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C H A P T E R 73

Moses’s Thunders

Moses’s Thunders
This is The Thunders that Moses Heard!
Moses wrote what God showed Him on the mountain. That mountain was
veiled in darkness! That Mountain Thundered with the Voice of God as the Thun-
ders made themselves known!  What started as a Bush burning with fire became a
mountain burning with fire and it was "cast into the sea". Now remember how
Moses took the melted down golden calf and made them drink it? Remember how
He gave them one set of laws and then threw those tablets down and then went
back up to get another set of tablets. The Bible says God hath set the World in our
hearts. It was this World The Word was speaking of when it tells us God had slain
the Lamb in His Mind before the World ever was. What was before the World
came into the heart? Genesis was, The Garden Experience, Adam and Eve and
The Serpent. It was The First Man Adam and the Second Man Adam and The
Serpent. It was Eve who was Mrs Adam as she was the First Man Adam, the
Fallen Adam, that part which was deceived by the fleshly beastly Serpent.
The Second Man Adam was not found in the Transgression though it was re-
sponsible being the Head, it was responsible for what the Body did. God the Fa-
ther and Spirit was responsible for whatever happened concerning His Creation
being he is the Head. So see it like this:
Adam - Husband -God The Father - Spirit
Eve - Wife (Son) - God the Son - Soul (Man)
Body - Beast - Serpent - Body

Also like this:
YOU - Spirit-Soul- Body
* Your body can die and go to the grave, your soul can die and be put into hell,
but your spirit never dies as it goes back to God who gave it.
So Your spirit is eternal. it is the only God part of you. When God said Let us
make man in our image what happened? man became a living soul.
That was just the beginning. he wanted to transform that soul into His Image.
He had to have a blueprint. So He had to allow the Soul to go into darkness as the
soul was the darkness He would need to reveal the Spirit which was Light. Jesus
was Virgin Born without sin, but guess what So was you!!!!! You say wait a minute
The Word says I was born in sin and shapen in iniquity and that is true, but here is
the glorious part, though it was your nature to be disobedient and as any child is
"it is not counted against you"!!!
Where the law is not imputed there is no such thing as Sin or transgression! In
other words Sin is not laid to your charge until you come to the "Knowledge of
The Truth"!
when do you come to the Knowledge of The Truth? When you begin to eat
from the Fruit of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil! What is the Tree of
knowledge of Good and Evil, or how is it revealed to you? By The Law! it com-
manded you to not eat from it and to also for you to not "Lean to your own Under-
standing"! You was in a serpent form from your birth to that extent and when you
began to think for yourself and have your own identity of your own mind, you
then lost your true identity in God.
You was a Soul without form and darkness was upon the face of your deep till
the Law came and what was the Law? In this dimension it was when God said
"Let there be Light", as you begin to form words and have thoughts for the first

time as he began making you into His Image! when your little 8 month old child is
walking and trips and falls you do not count it against them do you? No? You love
it and help it! Sin is not charged against you when there is no Law and so you are
sinless and a spotless virgin when you are born! You was in heaven before you par-
took of the tree of knowledge as Jesus was, he said he was with His Father before
the world ever was! What world was he speaking of ? The world that was set in the
heart that caused the fall in the Garden! The Bible says the angel or spirit of the
children always behold the face of their heavenly Father, this means they are still
in heaven! Paul said, "I was alive (In heaven) before the Law came, then when it
came, Sin was revealed unto me and I died", and the world came into my heart
and it killed my faith by condemnation of the Law, as the accuser accused me and
what was that accuser, it was your own mind! You beat yourself up over the fact
that you had done wrong! Satan is that shadow of the lack of your own under-
standing that causes you to be fearful and sinful. In other words as a child lets say
you keep wetting your diaper, you wet yourself all the time and your parents al-
ways changing that diaper. see you are doing wrong but it is not charged against
you till they teach you how to use the toilet or the potty. because you are not old
enough yet to know how to use the potty you are judged in Grace. So all of the
things the Law required of us we was weak to perform, in other words we were
children, we could not be like Dad and go plow the field and hold a job and fix the
electrical and drive a car and shoot food for the family to eat, we seen dad do
those things but we could not do them, so I am saying all of the things you do not
know but is expected of you and you fail to do them is Satan. The Law demanded
us to be Perfect! But we was carnal as little children sold under sin! it was our na-
ture to want to play and not eat, to use the bathroom in our pants and not take
time to use the potty, to hide our toys under the bed when we was told to clean up
our room. We can call it a learning curve if you will. Though we are told what to
do and not to do we heard it said to us but we did not fully or truly understand
what it meant and what it was asking. That unknowing that caused us to fear be-
cause we did not do as it said was and is Satan, he is impartial knowledge of a par-
tial truth yet a unknowing as well. What we know as truth is good to us for we
know and we have faith in it but what we do not know is seen as evil unto us be-
cause it brings fear of the unknown and we cant really understand what is happen-

ing so that unknowing breeds that fear and that shadow of the unknown is fear, it
is Satan, it is in your own mind, the unknowing of all the knowledge that you don't
know that always exist between a child and their parents, as we see the Parents as
perfect as Adults, but we as Children are not because we simply do not know as
they do. Remember even Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered. we al-
ways think of this as Jesus as a child and that is true but what did He learn by
what He suffered on the Cross?
So I am saying your body being the Virgin Mary to that extent is not account-
able as it is not charged with Sin. it is not under a Law. Where there is no Law sin
is not imputed.
Now lets take it another level. In all reality it is because of the lack of perform-
ance we call the weakness of the flesh that we sin to begin with, but is that the
truth? No. The Body is but a vessel that does what it is told. The real one that is
charged with sin is the Soul. The Bible says the Soul that sins shall surely die. Not
the Body. Though the Body pays for what the Soul has done, the Body is always
without Sin though it is made sin in the sense as Jesus Body was made Sin or the
scapegoat for Sin it was not its Sins.
So again if the Body cannot be charged with Sin then the Body is still a spotless
Virgin. So if the Body you and i came from is a spotless Virgin then all of the bod-
ies that came before us was spotless virgins as well. Yes your mothers body that car-
ried you was a Virgin Body! I am not speaking of her soul, I am speaking of her
Body. So we see from this dimension that We were all Born of a Virgin when you
see it as the Body.
So Satan is the unbelieving Soul part of you that is separated from your Spirit
which is the God part of you. So inside of your Body You are God in your Spirit
and you are Satan in your Soul and our Body is The Beast that you said beguiled
you and you did eat. In other words because you came forth from the Spirit you
did not know you was in the Light or presence of the Spirit until you partook of
your own mind by coming to a knowledge of truth that said lean not to your own
mind but when you was in that Mind of Light or its presence you did not see the
Light for you was covered and over shadowed by that Light, you was "Bearing that
light" as you was a Light Bearer to that extent!
So the Only Tree you seen when you got hungry so to speak was the one that
was in the darkness we could say. The needs of the body demanded you eat from
that tree as to fulfill the desires of that flesh because you did not even know the
Spirit was there for you could not see it! So you did what was meant for you to do,
what was ordained for you to do, you did exactly what God wanted and created
you to do. He placed the Tree or revealed that Tree to you by His own Word that
said Do not eat from that Tree!
Paul said, It worked in us all manner of concupiscence! That's what happened!
When the Law of the word of The Lord spoke to our child like innocent Mind to
not eat, it wrought within us all manner of desires and curiosity! It awoke some-
thing within. We began to question and reason against that Word that said Do
Not. Till we went and ate of it thinking we would be as God. "We was Perfect in
all of our ways, till sin, iniquity, unbelief, our own mind, was found within us!
Then we was cast out of His presence as the Middle Wall of Unbelief came be-
tween you and God and your now fallen condition, that was everything unlike
God, was revealed! You was Lucifer that was perfect in all of your ways till iniq-
uity was found in you, you was Jesus, perfect in all of your ways till iniquity was
found within you, but here is the glorious part, it was not your sins and iniquity
that was found in you! Whose Sins were they then? We could say The Sins of The
Father passed down upon the Children. Who was the One responsible for all of
this? God was! Who was it that tasted death for every man while in the Body of Je-
sus? God did! Who held Himself responsible for mans condition? God did! Who
repented that he had made man as to man's fallen condition? God did! So God re-
pented! Then God came and was baptized by John the Baptist for the remission of
His Sins and went to the Cross and died and then rose again! So The Spirit was re-
sponsible. Though it had done no wrong. The Soul was the one that sinned but sin
was not laid to its charge as it was innocent as a child, so the Body paid for the sins
that the soul committed, but the Body was not charged with sin as it could not be.
The Parents pay for what the children do. The Mother takes the wrath of the Fa-

ther while shielding the Children. So where is sin, or who was to blame in all actu-
ality? No one. The Father subjected us in hope, the Mother took the wrath of the
father while the Children grew though the Mother was not responsible for the
deeds of the children for "They knew not what they were doing".
The Son being the offspring of the Father as it is the seed of the Father, then
the Son paid for the Sins of what the Father had allowed but in all reality it was
The Father in the Body of The Son as The Son had come to full maturity and
had become The Father. The Spirit Father paid for what He allowed by using the
Body of The Mother which made the Son. In other words you are The Image of
your Father inside as an invisible spirit while walking the earth in the form of your
Mother which has to do with your flesh.
You are a living soul while you are in the worm like cocoon stages of your devel-
opment coming from darkness unto light, then once you come to Light then you
are A Quickening Spirit as Light has swallowed up your darkness as the soul is
done away with as it is now light being one with the Father of Light so the bodily
Mother is redeemed because she hath brought for a son of God so she has an in-
heritance as that inheritance is The Gift of God being the Body which is married
unto the Spirit now being a Holy Ghost. A Spirit that has taken on a Body Image.
Death could not hold Life for the very presence of Life destroys death as light
does darkness. Moses brought the Law, thus He was in that sense the Accuser of
The Brethren. It was showing God The Father and The Law that demanded abso-
lute perfection yet the whole time revealing our sinful fallen child like weak condi-
tion. Jesus showed the Mother side as to Grace that would catch the wrath of The
Father and shield us The Children in our child like state. Till we could all come to
"The Unity of The Faith".
Moses seen from Calvary Back, He seen the Hinder part of God. He wrote
what He seen and began it with Genesis. What was Genesis? In The Beginning
God! Who was or is God? Jesus! What did God say? Let there be! and there was!
What did He "Let Be"? Light! What is Light? God is Light! Who was The Light
of The World? Jesus! Genesis means The Beginning! What was the first thing that
happened? Light came forth! What was Light? Jesus, The Beginning of The Crea-
tion of God! What was God doing that Genesis tells us? He is making Man, "The
Man Christ Jesus" into His own Image! What was Adam in the Garden? He was
The Dark, Without Form and Void Soul of Jesus Christ, that part that had fallen
and was to be made Sin. The Second Man Adam was the resurrected One, We
say The Christ. The Second Man Adam "The Christ or God" walking the Earth
in the form of the First Man Adam (The Sinful Soul), Going to The Cross to
atone for the Fall of the First man Adam. There inside the Body of Jesus was The
Fullness of The Light and The Darkness, He was Both God and Satan, or in an-
other Dimension He was God and Lucifer. Lucifer the First man Adam, made
into the Image of Christ the second Man Adam. Lucifer was upright and His
Pipes were perfect, but once he leaned to His own understanding The Veil of Un-
belief changed Him that was Truth Unknown into Satan the Image of Perversion!
Once the Veil is rent then Satan is no more and the Fallen Lucifer returns back to
heaven as The Risen Christ!
Moses seen the Serpent hanging on the Tree of Calvary, How it deceived, the
Inward Soul to lean to its own understanding and How The Inward Spirit fell by
the unbelief of The Soul caused the Spirit to be veiled in Darkness. Unbelief cre-
ates fear and mystery of the unknown and changes Spirit Eyes from seeing Spiri-
tual Things to seeing Carnal Fleshly Things. This carnal seeing causes us to be-
hold lying vanities and forsake our own Mercy, the lie was we was a fleshly being
and we was born on such a date and we lived for so many years and then we die.
we was Spirit, we was God, We willingly allowed ourselves to be deceived so a
dream world we call darkness and a Lie could be formed and we entered that
world of lies and while we was there those lies became truth as God is truth and
where God is is truth so those lies became existence. This is How God veiled Him-
self in all of Creation, till the darkness could full define all of creation. Then God
would rend the veil of lies and pay for what they had projected and come forth a
defined Image of Truth and Light and Life! This is How the Flesh came to be as
well, How the Word became Flesh, when the Eyes of Spirit closed themselves the
Lie of sleep and darkness appeared and by Unbelief Spirit was changed into Flesh

as The unbelieving Soul housed within it the eternal Spirit caused a Perverted Im-
age a shadowy image to be cast upon the World and a Body appeared. This a Val-
ley of Shadows and Death. We as God believed a Lie and the Flesh appeared via
our unbelieving soul in our child like state, then we became Adults going through
the 7 Years of Tribulation (7 Thunders) of our Teens we rent the veil and put
away childish things and realized we was and have always been Spirit, Quickening
Spirits, Eternal Gods. We was never sinful fallen flesh. All of this took place within
the Body of Jesus as He was "Working Out His Own Salvation". Learning Obedi-
ence By The Things He Suffered. Obedient even unto The Cross. Adam was His
Eternal Father Spirit, Eve was His Motherly Soul that was the Womb for the Fa-
ther to reproduce Himself and The Body was accounted for as the deceiving ser-
pent that was needed for all of this to happen.
The True Serpent was the Reasoning in your own Mind and that reasoning
was because of the desire of the beastly flesh, so your own serpent used your own
beastly flesh to deceive you and it hid and veiled you from seeing the Spirit any
longer. Jesus was the only God there was! God was the only Jesus there was.So
what Moses saw was Jesus and what took place in His own Heart and Mind.
Would you believe God used Jesus as the defining point of revelation but what
Moses seen was all within Him own Self ! Moses was a descendant of Jesus. You
say but Jesus was not yet born, but Jesus said Abraham saw my day and rejoiced!
Jesus was the First Man Adam as to that which concerns Creation which Paul said
The Natural came first then the Spiritual meaning God had to use the natural as a
darkness to define the coming spirit. He had to allow the carnal mind of man to
define creation as He told Adam, you go and name whatever you want. Who rules
this world but Man? Who does the bible say is the god of this world but Satan! see
the darkness rules it till the day of the resurrection then it all changes hands. The
Darkness that came upon Mt Calvary was the Darkness that came on The moun-
tain with Moses! God being made Sin, The Fall in the Garden! God being made
Man or God the Spirit becoming a Living Soul! The Thunders! God becoming

A God is one who rules in absolute authority, so God is the God of The living
as to the Sons of God who live By His Faith, while the World are those who are liv-
ing in trespasses and sin are dead while they yet live and Satan is their god of their
world. According to your Faith so will truth be unto you! The First Man Adam be-
lieved a Lie and that Lie became truth to Him, the Second Man Adam believed
God and Truth and that became Truth to Him! If an Apple Tree produces 10,
000 Apple trees are they not all the same exact apple tree just in another form?
Are not the descendants of Adam all Adam and if even came forth from Adam
then are not also Eve? Sure we are! Is not this world a Garden and does not our
flesh act like a beast and we cater to its needs by feeding our belly and we rest our
belly we cloth our belly in fine linens and we carry our belly to the stores and res-
taurants and we give it drugs and passions and filth etc. Why? because it is the
beast that our serpent spoke through and deceived us with, so we would fall into
darkness so we could see the light! then become that light. it was the revealing of
who Moses was, it was the revealing of who Jesus was, it was the revealing of who
You was, it is the revealing of Who God  was and is! The Thunders! The Revela-
tion of Jesus Christ, is the revealing of who Jesus was, who Adam was, who Eve
was, who the serpent was, who God was! The Light of the Second Man Adam re-
vealing who the Dark First Man Adam was and How He got here and what made
Him who He was and Where He came From and Where He was at and Where
He was Going!

In your first birth you was innocent, you was virgin born. You was Lucifer as it
means Light Bearer. You are a living Soul still innocent and not charged with Sin
so you are still in the presence of your Heavenly Father, perfect in all of your ways
your pipes are upright. Then you begin partaking of the tree of knowledge. Thus
a wall comes between you and your Spirit or God. Now you see you are a Soul
void of light and dwell in darkness and now You can see God as to Light by you
falling or being cast out of heaven, but God to you is now an Image of Perverted
distorted camouflaged which means Satan. You are the true Satan, but God in His
perfection appears to you as your accuser and all you see is how weak and sinful

you are so you run to the Mother Flesh to hide yourself by eating from the fruits
of the Vines as you see you are coated with skin and that skin must be fed and
kept clean by eating from the dust of the earth and it must go into your belly. You
are now the god of this world and that world is a world of darkness.
Jesus came to be our example and let us lay our blame on Him till we could
come to full maturity and take up our own cross and follow Him. As long as you
view God in the perverted carnal view caused by looking through the glass darkly
then you are seeing God in reverse. He appears as Satan unto You! In another di-
mension You become Satan to Him as His Law in your conscience keeps demand-
ing perfection from you and you keep seeing how you cant perform so You beat
yourself up over this and become more evil in your own site till you cannot take it
anymore and come to the Calvary of your life and find Grace, a Mother loving fig-
ure who will help thee. A Loving Jesus who says to you he took the wrath of the Fa-
ther and gives You grace, in that he did the works that pleased the Father for you
so all of a sudden you find Grace, now you have time to sit down and grow up
some and began to get some understanding and work out your own salvation. This
is typically seen as a child stays up under the graces of the Mother till about age
12 then The father starts giving it responsibilities to do chores and cut the grass
and on and on as The Father brings in the law side back through the 7 years of
tribulation of your Teens to make you into a Man or shall we say Adopt the Body
back in. So much more can be said using this simple illustration that would reveal
so much more in so many dimensions. Then once the veil is rent, then you are not
in darkness anymore your soul is not cut off from the Father, and that scary per-
verted image you seen as Satan which was God in your perverted state of carnal
mind is gone and Lo he appears to you and you see him as he is and thus you have
become Him as well, for you are now like Him. where he is you are also. The soul
hath done its part and the body has served its purpose now God is redeeming all
things back unto himself as it all becomes Spirit once more!
Out of Adam came forth Eve and Out of Them came forth The Child.
Out of Spirit came forth The Soul and Out of The Soul came forth the Body,
or it came into view seen in perversion making it a beast.

Out of God The Father Came God The Son, Out of The Son came forth the
Holy Ghost.
Out of Darkness came forth Light, thus it was the receding of the Light that
brought forth Darkness.
*The Adult Full Grown Man is Full of Light, while the newborn baby, though
in the presence of the Father is in the presence of Light but the Child not knowing
anything is absolutely void of any knowledge or understanding so it is Darkness.
* The Child is innocent perfect Lucifer "Ignorance is Bliss", then as it grows it
becomes the fallen Angel having developed its own carnal mind then it is now Sa-
tan, having a knowledge of good and evil. Till it rends the veil of self and gives up
the ghost so to speak and becomes one with Its Father again, then by yielding up
its own sovereignty, Satan is no more and The Spirit goes back to God who gave
Lucifer The Light Bearer, The Moon The Light Bearer, as it bears the Light of
The Sun, being symbolically in the presence of the Sun it reflects its Light. This is
the same exact way and condition of the Soul and How it came to be. Something
came forth from the Side of God.
Sun- Spirit
Moon - Soul
Earth - Body
* This is why Satan is the ruler of the second Heaven, it is the in between from
innocence to adulthood, from ignorance and darkness to full light and knowing,
from a babe to an adult.

*Science has said that from what was the original Sun came forth The Earth
and other planets and out of the Earth in its original form came forth The Moon.
They are not sure if what was the Moon broke off and formed the Earth or from
what was the Earth broke off and formed the Moon.

Patrick Henry Nichols I

Hilton Head Island

C H A P T E R 74

Key To Bodily Witness

Key to Bodily Witness

The Evil Angel of Unbelief having to do with the firstborn, like unto Esau and
unto Cain.
This is typical of the Body through which entered the Serpent.
Satan making the Bodily Temple His domain. “No good in the flesh”.
However remember it also says, “Nothing is evil or unclean of itself ”.
Now we see Calvary was here before the World ever was in the Mind of God.
At Calvary a change took place as he gave us His Light and he became our
Remember now this was already done in His Mind before the fall ever came.
Satan who is darkness transforms himself into light, while God who is light
veils himself in darkness.
we see a total reverse of what appears to be true as light hath hid itself in that
which appears as darkness.
darkness hath transformed itself into that which is seen as light.
God hath said You cover with a covering but not of me.
Which is the true covering light or darkness. In the sense of they are reversed in
their “appearance”.

If we go by what we see so to speak then we choose the obvious of light over
darkness but we see we cannot go by sight as it must be by faith.
At the Cross Darkness covered the land, what was that darkness? Was it God or
was it as some have said Satan as God had withdrew.
we say at the Cross He became our sin and darkness and he gave us his light.
So in this we see ourselves as being darkness and we exchanged it for light.
God is Light and God is a Spirit, but it also says God veiled Himself in Dark-
Why did Paul say the natural came first, then the spiritual? 1 Cor. 15:46
As within the Flesh a Spiritual Christ was born being in its virgin state and it is
that from that Spiritual Christ came forth a New Body a New Creation a New
You are His Christ in your inner man,He is your Jesus in your Outer man.
We keep him on the cross as we kill or die him daily. Yet The Bible says con-
cerning the fullness of the stature that we are to reckon ourselves already dead and
already resurrected from the dead as well. If my flesh has already died and I show
it by as we say crucify it daily are we crucifying him afresh?
By the same word of God and by the same Faith we are to also believe we have
already resurrected with Him. So where then is the crucifying part if we showed it
by his death then when do we show it in his resurrection and take Him off the
Cross of our lives? How can we resurrect a body that remains upon a cross? Jesus
did say take up your cross and follow me, but that was only for a time for we did
follow him, even to the Cross when we lifted up our faith in His Death, but we also
followed Him into the flames of the wilderness of hell working out our own salva-
tion and now can we and have we followed him out of that hell and grave to resur-
rect that body and bring it back to life and be no longer spirit as Jesus said this and
this is a key to understanding the mystery of bodily redemption, not bodily cruci-
fixion, Jesus said after he was risen from the dead to never die anymore,

“Feel of Me, A Spirit hath NOT Flesh and Bones as you see Me have”. God
personified in the Human Body, where Sin hath no part for this is not that body
where dwelled no good thing, for that body was dissolved by His death and has
passed through the fire as the woman and her issue of blood purges her as a fit
temple meet for the masters use till she conceives of the Son of God then her
blood issue is gone. The separation of the Man and Woman till the Child is come
and when the Child is come it is BOTH Father and Mother.
In a sense what the Jews crucified the Gentiles resurrected from the dead as his
deadly wounds were healed, the Gentiles worship the Man on the Cross and did
not follow Him onto His Glorious Resurrection, for the natural Virgin Body was
but a type and shadow to birth the true body which was the Christ and that Christ
spotless and pure being the true virgin Bride has birth forth a brand new Outer Je-
sus as from the we are now Bone of His resurrected Bone and Flesh of His risen
Flesh as we appear in another form but the world does not recognize us.
When we grow up and mature in The Faith we realize all we did was believe
what was already done on our behalf and that death hath no power over us any-
more, for our bodies that we now have was “purchased with a price” and that
Body that was purchased being we was made the righteousness of God is that
Body God hath prepared for His Holy Habitation, we are the New Temple of
God, not that one that was destroyed in 70 AD, We are that “Body” not Spirit, but
it says a Body which is the Temple as it “descends” out of “Heaven” like a Bride
adorned for her Husband, and again remember He said, “A BODY thou hast pre-
pared me”! We are His Bone and Flesh, why are we still crucifying Him afresh! He
is our Brother! We cast Him into a Dungeon at Calvary by Faith God raised Him
from the Dead and made Him ruler over all of Egypt. The Body, that which was
made Sin, that which was veiled in darkness. The religious church world hath
been following a religious light which was Satan whom transformed Himself into
such appearing as the righteousness of God while the true church as well as the
Jews were made the Darkness and Body of Sin that the world has kept on the
Cross worshiping that religious reflecting light. God needed a false light to ensnare
and trap the wicked, they gladly accepted his righteousness but never would take

His Cross, but those who followed Him to the Cross in Death they also followed
Him in His Glorious Life and now the Body is given to them as a Gift.
Here is the sum of the matter, take Jesus off the cross, Why are you killing your
outer man which is your Jesus when it hath been long dead and your new body
has long been with you as well. God the Spirit becoming personified in the Flesh,
because He became Flesh, When He became Flesh He was no longer Spirit. He
said a NEW CREATURE,and again the Creature itself shall also be delivered,
and again the Word became Flesh, and again to sum up the finished product the
finished mystery, Jesus said after His glorious resurrection....
* If God who is Spirit hath left the Spirit World and personified Himself in
Flesh then what hath become of the Spirit World? A Bottomless Pit for those who
never comprehended Bodily redemption.
*Satan was not trying to get to the flesh as his permanent place it was but a
step to get back to where he came from which was the spirit world. Has God
traded places and gave Him the Spirit World as a Bottomless Pit that hath no end,
while He hath personified Himself in Flesh to dwell and enjoy His Great magnifi-
cent Creation.
* We say His Body is at the right hand of the Father...well the Father is inside
of us, so where would Jesus be?
* Bro George said heaven is His Throne inside of me, why would is footstool be
out in the barn, it is not it is right here where He is.
* He said Where I am “Inside of you” There you will be also. if he is your
Outer Jesus then Where is that body we have looked for?
*We claim We are His BONE and FLESH, well that can only be His resur-
rected Bone and Flesh, for that bone and flesh that was made sin was dissolved at
Calvary and into the Grave it went and was then changed, same Body but a
changed Body.

So when you say we are to crucify the flesh, which flesh are you speaking of ?
Surely not His resurrected Bone and Flesh!
You say well I am crucifying this old flesh that nothing good dwells in, then you
are still on that side of Calvary for Sin was what made the flesh evil and wicked
and sinful by the Law and the Law has been folded up and laid away! We need to
wake up brethren, take Jesus off the cross, that outer man is not the sinful part of
Jesus no more, it is right now His very resurrected Bone and Flesh! We say well I
am speaking of the carnal mind when I say flesh, then I would say He killed the
carnal mind of you out at Calvary and YOU ARE NO MORE, THIS IS WHY
I have by faith reckoned myself dead to the world thus I died with Him at the
Cross then I followed Him still to His Glorious resurrection and I am commanded
to believe that when He arose I also arose with Him and this means I am His resur-
rected Bone and Flesh! The Will to Sin is eternally gone from my heart and that
will to sin worked in my members and made my flesh weak, it was the weakness of
my flesh, Sin was! Now my Body does not have a weakness!
* We say we have been translated into the Kingdom of God, which God? The
only God there was which was a Spirit has made Himself Flesh, for that is the es-
sence and beauty of marriage they become ONE! This means When God became
Flesh he was Flesh! Jesus said a Spirit hath NOT Flesh as you see me have!
Jesus returns as we say to this world and sets up the Kingdom of God in the
Millennium. But now we have been taught the Kingdom was Invisible and was in
the Spirit. Oh My! Daniel said He saw a Stone strike that image in the feet and it
grew and became a Mountain that filled the Earth and it said in those days the
God of Heaven would set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed! Here on
this Earth! Bro pike said, where is heaven? he said it is right here on this Earth, it is
where all the attraction is! I asked the lord one time where is all of our loved ones
when they die? He said they await you in the millennium. He said the Tribulation

period is just the removing of the Veil so you can enter the millennium and see
your loved ones again.
What you do to the least of these you do unto me, Paul said I bear in my body
the marks of the Lord and again the Word was made Flesh and again a Spirit
hath not flesh and bones, as you see me have! The manifestation of God in the
Body and as the Body is begun and great signs and wonders are appearing as we
are His heavens the Signs and Wonders the world will see. Signs and Wonders In
the heavens which is you and I! Glory be to God!

Patrick Henry Nichols I

Hilton Head Island

C H A P T E R 75


The biggest problem with people today is mainly this one thing....They do not
know WHO they are! They are always trying to define themselves with all the tem-
porary things of life, sex, drugs, fashions, attitudes, fads, things, power, prestige, ti-
tles, etc. But they are never truly happy or content within themselves. They remain
filled with fear, confusion, uncertainty, worry, anger, resentment, pride, hate, envy,
strife, lust, passions, carnality, Self ! They will never be happy until they KNOW
who they are! Even in the natural ways of life you find the most successful people
are leaders and have a confidence that they Know who they are, via education or
some spirituality or one of many processes of life that come that shape and define
us till we are settled and content in who we are. A Content Person is a happy per-
son! Now people can be content on many different levels, and some contentment
does not bring happiness but only a temporary peace. People Settle for less is what
I mean, but this kind of settlement does not indicate they KNOW who they are, it
just means they have settled for less than what they feel they could be or attain
unto. There is a Knowing of Oneself. Going about it via the World only brings a
natural knowing and will bring success in some form to your life, but that is not go-
ing to do anything for you when it comes time to cross over to the World Eternal.

Did you know the single main theme of thought that sits at the root and core of
the Holy Bible is this one KNOW......a State of Faith
and absolute Conviction that you know that you know that you know WHO you

Not who you are as to yourself, but that you have become born again and now it is

WHO you are in Christ! You have accepted who the Word of God has proclaimed
you to be by and through the finished works of what Jesus Christ did in His Life,
His Death and His Resurrection for YOU on your behalf ! When your spirit which
is your faith comes from the depths of your being inside your heart and willingly
accepts the superiority of the greater inspired Word of God that is Eternal, then
His Spirit is In His Word and His Faith, His Knowing, His absolute State of Con-
viction and State of Being is in His Word also. Then that greater power subjects
your spirit and faith to its and a marriage takes place where your spirit and faith
become His Spirit and Faith and now all that you were and are is now swallowed
up in Him and You are now Hidden in Christ whom your heaven has received
and now where He is, inside of you, There You Are Also! Now you have an Eter-
nal Knowing, an Eternal Absolute, An Eternal Faith and an Eternal Life now
within you and that Faith and that Knowing and that State of Being emanates
from you and supersedes all natural knowing and Now All that you go to do is
blessed! All of your enemies are at peace with you, you have said to the unsettled
raging waters in your heart, Peace Be Still! You have entered a warfare to contend
like a fighter would to obtain this Knowing, this Faith, this absolute! Now You
have won the battle and now you have entered into His Rest! All is well!  Peace to
your Earth and goodwill to all men!

You have entered Spiritual Canaan Land, You have made it and nothing can
harm you ever again! Welcome to The Kingdom of God!
The Faith of JESUS CHRIST!
This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Patrick Henry Nichols I
Hilton Head Island

C H A P T E R 76

Lesson From Hebrews 9

A Lesson from Hebrews 9:

6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the
first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.

7 But into the second (HOLY OF HOLIES), went the high priest alone ONCE
every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of
the people:

8 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet
made manifest, while as the first tabernacle (LAW) was yet standing:

9 Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts
and sacrifices, that COULD NOT make him that did the service PERFECT, as
pertaining to the CONSCIENCE;

10 Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordi-
nances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater
and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this build-

12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by HIS OWN BLOOD he en-
tered in ONCE into the holy place, having obtained ETERNAL REDEMPTION

13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling
the unclean, SANCTIFIETH to the PURIFYING of the FLESH: (SEE IT PURI-

14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
offered himself without spot to God, PURGE YOUR CONSCIENCE from dead
works to serve the living God? (SEE CHRIST FAITH REPLACED YOUR UN-

15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that BY
MEANS OF DEATH, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under
the first testament (LAW), they which are called might receive the promise of eter-

16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be THE DEATH OF

17 For a testament is of force AFTER men are dead: otherwise it is of NO
STRENGTH at all while the testator liveth.

18 Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.

19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the
law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hys-
sop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,

20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto

21 Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of
the ministry.

22 And almost all things are by the law PURGED WITH BLOOD; and with-

23 It was therefore NECESSARY that the patterns of things in the heavens

should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacri-
fices than these.

24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are
the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of
God for us:

25 NOR yet that HE should OFFER HIMSELF OFTEN, as the high priest en-
tereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; (See how it says He
would have to come back and die and suffer again and again and again if His one
sacrifice was not enough)

26 FOR THEN MUST HE OFTEN HAVE SUFFERED since the foundation

of the world: but now ONCE in the end of the world hath he appeared to PUT
AWAY S I N by the sacrifice of himself. (SEE HOW IT SAYS "PUT AWAY SIN")

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the

28 So Christ was ONCE OFFERED to bear the sins of many; and unto them
that look for him shall he appear the second time WITHOUT SIN unto salvation.

This goes along with countless other scriptures that people grossly misinterpret
that show to us what Grace truly is, not that Grace is we sin daily and grace is we
repent and ask for forgiveness, but true grace is we are convicted by the Holy
Ghost of having the Conscience of Sin in our hearts, we are under heavy condem-
nation and the accusing power of the Law and the Spirit wooes us in Love to
come to the Cross and come to Calvary and have our conscience PURGED from
Sins ONCE and for ALL! The Atoning purging power of the Blood covers and re-
moves all Sin from the conscience and heart by accepting His Death and shed
blood, then His Spirit enters us as we are born again and resurrected from the
death of the Cross for Sins and we are alive forever more. Sin death hell and the
grave are all behind us now. Now we are they that are Born of God, our very con-

science being purged from all sin it is Impossible for us to ever Sin. He that abi-
deth in Christ sinneth not! How can He that is dead and died to sin ever live in sin
again! How can a woman whose husband is dead, ever live with him again. This is
the beauty the wonderment the glory of Calvary and of Christ and of Gods Love!

Patrick Henry Nichols I

Hilton Head Island


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