A Review of Zinc Oxide Mineral Beneficiation Using Flotation Method

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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78

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A review of zinc oxide mineral beneficiation using flotation method

Majid Ejtemaei a, Mahdi Gharabaghi b,⁎, Mehdi Irannajad a
Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 13 March 2013 In recent years, extraction of zinc from low-grade mining tailings of oxidized zinc has been a matter of dis-
cussion. This is a material which can be processed by flotation and acid-leaching methods. Owing to the sim-
Keywords: ilarities in the physicochemical and surface chemistry of the constituent minerals, separation of zinc oxide
Chemical processes minerals from their gangues by flotation is an extremely complex process. It appears that selective leaching
Collector is a promising method for the beneficiation of this type of ore. However, with the high consumption of
leaching acid, the treatment of low-grade oxidized zinc ores by hydrometallurgical methods is expensive
Interface, zinc oxide mineral flotation
and complex. Hence, it is best to pre-concentrate low-grade oxidized zinc by flotation and then to employ hy-
drometallurgical methods. This paper presents a critical review on the zinc oxide mineral flotation technique.
In this paper, the various flotation methods of zinc oxide minerals which have been proposed in the literature
have been detailed with the aim of identifying the important factors involved in the flotation process. The
various aspects of recovery of zinc from these minerals are also dealt with here. The literature indicates that
the collector type, sulfidizing agent, pH regulator, depressants and dispersants types, temperature, solid
pulp concentration, and desliming are important parameters in the process. The range and optimum values
of these parameters, as also the adsorption mechanism, together with the resultant flotation of the zinc
oxide minerals reported in the literature are summarized and highlighted in the paper. This review presents
a comprehensive scientific guide to the effectiveness of flotation strategy.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2. Solution chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3. Flotation of oxidized zinc using sodium sulfide, and flotation with cationic collectors such as amines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.1. Sulfidizing agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2. Depressants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.3. Dispersants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.4. Concentration of solid pulp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.5. pH regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.6. Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4. Flotation of oxidized zinc using fatty acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.1. Effect of depressants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5. Flotation of oxidized zinc using sulfidization and activation using a metal ion, and flotation with a sulfydryl collector such as xanthate . . . . . . 73
6. Flotation of oxidized zinc using other sulfydryl collectors such as mercaptans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7. Flotation of oxidized zinc using chelating agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
8. Flotation of oxidized zinc using mixed anionic/cationic collectors such as xanthates with amines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
9. Conclusion and recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

1. Introduction

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 2182084556; fax: +98 2188008838. Zinc enjoys tremendous importance owing to its wide application
E-mail addresses: m.gharabaghi@gmail.com, Gharabaghi@ut.ac.ir (M. Gharabaghi). in industries. It ranks fourth in world metal consumption. Metallic

0001-8686/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78 69

zinc is used in the production of alloys and in the process of galvani- A mixture of amines and xanthates can also be used as a mixed
zation which bestows protection to steel structures. It is also present collector for smithsonite flotation [33]. A new line of collectors [36]
as a chemical additive in rubber and paints [1,2]. has been studied. These collectors are based on xanthated fatty acid
At present, zinc is produced from zinc sulfide minerals which are (collectors from the DS series (xanthate = 60%, fatty acid = 20%,
the primary source of zinc, and it is easy to separate the sulfide min- and fuel oil = 20%)) and xanthated mixtures of fatty acid and amine
erals from the gangue using conventional flotation techniques. As sul- (DAS series (xanthate = 50%, fatty acid = 20%, amine oxide = 20%,
fide ores become depleted with the passage of time, the beneficiation and fuel oil = 10%)). These collectors were tested on a number of
of oxidized zinc ores has assumed great importance in recent years. lead oxide zinc ores from Egypt, South America, and Canada. The best
This situation is what drives the urgent need to process these ores results were obtained using a collector DAS-2, consisting of xanthated
in order to produce a marketable product [3,4]. fatty acid + amine. The reagent was prepared by ultrasonic agitation
Using the leach/solvent extraction/electrowinning process route is of xanthate (50%), fatty acid (25%), and amine (25%).
the most common method of extraction of zinc from low-grade zinc With more and more attention being given to zinc oxide flotation
oxide deposits. The application of whole-ore-leaching is likely to be in order to increase recoveries of Zn, a review of the zinc oxide flota-
uneconomical, and the separation of the acid-consuming gangue min- tion literature is presented together with some recent findings. This
erals prior to leaching is essential to the successful recovery of zinc article gives the overall review of zinc oxide (especially smithsonite)
from these deposits. This offers numerous advantages for leaching re- beneficiation by different flotation reagents. The objectives of this
agent consumption, refinery sizing, and site selection, as it could prove investigation are to review zinc oxide flotation and to present a quan-
to be economically viable to transport zinc concentrate containing titative analysis of published data in this area. The feasibility of con-
high Zn grades. It is technically feasible to separate more than 90% sidering a surface reaction and reagent effects are also considered.
of the acid-consuming gangue minerals from the ROM zinc oxide
ores, and to produce a concentrate yielding a zinc grade to the order 2. Solution chemistry
of 25–35% using the flotation method [5].
There are three basic ore varieties of zinc oxide which are of eco- Some of zinc oxide minerals such as smithsonite are semi-soluble
nomic value: (a) hemimorphite (gangue minerals: dolomite, goethite, minerals which may have their surface charge developed by non-
quartz and kaolinite); (b) smithsonite (gangue minerals: goethite, stoichiometric dissolution that results in the hydrolysis of the ions re-
quartz, calcite, and kaolinite); and (c) willemite (gangue minerals: leased to solution [20]. In the semi-soluble mineral flotation, various
quartz, barite, goethite, and feldspar) [6]. ions are hydrolyzed and hydrolysis products of the ions are capable
Flotation is the most commonly used method for beneficiation and of readsorption onto the mineral surface. Mineral surface charge
pretreatment of oxidized zinc minerals, and there have been extensive may be determined by interactions between the ions of the crystal
investigations conducted on the flotation of zinc oxide ores [3,4,7–13]. structure and the hydrolysis products [20].
Selecting a suitable flotation method greatly depends on the accom- In the zinc sulfide mineral flotation using sulphydryl collectors,
panying gangues of the main zinc oxide mineral [3]. Some methods large number of xanthate species such as xanthate ion (ROCS2),
employed for the flotation of the oxide minerals of the base metals monothiocarbonate (ROCOS −), xanthic acid (ROCS2H), carbon disul-
have been reported. The most important methods which have long fide (CS2), and dixanthogen (ROCS2S2COR) are formed in the flotation
been used are as follows: [37]. In sphalerite flotation by KAX collector, Zn(OH)AX(s) is the pre-
dominant species at pH 8–10 and below pH 8 Zn(AX)2(s) is predom-
(i) Sulfidization using sodium sulfide, and flotation with a cationic
inant [38].
collector such as amines [1,3–5,11,12,14–18].
Smithsonite (ZnCO3) being a typical oxide mineral of zinc, is
(ii) Using fatty acids [1,3,15,16,19,20].
a semi-soluble salt mineral with a solubility product constant of
(iii) Sulfidization and activation using a metal ion and flotation
1.46 × 10 −10 M, and it is characterized principally by its ionic bond-
with a sulfydryl collector such as xanthate [13,21–25].
ing and moderate solubility in water [39,40].
(iv) Other sulfydryl collectors such as mercaptans [23,25–27].
In the flotation system, water molecules will chemisorpt on the
(v) Chelating agents [21,28–31].
surface of smithsonite when the smithsonite surface activity in water
(vi) Mixed anionic/cationic collectors such as xanthates with amines
increases. The high activity to water dipoles is one of the main factors
for the low natural floatability of smithsonite compared with zinc sul-
Collector steryl amine acetate works well on smithsonite, but it fide minerals. This process will decrease the probability of effective re-
does not show selectivity toward calamine ores (major zinc bearing agents adsorption on smithsonite surface [3,41].
mineral hemimorphite). When smithsonite is present in the ore, bet- Solution chemistry of the zinc oxide minerals has been studied by
ter results are achieved using a tallow amine emulsion with elevated several investigators. The smithsonite dissolution and hydrolysis reac-
additions of fuel oil emulsion. Xanthates, thiocarbonates, mercaptans, tions of Zn 2+ with equilibrium constants are described below [42–44].
and dithiocarbamates can collect oxidized zinc minerals [6,34,35].
According to Gaudin (1957), the process is not selective enough for 2þ 2−
ZnCO3 ⇔ Zn þ CO3 ð1Þ
practice, when hexyl or amyl xanthate is used in the collection of
smithsonite. Two series of chelating reagents have been synthesized 2þ þ
Zn þ OH ⇔ ZnOH ð2Þ
to float smithsonite, but it is difficult to use commercially available che-
lating reagents on plant scale and, more than this, it is the lack of a

long-chain hydrocarbon in the molecule which is the major drawback. Zn þ 2OH ⇔ ZnðOHÞ2ðaqÞ ð3Þ
Shi and co-workers [20] used anionic collector for flotation of smith-
sonite. According to their results, smithsonite showed high floatability Zn

þ 3OH ⇔ ZnðOHÞ3 ð4Þ
using sodium oleate as collector between pH 7.0 and 8.0. By increasing
pH, smithsonite flotation recovery decreased from 80% to about 30% 2þ 2−
at pH 9.5 [20]. They concluded that carbonate ions can affect the zeta Zn þ 4OH ⇔ ZnðOHÞ4 ð5Þ
potential of smithsonite and its floatability was improved with the pH
regulator Na2CO3. This was due to the increase of surface cation sites Smithsonite solubility as a function of pH is shown in Fig. 1. Smith-
and zinc species in the Stern layer. This phenomena improved the ad- sonite is a thermodynamically stable solid at pH values less than 7.4.
sorption of oleate ions on the interface at 7.0 b pH b 8.7 [20]. Smithsonite will partially hydroxylate to hydrozincite in pH ranges
70 M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78

depending on the degree of ore liberation and the associated gangues

The pH substantially changes the form of the dodecylamine solu-
tion, RNH3+, predominating in equal quantities at pH values less than
neutrality, with RNH3+ and RNH2(aq) being present in equal quantities
at pH 10.6, and the quantum of rapid drop with an increase in pH
(Fig. 2) [51].
According to Fig. 2, it is obvious that amine exists in suspension
mainly in the form of RNH2(aq) in the pH range of 10.5–12. It is
expected that the amine be adsorbed at the smithsonite surfaces
through complex bonding, possibly chelating. Generally, at the flota-
tion pH of around 10, the RNH 3+ is effectively absent, and it can be as-
sumed that the RNH2 gets attached to the zinc on the surface in the
Fig. 1. Solubility products of ZnCO3 and Zn(OH)6 2(CO3)2. form of ZnS through complexation bonds [28]. This phenomenon is
Replotted from Stumm and Morgan [41,42]. shown in Fig. 3.

between 7.4 and 12.4, and above a pH of 12.4, its amorphous form, 3.1. Sulfidizing agent
(Zn(OH)2), becomes the predominant species [44,45].
According to the results, smithsonite is negatively charged at The process of sulfidization is converting the surface of the oxide
pH values greater than 5. In the pH range pH > 9, when an alkali is mineral such as MCO3 (M: metal element) into a sulfide surface.
added to an aqueous smithsonite suspension, zinc hydroxide is the This process includes the dissolution of Na2S in which HS − and S 2−
stable solid. The point of zero charge for hemimorphite was found ions form in aqueous suspension, with adsorption of HS − and S 2−
at pH about 3. The zeta potential became more positive as the pH of ions taking place at the surfaces of the mineral, chemical, and/or elec-
the suspension was reduced [48]. trochemical reactions in which MS (M: metal element, and S: sulfur
element) forms at the surfaces, and also the possible dissolution of
some surface species. Since the sulfidized surface of oxide minerals
3. Flotation of oxidized zinc using sodium sulfide, and flotation is hydrophobic, conventional froth flotation techniques can be used
with cationic collectors such as amines to separate them from the gangue [17].
Sodium sulfide addition in a stage prior to flotation (pre-sulfidization)
The most common flotation technique used commercially is is more efficient as a pH regulator than during flotation, due to ad-
sulfidization with Na2S, followed by treatment with conventional col- sorption kinetics differences between the collector and the activator
lectors, namely amine, containing from 8 to 18 carbon atoms [18,46]. (the former adsorbs faster than the latter). Salum et al. [48] studied
Amine salts and organic ammonium compounds are very sensitive to on the role of sodium sulfide in amine flotation of silicate zinc min-
the pH of the medium. Besides, they are most active in slightly acidic erals. They found that willemite is more soluble than hemimorphite
solutions and inactive in strongly alkaline and acidic media [47]. The and, therefore, more strongly affected by sodium sulfide. By addition
main flotation characteristics of these collectors are lower selectivity of Na2S, the net charge on the silicate zinc ore surface was more neg-
and higher reagent consumption. ative with the zeta potential about − 110 mV, comparing to about −
Extensive research work was carried out on Gorno Calamine 70 mV at the same pH [52]. The replacement, even partial, of sodium
ore from Sicily, where several amines (Flotbel 1, Flotbel CA, Flotbel sulfide by other pH regulating agents, such as sodium carbonate and
CH-A, Aeroamine, Armac T, Armac S, Armac CD, Armac 12D, Armac sodium hydroxide, decreases the recovery and grade of the zinc concen-
HTD, Duomac S, Duomac C, Flotigan O, Flotigan S, Diamine DHPL, Di- trates. Also, hemimorphite requires a conditioning time in sulfidizing
amine acetate, and Kokoamine) were tested, but using amines made solution two times longer than that for willemite in order that the
from coconut oil gave satisfactory results. The most effective amines same concentration of Zn2+ cations in solution is reached [48].
found during this research were Armac C (Akzo Nobel, USA) and Sodium sulfide proved to be the most satisfactory sulfidizing agent
Kokoamine KK (Akzo Nobel, USA). Billi and Quai [22] also used several in smithsonite flotation, and it is also cheaper than sodium hydrogen
amine salts as collectors of smithsonite. These have been investigated sulfide, besides having the capacity to generate a high pH [9,53]. The
(Armac C, Armac T, Flotigam SA, Flotigam TA, and Armeen TD), of
which Armac C showed the best results [3]. In the case of flotation of
hemimorphite and willemite, it has been reported that the percentage
of zinc recovery by stearyl amine as a collector was maximized at
pH = 10. Willemite floats better than hemimorphite with amine as
collector, especially in the less alkaline pH range. The difference in
behavior could be explained by the chemical and structural compo-
sition of the minerals. Willemite (Zn2SiO4) is a typical nesosilicate
with the tetrahedral group (SiO44−) linked by zinc cations while in
hemimorphite (2ZnO·SiO2·H2O) the zinc atoms are tetrahedrically
coordinated with three oxygen atoms of the silica tetrahedron and
with one hydroxyl ion. As a result, a lower mobility of Zn 2+ cations
in hemimorphite is observed, compared to that of willemite [48].
More favorable conditions for amine adsorption on hemimorphite
would require the loss of the hydration sheath.
Investigators originally reported that for the zinc oxide flotation
circuit, the best results are at pH levels between 10.5 and 11.5, al-
though some ores respond well to the process at lower pH levels. Re- Fig. 2. Species distribution diagram of dodecylamine as a function of pH (total conc. =
agent consumptions are usually in the order of 1000–7500 g/t sodium 5 × 10−5 mol/l).
sulfide or sodium hydrosulfide, and 300–1000 g/t cationic collector, Replotted from Somasundaran, 2006 [51].
M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78 71

Table 1
Comparison between different research projects by sulfidizing–amine flotation method.

Feed pH Na2S Collector Conc. R (%) D80 (μ) References

(Zn%) (gr/t) (gr/t) (Zn%)

10.76 11 3500 18-carbon amine 36.28 56.66 74 [17]

7.68 11.5 2000 300 (DDA) 24.5 84.5 140 [49]
8.2 11.5 3000 300 (Armac C) 38.8 84 ~200 [5]
8.2 11.5 4500 1000 (Armac c) 26.4 78 ~100 [5]
16.16 11 3400 356 (amine) 40 70 100–150 [4]
12.64 11 3000 800 (Armac C) 23 87 90 [1]
Fig. 3. Complexation of amines.

high dosage of sodium sulfide results in a pH range of 10.5–12.0 in the gangue composition and, therefore, selection of depressants is dic-
flotation pulp, and flotation results indicate that this pH range is suit- tated by the gangue composition present in the ore. Carboxylic acid
able for smithsonite flotation [17,28]. is applicable to smithsonite separation from silica or clay minerals
From the distribution coefficients of various species in Na2S solu- [23], but calcareous material such as calcite or dolomite will float
tion as a function of pH, it can be found that H2S dominates when during smithsonite flotation [59]. Some reagents like sodium silicate
pH b 7.0, whereas HS − dominates when pH > 7.0 and S 2− is at (type N) and starch can be used as calcite depressant at pH =
pH > 13.9 [14,28,42,54]. Furthermore, the optimum pH of flotation 7.0–10.0 [60,61]. In the cationic flotation of calamine ore (containing
is located in the range where HS − is the predominant species. There- smithsonite, hemimorphite, cerussite, calcite, quartz and iron oxide)
fore, it can be concluded that HS − species interact with metallic ions using sodium sulfides and amine in bench flotation, Marabini and
on the mineral surface and forms a sulfidized surface film, thus acti- co-workers [28], used the compounds of tripolyphosphate and guar
vating the flotation of the oxide minerals. The sulfidization reactions of methylcarboxylic sodium salt for depressing of SiO2 and methyl-
of smithsonite have been experimentally shown as follows [55]: carboxylate guars for depressing calcite, which exerts the best depress-
− −
ing effect. Moreover, the compounds that showed the best separation
ZnCO3ðsurf Þ þ HS ⇔ZnSðsurf Þ þ HCO3 ð6Þ efficiency were tripolyphosphate and guar of methylcarboxylic sodium
− −
ZnðOHÞ2ðsurf Þ þ HS ⇔ZnSðsurf Þ þ H2 O þ OH ð7Þ The effects of sodium hexamethaphosphate (SH), sodium silicate
and starch for separation of calcite–smithsonite, as well as sodium sil-
After sulfidization, the surface of the mineral becomes less hydro- icate and sodium fluoric for separation of quartz–smithsonite in cat-
philic due to the presence of chemisorbed sulfide ion and thus floats ionic flotation have been studied [3]. The interaction between SH
more efficiently. Under these conditions, the collector requirements and Ca ion in the pulp has been investigated by Hao Ding and Deng
may also be reduced significantly to some magnitude [11]. [62]. They found that SH is significantly capable of producing a com-
Adding more amounts of sodium sulfide makes smithsonite zeta plex compound with Ca ion, and also its stability and water solubility
potential more negative, and the value of the isoelectric point de- are very high. SH could depress calcite in cationic flotation of smith-
creases. The pHIEP of ZnS is around 2 [56]. The pHIEP of smithsonite sonite. Furthermore, sodium silicate can partly reduce quartz recovery
drops from 8 to 6.3 because chemical reactions of HS − with metal in cationic flotation [1,3]. Table 2 shows depressants used in cationic
ions on the surface of minerals can occur and proceed to form the flotation of oxidized zinc minerals.
metal sulfide film on the surface of smithsonite (Fig. 4) [15].
An excess of sodium sulfide does not depress the floatability of
willemite and hemimorphite with amines [48]. However, the extra 3.3. Dispersants
S 2− ion has shown an effect of clear depression on smithsonite flota-
tion [1,3,11,12,15,57,58]. The conditions and reagents' consumption Slimes have a marked effect on oxidized zinc flotation and result
for some investigations are set out in Table 1. in excessive reagent consumption with less selectivity [63,64]. Zinc
oxide ores consist of both primary slimes and secondary slimes
3.2. Depressants which are created during the crushing and grinding processes. The
major problem in the processing of zinc flotation tailings is the large
The choice of gangue depressants is closely related to the gangue volume of fines and slimes with increasing reagent consumption,
types present in the ore. Usually, the zinc oxide ores have a complex

Table 2
Depressants used in cationic flotation of oxidized zinc minerals.

Reagents pH Role Selected


Tripolyphosphate and guar of 11 SiO2 depressant in [50]

methylcarboxylic sodium salt calamine ores
Sodium silicate (type N) 7–10 SiO2 and CaCO3 depressant [60,61]
in both calamine and
smithsonite ores
Methylcarboxylic guar 11 CaCO3 depressant in [50]
calamine ores
Sodium hexamethaphosphate 11 CaCO3 depressant in [3]
(SH) smithsonite ores
Tripolyphosphate and 11 Fe2O3 depressant in [50]
polycarboxylic calamine ores
Acrylic acid with law 11 CaCO3 depressant in [6]
molecular weight smithsonite ores
Fig. 4. Zeta potential of smithsonite as a function of pH in distilled water, sodium sul-
Tripolyphosphate, celluloses 11 Al depressant in [50]
fide solution, 2.6 × 10−2 M and ZnS (1 × 10−6 M NaCl).
and carboxylate guars calamine ores
Replotted from Somasundaran, 2006 [51].
72 M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78

causing the so-called slime-coating phenomenon, that hinders selec- reaction. However, if the concentration of sodium sulfide is high
tivity and, in some cases, renders the process unfeasible. To preclude and the pH value exceeds 8.5–9.0, there is a marked decrease in the
this, desliming and using different reagents such as flocculants, coag- heat generated [70]. It is appropriate to set the temperature of the
ulants, dispersants, and depressants can be applied [65]. Slimes are pulp between 25 and 40 °C [1,17]. The fact that the heat generated
detrimental to flotation and the process usually requires a desliming decreases indicates that there is a decrease in the amount of adsorbed
step ahead of flotation [1,17,49]. The dispersants used in various in- amine in high sodium sulfide solution. It may be concluded that it is
vestigations are summarized in Table 3. not advisable to float smithsonite at very high temperatures, such as
at 60 °C. However, if the temperature of the pulp is too low, say
3.4. Concentration of solid pulp below 20 °C, the sulfidization and amine adsorption are not sufficient
since the adsorption reactions are endothermic.
The 30–40% solid mass concentration is the best for obtaining good
results in an acceptable flotation performance. On the other hand, a 4. Flotation of oxidized zinc using fatty acids
higher concentration (more than 40%) due to equipment wear and
tear, high consumption of energy, and inferior fluidity of pulp is not The recovery of single mineral flotation is appropriated using oleic
practical [1]. It is usually believed that in the relatively high pulp acid at pH around 10.0 [3,15]. The negative zeta potential increases
concentration, the concentration of reagents is also high, so that the due to adsorption of oleic anions on the mineral surface when smith-
adsorption of reagents at mineral surfaces is dynamically favorable, sonite is treated with oleic acid. As it has been revealed by FTIR anal-
resulting in an increase in the adsorption density of reagents at the yses, the adsorption of oleic acid on the mineral surface is caused by
surface. The flotation response is thus enhanced [17]. Keqing and an ion exchange mechanism. The maximum adsorption occurs at
co-workers [17] have also found that if the concentration of flotation pH 10.0, and the resulting flotation recovery was then 93% [15].
pulp is below 25%, the flotation response will be extremely poor re- Flotation using carboxylic acid is applicable for zinc oxide ore if
gardless of the quantity of reagents used. the gangue is silica or clay minerals [23]. If there is limestone or dolo-
mite as gangue minerals, these are also floatable during smithsonite
3.5. pH regulator flotation [59]. Laurylamine acetate as a collector can be used after
sulfidizing the mineral with sodium sulfide, but the flotation proper-
Choosing a suitable pH value and modifier is an essential factor in ties of minerals depend on the pH levels [14].
the controlling of the mineral flotation [66]. An adjustment of pH by The solubility of fatty acids is low and varies according to the
the addition of an acid or an alkali, affects the surfaces of solids, the length of the hydrocarbon chain. Important factors like dimerization
extent of ionization or solubility of a surfactant, the concentrations equilibrium, micellization, and precipitation are involved and con-
of inorganic ions, the level of the electrochemical potential, and the trolled by the pH level in the solution which controls the surface
corresponding oxidation–reduction potential [67]. charge of the adsorption layer itself [23,71,72].
The most widely used agents for regulation of acidic pH are HC1, It is known that RCOOH (l) and RCOOH (aq) are the predominant
H2SO4, HNO3, etc. although the choice is not based solely on economic species, whereas, species such as RCOO−, (RCOO) −2 2 and to a lesser
criteria since the effect of the Cl−, SO42− and NO3− ions may also greatly extent [(RCOO) 2H] − exist in the basic region (Fig. 5).
influence on the behavior of certain systems. NaOH, Ca(OH)2, and The maximum adsorption of oleic acid on smithsonite around a pH of
Na2CO3 are the agents of choice for alkaline pH, but again, the selection 10.0 may be attributed to interaction between RCOO− and zinc on the
of one or the other must also take into account the possible influence of smithsonite surface and can be assumed that the adsorption of oleic
the agent on the system, for example, the effect of CO32− on the precip- acid takes place by an ion exchange mechanism as shown below [15]:
itation of Ca2+ ions present in the medium [68]. Sodium hydroxide
− þ − −
(NaOH) has to be used as the pH regulator, and using sodium carbonate ZnðOHÞ2ðsurf Þ þ RCOO ⇔Zn Rcoo þ OH : ð8Þ
for adjusting the pH of the pulp in zinc oxide flotation can decrease the
quantum of mineral recovery. This phenomenon can be argued based
on the dominant species diagram for the Na2CO3–ZnCO3 system, that 4.1. Effect of depressants
is at a pH of around 11, using extra Na2CO3, precipitates Zn (OH)2(s),
thus causing a reduction in smithsonite flotation [1]. The main problems in anionic flotation of oxidized zinc ores in-
volve the flotation of the main associated gangue minerals (quartz
3.6. Temperature

Many researchers have investigated the effect of temperature on

minerals [1,17,28,69,70]. The sulfidization of smithsonite surface at
40 °C is better than at 20 °C, but if the temperature is increased to
60 °C, the sulfidization efficiency is decreased [28]. Massacci et al.
[70] reported that amine adsorption on smithsonite surface in the
presence of low-concentration sodium sulfide is an endothermic

Table 3
Dispersants used in oxidized zinc minerals flotation.

Dispersant Mineral Reference

Sodium hexamethaphosphate Hemimorphite [49]

Ethylene glycol methacrylate ethylene Smithsonite [107]
dioxybenzonate (EGMEDB)
Sodium hexamethaphosphate Calamine [65]
Sodium silicate + sodium hexametaphosphate Calamine [12]
(50% each)
Sodium hexamethaphosphate Smithsonite [17]
Fig. 5. Species distribution diagram of oleic acid.
Sodium hexametaphosphate Smithsonite [4]
Replotted from [66].
M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78 73

and calcite) into concentrate [16]. It is quite critical to use a depressant

which does not have any influence on valuable zinc oxide flotation. It
has been characterized that quartz cannot be floated by oleic at pH 9
due to its negative surface charge. Contrarily, real flotation results
show that there was no separation between smithsonite and quartz,
and both of them have been floated [3]. Ejtemaei et al. [1] used differ-
ent depressants to avert the flotation of quartz in oleic acid flotation.
They found that quartz can be activated by dissolved ions (especially
Pb(II) and Zn(II)) and be floated along with smithsonite. To combat
this problem, they utilized various depressants namely, sodium sili-
cate, sodium sulfide, SH, sodium fluoride, carboxymethyl cellulous
(CMC), and starch. They proved that the CMC was the most successful
quartz depressant among all the others, since it does not have a nega-
tive impact on the recovery of smithsonite [1].
Calcite and dolomite were depressed by citric acid in oleic acid flo-
tation, but this method has not found application in any plant practice Fig. 6. logC–pH diagram for xanthate.
[6]. SH, as a depressant in single mineral separation of smithsonite– Replotted from [66].
calcite by Hollimond tube in oleic acid flotation showed successful re-
sults. On the other hand, using SH in real oleic acid flotation of zinc
oxide ore the grade of CaO was decreased while the grade of zinc The interaction of amylxanthate with smithsonite surface at pH of
also fell steeply [3]. To understand the causes of these reverse results 10.5 may be represented by the following reaction [25]:
of Hollimond tube and real flotation, we need to thoroughly investi-
gate the influence of dissolved ions on calcite and smithsonite sur- − 2−
ZnCO3ðsÞ þ 2AXðaqÞ ⇔ZnAX2ðsÞ þ CO3ðaqÞ : ð10Þ
faces in oleic acid flotation.

5. Flotation of oxidized zinc using sulfidization and activation When smithsonite is treated with KAX, the maximum flotation re-
using a metal ion, and flotation with a sulfydryl collector such as covery occurs at pH 10.5 and amounts to 82%. The effect is markedly
xanthate strong so that KAX is predominantly adsorbed on the negatively
charged mineral surface present in an alkaline solution. XPS studies
Xanthates are the most important collectors for sulfide mineral flo- indicated that, when mineral is activated by copper, an ion exchange
tation, as well as for oxides (i.e. copper oxide, lead, and zinc minerals). between Zn 2+ and Cu 2+ occurs on the mineral surface resulting in
Sulfidization followed by flotation with xanthate is not used in the the formation a surface layer of CuS [76]. The activating effect of sodi-
flotation of the zinc silicates, hemimorphite and willemite, due to um sulfide is strongly time dependent. The increase in sulfidization
the high consumption of sulfidizing agent, the need for activation leads to an increase in hydrophobicity of the mineral surface. The ex-
with copper sulfate and the low recoveries obtained [48]. Barbery cess of sodium sulfide acts as depressant for oxidized lead and zinc
and Cecil [73] reported that xanthates can be used for the flotation minerals because adsorption of divalent sulfide ions on the surface
of oxidized zinc ore. Smithsonite flotation recovery using Hallimond of lead oxide minerals increases the negative charge which prevents
tube was determined at 81.3% using potassium amyl xanthate (KAX) the adsorption of the collector on to oxidized zinc mineral surfaces
at pH around 10.5 [25]. The flotation of zinc oxide minerals is sug- [58].
gested for sulfidization of the smithsonite followed by activation Separation of zinc oxide from ferric oxide and silica by xanthate
with CuSO4 and flotation of the activated zinc oxide using xanthate flotation was notably less successful. In fact, more of the second min-
at pH 10.5 [13]. It is also implied that after pretreatment of the pulp eral floated. Zinc oxide does tend to aggregate at moderately alkaline
with sulfidizer followed by reconditioning with CuSO4, zinc oxide flo- pH due to released Zn +2 ions inducing chemical bridging [77], and
tation can be achieved with a mixture of xanthate/mercaptan collec- this may promote aggregation with and recovery of the second
tors [6]. oxide. In all the systems, the potential for release and transfer of
It is evident, unlike with sulfide minerals, that short-chain xan- metal ions which may cause inadvertent activation needs to be con-
thates are not effective in the flotation of their oxide counterparts, sidered. Release and transfer of metal ions and their activation of silica
and that the oxides of Zn can be floated by long-chain xanthates are well known [1,51,78]. The Cu 2+ activation method produces good
(amyl or higher). The difference is probably related to the greater nat- zinc oxide metallurgical results when the ore contains dolomitic/
ural hydrophilicity of oxides, as compared to sulfides, suggesting the calcitic gangue minerals. If the ore contains Fe-hydroxides, this method,
need for a more hydrophobic collector, and to the mechanism of xan- however, produces poor results [6]. Generally, flotation of zinc oxide by
thate adsorption [13]. The action of xanthates on sulfide minerals re- xanthates is not selective enough in practice [13,21,23,25].
sults in a chemical bond between xanthate and metal. With oxides,
the metal atoms are less likely to form a chemical bond with xanthate 6. Flotation of oxidized zinc using other sulfydryl collectors such
because of the higher ionic character of the bond between metal and as mercaptans
oxygen than that between metal and sulfur [74]. It is suggested that
the action of xanthates on metal oxides is more dependent on an elec- Mercaptans find extensive application in many fields. They are flo-
trostatic mechanism than is the case with sulfides [75]. As the electro- tation agents, condensation agents in peptide synthesis, accelerators
static bond is weaker than the chemisorption bond, it requires a longer in vulcanization of rubber, inhibitors of radical polymerization and
hydrocarbon chain to form a stable film for hydrophobicity [13]. photo reduction of ketones, and trapping agents for biradicals [79].
Xanthate hydrolyzes in solution to form xanthic acid (HX), and Mercaptans can collect oxidized lead, copper, and zinc minerals
then dissociates. [23,26,80]. Hexylmercaptans (HM), with roughly six carbon atoms,
have reasonable solubility in water and can be used as a collector
þ −
HX⇔H þ X ð9Þ for oxide-based minerals, e.g. chalcocite, azurite, malachite, calamine,
zincite, smithsonite, and willemite, but the requirement for mercap-
The species distribution of xanthate is given in Fig. 6. tan to float zinc oxide mineral is very large [23,25,80]. HM, with a
74 M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78

formula of CH3 [CH2]5 SH, is a weak acid, and the ionization of a mer- The separation of minerals from one another by flotation depends
captan in water is according to the following equation [81]: mainly on the selective adsorption which surfactants and polymers
exert on them. Reagents with chelating functional groups have re-
− þ ceived increasing attention for this purpose in recent years, being
RSH þ H2 O⇔RS þ H3 O : ð11Þ
known to exhibit excellent metal selectivity in analytical separations.
Chelating agents, because of their metal specificity or selectivity, can
Gaudin and Harris [82] studied the adsorption of HM on sphalerite,
be used as good flotaids and selective flocculants. In addition to the
zincite, and willemite from aqueous solution, zinc minerals, and be-
metal selectivity, chelating agents offer certain advantages over con-
tween aqueous solution and the gaseous phase. They showed that
ventional mineral processing reagents even from the synthesis point
the adsorption of mercaptan from the vapor phase prior to flotation
of view [66]. Since the collecting action of chelating reagents is direct-
testing was effective in causing flotation. The mechanism for the ad-
ed towards the cation present on mineral surfaces irrespective of the
sorption of mercaptan on to malachite and chrysocolla could be simi-
mineralogical class, it is expected that these reagents achieve flotation
lar to the reaction mentioned, and the process could be extended to
of zinc, lead, and minerals of either oxides or sulfides in the same way,
the attachment of mercaptan to any base–metal oxide or sulfide min-
i.e., it seemed logical that, using a suitable chelating agent, it might be
eral [83]. It was proposed that the mercaptan S\H bond is destroyed
well possible to remove the barrier between base-metal sulfide and
in the adsorption process. The adsorbed mercaptan reacts with the
oxide minerals which do not respond equally to the same conventional
surface \OH group forming the zinc mercaptan salt, splitting out a
collectors [29].
molecule of water in the process [84]. When using HM, the maximum
A chelating reagent, namely 8-hydroxyquinoline with fuel oil was
flotation recovery amounts to only 79%. This can be explained by the
used to float mixed oxide–sulfide minerals of Zn and Pb [30]. Fig. 7
formation of strong S\Zn bonds on the surface of the smithsonite
shows the reaction of 8-hydroxyquinoline with Zn 2+ of smithsonite,
mineral particles leading to a weakening of S\H bonds in the HM mol-
and flotation recovery of smithsonite in Hallimond tube as a function
ecules [25].
of 8-hydroxyquinoline concentration at pH 7.0.
The adsorbed mercaptan reacts with the surface \OH group
According to Fig. 7, Rinelli and Marabini [30] showed that in
forming the zinc mercaptan salt, splitting out a molecule of water in
Hallimond tube at a pH of 7.0 and concentration of fuel oil 0.1 g/l,
the process according to the following reaction [84]:
with increasing 8-hydroxyquinoline concentration, the flotation recov-
þ − ery of smithsonite rose up to 100% in 0.08 g/l of oxine concentration.
…Zn…OH þ H þ RS ⇔…Zn…SR þ H2 O: ð12Þ The basic theoretical premise of using chelating agents as collector
has been confirmed in microflotation of pure minerals, but some
Table 4 shows the grade and recovery of bench flotation tests for problems made it difficult to use commercially available chelating re-
various amounts of methylmercaptan (MM), ethyl mercaptan (EM) agents on the plant scale and, overall, the lack of a long-chain hydro-
and HM. The batch flotation tests show the maximum flotation recov- carbon in the molecule. Furthermore, there are some limitations to
ery of 75% with the zinc grade of 22.5% using HM at pH 9 [49]. How- the functionality of a reagent selected as flotation collector by theo-
ever, the mercaptan consumption is too high for floating zinc oxide retical prediction on the basis of chemical equilibria in solution. In
minerals and it is insufficient for large-scale processes [23,49,80]. fact, the theoretical study is based on aqueous solution equilibria,
whereas the action of these reagents as collectors relates to a hetero-
7. Flotation of oxidized zinc using chelating agents geneous phase system implying the presence of forces of different
types which are not considered in the thermodynamic calculations
Chelating reagents were proposed as flotation collectors by Italian [29].
CNR researchers in 1971 [85]. Chelating reagents are a particular class In order to readdress the problems, two series of reagents with a
of complex reagents consisting of large organic molecules capable mixed aliphatic–aromatic structure containing chelating groups for
of bonding to the metal ion via two or more functional groups Pb and Zn have been synthesized to float smithsonite and cerussite
with the formation of one or more rings. Such ring compounds are separately [86–89]. Having a mixed aliphatic–aromatic structure for
called chelates [37]. Chelating agents are classified as mono- and a chelating reagent is a general structure requisite, which confers
multidentates on the basis of the number of donors in their molecule. collecting power to chelating reagents. They are thermodynamic
The multidentates can form a ring structure with metallic ions and properties of a functional group, and the structural configuration of
they are called chelating agents. The active atoms in the chelating the apolar portion [29].
agent are called donor, bonding, or ligand atoms, and examples in- AminoThioPhenole (ATP) has alkyl and alkoxyl chains of various
clude mainly O, N, S and P atoms [51]. The chelates are characterized lengths, positions, and structures. ATPs are collectors for Pb and Zn.
by a remarkably high stability and by the selectivity and specificity of They exert chelating action towards Zn [87]. Chelation occurs through
their formation reaction. The reason for their high stability and selec- a weak dative bond of the nitrogen and the saline bond of \SH (Fig. 8).
tivity depends on electronic and steric factors. In fact, every chelating Single-stage flotation tests were performed using an ATP reagent
reagent is characterized by the presence of at least one group capable [88]. The sample was conditioned for 5 min at pH 8 with sodium
of donating a pair of electrons to the metal to which it bonds. This carboxymethyl cellulose for tests with ATP, then a collector was
leads to the formation of – besides that of a covalent bond – a dative added, and conditioning was continued for a further 2 min. After ad-
bond with the formation of a ring. Moreover, often the chelating dition of ATP, the pH was adjusted to 11.4. After addition of 25 g/t
groups are also inserted in an aromatic ring. Therefore, these give Aerofroth for 1 min conditioning, flotation was performed.
rise to the formation of four- to six-membered rings, which are very The results of cell flotation tests with ATP reagent on an ore grad-
stable [29]. ing of 5.6% Zn (4.5% as smithsonite and 1.1% as sphalerite) and 1.3% Pb

Table 4
Grade and recovery of bench flotation tests for various amounts of MM, EM, and HM [49].

Grade & recovery (%) MM (g/t) EM (g/t) HM (g/t)

1100 1200 1300 1100 1200 1300 1100 1200 1300

Recovery (%) 22 26 29.5 28 31 35 58 65 75

Zn% in conc. 10.2 10.8 11.7 11.8 12 11.9 15.7 18.3 22.5
M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78 75

Fig. 7. Reaction of 8-hydroxyquinoline with Zn2+ of smithsonite (a), flotation recovery of smithsonite in Hallimond tube as a function of 8-hydroxyquinoline concentration at pH 7 (b).
Replotted from [30].

(as cerussite), demonstrated that 5n-hexyloxy-2-ATP showed the excess anions in reverse orientation [105]. Also, preferential feldspar
best results and Zn concentrate grade and recovery reached 24.4 flotation from quartz in mixed alkyl diamine/sulfonate collectors at
and 82.5%, respectively. pH 2 is distinguished. The increase in sulfonate concentration beyond
Development and evaluation of the chelating reagent as a flotation diamine concentration leads to formation of soluble 1:2 diamine–
reagent was extensively studied for many years. Some successful at- sulfonate complex or precipitate, and adsorption of these species de-
tempts have been reported, but industrial application of these re- creases flotation efficiency since the alkyl chains are in chaotic disori-
agents has not been successful so far. entation, with a conceivable number of head groups directed towards
the solution phase [99].
8. Flotation of oxidized zinc using mixed anionic/cationic In smithsonite flotation, the optimum mixture ratio of the mixed
collectors such as xanthates with amines collector was KAX: DDA, 3:1 at pH 11.5 in the presence of 2000 g/t
sodium sulfide. The presence of KAX increased the DDA adsorption
A process involving the use of mixed anionic and cationic collectors due to the decrease in the electrostatic head–head repulsion between
for sulfide (sphalerite, pentlandite, and pyrrhotite), feldspar–quartz the surface and ammonium ions, and increase in the lateral tail–tail
separation, and zinc oxide, as well as in the flotation of alkali feldspars hydrophobic bonds [49].
and heavy minerals ilmenite, rutile, monazite, and garnet was investi- The flotation results using mixed collector (Armac C + KAX) [1]
gated [1,10,32,33,90–100]. A mixture of armeen C/potassium amyl showed that at a fixed amount of Armac C, when the KAX concentra-
xanthate has been used in practice for flotation of zinc oxide ores in tion decreased, the recovery was slightly reduced, but it enhanced
Canada [101]. the Zn grade. The best result has been reached in 8:1 (Armac C;
A system that contains two surfactants of different charge is called KAX) ratio at pH 11 with 64% recovery and 31% zinc grade. The ratio
a catanionic system. The attraction between the differentially charged of Armac C/KAX concentration in the orientation of alkyl chains is per-
head groups will lead to a decrease in the area-per-head group [32]. ceived to be significant and probably both the collector tails are direct-
The process and phenomena for adsorption and solubility behavior ed towards the solution only when the KAX collector concentration
of mixtures of anionic and cationic collectors must be taken into con- does not exceed Armac C concentration. The increase in KAX concen-
sideration at the interface, and also in the solution phase, e.g. forma- tration up to Armac C concentration leads to the formation of soluble
tion of a mixed film at the liquid–gas interface, formation of mixed Armac C–KAX complex or precipitate, and the adsorption of these spe-
micelles, interaction between anions and cations and formation of in- cies decreases the Zn grade since the alkyl chains are in a disorderly
soluble complexes, and precipitation of molecules by multivalent cat- orientation with a conceivable number of head groups directed to-
ions [35,100,102–104]. wards the solution phase. Depending on the relative ratio of the col-
The mole ratio of anionic/cationic collectors shows a significant lectors when Armac C is added prior to KAX, it may cover the strong
effect on mineral flotation [1,10,92,93,97–99,105]. The studies of sites, and subsequent addition of KAX may cover the Armac C's polar
Hanumantha Rao and Forssberg [92] showing an optimum ratio of head sites. Fig. 9 shows the schematic illustration of mixed collectors'
0.25–0.66 using Cn-dioxyethylene sulfate/alkyl diamine, have been adsorption.
found for microcline flotation. In general, when the mole ratio ex-
ceeds unity, flotation decreases either due to neutralization and the 9. Conclusion and recommendation
formation of a nondissociating complex, or due to the adsorption of
As a result of the findings highlighted by this review, the following
general observations can be made.

1. It is possible to produce marketable zinc oxide concentrate using the

flotation technique. Selecting a suitable flotation method strongly
depends on the accompanying gangues of the main zinc oxide.
2. Different methods such as sulfidization using sodium sulfide and
flotation with a cationic collector, sulfidization and activation
using a metal ion and flotation with a xanthate, using fatty acids,
mercaptans, chelating agents, and mixed anionic/cationic collec-
tors such as xanthates with amines, have been used for zinc oxide
mineral flotation. The pH that gives the best results depends on
Fig. 8. Reaction of ATP with Zn+ of cerussite. the flotation conditions and in the amine, oleic acid, xanthate, mer-
Replotted from [88]. captan, chelating, and mixed collectors. It is reported that the best
76 M. Ejtemaei et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 206 (2014) 68–78

Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of adsorption of cationic anionic mixtures collectors on sulfidized smithsonite surface of physical adsorption of dixanthogen and co-collector complex
formation on Armac C chains [1,106].

results have been gained in the pH ranges of 10.5–11.5, 10.0, 10.5, 9, of the zinc oxide flotation. With the results of the present study, it
11.4, and 10–11, respectively. Regarding solid pulp concentration, would appear that the mechanisms of zinc oxide flotation are still
the results showed that solid pulp mass concentration is in the to be elucidated. More solution chemistry and adsorption data are
range of 30–40%, and has produced the best results, and higher or required to elucidate the mechanism of this mineral flotation
lower amounts have an adverse effect on the flotation performance. with many of these collectors. Interactions occur between these re-
3. In the flotation of oxidized zinc using sodium sulfide, and flotation agents and the other chemical parameters existing in the flotation
with a cationic collector, using Armac C or dodecylamine, produced pulp which complicate the elucidation of the behavior of the re-
best results. Using an amine emulsion with elevated additions of spective reagents.
fuel oil and pine oil emulsion could be beneficial. It is proper to pre-
pare the pulp temperature between 25 and 40 °C. Sodium hydrox-
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