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A New Vision of Astrology Illustrations and Tables © A T Mann 2016

Life Time Arcs

Each planet, cusp, and all aspect sensitive points occur in sequence
in the Life Time Arc printout in Sirius, WinStar Express and WinStar 4.
Date Planet hit Age Zod.Pos.
1975 Aug Ssx Pluto Age: 25.8 18°Vi08'
1975 Nov Qcx Moon Age: 26.0 18°Vi39'
1977 Jan Sqr Midheaven Age: 27.2 19°Vi58'
1979 Sep Tri Jupiter Age: 29.8 25°Vi36'
1979 Dec Ssq Sun Age: 30.1 26°Vi03'
1980 Oct Sqr Venus Age: 30.9 27°Vi24'
1982 May Cnj Libra Age: 32.5 00°Li00'
1982 May Ssx Mercury Age: 32.6 00°Li02'
1984 Jun Ssq Pluto Age: 34.6 03°Li08'
1985 Apr Ssx Mars Age: 35.4 04°Li22'
1985 Jul Sqr Uranus Age: 35.7 04°Li47'
1988 Jul Sxt Chiron Age: 38.7 08°Li52'
1990 Mar Ssx Sun Age: 40.4 11°Li03'
1992 Feb Qcx Ascendant Age: 42.3 13°Li25'
1994 Mar Cnj Neptune Age: 44.4 15°Li52'
1994 Dec Opp Node Age: 45.1 16°Li40'
1994 Dec Ssx Saturn Age: 45.1 16°Li42'
1996 Mar Sxt Pluto Age: 46.4 18°Li08'
1996 Sep Opp Moon Age: 46.9 18°Li39'
1997 May Ssq Mars Age: 47.5 19°Li22'
1998 Nov Sxt Midheaven Age: 49.0 20°Li58'
2001 Sep Ssq Chiron Age: 51.9 23°Li52'
2003 Jun Sqr Jupiter Age: 53.6 25°Li36'
2005 May Sxt Venus Age: 55.6 27°Li24'
Life Time Astrology Wheel 2006 May Cnj Cusp 08 Age: 56.6 28°Li19'
Your life is divided into four octaves: Gestation, Childhood, Maturity and Transcen- 2006 Jul Sqq Ascendant Age: 56.7 28°Li25'
dence. You can date when in life planets and house cusps "register" by using the 2008 Apr Cnj Scorpio Age: 58.4 00°Sc00'
wheel above or the table to the right. Gestation (physical body) begins at C9 and
ends with birth(ASC); Childhood (emotional body) begins at C1 and ends at C5;
Maturity (mental body) begins at C5 and extends to or beyond C9, the archetypal
death and conception point. Gestation has a double function because it is also the Contact information:
fourth Transcendence or Transpersonal octave where our drive to express the true
Self beyond the physical world is manifest. This diagram shows the archetypal position
of house cusps and octaves. An actual horoscope uses Placidus houses that has its
own unique transition times between houses.

The Spiral Solar System

The Cylinder of Life

Our astrological life in time is
lived through a symbolic cylin-
der beginning at conception at
the bottom. As we age the cyl-
inder fills up with layers of
memories and experiences.
Planets register at certain levels
of the cylinder and aspects
connect them through the time-
less centre of the horoscope.
The movements of the planets
spiral around the path of the
Sun around the Galactic Centre
through the cylinder makes a
pattern similar to that of the ge-
netic molecule DNA.

For an animation by physicist

Nassim Haramein, click here.

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