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C H A P T E R 62

The Garden Mystery Revealed

The Garden Mystery Revealed

When we speak of The Blood and the subject of our origin and blood life. It is
a very misunderstood event of our origin, until God removes the Veil. Hence
Moses wrote what He seen from the Hinder part of God or that which was before
Calvary which indicates the Veiled side of Creation. It was in a sense a darkness
that predated the light even as from Moses view point in writing Genesis he speaks
that in the beginning was God and that darkness was here and then God com-
manded the Light to come forth. We know God is Light and in Him is No Dark-
ness, so it is not that God was dwelling in darkness and then created Light, it was
Moses who seen the darkness which was His own ignorance and then God began
revealing Himself to Moses which was Moses seeing Light. There has always been
So this is a furtherance unto a completion of another writing called "Some-
thing About The Blood" and that writing along with this one and another one
called the Discussion of the Serpent Seed, will unveil and make manifest what
Moses seen and what William Branham seen within the veil, as they seen some-
thing spiritual or unveiled as to the God Knowledge but they took it or seen it in
the flesh or the veil and it was contorted or perverted and gave them an uncertain
sound that has left the people in the wilderness around a sexual act, which is the
ultimate the flesh can have. People have always had the sexual inspiration for their
drug and as the Blood is removed from the Mercy Seat this will become more and
more as it will be their only inspiration for what they fell is life. The veiled fleshly
blood life can go no further than the sexual acts of perversion.

A great prophet of God seen something in the veil and referred to it as a sexual
act between the Serpent and Eve as He taught that the Serpent was a Man and
that Man was a Beast, of course the religious church world always paint a picture
of Eve being naked standing under a tree and a serpent wrapped around that
branch maybe with a head of a man or a devil or a snake etc. So childish it is.
Paul tells us that the Word of God is to be "spiritually discerned", so making it
a sexual physical act as Branham did is proof it was not at all what He thought it
was but did obviously see something but it was in the veil, not to be unveiled until
the Thunders were to sound that would reveal all of the mysteries. This of course
is The Revelation of Jesus Christ that reveals these mysteries as they all belong to
Him Christ Jesus! The Coming of The Lord.
Moses heard the Thunders on the Mount that burned with Fire, it was those
Thunders He wrote in this sense from Genesis onward. We find Moses as writing
Genesis was before the Law came and the Law came during the writing of his
other books. So we say before the Law came the Thunders were revealed or spo-
ken but was taken or hidden within the Veil and locked away by the Law of God.
We say God protected the Thunders by sealing them with the Law, which is why
the Jews seen so many powerful events in the OT that have not been seen since.
Some call them the Days of the Old Testament. So we see William Branham a
type of Moses and leading the people out of Egypt but left them in a wilderness
of wandering, debating over the issue of a serpent on a pole a sexual lustful rela-
tionship with Eve. He was going back to Jeffersonville Indiana from Tucson to de-
liver the message The Trail of the Serpent and also reveal the corruption in His
own Ministry, when he had the terrific car accident and was bruised in His head
and was hung upside down by the Law Man all showing a casting out and the Law
or the Veil side of Christ being over as to the Blood Sacrifice and the Law witness-
ing this by the Law Man and Bro Branham Himself being a Prophet so we have
the Law and Prophets testifying of the Coming Christ which was the Revelational
Message that followed. Upside down being like Peters own death again going back
to the casting out of the serpent releasing the seed of Christ or the Birth of The

So what did Bro Branham see? Was it a sexual act? A Beast and a Eve? No. We
need to remove Time and we need to remove the Veil and when we remove the
veil, time exist in and by the veil so time is removed as well. As we have already
spoken before hand in the afore mentioned writings of what took place in the Gar-
den, lets now go forward and see it in a new detail from what we have heard. Of
course it was a spiritual event that took place as Eve listened to the Serpent beguile
her and she did eat. Adam was not found in the Transgression so lets put him off
to the side for a moment and lets see the Serpent and Eve at the Tree talking.
Spiritually speaking we know there is nothing that truly exist but God and God ex-
isted inside the flesh and bone body of Jesus Christ. Those that are spiritual should
know by now that the entire book of Revelations is about Jesus Christ. The church
ages, the seals, the 4 horsemen, the beast, the woman the elders, and on and on it
goes, all of it was and is about the Man Christ Jesus and his 33 Yrs of Life on this
Earth. The Flesh is the Veiled side, the resurrection is His Unveiled Spiritual Side.
So what Moses seen was the "Hinder Part of God, He seen that part of Him that
was to come and be made Sin. He seen the Flesh side of God, the Jesus Side.
Enoch seen this as did Job. So in another dimension we see that the entire Holy Bi-
ble is about the Life of God in the person of Jesus Christ, this Life is typed and
shadowed in every single story in the Bible. The Word is a reflection of the Life of
God and His Beginning as to being a Flesh Man and His ending on a Cross and
His Glorious Return.
Now as Moses wrote what He seen, we find almost 2000 yrs since Calvary Bro
Branham seeing this as well the same as Moses did however seeing it in another di-
mension a veiled dimension. The Great Forerunner as John the Baptist was, even
being stricken in the head as John was also and the Crown of Thorns. The Spirit
of Elijah the same as John The Baptist was even Bro Branham being a Baptist boy
before His conversion. So we find Elijah pointing unto the Messiah that was to
come, even the Message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Now back to the What did WMB see? What did Moses see? There was A Tree
in the Garden and that Tree was good, God said so. Just because the Tree was
good and God said do not eat of it, did not make the Tree bad or evil. God as we
say made the Tree as He made all things and thus the Tree of Knowledge was

Good. The Law was also Good, just because God did away with it did not make it
evil. The Law was just and good and holy. So the Tree in the Garden. People are
referred to as Trees many times in the Word, and we know the Flesh is Serpent
Flesh so we easily see this Tree was a Man, just like Bro Branham said. This Tree
had as we say inside of it or wrapped around it a Serpent. Does this make you
think of another Man, who was made like a Serpent, came in the Image of the
Serpent to swallow up the evil serpents, that was held up in the Wilderness on a
stick of wood from a Tree with a Serpent on it?
There was in the Garden no one BUT, God, Adam and Eve. Adam the Son of
God and Eve which came from His Side which we know to be His Flesh. Adam
the Spirit we say and Eve the Flesh. So lets go another step closer and what do we
see, Not just God and Adam and Eve, we see But One Man and that Man has a
Spirit and that Man has a Body of Flesh. We see what we thought was Two Trees
are really just One Tree, Just One Man, The Son of God. You say ok yeah so its
Adam. No, there is but One Son of God. That Son of God is God Himself in
flesh form. So what was the Tree in the Garden? It was One Man, One Tree.
Adam was His Spirit and Eve was His Flesh, if you can be spiritual you can see it.
God was in the Garden, inside of what we call Adam. From His Side came forth
Eve, the mother of us all, it is where all flesh came from and why God says He
clothed them with Skins and called Them ADAM. Just One. A Spirit inside of a
Body. God veiling Himself in Darkness. Light we say of Love and Grace and Dark-
ness of Wrath and Law. The Flesh being weaker than the Spirit was ordained and
predestined to be unruly and weak and needy. From the Dust it is and to Dust it re-
turns. God clothed behind the Beastly Badger Skins. So Bro Branham says the Ser-
pent was a Man and He was right. He says that Serpent had relations with Eve
and He was wrong. There was but One Man in that Garden, One God in that
Garden, One Spirit and One Body, Not Two Trees, Not an Adam and an Eve, Just
ADAM. Adam the Son of God. A Son of God is God in veiled form. So what or
who was Adam the only Man in the Garden, He was God, the only God there
was. Standing there in a Flesh Body, An Adam and an Eve, ONE. One Tree, One

That One Man was also the One God and that One God was the Only and
One Man and That Man was That One Tree and That One Tree was The Ser-
pent and That One Serpent was This One Man and That was and is "The Man
Christ Jesus"! The Inward Christ or Adam and the Outer Eve was His Flesh. Re-
member now Moses is writing this from seeing the Back side of God the Hinder
Part or rather that part of God that was to come in a Robe of Flesh and Be made
Sin and a Serpent on a Tree. Them "ADAM" was put out of the Garden, Jesus
was cast out of Heaven and went into Hell. Lucifer was cast out of heaven and
was cast into hell. See the same story about the same Man the same God who was
cast out into the Earth and was made flesh to become Sin to save the people or to
make them into His Own Image. The Flesh of Jesus as the Natural Head of the
Jews goes back to the Body as Paul said they type the Body the Body is Flesh so the
Law was given because of the weakness of the Flesh. What does the Law do? It
gives you the Knowledge of Good and of Evil! You can't learn one without it auto-
matically knowing the other. So God tells as we say the first couple to not eat of
the Tree of Knowledge, do not partake of the Law, for in the Day you eat of it
you will surely die! God knew they would die and He intended for them to die! His
own Word to them to not eat wrought in them all manner of curiosity and desire
and caused them to desire to eat. See a deceiving serpent. It was not its intent as to
deceive, it was its intent to use those words, just and good and holy to arouse them
and cause their flesh and the desires of the flesh to come alive, It was the Law that
gave Life to the Beast or the Flesh, the Law said Do Not Eat and Paul hiding this
mystery so well said it wrought in Him all manner of concupiscence. it did the
same in them. It did the same in Christ Jesus. It did the same as to God in Hu-
man Flesh Form.
Listen the Word of God says "God TASTED Death for every man"! Tasted as
in He ate of it! The Word of God says that God "Feeds us the FRUIT OF OUR
THOUGHTS"! So does God also eat the fruit of His Thoughts? Yes He does! He
ate of them at the Cross where He tasted of that death from that Tree of Knowl-
edge for every man! At the Cross we Find One God inside that Flesh Body of that
One Man who is Hanging on that One Tree and in the Image of that One Ser-
pent being made Sin. This is what Moses seen, He seen the Cross, He seen God

tasting Death, He seen His Outer Fleshly Eve tasting and partaking of that Tree.
He seen His people the Jews tasting of that Tree. He as their head died and they
died with Him as Bodily Eve going into the dust of the ground as the serpent eat-
ing from the dust of the Earth. The Gentiles typical of His Inner Adam not being
guilty, given Grace and they went to God as to His Grace from whom gave it.
The Law is what demanded that He who eats of it must die, because No One
could keep it! God knew no one could keep the Law. SO we see the Law in the
fleshly Eve of Jesus Christ which was to condemn Him to make Him Sin, He be-
came Sinful Flesh. Get this now, He was made Sinful Flesh, the Darkness the
Ruler of the Darkness, BEFORE the World ever was! In the Mind of God He was
already made this and the event is not official as many suppose when it is mani-
fested, No, the event is official when it was in Gods Thoughts and Mind. When
He thought it, regardless when it was manifested, it was done then. God knowing
all things knowing and seeing the end from the beginning, because it was an open
and shut case with God before the Whole thing even begun.
So if no can keep the Law, why allow it to be among the people? If the Tree of
Knowledge is a bringer of death why have it in the Garden to begin with? See it in
a whole other level, it was ordained and planned of God for all of it to happen,
even if as people believe that there was A Tree of Knowledge, a Serpent or Beast,
and an Adam and Eve, it was still ALL every bit ordained of God and God said,
"It was Good"! The natural sun shines in the day and it shines upon the Rock the
Stone of the Moon and that Moon gives off a Light in the darkness of the Night,
it is not an original light but a reflected Light, a foreshadowing Light, that though
unseen as the Sun is, it is proof there is a real true light we call the Sun and just
give it some as we say and we will see it, the Rising of The Son. The Tree of
Knowledge was The Law, the reflected Light of God from the Spirit that shined
upon the Soul or Moon and it cast a false deceiving light into and upon the Body
to bring it to Life, it brought the Image to Life, a Beast and a False Prophet gave
their power unto the Image, that Image was Satan or Sin he who was the accuser
of the Brethren because He had power because of the Law and the weakness of
sinful flesh! Eve lean not to your own understanding, Eve do not eat from the fruit
of your own thoughts, Eve or Flesh that light that you have that carnal mind is a

dark shadowy light that appears to be God but is not, it is Anti Christ and is
brought to life by Unbelief or Faith in Reverse, Faith the power of Creation used
in perversion form by Sin and hath caused a Beast, a Fleshly Body to come to Life.
This is how we as humans came to be.
We recognized, we became "aware" an eye we had that was closed became
open while another eye was closed, we was innocent like children when this hap-
pened so we could be born in darkness so we could in time by faith and the Word
be translated, transformed and transfigured into God. God using the veil He hid
himself in which was the Flesh to cast the shadow of darkness, made Him as to
His own Fleshly side the "Ruler of The Darkness" This is why Jesus was born in a
beastly manger, His star shined in the night sky to show he was the Ruler and He
was born in the darkness to at night to show the again the fall of flesh and the
darkness. At the Cross we find utter darkness, at His birth we find utter darkness,
God who "forms the Light and CREATES THE DARKNESS" Can Evil come to
a city and God hath not sent it! God said he kills and wounds and Kings and priest
rule by Him whether they be good rulers or evil they rule by Him. He is God He
does what he wills when He wills. The Law gave power to the Flesh, When it was
removed Sin was removed, and we all became dead in our flesh by the Body of Je-
sus as God concluded us all in unbelief or darkness while in the flesh. We all be-
came disembodied spirits at that time. This is what brings us to the Adoption or
the Change of the Body which we cannot go into right now to get across this
So what was William Branham supposed to see? he heard the Thunders but
could not interpret them. This is where he began to come into His Serpent Seed
Doctrine as to feeling it ok to begin teaching it. It was the same as Moses seeing
what took place at the beginning or Genesis, here was Bro Branham seeing back
to the beginning, something hidden in darkness a place where the voice of God
thundered, the same as Moses seen. Moses seen and gave it as an Adam and an
Eve and two Trees and a Serpent so as to keep it veiled, Brother Branham we
could say seen it in a Physical Dimension of Sex where Moses seen it as a Natural
Adam and Eve and a Tree and a Snake etc. Yet in Christ we see the 3rd true Di-
mension of it which was God in the Body of Jesus Christ His Inner Adam was

Christ, His Outer Eve was the Flesh or Jesus, The Serpent being Gods own Words
that wrought concupiscence or desire that led faith into unbelief. Is not Gods own
Word Law? Sure it is! God knew what he had said would stir in them their own cu-
riosity and that in their child like innocent state His words would be a deceiving
word, not that His Word was a Lie, but to the innocent child and their LACK of
understanding it would be a lie.
See this real clear now, lets overlap what we just said and throw this story over
Calvary and see if you do not see it more clear. Jesus Christ said unless we eat His
Flesh and Drink of His Blood we will have No Life. Flesh and Blood see. What
was in the Flesh and Blood of Jesus but the dark light or moon light the reflected
Light or what we call Lucifer the ruler of the darkness. His Spirit ruled the day
His Flesh ruled the Night. So we go to His Flesh hanging upon a Tree, made in
the Image of the Serpent, His shed blood pouring from it, saying No One Comes
to The Father except through Me! The Flaming Cherub that guards the Way of
the Tree of Life which is Christ on the Inside and through the veil of His Flesh we
find Heaven. So we partake of His Flesh and Blood to have life but what do we
find instead, we find Death! Paul said the commandment which was ordained
unto Life I found to be unto death and the Law slew Him as it does you and I. So
you eat from the Tree of Jesus Flesh and the Law comes down on you and tells
you, you are unworthy and are weak and sinful and now you must DIE! See it de-
ceived you, yet there is still hope.
Then when you hear what the Law of the Word of the Lord say to you you be-
lieve it and repent and cry out for mercy and you accept that death of Jesus as
your own, then you are dead! and once you are dead you are not flesh anymore
but a disembodied spirit and the cherubim allows you to pass through the veil of
His Flesh and you see and partake of the Tree of Life the Inward Christ as the
Holy Ghost covers you in His Robe of Righteousness! So the Flesh of Jesus, that
was the Eve that partook of the Laws and Commandments of God. Jesus said con-
tinually this commandment I received of my Father. No Flesh can be justified in
the Sight of God, not even Jesus's which was Gods own Flesh. God did not hold
His own flesh back from His Holy Word but slew it and chastened it and purged it
and changed it!

In the World of the Garden of Today we have a Cross on every church which
is the Tree of Knowledge and they live off the Flesh and Blood Life of the slain
Beast of Jesus Christ and never go on to pass through the veil to enter the Holy of
Holies and eat from the Tree of Life and live forever! The serpent is still deceiving
according to their unbelief from carnal intellect of religious reflection, God said
He who is the Word would send the wicked "strong delusions, cause them to be-
lieve a lie, so that they will be damned"! See a deceiving serpent in the hearts and
minds of the wicked and unrepentive, but that same word to an Elect child of
God is pure and truth! Adam the Inner Christ without sin and not in the Trans-
gression, His outer Eve partaking of the Law and commandments of God while
in flesh form deceived and condemned Him to a cross and into hell He went.
They changed the truth into a lie, How? By their Unbelief ! To a wicked man not
intending on repenting and use religion to hide behind, yet still convincing Him-
self He is a Christian is deceived, then we see Gods word in one sense has de-
ceived Him by telling Him He is a believer, yet we see the mans on wicked mind is
the true serpent by holding the truth of God in unrighteousness. This is how the
shadow that has laid across the Jews who were charged with keeping the Oracles
of God is now moving off of them and over the religious Gentiles who claim to be
Christians but are Anti Christ as the shadows begin to move over them and their
lands as the Jew returns to Life.
So the Garden is this World and Jesus Flesh and His Spirit were hung on a
Tree and the Elect seen a Tree of Life and the Wicked seen a Tree of Knowledge,
Same man, Same Tree Same Word, Same Rain on wheat and tare. This is what
Moses seen and what Bro Branham almost seen. This is The Revelation of Jesus
Christ, God revealing the Jesus side and the Christ side, as both Light and Dark-
ness are used to define the Object and that Object is the Eternal Man Child that
passed through the Woman to come forth in this day and hour to reveal itself as a
witness of Law and Grace to mankind.
Do you see it? Can you believe? There was never a devil or Satan to God,
never a thing called evil or sin as to Him in His World, speaking of the Adam
Side. It was all on the Eve or darkness He veiled Himself in for revelational pur-
poses to Make Man into His Own Image. Once he was done with the darkness

and with that fleshly veil He did away with them. Now having said that let me clar-
ify something, He did away with Sin in the Flesh or sinful flesh, He condemned
sin in the flesh, see again we find the Law in the Flesh the Law of Sin and Death.
It was that in the flesh that He purged and cast out so that he could redeem His
Flesh or His Bride back unto Himself. I feel the Lord has said enough on this for
your understanding and it is time to bring this to an end. May God Bless You dear
reader, in Jesus Christ name as this is a part of the very Thunders Moses heard
and John was commanded not to write. God Bless You!
Patrick Henry Nichols I
Hilton Head Island S.C. USA


The Garden Mystery Revealed

Part 2
The Garden Mystery Revealed Part 2

That which is from the dust returns back to the dust.

That which is from heaven returns back to heaven.
Adam the Son of God in the Garden before the World ever was.
We say the Lamb slain in the Mind of God before the world ever was.
Why does our mind immediately go back to the Earth when we hear that verse
"before the world ever was"? It did not say the Earth, it said World.
God hath set the World in their Hearts.
What is the World in the Heart? The Veil Middle Wall of Separation.
It is the Carnal Mind of Death and Sin and Unbelief, the great gulf between
the Sinner and God or Life or between Abraham and The Rich Man.
So from the last email we looked at the Garden from a Spiritual View which is
the true view.
Now let’s see this as Eve which is the Body of Flesh and after her partaking of
the Tree she now has inside of her heart, not her physical womb, but her heart,
TWO Husbands. Two Angels in her heart warring over this Body. It is the same
with humanity today as Paul spoke of our dual nature, not dual blood lines, but
two natures caused by two angels or cherubim’s inside.

Grace in our inner man and law in our outer man.

Life inside the inner and death in the outer.

Light in the inner, veiled by darkness in the outer.
The Law which is Gods on Word saying if you eat of this tree you will die thus
that law and that death via that Word passed upon all men through the weakness
of Eve.
That Word which was Law entered the Flesh of Eve and then climbed into her
upper lintels which is the Soul and formed an object or an Image of darkness and
perversion of Unbelief. 
Faith in Reverse, Truth changed into a Lie, Truth being held in Unrighteous-
ness. They changed the image or Word of the Incorruptible God into an Image
like unto Corruptible Flesh!
Oh My, Can you see it? It is astounding and absolutely glorious!!!!
God using the darkness to bring the Flesh to Life so the Flesh can be a serpen-
tine passage for the Seed of God to pass that the Child of God may be formed.

Wisdom needs foolishness to reveal it as foolishness is revealed by Wisdom.

Light needs Darkness for defining purposes or else we will not know it is there.
The same for darkness, it needs Light.
Truth needs a Lie!
Perfection needs Perversion.
Hot needs Cold!
Man Needs Woman!
Good needs Evil!

God for development of His Seed, had to place His Seed of Perfection into a
World of utter Perversion and Darkness so by the revealed knowledge of good and

of evil faith and unbelief would cause that Seed to grow into an Image to form the
Child of God.
God said, "They have become as US, to know Good and Evil"! See the Seed
could not grow unless it had a sovereignty a power of decision from good and
from evil to decide and choose and form within it an Eternal Faith or an Eternal
Unbelief. According to that Faith so it is to that Seed or Person. Heaven or Hell.

Now back to "Before the World ever was". The World is the Veil and the Veil
came over their eyes when they partook of the Tree of Knowledge which was The
Law. So before the Law came as to the Commandment to Not Eat, then there was
no world in their heart. So where were they? In Heaven. In the presence of God.
Just like the Word says of a Child how their Angel or Spirit always behold the Face
of their Heavenly Father, which means they are in the presence of God before
they begin to grow and to learn how to reason and give in to the necessity of the
Flesh and then comes the World into their hearts.

So we find Adam the Son of God with Eve, before the World ever was, in the
Garden. In heaven, In the presence of God, because it is God. Notice now that no
children were born or no images created until after they ate from the tree. Then
comes the World in their hearts.

Now they have fallen to the level of the beast. Beast Life has taken over, the sun
as we say has receded over the hill and now darkness is ruling. Now for Life, even
the God Life to stay with them and for their Beast Life to continue to exist, it must
do so on this beastly serpentine level of sexual reproduction. Now can you see the
God Life as His Seed as an Inner Christ or Adam hidden and imprisoned inside
the Fleshly Beastly Eve. Can you see this Blood Red Dragon Life wrap its tail of
carnal reasoning around the heavenly Star and cast it down into the Flesh to the
dust of the earth to go on its belly and eat that which comes from the dust.

Can you hear Jesus cry out "Why hast thou forsaken me"! When God said I
will never leave nor forsaken you! Is Jesus crying out in Unbelief, because God
whom was His Faith had departed from Him to make Him Sin, Evil and Darkness
as the Serpent? Is this God in Jesus tasting Sin, Unbelief or Death for every man?
By becoming Sin and Death and Evil! Do you see once again The Light and The
Darkness. The Good and The Evil. Spirit and Flesh. Adam and Eve. 
Christ as the Inner Adam, Satan in the outer Eve. God who is the Word and
that Word becoming or being made Flesh and what is the Flesh, the Beast the Ser-

Now get this, He came in the "likeness" of sinful flesh, yet was without Sin. Yet
he did become Sin. That Sin was for your sake, because you was the Children of
Eve. We can say as to Adam the Son of God and Eve being His Wife thus in this
view Eve was the Bride of God, so God is responsible for her actions. So He came
and paid for her actions and divorced her and was married to another even Mary,
Blessed of God because His First Wife was now dead by the sinfulness of the Law
and her spiritual adultery so he put her away at Calvary and was able to be mar-
ried to another. Mary being the Changed Body, the resurrected Body. So many di-
mensions we can further relate this in as to even though we say God divorced Eve
or our first birth and was married to Mary our New Birth or Changed Body we
see God never really lost anyone or anything for Mary was Eve in another form as
she, Mary, was also a descendant of Eve. 

So what Moses seen before the World entered the heart of Eve and Adam was
The Mind of God and in that Mind of God what does the Word say, "The Lamb
slain in the Mind of God before the World ever was"! In other words Moses seen
before the World entered their hearts and veiled them from God or His Mind He
seen into the Mind of God and in that Mind of God He seen an Adam and an
Eve and a Serpent and a Tree and Fruit, so what is it He seen and was writing
about? The Word says "The Lamb was in that Mind of God that Moses seen that
existed before the Veil came over their eyes, so what Moses seen was Calvary!

What was Calvary but Jesus and who was Jesus but God and who was God but the
Word and what did the Word become but Flesh and who was Adam but the Son
of God which was and is God and who was Eve but God the Word being made
Flesh. God reckoned time from Evening until morning, which means the darkness!
God within the Veil and the Veil is the Carnal Mind or The Flesh, God behind
the Human Skin. Behold The Tabernacle of God is among Men.

Out of the side of Jesus comes forth the Flesh of all humanity. God took Eve
from the side of Adam, we say Jesus is sitting at the Right hand SIDE of God.
The Body sitting beside the Spirit, which means The Spirit inside the Body. Your
Body if you are born again is sitting at the right hand of God as God is inside of
you and your Body is His Purchased Possession.

So we find via the flesh comes Cain and Abel. Some say Twins with two differ-
ent Fathers. They say Cain was not in the lineage of Adam and that’s true but nei-
ther was Abel. It never mentioned Abel as such either. Well someone says there is
a reason for that, he was killed physically and had no descendants, and that is true,
but Cain died spiritually. Abel we say is still alive as His Blood cried from the
ground, Cain however died eternally. So we see what has happened is that Eve
birthed descendants with Two Spiritual Natures in her and those spiritual natures
are in every person born from Eve. The Blood between the Cherubs of the Ark
typifies the Body or Blood covered Robe of Flesh we wear, and the Two Angels
represent the Two Natures and Two Minds within that Body. Those Cherubims
were Angels not physical beings, as it said they had Wings that touched. Eve had a
part of the Mind of Adam in her as she came from His Side and then she was
overtaken by the Serpent Mind and thus in her was now the mixture of Good and
Evil, Light and Dark, Christ and Satan, Law and Grace. Paul said Two Natures.
Not two bloodlines, but two Spiritual Lines or Lineages. One of Christ and all
those in Christ are predestined unto Heaven and One of Satan and those of the
Flesh and all of those are predestined unto Hell, According to their Faith so be it
unto them. 

So we find Cain typing the birth of the Carnal Mind of Darkness that would
kill Abel the Mind of Christ or Light going into the Veil. Seth having to do with
the Holy Ghost. 
We find Jesus saying, "Father RESTORE unto me the Joy I had with you, "In
the Garden" back before the World came into view and this Flesh hid you from
my sight, I was Adam and Eve and I was in your presence and now I have paid for
partaking of that Tree in my childlike innocence, I have fulfilled your Will to be-
come the needed object to reproduce your Image, "Come and let US, (God and
Jesus, Spirit and Body, Man and God, God and The Man Christ Jesus,) Let US go
and make man into our own Image"! Restore to me the Joy I had with you before
I partook of the Tree of Knowledge or the Law to be as God, to stand between
you and your Creation. Rend Me Father as I was and am the Veil that came be-
tween you and your creation, I was what you needed to manifest Creation and this
is how through me you made all things that are. I was the darkness you needed to
reveal Creation and You made all things through me, via the Veil of the Darkness
of This Flesh. 

The Flesh of Jesus the blueprint for the Flesh, The Christ the blueprint of the
Moses make things according to the Blueprint or Pattern I showed you on the
Mount, so Moses made an Ark and it had Two Angelic Heavenly Cherubim’s and
in between those Cherubim’s was the Blood of the slain beast placed showing us a
Physical Perspective of a heavenly thing, we are One Flesh Body with Two Minds,
Two Natures, Two Angels warring over our soul, so we see it is a Spiritual By Faith
Lineage NOT a Physical Blood lineage of Two Blood Lines. 

Now that we see it was Jesus there in the Garden or it was God and all of this is
taking place in Him in His Mind in the Garden, we have to ask ourselves this im-
portant question.

So If that was Jesus in the Garden and the Tree of Knowledge being the Law
in His Body and The Christ was the Tree of Life and His Grace, then someone
tell me where did Adam and Eve have children such as Cain and Abel and Seth
and so on? How did that happen?

That is another Mystery God will reveal later on and it is astounding!!!! Let me
give you a clue or a hint. When he separated the Light from the Darkness, The
Spirit from the Body, then was cast forth into the dust of the Earth the Red
Dragon, The Bloody Serpent who was made a living Soul. More to come. God
Bless You!

Patrick Henry Nichols I

Hilton Head Island S.C. USA

C H A P T E R 63

Revealing The Man Of Sin

and The Seals

Revealing the Man of Sin and The Seals

Have we ever stopped to consider the same water or rain that brings life to the
flower and causes the corn to grow, also waters the weeds and causes them to

Of course we understand the rain for the purpose of our crops, because we
need them to eat and they are essential to our livelihood.

Now lets do something that is out of character for us, lets think for a moment
about the weed. Of course some weeds have beauty others not and most take over
and kill so we tend to remove them, burn them, to make a way for the good things.
However the weed, a product of creation we say, came about no doubt from a sci-
entific view the same as the flower or the corn. I speak as to the process of the at-
oms and molecules and the seed is formed and whatever else comes into play and
today as in ages gone by we have a weed or weeds.

The same rain now, water that brings life to Earth, that same water is what al-
lows or causes the weed to grow. We say the water has brought the weed to life, wa-
ter keeps rats alive, scorpions, roaches, many things we see as bad or pest or dis-

ease or pain or the base side of life, we see the same rain or water keeps them alive
as well, causes them to have life. Think about that for a moment. 

The same justice system that frees an innocent man charged with a crime and
proves his innocence, also condemns another man with guilt, same system, same
judge, same lawyers etc.

Men of God have told us the same spiritual rain that causes a saint to rejoice
also causes the wicked to rejoice and brings life to them both. We say because of
the blood of Jesus even devils and demons can shout at church and praise the
Lord, still leave and go do wickedness.

So we say a revival comes to town, in comes the saints and the wicked and both
are seen praising God under the same roof, all dressed nice in church clothes,
good names in the community, both may do good deeds and give money and time
to charities etc. So we see the Saint, this Spiritual Outpouring is bringing to Him
Life and that more abundantly and increases and strengthens His Faith, His Love
for God grows and He desires to do so much more for God. Now we see the
wicked who may also be doing the same religious deeds as the Saint, both appear-
ing to be "Saints" from the outward appearance, yet we see the same Word of
God, the same Spirit of God, the same Rain of God to this Wicked man, is "de-
ceiving Him"!

So now that we have said something that appears to be so blasphemous, be-

cause we are not wise and stay to hear the end of the matter, as I myself have
done before, lets see this up close. We said the Word of God was deceiving that
wicked man. Now lets add a few more things to this as fuel to the fire. God is The
Word and His Word is Truth. So how can truth deceive a person? Again God is
the Word and the Word is God and God said, speaking of Him own Self, "I will
send them strong delusions, I will cause them to (believe a lie), so that they will be

damned, because they have NOT a love for the truth". The Word of God said of
itself it would be a strong delusion and would cause them to believe a lie so that
they will be damned.

How can this be? How can truth ever be anything but truth?
How can God deceive, when He is truth and love?
How can a perfect angelic being we know as Lucifer "Father a Lie"?
How can a perfect being as Lucifer be found with "Iniquity" in Him?
How does a revival meant for good and to save souls, produce hypocrites and a
deceived people?

Two things that seen so little and insignificant that I have quoted in my writings
so many times, are keys to opening such astounding mysteries.
"They changed the (truth of God) into a (lie)".
"They hold the truth of God in unrighteousness".
Also - "They changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image like
unto corruptible man".
Now think about these verses above and then think about this because it goes
with it, "Thou was perfect in all thy ways, till, INIQUITY was found in thee! Fa-
ther of a Lie!

I have explained this in many other writings so I will just say it here as simple as
possible and that is, When you hear a Word of Knowledge and that Knowledge is
Truth and YOU by your own sovereignty simply "don not believe it", because of
YOUR unbelief, then you have stated by your own faith that that knowledge to
YOU is a LIE. Like the man who was pardoned by Abraham Lincoln, it was true,
He was pardoned and could go free, that was truth, but to the man who did not be-
lieve it, it was a Lie! He changed that Truth to Himself, into a Lie, He might as
well as called Lincoln a liar. SO by his own unbelief, thinking the truth he heard
was not true he made it into a lie and was hung or killed soon after.
The man thought what he had heard was not true and was therefore a lie and
obviously some one must have been trying to "Deceive" him. Was that the case?
No, but the man himself was deceived, "By His OWN Unbelief"! He deceived
Himself ! When you believe a lie you do the same thing you deceive yourself, when
you do NOT believe Truth you have again deceived yourself ! See how TRUTH is
changed into a deceiving serpent or a lie? Sin or Unbelief !

When a Man of God speaks the Truth of Gods Words, it is meant to enter the
heart and then it is turned into Faith and into Spirit. If that same Word of God
reaches the intellect or the carnal mind and goes no further, then it remains the
dead letter of the word. When the Word reaches the heart by faith, it becomes the
Tree of Life. When it reaches the Intellect or Carnal Mind it becomes the Tree of
Knowledge. In the heart the Word becomes as the Sun shining in its strength, in
the carnal mind it is but the Moon reflecting a (False Light)!
In the heart is faith, in the carnal mind is unbelief.
This is how Satan who lives in the carnal mind, by using the Light of the Word
as a reflecting Light not a true light, transforms himself into an Angel of Light.
He gets religious!

See the rain on the wheat and tare as we spoke from the beginning.
When the Word is taken intellectually or carnally it brings Satan to Life and
power in the Flesh! That Word by unbelief makes its way to the soul, or the upper
lintels of man and then we have Satan, sitting in the Second Heaven of the Soul,
in the Temple meant for God, showing Himself as God. The Abomination that
has made that soul desolate of God. The churches today are overflowing with
these very same people, religious as Cain and full of lust and the world and the
pride of life, deceived and being deceived, blind leading the blind as they all are in
the ditch of the Great Whorish Church that is Satan and he has transformed Him-

self into the Church of Light that deceives and lies and teaches false doctrines and
makes the people twofold more the child of hell than before and has made it a
cage full of every unclean and evil spirit and turned the churches of God into

The Predestinated Foreknowledge of God inside the Word of God, Loving Ja-
cob and hating Esau, Being truth to Jacob and a deception to Esau, a Revelation
of and by Faith to Abel while turning Cain into a religious murderer! Same rain,
life to both.

Remember how Satan used the Word itself against Jesus? So close it would de-
ceive the very elect if it were possible. Paul said however, "The Elect obtained, and
the rest...were blinded"!

This is what I am saying concerning the Law and how it gave Life unto the
Flesh, because Eve which was the Flesh of Adam believed a Lie and that Lie was
"You shall not surely die"!


We find God speaking Truth, and The Serpent Lying.

Now take this and see it from another perspective and this will open your eyes
and sum up the point being made in this writing. This will show you the Garden
and Adam and Eve and the Serpent today and at the Cross and in the Garden,
the one and the same.

We go to lets say near the Garden of Gethsemane a Garden where Blood was
sweated by the Saviour. We find a Tree or rather Two pieces of Wood from a Tree.
We find a Man hanging on that Tree that is made SIN. We find a darkness hang-
ing over this Tree, because of the Law, that said, "The Soul that Sinneth shall
surely die"! Also "Do NOT eat from the fruit of that tree for in the day you do,
you will surely die"! Again, "No Flesh is justified by the Law", All Flesh has cor-
rupted its way before God! So we find the Law is present at this Tree and it is work-
ing inside the Flesh or the Eve of the Man Christ Jesus. We know to He is made
Sin in the sight of God, regardless of whose sin it is, He was made that very Sin it-
self on that Tree. Sin is a serpent, a deceiver, we know this. So we find on this Tree
Flesh, now made sin so we say on that Tree is Sinful Flesh. Inside that Flesh is
God or The Law, He was The Word made Flesh. The Word of God is the Com-
mandment of God and the Commandment is the Law of God.

We find this Tree bears fruit of a Law we call the Law of Sin and Death. Stay
with me now, I am speaking of Jesus becoming Sin itself. He came to "Condemn
Sin In The Flesh"! What has the power to condemn, but Satan and with what
authority does Satan have to accuse and condemn by or with...The Law!  The
Law gave life and power through unbelief which is faith in reverse and faith is the
creative power of God faith brings life as the Word tells us God made all things by
Faith and Faith is the very substance of all things. So when we find faith in reverse
we say it brings to life, perversion, perverted life, it is life, it is life in a perverted

So we see the Law or Word of God, being used by Faith in reverse to bring an
Image we call Flesh unto Life! Same Rain on the Inner Man also waters the Outer
Man! Same rain for the Spirit, also is rain for the Flesh. However, get this
the Flesh it is a temporal life, because to the Flesh the Law is a Law of Sin and
Death, the Law demands that Sinful Flesh must Die! He who has power of death
even Satan with accusations and condemnation that breeds sin eventually causes

the Flesh to die. Time nor age has nothing to do with it, SIN has everything to do
with it.

Back to Jesus a Sinful Serpent hanging on a Tree covered in darkness with the
Law of God in His members. This Serpent speaks to you, to your fleshly ears to
your carnal mind and says to you, Eat of me! partake of me! Eat my Flesh, and
Drink my Blood, for ....."IN THE DAY YOU EAT THERE OF YOU SHALL
never told them ONE TIME that if they ate of His Blood they would die, to the
contrary he said UNLESS you eat of it you will have no life at all, see so we hear
him saying to eat my flesh is to live forever, in other words you will not die!

Then we you come to that Tree with that Serpent hanging on it telling you to
eat of it you shall not surely die but will find life, all of a sudden a Law comes
upon you and that Law says this, You must DIE to yourself ! You must take up
your Cross and follow me to the death! Deny yourself, sacrifice yourself, hate your
life, leave the world behind, and all you hear is death, death, death, die die die! was deceived. Your flesh heard the flesh of that serpent say eat my flesh,
partake of the fruit hanging on the Old Rugged Cross else you will have no life
and you partook and God said you shall now surely die!

We find God saying to us, Do not eat of the fruit of THAT Tree for you will
surely die, we find Jesus saying Eat of my Tree else you will have no life! Did God
lie? NO! Did Jesus Lie? No!
So I said you was deceived by what Jesus said. That is true. he was deceiving
your flesh! he was leading that serpent in you to its death! Satan you want to be
God, then Here it is God is now Flesh, if you can get in this flesh by partaking of
it then you can be God and live forever! 

IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Now Jesus did not lie, He just did not
tell you the whole story as to what YOU would discover when you did eat. What
Jesus said, "Wrought in you all manner of concupiscence and desire and aroused
your lust for power and authority and the desire to live forever in the flesh". The
real deception and the real serpent was YOU, you led yourself astray or rather by
your lustful desire as Satan in your flesh we say desiring to be as God and desiring
to get back into heaven you partook of that Tree and found your own judgment
and by God being crafty he caught you with guile and sin in your flesh and now
you are condemned to die. Take up your cross and deny yourself, hate your life un-
less you leave mother and father unless you let the dead bury their dead see, on
and on it goes, you must die!
Paul said "The commandment which was ordained unto Life I found to be
unto death"!
The Law of Sin and Death working in my fleshly bodily members see has de-
ceived me.

So it is all about perception. Seeing each level then going deeper and deeper to
discover greater truths. We find what Moses seen was The Cross of Calvary. Told
in the Lives of Adam and Eve. The same as the story of the Cross is told in the
Life of Joseph and in Samson and in David and in Moses etc. 

The Word says we are led astray by our own lust and when lust has conceived it
brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death and death leads to the
grave and to hell.
So there it is we see though The Man Jesus is on a Tree and is made Sin and in
the image of the Beast or Serpent that as God said, The Tree was Good. Though
it appeares the Serpent and that Tree deceived you, it was so close it would de-
ceive the Inner Christ if it was possible, but it has deceived the Outer Eve and lead
her to her death, we find the real serpent was YOU, the Flesh, you was born in sin
and shapen in iniquity! it was YOUR VERY OWN CARNAL MIND!


The Moon is a Stone we find that stone in Revelations covered in Blood show-
ing that false light is what gave power to the beast, to the flesh, Jesus was and be-
came that Moon, lifted up as a serpent hanging between heaven and earth and
drawing all flesh after him, deceiving the entire world, as an Image of Flesh and
Blood and a Beast the Whole World is wandering after that Beast and the whole
world has life through the blood of that beast and that beast of flesh and that de-
ceiving Word of the Law which is a False Prophecy or prophet have caused that
Image of Satan who sits in the Temple of God to come to life!

The Man of Sin MUST be revealed First! The Great Falling away, when you
partake of that Tree then the Law condemns you to death and you have now
fallen from Grace, you are now cast out of heaven, you are now become the Man
of Sin as Jesus was. Unless you die to yourself or by faith let the death of the Son
of God be accounted as you, then you will have no life in you. However if you can
by faith allow that sacrifice to be you then in Gods sight you are dead by the Cross
of Calvary and now you may pass through the death veil of His Flesh and step
into the Holy of Holies, into heaven itself and reach your hand and partake of the
Tree of Life and Live Forever! That Inward Christ that Holy Ghost will seal you
in your forehead and the Image of the Beast you can worship no more, you are
not in the world, not in the flesh anymore, you have been translated into His

See Jesus came as to the Law fulfilling every jot and tittle of it. 

This was the White Horse, having the Law or the Bow, the authority and cove-
nant of God and His Word but did not condemn but came to save. 

He was the Red Horse Rider that shed His Blood and was a Vesture dipped in
Blood, a Moon covered in Blood, and it had a Great Sword which was the sword
of His Mouth, and killed all flesh by His One Sacrifice, for God concluded us all
in Sin and Unbelief and thus we were all killed as to the sinful flesh by His Shed
Blood at Calvary, Red Horse of Blood. He drew all flesh to Him and slayed them

He was the Black Horse of Death as the darkness came over the Earth, the
Soul that sinneth shall surely die going forth weighing the souls in the balance and
finding them without the wedding garment of His Righteousness. See it can kill
the flesh as to the souls that dwell in flesh but it cannot hurt the oil or wine, which
is the inner man sealed in by the Holy Ghost. This was His Death as the result of
His sacrifice.

Then comes the Pale Horse. Death sat upon Him and Hell Followed. This is
the spiritual death of the soul, eternal separation from God and the soul goes into
hell as Jesus soul did having died out of the presence of God.

The 5th Seal - Having to do with Calvary being opened, the Souls under that
Great Altar having to do with the Gentiles in one dimension that accepted Christ
awaiting their brethren the Jews to come to their Calvary as they did, in another
dimension it is the Jews who were slain along with Jesus their head them being the
Body awaiting till the days of their brethren the Gentiles be fulfilled, men like
David and Samuel and Ruth and Job awaiting under the Altar of Calvary that put
them and their people the Jews out of the Presence of God they cry for revenge.
Wee see this even now today with the same Jews at the Wailing wall typing the

Middle Wall of partition and the final 7 years of tribulation crying for revenge and
for Judgement.

The 6th Seal - We find this great seal was again Calvary, when the Jews who
were the Stars in the heavens as God's people were cast down to the Earth typing
the Body typing the Fall of Lucifer and typing the Law of Condemnation that
causes us to fall from Grace, the Untimely Figs being the Jews casted out of
Heaven, we say "Hiding themselves, in the rocks and dens of the earth". This is
death to the body, where and what else do men do with dens and rocks of the
Earth? They BURY people in them, see those bodies those people dead, out of
Gods presence, a Body under an altar of sacrifice a body bound in death saying
How long before we arise again, Hide us death from wrath, hide us from this Law
of wrath. Oh Glory be to God, we will see in another writing the Lord Will how
He did hide them in death and saved them and shielded them from the wrath, to
bring them back even the 144,000 alive along with the bodies of the Saints. How-
ever for now we see them falling casted out of His presence. The Face of The
wrath of The Lamb, not God, see He committed all judgment unto the Son. See
they did not accept Calvary, and it was said all of the Blood from righteous Abel
will come upon you and they said Let His Blood be upon our heads. 

So very very much more we could say concerning time, 1 day, times 2nd day
and half of times or a 3rd day also a half or the half time of 30 minutes of silence
in heaven as the Blood or veil is removed and The Revelation of Jesus Christ is
Come and the silence of the dead, those who were cast forth from the heavens at
the 6th seal hear the voice of the Son of God and to come forth. Glory be unto
Wait until you hear the 7th Seal....My My My!!!! 

Patrick Henry Nichols I


Hilton Head Island S.C.


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