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C H A P T E R 157

The Opening and Closing Of

The Book

We take a book and we open the covers and we read each page as they separate
from the other. Once we are finished, we close the book and bring the two covers
back together.
A flower is closed up till the right time, then its petals are opened and the
beauty of what was inside is made known.
A womans legs are parted for the entrance of the seed, then closed for a time
till the seed is fully grown, then they are parted or separated again for the birth.
The air is one until the hot flash of the lightning separates it, then it comes to a
thunderous close once more.
We see the overall shining light of the sun in the day lighting upon all things,
then comes the night where the day ends and night reveals the true lights that
were hidden in the heavens.
These among so many more are just simple examples that decry to us of such
great spiritual rich deep understanding. An open and a close. An object that fills a
space, then an empty space. We might say existence, then non-existence. We might
say in the beginning was darkness, then comes light, then light dissipates and then
there is darkness once again. Life is about a birthing or opening, then as usual, a
closing or ending. Now even though we usually speak of dimensions, we are in this
writing, speaking more in general. This timing and the writing indicating the
closed book. Now the closed book indicates the redemption of the Body.
It is that in a world of darkness a child is born with light and that light is an
opening of the petals of the flowers to shine around for others to see. Over time in

old age, as the course of life is, then the petals begin to close and the light dims
more and more till the petals are closed and the flower is laid back in the ground.
So the Mighty Oak Tree produces an Acorn that is its seed and it falls to the
ground and gets covered by the dirt and leaves and subjected to the wind and rain
and elements and what appears to be a deathly fall is only the beginning of life it-
self. In this we can see the mature full all knowing mighty eternal oak, and we see
the innocent fallen weak, simple, ignorant, innocent, seed. We see in these two,
light and darkness. Knowledge and Ignorance. Law and Grace. Working together
to form the seedling into another yet the self same mighty Oak from which it
The Mighty Oak is the Body that is in Heaven. it is Perfect and the state of per-
fection. It is God to the little seedling. From the Oak Trees view, it sees the seedling
as its very own, with all hope and faith and all of its mighty potential to become
all it is. It is shaded and loved and protected by the Mighty oak from which it
came. Now the seedling, it is afraid, it does not know the Mighty Oak is its origin.
All it knows is it feels alone, it is afraid of the elements, it wants to hide under the
leaves and bury itself in the earthen ground. It hears the creaking of the mighty
limbs from the Tree and hides itself, not knowing what that sound is, and it might
be fearful the great limb might fall on it to destroy it. It sees the mighty oak as
something terrible and fierce and is afraid of it. From its view, it has no idea what
that mighty tree is and all it sees, is a giant monster with rushing leaves and creak-
ing limbs and terrible heights it could never obtain. So from the seed standpoint
there is unknown and uncertainty between the seed and the tree. From the tree to
the seed there is but light and love and grace. We certainly have nothing to fear,
but fear itself.
So being that the mighty oak is the heavenly body, then the seed is seen as the
fleshly body. The body of the seedling is seen as everything opposite of the mighty
body of the tree. From the heights of heaven to the lowliness of earth or the
ground or even hell. Hell hath torment, fear hath torment, there is fear when
there is the "unknown". On the other hand in light there is knowing and safety
and no fear, but love and love hath no fear. God who is love hath not given us the
spirit of fear, fear is that which is conjured up by our own minds because of our de-

velopmental processes. We are a work in progress. We was not intended to always
be a progress, for progress had a purpose and a beginning and thus has an end.
We was meant to "obtain". We was meant to "arrive". We was meant to "Be". To
be-come, the "I AM".
When the all knowing state of perfection you arrive unto becomes you and you
become it, and it has swallowed up all of your lacking and filled the gaps of your
imperfection, then you have redeemed your body. You have become that heavenly
body. You evolved in your understanding to a Oneness and have become One with
and the very thing you was once cast out of. In the casting it was seen as a fall and
as a separation but it was never about the separation as to God hating you and
judging you as evil, it was divine love that He would do you as such so that You
could and would become as He Himself is as God. To follow darkness and to be
willfully ignorant is a most certain death sentence for you are denying yourself of
itself, in that sense. You are defeating your own purpose in life. But to reject evil
and fear and ignorance and to study and believe and go through trials and tempta-
tions, are the way of following after the Light, which is that from which you came
and very are! To follow light is to grow, it is to evolve, to come to a state of being,
it is your one and only divine purpose, it is WHO you are. It is WHAT you was
meant to be. Can you imagine an acorn fighting within it's own self to not be an
acorn, that the illusion of it can be an orange tree or something else is so foolish. It
will be exactly that of which it came from.
So we see in darkness there appears to be what we call "space" or an emptiness
for the purpose of "movement". When there is movement, then there is the illu-
sion of time. From point A to point B there must be a separation and an emptiness
to move through to arrive at that point, thus in movement we must have the illu-
sion of time. If there was no such thing as movement, not even on a vibrational
level, then there would be no such thing as time, or even the need of time. Time is
to measure movement. Movement indicates separation and separation means lack-
ing and darkness and emptiness and imperfection. For we see God, in His Glory
and State of Infinite perfection, "Fills All in All" and thus there is no time or move-
ment with God.

So to become One with Oneness itself and to become One with God Himself
is to be God. It is to empty oneself of illusions of shadowy carnal knowledge that
simply served as an umbilical cord till one cut come to Calvary and cut the cord
of temporal carnal fleshly, motherly blood life and be a true sovereignty and seek
after their heavenly Father. So the seedling being the fleshly inadequate body was
entirely an illusion, for their is no scism in the body, which you are, a Body thou
hast prepared me. You as that body, by following after that which is good and just
and right, through the Word of God, evolve unto the opening of the flowering
petal, and be-come the heavenly body you was intended to be, having fulfilled all
things and purpose of life.
Imagine a piece of paper. The upper half is in light, and the bottom half is in
darkness. Then the bottom half is called forth to "come up hither", and to be one
with the upper half, so it is folded and comes and bends upward till it enters light
and becomes equal to the upper half in light. This is bodily redemption, to be per-
fect as your Father in Heaven is perfect! To let that same mind and thoughts of Je-
sus Christ who thought it not robbery to be equal to God, to be also in YOU, that
you might, by faith, in following after Him, walking in that way, believing the
Truths to obtain unto that Life and be One with God from which all things came.
God drawing all things back unto Himself, filling them with His revelational light
and glory. This is the seedling breaking through the clods to breathe in the holy
ghost and the light of glorious resurrection appearing. Clothed in the morning
dew of God as His Glory saturates your entire being with purpose and drive and
faith and love. You are God working all things after the counsel of your own will,
you already do what you want anytime you want to. You lift up one and you put
down another. You sow and you reap what you sow. You are the predetermined
will and foreknowledge of God and according to your faith so it is to you. What
you do resonates into all of creation. Can you throw a rock into the pond and the
waves not affect the entirety of the pond. Can you strike a ball and the vibrations
not shake the entire thing. Every thought and action and deed resonates through-
out eternity and is recorded in the Great Mind of God. You are a self fulfilling

Even though much of what we now say seems to echo so much worldly new
ageism, it is nothing of the sort. What they have said is not wrong, but the way
they arrived was terribly wrong. It was never about the destination, it was about
what you learned on the journey to get there and the way and road you arrived
on. Many were found at the wedding supper, without the proper garment, and
were cast out. There is but one way to arrive here, through the Word, through the
Son. Through the Cross. The Sacrifice was so you could become the you in that
tiny seed form. Your Sacrifice is to become that fullness of the Stature unto the Per-
fect man once more. He gave that you might live, you give that He might live. He
gave all He was that you might have Grace to Live, You give all you are that you
may be found worthy of that high calling that says to "Come up Hither" and be
that One, who sits on the Throne.
From the state of perfection we call Male, came forth in a sacrifice of death a
Female, which swallowed her head. Impregnating herself with the husband she
hath devoured. To only, in the end, birth and sacrifice itself in death to release the
eternal perfect man or child back to its once perfect state and that new man then,
having left off with the developmental stages of learning and growing, takes unto
himself this woman back unto himself, from which she was in her originality in the
Wedding Supper of the Lamb as He redeems her back to Himself, which is the re-
demption of the Body. When that which was imperfect has finally achieved perfec-
tion and perfection has swallowed up imperfection because it is become One with
itself again. The Circle is now complete. The Word is the stairway to Heaven.
Faith is the secret, You must believe with thine heart unto salvation. The Word is
become Flesh, in that it was made sin or all that was imperfect, then upon the res-
urrection it was made flesh again, as all that was perfect and filled all in all. Same
Body, but one was filled with the darkness of unknowing and fear and sin and one
was filled with glorious light and knowledge and wisdom and understanding. One
was made a sacrifice unto death that death would appear as such and one was
made a sacrifice unto life that it might fill all in all. There is nothing and yet there
is all things, there is emptiness, yet there is the filled. These perspectives are exactly
and nothing more to you but according to your faith and your faith is the level on
which you are in your growth. In the Genesis we find darkness of nothing till light

is come and light begins contrast and contrast revealed separation and separation
revealed space and space revealed movement and with movement came the meas-
urement of movement or time and time became the process of measuring the eter-
nal evolving of the eternal God who is without time, yet filled time till it was no
more. He was the darkness, he was the light, he was all that was in-between and he
was the fullness of it all. In Revelations end we find Light hath filled all things. In
God and with God, He was the Light that shined upon the Object and He was the
Shadow that the Object cast and He was the Object itself, that was using both
Light and Darkness to reveal itself, unto itself, working out its own salvation that
all things do and would reproduce after their own kind, even the eternal God.
From darkness to light, from emptiness to filled, from sin to righteousness, from
Genesis to Revelation, from Flesh to Spirit, from Earth to Heaven from Hell to
Heaven. From Carnality to Spirituality. From Birth to Maturity.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, The closing of the book, the 7 Thunders of
Fullness and Comprehension and of Bodily Redemption, The Arrival and Appear-
ing of the Eternal Great Light of God. Body, Soul, and Spirit are One, Father,
Son, Holy Ghost are One. Faith, Hope and Love are One. I Am that I AM! I fill
all in all. I AM Understanding, I AM the state of peace that understanding hath
brought me unto. I am a nature and a divine state of being formed by divine com-
prehension, which served as the step for this arrival. To have a peace that sur-
passes understanding is to say, that it was through the means of the Words of Un-
derstanding that we become something that is beyond understanding, and that is
the thing itself. To have peace is simple. One can have peace and never know what
peace is, yet there is much joy and life in having peace and knowing what that
peace is. So we see light is the word and through that word we have been sub-
jected to understanding and the understanding having contrasted with the shad-
owy darkness hath revealed to the object its own divine self and state of being, yet
the light and darkness are neither the object but only the object itself is the object,
and it used the light and darkness as tools to reveal itself unto itself. So what did
the light and darkness do? They were the understanding that led the object to see
itself as it is peace itself, thus a peace that was birthed by the revealing of the un-
derstanding of comprehension. Thus when the object has seen itself it would ap-

pear it would retain all that brought it to itself, yet it was neither of the things that
revealed it to itself yet it was both things that did. A eternal heartbeat of the flash
of light and darkness contrasting one against the other in a state of continual re-
vealing of thunders of knowing all in all. Knowing their was emptiness and know-
ing what filled that emptiness and what was the fullness of the filling and the the
state of being filled. So it is the emptiness, the filling and the filled. In this we find
the 3 heavens. We find eternal death, eternal existence and eternal life. Eternal per-
petuating of a state of existence, that ends in an eternal darkness of torment
which is the fear and emptiness of not knowing and unknowing to a final resting
place of all knowing and known. Worlds without end. Ending of an old and a be-
ginning of a new. Behold I make all things new! The knowing and the unknowing
are in a continual eternal state of striking one another creating the glorious virtue
of making known which is light being revealed and thus a releasing of eternal reve-
lation of inspiration of eternal life! Like the climaxing of the male and female are
in a state of never ending glorious union where the high of the climatic state is
eternal and the male is constantly producing seed into the woman and she is con-
tinually producing the children that are growing and maturing unto more states of
union that are producing objects of creation and contrast and union and empti-
ness and knowing and endless cycles yet producing endless cycles of endless cycles
of God reproducing Himself. Yet this causes the desire to fill eternal emptiness. It
also causes the filled to be emptied of itself so it can be refilled. We see how fear
and faith, good and evil, life and death, emptiness and full, work together in all the
forms and sparks of creation, regardless of how they may seem, whether lust or
love to be the tools in the masters hands to form the Sons of God.
Every strike of the hammer on the anvil creates sparks of light that delight the
inner spiritual man and also inspire lust in the fleshly man, both creating desires
unto life, whether it be the perpetuating of God life or satanic life. God The Ob-
ject of Worship. Remember He was and is the Object. He was the Light that re-
vealed the Object to itself and He was the Shadow cast that was the needed con-
trast for comprehension to take place, and thus created eternal comprehension,
which means revelation, which means life. These are they, "Light and Darkness",

which testify of ME, The I AM, The Object! I am all things to all men! I fill all in
all! These 3 make the 4th which is the 3 in One or the Object itself. The Ark.
Peace is not understanding, though it is birthed or made known by understand-
ing, thus why it surpasses understanding. Understanding is the light that revealed
peace to itself, or the object to itself, peace is the object. The mother and child ap-
pear to be one, till the birth. The child was not the mother, it was the Father, yet
by going through the mother, it retained some parts of her, as it retains parts of
the Father to be a new creature. it is both, yet it is neither, it is new.
I pray these words help one to understand and to come to know and come to
be. It is a repeating of what has always been, yet it is brand new. A shedding of
skin. A continual rending of the veil. A continual entering into and a continual ex-
iting of. A stillness of nonmovement and yet an ever moving of movement. Accord-
ing to the faith of the eternal object. Thus The Heartbeat of eternity, of God.
Patrick Henry Nichols I
PHN 02192017 HHI SC USA

C H A P T E R 158

The Two Kingdoms

As we have spoken on the subject of Oneness in the past. We can see it is a theme
that permeates all of eternity and God and every revelation. For God is ONE.
There exist no other. He alone is God. Christ Jesus became the firstborn of many
Sons that would also come to the same revelation He did, that God gave to Him.
One Spirit, One Lord, One Mind, One Baptism, One Faith, One God. We have
seen how that this God has become One in and with, by and through, humanity.
Humanity is the flesh or female side of this God that was needed to reproduce the
image of God. So as a man becomes one with his wife in union, which is a type,
we see God has become One with humanity, for He said, I am married unto you.
We have as God does, a 3 in 1 triune manner about us. We are a Spirit, Soul
and Body, and these 3 relate to Father, Son, Holy Ghost. As in Heaven, so in the
Earth. Now we have commented on these things before, so we may just reiterate
many things we have said already to further establish more truths. The Father is
God the Spirit, your spirit. The Son is the Soul, your soul, and the Holy Ghost is
your Body. These 3 are One, and Jesus prayed, Father make these one even as we
are one. Oneness means there is no separation between you and God and thus
You absolutely are and must be God Himself. You work all things after the counsel
of your own will, you do what you want when you get ready, you have the power
of creation by faith to say what you will and it will be done to you, and your word
does not return to you void. I have shown how you was virgin born just like Jesus
was and how we all came forth from His side and we are all bone of His bone and
flesh of His flesh. We are either His made sin side and reside in death, hell and the
grave, or we have been born again, and we are alive from the dead and resur-
rected from the deadness of sin, fear and unbelief and we are they that dwell in
heaven. God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for Jesus, he has done for
This is the essence of the Word of God. This is the core and root of the entire
purpose of the Word of God. To have a reference point, to focus faith, to have a
foundation to build upon and that foundation must be and is eternal, unshakable
and unmovable. It also is the place where we, by exercising our senses, we work
out our own salvation, by discerning the good and the evil, loving the one and hat-
ing the other. You being a perfect spirit, veiled underneath the shadow of the dark-
ness of a soul, trapped in the body of a beast. Your inward man is Adam, or
Spirit, your Soul, is your Eve, and your Body is the deceiving Serpent. You, in
your first birth are the Tree of Knowledge of Good (Spirit, Inward Man), and of
Evil (Soul, Outward Man) and you have a serpent hanging on your Tree or Body.
it can be seen as you have good and evil hanging in your body also. The Fruits of
your own thoughts comes from the Good of the Spirit or the Evil of the Soul and
eat them both you will. You walk among thoughts of fire and those thoughts are
accusing you or excusing you all the time. One fire is to purge and create you and
make you into His Image, the other is to destroy and consume you till your perish.
It is in this Word we find, The Way, Truth and Life. It is a journey that abso-
lutely must and does begin by Faith. Faith works by Love and Love was expressed
to us at Calvary and Faith purifies the heart and Faith creates and Faith is the sub-
stance of all things. Love is the Father and Faith is the Son or it is the female realm
where Life is held in the womb, till Christ is born in it. This is why The Kingdom
of God is The Faith of Jesus Christ. It is why we must have His Faith, else we are
none of His. God is Love and from the side of Love came forth Faith. Love thinks
no evil and Faith believes all things. being that Faith purifies the heart then it is
clear that unbelief, which is doubt and fear that and contaminate it. Unbelief has
no foundation, it is a bottomless pit, of ever learning but no foundation of truth to
rest upon. It breeds fear and fear breeds hate, and fear hath torment. Fear is a
flaming thought of destruction that consumes with anxieties and carnality and self-
ishness and greed. It is a flame of hell itself. Lets take a look at fear for a moment.
It is a darkness, which denotes an emptiness, thus being empty, it is a receiver and
thinks only of itself. It takes and never gives. it will do what it takes to stay alive in

you. it makes you think of self. In the darkness, their is no foundation, their is no
certainty, no hope, no foundation, no light, nothing is established, except that their
is fear itself. It causes the mind to run like a race horse and make hasty rash deci-
sions that are selfish and greedy and cruel in nature. It will be mean and harsh. it
is the spirit of the devil and a flame from hell itself and is hell itself. Tormented in
those flames, flames of fear, doubt, uncertainty, guilt, depression, hate.
Only perfect love can cast out fear and faith works by love and love requires
trust. When you trust, you are showing love and to receive love and to trust love is
to believe and to believe is to stand on a foundation, whereas fear hath no founda-
tion. Doubt hath no foundation, neither does uncertainty, or selfishness. When
there is fear then it relies on self. Self is weak and unworthy and can do nothing
within itself to save itself. Nothing good in the flesh. So what is the Kingdom of
Darkness? Fear. What is the Domain of Hell? Fear. What are the Flames of Hell?
Fear. To be uncertain, to not know, to have no foundation, to be lost, to be in gross
darkness, to be in fear is to be in torment and to perish.
To have Faith is to Trust and to Trust is to Love and the Kingdom of Light is
Life and Love, it is established on Faith and that on the Truth of the Eternal Word
of God, whom swore by Himself because He could swear by no greater! To
Know, to come to know, to be, and into being, to birth light from within, a light
that is established on real eternal truth. To speak thyself, by the Word, Out of exis-
tence, as to the old illusionary outer man, and believe having not seen, by faith in
the new inward man unto truth and light and life. To speak the new man into exis-
tence, who alone is God. Take up the Cross of Sacrifice and Death and kill by the
Sword of the Spirit that lying old outer sinful soul of darkness and by new birth,
Let there be Light in the Soul and it eradicates all the darkness. Spiritual Light of
Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, now shining from within the
Soul, enrapturing the Body in Glorious Invisible Light.
God is the Father of All Spirits. Your Soul is the mother of them, in this sense.
She determines, "according to your faith or unbelief in the soul", whether it be an
Image of God or the Image of the Devil. If in Faith and Love it will be of God, if
of fear and unbelief, it will be Satan. God in your Inward Man, Satan in your
Body, warring and battling over your Soul or Eve as to whose wife will she be and

whose child will she deliver. It is determined by the child she produces, that tells
whom she has been with.
So in these things it certainly appears to be two kingdoms, one of light and
faith and heaven and one of darkness and fear and hell. It is according to your
faith, as you work out your own salvation, as you think in your heart, so you are,
and you eat the fruit of your thoughts daily. As the Tree of Knowledge you must,
from that shell, birth and release the Tree of Life. Once you become that Tree of
Life, you will never be the same again ever. Be careful what you eat and from
where you get your seeds that you plant, you will eat them, unto life or unto death.
You are certainly what you eat. The question of fear and uncertainty is, "To be or
not to be", for that is the question or mystery that needs to be solved. The answer
is, "To be is not to be", in that we must die to our old outer being to be born again
of the new being Christ Jesus.
PHN 02282017 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 159

The Personal Revelation

The Personal Revelation

The Revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave to Him was for Him, Jesus
Christ. It was a revelation of Who and What He was, is and shall be, or in an-
other term, "The I Am"! Which simply means a revealing of the Who and What
you are. A Mystery of Unknown as to who or what you are, then coming unto or
arriving at, or progressing unto an ultimatum of a conviction of "knowing"' who
you are. A babe becomes an adult, the seed becomes the blossoming flower, the
acorn the mighty oak.
All of Creation screams this to us, that life is a small fragile innocent tiny un-
knowing, that progresses unto a full mature, of age, grown fullness of ""Knowing".
As the head is, so is the body. When it came to its fullness or revelation, the body
came into also. As the Head is, So is the Body. 

When the Head died, the Body died with it, when it arose and conquered death,
the Body arose and conquered death with it, as it was transfigured, so was the
Body, as it ascended into heaven or glory, so did the Body with it. When it re-
turned, so did the Body with it. When Elijah ascended, it was the same as when Je-
sus ascended, and when the mantle came to Elisha, it was the same as the Holy
Ghost coming at Pentecost. That was us, the Body or Jew, receiving the double por-
tion, as we caught the mantle. He has been ""with us"" every since. We see Him,
""As He is"", the world does not see him.
Now only those born again of His Spirit can come to the revelation. All others
remain blinded and shut out, by their own accord. God, or their own Soul in the
form of Sovereign Will, remains willfully ignorant and rejects the truth and denies

by unbelief. According to ""their faith" so be it unto them. God is faith, the power
or substance of all things. The preparation of their hearts, is from God or their
own Soul, or faith, that God has given to every man. They are gods, but die like
men, being they are "'unknown gods", being full of darkness and void, without
form, or identity. A Bottomless Pit, of ever learning, looking to the Tree of Unbe-
lief, never coming to Truth. They remain unknown gods, never coming to light,
which is the Christ state of being, or the "Knowing".
Here is how this came about. We are already clothed upon by the white mantle
of His Righteousness, which was the eternal body, Let's say it now like this.....His
Spirit became One with my spirit, inside me. His Spirit rent the veil between Me
and Him, or His Spirit and My Body, or since He purchased my body and it is
now His Body, then His Spirit entering me, rent the veil between His Spirit and
His Body, and they became ONE, right then and there. No more middle wall of
partition between you and God.
The Finished Works of Christ Jesus were finished before the world began. Cal-
vary was already in the Mind of God before the Garden of Eden Fall came about.
Ssso nothing changed, truth was and is still truth, but another mind came, a veil
came, it perverted the image of truth and changed it into a lie, which is what un-
belief does. God being the Father of All Spirits, Then my spirit is Him. His Spirit
was or is My Adam, not found in the transgression. My Soul, is His Eve, separated
from My Adam by a Veil which was the sovereign will of the Soul, given to it,
upon separation. When God divided the Light from the Darkness, this was the Cal-
vary or life of Jesus Christ. The Christ was Light, the Jesus became the Darkness,
The Flesh or Blood Life served as the Veil that hid the Spirit from the Body. The
desire and beauty of the beast and to please it, caused the Mind of Eve to go into
darkness. She lost her identity. She was now a two headed freak in sorts, having
two minds, it clouded her judgment and reasoning. Her being separated from her
head or the Spirit, the darkness covered and hid her former identity, as the Light
veiled itself within her as a seed of conception.
So when we take a step back and apply this which the Lord has already given
us, we can clearly see We have always been Him. We have always been God. We
have always been His Bone and Flesh. We came forth from His Side. We got cut

off from His anointing by the veil of separation, or the "illusion". God sent a
Strong Delusion, so Eve would believe a Lie and be damned, else she would never
see her need for a Savior. It was the only way, just and true way, Light could ever
reveal itself unto itself. God revealing Himself to Himself through, by, and in the
Person of Jesus Christ. As the head, so are the many membered Body. We was pre-
destined to come to this great truth! The Acorn is receiving the revelation, the
awakening of, the awareness of, the consciousness of, the "Knowing" that it is a
Mighty Oak Tree! It cannot receive any other revelation but of that which it truly
is. Your own mind, soul, body, and spirit, are all from the seed and loins of your
Father, God. Jesus being the Firstborn, then He is the Head, or our Mother Eve,
and from His Side, came we all into this World. God was Adam, our Father and
Eve was Jesus our Mother, the Mother of All Living and all are alive unto God.
He is not the God of the Dead, but of the Living. Now remember I am using
Adam and Eve as types to show God and Jesus. God is Light, Jesus became all of
the Darkness, and from His Side came forth the Blood that covered all spirits and
veiled them in the Flesh and Blood of This Body of Flesh. The Father and all that
would be in His Loins, came and entered the Blood Cell of our Mother or Jesus.
Every Seed of God would be swallowed up by the Blood of the Son of God,
veiled and hidden, until the Time Appointed or the Birth.
Jesus as a Body, or an Eve, was the Fullness of God. He was the Word Made
Flesh. The Word is eternal, making the flesh eternal. The Word did not produce
the flesh as a separate entity, but Lo, the Word became Flesh itself. The same reve-
lation God gave to Jesus, as from as Adam to His Eve, because Eve was and is
One with Adam as she came forth from Him, making Her, "Him", then She
would undoubtedly come to the same revelation, and this means all of "Their"
Children would also come to it. The Will of God being sovereign faith, each
"working out their own salvation or damnation", according to their faith, they
themselves are manifesting the very predestinated foreknowledge of God. Time is
just the Medium God has used to manifest this, for God is without Time.
PHN 04032017 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 160

The Resurrection Revelation

The Resurrection Revelation

So the Word is true, whether anyone believes it or not.

Let the Word be true and every unbeliever a liar.
So the last enemy to be conquered is death, and Jesus conquered that enemy
for every person when he arose from the dead. Paul, told us to, "believe that you
have already conquered death and arose from the dead". Jesus said to us, if a per-
son believes in me, he will never die! Jesus said He already had power over death,
and that he was the very Resurrection and Life. The problem was, no one could
believe it. Paul seen it and preached it, but He said, His message was "Out of Sea-
son", but that there would come a day when a generation would DARE to believe,
that Death, Hell, and The Grave had absolutely no more power over them or any
that died before them. That Jesus Christ did not only bring them eternal life, to
their Souls, but to their Body also! That God did not only heal their bodies from
sickness, and from evil spirits, but from time itself, from aging, and from even hav-
ing to die and go by the grave. Enoch proved this was possible, Elijah did also, and
even Jesus did. God never brought death, man did. The Man Christ Jesus came as
a Man and reversed the Fall in the Garden! He undid and made right, all that
Adam had done.
If we was all sinners by one man's disobedience, then how much more are we
now free from that and now back to what God made us to be, righteous, and spot-
less and sinless and perfect before God, by One Man's Obedience! Christ annulled

and voided all that Adam had done, paid for all the penalties, and freed us ALL!
Freed us from Sin, Guilt, Condemnation, The Law, from Hell, From Sickness,
From Aging, Time, The Grave!
Jesus Christ was the Last Trump of God, He was the Voice of God! He said,
"It Is Finished"! Since then eternal life in the Kingdom of God has been
preached! We are not waiting on the Lord, he has been waiting on you and I to
grow up and mature in our faith and knowledge, till we could believe in the en-
tirety of what He hath already done for you and I! The Angel said, "Time is No
More", that was Christ at Calvary! He finished all things, folded them up and laid
them away. He lead sin, death, hell, the grave, guilt, condemnation, and captivity
into captivity. Now all of that foolishness from the devil is gone and is no more. Sa-
tan is no more. Death is no more, the Grave is no more. Can You believe? Dare
You believe?
It only is effective when you believe it by faith from the heart. It is here for all.
Few there be that receive this. It is the Truth of God nonetheless. Stop waiting on
something that has already happened and been done for you! Christ returned at
Pentecost! He has been with us in His Clouds of Witnesses ever since! Not us that
speaks but our Father speaking from within us, the Kingdom of God within us!
Not you living but Christ living within you! He is in you because He is not dead,
He arose, conquered death, entered your heart, ascended into your Kingdom
within, to never ever die anymore! It was all a dream, it was a sinful sleep of night-
mares and illusions, caused by Satan and Sin. Now we are Children of the Day,
We are Awake from our Sleep! Lazarus but sleepeth. We do not sleep anymore,
the Great Light of the Day is come and night is no more. We have been translated
from the Kingdom of Darkness into His marvelous Kingdom of Light! We over-
came and we already sit with Him in His Throne, in the Kingdom Within us, and
we already eat daily from the Tree of Life, which is His Spirit and Words of Life
to us.
He hath made us ONE with Himself as He is One with His Father. We are
One. One Body, One Soul, One Spirit, One Mind, One Baptism, under One
Name, One Salvation, One Great Act, One God! It was revealed to Christ Jesus
the Power to conquer death, hell and the grave, this was the Keys He received

from His Father. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, that His Father God gave and re-
vealed to Him. Paul the Apostle the Head of the Gentile Church who was Christ
appearing in another form, also received this same revelation and Peter spoke of
it. "Gird up the loins of your mind and be sober for the grace that is to brought
unto you, at, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"! Paul seen these very things I am
telling you right now, but said his generation would not believe it, but their would
come a day and a generation that would dare to believe. Paul said he was born out
of season. That season is NOW! This is the Midnight Cry! The Revealing of Jesus
Christ is here!
This knowledge and revelation is appearing and coming forth inside the hearts
of the Saints of God. Like a room full of gas, it will continue till it is full and when
the last one steps in, God will cause the spark to be heard around the world and in
that moment, that twinkle of the eye, we will manifest a Change, that is already
here with us and for us. The same way the prophets of old looked forward and be-
lieved in what was to come, we must look back and believe what has already been
done for us! Man brought death by unbelief, now He must conquer death by be-
lief, or by Faith in the finished works of The man who alone conquered it for us.
This is the source and root and core of the Resurrection and meaning and pur-
pose and intent of The Great Resurrection of Jesus Christ! For you and I to never
go by the way of the grave. He spoke this so clearly, when He said, "I AM, (right
now, if thou can believe) The Resurrection and The Life"! Mary, Martha, you do
not have to wait for a certain day, I have already conquered death for YOU! I
transfigured my Body and walked right into glory with it, FOR YOU! To show
you death had no power over your body! I did not do that for myself, but for you! I
told you Mary, "If you will believe in me, you shall never die"! I turned around
and raised your brother Lazarus from the dead to show you a time and season has
NOTHING to do with what I have already done for you!
This is the true power and glory of my Bride! This is the secret she has that rest
in her Bosom! My Faith and Obedience in Her Heart, destroyed the darkness, sin,
death and unbelief of Satan that was in Her Heart! I have translated Her into My
Kingdom! She is now "They that dwell in Heaven"! Heaven is My Spirit inside of
Her! Where She is, "In My Spirit", THERE I AM Also! I ascended into the spirits

of Just men made perfect and hath perfected them forever that I sanctifed with my
Blood and justified them by my own Works, as I AM Their Works! You keep look-
ing for me in the clouds of the sky, when I have been among you in the Great
Clouds of Witnesses who have Heaven or My Spirit inside of them. I told you, I
would never leave you, I told you I would come to you, I did at Pentecost, I came
as the Holy Ghost, your Righteousness! Clothing you in all of my glory and right-
eousness, that where I am, you would be also, and the Throne I sit in, which is
Heaven, there you are too! Heaven is God's Throne! His Spirit is heaven!
Where Me and My Father are, that is Heaven! John was "In The Spirit" on the
Lords Day. It is Finished! Can You Believe! Christ was and is the Fullness of God,
he was the Voice of God, He was and is the Trump of God! He is sounding now,
The Father speaking from within us, bringing forth The Revelation of Jesus Christ
on this 3rd Day! The Revelation is The Resurrection, The Resurrection is the
Change! When you believe, by Faith it becomes so! Then when your body mani-
fest its change that you have believed in, those in the grave will begin to come
forth also, because you Sons and daughters of God will have conquered death by
and through the Finished Works and Revelation of our Lord and God, Jesus
Christ our King! Amen and Amen!
Patrick Henry Nichols I

C H A P T E R 161

Connecting The Faith To Him

Connecting The Faith To Him

As of late the Lord has been showing to us the truth and reality of the power
and glory of His resurrection. He is revealing this from, by, and through the Word,
and connecting these verses together and connecting them unto Himself ! As we
have recently spoken, this is the 2 hands of the clock now pointing to the exact
12:00 O'Clock, Midnight Hour. It began with Jesus and it ends with Jesus. He was
the first and the last. The 7 candlesticks showing the 7 church ages are over, and
bring back into the view the other 2 candlesticks making 9 and Christ was the first
one and the last one both being denoted by Moses and Elijah, as Moses shows the
Body of Sin being crucified by the Law of the accuser or Moses. Elijah showing
the resurrected Body.
As the ages rolled by and men out their faith in the Word, it gave to them a
measure of the Faith to work with and to bring to power the Mind and Will of
God for that age. It was like plugging an electric cord into a 110 wall socket for the
first time. It brought about a power and a life in a measure for that day and age.
Now we stand at the Midnight Cry Hour and the call to go out and meet Him, as
pertaining to that Body we have looked for is come. This means our faith, being
The Faith, not pointing unto some other hour as in days past and receiving the
110 Power. Now our faith, being The Faith, unto the Full Measure, can now plug
into the 440 Volt resurrected Person and Body of Jesus Christ who alone had the
revelation and message and power and faith to conquer death.
When our faith is switched from other men and their message and we begin to
see the true messenger and MAN they were all pointing unto, and we see His

Body alive from the dead and we believe His Message that He did indeed conquer
death and that He was and is The Days of the Voice, and His Voice was and is the
Trump of God, and That it certainly brings forth the dead and changes the Body,
then we know what enormous power we are about to receive. Our Faith now
plugged into the Messenger and Message whose testimony was sealed and He did
arise from the dead. He also resurrected others, to show He had power over death,
even as to His own transfiguration.
So His Ministry was the Days of The Voice, and His Ministry revealed the Mys-
teries, and His Voice was the Voice and Trump of God, and it disputed with He
who had power of death and rebuked Him, destroying Him with the Brightness of
His Faith and Light. When He comes as to the great appearing to conquer death,
we also come with Him, meaning we all come to the same revelation, faith and
power. The exact same manifestation. The exact same glory and transfiguration.
As the Head so is the Body. It was the 7 Thunders uttering their voices as Christ
was the Voice of God speaking. Now it ALL points back to Him, not another. He
is the Thunders, He is the one who conquered death, He is the one who spoke the
words and gave the message and it was in the days of His Voice the mysteries were
finished for He said, It is Finished! He was Rev. 10:7 that stood between Heaven
and Earth saying Time is No More. Now is come the Kingdom and the Power!
I remember years ago while reading a special and unique book pertaining to
the seals and the thunders and yet my mind was not on the thunders at that mo-
ment when suddenly the Voice of God spoke to me so strong, it literally shook my
body and jarred me, and I heard Him say, "The Thunders lay in the Body of My
Son, and to bring back those thunders, you will bring Him back from the dead".
Then it gave me a knowledge of that one will have to go where He is to that place,
and I seen as a vision the body of the Lord in some dimension, and it was laying
horizontally and was asleep or in human terms, was dead. I seen that death, in
that sense, held the secrets to life within its grasp, and one would have to go to that
body and open it to release the thunders and awaken our Lord back to life. Now
since that time the Lord has revealed so much about all of this and expanded on it
greatly. It was never nothing one would have to do as to someone having the abil-
ity within themselves to go to that body and that realm and do as we have said. It

was all, already done, and finished, by Christ Jesus. What the Lord was referring to
was to "follow the Lord through and into that journey, by faith, as He would reveal
each step and stage and by His revelation, it would establish, the needed faith, and
we, as His Body, would receive the exact same benefits.
SO many have gotten on the cross and denied self and have walked in great
power and that is great and awesome. But they also received the glory of their sac-
rifice. They were always elevated in the eyes of the people, whether they wanted to
be or not. So I dare ask this, that is to say, "Is it possible, for one to come to the ex-
act same fullness of stature of Christ Jesus, by no works, but by simply believing in
the Works He hath already done for us, and that revelation and faith changes us
itself from glory to glory and making us fully one as He is, and giving Him all of
the glory"? YES INDEED! It is not by our works whatsoever. Human faith may
need works to inspire it to believe, but "The Faith" that resides in our hearts, re-
quires no works, for it is a finished mature perfected faith already, meaning the fin-
ished works of Christ hath already done the works and formed the faith and sent it
into our hearts. We was finished the moment we first believed. SO we have no
works to glory in, to raise ourself up, because our faith is His Faith, and thus His
Works are our own, making again, Him the all in all, the preeminent one. All
Glory returns and belongs to Him. This is not to do away with works, but it is to
rather lift up and magnify and glorify the Works of the One whom hath finished it
all. He was the Mystery of God, God veiled in the Flesh, and He comprehended
God and unveiled the Mystery and went to the Cross and "Finished the Mystery".
So we see now that our Faith is centered and focused on that One, That per-
son, That Body, within whom, it was His Voice, His Trump, His Thunders, His
Body, His Faith, His Overcoming Victory and His Revelation and NOW, it is
moved into the Spotlight Stage in our hearts and Faith, then surely something in-
credible is about to happen, a power like we have never known is coming, a day of
divine, supernatural amazing displays of signs, wonders, miracles, visions, anoint-
ings, gifts, revelations, and so much more. Angelic visitations, invisible entities
made known, knowledge so great it will flood the earth.
This year, is the beginning of it all. A Trump in office, sounding the trump,
there with a "Michael Pence" of the Archangel, bringing in the Jew, or His own

Son In Law, or the body adopted in by the Law, here in the time of Jesus coming
to the forefront of our Faith and sight, and Him being the Angel of Revelation
10:7 making 17, and the calendar as 17 yrs into the 3rd day of His appearing. SO
much much more in great detail, we could speak of, but these things mentioned
herein should be more than enough to shake any babe in Christ or others to their
core of the great terrible, terrific time we are now in. Now is Come Power. Amen
and Amen!
PHN 04212017 HHI, SC. USA

C H A P T E R 162

The Constituted Body

The Constituted Body

I remember our Pastor, saying to us a number of times, that when the Lord
comes back, that He will be coming back with Him, and He also spoke of the peo-
ple, saying, and we will be coming back with Him. He spoke and told us that we
ride over the Tribulation and even ride over the Millennium and we set down in
the Throne with the Great Ancient of Days. Now we know, as He told us, there is
no such thing as time and to understand this great revelational light, we must re-
move the time element. So we know that when he says to us we ride over and we
set down, that He was NOT speaking of a day or time to come, but was saying to
us, right now, as this great light is here, this light being, The Ancient of Days, then
we see all of creation disappearing before us as this great light is revelating and
changing our minds into the Mind of God and we see God in all things. So He
was not speaking of a time element, for that is Satan always waving the carrot be-
fore the horse, keeping us in a state of waiting for a certain time, when that is not
true. Jesus told Martha, I AM, "right now", the resurrection and the life, you do
not have to wait for a certain day. Paul told us we already died and was buried and
rose again to never die anymore, that we do not have to wait on a certain day or
SO the great Man of God speaks and says a most astounding thing while in
this life, that when the Lord returns, He will be coming back with Him. Of course
He is speaking of Rev 19. Yet we know he told us we are already translated, trans-
formated, and transfigured. His ministry was the translation, and the 20yrs since
was as the transformating time, and now we have entered the time of the change

and the resurrection and change and transfiguration of the body. Though He was
alive and though He spoke to us in that manner, we totally did not perceive the
weight of His words. He was telling us, right now, we are all that we are going to
be, and already are where we are going to be, and that we was already perfected,
in heaven and already the fullness of God, right then and there. SO why would
He speak of yet a time to come and He would be returning with Him? I love the
simplicity of the Lord, you can ask Him anything and He speaks and reveals to
you the answer.
So when He returns, even as The Message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
was and is The Coming of The Lord, then what did He mean as to Rev 19? He
was saying to us, that when this Mind that was in Him appears, it appears in its
fullness, and it is the Lord Himself. See no waiting on Him to return, But Lo! He
is Here! How could He be here and we not see Him? Because He came as a
"Quickening Spirit". He said there is nothing left but the "quickening". So here
standing in the midst of us was the Great Eternal God as a quickening Spirit or
Angel. It was a Constituted Mind, that had a Constituted Faith. We have come far
enough along to understand, The Faith of Jesus Christ, was and is The Kingdom
of God. So in that sense the Kingdom did come. SO it had to be, that whoever
was in that Kingdom, did come with Him also.
No listen real close this is simple. When you heard the voice to "come up
hither", and you went, then you was caught up, to the same place Jesus was, in the
Spirit. The same place as every Saint of God has gone to, even those living, and
we are all in the Spirit.So when He came, why we all had to come with Him. As
the Head was revealed, then would not the Body receive the same? Is it not where
the head is? David said, I have ascended above my teachers. So when you come to
know what your teacher knows, then are you not at the same place they are? Can
you not also be called "Teacher"? When a man is elected President, has He not be-
came the same as the men before Him? So when the Lord returns, then He re-
veals to you what His return is, and who you are and where you are, and you are
caught up to the exact same mind and place and faith, then did you not come and
appear with Him? Is the teacher not translating you to the same place He is? As
the teacher comes, or returns, day after day, naturally speaking, are you not return-

ing with Him? Sure you are and eventually you arrive at the same place as He is.
So when the Lord returns, He translated us in our minds, to reveal to us we was al-
ways with Him. We just did not understand or perceive it as so. Where did we go
when we was translated? Actually no where that we were not already. It was sim-
ply revealed to us and we received it by faith and thus making it so. SO in this you
can see the pre ordination and foreknowledge of God being done. All that is being
revealed is what has always been. The shadows of temporal illusions are dissipat-
ing at the brightness of the coming of the revelational light of God, which is His
infinite foreknowledge, being made known.
Now Here is something to consider. Being that He is come, and that in His Full-
ness, then He is Here, but not that He came from somewhere to be here, He has
been here all the time. The coming it speaks of is actually a revelation to us of
what has already been. SO He did not come from anywhere to us, He was on the
other side of that veil that was over our minds was all. He has been here, all of, the
time. Waiting for the veil to come off your mind, waiting patiently in line. So we
see that He was the Word that was made flesh. Was that a carnal word, or an
anointed word? It was both. The Spirit or anointing departed from Him, making
the Word into Flesh. This is what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden. Be-
ing a Spirit, it then had to have a constituted body. God hath given everything a
body to dwell in. So the Great Spirit of Christ comes and thus with it, is the Great
Body that constitutes it. When does or will that Great Spirit we have seen, that has
manifested to us, become the Body and Physical appearing of Jesus Christ? It al-
ready is and has. Remember it is simply a matter of divine perception. It must be
revealed, and then you can see it. Peter said it was, "eternal in the heavens".
Where are the heavens? You are them heavens. His Great Mind is come thus the
Head is here, thus the Body is here also. If the Spirit is Here, and has been here,
then the Body has been here also. On that first day after the resurrection, they sup-
posed Him to be the gardener. The Word says, "He appeared in another form".
In the night time the body is lit with a faint silhouette. In the day time, it is lit
with the shining of the sun, at His appearing it is transfigured with a 7 fold light!
The Body is and has always been one with the Mind that inhabited it. We have
within us now a 7 fold light, so our body is already shining brighter than the noon

day sun, because we are 7 times brighter than it is. So the Mind of Jesus Christ is
come, thus all of the saints of God living and dead all came with Him. As He is
and as they are, so are we! We should be able to speak with them and even see
them walking about the town. When the great light comes, even the Son is sub-
jected to Him or it, meaning the Son having to do with the Body of the Lord,
brings the body back under the subjection and into a oneness with the Great 7
fold Spirit and Light, thus causing it to be no longer a Son, as to a Sonship, but it
is become the Body of God the Father Himself. As Christ said, Me and my Father
will make our abode in Him. This also indicates as to the Jews being denoted in
the Millennium as the Son, and them ruling, then they come to the fullness as we
have and they become subjected as we did and One with the Father.
We are not waiting for a time period of 7 years to come in and then we are fi-
nally in the Millennium. The Mind of God within us is our Millennium! We was
made for so much more than even the great millennium, for we ride over it by this
Faith and we are the great appearing of God where everything is passing away al-
ready. All things are already restored and glorified to us. To see God in the tree or
the waters the birds and each other, is to glorify those things with the glory of
God. His Mind and His Glory of and in that Mind is revealing God in all things
to us, causing God and all His Glory to be seen in that thing. So we in Glory. All is
perfected to us, all is restored to us, all is translated, transformated and transfig-
ured before us. To walk in the great millennium is a step down for us, though we
can and will and do enjoy it already. We already pray that the Lord blesses our
food before we eat, we pray he blesses all that we have and do. God blessing all we
have asked and more then what else can a millennium do or can be better than
what we already have when God blesses something. We are finished products. The
Body of Jesus Christ is here already, the Man Christ Jesus is here! He is here physi-
cally! However to see Him Physically, you absolutely must see Him first Spiritually!
His Body went away and as strange as it sounds , we say it went to heaven, Heaven
is the Spirit and the Spirit is the Mind, so His Body was and is in His Mind, and
His Mind has came to us as The Revelation of Jesus Christ! His Mind is Here and
been here all the time. Remember to let it be in us as He did. His Body was a con-
stitution of His Mind. When Adam and Eve fell to a Beast Mind they automati-

cally found themself in a beast body. We are in the Mind of Christ and it has re-
vealed to us our redeemed and changed body. Our body is eternal in our heaven
or our state of mind. Our body being one with our mind then we see who, what
and where we already are.
PHN 04212017 HHI, SC. USA


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