1º Bach Verb Tenses Grammar

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2. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
drive • not want • know • study • promise • take • hope • love • write • plan • think • collect • want • not
earn • work
I I often 1. ……………………… for the local newspaper. I 2. ……………………… much money, but I 3.
……………………… my work. At the moment, I 4. ……………………… information for an article about
students who left our school and 5. ……………………… abroad today.

II My father usually 6. ……………………… to work, but today he 7. ……………………… the bus, since
the car is in the garage.The mechanic 8. ……………………… it will be ready tomorrow. My father 9.
……………………… that the mechanic is right.He 10. ……………………… to be without his car again.

III This year Ronny and Sandra 11. ……………………… French at school. They 12.
……………………… how to speak English and Russian. Ronny 13. ……………………… to be a
language teacher and Sandra 14. ……………………… to travel. We15. ……………………… that their
dreams come true.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.

1. This book is mine. (belong)

2. There are a lot of mistakes in this essay. (contain)
3. The doctor is busy with a patient now. (see)
4. What’s so funny, Kate? (laugh)
5. What’s his present address? (live)

4. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. In the mornings, I ................................................................................................................... .

2. On Sunday, people usually .................................................................................................... .
3. My friends are busy this weekend. They ............................................................................... .
4. I think that at the moment, most of my friends ....................................................................... .
5. Everyone knows that famous people .....................................................................................

5. Complete the extract from After Twenty Years by O. Henry with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.

Jimmy 1. …………………………… (not see) his old friend, Bob, for more than 20 years when one
day, he2. …………………………… (receive) a call from him. They 3.……………………………(arrange)
to meet in front of Bill’s Café onthe main street. Jimmy 4. …………………………… (look forward to)
meeting him again. Things 5. ……………………………(change) since his last meeting with Bob –
Jimmy was now a policeman. That night, before he 6. ……………………………(leave) the police
station to meet his friend, he 7. …………………………… (tell) his partner about his plans. Jimmy
8. …………………………… (arrive) at the café on time and saw a man who 9.……………………………
(stand) outside. As Jimmy 10. …………………………… (come) closer, the man 11.
…………………………… (strike) a match to light his cigar, and Jimmy 12. ……………………………
(see) his face clearly. He 13. …………………………… (recognise) his old friend Bob. He
14. …………………………… (not change) much. But Jimmy was shocked when he 15.
…………………………… (realise) it was also the face of a criminal wanted for murder in another
town. He 16. …………………………… (see) this face on a poster in the police station earlier that day
but 17. …………………………… (not realise) who it was. What should he do now?

6- Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.
1. I knew something had happened when ................................................................................. .
2. By the time he called me, ...................................................................................................... .
3. I was listening to my favourite song when ............................................................................. .
4. While we were looking out of the window, ............................................................................. .
5. I watched some TV after ........................................................................................................ .

7-Answer the questions with the words in brackets and the time expressions below. Make any necessary
since • for • never • yet • when • just

1. When did you move here? (live / two years)

2. How long have you had this old piano? (1995)
3. Has Carl come back from his lunch break? (yes / walk into the room)
4. Have you ever been skydiving? (no)
5. Have you emptied the dishwasher? (no)
6. When did you last ride a bicycle? (a child)

8. Complete the passage with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
turn • see • find • read • look • eat • put • think
1. ……………………… anyone ……………………… Sunday’s newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.
On Tuesday
I 2. ……………………… an article about eating carrots: a teenager 3. ……………………… too many
carrots and her skin
4. ……………………… orange. I 5. ……………………… it was suitable for my essay. I’m sure I 6.
……………………… the article
on my desk. I 7. ……………………… all over the house, but I 8. ……………………… it yet. What
should I do now?

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