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,TV/lNL-irtr,_S OOTER Se :LOVfRS(,:Fl lii:ADy TO Rr\, _,

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Suedkamp Stacie
Age:33. Make:Genuine. ModeLStella. Ycar:2005. Color:Pink. Dayjob: Eventplanner, dating servicematchmaker. Herscooterstory: Staciestarted with a motorrycle she backin the day,but soondiscovered wasn't a gal. motorrycle-type Shebought her first scooterfor her30th birthday: a limited-edition, shimmering pink Stella.It was love at first sight on the showroomfloor."It was like a movie."Riding around town in her helmet,pigtails and wild accessories, Stacieis often photographedby enthralled strang' ers."What would peopledo with a photo of me ?" shewonders."It's cool,but alsokind of weird." she often searches Googlefor thesemysteriouspictures, but hasn't found one.Among other things, it seems pretty obviouswhy this lady likes her two wheels: "OK,yes.Attention is part of it." Helmet? Yes. Always full gearafter an accidentIeft in her helmet mangled and arms covered road rash. Can't leave the parking lot withoutr Her bleachedblond faux pigtails,a k a Figtails. All Favorite accessory: things pink.

In her glove box: Tire pump and tube. Lipstick. Lavenderand aloehand sanitizer,which guysan alwaysrequesting. Route of droice: TakesHwy. 62 to work and wav at astonishedconstructionworkers."I'm a little moming commute surprise." Favorite Rattle My Bones event: The scavenger hunt. Scooterfantary: Driving more than 300milesto Iowa. Her DIY project: Convertinga leopard-print sun dressinto a seatcover.

IGnt Aldridr, center,witrr scooter cohorts stevenAndersonand lon Boorom

Make:Genuine. Model Stella. Year:2003. Color:Sea foam green.

lrye:44. Dayiob:tetteryress printer.

IGnt's scooter story: Audrey Hepburn,sscooterin "RomanHoliday"is the epitomeof Kent,s type: retro andcurvy.In 2003,Kent"accidentally', skippedout on lunch with his wife and cameback to ttre office with a scooter.His other half was obviously excited

by the new purchase, Kentmadesureto get a scoot Can't leave so the parking lot withoutu Helmet i for two: "I couldn'tride without my sweeti"],'he,"yr. goggles.'And hat for when I show up.,' a "Now with five rides in the garage, Kent'smost recog- Favoriteaccessory: Burber4rshoes matchh to nizable scooteris full of flair: Nearly 40 mirrors adom er4/ seatcover. Curently shoppingfor atie an the sidesofhis Stella. excessive The accessories follow scarfto completethe look. the tradition of the BritishMods of the 1960s, deas Routesof droice:parkwaysandlake drives;p picted in the film "euadrophenia.,',,It'sfun to go out you canseea deeror snappingfurtle. and makea spectade," says.,,It,s nicewaylo go he a FavoriteRattle MyBones went: The Big Ride through the world: people smiling at me." Strangest cargo:A railroad employee'siSO-po His scooter collection:Two '64Vespas restored (one and toolbox barely left room for the driver. onenot), a'5TTessyand a'78Vespa Specialhewonat Scooter 50 a wisdom: "scooters goofy ashell _ are Kansas Cityrally. shouldn't take yourseHtoo seriously.,'

f (ChrisTlrcmas), left, and Robert (Pooter)Fitzgerald

)ooter CT and
(CT). ge 37(Pooter);30-something lake:Genuine. lodeL StellaFireball(#33and #7sl1s0). nr:2005. ayjob: Marketing and advertising(CT); Burlington orthern Railroad(Pooter). lreirscooterstory: Robert(Pooter) Fitzgerald and Thomasprovethat motorcycleguysand uis (CT) rooter enthusiasts not mutually exclusive. are Their "Two Wheelsand a Motor,"is podcast, Lonthly with wild stories, ride tips and excessive ramrcked ing aboutall things scooterand cycle. is an orgaCT izer the Bearded of LadyMotorrycle FreakShowat the 33L CIub, and Pooteris putting togetherthis yea/s RattleMy Bones scooter obstacle course. Sportbikes areCT's fust love and Pooteris big into motocross; is for them,the scooter just anotherbike to or,rrn and anothersetof rulesto break.Fromwheeliesto superdangerous speeds, theseguysareout for the thrill, packed and both ofthesebad-ass ridershavegarages with two-wheeledfun. "Sameshit everyday getsboring," Pootersmirks."I like chicken, fuck,man." but Helmets?No. Strangestcargo:Pooterhascarriedfive bundlesof wood on the back.CToncehad a Russian tortoisein his glovebox. Nrrmber of tirnes T's Stella has "blown up": 4.

Cf's scoote/s nid<name: Junk,or the Autorickshar loveriding it,but I don't love it." Pooter's thoughts on the scooter image: "Fuckall them images, man." Fastestspeedon scooter:Both havegoneover80 mph and hopeto breach100. Routeof choice:"Kick-ass two{ane parkways"and "spontaneously plannedroutes"to all the PizzaLu and Grumpy'slocations. More ridiculous Pooterfacts:Oncejumped his scooter feet.Rodeto Duluth in Februaryin 9 deg 28 weatherfor six hours.Hit a Mini Cooper and dente the Stella's fender.


Santiago Lynn Toman and


Age:50-something. Dayjob: Photographer. Make:Vespa. ModelVBB. Year:1961. Color:Seafoam.

HER Age:53. Day job: Graphicdesigner. Md<e:Genuine. ModelBuddy. Year:2006. Color:Pink.

fheir scooterstory: Fiveyearsago,Santiagodecidec to switdr his main mode of transportation from carto scooter. Llmn'sfust reactionwas,"Noway in hell _ I,m not goingto ride it."Opinions quicklydranged, andto_ day sheowns two, accompanyingher husbandon 100mile trips aroundthestatetowineries, scenic outloola and romantic dinners.Besides their adorablepastel models,the Tomans ride bigger, morepowerful250cc Kymcoscooters,whicharebasicallyautomatic motorrydes."Ifthe weathertums badandwe,reon the big scooter,we just hop onthe highway,,,Santiago can says."Andthey've morecomfortforthe bottom.On got a longer distance, want the cush,,, you addsLynn. Nurnber of scootersin the garage:Five. Helrnets:Yes."I'm protectingeverythingI got Ieft,,, Santiago says.

Can't leane the parking lot withoutu Raingea keys in eadr other's scoots. Dried fruit. A thirnr in casethey pick up their favorite sausage nr in eastMinneapolis. Favorite accessory:Lynn prefers all things pinJ fashion and visibility reasons. lavorite RMB eventuThe Big Ride.Santiagois i volunteer. Scooterwisdom: "Everyoneshould take the M ryde SafetyFoundationcourse." Lowest temperature Santiago will ride in:22 grees. Itllhy Santiago loves scooters:"They get you ev where you needto go and you have a big sfupic when you get there."

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