EE418 HW2 Solutions

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EE 418: Network Security and Cryptography

Homework 2 – Solutions
Assigned: Tuesday, October 11, 2016, Due: Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Instructor: Tamara Bonaci
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle

Problem 1
For each of the following pairs of integers (x, y), first determine whether x−1 mod y exists. Then find x−1
(mod y) if it exists. Show all work.
(a) x = 5, y = 25

(b) x = 12, y = 29
(c) x = 24, y = 35
(d) x = 17, y = 101

(e) x = 87, y = 102

(a) x = 5, y = 25
There does not exist an inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 5, y = 25, since

x = 5
y = 25 = 52 , hence
gcd(x = 5, y = 25) = 5 6= 1

(b) x = 12, y = 29
There does exist an inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 12, y = 29, since gcd(x = 12, y = 29) = 1. Let’s
show that using the Eucliedan Algorithm:

12 = 0(29) + 12
29 = 2(12) + 5
12 = 2(5) + 2
5 = 2(2) + 1
2 = 2(1) + 0

Now, let’s use the Extended Eucliedan Algorithm to find the inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 12, y = 29:

1 = 5 − 2(2)
= 5 − 2[12 − 2(5)] = 5(5) − 2(12)
= 5[29 − 2(12)] − 2(12) = 5(29) − 12(12) (1)

From equation (1), it follows that:

12−1 = −12 (mod 29) = 17 (mod 29)

Solution: (c) x = 24, y = 35
There does exist an inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 24, y = 35, since gcd(x = 24, y = 35) = 1. Let’s
show that by factorizing x and y:

x = 23 · 3
y = 5·7 (2)

From (2), it follows that x and y do not have any common factors, hence gcd(x = 24, y = 35) = 1.
Let’s now use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 24, y = 35:

24 = 0(35) + 24
35 = 1(24) + 11 → 11 = 35 − 1(24)
24 = 2(11) + 2 → 2 = 24 − 2(11)
11 = 5(2) + 1 → 1 = 11 − 5(2)

1 = 11 − 5(2)
= 11 − 5[(24) − 2(11)] = 11(11) − 5(24)
= 11[(35) − (24)] − 16(24) = 11(35) − 16(24) (3)

From (3), it follows that:

24−1 = −16 (mod 35) = 19 (mod 35)
(d) x = 17, y = 101
There does exist an inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 17, y = 101, since both 17 and 101 are prime
Using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 17, y = 101 we get
that 17−1 mod (101) = 6.
(e) x = 87, y = 102
There does not exist an inverse x−1 (mod y) for a pair x = 87, y = 102, since gcd(x = 87, y = 102) = 3.
Let’s show that by factorizing x and y:

x = 87 = 29 · 3
y = 102 = 2 · 3 · 17 (4)

From (4), it follows that x and y do have common factor, d = 3, hence gcd(x = 87, y = 102) = 3.

Problem 2 (Stinson, Problem 1.2)

Suppose that a, m > 0 and a 6≡ 0 (mod m). Prove that

(−a) mod m = m − a(modm). (5)

Solution I:
In order to prove the statement given by equation (5), let’s use the remainder theorem to represent a as:

a=b·m+r (6)

We next multiply both sides of equation (6) by -1 and rearrange the equation in the following way:

−a = −b · m − r
= −b · m + m − m − r
= −(b + 1) · m + m − r (7)

Equation (7) is, however, nothing but another application of the remainder theorem:

−a = − (b + 1) m + (m − r) = q1 · m + r1 (8)
| {z } | {z }
q1 r1

Using the fact that a(modm) ≡ r, we can write:

−a mod m = r1
= m−r
= m − a mod m (9)

Equation (9) completes the proof.

Solution II:
Part one:
Suppose that a, m > 0 and a 6≡ 0 mod m, hence for some integers q and r, where 0 ≤ r < m, we can write a
as a = mq + r, according to division theorem. By simple algebra, −a = −mq − r, which is −a = m(−q) − r.
Then we take mod m on both side. (−a) mod m = (−r) mod m. However, it is equivalent to
(−a) mod m = m − r mod m. Since 0 < r < m, then 0 < m − r < m, and m − r mod m = m − r, as the
result (−a) mod m = m − r.
Part two:
On the other hand, since a = mq + r, then a mod m = r, hence −(a mod m) = −r. By adding m on both
side, we get
m − (a mod m) = m − r
By comparing result from both part,
(−a) mod m = m − r, m − (a mod m) = m − r, we conclude they are equal, and hence it completes the

Problem 3 (Stinson, Problem 1.6)

If an encryption function eK is identical to the decryption function dK , then the key K is said to be an
involutory key. Find all the involutory keys in the Shift Cipher over Z26 .

In order to find all involutory keys in Shift Cipher over Z26 , let’s first represent the 5-tuple that defines the

P = C = K = Z26
y = eK (x) = (x + K) mod 26
x = dK (y) = (y − K) mod 26 (10)

By definition, a cryptographic key K is involutory key, if:

eK (x) = dK (y) (11)

From equation (11), if follows that:

x = eK (eK (x))
= eK [(x + K) mod 26]
= [(x + K) mod 26 + K] mod 26
= (x + 2K) mod 26 (12)

From equation (12), the condition for a key to be an involutory key in Shift Cipher over Z26 is given as:

2 · K mod 26 = 0 (13)

From equation(13), we conclude that there are two involutory keys in Shift Cipher over Z26 :

K1 = 0; K2 = 13

Problem 4 (Stinson, Problem 1.7)

Determine the number of valid keys (a, b) in an Affine cipher over Zm for m = 30, 100 and 1225.

Let’s start solving this problem by recalling the definition of the Affine cipher:

P = C = Zm
K = {(a, b) : a ∈ Zm and gcd(a, m) = 1, b ∈ Zm }
y = eK (x) = (ax + b) mod m
x = dK (y) = a−1 (y − b) mod m (14)

From equation (14), it follows that the number of keys in an Affine Cipher over Zm depends on the cardinality
of the subset Z̃m , that contains all the elements x ∈ Z̃m , such that gcd(x, m) = 1. The cardinality of the
subset Z̃m is determined by the Euler totient (φ) function:
φ(m) = (pei i − piei −1 ) (15)
where i=1 pei i represents a unique prime factorization of number m.
From equation (15), the number of distinct keys in an affine cipher over Zm is defined as:
# of distinct keys = N (m) = m · φ(m) = m (pei i − piei −1 ) (16)

For m = 30, 100, 1225, we can write:

30 = 2·3·5
φ(30) = pei i = (2 − 1) · (3 − 1) · (5 − 1) = 8
N (30) = m · φ(m) = m (pei i − pei i −1 ) = 30 · 8 = 240

100 = 22 · 52
φ(100) = pei i = (22 − 2) · (52 − 5) = 2 · 20 = 40
N (100) = m · φ(m) = m (pei i − pei i −1 ) = 100 · 40 = 4 · 103

1225 = 52 · 72
φ(1225) = pei i = (52 − 5) · (72 − 7) = 20 · 42 = 840
N (1225) = m · φ(m) = m (pei i − pei i −1 ) = 1225 · 840 = 1029000

Problem 5 (Stinson, Problem 1.10)

Suppose K = (5, 21) is a key in an Affine Cipher over Z29 .
(a) Express the decryption function dK (y) in the form dK = a0 y + b0 , where a0 , b0 ∈ Z29 .
(b) Prove that dK (eK (x)) = x for all x ∈ Z29 .

An Affine Cipher over Z29 is defined by the following 5-tuple:

P = C = Z29
K = {(a, b) : a ∈ Z29 and gcd(a, 29) = 1, b ∈ Z29 }
y = eK (x) = (ax + b) mod 29
x = dK (y) = a−1 (y − b) mod 29 (17)

(a) In order to express the decryption rule (equation (17)) in the form:

dK (y) = a0 y + b0 , where a0 , b0 ∈ Z29 (18)

let’s first find the multiplicative inverse of a = 5 over Z29 using Extended Euclidean Algorithm:

29 = 5(5) + 4
5 = 1(4) + 1
1 = 5 − 1(4)
1 = 5 − 1(29 − 5(5))
1 = 6(5) − 29 (19)

From equation (19), it follows that a−1 = 6. We can now write:

dK (x) = a−1 (y − b) mod 29

= (a−1 y − a−1 b) mod 29
= (6y − 126) mod 29
≡ (6y + 19) mod 29 (20)

Therefore, decryption rule dK (y) can be expressed as dK (y) = (6y + 19) mod 29
(b)We next prove that dK (eK (x)) = x for all x ∈ Z29 .
In order to prove that dK (eK (x)) = x, let’s express dK (eK (x)) in the following way:

dK (eK (x)) = dk [(5x + 21) mod 29]

= 6[(5x + 21) mod 29] + 19 (mod 29)
= 30x + 126 + 19 (mod 29)
= 30x + 145 (mod 29)
= 30x + 145 ≡ x (mod 29) (21)

Equation (21) completes the proof.

Problem 6 (Trappe, Washington, Problem 2.13.3)

The following ciphertext was encrypted by an affine cipher:

The first two letter of the plaintext are if . Please decrypt.

The plaintext is: if you can read this thank a teacher
Let’s recall that the first two ciphertext letters, ”ed” (4,3) correspond to plaintext ”if” (8,5). We can apply
that to the definition of affine decryption, dk (y) = a−1 (y − b) mod 26, to get the following system of

8 = a−1 (4 − b)
5 = a−1 (3 − b)

Multiplying both sides with a, we get:

8a = (4 − b) mod 26
5a = (3 − b) mod 26
3a = 1 mod 26

We observe that a−1 = 3, and substitute that back into 5 = a−1 (3 − b), which allows us to solve for b = 10.
Using the key (a, b) = (3, 10), we can use any software to increase the decryption speed. Below is an example
of Matlab code.

ciphertext str = 'edsgickxhuklzveqzvkxwkzukcvuh';

ciphertext = convertToNumbers(ciphertext str);

a inv = 3;
b = 10;

plaintext = mod(a inv *(ciphertext − b),26);

plaintext str = convertToString(plaintext);
plaintext str

function numArray = convertToNumbers(s)

a = uint8('a');
s = lower(s);
for i=1:length(s)
t = uint8(s(i));
if t < a
numArray(i) = −1;
numArray(i) = double(t − a);
%numArray = uint8(s) − a;
numArray = double(numArray);

function str = convertToString(x)

a = uint8('a');

%x = x + a;

str = char(uint8(x)+a);

Problem 7 (Trappe, Washington, Problem 2.13.4)

The following ciphertext was encrypted by an affine cipher using the function 3x + b for some b:
Please decrypt.

The inverse of a can easily be found to be equal to 9. A simple approach to finding b is to iterate over all 26
possibilities, from 0 to 25, and see what would be reasonable. The plaintext is,
twenty six possibilities
and below is an example Matlab code you can use to decrypt the given ciphertext:

clear all;clc
ciphertext str = 'tcabtiqmfheqqmrmvmtmaq';
ciphertext = convertToNumbers(ciphertext str);

a inv = 9;
plaintext set = [];
for b = 0:25;
plaintext = mod(a inv *(ciphertext − b),26);
plaintext str = convertToString(plaintext);
plaintext set = [plaintext set;plaintext str];
plaintext set

Problem 8 (Stinson, Problem 1.15)
Determine the inverses of the following matrices over Z26 .
2 5
(a) M1 =
9 5
 
1 11 12
(b) M2 =  4 23 2 
7 15 9

Let’s recall that the inverse of the matrix M1 over Z26 exists if the determinant of the given matrix and
number 26 are coprime:
gcd(det(M1 ), 26) = 1 (22)
(a) We first calculate the determinant det M1 and its inverse over Z26 :
2 5
det M1 = det = −35 (mod 26) = 17 (mod 26);
9 5
(det M1 )−1 = −3 (mod 26) = 23 (mod 26)

Since gcd(det M1 , 26) = gcd(17, 26) = 1, the inverse M1−1 over Z26 exists and can be calculated as:
5 −5
M1−1 = (det M1 )−1 (mod 26)
−9 2
5 −5
= 23 (mod 26)
−9 2
115 −115
= (mod 26)
−207 46
11 15
= (mod 26)
1 20

(b) Similarly, the determinant and its inverse of the matrix M2 over Z26 can be calculated as follows:
 
1 11 12
det M2 = det  4 23 2  = −3817 (mod 26) = 5 (mod 26);
17 15 9
(det M2 )−1 = −5 (mod 26) = 21 (mod 26)

Since gcd(det M2 , 26) = gcd(21, 26) = 1, the inverse of M2 over Z26 exists and can be calculated as:
 
177 −2 −331
M2−1 = 21  81 −195 172  (mod 26)
−254 6 −21
 
21 3 6
= 21  24 13 20  (mod 26)
7 16 5
 
441 63 126
=  504 273 420  (mod 26)
147 336 105
 
25 11 22
=  10 13 4  (mod 26)
17 24 1

Problem 9 (Stinson, Problem 1.16)

Suppose that π is the following permutation of {1, . . . , 8}:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
π(x) 4 1 6 2 7 3 8 5

(a) Compute the permutation π −1 .
(b) Decrypt the following ciphertext, for a Permutation Cipher with m = 8, which was encrypted using the
key π:


(a) In every Permutation Cipher, given a permutation π of the set {1, . . . , m}, an associated m × m permu-
tation matrix Kπ = (kij ) can be defined according to the formula:
1 if i = π(j)
ki,j = (23)
0 otherwise

For the given permutation π, the permutation matrix Kπ and its inverse Kπ−1 are defined as follows:
   
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 
   
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 
   
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   , Kπ−1 =  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

Kπ = 
 0

 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  
 0 0 0
 0 0 0 0 1  
 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 
   
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Reading the Kπ−1 matrix, we obtain the decryption permutation presented in table .
(b) In order to decrypt the given ciphertext, we first divide it in blocks of size m = 8:

Using the decryption table, we finally decrypt the ciphertext: Gentlemen do not read each other’s

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
π (x) 2 4 6 1 8 3 5 7

Problem 10 (Trappe, Washington, Problem 2.13.16)

Alice is sending a message to Bob using one of the cryptosystems listed below. In fact, Alice is bored and her
plaintext consists of one letter (known only to her) repeated a few hundred times. Eve know what system is
being used, but not the key, and she intercepts the ciphertext. For systems (a) and (b), state how Eve will
recognize that the plaintext is one repeated letter and decide whether or not Eve can deduce the key. For
system (c), assume that Eve guesses that the plaintext is one repeated letter, and show how Eve can then
deduce the key.
(a) Shift cipher,

(b) Affine cipher,

(c) Vigenere cipher (assume that the key is an English word of length between 8 and 12 letters.)


(a) If Alice uses the Shift cipher to repeatedly encrypt a single letter, Eve will recognize that the plaintext
is just one repeated letter by simply observing that the ciphertext consists of a single letter repeated
multiple times. Having access only to the ciphertext, however, Eve won’t be able to deduce what the
cryptographic key using the brute force method since every shift will result in a string of repeated
letters, and Eve won’t have a way of knowing which letter did Alice choose.

(b) If Alice uses the Affine cipher to repeatedly encrypt a single letter, Eve will again easily recognize that
the plaintext is just one repeated letter. Similar to the Shift cipher, however, Eve again won’t be able
to deduce what the cryptographic key is by looking only at the ciphertext. The reason for that is
that the cryptographic key in the Affine cipher consists of two parts, scaling element, a, and shifting
element, b. Having an access to a ciphertext consisting of a single letter repeated multiple time, Eve
won’t be able to find both a and b.

(c) If Eve is able to guess the Alice is using the Vigenere cipher to encrypt a single letter repeated multiple
times, then Eve can easily deduce the length of the cryptographic key, by simply observing when a letter
repeats for the first time in the given ciphertext. If Eve makes an assumption that the cryptographic
key is an English word of the length between 8 and 12 characters, in order to deduce what that key is,
she will apply the same brute force approach as she would in the ciphertext only attack against
the Shift cipher. The difference here is that the meaningful word that Eve will eventually find is
actually the key, and the string of repeated letters is the plaintext.


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