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C H A P T E R 137

We Are His Body

We Are His Body

In His mouth it was sweet as honey but in His Belly it was bitter.
We are His Flesh Body in death.
We are His Flesh Body in the resurrected Life!
We are His Body in the Transfigured State.
We are His Body in the Ascended State!
We are His Body in the Descended State!
We Are His Body! Always Have Been!
We are His Virgin Born Body!
We are His Body before the World ever was!
There has never been a time we was not His Body, Ever!
There is But One Body! In all of eternity, just ONE!
In that Body there has never been but One Mind, Just One!
That Mind had but One Faith, Just One Faith for that is all there is!
That One Body was baptized, so there is but One Baptism!
That One Man repented and was baptized as to God repented!

That One Man died and rose again!
That One Man had The Revelation of God!
That One Man comprehended God!
That One Man was the One God!
He was that One Spirit, there is only One Spirit!
That One Spirit is the Father of All Spirits!
All Spirits are that self same just One Spirit!
There is but One Word of God and that Word became Flesh!
One Mind, One Accord!
One God!
One Spirit!
One Man!
One Body!
One Mind!
One Faith!
One Deed!
One Death!
One Life!
One Transfiguration!

One Ascension!
One Return!
One Story!
One Word!
One Anointing!

This is all in eternity that has ever existed!
Nothing but that ONE!
One God!
One Revelation!
One Mystery!
One Trump!
One Testament!
One Voice!
One Truth!
One Knowledge
One Wisdom!
One Understanding!
One Peace!
One Earth!
One Heaven!
One Garden!
One Serpent!
One Tree!

I write these things in this format so it can be thoroughly expressed to you the
sincerity and magnitude of these things of which we speak!  These are Keys to un-
derstanding the depths of God! The Reality of God!
Light brings comprehension, which reveals all of the uncomprehended or what
we term as darkness or ignorance. Thus in contrasting of light and darkness the il-
lusion of time begins. When there is no time.

There was no time before their was comprehension. After comprehension is
over and one has come to the fullness of the stature and thus become God, then
Light is not needed no more, for their os nothing more to learn or comprehend, so
Light is no more as it has been absorbed so to speak by the hearer. This no more
light means no more contrast, no more illusions no more time, there is but the
One Eternal Day that has always been!

There has been and remains but One Body! The Body of The Lord Jesus
Christ, it was made sin, it was sacrificed, it was risen from the dead, it was sin, it
was justified, it was sanctified, it was glorified, it was transfigured, it ascended, it de-
scended, it is alive eternally. It was all God working out His own Salvation!
It was the One Story of the One God, His becoming Flesh, His being perfect
in all of his ways till a shadow was found in Him, in His Flesh form, He had to
die, to be crucified to end that shadow, to be fully Light.
That story is reflected in everything in creation, you and me included! His
Story is the DNA or blueprint for everything that exist! It fills all in all! It inhabits
eternity! It is the One and Only Truth!

God Bless You!

Bro. Pat

July 18 2016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 138

Seeing The New Body

Seeing The New Body

Abraham endured as “seeing” He who is “Invisible”!
Now in the light of the above verse, we can see that it is possible to see the in-
visible world and even the invisible God. Being that God is a Spirit, we must and
can ONLY see Him, through the “ Spiritual Eyes”, which the Word calls, “The
Eyes of our Understanding”! God is a Spirit and a Spirit is a Mind and a Mind is
made up of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding, in the form of Inspira-
tional Thoughts. Anointed Thoughts! That constitute an Anointed Faith. When
the 3 things we just mentioned come together as One through means of “Compre-
hension”, then they constitute a “State of Faith”, a State of Knowing, a State of
So how does one “see” the invisible? Through the eyes of understanding.
“Comprehension”! Light is revealed understanding, that must be received into the
heart by Faith. So for there to be comprehension, there must be a revelation, and
for there to be a revelation there must be a light rending the veil of the darkness.
God is Light, He is the Source of Light. So God must supernaturally reveal Him-
self, through His Word, through His Ministers and Prophets etc and they in turn
give it to the people, who are to receive. God feeds the hungry hearts of those who
seek after truth and after Him. So we see when we do actually desire and hunger
for God, that we will be filled, for God seeks those who desire to know Him and
He does reveal Himself to them according to their measure and hunger.

So when the age for divine healing came about, it came through the revealed
word for that age and was ministered to the people who then received that word
and believed that word and thus a great time of healing occurred around the
world and even unto this day. Divine Healing was revealed in its season and when
it was ministered the people had to “see” it first, in the glory of it revealed state.
They had to believe and by that believing, it wrought “comprehension” which es-
tablished a faith in their heart that God was a God of Healing. So inside their
heart, they had to come to an “understanding” that brought about a faith or know-
ing, that of a certainty, God was a healer and a deliverer and so He was. So they
seen through the “eyes of understanding” the revelation of divine healing. Once
they seen it, they could never unsee it. Once they received it in the heart by faith,
it then became a part of them and one with them, it made up their very state of
being now.
So it is the same way with Salvation, you have to see it by faith first. To see by
Faith is to see with the Spiritual Eye. The Eye of Understanding. This is in the
heart, never the head. Faith comes from the heart not the head. So all of the gifts
in the church were given to be received and when received by faith, they worked
and God worked mightily in their midst. So the “Change of the Body” is no differ-
ent. When the Bride was “translated” out of the world and into the Kingdom of
God, it was the exact same way. It was by supernatural revelation, preached by the
ministry and believed and received by the Elect. When it is believed by faith, then
it is so. When faith is an absolute state of conviction of knowing, then it is done. If
a person needs divine healing, they receive it the very moment they believe it, from
the heart. It does not matter as to the manifestation, it was a complete thing al-
ready done and finished the moment faith was produced. So to see the Supernatu-
ral Spiritual New Body that was spoken of that we have eternal in the heavens, is
the exact same way! You will never see it, until it is revealed, in its age and then
ministered by the preacher, and then believed from the heart by the elect. The
Body that is eternal must be revealed and received and comprehended by faith
from the divine revelation, once it is fully revealed and fully received and compre-
hended, and “seen” by the spiritual eye of understanding, then it is a finished
work. It does not matter as to a manifesting. That will happen when the Lord

pleases, but I tell you in the Name of the Lord, the very moment you see and be-
lieve and comprehend the redemption of your body, then you have made the
Change of The Body! Time or sickness or age etc does not matter anymore. It is
become your State of Being! You have then been clothed upon by the Immortal
Body of Jesus Christ and you are changed already and you are in heaven, in your
body! Faith does not make a mistake, for when you truly believe from the heart the
divine revelated Word, then it is become One with You! When you take the little
book and you eat it, then you are what you eat. According to your faith so be it
unto you, and as you think in your heart, so you are. So when you think and com-
prehend by faith the change of the body, that you are already in heaven and you
are already changed, then it is so! It is so because the Word of God which is eter-
nal said it is so! God said it is so! It is not something you have to muster up each
day to keep believing, no sir, it is ONE with You, it is become Your Spirit, it is be-
come your State of Being! Eternal Life, Eternal Righteousness, Eternal Glory,
Eternal Power and Beauty and Heaven itself and the Eternal Kingdom of God,
all yours all in your Spirit, all in your State of Being! All is your State of Being! So
the Glorified Body can be seen already in the many previous writings pertaining to
“The Message of Transfiguration”! Which is The Revelation of Jesus Christ!
Bro. Pat
PHN072416 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 139

The Righteousness Of The

Father, The Sins Of The Son

The Righteousness of The Father, The Sins of The Son.

As we have written already, the stone has been rolled away, the carnal mind of
Jordans chilly death that was the dead letter of the Law, a knowledge without the
anointing, and inspiration and life of God, this mind is no more, thus death is no
more, thus the body is no longer dead, the soul is no longer in hell and the Lord
our God is personified in His People, His Body, His Elect.

I want to examine, just a little bit further some of the things we have written re-
cently concerning the carnal mind, being the Mind of Christ, and the Fallen An-
gel Lucifer being the Angel or Spirit of Christ. Now of course to anyone who does
not understand what this means it certainly sounds blasphemous and would be so
to me, if the Lord had not revealed it so timely and perfectly in its season. With
the disappearance and then passing of a friend whose last name was “Stone”, it
was so perfect for the hour we are in. The stone in front of the tomb is no more,
the intellectual mind is no more. Each person has a type and shadow they run.
Paul the Apostle being caught up in the Spirit, hearing things unlawful for a man
to utter as to the 3rd heaven. This means Soul Redemption. The soul no longer re-
mains in hell but has come forth with the Keys to Death, Hell, and The Grave.
God said, I will not suffer thy soul to remain in hell.

We have been told that at the death of Jesus on the Cross a change took place
that ushered in Grace to the World. God could now fellowship His Creation and
the people because all sins were removed from them and Jesus became them all, as
ONE single Person! So he died and He suffered and He went to death, to Hell to
the Grave, so God could fellowship His People. He gave up His Holy Life that you
and I might become His Righteousness unto God. So we see there has been no
Law since Calvary. Only Grace to all the Earth. People can live as good as they
want or as evil as they want and it appears as if Grace is just absorbing all of the
wrath and justice for evil deeds done. Grace means God sees us through the Blood
of His Son, so He see’s us as His Son. Sin and Unbelief in the Flesh dwelled be-
tween you and God and now Jesus is come and became that for you and removed
it from between you and your God. So He made you His Righteousness, and He
became your Sin.

Now it is amazing to think of this because we have been taught that we are sin-
ful humanity and Jesus is the Holy One of God and this is true. However at Cal-
vary things took a change, for this is simple to see that because we certainly know
God has shed His Grace through the blood of Jesus to all of the world that He
took us all to heaven so to speak. Now all you have to have is faith and whatever
you can believe will be yours. We have seen this magnified over the centuries with
the gifts in the church even as to divine healing and so on. So man has been able
to work miracles by exercising faith, even the devil can work miracles because of
the days of grace. So we see the world has been given to this extent the righteous-
ness of God. We know that Faith is the Righteousness of God, as Abraham’s Faith
was counted unto Him as Righteousness. So we see in this that it is different than
what we have been taught, that humanity is the righteousness of God and Jesus
was as the one and only man made the Sin of the All the World. Not sinful human-
ity and a holy Jesus, but since Calvary it has been a Holy Humanity and Sinful Je-
sus. As we have said, we are simply speaking of the same shirt, just turning it in-
side out or right side in. We are viewing the same story from another angle end.

Now remember this important part, we have spoken of before, and that is this.
Calvary was in the Mind and Foreknowledge of God before the World ever was.
Remember no time to God, His Mind and in Heaven.
So we see we have had His Righteous Faith all along. We have had His Sover-
eignty all along, we do what we will when we get ready. This was how men like
Moses and Elijah were able to work so mightily in God, because of Faith and be-
cause of Grace. We are turning the gospel inside out so we can see the hidden
things of God. This is the understanding of God, the deep over running its banks
the Mind of God being broken like bread for the hungry. Discovering the Secret
of God Himself. He is revealing Himself to His Bride, to His own Body which we
are. Making us ONE with Himself.

So We was made His Righteousness, He was made our Sin. Now we know a
pardon is only a pardon when it is received, so though the world is under this
grace and righteousness, we know it is only temporal to them but eternal to those
born again of it. Now stay with me on this and read slowly and carefully and read
again and again if need be. So we have a human believing that comes from the
head, but real faith comes only from the heart. With the heart man believes unto
salvation. Now I want you to see this from this unique perspective. In your inner
man is The Faith and Righteousness of God. In your Outer Flesh is the Sins and
Unbelief of Jesus. He became your weak and sinful flesh, He became your death,
He suffers your hell and He is among the dead, because the Bible says we as to the
Flesh are dead in trespasses and sin, and that God tasted death for every man, and
again, He came to condemn sin in the flesh. So we see why the body is dead. Jesus
became your very own flesh and sins. So mature christians have a belief that they
are christ within but their flesh is still dead and awaiting its redemption. This is
true up until this revelation and a few others. However when you first believed
from your heart unto that great salvation, here is what happened and what took
place that sealed the deal and made it all possible and made all things perfect.

When you believed by faith from the heart, that being the Righteousness of
God, unto the fallen one that hung or hangs on the Cross of Death and dies for
you daily, then you was at one time the Father that forsook Him and He became
your outcast sinful Son. When you repented so to speak and believed He whom
the Father has sent, then that was God returning back unto the Son, that fallen Lu-
cifer in your outer man or flesh and that Son, was the fallen Lucifer in your Outer
Man, with the drops of the night in His locks, standing there in death of your
outer man, standing there in the flames of hells fury and passions of your flesh,
subjected to blood life via the red dragon, your flesh being counted as dead then
He is your Lucifer or Satan, in the outer courts suffering without the gates, the fire
and wrath of God upon guilt and condemnation! So Lucifer in your outer man is
in death, hell and the grave, some being dead while they live, one said whited sep-
ulchres or graves that don’t appear. God spoke to me many years ago and said You
was the Father that forsook the Son. I never understood this until recently. The In-
ward Father or Spirit of Righteousness, The Outer Son that was made Sin and
Death and Hell and the Grave. So when you repented and you returned unto your
Son, then the anointing returned to that fallen Son, that worm that was in the co-
coon. The veil becomes rent in twain, the wings sprout and the beautiful butterfly
ascends, OUT of Death, Hell and The Grave of your Outer Man, and ascends, is
translated into the Inner Kingdom of The Father or Heaven. Just as their was a
separation of an Adam and an Eve, there was a separation of the Father and The
Son, The Spirit and the Body, the Inner and Outer Man.

So you gave the true God His place of rightful ownership back to Him. You
made Him Lord of your Life. He was your elder brother deceived by the younger
one for a time. So we see you was the true inner Christ of God and you forgave
and saved and redeemed your fallen outer Son or Jesus. You did not leave His Soul
in Hell nor His Body in the Grave. He was the Outer Jesus of your Flesh, bound
in these bars of bones that held the soul. When you forgave, he also forgave, when
you was saved He was saved also, because you was He and He was you. Oneness.
Separation was an illusion. So when you believed, then you released your outer Je-
sus, your fallen Lucifer from the realms of Sin, Unbelief, Death, Hell and the

Grave, and made Him to be alive forevermore! You have no carnal mind for LO it
is now the anointed Mind of Christ, There is no more Father and Son, you saved
and redeemed the Son back to the Father and made them ONE!

There is no Lucifer or Satan or Devil to you anymore! You rolled the Stone
away from the tomb. You called Lazarus forth, you unwrapped or unveiled Him as
to the mysteries of death hell and the grave. It was all about the anointing leaving
and its departure caused a death, a hell and a grave, but its return does away with
them. Jesus died because God departed Him, this cast Him out of the Presence of
God. He was a fallen angel. He was the 3rd of the Godhead Bodily, meaning out
of the 3 in Heaven as we say He as the Son part, the one third of the God of
whom is all things. So we easily see in Revelations why a 3rd of everything is being
smitten and turned to blood etc. He was the Mount that burned with Fire, the Son
and the Blood of the Son that was cast into and upon the People, causing Spirits
to be made Flesh. A Great Red Dragon that wrapped its tail around the Spirits or
Stars and cast them to Earth to the Dust to be made from the dust into Flesh. A
Fallen Jesus a Risen Christ! When the fallen one was redeemed, and ascended out
of the tomb of the flesh, it took the flesh or the body with it, for the 3 are one.
Spirit, Soul, Body are One, God in Christ and Christ in you, make these ONE as
we are one.

So there is no more uncleanness or evil or sin or Satan or devil to a matured

graduated elect Child of God, for all things are pure to the pure in heart as they
see God in all things. We have made it, we are already glorified and standing in
May God Bless you!

PHN 03062016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 140

A Real Man

A Real Man - The Man Christ Jesus

Jesus Christ the only real man there has ever been.
Some say He was weak, when He looked into the eyes of the guilty and took
their guilt upon Himself so they could be free.
Some said He was mad, when He turned over the money tables and cracked
the whip when He saw mockery of His God.
Some said, He was too soft when He said on the Cross, Father forgive them,
while nails pierced his hands and feet and His blood poured from Him. When HE
was the innocent one.
Yeah men with tattoos and suck on cigarettes and wife beaters and hot tempers
and working out, join motorcycle clubs and take karate and learn to fight, they
sure appear to be big men in the flesh. But none of them, No not ONE could have
ever endured the Flames of Hell itself, to come back from death and the
grave...The Grave!!!!! C'Mon!!!! Defeated Death!!!
He faced Satan Himself and took Him down!
He faced Death itself, and took it down!
He faced The Grave and took it down!
He faced the torments of Hell itself and held on till it was defeated!

He on the Cross did not ask for the Legions of Angels to come and wipe out
Humanity and free Him, as He could have done! No he was strong in faith and
love and to God! FOR YOU!
He bore that wooden splinter filled Cross on His back rubbing His skin off that
was already bleeding from the beating He took, Like a Man! That You could not
have taken! He was bloodied from Head to toe, as if He was a rag dipped in
blood! Then...THEN...He had to carry the Cross still, His Cross to His Place of
torture and to be ridiculed by all and spit upon and to be nailed to wood like a
piece of worthless meat and to be ashamed in the public eye...Yet...He still prayed
and said Father forgive them! He still had nothing but Love and Mercy on them
His accusers and those who nailed Him to that Cross and to the ones who spit on
Him and cursed Him!
A Young Man of only 33 years old! Fixing to die as a criminal and an outcast
by His own people!!! For you and I as well!
YET...He still believed in Hope, In Mercy and in Grace and In Forgiveness and
in  Love! That YOU would one day awake from your delusion you are in that
blinds you from Eternal Life and Truth and See what Love and Deed was done for
you on your behalf !
No...He did not need to shave his head like a military man, or shape his beard
to look like some cool guy, He did not have to tattoo His Body or pierce it in any
way, His piercing for you was more than enough!
He did  not have to wear black clothes and join a motorcycle club or hang out
at a bar. He wore the blackness of your wretched soul, His tattoo was the nail
prints in His hands and feet, His scars from war was all over his body from the
stripes He took, from the thorns beat into his head, from the spear in His side
from the skins torn from his face and beard by evil men!
He hung out with stinking fishermen and tax collectors, not because they were
rough and tough men, but because He knew they were the worst of the worst and
they needed Him more than anyone and they seen the real man in Him and what
a real man was and they bowed their tuff heads and hard hearts and asked for for-

giveness and for a change in their lives to become the Real Men they only thought
they were!
Real men believe the Impossible!
Real men Marry for Life!
Real men take care of their families!
Real men Love and protect their families and the innocent around them!
Real Men ALWAYS stand for Truth and Right and Good!
The only drug Jesus had was a Love for all people that would not rest till we
had hope of changing the blackness of sinful hearts to be cleansed once and for
His followers became real men and walked like real men and taught like real
men and they had power and faith and love and they waged a war against evil and
tyranny and sin to the death!
No Man or Woman is ever truly free, until they are born again!
Free from Sin!
Real Men sacrifice themselves for others, not selfish for themselves.
Real Men know Life is about serving others not about being served!
Real Men have wisdom and understanding!
Real Men do not lay with girls for pleasure they let that girl keep her honor and
virtue till the day of her marriage then He marries her like a real man!
Real Fathers do not beat their children or lead them to the world, they protect
their daughters to be ladies and Sons to be men of God.
They do not glorify the world and lust in their homes risking their childrens
souls to be lost! They show them of God and of standards!
Real men do not allow worldliness in their homes to vomit all over their chil-
dren and wife, so they stink of sinful flesh!

Their homes smell of the sweet perfume and aroma of heaven!
They are like Mighty Oak Trees under their shade comes the weary and poor
and needy that need help and protection and love.
Many think Love is wrong you are!
Love endured all of the hardness and evil and wrath of this world and wore it
out!, left it with no life in it and wasted it till it was no more!
Love won and always wins in the end!
Good wins!
Faith Wins!
Truth Wins!
Hope Wins!
Innocence Wins
No spikes needed, no foul mouth for cursing, no naked women tattooes or
some evil skull to show He was tuff. He was the Man of all Men!
He was the toughest of us all!
He was the best of us all!
Without lifting a finger, except to be nailed to the Tree, He single handedly de-
feated all men and conquered sin and death and hell and the grave and evil and
Satan and all of the demons, by His one unselfish sacrificial act!
He is the preacher of all preachers!
He is the Lord of all Lords!
The Greatest King of them all!
He is the personification and embodiment of Tough!
He is strongest of all!
His Faith rules all faiths!

His wisdom has no end!
His understanding revealed the dark secrets of creation!
His Life alone was perfect!
His Throne rules above all!
His Kingdom subdued all kingdoms!
Christ Jesus the original and only tough guy!
No you are just acting like you are tough! Jesus was tough!
He would not shake your hand like a limpwristed pansy!
He would look you in the eye and with conviction of heart and shake your
hand with a mans grip, and let you know He was more than able to back up His
Words and did so! You could place your faith, love and trust, IN HIM!
He would never ever let you down!


Written By: Bro.Pat Nichols, Hilton Head Island, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 141

Calvary’s Blueprint

Calvary’s Blueprint

The Revelation of Jesus Christ presents, The Message of Transfiguration.

In light of considering how blood is fire and fire is blood in revelation, it really
opens the eyes of understanding to so many brand new things.  We find in the Gar-
den of Eden, there with Adam and Eve, their is Two Trees. It makes us think of
the “Two Olive Trees that stand before the God of the whole earth”. We find
Adam and Eve as two trees their in the Garden of God’s Presence. We find there
is the two trees of Knowledge and of Life. We can liken them to Law and Grace
as one reveals death and one reveals life. One brings condemnation, one brings for-
giveness and life.

In the story of the two great cities, we find a repeat of these things. In Sodom
and Gomorrah we find two great cities. We find the Lord coming to Abraham and
sending Two Angels to those cities. We find the cities burning in their lust one
unto another. We find the Fire of God falling from heaven onto the cities, burning
all that is in it alive. We find it typical of the Lord remaining with Abraham as to a
translated bride, and the two angels as the two prophets coming after a remnant
like unto the Jews, saving them before the great tribulation period sets in.

We see the world of today is becoming fast as the cities of Sodom and Gomor-
rah. That same spirit is working in society today through the rich and the poor, the
powerful and the weak, the churches and the liberals. They will not stop until free-
dom of filth and perversion is the norm and rules in society. God turning the soci-
ety into hell itself, as the people burn in their fires of lust one unto another. God
burning the world in fire, as the natural fire is only symbolic of the spiritual fire
that burns their souls in torment already.

In those demonic cities, there was a freedom of sorts. It was a no holds barred
society, that whatever one wanted to do, it was legal and pushed to be done. It was
not just gay and lesbians. It was sex with animals, sex with one another male or fe-
male, sex with children. Fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, brothers with
sisters and vice versa. It was a freedom and a right, to do whatever wicked desire
one could imagine. This was a place where God was removed, morals were re-
moved, standards were removed, no more law and order, just freedom to do what-
ever to whomever, whenever. Such as society is becoming today. This is the danger
and the path of the liberal mindset. Full liberty in the lust of the flesh.

Now if we can be a little bit spiritual, we can see in this the two angels coming
down to those cities. We can see the righteous being saved and the wicked being
damned. We can also see how that fire is blood and blood is fire that in the Gar-
den two trees, two cities as to an Adam and Eve, in that all their descendants
makeup all cities, that in that they partook of the Tree that God forbid them too.
We find them being cast out of the Garden and being made flesh. They fell as to
from the Spiritual Beings they were, to fall into the Fleshly Blood Life beings they
had now become. We see them being engrossed in blood from head to toe, a ves-
ture dipped in blood. We see the fire of God consuming the two cities.  Adam and
Eve being alive in the flesh. We were left a root however in that Lot did escape or
the spirit was not found in the transgression. However the soul and the body were.
We also find in that Lot’s wife did look back, she was turned into a pillar of salt

and salt is a preserver. So we find the righteous was a root to bring back hope and
faith once again.

We find as David of old said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil”. We see He was in a shadowy place that was in a val-
ley and that death ruled over that valley and there in that valley there was evil. Evil
is always in the shadows. It is always in the lower and lesser places. It cast a terrify-
ing shadow of ghost and goblins and monsters into the mind to scare us and cause
us to fear. The Law stands mightily on the mountaintops and cast its shadows of
condemnation over our valleys where our souls reside. In the Spirit within is the
heavenly state of the mountaintops of glory, where the Son’s shining grace is. In
the Lower valley is the flesh, where it is a cold dark dismal day of law and wrath
and illusions. A Valley lies between two mountains. Just like the blood is between
the two cherubim. As your soul is between your Spirit and Body.
Now the Word tells us that, “The Soul that sins,shall surely die”. So this lines
up with what David said. We say in the valley, where the soul is. That soul sinned,
was cast out of heaven, was cast from the mountaintop down to the valley, now im-
prisoned in the shadow of the Law, which simply means condemnation cast it out.
Condemnation is faith in reverse, it is a believing unto non truth and lies and illu-
sions. It is a dream world and a place where the fallen sleep and dream. It is a
night time of darkness ruled by the moonstone of the law and the pillar of fire by
night showing the blood over the moon. Blood being over the moon indicates
grace covering law, which means grace hid the law for a time. We find Grace
makes allowance for everything evil to have its day. It was given with the best of in-
tentions for the righteous and good people to find the stairway to heaven and es-
cape the world. Now they have done so and there's nothing left but the evil. So
now it is imperative for grace to end, else the whole world would perish. It was the
same for those under the Law. It wrought such condemnation God had to change
it else none of the Nation of Israel would have been able to be saved.

Now we have entered the day of Eternal Righteousness, which comes by The
Faith of Jesus Christ! This faith coming by divine revelation of the Lord Himself,
correcting the disorder and disarray of all things and bringing forth perfection and
absolute truth, as a last witness to the world as they are cast alive into a lake of fire.
So we can see the shadow over the valley is the veil of the flesh that stands be-
tween you and God. Sin or unbelief in the soul. The soul is the place of sover-
eignty and decisions and authority, created by Eve when she partook of the forbid-
den tree. Darkness entered that soul and the light automatically cast her out. So it
is simple, in that it was unbelief which came from the Tree of Knowledge or the
Law that cast a shadow of unbelief, revealing to Eve the imperfections within her
own self, as she was separated from her head Adam.

Now when we go back to Calvary we see all of this taking place again. We see
Moses and the Law on the Mount Sinai, as to the Law coming down on the Body
or Eve of Jesus. No remission of sin without shedding of blood. So we find Him
bloodied from head to toe. We find the Law coming down on Him casting His soul
from the heavenly state of the Father down to the Valley, under the Law where the
Shadow or the darkness came over the Mount at Calvary. Darkness was there
when Moses was given the Law and it was there when God departed from Jesus
and it covered Calvary. His Soul was cast forth from the presence of the Father
into the Body which awakened the Flesh and awakened the Law and cast a
shadow over the entire world.

When God inserted Himself into His Creation, it was as an inserting of dark-
ness into light. Creating a negative or shadow over all of creation as the Eternal
God veiled Himself. In another view it is Light inserting itself into the darkness,
creating a twilight of sorts. You say well which one was it? It was both. Light and
Darkness to reveal the object of creation.  We can always take Calvary as a blue-
print and overlay it on top on any story in the Bible and see it perfectly clear. All
of the darkness came from calvary, the veil was His Flesh, it was the Law to the
woman or His Eve, the Eve of Creation, the Beginning of the Creation of God.

Contrast had to be, it had to come from a darkness and a light, for a revealing to
take place, so comprehension could take place, so the Faith could be established
and would eradicate the unbelief of Satan in the weakness of the flesh. Evil was a
necessity, darkness was a necessity. The Law in this sense, caused all of this by in-
serting itself like a deceiving serpent unto the Flesh of the Woman. That which we
thought was life, became death to us. Not that the Law was evil, but the deceiving
of it from our own child like minds, deceive us and slew us. It was death to us,
death to the outer man, death to our Eve. This was the separating of the darkness
and the light and He called the first day “Mourning”. From Eve came the Mourn-
ing of the prisoners, souls under the altar, bound in the stone of the law.

We see the childlike similarities in stories like Joseph in the dungeon, Samson
and the gates, Jonah in the belly of the whale, and so many others, how they relate
and show the Lord Jesus. Well the entire Book is the Lord Jesus. It is the predes-
tined foreknowledge of the eternal God shown forth and reflected and revealed in
the Life of Christ. The Blueprint of Calvary is the Key to unlocking the Mysteries.

It goes on and on and is so beautiful, the Mind of God. It revelates everything

in creation. Great Light is come!
The Revelation of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

PHN 081016 HHI, SC. USA


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