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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award

of the Degree of



Reg. No: 19OKCMD082

Under Guidance of

Dr. M. Thamizhselvi
Assistant Professor

I, RAKSHITH KUMAR S, hereby declare that the “A STUDY ON E-RECRUITMENT
AND ITS IMPACT ON JOB SEEKERS” submitted to the Bangalore University in
partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration an
original work done by me under supervision of Dr.M.THAMIZHSELVI. The project
has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree or any other similar title to any
candidate in any university.



PLACE: Bangalore

I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude to Dr. S R SRIDHARMURTHY

[President] and Dr. AASHISH MEHRA [Director] NSB ACADEMY (Bangalore), for
having given me an opportunity to undertake this dissertation.

In particular I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my beloved guide,

Dr.M.THAMIZHSELVI [Assistant Professor], NSB ACADEMY for his patience,
guidance and constant mentoring throughout my dissertation.

I am also grateful to Dr. S SYED AHMED [Associate Dean Academics of Management

Studies] of NSB ACADEMY and the faculty members whose encouragement and
support in completing the dissertation work.

Last but importantly I wish to thank my family and friends for their help and support in
completion of this dissertation.

Above all I would like to thank God Almighty, without his grace nothing would have
been possible.


Reg. No: 19OKCMD082


Chapter Particulars Page. No.

1. Introduction 1-14

2. Industry Profile 15-21

3. Review of Literature & Research Design 22-30

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 31-69

5. Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion 70-73

Bibliography 74

Annexure 75-79



4.1 32
Age gathering of respondent
4.2 34
Gender of respondent
4.3 36
Job Experience of the respondent
4.4 38
Opinion about either internet is easy
to understand by respondent
4.5 40
Opinion that internet job sites are
easy to use by the respondent
4.6 42
Opinion that internet is easy to
interact with others by the respondent
4.7 44
Opinion regarding the information
given in the job sites are sufficient by
the respondent
4.8 46
Use of internet for seeking job by the

4.9 Opinion regarding the online job offer

satisfaction by the respondent
Belief in receiving response from
employer after submitting online
applications by the respondent
Trust of online recruitment websites
with personal information by the
Opinion regarding the internet
connection and browsing cost in locality
by the respondent

4.13 Problem in case of job searching through

internet by the respondent

4.14 Best source of recruitment by the

4.15 Place of vacancy advertisement by
the respondent
4.16 Primary drivers behind e-recruitment
by the respondent
4.17 Opinion regarding the
recommendation of e-recruitment by
4.18 Influence of online recruitment over
job seekers
4.19 Opinion that e-recruitment will have
a positive impact on job seekers



4.1 33
Age gathering of respondent
4.2 35
Gender of respondent
4.3 37
Job Experience of the respondent
4.4 39
Opinion about either internet is easy
to understand by respondent
4.5 41
Opinion that internet job sites are
easy to use by the respondent
4.6 43
Opinion that internet is easy to
interact with others by the respondent
4.7 45
Opinion regarding the information
given in the job sites are sufficient by
the respondent
4.8 47
Use of internet for seeking job by the

4.9 Importance of mobile phone by the


4.10 Mode of buying mobile phone by the


Preference of respondent in internet
business webpage for purchasing
buying mobile phone by the

Preference of purchasing mobile
4.12 phone online in future by the

Consideration regarding web based
publicizing with respect to mobile
phones by the respondent

Preferring the notice respects to
4.14 mobile phones by the respondent
4.15 Place of vacancy advertisement by
the respondent
4.16 Primary drivers behind e-recruitment
by the respondent
4.17 Opinion regarding the
recommendation of e-recruitment by
4.18 Influence of online recruitment over
job seekers
4.19 Opinion that e-recruitment will have
a positive impact on job seekers

This project work is done as a part of BU MBA curriculum, on the topic an Empirical
study on “A study on E-recruitment and its impact on job seekers”

Recruitment is a function of human resource management by which an organization can

attract the potential candidates and select the most appropriate employees for the

Now-a-days the people are extensively adaptive to the technology and that’s why e-
recruitment has become a popular practice followed by the organization for hiring

This is an exploratory research with the aim of identifying how e- recruitment and
internet is influencing the overall recruitment process of an organization in context of
Multinational companies of India.

In this study, multinational organizations of India have been taken as population

according to their participation in e- recruitment activities.

The sample was drawn from the renowned companies and data were collected from
various levels of respondents in context of the job seekers.. So it is recommended that the
organization should continue to use e-recruitment and online sources for hiring candidates
so that they can match with the global business world.




The Assembly Council is responsible for electing, appointing, communicating and

dealing with its members. Human resource management is often interchangeable with the
terms "human resource management" and "human resource management" (HR). The
human resources office of an organization or agency is generally responsible for
developing, implementing, and coordinating game plans to oversee employees and
maintain contact with its workers. HR was used in the early twentieth century, and was
often used to describe people who worked for the whole relationship in the 1960s.

The HRM leaders ’factor focuses on delegates as a business asset. In this case workers
and HR are often confused. The goal, like other corporate assets, is to use workers to
reduce risk and maximize profit from theory (ROI).

HR The Leaders (HCM) is a high-level HR development phrase that is used more often
than HRM. The term HCM has attracted a large number of large and medium-sized
organizations, as well as a wide variety of programming relationships to manage various
human resource constraints.


The work of HRM practices is to manage people inside a workplace to achieve the
affiliation's primary objective and backing the lifestyle. When done sufficiently, HR
chiefs can help with choosing new specialists who have capacities critical to extra the
association's goals similarly as help with the planning and improvement of current
laborers to meet targets.

An association is only similar to its agents, making HRM an essential piece of staying
aware of or dealing with the strength of the business. Besides, HR directors can screen the
state of the work market to help the affiliation stay relentless. This could consolidate
guaranteeing pay and benefits are sensible, events are needed to keep laborers away from
wearing out and maintain sources of income are changed ward accessible.

How does HRM work?

HR the leaders’ works through committed HR specialists, who are liable for the ordinary
execution of HR-related limits. Customarily, HR will incorporate an entire division inside
each affiliation.

HR units in different affiliates may vary in the size, sophistication and nature of their
individual locations. For more general affiliations, it is not uncommon to have a modest
group of HR professionals, each with a broader perspective on HR limitations. Larger
affiliates play a more specific role, with individual professionals focusing on boundaries,
for example, registration, development, visa management, board capacity, benefits,
compensation and anything possible from that time on. However, these HR functions are
isolated and centralized and can cover business boundaries regardless of each other


 Cultural targets: Measures set up that responds to the moral and social
necessities or challenges of the association and its delegates. This fuses real issues
like comparable opportunity and identical pay for comparable work.

 Hierarchical objections: Actions taken that help to ensure the efficiency of the
affiliation. This consolidates giving getting ready, enlisting the right number of
delegates for a surrendered task or keeping with high laborer levels of

 Useful objections: Guidelines used to keep HR working suitably inside the

affiliation in general. This joins guaranteeing that every one of HR's resources is
being distributed to their greatest limit.

 Individual targets: Resources used to help the singular goals of each laborer.
This joins offering the opportunity for guidance or business improvement
similarly as staying aware of agent satisfaction.


Recruitment refers to the method involved with distinguishing, drawing in, meeting,
choosing, recruiting and on boarding representatives. All in all, it incorporates everything
from the unmistakable evidence of a staffing need to filling it.

Hiring is the commitment of a group of employees based on the size of the organization.
Larger affiliates may include entire scouting groups, while smaller affiliates may have
only one representative selected. The recruiting leader has to choose short clothes. In
addition, many associations are considering redesigning their relationships with external
companies. Through views, work papers, online media complaints, and other methods,
associations regularly register opportunities for new situations. Most companies use
selection programming to find the best candidates more efficiently and effectively.
Regardless, appointments are often made with or without human resources.


Human resource management, also known as HRM or HR for short, are the foremost
individuals in the affiliation. HR is responsible for working with the overall goals of the
relationship through the effective engagement of the HR - prioritizing delegates as the
most important asset of the Association.

Registration is the first step in building human resources for affiliation. On a large scale,
the goals are to find and hire the best competitors, on time and in cost planning.


 Determining the need for employment

 Create an appointment plan
 Write a job description
 Post a job
 Employment
 Review orders
 Telephone Interview / Preliminary Examination
 Interviews
 Evaluation of the applicant
 Background check
 Clarity
 Check the reference
 Job offer
 Appointment
 On the plane.


 Internal Recruitment: Internal enrollment involves filling the opening with

existing workers within the affiliation.

 Suspended Recruitment: When registering an affiliation selection company, there

are various ways to consider it; Choosing a deal is common. When a subsidiary
owns a company that chooses to fill a vacancy, they pay an obvious cost to fill
that position. The company is at risk of finding competitors until the position is
filled. The subsidiary also agrees to work exclusively with the company.
Communities cannot with everything taken into account, enroll diverse choosing
firms to fill a comparable position.

 Possibility Recruiting: like held choosing, plausibility enrolling requires an
outside firm. Unlike held choosing, there is no straightforward cost with
probability. Taking everything into account, the enlistment association gets
portion exactly when the clients they address are enrolled by an affiliation.

 Staffing Recruiting: staffing spotters work for staffing associations. Setting up

choosing matches qualified applicants with qualified business openings.
Additionally, staffing associations conventionally focus on present second or
passing business positions.

 Outplacement Recruiting: outplacement is customarily a business upheld

advantage which helps past agents’ progress into new positions. Outplacement
choosing is expected to outfit ousted laborers with the resources for find new
positions or occupations.

 Turn around Recruiting: implies the collaboration whereby a delegate is

encouraged to search for work with another affiliation that offers an unrivaled fit
for their scope of capacities. We offer Reverse Recruiting Days to help workers
with this connection. At our Reverse Recruiting Days we review resumes, lead
mock gatherings, and suggestion significant leaps into express occupation


a. Prior to posting position notice

b. Choice interaction
c. Conventions after determination of the applicant.

Here are the normal strides of enrolling followed by the HRM branch of different

1) Preparation-
It is step in which the HRM division set up a casing of ideal contender for the
empty position. The abilities and skills needed to play out the work are
distinguished, additionally a capability and level of involvement required execute
the work still up in the air. When the structure is prepared, the HR recognizes the
appropriate correspondence channel through which the data about work opening
can be passed on to the reasonable competitors.

2) Receive applications-

Once the ad about the work opportunity is posted through inward and outer
wellspring of enlistment, the HR division begins getting the applications for the
employment opportunity. More often than not the HR office affirms the
competitor that their application is gotten by the association and the further
arranging measure is going on. Many organizations utilized application global
positioning framework (ATS) which serves to naturally speak with the candidate
that their employment form is gotten and is in measure.

3) Selection stage 1: Cancel out inadequate candidates

Here the choice interaction starts in this stage the application which are not
appropriate for the work are offset by the HRM office. The application can be
remove dependent on the un-coordinating with capability or experience of the up-

4) Selection stage 2: Arrangement of up-and-comers

The candidates who are coordinating to the prerequisite of the work opening are
then apprised dependent on their on-paper insight and capability. The evaluations

pass on how well the candidate is spasm of the empty occupation profile. It is
tedious cycle and commonly dominate sheets are utilized to figure out the
application and rank them dependent on their appropriateness to the work profile.

5) Selection stage 3: Interview adjusts

The positioned and chose up-and-comers can required the meeting round. There
are a few meeting adjusts which can differ from 2-6 dependent on the
determination interaction took on by the association. Generally the HR round
incorporates the foundation confirmation, character check and social
reasonableness of the applicant. The director meet round is frequently used to
really take a look at the real work appropriateness of the up-and-comer.

6) Selection stage 4: Future work circumstance

This is considered as a last round of determination in which a reenacted work

practice is given to the applicant. It incorporates the inquiry or assignments
identified with the subject matter of the competitor. It gives real outcome about
the capacity of the possibility to proceed as a future worker of the association.

7) Offer and Joining conventions

For the most part 2-3 top chosen competitors gets joining offer from the
association. The joining conventions incorporate the accommodation of
significant papers and marking the work contract with the association. After the
documentation conventions the joining date of the representative is chosen and a
newcomer joins the association.


Edwin B. Flippo characterized the enrollment cycle – 'Enlistment is the method

involved with scanning the possibility for business and invigorating them to go after
positions in the association.'

Dale S. In the words of Beach, "Recruitment is the diversion of events and the
management of sufficient business assets. This involves creating accessible work
that the association can draw when additional delegates are needed. The registration
cycle requires a variety of candidates for any vacancies. You may have an



Inward wellsprings of enlistment contain delegates who are currently on the money of a
firm. It moreover consolidates past agents who have returned to work for the affiliation.
Enlistment from inside sources is done to finish off promising circumstances through
headway, re-selecting and moving agents inside the association.

Advantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment

 Choosing and moving existing specialists is a more clear communication.

 The administrators think about the gifts and limits of already existing specialists.
 Interior enrollment fills in as an instrument to help the affirmation of delegates as
internal selecting sets out work and progression open entryways for existing
 Inner selecting progresses an impression of dedication among the agents.
 Existing delegates are at this point aware of the association's working
methodologies and don't devour a huge lump of the day to adjust to new positions.

Characteristics of Internal Sources of Recruitment

 Quick cycle.
 Less expensive than external hiring level.
 Jobs as an Assembly Mechanic to promote employees.
 Association selection is restricted to specialists in the association.
 Missed recruitment of new workers.


External wellsprings of enlistment imply the sources that lie outside or exist outside to the

Outside External Recruitment Include:

 Individuals joining an affiliation, unequivocally through recommendations.

 Business workplaces (for instance naukri.com) or business exchanges.
 Publicizing
 Foundations like colleges and expert schools (for instance grounds assurance)
 Project specialists
 Recruiting unskilled work

 Rundown of usages
 Brief subject matter experts.

Characteristics of External Sources Recruitment

 Long and drawn-out collaboration.

 It is an exorbitant collaboration.
 Whenever external people are given opportunities over them, then, existing
workers lose soul.
 Recruiting new specialists can provoke the introduction of new blood and thusly
the introduction of one more course of action of capacities and contemplations.


E-recruitment, in any case called online recruitment, implies the use of electronic
development for the various patterns of attracting, assessing, picking, choosing and on
boarding position contenders.

Through e-recruitment supervisors show up at greater number of anticipated agents.

Affiliations might make their e-recruitment arranges in-house, use e-selection HR
programming or use selection working environments that use e-recruitment as a piece of
their pack.


1. Candidate following: applicant status as for the positions applied by

2. Business' site: gives subtleties of open positions and gather information for
the equivalent.
3. Occupation sheets: convey work ads from bosses and offices.
4. Web based testing: some sort of assessment of applicants over Internet.
5. Online media: fast connect with likely applicants.


 Savvy as it's all around free and it limits work cost

 Contacts more noteworthy group as the customer can zero in on an

undeniably more broad group without paying extra

 Easy to comprehend

 Empowers dynamic substance making customer's promotions more

intriguing to work searchers

 Brevity utilizing measure

 Quickness because most posts and answers show up constantly


 Not appropriate for senior positions where the pool of forthcoming

competitors is a lot of lower
 High volume of reactions including enormous number of unacceptable up-
 Innovation gives that come from normalizing the application interaction.


E-Recruitment has made an incredible jump throughout the entire existence of enlistment
since its reality in 1980s. E-Recruitment has been an astounding method of discovering
appropriate candidates of the organizations covetous of filling the void opportunities in
their associations. An exceptionally prestigious character Prof. M.S. Rao who is the
overseeing chief at a famous organization has communicated his valuable perspectives
about e-Recruitment as follows: -

"The E-Recruitment saves package of time for the two administrators and occupation
searchers. It gives more extensive degree, decision and openings for both organization
and candidates".


 More comprehensive zoom

 Save time
 Cost-saving benefits for the business
 Advertising benefits
 Keywords make your search easier
 Better match between candidates


 Easy to apply
 Specific search for professions
 Large number of opportunities
 Benefits to job seekers
 Extensive geographical hunting
 Quick feedback

1.10 Difficulties of E-Recruitment

E-Recruitment has shown to be successful since its inception, but it has faced many
challenges and roadblocks along the way. Because they are not computer savvy, some
people fail to provide accurate data online.

They will often make mistakes such as entering their name incorrectly, their local location
incorrectly, their capabilities incorrectly, and so on online, causing real rivals to be
overlooked in favor of copying. Because resumes are sent via the internet, there is no
assurance of the authenticity or accuracy of the information provided by employees. A
few challenges are the quantity and quality of newcomers through online gadgets.


 Fake profile
 High expenses for access
 Casual disposition of occupation searchers
 Lack of individual touch
 Use of web may not be Priority for all work searchers


 Impersonal
 Privacy issues
 Outdated work posting
 No reaction from organization
 Not reasonable for a wide range Of occupations




The web previously arose as a selecting instrument in the mid-1990s and was hailed by
the well known media as the driver behind a "enrolling upheaval" because of the
advantages it could bring to enrollment specialists (Boydell, 2002). It was anticipated that
the enlistment ventures' "future is on the net" (Edgeley, 1995) and that the web had
carried extremist change to corporate selecting (Cappelli, 2001). The popular expression
and the most recent patterns in enrollment is the "E-Recruitment”. Otherwise called
"Online enrollment", it is the utilization of innovation or the online instruments to help
the enlistment interaction. On the web enlistment and the utilization of new arising
advances enjoy many benefits for the current selection representative. It makes the
method involved with finding competitors and new business openings quicker, more
affordable and more powerful. The web has rolled out the greatest improvement the
selection measure in the earlier decade going probably as an association among directors
and occupation searchers. Innovation has empowered corporate sites, providers and work
searchers to turn out to be more modern and intelligent (Harris, 2007).

2.2 Development of E-recruitment:

However, the utilization of E-enlistment develops full bore, the advantages for E-
enrollment have not changed a lot over years; Carolien Handlogten (2009) recorded them
for a situation concentrate on proposition for a Dutch aircraft about the execution of E-

 Cost of investment funds

 Ease of use for arrival
 Largest arrival collection
 Ease of association use
 Increase recruitment speed
 Success in finding candidates
 Stand in front of competitors


Source: - Fortune Business Insights

The global online recruitment market will reach $ 28.68 billion in 2019 and $
43.39 billion by 2027 with a compound annual growth rate of 7.1% over the
measurement period.

2.4 Players in the employment market

1. Job Seeker: A job seeker is a job seeker. Both types of job seekers are
described in advance.

A) Active Job Seekers: Candidates who periodically look for an Undertaking will
consider another resolution, i.e.; Good opportunity for improvement, personal
motivation for change and effective reasons etc.

B) Passive job seekers: Passive entrants are workers who do not currently need to
change their positions and at the same time surf the web reliably for any million
reasons in their regular daily routine. These entries can skip new job opportunities
and basically drop their resumes on the web. Corporate websites are preferred for
unemployed job seekers.

2. Registration Market: The registration market can be described in three ways, for
example the standard method of incorporating new entrants through paper
advancement, head tracking and transit selection associations. The latest method
takes the latest method of calling old wines for new booths such as e-paper
development, online headhunters and online short selection associations. The third
and most widely used method in the present circumstances. It includes fully online
techniques for capacity selection, ie .; Business Documents / Commercial Doors,
Corporate Destinations and Messages.

3. Possible Employers (Firms/Companies):

The last unbiased of the each work searcher is to show up at the conceivable chief.
It suggests the associations/firms that use them on the reason of their capacities
and work necessities.


 www.naukri.com

 jobsahead.com

 monsterindia.com

 careerindia.com

 placementindia.com

 bestjobsindia.in

Job analysis is the process of identifying and defining specific job tasks and requirements
and the relative importance of these functions for a particular job. Job analysis is the
process of making judgments about data collected on the job.

The job analysis is used for the knowing the job specification or description in which the
job seeker will apply for the jobs through the recruitment portals then the recruitment will
be done online through telephonic interview and video meetings foe the recruitment

The essentials of e-recruitment are as follows:

 Tracking: It is useful in following the situation with up-and-comer

as for the positions applied by him/her.
 Employer's Website: Provides subtleties of open positions and
information assortment for same.
 Job entries: Like Career Age, Indeed, Monster, Naukri, times
occupations; and so on these convey work ads from managers and
 Online Testing: Evaluation of applicants over web dependent on
different occupation profiles to pass judgment on them on different
components. Social organizing: Sites like Google +, twitter,
facebook, LinkedIn, and so forth helps in building solid systems
administration and discovering vocation openings.


It helps companies to test the competitor for recruitment and registration

purposes. These frameworks allow companies to gather data, range of experience
and capabilities, and rank opportunities based on channel candidates.

Over 90% of Fortune 500 Companies are presently utilizing a candidate global
positioning framework. While these frameworks are astounding for putting away
up-and-comer data, the best ATS frameworks can follow all interchanges with
competitors. This makes it simple to look and channel resumes and other

competitor data, diminishing opportunity to-fill and guaranteeing that
organizations get the best possibility for the position.

How do applicant tracking systems work

Applicants are searching for application measures that are simple and easy to
understand. The best candidate global positioning frameworks permit individuals
to effortlessly go after a job by means of any gadget without expecting to sign in.
This implies that organizations advantage from a bigger pool of candidates, which
would then be able to be positioned naturally dependent on abilities and

During the enrollment interaction, candidate global positioning frameworks

permit clients to submit criticism and notes about an applicant without any
problem. A portion of these frameworks consider joint effort from a cell phone,
making it simple for occupied spotters and employing directors.

The best ATS programming utilizes the most recent innovation, for example,
regular language preparing and man-made reasoning, to screen and sort applicants'
resumes. These frameworks filter resumes, search for catchphrase matches, and
utilize different calculations for information examination.

Numerous candidate global positioning frameworks additionally coordinate with

work sheets, smoothing out work postings.


There are many advantages of utilizing an ATS that we can see measurements like
time, cost, and competitor quality improve. Meeting booking is simple with
computerized messages permitting contender to pick a period that works for both
recruiting administrators and themselves.

A candidate global positioning framework can likewise permit selection
representatives and employing supervisors to see all the data and measurements
they need with a tick of a button. The best frameworks incorporate strong, easy to
use dashboards and configurable work processes including key execution
measurements and industry benchmarks

Signs organizations need a candidate global positioning framework

While organizations, all things considered, can utilize candidate global positioning
frameworks, they're especially helpful for organizations that are routinely
recruiting representatives for different positions or those that will in general get
huge quantities of candidates for each position.

Organizations are probably going to see a huge ROI with a candidate global
positioning framework in case they're screening in excess of 1000 continues every
year. They'll likewise profit from an ATS global positioning framework in the
event that they have a long or tangled employing cycle or experience issues with
their selecting and organization.

Candidate global positioning frameworks can altogether lessen time-to-fill. This

implies that organizations that think that it is hard to deal with the responsibility
related with enormous pools of up-and-comers will track down the smoothed out
measure substantially more powerful.

Begin utilizing an ATS today

Enrolling new ability for your business can be a significant test, and you need to
be certain you end up with the ideal decision. Having a web-based candidate
global positioning framework can assist with improving on the employing system
and save selection representatives and recruiting administrators a tremendous
measure of pressure. Candidate global positioning frameworks can change that
way your business handles enlisting and help you as you continued looking for the
ideal new increments for your business.




 Helen Verhoeven and Sue Williams (2008)

In the UK, he did research online on recruitment and selection.
This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of online
registration and its documented identity and the views of UK owners.

 Pavitra Damja (Pavitra Damja) (2012)

I found that online recruitment refers to advertising job opportunities on
the company website or on the online recruitment company website.
Applicants will be allowed to submit their CVs electronically through e-
mail or other electronic system. The use of electronic recruitment
technologies and frameworks has greatly reduced the number of
administrative tasks related to recruitment.

 Arslan Mujahid Ghauri, Naveed R. Khan, Marin Awang (2013)

They considered the importance of e-recruitment in the forums. This study
examined the relationship between registration resources and
discrimination of job seekers and their desire to get a job. 257 answers
were collected and analyzed according to the objectives of the study.
Among other recruitment resources, the review results revealed that the
web is the preferred resource for search by recruitment. Furthermore, it is
suggested that the feasibility of e-recruitment depends on the business
scenario, with compensation being the most urgent driver to ensure interest
in the applicable job. Finally, the research results revealed that the
recruitment resources and the candidate's perception of the job will have
an impact on the job seeker's expectations of the job he or she is applying

 Rex Pringula and Mary Grace J. Ventura (2013)

They concluded that online recruitment companies have the potential to

change the way they attract employees. As a necessary business measure,
online recruitment is a seamless process of providing frameworks, reliable
data set applications and efficient communication channels between job
seekers and managers to eliminate time consuming and unnecessary
paperwork. "The Internet allows businesses and job seekers to access
detailed and up-to-date information on job seekers and job opportunities in
different parts of the world, at very low cost."

 Ankita Jain, Ankita Goyal, (2014)

They focus on the fact that e-HR management is the development of all
HR strategies, methods and activities implemented online. E-Recruitment
is an online platform that allows job seekers to apply for potential
opportunities. Here, job seekers can link their resume and application form
and decision makers can view applicant details. Online registration
facilitates communication by reducing the cost and time involved in
selecting applicants.

 Sail Sabha, d. (2018)

The research, entitled "The Impact of Online Recruitment on Jobs", found

that recruitment has become a key activity in today's highly competitive
job market. Internet growth has changed recruitment quality practices. E-
Recruitment is the latest trend in the recruitment process and is used by a
wide variety of companies from large companies to small businesses.
Many companies use online recruitment to advertise job opportunities and
find out about resumes on the web, and then compare them to candidates'
resumes by mail.

 Ms. Omit Fried and Dr. Uttam M. Kenang (2018)
“The Impact of e-Recruitment on Enterprise Development,” Ms. Umit
Fried and Dr. Uttam M. Kenang. Kenang, “The Impact of e-Recruitment
on Enterprise Development,” Ms. Amit Fred This research distinguishes
between online registration and related writing methods, and shows how
the benefits of online registration affect association registration decision.
Human resource programs such as attracting and retaining talented
individuals are now one of the most important resources for competitive

 Nahida Sultana, , NA (2018)

"Bangladesh Recruitment Case Study: Analyzing Online Recruitment
Effectiveness" This article discusses current companies that rely heavily
on the Internet when it comes to human resource management. In addition
to the feasibility of online registration, this research has determined the
registration phase in which companies get the most benefits from using the

 Piana Monsour Mindia, Md. Kazimul Hawk (2018)

"Effects of e-Recruitment and the Internet on the Recruitment Process: An
Empirical Study on Multinational Companies in Bangladesh." This
magazine found that the recruitment cycle is very important for any
organization because seniors can consciously participate and bring about
change in the workplace. Furthermore, it has been found that there are
some exceptions to the electronic recording architecture in the data
collection process and these warnings can be addressed using traditional

 Mr. Muhammad Assad ul Mujtaba, Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik
“Impact of E-Recruitment on Effectiveness of HR Department privately
Sector of Pakistan” This examination paper targets investigating the effect
of most recent innovative turns of events (particularly the idea of E-
Recruitment) inside the setting of enrollment and furthermore the manner
in which it's worked with the elegant day HR administrators. The outcome
has demonstrated that E-enrollment essentially affects adequacy of HR
Department secretly area of Pakistan.

 Prakash Yadao Khillare, Smita Kashinath Shirsale (2017)

“ Examining the Conceptual Framework of Electronic Recruitment in the
Current Business Environment "The purpose of this article is to examine
the concept, nature, issues, benefits, methods and models, as well as the
circumstances associated with electronic registration.

 Dr. Chitra Devi S and Anand J (2016)

The research, entitled "Impact of e-Recruitment and Challenges Facing
Human Resource Professionals", focuses on e-recruitment among HR
professionals. Many companies think about e-recruitment for its
development and work feasibility to get the right person at the right time at
the right price.

 Md. Sajjad Hosain, Kazi Tareq Ullah, Md. Mohan Khudr (2016)

Entitled "E-Recruitment Impact on Candidates' Attitude: A Study of

Graduate Job Seekers in Bangladesh", this review examines the impact of
e-recruitment on the attitudes of newcomers. To select responses from
applicants to fill out the affidavit, a judgment test was used. Educators
estimate that it can emerge from a particular window.

 Anand J and Dr. Chitra Devi S (2016)
“Review of Literature on e-Recruitment and Its Perceived Benefits: A
Step towards Paperless HR” The aim of this study is to examine the
expected benefits of electronic registration from the perspective of HR
managers. In addition to the above discussion, continuous progress in
addressing new issues related to e-recruitment is highly recommended.

 Rosie Rane (2016)

“It’s Impact on e-Recruitment and Job Seekers: Current Policy”

According to the findings, online office designers can add additional
useful features or tools to their sites to assist clients in their job search. The
article provides job seekers with information on how to find work using
the Internet as a job search tool.

 Lakshmi S. L (2015)
“E-recruitment: A boom to the organizations within the competitive
world” This review has investigate the viability of utilizing e-enlistment in
associations. It's been discovered that e-enlistment is viable as far as
saving enrollment cost, lessening time to lease and aiding organizations in
creating strategic advantage, market picture and drawing in right talented


This study highlights the importance of e-recruitment in the firms. This

examination examines about the idea of e-recruitment and the principle motivation
behind this A specific search to reflect the general implications of unknown
online recruitment in the context of job seekers.


It is considered effective because it saves time and effort and can also ensure that
a reasonable person is hired for the chosen position. Accordingly, the motivation
behind our review is to close the process that affects electronic and web


• • To learn about the state of job searching on the internet.

• • To investigate the costs and reliability of the internet for job searchers.

• • Make appropriate recommendations to improve e-recruitment.

• • To understand the effect of e-recruitment on job seekers.


The scope of the study is to show up at the e-recruitment procedures embraced by

the organization. Aside from getting an idea of the strategies and techniques inside
the recruitment methodology and intensive look are visiting be taken at the
knowledge of current state of e-recruitment and its effect on work searchers
winning inside the organization.


Research design has been made to look for answers to explore questions.
The examination configuration is exploratory research design..
The exploration is helps to give information where a modest quantity of data exists.
It helps ahead of time planning for collection of the relevant data and the procedures will
be used in investigation, keeping in view the objective of the research will be accessible
on time. It includes surveys which help to represent in diagram using surveys.


It is impossible to gather a response from the entire population due to time constraints.
The total sample size for the survey was 100 respondents. A sample of 100 respondents is
drawn from 15 multinational companies in our country.

According to this 100 respondents taken from the objective populace were included to fill
in the online questionnaire. It is done through the Google Forms.


The convenient sampling technique is used for this study.




Here in this study, structured presentation and pie outline are used in the statistical tool.


Information is gathered by essential sources. Primary data was gathered by a survey,

which was done with the help of questionnaire prepared for this purpose. This data offers
greater accuracy and reliability. This information used for the project is fully updated and
it is first hand information.

Secondary data was gathered with the help of published and semi-published sources.
These data are available processing and it saves time. These data already which are used
and it has second hand in nature.

The optional information is gathered from articles. Textbooks, internet etc.


 The study is restricted to online questionnaire.

 The data of the investigation depends on the on the data given by the
 Time was a major constraint.
 To check the authenticity of resumes and it does not allow face to face


CHAPTER-1: Introduction.

CHAPTER-2: Profile of the Industry

CHAPTER-3: Review of Literature & Research Design.

CHAPTER-4: Data Analysis and Interpretation.

CHAPTER-5: Findings, Suggestion, Conclusion






Table indicating the age gathering of respondent.

Age No of respondent Percentage

18-25 48 48%

26-35 20 20%

36-45 20 20%

More than 45 12 12%

Total 100 100%


From the table above we can analyze that 48% of the respondents are between
18-25 years of age, 20% of the respondents are between 26-35 years of age and
20% of the respondents are of age. 36-45 years of age and 12% of respondents
were under 45 years of age.


Graph showing the age gathering of respondent.


20% 20%


18-25 26-35 36-45 More than 45


From the above graph it is interpreted that the majority of the respondents that is 48% of
people are having the impact on job seekers through the e-recruitment. Because
youngsters are more understand with the e-recruitment.


Table showing the gender of respondent.

Gender No of respondent Percentage

Male 60 60%

Female 40 40%

Total 100 100%


From the above table we can investigate that 60% are male respondents and 40% are
female respondents.


Graph showing the gender of respondent.




From the above chart it is deciphered that dominant part of the respondents that is 60% of
individuals are guys are more and having an impact on job seekers is based on the e-


Table indicating the Job Experience of the respondent.

Job Experience(In Years) No of respondent Percentage

0-3 48 48%

4-7 30 30%

8-10 10 10%

More than 10 12 12%

Total 100 100%


The table above shows the job experience of the respondents. 48% of respondents have
0-3 years of experience, 30% have 4-7 years of experience and 10% have 8-10 years of
experience, 12% have more than 10 years of experience


Graph indicating the Job Experience of the respondent.

Job Experience (In Years)


10% 0-3 years

48% 4-7 years
8-10 years
More than 10 years


From the above graph most of the respondents that are 48% were having the job
experience of 0-3 years that means in this some fresher’s and 3 years experienced
respondents are having the impact through e- recruitment.


Table showing the Opinion about either Internet is easy to understand

by respondent.

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Yes 66 66%

No 22 22%

Maybe 12 12%

Total 100 100%


The above table demonstrating about the opinion that 66% of the respondents says
internet is easy to understand, 22% of the respondents says internet is not easy to
understand and 12% of the respondents says maybe the internet is easy to understand.


Graph showing the Opinion about either Internet is easy to understand

by respondent.

Opinion about the Internet is easy to




66% Maybe


From the above graph most of the respondents that are 66% of respondents understand the
internet easily because the internet provide knowledge, privacy and security.


Table showing the opinion that internet job sites are easy to use by the

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Strongly agree 51 51%

Agree 31 31%

Strongly disagree 10 10%

Disagree 8 8%

Total 100 100%


From the table above, 51% of respondents strongly agree that the online business website
is easy to use, 31% agree that the online business website is easy to use and 10% strongly
disagree. Business website and 8% of respondents refuse to use the business website.


Graph showing the opinion that internet job sites are easy to use by the

Opinion that internet job sites are easy

to use by the respondent.

10% 8%

51% Strongly agree

31% Agree
Strongly disagree


From the above graph it shows that a large portion of the respondents (51%) are strongly
agreed with the use of internet job sites. Because it is more effective tool for searching a


Table showing the Opinion that internet is easy to interact with others
by the respondent.

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Yes 74 74%

No 12 12%

Maybe 14 14%

Total 100 100%


From the table above, 74% of respondents said that the Internet is easy to
communicate with others, 12% of respondents say that the Internet is not as easy
to communicate with others, the remaining 14% may be that the Internet is easy to
communicate with others. .


Graph showing the Opinion that internet is easy to interact with others
by the respondent.

Opinion that internet is easy to interact

with others


12% Yes


From the above graph it shows that the majority of the respondents 74% easily use
internet to interact with others. Because it utilizes time.


Table showing the opinion regarding the information given in the

jobsites are sufficient by the respondent.

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Strongly agree 51 51%

Agree 29 29%

Disagree 13 13%

Strongly disagree 7 7%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 51% of respondents are strongly agree with the
information given in the jobsites are sufficient, 29% of respondents are agree with the
information given in the jobsites are and 13% of respondents are disagree with the
information given in the job sites says that is insufficient, 7% of respondents are strongly
disagree with the information given in the job sites that says it is insufficient.


Graph showing the purpose of using the internet by the respondent.

Opinion regarding the information

given in the jobsites are sufficient

13% Strongly agree
29% Strongly disagree


From the above diagram it shows that greatest number of respondents that is 51% are
satisfied with information given in the job sites says the information is sufficient.


Table indicating the use of internet for seeking job by the respondent.

Time period No of respondent Percentage

Daily 60 60%

Weekly 21 21%

2 Months 8 8%

3 Months 11 11%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 60% of respondents are using daily internet for
seeking job, 21% of respondents are using weekly internet for seeking job and 8% of
respondents are using internet for 2 months for seeking job, remaining 11% of
respondents are using internet for 3 months for seeking a job.


Graph indicating the use of internet for seeking job by the respondent.

Time period for use of internet for

seeking job

8% Daily
21% 2 Months
3 Months


From the above graph it shows that the majority numbers of respondents uses the internet
daily for seeking job by 60%. Because they are used to grab opportunities of job better
than the present.


Table showing the opinion regarding the online job offer satisfy your

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Strongly agree 54 54%

Agree 27 27%

Strongly disagree 11 11%

Disagree 8 8%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 54% of respondents are strongly agree
with the online job offer, 27% of respondents are agree with online job offer and
11% of respondents are strongly disagree with online job offer , remaining 8% of
respondents are disagree with the online job offer


Graph showing the opinion regarding the online job offer satisfy your

Opinion regarding the online job offer

satisfy your level.


30% 27% Opinion regarding the

online job offer satisfy
11% your level.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
agree disagree


From the above diagram it shows that greatest number of respondents that is 54%
respondents thought online job offer satisfy their level. Because they look for their

TABLE NO:-4.10

Table showing the belief in receiving response from employer after

submitting online applications by the respondent.

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Strongly agree 58 58%

Agree 21 21%

Strongly disagree 11 11%

Disagree 10 10%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is found that 58% of respondents firmly concur in getting
reaction from the business in the wake of submitting on the web applications, 21%
of the respondents are concur with the getting reaction from the business
subsequent to submitting on the web applications, 11% of the respondents are
emphatically can't help contradicting the getting reaction from the business in the
wake of submitting on the web applications and staying 10% of respondents are
can't help contradicting the getting reaction from the business in the wake of
submitting on the web applications.

GRAPH NO:-4.10

Graph showing the belief in receiving response from employer after

submitting online applications by the respondent.

Belief in receiving response from

employer after submitting online

11% Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
21% 58%


The graph above shows that a maximum of 58% of respondents strongly agree with the
response received from their employer after submitting online applications. Most
respondents strongly believe that their employer will communicate with them about
online recruitment.

TABLE NO:-4.11

Table demonstrating the trust of online recruitment websites with

personal information by the respondent.

Trust of online No of respondent Percentage

recruitment websites
with personal
Yes 69 69%

No 12 12%

Not at all 19 19%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 69% of respondents trust online recruitment
with personal information, 12% of respondents do not trust online recruitment with
personal information and 19% of respondents not at all trust the online recruitment with
personal information.

GRAPH NO:-4.11

Graph demonstrating the trust of online recruitment websites with

personal information by the respondent.

Trust of online recruitment websites

with personal information
Not at all 19%

No 12%

Yes 69%

Yes No Not at all

trust of online
recruitment websites
69% 12% 19%
with personal


From the above diagram it shows that most extreme number of respondents that is 69% of
respondents trust online recruitment websites with personal information. Because the
online recruitment websites provides safety and security to the job seekers.

TABLE NO:-4.12

Table indicating the opinion regarding the internet connection and

browsing cost in your locality by the respondent.

Opinion regarding the No of respondent Percentage

internet connection and
browsing cost in your

Satisfactory 67 67%

Neither satisfactory nor 21 21%


Dissatisfactory 12 12%

Total 100 100%


It is clear from the table above that 67% of the respondents were satisfied with the
internet connection and browsing cost in their area, while 21% were dissatisfied or
dissatisfied with the internet connection and browsing cost in their area. Defendants also.
Not satisfied with the cost of internet connection and browsing in their area.

GRAPH NO:-4.12

Graph indicating the opinion regarding the internet connection and

browsing cost in your locality by the respondent.

Opinion regarding the internet

connection and browsing cost in your


21% Neither satisfactory nor

67% Dissatisfactory


The graph above shows that 67% of respondents are satisfied with the cost of connecting
to the Internet and browsing in their area Because they provide high speed internet
connection with reasonable cost in their locality.

TABLE NO:-4.13

Table indicating the problem in case of job searching through internet

by the respondent.

Problem in case of job No of respondent Percentage

searching through

Response rate is 60 60%

comparatively low

Time consuming 27 27%

Costly 13 13%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 60% of respondents are focus on online
promotion and 34% of respondents don't focus on online notice.

GRAPH NO:-4.13

Graph indicating the consideration regarding web based publicizing

with respect to mobile phones by the respondent.

Problem in case of job searching

through internet
30% 60%
20% Problem in case of job
10% 27% searching through
13% internet
Response rate Time Costly
is consuming


From the above graph it shows that 60% of respondents are having a problem that
response rate is comparatively low. Because their resumes will not meet recruiter

TABLE NO:-4.14

Table indicating the best source of recruitment by the respondent.

Best source of No of respondent Percentage

Job boards and 58 58%
recruitment agencies

Career websites 23 23%

Internships 12 12%

Software 7 7%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 58% of the respondents like job boards and
recruitment agencies as a best source of recruitment, 23% of respondents like career
websites as a best source of recruitment and 12% of respondents like internships as a best
source of recruitment, remaining 7% of respondents like software as a best source of

GRAPH NO:-4.14

Graph indicating the best source of recruitment by the respondent.

Best source of recruitment

Job boards and
12% recruitment agencies
Career websites

23% 58%


From the above chart it shows that greater parts of respondents are likely to have job
boards and recruitment agencies as a best source of recruitment by 58%. Because the job
boards and recruitment agencies recruit more job seekers.

TABLE NO:-4.15

Table showing the place of vacancy advertisement by the respondent.

Place of vacancy No of respondent Percentage

Job portals 51 51%

Career websites 28 28%

Newspapers 14%
Others 7 7%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 51% of respondents see the vacancy advertised
in the job portals, where as 28% of respondents see the vacancy advertised in the career
websites, 14% of respondents see the vacancy advertised in the Newspapers and
remaining 7% respondents see the vacancy advertised in the other than these .

GRAPH NO:-4.15

Graph showing the place of vacancy advertisement by the respondent.

Place of vacancy advertisement


Job portals
Career websites
51% Newspapers
28% Others


From the above chart it shows that greater part of the respondents see the vacancy
advertised in the job portals by 51%. Because there are many job portals where there will
be vacancies like LinkedIn, Naukri, and Monster India etc.

TABLE NO:-4.16

Table indicating the primary drivers behind the e-recruitment by the


Drivers behind No of respondent Percentage

Better tool for finding a 49 49%

Time taken to search a 18 18%


Vacancies in job 16 16%


Wide search 11 11%

Cost 6 6%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 49% of respondents think finding a suitable job
is a primary driver for e-recruitment, 18% of respondents think time taken to search a job
is a primary driver for e-recruitment, and 16% of respondents think vacancies in job
openings is a primary driver for e-recruitment, 11% of respondents think wide search is a
primary driver for e-recruitment, remaining 6% of respondents think cost is a primary
driver for e-recruitment.

GRAPH NO:-4.16

Graph showing the primary drivers behind the e-recruitment by the


Primary drivers behind the

10% 18% 16% 11% 6%
Better tool for Time taken to Vacancies in Wide search Cost
finding a job search a job job openings
primary drivers behind the e-recruitment


From the above diagram it shows that greater parts of the respondent are probably think
finding a suitable job is a primary driver for e-recruitment by 49%. Since a large portion
of respondents builds up a degree of trust for finding the job.

TABLE NO:-4.17

Table showing the opinion regarding the recommendation of e-

recruitment by respondent.

Opinion regarding the No of respondent Percentage

recommendation of e-

Very likely 54 54%

Somewhat likely 21 21%

Likely 19 19%

Not likely 6 6%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 54% of respondents are very likely recommend
the e-recruitment, 21% of respondents are somewhat likely recommend the e-recruitment,
19% of respondents are likely recommend the e-recruitment and remaining 6% of
respondents are not likely recommend the e-recruitment.

GRAPH NO:-4.17

Graph showing the opinion regarding the recommendation of e-

recruitment by respondent.

Opinion regarding the recommendation

of e-recruitment by respondent.


19% Very likely

Somewhat likely
54% Likely
21% Not likely


From the above diagram it shows that 54% of respondents recommend e-recruitment.
Because the e-recruitment consumes less time and does not incur cost for transportation
for the job seeker as it is done through the online.

TABLE NO:-4.18

Table showing the influence of online recruitment over job seekers.

Influence of online No of respondent Percentage

recruitment over job

Large influence 63 63%

Medium influence 24 24%

Not sure 13 13%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 63% of respondents are having a large influence
of online recruitment on job seekers, 24% of respondents are having a medium influence
of online recruitment on job seekers and 13% of respondents are not sure about the
influence of online recruitment on job seekers.

GRAPH NO:-4.18

Graph showing the influence of online recruitment over job seekers.

Influence of online recruitment over

job seekers.


Large influence
24% Medium influence
63% Not sure


From the above graph it shows that 63% of respondents are having a large influence of
online recruitment on job seekers. Because online recruitment is one of the effective and
time consuming and cost reducing tool.

TABLE NO:-4.19

Table showing the opinion that e-recruitment will have a positive impact
on job seekers.

Opinion that e- No of respondent Percentage

recruitment will have
appositive impact on
job seekers

Strongly agree 57 57%

Agree 21 21%

Strongly disagree 11 11%

Disagree 11 11%

Total 100 100%


From the above table it is discovered that 57% of respondents strongly agree that e-
recruitment will have an positive impact on job seekers, 21% of respondents agree that e-
recruitment will have an positive impact on job seekers, 11% of respondents strongly
disagree that e-recruitment will have an positive impact on job seekers and remaining
11% of respondents disagree that e-recruitment will be have an positive impact on job

GRAPH NO:-4.19

Graph showing the opinion that e-recruitment will have a positive

impact on job seekers.

Opinion that e-recruitment will have a

positive impact on job seekers.
Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree


21% 57%


From the above diagram it shows that 57% of respondents are having an opinion that e-
recruitment will have a positive impact on job seekers. Because the e-recruitment will
provide a better and effective jobs for the job seekers.




 It has been discovered that dominant part of respondents are having a impact on job
seekers through e-recruitment.
 It has been discovered that youngsters are more understanding and using the internet for
 It has been discovered that most extreme number of respondents uses the internet job sites
easily for seeking job.
 The study uncovers that the vast majority of the respondents easily use the internet to
interact with others.
 It has been discovered that more number of respondents are satisfied with the information
given in the jobsites for seeking a job.
 It has been found that majority of respondents use internet daily for seeking job through
the various job portals.
 It has been discovered that majority number of respondents are satisfied with job offer
which is provided through online.
 The study uncovers that larger part of the respondents trust online recruitment websites
and provides personal information.
 Most of respondents agree to have job boards and recruitment agencies as a best source of
 Most of the respondents see the vacancy advertised in the job portals as they use the job
portals most of the time to find a job.
 Most of the respondents recommend e-recruitment for seeking a job as it consumes less
time and does not incurs cost.
 In this most of the respondents are having a large influence in online recruitment for
seeking a job.
 Most of the respondents assume that e-recruitment will cover a positive impact on job
seekers as it provide better and suitable job for job seekers.


The staffing strategy of each organization is very important because people can
provide meaningful cooperation and create difference in the workplace.

As a result of technological advancement, this communication has been further

digitized. Electronic registration has been widely used in many countries for a
long time.

Since we are a non-industrial country with many people who do not have
mechanical skills, our illustration is unique in many ways.

Although electronic recruitment has reduced traditional appointments as a result

of search and translation, traditional registration is still used in our particular case.

International banks and companies have used e-recruitment in the private sector,
but they are also using the traditional course one by one. It is recommended that
leaders of these organizations continue to use both methods simultaneously until
the general population is fully digitized.

Furthermore, it was found that there are some caveats in electronic recording
architecture through the data collection process, which can be addressed using
standard methods.

As a foundation step, management scouts need to be adequately prepared to

develop a consistent online recruitment framework within these organizations.

This analysis also helps HR managers identify important factors to consider

throughout the hiring process.


The study was established to determine the study on e-recruitment and its impact on job

 They have to provide more information regarding the internet and online recruitment
which can be understandable by all the age groups.

 In this they have to provide more opportunities to females for seeking a job through e-
recruitment portals.

 Advertisement strategies should be improved for e-recruitment portals in order seek a

job by all the experienced persons.

 They have to create awareness and influence the job seekers to use job portals for
better and suitable job.

 They have to provide accurate and important information regarding the jobs in the job
sites. They should not should not promote false information regarding the jobs.


 Naveed r. khan, marinah awing, arsalan mujahid ghouri (2013), “Impact of e-

recruitment and jobseekers perception on intention to pursue the jobs”.

 Pavitra Dhamija (2012), “e-recruitment: a roadmap towards e- human resource


 Dr.Sayel Sabha, “Impact of Online recruitment on recruitment”, International

Journal of Education and Research, 2018, Volume 6(4), ISSN: 2411-5681.

 Masese Omete Fred, Dr.Uttam M. Kinange,“Effectiveness of E-Recruitment in

Organization Development”, Management and Economic Journal, 2018, Volume
2(4), pp. 294-301.

 Nafia Sultana, Nahida Sultana, “Analysing the Effectiveness of Online

Recruitment: A Case Study on Recruiters of Bangladesh”, Research gate
publications, 2018, volume 7(2), ISSN 2305-8730, pp. 79-8730.

 Piana Monsur Mindia, Md. Kazimul Hoque, “Effects of E-recruitment and

internet on recruitment process: An Empirical study on Multinational companies
of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Research and Management (IJSRM),
Volume 06, Issue 01, 2018, ISSN (e): 2321-3418.

 Mr. Muhammad Assad ul Mujtaba, Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik, “Impact of

ERecruitment on Effectiveness of HR Department in Private Sector of Pakistan”,
International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2018, volume 8(2), ISSN 2162-


1. www.Googlescholar.com

2. www.slideshare.net

3. www.en.m.wikibooks.org

4. www.google.com



1. Age
18-25 [ ] 25-35 [ ]

35-45 [ ] 45 and above [ ]

2. Gender


3. Job Experience

0-3 years [ ] 3-5 years [ ]

5-10years [ ] More than 10 years [ ]

4. Does Internet is easy to understand

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Not at all [ ]

5. Do you agree that internet job sites are easy to use

Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Strongly disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

6. Does Internet is easy to interact with others

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Maybe [ ]

7. Do you agree with the information which is given in jobsites is


Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree [ ]

8. How often do you use the internet for seeking job

Daily [ ] Weekly [ ]

2 months [ ] 3 months [ ]

9. Do you agree that online job offer always cover your desired level?

Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Strongly disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

10. Do you agree in receiving response from employer after submitting

online applications

Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Strongly disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

11. Do you trust online recruitment websites with your personal


Yes [ ] No [ ]

Not at all [ ]

12. What is your opinion regarding internet connection and browsing cost
in your locality

Satisfactory [ ] Dissatisfactory [ ]

Neither Satisfactory nor Dissatisfactory [ ]

13. Which problem do you think is the worst in case of job searching
through internet?

Response rate is comparatively low [ ] Time consuming [ ]

Costly [ ]

14. What is the best source of recruitment

Job boards and recruitment agencies [ ] Career websites [ ]

Internships [ ] Software [ ]

15. Where did you see the vacancy advertised?

Job portals [ ] Career websites [ ]

Newspapers [ ] others [ ]

16. What are primary drivers behind the e-recruitment?

Better tool for finding suitable job [ ] Time taken to search a job [ ]

Vacancies in job openings [ ] Wide reach [ ]

Cost [ ]

17. How likely do you recommend e-recruitment?

Very likely [ ] Likely [ ]

Somewhat likely [ ] Not likely [ ]

18. How much influence do you feel online recruitment have over job

Large influence [ ] Medium influence [ ]

Not sure [ ]

19. Do you agree e-recruitment will have positive impact on job seekers?

Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ]

Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree [ ]


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