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BEFORE 1. Be sure to identify safe places in each 1. Prepare emergency supply kit and
room of your home. place in an accessible area.
2. Practice drop, cover, and hold on with 2. Prepare dusk mask or clean cloth for
each member of your household. covering the nose and goggles for eye
3. Make or purchase an earthquake protection.
safety kit. 3. Know the location of evacuation are.
4. Sign up for an earthquake sake alert 4. Store emergency supplies in your
for your mobile phone. vehicle.
5. Keep closed toe shoes by your bed. 5. Listen to the radio for update.

DURING 1. If you are indoor do the DUCK, COVER 1. Stay indoor.

and HOLD. 2. Close all windows and doors of your
2. STAY CALM and ALERT. house and your car.
3. Move away from steep slopes. 3. Wash all fruits and vegetables
4. IF OUTSIDE. Move to an open area. thoroughly before eating.
5. Stop if inside a moving vehicle. 4. Cover water containers and food to
avoid contamination from ash.
5. Keep your pet/s in their shelter or
inside the house to avoid inhaling ash.

AFTER 1. Check yourself and others for injuries. 1. Listen to your local radio stations for
2. Check water, gas, and electric lines civil defense advice and follow
for damage. instructions.
3. Turn out of damaged buildings. 2. When it is safe to go outside, keep
4. Stay out of damaged buildings. your gutters and roof clear of ash as
5. Stay away from beaches. heavy ash deposits can collapse your
3. If there is a lot of ash in the water
supply, do not use your dishwasher or
washing machine.
4. Use a mask or a damp cloth and eye
protection when cleaning up. moisten
the ash with sprinkler before cleaning.
5. Look for and report broken utility
lines to appropriate authorities.

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