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Procedure Checklist
Performing vaginal examination for a patient in labour

Check (√) Yes or No

S.No. Procedure steps 1 2 3 4 5
1. Explain procedure to mother.
2. Ask mother to void if the bladder is not empty.
3. Explain how she should relax during the examination.
4. Read the chart for previous findings.
5. Position the women in dorsal recumbent position with knee flexed.
6. Drape the patient.
7. Do a surgical hand washing.
8. Don sterile gloves.
9. Observe the external genitalia for the following:
 Signs of varicosities, edema, vulval warts or sores.
 Scar from previous episiotomy or lacerations.
 Discharge or bleeding from vaginal orifice.
 Color and odor of amniotic fluid, if membranes have ruptured.
10. Cleanse the vulva and perineal area.
11. Dip the first two fingers of the right hand into the antiseptic cream.
12. Holding the labia apart with thumb and index fingers of left hand, insert the lubricated
finger into vagina, palm side down, pressing downwards.
13. With the fingers inside, explore the vagina for required information taking care not to
touch the clitoris or anus.
14. Examine the cervix with the fingers in the vagina turned upwards. Locate the cervical
os by sweeping the fingers from side to side.
Assess the cervix for:
a. Effacement
b. Dilatation
c. Consistency
d. Fore waters
15. Assess the level of presenting parts in relation to maternal ischial spines.
16. Identify the presentation by feeling the hard bones of the vault of the skull, the
fontanalle and sutures.
17. Identify the position by feeling the features of the presenting parts.
18. With the fingers, follow the sagittal sutures to feel the fontanalle.
19. Assess the moulding, by feeling the amount of overlapping of skull bones.
20. At the completion of the examination withdraw fingers from vagina, take care to note
the presence of any blood or amniotic fluid on the examining fingers.
21. Removes gloves and wash hands.
22. Auscultate the fetal heart tones.
23. Assist the woman to a comfortable position and inform her of the progress of labour.
24. Record the findings and observations in the patient’s chart and inform the physician of
the observations and progress of labor.
Total Score
Obtained Score
Name of the student_____________________________ Date_________________ 

Course__________________________________ Class ________________

Name of Instructor/Evaluator: _______________________ Ward/Unit________________

Signature: __________________________

6- Highly Satisfactory – 85-100 Percentage

5 -Satisfactory – 69 – 84 Percentage
4 -Moderately Satisfactory- 52 to 68 Percentages
3 - Moderately Unsatisfactory- 35 to 51 Percentages
2 -Unsatisfactory – 18 to 34 Percentages
1 - Highly Unsatisfactory – 0-17 Percentage

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 denoting attempt made by the students
2. Each statement will be score by Yes/No and yes contain 1 point & no contain zero point
3. Students who get 85 % or above will get full satisfactory and below will have to make attempt till the
candidate get 85% or above

Remarks by Evaluator:________________________________________________________


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