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C H A P T E R 175

God Within God

God Within God

Wheel within a wheel, eyes within and without, The Kingdom of God within,
They have become AS One of Us, to know good and evil. Condemn Sin In The
Flesh. Michael disputed over the Body of Moses against Satan. When the seventh
angel sounded, 7 Thunders uttered their voices. There is a continual warfare be-
tween the inner man and the outer man.  

Now these above verses are not verbatim but are mentioned to lay a foundation
that according to the Word, there is a great spiritual battle taking place all of the
time. The Bible tell us “As in heaven so in the Earth”. It tells us of a Natural world
and a Spiritual World. Now we, as inside of man, is the relativity of both worlds.
He is a living soul and thus He is relative to this natural world and has a life in this
world and a certain mindset concerning it with its needs. Then we see man having
a spiritual inclination towards the invisible things of God and unto God.

In seeing these things are true in man and we see them brought out as so in the
Bible then we can see as in Earth that it is in Heaven also. One is in a sense a mir-
ror image of the other. The Bible speaks of the warfare in man, and it speaks of
the Kingdom of God being taken by Force. We find in Daniel a battle between the
Angels and Demons concerning Daniel and we find a battle in Revelations also.
We find Jesus in the Garden praying and Satan coming to wage a war against

Him. We find in the weather two masses of air that are warmer and colder than
the other creates a battle front of rain and storms as the invisible moisture rises
 then is overrun by cooler drier air that condenses and forms the clouds that sit
over the boundary line where the masses of air meet. We say a war commences
and soldiers die denoted by the falling drops of water. There is much revelation
hidden in a study of the weather systems. Jesus came to Earth and said I come
bringing a sword to set at naught all of these things. Now if He sets at naught and
causes division and rends, then is He the middle wall of partition? We can take
Him at His Words for what He said regardless of what we think is still nonetheless
what He said and we need to trust Him, it opens so very much if and when we do.
Never be afraid to think about what is being said, and don’t let your own mind or
the mind of another try to tell you what is being said, just take it for what it is say-
ing, itself. It is of no private interpretation. What He said to One, or YOU, He has
said to ALL. If we all took Him for what He said instead of what so many have
told us what they think He said, we would all be of One Mind and One Accord.

Let us build upon the foundation the Lord has laid for us already in the many
previous writings. By us showing clearly on every level of life that a great warfare
exist in life, then we know that God is all things and all things exist within Himself.
Nothing exist outside of God for there is no outside of God, He fills eternity and
inhabits it. So everything in creation is a reflection of God Himself. So as in
Heaven, which is God, then so in the Earth. In that we see such awesome battles
since the dawn of creation, then we cannot help but to realize and be made aware
that in God there absolutely must have been a great and terrible Warfare within
Him own Self.

In Creation or the darkness that was here as to creation before light was come,
we find a battle of implosion and explosion. The great big bang of creation. Stars
being born, gases exploding, black holes sinking inward, elements being on fire,
great collisions of dirt, debris, spinning at incredible speeds, crashing and burning.
Recently it was said scientist discovered a star so massive collapsing on itself with

such weight and so much mass that they said one teaspoon of it would weigh bil-
lions of tons. Can you imagine something that heavy, moving at incredible speeds
colliding with other objects with such force and power the sounds and vibrations it
would send and the energy that would be released. All things being made from a
set of original elements that have always been, that can never be destroyed, much
in the same way your own DNA is the original blueprint of you. Did these ele-
ments have a preset eternal immovable set of instructions, put in motion by the vi-
brational force and energy we know as God who said, Let There Be, and there
was. If there be vibration then that is movement and with movement we have to
have space to move in. Can we see that God is what we call Space? He is the dark
matter and all that exist within it and that the Universe has no beginning and no
end. There is no side or center of it, no top or bottom, it is no square or circle, it is
just vast expansion of open space. It is before the beginning when God was not
God. In that He was not God until He became conscious of His own self, or He
became “aware” of His own self.

Now here is where we may begin. The dawning of the awareness of oneself is
the birth or creation of “Light”. The original Light. The First Light of Many that
was to come. As I mentioned in my poem about Leviathan, this was the first rays
of light that struck his eyes. Now stay with me as we go on this fantastic journey!
God was God but did not know He was God as the God we know Him to be. He
was as Paul wrote once, The Unknown God. This God had a nature of its own, of
His own, but did not know His own nature as He had nothing to compare Him-
self to.
Oh Glory be unto God! As it would stand to reason in that all things exist in
God but not all things manifest in Him, at the same time. Just as a baby shows us,
it is the fullness of all it will ever be already, but what makes it become its mature
self is the manifesting and manifesting means a need for something we call time
and time means there must be a comprehension and comprehension means there
must be contrast and contrast means revelation and revelation means  changing
and changing means growing and developing and that requires space to grow and
on and on it goes.

So I want you to see this. When God became suddenly self aware, the same as
when a teenage boy or girl discover their sexual organs for the first time. Those or-
gans do not awake until a certain time. So it was with God. He arrived so to speak
at His bar-mitzvah, a part of Him as to His own consciousness was awakened. He
was awakened from His own state of eternal sleep. What awoke Him? Light! The
same as we are dead in sins, we are asleep and in darkness, then suddenly comes
light to us and this light begins to reveal to us the ugliness of our own ways. Do
you know what else light does to us? Now get this key right here. It does exactly as
St. Paul told us it did to Him. It wrought in us all manner of concupiscence! So we
can see that within God, when suddenly LIGHT inserted itself into the eternal
equation we call God, it did the exact same thing in Him! It wrought within Him
something He never experienced before, concupiscence! It wrought within Him
DESIRE! It awoke within Him, “Curiosity”!
Because He was Darkness, and now Light had come into the equation, it hath
set all of Creation at naught with its own self ! Now it made God appear as TWO
separate beings! He seen all He WAS and at the same time, All He was NOT! Do
you remember in past writings how we described the innocent baby as being the
fullness of light, as to being potentially speaking the full manifesting of itself, yet it
also was full darkness in that it knew nothing. This was God, the beautiful inno-
cent baby that was full light and full darkness. Light which means a Mind of
Knowing and a Conscious State of Awareness had now Come! This was the
Beauty of The Christ! The Christ of God! The Revelation of God to Himself !
The Eternal All Powerful God of Darkness hath now seen the Light! This was
Adam beholding the beauty of His Eve! She was the most beautiful of all of Crea-
tion! She covered with a glory and a beauty that none compared too! What was
this utter joy, glory, beauty and inspiration that has suddenly come on the scene?
The Conscious State of Awareness of God Himself unto Himself ! This single reve-
lation of glorious light of God shining upon Himself ! The Glory of that Aware-
ness and what it revealed was beyond anything God Himself had ever experi-
enced! He had come to the Awareness of His own divine eternal state of being!
Christ, the beginning of the Creation of God!

Now let's take a look at what this now means in the light of God and in light of
this Christ and in Light of how this changes things and how it affects and will ef-
fect all things! There is now a “Mind” within God. Now stop for a moment and
take this all in. Imagine a lion in the jungle and it has a nature and is so powerful
and fears nothing. What if the lion suddenly came to self awareness? What if it
suddenly came to a state of its own consciousness, to think for itself and to reason
and to think of itself. Just like the movie where the Apes came to this same aware-
ness. To come to awareness means absolutely a beginning of Light as to a poten-
tial to grow and shine brighter and come to more awareness, so that means there
is the emptiness of all that you do not know that now can be filled with all that you
will come to know.

See this happening within God. He suddenly sees Himself ! By Him seeing the
glory and beauty of the Light, He also sees that which the Light has shined upon!
One Big Mess! He suddenly desires this Eve, this Woman that has come forth in
Him and He desires to please her and let Her rule over Him! What does she de-
sire? PERFECTION! Why? Because that is what She is! She is the glory and
beauty of Perfection! “OUT of Zion, the Perfection of Beauty, God hath
Shined”!!!! Christ is come, Christ is come, Christ is come!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!
Think of it in this manner, as the man has the male organ, suddenly there is
the discovery of the headship of the organ, and there is the removing of the veil to
reveal the Head! There is no comparison when the male organ has been awak-
ened and it releases the seed of life. That moment is of such an ecstacy, there is no
comparison! There is that moment of such bliss that for that split second, man can-
not think, he literally ceases to think for all has stopped and been frozen and be-
come STILL! Even science has proven that in that few milliseconds of ecstacy
when it immediately happens, it is of such bliss that it is the only time the mind of
a person “thinks not”! How perfect that a person would cease to think, because it

is symbolic of their new birth, when our flesh dies and we come alive in the spirit.
With God it was just the opposite, in this sense,it was when He began to think!

Light has inserted itself into the Darkness. This caused both Light and Dark-
ness to come to life and be revealed! As Light would create a positive inspirational
Mind, it would also cause the darkness to be revealed as the shadow mind of all it
is NOT! The Mind of Light, in this sense, would become to the darkness, an ac-
cuser! The Accuser of Its Brethren! It accuses in this sense, Light was demanding
perfection! Yet all was in disarray! Light said there has to be a “PURPOSE” and a
meaning and an INTENT for all of this You have done! So it is no different than
a parent scolding a child in love to clean the room and take care of the toys so it
can last longer and not get torn up and it can find them easier.  Light has brought
purpose and meaning for God to exist! So in this sense we can see Light and Dark-
ness as parents saying to creation as the Children to clean the room. Get organ-
ized, Life is come and lets get it organized and let it begin to create. Let there be
an Earth and a Sun and Water and A Man. Perfection is come and it is become
the measuring rod for all things now. However we can see that it is not that Perfec-
tion has asked anything of the darkness or creation, but the revealing of itself has
caused the darkness and creation to see all it is not. So what is actually accusing
the brethren of creation is its own self. It sees the glorious beauty of all the Light is
and all the darkness is not. So the darkness separates itself as jealousy is ensued
and darkness has awakened another mind it never knew also. A Great Conflict has
begin within God Himself, as He is now both Good and Evil! So the darkness be-
gins to hate the light and accuse the Light of lies and as we all do, “Make excuses
for our own self ”. When we know what is right and wrong, and when we fail to do
right we lie to ourselves and deceive ourselves, and thus here comes guilt and con-
demnation and we hate the light and begin to accuse it. God hates me and I was
not meant to be born and God cannot love me I am too wicked. I am too ugly or
dumb or fat or whatever the excuse may be, so and so made me do it and on and
on, man is just one big excuse.

Now suddenly God has a Law in His Members! This Law has wrought in Him,
all manner of feelings, thoughts, desires! It has also given Him meaning and pur-
pose, He has discovered His own sovereignty! The same way we are when we un-
der guilt we want to be alone and not face ourself, we see this dark side of God be-
ing the same, and here comes the separation of the darkness from the light. We
want to go in our room and shut the door, and here is the reason for the veil to
come. God had to work out His own demise and salvation, same as we do. So he
had to separate these two, as a parent will do two fighting siblings. My what a con-
trast, my what a dilemma, my look at God and all of Creation in this new found
dilemma it is in. Something has to be done. A Judgment call has to be made.
Things cannot remain as they have always been, a change must come.

So we see inside of God a Mind has come that has set Him against His own
self. Paul said, Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me!!! God needed a
deliverer! Oh the Lamb of God, that takes away the Sin of the World, the Dark-
side of God! When the dark side of God partook of the light, it caused grief and
sorrow in it, later we find light partaking of the dark side to free it from its torment-
ing agony. Look within your own self, and see this very same thing happening in-
side of God also. You was at one time darkness, so was God. God had to be born
again, we find Him being baptized and dying for sin and then rising from the
dead. Same as you!

God as to the darkness was “in the presence of the Light”, but He was not yet
born of it! Same as Adam and Eve! They were in the Light but not born of the
Light. Man is born of the woman, not the man, though the man gives the seed.
This is why we are not born of the darkness but we already are darkness and must
be born of the light, for light in this sense refers to the circumcised unveiled head
or the beauty of the woman’s hair as light shining on creation. Remember Adam
was as God in Darkness and Eve was the Light that was brought forth at Let there
be Light! A woman’s hair laying on her shoulders denotes two views, one is her
hair is the light shining on creation which is her shoulders and of course her body

being creation that light is shining upon. Remember also she is as the woman Eve
Light and Darkness having two minds in her. Now back to our thought. The Bible
tells us that, “God repented of the evil He had thought to bring upon man”. God
has His way in both the good and the evil. This makes us want to take a quick look
at what we think evil is. We pass laws that we shall not kill, yet if a person does
evil, we break our own law and kill them anyway. A man may kill another man
and be brought to trial as guilty, yet when the source of the man's intent is re-
vealed, in that the victim had molested his child, then we find the jury finds the
man as innocent. So this has to make us draw conclusions, we have to ask, is kill-
ing actually evil? No. It is when killing is done to the innocent, then it is wrong, but
if it is done to the guilty, it is good. God even said one time, if a man steals be-
cause He is hungry, it is not wrong. So we see stealing is not wrong, it is the nature
in which it is done that makes it wrong or right. So this makes us to see, that Evil
as we think of it is not evil at all, it all depends on the nature and intent in which it
is done.

SO we can see God, was never evil in His intent, It was that the things He had
to do were of pure necessity! He had become a prisoner of His own circum-
stances. He had gotten Himself in a pickle as we say and had to get freed from it.
He was bound to Himself, yet bound to creation, bound to humanity, bound to the
angels. Everything was in a turmoil it would seem and He was to blame. So in a
sense, He just excused Himself from it all by His death at Calvary. In another
sense He was paying the bill so to speak and giving payment due to all He was
bound too. Everything demanded an answer of Him and He answered! If we
could see, what it was , was the dark side that had need to be filled, but to fill it
meant He would have to eradicate it, and to eradicate it would mean He would
have to have a justified purpose and reason to do so. So blame had to be laid in
the only place it could be laid. The darkness had it’s own accusations to itself, but
it had a right in this sense to accuse the Light, for all was seemingly perfect and at
peace till the Light came. Though God loved the Light and it was the most beauti-
ful thing He had ever seen, He had to face the truth, it was the one responsible.

Here comes the Word which is Light into the World to become Flesh that it
might testify to all mankind the Way, Truth and Life. Light had to come, veiled in
Darkness that accused it and be put to death. That in the world of darkness would
light never shine anymore as to the wicked and those that choose that way. Yet
those who were willing to die to that darkness, they would never have to be in or
see darkness ever again. God covered both in the Blood World of Grace to let
them grow together. Till the time of the harvest would come, the fullness of time,
then came The Word made Flesh to settle the debts. He translated God, as to the
sovereignty of God from out of the darkness and into the Light! He made God
eternally the glorious light of order, peace, goodness and safety! God evolved in
that sense to His higher self, yet He was something brand new! Remember before
the world ever was, which means before the world of darkness was ever made
known, Jesus was in the Mind of God, He would be and was the Light of God's
World. He would be the Light of God, the Revealer of God, the Revelation of
God in all things! He would end the great warfare in God and complete God, save
God, become God. When Light came it gave contrast to the Darkness and the
Darkness comprehended it not, because Light is Comprehension. So it had a right
to exist, so God let it exist, in the World of Grace and Blood. By their being Light
and Darkness it made something new that had never been seen as such before and
this was the true God that was void and as an empty hole so to speak, that was
“Sovereignty”. The Power to Choose! It was left in a questionable state of what
will I do, and this caused the warfare to remain. However once God made up His
Mind and we see it was Jesus the Lamb at Calvary, that the void was filled and
Light filled the emptiness of darkness once and for all!

We see mankind having an empty void He tries to fill all of the time with every-
thing, but only one thing can fill it. Christ! Man is the Darkness of God with the
potential of Light, being in the presence of Light as God is His spirit within Him,
then He comes to the Calvary of His own Life and decides what He will be also
for eternity! Everything in creation reflects God and what is God and what is or
was inside of God and every thought, and intent of God, it is all around us, His
Will, His desires, His Mind, His Purpose, His Glory, His Nature is all around us

beaming gloriously from every facet of life! His deepest mysteries are revealed in
utter simplicity all around us. All that you have ever done good or bad was God re-
vealing Himself to you, all you will ever do is still God revealing Himself to you,
testifying for you or against you!  Every event no matter how small or great,
known or unknown, good or bad, no matter what level of life, is, was, and has
been God working all things after His own will. Man is the illusion of sovereign
choice, having a sovereignty and the need and power to make a choice, set all of
creation against itself, saying, “What am I supposed to do?”. What is right and
wrong, what is good or evil? That continual warfare was within God and it was the
clashing and sounding of the Thunders as God was working out His own salva-
tion, finding the answer, ending the debate. Completing the mystery of Himself.
Knowing Who He was! Who would He be! The approaching Tribulation will
show this incredible darkness of God and the warfare that ensued like never be-
fore, as the Thunders will make themself known. The Answer will be given to all
humanity, as God will reveal the Light to them of His glorious revelation and it
will cause those left in darkness to be tormented by uncertainty and fear and un-
known. God will remove Grace and the Blood from the Mercy Seat and reveal the
Ark of His own Testimony, which is This Great Revelation we speak and those
that have been at ease in Grace, as to the wicked, will suddenly be knocked off
their rocker and cast into Hell. The Elect that have suffered this warfare for the
world have at last discovered who they are and have chosen the Light over the
Darkness and now have found the Peace which passes all understanding!

God having a continual warfare within Himself pitts God against God. St.Paul
clearly understood and veiled these things in His beautiful glorious writings. Cal-
vary, which was the Cross of the Continual Warfare of God within Him own Self
was in His Mind before anything else. He had to find and prove the answer! He
had to put the Light to the Test, and He did! He poured out all of His Wrath and
Darkness on it, casting it to the lowest Hell, only for it to claim its redemption,
prove itself as just good and pure and it alone is God! God bringing Himself un-
der His own subjection as to a wife the husband and as the flesh submitting to the
Spirit. Jesus being the Light He had to confront the Darkness also. It was an unan-

swered enigma of what to do with it, so He set His mind and faith, and left you in
your sovereignty to do the same.

Is this not the great struggle of all mankind, to find and discover the answer as
to WHO He is? Do we not see in all walks of life the decisions humanity has made
as to who they think they are and decided they will be. All that they have chosen is
wrong and in grave error unless they chose Christ. In every walk of life we find
some form of a spirit in that order or in that industry that causes a conformity to
that nature, be it the music industry, the political world, the corporate world, the
fashion world, the perversion world. People see all of these options available to
them through TV, Movies Music etc and they choose one or the other, they hardly
ever choose Christ, even the religious people that profess Christ, they have a cer-
tain way and nature to themselves that shows who they are and what they want
you to see. I want to be Christ and Him alone!

So we can see by creation that we have the Sun and from the sun came the
planets and from the planets came the Moons. Revelation shows this very clearly.
Earth being the man made from God and Eve came from Adam so she is the
Moon. The Sun being God then we find all the solar system spun off of that great
ball of fire and from that came our moon. As Paul laid the foundation for 9
Churches as to the 9 Candlesticks we find there is 9 Planets regardless of what sci-
ence has said concerning Pluto etc. Revelation shows there was only 9. The things
of God have an end. Our alphabet has a beginning and nan ending. Numbers
have a beginning and ending.  Day turns to night, cold turns to hot, so we see an
unknown nature had a divine supernatural awakening of comprehension that
transformed it into a new eternal nature that had no need for comprehension any-
more, it is a nature made known to itself. It is a nature formed by the process of
time and contrast and warfare and revelation that wrought through such a divine
revelation a new nature so complete and perfect that it hath no need for thought
or desire etc. It is “The Nature”. A Defined, revealed, born again, brand new eter-
nal nature or creature that has a nature that “passes all understanding”. It is pure

will as to a divine nature that was formed from a seemingly lesser nature that per-
fected the fallen nature into the higher perfected nature. From a lesser light to a
greater light, from a lesser place to a higher place, from darkness to light. From a
nature of spirit, processed through flesh then translated back into spirit. a purified
spirit of divinity, a Holy Ghost. Take the unknown spirit which hath a nature of its
own, as all things do, yet unrevealed, then bring forth light and reveal its unknown
nature, then process that nature to be one with the light through the medium of
the flesh, into a brand new divine nature. How can there be a “Peace which passes
all understanding”, unless there is a higher state or place beyond comprehension,
and that comprehension itself is the stairway that leads us to the ultimate divine
nature we call Christ or God. To tell someone you love them is one thing, but to
feel your love without words is something altogether different. God is a Nature
that was brought forth from the dead and changed as the worm into the butterfly
at the coming of the Christ! Christ means the anointing, the anointing means The
Faith and The Faith means the Comprehension! Light birth comprehension of all
things that in process of time hath birthed anew the born again new creature and
nature of God! Christ the Nature of God. God was Word and Word was Light till
the divine nature was revealed then word was not needed for God hath now en-
tered into His Rest. He spoke through the Body and person of Jesus Christ. At the
end of the Millennium He is pure Light. He is at rest, there is no need for words
or thought or comprehension, there is but HE, the I AM. His Nature of His State
of Being, that emanates all He is, was and eternally shall be! Paul said this and I
will leave it with you, if I understand all the mysteries and come to all knowledge
and so on, but have not the “Nature” which is “Love” I am nothing! Love is not in
word but in Deed, it means an action performed by a Nature! A Lions does what it
does by a nature. A Lamb is what it is by its nature. As Christ we are His Nature.
If we never spoke a word, our deeds should testify to all around us. Yea and

There is more I want to say on this, maybe another day. I would love to soon
enough go back and dive into this incredible paradise of God, inside His own
heart, seeing as a Great Movie How He began and the ultimatum of it all and

what repercussions it caused by this great warfare and self discovery of Himself. I
pray this blesses you and enlightens you. God Bless You is our prayer.
Bro. Pat

Patrick Henry Nichols l

December 26th 2017
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, The United States Of America

C H A P T E R 176

The New Nature Of God

The New Nature of God

I tried to explain in a recent writing of the two natures of God. How that the
first nature of God was without humanity as of them being created yet, and How
God dealt with creation as a beast would. Before humanity there was but beast
life. It was a harsh and cruel life. Beast were made and given a nature but were
also left to the elements.The Beast Side of Life was the predominate life. Thus
speaking of the primitive state it was in, but also seeing it as one ruled not by
thought, but by pure undeveloped will that was a nature. A hungry dog will bite if
it perceives its food is about to be taken away, a mother bear will fight to the death
to save her cub, a lion will attack and kill for  the meat and blood etc. Now I am us-
ing this analogy that we are familiar with, however it does bring to mind the ques-
tion of what were the beast like before the fall of man and of Lucifer. In the Mil-
lennium they are at peace, so were they at peace before the fall? We will discuss
this at a later writing if the Lord wills.

I have already written much on this and I want this writing to serve as an addi-
tion to it and be shorter because the explanation should be clear up to this point if
you have been following along with our teachings. God was of one nature, it was
His “original” nature. Now think of this in this way, concerning this original na-
ture, Paul said that which was natural came first, then that which was spiritual. As
humans we are born with one nature, our original nature from the fall. The outer

man rules. The outer man being the fleshly body we dwell in. We find that
through the vast massive creation of God that He wrought about such a high form
of life that it brought forth a life and a creature that through this collection and
evolving of the elements it has formed within this creature a nature, a will and a
sense of survival on this plane of life. It had a nature to know somethings as were
programmed into its nature not as a thought but as a simple impulse of desire.
Such as to eat and the need for water and to drink to quench its thirst and even to
reproduce. These basic necessities of life were given first as a nature, and this na-
ture was the first original origins of life in its highest form. We have seen over the
centuries that dogs and other animals could be domesticated and taught many
things via their nature and by this their nature in this sense has grown and

Mankind was very different, man had the ability to obtain to the God level of
life and produce for the first time in all of creation “thought”. In this view we can
see how thought was taken into captivity by beastly natures and instincts because
of and through the fall. However in another view we can see that thought was the
beginning of the Creation of God. Nothing in Creation had come to thought. By
Man being able to think, then it could grow and evolve and do something nothing
else could and that was the power to reason. Man was a mold between Creation
and Original Nature and the Angelic World. Because Original Nature had the
power to think thoughts, then it had power to rule the world of original nature,
over beast and it had power to reach unto the heavens and chain the dragon. It set
its mind to be as God and to be above God. It was not hard to see as it is the na-
ture of a tree or plants to grow and reach forth unto the light of the Sun.

Now consider that. A Man, who was of the original beast nature from the evolv-
ing and creation of God and is now given power of thought. Would not that na-
ture strive, via that knowledge to reach unto the Sun? Sure it would, it is the same
in all of Creation. So it stands to reason to place this creature into a Garden and
give it access to a Tree of Knowledge, which was Thought, for it to strive to be as

God. For thought was the taste of the Angelic World. Can an Earthly Creature be
given the food of the gods and not be expected to be driven mad until it can find
that satisfaction once again. So beast life was given the right to touch and taste the
Food of the Angels, which was the amazement of Thought. It might could be com-
pared to a man born blind being given Sight for the first time, then to take it away
from him. He would strive always to get it back all of his days.

Now that we see it was thought that has been interjected into the beast level,
let's see what repercussions it has caused. Beast Life has now the power of
thought, but what of that thought? It will do what, but be drawn to its “original na-
ture”. The nature from its created form would control the thoughts as to a selfish
self survival mode. It is because that is all it would know to do. Can you see Adam
and Eve doing but what they knew to do. Tell them they will die but they do not
know what death is, yet they were told nonetheless, as a witness to them, so that
the Word of God would stand justified. The Word itself would come into the mix
as a commandment mixed with thought and driven by the original nature. Beast,
Man and the Angels would all be in the mix, within Man.

Now there was nothing between God and Creation, until man was given the
power of thought and reason. In this new world of thought and reason would
come all of the forms of light and darkness needed to produce and give life to
both the old nature to enter the soul and for God or Light to be witnessed of. Man
would stand between two worlds and serve as the catalyst for both lives to now ex-
ist. Beast Nature would be witnessed to by this life and light via thought and man
would also be witnessed of both natures as to the Beast Nature and the New Na-
ture that would be seen as the Christ Nature, felt and discerned via the power of
thought. Like a man standing in between a garden of gardenias and a trash dump,
his nose would be able to discern both. This is the state man had come to by touch-
ing the Tree of Knowledge, which was Thought! Now take a look and see why in
the realm of what we call “Sonship” that Jesus had to come and why He was re-
ferred to as the “Word”. Why it was “The Word” that came and put on Flesh.

Thought put on Flesh. Thought was sent and made subject to the original nature
or Beast. The Kingdom of God has suffered violence ever since, because the beast
nature has been trying to get back to heavenly comforts.

Thought made known that there was a better world as to the God Life and it
also revealed by contrast and comparison the deadly Beast nature. When God life
mixes with Man it cast out the Beast Nature and produces Christ. However when
Beast Nature is given access to Thought, it brings Satan to Life. Thought brought
to life both natures, or it revealed both natures.

Now that you see this as to the two natures and how they came about, I want
you to see these two natures as God in His First Estate which was that old first
original nature. Then through the means of the serpent of thought and reasoning
which was the Word that was made Flesh, God was able to see that 1st nature and
despise it in the light and comparison of the Nature He could, would and did at-
tain unto, through the power of Thought, as a Worm would climb up a pole to a
higher place and reach the top and by the climbing of the pole it removed its
outer skins and old nature to become perfected on a whole other level of life. It
would stand atop the pole and open it’s new butterfly wings. The Butterfly being
the Nature of The Christ. God changing, via the course of the Serpent, via the
Word, via the Flesh, Via Thought and Intelligence, hath left His First Estate as to
the Darkness and the Original Beast Nature of Chaos of the Thunders of Crea-
tion and into the New Divine Nature of Light and of Christ.

In this sense Beast Life was One Heaven, Mankind a Second Heaven, Christ
the Third Heaven. Calvary being the Serpentine Passageway for this to happen.
Once completed then the vine of the serpent is cut down, the fruits are gathered
into the Garners. So God was a Nature that was only evolved unto the Beast
Level, until the fruits or awakening of Thought had come, which was the highest
of God, the Word or Thought being the Highest Angel of God, then it fell by the
desire of the Original Nature. Word or Thought would in this sense be exactly like
the story of Beauty and the Beast, as the Beauty of Thought and the potential of
what Thought could do and be and bring would give the Original Nature Hope
and Faith, that it could be so much more. We might say the original nature of God
seeking to reach higher within itself. God within God, God the Outer Man and
God the Inner Man. God the Outer seeking to climb higher unto the Inner. God
the Outer Darkness beholding God the Inner Man. Adam seeing the glorious
beauty of His Eve. In another view it is the Outer Eve beholding the inner Adam.
It is also the Outer Eve spiritually transforming into the inner Adam and Natu-
rally speaking it is the Outer Adam pulling from within Him the Inner Beauty of
His Eve. The desire to be like the other drives them both to come together and via
the serpentine path to continually strive against one to the other and produce the
new Child of eternity which is the Christ, the New Nature of God, the Born
Again Nature of God, because He despised His first nature by the light and com-
parison that the Light revealed. So we see that through the Tree of Thought,
comes the New Nature or unveiled nature of the Tree of Life. So what is it that di-
vides these two natures, that revealed each one to the other? Thought, Compre-
hension! Through thought the revealed perfected highest divine nature was re-
vealed, obtained and manifested. God hath perfected Himself. He hath evolved
within Himself unto absolute perfection! What is the great divide between these
two natures? The Power of Thought, the Tree of Knowledge, the reflected light
of the Cross, that the Word that was made flesh brought! Thought in this sense in-
terjected between two natures has caused such a great battle in the soul of human-
ity. Man or the beast side partaking of the divine. Now that Grace is ending, reflec-
tion is ending, no more light or thought for the beast, then they will in one sense
be at peace, yet the beast that retain a knowledge of that light and will no longer
be able to find it will be tormented by it forever. The Kingdom of God will not suf-
fer violence anymore, no more schism in the Body. No more Middle Wall of Parti-
tion. The Serpent of Thought is cast out. Old Nature has been translated, trans-
formed and transfigured through the path of the Serpent of Calvary unto a Brand
New yet Eternal Nature! A Nature so supreme and divine wrought through super-
natural comprehension of God’s own divine revelation of Himself to Himself.
Patrick Henry Nichols l January 12th 2018 Hilton Head South Carolina USA

C H A P T E R 177

The Now

The Now - Spiritual Expression

God is a Spirit, He is THE Spirit. He fills all in all full of all wisdom, knowl-
edge and understanding, the great Light of Revelation and Expression in all
things, as to what we call past, present and future, but it is all in the “Now”.  God
is the Present as there is no such thing as “Time” with God. So God is everywhere
and in everything that exist, no matter how small or how large He is there and He
is that thing, that person, that place etc. He is in every “Event” that happens, no
matter how fast, long, big or small, He is there. He is a “Present moment by mo-
ment revelation and expression”.

I had something come to me some time back concerning a certain person and
how they would have a relationship with someone no one would ever have ex-
pected. I pondered this some time. I came across a video by accident, if it were
one, and this person was in the video and in the video they turned and looked at
the person it came to me they would have the relationship with. It was like the
Lord saying, see this is what I told you would happen. There were other people
and crowd shouts in the video and as I seen this video, the other people in the
video, were not knowing anything as they were total strangers and just happened
to be in the video, they were doing certain things, and the Lord just opened up the
video and showed me the entire spiritual expression of what was taking place with
the people in the video and how they all related in the video as to the point that

God was showing me. In other words I could see the same Spirit of God in the
people there pointing unto the two people centered in the video even acting out in
the natural what the two main people were doing in the Spirit. It was amazing! I
did not have to wait to see the two in the video look at each other the way they
did, total strangers were already reflecting the Spirit of the Moment even though
they never knew it.

Say there are two people, strangers, sitting at opposite ends of a table. One of
them hits the table and the other one feels it being hit. The person who felt it re-
acts accordingly, in that they may turn their head that direction, or suddenly grab
the table, or even jump. All parties involved were automatically involved by choice
or by circumstance. One persons actions caused a reaction in others, and that reac-
tion pointed back to the one who caused the action. God being in the man who hit
the table and in the table and in the sound from the table and the vibration of the
table and in the man who felt the vibration, heard the sound, felt the hit and re-
acted. The point being God was in the entire event, reflected in every aspect of
the simple event. So if I was an observer and could not see the man who hit the ta-
ble, I could tell something happened by the sound I might have heard and by the
reaction of the man who I can see who did react to the hit and by his reaction I
can tell something has happened though He did not know anything was going to
happen and had a total different purpose and reason for being there. The Spiritual
Expression of God was in the action and the reaction making both of them as
ONE in the Event, or expressing God in the event as the action and reaction.
Even if the man had not hit the table God is still there in the happening moment
of the NOW. All is NOW!

So if we said something strange to you on this wise, that a man sees a horsefly
with one wing buzzing around on the ground, it speaks to the man of another
thing, that is also an expression of another thing, and each new expression He is
receiving in that moment is greater or larger maybe and suddenly it ends with
Him coming to know a great woman in society is going to die or being an accident

or an earthquake is going to happen with a tsunami in indonesia etc. Do you see
what I am saying? Everything around no matter what level is a Happening Present
Moment Spiritual Expression of God that reverberates and vibrates unto all forms
of matter and creation and eternity and by that moment of your beholding you
can tell what God is doing on any level of life whatsoever, as it is all God in the Pre-
sent Moment expressing Himself. Jesus said, I do always those things I see my Fa-
ther do! This means He sees it and hears it and feels it also.

I was walking along a trail one day and a simple yellow leaf fell from a tree in
my path and I heard the Lord speak to me concerning something that a normal
person would never relate to a leaf falling, but it was God nonetheless and what
He showed always came to pass. No matter what state one finds themself in, if the
veil of the mind and heart is rent, they can see God in all things every moment of
every day. The temperature of the moment, the sky, the clouds, the wind, trees, in-
sects, sand, dust, animals, people, pets, things, cars, clothes, it is endless. The direc-
tion a single hair curls on your arm, an eyelash on a face. An Eclipse, a tidal wave,
an election, a concert, a wreck, a birth a death. The Great Expression of The In-
visible God in all things! Words people say, music, songs, artist, celebrities, a home-
less person, an ant on a peppermint candy in a dumpster, a rolex watch on a
dresser in a mansion. A single drop of rain, a snowflake. A sneeze. Tones, lights,
and so much more. Expand your mind, expand your thoughts, your ideas, increase
your faith, widen your vision, look deeper into the things of God and see Him in
much greater detail.  Names, People, Places, Things, expand on these, use the
types and shadows if you have too till the spiritual mind is thoroughly exercised.
Your 6 senses are recorders that record the invisible God and become a testament
of what he has done and does continually. God is one vast eternal never ending
Event! May God Bless You! Bro. Pat
Patrick Henry Nichols I January 27th 2018 Hilton Head Island,
South Carolina The United States Of America

C H A P T E R 178

The Soul Effiminate

The Soul Effiminate

The Soul is the feminine side of God. Remember God was both male and fe-
male as to the type given to us for comprehending purposes, then he separated
Himself, like a cell dividing of itself. This would be a part separated which was of
the original cell or seed but lacking the original part. Let us say it like this, if the
cell divided itself, but not as science shows but for this illustration, as God would,
then we find if the cell had 44 DNA strands, then it gave 21 to the new cell, mean-
ing it would look and act just like the original cell but lacking that one part that
would make it the whole, or that 1 DNA which leaves the original cell the original
and the master cell. God expressed Himself and in this sense all of creation came
forth from Him, appearing in the lesser effeminate form, but lacking the one origi-
nal part. Same as Eve came forth from Adam, being exactly the same as He is and
was but lacking the one missing part. We could say this was a void in her which
needed to be filled. She was supposed to satisfy that need by returning and loving
her husband as needed, but she was tempted by her own lack of that missing piece
and filled it with her own self.

So The Spirit of God, being the original seed, hath formed the female side of
Himself, which is creation, giving of Himself as an Adam into a deep sleep like of
death, to give of Himself totally unto the female side of what we call Creation. Yet
there would be a missing part to Creation, to unlock it, to open it, to reveal it. This

is where The Christ came in, which is the anointing. One can search the entire uni-
verse and never find God in any of it. There is the types and shadows of God,
which is the feminine side, but lacking truth, which comes via Christ and the Spirit
of Revelation. The Woman cannot create seed of herself, she has to have the miss-
ing piece from her head or her husband, which in one view was the Law that en-
tered into her however that Law was removed when Grace came, and that Grace
served as the womb and the time of the forming of that Child. That Child would
be unveiled as “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, or The Spirit Of Revelation. The
True Light that is now come. Just as the Moon light would point unto the Sun
Light, the Sun itself being also but a type and shadow of the invisible greater light
of the 7 fold light of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Now we can see what we have said when we see Jesus as to the Flesh Woman
Side of God that came and we see the Spirit or that one piece departing from
Him, leaving the void in Him to be filled with the darkness of sin and wrath. We
see the whole world has gone wondering after Him, the flesh, His Flesh the Blood
Grace side of Jesus to live like the devil. Not all but generally speaking it awoke all
flesh to life and we all partook of the flesh. We had to come through our Mother
as to this Jesus. We could not know positive without negative, we could not know
Spirit without Flesh or vice versa. So we see the Flesh, the Human Body is the Liv-
ing Soul, it is the literal female personification of God, missing the one piece,
which was to be born again, The Spirit, The Anointing. We find the natural veil-
ing the spiritual.

We find the man with his wife hiding the secret parts while in the public arena,
but when we go to that secret place, into the bedroom, we shut to the door, we
turn the lights out, denoting the place of the veil to be removed, the void that was
in Eve, as to the missing part, then the covers are removed the clothes are removed
and invisible spiritual life is made known as the secret part is revealed, as to the
male organ. The female organ is not denoted as the missing part in this view for
hers being a void and an opening itself, denoted by her lacking, then we find the

serpent entering her, filling the emptiness and “completing her”. The heavenly
state experienced during this time shows the true missing part being revealed
which is the spiritual anointing of the God Life. The lustful high, though exacted
in Love toward each other, it itself is still a shadow of the true, as the lustful state
and inspiration denotes the true spiritual high of the true God of Spirit Life which
happens truthfully when we are born again. This is why when Jesus was lifted up,
He would draw all flesh to Himself, for He was both the fulfillment of Light and
Darkness. Beast would have to come to Him for life and so would the Children of
God to be born again. The Great Judge whom would judge us all accordingly by
our faith or unbelief in Him. The Great Open Book of Life.

So we see God is the great universe of creation. Yet we do not see Him any-
where, yet only when we are born again do we see Him in all of Creation. When
we have The Spirit of Revelation, when we have come to the fullness and stature
of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Creation is the Mother Side, it is the womb that keeps and protects all of Crea-
tion for it all exist within her. So we find no matter what we are beholding with
any of our senses, that we are beholding the very Spirit World itself, simply veiled
before us, and that veil is over our own mind, until we are born again.

So the soul, YOU, are the feminine side of God personified. Filled with the
void of darkness, missing that one part. You are the Jesus, hanging on the Cross,
that void in you as a Satan trying to enter back into heaven, knowing it is missing
something but refuses to accept the filling of the true husband and head. Refusing
to rid itself of Self to be fully wholly accepted back into the folds of the Father.
Once the void is filled with Light, it fills and encompasses the entire being. All of
Creation is alive and glorifies the God of Heaven and we see God in all things! No
matter how big or small. Yea and amen. Pat

PHN 03252018 Hilton Head Island S.C. USA


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