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C H A P T E R 142

The Geometry and Thunder

Of God

*This may seem strange but it begins revealing God in letters and lines and shapes
and forms. I will add the spiritual alphabet to this in the following section, which if
one can understand it, they will see names and people and places and see destinies
come and go simply by letters and shapes that make names and words etc. phn

The Geometry and Thunder of God

I want to drop in a few of the things we already talked about. Remember it is

about a straight line and a curved line, everything in creation falls into one of
these two categories. The letters, the numbers, shapes, figures, the world of geo-
metric shapes is all around us and in every speck of creation, from trees to birds to
water to clouds to a grain of sand to mountains, our bodies etc. Anything that has
a shape and form is made up of a straight line or a curve in some form. So for an
example we will say these two letters represent the two forms we speak of. "l and
C". Lines go either straight or they curve, there is nothing else they can do. It is
the same in Computer Code, the entire internet and computers and the world
wide web are all based on two bits of a 0 and a 1. I think 0 is the negative and 1 is
the positive, and according to how they are switched as to an on and off position,
like we flip fuses in the breaker box, we can set which lights come on and off ac-
cordingly, so Computers work the exact same way, same as man does, He is posi-
tive and negative and working them together He forms his programming and cre-
ates an image of himself on the desktop monitor for all to see.

So now letters are the on and off switch that in putting in some letters and tak-
ing out some letters we form words, that sound like we like them, that pertain to
the categorizing of naming creation and all that is therein. Adam name them so to
speak. This is fascinating in that Christ is the Word that became Flesh. Not a
Word that became Word, as to remaining a thought in the mind of the hearer, but
a Word that literally upon expression became a Human Body. Now that is astound-
ing! Inspiration produces Vibrations, that form into sounds that make letters or
words and words constitute a thought and a mind and one day this great mind ex-
pressed itself and became human. A perfect body! One without spot, wrinkle or
blemish. A headship in the Earth, a perfect human, a perfect body, product of and
came forth from and of and by this "Word", which was God. Word is Spirit, Spirit
is Life. So this Body we speak of, is and has to be "Life Itself".

This Body has to be God Himself. NOT just God dwelling in this Body, for
that is not what it is saying, it is saying, God the Word, became FLESH! It did not
say, He came and dwelled in the flesh, it said He became the Flesh itself ! How is it
that "God tasted of Death". It seems God evolved from a state of being an un-
known Spirit unto the state of perfection, in this view, which would be, He was per-
fected when He became Flesh. This answers to Christ saying, "Feel of Me, a Spirit
hath not flesh and bone as you see me have". He spoke in this manner after He
was raised again. Now we can see no one could touch Jesus as to do Him any
harm till a certain point. It was when God departed from Him. When did God de-
part from Him? We always say, well there at the Cross, and that can be true, but
they captured Him and tortured Him long before the Cross. It was there in the
Garden of Gethsemane. When His prayers and sweat became drops of blood. It
was there in the Garden, Ahhh now get this, there in the Garden, He was no
longer as we say Spirit Flesh, He was now and had fallen to the level of Sinful, Hu-
man Flesh. His sweat became drops of blood, when we sweat we sweat all over, so
He was a vesture, or a body, dipped in blood. He had become Human, as to a
fallen carnal beast body. Now this opens up so many more dimensions we could go

Now Here He is in the Garden, He is God, here in the Garden. He is also
Adam. Thus He is also Eve as she came from Adam and he called THEM, Adam.
So in Him we find all that pertains to our Genesis story. Moses foreshadowed Him
as a serpent on a tree. The Pole. So we have a Garden, We have God, We have
Adam and Eve, We have the Serpent, We have the Two Trees, that make the
Cross. Now remember our past writings concerning the Body of Jesus, that though
it looked and appeared as human as the rest, it was YET, without Sin. It was a per-
fect virgin born Spirit Body. This was How He could stand and say, "The Son of
Man who IS IN HEAVEN". While all the other humans were in the Earth or in
Hell to that extent. Now that also opens up more revelations concerning how Sa-
tan got into Heaven and how he was able to walk among the stones of fire. So we
find Jesus as the original Adam in this view. We find Him, "Pouring out His Soul,
unto Death"! The anguish, the pain, the rending and tearing forth from Himself, a
PART OF HIMSELF. One part of Him now goes to sleep, because the Father has
now departed Him, because He was no longer a Quickening Spirit, He had now
became a Living Soul! When He poured out His Soul Unto Death, We find His
Life is now in His Blood, He is a Living Soul and His Blood falls to the Ground
covering the Earth. He RENT that Soul from Himself, and a CHANGE took
place, as that once heavenly spirit body He had in the presence of the Father, had
now fallen to the level of the beast, at the rending of that Veil. He made within
Himself TWO, LORD and CHRIST or SPIRIT and SOUL in One Body. Now
we can see what Paul was speaking of as to the dual personality. Now we can see
the real Eve coming forth from the real Adam. Inside that One Body was now two
minds or two entities. Just like the Ark, it is ONE Ark, yet it has overshadowing it
TWO Cherubim, and inside the Ark we find the Rod like unto the man along with
the Stones, and we find the Pot of Manna, which denotes the Woman. One Ark,
Two Cherubims. One Body, containing a Quickening Spirit and a Living Soul.

Light and Darkness to reveal to the Object, or the Body, who and what it is.
Now these things bring in so very much pertaining to the Fall of the Body to begin
with and how it toiled like a Samson and these two pillars within crumbled unto a

death and then how the body is raised again and changed back unto a Life. It had
to be a Body of eternal glory before it fell else it had nothing to fall to. So we see
in its originality, it was and is a Glorified Eternal Body. It was simply veiled by the
separation of Spirit and Soul. When they are separated, then it gives Soul a Sover-
eignty of its own. because the Soul answers to the Body, and the Soul relates to the
Moon and the Stones and the Law and the Law being for the Lawless, the we see
why Grace had to come and be applied to the Soul. For the Soul Mind swallowed
up so to speak the God Mind and like a vacuum, it pulled the Infinite God within
its own self, by Faith in Reverse! Unbelief ! God was subject to the Faith and Sover-
eignty of the Soul, for in the Soul we find the Power of Decision.

Now we see God many times having a sovereignty and we see Him as one who
makes decisions. This is true in that view. However God as to Him being a Spirit,
we find He is a Nature, He acts on Impulse of His own divine nature. He does not
decide whether or not to heal a person, He simply looks for faith. he does not de-
cide to love a person or not, he is Love itself, he cannot do anything but Love.
 Now again we can go so many directions with this, however if we stay right here
inside the Body of Jesus, there in the Garden, pouring out His Soul unto the
Death of the Cross, we see a separating, we see a soul without form and void and
the Spirit of God brooding over its waters which is now being poured out of that
Body via the sweat and is being turned into Blood, showing the Eve in deathly sor-
row swallowing up her husband, taking within herself or itself the very Seed and
Spirit of God in its dark womb. It is like Science say certain lizards are asexual,
they reproduce without a mate. Yet we find within Jesus, who is the Fullness of
God, BOTH a Spirit and a Soul. Our Shepherd told us of the separating of the
Body, Soul and Spirit of the Lord Jesus, and that one day they would return one
into another to be Whole or One again.

So we see within Jesus, a most amazing thing happening....He is in Heaven, He

is in the Garden, Now a warfare begins taking place that has caused a rending of
His Veil, A War is now taking place within His Body. A War in Heaven. A Spirit

and a Soul are now warring over whose Body this is. This warfare is so great is
causes a separation of Light and Darkness, it causes a separation of Spirit and
Body, it causes a separation of Adam and Eve! There between the Two Covering
Cherubim we find Blood dripping down on the Mercy Seat, which means the inno-
cent Spotless Lamb or the Body! A Lamb being crucified within! Two Covering
Cherubim...Remember He said, "You COVER with a COVERING, but NOT of
ME saith God"! A Body that has fallen, a Body that was once hidden and covered
in Light, is now covered in a Darkness. A Body made from dust, made from
among the Stones! A Heart of Stone, answering to the Moon. Answering to the
Serpent that moves and lives among the Stones of the Ground. God said, "A Body
that hast prepared me"! The Body accounting for the Sins of the Soul in this view.
The Jews made a scapegoat for the Gentiles. A Body covered in darkness, the
drops of the night are in His locks. The Great Thunders Sound! What is the Thun-
ders? It was what the Soul heard. Because they sound in the warfare of the Soul
Realm. The Thunders of Creation! God becoming Man. A Word becoming
Flesh! The Intimacy of the Male Spirit slamming itself into the Soul as to the
Woman, producing a Mighty Man Child with the Heart, that remains under the
cover and blood and care of the Mother, until its Bar-Mitzvah and then it is
birthed a second time, without sin, unto salvation, unto the Father, or the Body!
Once it has entered the Body in the final stage and graduation of maturity, we find
now Word has become Flesh! A Supernatural Changed Body that is alive from the
death of the carnal soul to never die anymore! It has crossed the Chilly Jordan! A
Spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see I have!

So we see at the crossing even of the Red Sea and the Jordan, they put down
Stones, to show the crossing had to do with the Law and the Moon and The Ser-
pent. They would on land erect rock and stone altars and then they would pray
unto God, indicating the stones of the man and the erecting of his rod to eject his
prayers unto God. They topped the altars off with a sacrifice of flesh and fire. is
that not a stem being erected entering the blood world of the woman and then we
find the smoke like the cloud of the man arising into glory. Many views to see this
in. It made a place of Union with Man and God. Now in light of what we just

spoke, now go and consider the day of Pentecost and go back to the Candlesticks
and we find Stones with names on them, we find pillars or altars of fire. The Spirit
of Man being the Candle of the Lord. Even in the stones, they wrote their Laws
on them, they made memorials with them, they built buildings and temples with
them, again showing the fall unto the stones. Life coming via and through the
stones. They ground their wheat and barley and so forth with stones. Remember
the Lord saying whomever this stone falls upon will be ground, but who falls on
the stone is different. So in this view a part of us fall among the stone, yet another
part was crushed by the stone. Stones of Fire, Land being made like Volcanoes,
pushing stones of fire forth, mankind walking among what was once volcanic rock
now cooled and producing forest etc. The Earth being a Ball or Stone of Fire we
walk on.  

So now within Jesus we see the Thunders taking place, right there in the Gar-
den. God's voice did Thunder, as it does when He speaks, it said, "Adam, Where
art thou"? They said, now get this, they said, "We HID ourselves"! Oh Glory to
God! Hallelujah!!! They were once "hidden" in Heaven, now they are hidden from
heaven and are hiding in the Earth, or hiding in the Flesh. Covered by things that
grew from the stones and dust of the earth. Showing Blood Life being cast forth
from the Body of Jesus onto the Ground and we find Adam and Eve there within
the Body of Jesus, no longer being covered in His Glory, but now covering with a
glory that is not of Him. Covered in Darkness. Darkness came over the Garden of
Calvary. Before it did, remember He was transfigured in Light, also in the Garden.
His Body being the One Temple of God, the One ARK of God, then we see How
and why He hath made Himself Two. God as to this view had to be "Asexual". To
stretch apart Himself or rend Himself in twain.This was the dividing of the Red
Sea and also the Jordan. It was also the dividing of time, times and half a time, it
was the dividing of Day from Night, it was the dividing of the waters from above
from the waters below! it was the inserting of darkness, this rending caused to ap-
pear the shadow of separation. This was the Nucleus of Adam being split. Life
rending itself unto death that in the expression of itself, it laid itself to waste so to
speak through expression of the grief of loneliness, the Cup of Bitterness, that it

hath produced from between its Legs of Light and Darkness, All of Creation! The
Thunders of the Fall as to the water from above the firmament, being the shed
tears of Jesus, from the waters below the firmament, as to the Sweat being turned
from Water into Blood. So the Thunders speak at the Fall of Word becoming
Flesh, and they speak at the Resurrection of that same Body unto Life. Word be-
came Spirit Flesh, then it became Fallen made Sinful Flesh, then it became Risen
glorified Flesh once more.

Now think of the Rain of Water and the Ark of Noah and how the Heavens
were rent and The Stormy Thunders sounded as Water covered the separating of
the Old World and the New World, when in all reality, it was the Once Heavenly
World sinking away, to be hidden and the now fallen world coming into view. The
Thundering Storms and rain beating down on that Ark carrying it over to safety.
Again we find the Lord Jesus, in great Tears, In His Body The Rain of Gods
Wrath covering His Soul, the Two Cherubim, causing Blood or water to fall upon
the Earth or the Body. This is what repentance is for. It is an altar of sacrifice, a
rending, a thunder sounding, the Spirit uttering things which the natural man can-
not perceive, a calvary experience, a Warfare in the soul. The Voice of God that
once condemned your soul via the Law unto Hell, now at the conviction of that
same Holy Law, you accepting what it said of your fallen first estate, then you die
the death for sin. Accept your penalty, even as it was Jesus. He was your true altar.
Now you hear the Voice of God in Love and Forgiveness speaking you back unto

So Paul said within YOU, There is a continual warfare! An Inner Angel and an
Outer Angel, and they WAR over YOU, YOUR BODY. The Thunders of Crea-
tion happening within you every day! Your own voice being the Voice of God, not
you speaking but Him, You Accuse or else Excuse yourself, according to your
Faith. You war daily in your own heart and mind and You are either producing
the Body of Sin as to your flesh being turned to Blood, or you are Producing the
Risen Body of the Lord Jesus. Same rain waters both flower and weed. Same sun

shines on good and evil. So we see again the Thunders taking place there in the
Body of Jesus. Heaven and Hell, Life and Death, Spirit and Soul, Inner and Outer
Man. Life gives of itself, it never takes for itself, for it hath need of nothing, it is
Life, therefore all that came forth from Life, need the Life itself, Life does not need
them. So here comes Life, sacrificing itself unto the death, like a Father does for
the wife and children, like the Mother does for the Children, Life crucifying itself
unto death, in a state of expression, we see it being in the state of perfection, then
it can only express itself outwardly unto death. So Life is Spirit and suddenly
Spirit becomes a Tree, Spirit becomes Water, Spirit becomes Dirt and Fire and Air
and the Sun and so forth. It finally becomes the furthest from itself, in this view, it
at last becomes the fallen Man. From Perfection to Imperfection.

Life hath expressed itself in a sorrowing form of death. Hath brought all of
creation unto life. In the fall, it was simply life expressing itself, giving of itself unto
death. producing eternal existence. Existence in this view being the Object of
what we call all of Creation. Now on this Creation we find Spirit Light shining
upon it and casting a Shadow also. So contrast could be made, so comprehension
could come forth. Light veiling in darkness to reveal itself unto itself. Life seeing it-
self for the first time via the contrast of its fallen state, hath caused such a glory of
comprehension to come forth that it is the greatest of all creation. God, Light,
Life, is become AWARE of its own self. God revealing Himself to His self. This
comprehension is so glorious, it hath revealed the Glories of Eternal Life. One can
have eternal life and yet be robbed of what life is. But when one comprehends and
becomes aware, it hath then birth forth a brand new self sustaining Eternal Inspi-
ration of Revelated Life ANEW! Eternal Life and Eternal Death. The Glory of
The Fallen Unknown God revealing to Himself His True Being, Wisdom and
Mannerisms, is so great, it hath produced Eternal Inspiration unto Resurrected
Life from One Revelation to the Next.

Life in its fallen form hath produced via condemnation, eternal wrath and
death and a bottomless pit to never find truth.

Then Life hath spoken itself back unto resurrected form and produced an eter-
nal Kingdom that cannot be moved.

We find in the rending of the veil of His Flesh, the Darkness of separation and
Unbelief, causing all that we know as carnal life to come into existence. We find in
the Union and Unity of His Faith, The Reuniting, the Union of God and Crea-
tion, we are finding Creation no longer being covered with the dark covering of
separation from the Fall, but the Unity and Glorious return of the Father to the
Son, You and I, That Creation is being rent in twain and we are seeing it being
covered in Light and of God. God bursting forth from the fallen carnal version of
all things into a Spiritual Revelation of Glorious Light and Understanding!!! Trans-
forming this Fallen Earth into a Great Millennium or Heaven! Where is this hap-
pening? Inside of You, As You are The Resurrected Body of Jesus Christ speaking
all things back unto Life!

As HE is, So are WE!!! We was in the Loins of our Savior. we was with Him at
the Fall in the Garden which was Calvary, We was with Him before that however
in the Garden of Transfiguration! As we was Him in Death, we are now Him in
Life. As The Sun of Life expressed itself in the form of all Creation, then the Sun
had to set over the Hill, for it could not shine anymore as it was for it hath ex-
pressed itself unto death and hath formed all of creation, the same as Adam fell to
sleep in the bringing forth of the Eve of Creation. So where did the Sun go? In-
side of all it had became! Now Life was in the form of Creation, it could not shine
upon what it had become, for it could now only glow in the form of its former self.
It was now a Creation, a Stone from where life would come forth again, but for
now it could only glow or reflect as a Moon what it once was. It was now a Fore-
shadowing of its former self. It was but a glowing reminder of the Light within.
Like a Lamp shade, it could only glow with Light from within now.

This mind can go on and on and bring out so many many more dimensional
views. Keep in mind the entire Bible was the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The
Thunders sounding within Him own Self at the dividing and rending of Himself,
to make Creation and to make Man, or the man side of Him, a Living Soul. So
that Light and Darkness could make contrast one against another and veil Light.
That would begin a new the birthing forth of comprehension of itself once more.
What took place in Jesus, also took and takes place in YOU! You have the Thun-
ders sounding within you, The Father of All Spirits is there in you. Speaking one
side of you unto death and rending it from you, causing a fall through condemna-
tion, then once dead, it is speaking a new you back unto glorious life and a new
mind and a new life and a new comprehension of who you truly are. You are and
have always been His Bone and Flesh. Everything that happened to Him, happens
in You. Calvary and the Fall and the Return back to Life is all happening to you,
in you, by you, through you. As He is, So are You! As You are, So is He! The All
Knowing is become the total Unknowing, to reveal back to itself, the eternal reve-
lating of its own self, producing Eternal Inspiration from that revelation, Eternal
Life and Eternal Faith of this New Man! Amen and Amen!!!

PHN 082216 HHI, SC. USA


The Spiritual Alphabet

Spiritual Alphabet
This morning I was thinking of some things and it was as if the Lord showed
me something concerning the Alphabet. First it was the first nine letters and how
they correspond with the 9 months of labor of the woman. Then He began shar-
ing all 26 letters and it was absolutely perfect. I cannot explain what or How I
seen this, I can only put down what I seen. It will  not mean anything to anyone
unless God shows them as well. These all show many dimensions as well and can
be seen in many dimensions. I will try to post just the dimensions that you may un-
derstand, though these dimensions branch out to many other places, times and
events. Here we go.
All 26 Letters:
A – Before the begininning, the merging of Eternity and Time.
B – The Forming of the Light and the Darkness, Let there be. The Eve of
C – Creation formed and Spirit is manifested to become creation, in a oneness.
D – The Continuation of Creation and the rising and expansion of the human
E – The Age of Man rising to the heights of the heavens in pride and wicked-
F  - Man having set on high and is corrupt now begins to fall.
H – The destruction and judgment appears and man comes to an end. (Noahs
End and crossing)
I – Man must begin anew from the devastation of judgment. “New World”.
J – Man begins His life in simplicity and learns humilty.
K – Man sees His handicap of his evil and begins dealing with himself.
L – Man sees the effects of His Sins upon Himself and His Race in death.
M – Man establishes Laws to better Himself seeking a way out of Sinful na-
ture. (Moses)
N – Now He sees He is still corrupt and that Law only magnified Sin and gave
strength to it.
O – Good men like Abraham discover the secret of Faith in God for Rightee-
ousness. (Abraham)
P – Religious knowledge spreads vastly and men come to a head knowledge of
religion and convictions again.
Q – A Virgin shall conceive and bear a child and He shall be the Messiah and
the Lamb. (Mary )
R – Christ lives His Life and shows the Way, Truth and Life to men. (Jesus)
S – Christ is crucified for Sins and Man sees the ultimate price of His Evils and
what Sin is. (Calvary)
T – This is the 2 days of His Death as He lay in the tomb while Grace covers
the World.
U – This is the 3rd Day of His glorious Resurrection, He awakens from the
tomb and is birthed forth again.
V – This is Christ appearing to the Disciples to show forth His resurrection. He
is overcome.
W – This is His Ascension to Heaven. As well as Moses and Elijah Appearing
X – This is the Days of Grace as He is not seen. Plus Tribulation for Jews
Y – This is the Rapture of the Bride or Elect. Riding over the Tribulation unto
the Great White Throne.
Z – This is the End that was before the Beginning…God

Birth of Child: A Natural Type
1. A – The Union and desire of the male and female (Desire)

2. B – This is the copulation of the male and female (Act)

3. C – This is the woman conceiving of the seed of the man (Ecstasy)

4. D – This is the woman carrying the child. (Beginning of pregnancy)

5. E – This is the Trimesters of her pregnancy (9 months of her Trimesters)

6. F –This is her labor pains beginning (Birth Pangs)

7. G – This is the birth of the Child from the Matrix. (Birth)

8. H – This is the Child Born = (i) (Child)

9. I – This is the Child as a Man (Adult)


The Shape Of The Word

The Shape of The Word

It was early this morning it seemed in a dream the Lord was trying to reveal
something to me. When I awoke I could feel His mind still speaking to me. Now
of course the carnal mind will find such things about to be mentioned as foolish-
ness, but that to their own damnation. Now it is amazing the Mind of the Lord, it
certainly takes the foolish things and small things of life and can reveal to the re-
ceiver the greatness of God. A single fly on the wall, a tiny single grain of sand, or
a molecule or atom, and each has a spiritual hidden code or dna of the eternal
Mind of God on it, and like a piece to a puzzle, will reveal such incredible depths
and mysteries of God.

So in thinking of the two forms of a line, a line can be only one of two ways, it
can only be straight, or it can be curved. Take like the letter “D”, as it has both  a
straight line and a curved line. Now as if we have spoken in the past and maybe in
this writing we can make it more clear, in pertaining to the spiritual alphabet. Re-
member the foundation for this, is in the Bible, it speaks to us in this manner,
“...and the Word became Flesh….”.

Now in speaking of a Word, we have to break it down and say a Word is made
up of letters, and letters create a sound, and a sound is a vibration, that came from
some source of inspiration, or as we say, a Spirit. A Spirit is an Inspiration of Life,
as we can even take the climax of union between a husband and wife in their un-
ion that at that point, it is said their is no words, and not even a thought, at that
point. It is just pure inspiration. This is the only type in the physical dimensions

that can compare or relate to the true spiritual inspiration of new birth in the
heart from God.

So a word, is made up of letters and letters are made up of lines, in a straight

or a curved form. A straight line would have to do with the Law and the exactness
of the demands of God, even as to the cross of calvary being it is made up of two
straight lines like the letter “t”. One line going up would signify the demands of
the Law and a standard given, a rule or measure to be met, whereas the other line
crossing it would be a cancellation of that Law or debt, but also a transgression of
that law, and also a death brought about by that Law. Like this symbol for addi-
tion, “+” we say the plus sign. When we add the cross of calvary to any equation
in life, it becomes the key to unlocking the mystery and origin of that thing. Cal-
vary is the formula for all that exist, if there be a DNA, or code or blueprint for all
that exist, it would certainly be in Calvary. The Cross is THE KEY that unlocks
all of the mystery of God. For in Christ, dwelled the fullness of God in a human
body. Now we say Jesus was a man, and he had a flesh body and his flesh body was
a constitution of something the Bible calls, “The Word”.

So this Word, this sound, this utterance, this voice has become flesh. This was
not a written word that became flesh, this was a spoken word, as in “Let There
Be”. A Word spoken or thought by the Eternal God Himself, thus a Voice of God,
a Thunder if you will has become personified, not just in a human body, but is a
human body. Now even though I say a human body, we know it looked just like
our own human body, yet it was without sin and was virgin born, and was not
born of the same inspiration as we were as to this view. We could go on and say
some were born of the Will of God, which is the spiritual Sons and Daughters of
God, while others were born of the will of man or the flesh. So let’s focus on this
Word and it becoming flesh itself. A Body thou hast prepared me.

Now think about the Word, being made of letters, and then think of the Lamb
with 7 eyes or we could say 7 letters, or we could say a “Book of Life”, or a “Book
of Redemption”, sealed with 7 seals, or a Word made up of 7 letters. No I am not
speaking 7 letters as to count the letters, I am saying the letters are symbolic of the
seals that make up the Book, or the Lamb with 7 eyes. A Word is made up of Let-
ters, Words make a Book. Now here would be a good question, “The Word was
made flesh, then what was that Word”? Was it God or Book or a name like John
or Jesus etc? He was the Word but what word was it? Remember their is also a
name that nobody knows, so is the name which is hidden, could it be also the
Word that we do not know what it is? Could the Word be a Name, indicating an
identity and a personification. Interesting to think of. Now we are getting into the
very code and DNA of God so to speak, it is at this point we realize the life, and
inspiration of God is about to burst forth on the atomic cellular level for the quick-
ening of the body. The inspiration of God is about to strike our mortal genes and
clothe them with immortality and change us into His glorified image. This is how
close it is, with a man named Trump running for office, clearly indicates this great
time is here.

Now having said all of the above to lay a foundation and to stir up your pure
mind, so we can enter into this unique thing the Lord has given us. All of the ge-
ometry in life is either a straight or a curved line. The curved line is what I call the
God line. It makes up a complete circle which has no beginning and no ending.
We also can see for a straight line to exist, we would have to take the curved line
and make it straight. We also realize that vibrations are also denoted as a curved
line. In comics they put words in round bubbles, in thoughts they make cloud look-
ing bubbles. This showing the realm of word and thought belong to God. Now we
can also see how they start a sentence with a capital letter, showing the Male Spirit
perspective, then the smaller letters have to do with the female side and also the
children side. Now this is in this perspective, however we can also say that Spirit is
the Male and Word that came forth from the side of the Spirit as to Word, is the
Female, so thus making the capital letter the mother and the smaller letters the chil-
dren. It is also amazing to think of how Words have to do with Law, because they
call it the “Letter of the Law”, and when go before a Judge, He gives you a “Sen-
tence”. Now we could go many directions with that point right there, as to Law

coming forth from Grace or Spirit producing Word.We know Law was first then
came Grace, but in another view it reverses.

Now coming from Word we go to letter, then from letter to shapes of lines.
When we say a period, it is a small circular dot that indicates, the end, and also an
absolute, a declaration. We think of “punctuation marks” even as they took the
sword and punctured the side of Jesus. They call them “marks”. So again back to
shapes and lines, we find a straight line and we find a circle or curved line. We can
think of a Circle as to God, then we can place a straight line down the middle of
that circle as if to divide it, as the Cross, or a middle wall of partition. An inserting
of a serpent into the vagina of the woman. Now that right there is such a thing
that can open so many vast beautiful revelations. The inserting of the Word into
the eternal world. How it caused a defining to come about and in the defining,
there had to be contrast and how shadows were made and so on.

So we can see it like this, (I) as like a circle with a line down the middle, it indi-
cates the secret part of the woman, which we see she was “divided” or “separated”
from the man. Word was sent forth from the Spirit. Now in some realms certain
shapes are considered the male view and some the female view. Such as this, /\ is
considered the male view as it indicates the male phallus. This \/ indicates the fe-
male womb. Now in putting them together it makes the letter “M”. In the letter M
we see two male shapes like the two stones of commandments, given by Moses,
unto the Israelites. We find it was the stones and law of Moses, that gave power to
the female part of us. We find Moses starts with the M. the O showing him being
made God to the people, the S indicating the serpent like unto Jesus that was to
come, the E denotes the Eve or woman side and even indicates His sojourning in
Egypt, and the S would also indicate the true serpent the first S was pointing unto,
even as Jesus has 2 “S’s” in the name. Notice also how the letter M has the V show-
ing the female part between the male parts of /\ the same as we said the circle
and then the straight line between the circle to divide. The letter “S” itself made
up of 2 smaller curved lines indicates the intent of the God mind of a good and

an evil and how it is a straight line made to curve as to a distortion, and in that dis-
tortion we find the carnal mind which distorts and perverts the God mind.

We find geometry in everything, such as the Washington Monument, being

made like the Male Phallus, yet we find the Nations Capital to be Rounded and
made like the breast of the woman. Hollywood uses many innuendos in their mov-
ies to plant subtle seeds in the innocent minds. What they call “suggestive” is actu-
ally planting a seed of thought in your own mind. Thought Control is a powerful
medium used on people. In this day and time people are programmed from birth
what to think and how to think. Even the illusion that they think they have free-
dom of thought, is made up of preprogrammed thought from the system known
as society and Hollywood. When you add up the hours your mind and the mind
of your children are feeding from the world system, from the babysitter, to the day
care, to the 12 years of public school, to the 4 plus years of college, to the massive
amount of hours spent watching TV and reading newspapers, and books and
magazines to Movies one after the other, you should certainly realize you have cer-
tainly been programmed to think exactly the way the world wants you to think. It
is that same massive preprogrammed way of thinking that makes up what the Bi-
ble calls the Carnal Mind of Death and you have been eating from the Tree of
Knowledge since birth. It is that mind you must die to and deny and begin to be-
lieve and think the thoughts of the Mind of Christ which is the Tree of Life in the
midst of this Garden.

Numbers and letters are made up of lines, straight or curved. Sounds are made
depending on the shape of each line and meaning is given to those lines and
shapes. The lines and shapes made come from what is called making a “mark” on
something. Using rocks to mark a cave wall, using ink to mark a piece of papyrus
or a typewriter on paper or even digits or keys on a keyboard to mark a document.
We make marks on the paper. The Mark of the Beast in the Garden. Eve was
marked by His “Words”. Word created a Mind. In the dividing of Adam and Eve
it indicated the separating and dividing of One Mind into two separate minds.

One Spirit into two spirits. Then two spirits dwelling in One Body. Eve discovering
sexual inspiration, bringing life to her flesh, then causing her husband Adam to
partake. The desirous nature of the flesh caused Eve to masturbate, or master her
own self, to abate the desire for her missing part. Her Mind being separated from
Her Husband's caused her mind to be a lesser reflecting mind, like the Moon. The
Moon like the breast of the woman, shining and ruling in the night time, revealing
the stars or her ability to produce children. Her ruling over the earth as to the
Body. Her mind awakened the creatures of the night, it is during the night time of
sleep the husband and wife generally speaking lay with one another to reproduce.
Under the covers, behind the veil. In the separation, it caused two desires to be
born from two parts once whole now in need of the other. Creating two perspec-
tives as well. One as from the husband in Love to redeem His Wife and Love her
as Christ loved the Church, but also the female to use that desire of her husband
to hold him in bondage because of the children. One is a sacrifice of self, one is

Eve’s desire to be pleased fleshly and sexually was aroused and awakened
within her by default. She was the weaker fleshly side. Her desire was of the Flesh,
it was meant to be. It was automatic in the dividing asunder. It automatically
made her imperfect, and to desire her missing part, yet it caused her to have a sov-
ereignty and thus it made her a selfish creature. In the selfishness, it is seen as a
shadow created within her, from her very own desire to be one with her missing
part. We can say in this view she became bitter in the separating and wanted re-
venge from the hurt of her being cast out. It is so beautiful, in that she is distorted
in her own thinking, because she has not the Mind of her husband, so she does
not see the eternal desire and plan of God which was for her own Good to be sepa-
rated for a time. Only the male Adamic Husband side which still had the original
mind of God in it, could it see the Love of the Creator in this. So it sought the
woman to redeem and save and love her and doe for her that she be not charged
in anything, because she was not responsible for her actions. In that Eve discov-
ered sexual stimulation, leaning to her own mind that craved fleshly things, she
thing went and caused her mind to enter and deceive her husband Adam to enter

her sexually and then it was counted against them. In that Adam partook, it indi-
cated no longer a weak fleshly desire,as to Eve, it indicated a Knowledge of Truth
when Adam partook. When Eve caused Adam to partake, this was the Red
Dragon wrapping its tail around the Star or Adam and casting them both down to
the Earth, to live off the beggarly elements, The Water and Blood showing the
dual natures and witness of both. Now we have an Adam and an Eve trapped in
One Blood Beastly Body. The Sexual Lustful Desire in the body for pleasure and
reproduction, is but the shadow, of the true desire of Christ to redeem His Body
in Love. The Warfare is the difference in the state of desires, from the two afore-
mentioned perspectives of each. So much more we could say on this, maybe an-
other time.

We find in the muscular shape and designs of men a more straight line and
shape of defining of his muscles and physique. Yet we find in the woman, a more
curved rounded shape to her physique. The Man's Body in the shape of the Law
and authority given to Him, for the woman, to rule her and his family. The
woman as to this world, in this view she is round and curved for desire and for re-
production, her showing the Grace and glory of Life, greatly celebrated as a giver
of life and grace to the children, supposedly a protector of the innocence of life it-
self. Because the man's seed is in an instant, no glory is given and it is a hidden
thing, yet the woman's seed is carried for a long time, nine months and then it is
made public as to the announcing of the birth where every eye shall see. So much
we could say as to the various sexual positions the married couple use in their rela-
tions and what they indicate spiritually speaking. Maybe another day for that.

In that we have an unction from the Holy One to know all things, this certainly
indicates, through the Spirit of Revelation we have the entirety of the Fullness of
the Mind of God already in us, as it has been said, all we do is like a library, we
just go to a certain section of the library and the Spirit of Revelation shows us the
God Mind in and on that subject. So we see we certainly have the Mind of God
within us and there is nothing in any dimension that is hidden from us, for we cer-

tainly do know all things. Once we stir up the Pure Mind within the Spirit arises
and speaks expressly to us.

Now if we reversed the letter D kind of like this, “ Cl “ Then it would indicate
the foreknowledge and intent of God to bring about the Law and the Middle wall
of partition, or Calvary. Moses it was said seen from Calvary back to the Garden.
We can also see this as a Light shining on an object, yet not revealing the shadow
yet. In the letter D we find the now hidden Light has stricken the object and now
the curved line being on the other side of the straight line indicates the shadow.
Take the word DEVIL. All of its letters indicate the shadow, The fall of Eve and
separation as to the E, the V indicating the woman fleshly womb side, the I indicat-
ing the selfishness of ME or I, and the L indicates the fall and death of mankind.
The word SATAN also showing a similar meaning, indicating the serpent entering
the Cross to conquer Man. S indicating the Serpent, the letter A being in the 2nd
position indicating the foreknowledge of God yet remaining in Eve or Satan as a
reflecting mind, that the purpose and intent of that mind was to enter the Cross to
be lifted up on High to deceive and be as God, thus the Carnal Mind, then the T
being Calvary where the head was cut off, also it being the Temple of Antichrist,
also showing two straight lines indicating man with man, or Sodomy, then the next
A showing the manifested Carnal Mind and foreknowledge of God being made
known, same as Law and Grace were one and the same, one just covered for the
other, then the N was a victory over man and a ruling over Him since and by the
Law and the Fall, so victory over man in rulership. N is in the word “Nike” which
comes from Nikea or too conquer, but the lines show man in an upright position as
to the I, then the fall indicated by the \, then the Man back to an upright state
again as to I having risen from the fallen state, in one view it means victory over
his fallen condition, but in this case it indicates Satan ruling Him as to man in this
world conquering through the evil devices of Satan. Thus we see I\I or the N.

Now though all of this will sound so foolish and so intellectual, I assure you it is
not. The Mind of God has shared these things with me. I was not searching for

them, Nor would I consider them, because they appear so insignificant. Yet His
Mind came to me and for a period of a couple of days continually showed me
lines and shapes and then the Alphabet and then Words and Names and how they
show a person's life and why a good name is better to be chosen than great riches
and why God changed people's names. A Name is  a Word and a Word comes
from Sounds of Vibrations and Vibrations comes from Inspirations and they from
Spirits, so names show an indication of the foreknowledge of God in a person's

One day, if the Lord permits, I will create a writing and takes names and words
and show you letter by letter what they have to do with and the Mind of God in
each letter and shape and how it rules over that name and the life it is attached to.
I see them crystal clear. So though we have shared much concerning the lines, to
keep it absolute, we must always remember the spiritual dimension is the true. So
in that dimension the circle O is God, that indicates eternity, no beginning and no
ending. The straight line usually indicated by this, _______ has a beginning and
an ending, yet it can go on endlessly, yet never find a foundation, indicating a bot-
tomless pit.
In the Valley of the shadow of death we find a mirror reflection of this. Lines
that are straight indicate a specific thing, then if they lean to the right or left indi-
cates something else, then if they are up and down another meaning or across an-
other meaning. If a curve a certain meaning, which way the curve is facing an-
other meaning, whether n or a c or a ) or a U all indicate something else. Think of
“intent and meaning” when you see a line. If you have the Spirit of Revelation it
will show you the intent and meaning in the Mind of God in the Line. Lines are
Marks, A mark of a beast or a mark of perfection.

I barely touched what the Lord showed me in the dream, it appears He wanted
this writing to go in this manner as it has. So maybe another day for what He
shared with me, yet pieces of it are in this writing. Now take the Mind of God and
behold all lines and all curves and all geometrical shapes in letters and numbers

and words and names and forms and architecture, for they are everywhere and in
everything. What place the letters are in is also an indicator. Letters are referred to
as VOW-ELS and also CON-SON-ANTS. Remember the small letters or lower-
case are but the female or shadow of the Capital, to see the true, you must make
the letters capital.

I pray you the reader, take these things to heart and will humbly accept them in
the intent they are written, to glorify the Lord. Amen.

PHN 08302016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 143

Wisdom From The

Wisdom from the Wildwoods

Is but a small seed in the hand of temptation, but when planted in the heart it
grows beyond control.
An acorn can be held in hand, but not the Oak it becomes.

The tree of the heart can only be uprooted in Love, so the forest is saved, else
the whole forest must be burned.

Be ever so careful the seeds your hands take hold, they will fall into the heart.
Make sure they are good trees that bear good fruit, else pain and misery will en-

Guilts power can only be removed by Loves Forgiveness. we must find forgive-
ness from the One alone that forgives and has the power of, then we must apply
that forgiveness to our hearts. To Heal as only it can do.

The lessons we have learned from such a path through the wildwoods, is not
soon forgotten, and the treasures of lessons learned has caused us to gain the Love
and respect and wisdom of a mature life and a strong faith in Life, in Family, In

mercy, to others, in hope of sharing that same strength and wisdom to others, that
they be a better people, to perfect their lives, to remain as innocent as children al-
ways, basking in the Light of His Glory, never marked and scarred from the lashes
of disobedience.

So we have to be veiled to the innocent lest they see and ask and come to know
the forbidden. We place fences up and barriers deep, to protect those that remain,
so they never go to the wildwoods, which scars the heart and mind, warps our per-
sonalities, and bends us in ways, we must cover and hide.

Yes we are forgiven and yes we learned much, now we know that way which is
just and right and true and we never will ever forsake that path again.

Now we must walk with a crooked walking stick, to remind us of the taunts of
evil and its deceit, but also of a glorious discovery of Love and Mercy and Forgive-
ness, It hath become as all things now are, no longer a mark of sin, but a scar of
victory, a battle for the soul was fierce, but our Lord hath triumphed and now His
Child wears the scars as medals of honor, that shine like stars in the night and dia-
monds in the caves, for all things worked for our good, though it seemed as a
death, its sparks from the blades of the clanging, were revealers of Light, that
though the sword did swing and though the blood was shed, it would in time run
off the blade and the sparks would light a fire, and the fire would purge, and make
us anew.
The Anvil was our altars of sacrifice, that let the hammers beat, as we cried in
the heat of the battle, to finally awaken, in the heavenly sheath of our Lord and
Master. His Hand of Might by our side always, locked safely next to His Thigh of
Strength, covered by His White Robe of Righteousness. Where He is, there we are
with Him, The Word is become Flesh, The Voice of God is in the Earth, The
Trumpet blows to ready the great battle, The Sword quivers in great expectation
to soon be drawn, to slay the guilty and save the innocent. I Am Wisdom, I am Un-

derstanding, I am Life to the Lamb and a Lion to the Guilty. Touch Me Not, For I
am not thine, I belong to another. The Ancient of Days in whose I AM! - PHN 8-

C H A P T E R 144

The Glorification Message

The Glorification Message

The Message of Glorification is also the Message of Transfiguration! To be glo-

rified in the body is to be transfigured. We find God always working in 3’s through-
out the Bible and as it was on the Mount of Transfiguration we have a Moses, like
unto Bro William Branham, We have a Jesus, which was shown in the life of Rev.
Pike the Great Man of God, and the Message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
and we have the Elijah which is the present day message of Glorification and
Transfiguration. As it was with John the Baptist, Jesus and Paul. As these show the
2 cherubims and the God that dwells between them.

The Body was formed and made into an Image by the contrast of Light and
Darkness, which always reveal the object. So the Body as the Earth was in dark-
ness and void of understanding and shape and without form. So God brought
about a light, what we call a “Lesser Light” which was the Law. The Law came to
the people who typified the Body, again contrast revealing the image of sin which
was in the body and literally bringing it to life. Which was the Beast and False

Now remember we are but dropping pieces of the puzzle in these writings and
to see the overall full picture you must read and believe and comprehend the mes-
sages already given. So the Law showed the fall and the casting out of Lucifer,

even as Moses, typical of Adam came from the Mount and found His Eve or Isra-
elites worshipping the Beast or Golden Calf. It is why women like to have their
legs and calves tanned to show them off. The entire tanning industry and way of
life is the worshipping of that same Golden Calf. The Bronze Image in the dream.

So the Law brought condemnation and it killed faith and cut us off from God
thus casting us from Heaven. It is why the Jews had to be cut off at the Cross, be-
cause they represented the Body of Sin that was done away with.The 144,000 rep-
resent the resurrected body of Jesus. So as the light formed the body and it fell or
revealed to its sin in the flesh, then grace came and we find the woman, or body,
clothed with the sun, which is the light of grace that reveals to her the Hope of
Her Salvation and forgiveness. See the body was now in a state of the glory of the
sun, for as the Light, so is the Body. So it was clothed by the sun, and brought
about a glorious new age of Grace and Love and Mercy. This was the door
opened to release the prisoners, setting the captives free. We find in the last 2000
years the medical world has exploded in technology and knowledge and medicines
to heal the body and even make it live longer and healthy, bringing the body to a
typical perfected state. We find in society over the years a gradual perfecting of the
body where as every one is about health and exercise and being fit and eating right
and having a perfect body. The Lust of The Flesh is overflowing its banks!

Now all of that previously mentioned does not compare with the glory of this
last message, for this is the message of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” which was
the Glorification Message for the True Elect Bride. She was clothed upon now by
a sevenfold light, seven times brighter than the sun! This message causes heaven
and earth to disappear and makes all things new! New Heavens and a New Earth!
We are already clothed upon by the eternal immortal body of Christ that out-
shines the noonday sun! Therefore we had to have a message that was eternal! So
unto the Elect was given The Revelation of Jesus Christ which was a light so glori-
ous that it took her into Heaven itself ! It did not leave her body in the graves, nor
her soul in hell, it translated, transformed and transfigured her to perfection! As

He is, so is She! Where He is, THERE She is also! He appeared in “Glory” and
we being His Bone and Flesh, we appeared with Him. We He arose from the dead
we arose with Him. When He was glorified and transfigured, we were too! Immedi-
ately after He was transfigured He went to the Cross, which means once the
church is manifested glorification and transfigured, the Jews and the world will go
into the Tribulation Period. Calvary is the Blood being removed from the mercy
seat as to the Jew in the Tribulation Period, to finish the prophecy of 490 Years.

So we are right now in the message and it is in us and we believed and received
and have become the 7 fold light of He whom is the Messenger of the Covenant!
We are in a transfigured glorified state! Is there another or a greater glory to ever
come to the Bride than The Revelation of Jesus Christ Himself ! You know there is
not. The Glory is in the message and the message is the glory for the glory is the
Light and the Light is the Wisdom and Understanding of the Anointed Words of
The Voice of God Himself who is the Great Light that no man can approach ex-
cept He come through Jesus Christ!  So by this we can see that Christ is the only
Door open into Heaven, for in Him dwelleth the Fulness of God in a Body! His
Revelation being the Great Light which is God! Only those who are His True
Bone and Flesh and Born of His Spirit will ever receive it, for the things of God
ONLY come to the Spirit of God.

So we see that We Are Glorified Already! When we was translated, the mind
was instantly transformed because the anointing returned unto it, changing it from
a carnal mind of darkness unto the anointed mind of Light, removing the death
sentence from the soul, death from the mind, death from the Body, in an instant!
From the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light! It was the same King-
dom, it was just the anointing Light that was missing. When He returned unto us,
he returned to never ever leave nor forsake us, making us born of His Spirit, releas-
ing us from the tomb of death, hell and grave, all in one glorious act of Faith, it
happened the Hour You First Believed! Faith from the Heart, changed Lie back to
Truth! Unbelief back to Faith, when faith came light came and when light came it

dispelled the darkness, removing the veil from off the world that was in the heart,
changing it to the Kingdom of God! From the Unbelief of Satan, into The Faith
of Jesus Christ, the Anointed Faith!, The Anointed Mind, The Anointed Body!
The Anointing is the Glory, swallowing all of you up in a State of Glorification!
Glorified in Spirit, Soul and Body, you are a finished complete work in Christ, lack-
ing absolutely nothing! It all happened at Calvary, and it all happened the very mo-
ment you believed from the heart, when you was born again you was and are a fin-
ished product! You are right then justified, sanctified, and glorified, translated,
transformed and transfigured, immediately!

Time was simply an illusion so you could slowly and carefully comprehend
what you have always been. So some say well I one day got born again, then I
grew in grace and knowledge then I came to justification, then years later I discov-
ered sanctification and so on. That is true as to the realm of time, that was YOU
coming to the comprehension of all you already was! You was the entire time justi-
fied, sanctified and glorified, you just had to come to a level of maturity to under-
stand it, in Christ you was perfected the moment you believed in His Works and
His Righteousness!

So the fact being that the message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ is already
come and delivered and received alone proves we are glorified and transfigured al-
ready! Praise God, Have Faith in God by having Faith in these Words of God!
Amen and Amen!

Bro Pat

PHN 06112016, HHI, SC. USA


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