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C H A P T E R 128

Godly Marriage

Godly Marriage

People do not understand Marriage. It was a holy thing purposed from God to
sanctify through Faith and Love and Truth two people for the purpose of repro-
duction, as it was the sex act and beast reproduction level man has fallen too. For
life to continue on in that state it had to be sanctified by marriage, from an
anointed true called and chosen Man of God. He alone had the authority to sanc-
tify the act of reproduction, and would allow the holy life from God to continue
on. When people have sexual relations that are not married, it is no different than
the beast do and it is not honored by God, as to their relationship or their chil-
dren. It is just lust, the same lust that caused Eve to sin. When sanctified by God in
Holy matrimony, then it is ordained and clean and anointed of God for a blessed
and holy union for life and their children will be blessed as well as they continue to
follow the Lord.
The fruit eve partook of was lust, it was a relation with a beast, the serpent, the
devil. He looked and appeared to be a man, but was the devil himself, who was the
beast, the serpent was a beast.

Sexual relations out of wedlock is symbolic of the Mark of the Beast, it is why
the whole world is wandering after perversion, sexual immorality, indecency, nu-
dity, Sodomy and so on. It is everywhere, in every song, in every show, in every
magazine, in every place you look there is some indication of lust and sexual innu-

endos. Satan the god of lust, the god who got his inspiration and life and entrance
into mankind through lust and the sexual beast act of reproduction. This is why
Christ came by another anointing and another way. Mary submitted to her hus-
band in Love as to God or the Holy Ghost when it came on her. It bypassed sexual
reproduction to be a Holy Birth. it was the original way God meant for Man to re-
produce, it was via His Holy Ghost. Man fell to the level of animals and the beast
and had to continue to reproduce the same as the beast do. God never gave
authority to anyone other than His true called and chosen ministers to perform a
marriage and that under specific guidelines. He never gave a Judge or a justice of
the peace the power to marry anyone. The Bible says “Some are born of the will
of man, some of the will of the flesh, some of the Will of God”! True God
Anointed Marriages Produce Godly Children born of the Will of God!

The Minister has the power alone from the Lord to remit a person’s sins or re-
tain their sins. So He alone can sanctify a marriage and bind two spirits together
as one in Love. What God has brought together no man has the power to break it

Today the beast of this world have turned all of the things of God into an
abomination from the church members, to the deacons and pastors etc. God will
burn their flesh with fire! True God Anointed marriages are as few as the True
elect are.

There are few real Men of God who have such authority. Which means few
marriages have ever been ordained of God, which explains why society and the
generations of today is so wicked and vile, birthing bastard children into the
world, who have no heavenly Father, because their Parents was never truly mar-
ried of God and  most of them God never wanted to ordain as such because it
was based on lust and they was not seeking His Will in the matter, so they expect
God to sanctify their marriage even though they never sought His Will, they were
not even born again Christians. God makes allowances if one of the two in the
marriage is or becomes born again, but in the full reality of His Plan He only in-
tended to marry those two who were both Born Again. Marriage was intended for
two born again Christians only, it was for Christians only, But the church was so
immature and still such a baby and ignorant at the time and would marry out of
the Christian Faith and cause God and the Kingdom of God all manner of prob-
lems. Using lust to find a husband or wife going by their looks and their physique
and their riches and titles, never looking on the heart, never looking at their char-
acter as God does. It has been a huge mess and made the tables of God full of
Vomit! Away with them saith the Lord! God has an elect lady and He is married
to Her and She carries His name and His Child and She lives according to His
Word and His Ways. She is His Bride and She is a very few! GBU! Amen!

PHN 05/23/2016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 129

The 2nd Death







God has already translated His Bride out of the World. They are now about to
change their bodies, and the world is about to be thrown into a chaos and fear and
torment like they have never known. They will certainly Pray For Death itself to
escape what is coming, but death will even flee from them at the horror of what is
coming. The whole world has been warned of that Great Day that is now break-
ing upon this world. You dear reader was warned, many many times, but you felt
it was the way you thought it was and you chose out of your own sovereignty to be-
lieve your own thoughts and opinions over Gods Word or the True Man of God
and NOW your house will be left unto you DESOLATE! The Great Day of
Wrath is breaking forth! The Bride is Safe in Heaven and now the end is come!

So the churches, some of them, are going to try and rise up and claim the
power of God over this demonic transgender and Gay Lesbian movement. Well it
is because God has left the World that they are rising to power and those false
churches are about to awaken to the fact God left them a long time ago. They
have been powerless for a long time. God has already raptured His Bride and She
is safe and the rest of the religious people are awakening to the fact they have no
God, no Oil, no Power. They will run ever so desperately to find it, but it is too
late. Satan has sealed them in with His mark of a religious deceiving mindset that
they were of God, all the while they still lived it up in the world, deceiving them-
selves and being deceived. They turned the tables of God into the Tables of Vomit
and God spewed them from His presence, making them cages and not churches of
every evil and unclean demon from hell.

There is something called death and it has been the most feared entity ever
known to mankind. Its delusion and illusion has only veiled the true monster that

is to be feared like no other. Even death fears this most incredible horror! I speak
of two things that are actually ONE! This is what is coming to the people of the
world and to the lost souls of darkness. There is nothing to be feared in all of eter-
nity than the Wrath of God Himself, and there is nothing to be feared more than
the “Second Death”! To be eternally alone without God and His Love, His Grace,
His presence...there is nothing to be compared to this! The Blood on the Mercy
Seat has kept this from happening and now we see it is being removed and the
Great God of Heaven is withdrawing into the hearts of His Elect alone and the
world is being left DESOLATE of God and His Holy Spirit! Man has experienced
the first death, and the hellish torment it has brung, but He has never faced the
fear, loneliness or horror of being spiritually dead, the second death! The Place
where even death, hell and the grave even fear to go and yet they and all of their
members are about to face this horror of horrors.

The Eternal Separation of God’s Presence! I fear and quake and tremble in-
side at even writing this, knowing what it means and the timing of it. Oh Great
God of Heaven, I ask of thee in the name and mercy and grace of Jesus Christ to
save and convict and shake the people to their senses, to the core of their being, to
accept thee and to run hard unto thee that they may never ever experience this
point of no return. Oh God reach and spare and convict and save and bring
about repentance and revival and a revolution to this Earth one more time for
Christ Sake!

Oh God remember thyself what it was like in the great darkness of absence of
thyself and the unknowing and the fear and torment of such a place and let it re-
kindle thy Love and Mercies to these lost souls! Remember what it was like at the
Joy of being Saved and Free from that despair and darkness and to be FOUND at
last! Save them from such a Horror, oh My Lord and My God in Jesus Christ
Name I pray! Amen!

PHN 052616 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 130

The Transfigured State

The Transfigured State - The Message of Transfiguration

Now we have spoken in previous writings of this we speak and we have put
down stepping stones to lead higher and higher unto this place we are speaking of.
When we are in our first birth we are in darkness and the moonlight rules over us,
which is the stone which is the Law of God or our conscious. We are from the dust
of the earth making the earth as to the bodily perspective. So our body is in dark-
ness, because at night the earth is in darkness. So we have a Law, a Stone that rules
that darkness with a reflected light of good and evil. The evil being the darkness
and the good, or the illusion of the good being the reflected light of the moon
from the hidden sun. So being we are as to our bodies the earth or dirt or ground
and we are in the darkness and then as we know blood is symbolic of fire and the
Moon is covered in Blood and thus we are in sin which means we are considered
Dead in trespasses and sin, for God hath concluded us all in Unbelief, then we can
readily see that in our first birth, we are already Dead and in Hell’s Flames and we
are already the Grave. We are tormented by the knowledge of truth reflected by
the moon to give us a contrast in our minds of a knowledge to do good, a knowl-
edge of truth, but we cannot perform. It demands we perform or else wrath, but
we cannot perform, so we are tormented in the presence of the Light of the Law
which is God, day and night.

The entire mass of all humanity being in the burning flames of this hell makes
up the Lake of Fire. We was cast alive into this Lake of Fire in this sense, though
we are dead in trespasses and sin, we are alive in the flesh! Because of the Flesh be-
ing alive by blood life, then we see we are already burning in the eternal flames of
torment and the moon symbolic of fire being our guilty conscious, we are covered
in that blood or fire already, we are alive in the lake of fire burning already in our
first birth. This has to do with Calvary and the Outer Jesus being made our Sins
and His Blood being poured out over the world. The Christ was the Sunlight, the
Flesh was the reflecting blood moonlight. So we see as long as we are alive in the
flesh, we was cast into this Blood World of Death, Hell and Grave, in an illusion
of Sin and lies and unbelief and darkness which altogether denote the Lake of
Fire, Blood Life!  So in our first birth we was cast out of heaven in this sense and
we was cast alive into a world of fleshly evil condemning blood life, of sin and
shame and fear, which hath torment! The wicked one day as we say will be called
forth from the graves to be cast into the Lake of Fire, along with the Beast and
False Prophet which is the Serpentine Flesh Body and The Reflected illusion of
the Law, the lesser light. See this has already happened to us in our first birth.

The wicked, even as we was once in the flesh, I say this as to those who are still
in that mind set, that when you was unregenerated and you was in the flesh, you
worshipped the Image of the beast, or self, your bodily appearance. That Carnal
Mind. You believed the False Prophet of the Law, which is why you tried to be-
come a good person and “Work” your way into Heaven. You already had that
spirit of antichrist in you standing in your temple, the place it ought not, for you
was inspired of the devil who lived in your heart to do his will. You was taken into
captivity by the devil at his will.

So your body is that beast, the false prophet is that Law and the Anti-Christ is
the spirit in you. The Law magnified sin or your unbelief causing faith in reverse
to be greatly strengthened and it brought your flesh unto life. It was when you par-

took of that Tree of Knowledge or Law. It gave contrast to your mind and
strengthened Satan and Unbelief and Fear and Knowledge in you!

Now when Christ rent that veil the blood moon was no more. The darkness of
night time was no more for the Sun has now risen and Lo it is the Day, your inner
angel or inner man, the real you, was then “translated from the Kingdom of Dark-
ness unto the Kingdom of Light”! You ride over Calvary, you rode over the Law,
you passed through the Veil, you entered the Holy of Holies or Heaven. You
passed over the Tribulation Period, you passed over the Lake of Fire. All of that is
behind you now and is never brought into remembrance anymore. No more of
the former things, for Lo I make all things NEW! Now get this next part Saints of
God! You was one time darkness, but not anymore! So if you was dead in tres-
passes and sins, and your soul was in hell, and your body was in the grave, then
one day, Hallelujah! You heard the Voice of the Son of God while in that grave,
then you believed and was translated into Glory, then Now you are a New Crea-
ture! The Creature was the Body! The Purchased Possession! You already are that
New Body, that New Creature! You have already put on The Body of The Lord
Jesus Christ! You heard the Voice of God when you was in the grave and you
came forth in a resurrection to never die anymore! Your soul was not left in hell,
but you received the Keys to Death and Hell and the Grave and you unlocked
them and passed out of them and over them and through them, to arise to never
die anymore! You are no longer a child of the night but the Day! Jesus Christ be-
ing the Voice of God was the Last Trump and He called us forth already from the
Grave as Paul told us, that as He was raised from the dead, for you to reckon your-
self risen from the dead! Many of the Saints arose with Him and walked about the

So you are in Heaven! Your Body is in Heaven with You as they are One! You
was not waiting on the change of the Body, you was waiting on the Knowledge of
Bodily Redemption to be revealed was all! There is nothing new under the sun,
Christ Works finished all things! All we are doing is by the revealed knowledge we

are transforming our minds. This is the Keys to death and hell and the grave, it is
the final unveiling of the mysteries that brings in the manifestation of the change
of the body! We are right now in a transfigured state! Someone says Prove it! Al-
right the Word says if our eyes of understanding be single, as to the Mind of
Christ which we have and was born in us, then “Our Body is FULL OF
LIGHT”!!! The Transfigured State is not something we are trying to obtain unto,
it is something we already are and have been! We are clothed upon already by the
Glorified Body of Christ! As He is, So are we! Transfigured means we changed
our figure or our image is all. We was the Image of the Beast, now we are the Im-
age of Christ! Paul said the Life we now live, “In The Outer Man”, we live it by
“The Faith OF The Son of God”! So there is no unbelief in my inner man nor
my outer man, for when I was born again, I was a “Finished Work” in Christ! I
lacked nothing! I simply had to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of what Christ
has already down for me! So My Outer man is under the authority of The Faith
of Jesus Christ! That Faith dwells in the heart of Jesus Christ! Where He is So are
We! So my Outer Man must be in Heaven where He is! The Faith of Jesus Christ
is The Kingdom of God, so my Outer Man is in Heaven!

As the Great Man of God spoke once and said, “If my chair I sit in is here in
my living room where I am, is my footstool out in the barn? No, it is right here
where I am! He was speaking of Heaven was this same Earth! He was also saying,
if my Spirit is in Heaven, is my body not also in heaven with me! I would ask you,
since you have come to these revelation from the Lord and you claim to be heaven
right now, is your body not with you even as I speak? You say, I am in heaven, I say
great, I believe you, now where is your body then? Is it somewhere else, or in an-
other place? You would be so foolish to say otherwise. Your body is where you are!
When Jesus called Lazarus back from the dead and we know He was in
Heaven, did His Body not come with Him, back to Life. When Jesus was transfig-
ured on the Mount was His Body not transfigured with Him! When Enoch and Eli-
jah and even Moses went to Heaven was there body not with them!

So I am saying to you Elect Saints of God, You are already in the transfigured
state! You are not waiting on anything else! Now Listen….The Great Man of
God, our Shepherd said this, “If just ONE Son of God was Unveiled, they would
outshine the brightness of the noonday sun, the sun would have to hang its head
in shame”! Did you hear what He said? Folks when you was born again you was
Unveiled! There was no more veil between you and God, else how could your
body be full of Light! If your body was still behind a veil which was sin and unbe-
lief, then how was you ever born again, there is no more sin in the body, no more
schism in the body, Paul said we was Blameless Body, Soul, and Spirit, and If the
Life of your Outer Man is by The Faith of Jesus Christ, which is the Kingdom of
God then your Outer Man being your Body is in the Kingdom of God also!
Christ hath already descended from Heaven and with the Shout of the Archangel
and the Voice of God he hath entered your Body, your Outer Man and cast Satan,
or He who had power of death out of you! How can you ever die anymore! You
are already justified, sanctified, and glorified! To be glorified, is that not the state
we are trying to obtain unto? Sure it is and here it tells us we are already glorified,
for whom He hath justified, He hath sanctified and whom He hath sanctified, He
hath also glorified! We made it folks! There is nothing left! It Is Finished!
The Transfigured State is the Glorified State! We are they that dwell in
Heaven! Our conversation is in Heaven for we speak the Words of God, Where
He is there we are also! We already walk by The Faith which was as Gold tried in
the Fire of Hell and it is the Streets of Gold! Christ on the Mount of Transfigura-
tion simply removed the Veil from off the Eyes, He was always transfigured or in
the glorified state! When the Sons and Daughter of God come to this revelation
we preach and they believe, it will manifest what has always been!
Again the Great Man of God said, “We are not waiting on a change, we are al-
ready all that we are going to be eternally, it is just that God will remove the veil,
from off the minds of the people of the world, and they will see what has been
among them all this time” - GLP!
May God Bless You! Bro Pat
PHN 060516 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 131

The Changing Of Law To


The Changing of Law to Righteousness

It is something amazing to think about when you consider the “first birth” of
us as human beings. The Bible speaks of us as having two identities, or two minds,
an inner spiritual man and an outer fleshly man. We got this from our Mother Eve
from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. We see this revealed in the Sons
born to her of Cain and Abel. Now we have written strange and deep and yet won-
derful things that the Lord has given to us and we are so humbled the Lord would
give us anything, much less look our direction. These are His Revelations and Se-
crets being revealed, none of these things pertain to me with the exception I am
His Body as well as others, but I have not obtained anything of or within myself to
receive such glories, however the Righteousness of Christ in us is heir to all things.

So we find Faith is a spiritual sense, of something that is the very creative

power of God Himself and it comes from the spirit of man or that inner man of
the heart, which we may call the subconscious. Faith dwells in the Inner Man and
there is the Grace and Righteousness of Faith and of God. So if this is what is in
the Inner Man then what is it that is in the Outer Man, but unbelief and darkness
and sin and unrighteousness. What is it that stands between the inner and outer
man but the Law of your Conscience, excusing or accusing. It is that serpent on
the tree that has given life unto the image of the flesh. It is the Law of Moses so to
speak standing on the Mountain that burns with Fire, which is your flesh and

blood body. The darkness of the outer man being empowered by the Law. The
Law being revealed, flesh coming to life, the serpent entering into the place he
ought not. Just like the peanut in the shell, there had to be a shell for the peanut to
grow in. So we see an inner and an outer man. The inner has to have the outer to
grow within. The Law accuses the Outer while forming the Inner. As Knowledge
grows so does the Law of Carnal Reasoning. The condemnation gets stronger, as
the Grace grows brighter. We find within ourselves a continual warfare taking
place, as we are “working out our own salvation”. These two enemies however
seemingly are working together for our good, to form us into the pre ordained fore-
knowledge of God, according to your faith, for faith is the will of God. He being
the Father of all spirit then He is the spirit in you, and thus He is the faith in you.
He dwells in your inner angel or inner man, that is the Angel of The Lord.

So the Law works in your members, till the time appointed. This is the Calvary
of your Life. You either find that eternal salvation or your do not. The veil of that
Law is rent in twain and you either receive or reject the Grace and Love of God
that was given in Christ Jesus. You will then be born anew or born again or else
you will die the 2nd death or spiritually die. You are at the Cross of your life, your
eternal destination is now before you. Love is the fulfilling of the Law and Love’s
greatest act is selfless Charity which means Forgiveness! You receive the atonement
of forgiveness or you hold to anger and lust and hate and selfishness and die.

Now this was not exactly where I was going with this so maybe if I can I will
bring it around to another view of this also. For in another dimensional view we
can see the Law wielding its power in the outerman. Causing turmoil and strife
and storms by its accusing condemning power.This is the outer Jesus or your outer
man being crucified by the judgments of God upon sin in the flesh. The Law be-
ing within the flesh condemns the flesh and brings judgment to the flesh which is
the accusing condemnations. This makes your outer man a fallen lucifer and a cru-
cified Jesus, crying Father why hast thou forsaken me. Being God cannot look
upon Sin, then if we were to say the Law was God and was His perfect attributes

then we can easily see the Isaac as the father being blinded to Jacob’s deception, as
the Law empowers and creates the darkness by its own judgmental accusing con-
demnations. So it is like the outer courts where the beast body of passions and
firey lust burns in the night of sin. A Calvary experience. Jesus being the fullness
of the Law and of God, fulfilling every jot and tittle.

So the Law, in the outer man, it being blinded by the darkness of sin and
shame by the faith in reverse or unbelief and the accusing one. This is as the Bible
says, God tasted death for every man. This is the fallen one from Heaven. He who
was perfect in all their ways, till iniquity was found in him. Have you ever noticed
inside the rainbow is always light and brighter than the outside? In the righteous-
ness of the Law is Grace and Love and the Kingdom of Light, outside is darkness
and all that deceives and makes a lie. So your outer man is outside the Law, in the
shadows of wrath and darkness and this is hell. This is the realm of death, God
made like unto corruptible flesh eating the dust of the graves, spewing forth fiery
judgment that results in condemnation. This is God in the Image of the Serpent
that hung on the Tree, like unto the golden calf, tasting death, the same as Eve did
when she partook of the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Death. We are fed our
own carnal thoughts of death and hell which hath torment.It is a Bottomless Pit
Ever learning, never coming to truth. He made you His Righteousness. When you
accept the penalty that you was that fleshly eve and you have sinned and fallen
from the glory of God, you look away to the Cross for redemption, where the ex-
changing of places happened. When you believe in the Word, which is the Law,
the Authority of God, then comes the Promise of His Spirit that only required you
to but have child like faith and simply believe on HE whom the Father has sent.
You by Faith from the inner man, show charity the bond of perfectness, because
faith works by love and you chose to love and to believe something outside of
SELF. You shed your mercy and grace upon the God of the Outer Man by taking
what was His Sins upon Yourself and YOU taking the blame. This caused the ex-
change from the negative back to the positive and You saved God, you birth Him
again unto His rightful place. You became His Lamb of sacrifice. You became His
atonement in that sense. How could you believe, if you was not already the inner

spirit or inner man or inner angel, already made His Righteousness and Him your
sins. When you expressed Love and Forgiveness as to what you thought was your-
self, it was unto the Lord whom was made your sins, and you freed Him from the
state of death, hell and grave and He is resurrected from the dead and ascended
into Heaven.

He is no longer the fallen one but the risen one. When you saved Him, you
saved you also. As the great parent He is, He never laid any blame or charge
against one of His own children, for we were but children, but He exchanged
places with us in the fall, so we could be safe and protected from the fall. Calvary
showed this as to the exchange of the fall and also the exchange of the new birth.
So you was translated to ride over the Law from its dark side over to the Light
Side. You are now inside the rainbow, no longer the outside. You are sealed in and
in the Kingdom. When you saved God who was bearing your sins for you, you
saved yourself in that sense. You proved you was His Elect by showing the same
Love and Mercy and Forgiveness to Him that He showed to you. So you was re-
deemed by judgment of the Law, as the Law condemned you unto Sin, the Holy
Ghost convicted you unto repentance.In Light is Faith and Love and Peace, in
Darkness is the absence of them all.

So you by faith, folded up the Law and you laid it away, by your forgiveness
and Love and Faith. Your time appointed came to fruition and its fullness and you
had to make a decision. You repented and forgave and bequeathed mercy upon
God which was also yourself. It was just never truly made known to you that they
were always One and The Same. You have always been God, and He has always
been YOU! Working out your own salvation. Christ was our example and He was
and is our Works. He made the Way. Unbelief turned the Law to wrath, faith, for-
giveness and love turned it to grace and mercy unto Eternal Life. We changed the
wrath unto righteousness. We changed death back to life, we changed unbelief
back to Faith. We changed the Carnal Mind back unto the Mind of Christ. We
was simply in the negative perspective caused by our own delusional perceptions

of lies and self conceit. The outer darkness of shadows lead us astray, till we could
come to our Cross. Now Time is no more, Law is no more, for we fulfilled it by
Faith and Love. The same Law that empowered your sin and condemnation it
seemed no escape from, it now testifies of you and empowers your faith unto eter-
nal life. We are no longer the fallen, but the risen, we are no longer in the realms
of death, hell and grave, but in the state of eternal life! No more shadows, lies, illu-
sions or mysteries, we behold the face of our Heavenly Father Always! God Bless
Bro. Pat

PHN 06032016 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 132

Understanding Oneness


When we think of all of the things in the Word, especially those pertaining to
Oneness, we are still so intellectual and so carnal that we are literally taking the
One of Oneness and inserting carnal dark shadows of separation and this will
cause you to miss the overall image of Christ. In Oneness, it means exactly what it
says. When something is One with something else, we use the terminology, even as
I just did, saying something becomes one with something else, so it sounds like I
am saying two separate things become one. However I am saying that only for
your understanding sake, so you get the idea of what is happening. In all reality
what is happening is that we are simply taking our hand so to speak and reaching
up and grabbing the slim shadow over the One Object that has caused it to ap-
pear as two things and we are removing it, allowing light to reveal the object as the
full one self same only object there has ever been. Shadows are the illusions that
gave a false appearance that things were separate one from another, however in
God, there is no darkness nor shadow of turning.

Now let’s consider a few things in the light of this. The Word of God tells us
these things but we, because of immaturity and because of carnal religious un-
anointed interpretation, we have been led astray to think otherwise.

So the Word tells us, As He is, so are we. This means you are the exact same
thing as He is, meaning you are Him and He is You! The illusion of there is a you
and then a Him, is where the problem is. When we say we have the blood of Jesus
in us, flowing through our veins, this means that we have always had His blood in
us flowing through our veins, there has never been a time we have not had His
Blood, because I am Him and He is I. He is You and You are Him.He has always
been you and you have always been Him. Now it tells us that Where He is, there
we are also. So this would tell us that being we are Him, then of course where He
is, there we would be also. He said, He that overcomes, even as he has overcame,
will sit down in the Throne of the Father, even as He is set down in the Throne of
His Father. Paul tells us that as Christ has died Once for Sins, that you are to con-
sider yourself dead to sins as well, and that when Christ arose, you are to consider
yourself also risen with Him. Again if we are Him and He is us, then certainly we
arose with Him as Him because we was Him and He, us.

Now the Word tells us where can we go to escape from God for He fills all in
all, He inhabits eternity! We call this the Omnipresence of God. So if God is eve-
rywhere, then would that not make Him everything! Sure it does. He is the eyes
you read this with, He is the thoughts you think with, He is the beat of your heart,
He is the wings on the fly and the sound from its wings, He is the movement of
their motion, He is the air surrounding it and on and on. He is the computer you
read this on, or the paper you print it on. He is every single atom and molecule of
existence. He is energy, He is Light. He is space, He is galaxies and Novas and me-
teors and stars and planets and on and on.

So if we say we are the bone and flesh of Jesus Christ and we have His Blood
in us, then folks we are His Children, we came from Him. In our first birth we was
Him, in our 2nd birth we was Him. He was made sin the same as you was made
sin, He was made your righteousness, the same as you was His. When He was
made sin you was made righteousness, so when you had faith and you believed
Him, then your faith was counted as His Righteousness! The same as His was

counted as yours. Remember you was Him and He was you. One side of you was
made sin, same you, one side of you was made righteous, same you. Same as
Christ, He was made sin and He was made Righteousness.

So when Christ said, “Father restore unto me the joy I had with thee before the
foundation of the world”, then you and I was there with God before the founda-
tion of the world as well. So even that statement makes us think Jesus was once in
a certain place then was cast out of that place and was desiring to return unto it
again. Same as Lucifer, once a bright and morning star, walking among the stones
of fire in heaven. One day Iniquity was found in Him, because of a part of Him
got lifted up with pride and He was cast out. A part of Him got lifted up and
caused a shadow to come between one part of Him and another part of Him.
Same as you have a inner and outer man and a veil or shadow between them, un-
til you are born again.
So we see in the life of Jesus, there was never a separating of any kind. He
walked through the walls of separation because there was no separation with Him.
He walked on the water because gravity nor the waves could separate Him from
them. He raised the dead showing death could not separate you from God nor
from Him. He ascended into the air, showing again gravity had no power over
Him, nor the air. He multiplied the fishes and loaves showing a lack of something
could not separate the need for plenty from Him. When He had need of some-
thing it was filled, when others had need it was filled. Showing He filled all in all!
He gave and never took!

There was never a separation of Him and Creation as to wants and needs and
lacking thereof. If he desired it He got it. If it was needed, He made it. If there
was lack He filled it. Where there was hate, He gave Love, where there was hunger
He gave food aplenty. Where there was sickness He gave Health, Where there was
sin, He gave forgiveness. Where there was poverty, He gave riches. Where there
was death, He gave Life.

Filling all in all! Giving His All for He was All! This is why when you see a per-
son that gives and gives, it is because they have all things. Those who are always
taking, it is because they truly have nothing. When you are God and You know
you are all things then why would you not give and give and give. You are an end-
less supply to the wanting and needy and the lacking. People who are void within,
are always trying to fill it with everything in the world. Cars, riches, houses, titles,
fashion’s, power, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, fame, popularity and on and on. Peo-
ple who are happy and filled and content in their heart, they give and share, be-
cause they know they are heirs of all things.

So back to Oneness. We was God in the Garden, We was The Trees in the Gar-
den, We was the Serpent in the Garden, We was the Adam and Eve in the garden.
The Bible is a book about YOU and it is your origin and your ending in one sense,
yet it is your eternal state of being revealed to you. Someone says God has all
authority and He works all things after the counsel of His own Will. Then it tells
us that Evil cannot come unless God sends it and that Kings rule by God, He lifts
up one and puts down another. He does what He wills. This is true! Yet think
about this. It also says to you and I, According to YOUR Faith, so be it unto YOU,
As YOU think in YOUR Heart, so shall it be, and You are fed the Fruits of your
own Thoughts! If God is all sovereign, and He is, How can you ever have a sover-
eignty of your own? The Word tells us, The preparation of the heart in man is
from the Lord.
Now think about that. We have an illusion that there are two sovereignties at
work here. Yet they are simply the self same ONE sovereignty of You and God, be-
cause You are God and God is You! You work all things after the counsel of your
own will, do you not? You go and do whatever you desire. You may try to pray for
what you call God to lead you and He will, but all that is, is your inner spirit lead-
ing you, because that spirit is God. He is the Father of All Spirits. He is your inner
man, your inner angel, it is the Angel of The Lord, which is the Holy Ghost!

So while the majority of the saints remain in an immature state and still behold
God as being separate from themselves, then they will pray to Him. As Jesus, their
prayers return into their own bosoms or heart, for that is where the spirit is, that is
where faith is, in the heart. So they pray about what to do and where to go,until
they feel that connection of faith inside and there you are. Those who have come
to the fullness of the stature have come to understand, that their mind is not a car-
nal mind anymore but it is the Mind and Faith of Christ, and whatever decision
they make it is the Will and Desire of God, for we do always that which we see our
Father do.

There is but One Sovereignty and that is YOU or the God in you, that is You.
“Have I not said, Ye Are God’s”!
This was what you call the Fall was all about, It was God, the highest angel or
Spirit, falling or descending down to the level of the beast, to become a man, or
Mankind. That was all the Fall was for! God veiling Himself, disguising Himself as
a human being, saying what you have down unto the least of these you have done
unto me! As You are, So is He!, Where You Are, There He IS Also!There is but
One Faith and that Faith dwells in the heart and that faith is The Faith of Jesus
Christ! There is but One Spirit and One Father of spirits, God.
You have the Blood of God in your veins, You have His Breath going in and
out your nostrils, it came from the breath of God in the Garden and is still here to-
day. You have His Spirit as He is the Father of all spirits and you have a spirit. He
became the Man Christ Jesus, He became your sinful soul till you was born again,
so you are the Body, Soul and Spirit of God and He is your Body, Soul and Spirit.
Oneness! I do not say these things in the way of what the new age people say, for
they may say some things similar. I say them based upon and coming through the
Word of the Living God, they through carnal intellect. I see it and say it and be-
lieve it because I found it so in the Word of God as to the when and why and how.
The Spirit of Revelation puts it altogether for me.

So Christ in You, and, Father make these One as we are One, and, He that has
seen me has seen The Father, and Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ
Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal to God. I
and My Father are One! No man comes to the Father except through me! No man
can go to the Father unless they go through self and look within, for Behold The
Kingdom of God is within you! You must go through your Outer Jesus to find
your Inner Christ! God is not a respecter of persons, He made us all exactly as He
made Jesus. Jesus was made sin you was made sin, and on and on. You must deny
yourself now and you must take up YOUR Cross and do as He did! Oneness!  AS

May God Bless You!

Bro Pat

06122016, HHI, SC. USA


Into Oneness

Into Oneness

Now even though I have spoken on this a number of times, I still get asked to
clarify even more on this. I tell you that Oneness is a Key in understanding the
message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord showed it to me some time
back and it has been opening new doors and unlocking greater revelations that I
ever imagined. It is a base or a foundation if you will where many other revela-
tions come from and stand on. It sounds complicated in some ways, but in the spiri-
tual mind it is very simple. Let me explain…..

The Bible speaks of One Faith, One God, One Lord, One Spirit, One Bap-
tism. Now I say these things as to the Elect who can see truth and see these things
from a spiritual mind, which is the only way to see God.  So we see no matter
what, there is and always has been but One God. That God is good and that God
is a Spirit and that God is Love. That is all there is and ever has been. He is Truth,
He fills and inhabits eternity, He fills all in all. See the way it gives it to Him, He is
all that there is.This is why all things work together for good to those that love the
Lord. How can they not!

So we have this mentality of thought given to us and handed down from ages
gone by of a generally accepted ideal and doctrine that there is God and then
there is Jesus and then there is a Holy Ghost and then their is God who is an old
man with a long white beard sitting on a throne in a place called heaven. Now we
also see from another view, we have a Devil who lust after the flesh and brought
flesh blood life into power and caused all the world to wander after him. We hear

of a beast, a false prophet and an antichrist. We hear of places like heaven and
then hell and then we hear of new heavens and new earths and old ones pass
away and we hear of a Lake of Fire. All of these and so many more have been
nicely put in a box and placed in a carnal museum for all the world to come by
and behold them in those boxes so they will also understand as their forefathers
did etc. The old indian death march. Round and round the carnal mind goes,
where will it stop nobody knows, because it is a bottomless pit of ever learning and
never coming to the truth.

So let me get to the point and hit on some of the things I have already written
of but not many understood it. Now remember you have an understanding, given
to you by others and even your own self, and you have formed a faith, and a state
of being by this way of thinking. So you are in the thought of that there is a God
out there somewhere and then there is YOU. You have a Body, a Soul and a Spirit.
Yet you are One Being. So if there is but You and then somewhere else separate
from you there is God, then something is wrong somewhere. The Bible clearly tells
us that God is One and He is all that exist and He is everywhere. So if there is a
you and there is God somewhere else and then there is a tree and yet a God that is
somewhere else and their is a planet and an ocean and a star and a city and a
mountain and yet a God that is somewhere else, then the scripture must be bro-
ken. For it screams to us that God is not separate from anything, anywhere, at any
time. He fills all in all.

So God must be the tree and the oceans and the planets and stars and He must
also be YOU! He absolutely must be YOU also! You in whatever state you are in
must also be God. Not a god, but the one and only God. Whether you lived in Sin
or whether you have repented and been born again, you are God either way. It ab-
solutely has to be that way else scripture is broken and no good. Now even though
this sounds far out and extreme to your own mind, the only thing stopping you
from seeing it in an easy simple way, is your faith. When I tell you you are God
and show you scripture for it, your mind which has never come to this immedi-

ately goes into a raging storm of thought to accept or deny this, by faith or unbe-
lief. A part of you deeply desires to accept it because it is truth, another part of
you, the carnal intellect denies this and rejects it because it cannot grasp the truth
and the greatness of the thought. Yet it is a simple as bypassing the intellect and
simply believe with thine heart and you will understand and see it.

So when I say to you your carnal mind is the Mind of Christ, just unanointed
and dead because of it lacking the anointing or spirit, and your body which is the
beast born in sin then you will see that YOU are the Lord Jesus in your first birth
that was made Sin. He was made Sin before the world ever was. When He said He
was the Light of the World, He was saying this world is a dark world of midnight
cries and I am the moon light of the fulfilling of the Law of God and I will shed
my Blood and turn this Moon of Law and of My Flesh and cover it in my
Blood.The whole world has wandered after His Flesh which was His MoonLight
that was turned to Blood.Grace covering Law. A Sacrifice upon the Stone Altar we
call the Moon which is a stone that reflects the true light. So the Moon is a false
prophet, the carnal mind is a false prophet, it answers to the beast and to beast
life, making it the Beast and False Prophet that give life unto the dark image of the

You are Jesus who was God and in your first birth you are the part of Him,
that Outer Eve part that was made Sin. It takes both Light and Darkness to con-
trast and reveal the Image. So God is Light and He veiled Himself in Darkness,
making Him both Light and Darkness. He said THEY have become AS One of
US, to KNOW both Good and Evil. If God knew both Good and Evil and you
know both Good and Evil and there was a Tree of Good and Evil, then Jesus was
made Sin and the Serpent, then His Flesh was the Tree of Good and Evil, Good
because it reflected the true light of the Spirit and evil because of the darkness of
leaning to our own understanding and forming the carnal mind.

One God and that was The Spirit in Jesus, One Man which was the Soul of
the Man Christ Jesus, One Body, which was the Body of Christ Jesus, the one that
was made Sin and the one that was risen from the dead and transfigured and glori-
fied. All of it the self same One and Only God. YOU are the exact same thing!
You are God, in the Veil, the part of Jesus that was made Sin. He became your
sins as we say meaning He became your outer weaker dark evil flesh! Until you are
born again! Then you are the risen one. He became all things to all men! He be-
came all men because they all came from His Loins. He said He was the Father
and God is the Father of All Spirits. All Spirits of Men that have a Soul and a
Body. So if He is the Father of the Spirits, then He is the Father of the Souls and
the Father of the Bodies. These Three Are One! So YOU are All Three yet you
are One Person.

Like the Sun, it has fire, it has heat and it has light. Yet it is One. You are a
Spirit that has a Soul and that dwells in a Body, ONE! Jesus Body passed through
walls and walked on water and arose from the dead. Showing His Spirit and Body
were One. Spirit is Body and Body is Spirit. Now I have gone too far in explaining
these things and I wanted to stay more simple in this approach. So let’s see again.

The Word says, ONE Body! So that One Body would have to be Jesus Christ.
Thus if there be any other such bodies they are still the same One Body of Jesus.
We all have a spirit inside us, God is the Father of All Spirits, meaning if there be
any other spirits, they are God also. I can show you and have done so in other writ-
ings how you was even virgin born. You have just been believing lies from the
devil, from the illusion of the reflecting light of the moon. However it was never so
from the beginning. When Jesus was made sin, and died you was made sin and
died, when He went to Hell you went to Hell, when He arose from the dead you
arose from the dead, when He ascended into glory you ascended into glory. Your
own mind was the Carnal Mind ONLY because it was dead in sin which is unbe-
lief. Once born again, the anointing has returned to that Mind and risen it from
the dead and quickened that mind to The Mind of Christ which it was the whole

time, it was simply asleep in the tomb.  One God means One Spirit which means
One Mind. There is but One Mind. Anointed or UnAnointed, dead or alive, there
is but ONE Mind! One Faith in that Mind, One Body it dwells in. He was the Full-
ness of God in a Body, and God is all things. So YOU are God, you are a dead
God unto sin and shame, or a God unto a resurrected life and a New Creature or
New Creation in God. Every person born is The Outer Fleshly Jesus made Sin
and will die in hell or be born again and translated into heaven in a resurrection.

You are both good and evil till you ultimately decide which you will be for eter-
nity. We can see what God did as to the head of the thing, He repented and was
baptized and went to the cross and died and arose again. You can do the same,
you can repent, be baptized, take up your cross and die to self and be born again.

So we see this easily, as the Spirit departed from Jesus, this was Eve being sepa-
rated from Adam. Causing the veil to come in between. Remember Adam went to
sleep and from His Rib came Eve. Remember the pierced the Side of Jesus. I hope
this helps someone.

PHN 062916 HHI, SC USA


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