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Theorem List ↑

Basis Vectors, Linear Independence, Generating Systems

• Page 6 - Definition 2.1: Definition of basis
– Page 9 (Proof 32) - Proposition 2.7 - A system is a basis iff it is linearly independent and
• Page 7 - Definition 2.5: Definition of generating system
• Page 8: Definition of linearly independent/dependent set
– Page 8: Definition of trivial linear combination
– Page 9 (Proof 33) - Proposition 2.6: A vector in a linearly independent set can be represented
as a linear combination of the others

Subsets and Supersets

• (Proof 34): Any superset of a linearly dependent set is linearly dependent.

• (Proof 35): Any nonempty subset of a linearly independent set is linearly independent.

• (Proof 36): Any superset of a generating set is generating.

• (Proof 37): Any subset of a non-generating set is non-generating.

• Page 10 - Proposition 2.8: A finite generating system contains a basis
• Page 55 - Proposition 5.4: A linearly independent set can be completed to a basis
• Page 66: Algorithm for completion to a basis
• Gp Hw 1 Q7, Page 11: If a system is linearly independent but not generating, it is possible to add
a vector and preserve linear independence
• Gp Hw 2 Q2: If a system is generating but not linearly independent, then the vector that can be
expressed as a linear combination of the others can be removed while preserving completeness
• Unlisted: Appending a vector to a linearly dependent set preserves linear dependence
• Exam 1 Q4: The image of a linearly dependent set is linearly dependent
• Exam 1 Q6: If adding a vector w to each member of a linearly independent set V causes the set
to become linearly dependent, then w ∈ Span {V }

Systems in Fn
• Page 48 - Proposition 3.1:
– Page 48: A system of vectors is linearly independent iff the echelon form of their matrix has
a pivot in every column
– Page 48: A system of vectors is generating iff the echelon form of their matrix has a pivot in
every row
Theorem List ↑

– Page 48: A system of vectors is a basis iff the echelon form of their matrix has a pivot in every
row and column
• Page 48 - Proposition 3.2: If S is linearly independent in Fn , then |S| ≤ n

• Page 49 - Proposition 3.4: If S is a basis in Fn , then |S| = n

• Page 49 - Proposition 3.5: If S is generating in Fn , then |S| ≥ n

• Page 54: Definition of dimension
• Page 49 - Proposition 3.3: Bases in V have the same number of vectors

• Page 54 - Proposition 5.1: A vector space is finite-dimensional iff it has a finite spanning system
• Page 54 - Proposition 5.2: If S is linearly independent in V , then |S| ≤ dim V
• Page 55 - Proposition 5.3: If S is generating in V , then |S| ≥ dim V
• Gp Hw 7 Q3: If |S| = dim V , then S is linear independent iff it is spanning

• Gp Hw 7 Q4: A linearly independent system of n vectors is a basis iff dim V = n

Examples of Standard Bases

• Page 6: Fn , Rn , Cn
• Page 7: Pn

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