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C H A P T E R 109

The Anointed Mind

The Anointed Mind

As we have recently spoken of the “world of difference” when the Spirit of God is
present and when it is not, as to what that means. We can apply that to anything
in life and see the incredible contrast of it. God is and always has been the missing
ingredient. Instead of locking us away in a eternal prison, He simply removed
“Himself ” from Creation. He let us remain in this creation He had made and al-
lowed us to go on in pursuit of life. He did nothing to hinder us or stop us or pun-
ish us. For what was done was not against Creation, in that sense it was against
God Himself.

We, as to Adam and Eve, believed another over God our Father and Creator. We
chose to trust another mind and therefore call God a Liar. We placed our faith
which works by our love into another being who told us of another way, of an-
other truth, of another life. What it said sounded so much easier and better than
what God had said. Yet God simply removed Himself from Creation, from us,
from all things He had made. We had become creatures of unbelief and of sin
and something so ugly and vile that God could no longer look upon us anymore.
If He had looked upon us in that condition, it would have destroyed us, so in His
great Love, He departed and let us be, let us settle in this new world we thought
we wanted where we would have everything God had made, “except Him, God”.

We would have been eternally better off without all of the other and stayed with

God. However it had happened and now things would be so very different. So lets
take a page out of this story and look at something that you may have seen or
should have seen already from the most recent writings.

Now we can see a most amazing thing here. We find that God is a Spirit and a
Spirit is a Mind and this Mind is all things and all things consist of this mind! This
mind is an anointed mind. We used the illustration before of the Tree and how it
is covered by its leaves in the sunny warmth of summer, but when winter time
comes, the sap of life withdraws back into the root and the leaves turn brown and
yellow and red and fall to the ground. It is the same tree, in the same place it has
always been, it has simply, “lost its covering”.

Now we see Adam and Eve were in the Presence of God. They were there in
heaven. They existed and could be seen and fellowshipped of God. They were in
the Mind of God, they were in the Thoughts Of God, they were in and of and
they themselves were of this same mind, the Anointed Mind. Their thoughts were
anointed thoughts. Their desire was an anointed Godly desire, their will was of

When they partook of another mind, one of darkness, one of another will, of an-
other desire, of another world, then this caused them to “change” in their spirit
body form and suddenly, they had become Bodies of Flesh. When their spirit body
was covered with the leaves of God and their mind and thoughts were filled with
the sap of God, they were in Heaven. When they listened to the other mind, sud-
denly the sap of God began withdrawing, the leaves of their covering was now fal-
ling away. Now they were in a winter time of life so to speak. Now their body was
no longer covered and hidden by the Covering of God’s Spirit which hid the flesh
from them. It was void of Gods covering and now was a naked fleshly body of sin
and shame.

Their mind was no longer anointed thoughts but their mind was now void of the

anointing of God and was the dead letter of the Law. Their faith was no longer
anointed faith to command the elements and creation of God, but was now a
dead faith or a reverse faith a faith that was now in unbelief and direct rebellion
of God. Their once anointed faith had now become unbelief, their once anointed
thoughts had now become the very self same one and only “Carnal Mind of
Death”. Their mind instead of being alive with the thoughts of the anointing of
God was now just a mere reflection of what it once was. Their mind was now a
film that had only retained what the great light of God had shined upon it with. A
memory or a reflection. A negative of all that once was. Your carnal mind of
death, was at one time the very Mind of God itself, when God the Anointing was
in it and with it. Same Tree, just without the leaves. Same Body just without His
Covering. That carnal mind of darkness and death has cast another covering over
your body, it hath cast a dark shadowy covering over your body, creating the illu-
sion that your body is a fleshly body bound in darkness and that it must die. How-
ever all that is missing from it, is the covering of God’s Spirit. Your Body is Spirit
Body, it has always been so, it is just a time element got involved from the shadows
and caused it to be seen through the carnal mind of darkness. When you body is
bound by this shadow of separation, it is seen through the unanointed carnal
mind as a flesh body that must live off of blood life. It must age and get weak and
eventually die. Because of the state of unbelief, faith in reverse, then by that nega-
tive faith that believes the serpent mind that tells it these things, then it believes
these things and thus it reaps the end thereof of that unbelief and ages and gets
weak and sick and dies.

Now once we are born again then everything has then changed! I mean every-
thing!!! Not just one part here or some part there and we still wait for something
else to come along to fulfil and change it all back to its originality. No that is not
the way it is. For it did not happen that way in the fall did it? No! When they par-
took of that other mind, they died that very moment! God had departed from
them that very moment, and by this happening it changed everything! So it is the
exact same way in the positive. When you are truly born again, God is returned
unto YOU! The Anointing of God is now upon you and you have been born

again and now you are born of the eternal everlasting unending glorious anoint-
ing of the eternal God!!! His Anointing is now returned to your Mind, your
Thoughts, to your Body and now you cover by Him once more! You have been
clothed upon by that which is Eternal! That which is Immortal! You no longer
have a carnal mind of death, but you have the anointed mind of spirit and life and
peace and your faith is no longer unbelief, it is “The Anointed Faith of Jesus
Christ”, that commands God and All of Creation and rules over all! You now lack
nothing! Can you hear me? Do you understand what the Lord is saying to you and
I? Can you grasp the full reality of this!!! The ONLY thing you ever lacked was
God! Now you are Born of Him to be eternal and to never ever die anymore! Not
in your Spirit, not in your Soul, not in your Body!!! Right Now! This is what and
where and who you are in God! You say well that sounds good but I am just await-
ing that certain time when bodily redemption and the change happens! I tell you
that time is here and now!!! It is when it is revealed and it is when you believe it
that it becomes beneficial to you! When is that time we have waited on? It is when
the revelation of it is made known and then ministered and then received and be-
lieved! Have Faith in God by having Faith in the anointed revelated WORD OF

To a born again Elect Child of God, there is no such thing as the Flesh anymore,
there is no more such thing as Sin anymore, there is no more such thing as tran-
gression anymore, there is no such thing as the carnal mind anymore, there is no
such thing as time or death or hell or the grave anymore, right now and eternally
ever more there is none of these things anymore and never have been! All God
has been waiting on was for you and I to grow and mature till we could compre-
hend and come to the maturity of the fullness of the stature of Christ Jesus! The
Revelation of Jesus Christ is come, it was and it is the fullness of the stature, it is
the graduation! It is the double portion revealing spiritual and bodily perfection! It
is the eternal Melchizedek Priesthood that is now here and no need of the 5 fold
ministry anymore. I tell you in the Name of the Lord it is over and done and
folded up and laid away! Just as the Levitical Priesthood was over when Jesus died
on the Cross, the 5 fold ministry ended when the Messenger of the Covenant gave

His Life as a testimony to bring this age and priesthood in. This eternal priesthood
brings in the wedding supper of the Lamb as it marries the Spirit and Body to-
gether as One!

So we are back, living and walking and talking and breathing in the anointing of
God! All that we do is anointed of God. There is nothing we or any saint can do
that is not anointed of God. We have been chosen out of the flesh, chosen out of
the carnal mind, we are they that dwell in heaven, our conversation is in heaven,
our thoughts are in heaven, our soul is in heaven, our body is in heaven, we are
now clothed upon by the eternal immortal Body of the Lord Jesus Christ eternal
in the heavens!

We are redeemed to the uttermost in God! We lack nothing, we are perfect and
spotless and blameless before God Blameless, Body, Soul, and Spirit! My Mind,
My Will, My Desire, My Thoughts, My Faith, all that I am and eternally already
am and will be, is God, in God, through God, By God, as God.

May God bless you I pray! In the Name of Jesus Christ, whose body I am!

PHN 02/19/2106 HHI. SC. USA

C H A P T E R 110

Ending Time

Ending Time

Concerning the anomaly we call time.

Time is an illusion created by two opposing invisible forces.
It is in the same manner as splitting the Adam, giving us both Eve and Adam.
Spirit was the covering that hid creation. Spirit was Adam and creation was
Eve within Adam.
So Adam is put to sleep to bring forth from within him, the Eve of creation.
She retained a part of Adam in her, typical of the seed of the man in the
womb of her heart.
So now in seeing her in this way she is now woman carrying the child or an
Eve that covers the inner womb Adam of her heart, thus Eve covers and veils
Adam or Spirit.
That child or seed inside of her is the Mind of her Husband now in the veil.
So the spiritual mind of her husband is now a veiled perverted mind called the
Carnal Mind.
God within the Veil, the Mind of Christ is now the Carnal Mind of Death.
It is the same mind, the same way you take a shirt, then you turn it inside out,
same shirt now in reverse, a positive turned into a negative, life turned into death,

an upright perfect angel now a fallen angel, a truth changed into a lie, a truth held
in unrighteousness.
God the great light shining upon, the dark void, without form, film of the soul.
This produced the negative of Carnal intellect defining we call Creation.

Because the dark film that is the soul was from Eve, it caused the film to come
to life by the images of light haloed in its darkness making it a serpent of decep-
tion to the weaker Eve.
Though we say the serpent beguiled and deceived her, it was actually telling
her the truth as far as what the negative film was showing, it was just that it was
the negative side was all.
Light interjecting it's seed onto the dark negative or film to process it via the
red blood light of flesh to rend the flesh once processing is finished to produce the
finished product of the Man child.

Now we have what we call Movies, which simply means moving pictures. A pic-
ture is as we say an image that is frozen in time. A still, or a still frame. In other
words in a picture nothing moves. So a movie is simply many pictures taken so
close together that it gives the illusion of movement. In all reality it is just many fro-
zen in time still shots put together in such a way to project to your mind the illu-
sion of moving and motion, thus motion pictures. This lets us see the great light of
the mind of God flashing upon the dark film causing it to record the very Mind of
God itself. In that sense we can view the dark film as the predestinated, predeter-
mined, foreknowledge of God. Remember it is God within the Veil. As Eve was
veiled within Adam, then as the child is veiled within the Eve.

So we see that time is the same way, it is motion, it is movement, from point A
to point B.

Because of the film or negative we see it is darkness haloed by light meaning
darkness is separating the light causing the illusion of an image to appear. So we
call this the shadows of separation. Inserting shadows in between the moments or
stills of life or light. If we were to remove the shadows then light would join with
light until there is no more shadows and nothing would remain except one great
light. So as weak humanity in beggarly flesh we separate each still frame of life
with shadows so we cannot see the next frame until we get to it. So we cannot see
the future so to speak because each day or each still moment of time is in a box or
framed by a darkness like a wall and we cannot see over the wall, so all we know is
the here and now. Now we could go deeper with that but let's stay to our topic.

So we see time is an illusion caused by motion or by movement. As it has been

said before, just because the sun goes down or over the hill does not mean time has
ended nor just because it rises again means time has begun. In the world of dark-
ness and light there is contrast and that contrast is what causes the illusion of time.
Taking eternity and dividing it up in sections is all. Taking the realm of no time
and adding and inserting shadows of Carnal comprehension called the illusion of
time. in boxing the eternal you box in like a tomb your own life. You believe in
time and thus you believe there is a beginning therefore their must be an end, so as
you think so you are, thus you come to an end. However in God and in the Eter-
nal World there is no darkness, no shadows or turning, see again no illusion of mo-
tion,as no turning it said. The mixing of darkness and light created a twilight
realm of lies and illusions, a veil that covers and hides the eternal. God within the

You are God within the Veil, in your first birth. You are the fallen one that was
one time perfect in all of your ways, till the Veil was found or unbelief or iniquity
was found in you, just like Eve was in Adam or the Child is in the Womb. You was
perfect in all of your ways and nature till you in one sense lost your covering, as
Eve was separated from Adam, then she was without His covering. You was life
that was perfect till you became flesh, then you was changed into a lie, an illusion

of another life, a perverted life. life held in bondage by the flesh or the Carnal
Mind. Perverted life is still life, just in perverted unbelief. See same shirt, just
turned inside out, same tree, just without the covering of the leaves. The Carnal
Mind is the Mind of God and of Christ, just without the covering of the anointing
of God. When unanointed, it is the dead letter of the law of unbelief and Carnal
knowledge. However when you are born again, it is the Anointed Mind of Christ!
he translated my spirit into His, He transformed my mind, renewed my mind, by
His Anointing Spirit within, He transfigured my Body, all when I was born again.
I just had to mature and grow into the fullness of the understanding of it.

So as I grow, I am growing brighter and brighter, the shadows of darkness that

were in my mind are now gone, destroyed by the brightness of His revelated com-
ing, so as the shadows have gone, then the illusions have gone, the thing called
time is no more, I have came to the end of the world that was in my heart. The
world is no more to me, time is no more to me,sin, death, hell, the grave, are no
more to me, there is no more devil or Satan to me. I am in heaven. At my birth, I
was translated from my mother, back to my originality from whence I came, which
was the loins of my Father. My mother was not my beginning, my Father was. I
am His seed and He is eternal, thus I am eternal.

So time was just shadows. The first time piece was called a sun dial where they
marked time with the “movement”, of the shadow in a circle. See how time was
about shadows and motion even then. At the Calvary of my life, the angel raised
His hands to heaven and said Time is no more! I am eternal and I have eternal
life. That which is eternal has no beginning and has no end. I was blessed one
time to enter that world even as Paul was and one thing I remember from that in-
credible glorious experience was this, there was no such thing as time in that
world,nor had there ever been such a thing as time there. It was just one eternity.

So God suffered the element of time to be brought about in the mind of fallen
man so man could begin the process of defining. Man would never be able to see
God in an object until man had seen the object without God first. You have to see
the darkness before you can see the light. Remember the old TV sets had light and
dark and contrast settings and if you turned the dark to high the image faded
away, if you turned it to bright the image faded away, so you had to have both,
light and dark, to reveal the image or the object. Now that it was substantiated in
your heart and mind, God could return to you and remove the shadows and reveal
Himself from the object, causing you to, for the first time, to comprehend God.

So we see there was a purpose in that sense for there to be shadows and dark-
ness and time. For comprehension sake was all. It is impossible to learn anything
without contrast. We say there is a positive and then a negative, this is true, how-
ever if we had never known of a positive or a negative, then neither of them
would have existed to begin with as they revealed each other. If all there was was
the positive, you would never know of a thing called positive, because it would
never have been revealed to you by contrast of a negative you never knew of. So
when negative revealed itself, it also revealed there was a positive. We have spoken
of this already and brought it out in previous writings.

So what is the purpose of motion? It's purpose is to transfer you from a begin-
ning to an end.
From a state of infancy to a full grown adult. Without contrast there would be
no motion,but because of  contrast then it gives us the illusion of motion,causing
us to see we have a beginning and we have an end as to human life. In other words
we naturally desire to grow and learn and to comprehend. We do not desire to re-
main as babies all of our life. We want to be a big MAN like dad one day and lift
the heavy objects and work the fields and drive the car and shoot the guns. As a
daughter would to bake the pies and mend the clothes and bear the children to
raise them and marry one day as her mother did.  We are born in a state of igno-
rant bliss. Our inner angel is still in heaven as children. We have not come to any
knowledge of any truth. Yet we must partake of the tree of knowledge at some
point so the shadows can create contrast in our minds and let's us see from point A

we must strive unto a point B. Contrast is what reveals both A and B. So we are
then set in motion as we say to live life and work out our own salvation, till we
come to the Calvary of our lives to be born again.

Once in your first birth, your inner angel was in heaven,always beholding the
face of your Father, then you began to lean to your own understanding and you
was slowly but surely being cast out of heaven. You was perfect inside, till you par-
took of the Tree of Knowledge you listened to the Eve of your flesh. You had no
choice, this was the innocent seed of God being dropped into the Womb of the
motherly flesh to be covered in dirt so you could grow and change and mature. It
was all the plan of God, to make you into His Image. There is nothing evil or un-
clean of itself, to the pure in heart, all things are pure, and the pure in heart see
God in everything. So where is a devil, where is a Satan, where is Sin, death, hell,
or the grave to a born again child of God? There is nothing evil in you if you are
born again. You do not have a Carnal Mind of Death, you are not in the flesh,
you was chosen out of the flesh. There is no devil, or time, or aging or sickness to
you. That was the world of lies and illusions while you existed in the fleshly world
of your mother. You passed through her chambers of hell and you took the keys to
death and hell and the grave with you and was birth from her world back to the
eternal world of your Father. She was just the darkness needed to reveal to you
who your true Father was. My flesh is His flesh, my bone is His bone, my mind is
His mind, my thoughts are His thoughts, as He is, so am I! I have his Anointed
Royal blood flowing in my veins, my breath is the breath of God. He prayed Fa-
ther make these One as we are One. He said where He was there we would be

So we see once we are born again and we have come to the fullness of the stat-
ure, the graduation, that we are sealed in our foreheads, which means my mind is
His mind. This is for they who can handle the meat of the word, those whom have
exercised their senses and come to the fullness of the stature.This is not for the
babes who are still on the milk of the word. They must continue as they are and

grow as they hunger and thirst and come to these things as those who have and
will obtain to the hundred fold should. It is like you are a baby at home with
mother, innocent and in heaven, then one day she puts you in school, see there is
the tree of knowledge, and then you are feeding from that tree till you graduate
and then suddenly the tree of knowledge is no more, you are not under the gover-
nor's and teachers no more, no more Law to you. School was a time of shadows
and separation causing you to learn through the dividing of times. You had to
move from 1st grade to 2nd and on till 12th to graduate. Now you are the exact
same person, you have the same Mom and Dad, you still live in the same place so
to speak. So what changed? You did! Your comprehension did. Contrast caused by
your inner angel of light in stark contrast of the Lawful Tree of Knowledge Dark-
ness created the illusion of motion and the need to move to grow and to learn to
comprehend. Now you have graduated and this means that tree, that system, the
commandments of all of the do’s and dont’s have no more power over you.
You have been birth from the tree of knowledge which was simply a womb to
feed you by as the umbilical cord till you could be born anew and risen from the
deadness of that tomb.

Once you comprehend, once you have come to “know”, then you have arrived,
you have made it. You are free from time, from death, from sin, from hell and the
grave. Alive forevermore to never ever die again. You died once, there at Calvary
and that was the only death you had,and now when He arose, you arose with
Him. Paul commanded you and I to believe and confess this as our faith, that
when Christ died to reckon unto yourself that that was you in death and thus in
that, you died, and then later He says as Christ has risen from the dead, for you to
also believe that was you also, that was you rising from the dead, to never die any-
more. Time is no more, the Law and Prophets of Moses and Elijah are no more.
Now the Christ is come, folding up Law and Grace and has brought in eternal ev-
erlasting righteousness!

Once you graduate there is no more going from point A to Point B. There is no
more yesterday or tomorrow, there is but the eternal now, the present. Now the
sun stands still, in the sense that we have a kingdom and we have a city and we
have no need of the sun to shine for the lamb is the light of our city, the enlighten-
ment of the Mind of Christ within us is the light of our city. everywhere we look
we see God in everything thus our world is become the eternal world of God Him-
self. God bless you.

PHN 030216 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 111

30 Minutes Of Silence

30 Minutes of Silence

Now I know some may have their thoughts on this subject and that is ok, some
may have came to this thought beforehand, and that is ok. I desire to simply write
what the Lord has shared with me concerning this. Now of course the message I
have received, is in the writings I send out, so if you follow along and can under-
stand, then you may be able to see that which I am about to say.

From a chronological stand point in using a day is as thousand years to the

Lord then if we measure the same way concerning this, we will get a period of 20
years. I have made mention how since the year of 1996 to 2016 makes 20 years.
Thus indicating that if this be true, then this year is the final year of the 30 min-
utes being finished and something takes place immediately after this.

We have heard the 1/2 hour is the blood coming off the mercy seat. This we
can easily see that as it comes off during the 1/2 hour time period, that something
is happening. Then we would certainly know that something would take place af-
ter the blood is off. We have been made to know from previous Men of God, for
our foundation, that the blood is what is keeping the Spirit and Body apart. In one
way it was the Law that was the veil and carnal ordinances between them. Then
when grace came it covered the Law. Making atonement for transgressions by
those under the Law. So we can easily see by this that Grace atones for the Law

thus neither Law nor Grace can be sufficient for eternal righteousness. Only The
Revelation of Jesus Christ was and is and can be Eternal Righteousness. Like Sam-
son it alone can bring down the 2 pillars of beauty and band that brought only a
partial understanding. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the Fullness of The Stat-
ure, the Man Child, The Graduation. When that which is Perfect is come, then
those in part can be done away. So we see in that The Revelation is Come then
the other can and is now being removed.

So in seeing that the 1/2 hour is the removing of the blood and blood atoned
for the soul, then we can easily see how this relates to The Revelation Message and
how it is and was the Sun going 7 fold in brightness. Then we can see by that hap-
pening it will affect the Moon to shine as the Bible says, as bright as the sun. This
being the Spirit going 7 fold in a glorified translation, to bring about a soul re-
demption typical of the moon causing the darkness of the moon to be over and it
to shine like the sun. So as the Spirit is glorified, then what happens next would be
the Soul would be redeemed. What am I saying? I am saying exactly what you are
reading, that the blood coming off the mercy seat means no more atoning for the
soul is needed as the Soul is now receiving the same Eternal Righteousness as the
Spirit did. Your spirit was translated into His Spirit. Now your Soul is redeemed is
transformed and redeemed as His Soul was. His Soul was in Hell and it was in
Hell that He discovered or found or took the Keys of Death, Hell and the Grave.
So we can easily see during this time of the blood being removed, that what causes
it to be removed is the revelation of the brightness of His Coming. He translated
us into His Spirit or Heaven, now we are safe at home so to speak. Now the next
obvious thing to take place would be and is and has been, the descending from
heaven with a shout, from heaven descending into the Soul for the souls redemp-
This is the Husband receiving His Bride in another dimension. When His
Spirit translated your spirit into His, that was one dimension of the Bride being
raptured. Now His Soul is transforming your soul to be in His Image also. Your
soul which has been a moon covered in blood and grace, is now receiving its eter-
nal righteousness.

The Spirit went back to God who gave it as to our translation in His death at
the Cross. However the soul went into hell and the body into the grave. So the
Spirit, Yours and Mine which is His Spirit, is now entering back into our Soul in a
unity of marriage. This is the casting out of He who sat in the Temple of God,
your soul, showing himself as God, and is now being cast out. Destroying the dark
satanic carnal mind with the brightness of His revelated coming. This removes the
shadow of death that has been covering the body and causing it to die. When the
soul is redeemed, then it becomes as Crystal Glass allowing glory to enter the body
to transfigure it. The Faith is come into the Soul, casting away the Satanic Unbe-
lief that was a wall that cast a shadow into the Body which caused it to die. It
caused it to think it had to die. Unbelief is no longer controlling the body any-
more, The Faith of Jesus Christ is! Commanding it to Life and Righteousness ever-
more. The Beastly Nebuchadnezzar changing from the fallen beastly image back
to the Kingly Royal One. Soul Redemption has been taking place. When it is fin-
ished the Bodies will change and the graves will open. Personification is what is tak-
ing place. God the Spirit is descending into the Soul of the Elect making them as
Men into God, Jesus said, I have called Ye God's, but you still die like men, be-
cause you have not comprehended soul redemption or bodily redemption. You dif-
fer nothing more than a servant though you be Lord of all, until your bar-
mitzpah. Then you switch over in the soul realm from living life from the Mother
or flesh and blood side to your Fathers Side or the Spirit. God the Spirit making
Man or the living souls, into His own Image.

Jesus was the one and only true God Man that has ever been. God was personi-
fied in Him without Measure. So what does this mean? It means the 30 Minutes
of silence in heaven was the 30 hidden secret years of Jesus Christ. When God
walked and talked in Him as a man. He was born of the Spirit of God. He was
God and He was Man BOTH at the same time. God personified in a Man. The
Word which was God, became a flesh and blood human being! Jesus Himself said
while He was walking this earth that he was yet in Heaven. We have come far
enough along to know that Heaven was His State of Being. It was the Christ of

God of which He was. So He is in heaven. Yet He is among humanity as a Man.
There is silence in that heaven that was and is within Jesus for the first 30 yrs of
His Life. It was when God had become a Man. Those 30 years are a mystery, they
are even called the  "silent years". It was the time of His sojourning on Earth as a
living breathing human being. The Word says the last man Adam was made a
quickening spirit, and this we know, but that does not mean or even says He was
born that way, for he did learn obedience by the things He suffered. So the hidden
30 years of Him as a Man as a Soul. Same as you and I, working out His own Sal-
vation. God putting to the test so to speak the plan of salvation using Himself first
to then see it through to the finish and say to you and I, The Way, Truth and Life.
So Here we are again, back into the soul realm, where the hidden thunders take
place that same place of 30 years of silence in His Life that was God personified
in Him.
The same way when you are born again, your are God. Yet you do not walk
around telling others you are God. It is because it is a spiritual thing and you can-
not honestly with true conviction say you are God until God steps into your soul
and is personified in you. You claim many things by faith as you are supposed to,
but one day it becomes a living reality. In other words you are not walking on wa-
ter or through walls, YET. However when personification happens, then you will
be able to do those things.

So we see the hidden thunders have to do with the Body and its redemption,
however we see also it is not truly the body that needs redeeming but the soul that
needs it. Like a great Man of God said, if you redeem the soul you automatically
redeem the body. The body is just a shell.
So the thunders sound in the soul realm where the battle takes place. For in the
2nd heaven is where he who had power of death is cast out. So this is the soul of
Christ, the Soul of you and I. The Age and time of the Man Christ Jesus as God
was personified within Him. So the sounding of those thunders in the soul realm,
redeems the soul, causing it to shine like the sun. Glory breaking forth into the
Body. So the silent 30 years of Jesus Life is also the unwritten thunders John heard.

Have you ever heard the voice of God audibly speak to you so you heard Him
with your own natural ears? I have. He even visited me some time ago and
stepped into my very being and I suddenly became God Almighty Himself.

So to tie this up and maybe go deeper into it another time, we can easily see
how all of these things are tied into together. The Thunders are sounding in the
Soul, God is descending from Heaven or the Spirit into our Soul, causing Himself
to be personified within us as a Spiritual Revelation making us into His own Im-
age as Jesus Christ Himself was in the Earth. 30 minutes of silence in heaven, 30
years of a silent life of Jesus. Coming to our state of transfiguration! Making us as
a Man into a God in every sense of the Word. A Fullness of the Stature! The Sons
becoming the same as The Father. I am sure the Lord will grant us more of this
very soon, for the time of all these things is at hand and is happening. May God
Bless You!

PHN 013116 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 112

The God Of Egypt

The God of Egypt

We can see that there are two sides of Calvary for our comprehensions sake.
We find on one side the “hinder part” of the Lamb that was slain, was made Sin,
was beaten and bruised and bloodied from head to toe, in the Image of the Ser-
pent, that Moses was holding up in the Wilderness of Sin. We find the Wrath of
God being poured out likened unto the Pillar of Fire in the darkness of the Night
time of this Serpent, hanging on a tree crowned with thorns, covered in blood, dy-
ing, in great thirst, pierced through in His Hands and Feet and finally His Side,
from which came forth Blood and Water, each representing the 2 heavens of
Blood and Water.

We see darkness cover the land from the 6th to the 9th hour. We find the Law
of Condemnation accusing Him of Sin. We find a type of the 10 Commandments
or the Law slaying Him. We find them being symbolic of the 10 horned beast in
Revelations, as well as the darkness that came over Egypt. We find in Egypt that it
as a city typifies the suffering of Calvary for the punishment of the wicked. We say
we have 10 commandments of Law, we also had 10 Plagues upon Egypt. We find
Joseph the earthly father of Jesus down in Egypt, hiding the Child, so it can be
said, “Out of Egypt I have called My Son”. A calling forth from a tomb to a resur-
rection of sorts.

We find the Word telling us, “Cursed is the man that goes down to Egypt for
His Help”, and We are commanded to “Do not lean upon the arm of
flesh”.Cursed is the man that hangeth on a Tree.

We see that Egypt signified the broken covenant and broken cursed body of
Sin and the Flesh of Jesus Christ. Remember the waters were turned to Blood. Re-
member they had to Cross the RED Sea like unto Blood. Remember the Death an-
gel came and took their eldest or firstborn Sons, and remember Jesus was our
elder brother. We do not walk according to the sensual appetites of the flesh and
its unholy desires, we walk by Faith in God who is The Word. We walk by Faith,
not by Sight!  We find Jesus was the “Prophet like unto Moses”.
So based on just that alone we could speak wonders. So if we want to see spiri-
tual things concerning the “hinder part” Moses was shown on the Mount of SINai
then we can use the dark sinful side of Calvary as a film projector of sorts and
watch as it broadcast from the darkness of Calvary upon the Life of Moses and
His great experience of Life. We cannot go into all of the minute details for time
purposes but we can highlight a few things to plant seed and stir your heart.

There are many types and shadows that parallel the Life of Jesus and Moses.
Remember the killing of the children in both of their days. When they were
babes. Moses turned water to blood and Jesus turned water to wine, which was red
like blood. Moses as Jesus were both in ways called out of Egypt. We find the Fire
of God coming upon Jesus and we find Moses at a burning firey bush. We find
Moses leading in the darkness by a pillar of fire. We find Pharaoh being symbolic
of the Carnal Mind that is not subject to the Laws of God nor can be.
Now we could pause right there and show you some more amazing things if we
placed God the Father as Pharaoh and Moses as Jesus and the warfare between
them as they battled over the Body of the Jews. Now I know it was Satan and Mi-
chael as to the battle over Moses Body, and that’s another dimension and writing
maybe later on. However remember their was a dispute over Moses Body, and lets

see that as the Jews held in captivity in Egypt and the dispute of Moses and Phar-
aoh over them.

God thundered from Sinai and gave Moses the Law so we see the Thunders of
Rev. 10 have to do with the Law. We also see that it was this Law Moses gave unto
the People, which denotes the thunders have to do with the Body typified by the
Jews. We also see the warfare caused 10 great plagues of Tribulation to come upon
Egypt. The last one being death to the firstborn. We see it cost God His firstborn
as well. Egypt was this world and Jesus was the firstborn of God. We think of
some of the plagues and we find frogs, just like the frogs that came forth as un-
clean spirits in Revelations. We find Moses turning the water to blood, same as we
see it in Revelations when the Mountain that burns with Fire strikes the waters
and 1/3 of things die.

We see it is not until our firstborn dies that we can then be set free from the
bondage of the flesh. It is then we can rend the veil of the powers of the Red Sea
of Blood Life that held us in bondage and pass over safely. We see by this that it is
the death of Jesus on the Cross for our Sins and His Blood that atones for us al-
lows us to pass safely into the Wilderness, where we begin to come to a Knowledge
of Truth and we come to know Good and Evil and We have His Pillar of Fire
burning the remembrance of sins from us and His Cloud by Day of His Holy
Spirit and Grace, guiding us onward to a fullness of the Stature. Pharaoh certainly
pursued us till the Red Sea of Calvary but was swallowed up by the Blood of the
Lamb to never bother us anymore. This was also the same as when Moses King
Snake swallowed up the Egyptian Priest Magic Snakes as this was Our Lord end-
ing the illusions of the inbred Satanic Mind of the Lying Serpentine Flesh or Car-
nal Mind. Now we are in the Wilderness working out our own Salvation. Remem-
ber this realm is most dangerous, the same as it is with a woman as she carries the
child. She must be extra careful. This is where repentance takes place and our
time of growing and maturing is. We say we have Parents over us in this Wilder-
ness now as the Law reminds us via the Pillar of Fire of things we should not do

and the Cloud reminds us of Grace for when we falter. These two work together
for our good because we love the Lord. Our Journey is not over but rather has just
begun. This is the state of a continual warfare.

We know what ever God gives to us would be eternal as He is. Yet we find this
Law and Grace as both are temporary. The Law was folded up and laid away and
Paul spoke of it as a Shadow of things to come, not the very image thereof. If the
Jews stumbled at the Law and was deceived by it by thinking they could make
their works perfect before God, how much more are the Gentiles deceived by the
illusion of Grace, living like the Devil and still calling themselves Christians and be-
lievers and say they are going to heaven when they most certainly are not. Grace
comes to an end as well as the Law did. The Blood does come off the Mercy Seat.
So we see the whole world has been deceived, by Law and Grace because they
never had a Love for the Truth, of so then God would not have sent them these
strong delusions so they would believe the Lies and be damned!

There is but One Reality and that is “The Righteousness of God that comes
only by The Faith of Jesus Christ”. When His Faith which is called “The Faith” is
birthed into your heart and removes all condemnation from you, then you have
the “Kingdom of God within you”. That Kingdom is Love, it is Faith, it is Joy, it is
Revelation, It is discernment, it is Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding, it is
Faith, it is Conviction, It is your State of Being!
Now whatever I desire I simply ask. All things are mine. Healing, Salvation, De-
liverance, Gifts etc. They all are in that One Spirit with its many operations within
you! There is a verse that speaks of those gone on before us and it says, “They
could not be made perfect without us”. He is not speaking of the age of Grace
and the Gentiles. For they also died in the faith as the Jews had done. So what else
is there? One Thing left. The Crossing of the Jordan! The Bible speaks of those
who were under the Altar crying how long! That’s the Gentile Saints that died be-
lieving in the Blood, they perished in the Wilderness from the Snake Bites. When

The Faith of Jesus Christ is birthed in your heart, then you have crossed the Jor-
dan! Now you have and are the “Righteousness of God!

This denotes the 3rd day of the Resurrection! Crossing Jordan means you have
conquered Death! You are alive to never die anymore! When they crossed the Jor-
dan then what happened? They took Jerusalem! The Saints arise and take the
Kingdom! What Kingdom? First the Kingdom of God in them! Then the King-
doms of this World!
So what is the Crossing of Jordan? Paul said the receiving of the Jew was Life
from the Dead! The Dispute over the Body! The Thunders! Satan being cast out
of Heaven! The Birth of the Man Child! Ruling by The Faith of Jesus Christ! The
Rod of Iron! Bringing in the Righteousness of the Law, not the curse of it as
Moses had done.

The 144,000 the Midnight Hour 12 x 12 Spirit and Body are One! Law and
Grace are over! The two pillars that hold up the World of Iniquity are crumbling!
Samson is pushing them down! His revelational strength is causing them to buckle
and crack and crumble. The crumbling is the thunders sounding. Woe, woe woe,
the 3 and half years of Tribulation showing the 3 years of Jesus ministry! Time,
times and half a time or 3 and ½.
The Thunders sound to the Elect first to get them over Jordan before the
Plagues upon Egypt begin! Once they are safe across Jordan then they are in Ca-
naan Land or the Kingdom! Glory can now begin to shine from within them and
transfigure them. The descending from Heaven! New Jerusalem! Bodily Redemp-

Remember how in Gideons day they went around the city 7 times and on the
7th day they went around it 7 times and then blowed the horns! The 7th day is
here, the 7 times of around the city is the 7 Thunders to break down the walls of
this world of sin and shame! 7 days then 7 times on the 7th day makes 7 x 7 or 70

x 7 the 490 Days or years. The 7 coming back to the 483. The closing of the door.
Moses and Elijah Witnessing to the Jews or Body that it is redeemed! The rolling
away of the stone before the tomb. The Graves being opened! The Benjamite
Double Portion of the 7 times around on the 7th day. Having both Body and
Spirit,  which means He knows the Thunders and sounds them! What began with
St. Paul as to His Message that began the 7 Church Ages ended with the same
message in our day! The Raptured Saints of Elijah have crossed the Jordan! Now
the double portion returns with the Spirit of Elijah in the form of Elisha! The Ben-
jamite double portion! To change the body of the Saints to then appear to the
144,000. A Double Portion Ministry typifying a Moses and Elijah.
What are we saying? No Longer Pauls Ministry, but this time it is the Man
Child Himself, St. John the Beloved! He seen the entirety of The Revelation of Je-
sus Christ! He had both the Revelation of The Body and the Spirit! Paul did not
have both for He said, “in or out of my body I do not know”. The Jew coming
back in, a Nation born in one day! On the 7th Day with 7 Thunders about the
Kingdoms of this World making them the Kingdoms of our God and His Christ!

Jesus preached for 3.5 years and begot a Gentile Bride, but it was not what he
wanted though He married her! We have seen this in Rachael and Leah but lets
see it in reverse now. Now we see it was not the Gentile Bride He worked 7 church
ages for, for at her Rapture he returns back to Leah or the Jew which is His own
He desired His Jews, His 144,000. So now since the Jews did not receive their
Messiah, they will listen to Moses and Elijah who do the same that Jesus did, they
will preach to the Jews for 3.5 Years and seal in the 144,000 that will be translated
in the middle of the week. Translated the same way the Gentile Bride was. By The
So a divine intervention is come between the 6th and 7th seal and church age.
Just like the Jews have had a Moses and an Elijah so the Gentiles have had their
two prophets as well. Typical of Peter and Paul. Now the 7th one is come with the
double portion, having the Revelation of Jesus Christ, translated into Heaven, now

by releasing the secret of Bodily Redemption the Messenger of the Covenant is de-
scending from Heaven back into the Body to Transfigure the Gentile Bride! Then
it is passed as a torch to the Jewish Bride who becomes Translated but not Transfig-
ured till the end of the Millennium. As the Gentiles had 7 Church Ages that be-
gan at Calvary, so will the Jews have 7 Thunders to take them through the millen-

So we see where we are. The age of the 30 min of silence in heaven. There is
no voice sounding the secret of this bodily redemption, it is a digital thing or a
Word. The Jews had “Scribes” that wrote down everything. It was when it was
written down and sealed that it was Law. This is why God is using this message to
be written. John who showed the Man Child and the Thunders was commanded
to “Write and Send” to the churches. John was in a prison on the Island of Patmos
where He seen and wrote those things and sent them from there to the churches.
He did not write the Thunders because they were not for that time, they were to
be revealed and understood, to then be written, at the time of the Change of the
Body to Transfigure the Bride. Those who believe the message are sealed in while
the scoffers are being sealed out. Again it is not about the messenger with a voice,
this is the 30 min of silence in heaven as the thunders are being made known and
is causing the blood to come off the mercy seat for the Change of the Body! So we
see we have gone from Egypt and gone all the way over and landed in Canaan
Land taking the city by the 7 sounding thunders. God not allowing the messenger
to be lifted up as those in the past have done with a voice crying in the wilderness,
but it is a secret thing, hidden till the Saints comprehend. It is what was in the An-
gels hand in the vision when it “dropped something on purpose” and nothing was
spoken, just the person bent over and picked it up and handed it back to the Angel
who smiled upon Him. The Angel did not speak as it had done previously in the
vision. We say in a type an 8th one is come who was of the 7. A Man Child typical
of St. John the Apostle of Love.

Let me drop in something you may or may not know. This is for a future writ-
ing to come. Calvary was the beginning, there in the Garden of Adam and Eve, it
was the serpent that beguiled and lead astray. Calvary was also the 2nd time ap-
pearing without sin unto Salvation. Calvary in the Mind of God before the world
ever was. This means before the Fall, for the Fall is what brought the dark world
into existence. So before that World began or came about what was there?
Heaven, Adam and Eve, Two Trees, A Serpent, and God.
At Calvary we have what? An Inward Adam, and Outer Ever, A Serpent hang-
ing on a Tree or Cross and two trees or pieces of wood and God. A darkside of
Calvary and a Light Side of Calvary! From Calvary back is the bottomless pit of
eternal darkness and wrath and condemnation of the world, on the Light side is
resurrection and Life and Glory and Peace and Joy! Declaring the End from the
Beginning! 😊

SO very very incredibly much more can be said as we go. Details so minute it
will astound some and dumbfound others. Some will see such simplicity and mar-
vel at what God hath done and others will see it as foolishness and go away in un-
belief to mock. But those ordained to receive, oh my, what glorious people they

God Bless You!

PHN 120315/ HHI, SC. USA


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