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American Political Science Review, Page 1 of 15

c American Political Science Association 2017

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

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JORAM MAYSHAR Hebrew University of Jerusalem

OMER MOAV University of Warwick and Interdisciplinary Center
ZVIKA NEEMAN Tel-Aviv University

e propose a theory in which geographic attributes explain cross-regional institutional differences
in (1) the scale of the state, (2) the distribution of power within state hierarchy, and (3) property
rights to land. In this theory, geography and technology affect the transparency of farming,
and transparency, in turn, affects the elite’s ability to appropriate revenue from the farming sector,
thus affecting institutions. We apply the theory to explain differences between the institutions of ancient
Egypt, southern Mesopotamia, and northern Mesopotamia, and also discuss its relevance to modern

INTRODUCTION institutions are by and large determined by the va-

garies of human history, we propose a mechanism that
ollowing North (1981), recent theories about the

F success of nations ascribe a paramount role to

the protection of property rights. Acemoglu and
Robinson (2012) argue that the greatest detriment to
explains how differences in institutions are the result
of differences in geography and technology.
Our basic argument is that the government’s ability
to appropriate revenue from the farming sector was a
economic prosperity is the presence of extractive in- key factor that accounts for differences between the
stitutions that compromise property rights. Ancient institutions of earlier states, and that this ability to ap-
Egypt, however, had a prosperous civilization, built the propriate was significantly affected by the transparency
great pyramids, and was stable over several millennia, of production, and, in turn, by geographical and tech-
despite having an extractive government and no land nological conditions. In a nutshell, we attribute the
property rights for its peasant farmers. resilience and control of ancient Egypt’s central gov-
We thus propose that North’s thesis about the im- ernment, the relative weakness of its regional cities,
portance of property rights pertains to postagricultural and the peasantry’s nonownership of land to the fact
societies, where private capital accumulation assumes that its farming was highly transparent and thus readily
a dominant role, but is less relevant for understanding appropriable. From this perspective, Egypt is a polar
agricultural societies where land is the main capital case. Low transparency, on the other hand, explains the
asset. This calls for an alternative theory to explain existence of owner-occupied farming and the relative
the success of some nations in the preindustrial world weakness of the states in other regions, such as ancient
and the failure of others. In this article, we seek to northern Mesopotamia.
explain variations among premodern farming societies We choose to illustrate the applicability of our model
in the scale of the state, the relative power of the center by focusing on the ancient civilizations of the Near East
versus the periphery, and the land tenure regime. Un- during the late fourth to the second millennia BCE,
like Acemoglu and Robinson (2012), who argue that as these were pristine cases of societies under rela-
tively stable economic and military conditions, prior
to the emergence of monetized taxation and the mili-
Joram Mayshar, Department of Economics, Hebrew University of tary and administrative innovations that facilitated the
Jerusalem. Mayshar’s research was supported in part by the Falk creation of empires. Although we focus on the role
Institute for Economic Research in Israel. Address: Mt. Scopus.
Jerusalem 9190501, Israel (
played by tax technology in ancient states, we believe
Omer Moav, Department of Economics, University of Warwick; that our theory is pertinent to other established states
School of Economics, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya; CAGE as well, providing an important insight in understand-
and CEPR. Moav’s research is supported by the Israel Science ing premodern, agriculture-based states in general.1
Foundation (grant 73/11). Address: Department of Economics, Moreover, our appropriability theory can also help
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
( explain some modern phenomena. First, since social
Zvika Neeman, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv Uni- institutions exhibit substantial inertia, our explanation
versity. Address: Ramat Aviv 6997801, Israel ( of the institutions in farming-based societies can im-
We have benefited from comments from Daron Acemoglu, Bob prove our understanding of current ones. And, to the
Allen, Josh Angrist, Ernesto Dal Bo, Eddie Dekel, Diana Egerton-
Warburton, Christopher Eyre, James Fenske, Oded Galor, Maitreesh
extent that institutions impact the prosperity of nations,
Ghatack, Jeremy Greenwood, Avner Greif, James Malcomson, An- our model can expose deep-rooted factors that account
drea Matranga, Jacob Metzer, Stelios Michalopoulos, Motty Perry, for the current variation in the wealth of nations.2
Torsten Persson, Herakles Polemarchakis, Louis Putterman, De- Second, several scholars attribute the unprecedented
braj Ray, Ariel Rubinstein, Yona Rubinstein, Larry Samuelson, increase in the relative scale of government in the past
Matthew Spigelman, Yannay Spitzer, Nathan Sussman, Juuso Val-
imaki, Joachim Voth, and David Weil, and from comments from
participants in various seminars and conferences. 1The notion of a tax technology was proposed by Mayshar (1991).
Received: April 17, 2016; revised: January 2, 2017; accepted: April 2See Bockstette, Chanda, and Putterman (2002) and Spolaore and
11, 2017. Wacziarg (2013).

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

century to a decline in the cost of collecting taxes.3 Our with some error whether the agent worked diligently or
transparency theory provides a formal structure and a not. The accuracy of this signal is our main exogenous
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broader perspective to this argument. Thus, according variable, representing the degree of transparency of
to our theory, there is an analogy between the long- farming. The level of inundation of the Nile in Egypt
term effects of the Agricultural Revolution in antiquity is an example of such a signal. Second, we limit the
and the modern Industrial Revolution: in both cases, incentive scheme that is available to the principal by
the increased transparency of production transformed assuming that in addition to remuneration (carrot), the
the state’s tax capacity.4 only feasible sanction (stick) is the threat of dismissal
To better understand how our approach relates to upon suspected shirking. We assume that such dismissal
the extensive literature on state intuitions, we present is costly also for the principal.6 In the spirit of Shapiro
the literature survey after presenting the model (in the and Stiglitz’s (1984) “efficiency wages” theory of em-
next section) and its application to the civilizations of ployment contracts, this implies that unlike the stan-
antiquity (in the section following the model). How- dard applications of the principal-agent framework, the
ever, we want to clarify at the outset that there are two agent’s outcome is not pinned down to his outside op-
key issues that we do not deal with in this article. First, tion. Third, to make the threat of dismissal meaningful,
we assume that the state is already established and that we embed the model in a multiperiod setting.
its government has a monopoly on the power to coerce. The model’s results are fairly intuitive: when the sig-
Thus, we do not discuss the emergence of the state, nor nal is more accurate, the role of the carrot is smaller,
do we address the possible existence of external rivals the role of the stick is larger, and the principal collects
and of warfare. Implicitly, in the spirit of Olson (1993), more revenue. Our interpretation of these results is
we posit that a governing hierarchy is an outcome of that greater transparency induces a form of servitude,
the advantage possessed by a dictator who monopo- as the tenant is denied tenure and may be evicted upon
lizes theft in the form of taxation, over uncoordinated suspected shirking. However, when there is low trans-
theft that destroys incentives. Our focus is on how the parency, the agent retains more of the output without
sovereign’s access to information impacts its ability to facing the threat of dismissal.7
appropriate. Second, we abstract from differences in In North’s (1981) depiction of the evolution of prop-
land productivity, which is the focus of a large body erty rights in western societies since the Middle Ages,
of literature that seeks to explain differences in early property rights are granted by an authoritarian gov-
state development. In this tradition, Diamond (1997), ernment that seeks to maximize its revenue. This is the
for example, attributes the relative backwardness of case also in our framework. However, in North’s for-
New Guinea to its low land productivity relative to mulation, the elite grant property rights to encourage
that in Eurasia. And Dal Bó et al. (2015) contend that private investment by the nonelite—that is, property
states developed to provide defense to resolve what rights serve as a commitment device to overcome the
they identify as “the paradox of civilization,” namely hold-up problem of ex-post expropriation. In contrast,
the vicious circle by which increased land productiv- in our framework, private investment does not have
ity encourages predation, but farmers’ enhanced inse- a role. By focusing on the information constraints that
curity discourages the investment that generates that hinder the appropriation of output, our theory offers an
increase in productivity.
The theory that we propose is based on a variant
of the conventional principal-agent paradigm.5 We ad- 6 Our assumption that the sanction is in the form of a threat of

dress here three features that we incorporate in this eviction is consistent with the literature on tenancy contracts (e.g.,
Banerjee and Ghatak 2004). One might question why we do not
framework. First, we focus on variation in the extent of allow for corporal punishment as an incentive device, as was common
information asymmetry between agents, representing with slaves, since this is painful for the agent but plausibly imposes
tenant farmers/tax payers, and the principal, represent- only minor costs on the principal. We do not attempt to resolve
ing an absentee landowner or the government. In par- this puzzle here but note that Chwe (1990) points out that corporal
ticular, the principal observes a signal about the state punishment is rare in labor relations, even though it is common for
criminal offences. Moreover, we also note that the peasants in ancient
of nature that determines the productivity of farmers’ Egypt and Mesopotamia were almost invariably free tenants rather
effort. On the basis of this signal, the principal infers than slaves, and that slaves were not usually employed in agriculture
(Dandamaev 1984, 277). We surmise that this may be due to the fact
that in the absence of the threat of dismissal, slaves (unlike tenants)
3 Kau and Rubin (1981) and Kleven et al. (2016) contend that the
require close ongoing supervision.
shift away from self-employment in agriculture into production by 7 In our model, the principal is assumed to observe output but not
hired labor transformed the capacity to tax, since it was accompa- the state of nature or the agent’s effort. In Online Appendix A, we
nied by a paper trail that rendered private production much more present an alternative framework that delivers similar qualitative
transparent to the modern state and thus facilitated income taxation. results, in which the principal does not observe output and the moral
4 Consistently with our claim, de la Sierra (2016) employs evidence
hazard problem pertains to hiding (or misreporting) output by the
from the mining regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo to agent. In Online Appendix B, we examine an alternative modeling
show that a rise in the price of the metallic substance coltan— strategy to demonstrate that when the principal can choose costly
produced from relatively bulky and hence transparent ores—led monitoring to obtain a signal about the agent’s effort, the principal
to the cessation of conflict between rival armed groups and to the will choose to monitor and to punish the agent upon suspected shirk-
monopolization of violence in the coltan-rich regions, whereas an ing only if the accuracy of the signal is sufficiently high and the cost
increase in the price of gold, which is easier to conceal and is hence of monitoring sufficiently low. Thus, as in the main model, opacity
less transparent, did not. leads to property rights, whereas transparency of effort at a low cost
5 In employing a formal game-theoretic model for explaining histor- leads to a form of servitude. Dari-Mattiacci (2013) provides a similar
ical institutions, we follow the lead of Greif (2006). theory, based on information asymmetry, to explain slavery.

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

alternative explanation for the emergence of property with a given area of arable land, which is divided into
rights to land. When transparency is high enough, the plots. Each plot is allocated to one agent-tenant and
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threat of dismissal—an indicator for the lack of prop- produces either high or low output. High output is ob-
erty rights—is the prime motive for the agent to exert tained if and only if the agent exerts high effort and the
effort. But with sufficient opacity—when the cost of state of nature is “good.” Each agent decides whether
erroneous dismissal outweighs the benefits—the abso- to exert high or low effort. His payoff is the payment re-
lute, nonbenevolent state willingly gives up the option ceived from the principal, less his cost of exerting effort.
to dismiss, thus granting farmers de facto title to the The principal incentivizes agents using a “carrot” in the
land they cultivate. In other words, according to our form of a bonus payment upon delivering high output
theory, property rights to land are explained by the and a “stick” in the form of dismissal as punishment for
extent of information asymmetry. suspected shirking. We assume that dismissal is painful
In a two-layered extension of the model, designed for the agent, who is forced out of farming and into the
to explain variations in the extent of state central- urban sector, where he becomes a servant and enjoys
ization, we examine the role of different degrees of no rents. Dismissal is also costly for the principal (the
transparency at different tiers of the governmental hi- state). The principal designs a contract that maximizes
erarchy. We show that when local farming activity is her expected periodic income. This income equals the
sufficiently transparent, not only to the intermediary total output produced by all agents, net of the pay-
(governor) but also to the upper level of the hierarchy ments to the agents, and net of the cost incurred by
(king), the intermediary retains a smaller share of the dismissing agents suspected of shirking. The principal
revenue and is subject to dismissal. On the other hand, does not observe the state of nature, but observes a
if farming activity is sufficiently opaque to the king, signal on this state. The accuracy of this signal is our
the governor retains autonomy and a larger share of main exogenous variable, representing the degree of
revenue. transparency of farming. The model’s main result is
We contend that the success of early central states, that dismissal is conditioned on failure to deliver high
such as ancient Egypt, was due to high global trans- output, coupled with a signal that is sufficiently accu-
parency that enabled the central authority to keep the rate and that indicates that the state of nature was likely
subordinated intermediary lords at bay, and to extract to have been “good.”
a larger share of revenue from the periphery to the
center. In contrast, the fragile and fragmented structure
of the early states in northern Mesopotamia reflects the
The Basic Model
region’s low local and global transparency. In an inter- The annual output (Y) produced by the agent and the
mediate case, high local but low global transparency agent’s choice of effort (e) can be either low or high: Y
of farming in southern Mesopotamia resulted in strong ࢠ {L, H} and e ࢠ {l, h}, respectively. The state of nature
local urban elites that managed to retain power in the is also binary, either good or bad: θ ࢠ {G, B}. Output
face of repeated attempts to subjugate them to a unified is a function of the effort exerted by the agent and the
central state. state of nature, whereby output is high if and only if
We note that our theory complements recent at- the state of nature is good and the agent exerts high
tempts to attribute key features of imperial China to its effort:
fiscal capacity. According to Ma (2011), imperial China

achieved long-term success by replacing a hereditary H if e = h and θ = G;
feudal system with a rotating meritocratic bureaucracy. Y=
L otherwise.
Denying tenure to local provincial officials prevented
their ability to acquire the local informational advan-
tage that would otherwise have given them indepen- The ex ante probability that the state of nature is
dent power. We find this administrative innovation to good is denoted by p ࢠ (0, 1). The agent chooses the
be analogous to the (natural) lack of informational ad- level of effort before he learns the state of nature. Af-
vantage by provincial officials in ancient Egypt, which ter choosing the level of effort, both the agent and
gave greater power to the Pharaohs.8 the principal observe a public signal about the state of
nature: σ ࢠ {g, b}. The accuracy of this signal, q ࢠ [0.5,
1], is such that
We develop a version of the conventional principal- Pr(g|G) = Pr(b|B) = q; Pr(g|B) = Pr(b|G) = 1 − q.
agent model to facilitate analysis of the effect of the
extent of informational asymmetry. We consider a state The accuracy level q represents the degree of trans-
parency of production. If q = 1, then the signal perfectly
reveals the state of the world (in this case, if σ = g
8 However, Sng (2014) and Sng and Moriguchi (2014) seek to explain and Y = L, the principal can be certain that the agent
the weakness of early modern imperial China by focusing on the shirked); if q = 0.5, then the signal is uninformative.
agency problems that resulted from the size of the empire. They Thus, we model transparency and land productiv-
posit that the vast size of the empire created inherent difficulties
in supervising local intermediaries, who used their power to extort
ity as exogenous, and abstract from the fact that both
taxes, whereas the central state sought to keep tax rates low to pre- could be affected by the principal and the agent. The
vent revolts. principal might invest, for example, in monitoring, or

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

in increasing productivity through irrigation systems. assume that the dismissal cost x is sufficiently high
Farmers could impact transparency and productivity to preclude the possibility that the agent will be dis-
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by the choice of crop type, or by investing in land im- missed whenever output is low, irrespective of the sig-
provements. We contend, however, that our abstraction nal, and thus to guarantee that sufficiently low trans-
should not have a qualitative effect on the theory’s parency renders dismissal too costly and results in
prediction as long as exogenous geographical factors a pure-carrot regime. In particular, we assume that
have a major impact on transparency and productivity. x > x̂ = pδγ/ (1 − δ/2) (1 − p). Thus, a low x in a high
We denote the annual cost (in units of output) of transparency region would reinforce the choice of a
providing for the agent (and his family) until the next stick-and-carrot contract.
harvest period by m + γ, where m ࣙ 0 is the cost of The principal chooses a ࣙ 0, ω ࣙ m + γ, and d ࢠ {0,
subsistence in case the agent exerts low effort and γ > 1} to maximize π = p(H − a) + (1 − p)L − μdx − ω,
0 is the annual cost of exerting high effort. We assume subject to providing the agent with the incentive to ex-
that even low output is sufficient to cover the cost of ert effort. The following proposition describes how the
upkeep of an agent who exerts high effort: L ࣙ m + γ. optimal contract depends on the precision of the public
We assume also that H > L + γ/p. This implies that it signal q—that is, on the transparency of production.
is desirable for the principal to incentivize the agent to
Proposition. If x > x̂, then the optimal contract selected
exert effort.
Both the agent and the principal are assumed to by the principal has the following properties:
1. The agent’s basic wage is set at its lowest possible
be risk neutral. The agent’s annual utility as a tenant
value: ω = m + γ.
farmer equals his expected income, denoted by I , less
the cost of subsistence and effort. Thus, the agent’s 2. There exists a threshold q̂ ࢠ (0.5, 1) such that
if q < q̂, the optimal contract is a pure-carrot con-
annual utility if he exerts high and low effort is given
tract: dc = 0 and ac = γ/p;
by I − (m + γ) and I − m, respectively. The utility of a
dismissed agent is normalized to zero. We assume that if q > q̂, the optimal contract
 is a stick-and-carrot

γ pqδ
the agent has no other sources of income or wealth, and contract: ds = 1 and as = p 1 − 1−δ(p+q−2pq) ;
that he cannot save or borrow. The agent’s intertem- if q = q̂, then both preceding contracts are optimal.
poral discount factor is denoted by δ ࢠ (0, 1). The proof of this proposition is provided in
The principal’s incentive scheme is such that if output Appendix 1.10
is low, she pays the agent a basic wage ω. If output is
high, she pays the agent ω + a, where a ࣙ 0 is an Discussion. We illustrate the results of this proposi-
added bonus. The basic wage ω must sustain an agent tion in a graph (Figure 1) for a simple calibration. We
who exerts effort until the next harvest: ω ࣙ m + γ. set H = 1.1, L = 0.6, and p = 0.8 so that a bad harvest
When output is high, the principal retains the agent. with a significantly lower crop occurs about once every
The agent is also retained when output is low and the 5 years, and the expected crop size of each plot is set to
signal indicates that the state of nature is bad (σ = b). one: E(Y) = pH + (1 − p)L = 1.11 To be consistent with
But if output is low and the signal indicates that the tenants’ output share of about two-thirds and with the
state of nature is good, the principal may dismiss the relatively high cost of maintaining a family throughout
agent and replace him with another. For simplicity, we the year, we set the subsistence cost to m = 0.5 and the
assume that the principal employs a nonprobabilistic effort cost to γ = 0.1, thus making the basic wage ω =
dismissal strategy—that is, the dismissal probability d 0.6. Given an interest rate (in grain) of one-third, as was
satisfies d ࢠ {0, 1}.9 Thus, there are only two types of customary in the ancient world, we set δ = 0.75. Finally,
contracts: d = 0 and d = 1. If the agent is dismissed, then we set x = 2 so that the present value cost of dismissing
the principal incurs a fixed cost x > 0 that represents and replacing an agent is two expected crops.12
the cost of dismissing the agent and the present value In Figure 1, the agent’s expected income I as a func-
of lost output while recruiting and training a new agent. tion of accuracy q is depicted by the lower solid line.
The contract strikes the optimal balance between the Total expected income I + π is depicted by the up-
use of the carrot (a) and the stick (d). We refer to the per solid line, and the difference between these two
contract where d = 0 as the “pure-carrot” contract,
and to the contract where d = 1 as the “stick-and- 10 By Malthusian considerations, if farmers’ expected income ex-

carrot” contract, and we denote this pair of contracts ceeds the subsistence level, we should expect the farming population
to grow. In Online Appendix F, we close the model as far as popu-
with subscripts c and s, respectively. Under the pure- lation size is concerned by assuming that any excess workers from
carrot contract, the agent is never dismissed and is the rural sector, including dismissed agents, are employed outside
incentivized only through bonuses. Under the stick- of farming, where the wage is low (particularly during famines) and
and-carrot contract, the agent is dismissed whenever does not guarantee reproduction.
11 One should think of this unit as representing an annual net output
output is low but the signal is good (Y = L, σ = g),
of about 1.5 tons of grain, after deduction of the grain that is needed
which occurs with probability μ = (1 − p)(1 − q) if the for seed (about 15% of the crop) and expected spoilage in storage
agent exerts high effort. (about 10–20%). For a more elaborate attempt to calibrate early
The expected cost of including the stick in the con- Near Eastern farming, see Hunt (1987).
12 With these parameters, q̂ > 0.5 is achieved already with x = 0.48.
tract, μx, is thus decreasing with transparency q. We
However, in the version of the model in which the dismissal prob-
ability is continuous (Online Appendix D), a higher x is required
9 In Online Appendix C, we consider the case where the dismissal for obtaining a range of q̂ > 0.5 in which d = 0 is optimal. Thus, for
probability is unrestricted: d ࢠ [0, 1]. consistency, we set x = 2.

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

FIGURE 1. Periodic Expected Income as a Function of Signal Accuracy

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lines represents the principal’s expected income. The The principal’s payoff is continuous at the threshold
figure clearly identifies the two regimes—pure carrot of transparency q̂ and increases with q thereafter. The
and stick and carrot—and the switch between them at gains to the principal from a rise in q in the latter
the critical transparency level q̂. range are derived both from a rise in total income
If the economy is less transparent (q < q̂), the prin- and from a decline in the agent’s income. Indeed, it
cipal optimally refrains from ever dismissing the agent. is the agent who bears the entire burden of the stick-
In this case, the contract is socially efficient (since ex- and-carrot regime: at the threshold accuracy, q̂, his ex-
pected output is 1), and the expected income of both pected income I drops discretely by the expected cost
the principal and the agent is independent of q. In this of dismissal μ(q̂)x. Beyond that threshold, his expected
pure-carrot regime, the expected income of the agent, per-period income declines with q.
Ic , and the principal, πc , are Comparing the outcome when the signal fully dis-
closes the state of nature (q = 1) with the outcome
Ic = m + 2γ and πc = p(H − L) + L − 2γ − m, when the signal is highly inaccurate (q < q̂) is revealing.
In both cases, the diligent agent is never dismissed and
the economy is efficient. However, the distribution of
and their combined expected income is p(H − L) + L. income is quite different. The agent’s income above
In contrast, in the stick-and-carrot regime, when subsistence falls from Ic − (m + γ) = γ (=0.1 in the
q > q̂, example) in the range of the opaque signal to Is − (m
+ γ) = γ − pδγ/[1 − δ(1 − p)] (=0.03) when q = 1, as
pqδγ the bonus that is required to dissuade the agent from
Is = m + 2γ − , and shirking is reduced to a minimum.13
1 − δ(p + q − 2pq)
These results confirm that when transparency is suf-
πs = p(H − L) + L − m − 2γ ficiently low, the agent-tenant is never dismissed and
could be considered a de facto owner of the land that
+ − μx, he cultivates. In contrast, when transparency is suffi-
1 − δ(p + q − 2pq) ciently high, the farmer may be evicted and thus cannot
be considered to have ownership rights to the land.
and the expected total income is In this range, an increase in transparency implies that
the probability of (wrongful) dismissal (μ) declines, so
that expected cost of including a stick in the contract
Is + πs = p(H − L) + L − μx. decreases. This enables the principal to rely more on
the stick of dismissal and less on the carrot of bonus
The expected total income reveals that the stick- payments. This entails a correspondingly smaller share
and-carrot contract is socially inefficient. This is be- of output for the tenant and an increase in the rev-
cause it entails an expected loss of μx, since the enue appropriated by the state. The effect of increased
agent may be dismissed even though he works dili- transparency on the optimal combination of the stick
gently. The efficiency loss μx declines as accuracy im- and carrot is robust and does not depend on our
proves, and at the limit, when the signal is accurate
(q = 1), the stick-and-carrot regime becomes socially 13 When the agent is very patient (δ =1), his utility from employment
efficient. in agriculture dissipates entirely.

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

specific modeling assumptions. It reflects the logic that would be something affecting the entire district, such
the credible threat of using a stick reduces the cost of as widespread drought or blight. We denote the prob-
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incentivizing the agent with a carrot. ability that each plot of land is in a plot-specific good
One may argue that the principal has an incentive to state by p1 ࢠ (0, 1), and the corresponding probability
renege, by avoiding paying the bonus to the agent, or, for each district by p2 ࢠ (0, 1). We assume that the
alternatively, by failing to dismiss the agent when this plot-specific states are independent across plots within
is called for, and negotiate ex-post to avoid the cost of a district, and independent also of the district state. As
dismissal. We have in mind, however, a patient prin- in the basic model, output in each plot can be either
cipal who faces many agents, repeatedly. Informally, low or high (Y1 ࢠ {L1 , H1 }), and the agent’s effort can
we envision that the agents are likely to believe that if be either low or high (e ࢠ {l, h}). Plot output is assumed
the principal reneges once, even if on one agent only, to be high if and only if the agent exerts high effort and
she is likely to continue doing so in the future and both the plot’s and district’s states of nature are good
on other agents. Under these circumstances, the prin- (θ1 = θ2 = G) , which pertains with probability p1 p2 .
cipal’s commitment to the contract becomes credible, The district-specific state of nature, θ2 , is revealed to
since reneging would render her unable to incentivize both the farmer and the governor after the farmer’s ef-
agents by using the carrot or the stick.14 fort decision is made. In addition, if the district-specific
state is good (θ2 = G), then the governor receives plot-
specific signals σ1 ࢠ {g, b} for each plot in the district.
A Two-Level Hierarchy Model These signals are accurate with probability q1 ࢠ [0.5, 1]
This section provides a key extension of the basic model and are (conditionally) independent across plots. The
by incorporating both landlord-farmer relationships relations between the district governor and the farmers
and those between the ruler and intermediary officials. under her control are just as in the basic model. The
This extension has important implications for the study contract selected by the governor will thus have the
of state concentration and the power structure between same structure as before: it specifies a basic wage ω1
the center and the periphery. Our main conclusion is = m + γ, a bonus a1 if output is high, and a dismissal
that if farming activity is sufficiently transparent, not probability d1 ࢠ {0, 1} at a cost of x1 to the governor,
only to the local elite but also to the center, the in- if output is low (Y1 = L1 ) but both the district’s state
termediary retains a smaller share of the revenue and and the plot’s signal are good (θ2 = G, σ1 = g). Thus,
is subject to dismissal. If, however, farming activity is subject to the farmer exerting high effort, he is dis-
sufficiently opaque to the king, the local official (gov- missed with probability: μ1 d1 = (1 − p1 )p2 (1 − q1 )d1 .
ernor) retains autonomy and a larger share of revenue. In other words, the governor’s maximization problem is
We also introduce here an alternative depiction of the a variant of the principal’s problem in the basic model,
moral hazard problem that is more likely to apply to in which p1 p2 substitutes for p as the probability of
the relations between the local elite and the center: high output upon high effort, and the probability of
misreporting tax collection.15 dismissal is μ1 d1 instead of μd. Thus, the governor
We assume now a two-tier case, where each plot is chooses a pure-carrot contract (d1 = 0) if transparency
located within a district, and where officials at the dis- is below some threshold, q1 < q̂1 , and a stick-and-carrot
trict level mediate between the tenant-farmer and the contract if q1 > q̂1 . Above q̂1 , the expected income of
king. This two-tier case can easily be extended to add the governor is increasing with q1 .16
more tiers. We attach subscripts 1 or 2 to the variables We also assume that the number of plots in each dis-
at each level of the hierarchy, from the bottom up. trict, N1 , is sufficiently large so that the total revenue
Two independent state variables are assumed to de- obtained by the district governor can be substituted
termine the state of nature in each plot of land: θ1 ࢠ {G, by its expected value. The governor’s revenue is then
B} is plot specific, and θ2 ࢠ {G, B} is district specific. limited to two possible outcomes, depending on the
The plot-specific state can be thought of as injury to district-specific state of nature θ2 : L2 in a bad year
the tenant during the critical harvest time, or damage (θ2 = B) and H2 in a good year (θ2 = G), where
due to localized flood or fire. The district-specific state
L2 = N1 [L1 − (m + γ)] ,
14 We address the concern over inefficient costly dismissal further in H2 = H2 (q1 ) = N1 [p 1 (H1 − L1 − a1 ) + L1
Online Appendix D, where we consider a more complex contract-
form in which the principal warns the agent several times (deter- −(1 − p 1 )(1 − q1 )d1 x1 − (m + γ)] .
mined endogenously) upon suspected shirking, before final dismissal.
The qualitative results of the model regarding the effect of trans-
parency q on the optimal contract are unchanged in both extensions. The parameters a1 and d1 are those selected by the
A related concern is that the contractual relationship could terminate governor (as a function of q1 ). As in the basic model,
for reasons other than dismissal upon suspected shirking. But as long beyond a threshold q̂1 , the good-year revenue H2 is
as contracts last for more than one season, this should not change increasing in q1 .
the qualitative results of our model. One could extend it by adding
a parameter for an exogenous probability of separation: the higher
that probability, the less effective the stick of dismissal.
15 Our theory of state hierarchy is consistent with Olson’s (1993) 16 The corresponding bonus payments are a = γ/p p under pure
1c 1 2
nonfunctional approach: hierarchy serves as part of a unidirectional carrot, and a1s = (γ/p1 p2 )[1 − p1 p2 q1 δ1 /(1 − δ1 (1 − p2 ) − δ1 p2 (p1 +
extraction mechanism and does not serve in the management of q1 − 2p1 q1 ))] under stick and carrot. If p2 = 1, this is identical to the
downstream activities, as is customarily depicted. analogous expressions under the basic model.

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

For the relations between the king and the district explain all institutional differences between these civ-
governor, we employ a variant of our basic model in ilizations, nor that our theory is the only one that ad-
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which, instead of possibly exerting low effort, the gov- dresses these differences.
ernor may hide some output in good years and report These three civilizations were listed previously in
to the king L2 instead of H2 . At this level of the hier- accordance with their age but are reviewed in the
archy, we assume an information structure analogous following in reverse order. Intensive agriculture was
to the one in the basic model. The king does not know first adopted in the highlands of southern Anatolia
the specific states θ2 for any of the districts, but he and northern Mesopotamia in the seventh millennium
receives an independent signal σ2 ࢠ {g, b} about each BCE. Agriculture was adopted in the alluvial planes of
of the district states, whose accuracy is denoted by the southern Mesopotamia and in the Nile Valley only two
probability q2 ࢠ [0.5, 1]. and three millennia later, respectively. It was in Sumer,
The king is assumed to employ a two-edged incentive however, that the first major city-states were formed
scheme analogous to the one shown previously: a bonus in the fourth millennium (Liverani 2006). But the first
a2 if the governor reports collecting H2 , and dismissal central territorial state was formed in Egypt, in about
(at a cost of x2 to the king) if the governor’s report is 3000 BCE, starting from a core in Upper (southern)
L2 , but the signal σ2 indicates that the district harvest Egypt (Kemp 2006). The rapidity of the formation of
is expected to be high. The king thus chooses a2 ࣙ 0 a central state, and its subsequent stability, are among
and d2 ࢠ {0, 1} to maximize the key features that distinguish between ancient Egypt
and southern Mesopotamia, leading Baines and Yoffee
π2 = max p 2 (H2 − a2 ) (1998, 258) to conclude that “the two civilizations are
a2 ≥0,d2 ∈{0,1} profoundly different.”
Trigger (2003) and other scholars note multiple dis-
+(1 − p 2 )[L2 − (1 − q2 )d2 x2 ],
tinguishing features between these ancient civiliza-
tions. One of them is land tenure arrangements. In
subject to providing the governor with the incentive to Egypt the land nominally belonged to the king, and in
report truthfully. southern Mesopotamia the land was typically owned
The details of the solution to this problem are very by the temples and the urban elite. In both regions
similar to the solution to the basic model, and they the land was thus cultivated by tenants, but in north-
are reported in Appendix 2. Once again, the balance ern Mesopotamia the land was mostly owner culti-
of power between the king and the district governor vated. Another major distinguishing feature concerns
depends on the transparency of the district economy the role of cities. Fortified city-states existed in predy-
to the king, q2 . When local conditions are sufficiently nastic Egypt, but Egyptian cities ceased to be fortified
opaque to the king, the intermediary governor enjoys after the formation of the central state and played a
substantial autonomy in that she retains a (relatively limited role as administrative centers. This led Wilson
large) fixed part of her collected revenue and always (1960) to characterize ancient Egypt as “a civilization
keeps her position. But if the transparency of the lo- without cities.” In contrast, for most of the time up to
cal provincial economy to the king is sufficiently high, the first millennium BCE, the alluvial plains of south-
then the governor is subject to dismissal and retains a ern Mesopotamia were ruled by rival, fortified city-
relatively lower share of the revenue collected. states that retained their independence and resisted re-
peated attempts to unify Mesopotamia under a central
state. This led Adams (1981) to characterize southern
Mesopotamia as “the Heartland of Cities.” However,
the highlands of northern Mesopotamia gave rise to
Our theory provides the following predictions that link more limited city-states.
transparency to institutions. According to the basic We now review each of these three civilizations sepa-
model: rately, and demonstrate how the geographical features
(1) When farming is locally transparent, farmers do and resulting transparency of agriculture in each region
not own the land they cultivate. can account for their distinctive institutional charac-
(2) When farming conditions are more transparent, teristics. To summarize, we argue that ancient Egypt
the state’s capacity to tax is higher and the inequality occupies a polar extreme, with farming that was highly
between the elite and the farming population is greater. transparent both at the local and the global levels.
And according to the hierarchical extension of the Northern Mesopotamia is closer to the other extreme,
model: with low transparency at both the local and the global
(3) When farming is less transparent to the central levels.17 Southern Mesopotamia, we suggest, presents
state, local lords retain autonomy and higher income. an intermediate case, being comparatively transparent
In this section, we demonstrate that these three pre-
dictions are consistent with the institutions that pre-
vailed in the three major civilizations of the ancient
17 Agriculture in northern Mesopotamia was, however, significantly
Near East during the late fourth to the second mil-
less opaque than in the more arid regions of the ancient Near East.
lennia BCE: northern (upper) Mesopotamia, southern Noy-Meir (1973) demonstrates the extreme effects of spatial vari-
Mesopotamia (Babylonia, Sumer), and Egypt. Natu- ations in microclimate and terrain quality on the heterogeneity of
rally, we do not pretend that our simple theory can desert plant populations.

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

at the local level but quite opaque to any potential with a practice by which much of the land was de facto
central state. owned by the temples, by various lay organizations,
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and by powerful individuals (Manning 2003, 65–98).

In other words, even when land in the Nile Valley was
Egypt privately held, it was owned by absentee landlords who
The Nile flows northward, receiving its water mainly did not work the fields.20
from the early-summer monsoon rains in eastern This state of affairs is consistent with prediction (1).
Africa. As a result, it surges in summer, at which The high local transparency of farming eliminated the
time it floods the narrow river valley in Egypt. The main disadvantage of absentee land ownership and left
Egyptian basin irrigation system was based on lateral peasants vulnerable by denying them an information
dikes across the river valley, constructed to retain the advantage. Significantly, in the few known cases where
flood water. The trapped water soaked the land and private land lease documents survived from antiquity,
deposited nutrients for about 2 months, before it was the contracts were for one year only (Hughes 1952),
drained back to the Nile, in time for the sowing of the providing further support for our proposed mechanism
staple cereals (mostly barley). The moisture trapped in that tenants were constantly under the threat of evic-
the soil was the sole source of water during the growing tion.21
season. Harvest was in late March, before the hot winds Transparency should not be confused with pre-
could parch the grain stalks and cause the kernels to dictability. The fluctuations in the Nile’s annual in-
disperse. This form of farming within the Nile Valley undation level were substantial and caused significant
originated at the southern tip of Upper Egypt in the unpredictable annual variations in crop output. Partic-
fifth millennium BCE, from where the Egyptian cen- ularly high inundation would break the lateral dikes
tral state subsequently emerged.18 The homogeneity and flood villages, causing as much of a threat as very
of the land within each basin implied very high local low inundation levels. The timing, length, and severity
transparency. of the hot spring winds at harvest time contributed to
Since few details about tenancy arrangements in an- the uncertainty. However, in any given year, the con-
cient Egypt have survived, historians often employ ev- ditions that farmers faced were fairly homogeneous
idence from the more recent past. In describing district within each irrigation basin system, and also across
life in Egypt from the medieval period up to the 19th basin systems. As a result, farming activity was highly
century, Baer (1969, 17) contends that it was charac- transparent not only locally but also to the central
terized by three phenomena: (a) the village head peri- government. The Nile’s annual peak inundation was
odically redistributed land among the peasants, (b) the recorded as early as the third millennium BCE (Kemp
village inhabitants were collectively responsible for tax 2006, 64). Nilometers that measured the inundation
payments, and (c) the village as a whole was responsible level were set up along the Nile, and it appears that
for maintaining irrigation infrastructure and for pro- the Pharaohs used this information as a control device.
viding labor for public works. Eyre (1997, 378; 1999, 51– Cooper (1976, 366) describes the taxation of Egyptian
52) similarly maintains that in ancient Egypt, farmers agriculture in the Middle Ages: “Agriculture was so
did not have secure tenure and the village community well regulated in Egypt that, on the basis of the Nile
as a whole was responsible for paying taxes. The village flood recorded by the Nilometer, the government knew
head exercised tight control over village land and could in advance what revenue to anticipate.” In particular,
reassign fields as he saw fit, even if by custom the same “the height of the Nile flood determined how much and
fields were annually assigned to the same farmer, or to in what manner the tax assignments were made in each
his heir.19 district.” We conjecture that this was the case also in
This description supports our prediction that the antiquity.22
threat of dismissal (or relocation) of individual farmers The Nile’s global transparency enabled the Pharaohs
was a widely used incentive device in Egypt and that to employ a stick-intensive incentive scheme toward
land was not owned by the cultivating farmers. Indeed,
the prevailing notion in ancient Egypt was that the
entire land belonged to the pharaoh (Baines and Yof- Hughes (1952, 1–2) summarizes that in the first two millennia of
fee 1998, 206), even if this coexisted in various periods the historic period (the third and second millennia BCE), there was
never “a large body of small landholders who managed and worked
their plots themselves . . . the lowest classes were largely serfs on the
domains of Pharaoh, the wealthy and the temples.”
18 For brevity, we focus on the Nile Valley, thus avoiding the Nile 21 Another feature that reduced the advantages of long-term leases
delta and the Fayum depression. The basin irrigation system pre- in the Nile Valley was that land fertility was sustained by the Nile’s
vailed with surprisingly minor variations for about five millennia, un- annual deposits, so that land could not in effect be overexploited.
til the construction of the first Aswan Dam in the early 20th century. In addition, agrarian capital investment was by way of dikes and
Willcocks (1899) and Butzer (1976) provide detailed descriptions of local canals that were constructed and maintained communally. The
this system. homogeneity of farm land within each basin also reduced the im-
19 Eyre (1997; 1999) contends that the divorce between land owner- portance of plot specific skills, implying that the cost of replacing an
ship and actual farming was endemic to Egypt and persisted until the agent was not high, reinforcing the adoption of dismissal as part of
mid-20th century. According to Baer (1969, 62–78), even the major the incentive scheme.
agrarian reforms during the 19th century, which gave land title to the 22 The transparency of Egyptian farming was due also to the relative
cultivating peasants, ended with much of the land reverting back to ease of monitoring farming activity in real time by inspectors travel-
large absentee landlords after the small cultivators failed to pay the ing along the Nile. Kemp (2006, 254–56) provides evidence for such
required taxes. a monitoring expedition from 1140 BCE.

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

the district governors, and down the chain of mid- marshy flood plain at the lower end of the cultivation
dlemen who remitted taxes from the periphery to the zone (Adams 1981, 245; Wilkinson 2003, 89; 2013).25
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center. In other words, consistently with predictions (2) These major problems apparently delayed the
and (3), the high transparency of farming helps explains adoption of extensive agriculture in southern
why the Pharaohs were able to run a lean state bureau- Mesopotamia well after agriculture flourished in north-
cracy and to siphon off a substantial share of the tax rev- ern Mesopotamia, and after irrigation systems were
enue, without engaging in direct control. In turn, it ex- established in southwest Iran (Wilkinson 2003, 72–6).
plains why the provincial centers retained so little inde- In addition to the intricate canal system that overcame
pendent power. This is consistent with Eyre’s (1994, 74) these problems, agriculture in southern Mesopotamia
summary: “The crucial factor for the central power was benefited from another innovation: the cultivation in
its ability to enforce fiscal demands and political con- deep furrows, plowed by oxen, in narrow and long
trol. . . . [P]ower lay in control over the ruling class . . . fields that sloped down from the feeding canal toward
not in the detailed administration of the individual the marshy plain (Liverani 2006). This method enabled
peasantry.” Indeed, at least in the early Old Kingdom conservation of seed and water, and also helped divert
period, the positions of governors and state bureau- the saline topsoil away from the plants.
crats were by a revocable appointment and nonhered- Farming conditions in southern Mesopotamia were
itary.23 The nonsecure status of these state bureaucrats complex (Wilkinson 2013). Even fields within the same
is closely related to the relative weakness of the cities in zone could vary in quality, depending on how high they
the different districts. These cities essentially remained were above the saline water table in the adjacent marsh.
administrative centers, without amassing substantial in- The overriding factor, however, was the dependency of
dependent wealth to threaten the predominance of the cultivation on rationed water, which was controlled up-
center. stream, and which could have been directed elsewhere.
The high transparency at all levels of the state hi- Farmers were thus completely dependent on the local
erarchy can also explain the rapidity of the formation elite who controlled the flow of water at various canal
of a strong central state in Egypt and its remarkable junctures. In turn, the elaborate canal system provided
subsequent stability. the local elite with significant means of control and with
information on the state of agriculture.26
Accordingly, we categorize farming activity in south-
Southern Mesopotamia ern Mesopotamia as highly transparent to the lo-
As in Egypt, farming in arid southern Mesopotamia re- cal elite. Consistent with prediction (1), we con-
lied entirely on riverine irrigation. The water regime in tend that this transparency explains why owner-
the Tigris and the Euphrates, however, is very different cultivated farming was practically nonexistent in south-
from that in Egypt. Both these rivers flow southward ern Mesopotamia. As in Egypt, cultivation was con-
and are fed by the winter rains and by spring melting ducted by sharecroppers, who were overseen by a hier-
snow in the mountains of modern Turkey and Iran. archy of intermediaries, under the ultimate control of
The long distance between these mountain ranges and dominant elite families who resided in the urban cen-
southern Mesopotamia meant that water levels were ters and controlled each city’s temple (Renger 1995;
low in October through December, when irrigation Liverani 2006).27 In accord with prediction (2), this
was most needed, but high in the harvest season in late high local transparency explains why powerful early
spring (Adams 1981, 3–6; Postgate 1994, 178; Wilkinson city-states were able to form and to persist in southern
2013). This mismatch prevented irrigation by flooding, Mesopotamia. Indeed, once irrigation agriculture was
as in Egypt. Cereals were cultivated on the outer slopes introduced, it led to relatively rapid development of
of levees, including the levees of abandoned courses of civilization. More than 30 major city-states have been
the rivers. An extended canal system was required to identified in southern Mesopotamia in the late fourth
deal with the water shortage in the cultivation season: and third millennia BCE. Writing originated in about
capturing water upstream and directing it toward the 3200 to 3100 BCE in the largest of these cities, Uruk,
fields. Furthermore, since water quantity was insuffi- when its population reached about 20,000 (Yoffee
cient to irrigate all of the arable land, control mech- 2005, 43).
anisms were required to distribute the water.24 The At the same time, the complexity of the irrigation
swelling of the rivers in the spring posed another major system required skilled local managers with a “thor-
threat of flooding the ripe fields at harvest time and ough knowledge of local conditions on a day-to-day
had to be overcome by diverting excess water into the
25 Unlike in Egypt, the soil nutrients were not replenished auto-
matically and salt was not washed away. The need to replenish land
23 Baines and Yoffee (1998, 206) state: “The king’s most powerful fertility and the shortage of water combined to establish a system of
influence was probably on the elite. Their status and wealth depended relatively frequent land fallow.
on him—often on his personal favor and caprice.” 26 One may argue that such direct control provides power of coercion
24 Adams (1981, 6) estimates that due to the shortage of water, that goes beyond mere information. In our framework, however, the
only 8,000 to 12,000 km2 could be cultivated out of a potential that state is assumed to possess the power to coerce. Thus, implicitly, we
Wilkinson (2003, 76) estimates to be about 50,000 km2 . The shortage view control as a form of transparency.
of water at the critical cultivation season is evidenced by the use 27 As in Egypt, in addition to remitting farm output to the elite,
of irrigation fees, as early as the late third millennium BCE. This the peasants were required to provide compulsory labor services
underscores the power available to those upstream who could deny (corvée) to repair and extend irrigation infrastructure, and also for
water. temple lands.

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

basis” (Hunt 1987, 172). Unlike the case of Egypt, the side, consisting of members of landed elite, merchants,
local managing elite in southern Mesopotamia were and artisans (Van de Mieroop 2013). We suggest that
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thus indispensable and irreplaceable. In other words, this pattern of governance prevailed since would-be
we interpret farming activity in southern Mesopotamia despots were unable to raise sufficient revenue to sus-
as rather opaque to any distant central government. tain coercive power without the cooperation of the
Consistent with prediction (3), this opacity explains local elite who possessed specific information on the
why the local elite in southern Mesopotamia were ex- intricate countryside and the economy.29
tremely resilient, and why strong cities were one of
the most distinctive features of Mesopotamian civiliza-
tion. Thus, even when an early city-state in southern Northern Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia managed to conquer a competing city- Farming started in northern Mesopotamia long before
state, it still needed the cooperation of the elite of the it was adopted in southern Mesopotamia. And urban-
subjugated city to obtain ongoing tax revenue from ization was identified there already in the late fifth
the conquered territory. It was the specific knowledge and early fourth millennia BCE but declined in the
possessed by the local elites, we contend, that assured later part of the fourth millennium.30 The geographic
the autonomy of southern Mesopotamian cities. conditions in the highlands of northern Mesopotamia
This helps explain why several aggressive attempts are quite different from those in riverine southern
to unify southern Mesopotamia under one of the rival Mesopotamia and Egypt. Agriculture was mostly rain
city-states in the third and second millennia BCE ended fed. Due to the uncertain and idiosyncratic nature of
in failure after a relatively short period—in marked rainfall, and to the relative unevenness of the terrain,
contrast to the quick and durable unification of Egypt. farming was comparatively opaque even at the local
The rival city-states of southern Mesopotamia fought level.31 Wilkinson (1994; 2003, 210) concludes that the
each other periodically for a millennium before they settlement pattern in northern Mesopotamia was char-
were first consolidated under Sargon of Akkad in about acterized by a large scattering of roughly equivalent,
2350 BCE. However, Sargon’s central state lasted less nucleated units. Each unit was administered by a cen-
than two centuries and started to disintegrate well tral settlement, with a radius of control of about 5 km,
before that. In about 2100 BCE, another territorial determined by the “constraining effect of land trans-
state was formed, under the third dynasty of the city port and the convenience of being within 1 day’s round
of Ur. This highly oppressive and bureaucratic state trip of the center” (Wilkinson 1994, 503).
lasted only one century before it too collapsed. The Without disputing this observation, we take issue
next territorial state was established by Hammurabi of with Wilkinson’s explanation that this pattern was due
Babylon in 1790 to 1760 BCE, but it weakened sub- to the fact that no center was able to dominate an-
stantially under his heirs and collapsed by about 1600 other, since none had an “overwhelming situational or
BCE. Thus, until the first millennium, Mesopotamia demographic advantage” (Wilkinson 2003, 210). By the
was ruled most of the time by rival city-states, with only winner-takes-all (increasing returns to scale) nature of
brief intermittent periods of a central territorial state.28 violent conflicts, a priori advantage is not a prerequisite
Our explanation of this historic pattern is consistent for the formation of larger territorial states under city
with Yoffee’s (2005) description of the fate of Sargon’s leaders who happen to defeat their neighbors. From
earliest central state. According to Yoffee, Sargon was our perspective, the key to the nucleated pattern of
well aware of the intermediation problem. When he as- semiautonomous administrative units in early north-
cended to power, he sought “to disenfranchise the old ern Mesopotamia was the inability of the winner of
landed aristocracy” (p. 37). But after conquering the any such territorial conflict to extract ongoing revenue
diverse city-states in southern Mesopotamia, he ruled from distant conquered lands. In a more pronounced
them through appointed “royal officials, who served version of the situation in southern Mesopotamia, and
alongside the traditional rulers of the conquered city- consistently with our third prediction, we propose that
states” (p. 142). It was this “uneasy sharing of power . . . the localized nature of the early city-states in this region
[that] led to a power struggle” and to the ultimate
demise of Sargon’s territorial states (Yoffee 1995, 292–
93; 2005, 143). 29 Sinopoli et al. (2015, 390) identify an even more pronounced pat-
Furthermore, not only did the city-states in south-
tern of distributed power in the governance of city-states in antiquity
ern Mesopotamia resist subjugation to outside power, in diverse regions of the world (including the Indus Valley, Greece,
they also resisted local despots. These city-states were and western Africa). But rather than focus on what handicapped
typically governed by hereditary kings by the rule of would-be despots, they attribute the pervasiveness of this pattern to
law, and with councils of elders and assemblies at their “both ideological commitments and material benefits to the actors
30 The large size of these early cities and the architectural remains
28 The Neo-Assyrian Empire in the first millennium BCE devised of the dwellings suggest that these cities were inhabited not only by
various administrative methods to subject conquered states. In par- the elite but also by the farming peasants (Ur 2010). This pattern of
ticular, they adopted bidirectional deportations, in which the elite inhabitance is consistent with the presumption of the elite’s inability
of a conquered state were deported and replaced by people from to raise the needed resources to secure the countryside from banditry,
elsewhere. But, significantly, even under the Neo-Assyrian, Neo- which forced the peasants to seek refuge within the walls of the
Babylonian, and Persian empires, the elites in the cities in south- central city, and with the relatively small territorial span of these
ern Mesopotamia retained much of their former autonomy (Van de early city-states.
Mieroop 1997, 128–39; 2013). 31 See Wilkinson (1994) and Jas (2000).

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

was due to the opacity of farming activity that limited now considered defunct. But this leaves unexplained
the span of control of its urban centers.32 the correlation that he pointed out between riverine
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The relatively low transparency of farming in north- environments and strong ancient states. Our theory
ern Mesopotamia, even at the local level, can also ex- explains this correlation by reversing the direction of
plain the drastically different land tenure regime in causality in Wittfogel’s theory. It is not that a despotic
that region. In contrast to the tenancy pattern in Egypt state was required to construct and to operate irrigation
and southern Mesopotamia, owner-operated farming systems, but rather that irrigation-based agriculture
was prevalent in northern Mesopotamia from early provided transparency and facilitated state control.35
on. Cuneiform documents from the mid-second mil- An alternative functional theory posits that the early
lennium BCE from Nuzi (near modern Mosul) reveal state served a redistributive purpose. Thus, Adams
that while the local kings and the elite owned large (1981, 244) views the Mesopotamian city-states as hav-
estates, the temples did not possess economic power ing been formed to cope with uncertainty in farming
or land, and much land was owned by nuclear fami- output, through precautionary storage against years of
lies who worked their patrimonial property. The Nuzi shortage: “In the largest sense, Mesopotamian cities
evidence also reveals that land ownership in northern can be viewed as an adaptation to the perennial prob-
Mesopotamia was in a constant state of flux. Small land- lem of periodic, unpredictable shortages. They pro-
holders regularly lost title of their land to rich families vided concentration points for the storage of sur-
through debt and sale under duress (Zaccagnini 1999; pluses.” Our framework, however, suggests that the
Jas 2000). However, the persistence of owner-occupied attested extensive interannual storage in ancient Egypt
farming indicates that the process of land consolida- and Mesopotamia may have served primarily to protect
tion must have been matched by an opposing pro- the urban elite against revenue shortfalls in years of
cess by which large, presumably less-efficient, estates famine rather than to aid the farming population in the
were gradually dissolved. The prevalence of owner- countryside.
cultivated private farming in northern Mesopotamia Probably the most widespread alternative theory is
is consistent with prediction (1) that low transparency the idea (referred to in our introduction) that the emer-
makes tenancy less profitable to absentee owners.33 gence of the state was due to the increased productivity
of agriculture and to the surplus that was thus created.
It is argued that this surplus generated via diverse
RELATED LITERATURE channels (e.g., population pressure, trade, or required
Since the body of related literature is large, we shall protection) a need for government. In an influential
review only the leading alternative theories on the pat- variant of these ideas, Carneiro’s (1970) “environmen-
tern of state governance in the ancient Near East and tal circumscription” theory poses that states emerged
some related general theories on statehood.34 only in circumscribed areas that trapped the agrarian
We start with Wittfogel’s (1957) influential hydraulic population and restricted its ability to avoid subjuga-
theory of “oriental despotism,” according to which tion by fleeing elsewhere. In his comprehensive study
large-scale irrigation infrastructure was necessary to of the history of government, Mann (1986, 38–40, 75–
realize the agricultural potential in riverine environ- 102, 108–15) uses the metaphor of a “social cage” to
ments. Strong, despotic states are presumed to have explain the success of ancient Egypt and of other early
been a prerequisite for constructing and administer- states. Both Mann (1986) and Allen (1997) argue that
ing these irrigation projects. Wittfogel’s many critics Egypt’s success was due to the deserts that isolate the
pointed out, however, that the irrigation systems in Nile Valley and inhibited the peasants from avoiding
ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (and elsewhere) were subjugation via outmigration, thus enabling the state to
constructed communally, prior to the emergence of a extract surplus from the farming sector. From our per-
strong central state. Moreover, even after a central spective, although this entrapment theory fits Egypt,
state emerged, these irrigation systems were managed it does not adequately explain the institutional differ-
locally rather than from the center. Due to the co- ences that were examined earlier, for example, between
gency of these counterarguments, Wittfogel’s theory is northern and southern Mesopotamia.
Tilly (1975) offered another influential conflict the-
32 The costly transport of the crop tribute to the center over land was
ory that relates the emergence of centralized states to
their capacity to tax. In seeking to explain the evolution
another major contributing factor for the limited span of early po-
tential states in northern Mesopotamia, in comparison with riverine of European states since the Middle Ages, he contends
southern Mesopotamia and Egypt, where in-kind tax revenue was that new military technologies disrupted the interna-
transported by rafts and boats. tional equilibrium and forced states to consolidate to
33 Jas (2000) quotes Warriner (1948, 21, 104), who noted that
finance ever costlier wars. Tilly famously stated: “War
the different land tenure regimes between northern and southern made the state, and the state made war” (Tilly 1975,
Mesopotamia in antiquity persisted to the modern era: “In the north,
the forms of tenure are similar to those of Syria, with a class of
small proprietors taking some but not all, the land. In the south large 35 Billman (2002, 394) provides additional evidence from an early
owners or sheiks own virtually all the land, letting it to share-tenants, irrigation system in the Moche Valley in the arid northern coast of
through a series of intermediary lessees.” Peru in 400 BCE to 800 CE. He argues that the use of irrigation
34 With regard to the related literature on property rights, we only created an opportunity for leaders “to control land and the flow of
note that in our framework rights to land do not arise spontaneously water;” thus enabling them “to finance the creation of centralized,
(as in Demsetz 1967) but are granted by an authoritarian government hierarchical political organizations,” leading to the formation of an
(as in North [1981]). early territorial state.

Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav, and Zvika Neeman

42). Finer applied this warfare theory more broadly institutions did not emerge in regions where farming
to explain the history of government, referring to this relied on nonseasonal roots and tubers that are typ-
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positive feedback theory as the “extraction-coercion ically perishable and largely nonappropriable. Com-
cycle” (Finer 1997, 15–19).36 plex hierarchies and state institutions emerged only in
It is evident, however, that warfare theory cannot regions of the world, such as the ancient Near East,
explain the state’s success in ancient Egypt, since, as where farming relied on seasonal and nonperishable
argued, for example, by Dal Bó et al. (2015), Egypt’s cereal crops, since such crops require storage from one
natural circumscription insulated it from the outside harvest to the next and are thus highly vulnerable to
and implied that once a central state was formed, it was appropriation.38
not seriously threatened by competing states. This was
in contrast to Mesopotamia, where local rivalries and
nomadic banditry were a perennial problem. Stasavage
(2010) proposed an alternative transparency theory— Stigler (1961) stated that “knowledge is power.” We
where the transparency is of government activity rather apply this maxim to examine how the extent and the
than of production—that challenges Tilly’s theory on structure of informational asymmetry shaped the insti-
other grounds. He contends that the compact geo- tutions of premodern, agricultural state societies. Our
graphic span of small premodern European city-states overarching contention is that through its effect on the
generated greater transparency of their governments tax technology, the transparency of production affects
and enabled these city-states to raise the necessary the scale of the state, its hierarchical structure, and land
resources, via taxes or credit, and thus withstand ag- tenure practices. This theory helps explain why ancient
gression and retain their independence. Egypt was rapidly united and was subsequently very
As we see it, the critical element missing in the stable and highly centralized, whereas Sumer remained
warfare theory is an explanation of what enabled a a complex of competing city-states for several millen-
victor to extract ongoing revenue from a conquered nia. It also explains why land in Egypt belonged (at
territory to make the conquest viable and long lasting. least nominally) to the pharaoh, whereas in southern
In other words, although admitting that fiscal capacity Mesopotamia the land belonged to the temples and
contributes to a state’s military capacity, we question to the elite, and in northern Mesopotamia there was
the general validity of the reverse causal relation that substantial owner-occupied farming.
greater military capacity necessarily increases fiscal ca- Our environmental theory of early institutions offers
pacity. These considerations, however, highlight that a new paradigm for understanding antiquity, with an
we assume here, as mentioned in the introduction, an emphasis on how differences in the extent of informa-
isolated state with an absolute power to coerce, yet tion asymmetry affect hierarchical extractive institu-
without incorporating rivalry between competing poli- tions. Although we apply our theory to the institutions
ties or taking into account the resources required to of antiquity, we propose that it can be applied to all
maintain such power and to deter secession.37 predominantly agricultural state societies. More gen-
Moreover, we have avoided altogether assigning erally, and unrelated to environmental considerations,
the state with the typical function of providing public our theory sheds light on how production technologies
goods, including the maintenance of law and order. We can impact the state’s capacity to tax and shape institu-
acknowledge in this respect the contribution of Levi tions. In particular, whereas the prevailing perception
(1988), who considers, as we do, the constraints on the is that asymmetry of information hinders efficiency,
government’s capacity to tax but emphasizes how the our framework reveals that the lack of transparency of
provision of public goods and adherence to constitu- agents’ activities (“privacy”) may in fact be beneficial
tional constraints may foster cooperative compliance to them in protecting their freedom, and possibly also
by tax payers, as a substitute for the sole reliance on in promoting their material well-being.
Finally, we note that in a companion contribution
(Mayshar et al. 2015), we consider both the emergence Appendix 1: Proof of the Proposition
of the state and the role of increased productivity— Denote by V the present value of the agent’s utility from
issues that we do not address here. In that work, we employment in agriculture in a stationary equilibrium where
focus on a different aspect of the ability to appropri-
ate, contending that the transforming feature of the
Neolithic Revolution that gave rise to social hierar- 38 Huning and Wahl (2016) provide additional evidence in support
chy was the increased appropriability of crops rather of our current transparency theory, and also for our additional claim
than increased productivity. In particular, we argue and about the secondary role of productivity. They extend our present
provide empirical support for our claims that even af- model by viewing spatial homogeneity of soil quality as a proxy
for transparency, and relating it to state size, under the assumption
ter the adoption of highly productive agriculture, state that states’ income determines military spending. Consistent with our
theory, they find a robust positive relationship between observability
and size of medieval German territories. They also find that low
36 Gennaioli and Voth (2015) test Tilly’s theory to argue that tax
observability is correlated with the existence of city-states and show
capacity indeed increased since the Middle Ages due to the necessity that the resulting political fragmentation in the medieval period is
of financing wars. recognizable in Germany until today. Moreover, they show that land
37 The literature on these issues is extensive. See most recently Boix productivity does not have a significant effect on the territorial size
(2015). of these city-states.

Geography, Transparency, and Institutions

he exerts high effort every period. The normalization that the where δ2 V2 is the governor’s discounted value of keeping her
agent’s utility upon dismissal is zero implies position. Under the optimal contract, the incentive constraint
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is binding. Setting the governor’s utility of unemployment to

V = [ω + pa − m − γ] + [1 − dμ]δV, (A1) zero, we obtain, in analogy to (A1),

V2 = p 2 a2 + [1 − d2 (1 − p 2 )(1 − q2 )]δ2 V2 . (B1)

where μ = (1 − p)(1 − q) is the probability of a bad harvest
and a good signal, and dμ is the probability of dismissal.
Solving from (A1), From (B1), it is possible to solve for V2 (a2 , d2 ) as in (A2)
and then to solve explicitly for the king’s optimal incentive
scheme a2 and d2 . Thus, subject to parameter restrictions
ω + pa − m − γ
V(a, d) = . (A2) on x2 and δ2 that are analogous to those shown previously,
1 − δ (1 − dμ) there exists a threshold q̂2 > 0.5 such that if district farming is
sufficiently opaque to the king (q2 < q̂2 ), the governor enjoys
The principal selects a ࣙ 0, ω ࣙ m + γ and d ࢠ {0, 1} to a carrot regime, in which she is autonomous in the sense
maximize that she is never dismissed, namely d2c = 0. In this regime,
the king’s per-period revenue is π2c = L2 , independently of
π = max p(H − a) + (1 − p)L − μdx − ω, (A3) the state of nature, and the governor retains a2c = H2 −
L2 whenever the district state of nature is good, and zero
subject to incentivizing the agent to exert high effort: However, when district farming is sufficiently transpar-
ent to the king (q2 > q̂2 ), a stick-and-carrot regime prevails.
p[a + δV] + (1 − p)[q + (1 − q)(1 − d)]δV + ω − m − γ ≥ Under this regime, the governor is dismissed whenever the
king is led to expect high revenue, on the basis of observing
p[q(1 − d) + (1 − q)]δV + (1 − p)[q + (1 − q)(1 − d)]
σ 2 = g, but the governor reports low revenue. This occurs
δV + ω − m, with probability (1 − p2 )(1 − q2 ). In this regime, following a
(A4) similar derivation to the one shown previously, d2s = 1 and
where V = V(a, d). a2s = (H2 − L2 ) − q2 δ2 V2s , where
Since ω cancels out from (A4), it is optimally set to ω =
m + γ, thus confirming (1). Plugging (A2) into (A4) and p(H2 − L2 )
simplifying yields the incentive constraint: V2s = .
1 − δ2 (p + q2 − 2pq2 )
pqdδ The king’s expected revenue in this case is
pa 1 + ≥ γ. (A5)
1 − δ (1 − dμ)
π2s = (L2 − m2 ) + pq2 δ2 V2s − (1 − p)(1 − q2 )x2 .
Part (2) follows from the maximization of (A1) subject
to (A5). Because the principal sets a as low as possible, the The threshold transparency level q̂2 is determined by the
incentive constraint is binding in the optimal solution. implicit condition π2s = π2c . As in the basic model, the trans-
The threshold q̂ is given by the unique solution in the parency threshold q̂2 increases with the cost of dismissal x2
interval [0,1] to the quadratic equation π(ac , 0) = π(as , 1), and decreases with the governor’s discount factor δ2 .
which can be expressed as
q̂/(1 − q̂) = (1 − p) x[1 − δ(p + q̂ − 2p q̂)]/pδγ. (A6)
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