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Unit 1: Negotiating: Dealing with Problems (p. 131)

A sales representative (SR) for a computer company asking the sales
manager (SM) for a new company car.

Sample 1
SM: I understand you want a different car, but it’s just not possible. No one
in the sales team has a new car this year.
SR: I can’t accept that. I was the top sales person last year.
SM: I’m sorry, I can’t help you. The problem is (that) the company needs to
save money this year.
SR: I travel thousands of miles each year. Besides, an expensive car makes
the company look good.
SM: I’m sorry, but I want to spend extra money on bonuses.
SR: You know, our competitors often call me to offer me a job at a higher
salary, but I always refuse.
SM: Oh, I see. I highly appreciate your loyalty. I know you love our
company. You understand that our company is in financial difficulties.
Could you wait until next year? I’ll give you a pay rise next month?
SR: OK. That’s fine.

Sample 2
SM: I understand you want a different car.
SR: That’s right. I was the top salesperson last year.
SM: Yes, it’s true, but no one in the team has a new car this year.
SR: I know, but it’s very important for me. I have to travel thousands of
miles every year. In addition, an expensive car makes the company look
SM: I see what you mean, but I’m afraid that I can’t accept it. The problem
is that the company has to save money. I want to spend extra money on
SR: You know, other companies offer me better jobs at a higher salary but I
always refuse them.
SM: Oh, I see. I highly appreciate your loyalty. I’ll think about request.

Unit 2: Starting a Presentation (p. 132)

Sample 1
Good morning (afternoon), everyone.
My name’s X Y Z.
I’d like to talk about the launch of our company’s new product.
There are three parts to my presentation.
- Firstly, the background to the launch.
- Secondly, the features (= characteristics) of our new product.
- Finally, the advertising and marketing plans for our new product.
By the end of my presentation you will have a clear idea of the sales
potential of our new product.

Sample 2
Good morning (afternoon), everyone.
My name’s X Y Z.
I’d like to talk about our company’s new e-mail system.
There are three parts to my presentation.
- Firstly, the background to the new e-mail system.
- Secondly, why our company need to change the e-mail system.
- Finally, how to use the new system and to report faults.
By the end of my presentation you will have a clear idea of how the new e-
mail system improves communication in our company.

Unit 3: Making Arrangements (p. 133)

Sample 1
MD: Hello, (Mr / Mrs … ). I’m the Managing Director of Alpha Printing.
We need to meet next week. (= Let’s meet one day next week.) If you
don’t mind, could we see each other at 10am next Tuesday morning at
my office?
Customer: Let me see… Well, I think I can meet you then. However, may I
know the purpose of our meeting, sir?
MD: Oh, nothing particular! I only want to show you some proof copies
(bản in thử) of your book (your advertising materials). Then, I would
like to invite you to eat out somewhere.
Customer: Well, it sounds interesting. Thank you very much, and goodbye.

Sample 2
MD: Hello (Mr / Mrs … ). I’m the Managing Director of Alpha Printing. We
need to meet each other next week. (= Let’s meet one day next week.) If
you don’t mind, could we make 10am on Friday the 20th of March at
my office?
Supplier: Let me see… Oh, I afraid I can’t meet you then. However, may we
see each other at 3pm on Thursday 19th of March?
MD: OK, that’s good enough! I only want to show you some wrong
products that you recently provided us.
Supplier: Did we? Oh, it sounds discouraging! Well, I’m sure that I won’t
miss our meeting.
MD: Thank you very much, and goodbye.

Sample 3
Customer: Hello. I’d like to talk with the Managing Director.
Operator: Certainly. Please hold on.
Customer. Thanks.
Operator: Hello. I’m afraid that he’s not in his office now. Would you mind
leaving your message?
Customer: Yes. My name’s … I was ill yesterday and missed the meeting at
11am. I’ll call him later in the day. Bye.
Operator: Bye.

Unit 4: Identifying Problems and Agreeing Action (p. 134)

(M: Manager. E: Employee)
M: Hello. What’s your problem?
E: Hello. I have a few problems with my job.
M: Why do you say that?
E: I’m not happy in my department. I don’t have enough work, so I feel
bored and I don’t like my boss. He’s not helpful to me.
M: I understand what you’re saying. What’s the solution?
E: I want to move to a different department or work from home.
M: I don’t think you should work from home because our company will be
very busy in a month’s time. I think I will transfer you to The Sales
E: You’re right. So I’ll move to The Sales Department.
M: OK, I’ll tell the sales manager about this.

Unit 5: Interview skills (p. 135)

Sample: Interviewing a candidate for the job of receptionist

1. Did you find the hotel easily?
> Yes, I came here by taxi.
2. Why do you want this job?
> I like working with people and I want to work in the city.
3. What strengths do you have?
> I’m good at numbers and fluent in English.
4. Can you work under pressure?
> Yes, I stay calm all times.
5. What did you learn from your last job?
> I learned how to deal with people and worked well in a team.
6. What did you not like about your last job?
> I worked long hours and I made a difficult journey to work.
7. What are your main interests?
> I like cycling and watching sports.
8. Do you have any questions?
> If I get the job, how long are my holidays?
(= If I have the job, how many days’ holidays do I get?)
Unit 6: Presenting Your Company (p. 136)

Good morning everyone.
Thanks for coming to my presentation.
My name’s < Marta Rodriguez >.
I’m < Personnel Director of Tara Fashions >.
I’m going to talk to you today about our company.

First, I’ll give you some basic information about < Tara Fashions / our
company >.
Then I’ll talk about our < overseas stores >.
After that, I’ll outline the strengths of the company.
Next, I’ll talk about < career opportunities > with our company.
And finally, I’ll mention our future plans.
I’ll be pleased to answer any questions at the end of my talk.

Let me start with some basic facts about our company.

It started in 1978.
We are < a family-owned business >.
and our head office is located in < Cordoba, Spain >.
We sell < clothes for men and women >.
We have < 15 stores in Spain >.
All the stores are very profitable.

Right, those are the basic facts.

Let me add a few figures.
We have an annual turnover of about < 260 million euros >.
Last year, our net profits were approximately (= about) < 16 million euros >.
We have a workforce of < 2,000 employees >.

Now, let me tell you about our < overseas stores >.
We have < four large stores in France and another ten in other European
countries >.
We’re planning to < open five new stores next year >.

What are our strengths?

We keep up with < fashion trends >.
If we spot (= notice) a new trend,
we can < bring out a new design in 15 days >.
And we get it to the stores very quickly.

What about career opportunities?

It’s quite simple. If you are < ambitious and fashion-conscious >,
we have opportunities in all areas of our business.
We will welcome you with open arms.

Finally, a few words about < our new project >.

We are planning to < open a new store in New York next year >.
This will help us < establish a foothold (= base / basis / foundation) in the
US market >.
We’re very excited about this new development.
Well, thanks very much for listening to my talk.
And I would like to hear questions from you.

Unit 7: Participating in Discussion (p. 137)


MANAGER: Good morning (afternoon), Mr Director. As the Manager of

Personnel, I think I should inform you of the current situation in our
DIRECTOR: Good morning (afternoon), sir. Well, I’m willing to listen.
What’s the problem?
MANAGER: You know, more and more staff are taking time off work
because of stress-related problems. This matter should be considered
DIRECTOR: Of course you’re right. The more time off work (= idle time)
they take, the greater loss our company suffers. But have you found out
any reasons?
MANAGER: Some persons complain that they are unable to cope with (= to
handle / to deal with) the increasing demands of their jobs. Some
employees indicate (= say) that they seldom receive adequate support
(= get enough support) from their colleagues and superiors. However,
no one has ever spoken frankly (= straight / directly / openly) to my
Department (= me). What I’ve just told you, therefore, is like rumours
(= gossip [U] / hearsay [U]).
DIRECTOR: In this case, we should hold some (= a few) informal meetings
with some small groups of our staff (= employees). We should talk with
them in a friendly manner (= way) to understand (= find out) their real
reasons. That’s why I suggest that we shouldn’t hold a formal and too
crowded meeting (= should invite a small group of employees to each
informal meeting).
MANAGER: I quite agree with you (= You’re right / That’s a very good
idea). So, some senior executives will hold such meetings and on
behalf of the company’s leaders, they will listen to the employees.


MANAGER: Good morning (afternoon), Mr Director. As the Manager of

Personnel, I think I should inform you of the current situation in our
DIRECTOR: Good morning (afternoon), sir. Well, I’m willing to listen.
What’s the problem?
MANAGER: You know, a large number of employees are suffering from
headaches, backache and chest pains.
DIRECTOR: Really? This matter should be considered seriously. But what
are the reasons?
MANAGER: According to a recent report from our company’s physician (=
doctor), those symptoms might result from overcrowded offices, poor
ventilation, and badly designed furniture and equipment, and so on.
DIRECTOR: I think we need to find out more real causes. To deal with the
matters of poor ventilation or badly designed furniture and equipment,
we may spend lots of money purchasing better things to replace them.
That’s not a very big problem. But at present, I’m afraid that we can’t
buid new large offices or enlarge the old ones.
MANAGER: I quite agree with you. In this case, I think we may temporarily
rent some offices. However, what we should do immediately is to
cooperate with a hospital so that our staff can have health checked
DIRECTOR: Good idea. So, we should prepare a plan for a free medical


MANAGER: Good morning (afternoon), Mr Director. As the Manager of

Personnel, I think I should inform you of the current situation in our
DIRECTOR: Good morning, sir. Well, I’m willing to listen. What’s the
MANAGER: You know, some employees are depressed (= unhappy /
discouraged) because they feel they have no control over their work
and are never involved in decision-making.
DIRECTOR: Are they? This matter should be considered seriously. On your
viewpoint, what can we do to solve this problem?
MANAGER: I think we should better (= improve) our relationship between
the employers and the employees. Perhaps, our culture is too formal
here. Besides, instructions or demands are often given like military
commands. I mean, we usually provide our employees with inadequate
(= insufficient) information or explanation. Thus, they lack better
understanding and easily feel much compulsory (= obligatory)
whenever receiving their job requirements.
DIRECTOR: I quite agree with you (= You’re quite right). In this case, I
think we should hold a meeting with senior executives to ask them to
change their working manners. Later, we should hold a meeting with
representatives of our employees to listen to them so that we can expect
a solution good for both sides, the employers and the employees.

Unit 8: Socialising: Greeting and Small Talk (p. 138)


Unit 9: Telephoning: Exchanging Information (p. 140)

(The underlined words in the dialogue may be changed to create your own
ESM = European Sales Manager
MD = Marketing Director

ESM: Good morning. My name is Thomas. I’d like to talk to Mr. Brown, the
Marketing Director, please.
MD: Speaking.
ESM: I’m calling to talk about our focus group meeting in July.
MD: Where and when will take place?
ESM: It will take place at the Commercial Institute, at 5 Rue Pierre Charron
Paris on Friday, on 29 July, at 14.00.
MD: Two of my biggest customers will be visiting Paris in July. They’d like
to have a meeting with you. One of them is Ms. Irina Pavlovskaya. She
is a Marketing Consultant based in Moscow, Russia. Her telephone
number is 812 275 6381. The other is Ms. Csilla Ambrus. She is Head
Buyer for a department store in Budapest, Hungary. Her telephone
number is 036 339 4032.
ESM: OK, I’ve got that. Just one more thing. Did they say when they’d like
to meet?
MD: Yes, they said next Wednesday or Thursday. That’s the 27th or 28th.
ESM: That’s right. I will ask my secretary to receive them at the airport.
MD: Thank you very much. Good bye.
ESM: Goodbye.
MD: By the way, I’d like you to tell me about last month’s sales in France.
Did they increase or decrease?
ESM: The total sales were 3.2 million euros. They were 8% higher than the
same period last year.
MD: Thank you very much. Good bye.
ESM: Goodbye.

Unit 10: Presenting a Product (p. 142)


Seller: Good morning (afternoon). Can I help you?
Buyer: Good morning (afternoon). I’d like some information about your
outdoor heater?
Seller: What would you like to know?
Buyer: What is an outdoor heater used for?
Seller: It’s used to heat the air outside a building.
Buyer: Does it have any special features?
Seller: It’s powered by propane gas.* It’s easy to regulate the heat. It’s light
and easy to move. It can be used in all weathers. It’s easy to clean. And
it has an attractive design.
Buyer: How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs €299.
Buyer: It sounds interesting. I will consider its purchase. Thank you very
much. Bye.
Seller: You’re welcome. Bye.
* pròpane [pròu-pein] gas: a gas found in natural gas and petroleum and
used as a fuel for cooking and heating.


Seller: Good morning (afternoon). Can I help you?
Buyer: Good morning (afternoon). I’d like some information about your
juice extracter?
Seller: What would you like to know?
Buyer: What is a juice extracter used for?
Seller: It’s used to to extract juice from fruit and vegetables.
Buyer: Does it have any special features?
Seller: It has a powerful motor. It’s easy to pour juice. And it has a safety
locking lid. All parts easy to remove and can be washed in a
dishwasher. Its filter is made of stainless steel. Besides, we offer a 3-
year guarantee. You will be able to prepare various kinds of delicious
juice at home because each juice extracter is accompanied with a free
recipe book.
Buyer: How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs €68.
Buyer: It sounds interesting. I will consider its purchase. Thank you very
much. Bye.
Seller: You’re welcome. Bye.


Seller: Good morning (afternoon). Can I help you?
Buyer: Good morning (afternoon). I’d like some information about your
baby monitor?
Seller: What would you like to know?
Buyer: What is a baby monitor used for?
Seller: It’s used to to check the health of a sleeping baby.
Buyer: Does it have any special features?
Seller: It works up to 100-metre range (tầm hoạt động trong vòng 100 mét).
It is powered by mains (xài điện nhà) or by battery (xài pin). The
volume can be adjustable (âm thanh to nhỏ điều chỉnh được). It has a
low-battery indicator (báo hiệu khi pin yếu), a belt clip (móc giắt vào
thắt lưng) and also a stand (giá đỡ cho đứng). Of course, it is also easy
to use and very light. Besides, we offer a 3-year guarantee.
Buyer: How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs €48.
Buyer: It sounds interesting. I will consider its purchase. Thank you very
much. Bye.
Seller: You’re welcome. Bye.


Seller: Good morning (afternoon). Can I help you?
Buyer: Good morning (afternoon). I’d like some information about your
leather attaché case?
Seller: What would you like to know?
Buyer: What is a leather attaché case used for?
Seller: It’s used to carry business documents.
Buyer: Does it have any special features?
Seller: It is an expandable (có thể nới rộng ra) case with laptop facility
(chứa được laptop). It has twin locks (hai ổ khóa), 3 compartments (ba
ngăn), 2 extra pockets (hai túi phụ), pen and credit card holders (ngăn
đựng bút và thẻ tín dụng). Its demensions are 40cm high, 49cm wide,
and 15cm deep. We offer a 2-year guarantee.
Buyer: How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs €70.
Buyer: It sounds interesting. I will consider its purchase. Thank you very
much. Bye.
Seller: You’re welcome. Bye.

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