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Importance Of Female Hygiene

English Investigatory Project 2022-23

Guided By: Mrs. Pushpavalli mam

Submitted By: Adish S Ashok
Roll no. : 4
Class: XII
Div: B

I would like to thank the CBSE, for providing
me the opportunity to carry out the English investigatory project on
the topic Importance Of Female Hygiene. I also take this opportunity
to express my sincere gratitude to my English teacher MRS.
Pushpavalli ma’am for guiding me and improving a sound base of
knowledge about this project which ensures the successful
completion of this project.
I wish to express my great thank to my
principal MR. V.R.Madhu sir and vice principal MRS. Bindu ma’am
and MRS.Ramani ma’am who helped me to accomplish this project
by providing me with all the necessary facilities and support.

Adish S Ashok

4.Introduction on female reproductive organ
5.Importance of female hygiene
6.Feminine hygiene in the workplace
7.Challenges arising due to female hygiene
8.Menstrual hygiene management in the workspace
9.Importance of surface sanitation
10.Female hygiene products
11.Harnaaz Sandhu speaks up about female hygiene and more with
her doctor-Mom!
12.Survey on the importance of female hygiene
13.Report on the survey “importance of female hygiene”
14.Myths surrounding periods
15.How to maintain good female hygiene

To study the importance of female hygiene in India and the challenges faced by women
due to female hygiene

Introduction on female reproductive

The female reproductive system is framed to perform different functions. It creates egg
cells that are essential for reproduction known as ova. The system is organized to
deliver the ova to the region of fertilization. The egg fertilization takes place in the
Fallopian tubes along with the sperm. The implanting in the walls of the uterus and
initiation of the stages of pregnancy is the next step for fertilized eggs. Apart from the
above-mentioned functions, the female reproductive system is also involved in the
production of female sex hormones to maintain the reproductive cycle.

The female reproductive system is composed of a pair of ovaries along with oviducts,
vagina, cervix, uterus, and external genitalia that are located in the pelvic region. These
parts along with a pair of mammary glands that are integrated both functionally and
structurally also support the process of ovulation, fertilization, birth, and finally child

Ovaries act as the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete and
various hormones progesterone and estrogen. These organs are situated on both sides
of the lower abdomen. Each ovary measures about 2 to 4 cm in length and is then
connected to the uterus and pelvic wall through ligaments. The ovary is surrounded by
a thin covering of epithelium, encloses the ovarian stroma, and is divided into two
zones – the outer cortex and the inner medulla.

The cortex consists of various ovarian follicles in different stages of development. The
ovarian follicle is called the basic unit of the female reproductive system. Each oviduct
is divided into three anatomical regions- ampulla, isthmus, and infundibulum.

A uterus is also called the womb. It is a muscular, inverted pear-shaped organ of the
female reproductive system. The walls of the uterus consist of three layers- the inner
glandular layer, the middle thick layer, and the outer thin layer. These three layers are
maintained by ligaments that are attached to the pelvic wall which then opens into the
vagina from a narrow cervix. The cervical canal along with the vagina creates the birth
canal. The vagina is a muscular tube that starts at the lower end of the uterus to the

Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian tubes are a pair of muscular tubes and funnel-shaped structures, extending
from the right and left of the superior corners of the uterus to the edge of the ovaries.
These tubes are enclosed in small projections called fimbriae that swipe over the
ovaries to pick up released ovaries and deliver them to the infundibulum for supplying
the uterus. Each fallopian tube is covered by cilia that function by carrying the ovum to
the uterus.

The Importance of feminine

The corporate world has seen significant growth in terms of female employees.
However, when we talk about India, in particular, it has the lowest female labor force
participation rate in the world. Gender equality is a relatively hot topic, but that
sentence is still something that makes people feel uncomfortable. The subject of
menstruation is still something that is considered taboo and although many
organizations are doing what they can to end the shame and eradicate period poverty,
there is still a long way to go.

We are firm believers that we need to help break the silence, raise awareness and
change negative social norms surrounding menstrual hygiene in the world, so that
women and girls feel empowered to manage their periods safely, hygienically, with
confidence, and without embarrassment. We should live in a world where no woman
or girl is limited by something as natural and normal as menstruating.

Feminine hygiene in workplaces

Feminine hygiene is essential and needs to be maintained both at home and in the
workplace. Looking at the statistics, the women workforce across the world
contributes around 48.5%.

A hygienic workplace will go a long way in creating a healthier workplace, and thereby,
the chances of employees falling sick will be reduced. A healthy workforce will be
happier and more productive in the workplace. Organizations can prepare an official
policy that must be read and adhered to by employees.

Challenges arising due to feminine

hygiene issues
According to the World Health Organization, around 2 billion people still lack access to
proper sanitation facilities. It is said that only 16% of women in India have access to
sanitary napkins.

When we talk about India, another major hurdle is that 82% of females lack knowledge
about sanitary napkins. Even more so, well-educated women are also unaware of
healthy hygiene practices during their periods. Poor menstrual hygiene can pose a
major risk and also put women at risk of developing illnesses.

Apart from that, due to the coronavirus situation, there seems to be an unfortunate
shortage in the number of sanitary pads in India. Rural and semi-urban areas are the
worst hit due to this pandemic crisis. However, many police personnel has started to
distribute sanitary pads during the lockdown in a few cities that are facing a shortage.
The biggest challenge here is due to the factories that are partially working or lack
adequate workers, thereby worsening the situation even more.

Menstrual hygiene management

in workplaces
It is the responsibility and concern of businesses to maintain proper menstrual hygiene
management in the workplace. Organizations need to ensure that women are not
deprived of basic amenities during their most crucial days. A variety of factors needs to
be covered by businesses while addressing menstrual hygiene management at
workplaces. A well-developed menstrual hygiene system in organizations will go a long
way in creating a better work environment for women. Menstrual Hygiene
Management includes various aspects that should be taken care of by any business.

Clean environment
To keep the surroundings clean and avoid any spread of infections, adequate WASH
facilities implemented by organizations must be there. An environment that is friendly
and allows women to freely and comfortably change sanitary products will make them
stress-free and more productive at work.

Access to sanitary products

Another reason why most women skip coming to the office during their period days is
financial constraints that often result in the inability to purchase sanitary products.
Organizations should arrange to implement free sanitary napkins dispensers or tampon
dispensers at workplaces. Such steps by organizations will create a positive
environment for women. Moreover, if any female witnesses an unexpected start of the
period, the availability of sanitary products at workplaces can save them.

Menstrual waste disposal

Besides, menstrual waste disposal concerns also need to be handled by businesses.
Sanitary napkins and tampons require timely disposal. Proper disposal of sanitary

products will help to decrease health and environmental hazards. To dispose of

sanitary products' waste, organizations can implement incinerators that enable the
burning of sanitary waste at high temperatures. This practice may help in the reduction
of waste load and the spread of infections.

Additionally, organizations can introduce period leaves or the work-from-home option

so that women can work with comfort during their most painful days.

Importance of surface sanitization

Improving sanitation facilities would impact the lives of 1.25 billion women and make
their lives safer and healthier. It is said that an organization's cleanliness is depicted by
gazing at the way its restrooms are maintained. Businesses must work towards
improving their restroom facilities, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene, and focusing on
menstrual hygiene management at the same time.

Initial India , an expert in hygiene service provides a range of feminine hygiene services
that will effectively address the issue. The company assures safety and protection with
its range of services. Some of them are as below:

● Feminine hygiene unit

Initial’s feminine hygiene unit ensures optimum hygiene protection of the user. It offers a
range of unique features including:

● Antibacterial technology
● Compact design
● Trouble-free disposal of waste due to its large opening
● No exposure to contents of the unit
● Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine

Businesses should install sanitary napkin vending machines in their washrooms to

address the emergency needs of female employees during any unexpected crisis. Initial
India’s Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine will provide immediate access to sanitary
napkins during any menstrual emergencies faced by female employees. It offers a range
of different features such as:

● 35 napkins, each packed individually in a hygienic manner

● Push-button feature with solid designing
● Easy-to-use and user-friendly

Female hygiene products

Sanitary pads
Sanitary pads are great for lighter days. Many people use this product at the beginning
and end of their period and when they’re sleeping. Pads come in many different sizes, so
you can get various sizes for each stage of your period.

Pads are adhesive, with sticky material on stretchy “wings” and/or on the bottom of the
product. Use the adhesive side of the pad to line your underwear, with the absorbent
part on top. Most pads have super-absorbent technology inside them, but some are
made of plastic materials, which can bother sensitive skin. Don’t forget to change your
pad every four to six hours.

Tampons are cotton-based products that are packed very tightly into either a cylindrical
or a tent shape. A tampon is inserted into the vaginal canal, leaving a string that hangs
out to help with removal later. As menstrual blood flows into the vaginal canal, the
tampon absorbs the blood. The tampon is removed by pulling on the string.

Tampons were invented in the 1920s, though it took about a decade for a patent to
arrive before they were available in stores. Tampons have helped people become more
active during their periods. Some people wear a pad with a tampon to prevent any leaks
during heavy flow days.

Tampons need to be changed regularly. If they stay in the vaginal canal for too long,
bacterial toxins can lead to toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Changing your tampon every
four to eight hours (and not using them while you’re sleeping) can help prevent TSS.

Menstrual cups
Menstrual cups are flexible, silicone-based cups. They can be pinched closed and
inserted into the vagina. Unlike tampons that absorb blood, they catch and collect blood
before it reaches the vaginal opening. They tend to hold more blood than a tampon and
don’t present a risk for TSS.

To use a menstrual cup, simply insert it into the vagina so the open end is facing the
cervix. Then go about your day. Remove the cup at least every 10 to 12 hours. Once you
empty it into the toilet, you can wash and reinsert it. Many people prefer to use this
product because of the excess waste tampons and pads create in landfills.

Period underwear
Period-proof underwear is a relatively new period product. It looks and feels like regular
underwear but is designed with technology that absorbs and holds your period blood
without the use of tampons, pads, or cups.

Period underwear has ultra-thin layers of material in the crotch. The layers create a
moisture-wicking, odor-neutralizing, blood-absorbing, and leak-proof barrier. This offers
you maximum comfort with minimal effort. To wash your used underwear, simply rinse
in cold water, use a cold-water washing machine cycle, and line dry.

Panty liners
Panty liners are similar to pads but much less bulky. They are designed for light flow
days and can help protect your clothing without the bulky feeling.

They have an adhesive side that sticks to your underwear, and they absorb menstrual

There are a few other products that some women use during their periods, including:

● Hair trimmers/razors — Menstrual blood can cling to pubic hair and cause it
to stick to itself and pinch your skin. You can carefully trim or shave some of
your pubic hair to prevent excessive sticking.

● Intimate gel washes — Sometimes menstruation alters the vagina’s pH

balance, which can cause soreness and swelling and even increase the chances
of a yeast infection. If you’re prone to yeast infections, try a gel wash designed
to balance out your pH.

● Wet wipes — These wipes range from hypoallergenic baby wipes to medicated
menstrual wipes with pH balancers. They offer a quick and portable option for
freshening up when you’re on the go, especially if you have a heavy flow.

Harnaaz Sandhu speaks up about

female hygiene and more with her
LIVA Miss Diva Universe 2021 Harnaaz Sandhu made her dream come true when she
won the title of LIVA Miss Diva Universe 2021. Now, the beauty is all set to represent
India at MissUnive rse 2021, to be held in Puerto Rico, this December. The beauty's
ultimate goal is to make her family and country proud and to be called Indian on an
international platform; also leaving behind a remarkable legacy that would inspire
thousands of individuals.

Her mother has played an essential part in her life. With her guidance and values,
beauty has achieved all her goals. Recently, in a heart-to-heart conversation with her
mother in different series of videos, she talks about some significant issues, such as
menstrual hygiene, PCOS, PCOD, thyroid, ovarian, and breast cancer, amongst others.
In the first series, Harnaaz asked her mother to suggest home remedies for period
cramps, which most girls suffer from during their menstrual cycle. Her mother said,
"Most of the women during their periods have premenstrual tension — can be heavy
flow or cramps. They can take Dysen which helps to provide symptomatic relief from
menstrual (period-related) pain and cramps. They can use their intuition of the periods.
And also, hot water bottles relieve lower abdominal and back pain."

The beauty feels that men have an essential part to play in every woman's life. Men
should bring out a change in their thoughts and be supportive of them during these
days. She also said it's okay to be vocal about menstrual hygiene. According to Harnaaz,
"Periods aren't dirty, and women aren't impure, menstruation is not shameful”.
Society underestimates the strength of a woman. Remember, everything you can do; we
can bleed and still take care of the home, family, and work. So, support your daughter,
sister, mother, and wife and let her know you are there for her."

Further, in the second series, they talked about ovarian and breast cancer with her
mother. She asked her about the symptoms and aspects that lead to such diseases. Her
mother responded, "I would like to divide a woman’s life into different stages —
childhood, adulthood, and then middle age. In childhood, it's like you are transitioning
from being a girl to a woman. If you ever feel like you lump anywhere near your breasts
or armpits, consult a gynecologist immediately. If the hardness and pain persist, you
should visit the doctor immediately; please don’t ignore it.

‘’Health is our priority, our strength’’. So, we need to work on all these health issues to
be unstoppable. Mom once told me, ‘You are not my daughter; you are my son.' So
kudos to every woman; you are unstoppable. So, stay healthy and strong,” concluded

Harnaaz also spoke about the essential aspects of PCOD(Polycystic Ovary disease )

, PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), and thyroid. In the third series, she and her mom
answered a few questions from the fans regarding these issues.

In the end, the beauty concluded, "Mom, you being a woman, have always taken care
of your personal and professional life. Indian women are multitaskers. I remember my
mother visiting Gurdaspur, to conduct workshops trying to spread awareness about
the same. You have been very dedicated to the noble cause. It is high time we come
together and talk about ourselves and our issues openly without feeling any sense of
shame or guilt."

Survey on the Importance of female




Report on the survey “Importance of

female hygiene”
The survey was conducted through a google form, over 85 people
participated in the survey which included my friends, my neighbors, my parents, and
siblings. The survey contains two parts: male and female. For both males and females, it
begins by asking the age of the individual who is participating in the survey. Out of 85
people, 60% were female and 40% were male
In the male section, 76.5% of people were aged 16 to 20
years,14.7% were in the age group 20 to 30 years whereas the rest 8.8% were from the
age group below 16. About 79.4% were about menstrual cycles or periods whereas
20.6% were unaware of this cyclic process. When it comes to their comfortability in
talking about menstruation and female hygiene 91.2% were comfortable in talking about
this topic without any hesitation and hate whereas 8.8% felt uncomfortable regarding
this topic for some unknown reason. Regarding the primary form of protection that the
female members in the family used 20.6% were unaware of this which shows that their
family create a barrier to the male members knowing regarding periods and female
hygiene products, in contrast, 70.6% of the male suggested that their female members
use disposable pads,2.9% male suggested that their family members use cloth pads
which is an unhygienic method of protection during periods, and rest 5.9% depends up
on durable menstrual cup which is a modern form of protection during menstruation
where there is a lot of stigmas surrounding this product which can be reused and is
eco-friendly. The decreased percentage in this product gives a clear idea that the level of
stigma, as well as the lack of knowledge regarding menstrual cups, is a major
complication as it is much more user-friendly than other products. Regarding the age at
which the males got ideas regarding menstruation, 41.2% received ideas at the age of 13
to 15,32.4% got ideas at the age of 15 to 18 years and 20.6% got ideas at the age of 10
to 13. The rest of the people got ideas at 25 and above. A majority of male feels that
female faces restriction during their menstrual flow(52.9%) whereas the rest of the male
feels that there are no restrictions on the female during their menses (47.1%). Next, it

was the time to rate themself regarding their knowledge about female hygiene 23
people rated themselves from 7 to 10 and the rest had less idea about periods. 56% of
men feel that India is an unsafe country for women whereas 44% feel India is a safer
country for women. The most surprising part was that 100% of the male was ready to
buy their female friends, parents, and partners a pad during their periods without any
hesitation which shows the sign of progress that we are in.
In the female section 74.5% were among the age group of 16 to
20,11.8% were from the age group of 40 to 50, 5.9% were among the age group of 20 to
30,3.9% were from the age 30 to 40, and people below and above 50 remains equal with
2% each. About 98% of women were aware of menstruation with 2% unaware. 54.9% of
women got the idea of menstruation at the age of 10 to 13 which is the usual age of
menarche and 37.3% at the age of 13 to 15 and the rest at the age of 15 and above. 90%
of the women were comfortable talking about periods but 10% felt shameful to talk
openly about periods. The major form of protection for females is disposable pads with
84.3% but 9.8% of females still depend on unhygienic cloth pads. About 57% of female
feels no restriction on their periods but 43% of female are still facing restriction to get
their right during periods. Even though India has developed a lot in the health sector in
the past years still 96.1% of female feels public toilets are not well made and maintained
which is true. female feels that even now people consider menstruation awful and
impure. Most females rated themselves with points from 8 to 10 regarding their
knowledge of menstruation, female hygiene, and female intimate products. A large
population of women (80.4%) feels that India is not safer for itself. 96.1% of females
answered that their male parent, partner, friend, sibling, or colleague helps and supports
them with their menses.

Myths surrounding periods

● Period blood is dirty-Period blood is not dirty blood and does not release any
kind of toxins from the body. Though yes, the blood contains uterine tissues,
mucus lining, and bacteria but that does not make it dirty blood. It is a bodily
process that no one should be ashamed or grossed out about.
● PMS( premenstrual syndrome )is just overthinking -it is a combination of a
woman's emotional, physical, and behavioral extremities before periods.
Symptoms like sadness, anxiety, nausea, headache, food craving, etc. occur in
between the process of ovulation and menstruation, usually before 1-2 weeks
of menstruation)
● It is best to avoid activities during periods
● Periods are shameful
● All women will get periods-not all females who get their period identifies as
women. Non-binary folks and transgender men also bleed, so it’s important to
open up the narrative to them too. In the same way, not all women get periods.
Having a chronic health condition, going through chemotherapy or treatment,
an eating disorder, and several other factors can cause one’s cycle to be
irregular or non-existent. A lack of ability to bleed or have children doesn’t
make anyone less of a woman.
● Periods should happen for 4 days -Every woman has a different cycle and it
completely depends on the body to body for how long women experience
periods. The normal period cycle lasts for 2-8 days. If you are experiencing a
period of less than 2 or more than 8 days, then you must consult a doctor.
● Females should not wash their heads during menses -Every woman has a
different cycle and it completely depends on the body to body for how long
women experience periods. The normal period cycle lasts for 2-8 days. If you
are experiencing a period of less than 2 or more than 8 days, then you must
consult a doctor.

How to maintain good female

1. Use Hot Water & Avoid Soap for Cleaning The Vaginal Region
2. Avoid Sprays & Douches
3. Change Your Sanitary Pads Every 3 To 4 Hours
4. Use Vaginal Cleansing Wipes Recommended By Doctor
5. Always Use Cotton Underwear
6. Avoid Tight Fitting Clothes
7. Change Wet Undergarments as soon as possible
8. Urinate After Sex
9. Eat Plenty Of Yogurts
10. Always Consult Your Doctor For Treating Any Yeast Infections
11. Use Unscented Vaginal Wipes
12. Get Regular Testing For STDs
13. Use Mild Soaps To Wash The Breasts Area
14. Daily Showers To Maintain Good Feminine Hygiene

● Ncert class 12 (biology)

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