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What is Agriculture?
Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating
the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. It
includes the preparation of plant and animal
products for people to use and their
distribution to markets. Agriculture provides
most of the world’s food and fabrics. Cotton,
wool, and leather are all agricultural products.
Agriculture also provides wood for construction
and paper products. These products, as well as
the agricultural methods used, may vary from
one part of the world to another.

how the
agricuture starts
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Over centuries, the growth of agriculture

contributed to the rise of civilizations. Before
agriculture became widespread, people spent most
of their lives searching for food—hunting wild
animals and gathering wild plants. About 11,500
years ago, people gradually learned how to grow
cereal and root crops, and settled down to a life
based on farming.By 2,000 years ago, much of the
Earth’s population had become dependent on
agriculture. Scholars are not sure why this shift to
farming took place, but it may have occurred
because of climate change.

History of
The history of agriculture begins in the Fertile
Crescent. This area of Western Asia comprises the
regions of Mesopotamia and
Levant while being confined
by the Syrian Desert to the
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south and the Anatolian Plateau to the north. In the

early 1900s, University of Chicago archaeologist
James Henry Breasted coined the term "Fertile
Crescent" to describe this location's role as the
birthplace of agriculture. It has often been called the
"Cradle of Civilization" as well, since both the wheel
and writing first appeared there. Modern Turkey,
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and the
Palestinian territories all include some land within
the Fertile Crescent.

Steps of
 Soil cultivation.
 Planting.
 Fertilizers and pesticides
 Irrigation.
 Harvesting
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Types of crops
A crop is a plant or plant product
that can be grown and harvested for
profit or subsistence. There are three
types of crop:
Kharif crops- Grown in June- July,
e.g., rice, cotton.
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Rabi crops- Grown in October-

November, e.g., wheat, potato.
Zaid crops- Grown between March-
June, e.g., cucumber, pumpkin.

kharif crops
Kharif crops, also known as monsoon
crops or autumn crops, are
domesticated plants that are cultivated
and harvested in India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh during the Indian
subcontinent's monsoon season, which
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lasts from June to November depending

on the area.

Rabi crops:
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Rabi crops or Rabi harvest are

agricultural crops sown in winter and
harvested in the spring in South Asia.
The term is derived from the Arabic
word for “spring”, which is used in
the Indian subcontinent, where it is
the spring harvest (also known as the
“winter crop”).
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Zaid crops:
Zaid is a short season during
the summer months between
the Rabi and the kharif
seasons. Important crops
produced during 'Zaid' are
watermelon, muskmelon,
and cucumber, vegetables
and fodder

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