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The unexpected revolt

2008: International financial crisis

Deregulation in the financial system

Easy loans, credit risk and subprime mortgages CRASH

Impacts in Spain
Housing bubble bursts Increase in the number of jobless people Difficulties to pay the mortgage and no loans

2009-2010: From overhauling capitalism to banks must be rescued

2009-2010: From overhauling capitalism to banks must be rescued

Public money expenditure approved; All EU: 420.000.000 euros Spain: 50.000.000 euros

2010: Austerity measures for ones

1)Increase of the legal age for retirement
from 65 to 67 years old. 38.5 years working

2) Cuts in retirement pensions

calculated now during the last 25 years.

3) Worsening of working conditions by law lower indemnizations, pre-emptive dimissal 4) Increase in the VAT (IVA)
16 to 18 %

5) Elimination of the aid for long-term jobless people (426 euros/month) and the Babies-cheque

2010: but not for others

AMAZING profits (1) Telefnica 65.6 Banco Santander 9.8 BBVA 12.2 Iberdrola 2 Repsol 32.5 Inditex 42 Spanish directives, the best payed of Europe (2) 2010: 20% more 3.2,000,000 euros Operative branches in tax havens (3): 2007: 69% 2009: 82% 1)
2) 3) CNMV Alpha value consulting

But some of them are firing people!!

2010: but not for others

Period to calculate retirement pension: 25 years 7 years Income tax: All wage 2/3 wage Several wages

126,000 euros (private) 80,000 euros (public)

200,000 euros (private) 80,000 euros (public) 1.5,000,000 euros (extra)

2010: The situation get worse

4.7 million of unemployed people (1)
40% young population (<35 years old)

20.8% in relative poverty (2) 1.3 million people with no income (2) 250,000 house evictions (1)

1) INE 2) Eurostats 2010 report 3) Spanish Red Cross

2010: What about the opposition?

This is a problem of the government Same neoliberal measures that drove us here
Tax deductions for getting a mortgage To deregulate the land price Less direct taxes

Atonishing corruption!!

2010: What about Trade Unions?

General strike on 29th September

2010: They sign the new labour reform

2010: Something was failing

Financial markets and speculators rule Major political parties obbey Small political parties dont have chance Trade unions betray us

We were totally alone

2011: Something is starting to change

Greece, Italy, England, France Portugal: Gerao a rasca (Generation in trouble)

2011: Something is starting to change

Youth revolts in the arab world

Why not in Spain?

2011: Fortunately, they were wrong

7th May: Juventud sin futuro 15th May: Democracia Real ya!

Eight groups of proposals - Elimination of privileges for politicians - Actions against unemployment - Housing rights - Quality public services - Bank rescues to be banned - Tax system and control on fiscal fraud - Participative democracy - Military expenditure reduction




Transforming the cities

This is our revolt

Si no nos dejis soar no os dejaremos dormir If you dont let us to dream, well not let you to sleep Sin trabajo, sin casa, sin pensin, sin futuro, sin miedo No job, no house, no pension, no future, no fear No somos apolticos, somos apartidistas We are not apolitical, but non-partisan No somos anti-sistema, el sistema es contra nosotros We are not anti-system, but the system Is anti-us!!

They were nervous

I am with them!! Antisystem!!

They must be evicted!! All politics are good

Day before polling

Day before polling

After polling, still on the squares!!

The 15th May movement goes on

Now, also in neighbourhoods and villages!!

Why such a success?

We are all mainstream people No violence, no flags, no acronyms New technologies as catalyzers of social unrest Strict control on riots and of hoolliganism.

Beyond proposals
We are all learning to listen one to each other as equals, and this is invaluable.

In spite of police brutality and provokers...

We are now all together

Is it just an Spanish issue?

Role of the European Union Seed is sowed... Let it grow!!

We dont demand your support, but your mobilization

Never, the power of money was so huge, insolent and selfish, and never the loyal servers of Mr. Money were positioned so highly in the top drawers of the state To resist is to create, to create is to resist Stephne Hessel

Thank you!! Echte Demokratie jetz Leipzig

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