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C H A P T E R 145

The Atmosphere Of The


The Atmosphere of The Mind

When we think of the mind in the light of the scriptures, we find that spirits
trouble us in our thoughts and that the rulers of these domains are also they that
are called the “powers of the air”. We read where even Jesus had to speak to the
storms, to “peace be still”. As Satan tried to overturn the boat to kill Jesus. That
same evil entity seeks to do the same to us today, as he tramples down the mind of
humanity. We find in our own self, the same as we find in the natural weather
around us. We have good and evil thoughts, and we have cold and warm fronts,
we have cold and hot air. It is the constant battling of these two forces in nature
that brings life unto this planet and it is this same battle of the mind that brings
life to the flesh. The constant motion of life and death, good and evil and hot and
cold, as they war with one another, we find enormous happenings taking place.
We have in the natural world, the hot and cold air rumbling against one an-
other, the hot air seeks to rise and the cold air seeks to descend, and they hit one
another and a battle front is created and the cold air shoots down the hot air and
the hot air lifts the cold and the moisture is displaced and condenses from vapor
form to cloud form and clouds drift toward the Earth as the cooler air forces them
down on one side and the hot air pushes up on the other side and friction takes
place as the positive and negative ion charged particles begin to smash into one an-
other creating lightning and thundering sounds. Then when it gets too great for
the cloud to hold the increasing moisture, it begins to let it go and turn loose the
enormous amount of water it has held and suddenly a thunderstorm is made and

here comes the wind and the lightning and the rain down to the earth to nourish
it, with nitrogen from the lightning and water the grass, and blow away the bugs
and weeds and humidity and old dead limbs and such that needs purging. It is a
fascinating display of God and nature. However we can see so much that goes on
within our own selves as well in this same way.

We have good and evil thoughts in the heavens of our own minds, and the evil
thoughts want to bring us down and the good thoughts want to raise us up and
they begin battling in our minds and suddenly they begin to drift from a vapor hid-
den state to a cloudy emotional state. We say when they do this, it is beginning to
get “personal” now. This comes when our thoughts are so many and are involved
in so much that it brings us personally into the situation. We get ourselves so in-
volved with situations and the lives of others and in our jobs and our relationships
and so much more that it becomes personal to us. Our spouse can say one thing to
us on a certain day and we can laugh it off, they can say it on another day when
you have your “feelings on your shoulders” and suddenly it is not funny but you
take it “personally”. See how thoughts have drifted down to the emotional state,
forming clouds in your sky. Suddenly a war breaks out between you and them that
can last minutes, hours or days.
As the storm clouds of thoughts and emotions gather, then the clouds get
darker and darker and the wind begins to blow as the evil spirits in those clouds
are beginning to war over your earthly soul. You may get angry or jealous, or sulky
or depressed, suddenly you want to beat their brains out, or you want to give it all
up as a bad cause and forget it all. Away with the marriage, or away with the job,
or away with that friend and on and on it goes. You are in a stormy situation
caused by devils and demons most of the time. We see what is called Highs and
Lows in the weather system, where a high is a high air pressure that pushes clouds
away from it, which usually brings nice clear weather, however sometimes Lows
come that have low air pressure and they draw clouds too them and usually bring
rain and moisture with them. So we are the same way.

When our faith is “high” all is clear and we love life and God is good and all is
well! Let a Low come by and it is “Whoa is me and who am I and I hate everyone
and I do not wish to be bothered”. See the sad and doubting thoughts live here
and though the demons may send them for bad to us, they can be what we need at
times to release our emotions and have a good crying session. To purge our souls
and our emotions from dead works and dead limbs and insects and bugs that tor-
ment us. Wash away people’s opinions and rudeness and the harshness of life. So
you can stop carrying those things around you and have a good “come to Jesus
meeting” with yourself or another. Just let it go! Just a good long cry! A good
screaming of the wind, a lashing of the lightning, rain hail down on the briars and
bristles that have grown up around you. Blow away all of the hay and stubble.
Now that feels better doesn’t it?

Sometimes it is a storm that comes to destroy and the evil powers of the air are
in that storm and the lightning is condemnation that strikes at your soul and your
heart and lights a fire in the forest of your soul and causes the forest to be on fire
with devils and demons, it has brought to life, that hide in the flesh. Then you
need the rain of God’s grace. You may need the high pressure of faith from your-
self or from another who has it to come and blow this storm away and bring back
some sunshine into your life.

When you have Christ in your soul and your heart and your life, no matter the
storm, He is the master of the seas and the storms and He can and will but speak,
“Peace be still” and He commands the winds and the rain and they heed His
voice. He hears they that call upon His Name in Faith and in Love and in desper-
ate times. He will hear from Heaven and He will descend and He will answer from
on High.

If we can be spiritual, we can also see in this the storm that took place in the
Garden of Eden, when the dark clouds came and fell to the souls of Adam and
Eve and the Lightning struck and cast them from their heavenly state, and into the
Ground or the Earth to be made from the dust and to allow their soul and emo-
tions to rule them and how they would have to use the earth to sustain them and
their flesh from now on, till they could once again find the path back to heaven, to
be redeemed, to switch over from temporal fleshly life unto eternal life. I can say
that though the storms may rise, that when Christ has translated you into His heav-
enly kingdom, you are not of the earth anymore, you are of the heavenly world
now and all of those storms still rumble to those down in the world, that have not
heard the voice of the Father speak, “Come Up Hither”! To the Land of Un-
clouded Day! Oh that land of brightest day! You have the power to control your
storms. Arise by Faith in the Word and speak peace and calm to the winds and
waves. Ascend on High through the stairway of Calvary. Peace and Goodwill to
you all, in Jesus Name. Amen

PHN 09082016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 146

The Fullness Of Perfection

The Fullness of Perfection

I want to always keep in mind as the Lord shares with us and as we grow in
Him, that there is a time we come to the fullness of the stature, the perfect man
Christ Jesus. This means of course we do not speak as children anymore, we are
out of the realm of the coloring books and we do not sip milk from a sippy cup,
we eat the meat of the word.
We become full grown, we arrive at our graduation. We do not speak of things
we once spoke of as children, but now spiritual adults. Of course you cannot say
certain things to those that are still babes in Christ and who it appears will remain
as babes in Christ, not going on with the Lord, they stunt their growth and be-
come at ease in Zion and that is all they will ever know. They will never come into
the Secret Places of God and be His Bride. As Spiritual Adults we share one with
another, meat with meat and wine for wine, and it makes me certainly appreciate
those that I can share with and those that share with me. Past childish revelations
are later swallowed up by the greater revelations and take form according to the
greater revelations of the Meat of the Word. Thus we do not see a certain thing as
we once did, we see it in a new light of the greater revelation, that becomes the
standards we see by and we only resort to the lesser revelations of childishness to
those who are yet as children. So we can say to the pure in heart all things are
pure, yet we know their are children and babes in the Lord, though their heart is
pure by His Spirit being in them, they have not come to the state of seeing their
heart is pure, so you cannot tell them certain things.

We must remember as we have graduated and been crowned already that we
are already pure in heart, that we are already changed in our bodies and we are al-
ready standing in glory and we are already in the transfigured state, as we are al-
ready in heaven and we are already in the Kingdom, and death is already con-
quered for us and we are perfect and holy in body, soul, and spirit. When did this
happen? When it was revealed to us, we received it, it became faith in us and that
faith made it so right then. We do not wait for a natural manifesting for our natu-
ral eyes to see anything, what the eye sees has nothing to do with who we are or
where we are or what we are, it is Faith that determines this, and so being that
God has already revealed our perfect state to us and we see we are already all of
these things in Christ By Faith, not hoping, but LO we are them, Faith made it ab-
solutely so!
When did that Grace appear? The moment I first believed! So when did my
Body change? When the secret of it was revealed to me. When was I transfigured?
When it was first revealed to me. When did my carnal mind become the Mind of
Christ? When it was revealed to me my carnal mind was the Mind of Christ as the
dead letter of the Law without the quickening of His Spirit, but when I was born
again, I do not wait for the anointing, I do not wait for that Mind to come and
speak, I see my Mind is the anointed Mind of Christ now and is always His Mind
24/7. I am His Anointed day and night, in the church, at the store, in the prison,
in bed, in life, in death, in heaven, in hell, in ministering, in fellowshipping, I am
now and eternally His Anointed! All things are pure to me, there is no darkness or
shadows in me, around me, near me. I am Him and He is I. We are ONE. I and
We, came from Heaven, We are In Heaven, We go back to Heaven. This means I
never went anywhere except in my own understanding, my perception changed
was all.
So we see we are exactly what The Word has said we are! We are exactly what
The Revelation of Jesus said we are and were! When did we become these things?
When The Revelation revealed it as such! We received it in our hearts by Faith
and That made it so, Because within that revelation was and is The Eternal Faith
of Jesus Christ and these revelations He does not give to another, We are His
Own! Two Clouds merging via sunlight into the self same One Cloud. He that has

seen me or seen us, they have seen The Father! Not us speaking but the Father,
How is this? Because when we was born again, it was no longer us living anymore,
but Christ that has now arisen from the dead living in us! So when we speak to one
another, we speak as adults in the Lord, we speak as those that have arrived and
are the fullness of the stature, we greet one another as such. We do not know one
another after sinful flesh anymore, for that was killed at Calvary and buried with
Christ in the watery grave! God cannot look upon sin, so being we are Him how
can we see it still in one another less we be not born again or we are still babes.
How can we that are pure in heart ever see anything not pure ever again. All
things are pure to us and the pure in heart certainly see God in everything, in the
flowers and the trees and in every raindrop, in every job, in every place, in every
conversation, in every deed.
We are new creatures in Christ, our flesh is Word Flesh, it cannot die! The first
word was the Law Word that made flesh to be dead and go off into unbelief and
forsook the anointing of God, this caused flesh to die, this was Jesus dying on the
cross through the Law. Grace in this view was the anointing returning to our once
dead in sin bodies and resurrected them back to Life, this Word was Grace and
this Word raised the Dead back to Life, this Word was anointed and this Word be-
came the New Creature in Christ Jesus, it was the putting on of the Body of the
Lord Jesus,  being clothed upon by that which is Immortality! We are already
changed, we are already transfigured, our body is full of glorious light of transfigu-
ration because our mind is single, Just One Mind has all there has ever been, and
our Mind is not the dead letter of the Law any longer but is eternally anointed
and alive from the dead making it the single One Mind of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Where He is there we are with Him! He overcome, we over came with Him, we sit
in the Throne with Him, as Him.
There is no such thing as shadows of separation in this Mind, or Soul, or Body,
No schisms, for we three are ONE! Perfect and blameless and in heaven, Body,
Soul and Spirit! When did all of this happen? When it was revealed to us, when
did it happen, when we first believed? when was this? Before the world ever was,
we was with our Father, leaping for joy before the world was placed in the heart.
before the fall in the Garden. It was all an illusion, of sleep. We are now awake, we

heard and are hearing the Midnight Cry, The Voice of Revelation which is our Fa-
ther speaking from within us, is awakened us and we have His Oil in our lamps.
Awake thou that sleepest for the Midnight Cry is sounding the Last Trump is
sounding and Christ shall give thee Light! That single mind of Christ bringing
forth His Light filling your bodily temple! Transfiguring you in a moment in the
twinkle of your eye of understanding!
When the anointing returned unto you, you became alive forevermore. You
was born eternally of that anointing! It filled all of your temple, changed all of
your thoughts and all of your surroundings! It perfected you forever! It was the
missing piece, the missing link, the hidden Thunders. The Voice of God that thun-
dered, they could not hear anymore. We heard it and we are alive with its eternal
life, right here, right now to never go by the grave anymore, we bypassed it, we
crossed that Jordan, we have the power and authority by this Faith, to call forth
the dead. The dead are already here and are standing all around us in our midst,
it is just God has not removed the veil from off the eyes of the servants to see them
as in Elijah's day. As we return in our bodies, they that are with us, are returning
into their bodies! Remember we are in heaven and that is the inner kingdom and
we have realized our body is also in heaven with us, and those saints with us in
heaven are realized their bodies are with them also and they are entered it as we
have and are. They not being made perfect without us.
Time is no more, we made it, we are perfect, we are glorified, eternal, transfig-
ured, changed, alive, holy and as He is in His fullness, so are we! Married to Him,
making us ONE! Heaven is His Throne, His Will is His Rod that rules, as it is in
Heaven, it is now in the Earth, in the Body as well, for Earth is Heaven, when the
veil was removed from the Mind and the Anointing returned to it, We see no
longer the Earthly things they changed into the Heavenly Things for we seen God
in all these things. Now His Will is being done in Earth, Now His Kingdom is In
The Earth, for the Earth is Heaven, Now The Kingdoms of the World have cer-
tainly and absolutely become the Kingdom of our God and His Christ! Amen and
PHN 08122016 HHI. SC. USA

C H A P T E R 147

In Gethsemane

In Gethsemane

If we can go back in our minds and be spiritual and still hold in remembrance
the things the Lord has shared with us already, we can see another great piece of
this puzzle open before our eyes.

Let us go back to the Garden of Gethsemane, and let's see it not as a separate
Garden from the story of Eden, but let's see it in the same view. We see their is but
One Great Act or Event that actually happened, and every other story from that
One Great Event are the many “perspectives” of that One Self Same Event.
In the Mind of God, it was just One Thing. Like a rock that is thrown into the
still lake, it was but one rock, it made but one splash, but it created many ripples
of that one splash, which were mere reflections and perceptions, if you will, of
that one event. So what happened in the Mind of God was One, and it created
many ripple effects onto the other dimensional levels. When we apply this same
rule to Calvary it opens and reveals so much.

So we can go to this great moment, this great event here in the Garden of
Gethsemane where the Lord God Himself, is dwelling in a Body and Here some-
thing amazing is happening. Here He is pouring out His Soul, He is in much ag-
ony and suffering. We can say, for Him, this is His “Midnight Cry”. This is the

true Calvary. Now when we say that, we think, well that sounds nice but we know
it wasn’t. Well we know Jesus on the Cross was the physical part and it was hor-
rific. However I want to go once again “Inside” the Man Christ Jesus. Let us see
the agony and torment happening to His Soul. Let’s begin.

Here we find the God of Heaven and Earth, inside a Body, we find it interest-
ing He is called the “Son of God” and yet also “The Son of Man”. This Man was
God and this God was Man. What if they were always the same and there was no
separating them? So we see this Jesus in prayer so great, “pouring out His Soul
unto Death”, and this torment, this tearing, this rending from within Himself is so
great, His Sweat, becomes as Great Drops of Blood!!! Now that we just said,
should have lit up your spiritual alarms already that something incredible is hap-
pening and we can already catch a glimpse of things that tie into so many other
things we have spoken in the past. We will try to elaborate on them. So we see,
right here, He is already become a vesture dipped in blood, for when we sweat, we
sweat all over our bodies, and so if Jesus is sweating, He is sweating all over His
body, and if His sweat is great drops of blood, then would He not be bloodied
from head to toe. We would think if this was the case, that afterwards he would
have had to go and get a change of clothes, His would be soaked in Blood. How-
ever when it gives the story, it seems Jesus is finished praying and wakes the apos-
tles and all is back to normal and they go on.

Now I want to go deeper into this. Let us see it like this. The Bible tells us that
God tasted Death for all people. We know the Carnal Mind is death, and we know
as it is in all things, that we are what we eat. So we would have to say that for God
to Taste Death, He would have to eat Death, take a bite of it so to speak. We think
of Eve, the feminine side of Adam or God partaking of the Tree of Death. Here
we see Jesus, the Eve of God, here in what we say is another garden, Here it is, in
such a state that this God inside of Jesus, is pouring out it’s Soul unto Death.
Think of this, “Pouring OUT His (God) Soul, unto Death”! If we can see this, we
will see God inside of Jesus, separating Himself from Himself, we will see, Eve be-

ing rent and torn and ripped away from the inside of Jesus. We find that Jesus is
God and up to this point no one can touch Him, because He is God, He is the
Great Spirit! Now all of a sudden we find a Storm, a Thundering and Lightning, a
Great Battle taking place within and over this Body and person of Jesus, who is
God! We find being rent from the Great Spirit within Him, a new creature, an Eve
from an Adam, We find a separating of the Light and the Darkness, We find the
Great Spirit pouring out from it’s side, through this rent veil within, the birth of
the Soul! The birth of the darkness, or the ignorance of Man. A Soul that was in-
nocent, because it knew nothing. It was new born. The True Adam rending from
within Himself the first begotten of the Father, or the Eve of Creation. The Begin-
ning of The Creation of God.
So we see this happening within the person of Jesus Christ here in a Garden.
The same as we supposedly see it happen in another Garden, in Eden. God reck-
oned time from EVEning until MORNing. He reckons it in the night time, in the
darkness, in the Soul Realm, because there is no time with God or in the Spirit.
 So we find God walking in the Garden, in the Evening Time. When Light is go-
ing over the hill and darkness comes. Adam was put to sleep as the Eve was taken
from His side. Jesus was about to be put to sleep as the Man side of Him was
about to be born. Though he was in a human body, He was never “OF” that Hu-
man Body. He was a quickening spirit in that body! No one could touch Him. Be-
cause He had not yet became a “Living Soul”! Once He became a Living Soul,
God had to depart, because to be a Human Soul, means another mind is in there,
a carnal mind that partakes of the Flesh! Here is EVE eating from the Tree of
Knowledge! Now Jesus is no longer God, in this sense, He is now been cast out of
heaven, out of the presence of the Father, and is become as “One of us, to know
good and evil”. God had to depart. He cannot look upon iniquity. This is what
Christ knew and why His suffering and torment was so great in Gethsemane. He
would be forsaken of the Father.

So watch how the Lord shows this. Though Jesus has been walking the Earth in
a Body, He has never partook of the fruit of that body. He never had the nature to
be tempted, as to this point, by the flesh. Because He was not In The Flesh, as to

having a carnal mind that created temptation and desires for flesh and lust and pas-
sions. Do you see a Lucifer being cast out of Heaven and down into Hell? Do you
see there within the Body of Jesus, how Hell was created? When He became a Liv-
ing Soul, in the Mind of God before the world ever was….Then this awakened
within Him, Flesh Life, It gave Life unto the Beast part of Him. Someone says,
well there is no way His body was a beast body, beast do not dwell in heaven. But
we know they do, 4 or more to be exact. Today by Grace we find the whole world
of beast being in a heaven. So when this was awakened in Jesus, it was awakened
as to all flesh! Remember the ripple effect. So here is a Spirit in a Beast Body, and
it is in great travail to bring forth the Eve side of itself, to produce a Soul, that will
be captured in a Body, that will cause that Once Great Spirit to become veiled and
hidden and cause it to become a Living Human Being or a Soul.

Now He is no longer a God, He is now a Man. Now He can be killed, now He

can feel pain, and be beat and crucified and even die! It is like putting kryptonite
to Superman. He is a man now and now He can be betrayed, now His innocent
soul, which pertained to the bodily part, making Him an Innocent Beast or Lamb
can be a sacrifice. Now get this, when he was in the Garden, God was showing the
Great Spirit, or Word was indeed becoming Flesh as to a Living Soul, by saying,
“His Sweat (Works and Flesh) became as Great Drops of Blood (Human Flesh)”!
What if he did not literally sweat blood, but it was a spiritual inclination to show
us He had literally became a weak normal human being. I am not saying He did
not sweat blood, I am saying look at the spiritual inclination it gives. Here in this
Garden we find an inward Adam tearing from itself and going to sleep and pro-
ducing an outer Eve we call the Soul. The Soul that sins shall surely die, or this
can be seen as to all Souls, for the Soul is the Darkness and Void, and without
form part of us, the carnal mind that is enmity against God, it is NOT subject to
God or His laws, and neither indeed can be! So all Souls are darkness, all souls will
and have and do partake of the forbidden tree, which is the Body of Fleshly Lust
and passions to satisfy the Beast part of us! It was a nature to do so.

So we can see in this He was a vesture dipped in blood already in the Garden,
meaning He had become a Man. He was inside the Male Part of God and it went
to sleep and produced the Female part of God, all within the one self same Body.
Now of course in Him falling from Heaven, down into Hell, we find a “Change in
His Body”. It is no longer walking through walls, or on the water, no more heal-
ings or miracles from this point on, He has become a Man, in every way, like unto
us. He had automatically became Sin and Sinful at this point. Because the Soul is
sinful by nature. God had no desire to reproduce a twin of Himself, He needed
something that was the exact opposite of Himself. Because He could then enter
that darkness and “lay His egg” so to speak and over time and through the trials
and tribulations of life, subjecting it to vanity in hope, that it would come to know
as He does, Good and Evil, and that in the contrasting of Good and Evil, the Eter-
nal God would be revealed. If Light produced more light, when it is trying to see
itself, that will not work, so it needs something that contrast it in every way, an ex-
act opposite, darkness. This is why and how we have said that in Him was both the
fullness of Light and the Fullness of Darkness. He was both the Fullness of God
and the Fullness of The Devil. He absolutely had to be both or He could not have
been either. The world wanders after the flesh of Jesus and His Blood is what gave
life to all flesh, it is why water and blood came from His side. It was a birthing of
all humanity and all souls and the awakening of all human flesh. Adam and Eve
reflected what had already happened and was done in the Mind of God. Who
hath resisted His Will? Can Evil come to a city and God hath not sent it? He has
His Way in Good and Evil. So Here in the Garden of God, which is the Mind of
God, we see Jesus, the Lamb being slain, we see a sleep of death come over the
true Adam which was God and the beginning of the Eve of Creation, where God
suffered this Eve or the Blood of Jesus, and the dark soul he would become, as all
souls are dark and void until new birth, to give life and bring forth life and begin
the process of revealing all of Creation. That is what the Eve of Creation is, it
means the Revealing of all of Creation. Creation was always here, but not re-
vealed or comprehended. It would have to be defined by the darkness first to form
the shell around the yolk, so that in time, and as the ages roll by, the seed of the
Resurrection or Rooster could inseminate that Egg and reveal the hidden Mind of
God in that Creation. The Birth of the Manchild, God ending the Carnal concep-

tion of life and now revealing Himself in all things. God used and needed the con-
trast of the carnal mind to reveal Himself. It takes the negative Film to go serpen-
tine like in the projector for the light to strike and produce the movie.

This is why Jesus is referred to as “The Prophet like unto Moses”. Because in
that Moses gave the Law, then the Law is what gave life and power unto Sin. It
brought the Flesh to Life. The Law is for the Lawless and what part of us is Law-
less but our Soul. Our Soul is what does the sinning. The Body only suffers as an
accessory after the fact, but it itself is also a prisoner to the carnal mind that inhab-
its it. This is why the body dies and ages and is subject to time. This also explains
why and how when we are born again, then our body is now under the same
Mind that was in Jesus before He became Sin, and He could not die nor could
they touch Him. We are the same. When that Spirit and Mind came back into us,
it changed our Minds and our Bodies and our dwelling place right then and there!
We was truly then His Bone and Flesh. We truly have His Blood flowing in us. We
have His Blood that was made Sin and was poured out for us, and When we are
born again and the Great Anointing of the Father returns to our hearts, mind,
body and soul, then we are His royal blood and body also. You can take this last
few paragraphs and reread the sermon, “Something About The Blood” and it will
tie up many things together. There is so much that could be said, concerning Jesus
like Eve in the Garden, and in comes Judas as the Serpent to deceive, and the
sword cutting off Peter’s Ear having to do with a circumcision of sorts. Peter being
typical of the male organ and the ear being like unto a female organ. How Judas
came with the religious ones and captured this Eve of God and cast it out of the
garden by their evil Law. How they have been parting His garments and members
and laying with this beast for life and reproduction ever since. It is all about to end
and God is fixing to remove the veil from their minds and they will see who their
father is and how it has been spiritual sodomy in laying with their father the devil.

These things can be seen again and again in so many wonderful dimensions.
God is so good to us  in sharing His wonderful mysteries with us. Letting us know

we are certainly His Bride. That we are certainly with Him in the Mother’s Cham-
ber and We are basking in His Great Love. I pray this helps someone in some way
come closer to God and behold His Glory. Amen and Amen.

PHN 09162016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 148

The Ark Of Our Lord

The Ark of Our Lord

Well as usual, over in the night time, the Lord awoke me and began speaking to
me concerning some very wonderful things. It was good to hear His Voice again. I
have been really down in the dumps for awhile. I am amazed I am actually writing
again. I had a brother, very dear to me, tell me yesterday, as he asked about my
writings, and why I have not sent them out anymore. I said, “you liked my writ-
ings”, He said, “Yes they are amazing”! This meant alot to me coming from him.
Folks need encouraging. If you love or like something, be sure and say you do, it
means so much to someone. There is hardly anything worse for a Minister than to
preach his best God given sermons and not get any feedback from his congrega-
tion. Do not flatter him, but if the message really helped you and spoke to your
heart, let him know.

Let me say to the Lord, I Love Your Revelations, they are the most incredible
beautiful things I have ever seen or heard and I long for them and I hold them
ever so dear to my heart and I cannot wait till we meet again and you come and
sup with me. My heart and soul longs to hear your voice and to feel your presence
and have your perfect faith within. As the deer pants for the water, my soul longs
after thee!

I pray the Lord will bring again, that which He spoke to my heart last night. It
was a most incredible revelation concerning the Ark of the Covenant. Now we
know the Ark contains Two Covering Cherubim. We know these to be angelic be-
ings in that they have wings that touch one another. We know that Angels are Spir-
its and Spirits are a Mind. Now we can easily see where these two minds dwell, in-
side us as humanity. We are the Tabernacle of The Lord. This world is a wilder-
ness for sure. Our bodies are like tents that are temporary, in that they do not last
and are always taken down and moved etc. So this leads us to believe when the
body is changed, then that Body is the Eternal Body denoted as the Temple of
The Lord. You do not move temples as you do tents, the temple is a permanent

So inside of us we have two minds. One we call the Inner Man or Mind, the
other is the Outer man or Mind. Both are spirits. One is less than the other. Yet
one has overpowered the other, not because of weakness, but through cunning de-
ception. We could say, one keeps the other down by strong accusation and condem-
nations. We have termed these minds in previous writings as the conscious outer
mind and the subconscious inner mind. Now I want you to see as we speak of
them as minds, and they are, but see them also as two angels inside of you. These
angels have a oneness about them, though they are separate, because their wing
tips touching ever so slightly certainly indicates they are One and the same.  Now
get this, though they “appear” to be separate, they are One. The Word tells us
there is but ONE Mind. Thus for this to be true we have to say the Cherubim’s
have to be One also. It is in between these cherubs that the Thunders sound and
take place. The War in Heaven. Not get this also, that when we say War in
Heaven and we see it there in the Cherubs over the Ark, we are speaking of the
3rd Heaven. For the Ark resting behind the veil of the Holy of Holies denotes the
3rd Heaven. We have always thought of that place as peace and harmony, yet we
find within this perspective, War. God is Heaven, when He speaks His voice
“Thunders”. When thunders sound it is indicating a battle, a war, a clashing.

Now when we look back into the Garden of Eden, we find the original creation
of Adam. We find Adam is the head and he has but one mind. Then God puts
Him to sleep and takes from Adam a rib and creates a Woman. She was from
Adam, so she was Mrs. Adam. She was still Adam. She was just a part of Adam
that was removed from Himself and separated. So Adam was split in two so to
speak. When the separation came physically, it meant that there was a loophole or
a back door in so to speak, that in some form, it would be possible to separate
them spiritually. because they were separated physically, it meant they could be
separated spiritually, and then we find they were. We have spoken in previous writ-
ings how it gave Eve a chance and an opportune moment, to be and create and be-
come her own sovereignty. Adams mind in this sense was a giving mind in that it
gave unto Eve life, but in her case when she seized the opportunity to become a
sovereign person, it would mean she would be a taker, unto self. One mind gave,
another mind took. We see this as light gives, but darkness takes. One is a giving
unto others mind, the other is a selfish, all about me mind. Yet they were ONE in
the beginning.
In one view we can say, as hard as this may sound, we can say, if we have two
cherubs, and they are two angels and are two minds, that one of them is good and
the other one is evil. One has to be Christ, the other has to be Satan. In this view.
It is for certain Christ gives, even to His own Life and Satan takes and is selfish
and is a murderer that takes life. This would make us to think the Ark of the Cove-
nant, made of Shittim Wood, would be, in this view, symbolic of, The Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil. God told them to not touch that Tree that they
would die. God also told the Jews to not touch the Ark, that they would die. This
also makes us think of Jesus and the Two Thieves, there is the wooded crosses and
Jesus who is blood from head to toe and the two cherubims as the two thieves.
Now the Bible tells us He is the God that dwells BETWEEN the Cherubs, He is
not the Cherubs. Now that makes this much more interesting. So we use one level
of understanding as a step to reach a higher understanding. This is why it is so im-
portant to stay the course and walk the way of the Lord. Do not go by shortcuts,
but stay the path.

Now we can see also, that if Jesus being in the middle of the thieves, and they
on the outside, that the thieves as the cherubs, would denote the good and evil but
the Jesus in the midst would denote what? The Tree of Life. You should know by
now your outer man was given life by the Law and that being the Knowledge of
Good and Evil. However when you believe with your heart the anointed engrafted
word, that your inner man becomes the Tree of Life.

There is so much in all of this to get over. Now see this clear. In the Garden,
there was all of the trees. Even the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.
There was all manner of beast and even the serpent. Listen now....God said of all
of these, “It is Good”. God seen all of this in creation, every tree, every serpent,
everything, said it was all “GOOD”. God never said the serpent was evil, or that
the Tree of Knowledge was evil. The reason is because, “Nothing is evil or un-
clean of itself ”. God asked Adam and Eve, “Who told you that you was naked”?
In other words, you was always naked, but now you see it as a depraved, wicked
and unclean thing, and all the things I made were good. Who has tainted your
mind and warped your perception of the reality I have given you. When Children
have been exposed to adult things, it warps their minds. They have come into
things to great for them to know and understand. It is like giving a baby a piece of
meat, it will try to eat it, it is its nature, but it will choke it to death. This is why
God only gives revelation in its due season. So Eve partook of a knowledge that
was too great for her, it caused her condemnation and this condemnation killed
her faith and this turning of her faith in reverse, created the darkness of separa-
tion. It was as if she took the adamic mind and turned it inside out on itself. It was
no longer a mind of light to her but had become darkness.

Now we have two being in the Garden, that are actually ONE, yet they are
separated. Their is now a continual warfare between them. We find their first preg-
nancy is a twin birth of Cain and Abel, one that desired to do good and one that
desired evil. Them showing what had happened to their mother Eve. She had re-
tained a part of Adams Mind and yet had now recognized her own mind. So she

now had two minds in her and these two mind would be in every human ever
born.  So we can catch a glimpse of the Ark and the Warfare in Heaven right
there in the Garden.

In a thunderstorm, we have two air masses colliding against one another. The
friction and hot and cold produce lightning which is hotter than the sun. Then
comes the thunder immediately afterwards. In Genesis we have a casting out, like
lightning from the heavens, the First Couple, then in Revelations, we hear Thun-
ders sound. One is an event taking place, the other is the revelation of what took
place in that event. It is just like the News does, a certain event will happen and
then the news reporters show up and tell you what happened. Lightning was the
event, and thunders is the revealing of what took place in the event.  It never says
God was lightning, as to His voice, it always says, his voice thundered. This can
bring us back to the birth of comprehension, we have spoken of in the past. Some-
thing happened that caused comprehension to take place. Christ, the Comprehen-
sion of God. The Great Man of God spoke and said, “We execute ourselves unto
death and we bring ourselves back to life”, concerning our faith through the
Word. Is that not what the Word does? It kills us first by a knowledge we cannot
perform, the grace through faith we are resurrected back to life.
We can see, if this be true spoken by the Man of God concerning ourselves,
that it is the same with the Lord Jesus and with God. All God did was reflected in
the Life of Christ and that Life was and is reflected in us. As my brother Steve
calls it, the macro universe and the micro universe. What happens on the Macro
level happens also on the Micro level. What happens in the Spirit, happens on the
Physical and the Natural levels. We have naturally thunderstorms that rage against
one another and produce lightning and rain. We have physical bodies that slam to-
gether in war or fights or in the bedroom during relations. Spiritually we have two
minds that war with one another inside and are always condemning or excusing
one another.

We have 7 Thunders, which in this view can be seen as a 7 fold condemnation
as lightning stikes and thunders boom, it indicates a passing of judgment, a law
has been put into place and authority has been given, and now a condemnation by
transgression. This leads us to believe the thunders have to do with the Body and
the casting out of Eve and Adam and Lucifer from Heaven. 7 Thunders as to a 7
fold revelation or unfolding of what took place as to the Fall. Remember we have
already spoken of the thunders being made known on 3 occasions, as to Moses on
Mount Sinai, Jesus on Mt. Calvary, and William Branham on Sunset Mountain.
Each one denoted darkness and wrath and we know wrath is always upon sin and
we know He came to “condemn” sin in the flesh and who was or is the flesh but

Now as many know, I have taught on the area of “Oneness” with God. In that
God was all that truly exist. So lets say He is the Adam in the Garden. So where
did this Eve come from? All there is that exist is Adam as God, suddenly we find
another being in the Garden, a most beautiful creature, named Eve. How can this
be, who could this be? All that exist is God. So whatever this Eve is, it had to come
from God. We find this Eve, coming from God, but is a little less than God. If God
was Adam, as this view He is, then who would be the Great Eve or Bride of God?
Jesus! Jesus is the only bride of God. He was the Flesh of God. The Body of God.
Same as Eve was the Body of Adam. We can see it like this, we have God as to all
things invisible, then we have all of creation as His manifested Eve.

Then we can say we have God as to Spirit and then we have a Physical Body as
an Eve. Then we can say we have the Mind of God inside and yet we also have a
Carnal Mind as an Eve. See it in all 3 dimensions. God hath divided Himself. He
had too. It had to be a One that became Two.  Jesus had to be the One Veil that
had to be rent in Two. Adam had to be rent for Eve to come. Thus indicating God
had to rend Himself and divide Himself into, or He had to at least, “Give the Illu-
sion”, that it was this way. Maybe all He needed was to allow a darkness to come
over Him that gave the appearance of Two instead of One. Now we are getting

somewhere. What was it that was between the Two Cherubims? Blood! What was
the Blood? The Shadow of Separation. Because Blood Life veils the Spirit Life.
When Blood Life veils the Spirit Life, then this is the same as a picture taken by a
camera and the negative is created. When Blood overshadows Spirit, it is in the re-
verse or negative as to the Image. However with Mary we find the Spirit overshad-
owing the Blood Life.  So in His Life as the Veil of God, or the Eve of God, then
we find in the Mind of Jesus is the entirety of the recording of the Mind of God.
He is in God’s Presence always. He always does what the Father does. He has two
things about Him, I want you to see. He has the Mind of The Father in its original
anointed form. He also has the ability to have His own Mind, as the Eve of God,
to create another mind, as to His own mind that would cause a separation be-
tween Him and God and causing God to depart Him, leaving Him with a shadow
or a reflection of the one time God Mind He had. In other words, He can become
a sovereignty as Eve had done, and be His own man so to speak, and thus have
within Him, the perfect replica of the God Mind that was now without the anoint-
ing of God. What Eve and Adam did was only another reflection of what Jesus
had done, in the Mind of God, before the world ever was.  You can see much of
this when you read the writing, “When God Departed”. So we can begin already
to catch a glimpse of how God did divide Himself. How He separated from Him-
self a creature and gave that creature life.

It lifted itself up above the Throne of God, saying I will be like God. To be
above God means to have subdued and subjected God to itself. God said, “Com-
mand Thou Me”. It speaks in the Bible of a time when all things are subject to
God once more, and it says, even the Son, will be subject to God, so God becomes
all in all. So we see Jesus covered in blood, symbolic of the Blood on the mercy
seat between the two thieves. Two Imposters. One seen as Evil and One seen as
Good, or Law and Grace. Truly neither of them save a man, only the Righteous-
ness of God does. Jesus said, all that came before Him were thieves and liars.
Now, We can see this Eve of God, this fleshly body has in it two minds. Or is it
two minds. The Bibles say there is but One Mind. So the only mind it could be,
was the God Mind. What made it the other mind or another mind was this. When

God the anointing departed from that Man Christ Jesus. His Mind was not but a
reflecting Mind. It was the Negative Mind like a film or picture before it was devel-
oped. It was without the Light.  Where did God go when He departed? He was
hidden from sight, but He went nowhere. Imagine a ball, hold it in your hand, and
one side of the ball is white, the other side is black, and the white side is facing up,
being it is superior, and the black is down, so you simply flip the ball over and
make the black come to the top and the white is down under. That was all that
happened. God became Flesh. Let me say it like this. I am saying this in this per-
spective to help get over the point. God was the Flesh of Jesus and that is all there
was, and then God departed Jesus and left Him so to speak to Himself as to the
Mind He had and God became the new inner mind or man. God took Himself
away from that Eve to give the illusion of sovereignty. To let it stand on its own
without Him, though He never went truly away from it, He simply Hid Himself
within it, away from sight. Just flipped the ball over and gave life to the black side
of the ball to have the illusion it was now in control since God had left. The
Anointing brings the sight of wisdom and knowledge and understanding. When
the anointing is gone, all you have to go on is what you already knew, there is noth-
ing new under the sun to a mind without the anointing. because it is the divine con-
nection of life itself that takes the things of God and puts them together to form
the new things of God and when it is gone, all you have is the limitations of that
left over mind, that is void of true understanding.
So God gave the Flesh of Jesus the illusion of having its own mind.

It certainly can be seen clearly when our Lord cried out, “My God, why have
you forsaken me”! So we find Eve is forsaken of her husband the real Adam. This
Jesus is now made Sin. Because the anointing is what faith is, and when the anoint-
ing left, faith left. We can hear the fear and torment in the voice of Jesus as he
cries out. Oh My! Makes my heart humbled and in deep gratitude to just know
what has taken place was done in such great Love. Now this Eve was going to have
to work out its own salvation and it did, it died. That’s what a good man does
when He sees the error of His ways, He repents and dies and accepts His responsi-
bilities of what he has done or has become.

So Eve as to this Jesus, is the Mother of the Carnal Mind. It is the one that
gave birth to the Carnal Mind. It has fathered a Mind of Lies and illusions and
been bound in this Hell we call Life, to get life from Blood. To live off of Blood. In
that God separated the Spirit and Body or the Anointing from the Mind, the
Adam from the Eve, then we can see the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in
the Garden, it was the Flesh and Body of Jesus. Remember He was the Lamb
slain there in the Mind of God which is exactly where Adam and Eve were. They
partook of the Lamb. This lamb had the Body of a Lamb but spoke as a Great
Dragon, because its words appeared to be as God, but had not the power thereof,
speaking of the forsaken mind of Jesus. This Lamb had Two Minds so to speak or
Two Great Horns!  

A Wolf so to speak in sheeps clothing. A Superman that was given Red Krypto-
nite turns Superman evil. Now he has declared Himself to be God, to be a God,
and demanded all people must come to Him for Life and protection and now
something has happened, He is secretly evil. Because the Goodness of God has for-
saken Him. Here is the Evil so to speak, in Heaven, with God, before the World
ever was. A Serpent disguised as a Lamb. One Mind saying do not eat of that
Tree. Another Mind saying You will not have Life unless you eat of this Tree! The
Two Cherubs, that covered. The Two that were covered, in Blood. One sacrificed
that the other may live. Spirit sacrificed when God departed that Flesh may live,
as no sinful flesh can dwell in His presence. Then that flesh sacrificed itself, that
Spirit would live. A Love of Unity and Oneness. A True Bride showing the same
Love her husband showed to her.

His Eve was made sin and made like unto the fourfooted beast and made to ap-
pear as a whoring wife. She could have called for the angels to come and remove
her from that cross. But like a faithful bride she did what Her Husband asked of
her. To bear the punishment of sin, to bear the temptations and bear the children,
and walk among the stones of fire, that He may dwell among His Children. Blood

Life and the Body is what came between them, but it was actually a Mind that
came between them that caused the illusion of separation. The illusion was that
God departed from Jesus, when what happened was He went inside of Jesus.
When he was with Jesus, there was no such thing in this sense as an inner or outer
man. There was but the one man Christ Jesus. So in the separating and in the di-
viding, God departed and became the new inner man of Jesus which brought the
outer man who was also new, unto life. This was the Eve birthing Twins as a Cain
and Abel and we see Jesus sacrificing as to the Abel, that the Cains might live, and
when that anointing returned to this fallen Jesus, it was the Seth or replacing of
Abel. So Eve as to Jesus, birthed within Himself the illusion of Two Minds. A
Cain and Abel, yet they were twins, in that they were but the self same One Mind.
One Anointed, one not anointed. One was the Tree of Life Mind that was
anointed, one was the unanointed dead letter of the Law Tree of Knowledge
Mind. The Blood of Abel covered Cain and gave way for Grace to bring forth the
Seth Mind.  

Jesus, the Mother of all living, yet giving us spiritually speaking two fathers.
One is the anointed Mind Father which is God, or the unanointed Mind which is
the Carnal Mind that caters to the Flesh which is the Satanic Mind. One is True,
one is a reflection. One is the Anointed Mind of our True Father, the other is seen
as the Unanointed reflected Mind of our Mother. She had the Mind of the Father,
but lost her spiritual covering thereof which was the anointing. We are once again
covered by His covering when we are born again. We are born with a Cain mind,
we die as an Abel Mind and we resurrect as a Seth Mind. All still but One Mind.

When that anointing left that Mind, it took with it that Faith. What Faith it
had, became Unbelief. Because as we said already, there is no true faith that is not
anointed faith. If faith is not anointed it is dead! Paul said His faith was alive once
till the Law came and condemnation came and the anointing left Him and His
faith died! He lost His covering, He lost His faith. We are commanded to contend
for this supernatural lost faith. We have it when we are born again. Say what you

will doubt not and you will have what you have asked. So there is Jesus, the Eve of
God. There is the Father God as Adam, and the Bride of God or Eve which is Je-
sus. They are the two cherubim. I could say somethings that go into perversion
here, that would bring out a great understanding, but that will have to be another
day. Much of this many of you already know. For this to happen in God and with
God, it shows perversion, which is why God hates those things He had to suffer to
allow evil to exist. In one dimension the Spirit is real and the Body is just a reflec-
tion, in the opposite view the Body is real and the Spirit appears to be the illusion.
Like our brother Pete Griffin made an Ark of the Covenant, it was just one cheru-
bim, but the mirrors made the illusion of two.  There is and always has been but
ONE Mind, One Body, One Spirit, One God.

I wanted to go on and show the true separation was the unbelief that was now
between the two, and how and what that unbelief was and how it was but a pass-
ing shadow that actually is not there. Maybe another day. I have had to work real
hard to just get this out. I still have not fully finished the fullness of what the Lord
shared with me this morning, it takes so much time and patience and writing and
no distractions. I hope someone can see through the Spirit of Revelation these
things we are saying and pick up on them and the Lord carry them on into what
he shared. Or maybe he will allow me to write a part two to this. There is still so
much to say concerning the 7 Thunders and the 7 Condemnations and the casting
out and how the casting out is a removing of a veil and a removing of an illusion
to bring the true pieces back together. The Thunders being the Great Tribulation.
Now in just saying these last few verses I can hear the Lord already speaking to me
concerning the Tribulation  and how close it is and what it is. If he lets me I will
certainly share it. God Bless You for your time and patience. In His Love, Bro. Pat
10222016 HHI, SC, USA


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