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Laboratory Test and Preparation of Report Introduction Proper laboratory testing of sols to determine their physical properties is an integral part in the design and construction of structural foundations, the placement and improvement of sol properties, and the specification and quality control of soi] compaction vorks. It needs to be kept in mind that nacural soil deposits ofien exhibit « high degree of nonhomogenity. The physical properties ofa soil deposit can change to a great extent even within a fev hundred feet. The fundamental theoretical and empizical equations that are developed ia soil ‘mechanies can be properly used in practice if, and only if, the physieal parameters used in those equations are property evaluated in the laboratory. So, eaming to perform laboratory tesls of soils plays an important role in the geotechnical engineering profession, Use of Equipment Laboratory equipmént is never cheap, but the cost may vary widely. For accurate ex- perimental results, the equipment should be properly maintained. The calibration of certain equipment, such as balances and proving rings, should be checked fom time to te. 4 aways necessary to see that all equipment is clean both before and after use Bester resalts Will be obiained when the equipment being used is clean, s0 always maintain the equipment as ifit were your owm Recording the Data Inany experiment tis always a geod habit to rovrd all dat nthe proper table iminediately after thas been taken, Oftentimes scribbles on scratch paper may later be illegible or even tisplaced, which may result in having to conduc te experinent over, or in obtaining ne fcourate results 1 Report Preparation In the classroom laboratory, most experiments described herein will probably be conducted in small groups. However, the laboratory report should be written by each. student individually. This is one way for students to improve their technical writing, skill Each report should edintain: 1. ‘Cover page—This page should include the title of the experiment, name, and date on which the experiment was performed. Following the cover page, the items listed below should be included in the body of ‘the report: ‘a. Purpose of the experiment b. Equipment used ¢, A schematic diagram of the main equipment used 4. A brief description of the test procedure Results~—This should include the data shect(s). sample calculations(s), and the required geaph(s). Conelusion—A discussion of the accuracy of the test procedure should be included in the conclusion, along with any possible sources of error. 120 + 120 of sy a . = Hoo | a E z a 5 cob © 15 as 8 s ie Ss Moise conten © @ Figure 1-1, (@)A pooriydravn graph for’ (b) The resuls'gven in (a, dry un weght of 80 vs drawn in a more presentable moisture content manner = Bnaten te Stns i re ee Lanath Vin 254 me dit 0.3048 m 3.281 x 07h 304.8 mm m 3937 in. 3281 Area, Lin? 6.4516 * 104m? | om? 6.4516 cm? 1.076 « 10° #7 645.16 mm? Lo 1550 in? ie 929 « 104m 10.76 929.03 em? 92903 mm? Volume Vin? 16.387 cm? Lem? 0.008317 m? 353) x 105 ie 2831681 im! 61023.74 in} 35.315 Velocity Les 2048 mmis |] tems 1.969 iin 0.3048 m/s 1034643.6 fvyear Fimin | 5.08 mes 0.00508 mis Fore 1b 4448 iN 0.22482 kN 0.22482 kip ‘Stress 1 tbfin.? 6.9 KNém™ URN An? 0.345 thin? Kit? | 47.88? 2.089 = 10° Ii? Unie Weight | tbr? 13706Wim? iawn? — | 6367 tye? Coefficient of Lin's 6.452 om"!s Loms/s 0.155 inZis Consolidaion | 12s 929.03 ews 2883 «10! AYimonth Mase kg 22046 2.2046 = 10° kip Standard Test Procedures In the United States, most laboratories conducting tests on soils for engincering purposes follow the procedures outline by the American Socicty for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), ‘The procedures and equipment for soil tests may vary slightly from laboratory 1 laboratory, burt the basic concepts remain the same. The test procedures deseribed in this manual may not be exactly the same as specified by ASTM or AASHTO; however, for the student, it is beneficial to know the standard test designations and compare them with th laboratory work actuelly done. For this reason some selected AASHTO and ASTM standard test designations ate given in Table 1-2, Sieve analysis Hydrometer analysis Liquid limit Plastic limit Shrinkage limit Standard Proctor compaction Modified Proctor compaction Field density by sand cone Permeability of granular soil Consolidation Direct shear (geanular soil) ‘Unconfined compression Trias 2850 AASHTO Soil Classification System 3282 Unified Soil Classification System = D.2487 D557 DAss6 p.2434 2435 3080) D216 Determination of Water Content Introduction Most laboratory tests in soil mechanics require the determination of water content, Water content is defined as | weight of water provent in a given soil mass weight of dry soil ep ‘Water content is usually expressed in percent, For better results the minimum size ofthe most soil specimens should be approximately as given in Teble 2-1. Those values are consistent with ASTM Test Designation D-2216. Table 2-1. Minimum Size of Moist Soll Samples fo Determine Water Content Equi 1 pment. Moisture can(). Moisture cans are available in various sizes [for example, 2-in, (90,8 mm) diameter and % in, (222 mm) high, 3.5-in, (88.9 mm) diameter and 2 in, (50.8 mm) high]. 2. Oven with temperature contro For drying, the temperature of oven is generally kept between 105°C to 110°C. A ‘higher ternperalure should be avoided to prevent the burning of organic matter in the soil 3. Balance, ‘The balance should have a readability of 0.01 g for specimens having a mass of 200 gorless. Ifthe specimen has a mass of over 200 g, the readability should be 0.1 g. Procedure 1. Determine he mass (g) ofthe empty moisture ean plus its cap (and also record the number. 2. Place a sample of representative moist soil in the can. Close the can with its cap to avoid loss of moisture. 3. Determine the combined mass (g) of the elosed can and moist soil (I¥). 4, Remove the cap from the top of the can and place it on the bottom (of the can). 5. Putihe can (Step 4) in the oven to dry the soil toa constant weight. In most eases, 24 hours of drying is enough. 6. Determine the combined mass (g) of the dry soil sample plus the can and its cap (5). Calculation 1. Calculate the mass of moisture = W — 2. Caloulate the mass of dry soil = W,~ 3. Calculate the water content W.-W, w %) = 22) Report the water content to the nearest 1% or 0.1% as appropriate based on the size of the specimen, ‘A sample calculation of water content is given in Table 2-2, Table 2-3. Typical Values af Water Content in a Saturated Stale Loove angular grained silty sand Dense angulat-grained silty sand Stiffclay Soft clay Soft organic clay Glacial til 30-50 80-130 10 Table 2~% Description of soil__ Brow sity cay Location Determination of Water Content Sample No__4 Tested by Date Can No, Mass of ean, (@) Mass of can + wet soil, (e) Mass of can + dey soil, 5 (g) Mass of moisture, 17) — Ws (e) Mass of dry soil, W's ~ W (a) m,-W, wa, =m 162 Moisture content, 06) = 52 165 Average mioisture content, w__/6.2% General Comments 2 Most natural soils, which are sandy and gravelly in nature, may have water contents ‘po about 15 to 20%, Ln natural fine-grained (silty or clayey) soils, water contents up © about 50 to 80% can be found, However, peat and highly organic soils with ‘water contents up to about 500% are not uncommon, “Typical values of water content for various types of natural soils in a saturated state are shown in Table 2-3, 1b. Some organic soils may decompose during oven drying at 110°C. An oven drying, temperature of 110° may be too high for soils comaining aypsum, as this material slowly dehydrate. According to ASTM, "a drying temperature of 60°C is more appropriate for such sols ©. Cooling the dry soil ufter oven drying (Step 5) in a desiccator is recommended. It prevents absorption of moisture from the atmosphere.

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