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Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi

Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020




GENAP 2019/2020

Alokasi Waktu
Hari Waktu Mata Kuliah
Efektif (Menit)

Sistem Informasi Bisnis

Akuntansi Manajemen & Pengawasan

Sesuai Sesuai
Silabi Silabi
Metode Penelitian Bisnis

Etika & Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan

Surabaya, Nopember 2019

Koordinator Program Studi,

Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi.

NIP. 197407221999031001

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020
Sistem Informasi Bisnis (3 SKS)
Hari & Tanggal Efektif Topic Dosen
Pengantar silabus dan konsep dasar IS
1. Hand-out WA
27 Januari 2020
2. Buku 2, ch. 1-2
Peran IS di era 20’
1. Buku 1, ch. 1
Senin, 2. Carr, N. G. (2003). IT doesn’t matter. HBR, May: 5-12.
3. Bensou, M., and Earl, M. (1998). The right mindset of for managing IT, SS
3 Pebruari 2020
HBR Case Study.

Isu terkini dalam karir IS

1. Buku 1, ch. 1
Senin, 2. Armstrong, D.B., Brooks, N.G., and Riemenschenider, C.K. (2016).
Exhaustion from IS career experience: Implications for turn-away intention. SS
10 Pebruari 2020
MIS Quartely, 39: 713-727.

Infrastruktur dan Arsitektur IS

1. Buku 1, ch. 2
Senin, 2. Broadbent, M. et al. (1999). The implications of information technology
infrastructure for business process redesign. MIS Quartely, 23: 159-182. SS
17 Pebruari 2020
3. Glaser, J. P. (2007). Too far ahead of the IT curve? HBR Case Study.

150 Pengelolaan keamanan IS, manajemen risiko, dan business continuity plan
1. Buku 1, ch. 5
2. Spears, J. L. and Barki, H. (2010). User participation in information
systems security risk management. MIS Quartely, 34: 503-522.
24 Pebruari 2020
3. Vance, A, Lowry, P. B., and Eggett, D. (2015). Increasing accountability SS
through user-interface design artifacts: New approach to addressing the
problem of access-policy violations. MIS Quartely, 39: 345-366.
4. McNulty, E. (2007). Boss I think someone stole our customer data. HBR
Case Study.
Komputasi Sosial
1. Buku 1, ch. 6-7
Senin, 2. Abdillah, W., Hartono, J.M., Handoko, H. (2012). Motivation and
2 Maret 2020 consequence of individual involvement in social network sites, JIEB, 27:
3. Seits, J. (2014). When the Twitterverse turns on you. HBR Case Study.
Trend dan implikasi e-commerce, e-business dan mobile business
1. Buku 1, ch. 8
2. Buku 4, ch. 1-2
Senin, 3. Hinz et al. (2011). Price discrimination in e-commerce? An examination
9 Maret 2020 of dynamic pricing in name-your-own price markets, MIS Quartely, 35: 81-
4. Hagiu, A. and Wright, J. (2013). Do you really want to be and eBay?
Pengganti Hari Libur: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Pebruari dan 14 Maret 2020
Ujian Tengah Semester I: 16 – 28 Maret 2020

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020

Manajemen dan tatakelola data

1. Buku 1, ch. 2-3
Senin, 2. de Cunha, J. V. , (2013). A dramaturgical model of the production of HM
30 Maret 2020 performance data, MIS Quartely, 37: 723-748.

Managemen jejaring dan mobilitas

1. Buku 1, ch. 4
2. Sutanto, J. et al. 2013. Addressing the personalization–privacy paradox: HM
6 April 2020
An empirical assessment from a field
experiment on smartphone users. MIS Quartely, 37: 1141-1164.
Aplikasi SI di level operasional
Senin, 1. Buku 1, ch. 9
13 April 2020 2. Sykes, T.A. (2015). Support structures and their impacts on employee
outcomes: A longitudinal study of an ERP, MIS Quartely, 39: 473-495.
Aplikasi SI di level strategik
1. Buku 1, ch. 10
2. Achjari, D. and Abdillah, W. (2015). Information system similarity: Post WS
20 April 2020
merger and acquisition. Asian Journal of Information and Communication,
150 7: 6-18.
Pengembangan dan manajemen proyek IS
1. Buku 1, ch. 13
2. Majchrzak, A. et al. (2005). Managing client dialogues during information
Senin, systems design to facilitate client learning. MIS Quartely, 29: 653-672.
27 April 2020 3. Wilson, S. and Kambil, A. (2008). Open source: Salvation or suicide?
HBR Case study.
4. Chen, Y. et al. (2017) An empirical analysis of intellectual property rights
sharing in software development outsourcing. MIS Quartely, 41: 131-161.
IT Governance dan penilaian kinerja IT
1. Buku 3, all chapters.
2. Buku 1, ch. 12
3. Ju Wu, S.P, Straub, D. W., and Liang, T-P. (2015). How IT governance
mechanism and strategic alignment influence organizational performance. WS
4 Mei 2020
MIS Quartely, 39: 497-518.
4. DeLone, W. H. and McClean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean
model of information systems success: A ten-year update. Journal of
Information System, 19: 9-30.
Topik khusus: Keperilakuan SIT
1. Buku 6 WS
11 Mei 2020
2. Handout
Pengganti Hari Libur: 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 & 25 April dan 18 – 23 April 2020
Ujian Akhir Semester I: 8 – 20 Juni 2020
Libur Akhir Semester II

Keterangan Dosen:
GCP : Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi.
WA : Dr. Willy Abdillah, SE., MSc.
WS : Dr. Wahyu Sardjono
SS : Surahyo Sumarsono, Ph.D.
HM : Hendro Margono, Ph.D.

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020
Buku :
1. Turban, E, dan L. Volonino, Information Technology For Management, International Srudent Version, 10 th ed, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2015
2. Hartono, J. 2008.n Sistem Teknologi Informasi – Pendekatan Terintegrasi: Konsep Dasar, teknologi Aplikasi,
Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan, edisi ketiga. Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta
3. Hartono, JM dan Abdillah, W. 2010. Sistem Tatakelola Teknologi Informasi. Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta
4. Turban, E., King, D., McKay, J., Marshall, P., Lee, J., Viehland, D. 2008. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial
Perspective, Pearson Education, Inc, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
5. Hartono, J. 2008. Model Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi, edisi pertama. Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta.
6. Hartono, J.M. (2007a). Sistem Informasi Kkeperilakuan. Edisi I, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
7. Artikel dan Kasus Relevan

Bacaan lain yang dianjurkan

Hartono, J.M. (2007b). Sistem Informasi Strategik. Edisi I, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta

 Kuliah dimulai : pukul 19.00 – 21.30 WIB

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020
Akuntansi Manajemen & Pengawasan (3 SKS)
Hari Tanggal Efektif Materi Sub Materi Ch Dosen
Managerial Accounting and the 1. New Issues in Managerial GNB Ch
Selasa, Business Environment. Accounting in the new 1,2
28 Januari 2020 Management Accounting Cost business environment
Concept 2. Basic Cost Concepts
PRESENTATION: 1. Type of cost behavior GNB Ch 3
Cost Behavior: Analysis and patterns
4 Pebruari 2020
Use 2. Analysis of Mixed Cost
PRESENTATION: 1. Designing ABC System GNB Ch 7
11 Pebruari 2020
Activity-Based Costing 2. Targetting Process
PRESENTATION: 1. Basic Framework of GNB Ch
Profit Planning Budgeting 10, 11
18 Pebruari 2020
150 Flexible Budgets 2. Preparing the Master
Case 10-30
3. Flexible Budget and
Performance Analysis
PRESENTATION: 1. Setting Standard Cost GNB Ch 12
Selasa, Standard Costing and Operating 2. Variance Analysis
25 Pebruari 2020 Performance. 3. Performance Measures
Case 12-23
Selasa, Variable Costing: A Tool for Overview Absorption versus GNB Ch 5
3 Maret 2020 Management Variable Costing
CVP Relationships analysis
10 Maret 2020
Case 4-33 2. Sensitivity Analysis
Pengganti Hari Libur: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Pebruari dan 14 Maret 2020
Ujian Tengah Semester I: 16 – 28 Maret 2020
PRESENTATION: 1. Decentralization in GNB Ch 13
Selasa, Segment Reporting, Organizations
31 Maret 2020 Decentralization and the 2. Responsibility Accounting
Balanced Scorecard 3. Balanced Scorecard
PRESENTATION: 1. Type of Tactical Decision GNB Ch 14
Selasa, making
Relevant Cost for Decision
7 April 2020
150 Problem: 14 - 25 2. ABC and Relevant costing B/IMN/
Selasa, PRESENTATION: Capital Budgeting Planning GNB Ch 15
14 April 2020 Capital Budgeting Decisions Investment
PRESENTATION: 1. Introduction to SCM GS Ch
Selasa, Strategic Cost Management – 2. Three Key Themes 1,2,3
21 April 2020 part 1 3. Strategic versus
Conventional Analysis

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020

PRESENTATION: 1. The Value Chain concepts: GS Ch 4,5,

Strategic Cost Management – The First Key The Second
part 2 Key to SCM
Selasa, 2. Cost Analysis consideration
28 April 2020 3. Explicit Attention to
Strategic Positioning: The
Second Key to Strategic Cost
Management B/IMN/
150 PRESENTATION: 1. Profit Variance Analysis GS Ch 6, 7, DA
Strategic Cost Management – 2. Differentiating Cost 9, 10 & 11
part 3 Management System
5 Mei 2020
3. Non Financial Performance
PRESENTATION: 1. What Drives Cost? The Third
12 Mei 2020
Strategic Cost Management – Key to SCM
part 4 2. Product Line Complexity
Pengganti Hari Libur: 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 & 25 April dan 18 – 23 April 2020
Ujian Akhir Semester I: 8 – 20 Juni 2020
Libur Akhir Semester II

Keterangan Dosen:
B : H. Basuki, MCom(Hons)., Prof.Drs., Ph.D.,Ak.,CMA.,CA.*
IMN : I Made Narsa, Prof. Dr., SE., MSi., Ak., CA.
DA : Dian Agustia, Prof.Dr., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.

Buku Teks Wajib:

1. Ray H. Garrison, E.W. Noreen, P.C. Brewer, N.S. Cheng., and K.C.K. Yuen. 2012. “Managerial Accounting An Asian
Perspective, McGraw-Hill International. (GNBCY)
2. Shank, John K. and Vijay Govindarajan. 1993. Strategic Cost Management. New York: The Free Press. (GS)

Additional readings
Certain related readings taken from various Journal of Management Accounting, Harvard
Business Review and other sources that available in the CD ROM, Internet, etc.

 Kuliah dimulai : pukul 19.00 – 21.30 WIB

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020

Metode Penelitian Bisnis (3 SKS)

Hari Tanggal Efektif Topik Sub Topik Text Dosen
Rabu, Introduction to 1. Research strategies Ch 1,2 (B)
29 Januari 2020 Research 2. Research design
Planning 1. Research process Ch 3,4 (B)
research 2. Formulating research questions Ch 4,6 (Z)
5 Pebruari 2020
Quantitative 1. Secondary data Ch 8,9,10
research I 2. Survey (Z)
12 Pebruari 2020
3. Experimental design SH/MK/
Rabu, 150 Quantitative 1. Ethnography Ch 12 (Z) IM/GCP
19 Pebruari 2020 research II 2. Case study
Rabu, Qualitative 1. Focus group Ch 19 (B)
26 Pebruari 2020 research I 2. Critical incident technique (CIT)
Rabu, Proposal Presentation/TOR
4 Maret 2020
Rabu, Proposal Presentation/TOR
11 Maret 2020
Pengganti Hari Libur: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Pebruari dan 14 Maret 2020
Ujian Tengah Semester I: 16 – 28 Maret 2020
Sampling 1. Probability Sampling Ch 6 (B)
Rabu, 2. Non probability sampling Ch 16, 17
1 April 2020 3. Sample size (Z)
4. Sampling error
Measuremet 1. Interview Ch 13, 14,
2. Developing question & 15 (Z)
8 April 2020
Rabu, Qualitative 1. Qualitative language Ch 20,22
15 April 2020 Analysis 2. Data analysis (B) SH/MK/
150 Quantitative 1. Hypothesis Testing Ch 19, 21, IM/GCP
Analysis I 2. Univariate analysis 22, 23 (Z)
22 April 2020
3. Bivariate analysis
Rabu, Quantitative 1. Multivariate analysis Ch 24 (Z)
29 April 2020 Analysis II
Rabu, Research 1. Draft of research report due
6 Mei 2020 Reports 2. Research report presentation
Rabu, Project Publication
13 Mei 2020 presentation
Pengganti Hari Libur: 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 & 25 April dan 18 – 23 April 2020
Ujian Akhir Semester I: 8 – 20 Juni 2020
Libur Akhir Semester II

Keterangan Dosen
SH : Dr. Sri Hartini, SE., MSi. (PJMK)
MK : Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, SE., MSi.
IH : Iman Harymawan, SE., MBA., Ph.D.
GCP : Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi.

Buku : - Business Research Methods, Uma Sekaran

- Busniess Research Methods, 8th, William G. Zikmund etal., Cengage Learning (Z)

 Kuliah dimulai : pukul 19.00 – 21.30 WIB

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020

Etika & Tanggungjawab Perusahaan (3 SKS)

Hari Tanggal Efektif Pokok Sub Pokok Bahasan Ch Dosen
Etika dan Apa arti moralitas dan standar moral. Ch 1 (V)
bisnis (Ethics Arti Ethics dan Business Ethics serta
Kamis, and Business) issuenya.
30 Januari 2020 Moral reasoning :
Stages of moral development :
Kohlberg’s study and business ethic
Membahas Kasus Business Ethics : Enron dan Ch 1 (JW)
kasus Microsoft Case 1 p.
Kamis, 28
6 Pebruari 2020 Ch 1 (JW)
Case 2 p.
Ethical Prinsip-prinsip dan teori etika Ch 2
Kamis, Principles (deontology dan teleology) serta (Velasques
13 Pebruari 2020 150 pembahasan kasus hal 149 dan kasus
hal 151 (V)
dan Fisher
& Lovell) v

Ethical Virtue ethics dan The Ethics of Care P 129 JW ;

Kamis, Principles (hal. 125) Samuel
20 Pebruari 2020 Waksal and
Kamis, Kasus Bisnis Etika Pemasaran: Kasus nyata
27 Pebruari 2020 - The Men Who Made Us Spend
Kamis, Konsep- - Konsep CSR dan Triple Bottom Line
5 Maret 2020 konsep CSR
Kasus CSR -
12 Maret 2020
Pengganti Hari Libur: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Pebruari dan 14 Maret 2020
Ujian Tengah Semester I: 16 – 28 Maret 2020
Kamis, 150 Inovasi dalam
2 April 2020
Kamis, CSR
9 April 2020 Accountability

Kamis, Cyber Ethics Ethical aspects of information

tehchnology, best practices and
16 April 2020
implementation in Indonesia
Jum’at, Cyber Law Legal aspects of information
technology – International and
17 April 2020
National Regulations
Corporate CSR Definitions
Kamis, Social CSR Basic Concepts
Responsibility CSR Rationales and Driving Forces
23 April 2020
Framework for CSR Initiatives
CSR Best Practices CHS
CSR mapping in Indonesia
Jum’at, CSR update in Indonesia and the
24 April 2020 Challenges ahead
CSR Case studies – discussion
Kamis, Innovative
Presentasi USR bernilai publikasi GCP/ TSA
30 April 2020 USR
Pengganti Hari Libur: 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 & 25 April dan 18 – 23 April 2020
Ujian Akhir Semester I: 8 – 20 Juni 2020
Libur Akhir Semester II

Jadwal Kuliah /Silabi
Angkatan LIII/2019 Kelas Sore – Semester II – Genap 2019/2020

Keterangan Dosen
GCP : Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi. (PJMK)
CHS : Dra. Chrysanti Hasibuan Sedyono, MIM. (Tutor)
IBRS : Prof.Dr. Ida Bagus Rachmadi Supancana, SH., MH.
TSA : Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., MSi.

- Velasquez, Manuel G. (2014) Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases. 7th Edition. USA : Pearson New International Edition. (V –
buku wajib)
- Joseph W Weiss, Business Ethics, A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach with Cases, 5 th Edition (2009). Cengage
Learning. (JW)
- Sonny Sukada, Pamadi Wibowo, Katamsi Ginano, Jalal, Irpan Kadir, Taufik Rahman, Membumikan Bisnis Berkelanjutan –
Memahami Konsep dan Praktik Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan. Indonesia Business Links (IBL), 2006
- Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG), Pedoman Good Corporate Governance Indonesia, 2006

Sumber lainnya :
 Fisher, Colin and Allan Lovell, 2003, Business Ethics and Values, Harlow, England : Prentice Hall. (Lovell)
 Artikel atau klipping dan journal serta bacaan lain yang didistribusikan pada mahasiswa.

 Kuliah dimulai : pukul 19.00 – 21.30 WIB


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