sexual to answer. That is the goal as well. Right?
infidelity may not be committed within the Philippines so it Okay now it has been said miss… that as we Filipinos we are
should be a ground for legal separation. And of course I the only people in the world who can get married anywhere
would now want to know why not in relation to the next and yet we will not be able to get a degree of divorce where
Article. we may be. And in answering this question. I would want
NATIONALITY PRINCIPLE you to disregard for the moment the ruling of the Republic
v. Manalo. Wag muna nating isipin yon ha kasi Republic v.
Manalo would exception to Article 15. How would you
Art. 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to
explain that?
the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though Maam. first we follow the nationality principle
living abroad. which provides that laws that are leading to family
right or status of legal capacity of persons are
Maam in the next Article, Article 15 states that binding upon citizens of the Philippines even living
nationality principle which states that laws abroad. Hence Philippine laws follow Filipino
regarding family rights and duties jurisdictions, citizens wherever they go. And should Filipino
status, legal capacity shall govern Filipinos expense citizens get a Divorce decree abroad it would not be
whenever they resign. recognized here in the Philippines following the
nationality principle as well as Article 17
Okay so going back to my pending question. Sabi natin paragraph 3. Which provides that acts concerning,
kanina “Yes she will now be liable under Philippine law for prohibited laws and as well as those concerning
adultery but her sexual infidelity may be ground for legal public, prohibitive laws pertaining to rights,
separation even though the scene was committed outside of pertaining to persons and property shall not be
the Philippines right? Claro yon. You all understand that to rendered ineffective by judgements committed by
be the correct rule. What I’m interested is how can we a foreign country. And as such, the divorce decree
justify that rule that yes she committed infidelity abroad but will not be recognized here as it will be
still that can be basis for her husband to file a petition for contradictory to our public policy.
legal separation against her. Ang tanong diyang ay bakit?
Miss…there a law in the Philippines which said that
Maam because sexual infidelity is a law which was Filipinos cannot divorce?
under family rights and duties. A violation of duties
of the wife to be to maintain fidelity to the husband None.
even though the woman may be living abroad
according to nationality principle. The Philippine None. So what is our basis for saying that we cannot
family law may still apply to her so even though she obtain a degree of divorce?
committed it abroad she is still under that law Maam, it is the public policy of the state as
maam. embodied in Article 1 of the Family Code. Maam
I get what you’re saying no, but listen to this version. A under Article 1 of the Family Code which provides
commission by this woman of sexual infidelity is rooted that a marriage is a special contract of a family
on her status as a married woman. And under the union and its special consequences are not subject
nationality principle embodied in Article 15 that the to speculations by the parties. Hence, a divorce
rights and obligations would be determined under the degree obtained by a Filipino citizen will not be
Philippine law as a married woman no matter where valid here.
she may be. Article 1 does not say that the parties cannot divorce. Have
Now I am saying the exact things that you were saying right? you ever wondered class why that is the case? Filipino
Pero as within your version and my version. My version citizens cannot obtain a degree of divorce and yet you have

PAGE 13 OF 175
not heard or you are not aware of any laws explicating a foreigner. Konti lang ung Filipinos marrying foreign
prohibiting divorce. Meron ba? Meron bang batas na woman. At inaapi na ang mga babae class, hindi ba sa
nagsasabing Filipinos cannot divorce. None. So how do we pilipinas palang inaapi na abroad api parin sila. So ang
get on saying that it does not matter where you have mangyayare non is, they would be married to this foreign
married, it does not matter where they may be. Filipinos husband and the foreign husband would tire of them and
citizens can never get a degree for divorce. Have you ever the foreign husband would divorce them. This is prior to the
wondered about that? It’s not so much that we do not Family Code ha.
have a law prohibiting divorce as it is that we do not
have a law on divorce. Since our laws do not provide for So husband is a foreigner, he is divorced we apply the
divorce then it follows that Filipinos are denied this nationality principle even in regard to him so we treat him
right to divorce. And since this is a part of family law. This as what? A divorced man. Ang masakit as a divorce man
very status as married people then this will follow them minsan babalik pa sila sa Pilipinas ulet mag shoshopping
wherever they may go. Maliwanag? siya ulit ng bagong asawa dito. At magpapakasal siya ulet sa
isa pang Filipina. And paano na si Filipina number 1? We
Now I don’t know if you’ve also wondered, eh maam kung apply the nationality principle to her. She is a Filipina. And
totoo po yan, bakit po yung mga kakilala namen na pamilya under our laws there is no divorce so the divorce degree
namen na Filipinos na nakatira sa abroad, bakit po sila paid by the husband that cannot benefit her. So other
binibigyan ng divorce degree ng mga korte ng mga lugar ending natin si husband single ready to mingle. Has moved
kung saan sila nakatira. Sa Las vegas maam ang bilis on with his life. His Filipina wife is in limbo. She is married
makakuha ng divorce degree doon ng uncle ko at ng auntie to someone who is not married to her. Okay? Parang mas
ko. Sa California po binigyan rin po sila ng divorce. Sa masaklap yon sa unrequited love. So, we have this
Australia binigyan sila ng divorce sa japan. Kung bawal po interesting case. I’m sure you have heard of this. Van Dorn
talaga bakit po sila nakakakuha ng divorce degree? Do you v. Romillo Jr. DibaWhat happened in that case?
have any idea? Why that is mister…?
Maam in that case the woman the Filipina was
Maam I think they would want to change their married to foreigner maam but then he got the
citizenship abroad maam. Because the change of an divorce degree abroad maam and then he came
citizenship, the family laws will no longer prove back to the Philippines and he found a new lover
worth them maam. and they subsequently married.
No. We’re speaking of Filipinos e, di ko namang sinabing Was that the issue there?
former Filipinos. Sabi ko Filipinos. Pay attention no. pay
attention to my question do not change the facts in my Maam in that case the foreigner who acquired the
question. divorce degree went back to the Philippines to get
a share allegedly to the conjugal properties.
It is because class this jurisdiction, japan, las vegas,
California they do not require the nationality of the Sa sobrang kakapalan ng mukha ng mister. He followed the
parties who come to them who ask for divorce. Usually wife here in the Philippines sguro nalaman niya na medyo
what do they consider? The residence. If you establish established na ulet ung business ng babae. Right? And what
that you were residing in that place for six months then you did he want?
have a standing to go to the court and ask for a divorce He wanted a share maam
degree and that is their only concern. Right? Yun nga lang.
Since we’re dealing with Filipinos, the Filipinos cannot He wanted a share in the business. In what theory?
just take off their Philippine nationality and embrace
this laws provided by this places where they are That the business is their conjugal property.
residing. Because precisely we have Article 15 to Conjugal partnership law yon. Hindi ba and that system,
contend with. So kahit sa Japan, sa Las Vegas, sa California ginagamit niya yung nationality principle laban dun sa
nag issue ng divorce degree, this will not be recognized in Filipina. Ayon sa batas niyo kasal ka parin saken. So kung
the Philippines because they do not have the capacity to get kasal ka parin saken, may conjugal partnership parin tayo.
a divorce degree. And even if the laws of these places allow At kung may conjugal partnership parin tayo, I am entitled
them that divorce degree. They cannot be given effect here to have a share in whatever you are earning. But here this is
on account of Article 17, its contradictory to its to public one ruling where you would really appreciate the Supreme
policy. Court. In how it approach the resolution to favor the
Okay however, we are inching closer to the Republic vs. Filipina. Kasi kung titignan mo ung kaso class. May mga kaso
Manalo. Our adherence to the national in principle also have kasi na nakakaliwanag na dehado kaagad kayo e. But it
ill effects. Especially before the advent of the family code. takes creative thinking to turn the tide in favor for your
Specifically when it came to mixed marriages. Filipina with client. And I think this is one of the Supreme Court did here,
foreigners, Filipino with foreigners. But usually the bulk of right so how did the Supreme Court ruled in this case?
these mixedd marriages would involve a Filipina marrying

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The Supreme Court ruled this as a divorce degree However, intestate and testamentary successions, both
obtained by the former husband was invalid in with respect to the order of succession and to the amount
pointing as against and it would be unfair if the of successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of
foreigner husband would be allowed to use the testamentary provisions, shall be regulated by the
divorce degree against the Filipina wife. And the national law of the person whose succession is under
Supreme Court further ruled that Article 15 consideration, whatever may be the nature of the
pertains to the nationality principle only applies to property and regardless of the country wherein said
Filipino citizens. property may be found.
No. that is not how the Supreme Court ruled. The Supreme
How do we refer Article 16 paragraph 2?
Court had two options class first option, apply the
nationality rule to the Filipina and consider her Lex Loci Celebrationis, Maam.
married to the husband. That was the obvious choice.
Or it could opt to take the national principle and apply Okay. And regard to the properties being govern by the
it to the husband. And that is what the Supreme Court did. place where they are situated we refer to that rule as?
Guess we have heard of the nationality principle but we also
Lex Rei Sitae
apply it to foreigners. And under your national law. You
are no longer married to her. And if you’re no longer In regards with succession, it would be the national law of
married to her, you are no longer her husband. And the person whose succession and other consideration
only a husband can ask for a share for the conjugal which get govern. Okay. Are you familiar with the case of
property partnership. Di ba ang ganda. Don’t you estate of Edward Christenson vs. Garcia?
appreciate that kind of argument wouldn’t you have wanted
to have made an argument for your client. And that was the Yes maam. It introduced the Renvoi doctrine
board runner of the second paragraph of Article 26. Pwede
pala, we can turn this thing in its head to favor our country Lucy is the legitimate child, while Helen was an
men. acknowledge natural child.
Helen was given a legacy. Right? Just a legacy. And I am
emphasizing this because I am going to make a point later.
In regard to this matter. So majority of the property given
G.R. No. L-68470 October 8, 1985
to Lucy then Helen was given a legacy. If I’m not mistaken,
around 3000 Helen of stocks.
Thus, pursuant to his national law, private
respondent is no longer the husband of petitioner. He Helen is arguing that the Philippine law shall apply because
would have no standing to sue in the case below as according to the national law of Edward, there is a referring
petitioner's husband entitled to exercise control over back to the Philippine Law. Why was she asking that
conjugal assets. As he is bound by the Decision of his Philippine law should apply? She wanted the law the
own country's Court, which validly exercised Philippine law to compulsory succession to be applicable,
jurisdiction over him, and whose decision he does not right? Okay. Kaya lang ang problema naten what was the
repudiate, he is estopped by his own representation nationality of the father. He is an American citizen. That is
before said Court from asserting his right over the his nationality.
alleged conjugal property.
To maintain, as private respondent does, that, under
our laws, petitioner has to be considered still Maam in that case, since the father was a resident
married to private respondent and still subject to a of, was an American citizen was domiciled here in
wife's obligations under Article 109, et. seq. of the the Philippines when he died, the laws of California
Civil Code cannot be just. Petitioner should not be provides for 2 laws which are applicable. 1 st for
obliged to live together with, observe respect and those residence, those who died as residence of the
fidelity, and render support to private respondent. California. And those who are domiciled elsewhere
The latter should not continue to be one of her heirs when he/she died.
with possible rights to conjugal property. She should
Did the Supreme Court apply Article 16?
not be discriminated against in her own country if
the ends of justice are to be served. Yes maam. It referred back to the national law of
the father.
LEX LOCI CELEBRATIONIS So what part applied of Article 16? But the problem is the
United State is a federal state. Right? So it does not have 1
Art. 16. Real property as well as personal property is national law. What it has would be is a totally of different
subject to the law of the country where it is stipulated. states laws. So there was no national law that referred to so

PAGE 15 OF 175
by default, our law, Article 16 had to refer to the laws of IN THE MATTER OF THE TESTATE ESTATE OF
California. Where they thought there was a resident. But the EDWARD E. CHRISTENSEN vs.
thing is California law had 2 sets of laws. 1 internal law and HELEN CHRISTENSEN GARCIA
the other conflicts of law. Apply this to whatever there is a G.R. No. L-16749 January 31, 1963
foreign element. And there is a foreign element in this case.
Appellees argue that what Article 16 of the Civil Code
Supreme Court said we had to apply conflicts law of the Philippines pointed out as the national law is
instead of the internal California law. Problem with the the internal law of California. But as above explained
conflicts law is that it refers back to the matter of law of the laws of California have prescribed two sets of
domicile. Right? And the law of domicile, the domicile laws for its citizens, one for residents therein and
was the Philippines. And the Philippines intern we also another for those domiciled in other jurisdictions.
have 2 sets of law. Article 16 our conflicts law and of Reason demands that We should enforce the
course our own law on succession. Which provides for California internal law prescribed for its citizens
what? Compulsory succession. residing therein, and enforce the conflict of laws
Supreme Court said this time around we have to defer to the rules for the citizens domiciled abroad. If we must
internal law of the Philippines already. We can’t apply enforce the law of California as in comity we are
Article 16 can we? We would have to refer that back to the bound to go, as so declared in Article 16 of our Civil
law of California. Only to have the law of California refer Code, then we must enforce the law of California in
back to us. So it has to stop at some point. So that in the accordance with the express mandate thereof and as
doctrine was established by the Supreme Court. And it above explained, i.e., apply the internal law for
accepted the referral of the case to us. But this time around, residents therein, and its conflict-of-laws rule for
applying our internal law in succession. Which in turn those domiciled abroad.
provides for what? Compulsory succession. Which is It is argued on appellees' behalf that the clause "if
favorable to? Helen. Why was it favorable to Helen? Because there is no law to the contrary in the place where the
she stood to get more. Diba? How much more? property is situated" in Sec. 946 of the California Civil
Maam she will get half of the estate of the sales Code refers to Article 16 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines and that the law to the contrary in the
Ditto papasok ang punto na sinasabi ko sainyo. Diba? Philippines is the provision in said Article 16 that the
Because she did receive something by way of legacy. And national law of the deceased should govern. This
since she received something by way of legacy, there is no contention can not be sustained. As explained in the
preterition and their only remedy is to ask for what? The various authorities cited above the national law
completion of her legitimes which will amount to ¼ of the mentioned in Article 16 of our Civil Code is the law
estate. So lamang pa rin si Lucy, ¾ kay Lucy, ¼ kay Helen. on conflict of laws in the California Civil Code, i.e.,
Kasi ¼ lang, helen bilang isang acknowledged natural child. Article 946, which authorizes the reference or return
of the question to the law of the testator's domicile.
Ha now what was my point? Just imagine class if no legacy The conflict of laws rule in California, Article 946,
was given to Helen. What will you have then? Preterition. Civil Code, precisely refers back the case, when a
Diba? You would have a Preterition of compulsory heir to decedent is not domiciled in California, to the law of
the direct line. And what is the effect of Preterition? It his domicile, the Philippines in the case at bar. The
will invalidate the will. The will of Edward in favoring court of the domicile can not and should not refer
Lucy would be invalidated. the case back to California; such action would
And if the will would be invalidated class, what would leave the issue incapable of determination
happen to the succession to his estate? It will be now be because the case will then be like a football,
govern by what rule? Intestate succession. tossed back and forth between the two states,
between the country of which the decedent was a
And if its intestate succession how much Helen get? She gets citizen and the country of his domicile. The
half the estate. Hating kapatid na talaga sila. See? Were it Philippine court must apply its own law as
not for that legacy of 3000 shares. There would have been directed in the conflict of laws rule of the state of
preterition. And there will have been preterition because the decedent, if the question has to be decided,
Philippine law was made applicable by virtue of the renvoi especially as the application of the internal law
doctrine. Diba? Can you see? How we tied everything of California provides no legitime for children
together using matches of provisions of the civil code while the Philippine law, Arts. 887(4) and 894,
preliminary chapter but we also used provisions on Civil Code of the Philippines, makes natural
succession. Everything ties together class. Ung kala niyong children legally acknowledged forced heirs of
di connected dito sa civil law, dito natin pagtutugma the parent recognizing them
tugmain at kakabit kabiten. Right?

PAGE 16 OF 175
RULING: No, it was not. And the plaintiff was awarded
SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 damages. The exercise of immediate implementation of the
writ without giving the plaintiff an opportunity to collect his
belongings was clearly unreasonable. What was there to
HUMAN RELATIONS gain or to lose for that matter? Clearly, he was abusing his
Q: What is Article 19?
And for that the defendant was made liable by the Supreme
A: Court for damages.

Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights Q: If you would read Art. 19, you would notice that this
and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give is not self-executory. At most, it simply states what
everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith. should be done by people in the exercise of their right
or in the performance of their duties. How do you
It stands for the Principle against the Abuse of Rights implement Art. 19?

Q: What are the requisites for one to have a Cause of A: We have to look to Art. 20 and Art. 21. These are the
Action for Abuse of Rights? provisions which would give you a Cause of Action for
A: The requisites are:
Article 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or
1. There is legal right or duty; negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the
latter for the same.
2. Such duty is exercised in bad faith;
3. It is for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring
another; Article 21. Any person who willfully causes loss or injury
to another in manner that is contrary to morals, good
4. The Absence of good faith is essential to abuse of right customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for
the damage.
(Rabuya, 2009)
Q: How do we know that the exercise of the right is with Q: What are the differences between Art. 20 and Art. 21?
the sole intention of causing damage to another? A:
A: In reality people do not announce what their sole
Art. 20 Art. 21
intentions are. But you would be able to tell that the right
was exercised solely to cause damage to another if there is Covers actions which goes Does not require that a law
no benefit to the person exercising such right. against a specific provision be violated.
An example: A lot of you may have been living in of law. It is enough that the acts
dormitories, prior to the occurrence of the pandemic. So, are contrary to morals,
you would have dormmates and your bedrooms may have good customs, or public
only been separated by thin walls. Because the wall is thin, policy.
you can hear the noise each other makes. Does not provide that the Provides that the act must
act should be done with be exercised with malice or
Now, it is well within your right to enjoy music. But if you malice or willful intent. willful intent.
do so and you leave your unit and the music is still raging Enough that there be an act
on, just to bother your dormmate, then that is clearly a case of negligence
of an abuse of a right.

UNNAMED CASE (ejectment) Q: If what is involved is a breach of promise to marry,

will there be a cause for damages to be awarded to the
FACTS: The defendant had a writ of demolition, so the
plaintiff would be evicted and furthermore, his dwelling A: As a general rule, a breach of promise to marry is not an
would be demolished. But the defendant did not give the actionable wrong. The promise is based on affection, love or
plaintiff an opportunity to retrieve his belongings. The emotions, and emotions and feelings change. One cannot be
defendant insisted on having the writ of demolition faulted for changing his mind about marrying another.
implemented immediately.
Exceptions: When the act constitutes one where damages
ISSUE: Was the exercise of the right valid? pursuant to Art. 21 may be recovered. In a sense, then it is
no longer a mere breach of promise to marry.

PAGE 17 OF 175
If we would examine these cases decided by the Supreme FACTS: An innocent and naïve, provincial lass left her
Court to this effect, we would notice that the award of province to study and met this foreigner. This foreigner
damages was not based solely on the fact of the breach of wooed her, convinced her that he would marry her to the
the promise to marry. point that he went home to the province with her to meet
her parents. It is very significant for someone to come back
You have to understand that when you make a promise to to the province with your loved one, basically that is an
marry, that is usually rooted in emotions. And emotions, sad announcement in your province that you would marry the
to say, are not the most stable thing is this world. person. That’s why the girl relented and agreed to have sex
I am sure you have experienced the highs of being in love. with the foreigner. After he had his way with her, he
Those initial 3-months, pakiramdam niyo na hindi niyo dropped her like a hot potato, and he married another
kaya na mabuhay na mawala yung tao na yun. You cannot woman.
last one day without seeing that person. But upon the lapse ISSUE: Is the breach of promise to marry actionable?
of time, siguro semestral break, you haven’t seen that
person and nakita mo, aba buhay ka pa. At the time you said RULING: The Supreme Court sustained her cause of action.
that you could not go a day without seeing him, were you The promise of marriage was used to defraud and deceive
lying? No, you really felt that way. her in agreeing to have sex with the foreigner.
The same way that you proposed and promised that other ❖ The existing rule is that a breach of promise to marry
person that you would love them forever. At that time, you per se is not an actionable wrong.
really believed that with all your heart. Because this is
emotion-based, it is understandable that the emotions ❖ Article. 21 of the Civil Code designed to expand the
would fade and you will now have a change of heart. concept of torts or quasi-delict in this jurisdiction
grants adequate legal remedy for the untold number
Atty. Sena tip: Don’t propose within the first 6-months or of moral wrongs which is impossible for human
accept a proposal within the first 6-months. Traydor ang foresight to specifically enumerate and punish in the
puso. statute books.
WASSMER VS VELEZ ❖ Damages pursuant to Article 21 may be awarded not
(DECEMBER 26, 1964) because of promise to marry but because of fraud
and deceit behind it.
FACTS: The parties had invitations printed and sent out,
they had the dresses made, they had the preparations all HERMOSISIMA VS CA
laid out, even the matrimonial bed bought. However, two (SEPTEMBER 30, 1960)
days before the wedding, the groom-to-be called off the
wedding, citing his mother’s disapproval as the reason. Not FACTS: Like the case of Baksh vs CA, a similar plea was
only that but he did it by leaving a note. (Leaving a note to made by the woman. The problem here is the woman was
cancel a wedding is like for your generation, breaking up via older than the man. She was not like the innocent provincial
text.) lass. And unlike the other suit, she freely admitted that the
reason she had sexual relations was because she loved the
ISSUE: Whether or not the bride-to-be was entitled to man and that she wanted to bind herself to him. Therefore,
damages. the promise of marriage had nothing to do with her
RULING: Yes, the groom-to-be is liable for damages. This is agreeing to engage in sexual relations.
to answer for the actual expenses and the humiliation ISSUE: Is the breach of promise to marry an actionable
suffered by the bride. wrong?
❖ Ordinarily, a mere breach of promise to marry is not RULING: No, the Supreme Court did not sustain her cause
an actionable wrong. But to formally set a wedding of action. The is no cause of action for damages or breach of
and go through all the necessary preparations and promise to marry.
publicity, only to walk out of it when the matrimony
is about to be solemnized, is quite different. This is ❖ Where a woman, who was an insurance agent and
palpably and unjustifiably contrary to good customs, former high school teacher, around 36 years of age
for which the erring promisor must be held and approximately 10 years older than the man,
answerable in damages in accordance with Article "overwhelmed by her love" for a man approximately
21 of the New Civil Code. 10 years younger than her, had intimate relations
with him, because she "wanted to bind" him "by
BAKSH VS CA AND MARILOU GONZALES having a fruit of their engagement even before they
(FEBRUARY 19, 1993) had the benefit of clergy," it cannot be said that he is
morally guilty of seduction.

PAGE 18 OF 175
4. No other action based on contract, quasi-contract,
crime or quasi-delict.
(JULY 10, 1992) Q: Why is this last requisite the most important?
A: it will tell you under which provision to base your claim.
FACTS: The promise of marriage was used to appease the
ex-girlfriend after she was kidnapped by the ex-boyfriend Q: if you read Art. 22, what would notice about its
and raped in a motel. The father of the ex-boyfriend was in scope?
connivance with the son. After the woman was brought to A: It is very broad.
the house of the ex-boyfriend, the father convinced her that
the son would be marrying her. This was so that she would Q: it’s broad enough to include what kind of quasi-
not sue for rape. As it turned out, the ex-boyfriend had no contract?
intention of doing so and in fact, he abandoned her soon
after. A: Solutio indebti.

ISSUE: Are damages warranted? Q: You might ask yourself, if I have a cause of action
where there was payment when payment was not due,
RULING: Yes, the Supreme Court sustained her cause of under which provision do I sue for? Do I sue under Art.
action. 22 or under Solutio indebiti?

❖ Generally, a breach of promise to marry per se is not A: the last requisite will tell you. It is a requirement that
actionable, except where the plaintiff has actually there is no action for quasi-contract. That means if there is
incurred expenses for the wedding and the necessary mistake in the payment and this would bring your cause of
incidents thereof. action under solutio indebiti, a quasi-contract, then Art. 22
will not be available to you.
❖ However, the award of damages is allowed in cases
specified in or analogous to those provided in Article Conversely, if there is payment made, where payment is not
2219 of the Civil Code. Correlatively, under Article 21 due, but there is no element of mistake, then we go for Art.
of said Code, in relation to paragraph 10 of said 22. Which is plainly unjust enrichment.
Article 2219, any person who wilfully causes loss or
injury to another in a manner that is contrary to INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTIONS
morals, good customs or public policy shall
compensate the latter for moral damages. ARTICLE 29. “When the accused in a criminal prosecution
is acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been
ARTICLE 22 proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for
damages for the same act or omission may be instituted.
Article 22. Every person who through an act or Such action requires only a preponderance of evidence.
performance by another, or any other means, acquires or Upon motion of the defendant, the court may require the
comes into possession of something at the expense of the plaintiff to file a bond to answer for damages in case the
latter without just or legal ground, shall return the same complaint should be found to be malicious.
to him. If in a criminal case the judgment of acquittal is based
upon reasonable doubt, the court shall so declare. In the
absence of any declaration to that effect, it may be
Q: What is the principle embodied here? inferred from the text of the decision whether or not the
acquittal is due to that ground.”
A: The Principle against unjust enrichment.
Q: What are the requisites for a cause of action for Q: It is often been said that anyone who is criminally
unjust enrichment under Art. 22? liable is also civilly liable. What does that mean?
A: The requisites are: A: When a criminal action is filed, a civil action arising from
1. The defendant must have been benefitted or the same offense is also implied instituted. These are civil
acquires or comes into possession of something obligation ex-delicto. Those which are sourced from delicts.

2. The benefit or acquisition was at the expense of the Q: Why did you have to point out the fact that these are
plaintiff civil actions which are impliedly instituted in criminal
cases? Are there other civil actions which are related to
3. The defendant has no legal ground to be enriched or may arise from the same acts, which may also be
impliedly instituted in the criminal action?

PAGE 19 OF 175
A: No, only civil actions arising from the criminal actions or A: In the case of BP. 22 or the Bouncing Checks Law. Here,
delicts are impliedly instituted. When the civil liability the civil aspect is not allowed to be prosecuted separately
arises from another source, it will not be affected by the from the criminal suit. Reservation is not allowed.
dismissal of the criminal action.
Q: Let us say that we have a criminal prosecution and
Q: Prior to the passage of the rules on criminal that there is an implied institution of the civil aspect,
procedure, there were questions as to whether the so- what will be the degree of proof that is required to
called independent civil actions would still have be establish criminal liability and to establish civil
preserved in order for them not be impliedly instituted liability?
with the criminal actions. What are these independent A: to establish criminal liability proof beyond reasonable
civil actions? doubt is needed, while mere preponderance of evidence is
needed to establish civil liability.
A: These are civil actions that may be based on the acts
constituting the felony but are to be prosecuted under Q: Sometimes you are not able to meet the standard of
different provisions of the law. For instance, Art. 33, 34, proof beyond reasonable doubt, but the evidence that
2176. you have adduced covers the standard for
preponderance of evidence. What will happen then?
Under the new rules, it has been made clear that they will A: The judge will acquit the accused for the criminal offense;
not be impliedly instituted with the criminal action based however he will render a judgement for civil liability of the
on the same acts or omissions. The only thing that would be accused.
impliedly instituted would be the civil actions ex-delicto.
Q: So it is possible in case that there is an acquittal by
Q: What can be done in order to avoid these implied reason of reasonable doubt for civil liability to still
institutions? subsist?
A: the following can be done: A: Yes.
1. The plaintiff can waive the right to institute the civil So it is only when the acquittal is based on the finding that
action it was not the accused who committed the crime or that no
2. The plaintiff can reserve the right to institute the crime was committed at all that the acquittal would also
action separately negate civil liability. This is the general rule.

3. The plaintiff can institute the civil action prior to G.R: Acquittal based on reasonable doubt will not
the institution of the criminal action necessarily negate civil liability if the quantum of evidence
required for civil liability is met.
Between the criminal action and the civil action ex-delicto,
it is the criminal action which is given preference. This Q: What are the exceptions to this rule? That even
means that even if the civil action ex-delicto was filed ahead though the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt, civil
of the criminal action, the civil action ex-delicto will have to liability is none the less negated?
be suspended until after the criminal proceeding is A: that provided in Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
completed. vs. Duque. Decided in February of 2017.
Similarly, if you make a reservation to file your civil action The Supreme Court held that if a corporate officer who is
ex-delicto separately, then that mean you have to wait it out sued for BP 22 as the responsible officer of the corporation
until the criminal action is completed. is acquitted of BP 22, regardless of the basis. Then his civil
Q: If this would require postponing your civil action or liability will also be extinguished.
you have to wait out for the criminal proceeding to be The entity that would be civilly liable would be the
completed for you to be able to sue on a criminal action corporation, in whose name the check was issued. The
ex-delicto, then why would anyone want to do away corporate officer is simply an agent of the corporation in
with the implied institution? issuing the bounced check, hence the rule. A corporate
A: The complainant may not have confidence with the officer has a personality that separate and distinct from the
public prosecutor, so he may desire to hire a private corporation. This should be an exception to Article 29.
prosecutor in order to have full control over the case.
Q: What is the exception to the exception?
Public Prosecutors serve the public in general, and they may
not give you the attention that you think you deserve. They A: the following are the exceptions:
have a lot of clients: the public.
1. when the corporate officer assumes solidary or
Q: Will there be an instance where we are not allowed personal liability for that corporate obligation
to make a reservation to file separately the civil action? covered by the bounced check.

PAGE 20 OF 175
2. when the piercing of the veil of corporate fiction is It is an issue which arises from another proceeding that will
warranted due to the attendance of fraud. determine if the accused in the criminal proceeding is guilty
or innocent.
Article 31. When the civil action is based on an obligation
not arising from the act or omission complained of as a If you would check your rules on preliminary investigation
felony, such civil action may proceed independently of the you would know that you can also invoke a prejudicial
criminal proceedings and regardless of the result of the question during preliminary investigation
Q: That the same issue arises from another proceeding.
But is this the only requirement? If so what are the
Q: Art. 31 is usually lumped up with the so-called other requirements?
independent civil action but Art. 31 does not provide
A: No, this is not the only requirement. It is further required
for another instance of an independent civil action, why
that the civil action be filed before the criminal action.
Q: But that was not always the case, previously it did not
A: Just by reading the first part of Art. 31, it will tell you that
matter when the civil action was filed. The only thing
it is a civil action that is based on an obligation not arising
that mattered was that the issues were so related that
from an act or omission constituting a felony. There is no
it would be determinative of the guilt of the accused.
need to say that it can proceed independently of the
Why was this rule changed?
criminal proceedings because it IS without regard to any
criminal act. A: it was made to address the abuse that was being
perpetuated by the defendants. But bigamy is not the
Q: What can be an example of a civil action under Art.
landscape in which the modification was made.
Q: How was the abuse committed?
A: Civil actions ex contractu. Obligations arising from
contracts. A: The abuse was committed by accused who after being
sued in criminal actions would file any related or
For example there is an accident involving a bus and private
corresponding civil action. And then insist that there is a
vehicle. Of course there would be causes of action arising
prejudicial question that would have to be resolved ahead
from delict and quasi-delict but the passenger who choses
of the criminal proceeding. Towards having the criminal
to sue the company which owns the bus would have his
proceeding suspended.
cause of action not based on delict or quasi-delict but based
on the contract of carriage. An obligation ex contractu. Q: What benefit will the accused have by suspending the
criminal action?
If it is allowed to proceed independently from the criminal
action, it is only because it is separated from the other A: if the criminal action is suspended for the duration of the
causes of actions. It has nothing to do with delict or quasi- civil proceeding is pending you are looking at 5 years, at
delict. least. In those 5 years a lot of things may happen.

PREJUDICIAL QUESTIONS The complainant in the criminal case may have a change of
heart, he may lose interest or resources and may now refuse
to cooperate with the public prosecutor. He may no longer
Art. 36. Pre-judicial questions which must be decided appear at hearings and subsequently the case may have to
before any criminal prosecution may be instituted or may be dismissed for failure to prosecute. If the complainant is
proceed, shall be governed by rules of court which the poor or has no resources during this time, he may succumb
Supreme Court shall promulgate and which shall not be in to offers of settlement.
conflict with the provisions of this Code.
To address these abuses, the Supreme Court required
that the civil action must at least precede the institution
Q: What do you understand by the term prejudicial of the criminal action. This is to show good faith in the
question? invocation of prejudicial issue.
A: Prejudicial question is understood in law to be that which TENEBRO V. CA
must precede the criminal action, that which requires a G.R. No. 150758 | Feb. 18, 2004
decision before a final judgment is rendered in the principal
action with which said question is closely connected. Not all This case discusses the concept of prejudicial question in
previous question is prejudicial, although all prejudicial the context of bigamy.
question are necessarily previous. (Herbari vs. Concepcion,
40 Phil., 837). FACTS: Petitioner Tenebro contracted marriage with
complainant Ancajas on 10 April 1990. They lived together

PAGE 21 OF 175
continuously until in 1991 when Tenebro inforemed its definition of bigamy. Under this provision even if the
Ancajas of his prior marriage to Villareyes on 10 November marriage was null and void, there is still a need to declare
1986. Invoking this previous marriage Tenebro left the that marriage as a nullity.
conjugal dwelling and cohabitated with Villareyes.
The second group of civilists, they believed that the parties
On Jan 1993, Tenebro contracted another marriage to should not be allowed to pass judgment on the nullity of
Villegas. When Ancajas learned of this third marriage, she their own marriage. It would be akin to taking the law into
verified with Villareyes whether she was married to their own hands. The parties would have to go to court and
petitioner. And the latter confirmed such marriage. Ancajas the court has to pass judgment in order for them to get
then filed a complaint for bigamy. married again.
The court convicted Tenebro. He now assails the conviction, The issue was settled by Art. 40 of the Family Code.
he argued that his second marriage, with Ancajas, has been
declared void ab initio due to psychological incapacity. Q: What does Art. 40 of the Family Code say?
Hence he cannot be charged for bigamy. A:
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner is liable for bigamy.
Art. 40. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may
RULING: Yes, the petitioner is liable. A declaration of the be invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely
nullity of the second marriage on the ground of of a final judgment declaring such previous marriage
psychological incapacity is of absolutely no moment insofar void.
as the State’s penal laws are concerned.
The subsequent judicial declaration of nullity of marriage If you are going to invoke the nullity of your prior marriage
on the ground of psychological incapacity does not retroact and your purpose for doing so is because you want to
to the date of the celebration of the marriage insofar as the remarry then you cannot invoke it without a judicial decree
Philippines’ penal laws are concerned. of nullity.

As such, an individual who contracts a second or BUT make no mistake about it class, if you are invoking the
subsequent marriage during the subsistence of a valid nullity of your prior marriage for reasons other than
marriage is criminally liable for bigamy, notwithstanding remarriage, for example to assail successional rights, you do
the subsequent declaration that the second marriage is void not need a decree of nullity. You can establish the nullity of
ab initio on the ground of psychological incapacity. the marriage in the same estate proceedings. This is
because you are not invoking it for purposes of remarriage.
Prior to the Family Code there was confusion as to how the
void status of a marriage would affect the criminal liability It is now clear that the nullity of the first marriage
for bigamy. Although the provisions of the Revised Penal cannot constitute a prejudicial question in a suit for
Code when it comes to bigamy is clear. bigamy. Even if your prior marriage is null and void yet you
got married without obtaining a decree of nullity of
Art. 349. Bigamy. — The penalty of prision mayor shall marriage, you would still fall under the definition of bigamy
be imposed upon any person who shall contract a second under the Revised Penal Code under Art. 349 in relation to
or subsequent marriage before the former marriage has Art. 40 of the Family Code.
been legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has
Q: What about the nullity of the 2nd marriage? Would
been declared presumptively dead by means of a
that constitute a prejudicial question?
judgment rendered in the proper proceedings.
A: This is where Tenebro changed the game. For the longest
A person would be liable for the crime if he contracts a time the rule has always been that one of the elements of
subsequent marriage before the prior marriage has been bigamy is that the second marriage should be valid in all
legally dissolved or declaration of presumptive death of the aspects except for its bigamous character. So that if you can
absent spouse. show that the 2nd marriage is void for reasons other than it
being bigamous then you can ask for an acquittal.
However, in the Civil Law at that time, there were
authorities who adhered to the belief that if a marriage was This was changed by Tenebro. Tenebro, while the case for
void from the beginning then it is no marriage at all and bigamy on going he was able to acquire a declaration of
nothing needs to be done to have it declared as null and nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological
void. incapacity as to the 2nd marriage. His motion to suspend on
the ground of a prejudicial question was transformed into a
Authorities at that time were extending the concept of null
motion to dismiss.
and void contracts to marriages. And it is not without basis
because it is reasonable. However, such interpretation
would run counter to Art. 349 of the Revised Penal Code and

PAGE 22 OF 175
Q: But the issue remained the same, what would be the MERCED VS. DIEZ
impact of the nullity of the 2nd marriage on the ground G.R. No. L-15315 | 26 August, 1960
of psychological incapacity to the charge of bigamy?
FACTS: The husband was also accused of bigamy but the
A: The Supreme Court stated that it does not matter that the husband sued for the annulment of the 2 nd marriage on the
2nd marriage was subsequently nullified. Because the crime ground that his consent was vitiated. He wanted to be
of bigamy has been committed the moment the 2nd marriage acquitted of the criminal case.
was contracted.
ISSUE: Whether or not he should be acquitted of the charge
Q: There was an argument made to the effect, what of bigamy
about the idea that we would give retroactive effect to
the decree of nullity? Such decree retroacts to the time RULING: The Supreme Court sustained his position. If his
when the marriage was contracted. consent was truly vitiated, then he could not have
committed the crime of bigamy with criminal intent. There
A: This is where the cause for the nullity becomes would be no voluntariness to his actions. For crimes under
important. The Supreme Court stated that marriages which the Revised Penal Code it is required that there always be
are null and void under Art. 36 of the Family Code are not what criminal intent.
without legal effect because they produce legitimate
children. So therefore, you cannot say that there is CAPILI V. PEOPLE
absolutely no effect from the start. G.R. No. 183805 | Jul. 03, 2013
Q: Would this now hold true for all null and void
The Supreme Court asked the question “what would stop
marriages, regardless of the cause?
people from contracting subsequent marriages and making
A: Majority of null and void marriages have no legal effect. sure that these subsequent marriages suffer from certain
It is only by way of exception do we have the effect of defects so that they can get away with the crim of bigamy?”
legitimate children born under 36 and 53 or conjugal
Would there be a situation where the validity of the second
partnership or community property regimes arising out of
marriage may be a prejudicial question? Yes. If you are
void marriages under Art. 40 in relation to Art. 50. These
dealing with someone who was only forced into the second
are the exceptions.
marriage. Someone who was threatened or intimidated
All other void marriages have no legal effect, in which case could use the second marriage’s defect as a prejudicial
the argument before in favor of recognizing the existence of question for lack of criminal intent. That ought to be an
a void marriage under Art. 36 (legitimate children) would exception
not be applicable to other void marriages.
To answer this question, we still have no jurisprudence. But G.R. No. 172060 | Sept. 12, 2010
if you would look at the ruling of the Supreme Court in the
Tenebro Case, it is often repeated how it is unfair for the FACTS: In this case, the husband committed frustrated
accused to benefit from his evil designs to ensure the nullity parricide on his wife. He sought to have the case suspended
of the 2nd marriage to avoid prosecution for bigamy. or dismissed on account of the fact that he was seeking the
dissolution of their marriage. The Supreme Court rejected
EXAMPLE: the motion saying that it does not matter that the marriage
is now being sought to be nullified. The fact remains that the
If were a man who is somewhat learned in the law and I am
accused was married when he attempted to kill the
romantic in nature, and I would want to contract a 2 nd
subsequent marriage, the first thing I would do to avoid a
prosecution for bigamy would be to make sure that the 2 nd Thus, whether or not that person was the accused’s wife,
marriage would be void for other reasons (license, legally speaking or validly speaking, the thing is the object
authority of the solemnizing officer, etc). And then I would of the crime that the accused wanted to commit was the
invoke that by way of defense. person he was supposed to spend the rest of your life with,
and that justifies the higher penalty for parricide. The
If I were to be prosecuted prior to the case of Tenebro then
accused then invoked the ruling in Tenebro that said the
I would be entitled to an acquittal. Which would be unfair.
nullity retroacts to the time the judgement was awarded
We would be allowing the accused to benefit from his own
designs, from his manipulation of the law. RULING: The Supreme Court said that that may be true but
the accused filed for nullity under article 36 (fc), and nullity
Opinion ni ma’am: In the future, Tenebro case would be
under article 36 is not like the other causes for nullity of
expanded in order to encompass void marriages who’s
marriages under the family code because article 36 unlike
nullity are based on other grounds than just Art. 36. But we
most causes for nullity has a legal effect, it can produce
have to wait for that.
legitimate children, and the fact that it can produce

PAGE 23 OF 175
legitimate children means that it was never legally non-
existent, it existed.

PAGE 24 OF 175
country where they were solemnized, and valid there as
such, shall also be valid in this country, except those
prohibited under Articles 35, 37 and 38. And that same
Q: What is Article 1 of the Family Code? sex marriages are not part of the prohibited marriages
What would you reply?
A: The way to answer this would be to invoke Art. 1 in
Article 1. Marriage is a special contract of permanent relation to Art. 17 last paragraph of the Civil Code.
union between a man and a woman entered into in
accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and Yes, it is not included in those marriages which are
family life. It is the foundation of the family and an considered void even though validly celebrated abroad. But
inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences, the policy enshrined in Art. 1 limiting marriages to a man
and incidents are governed by law and not subject to and a woman. And by virtue of Art. 17 of the NCC that public
stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the policy cannot be rendered null by any act that may be valid
property relations during the marriage within the limits abroad.
provided by this Code.
Q: What are the two kinds of requisites of marriage?

Q: Article 1 may be your lifesaver. When you are faced A: These are the essential requisites under Art. 2 and the
with a question that you do not know the answer and formal requisites under Art. 3 (MEMORIZE)
you cannot recall any applicable provision, what can Art. 2. No marriage shall be valid, unless these essential
you do? requisites are present:
A: Look to Article 1 as a last resort and you may be able to (1) Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be
find a basis for your answer. a male and a female; and
(2) Consent freely given in the presence of the
Q: If a friend would to approach you and she tells you solemnizing officer
that she and her husband have separated and would
want to be allowed to live their lives have sexual
relations with other people, have relationships with Art. 3. The formal requisites of marriage are:
other people and they want you to draft the affidavit (1) Authority of the solemnizing officer;
and notarize the same, what will you tell them? (2) A valid marriage license except in the cases provided
for in Chapter 2 of this Title; and
A: I would tell them that the agreement will be null and void. (3) A marriage ceremony which takes place with the
appearance of the contracting parties before the
Q: Why would the agreement be null and void?
solemnizing officer and their personal declaration that
A; Because it goes against public policy. Because of public they take each other as husband and wife in the presence
policy under Art. 1 of the Family Code states that you cannot of not less than two witnesses of legal age.
stipulate on the nature consequences and incidents of
marriage only exception being property relations.
Q: What would be the components of legal capacity of
Q: Supposing that you were asked by a same sex couple the contracting parties?
who were able to validly marry abroad. They now want
to come home to the Philippines and they want their A: These include the following:
marriage to be recognized as valid in the Philippines. 1. The age of the contracting parties;
And of course you tell them the that PH does not
recognize same sex marriage, they would ask you 2. Lack of legal impediment to marry; and
where is that stated?
3. They must be man and a woman
A: I would tell them that as stated in Art. 1 of the Family
Code that marriage is a special contract of permanent union Q: What is the marrying age under the Family Code?
between a man and a woman. A: They must be at least 18 years of age.
Q: The problem lies now that one of the contracting Q: What about under the Civil Code, what is the
parties also studied the Family Code and they would marrying age?
answer you back saying that Art. 26 is the provision
which should apply. Because they celebrated their A: For females, they must at least be 14 years of age. And for
marriage abroad. And under Par.1 of Art. 26, it is males, they must at least be 16 years of age.
provided that all marriages solemnized outside the
Philippines, in accordance with the laws in force in the Q: Under the Civil Code, what was the age of majority?

PAGE 25 OF 175
A: 21 years of age. would allow post-operative male or female transexual
would be included in the category female because back in
Q: What is now the age of majority? the 1900s, this was not even thought to be possible. Sex
A: 18 years of age. change were beyond the imagination of the law makers.
They could not have intended to change the birthcertificate
Q: What is your basis for lowering the age of majority? on the account of gender reassignment procedures.

A: RA 6809, which in turn was passed after the Family Code. Q: What is the exception?
Which is why there are certain provisions in the Family
Code which do not make sense. A: The case of Cagandahan. Those who were born intersex.

Example: A party who has been emancipated by marriage REPUBLIC V. CAGANDAHAN

or emancipation by agreement. These provisions no longer G.R. No. 166676 September 12, 2008
holds true. Under RA 6809, we only have one way to be
emancipated: and that is reaching the age of majority, which Cagandahan was an intersex person. An intersex person is
is 18 years of age. one who has genitals which are vague. Or born with 2 sets
Q: Why was there such a drastic shift between 14 and of genitals, male and female. It is hard really to determine
16 to 18? his gender at the time of birth. They exhibit both
characteristics but only one is more dominant than the
A: This is because for the longest time under the Civil Code, other. The dominance, however, changes as the person
the purpose of marriage was procreation. That was grows. As Jennifer was growing up, her male aspect
consistent with the times before, the theory was that you prevailed over her male aspect. She now identified as a man
would not have sex, you would not have children, unless and her body was not equipped with a genitals of a man. She
you are married. And you only get married to have children. also let nature take its course and did not employ any
By the age of 14 a girl is already menstruating. artificial means to have his sex changed.
Thankfully, that has changed. Marriage in the Philippines is In case of intersex persons, Supreme Court said it is up to
now permanent and yet you are expecting a child who is 14 the person to determine what his gender is. The court
years old and 16 years old to make a decision for a lifetime. cannot dictate on him. The petition to change the gender
and name was allowed. From Jennifer, he became Jeff
Q: How is gender determined under our laws? Cagandahan.
A: It is determined at the time of birth by the birth
attendant. This is done by a visual examination by the
genitals of the baby.
Q: is the determination made at birth, if correctly made,
is it irrefutable?
A: Yes, it cannot be changed.
Q: Why not?
A: Sex reassignment procedures would not revisit the
assignment at birth. This was the ruling in the case of
Silverio. This is the general rule.

G.R. No. 174689 | Oct. 22, 2007

The Supreme Court ruled sex is determined at birth

usually done by the birth attendant by examining the
genitals and such determination in the absence of mistake
and in the absence of any law legally recognizing sex
reassignment, that determination is immutable.
When a term is not defined in the law, we interpret its
ordinary meaning. sex is not determined in the civil register
law, and since the civil register law was enacted way back
in the 1900s, we cannot subscribe to it a meaning that

PAGE 26 OF 175
OCTOBER 1, 2020 disagreement, the father’s decision to give or not to give
consent will prevail.
Q: Is parental consent the same as parental advice?
Notably class, there is one marriage that has been taken out
A: No. In parental advice it applies to contracting parties
of void marriages by reason of public policy and this is the
who are between 21-25 years of age. Explain how these two
marriage between stepbrothers and stepsisters. Under the age groups will not overlap. Parental consent will be
Family Code, they can now marry.
required of a party who is 18-21 years old. 18 and above but
Q: Would this new provision in the Family Code make a below 21. Because from 21-25 he would require parental
marriage between a stepbrother and a stepsister advice.
celebrated under the Civil Code valid? Q: How would parental advice be different from
A: No. Marriages are governed by the law in effect when it parental consent?
was celebrated. Hence, even if this is valid under the Family
A: From the context, the parental advice is necessary
Code, this will not benefit the marriage between a
because at that time, the age of majority was 21 so parental
stepbrother and stepsister celebrated under the Civil Code. consent was needed in order to make the consent perfect.
The validity of a marriage is determined by the law at the
On the other hand, parental advice, from the reading of the
time of its celebration.
law, it can be gleaned that the law enforces various
Hence, there would be no better persons who will advice
Q: Whose consent is referred to here? the parties of the nature consequences of marriage other
than the parents themselves. For parental consent, it refers
A: The consent of the contracting parties and in appropriate to the permission given by the parents of the concerned
cases, the consent of the parents. Parental consent. parties.

Q: How do the parents give their parental consent? Do For parental advice, more of guidance because in ages 21-
they also give it before the solemnizing officer? 25, the parties are already presumed to be equipped and
have enough knowledge to make a decision but still
A; No. It is manifested in writing or in an affidavit executed relatively young so he/she still needs the guidance of the
between two witnesses and attached to the application for parents.
marriage license. To put simply, it goes to the procurement
of the marriage license. Theoretically, if there is no parental Of course, the consequences of parental consent and
consent is given, then no marriage license must be issued by parental advice are relevant. If parental consent is withheld,
the Civil Registrar office. Should the marriage license be the license should not be issued at all. The parties should
issued then that license would still be valid. The issue is only not be allowed to marry. Should they still marry, the
that it has been irregularly made. An irregularity in the marriage is voidable. But if it is parental advice which is
formal requisite will not affect the validity of the marriage. withheld, then the issuance of the license is simply deferred
However, the absence of parental consent will render the for a period of 3 months. The law considers that waiting
marriage voidable. That is, valid until annulled. period enough time for the parties to think more thoroughly
about the decision that they are making.
Q: When we speak of parental consent, do we have
specific people who are authorized to give parental FORMAL REQUISITES
A: Yes. Under Art. 14 these are the father, mother, the Q: What are the formal requisites?
surviving parent or guardian, or the person having legal
charge of the party. As you can see, we have this superfluous A: Art. 3. The formal requisites of marriage are:
phrase at the end. Why? On account of RA 6809, anyone who
(1) Authority of the solemnizing officer;
is capacitated to marry is necessarily of legal age and will
not be under anyone’s care. (2) A valid marriage license except in the cases provided for
in Chapter 2 of this Title; and
(3) A marriage ceremony which takes place with the
You must also note that Art. 14 states that the authority appearance of the contracting parties before the
will be exercised in the order given. Hence, in case of solemnizing officer and their personal declaration that they
take each other as husband and wife in the presence of not
less than two witnesses of legal age.

PAGE 27 OF 175
Q: Who is authorized to solemnize marriages under the The person must be in the process of dying or at the point
law? that he is dying. It is not about the possibility of dying. Death
must be probable.
A: Art. 7. Marriage may be solemnized by:
Example: In the movie Titanic, there was one scene when
(1) Any incumbent member of the judiciary within Jack and Rose were in the danger of death but they are not
the court's jurisdiction; dying yet. But when Rose became selfish and left Jack, at
(2) Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any that point Rose was still in danger of death but Jack was
church or religious sect duly authorized by his already dying. He was in the process of dying. So that’s the
church or religious sect and registered with the difference.
civil registrar general, acting within the limits of What the law requires is that it should be in articulo mortis
the written authority granted by his church or for us to give authority to these specific solemnizing
religious sect and provided that at least one of the officers. All others, it does not matter what kind of marriage
contracting parties belongs to the solemnizing they would be celebrating. But be mindful that even if they
officer's church or religious sect; have the authority to solemnize all kinds of marriages, there
(3) Any ship captain or airplane chief only in the are other factors to be considered.
case mentioned in Article 31; For instance, territory. For consul and vice consul, they only
(4) Any military commander of a unit to which a have the authority to solemnize marriage between Filipino
chaplain is assigned, in the absence of the latter, citizens abroad and even then only within the premises of
during a military operation, likewise only in the the consular office. Principle of extraterritoriality.
cases mentioned in Article 32; Also, more importantly when it comes to incumbent
(5) Any consul-general, consul or vice-consul in the member of the judiciary – they can only celebrate marriages
case provided in Article 10. within this territorial jurisdiction. It depends on the court
As authorized by the Local Government Code, the Mayor
may also solemnize a marriage. On purpose, the Family If you’re dealing with the Suprem Court and any of the
Code removed this authority from the mayor because it was appellate courts, as held in Navaro v. Dagohoy, their
being used as a tool for politicking. Most often than not, the jurisdiction would be national. But if we are dealing with
power is being used to increase popularity. Hence, mayors the trial court judges, municipal trial court judges, and
may abuse this opportunity and forget to check the metropolitan trial court judges, they would be limited to
qualifications of the parties. their respective territories. It makes sense because they
are only judges within their territory.
From August 3, 1988 to December 31, 1991, before the
Local Government Code took effect, the Mayors don’t have Q: If an RTC judge who is stationed in Quezon city would
any authority to solemnize marriages. It is unlikely but in solemnize marriage in Paranaque, what would be the
case you will be faced with a question pertaining to the status of that marriage?
authority of the mayors to solemnize marriages, pay A: Void because it was not within the RTC judge’s territorial
attention to the date. There is a period of time when they jurisdiction. According to the Family Code, a judge may only
did not have such authority. solemnize a marriage if it is within his territorial
Since the lack of authority is a matter of law, then the jurisdiction. It is void for lack of authority of the solemnizing
parties cannot even claim good faith. Ignorance of the law officer.
excuses no one. But now, mayors already have authority to In Navarro, the Supreme Court held that a marriage
solemnize marriages. celebrated by a judge outside of his territorial jurisdiction,
By looking at the list, you will see that most of these people would just be suffering from an irregularity of a formal
may solemnize marriages which have both ordinary requisite. Now this is not a binding precedent. For one, the
marriages and articulo mortis marriages. The only issue of validity of marriage was not even raised. It was an
exceptions are the military commander, the airplane chief, administrative complaint. Secondly, it is wrong because we
and the ship captain. They can only solemnize marriages in all know that the court would be limited in its power within
articulo mortis. its territory.

Q: When do we consider a marriage in articulo mortis? Q: In case the parties would request to change the
venue of their marriage, how would this affect the
A: This is a marriage celebrated at the point of death. It is discretion of the party in choosing a venue?
not enough that there would be danger of death. It must be
at the point when either of the contracting parties is in A: The parties may request the judge to solemnize their
mortal peril. It is not enough that there is a chance of death. marriage at a place other than the court where the judge is

PAGE 28 OF 175
sitting, provided that the same is still within the territorial A: Marriage license is crucial because it is a formal requisite
jurisdiction of the trial court judge. The substitute venue of marriage. Marriage is neither an essential nor formal
should still be within the territorial jurisdiction of the requisite.
judge who will be solemnizing judge.
GR: As a general rule, a marriage license is required.
However, as soon to be practicing lawyers, to give you a
practical input, what parties usually do is that they will hold XPNs: The following are the exceptions:
the wedding wherever they want and the judge may not be 1. Marriages among Muslims or members of ethnic cultural
authorized to solemnize marriage in the place where the communities – Provided they are solemnized in accordance
parties chose to hold the wedding, but what they do is that with their customs, rites or practices;
in the marriage certificate, the place of marriage would still
show as if it was held within the territorial jurisdiction of 2. Marriages in articulo mortis:
the judge.
a. In case either or both of the contracting parties
For example, the judge’s jurisdiction is only in Paranaque are at the point of death;
and the marriage was celebrated in Makati. In the marriage
certificate, it will show that the marriage was celebrated in b. Solemnized by a ship captain or airplane pilot;
Paranaque. The same way when a notary public would c. Within zones of military operation
indicate that the parties appeared before him in Makati but
in fact it was in Paranaque. 3. Marriages in remote places

MARRIAGE LICENSE 4. Marriages between parties cohabiting for at least 5 years

and without legal impediment to marry each other

Q: What is the purpose of a marriage license? 5. Marriages solemnized outside the Philippines where no
marriage license is required by the country where it was
A: A marriage license is required in order to notify the solemnized.
public that two persons are about to be united in matrimony
and that anyone who is aware or has knowledge of any MARRIAGES IN REMOTE PLACES
impediment to the union of the two shall make it known to
the local civil registrar.
Before the Family Code, this is only recognized as an
The requirement and issuance of marriage license is the exception if it is the woman who is residing in a remote
State’s demonstration of its involvement and participation place. Before, there was a distance which was specified but
in every marriage. The State is getting permission to the this has already been removed under the Family Code. Here,
parties to get married. the exception would apply if either party is residing in a
remote place where there is no means of transportation.
Q: Why does the State have a say to allow the parties to
marry? Q: Do we take that literally, that there must be no means
of transportation?
A: Article 1 of the Family Code provides that marriage is a
permanent union. It is a special contract and it affects public A: No. What the law means is that it must be highly difficult
interest. for the parties to travel just to apply for a marriage license.
It does not require total absence of a means of
Q: Is marriage contract the same as marriage license? transportation.
No, they are not the same. We have pedicabs, bicycles, carabaos, horses, etc. The focus
MARRIAGE LICENS MARRIAGE should be the difficulty of the parties to obtain a marriage
CERTIFICATE license. The purpose here is to encourage the marriage
rather than deterring it because of the difficulty of travelling
Authorization by the state Best evidence of the to the civil registrar’s office.
to celebrate marriage. existence of the marriage.
Q: Does it follow that if a marriage is exempted from a
Formal requisite of Neither essential nor marriage license, that the parties would no longer be
marriage. formal requisite of required to comply with the other essential requisites
marriage. of marriage?
A: No. It does not follow that they are exempted from the
Q: Which is more crucial? other essential requisites. The law provides that the
solemnizing officer must ascertain that the parties about to

PAGE 29 OF 175
get married are of legal age and that there is no legal that case, the husband caused the death of the wife and 18
impediment for them to marry. months after, he remarried. He married his mistress. They
simply executed an affidavit of cohabitation stating that
Remember that this exemption only applies to the license they have been cohabiting so that they will be exempt from
requirement. The parties must still be compliant with the the marriage license requirement. In the affidavit, they
other requirements of the law to get married. In lieu of stated that they have been cohabiting with each other 5
applying for the marriage license, the solemnizing officer years immediately before the marriage. How will that
will take it upon himself to ascertain the qualifications of happen? The wife just died 3 months ago. Worse, the
the parties. Otherwise, the marriage would be null and void. husband killed the wife. The husband also died soon after.
MARRIAGES BETWEEN PARTIES COHABITING FOR The children from the first marriage questioned the validity
AT LEAST 5 YEARS AND WITHOUT LEGAL of the second marriage in the settlement proceedings with
IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY EACH OTHER the end in view of excluding the mistress from succeeding.
They attacked the lack of marriage license. The mistress
insisted that at the time they got married, they have no legal
Q: Do you have an idea why this is included as one of the
impediment to marry each other. The Supreme Court ruled
in favor of the children and the Supreme Court settled once
A: The law encourages those who live in common law and for all that the entire 5-year period should be counted
relationship to marry each other and experience the from the date of celebration of marriage. It should be the
benefits of marriage. years immediately before the day of the marriage.

Q: How does exempting them from the marriage license The problem with this provision is that it is prone to abuse.
requirement considered an encouragement? It has been abused by people who don’t want to go thru the
process of applying for a marriage license. So instead of
A: Those who live in common law relationship have been going thru the process, they would just execute an affidavit
holding out themselves as husband and wife. Applying for a of cohabitation and claim that they have been together as
marriage license requires publication of such fact. Hence, husband and wife for the period required even though that
the public will know that they are not legally married and is far from the truth. Worse, is when they do so apparently
from the point of view of those living in common law with the deliberate intent to make way for a ground in
relationship, it might embarrass them resulting to questioning the validity of the marriage later on. This
hesitation. actually happened in one case.
Also, when they apply for a license, they also need to appear In Republic v. Bayot, the husband said that it is not true
before a local civil registrar, attend seminars, marriage that they have been living together for 5 years. According to
counselling, etc. him, the truth is that he met her only for a month before
they decided to get married. Now he wants to get out of the
Imagine your grandfather and grandmother. They are the
marriage and his ticket is by assailing the marriage and
epitome of morality but we sometimes we forget that at one
attacking the affidavit which he freely executed and
point in their lives, they were also young, reckless and free.
benefited from. The Solicitor General objected. But the
They used to be like you too. They might have made a
Supreme Court said that it cannot deny the petition to
decision back then to live together without the benefit of
nullify the marriage because he is not deserving of the relief.
marriage. Then life happened, they bore children, then they
Remember that the affidavit of corporation is the equivalent
had grandchildren. They might feel embarrassed to disclose
of a marriage license and the fact that they committed
this to the entire family. So imagine if they can do it
falsehoods in that affidavit, it means that they essentially
discreetly, just execute an affidavit and go to a judge or
had a fake marriage license. The consequence of a fake
mayor discreetly and without the publicity.
marriage license is that the marriage is rendered null and
But the provision is very strict also. They must be living void regardless of the good faith or bad faith of the parties.
together as husband and wife at least 5 years before the
Q: Going back to the case of Ninal v. Bayadog, what could
have the parties done in order to save the validity of the
The 5 year period must be characterized by: second marriage?

a. Exclusivity – the partners must live together exclusively, A: They could have waited for 5 years before they
with no other partners, during the whole 5-year period. celebrated their subsequent marriage for them to make the
subsequent marriage valid.
b. Continuity– such cohabitation was unbroken. Also, there
must be no legal impediment to marry each other during the Q: Any other practical way?
period of cohabitation.
A: They could have simply applied for a marriage license.
There used to be a debate as to when the 5-year period Had they done so, the marriage would have been valid and
should be counted until the case of Ninal v. Bayadog. In the children from the first marriage will not have a ground

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to exclude the mistress from the estate of the husband. In a lot of proof even without the marriage certificate.
the case of Ninal, they wanted to take a shortcut. Nevertheless, the marriage certificate is still the best
evidence because it is a public document. Once you get a
MARRIAGE CEREMONY certified copy of the same, then no testimony would be
required. No need to authenticate and establish where,
from whom and how the evidence was obtained.
Q: Are there any magic words or certain rites that must
be observed? Notes
A: There is none. No particular form of words that is The absence of either formal or essential requisite will
required. As long as it can be inferred from the acts or from render the marriage void.
the words employed by the party that they take each other
as husband and wife, then that would be sufficient. Doing If there is a defect in the essential requisite, such as when
thumbs up is enough. What is important here is that they there is vitiation of consent, then the marriage is
can communicate their consent to the marriage. voidable.

Q: What if there is no marriage ceremony at all and If there is an irregularity in the formal requisite, the
there was only a signing of a marriage certificate? marriage is still valid but the but the party responsible
for such irregularity shall be civilly, criminally or
A: If what took place is merely a signing of a marriage administratively liable.
certificate and there was no solemnizing officer, then the
marriage is null and void. No valid marriage to speak of.
Illustration of the above:
Q: Will there be a need to have this marriage declared
null and void? If you got married using a fake marriage license (procured
from Recto) that marriage is null and void for absence of a
A: No. There is no marriage. In the case of Morigo v. People, formal requisite – obtaining a marriage license. But if the
since the parties merely signed the marriage certificate parties were able to procure a marriage license from the
without the presence of a solemnizing officer, the Supreme local civil registrar’s office express (procured the license on
Court held that there is really no marriage to speak of. Since the same day) the fact that it was still issued by the local
there is no marriage, there is no need for them to apply Art. civil registrar, it means that the marriage is valid. Definitely
40 of the Family Code. This is a case where the marriage is there is an irregularity. However, it will not affect the
not just void but there is in fact no marriage at all. It is validity of the marriage. It will still be valid.
inexistent. No marriage took place. Therefore, the husband
in that case can remarry without the need of applying Art. ART. 26, PAR. 1 AND 2 OF THE FAMILY CODE
40 of the Family Code:
Art. 40. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be Paragraph 2 was only added after the Family Code has
invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a already been enacted. It was only lobbied. The fear then was
final judgment declaring such previous marriage void. that it will be used as a backdoor for divorce to get inside
the Philippines. We take pride in the fact that Philippines is
He cannot be charged of Bigamy.
the only country which does not have a law on divorce. Even
Q: How fatal is it if the marriage certificate is not signed Spain which taught us Christianity, they have divorce. This
by the parties? is to be expected because that has been our training. Still,
paragraph made its way into the Family Code.
A: It is not fatal since a marriage certificate is neither an
essential nor a formal requisite of marriage. It is merely the We cannot ignore paragraph 1 as well. It establishes our
best documentary proof of marriage. Aside from the conflicts law on marriages celebrated abroad. What is the
marriage certificate, marriage can still be proved by rule when it comes to marriages celebrated abroad? Art. 26,
testimony of a witness to the matrimony, the open paragraph 1 of the Family Code provides:
cohabitation of the parties as husband and wife or the
Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in
baptismal or birth certificate of their children, or other
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they
documents or jurisprudence which mentions the parties as
were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid
being married.
in this country, except those prohibited under Articles 35
Now, people who are getting married gets a hashtag. It is (1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, 37 and 38.
published in social media. Every moment is broadcast. If we
As you can see, as long as the marriage is valid in the
are just talking about proof, we will never run out of proof.
country where it was celebrated, we recognize that
Official photographers even have a hard time especially
marriage here in the Philippines. However, the law provides
when the bride starts walking down the aisle. Everyone is
for exceptions. These marriages are considered void in the
in the way and taking pictures of the bride already. There is

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Philippines. Hence, even if the marriage celebrated abroad The fear was that this provision would be used by Filipinos
is valid but it falls under the exceptions enumerated, the married to other Filipinos, who would then embrace foreign
marriage is void. Even if the exceptions are not one of the citizenship so that they would be able to come within the
grounds to nullify a marriage in the place where the scope of the Art. 26, par. 2 of the Family Code. That was the
marriage is celebrated, the parties may still avail of these assurance before – that it will only apply to mixed
grounds to nullify the marriage. marriages from the beginning. It will not apply to parties
who changed their citizenship midway.
Q: For example, you got married in California. In
California, there is no concept of psychological Later on, in the case of Republic v. Orbecido, the Supreme
incapacity. But you are already observing that your Court declared for the first time that what matters here is
husband acts differently – your husband has not the citizenship at the time the marriage was celebrated,
psychological incapacity. So what are you going to do? but the citizenship at the time that the divorce decree was
obtained. There is now a deviation from the intention to
A: You go home to the Philippines and file a petition to confine this to mixed marriages from the beginning.
nullify the marriage on the ground of psychological
incapacity. Your husband might argue that such is not The rationale of the Supreme Court is that once a Filipino
allowed because the marriage was validly celebrated in change his citizenship, the Philippines loses control over
California and psychological incapacity is not one of the that person. If a Filipino embraces US citizenship and he
grounds available in California. Your saving grace is Art. 26, applies for divorce, the Philippines cannot stop him.
par. 1 of the Family Code. It may be true that the marriage
was validly celebrated in California, but it falls under the On the other hand, if you will still insist that you will not
exceptions under Art. 26, par. 1 of the Family Code. Art. 15 recognize the divorce decree because it was not a mixed
of the Civil Code will apply: marriage from the beginning, who will you be
punishing? Still, the Filipino spouse. You will still treat that
Article 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to Filipino spouse as married to the former-Filipino national
the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are which is unfair in two levels: First, because the Filipino
binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living spouse is still in limbo, while the former-Filipino spouse has
abroad. moved on. Second, you are punishing someone who is loyal
to the Philippines. We can now appreciate why the Supreme
Marriage pertains to your status, condition and legal Court made that ruling.
capacity. Definitely, you can invoke psychological
incapacity as a ground to nullify the marriage, even though Later on, in the case of Republic v. Manalo, everything
such was validly celebrated in California and there is no really changed. We not only look at the changing of
such ground in California. nationality of the parties, but we altogether set aside the
clear requirement of the provision, that is: a divorce must
Another example: let’s say that in California the marrying be validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating
age is 16 years old but here in the Philippines the marrying him or her to remarry. This is crystal clear. But in the case
age is 18. It is valid in California. But for you, what will of Republic v. Manalo, the Supreme Court recognized the
govern is the Family Code. Not just because of the divorce decree obtained by the Filipino national. According
Nationality Principle, but by the express provision of Art. to the Supreme Court, the provision merely provides that
26, par. 1 of the Family Code. the divorce decree must be obtained by the foreign spouse.
It does not say that the foreign spouse should be the one
ART. 26, PAR. 2 OF filing the petition.
THE FAMILY CODE Since this is the Supreme Court which said so, then follow
this rationalization. We are bound with whatever the
The precursor of this provision is the case of Van Dorn v. Supreme Court says. But as students of the law, even if you
Romillo and Ibay Pilapil v. Somera. Basically, the ruling was read the law, that is really not what the law says.
along the same line. Judging from these 2 cases, you can see
readily that the intention of the application or scope of Art. There is a deeper reason why that should not be the
26, par. 2 of the Family Code was for mixed marriages. intention: Art. 15 of the Civil Code. It does not allow us to
Mixed from the beginning. The reason is that this is where get a divorce decree anywhere in the world. That is very
the injustice lies – the foreign national is allowed to move clear. Republic v. Manalo is good for the Filipino in a mixed
on with this life and leave the Filipino spouse in limbo. marriage. But it will also have an impact on the nationality
principle under Art. 15 of the Civil Code.
By virtue of the nationality principle, the Filipino spouse
would still be considered married to the foreign national. In If a Filipino, married to a foreign national, is allowed to
fact, that was one of the arguments used by one of the get a divorce decree, then what is stopping us from
members of the Family Code Committee, to include par. 2. extending the same privilege to a Filipino citizen who is
This should only apply to mixed marriages at the beginning. married to another Filipino citizen? What is now the

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difference, right? But of course, we cannot apply that to a the divorce decree needs to be recognized here in the
Filipino married to another Filipino because they do not fall Philippines so that the entry in the civil registrar may be
under Art. 26 of the Family Code and most importantly since amended to reflect his status as a divorcee.
Art. 15 of the Civil Code is still in play. Maybe there will
come a time when we will have a clarification regarding this Q: How should he go about having his divorce decree
ruling. recognized? Can he bring the petition under the
provision of Art. 26, par. 2?
Whenever a case is decided other than what the law
requires, it makes bad jurisprudence. Kapag pumapasok A: He cannot bring a petition under Art. 26, par. 2 because
talaga ang puso at damdamin, medyo nababago. As lawyers, this substantive provision only applies to Filipino citizens.
you will need constancy in the rulings of the Supreme Court He can file the petition under Sec. 48 of Rule 39 of the Rules
because that is the only way you can predict how the courts of Court:
will be acting on your cases. Constancy is also vital in SECTION 48. Effect of foreign judgments or final orders.
advising your clients regarding the case, right? It is hard to
predict, especially in labor cases. The effect of a judgment or final order of a tribunal of a
foreign country, having jurisdiction to render the judgment
Lawyers will be at a loss as to what advice to give to his or final order is as follows:
client. Alangan naman, i-enumerate mo sa client mo lahat ng
jurisprudence: “Alam mo kasi, client, noong 2018 ganito (a) In case of a judgment or final order upon a specific thing,
yung ruling eh, tapos nung 2019 ganito.” Your client will the judgment or final order is conclusive upon the title to
surely walk out, saying: “Ang labo mo naman kausap, the thing; and
(b) In case of a judgment or final order against a person, the
Q: Now, you have to remember also that the national judgment or final order is presumptive evidence of a right
law of the foreign spouse allowing him to remarry must as between the parties and their successors in interest by a
be proven. The question that now arises is, when is this subsequent title. In either case, the judgment or final order
required to be done? may be repelled by evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want
of notice to the party, collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of
If you can remember, if it is a foreigner who is going to law or fact.
get married here in the Philippines, if he was previously
divorced and he asks a Filipino counsel – “Do I need to Bring it as an ordinary case for Recognition of Foreign
have my divorce decree recognized first so that I can Judgement accompanied by a Petition for Correction of
apply for a marriage license here? Or would it be Entries in the Civil Registrar’s office under Rule 108 of the
sufficient to get a certificate of capacity to marry?” Rules of Court. Art. 26, par. 2 is a substantive provision
How will you answer that query? which is limited to Filipino nationals. Under said provision,
the divorce decree can already be recognized, and the
A: It depends if his first marriage has nothing to do with the Filipino can seek a declaration from the court that he is now
Philippines i.e. he is not married to a Filipino or he did not capacitated to marry.
get married here in the Philippines. In such case, a capacity
to marry from the embassy is sufficient. We don’t have Be mindful of the evidence required to prove the foreign
anything to do with his previous marriage. It would be divorce decree as well as the national law 0f the foreigner
different if he is a returning “customer”. For some reason, allowing the divorce. You would need official publications
they would marry a Filipino, get divorced, and then come or copies attested to by the officer having legal custody of
back to the Philippines looking for another Filipina and he the documents. If the documents cannot be obtained in the
will get married again. Philippines, then in addition, they must be consularized or
authenticated by the pertinent Philippine consular office.
Now, if that is the case, then they would have the first
marriage recorded here in the Philippines. If he will apply
for a license (this is not part of the law, but the civil registrar
will require this), he will have to obtain a Certificate of No

Practical tip, if in case you have a girlfriend or boyfriend and There will be conjugal We apply Arts. 147 and 148
the relationship is already getting serious, require a partnership or community (Property Regime of
CENOMAR. You can obtain that even if the both of you are property Unions Without Marriage)
not really getting married yet. It is not limited to those who
are about to get married. Use your legal knowledge. The children will be GR: The children will be
Going back, so if the foreigner will obtain a CENOMAR, the legitimate illegitimate.
foreigner will get a “hit” in the records because his previous XPNs: psychological
marriage was recorded here in the Philippines. In such case, incapacity under Art. 36

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nullity proceeding from declared presumptively dead by means of a judgment
Art. 53 rendered in the proper proceedings.
An action to annul Art. 39. The action or
prescribes defense for the declaration We now have Rules on Declaration of Nullity. We say that
of absolute nullity of a collateral attack may be made by any interested party. That
marriage shall not also holds true in ordinary contracts. However, in the Rules
prescribe promulgated by the Supreme Court, the right to invoke
nullity of the marriage is now restricted to the parties of the
The defect may be cured The defect may not be
marriage. Third persons are no longer allowed to file a
by ratification cured by ratification
petition to nullify a marriage.
Only one of the parties to Other interested persons
the marriage may attack may question the nullity of Let me clarify, we are talking about the standing to file a
the defect in a voidable the marriage even without petition to nullify. The right to collaterally attack or
marriage obtaining a judicial decree question the validity of the marriage in any proceeding
of nullity, but if the purpose where the purpose is anything other than nullifying that
is remarriage, the judicial marriage is still available. What was only limited was
decree of nullity is with regard to the right to file the petition to nullify and
required. the limitation here is that only the parties to the marriage
Should any one of the Other interested persons can file the petition, subject to certain exceptions:
parties die without may question the nullity of
bringing an action for the marriage even after the The first exception would be with regard to those petitions
annulment, that issue is death of the contracting for nullity commenced before March 15, 2003, which is the
moot parties effective date of the Rules. The second exception would be
Open only to direct attack Open to collateral attack with regard to those petitions filed regarding marriages
Enumerated under Art. 45 Enumerated under Arts. celebrated during the effectivity of the Civil Code and those
35, 36, 37 and 38 celebrated under the Family Code but prior to March 15,
Q: How does a void marriage work? Q: What happens if the marriage that is void is
A: If you have a void marriage, then you can always invoke bigamous in character? Let’s say Ms. A is the first wife.
its nullity in any proceeding without need of acquiring first Her husband, Mr. B married Ms. C. Since Mr. B and Ms. C
a decree of nullity of that marriage. are in love, of course they will not file the petition to
nullify their marriage. Now who will file the petition?
Example: if you want to exclude the second wife of your
father, you do not need to secure a decree of nullity of A: Of course, Ms. A, the aggrieved spouse.
marriage first for you to be able to do that. You only have to Q: But how will Ms. A’ standing to file the petition fare
establish the nullity of the marriage in the settlement of the in light of the provisions of the Rules on Declaration of
estate. You can also invoke it by way of defense. Nullity? Will she still be able to file the case?
For example, someone is suing you, and the person suing A: Yes, this has been decided by the Supreme Court.
you is doing so in his supposed capacity as the husband of According to the Supreme Court, the first spouse here is the
the registered owner of the property. You can question his aggrieved party. It is not the two people in the second
standing to do so if you have proof that that he is not marriage. So, if there is anyone who has standing to file the
married to that person or that their marriage is null and petition it will be the first spouse who was betrayed by the
void. The purpose here is to question his standing to sue you spouse who married anew during the subsistence of their
by way of defense. No need to have a decree of nullity on marriage. From the practical point of view, you cannot
hand. You will only need the decree of nullity for purposes expect the parties to the second marriage to ask for the
of remarriage. Meaning to say, you want to get married. You nullity of their own marriage unless they get sick of each
want to remarry. You are making this attempt to marry other and they now want to free themselves of each other.
because you know that your first marriage was null and Only then will you expect them to file a petition for nullity.
void. You can only do so if you have a decree of nullity.
We want to align the provisions of our Civil and Criminal
law, particularly the provision on Bigamy under art. 349 of
the Revised Penal Code: Read the Rules. This also provides for certain
clarifications as to what should be done during the
Art. 349. Bigamy. — The penalty of prision mayor shall be proceeding for petition for nullity.
imposed upon any person who shall contract a second or
subsequent marriage before the former marriage has been
legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has been

PAGE 34 OF 175
Let us go to the meat of the matter. The null and void cases element for Art. 41 to apply is that there should be good
can be found under Arts. 35, 36, 37, and 38. Do not lose sight faith on the part of the spouse present.
of Art. 4 of the Family Code:
Q: You have to understand the terminable subsequent
Art. 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal marriages is not a new concept. It has a counterpart
requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio xxx under the Civil Code. In the Civil Code, it is known as a
voidable bigamous marriage. Would this difference in
We will go back to the same-gender marriage and how will the nomenclature of the marriages be simply
this be considered as void in the Philippines because of the semantics?
absence of the essential requisite which is the capacity to
marry. One of the components in determining capacity to A: No. There is a reason why under the Family Code, it is
marry is the gender of the parties. The parties are required called terminable subsequent marriage. Under the Family
to be a man and a woman. Code, the terminable subsequent marriage can be
terminated by the mere recording of an affidavit of
Another important point. When it comes to void reappearance. Also, the absent spouse doesn’t have to be
marriages, good faith or bad faith does not matter. Case the one to file the affidavit of reappearance. It can be filed
in point: by any interested party. As you can see, it is so easy. In a
Let us say that your life is like a telenovela. You got matter of minutes or hours, a terminable subsequent
separated from your sibling and then in a very strange twist marriage can be brought to its end which is not the same
of fate you found one another and then you fell in love. Now under the Civil Code. Under the Civil Code, it is called
you want to get married. You were able to get married but voidable bigamous marriage. By its term, this clearly
you find out that you are actually siblings. Now, is there any requires a petition for annulment to be brought to put an
doubt that the parties here acted in good faith? Yes, they end to the voidable bigamous marriage.
acted in good faith and their good faith is even based on a Q: What does it take for Art. 41 to apply?
mistake of fact. Hence, they can really claim good faith.
However, in void marriages, it does not matter whether A: Art. 41 provides:
they acted in good faith or not – that they did not know that
they are actually siblings and they entered into an Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during
incestuous marriage. It does not matter. Good faith is subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void,
irrelevant. Exception is only in case of mistake of fact unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage,
regarding the authority of the solemnizing officer, where the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive years
good faith of either parties may save the validity of and the spouse present has a well-founded belief that the
marriage. absent spouse was already dead. In case of disappearance
where there is danger of death under the circumstances set
Another instance when good faith may save the validity of forth in the provisions of Article 391 of the Civil Code an
the marriage would be the exception to bigamous or absence of only two years shall be sufficient.
polygamous marriages. In other words, the application of
Art. 41 on terminable subsequent marriages. Third, those For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage
solemnized without a license except those covered by the under the preceding paragraph the spouse present must
preceding Chapter. Fourth, those bigamous or polygamous institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code for
marriages not falling under Art. 41. the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee,
without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the
absent spouse.
There must be a judicial decree declaring the absent spouse
Let us contextualize Art. 35, par. 4: as presumptively dead. You can file such petition if the
absent spouse has been missing for 4 consecutive years and
Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the when there is danger of death, 2 years will suffice.
Apart from the number of years that the absent spouse has
(4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing disappeared, it is also required that the spouse present shall
under Article 41. have a well-founded belief that the absent spouse was
already dead.
What you have here is like a swinging ball. Generally, the
characterization of a marriage that is contracted during the Q: When do you acquire a well-founded belief?
subsistence of a prior marriage is bigamous in character.
The only thing that would make it sway towards the You must have exerted efforts to look for the absent spouse
opposite end and make the subsequent marriage valid before you file the petition and before you marry the
would be if this case would fall under Art. 41 and crucial present spouse.

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Notes As you will know, once you finally get to practice law, it is
not always a matter of what is true, but it is about the
There are 3 characters: evidence you can produce. This is the truth. You will be
advising the client based on what the evidence would prove.
1. Spouse present
Just pray that when you’ re in the right, you have the
2. Absent spouse evidence to support your case. If you’re in the defense, pray
that there is no evidence against your client.
3. Present spouse
Going back, so Mr. B produced evidence that he exerted
effort to locate Ms. A, he testified and even presented
witnesses, and so on and so forth. The court issues the order
Q: Without Art. 41 which sanctions the filing of a
declaring Ms. A as presumptively dead. Ms. A learned about
petition for declaration of presumptive death, there
the order declaring her presumptively death. Of course, she
would be no basis for this kind of action to be brought
was in shock, got depressed and eventually got angry. She
to the courts. The courts, without Art. 41 would refuse
went to court and filed a Petition for Certiorari since she
to recognize such a petition. Why?
was told that the order was immediately executory.
A: Because you are only seeking to establish a presumption.
In the meantime, Mr. B lost no time in getting married to Ms.
It will be useless for the court to make such a judgment. It is
C. Ms. A is now consulting Atty. D. Ms. A told her lawyer that
only a presumption – it will never attain finality. It can
she wanted to file an affidavit of reappearance instead.
always be overcome by proof to the contrary.
However, Atty. D said that what should be filed is a Petition
Q: Now, why do we need Art. 41? for Certiorari regarding the decree of presumptive death.
Ms. A thought to herself that no doubt, filing an affidavit of
A: We will go back to Art. 349 of the Revised Penal Code: reappearance is easier and less costly. Atty. D persisted in
her advice that what should be filed is a petition for
Art. 349. Bigamy. — The penalty of prision mayor shall be certiorari to set aside the decree of presumptive death.
imposed upon any person who shall contract a second or
subsequent marriage before the former marriage has Q: Why should that be the correct cause of action?
been legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has
been declared presumptively dead by means of a A: The decree of presumptive death establishes the good
judgment rendered in the proper proceedings. faith of the spouse present from the time the absent spouse
disappeared. Well, at least until the decree was issued. After
Again, this is to align the civil law with our criminal law. the decree was issued, it is now an altogether different
Under the Family Code, there are certain proceedings that game. But so long as that decree is in existence, you cannot
need to be carried out in a summary character which impute bad faith since that decree is his shield. If you really
includes the declaration of presumptive death. The want to attack the subsequent marriage, then you need to
proceeding being summary in nature means that it is have the decree of presumptive death set aside.
immediately executory. There is no appeal and there is no
motion for reconsideration. If you want to question the If you simply file an affidavit of reappearance, it means that
decree of presumptive death and there was no MR or you are recognizing the validity of that marriage as a
Appeal, how do you go about it? File a petition for certiorari valid terminable subsequent marriage. You may not
under Rule 65. If the period to file a petition for certiorari want that because if you recognize its validity, then the good
has lapsed and there was extrinsic fraud which prevented faith or the bad faith of the parties here would no longer be
you from bringing the action in a timely manner, then you relevant insofar as the validity of the second marriage is
can resort to the remedy of filing a Petition for Annulment concerned. It will produce economic consequences.
of Judgment.
Worse, even though the subsequent terminable marriage
Illustration: has been terminated by the filing of an affidavit of
reappearance, it will already have valid consequences
Ms. A is the absent spouse. Mr. B is the spouse present. Ms. among them. The children born out of that marriage will be
C is the present spouse. Ms. and Mr. B are husband and wife, considered legitimate and there will be an establishment of
but Mr. B always had a wandering eye. Ms. A got fed up and conjugal partnership of gains/ absolute community of
left Mr. B. This made Mr. B happy, actually. He is now free to property. On the other hand, if you will have the decree of
be with Ms. C. Mr. B and Ms. C wanted to get married. Mr. B presumptive death set aside, and thereafter file a case for
filed a petition to declare Ms. A as presumptively dead. Bigamy and attack the validity of that marriage and you
However, Mr. B knows upon filing that Ms. A is still alive. In succeed, then the children born out of that subsequent
fact, they still fight via Facebook Messenger and curse each marriage would be illegitimate. They will also not be
other. Hence, Mr. B is in bad faith. governed by absolute community of property or conjugal
partnership of gains. Instead, they will be governed by Art.
148 of the Family Code:

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Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under the marriage producing illegitimate children and governed by
preceding Article, only the properties acquired by both of Art. 148.
the parties through their actual joint contribution of money,
property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in What is the takeaway? It matters how the subsequent
proportion to their respective contributions. In the absence marriage is terminated. We are not limited to the filing of an
of proof to the contrary, their contributions and affidavit of reappearance. You can question it by attacking
corresponding shares are presumed to be equal. The same it as a bigamous marriage, subject to the requirement that
rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of money you set aside the decree of presumptive death. You can also
and evidences of credit. establish bad faith in the issuance of the decree of
presumptive death and the celebration of marriage. The
If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her parties to the second marriage may also ask for the
share in the co-ownership shall accrue to the absolute dissolution of their marriage for being void, for reasons like
community or conjugal partnership existing in such valid psychological incapacity, lack of marriage license, death, or
marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly annulment. But my point is this: the consequences will be
married to another, his or her shall be forfeited in the determined by the action that is filed. It is equally important
manner provided in the last paragraph of the preceding that you file the right action.
Art. 43, at first glance, appears to be contradictory because
The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even it speaks of good faith and bad faith. There will be
if both parties are in bad faith. consequences depending on which party is in bad faith. I am
sure that when you were still in first year, you got confused
It is based on actual contribution. Hence, if the other party upon reading this provision because it was emphasized to
did not contribute, then he or she will not get any share you that your spouse present must always be in good faith.
upon liquidation. Therefore, parties to the second marriage And yet, we have here Art. 43 speaking of good faith or bad
will be better off if you simply file a notice of reappearance. faith on the part of either party. So you might think, what if
You do not want that – you want revenge. He was not only the spouse present is in bad faith?
unfaithful to you, he even declared you as presumptively
dead. Would you just let them walk away into the sunset, Now that you are in 4th year, I am letting you know that if
that they have legitimate children and that they share in the the terminable subsequent marriage gets terminated thru
community property or conjugal partnership? Of course the filing of an affidavit of reappearance, we will no longer
not, right? talk about the good faith or bad faith of the parties for
purposes of determining whether the marriage was valid or
Just imagine this – your husband testified under oath that not. That is already conceded by the filing of the affidavit of
you are presumptively dead even though he knows for a fact reappearance. Hence, after the filing of the affidavit we will
that you are not. And for what reason? He just wanted to get now only talk about the economic consequences, nothing
married to his mistress. I am giving you this perspective more.
because I want you to see how it is very important to know
which remedy to take. If you will stay silent, there will come
a time when your philandering, no-good husband dies, what
will happen is that the consequences attending ordinary
marriage terminated by death will apply.
Q: In that example, let’s say that Ms. A found out about
the decree after it was issued but before the subsequent
marriage has taken place. What should she do to make
that marriage null and void without need for her to file
a Petition for Certiorari to set aside the decree of
presumptive death?
A: She can call Mr. B the night before the wedding. She can
also crash the wedding or appear to both parties. There is
that portion in a wedding ceremony wherein the priest will
ask, “Sino ang tumututol?” Ms. A can just stand in front of the
people and her presence will establish actual knowledge on
the part of both parties that she is alive. Should they still
insist on getting married, they are now getting married in
bad faith and the decree of presumptive death will no
longer be able to shield them. There is actual knowledge
and the presumption has been overcome. Here, the
subsequent marriage will only be an ordinary bigamous

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OCTOBER 2, 2020
Do not forget the qualifications cited in the law.
Q: When do we have “well-founded belief”?
Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during
subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void, A: There must be a showing that he exerted effort in looking
unless before the celebration of the subsequent for the absent spouse.
marriage, the prior spouse had been absent for four
consecutive years and the spouse present has a well- REPUBLIC v. NOLASCO
founded belief that the absent spouse was already dead.
In case of disappearance where there is danger of death The SC rejected the claim of the husband that he exerted
under the circumstances set forth in the provisions of enough effort for him to have a well-founded belief that his
Article 391 of the Civil Code, an absence of only two years wife was already dead. The court noted that the wife was
shall be sufficient. residing in Liverpool in the UK, and yet per the testimony of
the husband, he conducted his search in London. He
For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage conducted his search by foot, as though he would simply
under the preceding paragraph the spouse present must have the chance to run into his wife by searching the streets
institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code of London, which is highly improbable. The husband did not
for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee, even reach out to the family of the wife, who logically would
without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the have knowledge of the wife’s whereabouts.
absent spouse. (83a)
Q: Who are the 3 characters in a terminable subsequent
Q: What are the requisites for a terminable subsequent marriage?
marriage under Article 41?
1. Absent spouse
1. That the absent spouse has been missing for four
consecutive years, or two consecutive years if the 2. Present spouse - 2nd spouse
disappearance occurred where there is danger of 3. Spouse present – spouse who contracts the
death under the circumstances laid down in Article subsequent marriage
391, Civil Code;
Q: Whose good faith is vital to the validity of the
2. That the present spouse wishes to remarry; terminal subsequent marriage?
3. That the present spouse has a well-founded belief A: The spouse present.
that the absentee is dead;
Q: Do we factor in the good faith or bad faith of the
4. That the present spouse files a summary absent spouse?
proceeding for the declaration of presumptive
death of the absentee; A: No. The absent spouse is not doing anything here. Its
possible that he/she is staying away on purpose or that
Q: What are the circumstances under Article 391 of the he/she abandoned the spouse present, but no matter what
Civil Code which will shorten the period to 2 years? his/her motivations may be for staying or being away,
Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all nothing changes about his/her status. He/she remains to be
purposes, including the division of the estate among the married to the spouse present. And his/her good faith or
heirs: bad faith has no bearing on the validity of the terminable
subsequent marriage. What he/she can do is to question the
1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea marriage.
voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who Q: Do we factor in the good faith or bad faith of the
has not been heard of for four years since the present spouse?
loss of the vessel or aeroplane;
2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part A: No, it has no bearing, except that Article 44 (FC) does
in war, and has been missing for four years; speak of the marriage becoming void ab initio if both parties
3) A person who has been in danger of death under to the 2nd marriage would be in bad faith.
other circumstances and his existence has not
been known for four years. (n)

PAGE 38 OF 175
It appears to be a superfluity because so long as the spouse (4) The innocent spouse may revoke the
present is in bad faith, then it follows that the subsequent designation of the other spouse who acted in bad
marriage is null and void. But what is telling under Article faith as beneficiary in any insurance policy, even
44 is that it provides for the revocation by operation of law if such designation be stipulated as irrevocable;
of the donations made between the parties, because both of and
them are in bad faith. So we can conclude that again, (5) The spouse who contracted the subsequent
consistent with Article 43, Article 44 also provides for marriage in bad faith shall be disqualified to
economic sanctions depending on the good faith or bad faith inherit from the innocent spouse by testate and
of the parties. intestate succession. (n)

Art. 42. The subsequent marriage referred to in the Q: When we say that the share in the net profits of the
preceding Article shall be automatically terminated by community property or conjugal partnership property
the recording of the affidavit of reappearance of the will be forfeited, does it automatically follow that the
absent spouse, unless there is a judgment annulling the guilty spouse will end with nothing at all?
previous marriage or declaring it void ab initio.
A sworn statement of the fact and circumstances of A: No.
reappearance shall be recorded in the civil registry of the Q: What is “net profits”?
residence of the parties to the subsequent marriage at
the instance of any interested person, with due notice to A: It is the difference between the value of the community
the spouses of the subsequent marriage and without or conjugal property at the start of the marriage and the
prejudice to the fact of reappearance being judicially value of the properties at the end of the marriage.
determined in case such fact is disputed. (n)
The guilty spouse would only walk away with nothing if there
Q: Who has the right to file a notice of reappearance? was no community property or conjugal property at the
A: Any interested person. beginning of the marriage.

Q: Who is an interested party? EXAMPLE:

A: It may be the absent spouse or the children of the absent Start of Marriage: 5 Million (capital of community prop)
spouse. The latter would be interest parties because they
stand to be affected by the subsequent marriage. End of Marriage: 10 Million

Q: If the affidavit of reappearance is filed by a person 10 Million – 5 Million(capital) = 5 Million (net profits)
other than the absent spouse, what would be the The forfeiture will only apply as to the net profits. That
guarantee that it is authentic, or that it is true? means in the 5 Million representing the net profits, the
A: The fact of reappearance may be judicially determined. guilty spouse will not be getting any share. The 2.5 Million
share of the guilty spouse in the net profits will go to the
Art. 43. The termination of the subsequent marriage common children, children from a prior marriage, or to the
referred to in the preceding Article shall produce the innocent spouse.
following effects:
(1) The children of the subsequent marriage BUT as to the 5 Million representing the capital of the
conceived prior to its termination shall be community property, the guilty spouse would still get his
considered legitimate; 2.5 Million share.
(2) The absolute community of property or the
conjugal partnership, as the case may be, shall be QUIAO v. QUIAO
dissolved and liquidated, but if either spouse
contracted said marriage in bad faith, his or her
share of the net profits of the community Q: If the marriage will be terminated by the filing of the
property or conjugal partnership property shall notice of reappearance, then it also follows that the
be forfeited in favor of the common children or, parties would no longer be husband and wife. Why did
if there are none, the children of the guilty the law still have to provide for the disqualification to
spouse by a previous marriage or in default of inherit by intestate succession when the parties would
children, the innocent spouse; cease to be husband and wife?
(3) Donations by reason of marriage shall remain
valid, except that if the donee contracted the A: It is possible that the parties may be related within the
marriage in bad faith, such donations made to 5th civil degree of consanguinity, in which case there will be
said donee are revoked by operation of law; successional rights between them. No longer on the basis of
the marital bond, but on the basis of their relationship.

PAGE 39 OF 175
Art. 44. If both spouses of the subsequent marriage acted
in bad faith, said marriage shall be void ab initio and all Note
donations by reason of marriage and testamentary • It is not the fact of reappearance but the recording of
dispositions made by one in favor of the other are the affidavit of reappearance which terminates the 2nd
revoked by operation of law. (n) marriage.

This is just a variation of the economic consequences that Q: What is the state of the first marriage until that point
would befall the parties because of their bad faith. when there is the recording of the affidavit of
Q: If the parties do not comply with Article 41, what
kind of marriage do they have? A: Authorities believe that during that time that the
subsequent marriage is still subsisting, then the 1 st
A: Void bigamous marriage. marriage would have to be suspended. Look to the decree
of presumptive death. The absent spouse has been
Q: If the marriage is bigamous and would be void under presumed dead. Until the presumption is overcome, (you
Art. 35(4), what would be the effects? overcome it by filing the notice of reappearance) then we
(1) the children born to that marriage would be have to treat that first marriage as also “dissolved”, but
illegitimate. subject to revival.

(2) there would be no community property or conjugal This is also the reason why the second marriage can stand
partnership of gains to speak of; they would be alone, and be treated like any other ordinary marriage. For
governed by co-ownership under Art. 148, which example, one of the parties to a subsequent marriage suffers
requires actual contribution to have a share in the from psychological incapacity, then there is a cause of
co-ownership. action to nullify the 2nd marriage on the basis of the
psychological incapacity. You don’t even need to consider it
(3) Donations propter nuptias would be governed by as a terminable subsequent marriage in relation to the 1 st
Article 86 (without regard to good faith or bad marriage because it can stand alone.
One of the causes for dissolving the 2nd marriage is death. If
Art. 86. A donation by reason of marriage may be the spouse present dies, the 2nd marriage will be dissolved.
revoked by the donor in the following cases: This will be a more complicated scenario because there will
(1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially be an opening of succession. This will not only affect the
declared void ab initio except donations made in parties to the 2nd marriage, but also the parties interested
the marriage settlements, which shall be because of the 1st marriage. The absent spouse will not just
governed by Article 81; be an absent spouse but a potential heir as well.
(2) When the marriage takes place without the
consent of the parents or guardian, as required Q: If the terminable subsequent marriage has not been
by law; terminated by the filing of the notice of reappearance,
(3) When the marriage is annulled, and the donee even though in fact the absent spouse has already
acted in bad faith; reappeared, and the spouse present dies thereby
(4) Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty terminating both marriages, who would be entitled to
spouse; inherit from the spouse present?
(5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the A: The present spouse will be entitled to inherit. The law
condition is complied with; allowed them to get married because of the presumption
(6) When the donee has committed an act of that the absent spouse is dead. That presumption would
ingratitude as specified by the provisions of the have been overturned if there was a notice of reappearance
Civil Code on donations in general. (132a) filed. So if there was none, then the presumption continues.
Therefore, the estate or the benefits should go to the
The peculiarity of the situation brought about by Article 41 subsequent spouse or the present spouse.
is that effectively you have 2 subsisting valid marriages. The
provisions do not say anything about the state of the first SSS v. JARQUE VDA. DE BAILON
marriage, during the time the 2nd marriage is still in
existence. The most that was said about the first marriage
was that it will be revived by the recording of the affidavit
of reappearance. It will only be revived because the
subsequent marriage is terminated. Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the

PAGE 40 OF 175
(5) Those contracted through mistake of one contracting Art. 40. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may
party as to the identity of the other; be invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely
of a final judgment declaring such previous marriage
Q: What kind of mistake is contemplated here? void. (n)

A: Mistake as to the physical identity of the other. For Art. 50. The effects provided for by paragraphs (2), (3),
example, in case of twins. This goes to the consent given to (4) and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 shall also apply
marry the other party. If there is mistake as to the physical in the proper cases to marriages which are declared ab
identity, then the aggrieved party never agreed or never initio or annulled by final judgment under Articles 40 and
consented to marry that other person. If the mistake is as to 45.
the reputation, personal background of the party, it is The final judgment in such cases shall provide for the
doubtful that it will be about consent. liquidation, partition and distribution of the properties of
Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the the spouses, the custody and support of the common
beginning: children, and the delivery of third presumptive legitimes,
xxx unless such matters had been adjudicated in previous
(6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under judicial proceedings.
Article 53 All creditors of the spouses as well as of the absolute
community or the conjugal partnership shall be notified
of the proceedings for liquidation.
Art. 52. The judgment of annulment or of absolute nullity
In the partition, the conjugal dwelling and the lot on
of the marriage, the partition and distribution of the
which it is situated, shall be adjudicated in accordance
properties of the spouses and the delivery of the
with the provisions of Articles 102 and 129.
children's presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in the
appropriate civil registry and registries of property;
otherwise, the same shall not affect third persons. Q: How do you differentiate a void marriage under
Article 40 from the void marriage under Article 35(6)?
Art. 53. Either of the former spouses may marry again
after compliance with the requirements of the A: Under Article 40, you contracted another marriage
immediately preceding Article; otherwise, the without having the prior marriage nullified. Under Article
subsequent marriage shall be null and void. 35(6), you did something to have the prior marriage
nullified, pero “kapos” (neglected to comply with the
Article 53 provides for the nullity of a marriage which does registration requirement).
not comply with the registration requirement under Article
52. Article 53, just like Article 36, by way of exception, * Q: What kind of void marriages would have to comply
produces legitimate children. with Article 52 which calls for the recording of the
decree of nullity, of distribution of property between
Article 35 (4), (6), and Article 40 – In these situations we the spouses, and of delivery of the presumptive
would always have a prior marriage and the validity of the legitimes? Because if we are able to identify the void
subsequent marriage would be in question. marriages that must comply with Article 52 then we
would be able to define the scope of Article 53.
Q: When will you have a void marriage under Article
35(4)? Student:
It is when your first marriage is valid, or presumed to be Article 52 is referring to Article 50 in relation to Article 40
valid. The subsequent marriage contracted during the of the Family Code. This is because Article 50 made mention
subsistence of the prior valid marriage would be void for the fact that the judgment must contain a distribution,
being bigamous. partition, or liquidation of the property, and the support
and custody of the common children, and the delivery of the
Q: What is the situation referred to in Article 35 (6)?
presumptive legitime of the children. Article 52 also made
A: There is a prior marriage, but unlike in 35(4), this mention of such enumeration, namely that the judgment or
marriage has been assailed as void. You got the court to the decree of nullity, or judgment of annulment, as well as
have it nullified. However, for some reason, you did not the distribution and partition of the property and the
comply with the registration requirement. delivery of the presumptive legitimes should be registered
with the civil registry as well as the registry of property. So
Q: What about Article 40? it could be implied that Article 52 is referring to Article 50
in relation to Article 40 of the Family Code.
A: It presupposes that there is a prior void marriage. Article
40 is referred to by Article 50, and it is on account of that Atty:
reference made by Article 50 that we conclude that Article
40 provides for another specie of a void marriage. Yes, that would be correct. There is no other provision
which imposes that kind of requirement except for Article

PAGE 41 OF 175
50 and as you correctly pointed out, Article 50 refers to Q: Is someone who is insane necessarily psychologically
Article 40. It is the only void marriage mentioned in Art. 50. incapacitated?
Logic tells us that the subsequent provisions between Art.
50 and Art 53 would have to be referring to a marriage that A: Yes. If you are insane, what can you do as a husband or
is void under Article 40 in relation to Art 50. wife. You cannot take care of the children or manage the
To recap, as it turns out, Article 35(6) would be referring to
a subsequent marriage that is entered into without Q: Kung papipiliin ka, sinong mas gusto mong maging
complying with Article 52. And the compliance with Article asawa. Someone who is insane or someone who is
52 is in turn in relation to a prior void marriage under psychologically incapacitated?
Article 40 in relation to Article 50. A: someone who is psychologically incapacitated. Atleast
* Q: Effectively, para magapply yung Art.35(6), how makakausap mo yung tao. Kung insane yung tao, you cannot
many marriages should be involved at the very least? even converse with them intelligently.

A: There should be at least three marriages. Kasi sabi natin, Q: Why do you think that when insanity is the ground,
the prior void marriage involved here is one that is void the marriage would still be valid until annulled, but if it
under Article 40 in relation to Article 50. Yan yung prior is psychological incapacity, the marriage is void?
void marriage mo. Pinanullify mo yang prior void marriage A: Because we only lifted psychological incapacity from
under Article 40. Pero pano mo sya napanullify? Kasi ang canon law. And canon law only has 2 kinds of marriages:
dahilan mo, it was entered into without having the prior valid and void marriages.
void marriage before it nullified, making it fall under Article
40. Q: What is psychological incapacity? Is it a disorder?
So meron kang first void marriage, nagpakasal ka without A: Yes. The law stated that one is psychologically
having that first void marriage nullified, pumasok ka incapacitated if the person cannot comply with his marital
ngayon sa Article 40. Pinanullify mo si Article 40 pero sabi obligations on account of a personality disorder. The SC
sa Article 50 pag pinannullify mo si Article 40, kailangan itself said that “this is limited to the most serious of
yung final judgment should provide for liquidation, personality disorders that prevent a person from complying
partition, distribution, delivery of presumptive legitimes. with his marital obligations”. It is not refusal, its an inability.
Hindi mo ginawa. So ngayon, since hindi mo ginawa at It must have a medical root cause. It must be existing at the
nagpakasal ka the 3rd time around, without complying with time of the marriage even though the symptoms only
those requirements, yung 3rd marriage mo would also be manifested after.
null and void, but this time around, not under Article 40 but
under Article 53(non-compliance with Article 52) Ang problema kasi, we speak of psychological incapacity
under Art. 36 and Art 36 is comprised of only 1 short
PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY paragraph, and we are asking lawyers to apply Art.36, give
their own interpretation of what psychological incapacity
is, and you know how lawyers think, bigyan mo lang yan ng
Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the maliit na loophole, and they will try to bring in all the cases
time of the celebration, was psychologically that they can within the scope of that provision. Kaya
incapacitated to comply with the essential marital basically, para na din itong semi-divorce sa pilipinas,
obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if because of how parties who want to get out of their
such incapacity becomes manifest only after its marriages have abused this provision. Lahat nalang
solemnization. (As amended by Executive Order 227) psychological incapacity.

Q: What do you understand by psychological REPUBLIC v. SANTOS

incapacity? Is it the same as insanity?
A: No. In psychological incapacity, the party enters the Q: What are the 3 requites laid down in Republic v.
marriage knowing fully well that what he is entered is a Santos? Explain each.
marriage contract.
In insanity, the party who is insane has no knowledge that
what he enters is a marriage contract. 1. Gravity – the incapacity is so grave that it brings
about the incapacity to perform the marital
Q: Which is worse? Insanity or psychological obligations
2. Juridical Antecedence – it must be innate, it must be
A: Insanity is more serious ingrained in the personality of a person

PAGE 42 OF 175
3. Incurability – that there appears to be no cure for Q: How crucial or fatal is it if your petition is not
the disorder, or there may be a cure but it is beyond accompanied by a (inaudible) or an opinion rendered
the means of the afflicted party. by psychiatrist or psychologist?
No. The requirement of expert opinion of a psychiatrist or
Q: What are the guidelines laid down in CA v. Molina? psychologist is not indispensable because the case must be
decided in its totality.
1. The burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage
belongs to the person seeking the nullity of the Class, you have to remember that there are instances where
marriage. the psychological incapacity would be very plain to see. You
just need to present evidence that this is what happened
2. The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be and still happening. And the court would (inaudible) see
from these circumstances from what you proved as what
a) medically or clinically identified happened that the party is really psychologically
b) alleged in the complaint incapacitated.

c) sufficiently proven by experts and Halimbawa, let us say na yung babae ay extremely
promiscuous. Someone who would pick up men and then
d) clearly explained in the decision have sex with them and she would do this on a daily basis
and without regard to whoever may see what she’s doing. If
3. The court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal you establish this behavior, these things she has been doing
and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the even though you may not have been able to adduce expert
state. testimony or attach any expert opinion to your petition,
then following the ruling in the case of MARCOS v.
4. Interpretations given by the National Appellate
MARCOS, your petition should still be allowed to prosper
Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
because expert testimony is not indispensable in this
Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be
circumstance where it is plain to see how she is really
given great respect by our courts.
psychologically incapacitated and only because no woman
5. Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the in her right mind would do those things, more so a married
disability of the party to assume the essential woman.
obligations of marriage.
And there are also certain facts that we know will only
6. The incapacity must be proven to be existing at "the happen if a party is unable to comply with his marital
time of the celebration" of the marriage. The evidence obligations.
must show that the illness was existing when the
parties exchanged their "I do's." CHI MING TSOI v. CA
7. Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or
clinically permanent or incurable. The wife claimed that the husband refused to have sexual
intercourse with her, but the husband “put up a fight”. He
8. The essential marital obligations must be those resisted the petition to have the marriage declared a nullity.
embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as The wife had to disclose that they have not had sex yet. In
regards the husband and wife as well as Articles 220, fact during their honeymoon, it was not a honeymoon, it
221 and 225 of the same Code in regard to parents and was an excursion, kasama yung buong pamilya ng lalaki.
their children. Talagang walang plano makipagsex sakanya. Now, do you
need to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist to know what is
Q: Is there a requirement that the Solicitor General happening here? A man refusing to have sex with a woman,
should also participate? especially a woman he loves? For this man to refuse and in
A: Previously part of the guidelines was the requirement fact to resort to these schemes to avoid having sex, what will
that the Solicitor General must submit to the Court a be your conclusion? What kind of psychological incapacity
certification. However, because of the very heavy workload is he suffering from? He is homosexual or gay, that is the
of the Office of the SolGen, that requirement has been only plausible explanation. If you are gay or a homosexual,
subsequently dispensed with. then that means you are psychologically incapacitated to
discharge your marital obligations because first and
foremost of those marital obligations would be sexual

PAGE 43 OF 175
Similarly, kung nymphomaniac yung babae then she would INCESTUOUS MARRIAGES AND VOID MARRIAGES
not be able to discharge a very important marital obligation FOR REASONS OF PUBLIC POLICY
– fidelity. You have to be faithful to your spouse. But if you
are a nymphomaniac, that means you are a slave to your Q: What marriages are considered void under Article
urges. Hindi mo kontrolado. Remember, it is an inability or 37?
disability. You have no say on the matter, di mo talaga kaya
gampanan. Art. 37. Marriages between the following are incestuous
and void from the beginning, whether relationship
On the other hand, sabihin na natin, na ang pinakadisorder between the parties be legitimate or illegitimate:
or peculiarity mo ay meron kang * obsessive compulsive (1) Between ascendants and descendants of any
behavior. Halimbawa, pagnagaaral kayo parang di nyo degree; and
naabsorb kapag di nyo hinihighlight or sinusulatan. Lalo na (2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the
pag magbabar exam kayo, andami nyong magiging ritual full or half blood. (81a)
nyan na kailangan nabless ang inyong mga ballpen, na ang
damit nyo kailangan pula or puti pag nageexam, and this
would be some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, wala
na syang logic eh. But would that be grave to say that the Q: What marriages are considered void under Article
marriage is void for psychological incapacity? The answer 38?
is no, because we lack one of the qualifications which is it Art. 38. The following marriages shall be void from the
should be a disorder which prevents me from (inaudible) beginning for reasons of public policy:
my marital obligations. Wala naman syang kinalaman sa (1) Between collateral blood relatives whether
marital obligations. legitimate or illegitimate, up to the fourth civil
Untitled case (2) Between step-parents and step-children;
(3) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law;
There is also this one case decided by the SC. In this case, (4) Between the adopting parent and the adopted
what was involved was a woman who was married to a child;
Filipino, went to Japan, met a Japanese man, had an affair (5) Between the surviving spouse of the adopting
with the Japanese man and she had the (inaudible) to even parent and the adopted child;
invite the Japanese man in the Philippines, make him stay in (6) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted
the marital abode, sleep with him in the marital bed and child and the adopter;
introduce her husband to him as his brother. The petition (7) Between an adopted child and a legitimate child
for nullity was granted. of the adopter;
(8) Between adopted children of the same adopter;
But if you would look at the basis for juridical antecedence and
medyo manipis. The SC pointed to her upbringing. There (9) Between parties where one, with the intention
was inconsistency with how she was raised and disciplined to marry the other, killed that other person’s
by the father and how the mother went a different direction. spouse, or his or her own spouse. (82)
Sabi ng SC, conflicting yung upbringing sakanya so parang
di nya talaga alam how to act. Q: Supposing that the woman fell in love with the man
who killed her husband and she only met this man after
But at a certain point you can no longer blame your parents.
he was caught following the commission of the murder.
You have to take responsibility for your actions. To my
If they were to get married, what would be the status of
mind, pinagbigyan lang yan ng SC dahil naawa sa lalake.
their marriage.
CAMACHO-REYES v. REYES A: In this case, you can say that the marriage was still valid
because from the facts, it appears that they only married
Dito naman the woman was a compulsive liar. She lied each other, or that the woman married the killer after the
about everything. She lied about becoming a singer, being husband was murdered. You can also say that there is no
the top recording artist of a certain record company, she showing that the killer knew the woman prior to the
lied about an attempt in her honor by the brother of the murder of the husband. So if they did not know each other
husband, she lied about her earnings, she hid the fact that prior to the marriage then it is not possible for the killer to
she had a child from a previous relationship. The SC granted have had the intention to marry the woman in killing the
the petition for nullity. Here, you can understand why. husband.
Trust is very important in a marriage. If your wife is a
compulsive liar, then how can you make your marriage PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD

PAGE 44 OF 175
Art. 39. The action or defense for the declaration of
absolute nullity of a marriage shall not prescribe. (As
amended by Executive Order 227 and Republic Act No.
8533; The phrase “However, in case of marriage
celebrated before the effectivity of this Code and falling
under Article 36, such action or defense shall prescribe in
ten years after this Code shall taken effect” has been
deleted by Republic Act No. 8533 [Approved February
23, 1998]).

This has been partially repealed by R.A. 8533.

Q: Do you know how this was partially repealed by RA
No. 8533?
A: Because previously, there was a qualification for
marriages celebrated prior to the Civil Code that they
should be brought for nullification within 10 years from the
effectivity of the Family Code. Ang nangyari parang
nagkaroon ng race to the finish line. Thousands of petitions
where filed for the nullification of marriages celebrated
under the Civil Code so to remove that incentive for filing
the petitions the law was amended. There’s no longer any
prescriptive period for the filing of nullity regardless of
when the marriage was celebrated.

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* Q: What would be the grounds, if any, are common to
OCTOBER 08, 2020 nullity, annulment, and legal separation?
The first ground that would probably cross your mind is
VOIDABLE MARRIAGES homosexuality, lesbianism, habitual alcoholism, and drug
addiction because these are explicitly mentioned in both
Q: What is a voidable marriage? annulment and legal separation. In the case of nullity, they
may come within the scope of Article 36, either as
A; A voidable marriage is a valid marriage. It is valid until manifestations of the psychological incapacity or the root
annulled. Since it is voidable, it can only be directly causes for the psychological incapacity.
* Q: Given that we have this seemingly common grounds
Q: What is a direct attack? for nullity, annulment, and legal separation, would it be
correct for us to say that these are indeed the common
A: It means if you want to question its validity, you have to grounds?
bring a direct action, a petition, for that purpose itself. It
cannot be collaterally attacked like in void marriages. A: No. The circumstances qualifying these grounds for
nullity, annulment, and legal separation, are different.
For example, there is a settlement of estate because one of
the parties to a voidable marriage died, one cannot assail Notes
the validity of the marriage in that settlement proceeding.
With the death of one of the parties, so will any question • In nullity and annulment, it is a requirement that the
relating to the validity of the marriage die. ground should be existing at the time of the
celebration of the marriage.
Q: Is a voidable marriage subject to ratification and • In legal separation, the requirement is that it should
prescription? take place during the marriage, so it can come after
the celebration of the marriage
A: Yes, unlike in void marriages. In fact, these are the two
defenses available against the grounds for annulment.
Keep in mind that for nullity, it is the lesbianism or
Q: When is the prescriptive period for a voidable homosexuality per se which constitutes the psychological
marriage? incapacity.
A: This is fixed at 5 years. In annulment, it is the concealment of the homosexuality,
Notes lesbianism, drug addiction, or habitual alcoholism which
constitutes the ground for annulment.
• In void marriages, there is no prescription. You can
always file a petition for nullity at any time and it can Given the differing circumstances, we cannot say that we
also assail the nullity of a marriage at any time. So have a common ground for all three causes of action.
cause of action and defense are not subject to
Art. 45. A marriage may be annulled for any of the following
causes, existing at the time of the marriage:
• A void marriage can never be ratified.
(1) That the party in whose behalf it is sought to have
Q: How do you ratify a voidable marriage? the marriage annulled was eighteen years of age or over but
A: Through free cohabitation. below twenty-one, and the marriage was solemnized
without the consent of the parents, guardian or person
Q: Who has the power to ratify? having substitute parental authority over the party, in that
A: It depends on the ground for annulment. order, unless after attaining the age of twenty-one, such
party freely cohabited with the other and both lived
Notes together as husband and wife;
Since a voidable marriage is a marriage which is valid until (2) That either party was of unsound mind, unless such
annulled, then all the consequences attending a valid party after coming to reason, freely cohabited with the
marriage will also apply to a voidable marriage. Meaning other as husband and wife;
to say there would be:
o Legitimate children (3) That the consent of either party was obtained by
o Property regimes and fraud, unless such party afterwards, with full knowledge of
o Recognition of donations propter nuptias, the facts constituting the fraud, freely cohabited with the
unless there is ground to revoke the same. other as husband and wife;

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(4) That the consent of either party was obtained by fraud as will give grounds for action for the
force, intimidation or undue influence, unless the same annulment of marriage.”
having disappeared or ceased, such party thereafter freely
cohabited with the other as husband and wife;
Q: What is the 5th and 6th ground?
(5) That either party was physically incapable of
consummating the marriage with the other, and such A: That either party was physically incapable of
incapacity continues and appears to be incurable; or consummating the marriage and such incapacity continues
and appears to be incurable (5th) and that either party was
That either party was afflicted with a sexually-transmissible afflicted with a sexually-transmissible disease found to be
disease found to be serious and appears to be incurable. serious and appears to be incurable
These are significant because of all the grounds for
Q: What is the first ground? annulment, only these 2 are not subject to ratification. The
only defense available is prescription.
A: Lack of parental consent. When there is lack of parental
consent, the marriage is voidable. Q: Why is the defense of ratification not available for
these grounds, but the defense of prescription is
* Q: Who may ratify this? available?
A: It is only the party requiring parental consent who may A: Ratification can defeat your right of action even though
ratify the marriage. It cannot be ratified by the parents or prescription has not set in yet.
guardians whose consent were not secured.
For example, you got married without parental consent and
Effectively, if the parent or guardian whose consent was not then you reached the age of 21. So you stayed on in the
secured, does not file an action for annulment before the marriage and cohabited with your spouse. When you turned
affected party turns 21, this amounts to some kind of 23, you want to end the marriage. Even if you still have 2
ratification, because they did not do anything. But strictly years before the action prescribes, you can no longer file for
speaking, they are not ratifying, they cannot ratify. annulment because you already lost the right. You already
Q: What is the 2nd ground? ratified, and once the marriage is ratified, it is no longer
defective. There is nothing to annul.
A: If either party is of unsound mind.
In grounds 5 and 6, even if you freely cohabited with the
Q: Can the spouse of sound mind (sane spouse) ratify other, so long as prescription has not set in, you can always
the marriage? seek an annulment. Remember, if you fall under these
grounds, the healthy spouse is looking at a lifetime of
A: No, because his consent to the marriage is perfect. It’s not sexless marriage, or a lifetime of a day to day endangerment
defective. It is the consent of the insane spouse which is of acquiring a sickness that is serious and incurable. The law
defective. recognizes that at some point, it is possible that the inherent
Q: When can the insane spouse ratify? instinct for self-preservation or one of happiness, may kick
A: When he comes to reason and he freely cohabits with the
other as husband and wife. Q: If the law recognizes the right to self-preservation,
why do we need the prescriptive period in grounds 5
Q: Who can ratify in the 3rd (fraud) and 4th (force, and 6?
intimidation, or undue influence) ground?
A: “Di pwede na forever mangangapa yung other party na
A: The aggrieved party. anytime pwede mo sya iwanan. “. The members of the code
committee also stated that 5 years is long enough for the
Q: Who is the aggrieved party? healthy spouse to decide whether he will stay on in the
A: the one who was deceived, forced intimidated, or one
upon whom undue influence was exercised. Art. 46. Any of the following circumstances shall
constitute fraud referred to in Number 3 of the preceding
• Keep in mind that in fraud, we are limited to the (1) Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final
instances of fraud enumerated under Article 46. judgment of the other party of a crime involving
The last paragraph of Article 46 provides that “No moral turpitude;
other misrepresentation or deceit as to character,
health, rank, fortune or chastity shall constitute such

PAGE 47 OF 175
(2) Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the A: No. The wife might have done something wrong, but the
time of the marriage, she was pregnant by a man husband was never deceived. He knew very well that that
other than her husband; could not have been his child, but he still proceeded with
(3) Concealment of sexually transmissible disease, the marriage.
regardless of its nature, existing at the time of
the marriage; or If he did not know that the woman was pregnant at all, that
(4) Concealment of drug addiction, habitual does not put him on notice. Knowledge gives rise to
alcoholism or homosexuality or lesbianism responsibilities. Once there is knowledge, there may be a
existing at the time of the marriage. corresponding obligation to ask questions. If he did not
No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character, know that she was pregnant, there’s no need for him to ask
health, rank, fortune or chastity shall constitute such questions.
fraud as will give grounds for action for the annulment of There was an old case where the Supreme Court described
marriage. (86a) a woman as naturally plump so it wasn’t noticeable that she
was pregnant. So the man would not have known that she
Q: What is the first ground? was pregnant and therefore would not have suspected that
A: Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final she was unfaithful or carrying the child of another man.
judgment of the other party of a crime involving moral There is another aspect to this ground, this has something
turpitude. to do with the filiation of the child in question. Since we are
The first ground is unique because the other grounds used dealing with a voidable marriage, this is essentially a valid
the word concealment, but here, the word used was “Non- marriage. One of the consequences of a valid marriage is
disclosure”. Why? Because we are dealing here with that it produces legitimate children. You know how it is with
conviction, and convictions are a matter of public record. So legitimate filiation, it attaches to the child upon its birth.
theoretically, it is known to everyone. There can be no The only way it can be impugned is through a direct action
concealment. What the law does is it impliedly places the that can only be brought by one person: the husband, and
obligation upon the convicted spouse to disclose to the by way of exception, his heirs. If the impugnation is
other spouse that he was previously convicted of a crime successful, the husband will no longer be considered as the
involving moral turpitude. father of the child. They will be strangers to one another.
The problem is you only have a very short period to impugn
Q: What is the second ground? legitimate filiation (1-3 years). In this kind of situation that
we are discussing right now under voidable marriages,
A: Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the malamang yung 1 year period and magaapply, kasi kinasal
marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her sila, so the birth of the child would be known to the
husband. husband. So this 1 year period is shorter compared to the 5
year period to seek an annulment especially since you count
the 5 year period from the time of discovery of the fraud,
• In this ground, it is not enough that there is while the 1 year period to impugn filiation runs from the
concealment on the part of the wife. It is equally birth of the child or the recording of his birth in the civil
important that there are no circumstances that will registrar.
alert the husband to be that he is not the father of the
The point is this, it may happen that by the time the husband
child. If there are such circumstances and he still
finally discovers the fraud relating to the filiation of the
married the woman, then he will be in estoppel. He
child, which now brings him to file an action for annulment,
can no longer ask for annulment. He cannot claim that
it may happen that his period to impugn the legitimate
he was deceived into the marriage.
filiation may have already passed. In which case, forever na
nyang legitimate child yung bata, even though the
Q: For example, the couple has been in a LDR, and they
annulment may be subsequently granted by the court. So
agreed to marry. Their agreement was that the guy
you will be faced with the situation where the marriage was
would come back to the Philippines 2 months before
annulled because the mother concealed the fact that at the
the wedding. For the entire year prior to the wedding,
time of the marriage, she was pregnant by another man. So
they have not seen each other. The groom to be comes
annulled yung marriage, and yet, the very child that was
home and he finds the bride to be with child (4 months).
sired by another man would still be considered as the
He does not ask any question and marries the girl. After
legitimate child of the husband because there was no action
their marriage, the child was born and the child looked
to impugn that was timely filed.
like the neighbor. The husband asked for a DNA test and
found out that the child was not his. He then filed an Q: What is the 3rd ground?
action for annulment. Should the action for annulment
be granted? A: concealment of sexually transmissible disease. You just
need to distinguish it from ground number 6 in Article 45.

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In Article 46(3), what matters is that there was Q: What if your client is still not convinced that he needs
concealment. We do not pay attention to the nature or to file a petition for legal separation?
seriousness of the sexually transmissible disease.
A: At the very least, convince them to execute a last will and
Same with Article 46(4), what we are using here as a ground testament disinheriting the guilty spouse, because giving
for annulment would be the concealment of drug addiction, grounds for legal separation is a ground for disinheritance.
habitual alcoholism or homosexuality or lesbianism.
Art. 55. A petition for legal separation may be filed on
Notes any of the following grounds:
(1) Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive
• For effects of decree of annulment, this would just be conduct directed against the petitioner, a
the same as Article 43 save for the first paragraph, as common child, or a child of the petitioner;
mandated by Article 50 in relation to Article 45. (2) Physical violence or moral pressure to compel
• While Article 43, as referred to by Article 50 omits the petitioner to change religious or political
paragraph 1, which pertains to legitimacy of children affiliation;
conceived or born during a voidable marriage, that (3) Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the
effect still remains because by definition, legitimate petitioner, a common child, or a child of the
children are those who are conceived or born in a petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or
valid marriage. And as we’ve said a voidable marriage connivance in such corruption or inducement;
is valid until annulled. (4) Final judgment sentencing the respondent to
imprisonment of more than six years, even if
(5) Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the
(6) Lesbianism or homosexuality of the
Legal separation was used to be known as relative divorce respondent;
because it is supposed to be divorce in bed and board. The (7) Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent
marital bond subsists. Contrary to what may be thought of bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines
by others, if you are legally separated, you cannot have or abroad;
sexual relations with other people because you are still (8) Sexual infidelity or perversion;
married. (9) Attempt by the respondent against the life of
the petitioner; or
Q: Your client might ask you why should he still file a (10) Abandonment of petitioner by
petition for legal separation? What will you tell your respondent without justifiable cause for more
client? than one year.
For purposes of this Article, the term “child” shall
A: You may not be able to obtain freedom from your include a child by nature or by adoption. (9a)
marriage but there are economic consequences that will
favor the innocent spouse. If you are the innocent spouse
then you would definitely want to benefit from this. Previously, we only had 2 grounds (1) adultery or
• There is the forfeiture of his share in the net profits concubinage and (2) attempt on the life by one spouse
that will be meted out against the guilty spouse. against the other. Nandito padin naman yung adultery and
concubinage pero ibang version na, it is now known as
• The revocation by operation of law of testamentary “sexual infidelity”.
dispositions made in favor of the guilty spouse.
The change was lobbied for by pro-women groups because
• There is a disqualification in intestate succession adultery is easy to prove. Adultery is having sexual
against the guilty spouse. intercourse by a woman with a man not her husband, and
each act of sexual intercourse would be a separate crime.
• The custody of minor children will be given to the
innocent spouse subject to the provisions of Article On the other hand, concubinage is committed when a man
213. has sex under scandalous circumstances, or bringing the
mistress home to the family abode, or ibabahay na yung
• This in turn bears upon who will get the conjugal mistress (cohabitation). Walang gagawa nyan sa mga
dwelling. When you liquidate the ACP or CPG, the lalaking intact pa ang marriage so paano mo mahuhuli ang
conjugal abode will be awarded to the spouse with lalaki sa concubinage para makapagfile ka ng action for
whom majority of the children should choose to legal separation?That’s why it was changed to sexual
remain. infidelity and this applies to both genders.

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Sexual Perversion Condonation or forgiveness does not have to be express.
The SC has declared time and again that the act of having
Also included as a ground is sexual perversion. The law will sexual relations with your erring spouse after you learned
not invade the confines of the bedroom of the spouses. It about his transgression also amounts to forgiveness.
will not tell the spouses what they can or cannot do. If the
act would deviate from the norm then it would still not be Q: How is collusion different from connivance?
sexual perversion so long as both parties are in agreement,
so long as no one is being forced to do something against A: Collusion – they can easily deduce that what is involved
his/her will. here is some kind of agreement between the parties. Kasi
dun sa mga sitwasyon na wala naman talagang ground for
Notes legal separation but they just want to legally separate, they
might agree na aamin yung isa sakanila na alcoholic.
• Read the other grounds for legal separationn very Magpanggap ka na isa kang drug addict.
carefully and pay attention to the qualifications of the
law. Connivance – its more of a facilitation on the part of one of
the parties to make the other spouse commit a
Art. 56. The petition for legal separation shall be denied transgression that would be a ground for legal separation.
on any of the following grounds: One spouse is instigating the other to commit the ground for
(1) Where the aggrieved party has condoned the legal separation. Halimbawa, the husband knows very well
offense or act complained of; that the wife never got over her first love. Tanggap naman
(2) Where the aggrieved party has consented to the nya na wala na sya magagawa, and that the best possible
commission of the offense or act complained of; thing for him to do was to get economic revenge. Economic
(3) Where there is connivance between the parties revenge for him would mean bringing an action for legal
in the commission of the offense or act separation and to paint the wife as the guilty spouse. He
constituting the ground for legal separation; then paves the way for them to reconnect. Finally, the wife
(4) Where both parties have given ground for legal commits the act of sexual infidelity at pagnangyari yon, the
separation; husband, who has been laying in wait will now go to court
(5) Where there is collusion between the parties to with his evidence and file a petition for legal separation all
obtain decree of legal separation; or for making the other spouse the guilty spouse.
(6) Where the action is barred by prescription.
(100a) Q: What is the prescriptive period for legal separation?
A: 5 years from the time of occurrence of the cause for legal
Q: What are your defenses against a petition for legal separation.
Q: Halimbawa, may ground talaga tayo for legal
A: separation and you filed the petition. What will take
place then?
1. Consent
2. Condonation A:

3. Connivance • The parties would then be allowed to live separately

from one another
4. Collusion
• their support, while the action is pending, will have to
5. Mutual guilt be provided either by mere agreement or court order
6. Prescription • the ACP or CPG may be entrusted to either of the
spouses or a third person for administration.
Q: How is consent different from condonation?
Q: Why is it important that there be a sanction for the
A: Consent – you ask for permission before you do an act. spouses to live separately from each other?
Pano ka naman hihingi ng permiso para gumawa ng mga
grounds for legal separation? For example, yung mga ibang A: This goes to the right to be supported. The spouse who
naghihiwalay gagawa pa ng agreement na they are free to leaves the conjugal dwelling or refuses to stay with the
live their lives, pursue their happiness and have sexual other for no justifiable reason will not be entitled to
relations with other people. That will constitute consent. support.
Pero kung halimbawa, you were sneaking around or playing Q: What happens after the filing?
around or fooling around with other men/women and your
spouse finds out and they find it in their hearts to forgive A: There would be a cooling off period of 6 months. The
you, yan yung condonation. purpose of this is to allow the spouses to think things over.

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It’s possible that during that cooling off period, they may A: When you do not have a marriage settlement or when
reconcile. your marriage settlement is null and void.
Q: What will happen if the spouses reconcile? Q: Why did we shift from Conjugal Partnership of Gains
to Absolute Community of Property?
A: Should they reconcile, they simply have to file a joint
manifestation before the same court and the A: Before we answer this question, we must first distinguish
petition/proceeding will be terminated at any stage it may one from the other.
be in.
Community property is essentially based on the principles
If there is already a decree of legal separation, you also file of co-ownership. But here, there is greater merging of
a joint manifestation and the decree of legal separation will interests kasi napakabroad ng scope ng community
be set aside and the parties will have the option to revive property ownership. The law says that everything that the
their former property regime, but this time a round but this future spouses own prior to the marriage and everything
time around they get a say as to what will be contributed that they acquire during the marriage that do not fall under
anew to the revived property regime. the exceptions would be community property. Kung
community property lahat ng property na to, it also follows
Q: There is a bit of an issue here. Dun sa rules on legal that should the marriage be dissolved o kahit yung
separation that was promulgated by the supreme court, community property ang nadissolve, that means this
the parties are given the option to adopt a totally properties will be divided between the spouses equally.
different regime, which is inconsistent with what the
family code says, because in the family code, your only For example, isa ka lang ordinaryong lalaki, wala ka pang
option is to revive your former property regime and napatutunayan, bata ka pa, and then a female celebrity
your only discretion is to determine the which fancies you at napakayaman ng celebrity na to. She’s also
properties will remain to be your exclusive properties known to be impulsive at pinakasalan ka nya before a judge
and which will be contributed anew to the revived without any ante-nuptial agreement. So ikaw, who started
property regime. Which will prevail? The rules on legal with zero in your name is now married to one of the biggest
separation (SC) or the family code? celebrities in the Philippines. However, as predicted, your
marriage does not last and naghiwalay din kayo. Kung
A: Under the rules on statutory construction, procedural maghihiwalay kayo, you can now seek the dissolution of the
law will have to defer to substantive law, and the family community property to which you hardly contributed, but
code is the substantive law. Given the inconsistency, the now you’ll be entitled to half of her millions. Would this be
family code prevails. unfair? No, if we will follow the notion that when man and
Notes woman marry, they become one. And whatever is owned by
one will also belong to the other kasi yan ang konsepto ng
• Read the provisions on the rights and obligations of marriage.
the husband and wife.
That is not the case in Conjugal Partnership of Gains. In CPG,
yes, you become one, but the recognition that you are still
individuals apart from one another remains. In conjugal
partnership, as the term indicates, this is premised on
Art. 74. The property relationship between husband partnership. Titignan kung anong cnontribute mo or dinala
and wife shall be governed in the following order: mo sa marriage. Whatever you bring to the marriage would
(1) By marriage settlements executed before the still belong to you after the marriage. Ang hahatiin lang
marriage; would be whatever profits were earned by those properties
(2) By the provisions of this Code; and or whatever profits were earned by your properties
(3) By the local custom. (118) together, or by your labor. Yung profits lang ang
paghahatian at kung ano man yung properties na binili nyo
together. Itong konsepto na to, this calls for lesser merging
The property relations between the spouses are first of the personalities and assets of the husband and wife na
governed by the marriage settlement also known as the sa tingin ng ating mga code makers not consistent with what
ante-nuptial agreement. In the absence of the marriage a marriage should be. Kaya inabandon natin ang CPG as
settlement, it will be the Family Code. In the absence of the default property regime.
Family Code, it will be the local customs.
Q: What is the default property regime now?
• The ante-nuptial agreement must be executed before
A: Absolute Community of Property, previously it was the the wedding. It cannot come after the wedding.
conjugal partnership of gains.
Q: When do you apply the default property regime?

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Q: What is the form that must be observed for the This rule shall not apply:
marriage settlement? (1) Where both spouses are aliens;
(2) With respect to the extrinsic validity of
A: Magkaiba ang Family Code and Civil Code. contracts affecting property not situated in the
Sa Family Code, it is explicitly required that the marriage Philippines and executed in the country where
settlement be in writing for it to be valid. the property is located; and
(3) With respect to the extrinsic validity of
Sa Civil Code, it was covered by the Statute of Frauds. Sa contracts entered into in the Philippines but
statute of frauds, if your agreement is something in affecting property situated in a foreign country
consideration of marriage, then it must be in writing or whose laws require different formalities for its
there must be some kind of note or memorandum extrinsic validity. (124a)
subscribed by the party charged. Otherwise, the agreement
is unenforceable. Art. 81. Everything stipulated in the settlements or
contracts referred to in the preceding articles in
Q: What is the status of an unenforceable agreement? consideration of a future marriage, including donations
Q: It is valid but it is unenforceable. However, being that it between the prospective spouses made therein, shall be
is unenforceable, then it may still be ratified. rendered void if the marriage does not take place.
However, stipulations that do not depend upon the
Q: Why is the difference between the forms in FC and CC celebration of the marriages shall be valid. (125a)
Should the marriage not take place, the marriage
A: If you entered into an oral marriage settlement under the settlement will not have any effect. Should there be any
Family Code, and you adopted the regime of separation of donations made therein (donations propter nuptias) they
property and throughout the marriage you complied with will be considered void. However, any provision in the
that regime, that agreement would still be null and void no marriage settlement that is not dependent upon the
matter the compliance they have made and the parties will happening of the marriage, these may still subsist. An
be governed by the absolute community of property. The example of such provision would be a recognition of an
requirement of it being in writing was necessary for validity illegitimate child.
and non-compliance made the agreement void, and a void
agreement can never be ratified.
If the oral marriage settlement was executed under the
provisions of the Civil Code, an oral marriage settlement is
considered to be simply unenforceable (and not null and
void). That is subject to ratification. And one way to ratify
an unenforceable agreement is by performing its terms
which the parties (inaudible).
Q: Who are the parties in a marriage settlement?
A: the future spouses. Always use the term future spouses
to emphasize that this takes place before the wedding.

• If any of the parties is between 18 and 21, it is
required that the parents should be made parties to
the ante-nuptial agreement.

* Q: What is the governing law in property relations?

A: Philippine laws shall govern, regardless of the place of
celebration of the marriage or their residence subject to the
exceptions enumerated in Article 80.

Art. 80. In the absence of a contrary stipulation in a

marriage settlement, the property relations of the
spouses shall be governed by Philippine laws,
regardless of the place of the celebration of the marriage
and their residence.

PAGE 52 OF 175
property, the donation and acceptance must be made in a
OCTOBER 9, 2020
public instrument.
Q: But otherwise, if the personal property does not
DONATION PROPTER NUPTIAS exceed P5,000, then the donation may be accomplished
with the mere delivery of the property to the other
Q: What is a donation propter nuptias? party or to the donee. Correct?
A: A donation propter nuptias is made before the A: Yes.
celebration of the marriage in consideration of the same
and in favor of one or both of the future spouses. Q: What about future property? May this be donated?

Q: How is this different from an ordinary donation? A: Yes. As long as in the form of donation propter nuptias
and the donee is the future spouse. The formalities would
A: In donation propter nuptias, the donee or recipient is be governed by testamentary provision or the forms of
either of the future spouses. In ordinary donations, the wills.
donee or recipient can be anybody.
As a general rule, you cannot donate future property. But if
2 Important Distinctions: the donation is mortis causa, then that would be allowed.
Now, the law has likewise made an exception with regard to
1. The recipients were limited to either or both of the donation propter nuptias, in that, it also allows the donation
future spouses. of future property. But there is a caveat, under the Family
2. With regard to time, this must be made prior to the Code (FC) it is required that such a donation propter
marriage. It cannot be made after the marriage. nuptias of future property should be contained in an
instrument like a last will and testament.
Q: Who may make a donation propter nuptias?
Q: Was this always the rule? Under the Civil Code? Prior
A: Anybody can make a donation propter nuptias, since the to the FC, were we observing the same rule?
law did not make a distinction as to who the donor could be.
A: No.
Q: What about the future spouses themselves? Can they
also be the donors in a donation propter nuptias with Q: What was the rule before?
regard to one another? A: Previously, under the Civil Code, you can make a
A: Yes. Even the future spouses may make donations donation propter nuptias involving future property in the
propter nuptias in favor of one another. In fact, moving marriage settlement.
forward, this would be the only donation that they can This is why for some time, we had the so called, “contractual
validly make because once they get married they are succession.” As you must know, a marriage settlement is not
prohibited from donating to one another subject to certain required to abide by the formalities affecting last wills and
exceptions. testaments. Yet, under the Civil Code, you may make a
Q: What can be donated? donation propter nuptias of future property merely in the
marriage settlement. So, in a way, this is like succession by
A: Anything can be donated as long as it is within the contract or contractual succession. But this was done away
commerce of men. with under the FC.

Q: So real and personal properties may be the subject of So under the FC, even though you are still allowed to make
donation propter nuptias? a donation propter nuptias of future property, to take effect
upon death, you are now further required to observe the
A: Yes. formalities of a last will and testament.
Q: Will it matter what kind of property is being donated So if you are asked, do we still have contractual succession
whether it is personal or real property? under the present law, the answer would be, “No.” The
reason is because of this change in the form for donation
A: It only matters with regard to formalities required. It will
propter nuptias of future property now imposed under the
only have bearing with regard to the form that would have
to be observed.
Q: Is there any limit as to what or how much may be
Q: If it is personal property we are donating, what is the
form of donation? donated by a person?

A: If it is personal property which exceeds P5,000, the A: Let us establish the general rule first.
donation and acceptance must be in writing. If it is real

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General Limitation: When you make a donation you have a bad taste in the mouth. Kaya ka lang pumayag sa ibang
to make sure that you leave sufficient properties to propery regime kasi binayaran ka. (Example: Hollywood
yourselves that would be able to answer for your needs, for celebrities)
your support, as well as for the support of other people, who
under the law, are entitled to receive support from you. This is like a business deal. So ganon din, yung sa tingin ko,
iniiwasan ng batas mangyare dito. Na sa kapalit ng pera,
Another Limitation: If you have compulsory heirs, then papayag ‘yung isang spouse to give up the option to choose
you cannot impair or infringe the legitimes. Limitations on ACP. Kase tatandaan niyo iba ‘yung benefits na makukuha
inofficious donations also apply. This would apply ng asawa sa ACP regime compared to the other property
regardless of the character of the donation either as an regimes.
ordinary donation or a donation propter nuptias.
Sa ACP regime, pwede pumasok ka sa marriage na ikaw ay
In addition, if the spouses agree in their marriage dukkha o pulubi, pero kapag nadissolve ‘yung marriage at
settlement that their property regime is other than an nagkahatian kayo lalabas kang milyonaryo. Kasi ganon
Absolute Community Property (ACP), they are not allowed katinindi ‘yung integrity ng pagsasama ng mag-asawa
to donate more than 1/5th of their present property, and any covered by the ACP regime. Essentially what is mine is
excess will be considered void. yours, what is yours is mine.
Q: When do we apply this limitation? So kapag pumayag ka sa ibang property regime that means
you are giving up a lot. At kung babayaran ka doon sa
A: antenuptial agreement niyo in the guise of a donation, para
First Condition: When they have executed an antenuptial na kayong nag business deal. It is no longer akin to a marital
agreement. Because that is the only way by which they can union.
choose a property regime other than the ACP regime. So if we take that as the purpose of the law, then it will also
Q: What else? What is the second condition? be equally acceptable for us to allow them to make the
donation without limitation outside of the marriage
A: settlement kasi di makukulayan ‘yung antenuptial
agreement ng business character dahil nasal abas ‘yung
Second Condition: The donation propter nuptias must be donation. It does not even have to be known to other people.
made in the antenuptial agreement itself.
Sabe naten kanina, kapag tayo nagdonate ng real property
Conversely, if we will follow this condition set out in the law, or personal property exceeding P5,000, we need to have the
we can conclude that even if the parties were to execute that donation and acceptance embodied in a public instrument.
antenuptial agreement where they elect a property regime Pero pwede naten gawin ‘yan sa marriage settlement. But
other than the ACP regime, but if the donation propter as you must know, in dealing with a marriage settlement,
nuptias is not made in that antenuptial agreement, the the only requirement is that it should be in writing. The
limitation will not apply. requirement of registration which in turn would require a
We have to make sense of the law. Remember, the public instrument that only goes to affecting third persons.
presumption is our lawmakers intended the language Q: How do we reconcile this basic requirement of a
deliberately and their intention is for right and justice to marriage settlement as only being in writing with the
prevail. At the same time, we cannot really go beyond the formalities that we must observe in the donation
literal tenor of the law, in the absence of clear justification propter nuptias involving real property or personal
for us to do so. property exceeding P5,000? Papano mo execute
So, extending the limitation to donations executed outside ngayon ‘yung marriage settlement kung meron kang
donation propter nuptias doon ng personal property
the antenuptial agreement that is not within the letter of the
law. But at the same time, we can justify why we should worth more than P5,000 o ng real property?
limit the limitations to those instances when the donation is Basic lang ‘yung requirement for the validity of the ante
made in the antenuptial agreement because if you would nuptial agreement, it only has to be in writing. Pero papano
allow the donation to be made in the antenuptial agreement mababago ‘tong requirement na ‘to kapag ikaw ay naglagay
and there is no limitation, and the parties agree on a ng donation propter nuptias sa iyong antenuptial
property regime other than the ACP regime, it would appear agreement? Sabi naten kanina pwede eh. May limitation pa
as though the other party, the party who has more in terms nga kapag ikaw ay naglagay. Di ka pwede lumagpas 1/5 th
of material wealth, is paying off the other. So that other kapag ikaw ay nagadopt ibang property regime. So pwede
spouse will agree to a property regime other than an ACP ka maglagay donation propter nuptias.
Ang problema, ang antenuptial agreement, ang kelangan
Ma-rereduce ngayon ‘yung antenuptial agreement into a lang mangyare ay in writing ito. Pero kapag nag-donation
contractual negotiation. Nagbibilhan ‘yung parties. It leaves propter nuptias ka at ito ay real property, it must be in a

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public instrument both the donation and acceptance. So A: Under Article 81, the donation propter nuptias contained
paano mababago ang marriage settlement mo kung in the marriage settlement will be revoked by operation of
makakaroon ka ng donation propter nuptias sa loob ng law if the marriage will not be celebrated.
iyong marriage settlement?
It is not even revoked by operation of law, class. It is void. It
A: The marriage settlement will now have to comply with will be void, because there is no marriage that has taken
the formalities of a donation. So it must be in a public place.
instrument. Acceptance must be contained in the marriage
settlement too. Ground 1. – If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially
declared void ab initio except donations made in the
Q: Can we donate encumbered property? marriage settlements, which shall be governed by Article
A: Yes. But the donee will not be liable for the obligation
secured by the donated property. We go now to the need to revoke under Ground 1. You must
file a petition to revoke the donation propter nuptias if the
marriage did not take place or the marriage is null and void.
Q: Would there be any additional exception to this rule?
Q: What are the grounds? Apart from what we have just mentioned?
A: A: In case of void marriages under Article 40 in relation to
Article 50. If the donee is in bad faith, then the donation
Art. 86. A donation by reason of marriage may be revoked
propter nuptias would be revoked by operation of law. But
by the donor in the following cases:
this is not the only exception under Article 40 in relation to
(1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially declared Article 50 because remember, Article 50 makes Article 43,
void ab initio except donations made in the marriage paragraph 3 applicable to void marriages under Article 40.
settlements, which shall be governed by Article 81; And Article 43 paragraph 3 actually provides for two (2)
rules. The donation propter nuptias will remain to be valid
(2) When the marriage takes place without the consent of unless the donee acted in bad faith in which case it would
the parents or guardian, as required by law; be revoked by operation of law. So, dalawang layers ‘yon.
(3) When the marriage is annulled, and the donee acted in First, donations in favor of the donee who is in good faith,
bad faith; they will remain valid. Then, donations made in favor of
donees who acted in bad faith, they will be revoked by
(4) Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty operation of law.
So dito maglalaro ‘yung exception naten under Article 40 in
(5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition is
relation to Article 50. Pero meron pa.
complied with;
Tignan ninyo, sa Ground 1, the law does not pay attention
(6) When the donee has committed an act of ingratitude as to good faith or bad faith. The only thing that the law is
specified by the provisions of the Civil Code on donations in concerned with is that the marriage did not take place and
general. that the marriage is void ab inito. There is no mention of
Art. 81. Everything stipulated in the settlements or good faith or bad faith on the part of the parties.
contracts referred to in the preceding articles in Let us move on to Grounds 2 and 3. We are taking them
consideration of a future marriage, including donations together because they are somehow related.
between the prospective spouses made therein, shall be
rendered void if the marriage does not take place. However, Ground 2. – When the marriage takes place without the
stipulations that do not depend upon the celebration of the consent of the parents or guardian, as required by law.
marriages shall be valid.
A marriage celebrated without parental consent when such
Q: Ground 1. – If the marriage is not celebrated or is required is voidable. Yet, we have Ground 2 provided
judicially declared void ab initio except donations made separately from Ground 3. Ground 3 speaks of the
in the marriage settlements, which shall be governed by annulment of a marriage where the donee acted in bad faith.
Article 81. Let’s focus on that first exception. Why is this
an exception (except donations made in the marriage Apparently, lack of parental consent as a ground for
settlements, which shall be governed by Article 81)? annulment would also provide for a separate ground to
revoke the When the marriage is annulled, and the donee
acted in bad faith. And, quite significantly, under Ground 2,
you do not need a decree of annulment. It is enough that you

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establish that the marriage took place without parental (1) If the donee should commit some offense against the
consent, and we are no concerned with good faith or bad person, the honor or the property of the donor, or of his wife
faith. or children under his parental authority;
Q: Saan papasok ‘yung requirement for a decree of (2) If the donee imputes to the donor any criminal offense,
annulment? Plus bad faith on the part of the donee? or any act involving moral turpitude, even though he should
prove it, unless the crime or the act has been committed
A: Sa Ground 3. against the donee himself, his wife or children under his
Ground 3. – When the marriage is annulled, and the
donee acted in bad faith. (3) If he unduly refuses him support when the donee is
legally or morally bound to give support to the donor.
So, for Ground 3, you must have the deceree of annulment
and the donee must act in bad faith. Sabi ko kanina, that after the marriage, the husband and
wife is no longer allowed to make donations to one another,
Q: But the problem is this is not the only complication
save for moderate gifts that may be given during family
presented by Ground 3 because if you would compare
this with Article 43, paragraph 3, which Article 50
makes applicable to voidable marriages under Article Q: What is moderate is relative. What do you mean by
45, what do you notice? this?
A: Under Article 43, when the donee is in bad faith, the A: There is no absolute rule. It would depend on the
donation is revoked by operation of law. However, in Article capacity or circumstances of the parties.
86, it is only a ground for revocation.
Q: What is a moderate gift for you?
So, these would be inconsistent provisions. There is a world
of a difference between having a donation revoked by A: I think a gift which would not exceed P10,000.
operation of law, and having the need to still file a petition
to revoke the donation. For example, abogado ka na. May sarili ka ng law firm. The
moderateness of the gift would now change.
Q: Which will prevail between these two?
Example: Kasi kung kumikita ka naman ng
A: Article 86 will prevail. Under the rules on statutory P300,000/month, so P50,000 should still be moderate.
construction, the latter provision is taken to be the latest
expression of the legislative intent. Therefore, it shall be Q: Why are husbands and wives prohibited from
made to prevail. making donations to one another?
A: The primary reason is to prevent undue influence by the
Ground 4. – Upon legal separation, the donee being the more dominant spouse over the more submissive spouse.
guilty spouse. Second, to protect third persons.
Ground 5. – If it is with a resolutory condition and the Q: Who are these third persons?
condition is complied with.
A: Any persons other than the spouses.
Q: What is a resolutory condition?
Q: How would this third person be prejudiced by the
A: The happening of the condition will extinguish the donation made by one spouse in favor of the other?
obligation. But, in this case, the happening of the condition
extinguishes the right created by the donation. A: When you speak of third persons here, we are referring
to creditors, we need to protect the creditors because of the
Ground 6. – When the donee has committed an act of close relationship of the spouses, it is very easy for them to
ingratitude as specified by the provisions of the Civil transfer properties to one another to defeat the rights of the
Code on donations in general. creditors of the debtor-spouse. When we speak of creditors
here, we refer to creditors for the personal obligations of
Q: What are these acts of ingratitude? that spouse. Personal meaning not chargeable to the
community property.
Because if there was no prohibition against this donation
Article 765, NCC. – The donation may also be revoked at between the spouses, the husband can transfer to the wife
the instance of the donor, by reason of ingratitude in the by way of donation and since this is by gratuitous title, that
following cases: property becomes the separate property of the wife. As you
must know, separate properties of the spouses do not
answer for the personal obligations of one another.

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This prohibition also extends to those people who are living Q: If this is the default property regime, does it make
together as husband and wife without the benefit of sense for the parties to still execute an antenuptial
marriage for the same reason because there is potential agreement adopting the ACP regime?
undue influence as well as potential to hide property to
defeat the right of creditors of one another. A: No need for them to do so.

You must also know that husband and wife are also Q: No added benefit for them to execute an antenuptial
prohibited from selling to each other. This may be a agreement if they are going to adopt the ACP regime
circumvention on the prohibition against donation. Also anyway?
because there is always the danger of undue influence. A: Yes. It serves additional benefit.
The exception to this prohibition against selling to one Q: What would that be?
another would be if the spouses are governed by the regime
of separation of property. Either from the start of the A: This allows them the opportunity to add to the
marriage or by virtue of a judicial decree obtained after the exceptions in the law as to what shall be treated as exclusive
marriage. property, and not part of the community property regime.
Q: Now, since they are executing an antenuptial
PROPERTY RELATIONS agreement anyway, and they are adopting this ACP
regime, can they modify the concept of the ACP regime
by providing for deferred effectivity? Is that possible?
There is only one aspect of marriage that may be the subject
of stipulation, that is, the property relations between them. A: No. They cannot defer its commencement because it is by
For you to be able to make such stipulation, you must draw way of public policy that it should commence at the
up a marriage settlement. That is why under the law, the celebration of the marriage.
hierarchy of the rules that will govern the property
relations between the spouses are as follows: Q: What constitutes ACP?

1. Marriage Settlement; A: The property regime shall consist of all the property
owned by the spouses at the time of celebration of the
2. In lieu thereof, the Family Code; marriage or acquired thereafter.
3. If the FC not applicable, then we will have local From this definition, you can see how broad the scope of
customs. community property is. Everything you own, prior to the
marriage, regardless of the source, everything you acquire
Q: When will local customs ever come into play?
during the marriage, again regardless of the source, subject
A: According to Dean Aligada, local customs will become only to the exceptions provided in the law, these will be
applicable if the parties were to execute a marriage community property.
settlement and will simply provide that they are not
So halimbawa, nagmana ka prior to the marriage, that
adopting the ACP regime. In such an instance, they do away
would still form part of the community property. As
with the FC’s default property regime, leaving local customs
opposed to a situation where nagmana ka after, and not
the chance to become applicable. It is unlikely that there will
prior to the marriage, that will now become your exclusive
be parties who would go to that extent. At least, that is how,
this might play out.
Even the engagement ring, that will become community
Q: What is the default property regime?
property. Kaya ganon kaimportante that you would be able
A: Absolute Community Property (ACP). to include additional exceptions to what the law provides.
Tatandaan niyo ‘yung rule class ha, if it is acquired during
ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY PROPERTY (ACP) the marriage and not fall under the exception, then that will
now become part of the community property. We can
Q: When will this commence? correlate this to the presumption that the law provides. You
only need to establish the date of acquisition as falling
A: The ACP shall commence at the precise moment of the within the marriage, for the presumption that it is
celebration of marriage. community in character to apply. If you want to dispute that
presumption, what do you do? You show that it falls under
Q: How do we interpret and apply this?
the exceptions. If you are not able to show that it falls under
A: It means that the ACP shall commence on the day of the the exceptions, then the presumption remains. It is
marriage itself. community property.

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Q: What are the exceptions to this rule? Sa marriage we have basically three entities. The third is the
community property, pero fictional ‘yan. Pero we are
A: recognizing it as an entity dahil there are properties that are
recognized as belonging to the community property and
Art. 92. The following shall be excluded from the
there are obligations that are recognized as chargeable to
community property:
the community property. Essentially, community property
(1) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous regime is co-ownership.
title by either spouse, and the fruits as well as the income
So you have this marriage, husband and wife, and then the
thereof, if any, unless it is expressly provided by the donor,
community property regime. This would have separate
testator or grantor that they shall form part of the
community property;
A patrimony is the totality of the rights and obligations and
(2) Property for personal and exclusive use of either spouse.
properties of a person.
However, jewelry shall form part of the community
property; The husband would have his own patrimony, his rights and
obligations as well as his exclusive properties. The wife, too,
(3) Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse
the same. She would have her own patrimony. Then we will
who has legitimate descendants by a former marriage, and
have the community property regime and its own
the fruits as well as the income, if any, of such property.
Do not forget the first exception. The first exception If the property is donated jointly to the husband and the
would be those treated as exclusive properties under wife, then that property is co-owned. Pero it is a separate
the antenuptial agreement. This should always be the patrimony of the husband and wife, who will be co-owners
first exception. of that separate co-owned properties. It will not be part of
the community property regime.
FIRST EXCEPTION. – Property acquired during the
marriage by gratuitous title by either spouse, and the This will become significant when you are dealing with the
fruits as well as the income thereof, if any, unless it is charges and obligations against the community property
expressly provided by the donor, testator or grantor that because maiinsulate mo na etong co-owned separate
they shall form part of the community property. properties. Because the first properties that would be
answerable are the community properties. Secondary lang
Q: How can we acquire by gratuitous title? ito. If the community properties are not sufficient, in which
A: Donation or through intestate and testate succession. case, husband and wife will be solidarily liable with their
This includes legacies and devises. Pay attention as well to separate properties. Doon, significant na siya.
the option given to the grantor to provide explicitly that
SECOND EXCEPTION. – Property for personal and
what was given by way of gratuitous title including the
exclusive use of either spouse. However, jewelry shall
fruits and income thereof would be part of the community
form part of the community property.
Q: Who may be the grantee of such gratuitous Q: Can you give me an example of those for the personal
acquisition? and exclusive use of either spouse?

A: Can be either or both of the spouses. If it is either of the A: Clothing would be the best example.
spouses, it is easy to appreciate that the property given Q: What about jewelry? How do we treat it under the
either to the husband or the wife would now become the law?
exclusive property of either the husband or the wife.
A: It is community property.
Pero pwede rin naman that a donation or a testamentary
disposition is made in favor of the husband and the wife. Q: What could be the reason excluding jewelry from the
scope of exclusive properties?
Q: Supposing this happens, the acquisition by
gratuitous title is made by the husband and the wife. A: Jewelries are of great value. They are valuable.
How should we treat the property?
THIRD EXCEPTION. – Property acquired before the
A: It is exclusive property, but if the donation is made in marriage by either spouse who has legitimate
favor of the husband and wife jointly, they become co- descendants by a former marriage, and the fruits as well
owners of that property. This co-ownership is not the same as the income, if any, of such property.
as this property becoming community property. This will be
co-owned separate properties by the husband and the wife.

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The law speaks of the presence of legitimate descendants One of the consequences of having the property classified as
from a prior marriage. You have to note that the law does community property is that the same will be under the joint
not limit it to the presence of legitimate children. administration of the spouses. This is a departure from the
previous rule under the Civil Code where only the husband
Q: What are the charges that may be made against the had the power of sole administration. It is likewise provided
ACP? under the law that any disposition or encumbrance under
A: the community property must be with the consent of both
spouses. Absent the consent of either one, then such
Art. 94. The absolute community of property shall be liable disposition or encumbrance will be null and void. Just the
for: same, the law further provides that the transaction while it
may be void as an encumbrance or disposition may
(1) The support of the spouses, their common children, and nonetheless be considered as a continuing offer that may be
legitimate children of either spouse; however, the support accepted by the non-consenting spouse at any time before
of illegitimate children shall be governed by the provisions the offer is withdrawn.
of this Code on Support;
The effect of such acceptance is to give rise to a perfectly
(2) All debts and obligations contracted during the valid transaction, either a disposition or an encumbrance.
marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for the Now, this does not amount to a ratification of the previously
benefit of the community, or by both spouses, or by one void transaction. Because you cannot ratify a void
spouse with the consent of the other; agreement.
(3) Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse Another reason why this does not amount to a ratification
without the consent of the other to the extent that the family is that we do not retroact the effect of the acceptance to the
may have been benefited; date of the original void transaction. You will only get the
valid transaction from the time there is acceptance by the
(4) All taxes, liens, charges and expenses, including major non-consenting spouse.
or minor repairs, upon the community property;
Q: How should the consent be given? Should it always
(5) All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made be explicit? Or express?
during marriage upon the separate property of either
spouse used by the family; A: The Supreme Court in the case of Mormont Hotel vs.
Guiang, said that it is enough that the husband was a
(6) Expenses to enable either spouse to commence or witness to the transaction for us to say that he gave his
complete a professional or vocational course, or other consent because he knew about the transaction, and he did
activity for self-improvement; not object. So, by all indications, he consented to it. He
(7) Antenuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they have cannot later on claim that the transaction was void for lack
redounded to the benefit of the family; of his consent.

(8) The value of what is donated or promised by both Mormont Hotel vs. Guiang
spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for the
exclusive purpose of commencing or completing a
professional or vocational course or other activity for self- Article 165 and 172 state the general principle under our
improvement; civil law, that the wife may not validly bind the conjugal
partnership without the consent of the husband, who is
(9) Antenuptial debts of either spouse other than those legally the administrator of the conjugal partnership. In
falling under paragraph (7) of this Article, the support of this particular case, however, as noted earlier, the
illegitimate children of either spouse, and liabilities second Memorandum of Agreement, although
incurred by either spouse by reason of a crime or a quasi- ostensibly contracted solely by Aurora Guiang with
delict, in case of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive Maris Trading, was also signed by her husband
property of the debtor-spouse, the payment of which shall Federico, as one of the witnesses thereto. This
be considered as advances to be deducted from the share of circumstance indicates not only that Federico was
the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the community; and present during the execution of the agreement but also
that he had, in fact, given his consent to the execution
(10) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the thereof by his wife Aurora. Otherwise, he should not
suit is found to be groundless. have appended his signature to the document as
witness. Respondent spouses cannot now disown the
If the community property is insufficient to cover the
second Memorandum of Agreement as their effective
foregoing liabilities, except those falling under paragraph
consent thereto is sufficiently manifested in the document
(9), the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid
itself. (Marmont Resort Hotel v. Guiang, G.R. No. 79734,
balance with their separate properties.
[December 8, 1988], 250 PHIL 372-383)

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There are situations where the consent of the other be considered as advances to be deducted from the share of
spouse may not be secured for any reason. Maaring he the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the community; and
is absent or he is incapable of giving his consent, then
what would be the option of the other spouse? Her (10) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the
option is to go to court to secure a decree or an order suit is found to be groundless.
allowing the disposition or encumbrance. If the community property is insufficient to cover the
Will this take time? Alam naten na litigation tumatagal ng foregoing liabilities, except those falling under paragraph
taon. In which case, the disposition or encumbrance is (9), the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid
defeated. Tatandaan niyo na you will only think to dispose balance with their separate properties.
of your property when there is a pressing need. Now, in this
Q: What does it mean to be among these charges?
situation, the proceeding to secure the consent from the
court will be governed by summary procedure. The A: It means that the creditors corresponding to these
proceeding will be expedited. obligations may run after community property, and should
community property be insufficient, then can run after the
personal or separate properties of the spouses who shall be
solidarily liable. Save for those personal obligations
Art. 94. The absolute community of property shall be liable chargeable to the community property.
for: Personal Obligations:
(1) The support of the spouses, their common children, and 1. Support of the illegitimate children;
legitimate children of either spouse; however, the support
of illegitimate children shall be governed by the provisions 2. Antenuptial debts contracted by either spouse
of this Code on Support; prior to the marriage, which did not redound to the
benefit of the family;
(2) All debts and obligations contracted during the
marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for the 3. Liabilities arising from delicts or quasi-delicts.
benefit of the community, or by both spouses, or by one
spouse with the consent of the other; FIRST CHARGE: Pertains to the support of the spouses,
common children, and legitimate children of either spouse.
(3) Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse The law also provides that the support of illegitimate
without the consent of the other to the extent that the family children may be charged to the community property as part
may have been benefited; of the chargeable personal obligations of the spouses. “One
of the trinity.”
(4) All taxes, liens, charges and expenses, including major
or minor repairs, upon the community property; The trinity or trifecta:
(5) All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made 1. Support of the illegitimate children;
during marriage upon the separate property of either
spouse used by the family; 2. Antenuptial debts contracted by either spouse
prior to the marriage, which did not redound to the
(6) Expenses to enable either spouse to commence or benefit of the family;
complete a professional or vocational course, or other
activity for self-improvement; 3. Liabilities arising from delicts or quasi-delicts.

(7) Antenuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they have Support

redounded to the benefit of the family; Important Qualification: Remember, under the law, a
(8) The value of what is donated or promised by both person is responsible not just for the support of his children
spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for the and descendants, a person is also liable for the support of
exclusive purpose of commencing or completing a his legitimate ascendants, descendants, whether legitimate
professional or vocational course or other activity for self- or illegitimate, brothers and sisters, whether legitimately or
improvement; illegitimately related.

(9) Antenuptial debts of either spouse other than those Pero kung makikita niyo, there is no mention of these
falling under paragraph (7) of this Article, the support of other kinds of support sa charges under Article 94. So
illegitimate children of either spouse, and liabilities how do we treat them? We need to treat them in relation
incurred by either spouse by reason of a crime or a quasi- to Article 94 as well. These should also be personal
delict, in case of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive obligations that may be charged just like the obligations to
property of the debtor-spouse, the payment of which shall support legitimate children. But there is a twist.*

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The support of illegitimate children may be charged to Conversely, if the transaction is so far removed from one’s
the community property in case of absence or profession, then we cannot presume that it is intended for
insufficiency of separate property. There are two the benefit of the family.
conditions: (1) insufficiency; or (2) absence.
Case in point of Ayala, where the husband agreed to act as a
But when it comes to the support of legitimate guarantor for a friend. The husband is an ordinary
ascendants, descendants, whether legitimate or employee he is not in the business of providing a guarantee
illegitimate, brothers and sisters, whether legitimately or acting as a surety.
or illegitimately related, you can only charge these to
the community property if there is no separate Eto kasing mga nangyayare sa opisina kung saan ‘yung
property in the name of the debtor spouse. Mere kaopisina mo, manghihiram sa employer. Gagawa
insufficiency would not be enough. It must be that he promissory note. The employer would require a co-maker.
does not have any separate property before you can charge Ikaw, lalapitan ka, at pipirma ka naman kasi nahihiya ka
the community property. Mas mataas ‘yung bar that must tumanggi. But you have to remember that signing as a co-
be hurdle. In the case of these latter obligations to support. maker is very significant because it means that you are
I hope that is clear.* solidarily liable. At anong benefit sayo? Wala. Wala kang
kikitain dito.
Debts and Obligations Contracted During Marriage
Next scene, wala na kaopisina mo. You are now left with the
Let’s tackle the debts and obligations contracted during the obligation, at ikaw na ngayon ang sinisingil. And since you
marriage. are solidarily liable, the director can go directly against you.
Pero since community property ang property regime mo
Permutations ng debts and obligations naten, naglalaro ‘yan with your spouse, malamang kesa sa hindi wala kang
sa with consent, without consent, with authority, and with separate property, kasi lahat magiging community property
benefit to the family. eh. So anong gagawin ng creditor? Hahabulin niya ngayon
Now, of course it goes without saying that if the obligation ‘yung community property. Imagine class, ‘yung pinundar
was contracted by both spouses or by one spouse with the mong property para sa pamilya mo, hinahabol na ngayon ng
consent of the other then that ought to be enough. Di na creditor for an obligation that you had nothing to do with.
naten titignan kung may benefit ba or wala because both of So what can be the possible defense here? Possible
them have consented. So the obligation should be properly defense would be, this cannot be charged to the community
chargeable to the community property. property. Unang sasabihin ng asawa mo, eh wala naman
But it is a different case if we are only dealing with one akong consent dyan eh. So kung wala kang consent, you
spouse and that spouse is acting either because he is a have to show that may benefit ‘yan sa pamilya namen. Eh
designated administrator-spouse or even without such anong benefit niyan sa pamilya namen? Wala. Kasi walang
designation, but he is acting presumably on behalf of the kinalaman ‘yan sa pamilya namen eh. He was simply
interest of the family. accommodating his co-employee. There being no benefit,
then it cannot be charged against the community property.
In this latter case, since wala tayong consent nung other
spouse, what do we look for? We look for the benefit to Would that mean that the obligation of the husband is
the family. null and void as a guarantor or a surety? The answer is
No. It is still valid. ‘Yun nga lang, the creditor will have to be
Now, if that can be supplied, even if the other spouse has not content with whatever separate property the husband has
consented, then the obligation contracted by only one of the kasi that is now a personal obligation of the husband. It is
spouses, may be charged to the community property. not an obligation chargeable to the community property. As
personal obligations go, personal obligations of either
How do we know that the obligation was contracted for spouses, they are not chargeable to the community
the benefit of the family? You have to look at the property, save for those three exceptions:
circumstances. The Supreme Court in the case of Ayala
provided for a simple guideline. The Supreme Court said 1. Support of the illegitimate children;
that if the obligation is somehow related to the livelihood,
profession, or business of either of the spouses, then we can 2. Antenuptial debts contracted by either spouse
presume that the same was meant for the benefit of the prior to the marriage, which did not redound to the
family. The reason why either spouse is trying to earn a benefit of the family;
living is to raise and support the family. So if may kinalaman 3. Liabilities arising from delicts or quasi-delicts.
yan sa profession or sa business, then we can presume that
such benefit exists. All other personal obligations, that would have to be
shouldered by the debtor-spouse, and when the debtor-
spouse does not have properties to his name, sorry na lang
‘yung creditor. Wala siyang ibang hahabulin.

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Taxes and Liens So what does it mean? It means that the creditors can go
after either the husband or wife on the account of their
If you would notice, all taxes and liens on the community solidary liability. But in all likelihood, since it is only the
property will have to be shouldered by the community wife who has separate properties, they will now only go
property regime. But when it comes to the taxes and after the wife.
expenses for mere preservation of separate property, this
will only be chargeable if such separate property is used by So, can the wife say, “I can only be made liable for half of
the family. Ang kaibahan sa ACP regime, ‘yung separate the unpaid balance. Kasi dalawa dapat kami ni husband
property ng spouses, hindi ‘to automatically subject to liable dito. Dahil solidary liability?” No, the wife cannot
usufruct ng community property unlike in conjugal say that because by its nature, if there is solidary obligation,
partnership of gains, it goes without saying that since the then anyone of the debtors may be made liable for the entire
conjugal partnership is entitled to the profits of the separate obligation. So when the creditors run after the wife, the wife
properties of the spouses, the conjugal partnership enjoys will have to pay the entire unpaid obligation.
usufruct over the separate properties of the spouses. Pero
sa ACP regime, walang ganyang provision. The separate Would that be unfair to the wife? No, because in the
property’s income will belong to the separate property solidary liability, the paying solidary obligor will now have
owner spouse. Consequently, the charges for the taxes and recourse against the co-solidary obligor, in this case the
expenses of preservation, pwede mo lang ‘yan icharge sa husband. So ang gagawin ng wife, after paying, she will now
community property if the said separate property is being go collect from the husband. But it is another thing whether
used by the family. Otherwise, it should be the owner- or not makaka-collect pa siya eh kung wala na ngang pera si
spouse who should be shouldering the same. husband.

Expenses for Professional or Vocational Course (self- But, in any event, the unpaid obligation, that may be
explanatory) enforced against her, in her personal capacity, and as the
solidary co-debtor of her husband, cannot include the
Antenuptial Debts (one of the trinity or personal personal obligation of the husband for the support of his
obligations) illegitimate children. Hindi ‘to kasama doon sa mga
obligations na pwede ieenforce against the husband and the
The value of what is donated or promised by both of the wife, and their separate properties.
spouses in favor of their common legitimate children. Here,
just pay attention to the nuances. The promise shall be Anong mangyayare sa support ng illegitimate children?
made by both spouses and must be made in favor of It will remain unsatisfied kung wala ng pera si husband at
common legitimate children. wala na rin’yung community property. Kase may bar. ‘Yung
bar is provided by the last paragraph of Article 94.
Antenuptial debts of either spouse other than those falling
under paragraph 7. Not inuring to the benefit of the family. Is the ACP co-terminus with the marriage itself? Would
the termination also signal the termination of the
Expenses of litigation between the spouses and the suit marriage? Or will the termination of the marriage also
is found to be groundless signal the termination of the community property?
Pay attention to the last paragraph of Article 94, because it The latter one is correct. If the marriage is terminated, then
said that if the community property is insufficient to cover it will necessarily bring about the termination of the
the foregoing liabilities, except those falling under community property. But the termination of the community
paragraph 9, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the property will not necessarily mean the termination of the
unpaid balance with their separate properties. So, the marriage because it may happen that the parties in the
spouses, they will be solidarily liable for whatever remains course of the marriage, may decide to have a complete
of the obligations that cannot be satisfied by the community separation of property regime.
Of all the property regime, allowed by law, it is only the
Exception: Personal obligations or the trifecta of personal separation of property regime which may be adopted after
obligations. These cannot be charged to the personal the marriage. Pwede ito i-adopt at the start walang
properties of the spouses. problema, pero tatandaan niyo, the rule is, ‘yung mga
How will this work? After paying support, taxes, there property regime naten, nagco-commence ‘yan at the precise
would still be a balance of the unpaid obligations chargeable moment when the marriage is celebrated.
to the community property. Kabilang na dito kunwari ‘yung Exception is the separation of property regime. Kasi pwede
support of illegitmate children of the husband. It is only the rin siya mag-commence after the marriage by obtaining a
wife who has separate properties. The husband does not judicial decree of separation of property.
have any property anymore. But the law says they will be
solidarily liable for the unpaid obligations of the community Art. 99. The absolute community terminates:

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(1) Upon the death of either spouse; Art. 137. Once the separation of property has been decreed,
the absolute community or the conjugal partnership of
(2) When there is a decree of legal separation; gains shall be liquidated in conformity with this Code.
(3) When the marriage is annulled or declared void; or During the pendency of the proceedings for separation of
(4) In case of judicial separation of property during the property, the absolute community or the conjugal
marriage under Article 134 to 138. partnership shall pay for the support of the spouses and
their children. (192a)
Under Article 99, it is provided that the absolute community
Art. 138. After dissolution of the absolute community or of
of property will terminate upon the death of either spouse
the conjugal partnership, the provisions on complete
when there is a decree of legal separation, when the
separation of property shall apply.
marriage is annulled or declared void and in case of judicial
separation of property, during the marriage under Articles If the marriage is terminated by death, and we say that
134 to 138. this brings about the termination of the community
property, how should we proceed with the dissolution
Art. 134. In the absence of an express declaration in the
and liquidation of the community property? What will
marriage settlements, the separation of property between
happen is that you will now liquidate the community
spouses during the marriage shall not take place except by
property in the same proceeding for the settlement of the
judicial order. Such judicial separation of property may
estate of the deceased spouse.
either be voluntary or for sufficient cause. (190a)
Why do we do that? We do that because the estate of the
Art. 135. Any of the following shall be considered sufficient
deceased spouse cannot proceed to settlement unless it is
cause for judicial separation of property:
determined how much the interest of the deceased spouse
(1) That the spouse of the petitioner has been sentenced to is in the community property because that will form part of
a penalty which carries with it civil interdiction; his estate.

(2) That the spouse of the petitioner has been judicially Hence, his interest in the community property plus his
declared an absentee; separate properties less his obligations that would become
his net estate. Starting off point naten would be the
(3) That loss of parental authority of the spouse of liquidation of the community property.
petitioner has been decreed by the court;
What would be the consequence if marriage is
(4) That the spouse of the petitioner has abandoned the terminated by death but there is not settlement of
latter or failed to comply with his or her obligations to the estate that is intiated? Ibig sabihin ba nito, pati ‘yung
family as provided for in Article 101; ating ACP, ay mabibinbin din ang liquidation? The
answer is No. Because the surviving spouse may always
(5) That the spouse granted the power of administration in
choose to dissolve the ACP, separately from the settlement
the marriage settlements has abused that power; and of the estate should there be no settlement proceeding
(6) That at the time of the petition, the spouses have been commenced within 1 year from the death of the deceased
separated in fact for at least one year and reconciliation is spouse.
highly improbable. Bakit kelangan etong gawin? Because there are
In the cases provided for in Numbers (1), (2) and (3), the consequences is she will not do so. If she does not do so,
presentation of the final judgment against the guilty or then any transaction, any disposition or encumbrance
absent spouse shall be enough basis for the grant of the involving the community property, will be null and void.
decree of judicial separation of property. (191a) Also, should the surviving spouse remarry without the ACP
or the former marriage being liquidated, the marriage will
Art. 136. The spouses may jointly file a verified petition be automatically be governed by the regime of separation of
with the court for the voluntary dissolution of the absolute property which again would now constitute an exception.
community or the conjugal partnership of gains, and for the
separation of their common properties. Exception nanaman ‘to class don sa ating rule na it is the
community property which is the default property regime if
All creditors of the absolute community or of the conjugal the parties will not execute an antenuptial agreement
partnership of gains, as well as the personal creditors of the choosing a different property regime.
spouse, shall be listed in the petition and notified of the
filing thereof. The court shall take measures to protect the Default Property Regime: ACP.
creditors and other persons with pecuniary interest. (191a) Except if the parties should execute a marriage settlement
adopting a different property regime. Another exception if
there was no prior marriage dissolved by death and there is

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no liquidation of the community property regime in that subject to the provision of Article 147 and Article 148 of the
prior marriage before the celebration of the subsequent Family Code. (Valdes v. RTC, Br. 102, Quezon City, G.R. No.
marriage, because in this case, the subsequent marriage will 122749, [July 31, 1996], 328 PHIL 1289-1304)
be governed by the complete separation of property regime.
Do you understand why? Because as you must know, the
The death that we speak of here under Article 99, di naman general rule is, if you have a marriage that is void, then you
tayo limited doon sa actual death. Presumptive death will do not have a property regime.
also apply. Presumptive death refers to the general
provisions on the presumption of death for all purposes What do you have? Co-ownership under Article 147 or
including the opening of succession. Bakit ko dinadala sa 148. So, generally, you do not have any occasion to dissolve
opening of succession because it will require the liquidation a property regime on the ground that the marriage has been
of the community property. declared void. Kasi nga walang property regime. You only
have co-ownership.
Second cause: When there is a decree of legal separation.
Remember if there is a decree of legal separation, then the Pero dahil kay Article 40 in relation to Article 50, which
parties will be governed by the complete separation of makes Article 43 applicable, which in turn presupposes
property regime. Also, should there be reconciliation, the FC the existence of a community property or conjugal
gives them the option to revive the former property regime partnership of gains, Article 99, paragraph 3 now
and to determine what would be contributed anew to the makes sense. We are now limiting this provision calling
property regime. for the dissolution of the community property because
of the nullity of a marriage to those marriages null and
Third cause: When the marriage is annulled or declared void only under Article 40. Clear?*
void. Isa ito sa mga pinanghahawakan ng mga advocates of
the position that there is a void marriage created under Lastly, in case of judicial separation of property during the
Article 40. marriage under Articles 134 to 138.

In the case of Valdes vs. RTC, they were saying that this is Another important point that you must remember, kasi
further proof that the law indeed intended Article 40 to kapag minsan, akala ng mga laymen na once they separate
provide for a separate kind of a null and void marriage. from their spouses and they lead separate lives. Then that
Otherwise, we won’t have any reason to apply Article 99, is it. That the other spouse would no longer have any claim
paragraph 3 when it comes to void marriages. on their properties. But they are mistaken. The separation
in fact by the spouses does not affect the community
Valdes vs. RTC property. The community property subsists and kung ano
man ‘yung mga napundar mo, kalahati agad non kanya.
Hindi pa ‘yon mana ha. Kalahati ‘yung kanya because that
The first paragraph of Article 50 of the Family Code, would be his share in the community property. Then doon
applying paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of Article 43, sa kalahati na share mo naman supposedly, magmamana pa
relates only, by its explicit terms, to voidable marriages and, siya as your spouse.
exceptionally, to void marriages under Article 40 of the
Code, i.e., the declaration of nullity of a subsequent Why? Kasi nakipaghiwalay ka lang sakanya in fact. Hindi ka
marriage contracted by a spouse of a prior void marriage kumuha ng decree of legal separation. Or kahit sana
before the latter is judicially declared void. The latter is a humingi ka lang ng separation of property decree. Kahit
special rule that somehow recognizes the philosophy and ‘yon man lang.
an old doctrine that void marriages are inexistent from the
very beginning and no judicial decree is necessary to Apart from that, these would be the exceptions to that rule
establish their nullity. In now requiring for purposes of that the separation in fact between the spouses would not
remarriage, the declaration of nullity by final judgment of affect the community property.
the previously contracted void marriage, the present law Natatandaan niyo ‘yung sinabe ko sainyo why is it
aims to do away with any continuing uncertainty on the important to have that sanction from the court when
status of the second marriage. It is not then illogical for the you filed a petition for legal separation to finally live
provisions of Article 43, in relation to Articles 41 and 42, of separately? It is because under the law if you refuse to stay
the Family Code, on the effects of the termination of a in the conjugal abode without any justifiable reason, then
subsequent marriage contracted during the subsistence of you will not be entitled to be supported. That makes it clear
a previous marriage to be made applicable pro hac vice. In that you are entitled to be supported.
all other cases, it is not to be assumed that the law has also
meant to have coincident property relations, on the one The rest of the exceptions here requiring consent to which
hand, between spouses in valid and voidable marriages would authorize you to go to court to obtain the consent of
(before annulment) and, on the other, between common- the court in lieu of the consent of the other spouse in a
law spouses or spouses of void marriages, leaving to ordain, summary proceeding we have discussed that.
in the latter case, the ordinary rules on co-ownership

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And then, this is also important. This allows the spouse who Moreover, as to the definition of "net profits," we cannot but
has stayed put to obtain the authority to administer and refer to Article 102 (4) of the Family Code, since it expressly
even encumber the property of the spouse who has left. provides that for purposes of computing the net profits
subject to forfeiture under Article 43, No. (2) and Article 63,
So, when you encumber, it might not be the same as No. (2), Article 102 (4) applies. In this provision, net
disposition. When you encumber, you also put that property profits "shall be the increase in value between the
at the risk of disposition. Encumbrance can only mean market value of the community property at the time of
subsequent foreclosure. the celebration of the marriage and the market value at
the time of its dissolution."
Let us now discuss the difference in the processes between
the absolute community regime and the conjugal
You will have a list for the ACP properties. The husband’s partnership regime.
properties. The wife’s properties.
On Absolute Community Regime:
Then you go through the debts and obligations, and you
will now use Article 94 to classify them. Would this be When a couple enters into a regime of absolute community,
chargeable to the community property? Would this be the husband and the wife becomes joint owners of all the
personal obligations of either the husband or the wife? properties of the marriage. Whatever property each spouse
If yes, further qualify it. Would this be a chargeable brings into the marriage, and those acquired during the
personal obligation under Article 94 paragraph 9, yung marriage (except those excluded under Article 92 of
ating trifecta? Or if not, then this would just be personal the Family Code) form the common mass of the couple's
obligations of either the husband or the wife. properties. And when the couple's marriage or community
is dissolved, that common mass is divided between the
After that, you will now pay off the obligations using first, of spouses, or their respective heirs, equally or in the
course, the community properties. And then whatever proportion the parties have established, irrespective of the
remains, these will be now divided between the spouses. value each one may have originally owned.
Pero syempre, pwede rin mangyare na kulang pa nga ‘yon. Under Article 102 of the Family Code, upon dissolution of
In which case, the personal properties of the spouses would marriage, an inventory is prepared, listing separately all the
now have to be touched. Save for the personal obligations properties of the absolute community and the exclusive
that we have under Article 94. ‘Yung ating trifecta. properties of each; then the debts and obligations of the
absolute community are paid out of the absolute
Pero don tayo sa sitwasyon na enough ‘yung community community's assets and if the community's properties are
property at may matitira pa. Paano naten ‘to hahatiin? insufficient, the separate properties of each of the couple
Hahatiin naten equally. Unless they have provided a will be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance. Whatever is
different proportion in the marriage settlement. Malamang left of the separate properties will be delivered to each of
naman wala silang pinrovide na ibang proportion. Pero if them. The net remainder of the absolute community is its
meron ganong provision, ayon ‘yung susundin naten. net assets, which shall be divided between the husband and
Saan papasok ‘yung forfeiture ng net profits? Papasok the wife; and for purposes of computing the net profits
‘to depende sa grounds for terminating the community subject to forfeiture, said profits shall be the increase in
property. value between the market value of the community property
at the time of the celebration of the marriage and the market
Let’s say we terminated because of nullity, under Article 40, value at the time of its dissolution.
papasok tayo sa Article 43, meron tayong forfeiture doon.
Applying Article 102 of the Family Code, the "net profits"
What can be forfeited? Only the share in the net profits. requires that we first find the market value of the properties
at the time of the community's dissolution. From the totality
And what is net profits ba? Sabi dito sa Article 102, the net of the market value of all the properties, we subtract the
profits would be the increase in value between the market debts and obligations of the absolute community and this
value of the community property at the time of celebration result to the net assets or net remainder of the properties of
of marriage and at the time of its dissolution. the absolute community, from which we deduct the market
In Quiao vs. Quiao, this was interpreted by the Supreme value of the properties at the time of marriage, which then
Court as simply the difference between the value of the results to the net profits.
community property at the beginning of the marriage and Granting without admitting that Article 102 applies to the
the value of the community property at the end of the instant case, let us see what will happen if we apply Article
marriage. 102:

Quiao vs. Quiao

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(a) According to the trial court's finding of facts, both In the normal course of events, the following are the steps
husband and wife have no separate properties, thus, the in the liquidation of the properties of the spouses:
remaining properties in the list above are all part of the
absolute community. And its market value at the time of the (a) An inventory of all the actual properties shall be made,
dissolution of the absolute community constitutes the separately listing the couple's conjugal properties and their
"market value at dissolution." separate properties. In the instant case, the trial court
found that the couple has no separate properties when they
(b) Thus, when the petitioner and the respondent finally married. Rather, the trial court identified the following
were legally separated, all the properties which remained conjugal properties, to wit: x x x
will be liable for the debts and obligations of the
community. Such debts and obligations will be subtracted (b) Ordinarily, the benefit received by a spouse from the
from the "market value at dissolution." conjugal partnership during the marriage is returned in
equal amount to the assets of the conjugal partnership; and
(c) What remains after the debts and obligations have if the community is enriched at the expense of the separate
been paid from the total assets of the absolute community properties of either spouse, a restitution of the value of such
constitutes the net remainder or net asset. And from such properties to their respective owners shall be made.
net asset/remainder of the petitioner and respondent's
remaining properties, the market value at the time of (c) Subsequently, the couple's conjugal partnership shall
marriage will be subtracted and the resulting totality pay the debts of the conjugal partnership; while the debts
constitutes the "net profits." and obligation of each of the spouses shall be paid from
their respective separate properties. But if the conjugal
(d) Since both husband and wife have no separate partnership is not sufficient to pay all its debts and
properties, and nothing would be returned to each of them, obligations, the spouses with their separate properties shall
what will be divided equally between them is simply the be solidarily liable.
"net profits." However, in the Decision dated October 10,
2005, the trial court forfeited the half-share of the (d) Now, what remains of the separate or exclusive
petitioner in favor of his children. Thus, if we use Article 102 properties of the husband and of the wife shall be returned
in the instant case (which should not be the case), nothing to each of them. In the instant case, since it was already
is left to the petitioner since both parties entered into their established by the trial court that the spouses have no
marriage without bringing with them any property. separate properties, there is nothing to return to any of
them. The listed properties above are considered part of the
On Conjugal Partnership Regime: conjugal partnership. Thus, ordinarily, what remains in the
above-listed properties should be divided equally between
Before we go into our disquisition on the Conjugal the spouses and/or their respective heirs. However, since
Partnership Regime, we make it clear that Article 102 (4) of the trial court found the petitioner the guilty party, his share
the Family Code applies in the instant case for purposes from the net profits of the conjugal partnership is forfeited
only of defining "net profit." As earlier explained, the in favor of the common children, pursuant to Article 63 (2)
definition of "net profits" in Article 102 (4) of the Family of the Family Code. Again, lest we be confused, like in the
Code applies to both the absolute community regime and absolute community regime, nothing will be returned to the
conjugal partnership regime as provided for under Article guilty party in the conjugal partnership regime,
63, No. (2) of the Family Code, relative to the provisions on because there is no separate property which may be
Legal Separation. accounted for in the guilty party's favor.
Now, when a couple enters into a regime of conjugal In the discussions above, we have seen that in both
partnership of gains under Article 142 of the Civil Code, instances, the petitioner is not entitled to any property at
"the husband and the wife place in common fund the fruits all. Thus, we cannot but uphold the Decision dated October
of their separate property and income from their work or 10, 2005 of the trial court. However, we must clarify, as we
industry, and divide equally, upon the dissolution of the already did above, the Order dated January 8, 2007. (Quiao
marriage or of the partnership, the net gains or benefits v. Quiao, G.R. No. 176556, [July 4, 2012], 690 PHIL 220-249)
obtained indiscriminately by either spouse during the
marriage." From the foregoing provision, each of the couple Now, it will benefit the guilty spouse or the spouse in bad
has his and her own property and debts. The law does not faith, if there was property at the beginning. Because ang
intend to effect a mixture or merger of those debts or ibig sabihin non, the value of the property at the end of the
properties between the spouses. Rather, it establishes a marriage, will not be automatically be the value of the net
complete separation of capitals. profits of the community property.
Considering that the couple's marriage has been dissolved Formula: Value of the properties at the END less value
under the Family Code, Article 129 of the same Code applies of the properties at the BEGINNING = NET PROFITS.
in the liquidation of the couple's properties in the event that
the conjugal partnership of gains is dissolved.

PAGE 66 OF 175
Example #1: They both started from scratch, so wala silang forfeiture will now pertain to the value of whatever remains
properties at the beginning of the marriage, and then at the of the conjugal property at the end of the marriage. So, zero
end of the marriage, meron silang P10M. So para makuha ngayon si guilty spouse.
mo ‘yung net profits, idededuct mo ‘yung P10M sa value ng
properties at the beginning. Next step in the liquidation proceeding: Presumptive
legitimes of the common children shall be delivered upon
Value of the partition in accordance with Article 51. We have established
Property that when it comes to void marriages, and if cinorelate mo
‘to sa Article 99, paragraph 3, mag-aaply lang talaga ‘to is
Beginning of the Marriage 0 kapag ang void marriage mo is under Article 40. Mas
End of the Marriage P10M maliwanag ngayon basehan naten.
Net Profits P10M
Then paragraph 6, unless otherwise agreed upon by the
Here, P10M less 0 equals P10M. The net profit is P10M, parties in the partition of the properties, the conjugal
which is the same as the value of the property at the end of dwelling and the lot on which it is situated shall be
the marriage. In which case, what will happen is that the adjudicated to the spouse with whom majority of the
guilty spouse or the spouse in bad faith will now be common children choose to remain. The provisions on legal
forfeiting his share in the entire community property value separation have titled the scale on favor of the innocent
existing at the end of the marriage. He is walking away spouse by providing that to the innocent spouse goes the
without anything. custody of minor children. When we apply this, that means
the innocent spouse will be getting the conjugal dwelling
Example #2: They had some properties at the beginning. and the lot on which it is situated.
May P5M sila from the beginning.
Now, the law is not yet very clear in those situations, kung
Value of the saan pinaguusapan lang naten community property ay
Property ‘yung conjugal dwelling. So paano ‘yung share ng guilty
Beginning of the Marriage P5M spouse. Well, may forfeiture naman, so forfeited na ‘yan. In
End of the Marriage P10M which case talagang wala na siyang say dyan. Pero kung
Net Profits P5M halimbawa may iba pang properties, how should we
designate the sharing? The law is not very clear on how this
Here, P10M less P5M equals P5M. The net profit is P5M. So would be carried out.
‘yung forfeiture ni husband dito ay only with regard to the Thus far, what we have is simply this, saying that the
P5M net profits. That means magsshare parin siya doon sa conjugal dwelling and the lot on which it is situated should
P5M na pwede nating itrato na “capital,” ‘yung difference. go to the spouse with whom the majority of the common
He will walk away with P2.5M at least kase ‘yung forfeiture children choose to remain.
nga lang niya, doon lang sa net profits na P5M. All because
they had properties at the beginning. Siguro, kung wala tayong application for forfeiture, ang
pwede mangyare dyan would be, you will make the
Sa Conjugal Partnership of Gains (CPG) naman, wala tayong partition so that the value of the conjugal dwelling and the
provision saying that properties existing at the time of lot should already cover the share that should pertain to the
marriage will become conjugal partnership. At the most, the spouse with whom majority of the common children choose
income earned by the separate properties of the spouses, to remain.
that will become conjugal partnership.
Halimbawa, kung ‘yung house and lot ay worth P10M and
In all likelihood, at the beginning of marriage governed by ang pinaghahatian naten is P20M, that means, kung sakanya
CPG, wala tayong properties agad. Magkakaroon lang after mo binigay ‘yung house and lot, yan na ‘yung P10M niya. All
the marriage. Unless doon sa marriage settlement, they will other properties constituting the other half of the total
provide that these properties will be conjugal properties, in value of the properties, that should go to the other spouse.
which case, sa umpisa pa lang meron na silang conjugal Kase otherwise, unfair naman.
properties. In all likelihood, they will not do so, kaya wala
tayong conjugal properties at the beginning. Kaya ang CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS (CPG)
mangyayare nyan, kapag nadissolve ‘yung conjugal
partnership and there is a provision for forfeiture,
malamang kesa sa hindi, the guilty spouse would not be This is more of a partnership. You are supposed to be
walking away with anything. Kase, yung value ng conjugal contributing and partaking in the profits earned from your
property at the beginning is likely to be zero. Kaya kapag contribution.
minus mo ‘to sa conjugal property existing at the end of the
Ano pwede mo icontribute sa conjugal partnership?
marriage, the net profits would be equivalent to the value of
Well apart from the properties, you can also contribute your
the property existing at the end. In which case, the
labor, so whatever you earn from your labor or

PAGE 67 OF 175
employment, that would be conjugal property. Labor also vague how we are supposed to treat a property that is
includes anything that you produce with your hands. acquired with the separate money of either spouse
governed by the ACP.
What sets conjugal partnership apart from the other 2
property regimes is that, sabe naten ‘yung ACP is a property Halimbawa nagmana sila, pagnagmana ka minsan pera
regime that may be adopted even though there is no ipapamana sayo, so kapag nagmana ka ng pera at you are
marriage settlement between the parties. Separation of covered by the ACP regime, that money will be your
property is a property regime that may be adopted even exclusive property. And then bumili ka ngayon ng kotse o
after the celebration of the marriage. lupa.
CPG is the only property regime that you must adopt in a How should you treat that acquisition? Would that be
marriage settlement in order for you property relations to community property because acquired during the
be governed by it. It is the only way that it can apply to your marriage ro should that be separate property since we
property relations. have to trace the source of the purchase to the money
which you own exclusively? The law is not clear. The law
Article 106 tells us what transpires in a CPG. does not say so. In fact, the law is leaning to treating the
same as community property. If only because of the
Art. 106. Under the regime of conjugal partnership of gains,
considerations acquired during the marriage and it does not
the husband and wife place in a common fund the proceeds,
fall under the exceptions. Pero pagdating naten sa CPG, wala
products, fruits and income from their separate properties
tayong ganyang vagueness. Kasi nakaprovide talaga siya sa
and those acquired by either or both spouses through their
Article 109, paragraph 4. It will be separate property.
efforts or by chance, and, upon dissolution of the marriage
or of the partnership, the net gains or benefits obtained by Art. 109. The following shall be the exclusive property of
either or both spouses shall be divided equally between each spouse:
them, unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlements.
(1) That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own;
The corresponding rules previously discussed under the
ACP on joint administration, need for consent, and lack of (2) That which each acquires during the marriage by
effect of separation in fact on the conjugal partnership, the gratuitous title;
same rationalization and interpretation will be applicable.
(3) That which is acquired by right of redemption, by barter
What are considered to be the separate properties of or by exchange with property belonging to only one of the
each spouse? spouses; and

First: That which is brought to the marriage as his or her (4) That which is purchased with exclusive money of the
own. Wala tayong ganyang provision sa ACP. This is a wife or of the husband.
recognition of the patrimony of either the wife or the
husband existing prior to the marriage and subsisting even
throughout the marriage, walang conversion na
Second: That which is acquired during marriage by
gratuitous title. If your children will be governed by the
CPG, then it does not matter when you die. Dahil kung mag
co-community property kayo at ako ay mamamatay bago ka
ikasal, eh ‘yung mamanahin mo saken, magiging community
property ‘yan eh. Eh ‘kung di na ako makaantay na ikasal
kayo bago ako mamatay. But kung mapapangako mo saken
na kayo ay mag-eexcute ng antenuptial agreement adopting
the CPG, edi mamatay na lang ako kung kelan dapat ako
mamatay kasi either way whatever you inherit from me will
remain your separate property.
Third: That which is acquired by right of redemption by
barter or exchange with property belonging to one of the
spouses. This is important. It is significant because we do
not have the corresponding provision in the ACP regime. I
am referring to the provision which states that which is
purchased with the exclusive money of the wife or husband.
That will be his or her exclusive property as well. It is still

PAGE 68 OF 175
OCTOBER 15, 2020
Art. 120. The ownership of improvements, whether for
Retirement Benefits, Pensions, and Annuities utility or adornment, made on the separate property of the
spouses at the expense of the partnership or through the
Art. 115. Retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, acts or efforts of either or both spouses shall pertain to the
gratuities, usufructs and similar benefits shall be governed conjugal partnership, or to the original owner-spouse,
by the rules on gratuitous or onerous acquisitions as may subject to the following rules:
be proper in each case.
When the cost of the improvement made by the conjugal
You have to determine whether it is gratuitous or onerous. partnership and any resulting increase in value are more
If it was given out of “liberality” by the company, then it is than the value of the property at the time of the
given by gratuitous title. In which case, the retirement improvement, the entire property of one of the spouses
benefits are now considered as exclusive property of the shall belong to the conjugal partnership, subject to
beneficiary-spouse. reimbursement of the value of the property of the owner-
spouse at the time of the improvement; otherwise, said
It will be a different case when there is a contribution, just property shall be retained in ownership by the owner-
like when it comes from the salary. It is partly gratuitous spouse, likewise subject to reimbursement of the cost of the
and party onerous, and classified as partly exclusive and improvement.
partly conjugal.
In either case, the ownership of the entire property shall be
Payments of Credits Falling Due vested upon the reimbursement, which shall be made at the
time of the liquidation of the conjugal partnership.
Art. 119. Whenever an amount or credit payable within a
period of time belongs to one of the spouses, the sums Improvements introduced on separate properties
which may be collected during the marriage in partial belonging to either of the spouses, and the improvements
payments or by installments on the principal shall be the are introduced through the efforts or labor of the spouses.
exclusive property of the spouse. However, interests falling
due during the marriage on the principal shall belong to the We have a formula. The law says if the cost of the
conjugal partnership. improvement plus the increase in value will be more
than the value of the property at the time of
When it comes to credits or any property belonging improvement, then the entire property, meaning
exclusively to either of the spouse. The fruits and the separate property plus improvement will belong to the
income belong to the conjugal partnership. The net fruits or conjugal partnership. Otherwise, the entire property
income. will belong to the owner-spouse.
When it comes to payment made on credits earning But, we have to remember that the ownership will only vest
interests, the payment on principal is considered as upon reimbursement and reimbursement supposed to be
exclusive property and belongs to the creditor-spouse. made at the time of liquidation of the conjugal partnership.
Meanwhile, the interests therein are considered as conjugal Between the time of liquidation and the time where the
property. improvement may have been introduced, a period of time
may lapse. During that period of time, the status quo of the
Supposing a property was bought on installment prior ownership of these two separate properties will subsist.
to the marriage and the payment was made using partly Meaning, during that lapse, the improvement will belong to
exclusive and partly conjugal funds. What we look to the conjugal partnership, the separate property on which it
determine ownership is the time when the ownership over was built will belong to the owner-spouse.
the property is vested.
Q: Will there be consequences?
If it was before the marriage, then it belongs to the debtor-
spouse. If after the marriage, it belongs to the conjugal A: Yes. It means that the conjugal creditors cannot run after
partnership. Subject in both cases, to reimbursement. the separate property (the lot) on which the improvement
was made to satisfy conjugal obligations because the lot
It will be relevant to recall that in Sales, it is the delivery of remains to be the property of the owner-spouse.
the property bought which transfers ownership as a general
rule. The exception is that in cases where the seller reserves Only exception would be if the conjugal properties are
title upon full payment of the purchase price. no longer sufficient to cover all the obligations of the
conjugal partnership. Doon, pwede na habulin ‘yung
It is possible that title may be transferred already prior to separate property or the lot on which the improvement was
the marriage, even though the installments have not yet made.
been fully paid.

PAGE 69 OF 175
Q: The complication would be, what if the improvement (8) The value of what is donated or promised by both
was made on the lot belonging to the mother of the spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for the
wife? The improvement was made upon the invitation exclusive purpose of commencing or completing a
of the mother-in-law. Do we apply Article 120 here to professional or vocational course or other activity for self-
determine the ownership of the entire property if after improvement; and
the improvement was made, the mother-in-law passes
away and the lot passes on to the wife?* (9) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the
suit is found to groundless.
A: No. At the time the improvement was made, the lot
belonged to a third person. It was not the separate property If the conjugal partnership is insufficient to cover the
of either spouse, so Article 120 will not apply. foregoing liabilities, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for
the unpaid balance with their separate properties.
Q: Who will own the improvement and lot?
Art. 122. The payment of personal debts contracted by the
A: We now apply the ordinary rules of accession. husband or the wife before or during the marriage shall not
Particularly, the rules on builder in good faith. be charged to the conjugal properties partnership except
insofar as they redounded to the benefit of the family.
General Rule: We do not apply the rules on builder in good
faith. If the one who built is simply a possessor in the Neither shall the fines and pecuniary indemnities imposed
concept of a holder, not in the concept of an owner. upon them be charged to the partnership.
There is a jurisprudence to the effect that where a However, the payment of personal debts contracted by
father or mother-in-law or any relative would invite the either spouse before the marriage, that of fines and
builders to build on their property, then by exception indemnities imposed upon them, as well as the support of
established by jurisprudence, we will now apply the illegitimate children of either spouse, may be enforced
rules on builder in good faith. Even if the builders are against the partnership assets after the responsibilities
not possessor in the concept of an owner. enumerated in the preceding Article have been covered, if
the spouse who is bound should have no exclusive property
CHARGES AGAINST THE CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF or if it should be insufficient; but at the time of the
GAINS liquidation of the partnership, such spouse shall be charged
for what has been paid for the purpose above-mentioned.
Art. 121. The conjugal partnership shall be liable for:
Found under Articles 121 and 122, FC. They are largely
(1) The support of the spouse, their common children, and similar with the charges made against the ACP. However,
the legitimate children of either spouse; however, the there is a twist.*
support of illegitimate children shall be governed by the
The difference is that in addition to the requirement or
provisions of this Code on Support;
condition that the debtor-spouse must not have
(2) All debts and obligations contracted during the sufficient or must not have any separate properties at
marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for the all to this name, it is further required that all the
benefit of the conjugal partnership of gains, or by both obligations under Article 121, FC must have been
spouses or by one of them with the consent of the other; satisfied before the conjugal partnership may be made
liable for these personal obligations under Article 121.
(3) Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse
without the consent of the other to the extent that the family The trifecta of personal obligations for ACP same with the
may have benefited; personal obligations chargeable with the CPG.

(4) All taxes, liens, charges, and expenses, including major Q: If it is required that all of the charges under Article
or minor repairs upon the conjugal partnership property; 121 must first be satisfied. Does it follow too that the
creditor of these personal obligations chargeable to the
(5) All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made CPG must wait until the conjugal partnership is
during the marriage upon the separate property of either liquidated and distributed before they can enforce
spouse; against the conjugal partnership?
(6) Expenses to enable either spouse to commence or A: The Supreme Court in People vs. Lagrimas ruled that
complete a professional, vocational, or other activity for there is no need for the creditor to wait until the CPG is
self-improvement; liquidated or dissolved. The law speaks of “assets.” The
law treats any payment made up of charges as an advance
(7) Antenuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they have
of the share of the debtor-spouse. If the law speaks of it as
redounded to the benefit of the family;
an advance the that means that payment is contemplated as
being made prior to the liquidation or dissolution of the

PAGE 70 OF 175
conjugal partnership. There is no need to wait for the between them. Insofar as the creditors are concerned,
dissolution of the CPG before payment of personal the spouses are solidarily liable.
obligations may be made.
Solidary liability is imposed on the spouses for the
People vs. Lagrimas protection of third person. It ensures to a certain extent that
creditor will be paid notwithstanding the insolvency of one
of the spouses. It will be the risk taken by the paying
Fines and indemnities imposed upon either husband or wife spouses that he will not be able to recover any share from
"may be enforced against the partnership assets after the the non-paying insolvent spouse.
responsibilities enumerated in Article 161 have been
covered, if the spouse who is bound should have no There are two (2) ways to adopt the Separation of
exclusive property or if it should be insufficient.'' It is quite Property Regime:
plain, therefore, that the period during which such a
1. Adopting it at the outset through the execution of a
liability may be enforced presupposes that the conjugal
marriage settlement; or
partnership is still existing. The law speaks of
"partnership assets." It contemplates that the 2. Adopting it after the marriage by filing a petition
responsibilities to which enumerated in Article 161, for judicial declaration of separation of
chargeable against such assets, must be complied with property either for:
first. It is thus obvious that the termination of the
conjugal partnership is not contemplated as a pre- a. A cause; or
requisite. Whatever doubt may still remain should be
b. By agreement.
erased by the concluding portion of this article which
provides that "at the time of the liquidation of the This makes separation of property regime unique. The only
partnership such spouse shall be charged for what has been regime that may be adopted after the celebration of the
paid for the purposes above-mentioned." (People v. marriage.
Lagrimas, G.R. No. L-25355, [August 28, 1969], 139 PHIL 612-
619) Please go through the grounds seeking a decree of
separation of property and grounds for revival of the
However, if you were the creditor, the condition that the former property regime.
obligations under Article 121 are paid, is impossible for you
to satisfy because you have no idea what the obligations of Once you have availed of separation of property, by
the CPG of your debtor and his spouse are. agreement, and thereafter, there was a revival of the
former property regime, you can only avail of the same
In People vs. Lagrimas, the Supreme Court said that we [the separation of property] again only for cause. Dahil
cannot be exacting in the requirement that there should be parang niloloko niyo na ‘yung korte nyan.
proof that all the obligations under Article 121 are satisfied
because this is information known only to the spouses ARTICLES 147 AND 148
TIPS: If I were the one handling the case, I will make an
Art. 147. When a man and a woman who are capacitated to
allegation that all the obligations under Article 121 have
marry each other, live exclusively with each other as
been paid and leave it up to the spouses to make
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or under
appropriate denial coupled with request for admission. If
a void marriage, their wages and salaries shall be owned by
the spouses do not deny under oath within 15 days,
them in equal shares and the property acquired by both of
whatever you requested will be deemed admitted. Or at the
them through their work or industry shall be governed by
very least, they will have to provide you the details.
the rules on co-ownership.
As to the procedure for liquidation for CPG will follow the
In the absence of proof to the contrary, properties acquired
same procedure with ACP. (Note: Nasa materials daw na
while they lived together shall be presumed to have been
obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry, and shall
be owned by them in equal shares. For purposes of this
SEPARATION OF PROPERTY REGIME Article, a party who did not participate in the acquisition by
the other party of any property shall be deemed to have
The spouses are proportionately liable for the expenses of contributed jointly in the acquisition thereof if the former's
the family. efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of the family
and of the household.
Proportionate because hindi equal ang capacity or
properties. So di dapat equal ‘yung hatian. It will be Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos
proportionate to one’s property and income. But that is of his or her share in the property acquired during

PAGE 71 OF 175
cohabitation and owned in common, without the consent of acquisition was made solely through your efforts or using
the other, until after the termination of their cohabitation. only your funds.
When only one of the parties to a void marriage is in good The law also provides that under Article 147, the care of the
faith, the share of the party in bad faith in the co-ownership children and management of the household may be taken as
shall be forfeited in favor of their common children. In case contribution as well.
of default of or waiver by any or all of the common children
or their descendants, each vacant share shall belong to the Q: Paano papasok sa Article 147?
respective surviving descendants. In the absence of A: ‘Yung requirement na the marriage is void but the parties
descendants, such share shall belong to the innocent party. are capacitated to marry, madali lang yan:
In all cases, the forfeiture shall take place upon termination
of the cohabitation. (144a) 1. Lack of marriage license;
Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under the 2. Psychological incapacity.
preceding Article, only the properties acquired by both of
the parties through their actual joint contribution of money, These kinds do not go to the capacity of the party to marry.
property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in Ang vague dito is ‘yung cohabiting as husband and wife
proportion to their respective contributions. In the absence without the benefit of marriage. It is more difficult to
of proof to the contrary, their contributions and establish that today than before.
corresponding shares are presumed to be equal. The same So what is my point? My point is where do we draw the
rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of money line? Dati madali eh, kapag kayo ay nakatira sa isang bahay
and evidences of credit. you share expenses, you sleep in the same bed, you stay
If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her together exclusively, then you are cohabiting as husband
share in the co-ownership shall accrue to the absolute and wife because the intent is to make one another your
community or conjugal partnership existing in such valid lifetime partner, short of marriage. Ngayon kase, iba na.
marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly Everything is so casual.
married to another, his or her shall be forfeited in the For us lawyers, if we are faced with Article 147, we will need
manner provided in the last paragraph of the preceding to establish that their relationship was more than just a
Article. boyfriend and girlfriend, that they were actually cohabiting
The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even as husband and wife.
if both parties are in both faith. The co-ownership established in Article 147 is also
peculiar because it is not like an ordinary co-ownership
Both provides for co-ownership.
where the co-owner is free to disposed of his interest in
Article 147 will apply to those who are capacitated to the co-owned property even without the consent of the
marry and are living together exclusively as husband and other party.
wife without the benefit of marriage or in those situations
In ordinary co-ownership, you are allowed to dispose of the
where there is no impediment to marry but the marriage
interest without the consent of the other co-owner, except
happens to be void.
if the co-owned property happens to be personal in
Article 148 is where there is a void marriage but there is character.
an impediment affecting the parties from marrying one
Here in Article 147 and even in Article 148, so long as
the parties are living together, so long as the union
Article 147 is more generous than Article 148. exists, they cannot dispose of their interest in the co-
owned property without the consent of the other.
In Article 147, there is co-ownership created over the
wages and salaries of the parties. We do not have that in But, you have to understand that in all likelihood, the co-
Article 148. ownership will outlive the union. The parties may have
broken up but they remain to be co-owners. However, there
The law also provides that there is a presumption of will be a transformation because here, after the parties
whatever is acquired during the union, this is presumed to cease to live together, the co-ownership will now become
have been acquired through their joint efforts. There is no an ordinary co-ownership. Meaning to say, either parties
such presumption in Article 148. You have to show actual may dispose of their interest in the co-owned property
contribution. If there is none, you have no interest in the without the consent of the other.
supposed co-owned property.
In Article 148, it is simpler because it requires actual
But the presumption in Article 147 is a disputable contribution and if one of the parties happen to be married
presumption. How do you dispute it? You show that the to another then his share will pertain to the ACP or CPG of

PAGE 72 OF 175
said marriage. There is also a provision for forfeiture of the A child conceived and born outside a valid marriage is
party acting in bad faith. illegitimate. Whereas, a child conceived and born in a valid
marriage would be legitimate.
For example, they are relatives within the prohibited
degree of consanguinity and this fact was known to one of ‘Yung ikinakasal na kung saan buntis na ‘yung babae at
the parties, then he will be acting in bad faith, since they are manganganak after the marriage, the child born to this
not capacitated to marry, then they will be governed by couple, this would “not” be legitimated children. This would
Article 148. So may forfeiture parin na magaganap. be “legitimate” children because birth took place during the
For marriages void under Article 53 for non-compliance
with Article 52, we established before that nullity does not Pano naman ‘yung conception that took place during
represent an impediment to marriage. Kasi nga non- the marriage? For example, we have husband and wife,
compliance with the reportorial requirements under Article they were able to successfully ask for the annulment of their
52 is not listed among the impediments under Articles 37 marriage. Nabalitaan nila na may favorable decision, but of
and 38. So if you are faced with marriage that is void under course may 15-day period para maging final ‘yung decree of
Article 53, what you apply is Article 147. annulment eh. So, they decided, for the last time, that they
would have sex. The problem is doon pa sila nagkaroon ng
FAMILY HOME anak. So, conception took place while the marriage was still
valid kasi hindi pa final ‘yung decree of annulment. But
definitely, the child would be born after the annulment. Just
Art. 152. The family home, constituted jointly by the the same, under the definition of the law for legitimate
husband and the wife or by an unmarried head of a family, children, the child born to them would be considered
is the dwelling house where they and their family reside, legitimate only because conception took place before the
and the land on which it is situated. (223a) finality of the decree of annulment.

Art. 153. The family home is deemed constituted on a house Artificial Insemination
and lot from the time it is occupied as a family residence. The FC has also introduced a novelty of sorts. For the first
From the time of its constitution and so long as any of its time, the law recognized the validity of artificial
beneficiaries actually resides therein, the family home insemination as a means of conceiving children and giving
continues to be such and is exempt from execution, forced rise to legitimate filiation.
sale or attachment except as hereinafter provided and to
the extent of the value allowed by law. In artificial insemination, you use the sperm of the husband
or a third person (a donor), or a mixture of their sperms,
The purpose of classifying a home as a family home is to and you use introduce this into the womb of a woman in the
exempt it from levy on execution. For the goal is to make hopes that they will fertilize an egg of a woman that would
sure that the family has a roof over their heads. give rise to pregnancy.
The FC now recognizes that the child conceived through
this means may be the legitimate child of the husband
and wife.
Paternity refers to the relationship between the parent to
Now, apart from the fact that the FC is acknowledging this
the child. Specifically, the father to the child.
medical advancement, it is also quite significant that this
Filiation is the relationship of the child to the parent. means of conceiving actually allows for the introduction of
foreign blood into the family line. It is possible that the
Two (2) Kinds of Filiation: sperm that fertilizes the egg of the wife would belong solely
to a third person, not the husband. So parang ang
1. By nature – can either be legitimate or illegitimate; nakabuntis don sa asawa, ay ibang lalake. At ‘yung magiging
or anak ng babae ay hindi talaga anak ng asawa. No blood
2. By adoption. relationship. They are strangers to one another. ‘Yun nga
lang, under the law, even though they are not related by
Up until the FC, we have different kinds of illegitimate blood, even though biologically they are strangers to one
children. We had illegitimate children, natural children, another, under the law that child is considered to be the
acknowledged natural children, natural children by legal legitimate child of the husband.
fiction, and spurious children.
Provided, that consent of both spouses are given to the
The differences were not mere semantics. Their shares in artificial insemination or at the every least, the
the successional rights were also different. The FC has done insemination is ratified prior to the birth of the child.
away with this classification. We now only have one kind of
illegitimate child.

PAGE 73 OF 175
Q: What does it mean when you say that a child is because you cannot prove that you are the illegitimate
legitimate? children of the deceased because this means that you are
impugning your legitimate filiation with your recognized
A: Previously, under the Civil Code, the legitimate filiation father, the husband of your mother. Under the law, it is only
that is accorded to a child at birth was simply a the husband who can impugn your legitimate filiation. They
presumption. Not anymore, under the FC, since you are cannot do indirectly what they are not allowed to do
already accorded that status at birth. directly.
Once you acquire the status of legitimacy, that cannot This bar in impugning one’s filiation except in a direct
be taken away from you unless an action to impugn is action brought by the husband himself will only apply if the
filed by the husband. He can only do so on certain child is at least born to the wife. It will not apply if the child
grounds and within a specified period. The only is a stranger to both husband and wife. Thus, the relatives
instances when the husband may be substituted by his can actually establish that the child is actually a stranger to
heirs would be if: the spouses. This was the ruling of the Supreme Court in the
1. He dies prior to the expiration of the period to case of Benitez Badua vs. Court of Appeals.
Benitez Badua vs. Court of Appeals
2. He dies after filing the action to impugn and he does
not desist from the action; or
A careful reading of Articles 164, 166, 170 and 171 of
3. The child is born after his death. the Family Code will show that they do not contemplate
a situation, like in the instant case, where a child is
In which case, his heirs will now be the substituted for him alleged not to be the child of nature or biological child
if they want to bring the action to impugn. In any event, the of a certain couple. Rather, these articles govern a
action to impugn must always be brought within a period situation where a husband (or his heirs) denies as his
ranging from 1-3 years. own a child of his wife. Thus, under Article 166, it is the
husband who can impugn the legitimacy of said child by
1. 1 year – the husband is in the same city or
proving; (1) it was physically impossible for him to have
municipality or province at the time of birth;
sexual intercourse, with his wife within the first 120 days of
2. 2 years – in the Philippines but is in a different city the 300 days which immediately preceded the birth of the
or municipality or province at the time of birth; or child; (2) that for biological or other scientific reasons, the
child could not have been his child; (3) that in case of
3. 3 years – if the birth was hidden from the husband children conceived through artificial insemination, the
or if he happens to be outside the Philippines. written authorization or ratification by either parent was
obtained through mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation or
These periods are quire short especially when we compare undue influence. Articles 170 and 171 reinforce this reading
it to the prescriptive period in annulling a marriage which as they speak of the prescriptive period within which the
is 5 years on the ground of fraud committed by the wife who husband or any of his heirs should file the action impugning
concealed the fact that she was pregnant by a man other the legitimacy of said child. (Benitez-Badua v. Court of
than her husband at the time of the marriage. 5 years from Appeals, G.R. No. 105625, [January 24, 1994], 299 PHIL 493-
the discovery of fraud. 506)
The law was written this way for the protection of the child
If the action to impugn is successful, you do not say that
as well. We cannot make the status of the child hostage to
the child becomes the illegitimate child of the father.
the whims of the parents.
The truth is, the child becomes a “stranger” to the
This right given to the husband is exclusive and cannot be husband. That is why the law uses the term “husband” at
taken away from him even through a direct action. hindi father para kapag maging successful ‘yung action to
impugn, there would be no confusion as to the fact that the
There was this case where the daughters were born into a husband and the child will not be related at all. Ang
marriage of a husband and wife who are not well-off. mangyayare, illegitimate child siya ‘nung nanay.
Eventually, the husband whom they recognize as their
father from birth, died. Thereafter, they found out that they At least prior to the advancement of science and medicine
were actually the daughters of one of the rich men in town. with regard to DNA testing or blood typing to establish
They were now interested in claiming from the estate of this paternity, paternity was a matter of fact, a matter of fate.
man. They filed a claim with the estate and would need to Prior to DNA testing, ‘yung nanay lang naman talaga ang
establish their filiation. They have with them a recognition nakakaalam kung sino ‘yung tatay ng kanyang mga anak.
of their illegitimate filiation and asking the court that they
That is why, it is a little confusing, under our present law,
be allowed to present the same in evidence. The court
rejected on the ground that the evidence is irrelevant. It is the statements of the mother are declared not to be given
weight. Ang sabi is, any declaration made by the mother

PAGE 74 OF 175
against the legitimate filiation of the child or even the intercourse during the period of conception, then you will
finding that she was an adulteress, that cannot be basis to have a ground to impugn legitimate filiation. But you have
say that the child is in fact illegitimate. to show that physical impossibility is on account of the
Samantalang kung meron ka dapat paniwalaan, ay ‘yung
nanay ‘yon. The ratio for the provision is baka daw kasi 1. Physical incapacity;
minsan magalit ‘yung nanay and would say things just to
hurt the father. But class, walang nanay na ganon. 2. Living separately in such a way that sexual
intercourse is impossible. Hindi ito pwede ‘yung
It also makes no sense that the vitiation of the wife’s consent tipong babyahe lang ng 10 hours by land para lang
to the insemination, or the vitiation of the wife’s ratification, makarating. Dapat parang covid pandemic ang
is a ground to impugn the legitimate filiation and yet she is conditions;
not given the power to bring the action. The power is still
with the husband. Eh paano kung ‘yung husband nag-vitiate 3. Serious illness of the husband which absolutely
ng consent niya? Paano ‘yon? prevented sexual intercourse. Porke may sakit ang
lalaki, he would no longer be able to have sexual
What if the husband’s consent was vitiated? Pero sperm intercourse. Dapat ‘yung sakit would be such that
niya ‘yung ginamit but his consent was vitiated. He did not he is really incapable of having sexual intercourse.
want the artificial insemination and he impugns the
legitimate filiation on this ground. What then would be the Art. 168. If the marriage is terminated and the mother
status of the child? Samantalang, biologically the child is still contracted another marriage within three hundred days
his. Ang problema lang vitiated consent. I do not understand after such termination of the former marriage, these rules
what the law was trying to achieve here in providing this as shall govern in the absence of proof to the contrary:
a ground for impugning legitimate filiation and why is the
(1) A child born before one hundred eighty days after the
wife is not given any say on the matter. Right?
solemnization of the subsequent marriage is considered to
Grounds for Impugning Legitimate Filiation have been conceived during the former marriage, provided
it be born within three hundred days after the termination
Art. 166. Legitimacy of a child may be impugned only on the of the former marriage;
following grounds:
(2) A child born after one hundred eighty days following the
(1) That it was physically impossible for the husband to celebration of the subsequent marriage is considered to
have sexual intercourse with his wife within the first 120 have been conceived during such marriage, even though it
days of the 300 days which immediately preceded the birth be born within the three hundred days after the termination
of the child because of: of the former marriage.
(a) the physical incapacity of the husband to have sexual
intercourse with his wife;
(b) the fact that the husband and wife were living separately
in such a way that sexual intercourse was not possible; or
(c) serious illness of the husband, which absolutely
prevented sexual intercourse;
(2) That it is proved that for biological or other scientific
reasons, the child could not have been that of the husband,
except in the instance provided in the second paragraph of
Article 164; or
(3) That in case of children conceived through artificial
insemination, the written authorization or ratification of
either parent was obtained through mistake, fraud,
violence, intimidation, or undue influence.

Q: Why 120 days?

A: Because 120 days is 4 months. Deduct this from 300 days
which is 10 months, you will be left with 6 months. 6 months
will be the shortest possible period of gestation. So any
amount of time prior to gestation would be the period of
conception. So if it was impossible for them to have sexual

PAGE 75 OF 175
The right to chose between the two parents is unavaible for
OCTOBER 16, 2020
the illegitimate child. Even if that child is above 7. Because
that child by law is placed under the parental authority of
the mother.
No rights really are given to the putative father of an
1. First-tier evidence - the record of birth that is filed illegitimate child. It is only by jurisprudence that visitation
with the local civil registrar rights in favor of the father were recognized. Even then the
recognition was based, not on any right of the father but on
a. in case this is not available then the father’s obligation to get to know his child.
i. an admission either in a public SUCCESSIONAL RIGHTS
document or
An illegitimate gets half the legitime of a legitimate child.
ii. a private handwritten document
both signed by the parent would LEGITIMATED CHILDREN
2. Second-tier evidence - open and continuous Q: Who are legitimated children?
possession of the status of either an illegitimate
child or a legitimate child; and A: This are children who were conceived at the time when
the parents were not married but we're not under any
3. other pieces of evidence would also be acceptable impediment to marry one another. What matters here is
that at the time of conception there were no legal
a. DNA tests impediments and then they become legitimate after the
b. Blood typing paternity tests parents get married subsequent to their birth.

If you are proving illegitimate filiation and you are relying Q: Marriages na “nag-hahabol” meaning the parents
on Second-tier evidence, then you must claim your were pregnant during the marriage, what is the status
illegitimate filiation during the life time of the parent of the child?
otherwise you would not be allowed to introduce evidence A: The child is legitimate and not legitimated. Legitimated
or even to lay claim to any illegitimate filiation after the children are the “flower girls” or the “ring bearers” in their
parent has died. parents’ wedding. They were already born before their
parents were married.
If the child marched on their own during the wedding, the
child is legitimated. If the child marched in the stomach of
Q: What are the rights given to a legitimate child?
the mother during the wedding, then the child is a
A: the right to support, the right to use the surname, legitimate child.
legitime, and other successional rights.
Requisite of valid subsequent marriage in relation to
These rights also extend to illegitimate children. Previously, legitimated children
under the Family Code, illegitimate children were not
Technically speaking, if the subsequent marriage was
allowed to use the surname of the putative father, even if
voidable and thereafter it was annulled. That means the
the father would give his consent.
legitimation remains. Because a voidable marriage is valid
This was changed by RA 9255 which gives the option to until it is annulled.
illegitimate child to use or not to use the father’s surname.
But if the subsequent marriage was void then the
JURISPRUDENCE: The father wanted the child to use his legitimation would have to be set aside and cease to have
surname, after he acknowledged him. But the child did not any effect. Because the requisite of a valid subsisting
want to do so. The Supreme Court ruled that the option was marriage is wanting.
with the child and not the father.
Q: Let us say that Mr. Arzadon and Ms. Giyang are
PARENTAL AUTHORITY married. But prior to getting married they had a child,
Mr. Ramos. Mr. Ramos was born before they were
Illegitimate children are under the Parental Authority of the married. After the marriage the parents had two more
Mother. It does not matter whether they are above or below children: Ms. Mendoza and Ms. Dela Cruz. There would
7-years of age. be no negative effect because legitimation retroacts to
the date of the birth of the child.

PAGE 76 OF 175
The complication would arise if the subsequent children abroad by persons who did not qualify under the
marriage is declared null and void. Why? domestic adoption law.
A: As a general rule is that if a subsequent marriage is
declared null and void then all of them would be declared Adoption to be valid must be by judicial decree. Adoption
illegitimate except that if the nullity is based on either de facto or simulated births are not valid adoptions. And the
Article 36 or Art. 53. child would be stripped of the benefits he had enjoyed
during the lifetime of the parents and the relatives legally
Let's now say that in the present case article 36 is the basis claim what belongs to them.
for nullity, Now, Mr. Ramos, his legitimation would now
have to be set aside for lack of the requisite of a valid However there has been a strong clamor for administrative
subsequent marriage. adoption. In the present process, there are duplication of
papers and process due to the investigation of the social
But as for miss Mendoza and miss Delacruz, since they were worker and the court itself. However no law has yet to be
born to a marriage which was declared null and void under enacted.
Article 36, they will remain to be legitimate children.
RA 11222 – simulated birth certification act
Now as for their successional rights, would it be 1/5, 2/5,
and 2/5. This is because Mr. Ramos is now an illegitimate Provides new rules on simulation of birth and the penalties,
child. this law also provides for administrative adoption in
relation to simulated births.
Q: How can Mr. Ramos be a legitimate child of his
parents? Under the Domestic adoption law, a child under certain
circumstances must be declared by the DSWD as legally
A: he should be adopted by his own parents in order to raise available for adoption. Previously it was not How such
his status to a legitimate child. declaration may be made. Because definitely the DSWD will
not make it motu proprio. There must be some kind of
The impediment is not absent at the time of the conception Q: Must this proceeding also be done before the court
of the child then their subsequent marriage will not do or should it be done administratively by the DSWD?
anything to legitimize the child. A: To address this RA 9523 was passed. This made the
For example, both parties were married to other people at process for the declaration that a child was legally available
the time of the child's conception. And then their spouses for adoption purely administrative in character. And it has
died or there was a subsequent declaration of nullity of also been made clear that you would only need such
their marriage it would not affect the status of the child. declaration in case you are dealing with abandoned
because there was an impediment at the time of conception. children, neglected children, or children who have been
Voluntarily committed to the DSWD or any government
Q: what is an exception to this rule? placement institutions.
A: if the impediment between the parents were minority. In
this case there would still be legitimation. Under Republic Q: But if you are dealing with children whose biological
Act 9858. parents are consenting to such adoption, and whose
biological parents are still around There is no need to
have them declared as legally available for adoption.
A: Because we have the biological parents on hand to give
Q: What is the purpose of adoption? consent to such adoption.
A: The law seeks to create legal relationship between the Under RA 8552 a child is defined as someone who is below
adapter and the adapted where previously there was none. 18 years of age. We have a similar definition under RA 9523
That can only be the general rule because as we have but the definition of a child would be broader.
mentioned, adoption sometimes is for the purpose of just
elevating the status of an illegitimate child to a legitimate Under RA 9523 even those under the age of 18 and unable
child. to take to fully take care or protect themselves from abuse,
neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a
The love that we would be studying is the Domestic physical or mental disability or condition would still be
Adoption act or RA 8552. considered that child.
The Family Code has its own laws regarding adoption but The domestic adoption law is an example of a law wherein
this has been superseded by the enactment of RA8552. the devil really is in the details. You have to pay attention
what term is used.
There is another law the so-called intercountry adoption
law. can we apply this not in case of the adoption or Filipino

PAGE 77 OF 175
The last use of the word person, child, or son or daughter parent and recognized as his child.
it's not merely semantics. It has significance.
If the term “child” is used, then you are limited to people In certain instances, our law also recognizes that the
who are under 18 years of age. If the term used is “son” requirement of residence and the requirement for
“daughter” or “person” then that means that you are not certification may be dispensed with. This is applicable to:
limited to the definition given to the term child and this
may very well include people above 18 or people of 1. former Filipinos who wish to adopt a relative
majority. within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity.

One important guideline in adoption is that it should 2. A foreigner who seeks to adopt the legitimate son
always be for the best interest of the adopted. Previously, or daughter of his Filipino spouse.
the treatment for adoption was it was for the benefit of the 3. One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks
adopting parent. And this was consistent with how to adopt jointly with his or her spouse or relative
adoption was treated under Roman law. Remember our within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity
civil law was patterned after Roman law. Under Roman law,
it was considered a source of shame for someone to die
without an heir. As to the second instance it is clear that the law uses the
term son or the daughter. Hence the adopted person may
Q: Who may adopt? not be a child or below 18 years of age. This is one of the
A: In this regard you have to know that citizenship matters. landmines in the domestic adoption law. Keep your eyes
Because if you are a foreigner you need to comply with all opened.
the qualifications and have none of the disqualifications for
adoption. A child would be taken out of the country, hence Guardians are also allowed to adopt after the termination
the requirements for foreigners. of the guardianship and clearance of his financial accounts.
Q: What are the general requirements for Filipinos? Q: What about married people are they allowed to
A: adopt?
A: The answer is yes if you are married then it is required
1. Full legal capacity that you jointly adopt. One of the requirements in order for
2. Good moral character married persons to adopt is that both parties must jointly
adopt and if one of them does not have the capacity or is
3. Not been convicted of a crime involving moral incapable of adoption then there can be no valid adoption.
Example: I had a client who was a former Filipina, she was
4. Must have been at least 16 years old older than the married to an Italian/Australian citizen. And she wanted to
adopted child adopt her niece, the child of her first cousin, so not actually
a niece. In order for her to able to adopt the child, she
5. Must have be emotionally and psychologically acquired dual citizenship in order for there to be no
capable of caring for the children problems.
6. Must have the capacity to take care of his family The problem that arise was the husband, because he would
7. Must have financial capacity not fit in with the exception to the residence requirement.
The child of a first cousin would no longer fall within the
Q: What are the requisites for foreigners? first degree of consanguinity or affinity coma therefore the
A: We must have additional qualifications. husband was not entitled to the exemption. They could not
jointly adopt as he could not maintain the residence
1. His government must have diplomatic relations requirement.
with the Philippines.
There are exemptions to the joint adoption of married
2. Must be living in the Philippines for at least 3 years people. These are:
prior to the filing of the petition for adoption and
must maintain that residence for another 3 years 1. When one spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate son
following the decree of adoption. or daughter of the other spouse

3. There is a need for certification that the alien who 2. If one spouse seeks to adopt his or her own
is adopting is capacitated to do so under his own illegitimate son or daughter but there is need for
country and consent of the other spouse.

4. That upon the adoption being granted the child 3. If the spouses are legally separated.
would be able to enter the country of the adopting

PAGE 78 OF 175
Q: In the second exemption, why is there a need for the Mr. Adora is not below 18 so it is Arguable that the consent
consent of the other spouse? of his biological parents is not needed.
A: This is so because there would be an adverse effect on
the successional rights of the other spouse. His or her Q: Whose consent are needed in order for adoption to
legitime would be impaired by the adoption of the child ask prosper?
the child is now considered a legitimate child. Hence there A:
is a need for consent. 1. It would be the child if he is over 10 years of age,
Q: Can single people adopt? 2. the legitimate sons and daughters of the adaptor
A: Yes, in my prior example of the former Filipino in order
for her to adopt her niece she divorced her husband. She 3. and the biological parents of the child
was a single mother, but the adoption was granted.
Q: What is the effect of adoption?
Q: Can you be adopted by your sibling? A: Once the degree of adoption is issued It will sever all the
A: Yes, because there is no prohibition this has already been legal ties between the biological parents and the adopted
sustained as allowed by the Supreme Court. The guidelines child under Sec. 16.
in this instance would only be so long as the adopting sibling
has all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications Q: What is the exemption?
for adopting. A: If the biological parent is the spouse of the adopting
spouse. In this case there would be no severance of the legal
Q: Who may be adopted? ties between the child, son or daughter, and the parent.
1. Any person who is below the age of 18 who has Compare the situation wherein the putative father adopts
been declared administratively legally available for the illegitimate son or daughter That he shared with
adoption, another woman not his wife. What would apply here is the
general rule, there would be severance of legal ties between
2. Legitimate son or daughter of the other spouse the biological mother and the illegitimate children or son or
3. An illegitimate son or daughter qualified adopter to daughter. Precisely because that biological mother is not
improve his status married to the putative father.

4. A person of legal age who prior to the adoption has But the situation is limited to the adopting parent and the
been constantly and continuously treated by the adopted child. The adopted child would still remain a
adapter as his or her own child stranger to the rest of the family of the adopting parent.
Hence in succession the adopted child cannot represent the
If you look at the third instance the law says that it is not the adopting parent in substitution.
biological parent who adopts but rather a qualified adopter.
A qualified adapter is broader than a biological parent, In But that child can exclude the parent of the adopting parent
fact this is broad enough to allow a grandparent to adopt from succeeding to the estate of the adopting parent.
the illegitimate son or daughter of his or her own child. Because he takes on the role of a legitimate child of the
adopting parent.
Q: So if you were to be asked a grandparent wants to
adopt the illegitimate son of his daughter Get that The rule that there would only be a relationship formed
adoption we allowed? between the adopting parent and the adopted child
A: Apparently so, under this provision presupposes that we are only dealing with Ordinary
Adoption who’s the purpose is to create for approximate
A person of legal age who prior to the adoption has been parent child relationship where previously there was none.
constantly and continuously treated by the adapter as his or It would be a different case if we're dealing with adoption
her own child alright whose purpose is to elevate the status of a child to
legitimacy. We are not simply creating an artificial
Q: What if I ask you a question Mr. Adora, if you were to relationship. There was already a relationship prior to the
be adopted by Dean Divina would you consent? You adoption.
answered in the positive. But the problem is your
biological parents would not allow you to be adopted, RESCISSION OF ADOPTION
would the petition for adoption still prosper if they
withhold their consent? Rescission under the Family Code states that both parties
A: The consent of the biological parents would not be the adopting parent and the adopted child can rescind the
required. If you look at the provision, the law says consent adoption. But this is no longer true under the domestic
must be obtained from the biological parents of the child. adoption. Under the domestic adoption law it is now only
And who is a child someone who is below 18 years of age, the child who may received such adoption.
Q: What are the grounds for recession of adoption?

PAGE 79 OF 175
A: SEC. 19 of RA 8552 The important thing about support is that it is always
provisional in character because the right will have to
SEC. 19. Grounds for Rescission of Adoption. – Upon depend on 2 factors. First factor would be in the need of
petition of the adoptee, with the assistance of the support and the second is the capacity to provide support.
Department if a minor or if over eighteen (18) years of age There must always be balancing out.
but is incapacitated, as guardian/counsel, the adoption
may be rescinded on any of the following grounds The love will not presume that you need support. It Has to
committed by the adopter(s): (a) repeated physical and be established that you need support because if you survive
verbal maltreatment by the adopters) despite having without asking for support then the conclusion is that there
undergone counseling”; (b) attempt on the life of the is no need for support. Support is triggered by necessity and
adoptee; (c) sexual assault or violence; or (d) need.
abandonment and failure to comply with parental
obligations. Q: How do you make it known that you need support?
A: Demand. If you don't make a demand, then the law thinks
Adoption, being in the best interest of the child, shall not that there is no need to for support.
be subject to rescission by the adopters. However, the
adopters may disinherit the adoptee for causes provided, Let us say that you are a woman who has gotten pregnant
in Article 919 of the Civil Code. by your boyfriend and you broke up with the boyfriend
without him knowing that you were pregnant. because of
your pride and the fact that you still are mad at him You felt
Q: since the adopting parents can no longer rescind the that you could do it on your own. You would not ask for his
adoption what is now the remedy? support. Then the reality of parenthood hits you both
A: It is to disinherit the adopted child for causes provided psychically and financially and you now make a demand.
under the New Civil Code. But this time what you are asking it's not only limited to
what you currently need now but it also extended to the
SUPPORT time that you were pregnant.
The problem is you did not make any demand for those
Q: Who are those obligated to give support to each expenses when you incurred them so that means you did
other? not need support and you cannot insist on them anymore.
A: Art. 195 of the FC
Art. 195. Subject to the provisions of the succeeding
articles, the following are obliged to support each other to
the whole extent set forth in the preceding article: Parental authority is not limited to the authority of the
parents to discipline their child. It pertains to the obligation
(1) The spouses; of the parents to raise their children to be productive
members of society. And it is only incidental to this
(2) Legitimate ascendants and descendants; obligation do parents exercise their authority to discipline
(3) Parents and their legitimate children and the and guide their children.
legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter; Q: Parental authority cannot be given up except in three
(4) Parents and their illegitimate children and the instances. What are these instances?
legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter; and A: adoption, guardianship or if you're going to voluntarily
commit your child to the DSWD.
(5) Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full or
half-blood There is emphasis of parental authority of mothers over
their illegitimate children and how the putative father will
not have any parental authority over his illegitimate
Pay particular attention to Par. 3 and 4 of Art. 195. These children. The most would be Visitation rights.
two paragraphs carve out additional qualifications to the
rule that legitimate ascendants and descendants are only However, if you are dealing with a legitimate child there
obligated to support one another. This approximates all would be joint parental authority exercised between the
right to representation under successional laws, but only mother and the father. Although in certain instances the
that provided under Par. 4 is allowed. Iron bar rule under father is allowed to prevail.
Art. 992. Q: Supposing now that we're dealing with an
Par. 5- Illegitimate brothers and sisters are also entitled to illegitimate child, and the illegitimate child was left in
support but with a twist. If they are already of age and his the care of the grandparents as the mother went abroad
need for support is due to his own fault then he is not to work. The father is more than willing to take custody
entitled to be supported. and care of the child. Doesn’t it make sense for the

PAGE 80 OF 175
father to take care of the child? That he should be the However, he would still have to show that he would be
one to exercise substitute parental authority over the preferred than the grandparents. Because that is still a
child in the absence of the mother? hierarchy in 214. He has to show that it is in the best interest
of the child to stay with him rather than the grandparents.
A: The problem is if you are going to apply Article 214 of the
family code which provides substitute parental authority, Parents are to exercise parental authority over their
the father is not there. children as a matter of right. If the children should have
property worth more than fifty thousand pesos
But you would say ma’am even if the child were to be a
(P50,000.00), all that the parents would have to do is go to
legitimate child the father would still not be there. But they
court and ask that the security bond be fixed, but they do
would be exercising joint parental authority and the
not have to be appointed as guardians over the property of
grandparents mentioned in the article Whatever it to the
their children.
grandparents of both the husband and the wife.
But if you are dealing with an illegitimate child then the
G.R. NO. 85044, June 3, 1992
grandparents mentioned in the article Can only refer to the
parents of the mother because it is the mother who
The child was made liable for damages while the adoption
exercised his parental authority.
was pending. The biological parents were sued But what
Art. 214. In case of death, absence or unsuitability of the they did was deflect and say it must be the adopting parents
parents, substitute parental authority shall be exercised who should be made liable for the action because in the
by the surviving grandparent. In case several survive, the mean time the adoption was allowed so the decree would
one designated by the court, taking into account the same retroact to the date of the filing of the adoption.
consideration mentioned in the preceding article, shall
So by legal fiction, they allege, it would be the adopting
exercise the authority.
parents who would have parental authority over the child
At the time that he committed damage to another.
There is this case recently decided by the Supreme Court The Supreme Court said that we cannot do that because the
MASBATE V. RELUCIO purpose of giving retroactive effect to the degree of
MASBATE V. RELUCIO adoption is to benefit the adopted child, it was not mean to
G.R. NO. 235498, July 30, 2018 hurt or to punish the adopting parents. There Is no reason
for the adopting parents to be made liable for the axe of the
Even though the father of an illegitimate child is not child during that time that they had no actual parental
mentioned under article 214 of the family code as among authority over him.
those who can exercise substitute parental authority, he In adoption the adopted child would be issued a new birth
may still qualify as the actual custodian of the child. certificate And the new birth certificate would have no uh
In this case the mother left the care in the custody of the indication that it would have been issued pursuant to a
child to her parents and she left. What the grandparents did decree of adoption And the child would be able to use
was to interest the custody and care of the child to the whatever name would be selected for him by the adopting
father. However, they soon wanted to recover custody and parent.
care of the child and the father fought for the child. He filed There was this one case where in the child was adopted by
a petition for writ of habeas corpus in relation of minors to the putative father and the Supreme Court allowed him to
recover custody of the child. use the surname of the putative father and the surname of
This was extraordinary as usually when a boyfriend and a his mother as his middle name. this could be allowed
girlfriend have a child and they eventually broke up the because there was no probation against the use of the
boyfriend usually has amnesia in regard to a child and adopted child of the surname of the biological mother as his
would stop visiting. This was noted in the decision by surname.
Justice Bernabe, the ponente. He stated that during these
times wherein fathers usually forgot their responsibilities
to their child we should encourage Fathers like the
petitioner who strive to be with their children.
So therefore the ruling was, although the father it's not
along those provided under article 214 if he can show that
the mother is unfit and that he has actual custody of the
child then he can ask for custody of the child as a person
entitled to substituted parental authority.

PAGE 81 OF 175
(10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and other
CIVIL LAW REVIEW I real rights over immovable property.
Art. 416. The following things are deemed to be personal
NOVEMBER 5, 2020 property:
(1) Those movables susceptible of appropriation which are
PROPERTY not included in the preceding article;
(2) Real property which by any special provision of law is
Property are things which may be or are the subject or considered as personal property;
object of appropriation. (3) Forces of nature which are brought under control by
Classifications as provided under Articles 415, 416, and science; and
417: (4) In general, all things which can be transported from
1. Immovable place to place without impairment of the real property to
which they are fixed.
2. Movable

Art. 415. The following are immovable property: Art. 417. The following are also considered as personal
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds
adhered to the soil; (1) Obligations and actions which have for their object
movables or demandable sums; and
(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are
attached to the land or form an integral part of an (2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and
immovable; industrial entities, although they may have real estate.
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, There is a correlation among Articles 415, 416, and 417.
in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without This was demonstrated by the Supreme Court in Laurel vs.
breaking the material or deterioration of the object; Abrogar.
(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or
ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by the Laurel vs. Abrogar
owner of the immovable in such a manner that it reveals the
intention to attach them permanently to the tenements; DOCTRINE:
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements Moreover, since the passage of the Revised Penal Code on
intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or December 8, 1930, the term "personal property" has had a
works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece generally accepted definition in civil law. In Article 335 of the
of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the said Civil Code of Spain, "personal property" is defined
industry or works; as "anything susceptible of appropriation and not included in
the foregoing chapter (not real property)". x x x
(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish ponds or
breeding places of similar nature, in case their owner has Cognizant of the definition given by jurisprudence and the
placed them or preserves them with the intention to have Civil Code of Spain to the term "personal property" at the time
them permanently attached to the land, and forming a the old Penal Code was being revised, still the legislature did
permanent part of it; the animals in these places are not limit or qualify the definition of "personal property" in
included; the Revised Penal Code. Neither did it provide a restrictive
definition or an exclusive enumeration of "personal property"
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;
in the Revised Penal Code, thereby showing its intent to retain
(8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter for the term an extensive and unqualified interpretation.
thereof forms part of the bed, and waters either running or Consequently, any property which is not included in the
stagnant; enumeration of real properties under the Civil Code and
capable of appropriation can be the subject of theft under
(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are the Revised Penal Code.
intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed
place on a river, lake, or coast; The business of providing telecommunication or
telephone service is likewise personal property which

PAGE 82 OF 175
can be the object of theft under Article 308 of the Revised Supreme Court, they were not successful. They
Penal Code. Business may be appropriated under Section sought a reconsideration.
2 of Act No. 3952 (Bulk Sales Law), hence, could be object
of theft. ISSUES:

Interest in business was not specifically enumerated as Whether or not the business of providing long-distance
personal property in the Civil Code in force at the time the calls is a property. (YES)
above decision was rendered. Yet, interest in business was Whether or not the business of providing long-distance
declared to be personal property since it is capable of calls is a movable property. (YES)
appropriation and not included in the enumeration of real
properties. Article 414 of the Civil Code provides that all RULING:
things which are or may be the object of appropriation are
considered either real property or personal property. ❖ On their motion for reconsideration, they finally
Business is likewise not enumerated as personal property won. This is how the Supreme Court decided the
under the Civil Code. Just like interest in business, however, it case in their favor. The Supreme Court stated that
may be appropriated. Following the ruling there can be no doubt that the long-distance calls
in Strochecker v. Ramirez, business should also be are considered to be business, and business is
classified as personal property. Since it is not included in property. Under the Bulk Sales Law, you can
the exclusive enumeration of real properties under dispose of your entire business. Disposition means
Article 415, it is therefore personal property. it can be the subject of appropriation. Settled na
‘yung issue na property nga itong business of
As can be clearly gleaned from the above disquisitions, providing long-distance calls.
petitioner's acts constitute theft of respondent PLDT's
business and service, committed by means of the unlawful use ❖ The Supreme Court further classified it as a
of the latter's facilities. movable property. If you would look at Article 415,
416, and 417, there is no long-distance calls.
FACTS: ❖ The Supreme Court applied Article 415, and it is
❖ In this case, we saw how the Supreme Court used nowhere to be found in such Article. Therefore, the
Article 415 as a filter to arrive at the conclusion conclusion is that, it is not an immovable property.
that a certain thing was considered as property, Eh dalawa lang classification naten ng property eh,
specifically, movable property. it is only immovable and movable. Kung hindi ka
immovable, then you are movable property. That is
❖ This case involves PLDT and its long-distance call even justified under Article 416. So, makikita naten
business. Long-distance calls cost a lot. na ginamit ng Supreme Court Article 415 as a filter.
It came to the conclusion that this is movable
❖ The electronic signals constituting the long- property and that it can, therefore, be the subject of
distance calls, they were still made to pass through theft. The case was then allowed to proceed.
the PLDT cables. However, they were able to divert (Laurel v. Abrogar, G.R. No. 155076 (Resolution),
it such that the calls do not pass through PLDT’s [January 13, 2009], 596 PHIL 45-76)
gateway. Not passing through the PLDT gateway
means that it will not be billed by PLDT as cost ❖ Transcriber’s Note: ‘Yung facts, issues, and ruling
made through its system. na nakalagay dito, kung ano lang din ‘yung diniscuss
ni Ma’am. Cinopy paste ko na lang sa doctrine part
❖ Lugi PLDT dito, kasi ginagamit ‘yung ‘yung SC ruling na relevant sa discussion ni Ma’am
infrastructures and facilities ng PLDT, but they are
not able to bill because the calls were being
diverted away from the gateway. IMMOVABLE PROPERTY

❖ PLDT filed a complaint for theft against the people

doing the stealing. Article 415 is an enumeration of what the law considers as
immovable property. No need to memorize, just pay
❖ PLDT already suffered a loss because the case was attention to the nuances of the law.
dismissed before the trial court on the ground that
it was not the proper crime to charge the In Article 415, most of the time, what is required by the law
defendant. It is because the long-distance calls is that there should be incorporation in a permanent
cannot be considered, first, as property. Second, manner into an immovable. But, in some instances, that is
even if it can be considered as property, it is not not required. Instead, what is required is authorship by the
movable property. The case went up to the owner of the immovable property of the incorporation
Supreme Court. In their initial foray before the (Note: Ganito talaga ‘yung pagkasabe ni Ma’am). Regardless
of whether it was made in a permanent or fixed manner.

PAGE 83 OF 175
For example, statues, reliefs, and paintings, hindi naman una niyong makikita ay ‘yung masterpiece ni Juan Luna,
kelangan na iturnilyo mo ‘yung painting sa wall. What the ‘yung Spolarium.
law requires is that it should be done by the owner himself
with the apparent intention of permanently fixing the Q: How do we know that this has been immobilized by
statues, reliefs, et. al. in that location of the immovable incorporation because of the intention to attach it
premises. permanently to its location?

Four (4) Kinds of Immovable Property Under Article A: Check the surroundings. Check how it looks like in the
415 (N-I-D-A) National Museum. Hindi ba meron don isang kwarto para
don at andon lang siya sa isang side ng kwartong ‘yon. May
1. Immovable by Nature; velvet rope sa paligid niya. Hindi ka pwede lumapit at
pindutin ‘yung painting. There are spotlights fixed and
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds focused on the painting. All of these taken together will tell
adhered to the soil; you that it is the intention to place the Spolarium
permanently in that area. So satisfied na ‘yung requirement
(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are
na ‘to.
attached to the land or form an integral part of an
immovable; Ang titignan na lang naten is kung sino ‘yung naglagay
because in lieu of permanent incorporation, the law
This is self-explanatory. For example, lands or trees requires authorship. It must have been placed by the
adhered to the soil. If nakalagay ‘yan sa paso, movable owner of the immovable of the tenement.
property ‘yan because they can be taken from one place to
another. We can assume that the owner of the National Museum,
which is the government, was also the one which placed it
2. Immovable by Incorporation; there.
Kasama parin dito ‘yung Paragraphs 1 and 2, but this time, Tandaan niyo ha. It is not the owner of the painting, who
we have to limit it to constructions of all kinds adhered to must have authored the placement. It is the owner of
the soil. the tenement, the immovable. Clear?*
For example, house of light materials. Do not pay attention
(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish ponds or
on how it was constructed, pay attention as to whether or
breeding places of similar nature, in case their owner has
not it is adhered to the soil. May mga bahay kubo na
placed them or preserves them with the intention to have
ibinabaon parin naman sa lupa.
them permanently attached to the land, and forming a
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, permanent part of it; the animals in these places are
in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without included;
breaking the material or deterioration of the object;
Paragraph 6 pertains to animal houses, pigeon houses, and
(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or fish ponds. Dito naman medyo overkill kase apart from the
ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by the manner of the incorporation being required to be
owner of the immovable in such a manner that it reveals the permanent, eh kelangan parin ng authorship. The owner of
intention to attach them permanently to the tenements; the tenement must have been the one who had place the
bird cages, pigeon houses, etc. Here, what is immobilized
Paragraph 3, this is self-evident. It is enough that it is so by incorporation would just be the cages. The animals,
incorporated in a fixed manner that we do not even however, they are immobilized, but by destination.
consider who made the incorporation. It is irrelevant for
Paragraph 3. 3. Immovable by Destination; and

Not so, for Paragraphs 4 and 6. We do not need it to be (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
permanently fixed on to the immovable premises but we intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or
look at authorship. works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece
of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the said
Q: What is trickier here is determining whether there industry or works;
was such intention. There must be an intention to
attach them permanently to the tenements. How can we Paragraph 5 is a source for bar exam questions.*
tell that there was such an intention?
Usually, this provision is taken together with the provisions
A: Judge it from the circumstances. on mortgage to determine whether or not a valid mortgage
has been constituted.
Example: You have all been to the National Museum, I
suppose. When you enter into the National Museum, ang

PAGE 84 OF 175
For example, a chattel mortgage was constituted on a A: No, but you can definitely enforce your right as an owner
machinery. That would fall under Paragraph 5, and against the entire world. Everyone must respect your
therefore, immobilized by destination. Then, the chattel ownership over your property.
mortgage should be considered as null and void because
you cannot constitute, as a general rule, a chattel mortgage As opposed to a personal right which you can enforce only
on immovable property. against a specific person.

Q: When do we apply Paragraph 5? Example: You have a promissory note, who can you run
after for payment? It would only be the maker of a
A: What we have to consider here are the following: promissory note. You cannot run after other people who are
not privy to your transaction. What you have is only a
1. The nature of the business. It must be something personal right.
that must be carried out on that parcel of land or
inside a building; Mortgage over a parcel of land is an example of a real right.
2. The machineries or instruments concerned tend to Q: What about mortgage over an easement? Easement
directly meet the needs of that business or is a real right and mortgage is a real right. Can there be
industry; and a mortgage over an easement or servitude? Should we
consider the same as real property?
3. Authorship. We have to look at the identity of the
person who caused the incorporation. It must be A: You cannot constitute a mortgage on easements. It is
the owner of the tenement. because an easement has no existence separate from the
immovable property it burdens.
Example: The hotel business would require beds, seats,
tables, etc. for every room. Taken by themselves, this would Articles 416 and 417 are self-explanatory.
just be personal property. But, since they tend to directly
meet the needs of the hotel business, and the hotel business Q: Is it important to know whether a property is
is something which can be carried out in a building, then we movable or immovable?
now have 2 out of the 3 requisites satisfied. The clincher is A: Yes, because legal consequences flow from the
authorship. It is now important to establish that the person classification.
running the hotel business must also be the owner of the
building and the lot on which the building stands. If we Legal Consequences:
satisfied that, then the beds, chairs, et. al., these would be
considered as immobilized by destination. 1. Prescription
a. Movable
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;
i. In Good Faith: 4 years
(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are
intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed ii. In Bad Faith: 8 years
place on a river, lake, or coast;
b. Immovable
The rest of immovables by destination such as fertilizers
actually used on a piece of land, docks and structures i. In Good Faith: 10 years
floating but intended to remain on a fixed place, these are
ii. In Bad Faith: 30 years
2. Formalities
4. Immovable by Analogy.
If you are dealing with donation, the formalities would be
(10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and other different if you are donating an immovable or a movable
real rights over immovable property. property.
Q: Can you think of real rights over immovable 3. Crimes that may have been committed
property? What is a real right?
If an owner is disposed of his property, it may be a crime of
A: It is a right without a definite passive subject. An example usurpation of real property. If personal property, you will
would be the right of ownership. be dealing with theft.
Q: If you own something, who would be your debtor in General Rule: A chattel mortgage constituted on an
relation to that property? Is there a specific person immovable property, it is considered null and void because
against whom you can enforce your right as an owner? real property cannot be subject of a chattel mortgage.

PAGE 85 OF 175
Exception: However, the Supreme Court has come up with For instance, an old newspaper is non-consumable. So
several rulings sustaining the validity of a chattel mortgage kapag hiniram mo ito sa kaibigan mo, at ang intention mo
constituted on immovable property. ay gagamitin mo siyang panglinis ng bahay, it is understood
that your friend would no longer expect to see the same
Q: When do we apply now the exception? newspaper that he lent to you. Kung nag-eexpect sila na
A: Essentially, the Supreme Court is saying that first, the ibabalik niyo pa ‘yan, it will definitely be a different
parties are bound by their agreement. They are in estoppel. newspaper.
Second, their agreement will be binding upon them so long But, if the law were to ignore this intention between the
as no third person is injured thereby. parties, and insist that this is a non-consumable object
Practical approach is to look at who is questioning the subject of a “loan.” Therefore, the contract between the
validity of the mortgage.* parties is one of commodatum. If you did not return the
newspaper, you will now liable for estafa.
If the mortgage is questioned by a third person, who is
not privy to the agreement of the parties, you apply the But, if the law were to pay attention to the intention of
general rule. the parties, which is to treat this as something that may
be replaced, and therefore, fungible, your contract
If the mortgage is questioned by one of the parties, or would now be a contract of “mutuum.” Ownership passes
anyone who claims rights from the parties (usually, the to you over the newspaper. Should you feel to pay back your
mortagagor), then invoke the exception. State that they friend, you will not be criminally liable. You will only be
are bound by their agreement, having agreed to treat civilly liable.
the immovable property, a chattel, they cannot renege
on that agreement. Estoppel sets in. The characterization of an object as to whether it is
consumable or non-consumable, that is based on the
nature of the object itself.
However, the characterization of an object as to whether it
is fungible or non-fungible goes to the intention of the
Art. 418. Movable property is either consumable or parties. The intention of the parties should prevail.
nonconsumable. To the first class belong those movables
which cannot be used in a manner appropriate to their Art. 419. Property is either of public dominion or of private
nature without their being consumed; to the second class ownership.
belong all the others.
Classification of property in relation to the person who
Movable property is either: owns them:

1. Consumable means that you cannot use it 1. Property of private ownership; or

according to its purpose without consuming the
2. Property of public dominion.
The Civil Code does not define what property of public
2. Non-Consumable
dominion is.
Note: Fungible is different from consumable.
As to the people, property of public dominion is property
Fungible means that the property is susceptible of belonging to the State.
substitution. It is always referred to in terms of volume or
However, according to Senator Tolentino, it does not belong
weight because pwede siya mapalitan. You just have to
to the State, it only pertains to the State. It is because
satisfy the following requirements:
property of public dominion that is outside the commerce
1. Giving back the same quality; and of man. It cannot be owned. Being outside the commerce of
man, no length of time of possession would ripen your
2. Giving back the same quantity. possession into ownership by acquisitive prescription.
Prescription does not lie against property of public
The interchanging of consumable and fungible was also
done in the definition for loans (mutuum). In the
preliminary chapters, specifically the common provisions Art. 420. The following things are property of public
between commodatum and mutuum, mutuum was defined dominion:
as a loan involving consumable property. Towards the end,
in the chapter dedicated solely to mutuum, fungible na (1) Those intended for public use, such as roads, canals,
‘yung ginagamit. Magkaiba ‘yan, class. rivers, torrents, ports and bridges constructed by the State,
banks, shores, roadsteads, and others of similar character;

PAGE 86 OF 175
(2) Those which belong to the State, without being for Q: What if the property, while not declared to be
public use, and are intended for some public service or for patrimonial, was nonetheless declared to be alienable
the development of the national wealth. and disposable, would this be sufficient?
Art. 421. All other property of the State, which is not of the A: No. It is because if you have property declared to be
character stated in the preceding article, is patrimonial alienable and disposable, this simply means that it may be
property. disposed of by the State. It does not cease to be property of
public dominion. It will only become patrimonial property
Three (3) Classes of Property of Public Dominion in two instances: (1) if there is a law declaring the property
as patrimonial property; and (2) if it is already disposed of.
1. For public use;
‘Yung second transformation point, nakakaloko ‘yan.
It can be used by anybody such as sidewalks, parks,
Syempre kapag dinispose mo siya, eh moot na ‘yung issue
dolomite beachfront.
kung naging patrimonial property siya of the government
2. For public service; and because at the same moment that it was disposed, when it
became patrimonial property, it also now becomes private
It cannot be used by anyone. Only those who have property of a private entity or individual.
authorization may use them, but they are for the public
welfare such as firetrucks. But this latter rule, this was laid down in the case of Dream
Village Neighborhood Association vs. Bases Conversion
3. For the development of national wealth. Development Authority.
These are the natural resources such as mountains. Dream Village Neighborhood Association vs. Bases
Q: Does the State own anything of private ownership? Conversion Development Authority

A: Yes. It is referred to as “patrimonial property.” When it DOCTRINE:

comes to its patrimonial property, the State descends to the
level of the private owner. Most important consequence of In Heirs of Mario Malabanan v. Republic, it was pointed out
which is its patrimonial property may be acquired by that from the moment R.A. No. 7227 was enacted, the subject
acquisitive prescription. military lands in Metro Manila became alienable and
disposable. However, it was also clarified that the said lands
Q: Saan kumukukha patrimonial property ang State? did not thereby become patrimonial, since the BCDA law
A: It may buy property and depending on the law makes the express reservation that they are to be sold in order
authorizing its purchase, it may be treated as patrimonial to raise funds for the conversion of the former
property. However, pwede naman na they transform American bases in Clark and Subic. The Court noted that the
property of public dominion into patrimonial property. purpose of the law can be tied to either "public service" or
"the development of national wealth" under Article 420 (2) of
The law itself says that property of public dominion would the Civil Code, such that the lands remain property of the
become patrimonial property once it is no longer intended public dominion, albeit their status is now alienable and
for public use, public service, or development of national disposable. The Court then explained that it is only upon their
wealth. However, we need to know when does this happen. sale to a private person or entity as authorized by the BCDA
law that they become private property and cease to be
Examples: ‘Yung mga restaurants, sari-sari stores, and property of the public dominion:
nagtitinda ng barbeque, encroaching on the sidewalks. In
these cases, kapag sinita mo, ang sasabihin nila, “Eh wala For as long as the property belongs to the State, although
naman sumisita samen eh.” However, that kind of argument already classified as alienable or disposable, it remains
will not lie if they were to claim to have obtain the same by property of the public dominion if when it is intended for
acquisitive prescription. No amount of inaction on the part some public service or for the development of the
of the government to assert its right over property of public national wealth.
dominion and no length of possession will transform that
property of public dominion into patrimonial property. Thus, under Article 422 of the Civil Code, public domain
Unless there is a law passed by Congress or a lands become patrimonial property only if there is a
presidential proclamation, if the President is so declaration that these are alienable or disposable,
authorized, declaring the property as patrimonial together with an express government manifestation that
property. (Note: Hindi ko mahanap ‘yung Dungo vs. the property is already patrimonial or no longer
Republic na case. Baka mali ‘yung title since hindi masyado retained for public service or the development of
narinig sa recording ‘yung case na nabanggit niya. Sorry. national wealth. Only when the property has become
Pero ‘yung naka-bold ayon sabe niya na ruling sa case na patrimonial can the prescriptive period for the
‘yon) acquisition of property of the public dominion begin to
run. Also under Section 14 (2) of Presidential Decree (P.D.)

PAGE 87 OF 175
No. 1529, it is provided that before acquisitive prescription ❖ Transcriber’s Note: ‘Yung facts, issues, and ruling
can commence, the property sought to be registered must not na nakalagay dito, kung ano lang din ‘yung diniscuss
only be classified as alienable and disposable, it must also be ni Ma’am. Cinopy paste ko na lang sa doctrine part
expressly declared by the State that it is no longer intended ‘yung SC ruling na relevant sa discussion ni Ma’am.
for public service or the development of the national wealth,
or that the property has been converted into patrimonial. Q: Does it mean then that if what we have simply a
Absent such an express declaration by the State, the land declaration of the property of public dominion as
remains to be property of public dominion. alienable and disposable, it can no longer be the subject
of prescription?
Fort Bonifacio remains property of public dominion of
the State, because although declared alienable and A: Yes. You cannot acquire it by prescription under the Civil
disposable, it is reserved for some public service or for Code because the Civil Code says that prescription can only
the development of the national wealth, in this case, for run against the patrimonial property of the State.
the conversion of military reservations in the country to
However, you have to be aware of Commonwealth Act No.
productive civilian uses. Needless to say, the acquisitive
141 or “The Public Land Act,” Sections 11 and 48,
prescription asserted by Dream Village has not even
paragraph b. They used a different term under the law, it
begun to run.
is “Confirmation of an Imperfect or Incomplete Title.”
FACTS: Section 11. Public lands suitable for agricultural purposes
❖ This has something to do with Republic Act No. can be disposed of only as follows, and not otherwise:
7227. In the said law, certain military lots in Metro (1) For homestead settlement;
Manila were declared to be alienable and
disposable with the express intention of selling (2) By sale;
them to finance the transformation of the
abandoned American bases in Clark. (3) By lease;

❖ ‘Yung tinutukoy dito na property is ‘yung nasa Fort (4) By confirmation of imperfect or incomplete titles:
Bonifacio, yung “The Fort” na tinatawag ngayon. (a) By judicial legalization
There were areas occupied by private individuals.
It was the hope of these individuals that when the (b) By administrative legalization (free patent).
military camps were declared to be alienable and
disposable, then the years that they have been in
possession of their respective lots, would now be
considered in their favor for purposes of
acquisitive prescription. They were banking on the
classification of the property as alienable and Section 48. The following-described citizens of the
disposable. Philippines, occupying lands of the public domain or
claiming to own any such lands or an interest therein, but
whose titles have not been perfected or completed, may
Whether or not the areas occupied by the private apply to the Court of First Instance of the province where
individuals are susceptible of acquisition by prescription. the land is located for confirmation of their claims and the
(NO) issuance of a certificate of title therefor, under the Land
Registration Act , to wit:
(a) x x x x;
❖ The Supreme Court said that it does not work that
way. First, the property was declared alienable and (b) Those who by themselves or through their predecessors
disposable for a particular purpose, to sell the in interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive, and
property for the bases convertion. Second, they can notorious possession and occupation of agricultural lands
only become patrimonial, if there is a law so of the public domain, under a bona fide claim of acquisition
declaring them to be patrimonial. In this particular or ownership, for at least thirty years immediately
case, they can only become patrimonial, the preceding the filing of the application for confirmation of
moment they are sold. ‘Yun nga lang, the moment title except when prevented by war or force majeure. These
they are sold, they now belong to the buyers in the shall be conclusively presumed to have performed all the
private sector. (Dream Village Neighborhood conditions essential to a Government grant and shall be
Association, Inc. v. Bases Conversion Development entitled to a certificate of title under the provisions of this
Authority, G.R. No. 192896, [July 24, 2013], 715 PHIL chapter.

PAGE 88 OF 175
If you will check the requisites, parang same lang din naman subsequently declared patrimonial property after you
ng prescription. So, even if di tayo papasok sa prescription have long been in possession of the same. Let us say, you
under the Civil Code, papasok naman tayo sa “prescription- have been in possession of the property for 35 years,
like remedy” under Commonwealth Act No. 141. However, but its classification as patrimonial was only made on
do not use the prescription-like remedy sa bar exam ha! Use the 30th year. Would that also benefit you the way the
the term in the law which is confirmation of an imperfect or classification of property of public dominion into
incomplete title. alienable and disposable may benefit someone
claiming an imperfect title over it?
A: No. Prescription never ran. It only began running on the
1. Open, notorious, exclusive, and continuous 30th year.
possession in the concept of an owner; and
2. The possession must have begun on June 12, 1945 OWNERSHIP
or earlier.
If these requisites are satisfied, then acquisition of the Ownership is the absolute right that one enjoys over his
property of public dominion declared to be alienable and property to subject the same to his absolute will. The only
disposable may now be made. exception are the limitations that may be imposed by public
laws or insofar as his rights may concur with the rights of
Q: How do we prove that the property is in fact alienable other people.
and disposable?
Ownership has many attributes such as jus utendi, jus
A: disponendi, jus abutendi, and jus fruendi. The important
1. You have to produce a certified copy of the original thing to know about ownership is that even though you
classification approved by the Secretary of the may strip the owner of all the attributes, he would still
Department of Environment and Natural be the owner because the naked title remains with him.
Resources (DENR); and It is called as “elasticity of ownership.”

2. There must be a certificate of land classification Kung pagaari mo ‘yung isang bagay, it also goes without
and status issued by the Community Environment saying that you might want to exclude all others from the
and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO) or the enjoyment of your property. It is a natural human reaction.
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources You can be possessive of your property. The law recognizes
Officer (PENRO) based on the land classification this.
approved by the DENR Secretary.
The law also grants the remedy of a right of action to
If you do not produce these documents, then your petition recover the property against the holder and possessor of
for the perfection of an incomplete or imperfect title will the same.
have to be denied.
Remember, Commonwealth Act No. 141, Sections 11 If it is a movable property, then your right of action is
and 48, paragraph b, will only apply if you are dealing replevin.
with alienable and disposable land of public dominion.*
If it is an immovable property, then your right of action is
Q: Does it matter when the land was declared as accion interdictal, accion publiciana, and accion
alienable and disposable? Dapat ba from the time he reivindicatoria. They are not the same.
began possessing in June 1945 or earlier, it has already
been so classified? Or can classification can come Accion
anytime after the beginning of possession so long as it Accion Interdcital Reivindicato
comes before the filing of the application? ria
In accion interdictal, If it is not just
A: It is the latter. He can begin possessing it at the time If dispossession
what is in issue here possession
when it is not yet alienable and disposable so long as he has lasted for
is the physical you are trying
possessed it beginning June 1945 or earlier. Then, the more than 1
possession. The to recover,
characterization of the property as alienable and year, then you
physical possession but
disposable, this can come at any time before he files the can no longer
is immediately lost. ownership,
application. That is sufficient. avail of accion
then your
interdictal. You
But if the recourse is
Q: If we are dealing with property of public dominion, must now avail
dispossession lasts accion
and you want to acquire it by acquisitive prescription, of accion
for more than 1 year, reivindicatori
would you be able to do so if the property was publiciana.
then it is not just a.

PAGE 89 OF 175
physical possession eventually the plaintiff tolerated the possession. Then, after
which is lost, it will sometime, the plaintiff decided to take back his property
now be the legal and made a demand for the defendant to vacate.
Kasi diba kapag tolerated possession, that comes with the
Two (2) Classes of Accion Interdictal implied promise to vacate the premises upon demand. Kaya
lang nung nagdemand, ayaw na nilang umalis. Now, they
1. Forcible Entry will make out a case for unlawful detainer even if the
dispossession took place 8 or 5 years ago. So definitely hindi
2. Unlawful Detainer
na siya dapat accion interdictal, dapat accion publiciana na
Forcible Entry Unlawful Detainer siya. Pero ayaw nila pumunta sa RTC kasi matagal. Mapunta
Possession which is legal in the man sila sa MTC dahil sa value ng property that would fall
beginning, but became illegal within the jurisdiction of MTC, they will be tried under
subsequently. ordinary procedure, not summary procedure.

Dispossession through In one case, the Supreme Court said that if you are suing for
Example: the right of the
the use of force, unlawful detainer, your complaint must show that the
lessee over the leased
stealth, threat, or possession of the defendant was valid at the beginning and
premises. At the beginning his
strategy. only became illegal subsequently.
possession is valid and legal,
but after the lapse of the lease
and he refuses to leave, then his Spouses Valdez vs. Court of Appeals
possession becomes illegal.
You do not have to establish DOCTRINE:
You have to establish
prior physical possession since
prior physical
the defendant is in prior Under existing law and jurisprudence, there are three
possession because
physical possession on account kinds of actions available to recover possession of real
you were
of the rights given to him at the property: (a) accion interdictal; (b) accion publiciana; and
beginning. (c) accion reivindicatoria.
Within 1 year from the date of
last demand. Accion interdictal comprises two distinct causes of action,
namely, forcible entry (detentacion) and unlawful detainer
Note: It implies there can be (desahuico).
Within 1 year from the several demands. Each demand In forcible entry, one is deprived of physical
date of dispossession. would sort of renew the 1-year possession of real property by means of force, intimidation,
period to bring the action, strategy, threats, or stealth whereas in unlawful detainer,
provided that said demand is one illegally withholds possession after the expiration or
not a mere reiteration of the termination of his right to hold possession under any
previous demands. contract, express or implied.

Q: If you are the plaintiff, and you want to out someone The two are distinguished from each other in that in forcible
from your property, you will want to do so through entry, the possession of the defendant is illegal from the
summary proceedings. Why? beginning, and that the issue is which party has prior de
facto possession while in unlawful detainer,
A: It is because the proceedings are abbreviated, judgment possession of the defendant is originally legal but became
of the MTC is immediately executory, subject only to a stay illegal due to the expiration or termination of the right to
if a supersedeas bond is paid and monthly rentals are possess.
deposited. Further, if on appeal, the RTC approved the
judgment of the MTC in favor of the plaintiff, that judgment The jurisdiction of these two actions, which are summary in
becomes absolutely immediately executory. It cannot be nature, lies in the proper municipal trial court or
restrained by a TRO. metropolitan trial court. Both actions must be brought
within one year from the date of actual entry on the land, in
case of forcible entry, and from the date of last demand, in
However, ang problema, minsan nakalipas na pala yung 1
case of unlawful detainer. The issue in said cases is the right
year from the time of dispossession through force, violence,
stealth, strategy, etc. Therefore, forcible entry is no longer to physical possession.
available. Accion publiciana is the plenary action to recover the
right of possession which should be brought in the proper
Ang ginagawa nung ibang abogado, sasabihin nila nun regional trial court when dispossession has lasted for more
umpisa nga, pumasok ‘yang defendant by force, but

PAGE 90 OF 175
than one year. It is an ordinary civil proceeding to determine the entry is legal but the possession thereafter becomes
the better right of possession of realty independently of title. illegal, the case is unlawful detainer.
In other words, if at the time of the filing of the complaint
more than one year had elapsed since defendant had turned Indeed, to vest the court jurisdiction to effect the
plaintiff out of possession or defendant's possession had ejectment of an occupant, it is necessary that the complaint
become illegal, the action will be, not one of the forcible entry should embody such a statement of facts as brings the party
or illegal detainer, but an accion publiciana. clearly within the class of cases for which the statutes provide
a remedy, as these proceedings are summary in nature. The
On the other hand, accion reivindicatoria is an action to complaint must show enough on its face the court jurisdiction
recover ownership also brought in the proper regional without resort to parol testimony.
trial court in an ordinary civil proceeding.
The jurisdictional facts must appear on the face of the
To justify an action for unlawful detainer, it is essential complaint. When the complaint fails to aver facts
that the plaintiff's supposed acts of tolerance must have constitutive of forcible entry or unlawful detainer, as
been present right from the start of the possession which where it does not state how entry was affected or how
is later sought to be recovered. Otherwise, if the and when dispossession started, the remedy should
possession was unlawful from the start, an action for either be an accion publiciana or an accion
unlawful detainer would be an improper remedy. As reivindicatoria in the proper regional trial court.
explained in Sarona v. Villegas:
In the instant case, the allegations in the complaint do not
If right at the incipiency defendant's possession was with contain any averment of fact that would substantiate
plaintiff's tolerance, we do not doubt that the latter may petitioners' claim that they permitted or tolerated the
require him to vacate the premises and sue before the occupation of the property by respondents. The complaint
inferior court under Section 1 of Rule 70, within one year contains only bare allegations that "respondents without any
from the date of the demand to vacate. color of title whatsoever occupies the land in question by
building their house in the said land thereby depriving
A close assessment of the law and the concept of the petitioners the possession thereof." Nothing has been said on
word "tolerance" confirms our view heretofore expressed how respondents' entry was effected or how and when
that such tolerance must be present right from the dispossession started. Admittedly, no express contract existed
start of possession sought to be recovered, to categorize between the parties. This failure of petitioners to allege
a cause of action as one of unlawful detainer — the key jurisdictional facts constitutive of unlawful
not of forcible entry. Indeed, to hold otherwise would detainer is fatal. Since the complaint did not satisfy the
espouse a dangerous doctrine. And for two jurisdictional requirement of a valid cause for unlawful
reasons: First. Forcible entry into the land is an open detainer, the municipal trial court had no jurisdiction
challenge to the right of the possessor. Violation of that over the case.
right authorizes the speedy redress — in the
inferior court — provided for in the rules. If one year FACTS:
from the forcible entry is allowed to lapse before suit is
filed, then the remedy ceases to be speedy; and the ❖ Petitioners claim that the averments of their
possessor is deemed to have waived his right to seek relief complaint make out a case for unlawful detainer
in the inferior court. Second, if a forcible entry action in having alleged that private respondents unlawfully
the inferior court is allowed after the lapse of a withheld from them the possession of the property
number of years, then the result may well be that no in question, which allegation is sufficient to
action of forcible entry can really prescribe. No matter establish a case for unlawful detainer. They further
how long such defendant is in physical possession, contend that the summary action for ejectment is
plaintiff will merely make a demand, bring suit in the the proper remedy available to the owner if
inferior court — upon a plea of tolerance to prevent another occupies the land at the former's tolerance
prescription to set in — and summarily throw him or permission without any contract between the
out of the land. Such a conclusion is unreasonable. two as the latter is bound by an implied promise to
Especially if we bear in mind the postulates that vacate the land upon demand by the owner.
proceedings of forcible entry and unlawful detainer are
summary in nature, and that the one year time-bar to ❖ Allegations in the Complaint:
suit is but in pursuance of the summary nature of the “x x x 3. That defendants, without any color of title
action. whatsoever occupied the said lot by building their house in
It is the nature of defendant's entry into the land which the said lot thereby depriving the herein plaintiffs rightful
determines the cause of action, whether it is forcible entry or possession thereof;
unlawful detainer. If the entry is illegal, then the action which 4. That for several times, plaintiffs orally asked the herein
may be filed against the intruder is forcible entry. If, however, defendants to peacefully surrender the premises to them, but

PAGE 91 OF 175
the latter stubbornly refused to vacate the lot they unlawfully Note: The reasonable force is use only to repel or
occupied; x x x.” prevent, that means, the taking or dispossession has
not yet occurred. There is only an attempt.*
❖ The dispossession was carried out through stealth.
Hindi alam ng owner na pinasok na pala property Illustration: Andon ka naglalakad sa kalye, nasnatch bigla
nila. They only discovered it later on, and even after ‘yung cellphone mo.
they discovered it, they did not do anything. They
did not file a case. Later on, they decided to sue for Q: Does it mean dapat panoorin mo lang ‘yung snatcher
unlawful detainer. na tumatakbo dala ‘yung cellphone mo because the law
ISSUE: does not allow you to use reasonable force anymore
dahil you have already been dispossessed?
Whether or not the averments of their complaint make out
a case for unlawful detainer. (NO) A: No. The law is not unreasonable. The law permits you or
gives you a small window after bei ng immediately
RULING: dispossessed to exercise the right to self-help. You can run
❖ The Supreme Court said hindi pwede kasi you after the snatcher. You can try to take back your phone.
alleged that there was dispossession through force
or stealth at the beginning. This must be dismissed. The reason behind this is clear. At that moment, when you
This is not the proper remedy. But the dismissal is have been immediately dispossessed, the facts are still very
without prejudice to your right to bring an accion clear. Maliwanag na ikaw ‘yung inagawan at may karapatan,
publiciana. and siya ‘yung nang-agaw at magnanakaw. Within that time
frame, you can still assert your rights. However, if that
❖ Practical Tip from Ma’am: Dapat ‘yung complaint moment passes, for instance, nakatakas na at hindi mo na
niya ay naging silent na lang or did not touch on the siya nakita, pero you see him after two (2) days using your
illegality of the possession of the defendant at the cellphone, this time around, the facts are not so clear
beginning. They could have simply said that they anymore. Except for you.
have been tolerating the possession since the time
he came into the premises. Di naman niya kelangan This time around, the presumption of the law sets in. He is
i-volunteer ‘yung info na ‘yon. True, the other party now presumed to be the owner of the cellphone because
may raise it as a defense. Okay lang ‘yon. At least possession is 9/10ths of the law. If you are in possession in
hindi nanggaling sayo. You should not volunteer the concept of an owner, the law presumes that you have
that kind of information that would destroy your title to that property. You cannot be compelled to prove
case. (Spouses Valdez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. your title. It must be the party claiming ownership who
132424, [May 4, 2006], 523 PHIL 39-51) must discharge the burden of proof.
❖ Transcriber’s Note: ‘Yung facts, issues, and ruling
na nakalagay dito, kung ano lang din ‘yung diniscuss DOCTRINE OF STATE NECESSITY
ni Ma’am. Cinopy paste ko na lang sa doctrine part
‘yung SC ruling na relevant sa discussion ni Ma’am. Art. 432. The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit the
interference of another with the same, if the interference is
PRINCIPLE OF SELF-HELP necessary to avert an imminent danger and the threatened
damage, compared to the damage arising to the owner from
the interference, is much greater. The owner may demand
Art. 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has the from the person benefited indemnity for the damage to him.
right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and
disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such force as A limitation on one’s ownership rights. Under this doctrine
may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an actual of state necessity, the owner has no right to prohibit the
or threatened unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of interference of another with his property, if the interference
his property. is necessary to avert an imminent danger and the
threatened damage, compared to the damage arising to the
Apart from bringing an action, the law recognizes the right owner from the interference, is much greater.
to self-help.
The recourse of the owner is against the person
The owner may use such force as may be reasonably benefitted, not against the actor.
necessary to repel or prevent an action or threatened
unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of his property. Danger must be objectively existing. Hindi pwede ‘yung
nagkamali regarding the existence of the danger.

PAGE 92 OF 175
Let us say nakatira ka sa kalye na makitid, narrow streets. above the entire condominium building. Hence, it
Then nagkaroon ng sunog doon sa dulo ng kalye and ‘yung belongs to the condominium corporation, not to
firetruck will have to come in to your street. Eh hindi kasya, you.
nakapark ‘yung kotse mo. Here, all the requisites are met.
We have imminent danger, the danger is greater than what ❖ Further, under the Condominium Law, a unit is
may befall your vehicle, and if your vehicle is injured kung limited to the four walls, the doors, the windows. It
sasagasaan ng firetruck para makadaan, your recourse as does not include the airspace above it. Thus, you
owner is against the person who is benefitted by the cannot claim the airspace.
action of the firetruck.
❖ Finally, if the airspace above your unit is not
If it turns out na nagkamali pala ‘yung bumbero, hindi pala considered a part of your unit under the
doon ‘yung sunog, then the doctrine of state of necessity Condominium Law, then necessarily, it falls under
would not be applicable. The actor will be liable now for the common areas of the condominium, and the
damages. common areas belong to the condominium
Art. 437. The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its
surface and of everything under it, and he can construct
thereon any works or make any plantations and
excavations which he may deem proper, without detriment
to servitudes and subject to special laws and ordinances. He
cannot complain of the reasonable requirements of aerial

Under Article 437, it is also provided that the owner of a

parcel of land is also the owner of the surface above it and
everything below it as well.

Untitled Case

Transcriber’s Note: Hindi nabanggit ni Ma’am ‘yung title ng



❖ There is an interesting case where the owner of a

penthouse unit wanted to apply this principle with
regard to the airspace above his penthouse. His
penthouse unit was called a Concession 3. Sabe
niya penthouse na ako, ‘yung airspace sa ibabaw
ko, aken ‘yan. I can now build another level,
tatawagin kong Concession 4. The condominium
corporation and other unit owners really tried to
prevent this defendant from building on top of his
penthouse unit. In reality, nagawa talaga ‘yung
additional level.


Whether or not the penthouse owner owns the airspace

above his unit. (NO)


❖ The Supreme Court in 2018 finally rendered a

decision stating that you do not own the airspace
above your unit so as to give you the right to build
another level above it. It is because the airspace is

PAGE 93 OF 175
part of the owner with regard to the expenses incurred
by the 3rd person?
NOVEMBER 6, 2020 A: Remember: when you apply the concepts of accession,
whether accession discreta or accession continua, it
presupposes that a controversy has arisen and it was
ACCESSION resolved in favor of the owner or the rightful possessor.
Hence, the only issue remaining is whether he should be
Q: What is accession? held liable to the 3rd person for any incurred expenses in
bringing forth fruits on the property of the owner.
A: Another attribute or aspect of ownership.
The right pertaining to the owner of a thing over everything
which is produced thereby, or which is incorporated or 2 RULES
attached thereto, either naturally or artificially (NCC, Art.
440). 1) Rule under Art. 448 (Building, Planting, Sowing – which
looks into the good faith or bad faith of the parties)
Art. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has
The basic requirement that the incorporation be been built, sown or planted in good faith, shall have the
inseparable. If it is not inseparable, then there is no basis for right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or
accession. Accession exists only if separation is not feasible. planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for
Otherwise, separation may be demanded. in Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built
or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who
sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter
2 CLASSIFICATIONS OF ACCESSION cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is
1. Accession Discreta – pertains to the fruits. Fruits under considerably more than that of the building or trees. In
our law are classified into 3. such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of
the land does not choose to appropriate the building or
Q: How are these different kinds of fruits defined by trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree
law? upon the terms of the lease and in case of disagreement,
the court shall fix the terms thereof.
a. Natural fruits – the spontaneous products of the
soil, and the young and other products of animals; 2) Rule under Art. 443 (It does not look into the good faith
or bad faith of the parties)
NOTE: for the young and other products of animals, there is
no qualification that it must be spontaneous or there must Art. 443. He who receives the fruits has the obligation
be no human intervention. to pay the expenses made by a third person in their
b. Industrial fruits – are those produced by lands of production, gathering, and preservation.
any kind through cultivation or labor;
Based on the foregoing, there is therefore an instance that
NOTE: there is human intervention. there is this person causing production of fruits on a land
belonging to another. He will be entitled to reimbursement
The difference becomes more telling today especially due to which is anathema to what is provided under Art. 448 and
the advancement of science and technology. It is now its companion Articles. In Art. 448, it is clear that if they
possible to produce a young of an animal through cloning. acted in bad faith in planting or sowing, they will lose what
This was never envisioned by the lawmakers at the time of they have planted and sown and they will only be entitled
drafting the Civil Code. However, the legal effect remains to necessary expenses. Hence, we need to find out when to
the same. Because the young of an animal is not qualified by properly apply Art. 443 and the clue is in the provision
the word spontaneous. Hence, even if there is human itself. It only speaks of expenses in production, gathering,
intervention, it remains a natural fruit. and preservation. This tells us that this provision will only
apply when the fruits have already been gathered. Unlike in
c. Civil fruits – the rents of buildings, the price of Art. 448 where we can now assume that the fruits are still
leases of lands and other property and the amount standing on the land cultivated by the 3 rd person in good
of perpetual or life annuities or other similar faith.
income (NCC, Art. 441-442).
It is important to make a distinction, otherwise you will be
Q: As a general rule, the fruits belong to the owner. suppressing Art. 443. It is a basic rule in statutory
However, what happens if the fruit is produced through construction that we will try to give all provisions of the law
the labors of a 3rd person? Will there be a liability on the an effect.

PAGE 94 OF 175
2. Accession Continua If both parties are in good faith, the landowner will just have
to pay for the value of the materials. The owner of the
1. Immovable Property materials may remove, but he only has a limited right of
a. Accession Industrial removal. That is, if the removal can be carried out without
the construction being destroyed.
i. Building
If landowner acted in bad faith and the owner of the
ii. planting materials acted in good faith, then the landowner has to pay
for the value of the materials plus damages. But this may be
iii. sowing defeated by the right given to the owner of the materials to
ask for the removal of the materials. This time around, since
b. Accession Natural
the landowner acted in bad faith, the right of removal is
i. Alluvium absolute. Hence, even if it will cause damage to the
construction, the same can be removed. In conjunction with
ii. Avulsion the right for removal, there is also a right to damages.
iii. change of course of rivers If it is the opposite situation, meaning the landowner acted
in good faith and the owner of the material acted in bad
iv. formation of islands
faith, then the owner of the materials will lose the materials
2. Movable property to the owner. He will not have the right to be reimbursed
and he may even be made liable for damages.
a. Adjunction
When both parties acted in bad faith, then they will be
b. Mixture treated as having acted in good faith.
c. specification 2. A third person building on the property of the
landowner but using his own materials.
IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ARTIFICIALLY MADE In this case, we will be applying Art. 448 and its companion
Articles. We need to consider the good faith or bad faith of
the parties. The law provides who will be considered as a
1. Landowner is building, planting or sowing on his own builder in good faith for Art. 448.
property, but using the materials of another.
Q: Who is a builder in good faith for purposes of Art. 448
Rule: With no question, the landowner is entitled to the and its companion articles?
ownership of whatever is built, planted, or sown on his own
property. Hence, we will only be looking at the rights and A: The term "builder in good faith" as used in reference to
obligations of the parties and how these will affect the Article 448 of the Civil Code, refers to one who, not being
general rule. the owner of the land, builds on that land believing himself
to be its owner and unaware of the land, builds on that land,
For this purpose, we need to understand whether the believing himself to be its owner and unaware of the defect
landowner and/or the owner of the materials acted in bad in its title or mode of acquisition. The essence of good faith
faith. Unfortunately, the law does not give us a definition for lies in an honest belief in the validity of one's right,
the good faith or bad faith of the parties. Hence, we will have ignorance of a superior claim, and absence of intention to
to contend with applying our definition of good faith or bad overreach another.
faith by analogy. This means that the landowner, who used
the materials of another, is acting in bad faith. On the other It is a state of mind.
hand, if the owner of the materials knew that his materials
are being used by the landowner and the former did not say A builder in good faith is given a right of retention. This is
anything to such use, then he is considered to be in bad faith. the right to hold the property until he is reimbursed for the
necessary and useful expenses but not for luxurious
Is there an instance when a person would allow another expenses. Remember: This is an obligation that is
person to use his materials knowingly and not saying unsecured in the context of credit transaction. Here, you do
anything about it? That is possible. For example, you want not have any security. If you are the builder in good faith,
to sabotage the owner of the land. The owner of the you will have no assurance that you will be paid. But with
materials may leave substandard materials lying around the right of retention, you are now given a leverage against
and to the owner’s detriment, he was able to build a house the owner. As long as the owner does not pay, he will not be
but with substandard materials. This makes the integrity of able to enjoy the property. That shall be enough compulsion
his infrastructure questionable. for him to pay.

PAGE 95 OF 175
As a general rule, to be a builder in good faith, you must also Useful expenses, necessary expenses, and luxurious
be possessing the property in the concept of an owner. expenses.
However, jurisprudence has also provided us with We need to understand what these expenses are. Part of the
instances when the definition of a builder in good faith were problem would be correctly classifying what kind of
made to extend beyond situations where the possessor was improvement has been introduced. From the classification
only in the concept of a holder. If you will look at this will flow what must be reimbursed, what need not be
jurisprudence that provides for the exceptions, it is hard to reimbursed, what can be done and what cannot be done.
tell where to draw the line. In one instance, the exception
was applied to one situation where the builders relied on These expenses are defined in a separate chapter.
the consent of another person who they thought was the Q: Please identify and define what these expenses are.
owner of the land. This was in Sarmiento v. Agana.
1. Necessary expenses are expenses incurred to
There were 2 other instances wherein family relations were preserve the property, without which, said
a factor e.g. Macasaet v. Macasaet and Javier v. Javier. property will physically deteriorate or be lost. E.g.
In Macasaet v. Macasaet, the married couple were invited having the roof fixed, painting of property, taxes
by the in-laws to build on the land belonging to the in-laws. (otherwise property will be confiscated by the
In Javier v. Javier, it was the son who was invited by the RULE: both builder, planter, and sower (BPS) whether in
father to build on the land belonging to the father. The bad faith or good faith are entitled to recover necessary
Supreme Court applied the principle under Art. 448 on the expenses. However, it is only the builder in good faith who
theory that the builders were invited, and the building was is entitled to the right of retention. No right of retention is
with the consent of the owner. However, that does not given to a builder in bad faith.
change the nature of their possession if they were still
possessing in the concept of a holder. But if you will read 2.Useful expenses are those which increase the
Javier v. Javier, you will feel that the Supreme Court value or productivity of the property.
implying that in the future the land will anyway be inherited RULE: Only refunded to a builder in good faith with right of
by the son at the time of death of the father. The father will retention. A builder in bad faith is not entitled to
eventually pass away and the land will pass on to the son. It reimbursement for useful expenses. The law also grants
is like suspended ownership. limited right of removal the builder in good faith for his
useful improvements. He can only carry it out if such
In this light, you can say that these 2 cases are exceptions removal will not damage the principal thing. Remember, the
to the rule that for you to be a builder in good faith, you definition of accession that the incorporation must be
must also be possessing the property in the concept of an inseparable. Meaning they cannot be separated without
owner because in these cases there is only anticipation of causing damage. Apparently, the law provides for a little
future ownership. qualification. In the sense that if we speak of useful
improvements, there is right of removal only if such removal
The ruling in the case of Cagayan v. Spouses ____ also makes will not damage the principal thing. This is at the option of
sense. In said case there was a contract to sell. Unlike in the builder.
other contracts to sell, here there is already delivery of the
land. With the delivery, there was permission to build on This may, however, be defeated by the owner who may opt
the land. In other words, this is short of ownership having to appropriate the useful improvement.
been transferred. There is also an anticipation of ownership
which would justify as deviation from the general IMPORTANT POINTS:
requirement that the builder must be a possessor in the Hence, even if the law on accession requires inseparability,
concept of an owner. in case of useful improvements (provided that the removal
Q: How do you apply these rulings? will not cause damage to the principal thing) there may be
separation. That will not defeat the definition of accession.
A: Read the full text of the cases so that you will get the feel
of the exact situation when you are supposed to apply these Also, the limited right of retention may be defeated by the
rulings. When you are faced with a question of this nature, owner who may opt to appropriate (pay for) the useful
apply the general rule. Unless the facts will squarely fall in improvement.
the facts of these exceptions. Q: What if the owner is interested in the useful
ANOTHER IMPORTANT POINT FOR BUILDING, SOWING, improvement but he also made a determination that
AND PLANTING: the useful improvement cannot be removed without
damage to his property?

PAGE 96 OF 175
A: In this case, the builder in good faith cannot actually Q: Let’s say both parties, the owner and the builder are
exercise his limited right of retention because it will cause in good faith. What will be the rules that will be
damage to the principal thing. applicable for their rights and obligations?
Q: We said that the limited right of retention may be A: The landowner may choose to appropriate the building
defeated by the owner who may opt to appropriate the subject to reimbursement of the necessary and useful
useful improvement. But in the above-mentioned expenses. Pending reimbursement, the builder has the right
scenario, can the owner refuse to reimburse the builder of retention. The landowner may also choose to sell the
in good faith for the useful improvement because property which must be purchased by the builder in good
removal of such will cause damage to the property? Can faith but he is not compelled to purchase such property if
he now get the useful improvement for FREE? (In other the value of the land is considerably greater than the
words, yung owner gusto lang maka-lamang.) building etc., in which case, the builder will be obliged to
pay rent.
A: The very provision which defines useful expenses uses
the mandatory word: “shall”. Hence, it is mandatory. You The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease and in
have to pay for the useful improvement. It only becomes case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereto.
optional when there is an exercise of the limited right of
removal. That’s the only time when the landowner may NOTE: the option is given to the landowner. He can choose
choose between appropriating or not appropriating to between selling or renting the property to the builder.
defeat the limited right of removal. Q: Why is the landowner given the option?
Before applying principles of equity such as unjust A: The accessory follows the principal. The rights of the
enrichment, make certain that there is no certain law owner will be greater than the builder. Hence, the option is
applicable to the case. If there is a law applicable, equity has given to him.
no place.
Q: There will be an instance wherein the landowner
NOTE: Payment of useful expenses only become optional may refuse to make a decision. What is the REMEDY of
when the limited right of removal is exercised by the builder the builder?
in good faith. It is important to grasp this rule on useful
expenses. A: The builder may initiate a court action to ask the
landowner to decide.
3. Luxurious expenses are expenses incurred for
improvements introduced for pure luxury or mere Q: What kind of action must be filed?
pleasure. E.g. embellishment to the property.
RULE: The law is explicit. It is not to be refunded to a builder A: Action for specific performance to compel the landowner
in good faith. No obligation to reimburse for luxurious to make a decision. The court will not make a decision for
expenses. Luxurious expenses are not refundable even if the landowner because the court is not authorized to do so.
made by a possessor who is in good faith. He will simply be compelled to make a decision.

But, the builder in good faith is given a limited right of Sometimes, the reason why the landowner does not want to
removal as well. And it is in relation to the exercise by the make a decision, is that the decision that he wants to
builder in good faith of this right of removal that the exercise is not among the options given to him. For example,
occasion for reimbursement may occur. How? Again, to he wants the improvement to be removed. That is not an
defeat the exercise by the builder in good faith of this option given by the law in case both of the parties are in
limited right of removal. good faith.

Student’s own note: The builder, whether in good faith or Q: Why would the landowner choose removal instead of
in bad faith, shall not be refunded but he has a limited right paying for it, selling, or renting it out?
of removal, i.e. he may remove if the principal thing suffers A: Not every house built on the land is according to the
no injury thereby, and if the lawful possessor does not “taste” of the landowner. For example, you’re a macho man
prefer to refund the amount expended. and another person built a very girly house on your land,
Back to discussion: the improvement is not to your liking. You don’t want to sell
your property because this is location you have chosen for
Hence, when you are faced with a problem as to which your dream house. You also don’t want to be stuck with the
provision to apply, you must properly classify what the house that was built thereon by the builder in good faith. So,
improvement is. in this case, you want the house to be removed. But
demolition will cost money.
Rules which determine the rights and obligations of the
parties depending on their good faith or bad faith The SC in one case held that if the landowner elected to sell
the property but the builder has no resources to pay, then

PAGE 97 OF 175
the landowner may require the builder to restore the In case the circumstances under Art. 443 applies, meaning
property to its former condition or removal of what was to say, if by the time there is transfer of possession to the
built. However, this is risky, because what if the builder has owner, the fruits having been delivered to the owner
money and what the landowner really wanted was for the because they have been harvested, gathered, and stored,
house to be removed? then there will be a right to be reimbursed for the expenses
under Art. 44, even if the builder acted in bad faith.
But if his desire to have that improvement removed is
greater than his fear of losing the property, then that is his How do we know that the builder was in bad faith? How
option. does the law define a builder in bad faith?
Q: What will be the basis for the valuation of the useful, If the builder knows that has a defect in title or he knows
necessary, and luxurious expenses? that he does not own the land, then he is considered a
builder in bad faith.
A: For necessary expenses, the basis is actual expense
incurred by the builder. Q: Supposing this time that it is the owner who was
acting in bad faith and the builder was in good faith,
For useful expenses, the basis is the current value of the how do we know that the landowner was acting in bad
improvements. faith?
For luxurious expenses, the basis is the amount incurred A: He allows the builder to build on his property without
at the time the luxurious expense was made. calling the attention of the builder or objecting to such
This came from jurisprudence. This is not the definition building. In this case, apply the provisions of Art. 447:
provided under the law.
Article 447. The owner of the land who makes thereon,
Q: How was such valuation justified by the Supreme personally or through another, plantings, constructions
Court? What made the SC deviate from what the law or works with the materials of another, shall pay their
provides? value; and, if he acted in bad faith, he shall also be
obliged to the reparation of damages. The owner of the
A: The purpose of the law in providing the right to be materials shall have the right to remove them only in
reimbursed to the builder in good faith is to avoid unjust case he can do so without injury to the work
enrichment and this purpose is achieved if we will value the constructed, or without the plantings, constructions or
improvement at its current market value. works being destroyed. However, if the landowner
acted in bad faith, the owner of the materials may
Q: Let’s say that the choice was for the builder in good
remove them in any event, with a right to be
faith to pay for the price of the property of the
indemnified for damages.
landowner (meaning, the landowner chose to sell the
land to the builder). How much should the land be Treat the builder as an agent of the landowner. In other
valued? words, the builder in good faith will be considered as the
A: The law does not tell us how much. But it should be the owner of the materials. The agency refers to the
fair market value of the land reckoned at the time when the service/effort rendered by the builder: as if the owner was
landowner made his choice to sell the lot and not at the time acting thru such builder and using the latter’s materials.
that the property was purchased. This is the ruling in Vda. If both parties are in bad faith, then they will be treated as
De Roxas v. Our Lady’s Foundation (March 2013). though they were both acting in good faith.
Q: What if the builder acted in bad faith?
A: This should be your favorite because the rules here are PROPERTY
very simple.
Here, the builder loses everything that he produces on the You are very familiar with this. We will not belabor these
property, subject to certain exceptions: provisions. But I will emphasize the provision pertaining to
alluvium. This is a consistent source of bar exam questions.
RULE: If the builder acted in bad faith, he loses everything The question has always remained the same. It will always
that he produces on the property without right to be involve accrued land attaching to registered riparian land.
reimbursed except necessary expenses BUT without right of
retention. More importantly, the landowner may compel the Q: Will the registered owner have to do anything to
builder to remove the improvement. He may also compel acquire ownership over the accrued portion of land
the builder to buy the property occupied by the brought about by the ALLUVION?
improvement, or to lease the property that has been planted
A: No, he does not have to lift a finger to acquire ownership
or sowed with the right to damages in all instances.
over the alluvium. However, acquisition is not the same as

PAGE 98 OF 175
registration. He will have to register it. If he does not do so, b) Record;
he runs the risk of losing the accrued portion thru
acquisitive prescription that may be exercised by a 3 rd c) Claim;
person. d) Encumbrance; or

ACCRETION CONTINUA IN RELATION TO MOVABLE e. Proceeding which is apparently valid but is in truth
OBJECTS invalid, ineffective, voidable or unenforceable, and is
prejudicial to the plaintiff’s title; and

The provisions here are self-explanatory. But I will 4. Plaintiff must

emphasize commixtion and confusion. It has a different
outcome in all instances of accession. Thus far, when we a) Return to the defendant all benefits he may have
speak of accession, it grants ownership either to the owner received from the latter; or
of the principal or to the owner of the accessory. But b) Reimburse him for expenses that may have
commixtion or confusion is different. They generally result redounded to his benefit.
to co-ownership. Unless there is fault or bad faith on the
part of either parties. In which case, the party in bad faith NOTE: even a proceeding may be a source of cloud on the
will lose ownership over his own property. title. Hence, it may also be a subject of an action to quiet title.
Student’s own notes: Q: We have 2 scenarios that may be obtained here:
Mixture 1. The instrument is really without effect for being void,
voidable, unenforceable or ineffective.
It is the combination of materials where the respective
identities of the component elements are lost either 2. The instrument did have an effect, but the effect has
voluntarily or by chance. already ceased. Either because prescription has set in or it
was already extinguished or terminated.
Kinds of mixtures
Example: For instance, there is an instrument which
1. Commixtion – mixture of solids pertains to your parcel of land and that instrument says that
2. Confusion – mixture of liquids you have sold that parcel of land to Pedro. But you never
signed that instrument. Your signature was FORGED.
Therefore, quite clearly, at least to you, that instrument is a
nullity. Since it is a nullity, you have the option not to do
anything because a void instrument is without legal effect.
Q: What is an action to quiet title? It is legally inexistent and your right to question the same
or to invoke nullity as a defense does not prescribe.
A: It is a proceeding in equity, the purpose of which is the
declaration of the invalidity of a claim on a title or the You can wait until there is an action in court to enforce the
invalidity of an interest in property adverse to that of the contract as against you or action for specific performance to
plaintiff, and thereafter to free the plaintiff and all those make you deliver the property. In that action, you may
claiming under him from any hostile claim thereon. invoke the defense that the instrument is null and void
because your signature was forged.
It is an action filed to put an end to vexatious litigation in
respect to the real property involved. In the meantime, this instrument is existing. It can be shown
to multiple people and such people may rely on that
NOTE: The instances when you can file an action to quiet instrument and transact with the supposed buyer, and then
title are very specific: acquire rights that in the future may be sustained by the
1. Plaintiff must have a Legal or equitable title to, or interest court based on the principle of buyer in good faith and for
in the real property which is the subject matter of the value. It may also happen that you will die and the heirs you
action; will leave behind will not be knowledgeable ab0ut the
transaction. They may not be familiar with your signature.
NOTE: He need not be in possession of said property (NCC, Hence, the heirs, upon seeing the instrument, may believe
Art.477) on its validity. They will not have personal knowledge to
equip them with the motivation to question the contract.
2. There must be Cloud in such title;
Example: You saw a Deed of Sale bearing the signature of
3. Such cloud must be Due to some: your grandfather, can you say with certainty that such
a) Instrument; signature was forged? That the signature is fake? No. The
instrument was created a long time ago. That is why this

PAGE 99 OF 175
serves a purpose. You can put an end to any controversy A: NO BASIS. The one co-owner who stayed in the ancestral
that may arise on account of that instrument by filing an house is entitled to the full use of the property and not
action to quiet title. merely use of ¼ or 25% of the property.
Q: What about the other siblings who do not get to use
the property? Can they be compensated money in lieu
of using the property physically?
There is co-ownership whenever the ownership of an
undivided thing or right belongs to different persons (NCC, A: No. They are free to use the property, but they chose not
Art. 484). to exercise their right.

It is the right of common dominion which two or more BOTTOMLINE: The co-owner who stayed in the ancestral
persons have in a spiritual (or ideal) part of the thing which house is entitled to use the entire property. In this case, he is
is not physically divided. not excluding the other siblings from using the property. It
will be a different matter when the co-owner who remains
Q: How is co-ownership created? in possession of the property decides to rent out the
property to 3rd persons e.g. he will convert the ancestral
A: It can be created by law, contract, succession, and house as an Air BNB. In such case, the other siblings can ask
occupation. for their share in the profits. This time around the use of the
NOTE: actually, when you say it is created by law, that will property is no longer in accordance with the purpose of the
already subsume succession. That happens when the co-ownership.
decedent dies intestate, without a will. Automatically there
Q: One important consequence of ownership is that
will be co-ownership among the co-heirs over the property
each co-owner will share in the benefits and charges in
in the estate. proportion to their respective interests. Can there be a
Co-ownership involves different owners who have rights stipulation providing otherwise?
over the same property. As co-owners, their interest will A: No, they cannot stipulate. The share of the co-owners in
not always be equal. Their interest may vary. It is not always
the benefits and charges arising from the co-ownership
shall be proportional to their respective interests and any
We have to make a distinction between quantitative stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall be void (NCC,
interest and qualitative interest. It may be, that as a co- Art. 485, par. 1).
owner, you have 25% interest over the property, but it does Q: Can a co-owner avoid payment of charges and
not mean that you get to enjoy only 25% of the property. expenses?
Let us say the subject of co-ownership is a house and you as
A: He can but he must renounce his interest in the co-
co-owner, you only have 25% interest, and the other co-
ownership to the extent of the charges.
owners have ¾ or 75% interest. But even then, you are
entitled to use the entire house. You will not be confined to However, there are instances when this cannot be done.
only ¼ or 25% of the property.
RULE: A co-owner may opt not to contribute to the
As co-owner, you are entitled to use the property in expenses for the preservation of the property.
accordance with its purpose, so long as in using the same
you are not injuring the rights of the other co-owners. GR: Yes, by renouncing his undivided interest equal to the
amount of contribution.
Q: Filipinos usually have a family home and the family home
here is not the ‘family home’ as defined under the Family XPN: If the waiver or renunciation is prejudicial to the co-
Code. ‘Ancestral homes’ may be the more apt name for it. ownership, otherwise he cannot exempt himself from the
We are speaking of a house that your grandfather and contribution (NCC, Art. 488).
grandmother lived in. Where your parent and his siblings
Q: Can you cite instances when renunciation will be
grew up. Eventually, ancestral homes are emptied.
prejudicial to the co-ownership?
Everyone leaves. But the parent who will be left behind,
they are sometimes lucky to have a child who will be staying A: When the remaining co-owners do not have the financial
with them. Then this child would be eventually living in that capacity to pay for the taxes and the one renouncing the
ancestral home after the parents are gone. Meanwhile, the share has such financial capacity.
other siblings who are now abroad or in Manila want to
charge the child living in that ancestral home payment of Q: Who decides for the co-ownership when it comes to
rent. I-awas na lang daw yung 25% na share. Is their incurring expenses or other matters of administration?
demand for payment of rental have any basis?
A: In case of matters of administration, it is required that
majority of the co-owners consent to it.

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Q: Tell me who decides in matters involving: b) Repairs and preservation
a) Ejectment: any of the co-owners because of the Q: Who may make the decision?
fiduciary relationship among co-owners. The
theory is that any of the co-owners can act on the A: Any of the co-owners.
interest of the co-ownership as a representative. Q: Will there be any condition on his power to make
SUB-Q: If a co-owner brings a suit for ejectment on his such decision?
own and loses, how will this affect the other co-owners A: He must notify the other co-owners for such repairs.
who did not join him in such suit?
Q: Does it require the consent of the other co-owners?
A student’s answer:
A: No. He must notify the others prior to making the repairs
As a general rule, prejudicial acts of one co-owner will not but only if doing so is practicable under the circumstances.
bind the other co-owners. However, when a co-owner
brings an action for ejectment and loses, such judgment will c) Improvement/ embellishment of the property or any act
bind the other co-owners. Otherwise, if that will not be the of administration
case, then the other co-owners can keep on filing an
ejectment action against the defendant. Q: Who may make that decision?

NOTE: Remember, that will only be true if there was an A: The majority of the co-owners.
authorization. But in our facts, he sued on his own because Q: When we say majority here, is it numerical majority?
the law allowed him to do so.
A: The co-owner who has the controlling interest.
Another student’s answer:
Q: Is it possible that if you have 7 co-owners, a single co-
If the law will allow several co-owners to pursue several owner (1 out of 7 co-owners) can make a decision to
actions based on the same cause of action, there will be improve or embellish the property?
multiplicity of suits. This will unduly burden the court.
A: Yes, so long as he has the controlling interest.
Q: But that is a procedural rule. Are we putting a
premium on the procedural rule over substantive law? Q: Can you tell me how, in this example when we have 7
Shouldn’t substantive law prevail over procedural law? co-owners that a co-owner may have the controlling
What can the defendant do in case he is only sued by a interest?
A: The deciding co-owner may have 70% percent interest
A: He can ask the court to bring in the other parties on the over the co-owned property. Only 30% to be distributed to
ground that the other parties are necessary or indispensable the 6 remaining co-owners (5% interest each). Quite
parties. This is to put an end to the lawsuit. The suing co- clearly, the deciding co-owner having 70% interest in the
owner does not want to bring them in, under substantive co-owned property would have controlling interest.
law, that will not bind the other co-owners who were not
joined in the lawsuit. Q: Supposing that the decision was made by the
majority co-owner (co-owner with controlling interest)
As a defendant you must to make them join. Ask the court and the minority co-owners are not in agreement with
that the other co-owners be joined as necessary or the decision, what can they do? What can the minority
indispensable parties. We cannot presume that the co- co-owners do?
owner who brought the lawsuit is acting in favor of the co-
owners. For all we know, he may be in cahoots with the A: Go to COURT. Ask the court for the proper remedy. The
defendant. He may be bringing the lawsuit with the court may, in some instances, place the property under
intention to lose on purpose. (THIS IS THE CORRECT administration.
NOTE: the same remedy is available when there is no
Hence, the RULE is: If the case does not prosper: majority or when the majority cannot be determined.

GR: The other co-owners are NOT bound by the judgment. d) Alterations

XPN: If they were also served with summons, even as Q: Who may be allowed to decide on such alteration?
unwilling plaintiffs.
A: Acts of alteration must be with the UNANIMOUS consent
The remedy of the defendant is to ask the court that the of the co-owners.
other co-owners be joined as necessary or indispensable
It must be unanimous.

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Q: What do you understand by alterations?
A: It changes the very essence or the nature of the thing co-

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Q: What is the next consequence of co-ownership?
NOVEMBER 26, 2020
A: Each co-owner enjoys full ownership over his
proportionate share. He can do whatever he wants to the
CO-OWNERSHIP proportionate share without requiring the consent of the
other co-owners.
Q: When the law speaks of alteration in Art. 491, what A co-owner may encumber, sell, dispose, transfer his
does it mean? proportionate share in favor of any person without the
consent of the other co-owners.
A: Something which changes the substance of the thing
owned in common or an act of dominion or ownership Q: What are the exceptions?
which would include encumbrance or alienation.
A: Exceptions to the rule that a co-owner may validly
Art. 491. None of the co-owners shall, without the alienate his proportional share without the consent of the
consent of the others, make alterations in the thing owned other co-owners are:
in common, even though benefits for all would result
therefrom. However, if the withholding of the consent by 1. When the property is personal in character.
one or more of the co-owners is clearly prejudicial to the 2. Art. 147, par. 3 of the Family Code
common interest, the courts may afford adequate relief.
Q: What is the 1st exception?

Since unanimous consent is required, you can also see A: One would be if the property co-owned would be
how it is possible for the minority co-owners to actually personal in character.
veto the decision by simply not giving their consent to the
action to be taken. An example would be a family residence if we are dealing
with the house and lot which serves as the family residence
Which can be frustrating for those who have majority of the co-owners. This is personal in character, specially if
interest, but the law does not leave them without any all the co-owners live in that house.
remedy. It says that if the decision of the minority of
withholding consent is prejudicial to the co-ownership, Q: What determines whether or not a property is
then the consenting co-owners may go to the court for personal in character?
relief. It’s possible to compel the non-consenting owners for A: The circumstances surrounding its ownership and use.
their consent.
Q: What is the second exception?
Q: Since in our definition of consent as including the act
of alienation, is it possible for the other co-owners who A: Art. 147, paragraph 3. The law explicitly prohibits either
are willing to sell the entire property to go to court to party from encumbering or disposing by acts inter vivos by
compel the non-consent co-owner to give his consent to property obtained during the cohabitation and owned in
the sale? common, so long as the co-habitation has not been
A: This has already been settled, the SC has said that Art.
491, paragraph 2 does not apply in situations where the Art. 147, par. 3. Neither party can encumber or dispose
decision is to sell. by acts inter vivos of his or her share in the property
acquired during cohabitation and owned in common,
In other words, the co-owner who does not want to sell may without the consent of the other, until after the
not be compelled under paragraph 2 of Art. 491 to consent termination of their cohabitation.
to the sale of the entire property. The Court recognizes that
the co-owner is the sole owner of his proportionate interest.
The co-ownership under Art. 147 may actually outlive the
Between the rights of the co-ownership and the dominion
relationship of the parties. And should this happen, the co-
enjoyed by the co-owner over his proportionate interest, it
ownership under Art. 147 would be transformed into an
is the latter which would prevail.
ordinary co-ownership after the co-habitation.
CLARIFICATION: Why do we need the consent of that co-
And the transformation would consists of the fact that the
owner to the sale?
parties can now dispose and encumber their interest
A: because it is the sale of the entire property. If one of them without the consent of the other.
refuses to the transaction, what would result is a sale but
not of the entire property. It would still be a valid sale but LEGAL REDEMPTION
not just complete.

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Q: Supposing that a co-owner sells his share in the co- For a while, the SC was vacillating between strict adherence
ownership, we have established that the consent of the to the requirement of written notice and actual knowledge.
other co-owners is not needed to make the sale valid, is But the most recent jurisprudence on the matter upholds
this to say that the other co-owners are totally without the mandatory character of the requirement of written
power to prevent the sale? notice.
A: No, because the law allows the right of legal redemption. This is now the prevailing rule: There must be written
Q: Where is this provided?
Q: There is a corollary question as well, does it matter
A: Article 1620 of the New Civil Code. who gives the notice?
Article 1620. A co-owner of a thing may exercise the A: It does not matter. The SC has clarified that it does not
right of redemption in case the shares of all the other co- matter who gives the notice, so long as notice in writing has
owners or of any of them, are sold to a third person. If the been given.
price of the alienation is grossly excessive, the
redemptioner shall pay only a reasonable one. This ruling makes sense as the law gives the duty to provide
notice to the vendor on the theory that he knows best and
Should two or more co-owners desire to exercise the right he knows who the other co-owners are.
of redemption, they may only do so in proportion to the
share they may respectively have in the thing owned in If for example the question of who the other co-owners are
common. (1522a) is not even an issue then it follows that it does not really
matter who gives the written notice.

Q: What is the right to legal redemption? Bayan vs. Bayan

A: Legal redemption is the right to be subrogated, upon the G.R. No. 220741, 14 August 2019
same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract, in the
place of one who acquires a thing by purchase or dation in
payment, or by any other transaction whereby ownership is
FACTS: A co-owner encumbered the co-owned property
transmitted by onerous title.
but to do this, he forged the signature of the other two co-
It is the opportunity to buy back the proportionate interest owners in an SPA that he prepared. On the basis of this SPA
of the property that has been sold. he mortgaged the co-owned property. When the other co-
owners discovered this, they filed an action to nullify the
Q: But there are conditions, what are the conditions? SPA and by extension the mortgage as well. While the case
was pending, the mortgagees foreclosed on the mortgage.
A: the co-ownership must still be existing, which means that
Mortgage proceedings ensued which resulted in the sale of
there must have been no partition yet. If there has been
the property and in the issuance of the certificate of sale.
partition then we would not speak of legal redemption
anymore. All of these developments were known to the other co-
owners. They were notified in writing. In fact in one of their
Q: When should the right to legal redemption be
pleadings they alleged that there was a certificate of sale
which was issued.
A: 30 days reckoned from the time of written notice by the
Subsequently, the Court nullified the SPA and the mortgage
but only insofar as the other two co-owners are concerned.
Q: When the law speaks of vendor, who does it mean? In other words, the mortgage was sustained to be valid in
regards to the share of the mortgagor co-owner.
A: it is the co-owner who sold the property.
The parties filed a motion for partial reconsideration and in
Q: Why is it that the obligation to give notice is imposed that motion they asked that they be allowed to exercise
upon the vendor and not the vendee? their right of legal redemption. This was something that
they raised for the first time.
A: Because it is the co-owner who is in the best position to
know who his co-owners are as well as details as to the ISSUE: Whether or not the parties can exercise their right
transaction. He therefore know who to give notices to. of legal redemption
Q: As to the manner of giving notice, what is the RULING: No, the parties cannot exercise their right of legal
requirement? (this is mandatory) redemption as the same has already prescribed.
A: the law is clear that it must be notice in writing.

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The SC held that they had had written notice of the sale of inheritance, others may redeem under Art. 1080 because
the property. They knew that the property had been sold there is no specific property which is involved.
but they did not exercise their right of legal redemption.
Now they come years later after the court has nullified the However, if it has gotten to the point that the heirs have
SPA and the mortgage it is only that they raised the issue. been allotted a specific property, a house and lot for
instance, and A sells his proportionate share in the inherited
The 30 days by which they could excessive the same, began house and lot, what we apply is Art. 1620 because specific
from the time they had written notice. At the very least that property is involved.
would have started from the issuance of the certificate of
sale. Once that certificate has been issued the rights of the Q: Supposing that what the co-heir did was to sell the
mortgagor in relation to the property would be terminated entire property, what would be status of the sale?
and it perfects the right of the purchaser of the property. A: The Sale would be valid to his own share but the Supreme
Court would be silent as to the status of the sale with regard
❖ What is important in this case?
to the sale of the shares of the others.
It is a reiteration of the rule that so long as there
The uncertainty stems from a provision of the law which
has been written notice, it does not matter who
states that if you enter into a contract without any authority
provides the same.
or in excess of your authority, that makes the contract
Q: How will you exercise your right of legal redemption unenforceable. It does not make the contract null and void.
under Art. 1620? An unenforceable contract is a valid contract and may even
A: This is exercised by paying the price for which the share be ratified.
was sold. If the price happens to be excessive, then the However we saw in Bayan vs. Bayan that the Supreme Court
redeeming co-owner’s may simply pay a reasonable price invalidated the mortgage in so far as the other two co-
for the proportionate share. owners are concerned. The invalidation of the mortgage
Q: Art. 1620 has a counterpart provision in our law on stemmed from the invalidation of the SPA because it was a
succession and this is Art. 1080. Under this article, the forgery.
law is stricter. Q: Let us extend this situation (previous paragraph)
A: Under this provision, the redeeming co-heirs will have to where what is involved is a sale of a parcel of land. A co-
pay the price for which the share of the selling co-heir was owner would sell a co-owned land by himself and
sold. There is no option to sell in a reasonable price if the without the authority of the others, what is the status of
price happens to be excessive. the sale?

Article 1080. Should a person make partition of his Given that it is valid insofar as his share is concerned,
estate by an act inter vivos, or by will, such partition shall but what about the shares of the others?
be respected, insofar as it does not prejudice the legitime A: It would depend on the allegations of the complaint.
of the compulsory heirs.
If you were to assail the lack of authority for lack of an SPA,
A parent who, in the interest of his or her family, desires and you know you cannot sell land without an SPA in
to keep any agricultural, industrial, or manufacturing writing, it will make the sale null and void. Then, it would be
enterprise intact, may avail himself of the right granted null and void. But that is because you represented to be
him in this article, by ordering that the legitime of the selling on behalf of the other co-owners.
other children to whom the property is not assigned, be
paid in cash. Supposing, you glossed over that fact and you simply sold,
you glossed over the fact of misrepresentation in your
complaint. Here, the unenforceable character because you
Q: When do we apply 1080 and when do we apply 1620, acted without authority or in excess of your authority.
when we are dealing with co-heirs as co-owners.
*Pero masyado na yang malalim na discussion for the bar
A: As we all know when you die with several heirs, it is exams
automatic co-ownership among them.
Q: For example, you were asked this question, how will
According to Sen. Tolentino, if the thing that is co-owned you answer?
refers to the entire hereditary rights, meaning to say there
is no specific property involved, you will apply Art. 1080. A: Just like how the rulings have been teaching you how to
EXAMPLE: Let us say there is an entire estate and you have
4 co-heirs and each one of them will be getting ¼ of the You say that the sale is valid insofar as the sale of the selling
estate, and should A sell his proportionate share of the co-owner is concerned.

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Q: What is the remedy of the other co-owners if they are property for the purpose of dividing the proceeds among
not happy with having the new co-owner with them in the co-owners may also be taken as a form of partition.
the ownership?
Q: It is ideal that the partition is carried out by
A: to ask for partition or to sell their own shares to get out agreement but a voluntary partition presupposes that
of the co-ownership. the co-ownership is recognized. But sometimes that
becomes the issue, whether or not there is a co-
Q: When we say that the co-owner has the right to ownership.
dispose of his proportionate interest, we have to keep
in mind that what he can dispose of is his ideal share. A: This is usually the case when the parties cohabited under
What does this mean? Art. 147 (cohabitation without the benefit of marriage but
are capacitated to marry or cohabitation under a void
A: He cannot specify any portion or part of the co-owned marriage) or 148 (cohabitation not falling under Art. 147)
property to be the subject of the sale. of the Family Code.
For example, in a sale of a lot and there are 4 co-owners you Once the relationship deteriorates and the parties break up,
cannot say that your portion is the upper right portion of the tendency is to argue over properties. Hence, before
the lot. Even if the contract between the co-owner and his partition could be effected, the fact of co-ownership must be
buyer should so specify that that is the portion which is established.
subject of the sale, the sale would still depend on the results
of the partition. Q: So you have to establish that fact, how?
A: You go to court and file an action for declaratory relief in
order to establish the rights and the obligations of the
parties in connection with the property.
Q: Another consequence of co-ownership is that no Once that has been established, the parties may either
person shall be compelled to stay in the co-ownership. decide to partition by agreement or ask the court to effect
What is the consequence of this? partition if they cannot by themselves have an agreement.
A: Any one of the co-owners may ask a partition at any time. The latter would be the case of judicial partition.
Subject to certain exceptions. However, judicial partition would be more expensive
Q: What are these exceptions? because it is not the court itself which would evaluate the
value of the property. There would be a commissioner and
A: The exceptions are the following: of course the expenses for the commissioner would be
charged to the parties.
1. If there is an agreement between the co-owners,
however this agreement cannot exceed a period of Q: The partition puts an end to the co-ownership but it
10 years and can only be renewed once; does not necessarily put an end to the obligation of the
parties to one another, why is that so?
2. In cases of donation and succession where the
donor or the testator expressly prohibits partition, A: Because after partition there should be mutual
however this prohibition cannot exceed a period of accounting and other residual liabilities for any defect in the
20 years; title or in the character of the thing that has been allotted in
the partition.
3. When it is prohibited by law; and
The other co-owners may be liable should you suffer
4. When the partition would render the common damage from the partitioned property due to its defects or
property unserviceable to the use intended by the in its make up.
Q: Give an example when partition is prohibited by law PRESCRIPTION

A: the case of a Family Home. A Family Home may not be

subject to partition for a period of 10 years from the time of Q: Another consequence of co-ownership is that
death of the owner of the Family Home or so long as there prescription does not lie against a co-owners. No
is a minor beneficiary residing in the same, which ever lasts matter how long anyone of the co-owners may have
longer. been in possession of the co-owned property. Why?

Q: How do you effect a partition? A: Because the theory is that possession of a co-owner is
actually in trust for the others. Prescription will only begin
A: It is anything which is designed or aimed to put to an end to run when there has been repudiation of th e co-
the co-ownership. For this reason, selling the co-owned ownership.

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The Repudiation must be proven by clear and convincing Q: And what does it mean when you are in possession of
evidence. a thing in the name of another?
Q: Give an example of a clear sign of repudiation A: it is possession by mere agency or instrument, there is no
right as compared to possession in one’s own name.
A: One clear sign would be when one of the co-owners
registers the property solely in his name. Q: Why is there confusion between the concept of
possession in the concept of a holder and possession in
Another would be if he brings an action for ejectment the name of another?
against his co-owners. Because normally an ejectment
action cannot lie against another co-owner but if the suing A: Because in both these instances, rightful possession is
co-owner is repudiating the co-ownership and he is suing recognized in another person.
precisely because he wants to establish sole dominion then
that ejectment suit may be allowed. The difference between the two is that in a possessor in the
name of another has no rights at all. He is a mere conduit
or agent.
An example of this would be a security guard, you would not
be able to enter the UST Main building without
Q: How do you define possession? encountering the security guard. But the security guard has
A: Holding of a thing and the enjoyment of a right. no rights at all and his authority to disallow you to enter the
building stems not from his ownership of the building but
Q: What are the requisites that must be met for because of the rules set down by the owner of the building.
possession to exist?
A possessor in the concept of a holder is different
A: The requisites are: because he has a right to the property. Although at the
same just like a possessor in the name of another, he
1. There must be actual occupancy; and recognizes ownership or better rights to the property in
2. There must be intent to possess the property another person.

Q: Keep in mind that it is not just the thing which may Q: What is possession in the concept of an owner? What
be subject of the possession but also the right. And you does the law mean when it says “concept”? Whose
possess the right how? concept are we talking with? Whose perception matters
A: by exercising the right.
A: The perception that matters is the belief of third persons
The thing is tangible, you can actually have it your hands. or others.
However, the right, unless you exercise it, there would be
no indication that you have that right. When we say concept, the law speaks of concept meaning
the perception of third persons have of you. Third persons
Q: There are different classes of possession would perceive you based on your demeanor and how you
project yourself to be.
A: these are:
They will only have the perception that you are the owner
1. Possession in one’s own name; of the property, if you act though you are the owner of the
2. Possession in the name of another; property.

3. Possession in the concept of a holder; Q: How do you act like the owner of the property?

4. Possession in the concept of an owner; A: By exercising acts of dominion over the properly.

5. Possession in good faith; If it is a lot then an act of dominion would be building a fence
around the property. If it is a dog, then it would be the act of
6. Possession in bad faith putting a collar around the dog.

Q: What does it mean to be when the possession is in Q: When we talk about possession in good faith and
one’s own name. possession in bad faith, this means that we have
reached the point wherein the rightful owner has
A: Both the fact of possession and the right of possession lies recovered the property. Why?
with one in the same person and that there is recognition
form a third person that that person is the owner of the said A: because if there no rightful possessor, we would no
thing or right. longer talk about possession in good faith, we would be

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talking about an owner. There would not be a defect in the Q: Why is the reckoning point where possession in good
title. Always keep this notion in your mindset. faith material? What are the legal consequences?
The moment you speak of a possessor in good faith there A: The rights and obligations of the parties with regard to
has already been a recovery or a finding that the possessor improvements, loss, fruits are dependent on good faith and
must recover the property. bad faith.
You must also be aware that a possessor in good faith must Q: May Good faith be based on a mistake of law?
necessarily become a possessor in bad faith at some point.
There would be a transformation because at some point he A: Yes, good faith may be based on a mistake of law. This is
would become aware of the defect in his title. an exception to Art. 3 of the New Civil Code. This exception
can be found in Article 526 of the New Civil Code.
The only thing separating a possessor in good faith from a a
possessor in bad faith is his lack of awareness that there is Art. 526 says that a mistake upon a difficult or doubtful
a defect in his title. question of law may be the basis of good faith.

Q: Who is considered to be a possessor in good faith? Article 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
compliance therewith.
A: A possessor in good faith is one who believes that he
owns the property and so believes because he has at least
colorable title to the property.
Article 526. He is deemed a possessor in good faith who
Q: What do we mean by colorable title? is not aware that there exists in his title or mode of
acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.
A: It just means that the possessor has basis to believe that
he has the right to the property. He is deemed a possessor in bad faith who possesses in
any case contrary to the foregoing.
Q: When we talk about title do we just mean Torrens
Title? Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law may
be the basis of good faith.
A: No, when we talk about colorable title, title here can be
any basis for his assertion of ownership. It can be
succession, donation, or even a sale which he believes to be Q: How does one acquire possession?
valid. And he is now aware that there is a defect in his title.
A: This has no difference with our rules on Sales. Under the
Q: When would he cease to be unaware? law on Sales, there must be delivery to transfer ownership.
A: The burden lies with whom ever is asserting that fact. In Delivery connotes transfer of possession.
our laws, good faith is presumed. Couple this with the rule When you make a delivery, the other takes the possession.
that possession continues in the character in which it was The manner by which you make delivery is also the manner
acquired. takes possession.
So if the presumption of good faith applies, that possession So possession may be actual or constructive depending on
would be considered as having continued in good faith until the way that you make the delivery.
the contrary is proven. If you fail to prove the contrary then
it would still be taken as possession in good faith. Q: However it’s a different matter when it comes to
succession, why?
(Unnamed case)
A: Because in succession by legal fiction, the heir is
considered to have been in possession from the time of the
FACTS: There was no allegation much less proof that at death of the decedent. However, this requires acceptance.
anytime prior to the filing of the complaint, that the
defendant was made aware of the defect of his title. Q: Why do we say legal fiction?

ISSUE: When did the defendant cease to be a possessor in A: Because from the time the decedent dies to the time that
good faith? there is settlement of the estate and there is order of
RULING: SC held that in this situation we can only say that
the defendant became aware of a possible defect in his title There is a lot of things which could happen. In between it is
when he was served his summons. It was only from this possible that the inherited property may be in the
point that the defendant became a possessor in bad faith. possession of other people and the heir was nowhere near
the inherited property. Be that as it may, after there has
been an order of partition and the heir actually accepts the

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inheritance, he is by legal fiction considered to be in Article 537. Acts merely tolerated, and those executed
possession of the property since the time of death of the clandestinely and without the knowledge of the possessor
decedent. of a thing, or by violence, do not affect possession.
And conversely, he has been in actual possession since the
time of death of the decedent but for some reason he If the possession has lasted more than one year, then you
repudiates. What would happen is that he is deemed to have may stand to lose legal possession. However, if the
never been in possession at all and instead possession possession has not breached the one year period, only
would be recognized as having taken place with regard to physical possession has been lost. The real right of
the heir who actually accepts. possession will not be lost until after 10 years.
Q: How does one lose possession? Q: The law also recognizes instances wherein that
certain acts will not operate to deprive possession
A: Art. 555 lists down the different modes by which
because what is only affected here is physical
possession may be lost:
possession. What are these acts?
Article 555. A possessor may lose his possession: A: Acts found in Art. 537 of the New Civil Code. These are
1. By the abandonment of the thing; acts which are merely tolerated, those executed
clandestinely and without the knowledge of the possessor,
2. By an assignment made to another either by or those acts executed by violence, force or intimidation.
onerous or gratuitous title;
These circumstances are the basis for filing action
3. By the destruction or total loss of the thing, or interdictal wherein physical possession is the only issue.
because it goes out of commerce;
Q: The tricky bit here is acts which are merely tolerated,
4. By the possession of another, subject to the what exactly does that mean? What is tolerated
provisions of article 537, if the new possession possession?
has lasted longer than one year. But the real
right of possession is not lost till after the lapse A: an example would be if you would have a property in the
of ten years. province. You are a rich person but you are a coward. Now
you see when you went into the province that someone
entered your lot and you were intimidated. Being that you
But you have to remember that Art. 555 is qualified under are scared, you turned a blind eye to the possession and that
Art. 556 of the New Civil Code. That as for movables, their you would only expel the person when you need the
possession is not deemed lost so long as they remain under property.
the control of the possessor, even though for the time being
he may not know their whereabouts. However, the time came when you finally needed the
property. What would you file?
Article 556. The possession of movables is not deemed
An action for forcible entry because you were really
lost so long as they remain under the control of the
intimidated. The reckoning period for the forcible entry
possessor, even though for the time being he may not
would be the actual day from which the person entered the
know their whereabouts.
property and you were intimidated.
However, you projected an image that the possession was
Q: Why? merely tolerated. In the latter case, the prescriptive period
A: The moveables remain subject to their control. would be moveable. Because the one year period would run
only when you started the demand, subject to the rule of
Q: What if we are talking about a dog who escaped from several demands, so long as the subsequent demand is not
your home and you do not know its whereabouts? a reiteration of the prior demands.
A: In that instance, you have lost its possession. Because the Q: Now, how will you say that it was a tolerated
dog is no longer your control. possession?
Q: Remember that par. 4 of Art. 555 is qualified under According to Senator Tolentino, tolerated possession is
Art. 537 of the New Civil Code. tolerance stemming from being neighborly or friendly.
Remember that if is tolerated possession it is always with
A: Par. 4 states that possession in lost by the possession of the implied promise that you would vacate upon demand.
another, subject to the provisions of article 537, if the new
possession has lasted longer than one year. But the real Q: Another qualification is that if you are dealing with
right of possession is not lost till after the lapse of ten years. possession of moveables and real rights covered by the
mortgage law or the torrens system, you must know

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that there must always be registration. What is the legal Q: What is the other type of accession?
consequence of failure to register?
A: Accession Discreta. It refers to the fruits: natural,
A: Any third person would not be bound by any loss of industrial and civil fruits.
possession or rights over the property.
Q: When do natural fruits and industrial fruits exist?
Q: Since possession is also an indicator of ownership, it
cannot also be recognized in more than one person who A: When they become manifest or in regard to animals when
may both be claiming as owners with titles adverse to they are born. However, the law states that it is enough that
one another. For this reason we have hierarchy of rules, they young is in the womb.
what are these? Q: In possession we would merge accession continua
A: These are comparable to the rules on double sale. and accession discreta because they would be part of
these bundle of rights that the law recognizes in a
1. The present possessor is preferred; possessor.
2. If there are two possessors then the one longer in A: The possessor in good faith would be entitled to the fruits
possession is preferred; in certain circumstances, they would be entitled to
reimbursement in relation to improvements, would be
3. If the dates of possession are the same then the one entitled to reimbursements for damages and would be
who presents a title is preferred; and obligated for certain matters.
4. If all these conditions are met by both parties, then Q: Since accession continua has planting and sowing,
the courts will decide. where do we draw the line between accession discreta
involving fruits and accession continua with regard to
EFFECTS OF POSSESSION planting and sowing?
A: Lets be guided on how the law defines fruits. There are
We have tackled this in relation to building, planting and two sets of fruits:
sowing. See the previous discussion in relation to this rule.
1. With regard to fruits which have been received;
Q: Every possessor has the right to be respected in his and
possession. If he is possession in the concept of an
owner where does the burden lie? 2. Fruits which are still standing – those which are
already manifest and existing but have not been
A: the burden to dispute such possession lies in the person harvested yet.
who is disputing such claim of ownership. The possessor
would not even be required to prove his ownership, the case Plants and tress which are manifest but there are no fruits
would rise and fall on the evidence that may be presented which are existing as defined by law then they would
by the claimant. become improvements in planting and sowing.

The present possessor does not even have to say anything. But what you have are trees which have fruits that are
After the claimant has presented his evidence, he may even existing or fruits which have been harvested, then it would
move for a demurrer to evidence saying that the proof has be fruit accession discreta. Without prejudice of course to
not been discharged. He does not even have to lift a finger. classifying the trees themselves to be considered as
Q: We have tackled before the concept of builder,
planter and sower. And it is clear that they must be Q: What is the right of the possessor with regard to the
possessors in the concept of an owner. Subject to what fruits?
exception? A: We have to qualify whether or not the possessor is in
A: Those said by SC. Cagayan Communities case, Spouses good faith or in bad faith.
Macasait Case If the possessor is in bad faith he does not have any right
Q: Builder, planter and sowers we discuss this in except for necessary expenses without the right of retention
relation to what kind of accession? and except under Art. 443 – which states that if the fruits
have already been harvested and received by the rightful
A: Accession Continua with regard to immovable property possessor. In the latter case, the possessor in bad faith is
through artificial means. entitled to receive reimbursement for expenses of
cultivation, harvest, and storage. He would also been liable
Q: But what is Accession Continua Natural? for fruits which he may have received and fruits which the
A: Formation of islands, allusion, avulsion, etc. rightful possessor could have received.

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But if the possessor is in good faith, again we must qualify.
If the fruits have been received then the possessor in good
faith would be entitled to them. No need to return.
But if the fruits are still standing, then the possessor in good
faith and the rightful possessor would share in the expenses
as well as in the fruits. This is proportionately.
However, the rightful possessor has the option to waive
participation in the fruits. He would also not pay necessary
Q: With regard to improvements, you already know the
rules regarding necessary expenses, useful expenses
and luxurious expenses. Emphasis on luxurious
A: A possessor in good faith does not have the right to be
reimbursed for luxurious expenses, the right would only
arise indirectly if he exercises the limited right of removal
that the law gives him.
The possessor in bad faith does not have the right to be
reimbursed for useful expenses or for luxurious expenses
unless of course the limited right of removal.
There would be a difference in the valuation of the
luxurious expenses
There would be a difference in the valuation of the
luxurious improvements. If he is in good faith, the valuation
would be based on the expenses that he spent in
introducing the luxurious expenses. If he is in bad faith the
basis would be based on the value of the luxurious expenses
at the time that the rightful possessor enters into
The right to be reimbursed for these improvements
would only exist so long as the improvements are still
existing at the time of the termination of the possession.

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A: It is a limitation because the owner’s right to use
NOVEMBER 27, 2020 is limited.
Q: How it is limited?
A: You are limited because you are constrained or
refrained from doing things which otherwise you are
IMMOVABLE BELONGING TO A DIFFERENT OWNER. Another aspect of the limitation would be that you
would have to allow people to do things to your
THE IMMOVABLE IN FAVOR OF WHICH THE EASEMENT IS property. For instance, right of way. One of the
ESTABLISHED IS CALLED THE DOMINANT ESTATE ; THAT WHICH IS aspects of ownership that we emphasized early on
SUBJECT THERETO, THE SERVIENT ESTATE. (530) was the right to exclude other people. But with
right of way, that is gone. Because precisely, when
Q: What is an easement? there is a right of way, you have no choice but to
allow people to get into your property or, more
A: An easement is an encumbrance imposed upon an accurately, to pass through your property.
immovable. The beneficiary of an easement may either be
another immovable or it may be the entire community at 4. It is inseparable from the tenements to which it is
large, or a private individuals or even just a private actively or passively attached. It cannot have an existence
individual. independent of the tenement to which it attaches.

REAL EASEMENT - the beneficiary of an easement may Q: When we were discussing ARTICLE 415 par.
either be another immovable, or it may be the entire 10 – classification of real rights over immovable
community at large or it may be the entire community at property as immovable property as well, I
large. asked you – Would it be possible for us to
encumber an easement considering that it is a
PERSONAL EASEMENT/SERVITUDE - the beneficiary of real right over immovable property, and
an easement are private individuals or just a private therefore, immovable property in itself?
A: No. It does not have an existence independent of
Easement and servitude are used interchangeably but they the tenement to which it attaches.
are not the same.
5. It can only exist between neighboring tenements. It
Q: Would you know how are they different? cannot be created on another servitude. They cannot have
an easement on an easement.
A: Basically, it’s a matter of perspective – easement and
servitude insofar is the dominant estate is concerned. That Different Kinds of Easement: (CLASSIFICATION)
is how it is viewed from a perspective of the servient estate.
Two estates are involved as a general rule – DOMINANT 1. As to who the beneficiary is:
ESTATE and SERVIENT ESTATE. Maliban nalang if what we
a. Real
have is a praedial servitude, in which case, we don’t have a
dominant estate. What we have are beneficiaries. b. Personal
Characteristics Peculiar to Easement 2. As to its source:
1. It is a real right that is imposed or enjoyed upon a. Legal – enforced by the law; the purpose may
immovable property. either be public use or private interest.
2. Such immovable property (to which a real right is b. Voluntary
imposed) must be owned by another person. It cannot be
imposed on an immovable that belongs to you if you were LEGAL EASEMENTS
the one who also owns the dominant estate. That is why,
one of the causes by extinguishing is when there is merger
in one person of the ownership of both the servient and the Subclassification Involving LEGAL EASEMENT
dominant estate. Depending on the Nature and Character Involved

3. It produces a limitation on the ownership. 1. EASEMENT RELATING TO WATERS:

Q: How ownership is limited by an easement? ARTICLE 637. LOWER ESTATES ARE OBLIGED TO RECEIVE THE

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MAN DESCEND FROM THE HIGHER ESTATES , AS WELL AS THE STONES This is actually an easement that is imposed upon riparian
OR EARTH WHICH THEY CARRY WITH THEM . owners or owners of property fronting bodies of water. (ex.
beach) That length of the shore fronting the properties of
THE OWNER OF THE LOWER ESTATE CANNOT CONSTRUCT WORKS different people, 3 meters, would be subject to this
WHICH WILL IMPEDE THIS EASEMENT; NEITHER CAN THE OWNER OF easement. Kahit pa private beach property, nakikita niyo na
THE HIGHER ESTATE MAKE WORKS WHICH WILL INCREASE THE dumadaan basta lang ang mga tao sa portion na malapit na
BURDEN. (552) sa tubig. That is free for everyone for public use. Ang mga
bangka na dumadaong sa dalampasigan, do you notice that
If you happen to be occupying the valley, so there would be they don’t even care kung saang tapat ng bahay sila
a peak and there would be a valley, and you would be in the dadaong? It does not matter because they are, by law,
valley and that would make you the lower estate. The entitled to dock anywhere along that shoreline within that
people occupying the peak will be forming the higher estate. three (3) meter easement.
When it rains, water will flow down from the higher estate Kung kayo ay mapunta sa isang beachfront property, at ang
to the lower estate. With water would also come stone, kapitbahay ninyo ay suplada at ayaw magpadaan sa
earth, everything else, putik. And, the lower estate will be at kanyang beachfront estate, sabihin niyo “I have every right
disadvantage. The lower estate can prevent this by putting to pass through because I have a 3 meter easement in my
up some kind of bar or barrier that will divert the water to favor under Article 638.” And in addition, may towpath pa
someplace else. But he is not allowed to that because by law, na kasama. Ito ang mga Karapatan ng mga mangingisda o
he is mandated to allow whatever water would be flowing mga may bangka to pass through a certain path through that
down naturally from the higher estate. Similarly, the owner property to bring their things and equipment to and from
of the higher estate cannot do anything that would increase the waters. Pero doon, since medyo mas invasive na, it’s
or make things worse for the owner of the lower estate. And, akin to the right of way, pwedeng magkaroon na ng danyos
the law does not even speak of compensation here. It’s or indemnity.
something that the lower estate will have to bear. It
becomes such a pain. Wala kang magagawa. ARTICLE 639. WHENEVER FOR THE DIVERSION OR TAKING OF
A: Kailangan bumalik ng tubig sa dagat. Makakabalik lang NECESSARY TO BUILD A DAM , AND THE PERSON WHO IS TO
ang tubig sa dagat mula sa bundok kung dadaan siya sa CONSTRUCT IT IS NOT THE OWNER OF THE BANKS, OR LANDS WHICH
lower estates. At, makakarting siya sa ilog. Mula sa ilog, siya MUST SUPPORT IT, HE MAY ESTABLISH THE EASEMENT OF
ay dadaloy papuntang sa dagat. Aakyat ulit sa ulap. ABUTMENT OF A DAM, AFTER PAYMENT OF THE PROPER INDEMNITY.
Evaporation. Sa dagat, malawak, mas madali ang (554)
evaporation dahil sa init ng araw. Kapag hindi siya
makakaakyat sa ulap, hindi siya babagsak. Wala tayong Q: What exactly is the easement? What comprises the
ulan. ‘Pag walang ulan, walang laman ang mga dam. ‘Pag easement? We know the purpose to be able to divert
walang laman ang mga dam, hindi kayo makakaligo. (Kaya water but where exactly does the easement lie?
may legal easement under Art. 637 ay para makaligo kayo.)
A: The easement is abutment of a dam. It is not easement
Easier to understand if you know the reason behind the
of deluging your neighbor with water. You are not allowed
to flood your neighbor with water that you are diverting
Example: The animals in Madagascar were relying on this
river for the source of water. Since they were competing
among themselves, it would favor one of the competing
groups if they can corner the water supply to the detriment
of the other group.
ESTATES ADJOINING THE BANKS OF NAVIGABLE OR FLOATABLE To do that, they would have to divert the water towards
RIVERS ARE, FURTHERMORE, SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT OF them. And to diver the water, they would need to build a
TOWPATH FOR THE EXCLUSIVE SERVICE OF RIVER NAVIGATION AND dam. To build a dam, you put a wall into the waters because
FLOATAGE. by putting a wall, you prevent it from flowing it and you
contain it within a certain area. But, to be able to sustain or
IF IT BE NECESSARY FOR SUCH PURPOSE TO OCCUPY LANDS OF to keep the wall from floating a way, you would need to
PRIVATE OWNERSHIP, THE PROPER INDEMNITY SHALL FIRST BE attach it to land. Nakakapit sa lupa. Para kumapit sa lupa,
PAID. (553A) kailangan mo ng abutment. Para siyang naka-hinge sa lupa,
sa portion ng river kung saan mo siya haharangan. But of
course, kailangan din na you would find the ideal points in

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the body of water where the wall should be put depende sa meron pa isang bampoo pole sa ilalim niya na sasalo at
current and sa lalim. It may happen that the ideal point is no dadalo naman ulit. Series of bampoo poles from one estate
longer within your property’s area. Maaring nasa property that is far away to the beneficiary estate. Marami siyang
na ng iba. Hindi pinaguusapan dito kung pwede or hindi masasagasaan na estate, at may mga estates na matutuluan
pwedeng gawin ng tao nung haharangin niya ‘yong tubig ng tubig.
ha? Ang pinaguusapan dito ay ‘yong easement. Ang
mangyayari niyan, if he is allowed to put a dam, then he ‘Yong mga Europeans sa Portugal or even sa Rome, meron
would be building his wall and his wall would have to be din silang version ng aqueduct, pero since mas advance ang
hinged on the property of these riparian owners. And, the civilization nila kesa satin, ‘yong sa kanila ay mga nagging
act of being allowed to hinge the wall is known as easement monument of history na. Ito ‘yong mga matataas na akala
of abutment of dam. mo ay mga pader lang na nakaarko, ‘yon pala aqueduct na
Essentially, the point is that this relay of poles or bamboo
stems or whatever is used will have to transgress to the
estates of your neighbors to get the water from your source
to your estate. And, this transgression is what constitutes
the easement. Dahil ang mangyayari niyan, this kind be an
eyesore. Pagdungaw mo sa bintana mo, makikita mo ‘yong
bamboong pagkalaki-laki ng kapitbahay mo, dumadaan
‘yong tubig doon. O halimbawa, nagpapahinga ka sa iyong
garden, akala mo umuulan, ‘yon pala may tulo lang ‘yong
SERVICE. (556)
aqueduct ng kapitbahay mo. That’s why proper indemnity
must be paid as well.
It can only be a legal easement in the sense that it can be There is an added limitation. The law says that it cannot be
made compulsory only if it is for public purpose. But if it is made to go through existing buildings, courtyards, annexes,
easement to benefit private interest, then it cannot be by orchards or gardens if this is for a private interest. Kung
way of a legal easement. It would have to be by voluntary magkakaroon ka ng easement that will go through these
agreement. This should be rare today dahil meron na existing structures, it cannot be compulsory. It would have
tayong tap water kahit sa malalyong probinsya, may to be by agreement under Article 644.
internal plumbing na. Unlike the olden days na talagang ang
water source lang ay ang mga ilog, bukal, in which case ARTICLE 644. THE EASEMENT OF AQUEDUCT FOR PRIVATE
relevant pa ‘to noong unang panahon. But should this kind INTEREST CANNOT BE IMPOSED ON BUILDINGS, COURTYARDS,
of easement exists, it also carries with it a limited right of ANNEXES, OR OUTHOUSES, OR ON ORCHARDS OR GARDENS ALREADY
way. Limited in the sense that it can only be used in relation EXISTING. (559)
to the easement to carry water.
And the law imposes certain conditions before this kind of
ARTICLE 642. ANY PERSON WHO MAY WISH TO USE UPON HIS OWN easement may be considered a legal easement.
A: Article 643.
This is the Easement of Aqueduct. The aqueducts
contemplated here are those aboveground. Kung pipes (1) TO PROVE THAT HE CAN DISPOSE OF THE WATER AND THAT IT
underground ang pinag-uusapan, this would be something IS SUFFICIENT FOR THE USE FOR WHICH IT IS INTENDED ;
that is beyond the capacity of the private individual to do on (2) TO SHOW THAT THE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY IS THE MOST
his own. Kailangan ay public utility company ka. CONVENIENT AND THE LEAST ONEROUS TO THIRD PERSONS ;

Concept of Aqueduct – taking water from usually a higher (3) TO INDEMNIFY THE OWNER OF THE SERVIENT ESTATE IN THE
estate or from somewhere else and transporting it to an
estate which is farther away.
Another important point for aqueducts is the rule under
Dahil mahirap naman mag-igip ng tubig na pagkalayo-layo Article 646.
at pabalik-balik ka. So ang ginagawa nila, they build a relay
of a poles. Pinaka-crude na sample nito ay ‘yong mga
bamboo poles na binubutas nila and then sad ulo ‘yong
medyo matulis, and then ‘pag umanod doon ang tubig,

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ARTICLE 646. FOR LEGAL PURPOSES, THE EASEMENT OF iv. there is a corresponding payment of
v. it must be shown that the isolation of the
dominant estate was not due to the
acts/fault of the owner.
It declares the easement of the aqueduct as continuous and
apparent. That means that it is an easement that may be When it comes to indemnity, there are two (2) approaches
acquired through prescription. to the valuation of indemnity depending on the character of
the right of way because you have to understand that right
of way is a discontinuous easement. Its use will depend on
the intervention of man. Pwedeng may right of way but you
can hardly feel it dahil masyadong infrequent ‘yong
paggamit ng owners of the dominant estate of the right of
way. Meron din naming right of way na talaga namang hindi
mo na magagamit ‘yong portion of your property subject to
the easement because it is always being used by the
beneficiary estate.
Article 647 would just be another variation of the dam that
we spoke of earlier because here, instead of a wall, what we So if it is the former, then indemnity will suffice. Siguro,
have is stop lock or a sluice gate. just damages for the inconvenience that you suffer. But if
there is akin to actual taking because you are effectively
2. EASEMENT OF RIGHT OF WAY deprived of the use of that portion of your property, then
ARTICLE 649. THE OWNER, OR ANY PERSON WHO BY VIRTUE OF A it’s only but fair that you get paid for the price of the
portion of the property subject to the easement, because
essentially, there is already a taking. That portion of your
property has been taken and you must be compensated for
the same on top of damages.

But to this, we make important qualifications in case
what we have is an isolated estate of the transferee or a co-
owner. In these cases, there will be no obligation to pay
indemnity for the right of way. But, if it is the donee who is
isolated by the other estates of the donor, then to enjoy the
Conditions for the Easement of Right of Way to right of way, he must pay indemnity to the donor.
Conversely, if it is the seller or transferor who is isolated,
i. the owner or a person may cultivate or use then he is required to pay indemnity to be able to use the
an immovable by virtue of a real right; easement of right of way. But if it is the donor who is
ii. the estate is surrounded by other isolated by the estate of the properties that he has donated,
immovables which belong to others; he will not be required to pay any indemnity for a right of
way that he may enjoy.
iii. there is no adequate outlet to a public
highway; Q: Where do we place the right of way in the servient

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Primarily, least prejudicial to the servient estate. And

Payment of indemnity is also due here pero tayo kasing mga
secondarily, the most convenient that is the shortest
Pilipino, hindi naman natin yan or we will not impose that.
distance between the estate and the public highway. If
Pakikisama lang parati ang ating currency or could be hindi
there is conflict between the two, since you said primarily,
rin alam yan ng mga magulang natin.
it should be the least prejudicial to the servient estate. We
would have to go with the former. 3. EASEMENT OF PARTY WALL
Q: What if the situation changes? What if the owner of Q: What do you understand by a party wall?
the dominant estate ceases to be isolated because he
was able to purchase the property between his estate A: A party wall is the wall that is erected on the dividing line
and the public highway? So, may access na siya. What of two (2) adjoining properties of different owners. It is not
happens now to the easement that he previously between the dividing line. It must be on the dividing line,
enjoyed? because if it’s within the boundary of one of the estates, then
it’s not a party wall. Nandoon siya, struggling in the dividing
A: line.
IT TO ANOTHER ABUTTING ON A PUBLIC ROAD , THE OWNER OF THE A: Yes. It establishes a forced co-ownership between the
Sometimes, people take it for granted. Hindi nila ito
pinapansin. Halimbawa, ikaw ang unang nagtayo ng party
wall because it is your wall. And what the other estate does
is doon na rin niya kinabit ’yong kanyang mga beams. Noong
nagtayo siya ng bahay, idinikit niya don sa wall mo, at hindi
lang niya basta idinikit, doon niya na kinabit ‘yong kanyang
mga supporting beams. ‘Pag nagtayo ka ng bahay, ‘yong
structure mo, kailangan nakabaon ‘yan. Meron dapat haligi
na pagbabaunan nong magiging sahig or bubong mo.
Ideally, dapat magtatayo ka ng sarili mong wall at doon mo
ikakabit ‘yong mga haligi at sahig mo to support your own
house. Pero, ang ginawa ng kapitbahay mo ay kumabit doon
He will have to give back what he has received but he gets sa dingding mo mismo, such that the same wall supports
to keep the interest. But this presupposes that what was both houses, you now have an indication that it is a party
given was by way of payment for the value of the portion of wall because it supports both houses. And, there are
the land subject to the easement. For us to speak of interest, consequences to it being a party wall. There is a co-
it must be a substantial amount and not just the damages owenership created. At kung ikaw ay masyadong relax lang
that would be due in case there is no actual taking that we
o chill ka lang sa buhay mo, remember, co-ownership na ang
consider under the law. implication niyan! Usually, a wall would be a meter or 2
Q: Why whenever there is construction that is going on meters thick. And, the depth of the property, lalim niya from
in your neighbor’s property, your parents would just the frontage, sabihin mon ang nasa 20meters. So the area
allow the carpenters to enter your property, put up occupied by that wall would be 2m x 20m. So, 40sqm. Area
scaffoldings kasi pipinturahan nila ‘yong gilid ng bahay ‘yan. Area = length x width. Area is the size of the wall.
ng kapitbahay niyo, bringing along their paint or their Kung nasa QC ka, ‘yomg wall mo nakatayo sa lupa valued at
equipment. Have you wondered if it’s possible for you 25,000/sqm and that valuation was 10 years ago. So,
to disallow that? 25000pesos x 40sqm, that is a million pesos. And, because
A: It’s actually allowed under Article 656. you did not care enough to prevent your neighbor from
using the same wall, your wall, he now owns half of that
1million pesos because he now owns half of the party wall.
You lost 500,000 pesos. Nasa QC ka pa niyan, e kung nasa

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Forbes park ka? ‘Yong 40sqm doon, how much is it valued? ❖ Sa mga probinsya naman, mas environment
Nasa 215,000/sqm easily. So, magkano Nawala sa’yo? Nasa friendly, alam niyo ‘yong mga santan na halaman?
5M. Bakit? Kasi pinabayaan mo maging party wall ‘yang Kadalasan, sa probinsya, ‘yong bahay,
dingding mo. Hindi pwedeng pagusapan dito ‘yong Torrens pinapalibutan ‘yan ng mga shrubs. And that would
system or registration system. All things being equal. That already serve as the party wall. So, if between
is why it is important to know when there is a party wall estates, meron kang isa lang shrubbery, that would
and when there is not. Because without you knowing it, you be an indication of a party wall too. Paminsan nga,
will be losing your property all because the wall is kahit ditches. ‘yong hinukay lang? Tapos ‘yong
considered a party wall, and therefore, the land on which itinabon na lupa, hinukay mo lupa tapos inipon mo
the wall stands would now be subject to co-ownership. sa gilid. So that would also be considered as some
kind of a fence. Party wall pa rin iyan. Presumed to
ARTICLE 659. THE EXISTENCE OF AN EASEMENT OF PARTY WALL be party wall. It’s not so much the wall which is the
IS PRESUMED, UNLESS THERE IS A TITLE, OR EXTERIOR SIGN, OR point here, but the boundary, and the boundary, in
PROOF TO THE CONTRARY: turn, would indicate the area of the properties of
the neighboring estates.
Three (3) instances where a party wall is presumed to AND PLUMB ON ALL ITS FACEMENT, AND ON THE OTHER, IT HAS
1. In dividing walls of adjoining buildings up to the point of
common elevation
❖ that illustrates, ‘yong meron kang bahay na (4) WHENEVER THE DIVIDING WALL BEARS THE BURDEN OF THE
nakatayo tapos ‘yong kapitbahay mo kumabit lang BINDING BEAMS, FLOORS AND ROOF FRAME OF ONE OF THE
doon sa wall mo. Kunyare ‘yong building mo up to BUILDINGS, BUT NOT THOSE OF THE OTHERS;
6 floors, pero ‘yong kapitbahay mo na kumabit up (5) WHENEVER THE DIVIDING WALL BETWEEN COURTYARDS,
to 3rd floor lang kumabit. So, ‘yong party wall, up to GARDENS, AND TENEMENTS IS CONSTRUCTED IN SUCH A WAY THAT
the point of common elevation which is the 3rd floor THE COPING SHEDS THE WATER UPON ONLY ONE OF THE ESTATES ;
2. In dividing walls of gardens or yards situated in cities, FROM THE SURFACE ON ONE SIDE ONLY, BUT NOT ON THE OTHER;
towns, or in rural communities (7) WHENEVER LANDS INCLOSED BY FENCES OR LIVE HEDGES
❖ this is more common in subdivisions kung saan IN ALL THESE CASES, THE OWNERSHIP OF THE WALLS, FENCES OR
pare-parehas ang bahay. Dito sa mga subdivisions HEDGES SHALL BE DEEMED TO BELONG EXCLUSIVELY TO THE OWNER
na ‘to, common ang mga stand-alone na properties OF THE PROPERTY OR TENEMENT WHICH HAS IN ITS FAVOR THE
and since they were constructed by the same PRESUMPTION BASED ON ANY ONE OF THESE SIGNS. (573)
developer, ang nangyayari, is they simply put one
(1) wall to divide the two (2) estates. Hindi siya It is understood that there is an exterior sign, contrary to
sandwiched. Kasi halimbawa, iba-iba ‘yong mga the easement of party wall:
taong nagpatayo, halimbawa sa mga non-
subdivisions sa Metro Manila, makikita niyo na (1) Whenever in the dividing wall of buildings there is a
‘yong dalawanhg properties, magkakaroon sila ng window or opening
wall na naka-sandwich – ‘yong wall ng kapitbahay
and then ‘yong wall ninyo. So makikita niyo, ❖ because of making an opening, that is an act of
dalawang magkaiba – magkaiba ng kulay, ownership. So, if one of the neighboring estates
construction, maliwanag. Pero usually doon nga sa should open a window into the wall, then that
mga subdivisions na pare-parehas ang means, he is asserting his ownership to the wall.
pagkakatayo, there will just be this one wall And therefore, it’s not the party wall;
standing the between the houses. And, that would
be a party wall. (2) Whenever the dividing wall is, on one side, straight and
plumb on all its facement, and on the other, it has similar
3. In fences, walls and live hedges dividing rural lands

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conditions on the upper part, but the lower part slants or NEVERTHELESS, THE OWNER OF THE TENEMENT OR PROPERTY
❖ Whenever you build your wall, what will happen is
that, in all likelihood, you would have to build your
house with your neighbor’s house already existing. HE CAN ALSO OBSTRUCT THEM BY CONSTRUCTING A BUILDING ON HIS
Ibigsabihin, may wall na rin siya. At ‘yong wall mo, LAND OR BY RAISING A WALL THEREON CONTIGUOUS TO THAT HAVING
ididikit mo lang sa wall niya. So, kung mas tataasan
mo ‘yong wall mo kesa sakanya, ang mangyayari is
kontrolado mo lang ‘yong wall mo which means
your side and then so far as the top portion is still
visible and not yet eaten up by the wall of your ARTICLE 670. NO WINDOWS, APERTURES, BALCONIES, OR OTHER
neighbor na existing na.
So, ang mangyayari, parehas ‘yong itsura nung loob
ng wall from inside your estate up to the top then
going down but only up to that portion before the THEY ARE MADE AND SUCH CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY .
top of your neighbor’s wall. Kaya pagdating don,
‘yong top portion lang ‘yong makinis, ‘yong
straight. And then, pagdating sa baba, since doon na
nakadikit ‘yong wall ‘nong kapitbahay mo, bigla na
siyang magproprotrude kasi nga wall na ‘yon ng THE NONOBSERVANCE OF THESE DISTANCES DOES NOT GIVE RISE TO
iyong kapitbahay. But because of that, that is an PRESCRIPTION. (582A)
indication that this is not a party wall. This wall
belongs only to one of the estates.
5. Whenever the dividing wall between courtyards, gardens, ARTICLE 671. THE DISTANCE REFERRED TO IN THE PRECEDING
and tenements is constructed in such a way that the coping
sheds the water upon only one of the estates;
❖ Doon mo lang pinapatulo sa estate mo ‘yong tubig. OF OBLIQUE VIEW FROM THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN THE TWO
Q: What is the Easement of Light and View? If I were to
(2) FROM THE TIME OF THE FORMAL PROHIBITION UPON THE make an opening to my house, if I were to make a
PROPRIETOR OF THE ADJOINING LAND OR TENEMENT, IF THE WINDOW window in my house, would that comprise some kind of
A: There is no easement yet if that is simply what I’m doing.
ARTICLE 669. WHEN THE DISTANCES IN ARTICLE 670 ARE NOT Q: When will there be an easement?
ADJOINING A TENEMENT OR PIECE OF LAND BELONGING TO ANOTHER, A: If I provide a window for my house, I will not be thereby
acquiring an easement because I am simply exercising an
act of ownership. But the easement here would lie in my
being able to prevent my neighbor from building of his own
property to block my view.

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Q: How can I do that? How will I acquire that easement? Because the purpose here is not for view anymore but
How can I prevent my neighbor from building on his simply for light. Makapasok lang ang liwanag.
own property? Kasi if I had a right to build whatever I
want on my own property, then by the same token, my If you have complied with these distances, then you will
neighbor should be able to do so as well with his own now be qualified to acquire an easement of light and
property. Pero you’re telling me, by virtue of this view by sending your neighbor with a notarial
easement of light and view, I can prevent him from prohibition to build on his property in such a way that
constructing something that would block my view? E will block your view. But in all likelihood, ididispute ‘yan ng
maganda ‘yon. But how do I do that? neighbor mo. While there is another way to go about it
which is to enter into an agreement with him kasi ito
A: You have to make a notarial prohibition. A period of 10 pinaguusapan natin, legal easement naman ‘to. You can
years must pass from the making of the prohibition. always have a voluntary easement. But in case you want
to go through this round ng legal easement, the
This is the overview. Essentially, you have to observe the prescriptive period is 10 years countered from the time
distances that the law imposes forming windows and other that you provided the notarial prohibition.
openings in your property. If you are making or opening a
window that will have a direct view of your neighbor’s The easement of light and view can also be positive in that
estate, the distance that must be observed is two (2) meters you are not actually prohibiting your neighbor from
measured from the outer line of your wall up to the doing something but you are really allowed to do
dividing line. It must be 2 meters away. something to your neighbor’s property. Usually, kung
halimbawang may party wall, ito ‘yong magiging assertion
Sone people, they’re not content with just a window. mo din ng ownership. So, depende nalang din kung what
Kailangan para silang si Juliet na pwedeng lumabas sa their intention is in making that opening. So, if it is really a
balkonahe at haranahin but that means that you are now party wall, you can only make an opening into that wall only
given a better view of your neighbor’s estate. So, i-aadjust up to half of its depth. Anong ibigsabihin? Kasi kaya mo nga
din natin ang measurement. The 2 meters will now have to siya lalagyan ng opening e para magkaron ng influx of light
become 10 meters from the outer line of the protruding and allow you to have a view. For you to be able to board
balcony. So, kung naka-protrude ‘yan, you will have to through the entire wall at magkabutas ‘yon, you will need
measure it from the outer line of your balcony that is the consent of the other party – your neighbor, kasi ‘yong
protruding from your wall up to the dividing line. It should other side, kung saan dapat mong mabutas, that already
be 2 meters. belongs to him. So, for you to be allowed to do that to a party
But if the view is not direct, but it is oblique, the distance wall, so far as other side is concerned, that will now
should be 60cm. It is important for you to observe these constitute an easement of light and view. But it’s a different
distances because, otherwise, you cannot acquire the thing kung sa palagay ninyo, hindi naman party wall ‘yan.
easement of light and view by prescription. We have to Kung hindi ‘yan party wall, that would simply be an act of
comply with these distances. And, these distances would ownership kung bubutasing niyo ‘yong wall.
also not be applicable if there is a road between the two Just a recap. Kung party wall ‘yan at bubutasin mo ‘yong
(2) estates. So, ‘yong bintana niyo na nakatapat sa kalye, wall throughout, then that is an easement. Pero kung
diba nakikoita niyo rin ang kapitabahay niyo? Okay lang ‘yong wall is not a party wall but your wall at bubutasin
kung nakasagad ang bahay niyo doon sa kalye, sa bangketa mo siya, no easement is involved but an act of ownership.
ng kalye, na wala ng space sa dividing line because there is
a road between you and your neighbor but the road must 5. EASEMENTS OF DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS
measure at least 3 meters in width.
The reality is, people would now construct their houses in CONSTRUCT ITS ROOF OR COVERING IN SUCH MANNER THAT THE RAIN
such a way that they maximize the space. Sinasagad sa WATER SHALL FALL ON HIS OWN LAND OR ON A STREET OR PUBLIC
boundary. So, nakadikit na doon sa boundary, in which case, PLACE, AND NOT ON THE LAND OF HIS NEIGHBOR, EVEN THOUGH THE
obviously, there will be no compliance with the 2meter
distance requirement. So, ano ngayon ang option nung
taong nagpatayo ng sagad sa boundary, well, meron pa ring
easement of light. Wala nang view.
‘Yong mga maliliit na rectangles sa bandang itaas ng mga TENEMENT. (586A)
buildings na nakasagad sa boundary, right under the ceiling
or the roof, you would see this boxes, and you would know
that you cannot see anything through them dahil maliit siya ARTICLE 675. THE OWNER OF A TENEMENT OR A PIECE OF LAND ,
eh tapos naka-screen pa. And you wonder bakit pagkaliit- SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT OF RECEIVING WATER FALLING FROM
liit? Because that is the prescribed size under the law. ROOFS, MAY BUILD IN SUCH MANNER AS TO RECEIVE THE WATER UPON

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When you build a house, hindi lang yan tinatayo doon sa
ESTATE. (587)
lupa eh. Malalim ‘yong foundation. So, they dig it up. E kung
mangayayari niyan ngayon, ‘pag nagkaroon ka ng cavity
ARTICLE 676. WHENEVER THE YARD OR COURT OF A HOUSE IS doon sa katabing estate mo, pepwedeng bumigay ngayon
SURROUNDED BY OTHER HOUSES, AND IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO GIVE AN iyong subjacent support ng bahay mo at pwede kang
OUTLET THROUGH THE HOUSE ITSELF TO THE RAIN WATER COLLECTED magka-sinkhole. So, hukay ng hukay kapitbahay mo dahil
THEREON, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EASEMENT OF DRAINAGE CAN magtatayo siya ng building na 5floors. Sa kakahukay niya, di
BE DEMANDED, GIVING AN OUTLET TO THE WATER AT THE POINT OF niya namamalayan nakukuhaan na rin ang iyong support –
THE CONTIGUOUS LANDS OR TENEMENTS WHERE ITS EGRESS MAY BE ‘yong foundation mo. Before you know it, bumagsak na ang
EASIEST, AND ESTABLISHING A CONDUIT FOR THE DRAINAGE IN SUCH bahay mo. This is an easement against that possibility.

This is by agreement. We just have to remember that it is

6. EASEMENT OF DISTANCES only the owner who may constitute a servitude over his
The usual bar exam question would pertain to Article 679. property as it operates as a limitation upon its title or
ownership. If there are servitudes constituted by non-
ARTICLE 679. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED NEAR A TENEMENT owners such as a usufructuary, a possessor in good faith, a
OR PIECE OF LAND BELONGING TO ANOTHER EXCEPT AT THE lessee, this will not bind the servient estate but only these
DISTANCE AUTHORIZED BY THE ORDINANCES OR CUSTOMS OF THE people who established them. And, when the rights of these
PLACE, AND, IN THE ABSENCE THEREOF, AT A DISTANCE OF AT LEAST people are extinguished, so will the servitudes they
EVERY LANDOWNER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND THAT classification enumerated in the 1st page of EASEMENT)
LAND OR TENEMENT BE UPROOTED. depend on the intervention of man. An example
DISCONTINOUS – depends on the intervention of a
The distance at which you can plant trees – at least two (2) man. Example: easement of right of way
meters from the dividing line if tall trees are to be
planted and 50 centimeters if shrubs or small trees are to
be planted. APPARENT – are those which are made known and
not continually kept in view by external signs.
Q: Why 2 meters and minimum distance from the
dividing line? At bakit mas maliit kung halimbawang For right of way, kung permanent na, there will be
small trees or shrubs lang ang itatanim? road through the property and that will be an
external sign of the right of way which will make
A: So that the canopy of the tree will not overlap the estate
the right of way apparent. Kung medyo
or its branches will not overlap to the neighboring estate.
intermittent na ‘yong gamit, walang path na
But insofar as structural concerns come into play, parang
maeestablish to the property. Di mo talaga alam o
mas malaki ang danger ng mga ugat if the trees are really
masasabi na may right of way because there is no
huge, halimbawang mango trees, they will wreak havoc on
external sign. It will now be treated as non-
walls dahil masyado silang lumalaki and it can cause
damage to your neighbor that’s why 2meters ‘yong
required. NON-APPARENT
The canopy is also a problem pero mas madaling 5. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE
solusyonan yan eh dahil, remember, doon naman sa ating
easement against nuisance, the neighbor can always POSITIVE – We imposed upon the owner of the
demand that the branches be cut Pero ‘yong wall, yan ang servient estate the obligation of allowing
mas mahirap na problema dahil di mo namamalayan, it has something to be done to his property.
already weaken the integrity of your wall at babagsak
nalang ‘yon. NEGATIVE – the owner of the servient estate is
prohibited from doing something which he
7. EASEMENT AGAINST NUISANCE otherwise could do with his property.

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Modes of Acquiring Easements This happens upon the perfection of donation.
1. by Title – can be any transaction (sale, donation, Q: When is donation perfected?
succession ,etc).
A: Upon knowledge by the donor of the acceptance by the
2. by Prescription – only those which are apparent and donee.
continuous may be acquired by prescription.
Q: How easements are extinguished? (READ) THE DONOR KNOWS OF THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE DONEE. (623)

ARTICLE 631. EASEMENTS ARE EXTINGUISHED: This is very important. It’s not the acceptance which
(1) BY MERGER IN THE SAME PERSON OF THE OWNERSHIP OF THE perfects the donation. It is knowledge by the donor of such
EASEMENTS, THIS PERIOD SHALL BE COMPUTED FROM THE DAY ON If you’re dealing with movable property being donated, this
is not usually a problem simply because when you make a
donation of movable/personal property, the law usually
requires simultaneous delivery. The problem may lie if
you’re dealing with immovable property because for
(3) WHEN EITHER OR BOTH OF THE ESTATES FALL INTO SUCH immovable property, there are formalities that must be
CONDITION THAT THE EASEMENT CANNOT BE USED; BUT IT SHALL followed. And if the formalities are not followed, then you
To address this, the law makes it simple. It says that the
donation and the acceptance must be in the same public
The peculiar thing about donation is that it is considered to
instrument kasi with that, it would be clear that the
be a mode of acquisition of title. It’s not just title, it is also
acceptance was known to the donor kasi nasa iisang public
a mode of acquisition.
instrument lang sila. Usually ganito, may deed of donation,
Q: MODE OF ACQUISITION OF TITLE: What does that all the recitals are there, pangalan ng donor, and then sa
signify? baba naman, andon naman ang acceptance by the done. So,
all in one transaction. But, the law also recognizes that
A: It signifies that ownership is transferred on the deceased sometimes it’s not possible to have the acceptance in the
(?) on the donation alone. same instrument and that will still be allowed. But, you
must have the acceptance noted in the public instrument
Q: When will this happen?

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containing the donation just to show that the same was properties for himself for his support and the support of
made known to the donor. those who are entitled to receive support from him, we also
have this limitation against inofficious donations. That will
It is upon the perfection of the donation that ownership is come interplay if your donor happens to have compulsory
transferred. So, di na natin talaga kailangan dito ng separate heirs (CHs) dahil if you CHs, you cannot donate property
delivery pa because ownership is thereby acquired. But for that will impugn the legitimes of CHs. All the donations that
this to take place again, this presupposes that all the you will be making, they must be accommodated in the free
conditions for a valid donation are met. This starts with the portion.
capacity of the parties. This goes to: (a) who may donate;
(b) what may be donated; (c) who may accept; (d) how Hindi mo kasi malalaman agad at the moment that the
should acceptance be made; And for the capacity of the donation was made, you have no way of making the
parties, you need to know who are the people who are not determination that the donation is inofficious. Malalaman
allowed to donate to one another. lang ‘to kapag namatay na ang donor at nagkaroon ng
proceeding for the settlement of his estate because at this
ARTICLE 735. ALL PERSONS WHO MAY CONTRACT AND DISPOSE OF point, magkakaroon ng inventory and collation of donation.
ARTICLE 736. GUARDIANS AND TRUSTEES CANNOT DONATE THE Collation, meaning to say, you will account for all donations
PROPERTY ENTRUSTED TO THEM. (N) that he made during his lifetime regardless of who the
recipient is. Hindi lang donation in favor of third persons ‘to.
As to the question “what may be donated?”, essentially, Donation made to CHs would also be included in the
anything presently owned by the donor may be donated. collation. You will bring back the value of the donated
Exempted from these are future properties. Future property at the time of the making of donation. We will this
properties cannot be the subject of a donation. Except, if value to the estate, and then we will determine how much
such donation is made between a future husband and wife the free portion is and if all of these donations may be
in the ante-nuptial agreement. accommodated in the free portion. If the donations exceed
the free portion, then there will a cause for either
But, binago ng Family Code with regard to the formalities. revocation or reduction. And, the reason why you are
There was such a thing as a contractual succession kasi revoking or reducing the donation is considered to be
‘tong donations between future husband and wife of future inofficious because it exceeded the free portion, and by
property, this was allowed but the donation must take the exceeding the free portion, it has infringed the legitime.
form of a donation mortis causa. Under the Civil Code, you
can do it in the ante-nuptial agreement pero sa Family Code, The donor must have capacity to act, must have free
binago. You can still do it but you must take on the disposition of the property he is donating. The donee, on the
formalities of a last will and testament doing away with other hand, hindi niya kailangan ng capacity to act but he
contractual succession. Wala nang contractual succession. must have personality. In Persons and Family Relations,
even an unborn child may be the recipient of the donation
ARTICLE 750. THE DONATION MAY COMPREHEND ALL THE because that unborn child is already accorded provisional
PRESENT PROPERTY OF THE DONOR, OR PART THEREOF, PROVIDED personality. It is provisional because the personality is

There is this all-important limitations against inofficious
donations. On top of the requirement must leave sufficient

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ARTICLE 743. DONATIONS MADE TO INCAPACITATED PERSONS property, the title while the donor was still alive, the
SHALL BE VOID, THOUGH SIMULATED UNDER THE GUISE OF ANOTHER Supreme Court still ruled that the donation was a donation
CONTRACT OR THROUGH A PERSON WHO IS INTERPOSED . (628) inter vivos because the donor also provided for a warranty
of his title to the property. Supreme Court opined by the fact
If the donation is made to someone with provisional that the donor made that warranty chose that he considered
personality or someone who is suffering from an incapacity, the property as having been transferred already to the
the acceptance will have to be made by the parents or donee. Similarly, if the donation is subject to a condition
anyone who has guardianship over the person. So, it’s not a which may not take place during the lifetime of the parties ,
big deal. You will still have a valid donation. that will still be considered to be a donation inter vivos in
the absence of any condition to the contrary.
But, there is another kind of incapacity na fatal sa donation,
and this will be the incapacity in relation to the prohibition Q: Is it important for us to know when a donation is
against the donation being made between certain people. inter vivos or when it is mortis causa?
Top of the list, husband and wife. H and W cannot donate to
A: Yes. But only for purposes of determining the proper
one another or those who are guilty of adultery or
form to be followed.
concubinage at the time of the making of the donation. Also
those who are guilty of the same crime when donation is Kasi ‘yong donation mortis causa, essentially, that is a
made for that purpose, etc. testamentary disposition. Kahit pa tawagin mong mortis
causa yan, by all indications, it is a testamentary disposition.
ARTICLE 739. THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS SHALL BE VOID: It’s either a devise or a legacy. So, it must follow the
(1) THOSE MADE BETWEEN PERSONS WHO WERE GUILTY OF formalities of a last will and testament.
It doesn’t really makes sense to still have a separate
(2) THOSE MADE BETWEEN PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF THE SAME classification for donations as mortis causa. Basically,
CRIMINAL OFFENSE, IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF; you’re bequeathing property, either movable or immovable,
to take effect after your death which also how we define a
(3) THOSE MADE TO A PUBLIC OFFICER OR HIS WIFE, DESCENDANTS legacy or a devise. It must be contained in a last will and
AND ASCENDANTS, BY REASON OF HIS OFFICE. testament. What justification can we have to have a
donation mortis causa still? Pwede naman nating tawaing
IN THE CASE REFERRED TO IN NO. 1, THE ACTION FOR DECLARATION legacy or devise which is actually what it is.
DONEE; AND THE GUILT OF THE DONOR AND DONEE MAY BE PROVED Neither husband or wife may dispose of conjugal or
BY PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE IN THE SAME ACTION. (N) community without the consent of the other. And, such a
disposition will also include a donation. So, it follows that if
Another important point: Donations are either be inter the wife alone were to make a donation of conjugal or
vivos or mortis causa. community property without the consent of the husband,
this should be considered as a nullity.
Donation inter vivos – if it is meant to take effect during
the lifetime of the donor. Spouses Carlos v. Tolentino
June 2018
FACTS: The wife donated conjugal property to third (?)
grandson. The donation was without the consent of the
husband whose signature was forged by the wife. The
husband even brought an action to dispute the donation.
Insert text here.
ISSUE: Whether or not the donation is null and void.
It should be very clear kung kelan donation inter vivos or
mortis causa but sometimes circumstances may cause some RULING: The Supreme Court has surprised us because in
confusion kasi ‘pag minsan, ang nangyayari, sasabihin ng this case, the SC said that the donation is void insofar as the
donor, “I’m donating my land to you but I will get to enjoy it share of the husband is concerned but is valid with regard
first for the rest of my life.” The important thing to to the wife’s share.
remember here is you have to look when title actually
❖ Hindi ko rin alam kung san nila nakuha ang ruling
passed. If it passes during the lifetime of the donor, then it
na yon. I would want you to realize that it is very
is donation inter vivos no matter what conditions are
important for the SC to be consistent with its
attached to the donation.
rulings. If you are asked this question in the Bar,
That’s why in one case, kahit na tinawag na donation mortis ang isasagot niyo ay ayon doon sa batas na pinag-
causa, kahit na sinabi na the donee will not get to enjoy the aralan niyo diba? If you have not come across this

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case, then you would not even think that it’s AGAINST THE DONEE HIMSELF , HIS WIFE OR CHILDREN UNDER HIS
possible to have this kind of a conclusion. Pero, if AUTHORITY;
you read the original, the justification that I found (3) IF HE UNDULY REFUSES HIM SUPPORT WHEN THE DONEE IS
and I needed para magkaroon ng distinctive factor LEGALLY OR MORALLY BOUND TO GIVE SUPPORT TO THE DONOR .
from all the other rules is that the wife died during (648A)
the pendency of the case. So, the SC may have been
operating on a more practical level. Namatay na rin
naman ‘yong asawa. So, with her death,
magkakaroon ng liquidation of the conjugal
partnership. And with the liquidiation, hahatiin na
rin naman ang lupa between her and the husband REVOCATION IN THE REGISTRY OF PROPERTY SHALL SUBSIST. LATER
so might as well, give effect to the donation to half ONES SHALL BE VOID. (649)
of the property because this was obviously what
she wanted anyway. Ito lang ang nakikita kong
justification for the Court to deviate from
established rulings or rule in the law itself.
Donation mortis causa, since they are testamentary
dispositions, so apart from the formalities that must be
observed, donation mortis cause are revocable or
ambulatory. So, they may be revoked at any time for any
reason or for no reason at all. Donation inter vivos, on the
other hand, they are not revocable except for the grounds
that the law enumerate, and which grounds I am giving up
to you to study and understand.









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Because the law theorizes that had the decedent
DECEMBER 3, 2020 was able to make a will, he would have left his
properties to these people who are closest to him.
WILLS AND SUCCESSION ❖ If the decedent on the other hand were to leave a
last will and testament, then we give him an option
to be called by another name, we call him either the
GENERAL PROVISIONS testator or the testatrix. And his last will and
testament will contain his express intent. So, the
ARTICLE 774. Succession is a mode of acquisition by virtue last will and testament allows the testator to depart
of which the property, rights and obligations to the extent from what the law prescribes in so far as
of the value of the inheritance, of a person are transmitted succession is concerned.
through his death to another or others either by his will ❖ The purpose of the will is inequality. Masakit man
or by operation of law. (n) pakinggan, but if you’re just going to give your heirs
the same share by way of intestate succession, in all
❖ Article 774 defines what succession is. As you can likelihood that would be equal if they belong to the
see, it is a mode of acquisition; it’s a mode of same class; in that case, what is the point of making
acquiring ownership. So just like donation, a will. So, you create a will because you want to
succession is the mode by which ownership is create distinctions and differences among your
transferred unto itself, there is no need for heirs. You will favor some and you will not so much
separate delivery. This can be seen from the fact favor others.
that once there is acceptance, the accepting heir is
deemed to have been in possession of the inherited ❖ Why do we even need succession in our lives? We
property from the time of death of the decedent, need it because of economic reasons. People die all
regardless of who may have had actual possession the time and without this concept of succession,
of the property prior to his acceptance. without these certain personalities provided by
law to which the personality of the decedent would
❖ If you would go a little further, this definition of continue, then there will be no transactions that
succession contains a qualifier—“to the extent of would be entered into that would be immediately
the value of the inheritance”. This qualifies one executed and performed.
word and that is obligations. Simply means that the
obligation that passes to the heir would only be to Example: There would no longer be a long
the extent that the heir inherits from the decedent. term loan since there is this feeling that the
He cannot be made liable for obligations the value obligation will be extinguished upon the
of which will exceed the value of the property and death of the debtor. In that case, what
the rights that he inherits from the decedent. would that leave the creditor with kung
wala tayong succession. But succession
❖ Be that as it may, I am calling you attention to allows the decedent to live beyond his
Article 781: lifetime either through his heirs or though
his estate.
Article 781. The inheritance of a person includes not only
the property and the transmissible rights and obligations ❖ Take note that although it is the estate that pays the
existing at the time of his death, but also those which have obligations of the decedent in the liquidation and
accrued thereto since the opening of the succession. (n) settlement of the estate, ultimately, there is no
question about it that it would still be the heirs
❖ 781 qualifies the definition of inheritance at least paying the obligations since any reduction in the
in so far as the extent of the heir’s liability for the properties and rights of the decedent in payment of
obligations of the decedent is concerned. the obligations of the latter would also mean
reduction in what the heirs would be receiving. So
❖ Going back to Article 774, take note also that under
sila pa rin talaga yung nagbabayad, may conduit or
this definition of succession, the provision already
agent lang known as the estate.
lays down the two modes by which succession can
take place—either by will or by operation of law. If ❖ Death opens succession. So death is a trigger which
it is by operation of law, it is based on the presumed opens succession but that is not the only element
intent or will of the decedent. Because if you would that will bring about succession. Kase kunwari,
look at the heirs who would receive by intestate namatay ka nga kung wala ka naming iiwanang ari-
succession, you can see that these are the people arian, eh di wala ding succession. So there must be
that are close in blood relationship to the decedent. inheritance. O namatay ka nga pero wala ka naming
The only exception being the spouse and the state. taga pag mana, wala pa ring succession. But that is

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not possible in our case eh because the law ensures of the Civil Code by which the law itself requires that you
that in the absence of all the heirs related to you, secure a decree presumptive death.
the state will receive the estate through escheat
proceeding. Also, you may have heirs but if none of Also, the courts will dismiss such petition because any
them would accept from you, then no succession judgment rendered in these petitions will never attain
will take place as well. So all of these elements— finality give that they are merely presumptions.
Death, inheritance, heirs and acceptance—must *So, the proper action would be to file a petition for letters
concur in order for there to be succession. of administration in conjunction with a petition to settle the
ARTICLE 777. THE RIGHTS TO THE SUCCESSION ARE TRANSMITTED estate of the disappearing person by intestate succession.
And you prove the fact of his disappearance and the length
of time that he has disappeared in the same proceeding. So
simply put, you do not have to secure prior decree of
Q: What kind of death is contemplated here?
presumptive death.
A: It refers to both actual/physical death and presumptive
death. Article 776. The inheritance includes all the property,
rights and obligations of a person which are not
Q: When is there presumptive death? extinguished by his death. (659)

A: the law says that if someone has disappeared and has Article 781. The inheritance of a person includes not only
been absent for a period of more than 10 years, then you the property and the transmissible rights and obligations
may now open succession to his estate. This period is even existing at the time of his death, but also those which have
reduced to 5 years if the person who disappeared is more accrued thereto since the opening of the succession. (n)
than 75 years of age. And may even be further reduced to 4
years if the disappearance was attended by any of the
❖ One term in succession that is repeatedly defined
dangers of death enumerated under Article 391 of the Civil
under the law is “inheritance”.
❖ So you have to understand that each one of us right
now, while we are still alive have our own
patrimony. And the patrimony shall comprise of all
the rights, properties and obligations that you
have, while you are alive. Once you die, this will be
THE ABSENTEE SHALL NOT BE PRESUMED DEAD FOR THE PURPOSE filtered wherein there will be rights and
obligations that will not survive your death; and
IF HE DISAPPEARED AFTER THE AGE OF SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS, AN these are those that are purely personal in
Example: The right of companionship of
ARTICLE 391. THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE PRESUMED DEAD FOR the spouse is a purely personal right, it is
ALL PURPOSES, INCLUDING THE DIVISION OF THE ESTATE AMONG extinguished by your death, di mo naman
THE HEIRS: pwede ipamana yan sa best friend mo.
❖ So once these rights and obligations are filtered,
you will be left with your estate. So your patrimony
(2) A PERSON IN THE ARMED FORCES WHO HAS TAKEN PART IN will be transformed as your estate after your death.
This will now cover the rights, properties and
(3) A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN IN DANGER OF DEATH UNDER OTHER obligations which survive your demise. But the
thing with rights and properties is that they will not
remain dormant even though the owner has died.
So if the property has been earning fruits before,
they will continue to be earned.
Q: How do you go about opening the succession of
someone who is simply presumed to be dead? Can you Example: If the property is an apartment, civil
file a petition for declaration of presumptive death? fruits for the rent of the apartment will still accrue
despite the death of the owner.
A: NO. In fact, if you were to file a declaration of
presumptive death for this purpose, your petition will be ❖ However, theoretically, the right that will accrue
dismissed motu proprio by the court because there is no after the death of the decedent no longer belongs to
law sanction such a petition unlike in the case of Article 41 him. Because when an heir accepts the inheritance,
he is deemed, by legal fiction, to have been the

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owner thereof from the time of the death of the ❖ So the conclusion is that Pedro’s heir will be
decedent. liable for the entire 28 Million because under
Article 781 in relation to Article 774, his
o Why by legal fiction? Because there inheritance is actually 35 million pesos which
may be a time lag between the time of is enough to discharge the entire 28 million
death and the final settlement of the debt.
estate where the court issues the order
of partition and the heir accepts. KINDS OF SUCCESSION
Pwedeng isang dekada na ang nakalipas.
But by legal fiction, the heir is deemed to 1. Intestate or Legal Succession - succession by
be the owner of the property from the operation of law which will apply in case there is
moment of the death of the decedent. no will, or even though there is a will, it was denied
probate or otherwise null and void.
❖ With that premise, the property accruing to the
inheritance from the time of the death of the 2. Compulsory Succession - it is compulsory
decedent should no longer belong to him but to the because the decedent has no choice but to reserve
heir, not in his capacity as heir but as an owner a certain portion of his estate in favor of certain
acquired through succession. heirs called the compulsory heirs. The reserved
portion is known as legitime. This kind of
Q: For instance, Pedro died with 25 Million pesos in succession is also by operation of law, the
his bank account. He died in 2010. It was only in difference with intestate succession is that a
2020 that his estate was settled and was accepted compulsory succession may coincide with
by his heir. So, the 25 million has grown to 35 testamentary succession. There is compulsory
million. So there is now an increase of 10 million succession in both intestate and testamentary
pesos. But Pedro also left an obligation worth 28 succession. *
❖ Compulsory succession basically mirrors
❖ In this problem, if we are going to base on intestate succession. If you would compare the
Articles 774 and 776, Pedro’s heir will only be compulsory heirs to the intestate heirs, you
liable to Pedro’s obligation to the extent of the would notice that the very same people
inheritance existing at the time of Pedro’s occupying the preferred share in intestate
death. Eh nung time na namatay si Pedro, succession are also your compulsory heirs.
magkano lang pera niya? 25 million. Yung 10 Such that if you have compulsory heirs, then
million increase, hindi natin isasama sa estate automatic na excluded na yung iba niyong
ni Pedro based on Article 774 and 776 because possible intestate heirs.
this was earned after his death when there has
already been transfer of ownership through o Why? Because your second tiered
succession. intestate heirs, your collateral
relatives, are in the collateral line as
❖ So ano ngayon ang mangyayari? Yung creditor opposed to your compulsory heirs
mababayaran lang ng 25 million out of the 28 where most of them are in the direct
million na utang sa kanya. Lugi na siya agad ng line, save for one, the surviving spouse.
3 million. And the presence of a compulsory heir in
the direct line excludes collateral relatives.
❖ Alam ko sa isip niyo, sinasabi niyo na hindi ito Ang pwede lang magkaroon ng
tama kasi may pera naman eh, kayang kaya concurrence ay ang surviving spouse with
bayaran yung kulang na 3 million. Buti nalang the collateral relatives.
may Article 781. Under this provision, it
expands the definition of inheritance to ❖ So if you are given a question with so many
include even those accruing after the death of facts, just look for a compulsory heir in the
the decedent at least for purposes of defining direct line. Once you find one, just ignore all
the limit of the liability of his heirs for his other collateral relatives. Assuming however
obligations. So hindi na tayo limitado dun sa that he is the correct compulsory heir, kasi as
valuation at the time of death for the purpose you may know, there might have been a
of applying the qualifier in Article 774- “to the disinheritance, repudiation etc; so all of these
extent of the value of the inheritance”. The factors must also be considered. But all things
term “inheritance” here in Article 774 being equal, once you have a compulsory heir,
should be defined in accordance with Article chances are siya na rin yung legal heir mo,
781. unless surviving spouse yung compulsory heir

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mo in which case, they can concur with ❖ Sa umpisa palang, mali na agad yung Article 783
collateral relatives. dahil sabi “a will is an act” where in fact, one of the
requisites of a valid will, whether notarial or
3. Testamentary Succession - succession based on holographic, is that it must be in writing.
the express will of the testator as indicated in his
last will and testament. This will only take place if ❖ Oral wills are not valid in the Philippines. I
the will is valid and has been admitted to probate. remember, may teleserye dati, kung saan the plot
revolved around this oral last will and testament na
4. Mixed Succession - if intestate succession and vinideo nung protagonist who later on
testamentary succession will take place with disappeared.
regard to the same estate. This may happen if there
is a will and the will does not dispose of the entire The antagonists were all over themselves killing
estate or there is a will but it did not comply with people and plotting schemes to suppress the
Article 793 (after acquired property). production of that video tape. Kasi para sa kanila,
kung lumabas kung sino ang tunay na tagapag-
ARTICLE 793. PROPERTY ACQUIRED AFTER THE MAKING OF A WILL mana, eh di tapos na ang maliligayang araw nila. So
SHALL ONLY PASS THEREBY, AS IF THE TESTATOR HAD POSSESSED IT sa teleseryeng ito, ang daming namatay, ang
AT THE TIME OF MAKING THE WILL, SHOULD IT EXPRESSLY APPEAR BY daming buhay ang nasira dahil lang sa video nay

Article 793 Article 781 Pero para sa ting mga nakaka intindi, sasabihin
nalang natin na ang tatanga naman ng mga ito. Ang
After acquired property Accruals after the death of dami na nilang ginawa, ang dami na nila pinapatay,
reckoned from the time of the decedent di man lang nila naisipan na buksan yung civil code
the execution of the last at nakita sana nila na kahit pa lumutang yung video
will and testament. na yun, that will be null and void because we do not
recognize oral wills in the Philippines, at least for
5. Contractual Succession now. We do not know however in the future; the
law may recognize oral wills because technology
❖ Under the Family Code, this kind of succession has today is different.
been removed because in the FC, if you are to make
a donation propter nuptias of future property to In the future, the Supreme Court may interpret this
your future spouse to take effect upon death, the provision to mean that oral wills are recognized.
same must be contained in a last will and But until that day happens, we are content on the
testament. requirement that the will must be in writing.
❖ It was called a contractual succession because the ❖ Now, what is the purpose of a will? If you would
document that was used to effect this kind of look at Article 783, it has a very limited
succession is an ordinary contract—a marriage purpose. Because it’s supposed to be the vehicle
settlement, to be exact. by which you allow the testator to control to a
certain degree, the disposition of his estate, to
❖ Under the civil code before, pinapayagan na take effect after his death.
magkaroon ng donation propter nuptias between
future spouses of future properties, to take effect ❖ It is actually a privilege to make a will, kasi kung
upon death. Under the civil code before, you can patay ka na, wala ka na dapat saysay sa mundo,
just make this in the marriage settlement which is wala ka na dapat say. Everything that happens after
an ordinary contract. Kaya nagging contractual your death should only be the concern of those you
succession. leave behind, but the law allows you to still control
the disposition of you estate to take effect after
TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION your death. May pagkakataon ka pang guluhin ang
buhay ng mga taong iiwan mo kasi nga when you
make a will, you facilitate inequality—you favor
WILLS IN GENERAL some over others.
And kadalasan, if there is inequality, it may not
ARTICLE 783. A WILL IS AN ACT WHEREBY A PERSON IS even be because of the monetary value that the
PERMITTED, WITH THE FORMALITIES PRESCRIBED BY LAW , TO preference carries, it may be the emotional hurt.
CONTROL TO A CERTAIN DEGREE THE DISPOSITION OF THIS ESTATE , “Ay totoo pal ana mas mahal ni papa si kuya kaysa
TO TAKE EFFECT AFTER HIS DEATH. (667A) sa akin”. So the will is your final confirmation.
Sometimes, your reaction is emotional, so what will

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you do? You will fight and question the will kasi ❖ Simply means that you cannot delegate the act of
hindi mo tanggap eh, hindi mo tanggap na hindi disposition to a third person.
ikaw yung mahal at paborito.
❖ Cannot make the disposition dependent upon the
❖ Note that if the instrument has no disposition, even will of a third person on whether or not they will be
if it is named as a last will and testament, is not a effective.
last will and testament at all. So anong instrument
siya? It can be any other ordinary instrument. ❖ However, a testator can delegate the mechanical
act of making or drafting the will to a third person.
Example: Si Pedro gumawa siya ng tinatawag But the contents should come from the testator.
niyang last will and testament. Pero ang ginawa
niya eh sinalaysay niya lang ang buhay niya at ❖ The law defines what constitutes disposition as
kinumpisal niya lahat ng kasalanan niya at in- provided under Article 785:
acknowledge niya all the children that he fathered
out of wedlock. He did not made any disposition
but he followed all the requisites for a notarial will.
But it suffers a defect, so it was denied probate.
Q: Would this mean that this instrument will not (670A)
serve any purpose at all?
❖ If you compare Article 785 to Article 786, where a
A: No. At the very least, it is a public acknowledgement delegation is allowed by law. The discretion in 786
of an illegitimate filiation and it will be effective as such is wider and broader than that of 785.
without any need for probate, precisely because it is not
a last will and testament. Why not? Because there is no ARTICLE 786. THE TESTATOR MAY ENTRUST TO A THIRD PERSON
Q: When do you have a disposition? Do you need to ALSO THE DESIGNATION OF THE PERSONS, INSTITUTIONS OR
A: No. Any disposition that takes effect upon death is a
testamentary disposition. So if what you have in the will
is simply devises and legacies, that would still be a valid Article 785 Article 786
last will and testament.
It’s prohibited to have a A third person is allowed to
Q: What if the will only contains a provision of third person determine the make a determination of
disinheritance? portions to be taken by the who will fall under the
heirs, devisees and legatees classes or causes benefited
A: It would still be a valid last will and testament. if they are referred to by by the testator as well as
Because whenever you disinherit, you effectively make name. how much each of them will
a disposition in favor of those who will inherit in the be receiving from the
absence of the disinherited compulsory heir. Besides, money allotted by the
the law requires that the disinheritance be made in a testator.
last will and testament.
1. Purely Personal
❖ This is actually not different from how you
2. Free Act interpret laws and contracts. In laws, we always
look for the legislative intent. In contracts, we
3. Must contain a disposition always look for the intention of the parties. In wills,
4. Ambulatory or revocable it’s the same, we look for the testamentary intent.
The question to ask is “what is the intention of the
5. Formal instrument testator?”.
6. Unilateral ❖ From this question all else follow because the law
provides that we should always maintain the
7. Mortis Causa validity of the will and we should give effect to
Purely Personal every provision in the will.

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ARTICLE 788. IF A TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITION ADMITS OF already see that there is an ambiguity without
DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS, IN CASE OF DOUBT, THAT considering extraneous circumstances.
❖ But if the will says: “I am leaving P1M to X” and it
ARTICLE 790. THE WORDS OF A WILL ARE TO BE TAKEN IN THEIR turns our that the testator knows a lot of people
named X, there is an ambiguity because we do not
know which X the testator is referring to.
OTHER CAN BE ASCERTAINED. ❖ So how do we resolve these ambiguities? The
TECHNICAL WORDS IN A WILL ARE TO BE TAKEN IN THEIR first recourse is to examine the four corners of
TECHNICAL SENSE, UNLESS THE CONTEXT CLEARLY INDICATES A the will because chances are the resolution may
HE WAS UNACQUAINTED WITH SUCH TECHNICAL SENSE. (675A) Example: Yung disposition na I leave P1M to some
ARTICLE 791. THE WORDS OF A WILL ARE TO RECEIVE AN but not all of my students in 4A, maaring may
INTERPRETATION WHICH WILL GIVE TO EVERY EXPRESSION SOME paragraph pala sa dulo ng will na nag dedefine
EFFECT, RATHER THAN ONE WHICH WILL RENDER ANY OF THE kung ano yung “some but not all”. Or kung dun sa
EXPRESSIONS INOPERATIVE; AND OF TWO MODES OF INTERPRETING second ambiguity, baka sa last part ng will
A WILL, THAT IS TO BE PREFERRED WHICH WILL PREVENT pinangalanan ng testator ng buo yung X na
INTESTACY. (N) tinutukoy niya. In that case, wala nang ambiguity.
❖ But if the will itself cannot provide the answers,
Example: The will says “I am leaving this to my baby”. Ano
the question is can we resort to extrinsic
ba ordinary meaning ng word na baby? Infant diba? Pero
evidence? So for the longest time, it has been
wala naman siya anak, pero alam natin na meron siyang
well-settled that extrinsic evidence is
girlfriend na tinatawag niyang baby.
admissible to resolve latent but not patent
So, words of a will are to be taken in their ordinary and ambiguity. The justification has always been that
grammatical sense, unless a clear intention to use them in we allow extrinsic evidence in latent ambiguities
another sense can be gathered, and that other can be because in such kind of ambiguities, it was brought
ascertained. about by extraneous circumstances.

ARTICLE 789. WHEN THERE IS AN IMPERFECT DESCRIPTION, OR ❖ For patent ambiguity, supposedly, extrinsic
WHEN NO PERSON OR PROPERTY EXACTLY ANSWERS THE evidence cannot be admitted; but that kind of
DESCRIPTION, MISTAKES AND OMISSIONS MUST BE CORRECTED , IF holding which may hold true in American
THE ERROR APPEARS FROM THE CONTEXT OF THE WILL OR FROM jurisprudence is not supported by the wording of
EXTRINSIC EVIDENCE, EXCLUDING THE ORAL DECLARATIONS OF THE our law. If you were to read our law, in both cases,
TESTATOR AS TO HIS INTENTION; AND WHEN AN UNCERTAINTY extrinsic evidence is allowed, magkaiba nga lang.
Sa latent, any kind of extrinsic evidence excluding
oral testimony of the testator may be used.
CONSIDERATION THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH IT WAS MADE, Pero sa patent, with the same exclusion of the oral
EXCLUDING SUCH ORAL DECLARATIONS. (N) testimony of the testator, your extrinsic evidence
that may be admitted is limited to those relating to
KINDS OF AMBIGUITIES the circumstances under which the will was
executed. So mas limited yung ating extrinsic
1. Patent ambiguity evidence sa patent ambiguity.
o If at first reading, you can already see the SUMMARY ON THE ADMISSIBILITY OF EXTRINSIC
o When you would only realize the
ambiguity once you consider extraneous GR: Extrinsic evidence is GR: Any kind of extrinsic
circumstances. admissible to resolve the evidence is admissible to
ambiguity but it is limited resolve it.
Example: If I were to make a will saying “I am only to those relating to the XPN: Oral testimony/
leaving P1M to some but not all of my students in circumstances under which declaration of the testator.
4A SY 2020-2021”. This will be a patent ambiguity the will was executed.
because by just reading the will on its face, you can XPN: Oral testimony/
declaration of the testator

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❖ If a question is asked on who is allowed to make
ARTICLE 793. PROPERTY ACQUIRED AFTER THE MAKING OF A WILL a will? The best way of answering this is that
SHALL ONLY PASS THEREBY, AS IF THE TESTATOR HAD POSSESSED IT everyone can make a will unless you are under
AT THE TIME OF MAKING THE WILL, SHOULD IT EXPRESSLY APPEAR 18 years of age and unless you are of unsound
Q: Who is a person of sound mind with respect to
❖ As a rule, when you make a will, it will dispose of all
making a will?
your properties, rights and obligations existing at
the time that you made the will; it will NOT cover A: Everyone is presumed to be of sound mind. But for
after-acquired properties or those acquired after purposes of making a will, Article 799 gives the answer on
the will was made. Because tandaan niyo, maaring who is a person of sound mind.
gumawa kayo ng will today pero mabubuhay pa
kayo ng 25 years and in those 25 years, a lot can ARTICLE 799. TO BE OF SOUND MIND, IT IS NOT NECESSARY THAT
happen. Maaring during those years, you will hit THE TESTATOR BE IN FULL POSSESSION OF ALL HIS REASONING
your earing capacity peak. But if you fail to make a FACULTIES, OR THAT HIS MIND BE WHOLLY UNBROKEN,
provision in your will expressly extending it to cover UNIMPAIRED, OR UNSHATTERED BY DISEASE, INJURY OR OTHER
after-acquired properties, then the properties you CAUSE.
acquire after you make the will, will have to go by IT SHALL BE SUFFICIENT IF THE TESTATOR WAS ABLE AT THE TIME
intestate succession or under a subsequent will OF MAKING THE WILL TO KNOW THE NATURE OF THE ESTATE TO BE
❖ There was this one celebrated case where one of
the richest women in the Philippines died and she ❖ So, the bar has not been set to high in order to meet
had a will which was admitted to probate. She did the requirement of soundness of mind in making a
not have any children, so she was able to dispose of will.
her properties as she wanted, she favored nephews
and nieces. But there as a niece excluded. The niece ❖ The law defines it negatively by saying that it is not
was not satisfied with how the dispositions were necessary that the testator be in full possession of
made. So she questioned it. all his reasoning faculties, or that his mind be
wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by
So if you are an ordinary bystander and you heard disease, injury or other cause.
that there is a will, it was admitted to probate,
there’s no compulsory heirs, iisipin mo, ano pa ❖ At the same time, the law also defines soundness of
kayang hinahabol nitong niece? mind in the sense that if your brain can do any of
these, it suffices:
But as it turns out, kahit na primyado yung mga
abogado na gumawa ng last will and testament o Know the nature of your estate
nung testatrix, they forgot to include this provision
in Article 793 which extends the will to after- o Know the proper objects of your bounty
acquired properties. So in the end, it means na may o Recognize the character of the
habol pa yung niece doon sa mga properties that testamentary act.
were acquired after the making of the will as an
intestate heir. So you see the beauty of the law? Nature of Estate
Yung akala mo tapos na ang boxing tapos may isang
tiny detail pa pala na provision na pwede mag bago Q: What does it take for one to know the nature of his
sa lahat. estate? Does this require that a person should have a
didactic recollection of what he owns?
TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY A: No. This is impossible to do. You do not need to know it
all at once. But you just have to be able to recall that you
ARTICLE 796. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE NOT EXPRESSLY have it once you are reminded.
OF AGE CANNOT MAKE A WILL. (N) “Senorito, meron po kayong lupa sa Laguna”
THE TESTATOR BE OF SOUND MIND AT THE TIME OF ITS EXECUTION . “Senorito, may pinatabi po kayong P10 Million sa akin”
Proper Objects of Bounty
❖ Testamentary capacity is the ability to make a will.

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❖ This is usually the ground that is used by people 2. Holographic Will
who may have been left out in the will when they
feel that they should have been the one benefited COMMON REQUISITES OF BOTH WILLS
by the will. This scenario will take place usually 1. Must be in writing
kapag yung matatanda they are left behind in the
care of other people by their children and it’s not 2. Written in the language or dialect known to the
because the children are evil but because testator.
sometimes yung lifestyle ng children hindi na
tugma para maalagan pa yung parents nila. ARTICLE 804. EVERY WILL MUST BE IN WRITING AND EXECUTED IN
Example: Yung parents sa probinsya naka based
tapos mga anak nasa Maynila, ayaw naman umalis ❖ Now, there is this very old case, may katangahan
ng matanda sa probinsya. So ang ending, the din yung abogado ditto because he voluntarily
children are forced to hire someone to look after provided in the will that it has to be translated to
the parent and the parent becomes reliant on this the testator in Filipino because the will was in
third person. Before you know it, pag namatay na English.
yung parent, may will pala disposing and giving the
So what is the implication of that? The testator
free portion of the estate to these third persons. Of
cannot understand English right? So, the will was
course, the children will question it. The ground
denied probate. Ang masaklap ditto, there’s no
that they will use is that he no longer knew the
such requirement that such declaration be made in
proper objects if his bounty; may dementia na siya,
senile na siya. The children will argue that have the will.
their parent been in his full mental faculties, he That’s what I’m telling you, kung ano lang yung
would not have given the free portion of his estate kailangan, yun lang ibigay niyo. Do not volunteer
to these third persons. He would have given it to us, information that is unnecessary. Well, in this case
he would have wanted us to take these properties pwede rin namang he just kept quiet but the other
because we are the proper objects of his bounty. parties would have still assailed it but do not hand
it to them in a sliver platter; make them work for it.
Character of the Testamentary Act
❖ Masakit man isipin pero there really are those SUROZA v. HONRADO
people who take advantage of those who are
helpless. So ang gagawin magpapa-pirma ng SPA, FACTS:
mortgage at kahit last will and testament without
the person who signed it knowing that it is a last ❖ In 1973, Marcelina Suroza supposedly executed a
will and testament. notarial will bequeathing her house and lot to a
certain Marilyn Suroza. In 1974, Marcelina died.
ARTICLE 800. THE LAW PRESUMES THAT EVERY PERSON IS OF Marina Paje was named as the executrix in the said
SOUND MIND, IN THE ABSENCE OF PROOF TO THE CONTRARY. will and she petitioned before CFI Rizal that the will
THE BURDEN OF PROOF THAT THE TESTATOR WAS NOT OF SOUND be admitted to probate. The presiding judge,
MIND AT THE TIME OF MAKING HIS DISPOSITIONS IS ON THE PERSON Honrado admitted the will to probate and assigned
WHO OPPOSES THE PROBATE OF THE WILL ; BUT IF THE TESTATOR, Paje as the administratrix. Honrado also issued an
ONE MONTH, OR LESS, BEFORE MAKING HIS WILL WAS PUBLICLY ejectment order against the occupants of the house
LUCID INTERVAL. (N) ❖ Nenita Suroza, daughter in law of Marcelina (her
ARTICLE 801. SUPERVENING INCAPACITY DOES NOT INVALIDATE husband, son of Marcelina was confined in the
AN EFFECTIVE WILL, NOR IS THE WILL OF AN INCAPABLE VALIDATED Veteran’s Hospital), learned of the probate
BY THE SUPERVENING OF CAPACITY. (N) proceeding when she received the ejectment order
(as she was residing in said house and lot).
Just read these two provisions.
❖ Nenita opposed the probate proceeding. She
FORMS OF WILLS alleged that the said notarial will is void because
(a) the instituted heir therein Marilyn Suroza is
actually Marilyn Sy and she is a stranger to
KINDS OF WILLS Marcelina, (b) the only son of Marcelina, Agapito
1. Notarial Will Suroza, is still alive and is the compulsory heir, (c)
the notarial will is written in English a language not

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known to Marcelina because the latter was conclusion that the will is invalid because it was written
illiterate so much so that she merely thumbmarked in a language not known to the decedent given that he
the will, (d) the notary public who notarized will is illiterate?
admitted that Marcelina never appeared before
him and that he notarized the said will merely to A: OF COURSE NOT. Bilang kayo ay mga Tomasino, dapat
accommodate the request of a lawyer friend but alam niyo na hindi nasusukat ang katalinuhan ng isang tao
with the understanding that Marcelina should later kung siya ay pwedeng magsalita o may kakayahang
appear before him but that never happened. magsalita ng Ingles o Tagalog lang. It does not follow that
just because he is an illiterate, he cannot speak English.
❖ Honrado still continued with the probate despite Because if you come to that conclusion, eh di ginagamit mo
the opposition until testamentary proceeding nga na batayan o standard of intelligence yung ability to
closed and the property transferred to Marilyn Sy. speak English. Sa America napakaraming mang-mang pero
Nenita then filed this administrative case against sila ay nakakapag-Ingles naman diba. “Ang tunay na mang-
Honrado on the ground of misconduct. mang sa Pilipinas ay ang hindi makapag-Tagalog”.
❖ So, as Thomasians, you have the ability to speak
ISSUE: both English and the Filipino language well. Kaya
niyo makipag sabayan na makipag Ingles pero kaya
Whether or not Honrado is guilty of misconduct for niyo rin magsalita ng Tagalog na parang lumaki
admitting into probate a void will. lang kayo diyan sa kanto ng Recto. And do not lose
that ability because once you are practicing, you
RULING: will be dealing with different people and if you can
speak their language the way they speak it, then
❖ Yes. Despite the valid claim raised by Nenita, he that will allow you to connect with them.
still continued with the testamentary proceeding,
which showed his wrongful intent. He may even be ❖ Now, there is a presumption that if the will is
criminally liable for knowingly rendering an unjust written in the dialect or language spoken in the
judgment or interlocutory order or rendering a place of residence of the decedent prior to his
manifestly unjust judgment or interlocutory order death, the presumption is he knows that language
by reason of inexcusable negligence or ignorance. or dialect. And anyone who says otherwise must
discharge the burden of proof.
❖ The will is written in English and was thumb
marked by an obviously illiterate Marcelina. This ❖ *You have to realize that insofar as the witnesses
could have readily been perceived by Honrado that are concerned, they have nothing to do with the
that the will is void. In the opening paragraph of the contents of the will. So it is not necessary that the
will, it was stated that English was a language will is in a language or dialect known to the
“understood and known” to the testatrix. But in its witnesses. It is the attestation clause which must be
concluding paragraph, it was stated that the will translated to the witnesses in case it is in a
was read to the testatrix “and translated into language or dialect not known to them. Kasi, the
witnesses are attesting to the due execution of the
Filipino language.” That could only mean that
the will was written in a language not known to last will and testament, they are not witnesses to
the illiterate testatrix and, therefore, it is void the contents of the will.
because of the mandatory provision of Article
804 of the Civil Code that every will must be
executed in a language or dialect known to the
❖ Had Honrado been careful and observant, he could ATTESTED AND SUBSCRIBED BY THREE OR MORE CREDIBLE WITNESSES
have noted not only the anomaly as to the language IN THE PRESENCE OF THE TESTATOR AND OF ONE ANOTHER .
of the will but also that there was something wrong
in instituting to Marilyn Sy as sole heiress and THE TESTATOR OR THE PERSON REQUESTED BY HIM TO WRITE HIS
giving nothing at all to Agapito who was still alive. NAME AND THE INSTRUMENTAL WITNESSES OF THE WILL , SHALL ALSO
Honrado was fined by the Supreme Court. SIGN, AS AFORESAID, EACH AND EVERY PAGE THEREOF , EXCEPT THE
❖ *Another important point is that illiterates can CORRELATIVELY IN LETTERS PLACED ON THE UPPER PART OF EACH
also make a will. PAGE.

Q: So, say that the testator is an illiterate and the last

will and testament is in English. Do we come to the

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THE ATTESTATION SHALL STATE THE NUMBER OF PAGES USED UPON very least. Why? Because you do not want to
WHICH THE WILL IS WRITTEN, AND THE FACT THAT THE TESTATOR make it difficult for those you leave behind who
But can you use any signature? Yes. Because
what makes your signature, your signature is your
Example: Sa buhay niyo nakatatlong palit na
IF THE ATTESTATION CLAUSE IS IN A LANGUAGE NOT KNOWN TO THE kayo ng signature from high school to college
WITNESSES, IT SHALL BE INTERPRETED TO THEM. (N) to law school hanggang maging abogado kayo.
All those signatures will be valid because you
intended them to be you signature. So if you
make a will, it is ideal that you use any of those
three signatures because there will be a
PUBLIC SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO RETAIN A COPY OF THE WILL, OR document in this world existing that bears any
FILE ANOTHER WITH THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT.(N) one of those signatures by which your
signature in the will may be compared to.
❖ But can I adopt a signature other than my usual
1. It must be subscribed at the end thereof by the signatures? The answer is Yes. Pwede ba
testator himself or by the testator’s name written kunwari letter “Z” parang si Zorro? Yes, as long as
at the end thereof by the testator himself or by the it is my intention to make it my signature. The
testator’s name written by some other person in problem is, once the testator dies, his heirs will be
his presence and by his express direction. having difficulties proving that such is the
testator’s signature in the absence of attesting
2. It must be attested and subscribed by three or witnesses.
more credible witness in the presence of the
testator and of one another. ❖ So if you make a will, you must use a signature that
can be identified with you because there are
3. It must be signed by the testator or the person sample documents showing that you have used
requested by him to write his name and the that signature before or it can be associated with
instrumental witnesses of the will on each and you.
every page thereof except the last on the left
margin. Example: Si Zorro gumawa ng will tapos letter
“Z” lang ang kanyang sinulat, would you even
4. All pages must be numbered correlatively in letters entertain the possibility na si Zorro nga yung
placed on the upper part of each page. sumulat non? Yes. Why? Because there is an
5. It must contain an attestation clause. association. You have the basis to believe that
that might have been his way to sign. But in the
6. It must be acknowledged before a notary public by absence of any association, it will be difficult
the testator and witnesses. for the court to accept a signature that is not
his usual signature.
❖ There was this case where the testator put an “X”
❖ When we say “at the end of the will” we refer to the as his signature. The Supreme Court did not accept
logical end of the will and not the physical end. it because there was no reason for the testator to
What is the logical end? It is the last disposition sign an X rather than his usual signature. It would
made in the will. have been better if he thumb marked the last will
o Why must it need to be placed on the and testament kasi nga a subscription may include
end? Because signature signifies any kind of sign or symbol and a thumbmark is a
authorship or ownership of everything sign or symbol. And note that a thumbmark is
that was written before the signature. unique to every person. No two thumbmarks are
Also, it signifies that below the signature, alike.
there would be no other dispositions. Q: If it is a third person who signs for the testator, must
❖ Subscription here would not be limited to a he write his own name?
signature of the testator. Although ideally, A: No. Because the third person must only suppose to write
signature talaga yung gagamitin mo; your full the name of the testator. But the fact that the third person
signature if possible or your usual signature at the

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signed for the testator, under his express authority and his
presence, it must be reflected in the attestation clause.
❖ The problem arises when a third person signs for
the testator in cases of emergency. Kunware
habang nag sisign yung testator he fell ill, so
another witness must step up for him. There is no
problem in this case pero baka nakalimutan nila i-
amend yung attestation clause. And it will not be
reflected that the third person signed for the
testator. And that will then lead to a fatally
defective attestation clause.
❖ That is why in such case, it would still be ideal for
the testator to affix his thumbmark even if a third
person signed for him because even if the
attestation clause be not amended, there would
absolutely be no need for that amendment because
the thumbmark is a sufficient subscription. It is as
if the will was signed by the testator himself and
not by the third person, hence no need for the
attestation clause to be amended.

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the witnesses have signed the AC may still sustain the
DECEMBER 4, 2020
validity of the will even though the left hand margin of the
page does not contain the signatures of the witnesses
FORMALITIES OF THE WILLS because the signatures appearing after the AC would be
sufficient both for signing the AC and identifying that page
as an authentic page of the last will and testament. BUT the
Q: Is there a difference between subscription and opposite situation will not bode as well for the [inaudible]
attestation? of the last will and testament. If it so happens that it’s only
the left hand margin which bears the signature of the
SUBSCRIPTION witnesses, and the AC was unsigned, then that will not be
sufficient to sustain the validity of the will, because the AC
A: Subscription is more mechanical in character. It is was never signed by the witnesses.
something that can be accomplished without putting much
attention to it; and the purpose of subscribing on the left Q: Bakit hindi natin pwede i-extend yung signature sa
margin is to identify the will as the same with what was left hand margin for the Attestation Clause?
published to the witnesses, each and every page thereof. It
is very easy to replace any of these pages and modify some A: For the simple reason that the signature of the left hand
provisions without alerting people about the forgery that margin is simply to identify that page as the authentic page
has been done. The original appearance will be maintained, of the will. It safeguards the integrity of the will. The AC is
but there will be modifications inserted which will defeat a totally different matter. It is a testament to what
the testamentary intent. transpired in the execution of the will.

Atty Seña: If the original will was signed on each and every Q: How fatal is it if all the pages of the will were signed
page, then needless to say, such kind of forgery may be by the witnesses and the testator but there was one
deterred kasi mahirap mareproduce yung signatures of the page which only contained the signature of 2 witnesses
witnesses. and the testator because one of the witnesses
simultaneously lifted two pages when he was signing?
Q: What if the will was subscribed in each and every Later on, during the probate, the witness explained
page, pero may pasaway na witness, sa right hand that it was an accident that he failed to sign. What
margin pumirma, would that matter? should be the ruling here? Should the will be sustained
as valid or should it be denied probate?
A: It should not. These formalities, they are prescribed to
ensure the integrity of the will. We want to give effect to the A: The SC sustained the validity of the will.
testamentary intent.
NOTE: We cannot take this as a precedent of a ruling
So if that purpose of safeguarding is otherwise achieved, relaxing the formalities of a will with regard to the
then we should not pay any [inaudible] anymore for any signatures on the left hand margin because the peculiar
slight departure from what the law prescribes. The same circumstances in this case. In this case, there was a
purpose is achieved. You can actually accept substantial duplicate original. There was another copy of the will which
compliance because it does not make any sense to defeat was simultaneously executed with the original. In effect,
testamentary intent just because of noncompliance with you have two originals of the wills. Secondly, the witness
formalities for the purpose of the formalities is otherwise was able to explain the absence of his signature on the page
accomplished. concerned. So there was no danger at all that hovered over
the integrity of the will. This is not a doctrine that you just
ATTESTATION can cite. Ang takeaway natin dito would be so long as the
purpose of the formalities is achieved, then we can
Attestation - something which is more substantial. It afford to sustain the validity of the will even if there is
requires more than the mechanical act of signing one’s lack of compliance with some of the requirements.
Here, you are standing as witness to the publication of the PRESENCE
will. The attestation clause is purely the business of the The law also requires that the signing of the will by the
witnesses, walang kinalaman yung testator. That’s why the testator and the witnesses must be in the presence of one
witnesses must sign after the attestation clause (AC). another.
You cannot discount the fact that the signature appearing Q: What exactly is contemplated by presence? When is
on the AC also serves the purpose of identifying that page at
there presence?
least, or the AC appears to be the true page of the authentic
will. It can serve a dual purpose - identifying and also A: Presence, according to Justice Caguioa, requires two
signing or claiming ownership of the AC. It’s not difficult to elements:
imagine a situation where the page containing the AC where

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1. Sight his name, under his express direction, in the
presence of the instrumental witnesses; and
2. Proximity
3. Witnesses witnessed and signed the will and all the
There is SIGHT if by simply casting your eye in the right pages thereof in the presence of the testator and of
direction, you will be able to see what is going on. one another. (MARX)

Atty Seña: Hindi naman kailangan na nakatutok ka sa papel Atty Seña: Napakasimple lang and yet some people get it
habang nag eexecute ng will. You can go about your usual wrong because they are not paying attention to details.
business so long as you would only need to cast your eyes They would just focus on the main dispositions, and then
in the right direction and you will be able to see what’s going the AC babastahin nalang nila which is wrong because if you
on. If you are in another room and you don’t have a direct feel tripped over any of the requirements of the AC, that will
line of vision into the other room where the execution is invalidate your will. Article 809 will only be able to help you
taking place, then presence is not complied with. Similarly, to a certain extent, only under certain circumstances.
you may be able to see, but if you are too far away, then you Illustration: Take this case, the AC was signed by the
would not have any appreciation of what is transpiring. witnesses, but there was an obvious defect in its drafting,
From afar, everything would seem okay - nakikita niyo na and those missing words rendered the attestation clause
pumipirma yung testator, but a closer inspection would give incomplete. Basically what it said is that the attestator
you other details to [inaudible] the validity of the will. signed the will and the witnesses in the presence of one
Nanginginig siya sa takot kasi tine-threaten na pala siyang another. So may missing link - failure of the AC to say that
pumirma. SO MERE SIGHT WOULD NOT BE SUFFICIENT. the testator signed in the presence of the witnesses and
YOU HAVE TO BE CLOSE ENOUGH. Otherwise, balewala that the witnesses signed in the presence of the
ang iyong pagiging witness. So sight and proximity. testator. Even if we were to apply 809, you will have to give
up on the validity of the will because no amount of
examining the will will supply that missing statement
The law also require that the PAGES MUST BE NUMBERED regarding the manner of its execution. The missing fact
IN LETTERS. cannot be supplied by the will itself. 809 WILL ONLY
Atty Seña: This was never explained by the law. The only REYES THAT IF WHAT IS MISSING OR IF THE DEFECT
logical conclusion that we can make is that if the purpose is MAY BE CURED BY EXAMINING THE CONTENTS OF THE
to safeguard against insertion, it goes to reason that the WILL, which is not the case here. To be clear, under Art. 809,
pages must be in words. Madaling burahin ang numbers. you will only apply this in case where there is no bad faith,
The law contemplates that it must be spelled out, as in 1 as forgery, fraud, undue and improper pressure and influence,
in o-n-e. You must be thinking in your heads, madaling and according to JBL Reyes, if you can supply or cure the
burahin yan sa adobe, which is true, but that technology was defect from an examination of the will, then you may apply
not available before. Hindi naman pwede dati mag scan at liberality.
copy paste. So itong provision na ito will not even be
sufficient anymore kasi nasa 21st century na tayo. In the example given, that is not the situation.
Q: Ano yung pwede natin gamitan ng Art. 809?
A: If let’s say what is missing is a statement regarding the
Atty. Sena: This is proved to be the waterloo of many wills pages comprising the will and the will itself provides for the
kasi yung ibang mga abogado, for some reason, number of its pages. Example, page 3 of 20. The will tells you
dinadagdagan ng kung anu-anong palabok. They add things that it is comprised of 20 pages.
which shouldn’t even be there, and in the process, they
forget to state what the law requires to be stated in the AC. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Ending is the will is invalidated. So make sure you comply
with the basics, before you embellish. Q: What is acknowledgment?

Q: What must be stated in the AC? A: Basically, when you acknowledge, you affirm authorship
of the act embodied in the document. It is different from a
A: jurat. Yung jurat kasi subscribed and sworn to. There’s no
1. The number of pages used upon which the will is declaration made by the one affirming the document. Sa
written acknowledgement, he is affirming his voluntary authorship
of the act.
2. The fact that the testator signed the will and every
page thereof, or caused some other person to write Q: Is the acknowledgment supposed to be done in the
same transaction as the execution of the will? In one

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A: No. The acknowledgment is not part of the execution Article 808. If the testator is blind, the will shall be read
anymore. It’s what comes after the execution. In fact,there’s to him twice; once, by one of the subscribing witnesses,
even no requirement that the testator and the witnesses and again, by the notary public before whom the will is
acknowledge all at the same time. acknowledged.
Atty Seña: From a practical point of view, what we do in
practice is that after the execution, acknowledgement
In case of blindness or if he is deaf-mute. The Civil Code
follows. We import a notary public to be present in the
has prescribed the manner in which the will must be
execution para seamless na. If you let the witnesses go after
the execution, there is no guaranty that we would be able to
make them appear before the notary public for the NOTE: In Garcia vs. Vasquez, the lawyer departed from
acknowledgment. Paano pag naaksidente, edi wala kang the procedure prescribed in the law. Instead of having the
last will and testament. Also, you have to videotape the will read twice - once by one of the witnesses, and the other
execution and the acknowledgment. Pictures will not do (In by the notary public, what was done was that everyone was
practice ito) because the issues will not arise until a decade given a copy of the last will and testament. One copy was
later. read out loud while the others were following what was
being read by reading silently along with the person reading
Acknowledgment is the authority of the notarizing
aloud. This was a departure from what the law prescribes,
officer. If you are authorized to notarized in one city,
but you cannot deny that it also achieved the same purpose.
then that authority does not extend outside of that.
Nagkaroon ng provision(?) for counterchecking the
In one case, the testatrix was residing somewhere in New contents of the will.
Manila in QC. The notary public is licensed somewhere in
The SC said that that was sufficient to sustain the validity of
the South. Pero siguro dahil matanda na yung testatrix, yung
the will. Also, it was in this case that the SC declared that we
notary public ang pumunta sakanya sa New Manila.
apply the same requirements for blind testators to
Masyado sigurong honest sila or baka nakaligtaan,
those who are suffering from poor eyesight and those
nakalagay parin doon that the will was executed in QC and
who are illiterate. Basically, if you are illiterate, you
acknowledged in QC. Pero yung details nung notary public
may be compared to a blind testator because you have
ay nakalagay na siya ay notary public for the city of Las
no idea what is in the will that you are required to sign.
Piñas. That was a fatal mistake. So tatandaan niyo that
sometimes the last will and testament is the only barrier When it comes to these formalities, ang purpose nila is to
against the inheritance of intestate heirs, so tatargetin safeguard the integrity, authenticity of the will. If this is
talaga nila yan. The lawyer of the intestate heirs will go over otherwise accomplished, then any departure from these
the last will and testament that you helped draft. Every line formalities ought to be allowed and should not affect the
hahanapan yan ng butas and in this particular case validity of the will. You cannot sacrifice testamentary intent
nakahanap ng butas - of all things, yung authority ng notary at the [inaudible] of formalities.
public. Lusot na eh, biglang napakaliit na detail doon ka pa
mahuhuli. The notary public was not licensed to notarize in HOLOGRAPHIC WILLS
QC. This could have been avoided. I am in no way
sanctioning this behavior pero kung gagawa ka nalang rin
ng kalokohan ay panindigan mo na. Wag mo na ilagay na Atty Seña: Kung ang attested will ay sophisticated, ang
nagnotaryo ka sa QC. Pangatawanan mo na nagnotaryo ka holographic will ay laid back lang, chill lang. It was criticized
sa Las Piñas. Had that been the case, may laban pa yung last because sobrang higpit natin sa notarial will pero sa
will and testament. Let them prove that it was executed in holographic will bare minimum lang. You might wonder, do
QC. we even have a security feature in holographic wills kasi
walang witnesses. Parang sumusulat lang sa diary, yun pala
In litigation, you have no obligation to help the other party. gumagawa ng will. Kahit siguro sa pader pwede ka gumawa
You are not preventing them to discover the truth. The ng holographic will. Kunyari nakakulong ka tapos feeling
notary public should have known that his notarization mo papatayin ka na kaya nagsulat ka ng will sa pader. To my
would not have any effect. He was at fault. mind that is acceptable because hindi naman kaylangan na
nasa papel. Kailangan lang in writing.
Q: You have to wonder, why is the law so nonchalant
Article 807. If the testator be deaf, or a deaf-mute, he about the requirements of a holographic will. Ano yung
must personally read the will, if able to do so; otherwise, ating badge of authenticity sa holographic will?
he shall designate two persons to read it and
A: The handwriting of the testator would be our badge of
communicate to him, in some practicable manner, the authenticity.
contents thereof.

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REMEMBER: Iba yung signature and iba yung handwriting. done in one sitting. If you want to add to or modify, then you
Sometimes yung signature can be a one letter affair. Minsan have to execute either a codicil or a subsequent will.
parang ibon lang. In that case, even if you are familiar with
his signature, but you have never seen a handwriting of his, Q: Supposing that modifications are made to the
you would not be able to identify that the person who holographic will, can these also be validly done? How?
signed was also the same person who wrote the document (referring to making an insertion, cancellation,
in his handwriting. So ang downside, you would need a good erasure, or alteration)
enough size sample work of the handwriting of the testator. A: Yes, the testator must authenticate with full signature.
What’s more, the sample handwriting must be made around If not, then the result would be that the insertion, erasure,
the same time when the holographic will was executed. cancellation or alteration will not be given effect and the
Otherwise, you won’t have basis for comparison. Your will will be implemented as it was originally written.
handwriting changes over the years. So if you need to prove
that the testator signed this and wala kang makuhang XPN: what has been cancelled is the substance of the will
sample work, yun yung problema in holographic will. That’s itself which may lead to a conclusion that a revocation has
why in the probate of a holographic will, and it’s unopposed, taken place.
you need 1 witness who will expressly state that the
signature and the holographic will itself are in the Kalaw vs. Relova
handwriting of the testator. If opposed, you need to produce
3 witnesses. Saan ka kukuha non? If wala ka maproduce,
FACTS: There was this one case, Kalaw, in this case, there
the law allows expert testimony.
were three siblings, a brother and two sisters. One of the
Problem: you need sample work of the testator that may sisters, tawagin nalang nating Rosa, executed a holographic
be studied by an expert. So yun ang problema ng will. It was a one sentence affair. She originally instituted
holographic will. her sister, Teresa, as her sole heir, “I institute Teresa, my
sister, as my sole her”. Apparently, there was a falling out
Q: Why must it be dated? between the sisters because Rosa changed her will. Binura
niya yung pangalan ni Teresa and sinulat niya yung
A: It will give us a timeframe when the will was executed
pangalang ng isang kapatid, si Gregorio. For some reason,
and the timeframe will allow us to determine if there is
she failed to authenticate with her full signature. So, nag
basis to determine to even think that he was already of
away si Teresa at Gregorio. Sabi ni Gregorio: “The will shall
sound mind.
be considered modified”. Sabi ni Teresa, “Hindi nga na-
Q: How should you date the holographic will? authenticate so hindi ako napalitan”.

A: Ideally, we follow the format: d/m/y. However, that is not RULING:

the only way to date, SO LONG AS WE CAN PINPOINT THE
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Teresa because hindi
TIME THAT IT WAS EXECUTED. Any manner will do. Ex:
authenticated yung modification in favor of Gregorio. Pero
Christmas of ’95, August 25 of the worst year ever, first
pagdating kay Teresa, sabi ng SC hindi pwedeng isintabi na
anniversary of the biggest mistake of my life (if it can be
pinalitan ang pangalan niya, na there was a change of heart
connected to your wedding anniversary. So anything that
on the part of the testatrix. The cancellation of Teresa’s
would allow you to make a determination of when that is.
name actually resulted to revocation of the will. One of the
If you depart from the idea, you make it difficult for the ways of revoking is cancelling or simply putting a line or
people you leave behind, but that alone will not be a basis striking out a provision in the will. It just so happens that
to invalidate the will. As long as they would be able to prove what was taken off was the essence of the will - the
what date contemplated by the testator. designation of Teresa as the sole heir. Take that away, wala
nang matitira sa last will and testament. THE LAW DID
Q: What if wala yung date sa proper place niya? Nasa NOT DISTINGUISH BETWEEN A NOTARIAL WILL AND
loob mismo ng last will and testament. HOLOGRAPHIC WILL WHEN IT COMES TO REVOCATION.
walang sinasabi yung batas na pag holographic will ang
A: That would still be sufficient. The idea is that the
iyong irerevoke through cancellation ay dapat mayroon
testator is executing the holographic will on his own, that’s
paring authentication. There is no such requirement. So it
why yan lang yung minimun requirements.
should be considered as sufficient cancellation.
- the testator may add to his holographic will every now and
The SC cannot ignore the change of intent of the testatrix.
then. Kunyari after a week, naalala niya si aling Bebang so
The cancellation of the words “my sister Rosa” may be
idadagdag niya. That is okay so long as it is dated and sign.
interpreted in 2 ways:
After a year pwede ulit. Unlike a notarial will which must be

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❖ first - it is cancellation under Art. 814, and such was Article 819. Wills, prohibited by the preceding article,
not complied with executed by Filipinos in a foreign country shall not be
valid in the Philippines, even though authorized by the
❖ second - it may be considered as revocation by laws of the country where they may have been executed.
cancellation of the will itself. Such revocation need
not be authenticated. In this case, what was
cancelled was an essential part of the will. Q: What are joint wills? Why are those prohibited?

Q: You might ask, kung linya linya lang ang pag A: One document executed by 2 testators. The characteristic
uusapan, ano ang kasiguraduhan na si Rosa nga yung of a will of being purely personal is violated (MARX).
gumawa noong cancellation?
Q: How can joint wills violate the purely personal
A: That is a valid question, but apparently the parties did character of last will and testament?
not have any doubt that it was Rosa who made the
A: Because these two people will be meddling with the
cancellation and insertion kaya hindi na yan nadiscuss.
dispositions made by the other. “Kaibigan mo yan? Eh hindi
ba inaway ka niyan dati?” “Bibigyan mo yan ng ganyan
GOVERNING LAW kalaking halaga?” In other words, your discretion to dispose
will be compromised.
Q: What rules must be followed when we execute a last

A: We look first at the nationality of the person who is

executing the will. Second, the place of execution. Article 820. Any person of sound mind and of the age of
eighteen years or more, and not blind, deaf or dumb, and
1. If he is a Filipino and executed in the PH, we able to read and write, may be a witness to the execution
would follow PH law. of a will mentioned in article 805 of this Code.
2. If he is an alien, then PH law, but the law allows Article 821. The following are disqualified from being
him to execute his last will and testament in
witnesses to a will:
accordance with the law of the country of which he
is a citizen. (1) Any person not domiciled in the Philippines;
3. If Filipino abroad, adhere to Art. 17, lex loci (2) Those who have been convicted of falsification of a
celebrationis, but our law expressly prohibits from document, perjury or false testimony.
executing joint wills even if such may be valid
Atty. Sena: The law does not allow someone who is blind,
Additionally, it has been argued that the same privileges
deaf of dumb, or someone who is illiterate to be witness to
given to aliens should be extended to Filipinos abroad, that
a will, but the law allows these people to make a will.
is, they should be given the option to execute a last will and
testament in accordance with our laws. Q: What are the qualifications?
Now, in holographic will, that can be executed in and A: 1. Sound mind
outside PH.
2. 18 years of age and above
Aliens abroad have three choices:
3. Not blind, deaf or dumb
1. law their residence
4. Able to read or write
2. law of their nationality
5. Domiciled in the PH (habitual residence; you always have
3. Civil Code the intention to return to your place of domicile)

JOINT WILLS 6. No prior conviction for falsification of document, forgery

or false testimony.

Article 818. Two or more persons cannot make a will NOTE: This is not one of those conviction involving
jointly, or in the same instrument, either for their moral turpitude. Here, masyadong limited ang
reciprocal benefit or for the benefit of a third person. focus. Ang proscription lang ay no prior conviction
on anything that touches on the witness’ integrity.
Pwedeng nakapatay siya pero honest naman, so

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pwede siyang maging witness sa last will and The purpose of a codicil is to explain, to add to, or to alter a
testament. prior will. The thing is a codicil is supposed to be also
executed like a will.
Q: Why does the law require that the witness be
domiciled in the PH? Q:You might wonder, what will make a codicil become a
full-blown last will and testament? Why not just make a
A: because we would want the witness to be within the last will and testament? What stops a codicil from being
jurisdiction of the court. it would be easier for the court to a last will and testament because the purpose of the
compel attendance. codicil may be made through a subsequent last will and
Q: How would the court be able to compel attendance? testament?

A: By issuing a subpoena. You cannot issue a subpoena to A: A codicil does not contain any disposition which
someone who is not here in the Philippines, hence the prevents it from becoming a last will and testament. The
requirement of domicile. presence of a disposition makes it a last will and testament
and allows it to stand independently of a prior will. So if he
Q: Supposing that your witness also happens to be your intend to modify, alter or explain something in a prior will,
heir, devisee, legatee or the spouse, parent or child of edi mag antay ka nalang muna pag may additional
an heir, devisee or legatee, would that disqualify him as disposition ka na so that you can make another last will and
a witness? testament. If hindi ka na makakapag antay, then the law
allows you to make a codicil.
A: This is not a disqualification to act as a witness, but this
may be a ground to invalidate the devise or the legacy or Q: Must a codicil be consistent with the form of your last
the designation as heir. will and testament?

Note that the law only mentions devise or legacy, A: No. You can have a holographic will and a codicil that is
but designation as an heir is also testamentary notarial in character and vice versa.
succession and the same danger being guarded
against by this prohibition also applies to those INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE
situations where an heir is designated.
Q: What is the danger here? Article 827. If a will, executed as required by this Code,
incorporates into itself by reference any document or
A: You try to prevent undue influence or any possible paper, such document or paper shall not be considered a
conflict of interest.
part of the will unless the following requisites are present:
Q: Supposing that the witness is a creditor? He acts as a
(1) The document or paper referred to in the will must
witness to a will where the obligation in his favor is
directed to be paid by the testator? Would that have any be in existence at the time of the execution of the will;

effect on the disposition directing payment to him? (2) The will must clearly describe and identify the same,
stating among other things the number of pages thereof;
A: No because he is simply receiving what is due him. It’s
not as though he is receiving something out of the liberality (3) It must be identified by clear and satisfactory proof
of the testator. The danger that we are guarding against as the document or paper referred to therein; and
does not apply here.
(4) It must be signed by the testator and the witnesses
CODICIL on each and every page, except in case of voluminous
books of account or inventories.

Article 825. A codicil is supplement or addition to a will,

made after the execution of a will and annexed to be taken Q: What does incorporation by reference mean?
as a part thereof, by which disposition made in the
Atty Seña: It’s no different from the attachment that you
original will is explained, added to, or altered.
make in your complaints or to your pleadings. There would
be paragraphs where it would be [inaudible] for you to
Q: What is a codicil? reproduce your basis for your allegations or cause of action
if you are speaking of a document that is a hundred pages.
A: A supplement or addition to a will, made after the It makes more sense to incorporate its contents by
execution of a will and annexed to the same. reference into the paragraph and attach it as annex. Same
lang sa incorporation by refrence. Instead of reciting the

PAGE 141 OF 175

contents of the documents in the will, you incorporate it by person, without the express direction of the
reference. testator, the will may still be established, and the
estate distributed in accordance therewith, if its
Atty Seña: One of the possible things that may be passed on
is credit. It make take many forms. Kahit utang sa sari-sari contents, and due execution, and the fact of its
store. Minsan nasa listahan yan sa notebook. If you would unauthorized destruction, cancellation, or
accumulate of these amounts, substantial na pala yung obliteration are established according to the
utang. These may be passed on to the heirs. Mayroon na Rules of Court.
palang 25 notebooks filled with indebtedness. If you make
all of these indebtedness into the will, masyado na mahaba.
So you incorporate by reference. Q: How many ways can we revoke a last will and
You just have to comply with the requirements of the law:
A: Three ways:
1. The document must be existing
1. By implication of law
2. The will must sufficiently identify the document by
describing the same; if possible, state how many pages it is 2. By a subsequent will or codicil
composed of 3. Burning, canceling, tearing, obliterating or physical
3. Extrinsic evidence identifying the documents as the one destruction.
referred to in the will; and A. By implication of law - takes place when certain acts or
4. If possible, if the document is not too voluminous, then events occur subsequent to the making of the will which
the testator and the subscribing witnesses must sign each nullify or render inoperative the will itself or some
and every page of the document. testamentary disposition.
Example: Preterition, the institution of heirs is
REVOCATION annulled; If there has been a legal separation, guilty
spouse is not allowed to inherit from the innocent
You can revoke a will at any time for any reason or for no spouse.
reason at all.
B. Subsequent will or codicil or physical destruction -
Q: Do you know why? lumped together because in these two, there must be
testamentary capacity. In the first way, there is no need for
A: Look at the definition of revocation - act of the mind testamentary capacity.
terminating the potential capacity of the will to take
effect at the death of the testator, manifested by some If you are going to revoke a prior will through a subsequent
outward and visible act or sign, symbolic of the same. will or codicil, the revoking will must be admitted to
probate. If it is not valid, there is no revocation that takes
Atty Seña: Sa definition na ito, you can see that it is not the place.
will nor disposition that is terminated, but the
potential capacity of the will to operate at the death of Revocation can either be express or implied and it can
the testator; because until the testator dies, there’s nothing also either be total or partial.
to terminate because the will has not come into effect. It
1. Express - there must be a revocatory clause expressly
only has potential. The revocation that may be made puts
revoking a prior will. Hindi pwedeng “any disposition made
an end to that potential, kaya pwede niya irevoke at any
in a prior will inconsistent with the dispositions here are
Article 830. No will shall be revoked except in the
NOTE: A revocatory clause is not a disposition. This is
following cases: important to know because the fact that it is not a
(1) By implication of law; or disposition means that it does not need to wait until after
the death of the testator to have an effect. Your
(2) By some will, codicil, or other writing revocatory clause can be given instantaneous effect, subject
executed as provided in case of wills; or to the resolutory condition of not being admitted to
probate. It is immediately effective, but if the revocatory
(3) By burning, tearing, cancelling, or obliterating will is denied probate, then it loses its efficacy and the prior
the will with the intention of revoking it, by the will will not be considered revoked anymore.
testator himself, or by some other person in his
Q: Bakit hindi suspensive condition?
presence, and by his express direction. If burned,
torn, cancelled, or obliterated by some other

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A: We cannot because that would be inconsistent with the Q: What should be the extent of the destruction of the
immediate efficacy of the revocatory clause because it is not last will and testament? Would it be sufficient to
a disposition. partially or slightly cause the destruction to the same?
2. Implied - the testamentary dispositions in the two will A: It depends on the intention of the testator. What to his
are so inconsistent that they cannot co-exist with one mind is completed act of revocation.
another. We have to supress the dispositions in a prior will
because the subsuquent will is the latest expression of Justice Caguioa: Subjective and Objective phases. These
testamentary intent. phases would be relevant insofar as any act of desistance
that may be made by the testator. He may change his mind
NOTE: We have to wait until the death of the testator and decide not to revoke anymore.
because until he dies the dispositions cannot be given effect;
and until the dispositions are given effect, we cannot say Illustration: He is tearing up his last will and testament. He
that there is an inconsistency. So doon lang magkakaalaman was about to tear it up anew when he was prevented by his
after the death of the testator. child and asked him to reconsider. If he desisted at that
point, then it would be a valid desistence and the will will
****IM SO SORRY GUYS NA DC ATA YUNG NAGRERECORD. not be considered revoked kasi nasa subjective phase pa
siya. From his action of about to tear it up, we can see that
REMEMBER: The requirement that the revoking will must he was not yet done with the physical destruction of his will
be valid and admitted to probate has nothing to do with the as a mode of revocation.
doctrine with dependent relative revocation. If your
revoking will is not admitted to probate, then it means that However, kung he tore up the will and threw it in the trash
your prior will was never revoked. The reason for that is not and left the room, if he were to have a change of heart and
because of the application of the doctrine of dependent come back and retrieve the last will and testament from the
relative revocation, but simply because of non-compliance trash, then it’s too late because the act of revocation has
with the requirement of revocation through a subsequent crossed over to the objective phase because we can see from
will or codicil, which requirement is that the revoking will his act of walking away that he is already done with the act
be admitted to probate. of revocation. If he changes his mind, he cannot just
physically repair the document and restore it to validity, he
C. Physical Destruction will have to re-execute the same.
Atty Seña: the manner of revocation calls for the destruction This would be more of a theoretical discussion. In all
of the will, so ito yung pinakamahirap patunayan. Paano mo likelihood, no one will witness the revocation and see what
hahanapin yung isang bagay na kailangan sirain to carry actually happened because it is mostly a private affair, a
out the revocation. secret affair even. Siya lang din ang nakakaalam kung ano
Illustration: You know that your lolo made a last will and ang nangyayari, but theoretically, that is the rule. There is a
testament, then he passed away. You are looking for it, but certain point of no return.
you cannot find it and there is no revoking will. You want to NOTE: Revocation, just like the subscription of the will, may
prove that it has been revoked. Paano mo mapprove kung be delegated to a third person. It must be under the express
hindi mo nga makita yung will? So the very fact that would direction and in the presence of the testator.
constitute the revocation is the very thing that prevents you
from locating the will and confirming such destruction. Illustration: Iba yung sinunog ‘nong 3rd person. We know
That’s why THE LAW PRESUMES THAT IF IT IS KNOWN that there must be concurrence of PHYSICAL
WAS IN POSSESSION OF THE WILL SHORTLY BEFORE other with not produce revocation. So if the instruction was
HIS DEATH AND THE WILL CAN NO LONGER BE not carried out, we have no revocation. If there was physical
LOCATED, THEN IT IS PRESUMED THAT THE WILL HAS destruction but no intention to revoke, then we still have no
BEEN REVOKED BY PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION. This is revocation. Problem is, would we still be able to prove
necessary, otherwise, hanggang kailan maghahanap ng will the execution of the will, its contents and then carry out
yung heirs. its dispositions?
NOTE: It is a rebuttable presumption. A: Depends on the type of will involved and if we have
another copy of the will.
If it is a notarial will, and there’s no other copy of the will,
The law enumerates four different ways. The law still allows we will still be able to implement its dispositions and admit
total or partial revocation. Pipiliin mo nalang yung bagay sa it to probate, provided that we have evidence to establish
gusto mong klaseng revocation. Kung partial, hindi naman the fact of its unauthorized destruction, its due execution
pwedeng by burning yung revocation mo. and the contents of the will. Possible ito sa notarial will
because possible na may nag assist sa pagddraft ng will and

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there will be exchanges between the testator and the clause which expressly revoked the will in 1918. He died
lawyer. So pwede maestablish yung contents. For due without any forced heirs but he was survived by his wife,
execution, yun naman yung purpose ng subscribing herein petitioner Juana. The oppositors to the probate were
witness. Yung fact of unathorized destruction can be his nephews and nieces.
testified to by the testator himself.
2. Only a carbon copy of the second will was found. The
If it is a holographic will and we do not have any copy of widow filed a petition for the probate of the 1939 will. It
the same, kahit photocopy, tagilid na yan. The badge of was admitted to probate but subsequently set aside on
authenticity of the holographic will would be the ground that the petitioner failed to prove its due execution.
handwriting of the testator himself. You can only prove that
if you have a copy of the will, even a photo copy. 3. As a result, the petitioner filed another petition for the
probate of the 1918 will this time. Again the oppositors
Gan vs. Yap alleged that said will had already been revoked under the
1939 will. They contended that despite the disallowance of
the 1939 will, the revocation clause is valid and thus
Here, there was this effort/fabrication of story of how the effectively nullified the 1918 will.
testatrix made the holographic will and how the
holographic will has always been in the possession of the ISSUE: Whether or not the 1918 will can still be valid
testatrix such that when she suffered a stroke and brought despite the revocation in the subsequent disallowed 1939
to the hospital, the only thing that she asked for was that her will
purse where her last will and testament was contained be
RULING: Yes. The court applied the doctrine laid down in
delivered to someone. The proponent of the will was able
Samson v. Naval that a subsequent will,containing a clause
to read the last will and testament twice. Bago pa man
revoking a previous will, having been disallowed for the
magkaroon ng aksidente, the testatrix would always show
reason that it was not executed in accordance with law
her last will and testament to anyone who would visit he
cannot produce the effect of annulling the previous will,
(parang nag aalok lang ng kape). You can see that the
inasmuch as the said revocatory clause is void.
purpose of the proponent is to lay down the premise that
would allow these people who testified on having seen the There was no valid revocation in this case. No evidence was
will and knowing its contents kasi wala nga siyang hard shown that the testator deliberately destroyed the original
copy of the holographic will. 1918 will because of his knowledge of the revocatory clause
contained in the will executed in 1939.The earlier will can
SC: No. We need the will as basis to authenticate the
still be probated under the principle of dependent relative
handwriting of the testator.
revocation.The doctrine applies when a testator cancels or
destroys a will or executes an instrument intended to
revoke a will with the intention to make a new testamentary
disposition as substitute for the old, and the new
The law recognizes that it is possible that the testator does disposition fails of effect for some reason.
not want to die intestate at all cost. So that should he even
revoked a prior will, the revocation may be made The revocation was done thru physical means, the interval
dependent upon the efficacy of a subsequent will. But we do between the first will and second will is 20 years apart. The
not make an inference that it is such an intention. (MARX) revoking will was denied probate, by all indication the first
will should have subsisted.
You will revoke a will with a present intention to make a
new testamentary disposition as a substitute for the old However, there was an insinuation that the original copy of
will. Such that the failure of the new testamentary the first will was destroyed by the testator. It indicated that
disposition to come into effect will now negate the the revocation is supposed to have taken place thru another
revocation that you have made. In other words, it speaks of means other than by the execution of a subsequent will. It is
a revocation conditioned upon your making of a subsequent thru physical destruction. The original copy cannot be
valid testamentary disposition. Yun nga lang, when you are located. What was presented in probate was a carbon copy
making the revocation, wala ka pang new testamentary of the original. We had a presumption that if the testator
disposition. Mayroon ka lang present intention. This was have access or possession of the will and cannot be located
discussed in the case of Molo vs. Molo. after his death, we presume that he had revoked it.
But the doctrine of relative revocation is applicable because
Molo vs. Molo the SC cited the fact that the 2 wills name the same
beneficiary. The 2 wills are basically the same. And the SC
FACTS: also said that had it been the intention of the testator to
absolutely revoke his first will then he should have also
1. Marcos Molo executed 2 wills, one in August 1918 and recovered the carbon copy in the possession of his wife. The
another in June 1939. The latter will contained a revocation mere fact that he did not do so means that he was still trying

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to ensure that he would die testate or with a valid will. Just with the intention to make it dependent upon the
in case his subsequent will and testament will not be validity of the subsequent will?
admitted to probate. (MARX)
Atty Seña: The SC tried to justify. First, the SC said bakit
Atty Seña: You have a first will and then you have a natin massasabi na there was the intention tomake the
revoking will. Sa revoking will pwede mong ipaliwanag “I revocation conditioned on the validity of the 2nd will. First,
am revoking. Hindi ko naman gusto mag revoke but I am itinabi niya yung photocopy ‘nong kanyang first will, If the
planning to make a new will; and if that new will is effective, intention was to revoke absolutely, then he would have
then the first will will be considered revoked.” So if you gotten rid of that copy also, hindi na dapat binigay sa asawa
make a third will, and if that will does not become effective, para tumabi. Second, kung kukumpara mo yung first and
then you will now have basis to go back to your first will. 2nd will, you will see that the same provision was used -
Kasi naipaliwanag mo sa revoking will na hindi mo naman everything was left behind to the wife. In fact, he may have
talaga gustong irevoke yung first will, nirevoke mo lang siya only executed the 2nd will because he wanted to make sure
kung sakaling makakagawa ka in the future ng isang valid that it will be sustained as valid.
new will.
REMEMBER: Para magkaroon tayo ng doctrine of
dependent relative revocation involving subsequent will,
you have to have at least THREE WILLS: prior will, simple Article 835. The testator cannot republish, without
revoking will and the replacement will. reproducing in a subsequent will, the dispositions
contained in a previous one which is void as to its form.
Q: It is the invalidity of the replacement will which will
negate the revocation of the first will. Why? Article 836. The execution of a codicil referring to a
A: Because the suspensive condition upon which the previous will has the effect of republishing the will as
revocation of the first will was made to depend was not modified by the codicil.
fulfilled and that is the condition because it was so
explained in the subsequent revoking will.
Republication - the method by which the testator restores
However, kung mayroong prior will and revoking will and to validity, as his will, an instrument formerly executed by
the revoking will did not mention any intention to have a him as his will thereafter revoked or gives validity to an
replacement will in the future but only focuses on revoking instrument originally invalid for want of proper execution.
the prior will, and this revoking will is denied probate, we Restoring a will to validity. (MARX)
say that there is no revocation NOT BECAUSE OF THE
Republication only means restoring the will to its validity.
Either you re-execute or republish. Republish means that
you use a codicil to republish a will. However, you cannot
republish without reproducing in a subsequent will
dispositions contained in the previous will which is void as
In Molo vs. Molo, mayroong dalawang wills. One was to its form. If you are just dealing with a revoked will, you
executed in 1918, the other in 1939. 21 years apart and they can have that republished in a codicil. If the will is void as to
are exactly the same. Nung namatay ang testator, prinesent its form, then you have to re-execute the same.
ng biyuda yung 1939 will. But for some reason, invalid yung
1939 will. So the widow then presented a copy of the 1918 Article 837. If after making a will, the testator makes a
will. Nag object yung opponents because the widow was second will expressly revoking the first, the revocation of
named sole heir. Sabi ng opponents bakit photocopy yung the second will does not revive the first will, which can be
prinesent, hindi yung original. Sabi nila kasi daw the revived only by another will or codicil.
original was already destroyed/revoked. They wanted to
show that the 2nd will is invalid and the1st will was
revoked, hence, they should succeed by intestate succession Article 837 provides for the rule on revival. It says if after
alongside the widow. Since hindi makita yung original, we making a will, the testator makes a second will, expressly
apply the presumption that there has been a physical revoking the first, the revocation of the second will does not
destruction. revive the first will.

SC: Even assuming that there was physical destruction, that Q: How many wills do we have here?
revocation was conditioned on the effectivity of the A: There are three - first will, revoking will and revoking the
subsequent will. revoling will.
Q: Can you appreciate the jump that the SC made in this It is important to consider the manner of revocation of the
case? From a presumption of revocation by physical first will by the second will. If it is an express revocation,
destruction to the presumption that the revocation was

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then the revocation of the revoking will will not revive the Nuguid vs. Nuguid
first will. You will have to revive the first will through
another will or codicil.
If the revoking will revokes the first pair by implication
only, then the revocation of the revoking will by a third will Petitioner Remedios Nuguid filed a holographic will
will revive the first will. allegedly executed by Rosario Nuguid on November 17,
1951, some 11 years before her demise. Petitioner prayed
Q: Why? that said will be admitted to probate and that letters of
administration with the will annexed be issued to her.
A: Sen Tolentino: The reason why there is no revival of the
first will is that the revocatory clause is instantaneously On June 25, 1963, Felix Nuguid and Paz Salonga Nuguid,
effective. We do not need to wait for the death of the concededly the legitimate father and mother of the
testator. So that even if the second will is revoked, it can no deceased Rosario Nuguid, entered their opposition to the
longer undue the revocation effected through the probate of her will. Ground therefor is that by the institution
revocatory clause because it has taken effect. Kaya hindi na of petitioner Remedios Nuguid as universal heir of the
marerevive yung first will. If you want to, you may republish deceased, oppositors — who are compulsory heirs of the
it through another will or codicil. deceased in the direct ascending line — were illegally
preterited and that in consequence the institution is void.
This rule is always subject to the requirement of probate. So
yung instantaneous even is still subject to the results of the ISSUE:
probate proceedings. So that in the end, if these expressly
revoking will is denied probate, then it cannot be taken as Whether there is preterition
having validly revoked the first will.
So yugn sinasabi na revocation, bigla nalang mawawalan ng
Yes. Preterition “consists in the omission in the testator’s
bisa. Hindi dahil sa hindi inirevoke, kung hindi dahil hindi
will of the forced heirs or anyone of them, either because
naadmit sa probate yung revoking will.
they are not mentioned therein, or, though mentioned, they
Ngayon, if it is revocation by implication, then you all know are neither instituted as heirs nor are expressly
that is can only arise because of inconsistent testamentary disinherited.” Disinheritance, in turn, “is a testamentary
dispositions which will all take effect after the death of the disposition depriving any compulsory heir of his share in
decedent. If he revokes the second will with dispositions, the legitime for a cause authorized by law. The will here
inconsistent might, the effect is the potential inconsistency does not explicitly disinherit the testatrix’s parents, the
will no longer exist after the death of the decedent. forced heirs. It simply omits their names altogether. Said
will rather than be labeled ineffective disinheritance is
PROBATE OF THE WILL clearly one in which the said forced heirs suffer from
It is very clear that a ruling laid down in a probate court On top of this is the fact that the effects flowing from
will only be conclusive as to due execution and validity preterition are totally different from those of
of the will and this covers the following: disinheritance. Preterition under Article 854 of the Civil
Code, we repeat, “shall annul the institution of heir”. This
1. The testator was of sound and disposing mind annulment is in toto, unless in the will there are, in addition,
testamentary dispositions in the form of devises or legacies.
2. His consent is not vitiated
In ineffective disinheritance under Article 918 of the same
3. The will was signed by him in the presence of Code, such disinheritance shall also “annul the institution of
the required number of witnesses heirs”, put only “insofar as it may prejudice the person
disinherited”, which last phrase was omitted in the case of
4. The will was genuine preterition. Better stated yet, in disinheritance the nullity is
limited to that portion of the estate of which the
Any other issue especially the substantive ones pertaining disinherited heirs have been illegally deprived.
to the validity of the dispositions will not be passed upon by
the probate court. Atty Seña: Sister was designated as heir of the testatrix pero
buhay pa yung mga magulang nila. On its face, preterition is
XPN: NUGUID VS. NUGUID; NEPOMUCENO VS. CA already apparent. So imbes na magpabalik balik pa yung
findings, the court already passed upon the intrinsic validity
When the probate of the will might become an idle to save the parties the time.
ceremony if on its face it appears intrinsically void.

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Nepomuceno vs. CA Probate may either be:
1. Post-mortem
2. Ante-mortem – the testator can already petition the court
1. Martin Hugo died on 1974 and he left a will wherein he to have his will probated before he dies. Kung matapang ka,
instituted Sofia Nepomuceno as the sole and only executor. gagawin mo yan because the will will be publicized. But this
It was also provided therein that he was married to Rufina is smoother transition because it is the testor himself who
Gomez with whom he had 3 children. is in the best position to testify as to the voluntariness of his
2. Petitioner (Sofia) filed for the probate of the will but the
legal wife and her children opposed alleging that the will NOTE: Be mindful of the grounds of disallowing a last will
was procured through improper and undue influence and and testament
that there was an admission of concubinage with the
3. The lower court denied the probate on the ground of the
testator's admission of cohabitation, hence making the will
invalid on its face. The Court of Appeals reversed and held
that the will is valid except the devise in favor of the
petitioner which is null and void in violation of Art. 739 and
ISSUE: Whether or not the court can pass on the intrinsic
validity of a will
RULING: Yes, as an exception. But the general rule is that
the court's area of inquiry is limited to the an examination
and resolution of the extrinsic validity of the will. This
general rule is however not inflexible and absolute. Given
exceptional circumstances, the probate court is not
powerless to do what the situation constrains it to do and
may pass upon certain provisions of the will. The will itself
admitted on its face the relationship between the testator
and the petitioner.
The will was validly executed in accordance with law but
the court didn't find it to serve a practical purpose to
remand the nullified provision in a separate action for that
purpose only since in the probate of a will, the court does
not ordinarily look into the intrinsic validity of its
The devisee is invalid by virtue of Art. 739 which voids a
donation made between persons guilty of
adultery/concubinage at the time of the donations. Under
Art, 1028 it is also prohibited
Atty Seña: The will was executed by the husband who has a
long-standing relationship with a paramour. Ginawa pa
niyang executrix. Pinaliwanag pa niya na kahit may asawa
siya, yung kabit niya yung tinuturing niyang asawa, si Sofia.
In fact, pinakasalan niya kahit hindi niya pwedeng
pakasalan. Noong sinasubmit na yung will for probate, the
wife questioned the qualification of the mistress to be an
executrix. Yung parties sinubmit na agad lahat ng issues sa
court. You cannot fault the court for exceeding the extent of
its probate jurisdiction and that it ruling upon the intrinsic
validity of the dispositions because the parties themselves
brought these issues to the court for adjudication.

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DECEMBER 10, 2020 Q: When we institute an heir, are we required to
dispose of the entire estate?

INSTITUTION OF HEIRS A: No. In fact, you can have more than one heir and still not
dispose of the entire property, in which case mixed
succession will take place (testamentary and intestate).
Article 840. Institution of heir is an act by virtue of which Atty Seña: It also follows that if you have compulsory heirs
a testator designates in his will the person or persons who and you institute someone as your universal heir, barring
are to succeed him in his property and transmissible the occurrence of any preterition, it is understood that your
rights and obligations. universal heir will only be succeeding to the available free
portion. It’s not even automatically the free portion kasi we
have the fixed legitime which is ½ of the estate. Even that so
Q: What is institution of heirs?
called free portion is not subject to absolute disposition by
A: It is an act by which the testator designates in his will the the testator, because there are legitimate heirs who will
person or persons who are to succeed him in his property take their legitimes from the free portion (Illegitimate
and transmissible rights and obligations. To put it simply, a children, surviving spouse). It’s only after you deduct the
testamentary heir is someone who succeeds under a last legitimes of these compulsory heirs will you get the
will and testament. However, the same definition may be available free portion. It is what the testator may dispose of.
applied to a devisee and legatee, but they are different. So if you have a universal heir and compulsory heir, your
universal heir will only succeed to the available free
Q: How is a devisee or legatee different from a portion. Minsan kulang pa yung available free portion pag
testamentary heir? konti yung legitimate children and madaming illegitimate
A: An heir succeeds by a universal title or to an aliquot part
of the estate while a legatee or devisee succeeds by a Q: Who are your compulsory heirs?
particular title or to a specific property from the estate.
A: Remember: everyone is in the direct line, save for the
Q: Supposing that the estate only has one property, a surviving spouse. If your decedent happens to be
parcel of land, and the will institutes you as heir to the illegitimate, he would also have the same compulsory heirs,
entire estate. In the process, someone was preterited. subject to one important qualification – for decedents who
What happens to the disposition made in your favor? are illegitimate, their parents may be excluded by all
kinds of children. Unlike where the decedent is legitimate,
A: The question calls for a classification of your institution in which case, the exclusion will only take place if his
either as an heir or devisee, because that will determine
children and descendants are legitimate.
what happens to the disposition made in your favor. The
catch is, you were named heir but as it turns out, the estate Iron curtain rule – a bar prohibiting an illegitimate child
only has one property. So the question is does the property from succeeding to the inheritance of the legitimate
bequeathed in your favor essentially becomes a device? If children and relatives of the parents and vice versa (MARX).
yes, then the impairment will only be half of the estate, you
still get to keep the half. But if we will concede that you are Article 844. An error in the name, surname, or
instituted as heir, the entire disposition will have to be set circumstances of the heir shall not vitiate the institution
aside and the entire estate will go to the preterited heir in when it is possible, in any other manner, to know with
his capacity as compulsory and intestate heir. certainty the person instituted.

Q: How should we classify you under the If among persons having the same names and surnames,
circumstances? there is a similarity of circumstances in such a way that,
even with the use of other proof, the person instituted
A: Always go by the wording of the will because that is your cannot be identified, none of them shall be an heir.
basis to determine what the intention of the testator is.
Judging by the words used, the intention is to institute you Article 845. Every disposition in favor of an unknown
as an heir to the whole estate. It does not matter that the person shall be void, unless by some event or
estate only has one property, the fact remains that the circumstance his identity becomes certain. However, a
testator institutes you to the entire property. disposition in favor of a definite class or group of persons
shall be valid.
Supposing that the entire parcel of land comprising the
estate was devised to you under the will, should it turn out
that that is the only property, that will not change your Q: How should we make the institution of heirs?
qualification as a devisee because specific real property was
bequeathed to you. By definition, you are a devisee. A: The first rule would be to institute using the full name
and with as much description as you can give to identify the

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heirs. You will notice that the law also allows institution by If per stirpes: two process.
unnamed people; it is enough that they are described and
through the description they are identifiable. 1st: divide the estate into three: 1/3 to A, 1/3 to B and 1/3
to C
Illustration: Dean Divina can make an institution to
students who will top BAR 2021. At the time of making a 2nd: Share pertaining to C will be divided between D and E,
will, he has no idea who will be benefited by the institution. 1/6 each.
Per capita: D and E will get ¼ each (they get more per
Article 846. Heirs instituted without designation of capita)
shares shall inherit in equal parts.
Per stirpes: D and E will get 1/6 each

Q: If we will institute several heirs, is it a requirement Article 850. The statement of a false cause for the
that we specify the specific portions that will be given institution of an heir shall be considered as not written,
to each one of them? unless it appears from the will that the testator would not
A: No, there is the RULE OF EQUALITY. If you do not specify have made such institution if he had known the falsity of
the portions, then the heirs will inherit in equal shares. such cause.

In the rule of equality, we also apply to the institution of

siblings of full and half blood. Each one will be getting as Q: In revocation, there is no need for a reason. He can
much as the others. There is no distinction, which is revoke for any reason or no reason at all. What about in
different than in the case of intestate succession where institution of heirs, are you required to give reason for
there is a distinction between siblings of the full blood and your institution?
half blood. A: There’s no need for you to explain for making the
Article 847. When the testator institutes some heirs
individually and others collectively as when he says, "I Q: Supposing your client goes to you and asked you:
designate as my heirs A and B, and the children of C," would it hurt if I explain my institution?
those collectively designated shall be considered as
individually instituted, unless it clearly appears that the A: Although you are allowed to give your reason, you don’t
intention of the testator was otherwise. have to. At the same time, you are not prohibited from
making the explanation. But from a practical standpoint,
you may be handing your oppositor a weapon to use against
RULE OF INDIVIDUALITY – in case there are several heirs; your will and your instituted heirs because the law says that
some are instituted individually and some are lumped the falsity of the cause for institution do not readily
together. invalidate the disposition, unless it can be shown that the
testator would not have made the institution had he known
Illustration: A, B, C and children of C (D and E). There are of the falsity. So pwede maexploit yan, mahirap na.
actually four people instituted: A, B, D and E, but D and E
were referred to collectively. Kung gusto mo makarating sa heir mo yung reason, pwede
naman private nalang.
Q: How do we distribute the inheritance among them?
Per capita or per stirpes (D and E will only receive the Q: When will that apply? “had the testator known of the
portion given to C)? falsity, he would not have made the institution?”

A: The law says that those who are instituted collectively Illustration: One day, Yurii and Airon are walking on the
shall also be considered as individually instituted, unless bridge. Naisipan nila na tumawid sa burol under the bridge
contrary intention appears. overlooking the pay. They saw a group of people loitering in
the are. Yurii fell in the water. Before he knows it, tumalon
Q: Which would be more beneficial to D and E? na si Airon sa tubig at inakap si Yurii ng mahigpit. Habang
Individual institution or collective institution? naka akap, nakakuha ng kahoy si Airon hanggang nahila
nasila sa lupa. Pagkauwi ni Yurii, gumawa siya ng
A: Individual institution, because they will be inheriting per
holographic will at ginawang tagapagmana si Airon at
inexplain mo na it was because he risked his life for you.
Q: What does per capita mean? After his death, his will was opposed by Yurii’s relatives. As
it turned out, someone was taking a video at nahulo na hindi
A: They will be inheriting in their own right; they will be pala tumalon si Airon, tinulak lang pala siya. At yung pag
counted separately. In the example, the estate will be yakap ni Airon, hindi pala niya sinasagip si Yurii, ginagawa
divided into 4 and each will get ¼.

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pala siyang salbabida. At habang lumalangoy si Airon,
nakasimangot siya dahil ang bigat ni Yurii.
Q: Here, there is no question that the cause was false.
What now becomes of the institution made in favor of Article 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or
Airon? all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether
living at the time of the execution of the will or born after
A: Even though the stated cause turned out to be false, the the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir;
fact remains that there could be some other reason that but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they
could justify the institution – the friendship between Yurii are not inofficious.
and Airon. The law will invalidate only when it is shown that
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the
the testator would not have made it had he known the
testator, the institution shall be effectual, without
falsity. In the illustration given, the friendship would be
prejudice to the right of representation.
sufficient to make the institution. It would be different if
Airon was a total stranger or enemy. Logic will dictate that
Yurii would not have made the institution had he known of Q: What is preterition?
the falsity of the cause.
A: The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the
Article 851. If the testator has instituted only one heir, compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living at the
and the institution is limited to an aliquot part of the time of the execution of the will or born after the death of
inheritance, legal succession takes place with respect to the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the
the remainder of the estate. devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not
The same rule applies if the testator has instituted several inofficious. (MARX)
heirs, each being limited to an aliquot part, and all the Q: Omission where?
parts do not cover the whole inheritance.
A: The omission stated means that the compulsory heir in
the direct line was not mentioned in the will, or although
Article 852. If it was the intention of the testator that the mentioned, was neither instituted or expressly
instituted heirs should become sole heirs to the whole disinherited. This is how the authorities explained it.
estate, or the whole free portion, as the case may be, and
Atty Seña: Doesn’t the it bother you that if these are
each of them has been instituted to an aliquot part of the
supposed to be your compulsory heirs, there should be no
inheritance and their aliquot parts together do not cover
need for them to be mentioned in the will kasi compulsory
the whole inheritance, or the whole free portion, each part
nga eh. So what exactly does the law expect for the testator
shall be increased proportionally.
to do, such that if the testator fails to do it, there is deemed
to be an omission that has taken place and the omission
Sometimes, the testator would already specify the portions results in preterition.
which the heirs will be getting from his estate. Minsan, hindi
magaling sa math, pag tinotal mo yung fractions, hindi
nagtototal ng 1.
Illustration: The will reads: “I am instituting A, B and C to COMPULSORY HEIRS. You are not instituting, but you must
my estate. A will get 1/3, B will get 1/6 and C will get 1/6.” at least acknowledge them. Otherwise, there will be a basis
to say that you have omitted them; and in ignoring them,
Q: Only 2/3 of the estate was disposed of. How should you are essentially trying to disinherit them, yung nga lang
the remaining 1/3 be distributed? it is not done expressly.
A: It should go by intestate succession. We only apply 852 if Annulling the institution of heirs is such a big step. Talagang
it is clear that the intention of the testator was to institute intestate succession ang mangyayari. Your preterited heir
the heirs to the entire estate. In the illustration, there was will be most favored because he will not only stand to
no such intention. receive his legitime, but he stands to receive the free
portion as well. At the very least, if there is preterition, the
Q: When do we apply 852? minimum that the preterited heir will receive is his legitime
A: if the will was worded this way: “I institute A, B and C as and at the maximum is the entire estate. If they are devisees
my universal heirs, and they will be taking the following or legatees, it will be his legitime plus whatever remains in
portions: A will get 1/3, B will get 1/6 and C will get 1/6.” the free portion, less the devise and legacy.
Here, you will be justified in proportionately distributing
the remaining 1/3 to A, B and C. HINDI

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Article 906. Any compulsory heir to whom the testator because the heir is no longer the correct compulsory heir by
has left by any title less than the legitime belonging to him reason of predecease.
may demand that the same be fully satisfied Q: What is the effect of the right of representation
mentioned in the provision? Is this the xpn to the xpn?
Q: When do we apply 906? A: No. Sa example, yung anak na omitted. Sa unang example,
namatay after your death, in which case there would be
A: if it happens that your compulsory heir who may have
preterition. If the omitted compulsory heir predeceased the
been omitted has actually received something from the
testator, the institution remains effectual because there’s no
decedent. If 906 applies, you cannot apply 854 because the
preterition since the omitted compulsory heir is no longer
remedies are contradictory.
the correct heir.
❖ In 906, the most that the compulsory heir would
Q: What if the compulsory heir who predeceased also
get would be the completion of his legitime, that is
has his own children? Would that constitute an xpn to
the maximum.
the xpn which makes the institution effectual because
❖ In preterition, that is only the minimum that the of the predecease? Following the wording of the 2nd
preterited heir will be getting. He always stands to paragraph of 854.
obtain more than his legitime.
A: No. the right of representation does not carve an XPN to
Q: When is an heir preterited? the XPN. IT SIMPLY MEANS THAT ALTHOUGH THE
A: -If he has not received anything by way of donation inter MAKES THE INSTITUTION EFFECTUAL, IT IS STILL
vivos or by way of devise or legacy POSSIBLE THAT THERE WILL BE PRETERITION IF HIS
(Aznar vs. Garcia) – nakasama pa na may legacy kay
Hellen. Had she not receive a legacy, she would have
virtue of right of representation, the grandchild of the
received half of the estate by intestate succession by way of
decedent steps into the shoes of the omitted compulsory
preterition. But since she received something, she is only
heir on account of the predecease. In this case, the
entitled to completion of her legitime.
grandchild representing the omitted compulsory heir is
You must know who is preterited? now the correct compulsory heir entitled to receive from
the estate.
A: It must be the CORRECT COMPULSORY HEIR – one who
is entitled to receive at the time of death at the time of death Article 855. The share of a child or descendant omitted in
of the decedent. a will must first be taken from the part of the estate not
disposed of by the will, if any; if that is not sufficient, so
This tells you that we can only determine whether or not
much as may be necessary must be taken proportionally
there is preterition after the decedent has died.
from the shares of the other compulsory heirs.
Illustration: At this moment, your compulsory heirs are
your parents. If you were to make a will and you do not
mention your parents, there is potentially preterition. But Q: When do we apply 855? Do we apply this to
we are still young, and at the end of our lives, circumstances preterition or under a different circumstance?
may have changed, some married, some with children. A: No. 855 is contradictory to 854, so we do not apply this
Siguro wala na yung parents mo. Should you die with the in case of preterition. We can try in relation to 906 in
will you executed, there is no more preterition because they completing the legitime and we will only do so because the
have to predecease you. aim is to harmonize all the provisions of the law.
It would be different if you omitted one of your children and
this child survives you, which means upon your death, Article 856. A voluntary heir who dies before the testator
buhay pa yung anak mo. Your child is your correct transmits nothing to his heirs.
compulsory heir in the sense that that is the entitled A compulsory heir who dies before the testator, a person
compulsory heir. His/her omission results to preterition. incapacitated to succeed, and one who renounces the
inheritance, shall transmit no right to his own heirs except
LAST PARAGRAPH OF 854 in cases expressly provided for in this Code

- speaks of right to representation

The [inaudible] whether voluntary, intestate or compulsory
It tells us that if the omitted compulsory heir predeceases, heir, should they die ahead of the decedent
there is no preterition. The institution becomes effectual (PREDECEASE), should they be incapacitated
(INCAPACITY) and should they be disinherited

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(DISINHERITANCE) in the case of compulsory or should representation. Parang counterpart ang substitution ng
they repudiate the inheritance (REPUDIATION), they do right of representation.
not transmit any rights to their own heirs. When we say
rights, we are referring to the rights that they would have Q: What is substitution?
received from the decedent. A: Substitution is the appointment of another heir so that he
Yun nga lang, pag dating sa intestate and compulsory heirs, may enter into the inheritance in default of, or subsequent
we have the so called right of representation which exists in to, the heir originally instituted. (MARX)
the case of disinheritance of the compulsory heir, This holds true for most kinds of substitution, except for
incapacity in both cases, and predecease. No right of fideicommissary substitution because in FC substitution,
representation in case of repudiation. the substitute will inherit not in default of, but AFTER THE
The right of representation is not an XPN to the rule FIDUCIARY HEIR.
that the compulsory heir or intestate heir does not
transmit any rights to their own heirs. The reason is that Article 858. Substitution of heirs may be:
by virtue of the right of representation, the represented heir (1) Simple or common;
inherits directly from the decedent. Hindi dumadaan doon
sa person represented. The inheritance that they receive (2) Brief or compendious;
does not pass thorugh the persons that they are
representing. (3) Reciprocal; or

This is precisely the reason why an adopted child cannot (4) Fideicommissary.
represent the adopter in the succession to the estate of the
parent of the adopter because there is no legal tie between
Q: What are the different kinds of substitution?
the parent of the adopter and the adopted child. You need
that relationship to enable the adopted child to inherit from A: (1) Simple or common;
the parent of the adopter. Kasi nga doon sya mag iinherit,
hindi doon sa adopter, that’s why he cannot represent. (2) Brief or compendious;

Q: What happens to the inheritance in case of (3) Reciprocal; or

(4) Fideicommissary
A: The same person who would have acted as the
Actually dalawa lang talaga: simple or common and
representative would also be receiving the inheritance, but
fideicommissary. Yung iba would be variations of simple
Q: What are the grounds for substitution?
NOTE: Don’t think of the representative as an agent. It just
allows him to jump into the level of the other heirs. A: 1. Predecease
NOTE: There may still be preterition if the representative is 2. Incapacity
also omitted in the will. Do not be fixated na automatic
omitted yung representative kasi pwede naman na 3. Repudiation
mayroon lang antagonism between the decedent and the
omitted heir, pero wala naman antagonism between the Q: Must you specify which ground you would use?
representative and the decedent. A: No need, but if the testator would not specify, it would be
BOTTOMLINE: still base the answer on the facts given. considered to cover all the three grounds.
Q: What is the reason of the law for allowing
SUBSTITUTION OF HEIRS substitution to be made?
A: It is possible that the testator would not want to die
Article 857. Substitution is the appointment of another intestate. He might want to ensure that the property will not
heir so that he may enter into the inheritance in default of go to his relatives. Some people hate their relatives.
the heir originally instituted. ILLUSTRATION:
SIMPLE: I will make Ms. Abelende as my heir, substitute si
Wala man right of representation sa voluntary heirs, Mr. Sarmiento. If Ms. Abelende cannot inherit, Mr.
mayroon tayong close approximation of the right of Sarmiento will now be inheriting in her stead.

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RECIPROCAL: I institute Abelende and Sarmiento. I will obligation of the fiduciary heir to preserve and to transmit
make them substitutes of one another. Should anything the inheritance to the 2nd heir, the fideicommissary
happen which will prevent either one to inherit, then the substitute.
share will go to the other person.
That means that the fiduciary heir must transmit the
BRIEF OR COMPENDIOUS: 2 or more persons substitute inheritance intact, without any deduction save for expenses
for one (brief); or one substitute for two or more people for administration.
Q: We say that the fideicommissary heir will only
FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION receive the inheritance after the fiduciary heir. Do we
have a timeline for this? Is there a period required by
Article 863. A fideicommissary substitution by virtue of which the delivery of inheritance must be made by the
which the fiduciary or first heir instituted is entrusted fiduciary heir to the fideicommissary heir?
with the obligation to preserve and to transmit to a A: None, the law does not specify. The presumption is, if the
second heir the whole or part of the inheritance, shall be institution is silent, the fiduciary heir gets to keep it for
valid and shall take effect, provided such substitution his lifetime. There is nothing preventing the testator from
does not go beyond one degree from the heir originally shortening the period. In no instance can it go beyond the
instituted, and provided further, that the fiduciary or first lifetime of the fiduciarty heir/.
heir and the second heir are living at the time of the death
of the testator. Q: Bakit ang higpit? Bakit kailangan 1 degree lang? It’s
like the law is discouraging this kind of substitution?
Fiduciary heir – first heir A: The law in fact discourages it. The law does not want to
restrict the circulation of property. Kasi tinatali yung
Fideicommissary heir – will inherit after the fiduciary heir property sa isang linya lang for around two lifetimes. That
Q: How is FC defined under the law? prevents the property from circulating; it prevents other
people from getting their hands on the property.
A: Article 863.
“one degree” – one degree of relationship. That means that
your fiduciary and fideicommissary heirs must be relatives
of the first degree, so parent and child lang.
It is required that both must be alive at the time of death of
the testator, but there is no requirement that the
fideicommissary heir should be alive or should survive the
fiduciary heir. So long as both are alive at the time of death
of the testator, it does not matter that your fideicommissary
heir would predecease your fiduciary heir.
Q: What happens in such case?
A: The inheritance would go to the heirs of the
fideicommissary substitute because the inheritance has
already vested. Take note that in this situation, we are
presuming that the predecease took place after the death of
the testator.

Article 865. Every fideicommissary substitution must be

expressly made in order that it may be valid.
The fiduciary shall be obliged to deliver the inheritance to
the second heir, without other deductions than those
which arise from legitimate expenses, credits and
improvements, save in the case where the testator has
provided otherwise.

Important obligation: you must make the FC substitution

by giving it this name. You must call it a fideicommissary
substitution. If not, you must impose expressly the

PAGE 153 OF 175

will in favor of her brothers and sisters constitutes ineffective
DECEMBER 11, 2020 hereditary substitutions. But neither are We sustaining, on
the other hand, Magno's pose that it gave Hodges only a
lifetime usufruct. We hold that by said provision, Mrs. Hodges
FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION simultaneously instituted her brothers and sisters as co-heirs
(CONTINUATION) with her husband, with the condition, however, that the latter
would have complete rights of dominion over the whole estate
during his lifetime and what would go to the former would be
The fideicommissary heir and fiduciary heir inherit from only the remainder thereof at the time of Hodges' death. In
the decedent or testator. Both of them should have capacity other words, whereas they are not to inherit only in case of
to inherit or capacity to succeed at the time of death of the default of Hodges, on the other hand, Hodges was not obliged
testator. to preserve anything for them. Clearly then, the essential
The basic requirement for a person to have capacity to elements of testamentary substitution are absent; the
inherit or succeed is that he must be living at the time of provision in question is a simple case of conditional
the death of the testator. Consequently, so long as this simultaneous institution of heirs, whereby the
requirement is met, it does not matter who dies ahead institution of Hodges is subject to a partial resolutory
between the fiduciary heir and fideicommissary heir. The condition the operative contingency of which is
fideicommissary heir may predecease the fiduciary heir and coincidental with that of the suspensive condition of the
it will not affect the substitution. The inheritance will institution of his brothers and sisters-in-law, which
simply go to the heirs of the fideicommissary heir. manner of institution is not prohibited by law.

Q: For the fideicommissary to be valid, it must be FACTS:

expressly made. How is it done? ❖ Husband and wife were married. The wife
A: Either you refer to it as a fideicommissary substitution or executed a Last Will and Testament. She made
you expressly impose the obligation to preserve and to the husband her sole heir. But with a twist. The
transmit. twist is that he can do whatever he wanted with
the inheritance – that would include disposing
Article 867. The following shall not take effect: and transforming – but anything that was not
disposed of or any residue of the inheritance
(1) Fideicommissary substitutions which are not existing at the time of his death must go to her
made in an express manner, either by giving them siblings.
this name, or imposing upon the fiduciary the
absolute obligation to deliver the property to a ❖ The wife dies ahead. As provided in the will, the
second heir; husband succeeded to the inheritance. Then the
husband died. Upon his death, there was a residue
What is the consequence of failing to apply this of the inheritance existing in his estate.
requirement? This was answered in the case of PCIB vs.
Escolin. ❖ But the husband was also survived by his own
siblings and they wanted all of the properties in his
PCIB vs. Escolin estate, including the residue. They want to treat the
residue as his, and therefore, part of his estate after
his death.
❖ Problem is, the siblings of the wife were aware
1. No Fideicommissary Substitution. – Indeed, legally of the qualification in the wife’s will and they
speaking, Mrs. Hodges’ (the wife) will provides neither for a now wanted to get the residue. Their theory is
simple or vulgar substitution under Article 859 of the Civil that the disposition was a substitution. It was a
Code nor for a fideicommissary substitution under Article 863 fideicommissary substitution. They are
thereof. There is no vulgar substitution therein because there supposed to receive the residue after the husband.
is no provision for either (1) predecease of the testator by the Given that it pertains to us, the residue cannot form
designated heir or (2) refusal or (3) incapacity of the latter to part of the estate of the husband. It should be
accept the inheritance, as required by Article 859; and excluded therefrom and should be delivered to us.
neither is there a fideicommissary substitution therein Their theory of the case hinged on the validity of
because no obligation is imposed thereby upon Hodges the fideicommissary substitution.
(the husband) to preserve the estate or any part thereof
for anyone else. ❖ However, the siblings of the husband said that,
if that is your theory then wala kayong habol,
2. It is a Conditional Disposition. – In the process, We because it is not even valid as a
overrule PCIB's contention that the provision in Mrs. Hodges' fideicommissary substitution. There was no

PAGE 154 OF 175

obligation to preserve and transmit and since (2) Provisions which contain a perpetual prohibition
the fideicommissary substation was not valid, to alienate, and even a temporary one, beyond the
then it is simply an ordinary, straightforward limit fixed in Article 863;
institution. The property became absolutely the
ownership of the husband. Upon his death, it Lifetime of the first heir if we have a fideicommissary
became part of his estate, which should go to his substitution. If there is none, then the maximum period
intestate heirs. would be twenty (20) years.

ISSUES: (3) Those which impose upon the heir the charge of
paying to various persons successively, beyond the
Whether there was a valid fideicommissary substitution? limit prescribed in Article 863, a certain income or
(NONE) pension;
If there is no valid fideicommissary substitution, does it
This simply means that you cannot obligate the heir to pay
automatically follow that the residue should now go to the
or to give some kind of allowance to persons in succession.
siblings of the husband by way of intestate succession?
Basically, you will be circumventing the prohibition against
successive usufructuaries.
The point of this prohibition is we do not want to tie up the
❖ NONE. There was no valid fideicommissary property beyond many lifetimes after the testator’s death.
substitution in this case for failure to comply
with the requirement of imposing the (4) Those which leave to a person the whole or part
obligation to preserve and to transmit. Allowing of the hereditary property in order that he may apply
your heir to dispose, transform, and do whatever or invest the same according to secret instructions
he wanted is contradictory to the obligation to communicated to him by the testator.
In this case, you are not really instituting an heir. You are
❖ NO. The Supreme Court ruled in the negative simply appointing an agent. If you have to give a secret
since it is, nonetheless, a valid conditional instruction, then more likely than not, you are giving
disposition. instructions which are prohibited by law. Otherwise, why
even make it secret?
It is conditional because the right of the siblings of the wife
to the inheritance was conditioned on two (2) things:
1. There should be a residue of the inheritance from TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS WITH A TERM
the wife existing in the estate of the husband upon
his death; and
2. The siblings of the wife must survive the husband. Q: In testamentary succession, the testator essentially
has absolute discretion on how the disposition may be
Both conditions were fulfilled. Therefore, the carried out. How does the testator exercise this
inheritance should pertain to the siblings of the wife. discretion? In what ways can he exercise this discretion
(Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank v. Escolin, G.R. in making testamentary dispositions?
Nos. L-27860 & L-27896, L-27937, [March 29, 1974], 155
PHIL 228-400) Article 871. The institution of an heir may be made
conditionally, or for a certain purpose or cause.
❖ Transcriber’s Note: ‘Yung facts, issues, and ruling
na nakalagay dito, kung ano lang din ‘yung diniscuss A: The testator may impose conditions, terms, or modes
ni Ma’am. Cinopy paste ko na lang sa doctrine part upon the disposition. This is a unilateral disposition. He is
‘yung SC ruling na relevant sa discussion ni Ma’am. not under any obligation to make his testamentary
disposition. If he wants to do so under certain conditions,
Take note of the circumstances under Article 867. subject to periods, or for specific purposes, then he is
allowed by law to do so subject to certain limitations.
Article 867. The following shall not take effect:
Q: What are the limitations on the testator’s discretion
(1) Fideicommissary substitutions which are not to impose conditions? What are the conditions he
made in an express manner, either by giving them cannot impose?
this name, or imposing upon the fiduciary the
absolute obligation to deliver the property to a A: The following are the limitations:
second heir;

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Article 872. The testator cannot impose any charge, A: The first step is to qualify. To what does the prohibition
condition, or substitution whatsoever upon the pertain?
legitimes prescribed in this Code. Should he do so, the
If it prohibits a first marriage, then we look into the extent
same shall be considered as not imposed.
of the prohibition. If it is absolute, it cannot be imposed.
1. The first limitation is that he cannot impose any If it is relative, it may be sustained.
charge, condition, or substitution upon the Relative Prohibition: It is relative, meaning, the
legitimes. prohibition only applies for a certain period of time or with
It is quite clear that he cannot impose any condition on the regard to certain people or with regard to a certain place.
legitimes. To begin with, he has no choice with regard to the Then, the prohibition may be sustained even if it pertains to
legitimes. It is compulsory, he has to honor that contracting a first marriage.
requirement. Absolute Prohibition (an instance where it is allowed):
If it pertains to contracting a subsequent marriage, even
Article 873. Impossible conditions and those
though it is absolute, the prohibition may still be sustained
contrary to law or good customs shall be considered
as valid if it was imposed by the deceased spouse or by the
as not imposed and shall in no manner prejudice the
descendants or ascendants of said deceased spouse.
heir, even if the testator should otherwise provide.
Q: Why does the law allows an absolute prohibition
2. The second limitation is impossible conditions. against contracting subsequent marriage if imposed by
Impossible conditions are both legal and physical the deceased spouses or by his descendants or
impossibility. ascendants?

Q: What happens if he imposes an impossible condition A: The law understands that the prohibition stems from a
on a testamentary disposition? natural reluctance to see your loved one move on with
someone else. Love is something essentially selfish.
A: We can ignore the impossible condition. It is as though
the disposition was made without any condition. Article 875. Any disposition made upon the
condition that the heir shall make some provision in
Q: Do we observe the same rule for ordinary contracts? his will in favor of the testator or of any other person
shall be void.
A: No. It is considered null and void. Under the law, one of
the requisites for a valid cause is that the consideration 4. The last prohibition is scriptura capcatoria.
should be legal and possible. Once the consideration
becomes illegal or impossible, it is as if you do not have a Sciptura capcatoria are legacy-hunting dispositions. The
consideration at all. law provides that any disposition made upon the condition
that the heir shall make some provision in his will in favor
We do not apply the same rule in testamentary dispositions of the testator or of any other person shall be void.
because the consideration is essentially the generosity or
liberality of the testator. Even if you take away the Q: What is so bad about making a disposition
impossible condition, there would still be a valid cause or conditional upon the making of a similar disposition in
consideration that would sustain the disposition. your favor?

Article 874. An absolute condition not to contract a A: It is considered void because the legacy-hunting
first or subsequent marriage shall be considered as dispositions convert the testamentary dispositions into
not written unless such condition has been imposed contractual arrangements. Also, it deprives the heir of his or
on the widow or widower by the deceased spouse, or her testamentary freedom. Lastly, it gives the testator the
by the latter's ascendants or descendants. power to dispose of properties that are not his or hers in the
first place.
Nevertheless, the right of usufruct, or an allowance or
some personal prestation may be devised or It goes against the basic characteristics of a last will and
bequeathed to any person for the time during which testament. It is supposed to be free, voluntary, and
he or she should remain unmarried or in purely personal in character. All of these will be thrown
widowhood. out the window, if you will be acting in accordance with
what another person would want you to do.
3. Third limitation is the prohibition to contract
marriage. Testamentary dispositions may be subject to the
Q: When will this be prohibited?
1. Conditional Testamentary Dispositions

PAGE 156 OF 175

a. Potestative Conditions 2. A casual condition is one whose fulfillment
depends exclusively upon chance and/or upon the
b. Mixed Conditions will of a third person.
c. Casual Conditions Illustration: Winning the lotto.
d. Suspensive Conditions Fulfillment: It shall be sufficient if it happened or be
e. Resolutory Conditions fulfilled at any time before or after the death of the
testator, unless he has provided otherwise.
2. Testamentary Dispositions with a Term or Period
Should it have existed or should it have been fulfilled at the
a. Suspensive Term time the will was executed and the testator was unaware
thereof, it shall be deemed as complied with.
b. Resolutory Term
If the testator had knowledge thereof, the condition shall
3. Testamentary Disposition with a Mode be considered fulfilled only when it is of such a nature
Modes are the purpose or objective to which the disposition that it can no longer exist or be complied with again.
will be dedicated to. 3. A mixed condition is one whose fulfillment is
dependent partly upon the will of the heir, devisee,
CONDITIONAL TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS or legatee and partly upon chance and/or the will
of a third person.
Illustration: Passing Civil Law Review I.
POTESTATIVE, CASUAL, AND MIXED CONDITIONS Fulfillment: Same with casual condition.


Article 876. Any purely potestative condition
imposed upon an heir must be fulfilled by him as soon
as he learns of the testator's death. Article 880. If the heir be instituted under a
This rule shall not apply when the condition, already suspensive condition or term, the estate shall be
complied with, cannot be fulfilled again. placed under administration until the condition is
fulfilled, or until it becomes certain that it cannot be
fulfilled, or until the arrival of the term.
Article 877. If the condition is casual or mixed, it The same shall be done if the heir does not give the
shall be sufficient if it happen or be fulfilled at any security required in the preceding article.
time before or after the death of the testator, unless
he has provided otherwise. Q: What will happen to the inheritance if it is subject to
a suspensive condition? What is the effect of imposing a
Should it have existed or should it have been fulfilled
suspensive condition on a disposition?
at the time the will was executed and the testator was
unaware thereof, it shall be deemed as complied with. A: The effect of a suspensive condition is to defer the
effectivity of the disposition. In the meantime, when it is not
If he had knowledge thereof, the condition shall be
clear whether the inheritance will pertain to the
considered fulfilled only when it is of such a nature
testamentary heir, place it under administration.
that it can no longer exist or be complied with again.
Note, however, that the inclusion of disposition subject
1. A potestative condition is one whose fulfillment to a suspensive term under Article 880 was an
depends exclusively upon the will of the heir, oversight.*
devisee, or legatee, and must be performed by him
personally. Article 880. If the heir be instituted under a
suspensive condition or term, the estate shall be
Illustration: If the testator asks you to have your forehead
placed under administration x x x.
tattooed. “If you will have your forehead tattooed, I will give
you the inheritance.”
Fulfillment: It must be fulfilled by him as soon as he learns PERIOD
of the testator's death. This rule shall not apply when the
condition, already complied with, cannot be fulfilled again.

PAGE 157 OF 175

Terms are certain to happen. If the uncertainty pertains to Article 879. If the potestative condition imposed
when it will happen, and not as to whether it will happen, it upon the heir is negative, or consists in not doing or
will still be a term. not giving something, he shall comply by giving a
security that he will not do or give that which has
Q: How do we regard death?
been prohibited by the testator, and that in case of
A: It is a term. contravention he will return whatever he may have
received, together with its fruits and interests.
Q: Supposing the provision goes as follows: “Disposition
will become effective if X will die before Y.” How will you Q: What is the danger in imposing a negative
classify this disposition? potestative condition?
A: It is a condition. The uncertainty is whether X will die A: Sadyang pasaway ang mga tao. Sometimes, it can even be
before Y. malicious or impelled by ill motive.
Q: What will happen if the disposition is subject to a For example, he would just accept the disposition and
resolutory term? promise to comply with the prohibition, then the moment
A: The right to the inheritance is immediately effective and he is able to have his hands on the inheritance or the
upon the arrival of the term or day certain, the same shall moment he is able to use up the inheritance, he will now do
be extinguished. as he wishes and go against the prohibition. Malakas loob
niya, kasi what can you do to me? I cannot give it back
With regard to effect, dispositions subject to a resolutory anymore. So what happens now to the testamentary intent
term, dispositions subject to a resolutory condition, or that we are supposed to safeguard?
dispositions subject to a mode, they are all similar. They
will all become immediately vested upon the death of To address this, the law requires that a bond or security
the testator. be given. It is called, “caucion muciana.”

Q: What would be the distinction?

A: With regard to a disposition subject to a resolutory
term, we know for certain that the right given under the
disposition will come to end at some point. Instances Where Caucion Muciana is Required:

With regard to a disposition subject to a resolutory 1. Negative Potestative Conditions

condition, we are not certain because the resolutory
condition which would put an end to the rights under the 2. Modal Institutions
disposition, may or may not be fulfilled. In modal institutions, you make a disposition and you say
With regard to a mode, it is also immediately vested, but that a part of this disposition must be devoted to building a
unlike in a resolutory condition, the purpose or objective shrine, chapel, or library. However, to enable the heir to
stated by the testator is obligatory. It has to be carried out carry out the mode or purpose, you have to give them the
by the heir. Should he fail to do so, the inheritance may be inheritance. The inheritance has to be delivered to him.
taken back from him. Once delivered to him, what can be your assurance that
This is different from a condition. A condition does not he will do as he promised to do? So we have caucion
obligate the heir to fulfill the condition. In fact, it may muciana.
even happen that the heir may not have a say on whether Tatandaan niyo class, hindi naman agad ‘yung caucion
the condition takes place or not, particularly if the condition muciana ‘yung ibabalik sa estate. The caucion muciana is
is casual. only a guarantee.
You can also have a condition that is negative in character. General Rule: The rule is, if you break the negative
Negative means that the heir will be restrained from doing potestative condition or mode, you have to give back what
something which would, otherwise, he would be able to do. you have received.
In most cases, this would be “negative potestative
conditions.” Exception: However, if you are unable to do so, then the
security will now answer for such failure to do so. Then
papasok na diyan rules of guarantee. Remember, the
NEGATIVE POTESTATIVE CONDITION security may be provided by a third person such as
mortgage or pledge. Anything that will secure performance.
3. Suspensive Term

PAGE 158 OF 175

The legal heirs, who in the meantime will be called to the
inheritance, must give caucion muciana. This is to protect
the testamentary heir’s rights in the property.
Minsan, kapag alam ng mga tao na temporary lang ‘yung
right nila sa property and at some point, they will have to
give it up. Ano gagawin nila? Minsan aabusihin nila or hindi
nila aalagaan.
The testamentary heir will suffer. Hence, the caucion
muciana is supposed to guarantee that the legal heirs, who
come into the inheritance in the meantime, will be able to
restore the inheritance in the possession of the
testamentary heir.
There appears to be a very curious omission in the law.*
If your disposition is subject to a resolutory term, the
opposite situation will take place. The testamentary heir
would come into the inheritance ahead of the legal heir. The
testamentary heir would have the inheritance until the
arrival of the resolutory period. Once the resolutory period
arrives, his rights will then be extinguished and he will now
have to deliver the inheritance to the intestate heirs.
Q: However, the law does not require the testamentary
heir to post a similar bond. There is no caucion muciana
required. Why is that so? What could be the reason why
a similar bond is not required of your testamentary heir
if the term is resolutory in character?*
A: The testamentary heir is not in the same league as the
legal heirs. The testamentary heir is necessarily accorder
protection because he is the selected and designated heir of
the testator. On the other hand, the legal heir is just a
random relative of the testator, who would be inheriting the
property by operation of law.
Chances are, the intestate heir, who ultimately gets the
inheritance after the arrival of the resolutory term, may not
even be known to the testator. The testator does not even
care anymore whatever the condition of the inheritance
may be.



Two (2) Instances Where Inheritance is Placed Under

1. Disposition is subject to a suspensive condition;
2. Disposition is subject to a negative potestative
condition and there is failure to post the bond.

PAGE 159 OF 175

each other. In other words, they could very well marry each
DECEMBER 11, 2020 other if they wanted to. If the natural child is acknowledged,
then, he becomes an acknowledged natural child.
COMPULSORY SUCCESSION Natural child by legal fiction, on the other hand, would be a
child born to parents whose marriage is null and void.
Note: In our discussion of compulsory succession, I would also
be discussing the right of representation even though the Other illegitimate children would refer to the spurious
topic is still further down the provisions because there is right children. Meaning to say, these are children who are born to
of representation in compulsory succession. To the extent parents who are in illicit relationship with one another.
necessary, I would also be mentioning collation, preference of Either one or both cannot marry the other, because most
lines and accretion. Although, again, all these topics are likely, they are already married to someone else. This would
discussed in the Civil Code towards the end of the law on also include those whose fathers are not known. Ito yung
succession. mga tinatawag natin sa society na putok sa buhok.

I have emphasized this enough that essentially, your Q: What is the iron curtain rule?
compulsory heirs are the heirs in the direct line, save for the
A: The illegitimate child is not allowed to inherit from the
surviving spouse. I likewise gave you a tip that so long as
legitimate relatives of the father, the same way that the
you have compulsory heir, then, chances are no collateral
relatives of the father is not allowed to inherit from the
relatives would be inhering from the decedent. This is
illegitimate child.
because they are necessarily excluded by the compulsory
heirs who are all in the direct line. The direct line is The reason given was that the illegitimate child is presumed
preferred over the collateral line. However, this is subject to to have antagonism towards the legitimate family because
one exception. The exception being, if your compulsory heir he or she is an outcast - was never welcomed in the family.
happens to be a surviving spouse. In which case, the The family, furthermore, is also presumed to have any liking
surviving spouse will not exclude the other collateral for the child because the child is a source of humiliation for
relatives and will be inheriting alongside the collateral them. But time have changed, hindi ba? Perhaps, in the near
relatives in intestate succession. future, you would be seeing changes in the rights of
illegitimate children. Baka kahit itong rule na ito would also
Q: Who are the compulsory heirs enumerated in the
be relaxed.
Among the compulsory heirs, there would also be some
kind of leveling. Not all the compulsory heirs would be
1. Legitimate children and descendants, with respect treated equally. We have the so-called primary compulsory
to their legitimate parents and ascendants; heirs and secondary compulsory heirs. The primary
compulsory heirs will exclude the secondary compulsory
2. In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and heirs. This is the case of legitimate children and
ascendants, with respect to their legitimate descendants vs. the legitimate parents and ascendants. If
children and descendants; there are children and descendants, then, the parents and
ascendants will not be inheriting at all. Because the direct
3. The widow or the widower;
descending line is preferred over the direct ascending line.
4. Acknowledged natural children
Q: Why is that a rule?
5. Natural children by legal fiction; and
A: Because the law presumes that love first descends then
6. Other illegitimate children ascends then finally spread sideways. Poetic as that may
sound, those who come after us have more need that those
The last two entries, however, no longer hold true. This is who came before us. They are more dependent. That's why
because we only have 1 kind of illegitimate children. The it is but natural that if you are going to choose between
Family Code has done away with the classification of those who came ahead and those who came later, you look
illegitimate children into natural children, acknowledged after those who came later.
natural children, natural children by legal fiction and
spurious children. In the descending line, we have the right of representation.

Q: What do you understand with the terms "natural RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION

children" and "natural children by legal fiction"? Who
are these other illegitimate children? Q: What is exactly the right of representation?

A: Natural children are those who are born to parents who

are not married but have no legal impediments to marry

PAGE 160 OF 175

A: It is a right given to an heir who is farther in degree to NOTE: Again, this is only if we have accretion in compulsory
inherit alongside heirs who are nearer in degree. This is an succession. Pero dahil wala nga nitong accretion in
exception to the rule of exclusion. compulsory succession, the share of the surviving spouse
will now be based on the resulting shares of the legitimate
Under the rule of exclusion, if you are a relative of a farther children following the renunciation by the other legitimate
degree, you will be excluded by relatives of the nearer child. Hence, the surviving spouse will be getting 1/4 also.
degree. Case in point, if you have children and they are all
alive and capacitated to inherit, then, grandchildren will not You also have to remember that we do not have the right of
be inheriting anything. However, if one of your children is representation in the ascending line. So, in the ascending
not able to inherit, then, that vacated space will be filled in line, parati tayong rule of exclusion, rule of proximity. So, if
by the representative(s) of the child who is not able to the survivors happen to be the father and then a maternal
inherit on account of (1) predecease; (2) incapacity; or (3) grandparent, it is only the father who will be succeeding as
disinheritance. a compulsory heir. The maternal grandparent cannot
represent the deceased mother in the inheritance. Kasi
We are speaking of disinheritance here because we are nga, we do not have the right of representation in the
dealing with compulsory heirs. Only compulsory heirs may ascending line.
be disinherited.
Q: Apart from the descending line then, where else do
Q: What happens to the right of representation? we have a right of representation?
A: The representative(s) steps into the shoes of the person A: We have it also in the collateral line. But in the collateral
he or she is representing. But, as I have pointed out before, line, only the nephews and nieces can represent. There is no
he or she inherits not from the person being represented right of representation beyond the nephews and nieces.
but from the decedent.
Q: Who may be represented by nephews and nieces?
Q: What happens if there is renunciation?
A: Do not answer uncles and aunts. They will be
A: In that case, we cannot have a right of representation. representing their parents who happen to be the siblings of
What is possible to happen, however, is accretion. Under the decedent.
accretion, the share of the renouncing heir will now accrue
to the shares of the other heirs in the same class. However, So the IMPORTANT POINT is whenever you are describing
there is no right of accretion in compulsory succession. The the relatives, the survivors, you have to maintain your
vacated shares will go to the other compulsory heirs in their reference point. Do not shift reference points. It will always
own right. be in relation to the decedent. "Who is this person in
relation to the decedent?" Kaya nga sasabihin natin, a
To clarify, we have accretion in testamentary succession nephew or niece will represent a brother or sister because
and intestate succession. Wala din naman that brother or sister is in relation to the decedent. But
kasing consequence if there would be accretion in obviously, in relation to the nephews and nieces, that
compulsory succession, except perhaps, in so far as it may brother or sister is a parent. You cannot shift from saying
affect the shares of the surviving spouse and the illegitimate that the parent will be represented by the nephew or
children. I mean, if it will affect the computation of the niece. Kasi lolo o lola na yung tinutukoy mo. It should be the
shares of the surviving spouse and the illegitimate children. nephew or niece of the decedent. So kapag sinabi mo
Halimbawa, the fixed legitime is 1/2. You have 3 na representing the parent, eh ang gagawin natin ay parent
compulsory heirs, legitimate children. Their shares in the of he decedent which would be grandparent of the nephew
legitime would be 1/3 of 1/2 each, so 1/6 each. But let us or niece.
say, the 3rd legitimate child renounces. So, there would be Another IMPORTANT POINT, in the collateral line, if all the
no right of representation. brothers and sisters are gone, then the nephews and nieces
Let us assume that there would be accretion in compulsory will be inheriting in their own right because of the rule of
succession. So that means, his 1/6 share will now go to the proximity. They will now succeed to the estate per capita -
other 2 legitimate children. So their original shares of 1/6 that means you will count them individually. You will not
each will now be increased by 1/12 each. The total new lump them under their repsective parents.
share would be 1/4 each. Another IMPORTANT POINT, a nephew or niece would be
The consequence, kung meron lang tayo nitong accretion in in the same degree related to the decedent as an uncle or
compulsory succession, the share of the surviving spouse aunt. Again, the uncle or aunt would be in relation to the
which would be equal to the share of one legitimate child decedent. But under the law on intestate succession, even
would still be 1/6. Instead of 1/6 + 1/12. Kasi ang basehan though they are of the same degree, the presence of
pa rin natin in the shares of the surviving spouse would be nephews and nieces would exclude uncles and aunts. The
the original share. law does not provide for an explanation. The law simply
says so.

PAGE 161 OF 175

We have learned before when we were discussing collective What you have to remember is if the representatives
institution versus individual institution that it is more happen to be a legitimate child and an illegitimate child,
favorable for the heirs if they will treated as individually they would also have to follow the same rule. They would
instituted. Kaya mas pabor sa mga pamangkin kung lahat ng have to adhere to the same proportion to the per stirpes
kapatid ay mawawala na sa landas. portion that they will be taking.
However, grandchildren and other descendants are always
supposed to inherit by right of representation. Meaning to
say, if there are no children surviving the decedent and the
decedent is survived solely by his grandchildren, these Decedent
grandchildren will still be inheriting by right of
representation, meaning, by stirpes. They will not be
inheriting per capita.
X Y+
So, ang mangyayari, if there are 2 children and 1 of them
had an offspring and the other had 4, you would still have to
divide the estate by 2. Give 1/2 to the offspring of the child C
with only one 1 offspring and give the other 1/2 to the 4 B
offsprings of the other child. So, ang magiging hatian ay
ganito, 1/2 and 1/2 divided by 4. So, 1/2, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8 and
1/8. Again, this is because they are inheriting by right of
Q: Let us call this family, Pamilya Banal. The children, X
If they were inheriting in their own right, ang mangyayari is the legitimate and Y is the illegitimate. X has four 4
dapat, you will simply divide the estate into 5. Hence, each children, 3 are legitimate and 1 is illegitimate. Y, on the
of them would be getting 1/5 of the fixed legitime of other hand, has 3 children, 1 is legitimate and 2 are
1/2. Siguro, it is the law's way of ensuring some kind of illegitimate. Let us kill the decedent and let us also kill
equality among the children given that they are the primary Y, the illegitimate child. Y also predeceased the
heirs. Para naman hindi maging dehado yung mga anak na decedent. So, predecease means we have right of
kaunti lang yung supling. Kasi parang malulugi talaga yung representation. The question now here is, who can
anak, mahihila yung shares nung anak nila. represent Y?

Yung 1/2 sa unang scenario where they are inheriting by A: Well, he may be represented by both his legitimate and
right of representation, naging magkano na lang nung illegitimate children because he, himself, is an illegitimate
binigay sa kanila per capita? It became 1/5. Malaki talaga child. In representing Y, the representatives would also be
yung nabawas at ang tangi nating matuturong dahilan ay following the same proportion of 2:1. Kung matatandaan
dahil marami kasing supling yung isang anak. ninyo, Y has 3 children, 1 legitimate child and 2 illegitimate
children. So, Y's shares, which we earlier computed to be
ILLEGITIMATE FILIATION IN RIGHT OF 1/3, kasi 2:1 din sila ni X, paghahatian ngayon nung 3 anak
REPRESENTATION niya. So 2:1:1. A will be getting 1/2, B will be getting 1/4 and
C will be getting 1/4 of Y's 1/3 share. So it will be 1/6 for A,
Now, let us factor in illegitimate filiation in right of 1/12 for B and 1/12 for C. (Legitime 1)
representation. Papasok na dito yung mga pinag-aralan
sa Family Code, the effect of nullity of marriages, the effect Legitime 1
of failure to impugn legitimate filiation. You have to be
aware of the iron curtain rule, to be more specific, Article

Art. 992. An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab

intestato from the legitimate children and relatives of his
father or mother; nor shall such children or relatives inherit
in the same manner from the illegitimate child.
Let us say that the decedent has 2 children, a legitimate and
an illegitimate. Ang mangyayari, sa hatian pa lang ay hindi
na parehas. You have to divide the estate in 2:1. The former Essentially, we were applying the same proportion in both
representing the share of the legitimate child and the latter levels - in the level of the person represented and in the
representing the share of the illegitimate child. 2/3 will go level of the representatives.
to the legitimate child and the remaining 1/3 will go to the
illegitimate child.

PAGE 162 OF 175

The surviving spouse, generally, gets 1/2 unless the
marriage was celebrated in articulo mortis and the
decedent dies within 3 months from the time that the
Decedent marriage was celebrated. The decedent should be the party
dying when the marriage in articulo mortis was celebrated.
The reason from reducing the 1/2 to 1/3 is to discourage
those who take advantage of people who are dying for their
X Y money. Essentially, the purpose of the provision is to guard
against unscrupulous men and women. But as an
exeception to the exception, if the parties are living together
for at least 5 years prior to the death of the decedent. The
D G fact that they have been living together for that long period
E F means that their relationship is genuine.

Now, let us say that Y was still alive, and X was disinherited. Decedent Surviving
Disinheritance also allows the right of representation. Sabi Spouse
natin sa kwento natin kanina, may 4 na anak si X, 3 are
legitimate children and 1 illegitimate child. If X were to be
disinherited, there will be right of representation. However,
since X is a legitimate child, he cannot be represented by his
illegitimate child. So, yung 3 niyang anak niya lang yung
pwedeng mag-represent sa kanya. The inheritance that
should have gone to X will now go to the 3 legitimate X
children. Since they are all legitimate children, they would
simply be dividing it equally among themselves.
Our basis for allowing right of representation or the B C

illegitimate children of an illegitimate child is Art. 902 and

our basis for prohibiting the illegitimate child in
representing the legitimate child is Art. 992, which Q: If you have a surviving spouse and 4 legitimate
embodies the iron curtain rule. children and 1 illegitimate child, what will their
legitime be?
Art. 902. The rights of illegitimate children set forth in the
preceding articles are transmitted upon their death to their A: The key here is determining what the share of a
descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate. legitimate child is because that will determine the share of
the surviving spouse and the share of the illegitimate child
NOTE: MEMORIZE the formula for computing the shares as well. So, in this case, you have 4 legitimate children, the
of the heirs in the legitime. Always remember that kung fixed legitime of 1/2 will be divided equally among them.
sino yung pinka-bida, 1/2 yung mapupunta sa kanya. So, each will be getting 1/8. That means the surviving
Halimbawa, kung yung asawa lang yung compulsory heir, spouse will also be getting 1/8 and the illegitimate child will
1/2 of the estate ay sa kanya na o kaya legitimate children be getting 1/2 of 1/8 which is 1/16. That will leave you with
lang o kaya yung nanay o tatay lang. a free portion of 5/16 (Legitime 2). So, if there are
The share of the surviving spouse is always dependent on testamentary dispositions, dito yan kukunin sa 5/16. Kung
the share of a legitimate child. It is always equal, except, if wala naman, then the entire estate can go by way of
you only have 1 legitimate child, in which case the surviving intestate succession kung saan naman nating pag-aaralan if
spouse would only be getting 1/4. there is a need to apply the formula or if we still need to
satisfy the legitime first. Because there may be instances
In the case of the parents, madali lang din naman when simply applying the formula would mean impairing
yan because you only have to look down to see if there is the legitime which can never happen.
someone in the descending line. If there is someone and
legitimate, then, they are excluded. Except when you are
dealing with a decedent who happens to be an illegitimate.
In that case, the parents are excluded by any kind of
children, even by illegitimate children. On this note,
adopted children are treated as legitimate children and can
also exclude the parents.

PAGE 163 OF 175

Legitime 2 Legitime 3

A B C Surviving Spouse X Free Portion X A B D Surviving Spouse

Decedent Surviving



Q: What if your free portion is not enough to satisfy the

legitime of both the surviving spouse and the
illegitimate children? This may happen kung kaunti
lang naman yung legitimate children at napakadami
naman ng illegitimate children.
A: Let us say that there is 1 legitimate child and 4
illegitimate children. So, the legitimate child will get 1/2 of
the estate as legitime and the surviving spouse gets 1/4.
Under our law, 1/2 the share of the legitimate child would
go to each illegitimate child. The problem is that is 1/4 as
well. The 1/2 free portion is not enough to answer for the
shares of the illegitimate children and the surviving spouse.
In this case, satisfy the legitime of the surviving spouse first.
That is the rule and dapat lang naman talaga. That is a rule
of practicality, you only have 1 spouse, you can have more
than 1 illegitimate child. The illegitimate children can
always outnumber the surviving spouse so it is better to
safeguard the share of the surviving spouse first. Ang
mangyayari, the illegitimate children would have to share in
whatever is available in the free portion. That means, the
remaining 1/4 will be divided into 4, 1/4 na lang kasi yung
other 1/4 binigay na sa asawa. Therefore, the illegitimate
children will be getting 1/16 each (Legitime 3).

PAGE 164 OF 175

DECEMBER 18, 2020
1/6 EACH; THE LEGITIME OF K,K,L IS 1/8, 1/16 AND 1/16)
In the graph, B is illegitimate and A is legitimate. If A were
to predecease, be incapacitated or be disinherited, he can
only be represented by F, G and H because of the bar that is
presented by Art. 992, disallowing illegitimate children
from inheriting ab intastato from the legitimate children
and other relatives of their parents. So if A were to
predecease, be disinherited or be incapacitated to inherit
from the decedent, he can only be represented by F, G and
On the other hand, remember B is illegitimate. B being
illegitimate is allowed under Art. 902 to transmit his rights
to his own children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, that
means he can be represented by J, K and L all because of Art

Correction: B should be illegitimate in the graph. Remember that they would be succeeding in the same
proportions that A and B would have inherited and the
This would show the graph of the right of representation proportion of the sharing within A and B would be 2:1. They
that may exist in succession where there is both legitimate would be dividing the estate 2/3 and 1/3, respectively. So
and illegitimate filiation. 2/3 would be equally divided among F, G and H and 1/3
would be proportionately divided among J, K and L. So J, K
The dotted lines would represent illegitimate filiation and and L would be receiving in proportions of 2: 1 :1 and this
unbroken lines would represent legitimate filiation. translates to under the first scenario wherein we have A’s
We have Art 992 and Art 902 to contend with. 2/3 share going to his children then F, G, H will be getting
1/3 of 2/3 each or 2/9.
Q: How did we arrive at 2/9?
HIS FATHER OR MOTHER; NOR SHALL SUCH CHILDREN OR RELATIVES A: We divided 2/3 by 3 and that means 2/ 9.
Under the second scenario, B’s 1/3 share will go to J, K and
L, in the proportion I have mentioned (2:1:1), ending up
Art. 902. The rights of illegitimate children set forth in the with:
preceding articles are transmitted upon their death to
their descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate. J = 2/12
K = 1/12
For Art. 902, this allows illegitimate children to represent L = 1/12
their parents to the succession to the estate of their
ascendants but only if their parents would also be ❖ Transcriber’s Note: 2/4, 1/4, and 1/4 divide by 3.
illegitimate. Hence, 2/12, 1/12, and 1/12.
SHARING: If you have noticed, we no longer addressed the distribution
of the legitimes here, we distributed the estate directly
UNDER THE FIRST SCENARIO - A’s 2/3 share (A gets twice among the heirs ab intestato. We can do this because there
as much as B who is entitled to 1/3) will go to F, G AND H would be no impairment of the legitime.
only. Each of F, G and H will be getting 2/9 or 1/3 of 2/3
each. Q: Why would there be no impairment of the legitime?

UNDER THE SECOND SCENARIO - B’s 1/3 share will go to A: Because if you would compute the legitime:
J, K AND L in proportions of 2(J): 1(K): 1(L) OR 2/4; ¼ and
F, G, and H is 1/6 each; and
¼ for J, K AND L, respectively. J- 2/12, k-1/12 and L-1/12
J = 1/8

PAGE 165 OF 175

L = 1/16 repudiation which takes place. There is no point in making
a distinction.
And these are all less than what they actually receive by
intestate and by directly applying all the proportions they There is also right of representation in the Collateral
are supposed to receive. Line.


TWO SECNARIOUS, I.E., F-2/9; G-2/9; H-2/9; J-2/12; K-
1/12 AND L-1/12,
In the collateral line, we are limited to nephews and nieces
Even if the first layer, the first heirship are all gone, all and I remind you that it is important to maintain a
unable to inherit, the grandchildren and other descendants, consistent point of reference when it comes to graphing or
they will still inherit by right of representation. We would establishing the relationship among the decedents and
still apply the same proportions that we arrived at under those who survive him.
the first and second scenarios combined.
So in this case, we are now speaking of representation in the
GOT DISINHERITED OR INCAPACITATED. WILL THE In the graph, we have the parents of the decedents, the
GRANDCHILDREN AND THE OTHER DESCENDANTS STILL uncle/aunt of the decedent, we have the brother of the
INHERIT BY RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION? decedent, half-brother of the decedent and we have
nephews and nieces of the decedent. So all in relation with
GRANDCHILDREN AND OTHER DESCENDANTS TO THE Q: What must you remember in the collateral line?
1. Rule of Proximity
AND OTHER DESCENDANTS WILL ALWAYS INHERIT BY 2. Rule of Equality, if heirs are inheriting in the
ETR: Brothers and Sisters of the full-blood and half-blood.
We ask this question because as we know very well when
there is repudiation, we do not have the right of You ought to remember, by way of exception in the rule of
representation. proximity, uncles and aunts they are excluded by nephew’s
and nieces. So for your proper understanding, eto yung
In Ma’am’s opinion, the answer would still be yes, but it uncles and aunts na tinutukoy naten at eto namen yung
would not be legally speaking the exercise of the right of nephew’s and nieces. Always in reference with the
representation because I think the purpose of the law is to decedent.
ensure that the grandchildren and other descendants would
be limited to the portions allotted to the children or their Refer to the graph: So we have to kill the parents because if
parents who should have been inheriting. Since the purpose we have any relative in the direct line, that means that all
would be to allocate the portions and not really facilitate the these collaterals would not be inheriting, they would be
representation, we ought to apply the same rule even if it is barred.

PAGE 166 OF 175

Patay na si Parent and we have one brother to predecease value of the donated property shall be for the account of the
the decedent. This now calls for right of representation. donor. *DONEE
Q: Who would be representing? The rule applies to all donations whether made in favor of
compulsory heirs or strangers. These include:
A: We would still follow Art. 992, the bar between legitimate
and illegitimate filiation. Since B is a legitimate relative of a. any sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the debts of
the decedent, his illegitimate child I cannot inherit by right his children, election expenses, fins and similar expenses
of representation from D. Only J can represent from B. shall be brought to collation (1069);
Si C since he also survives D, that means he would be b. wedding gifts by parents and ascendants consisting of
inheriting alongside J and his presence by virtue of the rule jewelry, clothing and outfit, but the latter shall not be
of proximity will bar his own children, the nephew’s and reduced as inofficious except insofar as they may exceed
nieces of D from inheriting in these estate. one-tenth of the sum which is disposable by will (1070);
If both B and C are not able to inherit, then that means the c. consideration given for the renunciation or compromise
closest relatives would be the nephew’s and nieces and the as regards a future legitime between the person owing it
uncles and aunts. Same degree sila of relationship with the and his compulsory heirs is void (905). Note the
decedent. But because of Art. 1009, uncles and aunts would renunciation is void.
be excluded and the nephews and nieces here, they would
be inheriting in their own right or per capita. Q: What happens in Collation?

Art. 1009. Should there be neither brothers nor sisters nor A: In collation, you bring back the value of all donations
children of brothers or sisters, the other collateral made by the decedent during his lifetime. You just bring
relatives shall succeed to the estate. back the value. The value you bring back is the value at the
time the donation was made, the value of the property or
The latter shall succeed without distinction of lines or whatever it was that was given by gratuitous title at the
preference among them by reason of relationship by the time it was made because any increase or decrease in
whole blood. that property will be for the account of the donee. It
should be donee.

But if we want to complicate our lives a little bit more Q: What donations must we collate?
(LOLOLOLOL) Let’s make C a half brother and that means
J, K and L will now also be inheriting in proportions of 2:1:1. A: We collate all donations, we do not distinguish whether
Because the half-blood relationship between C and E will it be made in favor of compulsory heir or in favor of a
also translate into a half-blood relationship among J, K, L. stranger. A stranger here would be any person who is not a
Ang proportions ng hatian: compulsory heir. So not literally a stranger. And by way of
donations, we take these to include:
J = 1/2
a. any sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the
K = 1/4 debts of his children, election expenses, fins and
similar expenses shall be brought to collation (1069);
L = 1/4
b. wedding gifts by parents and ascendants consisting
They would be inheriting in their own right or per capita of jewelry, clothing and outfit, but the latter shall
because they are in the collateral line. They are not in the not be reduced as inofficious except insofar as
descending line. they may exceed one-tenth of the sum which is
TAKE NOTE: Beyond the nephews and nieces, there disposable by will (1070);
would be no right of representation anymore. c. consideration given for the renunciation or
compromise as regards a future legitime between the
We need to know all of this concepts for purposes of settling
person owing it and his compulsory heirs is void.
the estate.
The renunciation itself is void by the consideration thereof
COLLATION is recognized and must be brought back to collation.
Interesting point, the law only considers as void the
Collation requires that the value of all donations made by renunciation or the compromise entered into between
the decedent during his lifetime be brough into the mass of the compulsory heir and the person owing him the
his estate. The value brought back is the value at the time legitime. This implies that if the agreement is between
the donation was made as any increase or decrease in the siblings of the same parent and the compromise pertains to
the legitime of one sibling with regard to their parent then

PAGE 167 OF 175

it appears that the law does not consider the same as null If children are represented by the grandchildren in the
and void. inheritance. The grandchildren, the representatives, they
must also bring to collation the donations received by the
Another important point, collation actually involves 2 children, their parents, as well as the donations made to
steps. them directly by decedent.
First, bring back the value; and Again, when we speak of collation under Art. 1064 we mean
Second, you must impute the same. imputation, imputation to the legitime. As I’ve stressed
before, the value of donations made without exception must
Donations made to strangers are imputed to the free be brought back to the estate. The rule under Art. 1064
portion. Donations made to compulsory heirs are imputed speaks of collation now refers to the imputation in the
to their legitime. These are considered as advances of their legitime and rightly so because the representative as we
legitime unless the donor expressly provides that the have discussed before is now actually the correct and right
donations made to compulsory heirs will not be subject to compulsory heir.
collation or unless the donee repudiates the inheritance.
But if the donations exceed the free portion, then the excess ART. 1064. WHEN THE GRANDCHILDREN, WHO SURVIVE WITH
will have to be charged to the legitime. The compulsory heir,
however, is not required to bring to collation the value of
donations made by the decedent to their children. (1065)
If the children are represented by the grandchildren in the THOUGH SUCH GRANDCHILDREN HAVE NOT INHERITED THE
inheritance, the latter must bring to collation donations PROPERTY.
received by the children, their parents, as well as the
donations made to them directly by the decedent. (1064) THEY SHALL ALSO BRING TO COLLATION ALL THAT THEY MAY HAVE
Expenses for support, education, medical attendance, even PREJUDICED.
in extraordinary illness, apprenticeship, ordinary
equipment, or customary gifts are not subject to collation
(1067); *Also be aware of the items excluded from the term donations.
As you can see, this pertains to expenses which basically
Expenses incurred by the parents in giving their children a constitutes support. If it is necessary to the sustenance,
professional, vocational or other career shall not be brought education and growth of the heir, these are considered
to collation unless the parents so provide, or unless they as support and not donations and they ought not to be
impair the legitime; but when their collation is required, the brought back to the estate.
sum which the child would have spent if he had lived in the
house and company of his parents shall be deducted Another important concept would be the rules on
therefrom (1068). reduction and revocations of donations and legacies.
We have two important provisions on the matter: Art.
Q: How do you impute? 911 and Art 950.
A: You impute by charging it either to the free portion or to ART. 911. AFTER THE LEGITIME HAS BEEN DETERMINED IN
the legitime and this is so because any donation made to a ACCORDANCE WITH THE THREE PRECEDING ARTICLES , THE
compulsory heir is considered as an advance to his legitime. REDUCTION SHALL BE MADE AS FOLLOWS:
And similarly, a donation made to a stranger must fit into
the free portion otherwise it would be considered as (1) DONATIONS SHALL BE RESPECTED AS LONG AS THE LEGITIME
Q: What does the law mean when it says that the
testator can actually prohibit collation among (2) THE REDUCTION OF THE DEVISES OR LEGACIES SHALL BE PRO

A: This simply means that the testator who is a donor or a IF THE TESTATOR HAS DIRECTED THAT A CERTAIN DEVISE OR
grantor may direct that no imputation be made of the LEGACY BE PAID IN PREFERENCE TO OTHERS , IT SHALL NOT SUFFER
donation given to a compulsory heir to his legitime. What is ANY REDUCTION UNTIL THE LATTER HAVE BEEN APPLIED IN FULL TO
that instead is we impute it to the free portion as well. It is THE PAYMENT OF THE LEGITIME.
only the excess which can no longer be accommodated in
the free portion which would be imputed to his legitime. (3) IF THE DEVISE OR LEGACY CONSISTS OF A USUFRUCT OR LIFE

PAGE 168 OF 175

since we’re dealing with a married decedent, we
would have to liquidate the ACP first.
ALL THE LEGACIES OR DEVISES, THEIR PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE IN We do this by identifying what are the community property
THE FOLLOWING ORDER: which would be fairly easy because basically everything
would be community property.
1. ACP
a. LOT- 10M
b. FH- 8M
c. CASH- 10M
We apply Art. 911 if the decedent is survived by compulsory PHP-28M
heirs; when we speak of legitimes; when there is danger of
impairing the legitime. (PHP 2M)- HOSPITAL EXPENSES

If there is no compulsory heirs, there is no concern of ACP-26M

impairing the legitime, we apply Art. 950, where there is 2. DETERMINE DECEDENT’S SHARE IN THE ACP
actually a hierarchy among the legacies and devises. and ADD THIS TO HIS EXCLUSIVE PROPERTIES
Under Art 911 we could see that the donations are supreme o 26M ÷ 2- 13M
and among the donation themselves we respect those who
were made first in time. May succession. And we would Ma’am: There is no showing that he has any exclusive
reduce the the devises and legacies pro rata without property, thus 13M would be his gross estate. In the gross
distinction. estate, we would be deducting his personal obligations.
Quasi-delict obligation not chargeable to the community
The rule is different under Art 950. property.


THEY HAD A CHILD, E,WHO, IN TURN HAD 3 CHILDREN-F, It would be at this point that we would be collating
G AND H. OF THE 3, H IS ILLEGTIMATE. THE DECDENT donations. The donations he made during his lifetime would
Net Hereditary Estate- 24MILLION
LEGACIES TO K AND F IN THE AMOUNTS OF 1M AND 2 M, *Sa exam whenever you are given this kind of a question.
RESPECTIVELY. HE DIED AFTER A LINGERING ILNESS This is a good way of presenting your answer. Maliwanag.
Naka step by step.

PAGE 169 OF 175

2. DETERMINE WHO ARE THE HEIRS. It helps if you SS- 1/6 and E- 1/12.
have a graphic representation. Broken lines-
illegitimate; unbroken-legitimate BUT SINCE THERE IS NO ACCRETION AMONG THE
OF 1/6.

Since we do not have accretion among the compulsory

heirs, as you can see, we based the share of the surviving
spouse and the illegitimate child in the legitime which is ¼
and 1/8. Had there been accretion in compulsory
succession, the basis of the shares of the compulsory spouse
and the illegitimate child, would have been the orginal share
of the legitimate children without accretion, thus 1/6 each.
So dapat kung may accretion sana sa compulsory
succession makukuha sana ni ss is 1/6 and si e 1/12. Yan
ang impact ng accretion, it would affect the shares of the SS
and illegitimate child.
To be clear, since we do not have accretion in compulsory
We would be taking into consideration the application of the succession, we would base the share of the SS and IC on
right to representation. the resulting share of the LC predicated by the vacated
portion, which under the law they would take on their
Q: Who would be the heirs of the decedent? own right.
A: Q: Saan tayo may accretion?
A = survives, he is a legitimate child, hence ¼. A: Testamentary succession if the conditions are warranted.
B = predeceased, survived by illegitimate children, Whenever we have 2 or more heirs and the disposition
hence would not have representatives. results in co-ownership. Eto ang guideline niyo lagi.

C = he also predeceased but he is survived by legitimate In intestate succession, there is always accretion as
children, he will be represented by K and L. long as you have more than one heir. In intestate
succession, if you have more than one heir it is
ABC are all legitimate children; but since B automatic that you would have co-ownership, so long as
predeceased and there is no right of representation there is no delineation or specification on the portions
then the ½ would be divided between A and C, in that would go on each of the co-heir. Hangga’t di
their own right. A gets ¼ and C gets ¼ which would pinaghiwa-hiwalay, there would always be potential
go to his representatives K and L, each of them would accretion.
be getting 1/8 each.
Heir Representati
Status Shares
SS = ¼ as well s ves
E = predeceased by the decedent and the 1/8 that goes B PREDECEASED None
to A would now be divided to F, G, H in proportions of ¼ to be
2:2:1, hence 2/5, 2/5 and 1/5. C PREDECEASED K&L Divided

PAGE 170 OF 175

Translate the shares in monetary value and impute the So may sobra pa na 3M. Dun natin iimpute yung excess
donation and see what the effect of the imputation would donations, kay K and L. So may legacies sana na iiwanan,
be. yung 1M and 2M. But between donations and legacies,
donations take precedence under Art 911. So you would be
Collation would involve two-steps: (1) bringing back the suppressing the legacies, we would be absorbing the 1.5 M
value of what is donated; and (2) charging this either in excess for both K and L. So wala na tayong free portion but
the legitime or the free portion. there would be no need to reduce because this will be
accommodated in the free portion as we have
Imputati Effect Of determined.
Heir Moneta
Shares on Of Imputati
s ry Value
Donation on NOTES
actually ❖ Memorize sharing in intestate succession
A ¼ 6M 6M-4M
receive ❖ Grounds for disinheritance
B ❖ Effect of defective disinheritance
reduced ❖ Reserva Tronkal? Not so much (yey) panggulo
by 1.5M lang to sa computation ng estate. I would not do
¼ to be that to you. Too difficult.
K-3M 3M-4.5M which
C divided
L-3M 3.M-4.5M must be ❖ Partition and (no-nag no si maam bigla)
to the ❖ Repudiation and Acceptance
SS 1/4 6M ❖ I won’t ask you anything about legacies and
F- devises.
1/8 to be 2/5(3M)
divided in = 1.2M Basically, that would be it for succession. YEY!
ns of 2:2:1 G-
OR 2/5(3M)
2/5. = 1.2M
1/5 1/5(3M)
= 600K

A = 24M x ¼ = 6m
May donation sakanyang 4M and there is no provision
saying that there would be no collation among
compulsory heirs (so no imputation on the legitime),
hence since there is no such provision, impute in the
legitime. Parang naadavance na sakanya yung 4M na
portion ng legitime. In actuality, what he would receive
is just 2M
C = His share will be divided between K and L, 3 M each
but K and L also received donations in the amount of 4.5
Million each. Obviously, their legitime would not be
enough to absorb the 4.5M. So, either we reduce or
impute if it can syill be accommodated.
SS = Gets 1/4 thus 6M
E = 1/8 divided among F, G, H, by 2:1:1
Q: Magkano ba ang ating magiging FP?
A: 1/8 OR 3M

PAGE 171 OF 175

ANSWERS TO PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS c. marriages contracted by minors;

PART I. MCQ d. marriages contracted by first cousins who acted in

good faith.
1. If the spouse present who acted in bad faith in
contracting a subsequent marriage under Article 41
dies, his estate will go to:
a. absent spouse 5. A child born seven months after the celebration of the
b. present spouse father’s second marriage and within eight months from
the annulment of his first marriage is considered to be:
c. both the absent and present spouse
a. legitimate
d. neither the absent nor the present spouse
b. illegitimate
B. Because the subsequent marriage was not
terminated. c. conceived in the first marriage
d. conceived in the second marriage
A. Because it is the father who contracted
2. The power to ratify a voidable marriage may only be
successive marriages.
exercised by:
a. the sane spouse who did not know about the insanity
of the other; 6. An action for partition brought by an illegitimate
b. the healthy spouse of the spouse suffering from a child after the death of the alleged father, if premised
serious and incurable sexually transmissible disease; on a claim of continuous possession of the status of an
illegitimate child must be:
c. the parents whose consent was not secured;
a. granted
d. the insane spouse after coming to reason.
b. denied on the ground of prescription
c. denied on the ground for want of evidence
B. Because if that is the evidence you are invoking,
3. The following are instances when a donation propter you must bring it within the lifetime of the father.
nuptias is revoked by operation of law except:
a. When made in the antenuptial agreement and the
marriage does not take place; 7. A donation propter nuptias made in consideration of
a marriage that is subsequently annulled because of
b. In case of a subsequent terminable marriage fraud committed by the donor is:
terminated under Article 42 of the Family Code and the
donee acted in bad faith; a. void

c. in case the marriage was celebrated without parental b. valid

consent when such is required; c. revocable
d. none of the above. d. revoked by operation of law
A. or B. B. Because the fraud was committed by the donor
and not the donee.

4. The provisions of Article 148 of the Family Code shall

govern the co-ownership created in the following 8. The default property regime of a marriage contracted
except: by a widow the day after her husband’s death on 23
a. marriages void under Article 53 in relation to Article August 1988 is:
35(6); a. separation of property
b. bigamous marriages; b. conjugal partnership

PAGE 172 OF 175

c. community of property c. both a and b
d. as provided by local custom d. sometimes b but never a
A. Because the family code was already in effect. D. …if she posts the bond fixed by the court, but she
does not have to be appointed as his guardian. If the
amount is less than P50,000 (insurance code, does
not exceed P500,000) there is no need to post a
9. Blood relationship between the child and his
bond. Sometimes the posting of the bond must be
mother’s husband is not always necessary in:
dispensed with, but definitely, the Court need not
a. legitimation appoint the mother as a guardian since it is
b. visitation rights
c. legitimate filiation
13. The adoption by the father of an illegitimate child
d. none of the above that he sired with his mistress results in the following
C. It is possible that there is artificial insemination except:
using the semen of the donor. a. termination of the mother’s parental authority
b. joint parental authority by both the mother and the
10. If an action to impugn legitimate filiation is
successful, then the child whose filiation has been c. sole parental authority of the father
impugned will thenceforth be treated as an/a:
d. elevation of the status of the child as a legitimate
a. illegitimate child of the husband child of the father.
b. natural child of the husband B. The only exception to this rule is if the biological
parent happens to be the spouse of the adopter.
c. stranger to the husband
d. none of the above
14. The absolute community of property can never be
C. They will not be related at all.
made liable for this personal obligation of a spouse:
a. guaranty extended to secure the obligation of a friend
11. Mario, a lawyer, may be adopted by the person who incurred prior to the marriage;
raised him as though he was the latter’s own child even b. bank loan for the purchase of the house and lot which
without the consent of: serves as the family dwelling;
a. his biological parents c. gambling losses;
b. his adult legitimate son d. support of the husband’s parents.
c. his spouse C. Gambling losses are for the account of the
d. his adult adopted spouse. If there is none, then the creditor will not
have any recourse against him, cannot run after the
A. Because the law of adoption requires the community property.
consent of the biological parents of the child, and a
child is defined as someone below 18 years of age
under the Domestic Adoption Law.
15. Which of the following actions involves a prejudicial
question in a crime for bigamy brought against the
husband by the first wife:
12. The mother of a child whose father has died can only
receive the proceeds of his insurance policy on behalf a. an action to declare the first marriage void;
of the child if: b. an action to annul the second marriage on the ground
a. she is appointed by the court as his guardian of fraud;

b. she posts the bond fixed by the court

PAGE 173 OF 175

c. an action to declare the second marriage void on the (d) NO. This has been established by jurisprudence
ground of psychological incapacity; already. When it comes to mixed marriages, there
is no community property that is formed in parcels
d. an action to annul the second marriage on the ground of land acquired during the marriage due to the
of force or intimidation. Constitutional prohibition of land acquisition by
D. If there is force or intimidation then there is aliens. The SC has been consistent on this point and
question regarding the presence of criminal intent has emphasized that it does not even matter that
for want of voluntariness. the money of the acquisition came from the foreign
spouse alone. And the prohibition is so extensive
PART II. ESSAY that the foreign spouse cannot even lay claim to the
proceeds of the sale of the land.
(a) What is the status of Angelita and Georg’s marriage
(e) Will the petition for nullity filed by Angelita under
in view of Angelita’s prior marriage to Reynaldo? (10
Article 36 of the Family Code on account of Georg’s
supposed psychological incapacity prosper? (10 pts)
(a) An important fact to be taken into account here
(e) NO, because of our adherence to the nationality
would be that it was Angelita who filed for divorce
doctrine. When it comes to family rights, status, we
while she was still a Filipino citizen. But we have
apply the national law of the person concerned. In
Republic v. Manalo. Hence, the answer here ought
the absence of proof that German law recognizes
to be that the marriage is valid due to said case.
psychological incapacity as a ground for nullity,
(b) Depending on your answer to the preceding then psychological incapacity cannot be used
question, why should or why should not the ruling in against George. This is different from a situation
Republic vs. Manalo apply in this case considering that wherein a petition for nullity is brought on account
the divorce decree here was obtained back in 1998 or of psychological incapacity of Angelita. In which
before the said ruling came out? (Argue on the basis of case, papasok tayo sa Art. 26—the exceptions (the
Article 8 of the Civil Code.) (5 pts.) listed void marriages in Art. 26) therein would only
attach to the Filipino national. In this case,
(b) The doctrine of RP v. Manalo applies because the psychological incapacity was being attributed to
interpretation of the SC of Art. 36 form part of that the foreign national. So consistent with the
provision of the law from the time of its enactment. nationality doctrine, we will have to determine the
Judicial rulings interpreting the law only establish availability of that ground under the national law of
contemporaneous legislative intent. If that is the George, which is German law.
case, the interpretation is part and parcel of the law
from the time of its enactment. (f) Supposing that your answer to the preceding
question is “no,” will the doctrine of processual
(c) Can the separation of property agreement be presumption apply here in Angelita’s favor, i.e., will the
invoked by Angelita to insist that she and Georg are said doctrine allow her to claim that German law should
governed by the separation of property regime? (10 be presumed to be the same as Philippine law in that it
pts) also provides for psychological incapacity as a ground
to nullify the marriage of its nationals? (5 pts)
(c) NO, because she failed to prove the German law
that allows the Spouses to agree on the marriage (f) NO. She is already alleging Philippine law in
settlement after the wedding. She should have insisting on psychological incapacity. She is not
alleged and proved the German law, allowing this alleging a foreign law which she failed to prove. We
kind of agreement in the wedding. Since she failed cannot apply processual presumption.
to do so, we apply processual presumption. So, the
German law is taken as same as PH law, thus the (g) Assuming that the petition for nullity is granted:
agreement adopting separation of property would
(i) How will you rule on the validity of the sale of the
be void for being entered into after the marriage.
house and lot made by Angelita in favour of her
Any agreement must be entered into before the
sister? (10 pts)
marriage according to the FC.
(i) Since we are assuming that the nullity due to
(d) Assuming that the answer to the preceding question
psychological incapacity is granted, then the
is “no” and the default property regime of absolute
parties will be governed by Art. 147. Under this
community of property applies to the parties, will the
provision, the house was built with money earned
Muntinglupa lot that was acquired during the marriage
by Angelita alone. In 147 we have co-ownership in
between Angelita and Georg be presumed as
the salaries of the parties to the void marriage.
community property? (5 pts.)
Here we can say that there is co-ownership in the

PAGE 174 OF 175

house. But in the lot, it was acquired by Angelita
and her first husband, so we will now have to
distinguish. The sale of the lot is valid because that
pertains to the first marriage, and given the
divorce, and Angelita’s continued possession of the
same, we can assume that it was awarded to her.
But the sale of the house, that can only be valid
insofar as Angelita’s share is concerned since it is
already co-owned.
(ii) What will be the filiation of Lisolette and who
shall be deemed to be her father? (10 pts)
(ii) Angelita entered into successive marriages.
Since she contracted a subsequent marriage within
the 300 day period after the termination of the first
marriage, and Lisolette was born which is before
180 days from the celebration of the second
marriage and within the 300 days period from the
termination of the first marriage, Lisolette is
deemed to be the legitimate child of Reynaldo in
the absence of proof to the contrary.
(iii) What will be the status of Angelita’s third
marriage if she were to contract the same without
delivering the presumptive legitime of Liselotte’s?
(5 pts)
(iii) Valid, because the obligation to deliver the
legitime does not apply to marriages void under
Art. 36.


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